Good morning and happy St. Georges day,
Meanwhile over at the sofa with the sloths. It’s 08:33, it’s the CEO of “charity” save the children”. We can’t let people drown he tells us. But then of course completely fails to tell us what should be done with them. Moving in with him perhaps? How many times have the sloths featured members of “charity” save the children in connection with this story.
There was small speculation o how the sloths would celebrate England’s national day. But hey they do mention it. Well for all of 10 seconds linking it with UKIP who have joined the make toiday a national holiday. Business tell us it would cost…the sloths inform us. No it wouldn’t they would just swap it for an existing holiday. Now I wonder if the sloths will mention Trafalgar day later in the year…….
Happy St. George’s Day, now there’s a headline you can’t expect to see on the BBC anytime soon….
BBC : ‘UKIP want a national holiday – But critics say, it would cost the economy millions’
Now there’s a first, BBC Breakfast gals airing concerns about the monetary cost of a thing, anything?
Care to inform us who these killjoy ‘critics’ are? No, thought not.
How can the BBC get away with this? How can the BBC simply conjure up a ‘critics say’? Is this a case of the BBC dreaming up their own ‘balance’ against UKIP? Stop it now.
Just in case you were in any doubt as to BBC office culture in relation to celebrating Englishness, you need to know what BBC 5 Live’s Tony Livesey let slip on the subject :
“We’re just English by default”
Did you get that?
BBC : To be born English is to LOSE in life’s great lottery
It’s now time the rest of the country realised the bbc is hostile to england and inimical to democracy. It’s vastly too sprawling, influential, partisan and statist.
Why is this view never expressed by the cartel parties? Cause they’re no fans of democracy or england either.
“..airing concerns about the monetary cost of a thing, anything?”
Beyond the clear conflict of interest of a £4Bpa media monopoly dedicating itself to getting in the man who has guaranteed their survival and future expansion, there is their isolation from any consequences of their advocacy financially.
No matter what, the BBC and its staff will see no financial impact on what they are pushing.
However, one day they may take a wrong turn if out of the bunker, and having a well-filled wallet will not be an advantage.
Just caught this before the TV goes off Reporter out in the New Forest looking for ticks. In tick study. Yes he ties tick numbers in with cam you believe, Global warming.
Whilst we’re on climate change, today’s offering from the female reverend in “Thought for the Day” involved hornets.
Now, there have been misleading scary reports in both the Telegraph and Mail this week about a plague of Asiatic hornets which are “swarming” (hornets don’t swarm) towards the Former UK, from France, ‘because of climate change’.
We’ve had Asiatic hornets, here in France, off and on for some years – a couple of years ago I saw quite a few, last year none, and so far this year have seen (and killed) three.
When you read the newspapers, these things apparently are between just over and inch long, up to three inches long. They produce photographs of various hornets, including those of Japanese origin, which are really huge. THEY are NOT in Europe, and are unlikely to ever be.
The Asiatic hornet which IS in Europe, is generally smaller than the European hornet, and its sting is no more or less potent than any other wasp or hornet (depending, upon the stingee’s constitution, of course). There may well have been six deaths in France due to stings, but there are quite a few deaths from wasp and other hornet stings, as well.
Pure, unwarranted alarmism, again, and thrown at the feet, once more, of climate change.
Has anyone actually seen an Asiatic hornet in the Former UK, yet – and if they did, would they recognise it?
The good reverend should do some research and get her facts right, before spouting drivel she has been reading in newspapers in her sermons on the wireless.
Happy St George’s Day. And ‘game show ‘ Campbell’s take on it is ? “Why do we need to have a national day to show our identity ?” . Give them 30-50 years and they will have renamed it ‘Diversity Day ‘ ” because we are all immigrants arn’t we ? ” .. Speak for yourself my little irish/scottish immigrant.
So a Jock like Campbell, who no doubts celebrates St Andrew’s Day, objects to the English having the same as them. These Scotch are always like that, they want to have their own parliament but object when English people call for equality!
Many immigrants want to adopt British ways including our saints. Surely Ireland’s saint who came from England and England’s saint who came from Syria are better models for welcoming foreigners than Campbell’s divisive bigotry.
Last night I watched a program about Berlin at the time the Berlin wall was erected.
The language used to justify it by the East German government was ‘interesting’. There was lots of talk about ‘socialism’ and ‘the workers’ (hard working families in the UK!), and ‘Fascists’.
Everyone could see through these lies, and only a few nutters on the hard left tried to justify it, and everyone knew who these people were and treated their views accordingly.
This kind of rhetoric went on, on a regular basis throughout the cold war, and the Tories didn’t have to work too hard at countering the Socialist ideology here in the UK.
By the time BLiar came, the Eastern Bloc had collapsed and he was able to come out with all kinds of nonsense, and the Tories were incapable of countering it, because they had never learned how to. Ever since the war the Soviet bloc had provided enough material to convince people they didn’t want to live like that, and the Tories never had to work to persuade people.
Today Cameron the first Tory PM to hold office in more than a decade instead of opposing the left, moved his party to be more like them. The Tories still haven’t learned how to counter left wing ideology, and that’s probably because they aren’t ideologically driven themselves.
In my view the only reason the Tories want power is simple. Money! They exist only to improve the wealth of the already wealthy and little else counts to them. If everyone in the country is oppressed by left wing laws like equality & diversity, they don’t care so long as they can get their hands on the wonga.
Now since BLiar we have gone from times of great social mobility to almost none. It matters not a jot how hard you work, you aren’t going to be able to buy that nice house in the posh area, because that’s going to the idle unachieving offspring of someone whose great great grandparents worked hard and achieved, and they were able to hold onto that money and pass it on untaxed.
For those people who do still cling to a vision of grammer schools, of bettering yourself, of hard work leading to reward, and of aspiration, then I’m afraid that dream is no longer available in Britain.
It all goes back to the cold war, of the Tories failure to counter or even understand left wing ideology, and their pure naked greed, and desire to hold onto their wealth at all costs.
Can Thoughtful and everyone else click on the link to “The Ten Cannots” below and tell me, one whether they think they form a reasonable basis for running a country, and two, then consider them against the policies of the two principal parties in the country.
4.You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
So, instead, you should enrich the wage payer by encouraging her to employ cheap labour from abroad, so she can reduce the wages of indigenous wage earners and play them off against each other? You want us to think this Tory solution is wonderful? Tug the forelock, maybe?
You obviously “cannot see clearly” because you have not understood the point at all.
It is nothing to do with enriching the wage payer, but saying if you tax the wage payer out of business the wage earner does not have a job. No one has a job if the business is not successful (and much that it may grieve you, means it is profitable).
Whoops, not quite right their Mallard. One must make exceptions for those jobs funded by the taxpayer, such as at the BBC.
Whoops again, of course I am the taxpayer and if I’m sufficiently discouraged from making an effort that my tax contribution falls, the public sector do not have jobs either!
Makes you wonder if the Minimum Wage was introduced to price people out of work rather than secure their income doesn’t it?.
After all if a company can employ someone for half the Minimum Wage, legally (i.e. the employee is really the employee of a company based outside of the UK) then why wouldn’t they?
Similarly if you cost your boss £10ph and he can get a Pole to work for £7ph the economics is similarly obvious.
Cheap immigrant labour from the EU (and from elsewhere via the EU) is not just Tory dogma. It’s core to Labour, Lib Dem, Green and any other EU-supporting party too.
I think Foggy & a few others on here, would prefer a Millipeed/SNP government in 2 weeks time . They think a `Scorched Earth ` policy by the Evil Millipeed, will somehow deliver a Kipper government within the year. I think that`s a dangerous position , because Millipeed/Balls would of by then, be asking the IMF for a bailout.
They would of also opened the door for Ten`s of Thousand`s from the Club Med , Libya – Italy Olympic swimathone ,to totally rub England`s nose in it . You have to be careful what you wish for .
I think Essex Man & a few others on here, would prefer a Cameron government in 2 weeks time . They think a `Scorched Earth ` policy by Cast Iron Dave, will somehow deliver a competent government within the year. I think that`s a dangerous position , because the impotent Cameron/Osborne would of by then, be asking the EU for a limits on the movement of people.
They would be unable to close the door on Ten`s of Thousand`s from the Club Med , Libya – Italy Olympic swimathone ,to totally rub their loyal supporters’ noses in it . You have to be careful what you wish for .
Essex Man nicely fits that (in)famous definition of insanity – he does the same thing over and over again and expects a different result.
If we get Cameron back in power we can look forward to exactly what we’ve had before: gay marriage, no EU referendum, increased EU power, continued corruption of the legal system (Janner et al), more rip-offs from crony faux-capitalists (water, energy companies, railways etc) unending immigration, more climate change idiocy, emasculated defence budgets, increasing foreign hand-outs.
Cameron is poison. The Conservative party is just Blair’s Labour under an assumed name.
