Sorry for the delay in publishing this NEW Open Thread but I have been watching the euphoria with which the BBC greeted the SNP manifesto launch! The hard left Caledonian marxism from Sturgeon and co seems to stimulate the Comrades. I will now open the floor to YOU!
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20.4.15. BBC Eco-bias.
The first link below is from the BBC, regarding our nation’s energy supply needs. It’s from last month. Energy supply, and its continuance, is a subject in which the BBC fails to report factually and without political, environmental and pseudo-religious bias. This is manifested in anti- ‘carbon releasing’ fossil fuels, but somehow also anti-nuclear (which is A** regards Carbon footprint), yet pro stuff that doesn’t ‘do the job’: solar, wind, biomass and this story, tidal power. And stuff that costs, all of us, loads-a-money, of course. Anti- the laws of physics, and pro- future impoverishment.
A lagoon around Swansea Bay. I really don’t get this modern day eco-loons/green/FriendPeace ‘movement’ and where they think they are attempting to lead us. I really struggle to follow their ‘logic’. If this were an article about hydrocarbons retrievable by ‘fracking’, a local group of agitators would be assembled to squat the site and say ‘frack off’. This article gives no mention of migrating fish species. Not a word to the potential impact on coastal or upstream species of aquatic flora and fauna. Nadda. Zilch. Nothing on any environmental issues whatsoever, and no interview with Swampy or the ‘Save the Squid’ activist. But Ed Davey (LibDem PPE (Oxford) [i.e. unqualified]) is wetting himself about it.
BBC Greenies! Where art thou? 7m diameter salmon slicers? Inform me. Tell me not!
But then again, it’s a real world economic dead duck (that won’t play out for a decade or two – next generation’s problem then. Natch!), with lots of jobs for Common Purpose bureaucrats and favoured corporates in the BBC Warmons ‘righteous club’, milking our taxes and hiking our electricity bills and filling their private bank accounts, to increase the likelihood of future power cuts. Just like the windmills. Nice. Thanks. Christopher Booker explains:
So it’s a winner for the BBC cultural Marxist self-righteous Common Porpoises, those millionaire tax recipients and their millionaire corporate bedfellows. How they must laugh at us. How can the 28gate crew spin the avoidance of this one without a whimper? More ecological gambles unchallenged? How long Until “ECO-GATE, the Biggest Scam in History” is published? This politically driven economic and ecological madness needs to cease. Sense and reason need to return.
The BBC was critical of the government at the time, on the basis of cost (strike price), for the announced (carbon free) nuclear power plant at Hinkley Point, with an eco-loon section entitled ‘Controversy’ (of course):
That familiar ‘balance’ of Beeboid Common Purpose faux economic and ecological outrage is mysteriously absent for the report of a lagoon scheme in Swansea though, even though the ‘strike price’ and envisaged output make no comparative economic sense. The lunatics have taken over. One of the asylums is the BBC.
Scrap the tax for the biased BBC and its deficit in journalists worthy of the name, feeding the Warmists’ religious fervour through persistent belief in the magic money tree and their Common Purpose.
A lagoon around Swansea Bay. I really don’t get this modern day eco-loons/green/FriendPeace ‘movement’ and where they think they are attempting to lead us.
Into chaos, Angryman. The Greens are the anarchic hard left with an anti-humanity (despite their ‘internationalist’ credentials – that’s just a means to an end), anti-capitalist agenda who want to see the collapse of the West. If you read their manifesto in full it can result in nothing else, though they do their best to dress it up a bit to attract votes.
The Greens are the anarchic hard left with an anti-humanity — Yes
The Greens once had culling of humans as a political goal. They have removed that aim for obvious reasons.
And who let the Scottish genie out of the bottle?
David Cameron.
It was he who refused an EU referendum but offered a national referendum to Scotland.
Payback time for Cameron.
Unfortunately, the rest of us may have to suffer the consequences.
Actually it was the fault of the Blair government who made a dogs dinner of the devolution settlement and Scottish parliament set up.It was supposed to ensure Nationalism was quelled but the opposite has happened.You cannot blame Cameron for that.
As for giving a referendum,he is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t.
re Europe,he agreed to a referendum on the Lisbon treaty if it was unratified by the time Tories were elected.It was ratified a couple of weeks prior to the election and Poland was the last to ratify.He was clear about that in his many speeches at the time.
Once in coalition there could be no referendum and that is what will likely happen this time.
I’d go further back than that. Labour spent the entire time of Margaret Thatcher’s government complaining (with no shortage of encouragement from the BBC) that it was “anti-Scottish” and stoking up anti-English feeling north of the border. Where we are now was an inevitable result of granting a Scottish parliament to deal with what Labour and Donald Dewar had stirred up.
The payback time is Labour’s, which is the one small consolation I shall take from this.
Yes, it was Labour & the BBC that stoked nationalism in Scotland and Wales. Tony Blair then devolved powers. It is these two critical steps that have led to the present situation.
Water under the bridge now. The nightmarish future is the demographic growth of Muslims in the UK. Yet again, it is Labour that is primarily responsible, for putting the UK under an existential threat.
What on earth are you talking about? The Scots had every right to conduct an independence referendum; David Cameron was not in a position to stop it.
David Cameron could not conduct an EU referendum in 2010 because the useless Labour Administration had already signed the Lisbon Treaty, but he is the only political leader to have pledged an EU referendum in the next parliament.
From your distorted recollections of such recent events I can only conclude that you may not be a Tory supporter.
Just tuned in to the BBC 2 environment and climate change debate. 5 out of 6 for the lefty warmists. Hopefully Rodger Helmer will put them in their place and bring some TRUTH and COMMON SENSE to the British people.
Keep Calm, Vote UKIP.
BBC 2 1400Hrs. Daily Politics Environment and Climate Change Debate.
The very title includes our favourite ‘Climate Change’ meme. Anyway, the BBC have asked along the everyman favorite impartial expert in all things envirological – Yes its Roger Harribin. FACEPALM.
Caroline Flint. Red LibLabConner. Warmist.
Matthew Handcock. Blue LibLabConner. Salesman.
Andrew Cooper. Green LibLabConner. Warmon. Local to me. (‘nice’ bloke but certifiable).
Ed Davey. Yellow LibLabConner. PPE. Warmist.
Roger Helmer. UKIP.
Absolutely Angry Man, surely if the Beeb keep driving home this Bullshit they can convince themselves it’s true.
Keep Calm, Vote Ukip
Even with Andrew Neil keen to point out the flatlining of global temperatures over the past 18 years, this programme was a predictable stitch-up in favour of the warmistas.
Roger Helmer made a dignified stand for dissent against the overwhelming CAGW group-think on display from the other four participants (and Haribo, on hand to dispense his ‘expert’ wisdom on the subject), but ultimately with the likes of Ed ‘swivel-eyes’ Davey insisting that not only did the computer models ‘predict the pause’, but that all so-called ‘extreme weather events’ (aka: the weather) are attributable to CAGW, this was never going to end well.
And so it came to pass. *sigh*
As a matter of interest, was he asked for evidence that this “pause” was predicted? Or was it just accepted that he had spoken and it must be so?
I believe that by reviewing the data from a while ago with what they know now the scientists are saying that they would have predicted it – if I understand it correctly!
Class A4 4468. And how can you argue with that level of braindeathery? Ed Davey is a PPE debating society establishment thicko bullsh!%*er personified.
‘I believe that by reviewing the data from a while ago with what they know now the scientists are saying that they would have predicted it – if I understand it correctly!’
Sounds like there was no challenge to the effect ‘So the science wasn’t settled after all? Is it settled now?’
Anyway, strange for the BBC to host a debate on ‘climate change’ without a single scientist present in the studio as usually they accede to warmists bleating ‘His view doesn’t count – he’s not a scientist!’
Ed Davey is lying. NONE of the computer models predicted a pause. Especially a pause that has now lasted nearly 2 decades !
This is a crucial point. If any theoretical model fails to predict ACTUAL events – proper science ditches the theory and starts again. That is – the theory has been disproved by reality.
