It’s an odd thing isn’t it? Muslims flock to the infidel and despised West to take advantage of the benefits provided by that infidel and despised Western society, including the ability to practise their religion more freely than when back in their ‘Islamic’ homelands, and yet the West is not allowed to go to Muslim lands to depose secular dictators hated by those same Muslims and to bring religious and political freedom to the oppressed people of those lands as well as to oust regimes like the Taliban…. the sort of Jihadi ‘Muslims’ that ‘real’ Muslims, sat comfortably in their Western homes, tell us aren’t real Muslims…and yet the West is somehow guilty of a crime against Muslims… which drives those ‘Real Muslims’ to be radicalised and to join up with those ‘Non-Islamic’ Jihadi Muslims to fight the Infidel and despised Western oppressor.
Go figure.
The BBC believes it unquestionably.
What brought that little rant on? This from Craig at Is the BBC biased (yes it is) in which he tells of a complaint he made to the BBC about their lack of coverage of the fact that the father of a ‘Jihadi runaway’ was himself an extremist when they had previously given an enormous amount of airtime to him and his ilk to complain that it was all the Police’s fault or MI5’s fault that his daughter had gone off to join ISIS.
The BBC’s response was to say this…
BBC News is aware of the video material said to show Mr Hussen at a rally in 2012 and we have looked into the matter ourselves.
We didn’t consider it merited a report on its own, but it was included in a TV piece due to run on the evening of Friday, March 27th. Unfortunately, because of other news priorities, including the court verdict in the Amanda Knox/Meredith Kercher case, it didn’t make it to air.
I’m sorry, what was that? ‘We didn’t consider it merited a report on its own’!
Are they kidding? Having flooded the news with sob stories about his daughter and her friends the BBC couldn’t find time for what is an important part of that story, the missing piece of the jigsaw that answers the question that the BBC constantly asks…Just what drives our young British Muslism to become radicalised?
Turns out its the way they’ve been brought up. Suddenly though the BBC has lost interest in the answer.
Strange that.
The BBC does reassure us that….
However, it is something that we do intend to return to in the future.
Craig is doubtful…
When the BBC Complaints guy writes, “However, it is something that we do intend to return to in the future”, I afraid I don’t have any confidence in that pledge whatsoever. They clearly have absolutely no plans to update this story. The censorship will continue.
However I have every faith that the BBC will indeed return to the subject….the father will of course be the victim of Western oppression in his homeland that forced him, ironically, to flee to the West where he again suffered discrimination, disenfranchisement, alienation and Islamophobia, not to mention the trauma of watching his homeland being freed from the savage grip of a secular tyrant on the BBC each night…no wonder he became radicalised and turned to extreme measures when the much vaunted Western Democracy failed him.
We owe them our wealth and homeland!
Feel the guilt you white scum!
An extraordinary rant from Boyle. I assume he does it to be ‘edgy.’
It made little sense except to show him as a man who hates his country – is it Britain or Scotland- and probably himself. He needs to lighten up.
The concept of inherited generational guilt is irrational at best and absurd in reality. Man has no property in man.
It could quite easily have been written by Godfrey Elfwick,
dave s
Its the left’s version of Original Sin.
Frankie Boyles demented rant
” A lot of racism comes from projection. White Americans have a stereotype of black people being criminals.”
I wonder where they get that idea from, it’s baffling ?
86 year old nun gets gang raped and murdered in South Africa.
On my tablet, having skimmed past the student uni drivel the first (and only on the page; there is a button to view the other 2,000+) comment has been removed by the mods.
I took it as a sign and simply couldn’t be @rsed, as a once funny Scots comedian might say.
Hmm well it is coming from a man who thinks it’s fine to abuse disabled children and got dumped of TV due to his inability to understand that plebs are fair game but other lurvies no! now that could be considered a virtue by some but sadly he caved and ran off back to the club Circe and and his part time job kneeling in front of the Broon !
Self loathing.
It does rather push the BBC’s ongoing definition of ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) into surreal territory.
Unique, even.
But CECUTT never fails to deliver, at least.
Had an open chat in the local deli after work about how this country cannot keep immigrants from entering the country and then spend a year (sorry 10 years) and a day in which to fail in trying to deport them. But is bloody brilliant on stopping wannbe terrorists who conform to an indolent ideology from leaving the country. Not only that but the authorities actually fear for the safety of these people.
Encourage them to leave Britain, and ensure that in so doing they may never return and their Passport & any reference to citizenship removed irrespective. The tide of the asian invasion will continue spreading like a cancer across Europe until the disease has completely rubbed out any vestige of what most of us term as a Christian way of life. People-we are at war and a politically despotic one at that.
Where , or when , do these people want to live ?
If they lived in a predominantly Muslim area like Luton , would they appreciate an influx of EDL supporters moving in to change the area ?
There is a correlation here between who people vote for and what religion people follow, and it is almost always influence from their parents.
One thing I have noticed in my life (especially my time living in London) is that the older generation of black people (those who came to Britain post-war) are polar opposites of some of their offspring. The problem is to do with identity and how the younger generation fit in. Some of those young people feel as though they don’t fit in because they need a more deep rooted sense of belonging, so they might look overseas to those countries from which their parents originated.
Now it is happening in Asian communities. The exact same thing, although in a much more extreme way.
If we carry on ignoring the troubles and problems that mass immigration causes, we are going to eventually (and in the not-too-distant future) step over the breaking point at which both Labour and the Conservatives will lose all power and will be completely helpless – even if they wanted to form a LabCon coalition!
The signs are already here. There is only one party who actually wants to combat the unsustainable influx of migrants. The other parties know that more people means bigger economy and more money from us in taxes. They don’t give a crap about us mere mortals – NOT ONE OF THEM! (Except one, actually. I don’t think I have to mention his name.) Because they won’t have to ever live in the places I have to live.
I don’t care who wins the election any more because I believe the sh*t needs to hit the fan before anyone takes action. I just wished the sh*t would land on those who deserve it rather than us plebs who are not allowed to warn about the problems of multiculturalism and mass immigration.
Absolutely agree Edward-those that have and are controlling our futures, those that control the EU, control the banking, the money flow, the massive conglomerates that operate across the world-it is they who hold the whip hand not any one political party-and as you point out, there is only one party that apears to give a dam, and their operational chances of gaining a foot hold in the duplicitous palace of Westminster is very slim.The public have & are being shafted day in day out-they are but pawns in the deadly game being played out by the New World Order.
Frankie Boyle trying so hard to sound funny and “clever” without actually saying anything beyond the level of a few worn out platitudes. Is this what The Guardian calls journalism?
The whole question of boatloads of migrants comes down to a simple binary choice: yes or no?
Politicians across the EU don’t want to deal with it. Australia, on the other hand, did: they simply said ‘no’ and sent their gunboats out to turn back and tow such boatloads of migrants to holding centres off mainland Australia where the migrants could be processed before being returned to their countries of origin.
Australia said ‘no thanks’ and actually did something meaningful about it. In the process they prevented the needless deaths of many more would-be migrants who knew it would be pointless to even attempt the trip, given the almost certain outcome.
Nothing on Al Beeb about Australia’s answer ?
Many lives could have been saved if these boats were towed back to whence they came, emptied of their passengers and then sunk .
Bloody useless EU ! Lets get out .
Exactly right, Phil.
And I would add again that OZ has a very good record on accepting GENUINE asylum seekers through proper United Nations procedures.