Some really interesting points here, I think there were some idealogically driven people in the Tories to be fair to them, including most notably Mrs Thatcher. These people hated socialism and loved free markets. Social conservatism seems to have died out for better or worse in the party, but the tories do contain people who are motivated by somewhat higher things than money, look at the defections to UKIP, and I wonder if Europe would rip a schism through them agian. But perhaps you’re right about their ineptitude on fighting the idea of socialism. Many are now growing up not who have never seen it in action and, as you say, it’s disguised with weasel words that aren’t seen for what they are. Also, all the legacy parties have been co-opted and infiltrated now, to where they don’t stand for anything bar what they’re told to (which is open borders and the EU)
Just watched 25 minutes of election news on Beeb news. UKIP only mentioned at end alleging they are losing support. I thought they won the euro elections and were a serious contender. Not according to the Beeb. All parties economic promises being scrutinised including the Snp . How do they bet away with those?
I mentioned this at the start of the election, truth will always
have the annoying habit of showing itself, and on some issues UKIP are spot on, and it is, the truth.
The way this is tackled by the enemedia, is to deny airtime, as, truth will of course always show out, and any interviewer will be exposed by it.
Just see Mr Farage s last interview for proof of that.
This is the first time that I have seen this clip. Every time Farage answered, the Goon cut in on him and tried to put words in to his mouth.
More votes for UKIP me thinks .
Listening to the news today on radio 4, they report the Tories saying that if Labour don’t secure a majority they will be forced to form a coalition with the SNP, and of course no one wants that !
So what’s the solution?
The Tories now cannot possibly win this election, and so that leaves Labour who could either win it, or form a coalition.
If the SNP are as bad as the Tories say, then the logical course of action would be for people in marginal seats to vote Labour, to give them a majority and keep the SNP out !
This double edged campaign the Tories are waging might work on a few people, but I believe it will achieve the opposite effect in more.
Worse than that, they have set Labour up as a more reasonable party of the centre left with the SNP on the hard left making Millipede more palatable.
This strategy is a disaster it might make a small difference in some floating voters, but I’m convinced the losses will outweigh the gains.
Perhaps we can have a ”happy BBC day” one day when all the lefty biased idiots get kicked out of the corporation. Now that would be a good day to celebrate…
Whilst we’re talking about global warming and migrants drowning in the Med, did anyone else hear Nicky Campbell’s interview with the man from the London Australian Consulate just before 0715 this morning? Gameshow went completely off the scale by saying words to the effect of:
‘If we can’t cope with these migrants created by our intervention in Libya and subsequent non-intervention in Syria how are we going to cope with the millions of migrants created by Climate Change when many of these lands will become uninhabitable?”
I nearly fell of my chair laughing at this fine example of BeebThought. The man from the Consulate mumbled something about those being Campbell’s opinions, made his excuses and left.
I think , most of these African countries are way above sea level . If there was a rise in sea level in the future , the places that would be flooded are the” Low Countries ” , clue in the name, & eastern England & Denmark, to name a few. I am anti Global Warming ,by the way .
Unfortunately vast areas of Bangladesh are at sea level, and theyr e highly po;pulated. Climate change refugees are a real threat and with the largets Bangladeshi diaspora int he world its here theyll all be wanting to come.
Today we should be celebrating the EU and the peace it has brought to Europe since the end of ww2. English nationalism is racist anyway but EU supra nationalism is just dandy
No, we at the BBC, paid for by EU money, will create our own history thank you very much.
heres the future EU army, with embedded BBC reporter cookie monster reporting on peace keeping operations in the Yorkshire Dales against English terrorists who live in the delusion of an independent england
Daily Politics 22.4.15. BBC anti-family pro-statist bias. Long Rant.
DP approx. 20 minutes in, we are advised that all main parties wish to ensure that children spend less time with their parents, and both parents spend more time at work. How? Free child care 30Hrs per week, that’s how! Free that is, except for those who have to pay for it. In other words – not free at all. So the Tories will fund 600,000 30Hr per week child care places. At , say, a fiver a child-hour and 40 weeks a year, that’s an increase in government spending (money required from taxpayers, at some unidentified time in the future) of approx., £3.6 Billion a year. (Even though we are currently £1.5Trillion in debt and running a deficit of £90Billion). Noboby to provide a balancing viewpoint. So I will.
Let’s be clear. These policies indicate the essence of the Establishment’s contempt for their sheeple (who they need to farm tax from), and contempt for the family, especially the youngest, our infants, who require parental nurture. The essence of how the LibLabCon will sacrifice social wellbeing and social cohesion for their big government, their ‘EU-One World at Full Throttle Experience’. Having implemented policies that have resulted in more welfare dependency; more single parent upbringings for children; fewer stable marriages (whatever a marriage might be –the dictionary keeps changing the definition) and more entitled individuals who are assured that the government owes them a living: certain symptoms of such social engineering have come to need attention. Which of course needs solutions. Which need money. More two parent earning families; more young mothers in work; more separation of children in their early years from their parents, all encouraged in an attempt to delay the inevitable collapse of a Ponzi scheme, which funds the lifestyle commanded, now demanded by the Establishment troughers’ and their corporate cronies’ with their self serving superiority.
Magic money tree again. LibLabCon vote buying again. Anti-family and anti-children policies again.
And the Labour Party cannot put anybody up to explain how ‘The Mansion Tax’ will work, or where the Eleventy squillion for the NHS will come from or be spent on. No-one. Jamie Reed has retired hurt. No second innings, nor a twelfth man offered. The Labour ‘policies’ seem to be a dreamy, vague aspiration as I learned no details from the BBC spokesperson (Ian Watson) who had been briefed by Special Ed before fronting a question or two from Brillo.
The Labour Party campaign is spin and apparition. On this occasion I guess Labour strategy was to neither spin, nor appear. Labour = Soundbites, memes, spite and mantra delivered by amateurs, grasping for coherence. Reacting to polling and populist think-shops.
But Special Ed did confirm on Saturday that it is now alright and not racist to talk about immigration (BBC News 24 Saturday Morning). This in his keynote ‘Immigration’ speech, which briefly confirmed that Labour would introduce no practical policies to commence controlling nett immigration and then went on to wibble about other nothingnesses (I think Labour have an election mug for this policy). Thanks Ed. I’m glad you have now decided I am allowed to talk about immigration. I’m touched at how your omnipotent intellegence has deemed that what was once (up until about last week) evil, right wing, fascist, racist, dangeous, nasty, and basically sub-human, is now acceptable. Yep, thanks Ed. Maybe I’m not the bigot I never thought I was before?
And Bez of ‘Happy Mondays’ infamy is standing in Salford (can he stand?). Nice suit sir. And he is right. The Labour Party has forgotten the Salford motto.
“The welfare of the people is the highest law”. Good motto. Shame the leftists have redefined the word ‘welfare’ to mean ‘a payment you are entitled to receive from the Government [i.e. taken from your neighbour by force] ’.
Oh. Another BBC soft sofa fee for Jacqui Smith, Britain’s first female Home Secretary. Never take that away from you. Pub quiz question of the future.
The Tory give away’s on child care and housing association houses make it easier for me to vote tactically and probably vote Labour. Here UKIP and LibDem don’t have a chance either, and it’s a dismal choice between Scottish socialists and British socialists.
None of these new policies will affect you . Your New SNP Reich`s Fuhrer , Mrs Krankie will pass down some new directive for you to obey on child care shortly . 99% of most of these announcement`s only affect England .
Exactly. I just saw the news on Guido about the Tower Hamlets Mayor being convicted of corruption and debarred from office – then went to the BBC site to see how they are playing this HUGE decision which could be very damaging to Labour.
Sure enough, the BBC home page reduces it to a sidelined story.
The BBC is still refusing to provide coverage about the arrest of an Algerian national who was planning to attack churches in France along with their worshippers. Last night I could only find detailed coverage of this plot on Fox News. The BBC is still suffering from the illusion that all is well in our multi-cultural Europe, despite these ominous warning signs. The journalists and their followers at the BBC, the Guardian and the Independent need to realise that their liberal Metropolitan lifestyles will no longer be tolerated by these lunatics when they take over the “liberal European asylum.” They need to bear in mind the old saying, “The Devil never keeps his disciples!”
Davis represents that metropolitan elite that seems to think that the Britain of old was such a horrendous place with the ‘you want to take Britain back to the 50’s’ jibe.
I didn’t experience them but from what my parents told me they weren’t so bad, we all had a common culture, common aims, men were masculine and women were feminine !
The 80’s would do for me, at least we had a proper Tory PM….
A yes the terrible 50’s – UK producing the first jet-powered airliner, three ‘V’ bombers, designing the only practicable supersonic airliner and vertical take-off fighter. Iconic vehicles such as the Mini and Land-Rover. First commercial application of computers. World-beating float glass technology etc. etc.
What do we have now? Low-pay, low-skill, low-productivity workers, GDP per capita stagnant, over-paid media pundits. We even import Big Issue sellers because our plebs don’t have the ‘marketing skills’!
Absolutely it was ONE photograph in one house, and I wouldnt be surprised if it wasnt either a (foolish) joke by the householder, or a prank by the far left to create guilt about racism , and encourage Irish people to identify with Blacks not their fellow ethnic British.