Ed Davey reality bypass ‘logic’. But if the scientists knew then what they know now, then they would have predicted it. Geddit?
Thats what the advantage is in a Law or PPE Oxbridge education. Though the avoidance of scientific knowledge, you learn not to be so dumb and wrong as scientists are most of the time. (although I would have thought a ‘logic’ module might have cropped up in the ‘P for Philosophy’)
Thats why the political parties and their PPE/Law heavy upper echelons don’t allow (many) scientifically qualified PPC’s I guess. Simples.
But if the scientists knew then what they know now, then they would have predicted it. Geddit?
Yeah. Any idiot can tweak parameters when modelling history after the event to arrive at the observed outcome. But that is NOT a prediction! No likelihood of that dodgy model predicting the future from here on…
Using the warmists logic, I can accurately predict the result of the next grand national race, and publish that successful prediction on the day after the Grand National has run!
Yes, the Marxist approach to science. The revolution will take place under advanced capitalism. Oops! communist revolutions took place in pre-capitalist societies because peasants got their own land. No prediction of Fascism. Better rewrite the theory so everything fits post hoc. Gravity, like the capitalist exploiters, is a burden to the proletariat, let us abolish gravity! The usual “was nicht sein darf/soll, nicht sein kann” approach to reality.
Still look on the brightside
David Cameron’s wealthy dad-in-law is making almost £350,000 a year from a publicly-subsidised wind farms on his country estates. Sir Reginald Sheffield, is already said to be worth £20million
‘Wind farms are heavily subsidised by the government’
It should more accurately read
‘Wind farms are heavily subsidised by the taxpayer … and have yet to prove their financial and ecological worth.’
hmmm “Welfare” cuts? … we re all in it together?
Computer Models based on Greenhouse Gases always fail, but those based on the length of the Solar cycle always produce correct results.
Retrospective Computer runs are a taboo subject when it comes to Greenhouse gases, as was evident with a question from Peter Lilly on BBC Parliament. Retrospective Computer runs for Greenhouse Gases are possible from about 1985, but the 18 year pause has produced a politically induced mental block for debate similar to the Hockey Stick, in scientific circles.
On the other hand, Retrospective Computer runs using Length of the Solar cycle are possible from 1755 to the present, and predict what happened and also now predict an imminent cooling.
A good summation Phil.
A sad situation.
Delingpole’s spin on it:
Besides the usual biased rubbish that we are used to from the BBC on the subject of climate change, this story shows something else too.
The only politician that dared to disagree with the BBC agenda, and showed far more awareness of the subject than any of the others was UKIP. It’s almost as if once they embarked on a diverse path from the propaganda that the BBC spews forth on a daily basis, they have no problem seeking the truth on a range of subjects.
The other politicians, trying to adhere to the BBC path, showed themselves as ignorant and way out of their depth.
It would have been possible for the BBC to have invited two scientists from the established political parties to bring up the intellectual standards of debate to that of the Mathematician Roger Helmer (UKIP) if they had invited Graham Stringer (Labour) and Peter Lilly (Conservative), for Political balance.
Also, that’s the first time in 18 years that I have heard that the Computer Models predicted the 18 year pause 18 years ago. It must be what is called the left-wing tendency to “Rewrite History” and burn the old books showing the truth that 18 years ago the Global Warming scare did not include a predicted 18 year pause.
Environment Debate will be repeated on BBC Parliament at 9:00 pm
Readers should take the time to read this article published in The Nation a daily English print newspaper in Pakistan.
It outlines the growth in Fascism in the country and says things which would be considered illegal here.
“The hatred the Muslim community, particularly the Muslim community of Pakistan, has for the Jewish community is the sole reason behind such beliefs. One cannot argue that it is the lack of education that compels people to hold such ignorant beliefs since a lot of those glorifying Hitler come from well-educated backgrounds.”
Why is this being suppressed by mainstream media in the UK? Surely the BBC is well aware and presumably approves of such an ideology?
For a while now I have been warning of a growth in Fascism, here is yet more proof !
Here Here
It almost as if the “Expert” Beeboids want to hide the truth from the British public.
Oh wait that’s exactly what the establishment want. Ignorant masses equals more labour voters.
BBC fairly quiet on their Green Party today. No mention of the revelations regarding Natalie’s pervy partner and his rape fantasies.
Keeping away from gutter journalism perhaps?
You betcha it would be headline news if it were the partner of a UKIP candidate.
Besides, it is worth noting Natalie’s connection with deep entrist SWP folk.
Comments going well.
I note a fair number in turn noting how the BBC has taken a distinctly hands off approach to this compared to their usual enthusiasms.
Professional courtesies?
Apparently Jasmine Lawrence gets to vet all HIGNFY jokes now.
Actually, I’m quite content with the BBC not highlighting this. The more the Green Party is bigged up, and takes votes from Labour and the LibDims, the better!
Natalie came to the UK and found she loved the country so decided to stay . Should read she liked it so much she decided to stay and change it for the worse.
Interesting insight on the Tory party election strategy on the polling website.
Lynton Crosby has decided that the Tories should target those voters who are undecided between Labour & Tory. Capturing one of these is worth 2 UKIP voters as a vote for Tory means one less for Labour the main opposition.
This has meant moving the party further the left in terms of spending policy.
Targeting marginal seats, those seats which they think they can take with only a small swing. But doing this with policy changes which polling has indicated might be effective.
Also the Tory posh boys appear to have a sense of entitlement to govern, it doesn’t seem to have entered their heads that they might lose, and the fight just isn’t in them.
Not that it ever was in the chinless & spineless wonders !
That’s interesting. The papers yesterday seemed to indicate that they were going for Kipper votes, raising the spectre of the SNP. Boris is getting involved – 18 days to save Britain – and John Major’s soapbox is to be dusted off. From what you say, they may use the big names to blow the dog whistle for old Tories, but then subtly make pork-barrel promises in constituencies where they think they are in with a chance. Lots of cunning from Crosby, Cameron, Osborne and Green. Cunning has been their life; has any of them ever had a proper job?
“Crosby, Camoron Osborne, cunning?”, put that with consistent lying, insidiously avoiding scrutiny, blatant cowardice, astounding incompetence, self serving, grasping quislings all
… and class Camoron in as a grade A traitor too.
As more than 50% of the population presently receive more from the state than they pay in how does Thoughtful suggest you set out your stall to win an election?
As for posh boys running the country, whether they be right, left or centre, that is the almost inevitable result of the competing generation from state schools having had all the advantages that mixed ability teaching in bog standard comprehensives for the last four decades and none of the disadvantages of the brightest from the council estate attending grammar school!
The Labour leadership – do as I say, not as I did!
I’m not making a comment as to right & wrong, merely pointing out how they are running the campaign based on the observations of others.
The Grammar schools system became fully broken after certain thick middle class kids were allowed through the 11 plus on the basis of who their parents were & knew. One kid in our area was a standing joke because when asked what breed a certain horse was replied “a Gee Gee!” aged 10. He passed when other more deserving kids did not.
Then there were the employers who wanted a ‘grammar school boy’ it mattered not a jot to them what the qualifications were.
And before anyone says Oh you’re just sore because you didn’t go to a grammar school, I didn’t! I went to a private school, and I once got a job because the boss was a snob !
If you want a real BBC interview which screwed Labour though look for the one where they were talking about upaid internships which they are talking about banning, and at the same time advertising themselves !
There were no ‘posh boy’ PMs between Alex Douglas Home and Tony Blair. There were, however, quite a few rather less posh trades union leaders who seemed to think they had the right to govern.
I’m curious about how “middle class kids were allowed through the 11 plus on the basis of who their parents were & knew”. I took the 11 plus in 1962 but the exam papers were marked offsite – not sure where. Our teachers were certainly not involved and there was no such thing as continuous assessment. I believe the precise nature of the exam varied from authority to authority but I don’t see how string pulling could have worked in our case.
In any case, the existence of grammar schools is not dependent on the format of a particular exam. The entry requirements could be changed to remove any unfairness, whether perceived or real.
