Beeboids’ other main political campaign, apart from getting Labour elected, is to speed up the complete colonisation of Europe by open-door, mass immigration from Africa and Asia (notably from Islamic countries).
Beeboid ‘reporters’ on this have embedded themselves with illegal immigrants, and such ‘reporters’ see European countries as legitimate targets for mass immigration.
Again, Beeboids show blatant political bias for mass immigration in this, and they do not represent the interests of European societies, nor do they look to the irresponsible consequences of their political campaigning on Europe, inc U.K.
“Some say they feel guilty about their good luck. My reply is simple: ‘Get out and yield your place to others.’ This may solve the problem of the guilt-ridden person’s conscience, but it does not change the ethics of the lifeboat. The needy person to whom the guilt-ridden person yields his place will not himself feel guilty about his good luck. If he did, he would not climb aboard. The net result of conscience-stricken people giving up their unjustly held seats is the elimination of that sort of conscience from the lifeboat.”
Can we now expect mass volunteering of Beeboid ‘reporters’ around the Mediterranean to swap places with illegal immigrants, as a non-solution to the enormous colonisation problem?
In its latest propaganda fest in respect of “climate change” on Today this morning Tom Fielden – a BBC “science” correspondent – allowed James Lovelock to speak uninterrupted on the distress (ie Lovelock’s and the BBC’s) that “climate change” issues aren’t further up the priorities list of the politicians.
In the best deliberately misleading traditions of the BBC and “climate change” nutters generally Lovelock issued a half-truth concerning Mrs T’s part in all this. In the 80’s Mrs T had indeed warned the world about “global warning” and Lovelock praised her mightily for doing so. What Lovelock ignored – and Feilden (an “impartial” journalist remember) didn’t mention – was that in 2003 Mrs T almost completely recanted from her earlier views as reported here. As Booker writes “the fact that she became one of the first and most prominent of “climate sceptics” has been almost entirely buried from view”. Leading the “buriers” is, of course, the BBC.
The mendacity and lying by the warmists will get worse as the Paris meetings get nearer. As an observation, I suspect that if Miliband is PM at that time (or, now I think about it, Cameron) I would be very surprised if he didn’t put the UK down for an annual subscription to the international kleptocracy struggle against “climate change” equal to or in excess of the annual cost of the NHS. This is a reposting of a comment on the previous open thread
This from Guido showing the bBC giving a deliberately false impression over the use of foodbanks. The bBC is incapable of telling the truth, when are our MPs going to take up the challenge. Forgot, half of them benefit from them as their mouth piece.
Quite right and Guido is spot on. This subject is all over my Twitter timeline this morning.
I see that the BBC website have added a mealy-mouthed correction at the foot of their article on the subject, right at the bottom and well away from the article itself (just above their insight question in fact) where they say
“Correction: The Trussell Trust has clarified that its earlier figure of more than a million people using food banks actually referred to the number of times food was given out.”
The impression is that 1 million people are continuously using the food banks. The figures really breaks down crudely to about 2,000 people per day, out of a population of 68M going to a food bank.
Interesting point .The BBC love a simple cause and affect point when it suits them . So ‘ bankers greed causes crises ‘ means people go to food banks .
Mass immigration seems to have passed them by .
We will never know as the Trussell un-trust-worthy cannot let those figures get out of who is using the so called ‘food bank’ where ,when and why ! if that got out then the un-trust would have to explain the merry go round of cash and pay off’s to it’s directors and the BBC/Labour and the labour light church would look so stupid !
Make sure you ask the representatives of the parties that “weaponise” foodbanks when the foodbank volunteers will all be available for other charitable work if they are elected!
You could also ask why the movement started during the last Labour government when benefits spending ballooned. The million private sector workers and families who lost their job in 2007/8 in the Labour balls up of the economy probably added greatly to demand.
Just as well the predicted extra 1 million jobs losses Labour predicted from “austerity” did not happen. Do they ever get anything on economics right?
After Cameron on the Andrew Marr show on Sunday ducking questions about benefit cuts, is it any wonder they are pulling out of debates?.
A Newsnight evasion by Tories on – benefits, or is that …”welfare”
… IDS?, (don t be silly, far too much of a coward), its Mark Harpers turn to do the disappearing act and,
surprise surprise!, apparently the Selfservatives could not be contacted for comment?.
What? … on the poorest, most vulnerable, their erm “record” … what about the “welfare” cuts, the appalling number on sanctions
and the reasons why?, and yes increased foodbank use.
How very strange … isn t there an election on?.
After all on three occasions (including Cameron) yesterday, Tories butted in when supposedly discussing world issues, to overtly continue to lie about their record on the economy again …
Hmm … The Tories “a lie a day” election continues with, “a bigger lie a day”, obviously, from now on
Well , if Millipeed/SNP get in ,taxes will have to go up, to pay for these “benefits”, which will be even higher, once Millipeed lets in 1000`s of boat people from the Med , because you know he will. My guess is Noggin the Nog supports this Labour policy.
Ed Balls was elected with a majority of around 950 in a constituency in which almost 10,000 postal votes were counted at last general election.
The number of postal votes in the Scottish referendum was almost twice the difference between Nos and Yesses.
Lats general election Labour MP Kerr McArthy illegally tweeted about a sample of postal votes in a Birmingham constituency that the sample was dominated by Labour postal votes.
Don’t expect BBC or Guardian to conduct investigative reporting into postal votes because BBC know Labour signs off on most generous license fee and Guardian knows Labour will grow public sector and will send all public sector job adds to the paper and its web site.
Here you find some interesting reading about postal votes, which may have accounted for around 60% of Labour votes in last general election (say 5.5 million postal votes of 9.5 votes for Labour).
This was posted at the weekend, I bet Tristram has seen to it that Common Purpose Social Services pay Mum and Dad a visit and arranged care and a program of re-education for the lad and a criminal record for the parents…
Hattie really looks like she has a pound of tripe shoved under her nose, doesn’t she? Humourless old bat, at least all the others have at least a semblance of a smile about them.
BBC ‘journalist’ interviewing two immigrants in Edinburgh, one a rastafarian the other a hindu about immigration. They thought ” immigration was a good thing.” No shit ? What next, BBC reporter interviewing the Kray Twins on crime prevention or Rolf Harris on child protection ?
The black gentleman said ” Scotland was empty, it needed filling up.” You can’t beat that logic.
You mean like more of these immigrants ? woman from Zimbabwe kills her own 5 year old child.
The child was stabbed multiple times and his heart was torn out. Reminds me of the case 10 years ago about the torso of a Nigerian 5 year old boy turning up in the River Thames. Witchcraft seems to be on the increase, I wonder why that is ? Hmm….
Whats not to like about Suzanne Evans and UKIP? Here she gives succinct, logical and honest answers to viewers questions on the bBC News Channel. Its not very often one gets to say this, but for once a non biased bBC presenter, Christian Fraser shows others more senior how it should be done, doing a good job here.
DP: Brillo having revenge on Labour today. He replayed the humiliation of Jamie Reed yesterday, then made that point that Labour refused ‘to put anybody up’, so instead he talked to the BBC’s Ian Watson. Brillo and Watson sneered a lot about ‘Milliband told me… even if he wont talk to you!’ and raked over contradictions in the Labour position. Brillo finished with ‘We’re going to pull the plug on you now, Ian!’ Labour wont be pleased.
Could not believe my ears or eyes listening to this Labour tosser…..and people vote for these creeps? He reminded me of an interview back in the New Labour years, Alan Millburn was in top sneering, arrogant mood when interviewed, total creep, another member of that awful government i would happily string-up with piano wire……and i do mean that.
I’d guess it’s an alpha male response; Smith rolls over and accepts he is boss, so he has no interest. But Reed and Labour took him on. Reed tried cockily ignoring Brillo’s questions and he suspects someone in Labour pulled the plug to unfairly end the contest. He wont let go until he has defeated them. I’d guess the personal battle interests him far more than the level of a mansion tax. Alistair Campbell would have been furious. Lucy Powell?
I have a problem with Jacqui Smith, to wit: whenever she appears on the TV screen I automatically think of the £100,000 equivalent she took from the taxpayer for, among other things, saying her sister’s bedroom was her main residence.
I had my suspicions years ago about live TV feeds getting mysteriously cut during embarrassing interviews of Lefty politicians. So nothing changes on the BBBC
Post Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris, Islamophilic INBBC censors out latest Islamic jihad event by Muslim.
1.) ‘ Daily Express’-
French police foil Islamic extremist plot to attack Paris churches
“An ISLAMIC extremist who is suspected of planning an imminent attack on one or more churches has been arrested in Paris, French authorities have said.”
ve vill be broadcasting an accurate historically factual documentary showing how the french were beating the english until a muslim army turned the tide of the battle into a joint english/muslim win.
Next week a 2 hour special on how muslims invented the wheel and how Islam put a man on the moon 200 years before the americans
And 800 years of Magna Carta . Also 200 years of Battle of Waterloo . Although some at New Broadcasting House will think its the Station , that`s 200 years old .
Hmmmmm….let’s hope….when they did a version for kids…..the Duke of York was played by a black actor…yep….indoctrinate the kids, the BBC do it well. My 16yr old niece didn’t know what happened in 1066!!! She knows a bit about the Vietnam war, slavery, US war of independence…….i give up….
Funny I was just thinking the same thing. How will the sofa sloths celebrate? Will they be able to find a St. George expert or a charity related to the subject? Will the Scots weather woman tell us the weather from a St. George celebration?
BBC (and others) will inform us that St George was born to a Greek family in the Middle East (not English at all then) and is the patron saint of lots of other countries (so nothing special). You’d almost think they were trying to undermine an English cultural icon.
If last year is anything to go by, more attention will be given to the anniversary of Shakespeare’s birth and death. Probably marked by interviews with foreign tourists in Stratford upon Avon.
They’ll claim St George was Turkish. Watch the space.