Sorry – rushed off quick comment and didn’t notice yours. But various accounts together show how Brillo is willing to ‘joke’ that it is no accident. Such openness is rare. He’ll need to watch his back.
DP: Brillo rampant, humiliating both Tories and Labour. Labour ob dies again. Brillo: ‘It’s like being in an episode of In The Thick Of It – they pull the plug when it’s going wrong.’ He tried the studio Tory (Gauke) but he continued to be evasive. Brillo: ‘Do you want a plug to pull as well?’
I think Brillo just cracked some joke like he’s been told by the Director General to blame ‘technical gremlins’.
Daily Politics show…Andrew Neil grills the Tory treasury guy and then turns to the Labour treasury guy and starts to give him a grilling and when the pathetic Labour politician cant answer the questions the picture goes dead yet again…Andrew Neils words ”not again,this is becoming silly”….
This is rapidly becoming a piss take and THE bbc’s conduct is bloody well appalling. They are rapidly turning this election into something out of Russia…. I cant believe this is going on,im dumbfounded…
What a joke. Andrew Neil tackles Conservative MP on lack of explanation of £12m welfare savings. Then is absolutely roasting Chris Leslie on his statement that future funding will come from extra tax due to growth in the economy, even though the independent financial review body has included additional taxation of £2,000 per head …. Leslie sinking without trace and … another ‘technical fault’ and link is pulled ! So instead of continuing the attack on Labour in absentia Neil reverts to attacking the Conservative MP again !! Perfectly balanced.
This follows on from Victoria Derbyshire this morning … four allegedly floating voters in a marginal seat …. one doesn’t know what to do because she is a first time voter, two decide to vote Labour to keep the Tories out, and one will vote Conservative (and just happens to be an evil Landlord), but feels very ashamed that she is voting that way !!
‘Mayor guilty of illegal practices. London’. The bBBC ‘News’ headline writers must be wetting themselves. The story is that Lutfur Rahman, the Muslim mayor of Tower Hamlets, has been banned from office after being found guilty of corruption. But the bBBC ‘News’ website makes it look like it’s Boris that’s guilty. Well done Beeboid.
Glorious verdict by the judge – including ordering Rahman to pay the £250,000 costs.
Rahman’s brand of diversity-enrichment – fully backed by Ken Livingstone, got a real pasting by the judge. A long and detailed judgment – he read out only the executive summary.
One comment he made was about the police on duty outside polling stations and failing to apply the law. Now where else have we heard about our wonderful police services failing to do their duty ? Join the dots.
An ignoble addition to a collection I have, including too many Youtubes of TVL acting illegally in home searches with two stab-proof donut-processing units who clearly DO NOT KNOW THE LAW they are supposed to be enforcing, acting as commercial bouncers.
Oh no! I’ve just received a letter to tell me that my business address is ‘under investigation’ for not having a TV licence.
I do hope so, then they might discover that I live in an ordinary house and I don’t even have a white van parked outside. Goodness knows where this business idea came from, over the years I’ve had several of these letters.
The first time I wrote to TVL to point out the error. About as much a waste of time as trying to tell a BBC producer that they are wrong.
It occurs to me that any cafe/pub that provides wi-fi and lets customers power their laptops is under threat from the revenue hounds.
Just ignore any letters and if they turn up (unlikely) tell them to get off your property.
Remember – do not discuss your TV habits with them and do not under any circumstances sign anything they give you, even if they say its just to acknowledge their call. It’s a trick and you’ll end up in court (if you are very unlucky) as you ‘admitted’ fault.
I think we can all agree that a UKIP candidate making “offensive” remarks on Twitter would be front page at the BBC. What about an SNP candidate, I wonder?
To be honest, he sounds alright to me. Sounds like Labour taking faux-offence, again. God, doesn’t take much for them to have a fit of the vapours, (when it suits, of course)
I would agree, which is why I used quotation marks round “offensive”. It was the difference in treatment I was getting at.
Anyway, they must read the comments here as there’s now a report on the BBC website. Coupled with faux huffing and puffing from many of the other candidates. Fairly prominent on the news front page too, in fairness to the BBC. Though why I should be fair to them I don’t know.
The BBC cant even bring themselves to show a pic of Nigel Farage on their i player web site showing the leader interviews, its just a pic of that loony leftie Evan Davis while all the other party leaders get their pic shown.
But i suppose the interview with Nigel was all about Davis, not the leader of ukip so the BBC got it about right
Looking at it now, Nigel is in place. In fact it’s wee Jimmy Krankie Nicola Sturgeon who is graced with Evan. I’d guess that’s the picture they use until the interview is in the can, and then updated when they get round to it. I’m not sure I’d read too much into it.
However if the image has to be a ‘live’ shot of the curtains or e-board behind, it may not beyond the wit of the BBC to run an interim image from their stock of the person in question, surely?
There’s a head and shoulders of each interviewee, and their name.
That picture was not Nigel Farage, but confusion between Mr. Davis and Ms. Sturgeon could be possible. Who knows what lugs lurk under that barnet?
Beeboids are not interested in free speech of people they politically disagree with.
Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, American critics of Islamic jihad and of Islamic supremacism, are banned from entering Britain; yet Beeboids show no interest in this, while campaigning for release of Islamic jihadists from Guantanamo.
Perhaps the concern of the repressive UK political class (aided and abetted by Beeboids) is that there would be scenes in U.K similar to those which Pamela Geller experienced at Brooklyn College, New York:-
I see Sky is going from strength to strength. Increasing sign ups all the time. The poor old BBC has no counter to it and knows it.
It is now a drag on the peoples’ incomes and in any rational world should be split up and sold off. Sentiment does not pay bils or cut it in broadcasting any more.
Well Hello!!!! You know what today is my Day!!!!! and can’t wait till I get home and watch The BBC’s celebration of this great day……ohhhh I’m grooling already…..
Sorry MY Bad I just remembered I’m a Englishman .born and bred in England …. just looked in the mirror God I’m White as well….Shit I apologise to the BBC for my existence and I will shut up and vote Labour… not really …Lads proud to be one of Nigel’s Barmy army….Happy St George’s day People
“Mayor of Tower Hamlets in east London found GUILTY of seizing power through corruption and ‘playing the race and religion cards.’
“Independent Lutfur Rahman elected for second term as mayor last year.
“A judge has today declared the poll result void due to corruption
Court finds Rahman used corrupt and illegal practices to seize power.
“He is ordered to pay £250,000 costs and will not be able to stand in re-run .”
“In one of the more surprising entries in this year’s classical calendar, the Royal Albert Hall will be the venue for “a musical homage to Ibiza and its infectious, energetic brand of club music”.”
“Other Late Night Proms, in association with Radio 1 Extra and the BBC Asian Network, will feature producer Naughty Boy and rappers Wretch 32 and Stormzy. ”
“We do now live in a world, thank God, where you can like all kinds of music. We are not rigidly siloed. When I was a kid you did tend to have to choose what camp you were in. If you secretly liked other music – I was passionate about Dusty Springfield – you sort of had to do that quietly if you were a classical musician. We accepted at the time that things were somehow compartmentalised.”
““Often you see orchestras really getting it wrong conceptually,” he has said. “They only go in halfway, playing that kind of white tuxedo, ice cream-selling schmaltz where the drum beat is quieter than the oboe out front and somewhere along the line there is even a classical presenter on stage. Oh dear.”
“Marin Alsop will return to conduct the Last Night of the Proms, which will feature a Sound of Music singalong.”
Tell you what, why don’t we save time and just get rid of all that boring, racist deadwhiteeuropeanmale stuff right now?
The Torygraph is relentlessly hammering UKIP in favour of their master, so I assumed this article by Tim Stanley would be more of the same. But it’s not all bad. He has a real go at ‘public television’:
Ukip has simply not had a fair election. Indeed, the scale of opposition to it is so vast that its supporters could be forgiven for seeing a conspiracy. Both Tories and Labour have tried to win back its voters, via a mix of stealing its best ideas and occasionally calling them racist for having had said ideas in the first place. That’s okay: all’s fair in love and politics. But what isn’t fair is that public television has been dominated by specials either parodying or exposing Ukip’s alleged bigotry. It’s not fair, either, that Ukip correctly predicted that huge numbers of Romanians and Bulgarians would migrate to the UK – and yet it was mocked for its accurate prophesy and ignored when it tried to claim credit for it. Unfair, also, that the IFS hasn’t bothered to review Ukip’s spending plans. And it’s surely not right that disproportionate attention has been paid to morons in Ukip’s ranks while similar Tory or Labour offenders are so often overlooked. Much of the mainstream media has a narrative about Ukip that it has stuck to and retold so often that it has started to sound like gospel truth.
However, this ‘sympathy’ before the count is secondary to his error(?) in analysing the ComRes poll of ten UKIP ‘target seats. ComRes failed to poll Carswell’s and Reckless’ seats, but included many seats that UKIP claim are not targets. They bundled all the votes together. UKIP comes third, not surprisingly. But Stanley, and many other Tory commentators, claim this proves that UKIP are third in EACH OF THE TEN seats. I could have spotted that error when I was eight years old, but it seems to be beyond the hacks.
