Having watched the BBC website over the last 3 or so weeks I think I can agree with this from Guido…
BBC Website ‘Balance’ is a Joke
Everytime you look there is a Labour policy announcement being headlined or if the Tories make an announcement the headline can often be ‘Labour criticises Tory policy’ rather than a positive one for the Tories.
It isn’t just the website, the Radio news bulletins pull the same trick or that is my impression…it may just be that Labour make far more announcements and are better at getting them into the news cycle….you be the judge…here’s some more of Guido’s look at BBC bias…….
It reads like a Labour press release, with each election story given the best possible pro-Labour slant to it. Where are Cameron’s, Osborne’s or Major’s attacks on Miliband on the same subject? Why is Labour’s nursing policy presented without question? Where is any other party on the front page?
Click through to the BBC’s Election 2015 hub, and it’s even less balanced:
Not a single Tory or LibDem featured story.
By James Delingpole.
“David Cameron:
Andrew Marr was talking ‘bollocks’ about foxhunting”
It’s pitiful what the BBC are doing but tbh I don’t think people will fall for it anymore.
The electorate are indeed more switched on/engaged than they have been for many years and they remember how Labour failed them when “in power”.
From where I was standing most people saw through Gordon Brown and loathed him.
From what I detect it’s the same with Ed Miliband but the BBC can’t seem to grasp that they’re flogging a dead horse.
My guess is the BBC are going to get badly stung(and deservedly so) with the election swinging between UKIP(England) and the SNP(Scotland).
One other point.
The BBC are fixated by the “Mediteranian Migrant” story but what they don’t realise is it’s simply fanning the flames of the immigration issue because as many sit at home watching the news they’re asking the question “yes, but where are they all heading for?”.
And we also know that many of them are not “poor migrants escaping tyranny” but are either economic migrants paying 10k for passage to get to the EU illegally (and are thus criminals), or even worse, they are ISIS terrorists coming here to cause murderous mayhem.
Farage is right. Let in some of the geniune Christian assylum seekers, but for the rest of them? Send them back!
Is it possible to fix the polls?
Genuine questions, no edge, I just don’t understand how they can be accurate.
Example,YouGov polling is sponsored by the Guardian newspaper (Devout lefty Labour paper) for this election. You can read into that what you like.They have constantly given Labour the lead when all other Polling companies bar one or two give the Conservatives a lead.
They say the most accurate of polling is done over the phone and not via the internet
Well, I am quite sure that YouGov is dominated by self-selecting trendy young urbanites, the overwhelming majority of whom are on the Left. I am also sure that it is run by a Labour supporting Europhile.
I also know that the moment my politics became clear, I more or less stopped receiving questionnaires about anything other than my preferences in soap powder brands. I’m not alone in having had that experience, I understand.
Regardless, the facts are that the polls are hopelessly unreliable and should best be regarded as light entertainment.
Interesting you mention YouGov, which seems to be run by Peter Kellner. He is married to one Baroness Ashton, of whom we are all aware.
I guess, in general terms, any fixing is done via the questions asked, who they are asked of, and the interpretations placed on the answers received.
And a leading Today programme presenter is / was a substantial shareholder.
When I challenged the BBC at the last election for seemingly only quoting YouGov, and the shareholding of the presenter, it was the usual waffle and a denial of the shareholding, followed by an “Ahem” communication confirming the presenter’s interest in the company!
Baroness Aston of Upholland married Peter Kellner of YouGov in 1988.
She is a very active member of the Labour party.
But of course there is no bias from her husband regarding any polling..!!!!
People are falling for it – it’s called confirmation bias.
You only have to listen to any bbc radio station to know what they are about, it’s just a saturation of biased brainwashing on liebour’s behalf. They even rolled out the chief shit stirrer Alistair Campbell to stick his very long serrated edged knife into the tories in his own unique way that makes Katie Hopkins look like a fluffy bunny.
I knew it would be bad in the run up to the election but even by the bbc standards the bias overload is positively shameful in a supposed democracy, they are basically uncontrollable, they are a law unto themselves that the politicians can’t seem to bring to heel.
Thankfully it’s only the people who care who seem to realize, most of the people I know at work and most of my friends couldn’t care less about the bbc, they know what is right and wrong, they hate the lefty lies, the PC garbage, the false polls, the biased news reporting, the forced multiculturalism, etc,etc. Hopefully they will vote accordingly.
Things can’t carry on as they are, the bbc’s snide introduction of every fringe lefty party going into the election fray has changed the whole scene, they are virtually declaring war on anyone who doesn’t sit with their ideology, the silent majority will only take so much, the left can’t help themselves but force their views and won’t stop, something has to give.
Your comments are right on the button.
The BBC is full of union people of various backgrounds and persuasions who use bully boys tactics to get across there lefty views. My sisters husband used to work for the BBC and would constantly say he was never allowed an opinion or speak his mind for fear of upsetting the union representative.
I genuinely believe some presenters on the BBC are aware of the habitual bias shown by some of there colleagues and try do do something about it, Andrew Neil on Daily Politics Show for one.
The thing i don’t understand is why other party leaders don’t do anything about it and allow it to continually happen. Some of the bias shown is unbelievably blatant and appalling.
As you said Mr and Mrs Joe Public are not daft and will see the BBC’s conduct for what it is.
Any respect i had for the BBC is no longer there and the same i can say for a lot of my friends.
Its meant to be an impartial organisation..My arse..!!!!
But the point is that the Tories do not need to be in power for them to call for a boycott of the Licence fee, or decide to blackball the BBC.
Once Cameron is replaced, his successor, if intelligent enough, would realise that appeasement would only make things worse for the Tory Party in any future Election. The Daily Mail, Express and UKIP would follow, and after the uproar dies down the Labour Party would realise that the position of the BBC and its left-wing Labour place men would be untenable, with almost half the country refusing to pay a compulsory subscription, and I am sure most Labour voters would eventually take the opportunity not to pay a Licence Fee system under collapse. With a situation were almost half the country is saying that the BBC is biased to the left, and the lefties in control of the Government and Media, screaming that the BBC is impartial. Then the system would collapse before they could turn to a levy, which would be worse. The Libertarian Stance should be that for the sake of democracy and freedom the BBC should be subject to Market Forces.
Here’s the latest offering from Guido this morning, this time on the subject of foodbanks.
Unbelievable, it really is…