H/T Guido…
The BBC has given a lifetime ahievement award to a man who expressed the desire to execute Salman Rushdie.….. endorsed by Sharia law…but only in an Islamic State Yusuf Islam assured us….though I’m sure the BBC thinks it has nothing to do with Islam.
This year’s Lifetime Achievement awards will be given to legendary musician Yusuf / Cat Stevens and Grammy Award-winning artist Loudon Wainwright III.
From Nick Cohen:
But here is what Islam said to Geoffrey Robertson QC in 1989. (Video here.)
Robertson: You don’t think that this man deserves to die?
Y. Islam: Who, Salman Rushdie?
Robertson: Yes.
Y. Islam: Yes, yes.
Robertson: And do you have a duty to be his executioner?
Y. Islam: Uh, no, not necessarily, unless we were in an Islamic state and I was ordered by a judge or by the authority to carry out such an act – perhaps, yes.
[Some minutes later, Robertson on the subject of a protest where an effigy of the author is to be burned]
Robertson: Would you be part of that protest, Yusuf Islam, would you go to a demonstration where you knew that an effigy was going to be burned?
Y. Islam: I would have hoped that it’d be the real thing.
Just had this from my marvellous Observer colleague Andrew Anthony: “He told me in 1997, eight years after saying on TV that Rushdie should be lynched, that he was in favour of stoning women to death for adultery. He also reconfirmed his position on Rushdie. He set up the Islamia school in Brent, which is currently undergoing council-backed expansion. Its mission statement three years ago explicitly stated that its aim was to bring about the submission of the individual, the community and the world at large to Islam. For this aim it now receives state funding. Its an incubator of the most bonkers religious extremism and segregation, and is particularly strong on the public erasure of women. Why do people go to such lengths to ignore these aspects of Yusuf Islam’s character and philosophy?
If the BBC’s continuing endorsement of a Muslim fundamentalist with views that are evidently quite extreme, in British society, is quite scary this (H/T Sue at Is the BBC biased?) should create a great deal more concern as it looks as if the BBC’s much vaunted independence has been compromised by Muslim activists seeking to change how the BBC reports Muslim issues:
Aaqil Ahmed, the BBC head of religion and ethics, said: “Religious literacy is far too important just to be left in the hands of people who are not subject specialists. I think you need both.”
Replying to criticism that BBC cuts and the pressures of the 24-hour news cycle had stripped out specialists, he said: “There are a lot of conversations with BBC News. There is a different leadership in BBC News, understanding exactly the world is different.”
He said editors, including director of news and current affairs James Harding, had attended a recent meeting with Muslim academics covering “the rise of religiosity in young Muslim children, the Trojan horse schools, which are not one-offs, they are a glimpse of the future.
“We have to find out the right way of telling that particular story. That notion has landed.”
‘A glimpse of the future’? What did Ahmed mean by that exactly? Is he saying that Muslims are becoming more devout, fanatical, in their religious observation and will be demanding British Society adapts to them…or else?
I think he is saying precisely that….but he is also looking to have the BBC report such issues, such as the Trojan Horse scandal, in a Muslim friendly manner rather than present them as the threat to a democratic, secular, tolerant and peaceful society under one law that is the British way.
All of which is a bit laughable as the BBC already does its utmost to pretend there are no such issues with the Religion of Peace and happily sweeps them under the carpet more often than not…or if forced to report them looks to downplay any issues and deny a connection to Islam…the Trojan Horse scandal being a case in point, the BBC claiming it was all a hoax, that there were no issues, that it was a result of islamophobia and racism…the BBC that refused to publish information that indicated that the lead Muslim advocacy group, the MCB, was at the heart of the scandal. Why would the BBC do that?
Even John Birt noticed the BBC’s failure to address the issues….
BBC’s current affairs programmes ‘failing to address radical Islam and other tough topics’
The BBC is failing to address the “awesomely difficult questions” facing Britain, including the economy and the threat of radical Islam, according to the corporation’s former chief.
John Birt, director-general of the BBC from 1992-2000, said its current affairs analysis was falling short.
“What it’s not sufficiently doing is addressing the very big, awesomely difficult questions our country and our world are facing at the moment,” he said.
There is a war going on, a war of words and ideologies. Activist Muslims have launched a media assault on our society with the intent to intimidate the Media into censoring themselves on Islamic issues, forcing them to whitewash any crimes or behaviour that can be associated with Islamic teachings in order to silence criticism of Islam and deceive non-Muslims about the serious concerns that the rise of a fundamentalist religiosity, one that is highly intolerant of other religions and which incites high levels of violence in many adherents, in the West raise.
It looks like the BBC has been groomed and recruited.
I think we should know who were these ‘Muslim academics’ that lobbied the BBC and what exactly was said and agreed. How can it be that private interest groups can shape how the BBC reports the news in their favour?
How soon Rochdale is forgotten.
I am lost for words. The world seems to have turned on its head.
At least he hasn’t slapped a producer (that anyone one is aware of).
This is also a tricky one…How the hell do the BBC report the Rahman story without making the Guardian/Labour party look like absolute plums?….
Well….On the six o clock news they quickly mentioned Rahman, before moving quickly on, and turning to a “BBC special election report” – where-by an Islamic voter producing Halal food, was shown in an exceedingly positive light…
I saw that and was sickened. The woman claimed to make ethical halal food. the phrase “ethical halal” is a contradiction in terms.
That report was like a parody, with happy smiling people grilling pieces of chicken.
In fact, it reminded me of the Los Pollos Hermanos commercial from Breaking Bad.
I am convinced now. The BBC is in love with Islam.
Always thought Cat Stevens was a pop singer, have the bBC now decided for convenience that since conversion he’s now a folk singer?
What next?
Carol Thatcher to make a comeback on the BBC?
Ron Atkinson on Match of The Day?
A Radio 1 lifetime achievement award for Gary Glitter?
Ain’t it funny how it’s OK to be ARTISTICALLY f**king rich, but not ENTREPRENEURIALLY loaded?
Making millions from an idea that you had in your garden shed and re-mortgaged your house to finance is worth less than artists such as Russell Brand who have sacrificed F**K ALL in their privileged lives!
Makes me want to vote UKIP!