Stanley writes: ComRes’s latest poll shows Ukip trailing in third place in 10 of their target, Conservative-held seats.
‘its supporters could be forgiven for seeing a conspiracy’
Which of course is a win-win the likes of the BBC are praying for.
I personally doubt there is one, because the risks of exposure would be too vast and in a world where everything is online and incontinent, any conspiracy would need a paper/e-trail and by now there would have to be a ‘Pssst. Co-ordinated trashing of Nige on Newsnight… pass it on…’ and that would be… ‘interesting’.
However, there is something more insidious, and that is the groupthink DavidP used to talk about, where they don’t think they are doing anything that lacks integrity at all, but the confirmation biases just connect and pile up.
Think of Jasmine. She basically told all her colleagues (views her own) that UKIP was dead meat on her professional watch.
What happened? Zippy. She was quietly moved off the front line, told to not post anything stupid until after the election, and is allowed to wander the corridors spreading her unique form of DNA-embedded impartiality at every cubicle, watercooler and mediation station she stops at.
The writer is probably worrying that the effect on the country, especially the shires, by marginalising UKIp will lead to future trouble. This is certain. LiBlabcon politiciams are not over bright. So they look about three weeks ahead.
I have always said that UKIp is a necessary outlet for the true conservatives in England. They are a formidable foe when roused and should never be ignored. They are the ones that really run England. Ignoring them will result in real danger to what remains of our democracy. The liberal media elite are fools.
As if the BBC’s fave ‘Conservative’ Ken Clarke wasn’t enough reason never to vote for that pack of liars again. It seems the Tories have a never ending supply of slime to choose from.
In which case he is not a science teacher. The bedrock of science, the reason we shook off religious bigotry and dogma centuries ago, is that everything is treated with scepticism. That way only the best theories survive ie the ones that survive rigorous examination and testing. Climate change has not passed a single test. I hope the young lady sticks to her guns as, one day, she will have the pleasure of laughing in her indoctrinator’s face.
The real damage is done by the rest of the school curricula. Several years ago my son was studying for his GCSEs and among the written work for French/ Spanish was a requirement to compose a letter in French/Spanish to the local authority making suggestions for community involvement in combating climate change. It is everywhere. Look at the posters on the walls in pre-school buildings which promote awareness of diversity.
Radio 2 folk awards gives award to someone who allegedly once said of Salman Rushdie “he must be killed. The Quran makes it clear: If someone defames the prophet, then he must die”
Belated St. George’s Day greetings to you all. I lived in England for about twenty years in the late 60s, 70s and early 80s as an Irish immigrant, before before emigrating again. I remember seeing this on the BBC in those days. Would it be shown now?
I notice that the BBC web site has put the Tower Hamlets Lutfur Rahman story firmly in the regional news page – I am sure that such matters are not of interest to the general public.
After all the guy was only guilty of electoral fraud.
Meanwhile, Radio 4 ‘PM’ is devoting today’s programme as advocate of the ceaseless influx into Europe of millions of illegal immigrants (Beeboids’ “migrants:” who do not intend to return anywhere).
I don’t believe it, I fu*king don’t believe it. The Archers tonight, the flooding has been caused by Global Warming and a world wide increase in severe weather.
Please everyone, how can we shut this crap down..for good?
But some weeks ago it appeared that some of the problem was failure to dredge or clear some of the ditches around Ambridge. Trust the BBC to now try to smother the truth
Yes I noticed the discrepancy there. Surely now it will not turn out to have all been the Estates fault for not clearing ditches? That would seem to belittle the climate changers.
“British 14-year-old boy to be charged with terror offences over alleged plot to attack Anzac Day commemorations in Australia.
“He will appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court tomorrow on two charges.
“Boy’s plot involved a ‘Lee Rigby-style’ massacre of policemen in Australia.
“Five terror suspects in the country were arrested during raids on Saturday.
“Anzac Day honours Australian and New Zealand soldiers in First World War.”
“Labour, LibDems, SNP protecting you from democratic Brexit.
“The Left-leaning parties — especially Labour, the LibDems and the SNP — show their contempt for democracy by refusing to pledge an In/Out EU referendum. But their arrogance belies the fact that the Europhiles always get Europe totally wrong.”
‘One of the world’s oldest and most venerable medical journals is under attack from an international group of more than 500 doctors over its coverage of the humanitarian disaster caused by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The Lancet and its editor, Richard Horton, have been targeted over what the group claims is the “grossly irresponsible misuse of [the journal] for political purposes”. The controversy was sparked by an article deemed to be critical of Israel’s conduct in Gaza.’
He will loose , & so will Reckless , its written in the Stars. I`m better than Mystic Meg . Carswell will be the Parliamentry Leader with , the Great Grimsby seat & maybe Thurrock . 3 in total .
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
Slightly OT, but hopefully of great interest to our regs here:
I tried to post this link to Pat Condell on my Facebook page and this came up after it was blocked. Why is the Guardian blocking Facebook?
‘The content you’re trying to share includes a link that our security systems detected to be unsafe:
Please remove this link to continue.
If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know.’
Good morning and happy St. Georges day,
Meanwhile over at the sofa with the sloths. It’s 08:33, it’s the CEO of “charity” save the children”. We can’t let people drown he tells us. But then of course completely fails to tell us what should be done with them. Moving in with him perhaps? How many times have the sloths featured members of “charity” save the children in connection with this story.
There was small speculation o how the sloths would celebrate England’s national day. But hey they do mention it. Well for all of 10 seconds linking it with UKIP who have joined the make toiday a national holiday. Business tell us it would cost…the sloths inform us. No it wouldn’t they would just swap it for an existing holiday. Now I wonder if the sloths will mention Trafalgar day later in the year…….
Happy St. George’s Day, now there’s a headline you can’t expect to see on the BBC anytime soon….
BBC : ‘UKIP want a national holiday – But critics say, it would cost the economy millions’
Now there’s a first, BBC Breakfast gals airing concerns about the monetary cost of a thing, anything?
Care to inform us who these killjoy ‘critics’ are? No, thought not.
How can the BBC get away with this? How can the BBC simply conjure up a ‘critics say’? Is this a case of the BBC dreaming up their own ‘balance’ against UKIP? Stop it now.
Just in case you were in any doubt as to BBC office culture in relation to celebrating Englishness, you need to know what BBC 5 Live’s Tony Livesey let slip on the subject :
“We’re just English by default”
Did you get that?
BBC : To be born English is to LOSE in life’s great lottery
good spot, beggars belief.
It’s now time the rest of the country realised the bbc is hostile to england and inimical to democracy. It’s vastly too sprawling, influential, partisan and statist.
Why is this view never expressed by the cartel parties? Cause they’re no fans of democracy or england either.
It’s strange how a St George’s Day holiday would cost the economy millions, but a May Day holiday doesn’t.
“..airing concerns about the monetary cost of a thing, anything?”
Beyond the clear conflict of interest of a £4Bpa media monopoly dedicating itself to getting in the man who has guaranteed their survival and future expansion, there is their isolation from any consequences of their advocacy financially.
No matter what, the BBC and its staff will see no financial impact on what they are pushing.
However, one day they may take a wrong turn if out of the bunker, and having a well-filled wallet will not be an advantage.
Just caught this before the TV goes off Reporter out in the New Forest looking for ticks. In tick study. Yes he ties tick numbers in with cam you believe, Global warming.
I’m not surprised the numbers have gone up. Look at all the boxes they tick at the BBC ………..
I’ll get me coat ………
Whilst we’re on climate change, today’s offering from the female reverend in “Thought for the Day” involved hornets.
Now, there have been misleading scary reports in both the Telegraph and Mail this week about a plague of Asiatic hornets which are “swarming” (hornets don’t swarm) towards the Former UK, from France, ‘because of climate change’.
We’ve had Asiatic hornets, here in France, off and on for some years – a couple of years ago I saw quite a few, last year none, and so far this year have seen (and killed) three.
When you read the newspapers, these things apparently are between just over and inch long, up to three inches long. They produce photographs of various hornets, including those of Japanese origin, which are really huge. THEY are NOT in Europe, and are unlikely to ever be.
The Asiatic hornet which IS in Europe, is generally smaller than the European hornet, and its sting is no more or less potent than any other wasp or hornet (depending, upon the stingee’s constitution, of course). There may well have been six deaths in France due to stings, but there are quite a few deaths from wasp and other hornet stings, as well.
Pure, unwarranted alarmism, again, and thrown at the feet, once more, of climate change.
Has anyone actually seen an Asiatic hornet in the Former UK, yet – and if they did, would they recognise it?
The good reverend should do some research and get her facts right, before spouting drivel she has been reading in newspapers in her sermons on the wireless.
Happy St George’s Day. And ‘game show ‘ Campbell’s take on it is ? “Why do we need to have a national day to show our identity ?” . Give them 30-50 years and they will have renamed it ‘Diversity Day ‘ ” because we are all immigrants arn’t we ? ” .. Speak for yourself my little irish/scottish immigrant.
It had been done before.
Some years back, Manchester City Council hosted an Anti-Racism Day on April 23.