Cappadocia might be in modern Turkey, but in George’s lifetime, thyere were no Turks there as it was part of the rapidly Christianising eastern Roman Empire.
Listening and reading the extensive coverage being given to the “migrant” boat disasters. I have not heard any Beeb reporter ask when are these people going to go back? It seems to be taken as read that because there fellow travellers died that this is sufficient reason for allowing them to stay. It is not.
The word ‘controversial’ there, employed by the BBC to indicate to the brainwashed children (the general public) who they should to boo at the BBC pantomime (news website).
Meanwhile, let’s get a viewpoint from…..Anjem Choudary.
” Perhaps the last words should go to a victim. This young man told the Sunday Mirror “They say he can’t stand trial because he can’t defend himself and he will not understand what is happening. As children, we could not defend ourselves and did not understand what was happening. It did not stop us from being abused.”
We have no spare housing. To all those unhappy with losing their spare bedroom subsidy, we should tell them we would reinstate it, if they agree to take in and keep a couple of Muslims from the illegal immigrants now waiting for them in Italy.
Janner has ‘had Alzheimer’s’ (not ‘dementia’ BTW) since 2009 apparently, two years after the allegations first arose. As Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease it is possible that he is now incapable of understanding his surroundings where previously he was. Four ’eminent’ quacks have said that this is true.
Which makes me wonder. Would 4 ’eminent’ quacks risk their careers for an old Labour peer of little current political capital? What good would it do them to do so and what would they lose if caught out – say he makes a miracle recovery in a couple of years. It’s happened before.
Trouble is it’s all gone a bit ‘Truther’ hasn’t it? No matter what the truth is the Internet will be abuzz with accusations some of which may even be true but we will never know the truth of it now.
If the allegations are true then he gets away with it and if not then he is another of a long line of politicians who had their reputations trashed, but only after they were no longer able to defend themselves.
I don’t know about you but this is not the sort of justice system that I want ruling my life. Perhaps the ‘evidence’ should be reviewed by someone with no axe to bare. Of course if they find him innocent it could still be a cover up couldn’t it?
Totally agree. The outstanding pillars of British justice all work on the basis that the guilty can go free if there is no evidence, they are ill, etc.. Having said that, those of a certain age will remember the Guinness trial and how Ernest Saunders became the only person ever to recover from Alzheimer’s disease. We can’t be too surprised if the public are cynical.
Five years on and Ernest appears to have made a recovery so miraculous that he is now heading a consortium bid for Queen’s Park Rangers, the football team he first sponsored while chief executive of Guinness. To some extent he is also succeeding in rewriting history. His offences, the organisation of a secret share support operation of unparalleled scale and the payment of pounds 25m to his co-conspirators, are now seen by some as little more than a series of largely technical breaches of City rules. Many think him unfairly treated.
The first thing that needs to be known about Ernest Saunders is that he is a liar, if only partially accomplished. This can be written without fear of the libel courts because the evidence of it during his six-month trial was so overwhelming as to be virtually irrefutable. Only Ernest himself seemed incapable of accepting it. His accountants said it, his corporate legal advisers said it, his boardroom colleagues said it, even his co- defendants said it.
Well that is sort of what I was alluding to but even Saunders has served time, not enough, but time none the less. He served 10mths of a 30mths sentence so was 5mths short by normal standards. His crime was financial too and technically illegal . He was also not diagnosed with Alzheimer’s according to one of the quacks involved – just stress related memory loss …
So who to believe eh?
This is what gets me about the Janner case. There are bucket loads of allegations floating around most of which have scant evidence from ‘unreliable’ sources. These, as in the Savile case, muddy the waters to the extent that if he is guilty his guilt is hidden by a plethora of false allegations.
It is so easy to make these allegations and create the belief that there is a pattern of behaviour where none exists. All ‘proof’ of innocence then becomes part of the conspiracy …
Alternatively casting the evidence as a conspiracy driven set of lies is a very good way of hiding the truth.
In the meantime real people are suffering at the hands of real paedophiles. How the hell did we end up in this position?
Enter Tony Blair and his band of Justice Warriors …
So, if a significant number of muslims decide not to vote, this will hurt the Labour party most?
And of course the new limitations on Postal Voting will also hurt Labour.
Around the same time they started this, the Beeb also moved to double ‘s’ possessive:
Singular nouns ending in -s can also form a possessive regularly by adding -‘s, as in Charles’s. The Chicago Manual of Style recommends this more modern style, while stating that adding just an apostrophe (e.g. Jesus’) is also correct.
So while watching football you hear ‘Wales-is fullback’ rather than the traditional “Wales’ fullback”. Really p’s me off.
This, and the nounetive, have only one advantage… they simplify English. They make life easier for those trying to learn English as a second language. But why would that be important?
PM Tonight. News headline Alex Salmond caught on film saying that he will write the next Labour Government’s budget for them. BBC treat this as a little joke and not to be taken at all seriously. Certainly no comment about how this plays right into the legitimate fear that the SNP will run the country if Labour form a minority government.
What a contrast to the unsubstantiated rubbish about Grant Shapps and Wikipedia.
The BBC are completely brazen in their support of Miliband. I heard that Mr Miliband is claiming that his campaign is making the political weather. No Mr Miliband it is the BBC that are making the weather for you!
unbelievable … not credible … incredible even on proposed Tory funding and cuts
NHS funding how?, Welfare Cuts where ?, Tax Cuts where? … another day, more Tory deceit and evasion, boosting the “lie a day” quota
That goes into overdrive on Daily Politics, after asking David Gauke three times! where is it all going to come from
… Brillo “what is this? it feels like groundhog day” 😀
Nigel Farage v Evan Davies, Davies ? What an utter metrosexual total knob. Crap interviewer, obsessed with the sound of his own voice, continually talking over a man who is trying to answer a question made by himself ! Total buffoon.
The wife who is a recovering liberal supporter got very angry with this idiot and thinks Nigel is talking sense and needs a fair hearing !
Davis should be interviewing impartially, not conducting the interview from the perspective of his own prejudices. He’s setting the traps but Farage is sniffing them out – EPIC FAIL!
Evan Davis, unwittingly, in his efforts to rattle Nigel Farage illustrated the point about the metropolitan liberal elite perfectly.
Compare and contrast Davis’ questioning technique when he interviewed Milliband.
Nigel Farage confronted every question head on and actually answered them with sound common sense responses. Most refreshing.
Evan d to Farage, “…would you discriminate against someone who had the same skills from mogadishu…?”.
Evan seems somewhat unacquainted with somali unemployment stats in this country, which is a shame as he’s supposed to be an economics expert and he’s almost certainly on a generous six figure tax-payer funded salary, in order to be up to speed in such matters.
I find it hard to imagine what skills someone from Mogadishu could conceivably have that would be needed here. It’s not exactly a hotbed of technological innovation is it?
The term “somali unemployment is around 70%-80%” is misleading. It is more correct to say that 70% of Somalis choose to be “economically inactive”, meaning that they have no intention whatsover of working. It was actually the left-wing IPPR that explained this some years ago in a report on immigration – see table 6.2 in
It takes a special sort of mindset to emigrate to a country and steadfastly refuse to work instead availing oneself fully of a welfare state into which one has not made a single contribution.
Certainly their barber trainees seem to be shit.
Safety razors only.
Mind you they seem to be combining sailing with shooting-which may well become an Olympic sport, if the BBC have anything to do with it.
I watched the full interview tonight on Newsnight. I also saw the interview Evan Davis gave David Cameron, so I have a comparison. It was clear Davis was trolling Mr Farage – at one point I realised Davis was speaking far more than Mr Farage throughout the entire ‘interview’; basically, one long list of anti-UKIP complaints from Mr Davis, with Mr Farage – perhaps – allowed to get the odd sentence in here or there. This continued throughout the entire interview. When Davis started going on about the Paddington Bear film I realised we were into new, uncharted realms of surrealist BBC interview technique.
And people wonder why UKIP claim there’s a determined effort to discredit them coming from the ‘metropolitan liberal elite’.
Just seen creepy Evan Davis interrogate Nigel Farage. I really don’t know how Farage manages to keep his temper. As expected the questions were loaded with snide innuendo and the constant meme that UKIP members are a backward thinking insular and “racist” bunch.
Why on earth ask about some bloke winning a gold medal? Pathetic, but handled with consummate ease and charm. The last time they crossed swords Evan asked him if he minded men kissing. This time breast feeding cropped up. FFS were supposed to be hearing about Nigel’s political beliefs, not this puerile guff.
Only a narrow minded and deeply bigoted metrosexual like Evan would think that these are relevant questions.
Do they have any grown ups at the BBC?
Couldn’t agree more Jeff. The country is going to hell in a handcart, and Davis is more concerned with some woman breastfeeding in Claridges? And we have to pay £145 a year for this garbage.
I really don’t know how Farage manages to keep his temper.
Some time ago UKIP noticed that their voters have the bias factored in. A performance like tonight may make Davis popular with his ‘metrosexual total knob’ mates (as D1004 calls them), but it simply reinforces Kipper prejudice. Nothing Farage could say would bolster him as much as a circus like this.
Do they have any grown ups at the BBC?
No. But they do have large numbers of people whose intellectual and political development stopped when they reached the 6th Form.
Davies ought to be sacked. Useless interviewer, full of his own luvvie, metrosexual London concerns. All questions about the multi kulti world inside the M25, as far as he’s concerned the rest of us are there mearly to make up the numbers (not ! ) to watch him perform on Newsnight. NO questions about the concerns of the rest of us. NO interest in listening to Farage, he was batting for the gay, lesbian, Somalian other world that he thinks is ultra important, so important that without the rest of us who do all the donkey work would disappear down the plug hole in 5 minutes. Bbc personified, full of his own high worth. What a complete and utter cock. If every voter outside the M25 and not in a overpaid non job watched this Nigel would be handed the keys to No 10 pronto. Shot himself and his employers well and truly in the foot.