By the time I sat it, there were automatic passes which were decided by the teachers at the school, and that is where some of the corruption crept in. There was also assessment and interview instead of just examination although there was an essay and maths part.
I don’t know if anyone received a result other than ‘pass’ because I never received the result not going there in the first place.
This is a very interesting exchange. As I read your first comment, I was thinking, ‘That’s odd, I assume there was incorruptible external marking in my day.’ Allen’s experience matches mine. My jaw dropped when I read your comment that, by your time, ‘there were automatic passes which were decided by the teachers at the school.’ You say ‘… that is where some of the corruption crept in.’ Some? I’d say so. It’s no wonder we are where we are. I know the secondary exam marking was corrupted when Thatcher tried – bravely – to introduce ‘performance related pay’ and the teachers delivered ‘improved’ performance every year since by lowering standards and including coursework marking.
One of the reasons for including course-work marks was because in the late 1970s the education establishment decided that results based on examinations favoured boys, so an element of course-work was needed to encourage girls. Now it’s nearly all course-work, absolute standards have gone out of the window and they wonder why the boys are demotivated.
Two remarkable stories from the Beeb:
Teachers are more lenient in their marking of girls’ schoolwork, according to an international study.
An OECD report on gender in education, across more than 60 countries, found that girls receive higher marks compared with boys of the same ability.
Researchers suggest girls are better behaved in class and this influences how teachers perceive their work.
Differences in school results can sometimes “have little to do with ability”, says the study.
Teachers ‘give higher marks to girls’
Girls in French secondary schools are benefiting from a marking bias by maths teachers, finds research.
The girls were given 6% higher marks than boys for similar work, says the study by the London School of Economics and Paris School of Economics.
The boost encouraged girls to take science subjects later in their school careers, say the researchers.
‘Marking bias boosts girls’ maths in French schools’
“My jaw dropped when I read your comment”
Mine too. Back in 1962, examinations were done that way for very good reasons. Furthermore, our junior school teachers were not very good, frankly, and certainly not capable enough to make judgements on their own.
(yetanother) ‘Screwed Labour’ interview: Sunday Politics, Angela Eagle v Andrew Neil. Sunday 19.4.15 1100Hrs – 1210Hrs. Labour moral hypocrisy : Internships are wrong and we will make them illegal, but we are happy to do it.
‘The Grammar schools system became fully broken after certain thick middle class kids were allowed through the 11 plus on the basis of who their parents were & knew.’
I hope you have proof of that.
Anyway, even if it were true, the solution should have been to hold the guilty parties to account and make sure the system couldn’t be abused in the future. From mine and my wife’s experiences at grammar school the 11-plus was purely meritocratic and totally ignored class boundaries (me and Mrs jtf both council house kids).
‘From mine and my wife’s experiences at grammar school the 11-plus was purely meritocratic …’
Your experiences match my own and those of Allen above. But notice that Thoughtful went on to say:
By the time I sat it, there were automatic passes which were decided by the teachers at the school, and that is where some of the corruption crept in.
Certainly shocked me at first but when you think about how education has changed, should we really be surprised?
Be interested to knbow when thoughtful took his.
Mine was 1965 and I was the last year in my county (Suiffolk) to go all the way through. Grammars finished in 1972.
As others said it was meritocratic and streamed. Fast, Medium and Slow! Can you imagine the “everyone a prize winner” brigade response to that now, yet I do not think anyone was traumatised by such categorisation!
“As more than 50% of the population presently receive more from the state than they pay in…”
Only 1 in 10 people in Britain receive nothing from the state in benefits. I am one of those ‘1 in 10’ – not because I’m rich, but because I’m single, not married, and don’t have children. My salary is just below the UK average, but because I’m single I’m deemed unimportant. That’s the way I feel anyway.
Perhaps the BBC could do a feature on the unfairness of state hand-outs. Or maybe I should just get a girl preggers and grab the birth certificate – before the ink has had chance to dry – and send it off to the Child Benefit Office first class.
Lynton Crosby strikes me as being a complete and utter dick.
He needs to dig the Tory gutter a bit deeper, so he get them lying, and smearing, even more than usual
BBC 5live today Economy issues? … R4 was similar … but its not only the BBC.
George “Pinocchio” Osborne keep the car running eh!,
ps. hasn t he got any more figures to doctor?
pps. Whats the national debt again? has it gone up at all?
the erm laughable “long term plan”,(which one 😀 )
care to explain just how? the erm “deficit” was supposedly halved?
Torygraph “economy is stagnating”
Independent “UK to face decade of stagnation, Instead of recovery,
UK economy in deep crisis Cable states. “prices are rising, incomes are falling, the rising cost of living, and public spending cuts” … to spell it out even with the shamefully used “cover” of low oil prices … Economic stagnation, recession coming next? … anyway …
Can the Tories “a lie a day”, last out?
con (servative) the public long enough to get past the election?
Lynton! get Murdoch on the phone, and the 100 imams oops I mean erm “business leaders” to write a letter.
But But But! … “employment” cometh the lame Tory bleat record numbers etc? … green shoots? and all that.
… heard that again this morning
874,850 on benefit sanctions and not counted in the official figures, 1.4 million people on zero hour contracts and the 1.45 million people in part time work because they can’t find any full time work? … an entirely different picture on the UK employment situation, in no way reflects the trumpets from Tory HQ.
Just waiting for Tory hypocrites, to say its a European problem, or a Global one.
The Tories don’t need to smear and lie – just repeat the truth about Labour a lot more forcefully and a lot more often, starting with Andy ‘North Staffs’ Burnham and moving swiftly on to Liam ‘There’s No Money Left’ Byrne, Gordon ‘I’ve Brought an End to Boom and Bust’ Brown etc etc
But jtf that script will never get them on the BBC.
“The Tories don’t need to smear and lie”
Why have they done nothing else but, with this election then?, with the addition of being deliberately devious about their intentions? …. prime example “welfare” cuts
Back to David Vance’s intro to this new thread for a moment – yes, the BBC’s celebration of the SNP has been astonishing. R4’s WATO it was a compete sitch-up for the ultra-Left loonies north of the border.
This morning (Monday) on the Today programme they interviewed one Ian Greenwood, an ex Bradford councillor who was very proud of the affect that the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum that he used to Chair was having on BP. I suppose it was inevitable that he would say that Climate Change was the most important thing that is affecting the world today. But this man and his effect on companies is dangerous – sounds as though he is seriously affecting BPs profits – and that means the profits of many pension funds. Either this man is so far to the Left that he wants to destroy business or he is Common Purpose. But the adoration and soft interview that Today gave him assures me that it is their purpose too.
Anti-Capitalists, the lot of ’em (including the Greens) and they won’t let anything or anyone stand in the way of their ideology, however much impoverishment it brings to people’s lives and regardless of the social and economic chaos it wreaks on the country.
Because they’ll always find a way of blaming it on the Tories and Thatcher…
This will be interesting…
‘The Scottish National party has laid claim in its manifesto to an extra £100m of BBC funding’
My latest weapon in the war against tv licensing. Meet blondi the 15 week old german shepherd puppy. Shes already 30 lbs. 😈
Not on The One O’Clock News
Conservative candidate Jesse Norman investigated over muffins
Remarkably little mention of this on the box. All foods are equal, but it seems sausages are more equal than muffins. Or maybe yesterday was a ‘busy news day’ and they ‘got the balance just about right’. Happily, there is no smell of any food bribery and corruption attached to Labour.
It’s also a wee while from the first of the month.
I’m trying to judge from the po-faced nature of that headline whether it is a spoof or not, as these are now all the rage.
On a more serious note, in a piece rather high on tarring but shy on detail, no mention on how this MP came to be dobbed in for his clear abuse of electoral laws. Who made these claims? The BBC seems to either not know or not feel it is pertinent.
In the interests of diversity, no doubt Labour will be dishing out samosas and onion bhajis.