So a Jock like Campbell, who no doubts celebrates St Andrew’s Day, objects to the English having the same as them. These Scotch are always like that, they want to have their own parliament but object when English people call for equality!
Nicky ‘ the ego has landed’ Campbell is Irish, he was adopted as a baby, he did one of those tracing ones roots programmes a couple of years ago.
Many immigrants want to adopt British ways including our saints. Surely Ireland’s saint who came from England and England’s saint who came from Syria are better models for welcoming foreigners than Campbell’s divisive bigotry.
If we carry Campbell’s pathetic logic to its conclusion the only people in the world who aren’t immigrants are those born in the Rift valley.
Last night I watched a program about Berlin at the time the Berlin wall was erected.
The language used to justify it by the East German government was ‘interesting’. There was lots of talk about ‘socialism’ and ‘the workers’ (hard working families in the UK!), and ‘Fascists’.
Everyone could see through these lies, and only a few nutters on the hard left tried to justify it, and everyone knew who these people were and treated their views accordingly.
This kind of rhetoric went on, on a regular basis throughout the cold war, and the Tories didn’t have to work too hard at countering the Socialist ideology here in the UK.
By the time BLiar came, the Eastern Bloc had collapsed and he was able to come out with all kinds of nonsense, and the Tories were incapable of countering it, because they had never learned how to. Ever since the war the Soviet bloc had provided enough material to convince people they didn’t want to live like that, and the Tories never had to work to persuade people.
Today Cameron the first Tory PM to hold office in more than a decade instead of opposing the left, moved his party to be more like them. The Tories still haven’t learned how to counter left wing ideology, and that’s probably because they aren’t ideologically driven themselves.
In my view the only reason the Tories want power is simple. Money! They exist only to improve the wealth of the already wealthy and little else counts to them. If everyone in the country is oppressed by left wing laws like equality & diversity, they don’t care so long as they can get their hands on the wonga.
Now since BLiar we have gone from times of great social mobility to almost none. It matters not a jot how hard you work, you aren’t going to be able to buy that nice house in the posh area, because that’s going to the idle unachieving offspring of someone whose great great grandparents worked hard and achieved, and they were able to hold onto that money and pass it on untaxed.
For those people who do still cling to a vision of grammer schools, of bettering yourself, of hard work leading to reward, and of aspiration, then I’m afraid that dream is no longer available in Britain.
It all goes back to the cold war, of the Tories failure to counter or even understand left wing ideology, and their pure naked greed, and desire to hold onto their wealth at all costs.
Can Thoughtful and everyone else click on the link to “The Ten Cannots” below and tell me, one whether they think they form a reasonable basis for running a country, and two, then consider them against the policies of the two principal parties in the country.
Having done that the two futures for the country would appear to me to be clearly laid out for us to cast our votes on in three weeks.
4.You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
So, instead, you should enrich the wage payer by encouraging her to employ cheap labour from abroad, so she can reduce the wages of indigenous wage earners and play them off against each other? You want us to think this Tory solution is wonderful? Tug the forelock, maybe?
You obviously “cannot see clearly” because you have not understood the point at all.
It is nothing to do with enriching the wage payer, but saying if you tax the wage payer out of business the wage earner does not have a job. No one has a job if the business is not successful (and much that it may grieve you, means it is profitable).
Whoops, not quite right their Mallard. One must make exceptions for those jobs funded by the taxpayer, such as at the BBC.
Whoops again, of course I am the taxpayer and if I’m sufficiently discouraged from making an effort that my tax contribution falls, the public sector do not have jobs either!
Your Tory dogma of ‘a rising tide…’ doesn’t work if bosses know they can call on an endless stream of cheap immigrant labour eager to be exploited.
Makes you wonder if the Minimum Wage was introduced to price people out of work rather than secure their income doesn’t it?.
After all if a company can employ someone for half the Minimum Wage, legally (i.e. the employee is really the employee of a company based outside of the UK) then why wouldn’t they?
Similarly if you cost your boss £10ph and he can get a Pole to work for £7ph the economics is similarly obvious.
Either way the British worker ends up shafted.
Cheap immigrant labour from the EU (and from elsewhere via the EU) is not just Tory dogma. It’s core to Labour, Lib Dem, Green and any other EU-supporting party too.
I think Foggy & a few others on here, would prefer a Millipeed/SNP government in 2 weeks time . They think a `Scorched Earth ` policy by the Evil Millipeed, will somehow deliver a Kipper government within the year. I think that`s a dangerous position , because Millipeed/Balls would of by then, be asking the IMF for a bailout.
They would of also opened the door for Ten`s of Thousand`s from the Club Med , Libya – Italy Olympic swimathone ,to totally rub England`s nose in it . You have to be careful what you wish for .
I think Essex Man & a few others on here, would prefer a Cameron government in 2 weeks time . They think a `Scorched Earth ` policy by Cast Iron Dave, will somehow deliver a competent government within the year. I think that`s a dangerous position , because the impotent Cameron/Osborne would of by then, be asking the EU for a limits on the movement of people.
They would be unable to close the door on Ten`s of Thousand`s from the Club Med , Libya – Italy Olympic swimathone ,to totally rub their loyal supporters’ noses in it . You have to be careful what you wish for .
Essex Man nicely fits that (in)famous definition of insanity – he does the same thing over and over again and expects a different result.
If we get Cameron back in power we can look forward to exactly what we’ve had before: gay marriage, no EU referendum, increased EU power, continued corruption of the legal system (Janner et al), more rip-offs from crony faux-capitalists (water, energy companies, railways etc) unending immigration, more climate change idiocy, emasculated defence budgets, increasing foreign hand-outs.
Cameron is poison. The Conservative party is just Blair’s Labour under an assumed name.
Here Essex Man, put this in your pipe…
You’re always looking to bet that Farage will fail, well; Mr Farage has an offer for you:
“If you give me evens, I’ll have ten grand with you!
Nigel Farage on target to win: Poll puts him NINE points ahead of Tory rival
Some really interesting points here, I think there were some idealogically driven people in the Tories to be fair to them, including most notably Mrs Thatcher. These people hated socialism and loved free markets. Social conservatism seems to have died out for better or worse in the party, but the tories do contain people who are motivated by somewhat higher things than money, look at the defections to UKIP, and I wonder if Europe would rip a schism through them agian. But perhaps you’re right about their ineptitude on fighting the idea of socialism. Many are now growing up not who have never seen it in action and, as you say, it’s disguised with weasel words that aren’t seen for what they are. Also, all the legacy parties have been co-opted and infiltrated now, to where they don’t stand for anything bar what they’re told to (which is open borders and the EU)
Just watched 25 minutes of election news on Beeb news. UKIP only mentioned at end alleging they are losing support. I thought they won the euro elections and were a serious contender. Not according to the Beeb. All parties economic promises being scrutinised including the Snp . How do they bet away with those?
Ladbrokes 6/1 UKIP taking 10 or more seats, defo worth a tenner.
I mentioned this at the start of the election, truth will always
have the annoying habit of showing itself, and on some issues UKIP are spot on, and it is, the truth.
The way this is tackled by the enemedia, is to deny airtime, as, truth will of course always show out, and any interviewer will be exposed by it.
Just see Mr Farage s last interview for proof of that.
This is the first time that I have seen this clip. Every time Farage answered, the Goon cut in on him and tried to put words in to his mouth.
More votes for UKIP me thinks .
Listening to the news today on radio 4, they report the Tories saying that if Labour don’t secure a majority they will be forced to form a coalition with the SNP, and of course no one wants that !
So what’s the solution?
The Tories now cannot possibly win this election, and so that leaves Labour who could either win it, or form a coalition.
If the SNP are as bad as the Tories say, then the logical course of action would be for people in marginal seats to vote Labour, to give them a majority and keep the SNP out !
This double edged campaign the Tories are waging might work on a few people, but I believe it will achieve the opposite effect in more.
Worse than that, they have set Labour up as a more reasonable party of the centre left with the SNP on the hard left making Millipede more palatable.
This strategy is a disaster it might make a small difference in some floating voters, but I’m convinced the losses will outweigh the gains.
The answer is a coalition of the ‘Cons’ UKIP and the DUP.
Happy St Georges day..!!!!
Perhaps we can have a ”happy BBC day” one day when all the lefty biased idiots get kicked out of the corporation. Now that would be a good day to celebrate…
Cymru am byth
Iawn, Alun ti’n Iawn !
Whilst we’re talking about global warming and migrants drowning in the Med, did anyone else hear Nicky Campbell’s interview with the man from the London Australian Consulate just before 0715 this morning? Gameshow went completely off the scale by saying words to the effect of:
‘If we can’t cope with these migrants created by our intervention in Libya and subsequent non-intervention in Syria how are we going to cope with the millions of migrants created by Climate Change when many of these lands will become uninhabitable?”
I nearly fell of my chair laughing at this fine example of BeebThought. The man from the Consulate mumbled something about those being Campbell’s opinions, made his excuses and left.
So it’s our fault if we intervene or not? Wow. I bet Nicky must self-flagellate every night.