I would challenge anyone in the real country who came across Davies in their local pub not to thump this idiot. He thought he was exposing Farage, he was exposing himself. His own concerns his little, little world that exists on a pinhead. Utter fool. Farage came across as sane, connected, concerned by the people he came from, the people who voted for him ( anyone ever voted for you Davies, apart from best arse in your neighbourhood ? ). Sir Robin Day, you country, your ex employer, needs you now, very very badly.
If I came across this ” man ” in a public convenience I would quickly withdraw ( ooh missus ! ) to a safe distance. I would not want to pick up any multi kulti exotic infections now would I ?
As a Northern Irishman who enjoys himself on Paddy’s Day, I notice that St George’s Day is coming up. I’d like to wish all our English friends on the site a very happy national day – unlike the metropolitan guardianista self haters who seem to love cultures from everywhere except their own country I think you deserve great respect for your day – have a good one.
Here is Van Morrison with ‘Summertime in England’ – do please enjoy!
Peston up to the same now on the economy debate on bBC Parliament. Addressing Patrick O’Flynn again with his inbuilt lefty prejudices, saying that he’s speaking for all businesses with the claim that they want immigration and don’t want out of the EU, that’s a very big assumption.
‘But the interview did emphasise one thing – numbers are not Farage’s strong point. On UKIP’s plan for big tax cuts and deficit reduction he was nonchalant in saying “dynamic growth” in the economy – more revenue from less tax – was the secret to it working.’
Economics is obviously not Robin Brant’s strong point (and it’s worrying that he’s still commentating on UKIP, despite the blatant bias he displayed the other day).
‘Although the party has a comprehensive manifesto on offer, that’s not what UKIP is really about. And that’s not what some people find appealing about it.’
Oh come out and say what you really think, for crying out loud man! Stop hiding behind weasel words! You think that UKIP are a party of racist bigots!
The government taxes fuel given to employees for private mileage in their company car. The employer also pays NI contributions on the employees taxable amount.
The level of this tax has risen such that anyone on 40% tax and driving a modest car now has to do 10,000 or more private miles a year to be better off. Ergo virtually everyone has given that up and claims the 15p / mile allowed for business usage on petrol provided by the employee.
Tax rose too far = less revenue for the government.
When top rate rose to 50% strangely it produced nothing like expected and will not do so if reintroduced
Everyone, including champagne socialists, set out to minimise the tax they pay, the vast majority by perfectly legal means.
Are you using salary sacrifice to pay into your private pension?
You save the NI contributions on that amount, and possibly move you into a lower tax bracket, which may help reduce what you actually pay as tax on a company car.
Cameron was portrayed as being on the back foot…having played all of his trump cards (economy and jobs) without any movement in the polls. So it was necessary to call for Boris to spark some like into the campaign. Then the scene was set in a day nursery ‘including strange talk from the Tories’ (to kids).
Then a segment about our hero, Ed. That’s the Ed, according to the BBC although surrounded by supporters and has some ground to make up with some voters, is making ‘progress’…and of cause then we have a reference to Milifandom (without reference to the fact that the ‘ ‘owner’ of the site’ has referred journalists to Labour HQ for comment) a disarming interview with Miliband and the suggestion that he got the youth vote (which juxtaposed to the BBC’s Radio One ambush of Cameron makes you wonder if there is a co-ordinated BBC strategy. There’s definitely a BBC narrative at work).
So in summary, according to the BBC, the Tories have stalled…Miliband is on the up
…And now on Newsnight, interviewing Osborne, Stratton twice reminds the Chancellor of his ‘Omnishambles’ Budget, suggests that his strategy was responsible for the Tories not getting an overall majority…and reminds his that he was booed at the Olympics.
I wonder if she is going to remind;
Miliband about his increases in energy prices and the economic crash and the take over of Labour by UNITE
Burnham about Stafford and NHS chaos that he left.
Balls about his house flipping tax avoidance
Cooper about ditto
Harman about her PIE relationships
The Hon Tristram Hunt about the collapse of education performance
I cannot believe in Millifandom , at least not on a personal level, it has to be Labour teen supporters and maybe young Jewish girls who are eager to have a Jewish Prime Minister..
David Milliband IS handsome, Ed despite his nice black hair, is not.
Just watched Evan Davies’ monologue with Nigel Farage as his audience. It was supposed to be an interview with the UKIP party leader to enable the audience to hear Farage’s views. But at least I now know where Evan stands on many subjects.
Compare and contrast with Evan Davis’ kindly interview with the Green’s chair Jenny Jones following her disastrous election launch with the Natalie Bennett.
Evan shouldn’t stand up for the London elite, they have plenty of privileged time on air and in the papers to do that already.
And Evan should have more to fear than most of Sharia Law being a homosexual drug taker. That’s 400 lashes and thrown of the top of the BBC building according to ISIS.
He must have something on the seniors staff in the BBC he is one Pug-ugly guy, not what you would expect of the TV presenter perfect face for radio though
This individual was just featured on a Newsnight panel discussing immigration. Seems she teaches ‘asylum seekers, refugees + undocumented individuals.’ We go to enormous trouble processing legal travellers. We inconvenience millions of people obviously friendly to our culture, so as not to offend our enemies. Meantime, hundreds of thousands, with a far bigger percentage antagonistic to us, are coming here illegally. Bidisha teaches ‘undocumented individuals’. Hello? There should be an anti-terrorist law that illegals must be reported. And the BBC should be pushing this story, instead of fluffy, human-interest nonsense.
I was banned from CIF for saying the Eco-Nazi Monbiot should swim or kayak to his eco back-slapping conferences abroad to save flying…..and that Tuscany could take thousands of poor migrants, all welcome from one P.Toynbee…..
I have just watched most of the Nigel Farage interview (recorded by me so I don’t know whether it was a live event this evening) with the bbbc mainstay, evan davis. Well, when I say interview I should say ‘argument’ I have never seen such an apalling approach to an interview by an interviewer. Davis largely completely ignored everything Farage said and just carried on with his own liberal, elite rhetoric (which he had on crib cards and referred to throughout the interview). He spent most of his time just reading from a list of what he thought were real ‘black’ marks against Farage and UKIP.
I have never seen such woeful, unhidden aggression from a bbbc interviewer.
I expect that the bbbc will get more desperate and therefore more nasty in the two weeks or so ahead of the election as they panic and try to manoeuvre their precious liebour (and failing that, the greens) government into downing street. How farage didn’t lose his temper with davis I will never know. I cannot remember one answer that Farage gave that was not either rudely interrupted or finished off by davis putting his own anti UKIP conclusion to Farage’s comments. The actual UKIP manifesto was discussed only momentarily and even that was preceded by talking about the previous UKIP manifesto.
I feel that the BBC are fighting desperately for their comfy way of life, and the fear of the ‘winds of change’ or maybe ‘the loss of a job’ is clumsily driving their bigoted acts.
Can anyone else smell the coffee in the air whilst the chickens are coming home to roost 😉
I wish that your analysis was correct and that the Liberal Left Elite ( LLE), who have just about wrecked our country, are soon going to be toast. But I think that you are being way to optimistic.
If you look at the polls the LLE and their far left comrades in the SNP, PC and Greens, have just about 50% of the total UK vote. With our first past the post system they are going to win a majority of seats.
I attribute the likely election of a leftist government only 5 years after the great Labour Crash to three things:
firstly, the pernicious effect of 40 years of leftist propaganda from the BBC
secondly, a leftist education system which has left many of our voters without the ability to think sensibly
and who live in a fantsay land where governments can do everything for you,
thirdly, the undemocratic mass immigration practised by Labour which flooded us with immigrants who favour Labour.
Another labour government, pushed further left by the SNP et al, will be a disaster . No doubt to bolster their position they will
a) give the BBC more money and freedom to increase their leftist propaganda,
b) lower the voting age to ensure a steady stream of children with no experience of life who will vote left,
c) invite even more immigrants into our country and give them UK passports,
d) increase the number of voters dependent on the state in one way or another.
So getting rid of LLE is no easy task and will be made more difficult if they win the next election.
That’s about the size of it and is a timely reminder that without urgent electoral reform – if not union dissolution – the fate of the country is sealed.
English Gent. Let’s get specific: “Evan agrees with UKIP: By Angryman.”
Farage v Davis. Davis agrees with UKIP Immigration policy and gives a running commentary of his own bias in one prolonged sentence! Check it out!
This is hilarious. The Evan Davis quote comes as he interrupts Nigel FARAGE (not for the first time) at approx. 11.59m in. Nigel Farage is explaining that UKIP have already won the argument that uncontrolled immigration is affecting schools, hospitals, housing, wages, and social cohesion and are the only party in the forthcoming General Election with an ethical set of policies which accept the realities of our current situation, and which proposes a positive way forward.
Evan D: … I’m actually not quibbling about the policy, I’m not even trying to talk to you about the policy, I’m trying to talk to you about the tone. Let’s move on… Yes Evan. Move on swiftly.
I would have thought that when an interviewee is not waffling, but attempting to provide a full, coherent and complete answer to a question, Evan’s job is to STFU, (that’s ‘remain silent’ in old money English Gent). Can we not judge the ‘tone’ for ourselves without the skewed input from the interviewer? Would we not prefer to hear a complete answer without interruption?
It must have been weird for Evan to hear a politician discuss with candour the very real and present problems created by mass imm, the rop, the pc state, racially motivated csa etc.
Allen in making a very important point here. If you control the language you control the way people think. The Left worked this out decades ago and the BBC are past masters at applying it.
We should fight back and not let them steal and pervert words to their own ends.
Evan Davis had an anxious emotional tone which made him interrupt Farage and appear rather rude.
Nigel Farage had a calm tone despite the interruptions from Davis in almost all of his answers.
As regards Ghettos, I thought the production of Multicultural Ghettos was Labour party policy. Councils here in Yorkshire preserve segregation in towns like Bradford by providing services in the Languages spoken in these Ghettos.
There is no doubt, Mr Farage, just like Suzanne Jones no matter
what the issue will be immediate with an answer, and try to be straight and clarified with it.