Being always interested in how the BBC treats complaints, this did not disappoint (in how long it took to inevitably come back with a lot of ‘belief’ they got it about right):
‘Reviewing the tweet it did not seem to me that Mr Bowen was referring to the Holocaust as a mere political card to be played, but rather suggesting this is what Mr Netanyahu was doing. I would accept that this is a fine distinction, and one which the medium may not be best suited to convey. However, the sense I took from it…. blah… blah…
It is not, however, for me to pass judgement on the extent to which this reference was apposite…
I would accept that this might have been better worded. However, this was not an in-depth article but a single tweet.’
And then a lot on what ‘audiences understand’, plus excusing ‘analysis’ reflecting particular interpretation.
Uh-huh; heard it alllll before.
At least it wasn’t a template.
‘ Reviewing the tweet it did not seem to me that Mr Bowen was referring to the Holocaust as a mere political card to be played, but rather suggesting this is what Mr Netanyahu was doing.’
I couldn’t believe what I just read. Bowen was accusing Netanyahu of playing the Holocaust card, wasn’t he, which was a pretty tasteless way of phrasing it? Isn’t that what the complaint was about?
I’ve seen some BBC attempts at sophistry over the years but this one really takes the biscuit.
We are the BBC – too big and too important to apologise
Amazing. The BBC cannot ever bring itself to understand just why some of us find it’s attitiude to Israel so offensive.
Liberalism is like that. Long on self righteousness and short on self awareness.
Not reported by the BBC, not investigated by the Political Correctness Enforcement Squad either.
A disgusting offence made worse by the attitude of the perpetrator, and that he won’t be deported for it.
GMP’s ‘Protect’ team should read GMP’s ‘Protect Muslims’ team
Why are the BBC quiet on the Finnish election?
Could it be because their pro EU party was kicked out and the Eurosceptic ‘True Finns’ came 2nd? Has a prescience been set?
Ah, this would clearly be ‘not news’ (c) A. Newsroom Tealady.
A (very) quick look at the BBc news web page shows zilch however the Bancock news runs “
So I assume Finnish election of no public interest limited time due to running other stories, we do not always get the balance right……
Indeed, more important stories like Tory MPs and muffins (oo-er missus).
Operation Black Vote ( isn’t that racist ? ever heard of Operation White Vote ? )
”Sol Campbell and Homeland star David Harewood ‘white up’ in hard-hitting campaign to get more black Britons voting.”
If they can’t be arsed to vote, having these publicity whores ponce about for the cameras won’t make a blind bit of difference. What a pathetic load of old bollocks.
I suspect your taxes are paying for that garbage.
I’m bloody sure they are!
They ran this on MSN several days ago I commented that it was racist much to my surprise no one has put a counter view to date. All the other comments that were on seemed to be of the same opinion.
I did consider complaining to advertising standards but then I’m pretty sure that will be a waste of time based on a complaint I made in the past.
So the message of “Whiteing up” is what exactly? Wouldn’t a simple use your vote message been better and not racist.
By pitching it as a race issue, black vs white – are they being critical of black (non-) voters?
Just askin’, like.
So, if it’s apparently fine for black people to “white up”, does that mean it is now acceptable for white people to “black up”?
I guess it must, since clearly it would be racist to treat people differently according to the colour of their skin….
That idiot David Harewood was on the news the other morning complaining about the almost total lack of black actors on British TV.
Is there an Apartheid Channel I’m not aware of? Does he not watch dramas and comedies on the BBC? Does he not see the commercials on the other digital channels where Blacks and Asians seem to be the dominant (or at least the most prominent in shot) faces we see? Or is he another ethnic grievance monger stirring the pot a little more?
Operation White Vote
”Operation Black Vote’ offends me. This is my protest.”
”Do not define us by the colour of our skin, they cry, until it comes to election time and they need the votes.”
‘I’ll walk a million miles, for one of your votes, oh maaaa-a-aaaa-meee’.
I’ll get me coat….
Actually I want a black prime minister, a black cabinet, 650 black MPs in Westminster, then the indigenous inhabitants might finally wake up to their own displacement.
At the moment we’re being boiled like a frog, slowly and incrementally so we don’t notice, until it’s too late.
That has made my day.
Out of the blue, TRUE FINNS, (the embryonic Finnish Anti-Islamist, EU-skeptic Party) comes SECOND in FINLAND GE yesterday!
Had to really make determined search on BBC for this news, since for some reason it is not very easy to find:
BBC Home page : ZILCH
BBC World News: ZILCH
Sub-tab BBC Europe: Small mention (“Finnish PM STUBB admits defeat”):
Entered FINLAND in BBC News search: BINGO – finally found something more – but hang on a minute, you would never know it was the Finnish equivalent of UKIP!
BBC Very coy about publishing this news. I wonder why?
Hmm….. I wonder if the BBC trying to keep this great news about the citizens of Europe fighting back against Islamisation and anti-EU stances a bit quiet? Traces of misinformation/obfuscation/attempted indoctrination perhaps? Do they get paid by EU not to publish this sort of great news?
The real news as always found elsewhere other than the BBC, check:
The Fins are held in awe by their cousins in Europe because of their no-nonsense approach to immigration
They will need to be tough as they are situated adjacent to the Islamic Republic of Swedestan.
Now had the Finnish Green Party come second…..
BBC World News
Australian police are investigating a mistreatment claim made by a teenager detained in an anti-terror operation.
Melbourne terror raid: Police face ‘excessive force’ complaint
Australian police investigate a complaint of excessive force by one of the suspects detained in an anti-terror operation in Melbourne.
No evident link to a story with more detail, so best to get the whinge out first and furious.
However, suffice to say the comments are not so far going to well for the claimant or the medium running his/her claims.
It’s like folk are a wee bit used to the default stance from the world’s least trusted ‘news’ monopoly in such cases.
I wonder what really happened?
Yet more great news from other than the BBC to raise my spirits:
Of course, it goes without saying that we are wasting our licence fee expecting such breakthrough, exciting GE salient polling reports to be published on the BBC!
It is never going to comply with its “without fear or favour remit” the biased gits’.
The BBC is worried about Grimsby, they talked to the middle-class Labour supporter and BBC Communist Education officer, Eddie Izzard. He was canvassing for Labour dressed as a woman with heavy Red lipstick.
Political Correctness would mean that the BBC viewers must be confused by this, as they may not know whether to laugh at the comedian or not.
But I think it would turn some Grimsby Labour voters into UKIP voters, if they saw the darling lefty lovey Izzard walking towards them in the street.
The other main issue that the Tories and Lynton Crosby have been incredibly complacent over is the ‘unelectability’ of Ed Milliband.
It seems that they have relied on Ed appearing as some kind of hopeless wet without any kind of will of his own, and for much of the pre election he did appear like that, but the BBC has done a sterling job of promoting him and the Polls show special Ed has rising popularity.
This is something the Tories haven’t planned for, and even people who didn’t ever want to see Milliband in number 10 are becoming reconciled to the idea that he is very likely to be the next PM.
To me this is just more Tory complacency about the BBC. They failed to tackle its bias every time there was an opportunity to do so, and now it’s biting them in the ass.
Well it serves them right !
The Tories privatised, flogged off British Rail, the Post Office, British Gas etc etc, one thing they haven’t touched is the BBC, thus they’re complicit in the crimes of the BBC.
Why the British left hates Israel
Worth a read as to the reasons behind the hate, which might not be what you think.
‘Israel’s very existence demonstrates that the western way of life is more rewarding than other, primitive forms, and is a repudiation of cultural relativism. Along with common law, property rights, women’s equality, liberalism and democracy in the space of a single generation, a new state turned desert into fertile land. Within two generations, high-tech business parks have sprung up in downtown Tel Aviv to rival anything in California. And what, meantime, of Israel’s neighbours? Precisely.’
That nails it. Compare and contrast. And The Left hate it, even though Israel has a large Arab population that it treats on equal terms and many of whom have roots going back to the formation of Israel when their forefathers chose to stay put rather than leave for some hellhole Arab state.
THis is correct. All the bluster and whining from the left is to disguise their dismay that Israel actually is a modern state and has created itself out of very little.
That means it is the people that did it and the left will never forgive them for that.
From 1948 to 1977 Israel elected left wing governments. Then in 1977 the British Labour party was shocked when a Likud government was elected. Israel has never been forgiven.