I think , most of these African countries are way above sea level . If there was a rise in sea level in the future , the places that would be flooded are the” Low Countries ” , clue in the name, & eastern England & Denmark, to name a few. I am anti Global Warming ,by the way .
Unfortunately vast areas of Bangladesh are at sea level, and theyr e highly po;pulated. Climate change refugees are a real threat and with the largets Bangladeshi diaspora int he world its here theyll all be wanting to come.
Today we should be celebrating the EU and the peace it has brought to Europe since the end of ww2. English nationalism is racist anyway but EU supra nationalism is just dandy
Bollox. It was NATO and the strong arm of the US that kept Europe safe from war. The real threat came from the USSR.
And it was largely US money under the Marshall plan that rehabilitated Germany after the war.
Yes, later on the EU was useful in bringing Germany and France closer together. But that did not need Britain – as Churchill himself decided.
No, we at the BBC, paid for by EU money, will create our own history thank you very much.
heres the future EU army, with embedded BBC reporter cookie monster reporting on peace keeping operations in the Yorkshire Dales against English terrorists who live in the delusion of an independent england
“And it was largely US money under the Marshall plan that rehabilitated Germany after the war.”
And Germany itself. The UK received more Marshall aid than Germany did. Where did it all go?
Daily Politics 22.4.15. BBC anti-family pro-statist bias. Long Rant.
DP approx. 20 minutes in, we are advised that all main parties wish to ensure that children spend less time with their parents, and both parents spend more time at work. How? Free child care 30Hrs per week, that’s how! Free that is, except for those who have to pay for it. In other words – not free at all. So the Tories will fund 600,000 30Hr per week child care places. At , say, a fiver a child-hour and 40 weeks a year, that’s an increase in government spending (money required from taxpayers, at some unidentified time in the future) of approx., £3.6 Billion a year. (Even though we are currently £1.5Trillion in debt and running a deficit of £90Billion). Noboby to provide a balancing viewpoint. So I will.
Let’s be clear. These policies indicate the essence of the Establishment’s contempt for their sheeple (who they need to farm tax from), and contempt for the family, especially the youngest, our infants, who require parental nurture. The essence of how the LibLabCon will sacrifice social wellbeing and social cohesion for their big government, their ‘EU-One World at Full Throttle Experience’. Having implemented policies that have resulted in more welfare dependency; more single parent upbringings for children; fewer stable marriages (whatever a marriage might be –the dictionary keeps changing the definition) and more entitled individuals who are assured that the government owes them a living: certain symptoms of such social engineering have come to need attention. Which of course needs solutions. Which need money. More two parent earning families; more young mothers in work; more separation of children in their early years from their parents, all encouraged in an attempt to delay the inevitable collapse of a Ponzi scheme, which funds the lifestyle commanded, now demanded by the Establishment troughers’ and their corporate cronies’ with their self serving superiority.
Magic money tree again. LibLabCon vote buying again. Anti-family and anti-children policies again.
And the Labour Party cannot put anybody up to explain how ‘The Mansion Tax’ will work, or where the Eleventy squillion for the NHS will come from or be spent on. No-one. Jamie Reed has retired hurt. No second innings, nor a twelfth man offered. The Labour ‘policies’ seem to be a dreamy, vague aspiration as I learned no details from the BBC spokesperson (Ian Watson) who had been briefed by Special Ed before fronting a question or two from Brillo.
The Labour Party campaign is spin and apparition. On this occasion I guess Labour strategy was to neither spin, nor appear. Labour = Soundbites, memes, spite and mantra delivered by amateurs, grasping for coherence. Reacting to polling and populist think-shops.
But Special Ed did confirm on Saturday that it is now alright and not racist to talk about immigration (BBC News 24 Saturday Morning). This in his keynote ‘Immigration’ speech, which briefly confirmed that Labour would introduce no practical policies to commence controlling nett immigration and then went on to wibble about other nothingnesses (I think Labour have an election mug for this policy). Thanks Ed. I’m glad you have now decided I am allowed to talk about immigration. I’m touched at how your omnipotent intellegence has deemed that what was once (up until about last week) evil, right wing, fascist, racist, dangeous, nasty, and basically sub-human, is now acceptable. Yep, thanks Ed. Maybe I’m not the bigot I never thought I was before?
And Bez of ‘Happy Mondays’ infamy is standing in Salford (can he stand?). Nice suit sir. And he is right. The Labour Party has forgotten the Salford motto.
“The welfare of the people is the highest law”. Good motto. Shame the leftists have redefined the word ‘welfare’ to mean ‘a payment you are entitled to receive from the Government [i.e. taken from your neighbour by force] ’.
Oh. Another BBC soft sofa fee for Jacqui Smith, Britain’s first female Home Secretary. Never take that away from you. Pub quiz question of the future.
The Tory give away’s on child care and housing association houses make it easier for me to vote tactically and probably vote Labour. Here UKIP and LibDem don’t have a chance either, and it’s a dismal choice between Scottish socialists and British socialists.
None of these new policies will affect you . Your New SNP Reich`s Fuhrer , Mrs Krankie will pass down some new directive for you to obey on child care shortly . 99% of most of these announcement`s only affect England .
Tower Hamlets bribery, corruption and intimidation decision being declared today This is a summary.
Glad to see that the BBC are leading with this important event especially as it pertains to the forthcoming election.
Oh wait . . .
Exactly. I just saw the news on Guido about the Tower Hamlets Mayor being convicted of corruption and debarred from office – then went to the BBC site to see how they are playing this HUGE decision which could be very damaging to Labour.
Sure enough, the BBC home page reduces it to a sidelined story.
Suppressio veri.
Second most read story on the BBC site but shoved down the bottom of the main page on the England section.
Now image if TH was run by the Tories or UKIP …
The BBC is still refusing to provide coverage about the arrest of an Algerian national who was planning to attack churches in France along with their worshippers. Last night I could only find detailed coverage of this plot on Fox News. The BBC is still suffering from the illusion that all is well in our multi-cultural Europe, despite these ominous warning signs. The journalists and their followers at the BBC, the Guardian and the Independent need to realise that their liberal Metropolitan lifestyles will no longer be tolerated by these lunatics when they take over the “liberal European asylum.” They need to bear in mind the old saying, “The Devil never keeps his disciples!”
Sky News says there have been 5 foiled terrorist plots in France – since the Hebdo murders
Obviously not important enough for the BBC to footle around with such minor stuff.
You wouldn’t want people to ‘draw the wrong conclusions’ and end up voting for the ‘far right’ (UKIP), now would you?
Davis represents that metropolitan elite that seems to think that the Britain of old was such a horrendous place with the ‘you want to take Britain back to the 50’s’ jibe.
I didn’t experience them but from what my parents told me they weren’t so bad, we all had a common culture, common aims, men were masculine and women were feminine !
The 80’s would do for me, at least we had a proper Tory PM….
A yes the terrible 50’s – UK producing the first jet-powered airliner, three ‘V’ bombers, designing the only practicable supersonic airliner and vertical take-off fighter. Iconic vehicles such as the Mini and Land-Rover. First commercial application of computers. World-beating float glass technology etc. etc.
What do we have now? Low-pay, low-skill, low-productivity workers, GDP per capita stagnant, over-paid media pundits. We even import Big Issue sellers because our plebs don’t have the ‘marketing skills’!
Not as intolerant of discreet gays or foreigners as it often portrayed. The no blacks, irish or dogs signs are a myth.
“The no blacks, irish or dogs signs are a myth.”
Absolutely it was ONE photograph in one house, and I wouldnt be surprised if it wasnt either a (foolish) joke by the householder, or a prank by the far left to create guilt about racism , and encourage Irish people to identify with Blacks not their fellow ethnic British.
Watched Farage being interviewed on Newsnight.
What a shite that Davis is.
Daily Politics 23.4.15.
Yet another technical fault. Chris Leslie is taking questions from the Nottingham studio – the Brillo is putting the questions. Plug pulled! Again!
Conspiracy of Cock up? You decide!
Sorry – rushed off quick comment and didn’t notice yours. But various accounts together show how Brillo is willing to ‘joke’ that it is no accident. Such openness is rare. He’ll need to watch his back.
DP: Brillo rampant, humiliating both Tories and Labour. Labour ob dies again. Brillo: ‘It’s like being in an episode of In The Thick Of It – they pull the plug when it’s going wrong.’ He tried the studio Tory (Gauke) but he continued to be evasive. Brillo: ‘Do you want a plug to pull as well?’
I think Brillo just cracked some joke like he’s been told by the Director General to blame ‘technical gremlins’.
Daily Politics show…Andrew Neil grills the Tory treasury guy and then turns to the Labour treasury guy and starts to give him a grilling and when the pathetic Labour politician cant answer the questions the picture goes dead yet again…Andrew Neils words ”not again,this is becoming silly”….
This is rapidly becoming a piss take and THE bbc’s conduct is bloody well appalling. They are rapidly turning this election into something out of Russia…. I cant believe this is going on,im dumbfounded…
New BBC ploy is to pull the plug on an interview when the Labour spokesmen are having a rough time.