This because there is no sham of political correctness, and to the point … leaves little for the interviewer to do apart from look for
the soundbite, you know the tad of perceived “waycism”, the tiny bit of perceived anti gay/anti HIV/anti breast feeding mothers etc.
They are there for debate, can defend their issues, whatever.
Unlike the Tory liars we have in Government, who cannot, who lie, obfuscate, are deliberately evasive/squirm to avoid scrutiny, and refuse to debate,(they know will be exposed/laid bare) if they do.
They will not reveal their future agenda, (“long term plan” 😀 er right! … which one). rely on smear, doctoring figures, politics of fear, and using the Tory money boys to skew the media.
Another Tory … Another “lie a day”, today George “Pinocchio” Osborne emerges from under his stone, to lie about his record,
his doctoring of figures, to smear and snipe … to talk up the SNP again, when actually questioned goes onto droning autopilot, another evasive, squirming Tory liar.
That’s why UKIP have growing popularity
Agree. If Evan Davis wants a ghetto he can come to a wide range of northern towns, park his car and walk around some of the immigrant districts. I guarantee that within 10 minutes of a white person doing that, they will begin to realise that they are being looked at with suspicion by the local ethnic males and after another 10 minutes they will become fearful and want to get the hell out of there. A white face is not welcome.
On another BBC programme, The History of Our Streets , they had an episode about Deptford in SE London. It showed in an unbiased account ( must have slipped through the censor) how and why Deptford had changed from a cohesive homogenous community in the early sixties to a multi ethnic mess 50 years later. As one market trader put it everyone round here hates everyone else. Perhaps Mr Davies could find Deptford, I don’t think he could find Bradford, and he could go there and ask the few white people left there what they thought of the great social experiment that the liberal left have foisted on them. He would then get the truth of what the English really think about what has been done to our country by the likes of him!
Think about it – he obviously regards multiculturalism and mass immigration as really cool, but I’m willing to bet he doesn’t live in a fully, ie almost totally, enriched area.
He works in london mostly, so I don’t understand why he doesn’t move to somewhere like, oooh I don’t know, say Whitechapel?
Chaps like Evan are really popular there so I’ve heard, and it would allow Evan to fully appreciate the great society he and his comrades in the bbc have been instrumental in creating.
When it comes to ghettos, Evan Davis fnds them upsetting in the extreme, indeed he has said that when he drives through Calais and sees all the ‘asylum seekers’ trying to get to the UK it brings him out in floods of tears. Bless.
I should add that Evan sees this ghetto in Calais regularly as he drives to his second home in Normandy quite a lot!
“Among key policies included a major increase in the minimum wage so people would earn at least £25,000 a year.
Mr Scargill said: “It is not unreasonable to bring in a minimum wage equal to the average wage.”
A minimum wage equal to the average wage??? Either that means everyone earns the minimum wage (in which case it will be the average wage), or there needs to be another wage system immune to the laws that govern the minimum wage.
I bet Len McCluskey would second that proposal. And seeing as Unite are dictating Ed Miliband’s policies, it really is going to be a case of turkeys voting for Christmas!
Not only is it a shame, but the thought that the Conservatives could lose the election on the back of economically illiterate Labour ‘carrot-and-stick’ promises, might just nudge me to migrate to Hungary.
Just heard the 5.40am review of today’s newspapers on Radio 4. It was just a catalogue of complaints about the electioneering yesterday by Cameron and Boris. Plus a snippet about the tractor-driving dog.
How I love the balance !
Somehow it missed out the Mail headline “Voters tell Cameron to act on migration”
And the Telegraph “Miliband SNP pact would cost families £350 each”
And the Express “EU will force up mortgages”
Yes, the BBC is getting even more desparate.
Yesterday an elderly friend – 88 years old, said that if he was not exempt from the BBC licence tax he would now refuse to pay it. He had just watched the Evan Davies attack on Nigel Farage.
Just fired up the tablet and guess what @bbcpolitics has on twitter? Yes, it is the first of the daily ‘Ed says’, sorry, ‘will say’, fresh from the fax machine….
Labour to pledge £150m a year for equipment to treat cancer, such as ultrasound & X-ray machines, in England #GE2015
And it’s another pledge, of oodles more money, for the NHS. Bless you, Ed; Bless you BBC.
Distortions of history are a common practise of the BBC. But the distortions incite hatred and missing out information about the present are even more manipulative . So because today is the 67th birthday of Israel here are just some highlights of what the BBC misses out from its reports about Israel today..
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea…
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe The US has changed direction…
Beeboids and ‘Camp of the Saints.’
Beeboids’ other main political campaign, apart from getting Labour elected, is to speed up the complete colonisation of Europe by open-door, mass immigration from Africa and Asia (notably from Islamic countries).
Beeboid ‘reporters’ on this have embedded themselves with illegal immigrants, and such ‘reporters’ see European countries as legitimate targets for mass immigration.
Again, Beeboids show blatant political bias for mass immigration in this, and they do not represent the interests of European societies, nor do they look to the irresponsible consequences of their political campaigning on Europe, inc U.K.
Have Beeboids considered this?:-
“Lifeboat Ethics:
the Case against Helping the Poor.”
“Some say they feel guilty about their good luck. My reply is simple: ‘Get out and yield your place to others.’ This may solve the problem of the guilt-ridden person’s conscience, but it does not change the ethics of the lifeboat. The needy person to whom the guilt-ridden person yields his place will not himself feel guilty about his good luck. If he did, he would not climb aboard. The net result of conscience-stricken people giving up their unjustly held seats is the elimination of that sort of conscience from the lifeboat.”
Can we now expect mass volunteering of Beeboid ‘reporters’ around the Mediterranean to swap places with illegal immigrants, as a non-solution to the enormous colonisation problem?
What an excellent article. I’ve only read a bit of it but I will definitely read it all in time. And pass it off as my own ideas when I repeat it. ;o)
That is a v good article.
In its latest propaganda fest in respect of “climate change” on Today this morning Tom Fielden – a BBC “science” correspondent – allowed James Lovelock to speak uninterrupted on the distress (ie Lovelock’s and the BBC’s) that “climate change” issues aren’t further up the priorities list of the politicians.
In the best deliberately misleading traditions of the BBC and “climate change” nutters generally Lovelock issued a half-truth concerning Mrs T’s part in all this. In the 80’s Mrs T had indeed warned the world about “global warning” and Lovelock praised her mightily for doing so. What Lovelock ignored – and Feilden (an “impartial” journalist remember) didn’t mention – was that in 2003 Mrs T almost completely recanted from her earlier views as reported here. As Booker writes “the fact that she became one of the first and most prominent of “climate sceptics” has been almost entirely buried from view”. Leading the “buriers” is, of course, the BBC.
The mendacity and lying by the warmists will get worse as the Paris meetings get nearer. As an observation, I suspect that if Miliband is PM at that time (or, now I think about it, Cameron) I would be very surprised if he didn’t put the UK down for an annual subscription to the
international kleptocracystruggle against “climate change” equal to or in excess of the annual cost of the NHS.This is a reposting of a comment on the previous open thread
This from Guido showing the bBC giving a deliberately false impression over the use of foodbanks. The bBC is incapable of telling the truth, when are our MPs going to take up the challenge. Forgot, half of them benefit from them as their mouth piece.
Quite right and Guido is spot on. This subject is all over my Twitter timeline this morning.
I see that the BBC website have added a mealy-mouthed correction at the foot of their article on the subject, right at the bottom and well away from the article itself (just above their insight question in fact) where they say
“Correction: The Trussell Trust has clarified that its earlier figure of more than a million people using food banks actually referred to the number of times food was given out.”
They really are beyond shameless.
Sign here …
The impression is that 1 million people are continuously using the food banks. The figures really breaks down crudely to about 2,000 people per day, out of a population of 68M going to a food bank.
How many are taken by illegal immigrants?
Interesting point .The BBC love a simple cause and affect point when it suits them . So ‘ bankers greed causes crises ‘ means people go to food banks .
Mass immigration seems to have passed them by .
The BBC love a simple cause and affect point when it suits them.
Too true. And when it doesn’t suit them – when one of their ’causes’ has been embarrassed – then ‘the issues around this case are complex…’
We will never know as the Trussell un-trust-worthy cannot let those figures get out of who is using the so called ‘food bank’ where ,when and why ! if that got out then the un-trust would have to explain the merry go round of cash and pay off’s to it’s directors and the BBC/Labour and the labour light church would look so stupid !
Make sure you ask the representatives of the parties that “weaponise” foodbanks when the foodbank volunteers will all be available for other charitable work if they are elected!
You could also ask why the movement started during the last Labour government when benefits spending ballooned. The million private sector workers and families who lost their job in 2007/8 in the Labour balls up of the economy probably added greatly to demand.
Just as well the predicted extra 1 million jobs losses Labour predicted from “austerity” did not happen. Do they ever get anything on economics right?
After Cameron on the Andrew Marr show on Sunday ducking questions about benefit cuts, is it any wonder they are pulling out of debates?.
A Newsnight evasion by Tories on – benefits, or is that …”welfare”
… IDS?, (don t be silly, far too much of a coward), its Mark Harpers turn to do the disappearing act and,
surprise surprise!, apparently the Selfservatives could not be contacted for comment?.
What? … on the poorest, most vulnerable, their erm “record” … what about the “welfare” cuts, the appalling number on sanctions
and the reasons why?, and yes increased foodbank use.
How very strange … isn t there an election on?.
After all on three occasions (including Cameron) yesterday, Tories butted in when supposedly discussing world issues, to overtly continue to lie about their record on the economy again …
Hmm … The Tories “a lie a day” election continues with, “a bigger lie a day”, obviously, from now on
Well , if Millipeed/SNP get in ,taxes will have to go up, to pay for these “benefits”, which will be even higher, once Millipeed lets in 1000`s of boat people from the Med , because you know he will. My guess is Noggin the Nog supports this Labour policy.
Watch the postal votes!