Israel is also far too successful at defending itself. It can’t play the “helpless victim” card so loved by the left.
I’m in a difficult situation up here as I enjoy my job and have a good standard of living with my wife and two kids, but as an Englishman living in Scotland I’m finding it increasingly difficult to cope with the vile SNP propaganda that is saturating every area of the media; I am SICK of the aggressive, deceitful, ignorant and intolerant nationalist activism which is spreading like a cancer across the land. Nowadays, in every town you see these swaggering SNP devotees gloating over their surge in popularity. It’s quite a loathsome sight to behold.
So, I’ve started looking for jobs down south… wish me luck! Need to get back to England. It’s a shame that this division is tearing the UK apart but I feel that there is no hope for the Union. It doesn’t help that the lilly livered and sycophantic media are having an orgasm over Sturgeon, which is completely unjustified; the SNP’s policies have been proven to be completely economically illiterate and yet the media bumlick them in the most appalling way imaginable.
But, I suppose if you’re comrade it doesn’t matter if your policies are pathetically unrealistic.
I’d have thought it was the BBC’s job to examine the feasibility of the various manifestos in order to ‘educate and inform’ the electorate so they can cast their vote more knowledgeably.
Oh, hang on, but we do know the Tories can’t explain where the £12 billion of benefits cuts are going to come from…..
Halve foreign aid – simples ! If India can send rockets into space, it doesn’t need our money.
But then the BBC and Labour would spin it as another “heartless, evil Tories” tale.
Good luck on the Job front. I just wish that the whole of the UK had voted re the Union I would have put a cross on the YES section quicker than you could blink.
Like the Eu they wouldn’t give the English a vote on splitting the Union, they know what the likely outcome would be.
Mrs Kitty, me too. I’m all for English independence, particularly after the mess caused to my country by those last two Scotch Prime Ministers. Even Cameron (Scotch name) said that there is a lot of Scotch blood in his veins, but at least he is from the majority part of the UK.
Time for you to go. If you can. The Union is dead. I thought at the time of the referendum that whatever the result this would be the end of the Union.
A constitutional crisis looms if the SNP vote on devolved matters. The demand for an end to this farce will come from England.
The SNP demand for independence is what the Scots want so let it happen and soon.
Nowadays, in every town you see these swaggering SNP devotees gloating over their surge in popularity. It’s quite a loathsome sight to behold
Believe me, Alex, you don’t have to be English to think that. I’m Scottish and can’t abide their smug loud cockiness. If I were younger I’d be seriously considering upping sticks.
The BBC isn’t helping, making it look like everyone here is behind the SNP. In reality, Scotland is a country much divided.
Sadly you are right. Everyone I meet thinks the Scots want us gone and the Union ended. Even the Scots long resident down here seem to think that. The BBC has much to answer for when the Union breaks up.
Maybe it’s just the people I know here in Edinburgh but as an English-born Briton I have no plans to leave Scotland.
The SNP do not have the best interests of England in mind. Do they not call us “The Auld Enemy”?
Perhaps we should rename Nicola Sturgeon’s party the Scotzi (Scozi) Party. Can’t make up my mind which is the most apt spelling.
I have to sympathise with you but, although I have only been to Scotland once – back in 1991 (?) when Motherwell won the Scottish FA Cup – I saw all I needed to see; that English people were not welcome in Scotland unless they were paying tourists.
I must admit, we got a good reception in Moffat, but Glasgow was a whole different kettle of fish! It’s funny how seeing pictures of Scottish mountains and scenery that should look beautiful, look unappealing simply because of the anti-English atmosphere those images portray. It’s the same with Welsh areas of beauty.
Give me the Peak District any day!
Reminds me of this old lateral thinking problem:
Antonio’s ice-cream van is parked near a Loch Lomond beauty spot popular with English tourists. A local couple are in the queue and when their turn comes, he recognises their accent and tells them at that he doesn’t sell to Weegies. The Scottish family are furious at first, but after a while there is much hilarity and good nature between them and Antonio before they are next seen queuing outside another van a few minutes’ walk away.
What did Antonio say to change the family’s mind so drastically ?
That he pisses in the ice cream?
You’ve got the idea – the clue is in “English tourists”.
He said: “I’m from Glasgow myself, and my ice-cream is cheap and crap, and only good for Sassenachs. Now if you want proper Scottish dairy ice-cream, go to my brother’s van just a few yards down the road.”
As along the lines of the 4 out of 32 constituencies that voted for Independence, Glasgow and Dundee are the 2 hotbeds of far-left hardcore socialism. All that’s required to stand for election and win there is the ability to pronounce ‘the tories’ and repeat ad finitum. They are nasty unwelcoming places. Very much unlike the rest of Scotland. And I was born in Dundee.
Kim Philby on BBC 4 tonight, 9pm
that guy has nothing on the traitors in our government and police forces today
When a country has more social workers, human rights lawyers and ‘journalists’ than farmers then we’re basically F**ked. In other words people who are rooted to the land have got common sense.
There are some politicians and broadcasters I’d like to root to the land – head first.
Human Rights Lawyer is an oxymoron. They are loudmouth sanctimonious defenders of scumbags the world over.
Jean Webb, aka Gareth Peirce, is one of the worst.
And now over on Radio 4, we have the nation’s latest lesson in cultural Mrcism as Sue Perkins deconstructs morality.
And who is the lovely Ms Perkins’ special guest to help her, this evening?
None other than that star of the intellectual guttter, Jo Brand.
Who said comedy is dead?
Not the Jo Brand of Carol Thatcher fame!
She asserts that only white people can be racist, which of course is a blatantly racist claim, but in her eyes hating whitey is virtue.
Come on, give her her due, the Labour party election broadcast was a real hoot.
Certainly funnier than anything she`s attempted by way of “comedy” in recent history.
In fact since she started out.
Still-at least we can see why she continues to have got the BBC gigs since 1986…and will continue to do so, having brandished her labour credentials.
The Prime Minister’s interview on the Andrew Marr Show yesterday showed that despite claims to the contrary, Cameron isn’t lacking in passion; the PM was full of fight and his normal self-confidence. But there was one question he did falter over. ‘You told the Countryside Alliance magazine recently that your favourite sport was foxhunting’, Marr declared. ‘Is that really true?’. Cameron looked utterly bemused, but Marr was so keen on the question that he repeated it: ‘You said: “It’s my favourite sport which I love.” Is that true?’
Perhaps unsurprisingly, a Twitter-storm erupted at the news that Cameron had apparently ‘admitted’ to his favourite sport being foxhunting. But where on earth did they find that quote? Marr claimed it was from a piece Cameron had written in the latest issue of the Countryside Alliance magazine, which was posted out to the organisation’s members in March.
It’s no wonder that Cameron looked bemused. After all, he had said nothing of the sort.
‘Andrew Marr has now responded on Twitter, saying that it was a ‘cock up not conspiracy’
Happens a lot, doesn’t it? Usually in one direction.
Still, what is done is done. Water under the bridge and all that…
I think I’m allowed this one:
The devious, biased fucking bastards.
Wow. That’s a bad one from Marr. Really bad bias in an election campaign, considering he’s the Prime Minister (a position which should command respect and politeness from a ‘public’ broadcaster.) Even if Marr’s allegation was true, it is a politically charged question, designed because it could only attract few votes to the Tories, but could affect many more urban dwelling swing voters or EUrophile tories.
I was taken in (not that his like or dislike of fox-hunting affects my opinion of DC) and was given the impression that foxhunting was DC’s favorite sport. But cast Iron Dave isn’t on my ‘politicians I respect’ list, so it won’t change my vote.
The BBC promoting a Labour Party lie in an attempt to influence the General Election! The BBC? Surely not.
I watched that interview. Even by the standards of the Conservative (and UKIP) hating BBC it was a disgrace.
“Marr was once a member of the Socialist Campaign for a Labour Victory (an off-shoot of the International-Communist League, now known as the Alliance for Workers’ Liberty). At Cambridge, Marr says he was a “raving leftie”, and he acquired the nickname ‘Red Andy’…Marr was appointed BBC Political Editor in May 2000.”