Here’s another story the BBC will ignore or play down or distort:
What a joke. Andrew Neil tackles Conservative MP on lack of explanation of £12m welfare savings. Then is absolutely roasting Chris Leslie on his statement that future funding will come from extra tax due to growth in the economy, even though the independent financial review body has included additional taxation of £2,000 per head …. Leslie sinking without trace and … another ‘technical fault’ and link is pulled ! So instead of continuing the attack on Labour in absentia Neil reverts to attacking the Conservative MP again !! Perfectly balanced.
This follows on from Victoria Derbyshire this morning … four allegedly floating voters in a marginal seat …. one doesn’t know what to do because she is a first time voter, two decide to vote Labour to keep the Tories out, and one will vote Conservative (and just happens to be an evil Landlord), but feels very ashamed that she is voting that way !!
‘Mayor guilty of illegal practices. London’. The bBBC ‘News’ headline writers must be wetting themselves. The story is that Lutfur Rahman, the Muslim mayor of Tower Hamlets, has been banned from office after being found guilty of corruption. But the bBBC ‘News’ website makes it look like it’s Boris that’s guilty. Well done Beeboid.
Glorious verdict by the judge – including ordering Rahman to pay the £250,000 costs.
Rahman’s brand of diversity-enrichment – fully backed by Ken Livingstone, got a real pasting by the judge. A long and detailed judgment – he read out only the executive summary.
One comment he made was about the police on duty outside polling stations and failing to apply the law. Now where else have we heard about our wonderful police services failing to do their duty ? Join the dots.
Another scathing comment by the judge was that Rahman had always played the “Islamophobia” card”.
This must all be causing real agony inside the Beeb.
‘Join the dots’
An ignoble addition to a collection I have, including too many Youtubes of TVL acting illegally in home searches with two stab-proof donut-processing units who clearly DO NOT KNOW THE LAW they are supposed to be enforcing, acting as commercial bouncers.
Oh no! I’ve just received a letter to tell me that my business address is ‘under investigation’ for not having a TV licence.
I do hope so, then they might discover that I live in an ordinary house and I don’t even have a white van parked outside. Goodness knows where this business idea came from, over the years I’ve had several of these letters.
The first time I wrote to TVL to point out the error. About as much a waste of time as trying to tell a BBC producer that they are wrong.
It occurs to me that any cafe/pub that provides wi-fi and lets customers power their laptops is under threat from the revenue hounds.
Just ignore any letters and if they turn up (unlikely) tell them to get off your property.
Remember – do not discuss your TV habits with them and do not under any circumstances sign anything they give you, even if they say its just to acknowledge their call. It’s a trick and you’ll end up in court (if you are very unlucky) as you ‘admitted’ fault.
Can Pay. Won’t Pay.
For anyone who missed it here’s last nights pro immigration propaganda film on Newsnight and Jon Gaunts reaction to it (29 mins).
And then listen to his views following the appearance – follow the link, definitely worth a listen for an inside view of the BBC and Newsnight.
I think we can all agree that a UKIP candidate making “offensive” remarks on Twitter would be front page at the BBC. What about an SNP candidate, I wonder?
SNP candidate sorry over Twitter trolling
Well, I can’t find it anywhere on the BBC website.
To be honest, he sounds alright to me. Sounds like Labour taking faux-offence, again. God, doesn’t take much for them to have a fit of the vapours, (when it suits, of course)
Not that the BBC wouldn’t be all over it if he was a Tory.
And interrupt programming for a Newsflash if he was a Kipper.
I would agree, which is why I used quotation marks round “offensive”. It was the difference in treatment I was getting at.
Anyway, they must read the comments here as there’s now a report on the BBC website. Coupled with faux huffing and puffing from many of the other candidates. Fairly prominent on the news front page too, in fairness to the BBC. Though why I should be fair to them I don’t know.
The BBC cant even bring themselves to show a pic of Nigel Farage on their i player web site showing the leader interviews, its just a pic of that loony leftie Evan Davis while all the other party leaders get their pic shown.
But i suppose the interview with Nigel was all about Davis, not the leader of ukip so the BBC got it about right
Farage had the highest viewing figures of the lot.
Despite Beeboids’ and Davis’ worst efforts:-
“Nigel Farage wins BBC viewers’ vote in leader interviews.
“Ukip leader pulls in 2.5 million viewers for grilling by Evan Davis, more than David Cameron, Ed Miliband or Nick Clegg.”
Very good spot. The images chosen, or not, tell a story.
Jasmine Lawrence’s duties expanding further?
I would love to hear the BBC CECUTT explanation for this., if some kind soul can be bothered to run the gauntlet to ask.
A worthy page grab to keep.
Looking at it now, Nigel is in place. In fact it’s
wee Jimmy KrankieNicola Sturgeon who is graced with Evan. I’d guess that’s the picture they use until the interview is in the can, and then updated when they get round to it. I’m not sure I’d read too much into it.Fair enough.
However if the image has to be a ‘live’ shot of the curtains or e-board behind, it may not beyond the wit of the BBC to run an interim image from their stock of the person in question, surely?
There’s a head and shoulders of each interviewee, and their name.
That picture was not Nigel Farage, but confusion between Mr. Davis and Ms. Sturgeon could be possible. Who knows what lugs lurk under that barnet?
And in other news, Mouth of Babes edition:
‘…may also be code for “people you’ve never heard of..
So, more a curator’s egg?
‘I still need reminding what connection Orphan Black has with the BBC apart from a licence-fee safety net.’
Who cares? That licence-fee safety net is all that matters.
Beeboids are not interested in free speech of people they politically disagree with.
Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, American critics of Islamic jihad and of Islamic supremacism, are banned from entering Britain; yet Beeboids show no interest in this, while campaigning for release of Islamic jihadists from Guantanamo.
Perhaps the concern of the repressive UK political class (aided and abetted by Beeboids) is that there would be scenes in U.K similar to those which Pamela Geller experienced at Brooklyn College, New York:-
“The Brooklyn Zoo”
“Fascists out in force at Pamela Geller Brooklyn College event”
For a change here is some news from the BBC about the ‘Tower’ …..
No great surprise. Pity. But I enjoy his work so look forward to where he lobs up next.
‘Shillinglaw has said the challenge of reinventing Top Gear without Clarkson was “creatively exciting”‘
Yes, she looks like someone who will go far describing what will happen in this way.
Along with the other contradictory corporate BS.
I see Sky is going from strength to strength. Increasing sign ups all the time. The poor old BBC has no counter to it and knows it.
It is now a drag on the peoples’ incomes and in any rational world should be split up and sold off. Sentiment does not pay bils or cut it in broadcasting any more.
Well Hello!!!! You know what today is my Day!!!!! and can’t wait till I get home and watch The BBC’s celebration of this great day……ohhhh I’m grooling already…..
St George, are you not confusing today with Ramadan? You know, when Dave Cameron and the political leaders send greetings to the Muslim Community.
Sorry MY Bad I just remembered I’m a Englishman .born and bred in England …. just looked in the mirror God I’m White as well….Shit I apologise to the BBC for my existence and I will shut up and vote Labour… not really …Lads proud to be one of Nigel’s Barmy army….Happy St George’s day People
Happy St George’s Day!
From the land of the Red Dragon and St David.
“BBC boozing: how the corporation mixes its drinks.
“New figures show the corporation spent more than £25,000 on wine and just over £15,000 on beer last year – and got mashed on potato vodka”
All those empties rolling down the corridors next month are going to present a real H&S hazard.
The ‘diversity’ of it all.
Tower Hamlets.
1.) ‘Daily Mail’-
“Mayor of Tower Hamlets in east London found GUILTY of seizing power through corruption and ‘playing the race and religion cards.’
“Independent Lutfur Rahman elected for second term as mayor last year.
“A judge has today declared the poll result void due to corruption
Court finds Rahman used corrupt and illegal practices to seize power.
“He is ordered to pay £250,000 costs and will not be able to stand in re-run .”
2.) Islam Not BBC (INBBC)-
“Tower Hamlets election fraud mayor Lutfur Rahman removed from office”
They have rather seen the silver lining aspect.
James Delingpole has, in his inimitable style, given his take on that interview with Nigel Farage.
Ten Reasons Why Evan Davis’s BBC Interview With Nigel Farage Was The Worst Thing Ever
Phrases such as ‘Here begins Davis’s serious bid for the Disingenuous Tosser of the Year award’ come so easily to JD.
It just gets better and better:
BBC Proms: it’s all gone Pete Tong at the Albert Hall
“In one of the more surprising entries in this year’s classical calendar, the Royal Albert Hall will be the venue for “a musical homage to Ibiza and its infectious, energetic brand of club music”.”
“Other Late Night Proms, in association with Radio 1 Extra and the BBC Asian Network, will feature producer Naughty Boy and rappers Wretch 32 and Stormzy. ”
“We do now live in a world, thank God, where you can like all kinds of music. We are not rigidly siloed. When I was a kid you did tend to have to choose what camp you were in. If you secretly liked other music – I was passionate about Dusty Springfield – you sort of had to do that quietly if you were a classical musician. We accepted at the time that things were somehow compartmentalised.”