Ed Balls was elected with a majority of around 950 in a constituency in which almost 10,000 postal votes were counted at last general election.
The number of postal votes in the Scottish referendum was almost twice the difference between Nos and Yesses.
Lats general election Labour MP Kerr McArthy illegally tweeted about a sample of postal votes in a Birmingham constituency that the sample was dominated by Labour postal votes.
Don’t expect BBC or Guardian to conduct investigative reporting into postal votes because BBC know Labour signs off on most generous license fee and Guardian knows Labour will grow public sector and will send all public sector job adds to the paper and its web site.
Here you find some interesting reading about postal votes, which may have accounted for around 60% of Labour votes in last general election (say 5.5 million postal votes of 9.5 votes for Labour).
This made me laugh, the kid hasn’t been indoctrinated just yet by the marxist school system
This was posted at the weekend, I bet Tristram has seen to it that Common Purpose Social Services pay Mum and Dad a visit and arranged care and a program of re-education for the lad and a criminal record for the parents…
I’ll bet that’s not too far off the truth either.
If he was in Scotland his ‘named person’ would be straight in there to get the parents arrested and sent for re-education.
Four lefties and UKIP’s Paul Nutall. Why does an SNP member get to appear on a QT south of the border and why so much exposure for Nuttily Bennett?
That’ll be worth watching. Nuttall should run rings around them if Dimbledum and the UAF let him.
Hattie really looks like she has a pound of tripe shoved under her nose, doesn’t she? Humourless old bat, at least all the others have at least a semblance of a smile about them.
Humour is a form of abuse used by men to control women. The next Labour government will introduce legislation to…
BBC ‘journalist’ interviewing two immigrants in Edinburgh, one a rastafarian the other a hindu about immigration. They thought ” immigration was a good thing.” No shit ? What next, BBC reporter interviewing the Kray Twins on crime prevention or Rolf Harris on child protection ?
The black gentleman said ” Scotland was empty, it needed filling up.” You can’t beat that logic.
You mean like more of these immigrants ? woman from Zimbabwe kills her own 5 year old child.
The child was stabbed multiple times and his heart was torn out. Reminds me of the case 10 years ago about the torso of a Nigerian 5 year old boy turning up in the River Thames. Witchcraft seems to be on the increase, I wonder why that is ? Hmm….
If you are interested there is a book, The Boy in the River telling the full background story of the earlier case. Truly harrowing reading.
I expect it’s the evil Tories, evil austerity and fiendish tory foodbanks that are to blame for the increase in witchcraft.
Evil, Vile tories (© BBC) to blame for everything.
Whats not to like about Suzanne Evans and UKIP? Here she gives succinct, logical and honest answers to viewers questions on the bBC News Channel. Its not very often one gets to say this, but for once a non biased bBC presenter, Christian Fraser shows others more senior how it should be done, doing a good job here.
How long before he is absent for a while and re-appears after a stint at the BBC’s re-education camp?
Columnists are always saying that without Farage UKIP is nothing, but Suzanne looks perfectly competent to lead the party if ever she has to.
DP: Brillo having revenge on Labour today. He replayed the humiliation of Jamie Reed yesterday, then made that point that Labour refused ‘to put anybody up’, so instead he talked to the BBC’s Ian Watson. Brillo and Watson sneered a lot about ‘Milliband told me… even if he wont talk to you!’ and raked over contradictions in the Labour position. Brillo finished with ‘We’re going to pull the plug on you now, Ian!’ Labour wont be pleased.
I have just watched this, unbelievable!
This clip should be seen by everyone. You can almost hear the Liebor spinmeisters fighting to yank out the plug.
Well done Brillo, exposing the left’s empty so called popular ‘policies’! at 20m.40s
Earlier on in the show, you get to cop Jo Coburn’s majestic thunder thighs as she is allowed to stand up. Well worth the telly tax?
Quite amazing
And on the BBC too!
Discussion on the mansion tax was excrutiating
Could not believe my ears or eyes listening to this Labour tosser…..and people vote for these creeps? He reminded me of an interview back in the New Labour years, Alan Millburn was in top sneering, arrogant mood when interviewed, total creep, another member of that awful government i would happily string-up with piano wire……and i do mean that.
But Brillo did not question Jackie Smith on the facts about the mansion tax he was unsuccessful in getting from Jamie Reed. Why not?
I’d guess it’s an alpha male response; Smith rolls over and accepts he is boss, so he has no interest. But Reed and Labour took him on. Reed tried cockily ignoring Brillo’s questions and he suspects someone in Labour pulled the plug to unfairly end the contest. He wont let go until he has defeated them. I’d guess the personal battle interests him far more than the level of a mansion tax. Alistair Campbell would have been furious. Lucy Powell?
I have a problem with Jacqui Smith, to wit: whenever she appears on the TV screen I automatically think of the £100,000 equivalent she took from the taxpayer for, among other things, saying her sister’s bedroom was her main residence.
The one I remember is this
“mistakenly” watching porn at the taxpayers expense.j
I had my suspicions years ago about live TV feeds getting mysteriously cut during embarrassing interviews of Lefty politicians. So nothing changes on the BBBC
Post Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris, Islamophilic INBBC censors out latest Islamic jihad event by Muslim.
1.) ‘ Daily Express’-
French police foil Islamic extremist plot to attack Paris churches
“An ISLAMIC extremist who is suspected of planning an imminent attack on one or more churches has been arrested in Paris, French authorities have said.”
2.) INBBC-
“France police arrest man ‘planning to attack churches'”
“One Dead: Paris police arrest Muslim and his sister.
Imminent attack on churches during services”
Will this, or Charlie Hebdo massacre make it into the next French TV (BBC 4) Paris police series of ‘Spiral,’ which is currently in production?
leading the people ..showing them which petitions to sign
Saint George’s Day tomorrow.
Look out for extensive BBC coverage.
This year is the 600 anniversary of Agincourt, looking forward to an accurate historical Beeb drama special .
ve vill be broadcasting an accurate historically factual documentary showing how the french were beating the english until a muslim army turned the tide of the battle into a joint english/muslim win.
Next week a 2 hour special on how muslims invented the wheel and how Islam put a man on the moon 200 years before the americans
The last bit wouldn’t surprise me in the least – they appear to inhabit a different planet to the rest of us.
And 800 years of Magna Carta . Also 200 years of Battle of Waterloo . Although some at New Broadcasting House will think its the Station , that`s 200 years old .
Hmmmmm….let’s hope….when they did a version for kids…..the Duke of York was played by a black actor…yep….indoctrinate the kids, the BBC do it well. My 16yr old niece didn’t know what happened in 1066!!! She knows a bit about the Vietnam war, slavery, US war of independence…….i give up….
Ooh, have you all got a statutory day off? (Snigger!)
Which aspects of Saint George’s Day do Beeboids most dislike-
a.) the English patriotism?
b.) the very design of the flag: a red cross on a white background?
c.) the English people who support Saint George’s Day?
d) all of the above
Funny I was just thinking the same thing. How will the sofa sloths celebrate? Will they be able to find a St. George expert or a charity related to the subject? Will the Scots weather woman tell us the weather from a St. George celebration?
BBC (and others) will inform us that St George was born to a Greek family in the Middle East (not English at all then) and is the patron saint of lots of other countries (so nothing special). You’d almost think they were trying to undermine an English cultural icon.
If last year is anything to go by, more attention will be given to the anniversary of Shakespeare’s birth and death. Probably marked by interviews with foreign tourists in Stratford upon Avon.
They’ll claim St George was Turkish. Watch the space.
Cappadocia might be in modern Turkey, but in George’s lifetime, thyere were no Turks there as it was part of the rapidly Christianising eastern Roman Empire.
That’s OK because I support Saint Edmund as the true English patron Saint’
Jackboot Jacqui of front room fame is appearing a lot on the BBBC lately.
“Today two men found guilty of sex crimes against children in Bristol Crown Court.”
Obviously neither of them was a Labour Peer then.
Committing sex crimes against children in a court is certainly taking a risk!
Perhaps the case was heard at Bristol Crown Court.
No offence intended The General and as it was in quotes is possibly from the BBC?
Listening and reading the extensive coverage being given to the “migrant” boat disasters. I have not heard any Beeb reporter ask when are these people going to go back? It seems to be taken as read that because there fellow travellers died that this is sufficient reason for allowing them to stay. It is not.
New York.
Predictably, Islamophilic INBBC censors out reference to’Muslims’ in its headline.
Compare reports-
1. ) Pamela Geller, who campaigned for the ads-
“NY Daily News: Posters slamming Islam for ‘killing Jews’ can be displayed on MTA buses: court”
2.) INBBC*-
“New York City buses must show ‘killing Jews’ ad, judge rules”
*-INBBC goes out of its way to refer to leftist SPLC, towards end of piece, so as to try to politicallly smear proponents of the ads.
But here’s a critique of SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER (SPLC)-
Oooh, ‘controversial’ Pamela Geller.
The word ‘controversial’ there, employed by the BBC to indicate to the brainwashed children (the general public) who they should to boo at the BBC pantomime (news website).
Meanwhile, let’s get a viewpoint from…..Anjem Choudary.
Labour Lord Greville Janner played the ” I’ve got dementia ” card, nice one Greville mate. Establishment cover up, what cover up ?
The Silence of Greville Janner
” Perhaps the last words should go to a victim. This young man told the Sunday Mirror “They say he can’t stand trial because he can’t defend himself and he will not understand what is happening. As children, we could not defend ourselves and did not understand what was happening. It did not stop us from being abused.”
We have no spare housing. To all those unhappy with losing their spare bedroom subsidy, we should tell them we would reinstate it, if they agree to take in and keep a couple of Muslims from the illegal immigrants now waiting for them in Italy.
It makes me (sort of) laugh when the BBC state at the end of any segment concerning Janner that ‘his family deny any wrongdoing’ or some such garbage.
Do people actually think that Janner went home and told all his friends and family that he’d been bu**ering little boys?