Yes Johnny, and they are full of biased, devious bastardry.
Yes GW it is always one way I note , like the Tory called Hunt who they repeatedly miss spoke as ‘c£nt ‘ and yet have not once done the same to a certain Labour MP called Hunt ? no matter how often he is interviewed .
If Cameron had any stones he’d have asked Marr if groping interns was still his favourite pastime.
And in other news…
Seems she has trouble competing with folk flogging run-down old wrecks. Odd, really.
Speaking of BBC property empires:
Shame if he got dropped in it for bragging.
Still, there’s always those rates market talent can inspire:
Seems the money is where the money is.
‘after a rather blank couple of years in the cv, to working for Tessa Jowell at the DCMS in 2002’
How else is trust forged? Another whose Labours have seen senior BBC rewards come their way.
‘I can find no record of an external ad for this vacancy.’
Nudge, nudge, wink wink. Jobs for the boys eh?
Still, there are always sorrows to be drowned, and how better than on the licence fee payer?
Guessing for the election night a Health & Safety assessment will need running on the corridor floors.
And last but not least, a neat summary of who has said what to inspire total editorial integrity in coverage:
‘The BBC makes a vital contribution to the richness of our cultural life, and we will ensure that it continues to do so’
Maintain the BBC as the primary public service broadcaster, free of government interference, with funding guaranteed in real terms in statute to prevent government interference’
Itchy backs, anyone?
It was forty seven years ago today, that a man gave a speech in his native city; he was a man of tremendous intellect and great vision. The speech forewarned of what he believed the future could be for this country; in doing so he was vilified and cast into the political wilderness, even today (many years after his death) his name is besmirched whenever possible, by the Left and the Progressives.
The speech can be read today and with only few changes in the context, it is as fresh and valid as the day he delivered it at the Midland Hotel in Birmingham on the 20th April 1968.
He wasn’t listened to then and we all see our country in the situation it is now.
May the name of J. Enoch Powell live forever and the politicians who should have supported him and had the best interests of their country at heart; rather than themselves and their careers be always held in contempt.
I went to my local shop the other day, a 5 minute walk, the first thing I heard when I left my front door was two men speaking Polish, then I saw an effnik African gentleman swaggering down my street, bold as brass, after that it was a couple of muslims in traditional islamic garb and finally a Chinese family.
I was waiting for the Eskimo to turn up.
It wasn’t like that in my neighbourhood 10 years ago, that was when Tony Blair opened up the gates of Hell and unleashed mass immigration onto Britain.
In the 1960s 50,000 Third Worlders came to the U.K per year, now it’s 620,000. That isn’t immigration, I call that an invasion.
The past was another time, Skid Kids do Speedway on London Bomb Sites.
Can you imagine what it would like if BBC Drama got their hands on this story?
The Lynton Lynx team posing at their track in Bermondsey, south London, in about 1949
BBC and Motorbikes ?? no way ever they hate bikes and bike riders which is why we are only ever accident victims on their awful ho-spital dramas or thieves and idiots on their cop shows !
Stick a fork in it, I think this country’s done.
Once Liebour is back in, they’ll finish the job, expect another 6 million immigrants.
630000 migrants Cameron let in last year in a desperate bid to give a short term lift to the economy, this was a new record which surpassed even nu Liebours excesses.
I could easily repeat your post with the name Liebour changed to Tory.
He served as my local MP for the Ulster Unionist Party. A far sighted, courageous gentleman.
Exposed: the BBC’s ‘foxhunting’ smear against David Cameron –
‘You told the Countryside Alliance magazine recently that your favourite sport was foxhunting’, Marr declared. ‘Is that really true?’. Cameron looked utterly bemused, but Marr was so keen on the question that he repeated it: ‘You said: “It’s my favourite sport which I love.” Is that true?’
It’s no wonder that Cameron looked bemused. After all, he had said nothing of the sort.
the bbc and its lefty presenters on radio 5 live have been spinning this narrative all day that we should all feel post colonial guilt about these millions of muslim immigrants who pay £ 10,000 to jump into some leaky boat hoping to get to the promised lands of europe,i dont want people to drown,but why do they put themselves at so much risk in the first place and putting themselves in a situation where death is certain in the middle of the ocean with no hope of rescue,i and many others would love to get in a boat and head of to america for a better life.that is a dream but not a reality,what is happening to them immigrants on them boats is not are fault and we should not feel any guilt about there plight,if they can pay these smugglers up to £10,000 each to get on these boats then i suggest these are not asylum seekers or refugees fleeing war but just economic immgrants hoping for a better life in europe.that point seems is what bbc or radio 5 live presenter will use as a alternative narrative.
” Why do they put themselves at so much risk in the first place ? ”
European nations have ” stuff,” I-phones, 40 inch televisions, computers, indoor plumbing etc etc, Third Worlders don’t have any ” stuff ” to speak of, so they want ours, they’re parasites.
Problem is, if enough come here they’ll turn the U.K. and Western Europe into the Third World too.
A Muslim world. They are predominantly Muslim and it is noticeable that they do not head for the other Muslim stable countries who I turn seem content that their brother head to Europe. My assumption is they see it as augmenting the demographic bulge that will succeed where war didn’t.
Nick Ross was reviewing the papers on SKY this morning. The boat people came up. He commented how entrepreneurial they must be, traveling all that way, taking all those risks. He even mentioned Norman Tebbit’s ‘get on your bike’ comment.
Eamonn Holmes, to his credit, did at least raise the issue of where they are supposed to go.
So they’re entrepreneurs now? Don’t see much evidence of it myself but I’m probably just a racist.
No, they are criminals who believe that they can steal & rob enough in the West to pay this money back. Even the few who believe they can earn this kind of money honestly quickly realise they can’t and turn to crime.
Good to see that Wikipedia now has our site’s lifetime award winning heroine Jane Garvey “empty champagne bottles” comment in her profile.
The next line says she got moved a short while after – not that I am linking that to retribution for letting the cat out of the bag!
They’ll have the champagne readied again this year, and maybe a wee dram of Scotch for Nicola and the National MacSocialist Party.
UK enrichment news… the left seem to be very reluctant to discuss this byproduct of turd world immigration.
Shame they’re in prison so long. It only takes a few seconds to slip a noose around their necks.
What’s the problem? These girls are white and working class, it’s not as though they’re black, Asian or middle class – something worth getting all bothered about.
” the left seem to be very reluctant to discuss this byproduct of turd world immigration.”
They all seem to have cold dead eyes, like that of a shark.
Bbc. 1 9pm. The missus is watching. ‘ Masterchief ‘ ( no idea either ) anyway it’s about a meal being cooked to celebrate Churchill. So, scene setting in order, a bit of footage of the man, a piece of his speech saying ” the battle of France is over, the Battle of Britain has begun” . More footage, spitfires taking off during the battle……..and then followed by a shot of a USAAF Flying Fortress bombing…….what ? Where ? London in 1940 ? I think probably not, actually a piece of film of a daylight raid in 1944 at a guess ( the B-17 still in camouflage ). So what the hell has that to do with the Battle of Britain you might ask ? Well nothing really, the producer of the show wanted a bit of footage, no doubt he sent in the request and the library supplied……….a mish mash of wartime aircraft. Look its a cookery programme, no one cares, why try and get it right ? ( was it wrong, we didn’t know, I mean one plane looks like another no ? ) the bbc 4billion a year and cannot even get a bit of wartime footage right, ( look it’s the past, who cares, it’s a different country).
Can’t get that right, what else on a daily basis do they cock up ?
…….a spotter notes, ” well at least they didn’t show the endlessly repeated shots of the Stuka and the Ju-88 bombing eh ? Nor that old canard of the prewar Henkel He 111 b dropping a stick of bombs on an exercise, so could have been worse I suppose………..