““Often you see orchestras really getting it wrong conceptually,” he has said. “They only go in halfway, playing that kind of white tuxedo, ice cream-selling schmaltz where the drum beat is quieter than the oboe out front and somewhere along the line there is even a classical presenter on stage. Oh dear.”
“Marin Alsop will return to conduct the Last Night of the Proms, which will feature a Sound of Music singalong.”
Tell you what, why don’t we save time and just get rid of all that boring, racist deadwhiteeuropeanmale stuff right now?
The dumbing down continues apace!
The Torygraph is relentlessly hammering UKIP in favour of their master, so I assumed this article by Tim Stanley would be more of the same. But it’s not all bad. He has a real go at ‘public television’:
Ukip has simply not had a fair election. Indeed, the scale of opposition to it is so vast that its supporters could be forgiven for seeing a conspiracy. Both Tories and Labour have tried to win back its voters, via a mix of stealing its best ideas and occasionally calling them racist for having had said ideas in the first place. That’s okay: all’s fair in love and politics. But what isn’t fair is that public television has been dominated by specials either parodying or exposing Ukip’s alleged bigotry. It’s not fair, either, that Ukip correctly predicted that huge numbers of Romanians and Bulgarians would migrate to the UK – and yet it was mocked for its accurate prophesy and ignored when it tried to claim credit for it. Unfair, also, that the IFS hasn’t bothered to review Ukip’s spending plans. And it’s surely not right that disproportionate attention has been paid to morons in Ukip’s ranks while similar Tory or Labour offenders are so often overlooked. Much of the mainstream media has a narrative about Ukip that it has stuck to and retold so often that it has started to sound like gospel truth.
However, this ‘sympathy’ before the count is secondary to his error(?) in analysing the ComRes poll of ten UKIP ‘target seats. ComRes failed to poll Carswell’s and Reckless’ seats, but included many seats that UKIP claim are not targets. They bundled all the votes together. UKIP comes third, not surprisingly. But Stanley, and many other Tory commentators, claim this proves that UKIP are third in EACH OF THE TEN seats. I could have spotted that error when I was eight years old, but it seems to be beyond the hacks.
Stanley writes: ComRes’s latest poll shows Ukip trailing in third place in 10 of their target, Conservative-held seats.
Maybe you could read that as a sum, but not the odious Louise Mensch:
and she re-tweeted:
‘its supporters could be forgiven for seeing a conspiracy’
Which of course is a win-win the likes of the BBC are praying for.
I personally doubt there is one, because the risks of exposure would be too vast and in a world where everything is online and incontinent, any conspiracy would need a paper/e-trail and by now there would have to be a ‘Pssst. Co-ordinated trashing of Nige on Newsnight… pass it on…’ and that would be… ‘interesting’.
However, there is something more insidious, and that is the groupthink DavidP used to talk about, where they don’t think they are doing anything that lacks integrity at all, but the confirmation biases just connect and pile up.
Think of Jasmine. She basically told all her colleagues (views her own) that UKIP was dead meat on her professional watch.
What happened? Zippy. She was quietly moved off the front line, told to not post anything stupid until after the election, and is allowed to wander the corridors spreading her unique form of DNA-embedded impartiality at every cubicle, watercooler and mediation station she stops at.
Maybe even the odd pre-pro and edit, too.
The writer is probably worrying that the effect on the country, especially the shires, by marginalising UKIp will lead to future trouble. This is certain. LiBlabcon politiciams are not over bright. So they look about three weeks ahead.
I have always said that UKIp is a necessary outlet for the true conservatives in England. They are a formidable foe when roused and should never be ignored. They are the ones that really run England. Ignoring them will result in real danger to what remains of our democracy. The liberal media elite are fools.
The Tories this election, have lied about everything, why be surprised by their top rag?
Mensch and Shapps.
As if the BBC’s fave ‘Conservative’ Ken Clarke wasn’t enough reason never to vote for that pack of liars again. It seems the Tories have a never ending supply of slime to choose from.
James Delingpole re-tweeted:
In which case he is not a science teacher. The bedrock of science, the reason we shook off religious bigotry and dogma centuries ago, is that everything is treated with scepticism. That way only the best theories survive ie the ones that survive rigorous examination and testing. Climate change has not passed a single test. I hope the young lady sticks to her guns as, one day, she will have the pleasure of laughing in her indoctrinator’s face.
That teacher should be singled out for not being a teacher much longer on any basis.
Did she get the “Red button” treatment?
The real damage is done by the rest of the school curricula. Several years ago my son was studying for his GCSEs and among the written work for French/ Spanish was a requirement to compose a letter in French/Spanish to the local authority making suggestions for community involvement in combating climate change. It is everywhere. Look at the posters on the walls in pre-school buildings which promote awareness of diversity.
Radio 2 folk awards gives award to someone who allegedly once said of Salman Rushdie “he must be killed. The Quran makes it clear: If someone defames the prophet, then he must die”
Maybe it’s like Time’s ‘Man of the Year’.
Do they specify what the ‘achievement’ is?
“Best whipping up murderous rage… and a ditty too”?
Belated St. George’s Day greetings to you all. I lived in England for about twenty years in the late 60s, 70s and early 80s as an Irish immigrant, before before emigrating again. I remember seeing this on the BBC in those days. Would it be shown now?
I still think it is brilliant.
Soured for me as Flanders happens to be the father of ex Beeboid Labourite ex squeeze of Ed Miliband, Stephanie Flanders.
I am shocked! Honestly, I never associated Milipede and the Flanders woman. I can only repeat that I am shocked! Shocked!
And to think that Flander’s daughter went out with Ed Miliband.
I notice that the BBC web site has put the Tower Hamlets Lutfur Rahman story firmly in the regional news page – I am sure that such matters are not of interest to the general public.
After all the guy was only guilty of electoral fraud.
Meanwhile, Radio 4 ‘PM’ is devoting today’s programme as advocate of the ceaseless influx into Europe of millions of illegal immigrants (Beeboids’ “migrants:” who do not intend to return anywhere).
……and has mismanaged/perverted millions of pounds of public money. Why on earth should the public be interested in all that ?
UKIP sausage rolls are MUCH more important.
Off topic, but seeing as its St Georges Day, please don’t have nightmares…
There is no call for that sort of think – I will have to seek out some mind bleach now.
looks more like the dragon that St George killed.
Does Louise Mensch really deserve a second namecheck on this page?
7:30pm ITV TONIGHT: Nigel Farage
Spotlight – Nigel Farage: Tonight
9:00pm BBC PARLIAMENT:Daily Politics Election Debate – Education
Daily Politics Election Debate – Education
I don’t believe it, I fu*king don’t believe it. The Archers tonight, the flooding has been caused by Global Warming and a world wide increase in severe weather.
Please everyone, how can we shut this crap down..for good?
But some weeks ago it appeared that some of the problem was failure to dredge or clear some of the ditches around Ambridge. Trust the BBC to now try to smother the truth
Yes I noticed the discrepancy there. Surely now it will not turn out to have all been the Estates fault for not clearing ditches? That would seem to belittle the climate changers.
Brain washed by Al Beeb
That’s a few more hundred thousand listeners cooking the dinner with half an ear on the radio.
The perfect condition in which to slide ideas into empty, receptive heads.
The ‘diversity’ of Blackburn.
1.) ‘Daily Mail’-
“British 14-year-old boy to be charged with terror offences over alleged plot to attack Anzac Day commemorations in Australia.
“He will appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court tomorrow on two charges.
“Boy’s plot involved a ‘Lee Rigby-style’ massacre of policemen in Australia.
“Five terror suspects in the country were arrested during raids on Saturday.
“Anzac Day honours Australian and New Zealand soldiers in First World War.”
2.) INBBC-
“Blackburn boy, 14, charged over Australia terrorism ‘plot'”
BBC-NUJ is in this political pack on E.U-
“Labour, LibDems, SNP protecting you from democratic Brexit.
“The Left-leaning parties — especially Labour, the LibDems and the SNP — show their contempt for democracy by refusing to pledge an In/Out EU referendum. But their arrogance belies the fact that the Europhiles always get Europe totally wrong.”
By John Redwood MP.
from the start of that link – teh Rev Giles Fraser, BBC leftie gobby priest was a leading backer of the corrupt Mayor.
Wasn’t he on with the sofa sloths a few days ago as well? Certainly on omething but they never mentioned this.
‘One of the world’s oldest and most venerable medical journals is under attack from an international group of more than 500 doctors over its coverage of the humanitarian disaster caused by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The Lancet and its editor, Richard Horton, have been targeted over what the group claims is the “grossly irresponsible misuse of [the journal] for political purposes”. The controversy was sparked by an article deemed to be critical of Israel’s conduct in Gaza.’
Major medical journal Lancet under attack for ‘extremist hate propaganda’ over its coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
One for Essex Man…
Vote UKIP, Get UKIP.
Vote Priti. Get UKIP. Grrrr….. 😉
He will loose , & so will Reckless , its written in the Stars. I`m better than Mystic Meg . Carswell will be the Parliamentry Leader with , the Great Grimsby seat & maybe Thurrock . 3 in total .
Slowly changing your tune ….