All a bit iffy eh?
Janner has ‘had Alzheimer’s’ (not ‘dementia’ BTW) since 2009 apparently, two years after the allegations first arose. As Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease it is possible that he is now incapable of understanding his surroundings where previously he was. Four ’eminent’ quacks have said that this is true.
Which makes me wonder. Would 4 ’eminent’ quacks risk their careers for an old Labour peer of little current political capital? What good would it do them to do so and what would they lose if caught out – say he makes a miracle recovery in a couple of years. It’s happened before.
Trouble is it’s all gone a bit ‘Truther’ hasn’t it? No matter what the truth is the Internet will be abuzz with accusations some of which may even be true but we will never know the truth of it now.
If the allegations are true then he gets away with it and if not then he is another of a long line of politicians who had their reputations trashed, but only after they were no longer able to defend themselves.
I don’t know about you but this is not the sort of justice system that I want ruling my life. Perhaps the ‘evidence’ should be reviewed by someone with no axe to bare. Of course if they find him innocent it could still be a cover up couldn’t it?
Back to square one.
Totally agree. The outstanding pillars of British justice all work on the basis that the guilty can go free if there is no evidence, they are ill, etc.. Having said that, those of a certain age will remember the Guinness trial and how Ernest Saunders became the only person ever to recover from Alzheimer’s disease. We can’t be too surprised if the public are cynical.
Five years on and Ernest appears to have made a recovery so miraculous that he is now heading a consortium bid for Queen’s Park Rangers, the football team he first sponsored while chief executive of Guinness. To some extent he is also succeeding in rewriting history. His offences, the organisation of a secret share support operation of unparalleled scale and the payment of pounds 25m to his co-conspirators, are now seen by some as little more than a series of largely technical breaches of City rules. Many think him unfairly treated.
The first thing that needs to be known about Ernest Saunders is that he is a liar, if only partially accomplished. This can be written without fear of the libel courts because the evidence of it during his six-month trial was so overwhelming as to be virtually irrefutable. Only Ernest himself seemed incapable of accepting it. His accountants said it, his corporate legal advisers said it, his boardroom colleagues said it, even his co- defendants said it.
Profile: Ernest Saunders; Out of jail and back in business
Well that is sort of what I was alluding to but even Saunders has served time, not enough, but time none the less. He served 10mths of a 30mths sentence so was 5mths short by normal standards. His crime was financial too and technically illegal . He was also not diagnosed with Alzheimer’s according to one of the quacks involved – just stress related memory loss …
So who to believe eh?
This is what gets me about the Janner case. There are bucket loads of allegations floating around most of which have scant evidence from ‘unreliable’ sources. These, as in the Savile case, muddy the waters to the extent that if he is guilty his guilt is hidden by a plethora of false allegations.
It is so easy to make these allegations and create the belief that there is a pattern of behaviour where none exists. All ‘proof’ of innocence then becomes part of the conspiracy …
Alternatively casting the evidence as a conspiracy driven set of lies is a very good way of hiding the truth.
In the meantime real people are suffering at the hands of real paedophiles. How the hell did we end up in this position?
Enter Tony Blair and his band of Justice Warriors …
Will INBBC investigate this Islamic ‘diversity’?
“Anjem Choudary claims all Muslim MPs and voters are ‘apostates’ sinning against Islam”
So, if a significant number of muslims decide not to vote, this will hurt the Labour party most?
And of course the new limitations on Postal Voting will also hurt Labour.
Beeboids’ lead ‘Education’ report is about meningitis in Niger,
but have no space for this:-
“White people have been banned from an ‘anti-racism’ event at a British university”
You really couldn’t make this up.
“Election 2015: The Rise Of Milifandom”.
Look at the photo they use for the “article” on the main news page then the photos within the article itself.
It just never ends…….
Tweet ,the Evil Millipeed , fucking Commie & Marxist .
According to Guido this is a Labour run thing …
Quelle surprise!
And to think we are paying for this utter puerile crap…
What a pathetic but predictably craven headline from the Muslim British Broadcasting Corp:
‘France Man…’?
The adjective, killed off by the BBC ‘nounetive’, as in “The ‘Wales’ Secretary” instead of the “Secretary of State for Wales”.
Around the same time they started this, the Beeb also moved to double ‘s’ possessive:
Singular nouns ending in -s can also form a possessive regularly by adding -‘s, as in Charles’s. The Chicago Manual of Style recommends this more modern style, while stating that adding just an apostrophe (e.g. Jesus’) is also correct.
So while watching football you hear ‘Wales-is fullback’ rather than the traditional “Wales’ fullback”. Really p’s me off.
This, and the nounetive, have only one advantage… they simplify English. They make life easier for those trying to learn English as a second language. But why would that be important?
PM Tonight. News headline Alex Salmond caught on film saying that he will write the next Labour Government’s budget for them. BBC treat this as a little joke and not to be taken at all seriously. Certainly no comment about how this plays right into the legitimate fear that the SNP will run the country if Labour form a minority government.
What a contrast to the unsubstantiated rubbish about Grant Shapps and Wikipedia.
The BBC are completely brazen in their support of Miliband. I heard that Mr Miliband is claiming that his campaign is making the political weather. No Mr Miliband it is the BBC that are making the weather for you!
unbelievable … not credible … incredible even on proposed Tory funding and cuts
NHS funding how?, Welfare Cuts where ?, Tax Cuts where? … another day, more Tory deceit and evasion, boosting the “lie a day” quota
That goes into overdrive on Daily Politics, after asking David Gauke three times! where is it all going to come from
… Brillo “what is this? it feels like groundhog day” 😀
Nigel Farage v Evan Davies, Davies ? What an utter metrosexual total knob. Crap interviewer, obsessed with the sound of his own voice, continually talking over a man who is trying to answer a question made by himself ! Total buffoon.
The wife who is a recovering liberal supporter got very angry with this idiot and thinks Nigel is talking sense and needs a fair hearing !
Davis should be interviewing impartially, not conducting the interview from the perspective of his own prejudices. He’s setting the traps but Farage is sniffing them out – EPIC FAIL!
More Biased bBC
Evan Davis, unwittingly, in his efforts to rattle Nigel Farage illustrated the point about the metropolitan liberal elite perfectly.
Compare and contrast Davis’ questioning technique when he interviewed Milliband.
Nigel Farage confronted every question head on and actually answered them with sound common sense responses. Most refreshing.
Evan d to Farage, “…would you discriminate against someone who had the same skills from mogadishu…?”.
Evan seems somewhat unacquainted with somali unemployment stats in this country, which is a shame as he’s supposed to be an economics expert and he’s almost certainly on a generous six figure tax-payer funded salary, in order to be up to speed in such matters.
I find it hard to imagine what skills someone from Mogadishu could conceivably have that would be needed here. It’s not exactly a hotbed of technological innovation is it?
Indeed, employers would appear to share that view, given somali unemployment is around 70-80%.
Or maybe they feel it is unbecoming to work in kaffir lands, and that jizya shall be their means.
The term “somali unemployment is around 70%-80%” is misleading. It is more correct to say that 70% of Somalis choose to be “economically inactive”, meaning that they have no intention whatsover of working. It was actually the left-wing IPPR that explained this some years ago in a report on immigration – see table 6.2 in
Then it’s jizya then.
It takes a special sort of mindset to emigrate to a country and steadfastly refuse to work instead availing oneself fully of a welfare state into which one has not made a single contribution.
Certainly their barber trainees seem to be shit.
Safety razors only.
Mind you they seem to be combining sailing with shooting-which may well become an Olympic sport, if the BBC have anything to do with it.
I watched the full interview tonight on Newsnight. I also saw the interview Evan Davis gave David Cameron, so I have a comparison. It was clear Davis was trolling Mr Farage – at one point I realised Davis was speaking far more than Mr Farage throughout the entire ‘interview’; basically, one long list of anti-UKIP complaints from Mr Davis, with Mr Farage – perhaps – allowed to get the odd sentence in here or there. This continued throughout the entire interview. When Davis started going on about the Paddington Bear film I realised we were into new, uncharted realms of surrealist BBC interview technique.
And people wonder why UKIP claim there’s a determined effort to discredit them coming from the ‘metropolitan liberal elite’.
You could almost see the votes going to UKIP…
“When Davis started going on about the Paddington Bear film I realised we were into new, uncharted realms of surrealist BBC interview technique”
Aye, what the fck was that all about? But I think you’re maybe being a bit generous in your surrealist description, absurd was all I concluded.
Looks like the BBC produced another unbiased audience for an interview with a non-lefty
Just seen creepy Evan Davis interrogate Nigel Farage. I really don’t know how Farage manages to keep his temper. As expected the questions were loaded with snide innuendo and the constant meme that UKIP members are a backward thinking insular and “racist” bunch.
Why on earth ask about some bloke winning a gold medal? Pathetic, but handled with consummate ease and charm. The last time they crossed swords Evan asked him if he minded men kissing. This time breast feeding cropped up. FFS were supposed to be hearing about Nigel’s political beliefs, not this puerile guff.
Only a narrow minded and deeply bigoted metrosexual like Evan would think that these are relevant questions.
Do they have any grown ups at the BBC?
Election Debate – Economics – BBC Parliament 9:00pm
Couldn’t agree more Jeff. The country is going to hell in a handcart, and Davis is more concerned with some woman breastfeeding in Claridges? And we have to pay £145 a year for this garbage.
I really don’t know how Farage manages to keep his temper.
Some time ago UKIP noticed that their voters have the bias factored in. A performance like tonight may make Davis popular with his ‘metrosexual total knob’ mates (as D1004 calls them), but it simply reinforces Kipper prejudice. Nothing Farage could say would bolster him as much as a circus like this.
Do they have any grown ups at the BBC?
No. But they do have large numbers of people whose intellectual and political development stopped when they reached the 6th Form.
The BBC simply cannot contain their terrible bias any longer….
Please sign this petition to have the prosecution of Greville Janner reconsidered. Pass it on. Over 5,000 signatures already!
