Join us for The Night of the Deputies, live from West Brom.
Deputy Dimbleby is accompanied by former Leader of the Conservative Party William Hague, Labour’s Deputy Leader Harriet Harman, Scotland’s Deputy First Minister John Swinney of the SNP, UKIP Deputy Leader Paul Nuttall and Green Party Leader Natalie Bennett.
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Sorry, I just cannot watch Question time anymore….It drives me up the wall….Especially the BBC ‘hand picked” audience…
Well at least if you join the chat you can have fun slagging them off ..
Is it not working? I logged on and everything…..
I’m watching on iPlayer. Does that count?
“Hundreds of children are dying”, says a member of the audience, as if it’s not the fault of the parents who are risking their lives trying to get to Europe for a ‘better life’.
They’ll soon be getting homesick and rioting on the streets of London when they’re fed up of the rain and draughty breeze from the North Sea.