BBC accused of left-wing ambush on David Cameron over hostile Radio 1 interview
The BBC has been accused of launching a left-wing ambush on David Cameron after a deeply hostile Radio 1 interview in which the presenter bet the Prime Minister £1,000 he could not win a majority.
Appearing on Radio 1’s Live Lounge, Mr Cameron was repeatedly interrupted by audience members and presenter Chris Smith, leading to widespread accusations of bias.
The Telegraph understands the Conservatives are considering lodging a formal complaint over the interview.
I believe that Radio 1 will feel delighted about the hostility shown.
It will give them credibility amongst the higher echelons of the BBC and the Labour party. The hostility was not spontaneous. It was contrived and was present from the beginning to the end of the show.
Sorry, but Cameron shouldn’t even think about doing ‘right-on young people’ programmes. He’s becoming more like Miliband daily. Worrying!
If our Dave lacks the courage to speak his mind and represent the feelings and thoughts of his potential voters (none of whom are going to be 18 to 21 year olds anyway!), he deserves to lose the election. It saddens me, but my vote has to go elsewhere.
What a sorry state of affairs we are in. A recovering economy, inflation at an all-time low, unemployment at record lows – and the ruling party cannot gain a majority!
David Cameron is a failure and has let me down majestically. Where’s my passport? Ed Miliband, welcome back to the mess you made. Now clean it up! IF YOU CAN!
Your biggest problem in assessing Cameron’s success or otherwise is that quite simply – we didn’t elect him, or rather the electorate didn’t.
Every time someone pulls out the old ‘cast iron guarantee’ line, the number of votes that he could actually command in the H o C should be accounted for too.
And if its over the EU, that’s 305 on a three line whip v pretty much everyone else in the house.
Why limit the formal complaint to this one interview?
The fact that the Conservatives are “considering” a complaint shows that they are gutless cowards. Alastair Campbell would not have tolerated something like that, he bullied the BBC, and like a battered wife, they still love him.
‘“considering” a complaint’
Strong memo follows?
Good luck with that, Dave.
‘receipt of the following template response from different members of staff at the BBC Complaints department’
“Dear Dave,
We got it about right, and are hanging on until we’ve got our guy in to really give a stuff what you think.
The BBC’
Told the minister for culture Mr Hunt when he was in office that if he didn’t do anything about the bias at the BBC come the election BBC will throw everything for a liebour win.
Well guess what they are doing just that.They have only themselves to blame.
Totally agree with this, the lefty’s are in mouth frothing mode, their lies regarding austerity and the gvnmnt in general are getting more desperate by the day, what did the tories expect?
They have done nothing to stop this disgusting organisation of benefit scroungers from peddling their poison and then expect a complaint to be dealt with in the correct manner…der, how thick are these tories?
If you have a pit bull in your yard, ignore the fact that it is getting more feral by the day and think that it won’t attack you because you feed it every now and again then you are deluded. The tories are now seeing the true destructive force of the frothing at the mouth media pit bull and they get what they deserve for allowing this monster to grow.
Time to abolish the TV tax.
Time to stop the left wing propaganda.