Davies ought to be sacked. Useless interviewer, full of his own luvvie, metrosexual London concerns. All questions about the multi kulti world inside the M25, as far as he’s concerned the rest of us are there mearly to make up the numbers (not ! ) to watch him perform on Newsnight. NO questions about the concerns of the rest of us. NO interest in listening to Farage, he was batting for the gay, lesbian, Somalian other world that he thinks is ultra important, so important that without the rest of us who do all the donkey work would disappear down the plug hole in 5 minutes. Bbc personified, full of his own high worth. What a complete and utter cock. If every voter outside the M25 and not in a overpaid non job watched this Nigel would be handed the keys to No 10 pronto. Shot himself and his employers well and truly in the foot.
I would challenge anyone in the real country who came across Davies in their local pub not to thump this idiot. He thought he was exposing Farage, he was exposing himself. His own concerns his little, little world that exists on a pinhead. Utter fool. Farage came across as sane, connected, concerned by the people he came from, the people who voted for him ( anyone ever voted for you Davies, apart from best arse in your neighbourhood ? ). Sir Robin Day, you country, your ex employer, needs you now, very very badly.
He’s still chipping away… re-tweeted this from Katz:
I hope to God Davis doesn’t expose himself! I don’t want to see his “Albert”.
D1004 PLEASE!!!
The thought of Evan Davis exposing himself. Yeuk!
And now I’ve discovered he’s got an “Albert.”
I won’t ask how you know that…
If I came across this ” man ” in a public convenience I would quickly withdraw ( ooh missus ! ) to a safe distance. I would not want to pick up any multi kulti exotic infections now would I ?
BBC-Democrat will support Hillary Clinton for President despite:-
1.) foreign donation to Clinton Foundation;
2.) her erasing of thousands of e-mails;
3.) her role in covering up Islamic jihad nature of Benghazi murder;
4.) her personal and political relationship with Huma Abedin.
More on Huma ABEDIN-
“EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton’s Lesbian Affairs Named in Secret Emails”
As a Northern Irishman who enjoys himself on Paddy’s Day, I notice that St George’s Day is coming up. I’d like to wish all our English friends on the site a very happy national day – unlike the metropolitan guardianista self haters who seem to love cultures from everywhere except their own country I think you deserve great respect for your day – have a good one.
Here is Van Morrison with ‘Summertime in England’ – do please enjoy!
Much appreciated !!
Peston up to the same now on the economy debate on bBC Parliament. Addressing Patrick O’Flynn again with his inbuilt lefty prejudices, saying that he’s speaking for all businesses with the claim that they want immigration and don’t want out of the EU, that’s a very big assumption.
‘But the interview did emphasise one thing – numbers are not Farage’s strong point. On UKIP’s plan for big tax cuts and deficit reduction he was nonchalant in saying “dynamic growth” in the economy – more revenue from less tax – was the secret to it working.’
Economics is obviously not Robin Brant’s strong point (and it’s worrying that he’s still commentating on UKIP, despite the blatant bias he displayed the other day).
If Brant studied the Laffer Curve and the theory behind it – – he’d discover that lower taxes can sometimes lead to higher tax revenues.
‘Although the party has a comprehensive manifesto on offer, that’s not what UKIP is really about. And that’s not what some people find appealing about it.’
Oh come out and say what you really think, for crying out loud man! Stop hiding behind weasel words! You think that UKIP are a party of racist bigots!
Newsnight will do a follow-up to the Farage interview tonight. Expect a total hatchet job. Katz has been tweeting frantically; e.g….
These seem to be the stories they are soiling their underwear over. Big fuss on the web page:
Newsnight Live – 22 April
5 billion a year for that sort of impartiality? Bargain!
And in reply, a tweet to ex-Guardian deputy-editor Katz:
All Newsnight’s interviews are impartial, except the ones that aren’t.
“If Brant studied the Laffer Curve and the theory behind it – – he’d discover that lower taxes can sometimes lead to higher tax revenues.”
I believe I came up with an example yesterday.
The government taxes fuel given to employees for private mileage in their company car. The employer also pays NI contributions on the employees taxable amount.
The level of this tax has risen such that anyone on 40% tax and driving a modest car now has to do 10,000 or more private miles a year to be better off. Ergo virtually everyone has given that up and claims the 15p / mile allowed for business usage on petrol provided by the employee.
Tax rose too far = less revenue for the government.
When top rate rose to 50% strangely it produced nothing like expected and will not do so if reintroduced
Everyone, including champagne socialists, set out to minimise the tax they pay, the vast majority by perfectly legal means.
Are you using salary sacrifice to pay into your private pension?
You save the NI contributions on that amount, and possibly move you into a lower tax bracket, which may help reduce what you actually pay as tax on a company car.
They might as well whip his cock out, and suckle on it now…
I may have to create an “Alternative” version of this.
I thought Farage was far too wily for the awful BBC homosexualist.
BBC Ten o’ Clock News excelling themselves again.
Cameron was portrayed as being on the back foot…having played all of his trump cards (economy and jobs) without any movement in the polls. So it was necessary to call for Boris to spark some like into the campaign. Then the scene was set in a day nursery ‘including strange talk from the Tories’ (to kids).
Then a segment about our hero, Ed. That’s the Ed, according to the BBC although surrounded by supporters and has some ground to make up with some voters, is making ‘progress’…and of cause then we have a reference to Milifandom (without reference to the fact that the ‘ ‘owner’ of the site’ has referred journalists to Labour HQ for comment) a disarming interview with Miliband and the suggestion that he got the youth vote (which juxtaposed to the BBC’s Radio One ambush of Cameron makes you wonder if there is a co-ordinated BBC strategy. There’s definitely a BBC narrative at work).
So in summary, according to the BBC, the Tories have stalled…Miliband is on the up
The BBC are stealing this election.
…And now on Newsnight, interviewing Osborne, Stratton twice reminds the Chancellor of his ‘Omnishambles’ Budget, suggests that his strategy was responsible for the Tories not getting an overall majority…and reminds his that he was booed at the Olympics.
I wonder if she is going to remind;
Miliband about his increases in energy prices and the economic crash and the take over of Labour by UNITE
Burnham about Stafford and NHS chaos that he left.
Balls about his house flipping tax avoidance
Cooper about ditto
Harman about her PIE relationships
The Hon Tristram Hunt about the collapse of education performance
I bet they won’t
I cannot believe in Millifandom , at least not on a personal level, it has to be Labour teen supporters and maybe young Jewish girls who are eager to have a Jewish Prime Minister..
David Milliband IS handsome, Ed despite his nice black hair, is not.
Just watched Evan Davies’ monologue with Nigel Farage as his audience. It was supposed to be an interview with the UKIP party leader to enable the audience to hear Farage’s views. But at least I now know where Evan stands on many subjects.
Compare and contrast with Evan Davis’ kindly interview with the Green’s chair Jenny Jones following her disastrous election launch with the Natalie Bennett.
Evan shouldn’t stand up for the London elite, they have plenty of privileged time on air and in the papers to do that already.
Evan is the london elite. They’re all in it together.
I agree with everything else you say.
And Evan should have more to fear than most of Sharia Law being a homosexual drug taker. That’s 400 lashes and thrown of the top of the BBC building according to ISIS.
He must have something on the seniors staff in the BBC he is one Pug-ugly guy, not what you would expect of the TV presenter perfect face for radio though
This individual was just featured on a Newsnight panel discussing immigration. Seems she teaches ‘asylum seekers, refugees + undocumented individuals.’ We go to enormous trouble processing legal travellers. We inconvenience millions of people obviously friendly to our culture, so as not to offend our enemies. Meantime, hundreds of thousands, with a far bigger percentage antagonistic to us, are coming here illegally. Bidisha teaches ‘undocumented individuals’. Hello? There should be an anti-terrorist law that illegals must be reported. And the BBC should be pushing this story, instead of fluffy, human-interest nonsense.
PS Spare a thought for the terrible conditions the ‘undocumenteds’ have to study under. It would bring a tear to the eye.
Never heard of her until tonight, another bBC ‘rent-a-diverse-gob-on-a-stick’ an Alibhai Brown stand in.
I had the pleasure some time ago when she appeared on comment is free(ish), where she was roundly mocked for using only her given name.
People were asking: who does she think she is? Rihanna?
sorry, I meant on comment was free(ish).
I was banned from CIF for saying the Eco-Nazi Monbiot should swim or kayak to his eco back-slapping conferences abroad to save flying…..and that Tuscany could take thousands of poor migrants, all welcome from one P.Toynbee…..
Happy St Georges Day !
I have just watched most of the Nigel Farage interview (recorded by me so I don’t know whether it was a live event this evening) with the bbbc mainstay, evan davis. Well, when I say interview I should say ‘argument’ I have never seen such an apalling approach to an interview by an interviewer. Davis largely completely ignored everything Farage said and just carried on with his own liberal, elite rhetoric (which he had on crib cards and referred to throughout the interview). He spent most of his time just reading from a list of what he thought were real ‘black’ marks against Farage and UKIP.
I have never seen such woeful, unhidden aggression from a bbbc interviewer.
I expect that the bbbc will get more desperate and therefore more nasty in the two weeks or so ahead of the election as they panic and try to manoeuvre their precious liebour (and failing that, the greens) government into downing street. How farage didn’t lose his temper with davis I will never know. I cannot remember one answer that Farage gave that was not either rudely interrupted or finished off by davis putting his own anti UKIP conclusion to Farage’s comments. The actual UKIP manifesto was discussed only momentarily and even that was preceded by talking about the previous UKIP manifesto.
Awful, truly awful
I fully agree with English Gentleman.
I feel that the BBC are fighting desperately for their comfy way of life, and the fear of the ‘winds of change’ or maybe ‘the loss of a job’ is clumsily driving their bigoted acts.