The RAF did actually have the B17 in limited service and carried camouflage However not until 1941. The Flying Fortress in the early version the RAF was using didn’t fit their tactics and was only used in limited service. I didn’t see the footage so couldn’t tell you exactly. The BBc like all channels even some documentary’s regularly use inappropriate military footage You would have thought with all the experts they have in to talk about everything under the sun they could get someone to check these things. The one that does my head in every time is when they call something that’s not a tank a tank.
So, apart from the fact that it was a Flying Fortress which, in some respects, wasn’t as great as the Septics like to think, the BBC don’t even know the difference between a fighter and a bomber?
Just silly old dead white warmongers, I suppose.
I did in fact know the RAF ‘s connection with the Boeing bomber, not my point. The 2 seconds of footage clearly showed a shot of a USAAF ( probably a -D model ) aircraft bombing a city in daylight.
The point I was making was the thoughtless way the bbc just uses stock footage full of mistakes and runs it or cuts it even more and runs it with new mistakes.
Now you could say it doesn’t matter, the bbc would use that defence I’d imagine. I would say it does matter, you have to strive on all levels to tell the truth otherwise don’t bother. I am fully aware that as long as I have watched TV it has been full of mistakes with aircraft, tanks, solders, trains etc mixed up in a mish mash of errors, time for someone to sit down in an editing suite and put the mistakes to rest, it can be done, it just needs the will to do it.
I feel your pain, especially about that stock footage of a pre-war Heinkel 111 which always seems to be used.
I made a similar complaint a few years ago, when BBC North West ran a piece about a Fairey Barracuda which had been recovered. They illustrated it with footage of Hurricanes, Spitfires and Hellcats. I wrote to the producer, who did admit that it was all wrong, but claimed they could not find footage of a Barracuda. In that case, I would say don’t use any, it is just insulting to the memory of the veterans and the intelligence of the audience to use any old footage.
The Barracuda, a fine example of “if it looks right, it is right” the Barra looked all wrong and was a renowned death trap, still has a place in history though as some poor sods had to fly it and die In it.
‘but claimed they could not find footage of a Barracuda’
ER it took all of 10 seconds work to find this and much more on YT
Lazy BBC very lazy !
Perhaps he should have said his interns, Crispin and Jemima, could not find any footage.
On a completely different subject, but talking of using the wrong photo to illustrate something See below Offcom’s response to Channel 4 using a photo of the Halabja massacre to illustrate an Israeli massacre of Palestinian Arabs ( that they couldn’t find a photo for because it never happened ! )
Decision of Offcom-” it is certainly regrettable that a photograph of the Halabja massacre was used as a prop to the drama. …….We welcome Channel 4’s apology and action to obscure the image in any repeat of the broadcast. We consider the matter resolved.”
For more details see
“We consider the matter resolved.”
Doubtless Ch4 having fought any accusation of gross misrepresentation all the way until a quick ‘sorry’ sorts things like the fact that it was exactly what they tried pull?
And this is the OFCOM the great and good think is going to be the oversight system that really makes the BBC accountable?
Doubtless Ch4 having fought any accusation of gross misrepresentation all the way until a quick ‘sorry’ sorts things like the fact that it was exactly what they tried pull?
I suppose the line ‘You couldn’t make it up’ is overworked?
Just saw a line on the BBCs “Red Bottom” Service.
Its headline is “Ed Balls would make a fine Chancellor”.
This turns out to be something that Ed Miliband said apparently.
This is NEWS?…so becomes a bullet point for the BBCs Red Button bunch to note?
Political in-breeding between the BBC and the Labour Party yet again-with the same deformities, and weird characteristics ensuing.
Explains a lot really-go f*** yourselves Labour and the BBC.
Oh-see that`s exactly what you`re doing!
And this countrys spuds are prepared to let them both f*** the country yet again?
Bbc midlands today news at 2230, story about getting students to register to vote. 9 students and organisers were filmed, of the 9 only one could be called indigenous. The rest were various immigrants all after what they could get out of voting for themselves. This country is now dead.
Honestly, if they are too dim or bone idle to register why the hell should they have a vote? When I was that age in the 70’s I couldn’t wait to get on the register.
On second thoughts, as they will most probably vote Labour or Green (Lib-Dem is “so last year”) it’s probably just as well that they don’t vote.
And various ideological lefty party leaders are calling for the voting age to be dropped to 16 …?
Bbc breakfast team with serious faces this morning, touched upon the tragedy of hundreds drowning whilst fleeing the shores of Libya.
So they brought on a former boat migrant. One man from Eritrea originally, who had crossed the sahara on his route here, along with his family.
A dreadful experience of course, and then thrust into the hands of the traffickers onto a boat.
So far so good eh?
Did they ask him how many safe countries he passed through to get here? of course not. Or was it that his dinghy washed up on the banks of the Thames estuary.?
Oh…and he just happens now to be working as a pastor, having done his masters degree.
Talk about fucking spin?
You couldn’t make it up, you really couldn’t.
What planet are these arseholes on?
”Oh…and he just happens now to be working as a pastor, having done his masters degree.”
Usually the degree is either philosophy, they want to be the next Plato or English literature, they just love Jane Austin.
Gamu Nhengu fled Zimbabwe because she said Robert Mugabe was after her !!!!!!! strange that because she’s only 14. Came to Britain because she wanted to be a nurse, but ended up on Simon Cowells X Factor.
Note the arrogance.
Some of these people are a boon and an asset to the UK, some aren’t. Some are desperately fleeing persecution or grinding poverty, some aren’t. Unfortunately our governments and the BBC don’t seem interested in separating the sheep from the goats, and prefer a lottery approach of just waiting to see who turns up.
Currently watching newsnight, they are running with interview the leader ed milliband is in the chair. He starts off with violent crime is up, he is allowed to rant and rave and the man in the chair says …actually crime has never been lower and leaves it at that. Hello why was he allowed to get away with that. Anybody else would have gone for the throat .
He was then allowed to claim he would get rid f the defiscit and the labour would have a surplus. No questions asked.
Talk about a bloody joke.
20.4.15. Bias? I damn well think so!
BBC Parliament, ‘The Leader Interviews’. Ed Miliband interviewed by Andrew Neil….. Oh hang on, not Andrew Neil, but Comrade Evan Davis of the Labour Party Broadcasting subdivision. Deliberate dumbing down of the masses.
Do you want the truth?
Well why would you use the refined, surgical, matured, incisive interviewing skills of the BBCs foremost political intellect that is – Andrew ‘Brillo’ Neil. A ‘Mike Brearley’ of political pundit captaincy, yet blessed with the technique of Malcolm Marshall, 100mph, three out-swingers, then – Bang! Inswinging yorker, off stump wheeling past the keeper? A truth revealed. Why indeed, when you have Comrade Evan Davis of the blind nun’s over 50’s C team, lobbing down his slow long hops, revealing that Ed can work the odd single to square leg, but still struggled with the straight ones?
You can’t handle the truth!
Us plebs conned by soundbites, memes and shallow interviews from a schoolboy, while the master of unveiling a taste of the truth waits in the wings, chomping at the bit.
BBC. Doing the public a dis-service though ill-directed use of a major talent, a small subgroup of the BBC, too oft referred to as it’s ‘Major Talent’.
Brillo v Miliband.
Brillo v Cameron.
We deserve the truth! Shine the ball Brillo! Put them in front of the public’s most respected professional political cleaning accessory.
Alan/Dave. Edit function for us dumb-asses and smart-asses mashing the metaphors?
Above para should read: …..
Us plebs conned by soundbites, memes and shallow interviews from a poor amateur, while the master of unveiling a taste of the truth waits at the boundary, 12th man today, picking his seam.
Me. “Are You Tough Enough Ed? To stand up to Putin?”
Ed. “Hell Yeah! I’m tough enough!”
Me. “..and Andrew Neil?”
Ed. ” Look. But the question is, we need to lock out, …a triple lock if you will, err, the Tories. Its not about you Jeremy big boots! Wibble. What I want the people to think about is their NHS, our NHS and my Plan, the Plan, our Plan. That’s what the people are thinking about Jeremy. Wibble.’
Not all of them. farage had a very good interview with Andrew Neil. It is only the corrupt liblabcon traitors who are frit! They are lying, decietful, traitorous cowards.