Can anyone else smell the coffee in the air whilst the chickens are coming home to roost 😉
And I fully agree with you Dover Sentry, especially on the following point:
‘I feel that the BBC are fighting desperately for their comfy way of life,…’
This is arguably true not just of the bbc, but of the entire political cartel, and indeed the state itself.
The failure to even attempt to pursue justice for those wronged by ‘westminster clubs’ can only be explained in these terms.
I wish that your analysis was correct and that the Liberal Left Elite ( LLE), who have just about wrecked our country, are soon going to be toast. But I think that you are being way to optimistic.
If you look at the polls the LLE and their far left comrades in the SNP, PC and Greens, have just about 50% of the total UK vote. With our first past the post system they are going to win a majority of seats.
I attribute the likely election of a leftist government only 5 years after the great Labour Crash to three things:
firstly, the pernicious effect of 40 years of leftist propaganda from the BBC
secondly, a leftist education system which has left many of our voters without the ability to think sensibly
and who live in a fantsay land where governments can do everything for you,
thirdly, the undemocratic mass immigration practised by Labour which flooded us with immigrants who favour Labour.
Another labour government, pushed further left by the SNP et al, will be a disaster . No doubt to bolster their position they will
a) give the BBC more money and freedom to increase their leftist propaganda,
b) lower the voting age to ensure a steady stream of children with no experience of life who will vote left,
c) invite even more immigrants into our country and give them UK passports,
d) increase the number of voters dependent on the state in one way or another.
So getting rid of LLE is no easy task and will be made more difficult if they win the next election.
@Doublethinker *High-five*
That’s about the size of it and is a timely reminder that without urgent electoral reform – if not union dissolution – the fate of the country is sealed.
that is true but I can;t see a Labour-SNP alliance lasting a full 5 years. I don’t think it will last 12 months
See your point, which in turn might expedite the electoral reform so urgently needed in these lands.
And FWIW at this point I have a mili-sturgeon type arrangement being the most likely outcome in the GE.
That as you say might lead to interesting times.
English Gent. Let’s get specific: “Evan agrees with UKIP: By Angryman.”
Farage v Davis. Davis agrees with UKIP Immigration policy and gives a running commentary of his own bias in one prolonged sentence! Check it out!
This is hilarious. The Evan Davis quote comes as he interrupts Nigel FARAGE (not for the first time) at approx. 11.59m in. Nigel Farage is explaining that UKIP have already won the argument that uncontrolled immigration is affecting schools, hospitals, housing, wages, and social cohesion and are the only party in the forthcoming General Election with an ethical set of policies which accept the realities of our current situation, and which proposes a positive way forward.
Evan D: … I’m actually not quibbling about the policy, I’m not even trying to talk to you about the policy, I’m trying to talk to you about the tone. Let’s move on… Yes Evan. Move on swiftly.
I would have thought that when an interviewee is not waffling, but attempting to provide a full, coherent and complete answer to a question, Evan’s job is to STFU, (that’s ‘remain silent’ in old money English Gent). Can we not judge the ‘tone’ for ourselves without the skewed input from the interviewer? Would we not prefer to hear a complete answer without interruption?
It must have been weird for Evan to hear a politician discuss with candour the very real and present problems created by mass imm, the rop, the pc state, racially motivated csa etc.
Hence the interruptions.
Please refrain from prefixing Davis’ name with the word ‘liberal’. He couldn’t spell it, let alone be it.
Please stop using THEIR terms to describe themselves.
Unlimited mass immigration is not, as Blair stated, ‘center ground’, it is radical.
Bombing (illegally) countries at a whim for ‘regime change’ is not ‘liberal’. It is fascist….as well as being totally illegal without UN authority.
Bringing in 3000 new ‘crimes’ as the Labour government did between 1997 and 2010 is not ‘liberal’. It is fascist.
We must turn this terminology on it’s head. These people are radicals….not liberals, not ‘centre ground’.
Didn’t you get the memo from Lab HQ, Alan?
Destroying countries, your own and others but especially your own, is the only way to win general elections these days.
Allen in making a very important point here. If you control the language you control the way people think. The Left worked this out decades ago and the BBC are past masters at applying it.
We should fight back and not let them steal and pervert words to their own ends.
Evan Davis had an anxious emotional tone which made him interrupt Farage and appear rather rude.
Nigel Farage had a calm tone despite the interruptions from Davis in almost all of his answers.
As regards Ghettos, I thought the production of Multicultural Ghettos was Labour party policy. Councils here in Yorkshire preserve segregation in towns like Bradford by providing services in the Languages spoken in these Ghettos.
There is no doubt, Mr Farage, just like Suzanne Jones no matter
what the issue will be immediate with an answer, and try to be straight and clarified with it.
This because there is no sham of political correctness, and to the point … leaves little for the interviewer to do apart from look for
the soundbite, you know the tad of perceived “waycism”, the tiny bit of perceived anti gay/anti HIV/anti breast feeding mothers etc.
They are there for debate, can defend their issues, whatever.
Unlike the Tory liars we have in Government, who cannot, who lie, obfuscate, are deliberately evasive/squirm to avoid scrutiny, and refuse to debate,(they know will be exposed/laid bare) if they do.
They will not reveal their future agenda, (“long term plan” 😀 er right! … which one). rely on smear, doctoring figures, politics of fear, and using the Tory money boys to skew the media.
Another Tory … Another “lie a day”, today George “Pinocchio” Osborne emerges from under his stone, to lie about his record,
his doctoring of figures, to smear and snipe … to talk up the SNP again, when actually questioned goes onto droning autopilot, another evasive, squirming Tory liar.
That’s why UKIP have growing popularity
Agree. If Evan Davis wants a ghetto he can come to a wide range of northern towns, park his car and walk around some of the immigrant districts. I guarantee that within 10 minutes of a white person doing that, they will begin to realise that they are being looked at with suspicion by the local ethnic males and after another 10 minutes they will become fearful and want to get the hell out of there. A white face is not welcome.
On another BBC programme, The History of Our Streets , they had an episode about Deptford in SE London. It showed in an unbiased account ( must have slipped through the censor) how and why Deptford had changed from a cohesive homogenous community in the early sixties to a multi ethnic mess 50 years later. As one market trader put it everyone round here hates everyone else. Perhaps Mr Davies could find Deptford, I don’t think he could find Bradford, and he could go there and ask the few white people left there what they thought of the great social experiment that the liberal left have foisted on them. He would then get the truth of what the English really think about what has been done to our country by the likes of him!
I think Evan is doing himself a major disservice.
Think about it – he obviously regards multiculturalism and mass immigration as really cool, but I’m willing to bet he doesn’t live in a fully, ie almost totally, enriched area.
He works in london mostly, so I don’t understand why he doesn’t move to somewhere like, oooh I don’t know, say Whitechapel?
Chaps like Evan are really popular there so I’ve heard, and it would allow Evan to fully appreciate the great society he and his comrades in the bbc have been instrumental in creating.
Evan Davies lives in a flat in expensive Earls Court with his French landscape architect boyfriend. Clueless homosexual with a log on his shoulder .
Nice one for confirming what I thought was likely. Evan likes firing off the questions, well I have one for him:
would you live in Whitechapel and if not why not?
When it comes to ghettos, Evan Davis fnds them upsetting in the extreme, indeed he has said that when he drives through Calais and sees all the ‘asylum seekers’ trying to get to the UK it brings him out in floods of tears. Bless.
I should add that Evan sees this ghetto in Calais regularly as he drives to his second home in Normandy quite a lot!
Shame he doesnt hand over his second home to the asylum seekers – I am sure it could accomodate several dozen.
we’re all in floods of tears, albeit for entirely different reasons.
Evan Davis wouldn’t be seen dead in Bradford.
Actually, come to think of it, he just might ….
I know this has nothing to do with BBC bias, but they (the BBC) did have the decency to show a very unflattering clip of Arthur Scargill on the news channel yesterday ranting about the minimum wage:
[WalesOnline ]
“Among key policies included a major increase in the minimum wage so people would earn at least £25,000 a year.
Mr Scargill said: “It is not unreasonable to bring in a minimum wage equal to the average wage.”
A minimum wage equal to the average wage??? Either that means everyone earns the minimum wage (in which case it will be the average wage), or there needs to be another wage system immune to the laws that govern the minimum wage.
I bet Len McCluskey would second that proposal. And seeing as Unite are dictating Ed Miliband’s policies, it really is going to be a case of turkeys voting for Christmas!
Not only is it a shame, but the thought that the Conservatives could lose the election on the back of economically illiterate Labour ‘carrot-and-stick’ promises, might just nudge me to migrate to Hungary.
Just heard the 5.40am review of today’s newspapers on Radio 4. It was just a catalogue of complaints about the electioneering yesterday by Cameron and Boris. Plus a snippet about the tractor-driving dog.
How I love the balance !
Somehow it missed out the Mail headline “Voters tell Cameron to act on migration”
And the Telegraph “Miliband SNP pact would cost families £350 each”
And the Express “EU will force up mortgages”
Yes, the BBC is getting even more desparate.
Yesterday an elderly friend – 88 years old, said that if he was not exempt from the BBC licence tax he would now refuse to pay it. He had just watched the Evan Davies attack on Nigel Farage.
Just fired up the tablet and guess what @bbcpolitics has on twitter? Yes, it is the first of the daily ‘Ed says’, sorry, ‘will say’, fresh from the fax machine….
Labour to pledge £150m a year for equipment to treat cancer, such as ultrasound & X-ray machines, in England #GE2015
And it’s another pledge, of oodles more money, for the NHS. Bless you, Ed; Bless you BBC.
Most tv outlets has the Poll of Polls with the tories 1 point ahead but of course Mr BBC has the parties tied…
BBC Online
Armenian massacres. 2 million Christians murdered by Muslims. No mention of the word Christian or Muslim throughout the report.
And Turkey still states it didn’t happen.
Distortions of history are a common practise of the BBC. But the distortions incite hatred and missing out information about the present are even more manipulative . So because today is the 67th birthday of Israel here are just some highlights of what the BBC misses out from its reports about Israel today..