Ah…fearless @afneil…!
Cast your mind back to his fearless interview with a certain Tommy Robinson. When he was criticised for his attempt to character assassinate him, his response on twitter was to proclaim: I’d do just the same to an Islamist.
Well, ya know, I’m still waiting to see that interview with an islamist.
Maybe he can bring in Jihadi John eh?
Nahhh…he’s just like all the other leftwing bbc scum…just better at hiding it, why do you think they keep him there.
You can add …
Paul Weston to that list Dysgwr
he are right, he has definite “form”
No. Sorry DC. I have to defend Neil on that one. Check out his interview with a CAGE 5th columninst on ‘This Week’ a few weeks back, then re-consider your criticism. If he’s left wing, not my business, as long a he doesn’t let it affect his job.
Great stuff, Angryman!
Wikipedia, not entirely O/T in light of some earlier popular comments I have read here for example about how UKIP is demonised in the media. Anyone can edit wikipedia, so if you find inaccuracies or can support corrections or additions you can edit it. It doesn’t have to be left to others.
I think society in general (meaning establishment) have long decided that peace amongst the working classes = minimum wage (benefiting the immigrant class) but also reducing former workers pay to ‘the minimum wage’. Only the former Labour elite can now live the ‘high-life’ as (once despised) ‘LORDS’ – if they so happen to run the BBC (enter Lord Haw Hall) – or flooding half of Somerset (Lord funny boy Smith of Finsbury Park). Is it any wonder that youths (or YOBS as they used to be called) distrust those twats who have made this country the sorry multicultural mess it now is. Many of those who should vote are proud that they don’t vote as they don’t trust politicians. Is it any wonder! Only a resurgent English Democarcy can save the nation, that is why Blair is opposed to it…
Brillo re-tweeted from a spoof BBC Scotland site poking fun at Farage with ‘transcript’ of delayed interview. I suspect Brillo doesn’t know the plebs are now suspicious of why it happens so often. He would have been better employed making a call to find out what went wrong than having a laugh about it.
Like Marr. There seem an awful lot of ‘technical glitches’ being laughed off when really a full explanation is warranted.
‘Just joooookiiiing’ may serve teens caught red handed… supposedly professional broadcasters, no.
Please, it’s cock up, not conspiracy. Now go back to sleep sheeple.
Ah, but whose cock was up, as flashing firing must follow!?!
(I am feeling Shakespearean today)
BBC and UKIP. Two of my minor interests wrapped up in one BBC story. Nice:
UKIP are approximately 67% of the way there on this aspirational policy regarding the Telly Tax, shown on the BBC Election website page. Whilst this remains a tax farming policy, I will chew over Mr Farage’s skeleton proposal of a slimmer state broadcaster. Maybe I’d need to see ‘more flesh’. The trajectory is comforting though. The LibLabConSNPGreen parties are tax farming advocates – as usual. Under UKIP, £2.7 Billion returned to the ‘real’ economy for real independent and worthy journalists to earn a piece of, with a slimmer BBC with more limited remit.
The Beeboids haven’t opened this one up for comment though.
Oh to know what others may think!
UKIP: BBC licence fee should be cut by two thirds –
Why no ‘have your say’ on this one, BBC?
You normally let the public give their views on policy announcements by major political parties (and whether you like it or not, UKIP is now a major political party).
You’re not afraid of a chorus of messages supporting Nigel Farage’s position, are you?
Lost me there, Nige.
Classic FM lead with him saying it should have nothing to do with entertainment or sport.
Daft. It loses two sets of people right away.
The vast majority of BBC sofa dwellers want only entertainment or sport.
Anyone interested in accurate, objective news of professional integrity would want the BBC nowhere near it.
Guido’s analysis of the BBC election web-pages. Massive and blatant pro labour bias.
Published on Apr 3, 2015
Speech by Bill Clinton on 21 October 1994 on how the world is a safer place based on the “good deal” with North Korea, preventing it from obtaining nuclear weapons.
Guardian runs with this, bbc ? Unable to find anything.
Wot a surprise eh ?
And, on the Red Sofa this morning we have the main contender : Ed Miliband…..
And on the Red Sofa too, we have the battleing teddy bear, Bill the Bull Turnbull….
Yes, I know this wasn’t going to be a full blooded gladiatorial struggle of epic proportions – this was always going to be soft soap for soft sofa time.
But when Ed visits the BBC Breakfast show and is asked seven or eight questions, I don’t really expect just about every question to have a left-wing bent.
‘Are you promising enough cash for the NHS’
‘Will your promise of cash for the NHS come through quick enough’
That was about the size of it.
Every question invited Ed to appear to be more caring, more generous, more leftward – allowing him to at the same time seem both to be about to fulfill all promises and yet still posture as statesmanlike and responsible. If Labour spinners had scripted Ed and Bill alike it couldn’t have gone better. Perhaps they did?
Ed was allowed to bandy statistics but when our Bill mentioned a statistic which challenged Ed’s narrative the Labour man (Ed) simply responded “Well, the audience at home can judge how they “feel” about that”
This is dreadfull emotive gibberish and I fear the worst as the great day draws nearer.
There is now no intention or expectation of ‘balancing the books’. This hasn’t happened under this coalition and Ed really couldn’t be be bothered.
Already the SNP calls publicly for an ‘end to austerity’ which seems to mean – if it means anything at all – a call to increase the current deficit.
But the situation is worse than that. Just remember the many many interest groups who will come knocking at Ed’s door for hand outs – BBC included.
For Balance for the readers here,
This is how it should have gone. A labour interview so bad, the BBC pulled the plug part way through to save labour from further embarrasment. Andrew Neil is one great interviewer. Such a shame he is the only one at the BBC who is!
Construction, growth and our environment:
John Redwood asks the questions that the BBC ought to be asking.
Maybe they are too busy making questions up based on what they think they saw that suited from a magazine a researcher skimmed through?
Seems their professional standard now.
BBC News 24 0944Hrs 21.4.15.
Relentless. The way in which the BBC expose us to the intellect of Owen Jones (another BBC fee for OJ, Kerr-ching!). How the BBC love to broadcast his reasoned, considered and politically balanced opinion, this time on the Scotland v England angle on this year’s GE.
Jones, Owen. Busted Flush. Intellectual Amoeba. He’s been found out. Get, rid BBC.
Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to top up our earnings courtesy of the telly tax payer (us)?
Just imagine how much we have contributed to the bank balances of Jones, racist Abbott and to the Alibhai Brown woman over the years and whom the bBC cannot seem to do without a sound bite from on absolutely any given subject.
Below is who we the telly tax payers are supporting, what would the fragrant Diane say if the subject matter of this poster were reversed?
BBC R4 Toady
Yet again Tory, “a lie a day” comes to the fore, tub thumping for the SNP, nothing about any policies, smear, slippery, politics of fear … today its William Vague, even called slippery on air, next wheeling out J Major?, yep, the honourable (coughedwinacough), man who led a sniping backstabbing dishonourable party, sell off boys infiltrated with the economics of lunacy.
The Chairman Of The Conservative Party, Michael Green, of Stinking Rich 2 ‘fame’, has called on the old guard to claw back UKIP voters. We will hear from:
David Cameron – UKIP ‘fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists’
William Hague – suggested Aaron Banks was a nobody, so Banks increased his UKIP donation from £100k to £1m.
John Major – thought of ‘men in white coats, flapping’ when he saw Eurosceptics.
Boris Johnson – the immigration ‘pendulum’
Boris Johnson’s Flip-Flopping Immigration Journey In 11 Steps
The Conservatives are lucky to have such a well-qualified team!
As Edwina said, ” that’s a mouthful”.
That’s probably the only time she ever stops talking.
PRIZE £50 billion pounds
Allocate correctly these headlines – either SKY or BBC online Election pages:
Ha ha … too difficult for you……. I win.
Ali Beeb reporting many more ‘Oxford and Cambridge University student ‘boat people heading this way from Libya.
Where is there a statement from ‘our’ prime minister about this invasion ? Over to you Mr Cameron …….