My friend Jon Gaunt was on Newsnight last night discussing immigration and he has made a very revealing and interesting podcast on the experience here. Having done so many BBC “Interviews” myself over the years, I totally relate to the points Jon makes. It’s the contrivance, the clear imbalance and the horror when you say something that resonates with normal people but not their elitist view. Jon frequently talks about the institutional bias of the BBC and I would commend that you subscribe to his podcast.
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BBC = (tax funded) (self-serving) Thought Police
Spread it about, ‘Wild’.
You cannot defy reality for ever. The people want immigration stopped. The liberal idiots had better get this through their thick heads.
We have every right to preserve and protect our way of life. That is as inalienable a right as our freedom. Toynbee, the whole BBC elite should shut the f up .
The atmosphere in England could turn very suddenly to their disadvantage.
Who do they think really runs this country? The shire people that is who.
We do the work and we farm and we fish and we spin and we make thingsand we thrive mostly. We are England not these pathetic weak looking remnants of a dying decadent culture that they tried to foist on an old and fine people.
I wish that you were right in your answer to your ‘who runs the country’ question. I am certain that the UK would be a much better place to live if the ‘Shire Folk’ were in charge. But the sad truth is that the Liberal Left Elite ( LLE) run the UK, and have done since 1997 when New Labour were elected and then proceeded to place their acolytes in all key institutional positions and to increase their share of the vote by any and all means , legal or illegal. Of course the BBC and the educational establishment have been leftist for decades and were busily creating the conditions for the LLE to initially seize power and then consolidate their hold on it since the 60’s.
The first step to overthrowing the LLE is to get the ordinary people to realise that the wishes of the people have been subverted by a small minority. But how do you do this when the exceptionally powerful BBC acts as a cheer leader for Labour and when young people are taught to conform to leftist thinking from the age of 5?
We can expect a Labour /SNP government to impose regional devolution of England to complete the job of dismemberment of our country. It will no doubt be gerrymandered so as to give Labour control.
We can expect ever more immigrants who vote Labour at least for 2 generations.
We can expect ever more public sector employees on generous remuneration packages who therefore want to keep a big state with high tax and spend.
We can expect the educational establishment to re-take control of Mr Goves brave attempt to liberate education from the yoke of Socialism via Free Schools.
We can expect the BBC to accrue even more money and power to spread the gospel of the LLE and cover the ever growing signs that it is failing to deliver its promises.
We can expect ever more generous welfare provision to make more people dependent on the state.
All of these measure will be presented as being fair or moral and cheered by the LLE as they busily feather their nests at the expense of the people.
After 5 years of these measures it would be almost impossible to overthrow socialism via the ballot box , until it dies of its own contradictions. But that could take decades, unless of course we had a Muslim take over , which would be even worse.
Much as I agree with UKIP policies on a wide range of issues, only a Conservative government can put a break on this march to multicultural socialism. This may give UKIP the time and conditions to grow to a point where it can influence government policy after 2020. So for the forthcoming election in all marginal Tory seats vote Tory and not UKIP.
Rubbish. The Tories are as much a part of this as Labour. Cameron’s record as a spendthrift liberal dliettante speaks for itself. What sickens me most about him and the rest of the Tory quislings is how they now try to talk tough about the EU, immigration, taxation and spending, as if the last 5 years can be erased from history.
You can’t blame Clegg and the Lib Dems either. Even they were surprised as how quickly and easily the Tories betrayed their supposed core values.
The truth is that voting for the self-styled “heir to Blair” and his appalling cronies will only tighten the grip of the liberal establishment on our country. Voting UKIP is the only option we have left.
Voting UKIP will get at most 12 seats with NO influence whatsoever. You will then certainly have Miliband and Sturgeon for a full term of red socialism and no chance of an EU referendum. Whilst the Tories have moved to the left since Lady T they are still to the right of the Mad Marxist and his Scottish moll! So put away your anger hold your nose and vote Tory . That way you at least get a referendum of sorts on Europe and the chance to allow the people to speak.
Sorry, but I won’t be voting Conservative. There’s barely a fag paper between Dave, Ed or Nick; they’re like political clones. Long before Dave was forced into a coalition he had set his stall out to appeal to the Guardianistas, believing that Tories had no-one else to vote for. Remember all the cycling into work, hugging a hoodie, snuggling an iceberg. He might as well form a coalition with Natalie Bennett!
Dave C is little more than a political weather vane, checking which way the wind is blowing before he makes any political move.
Even if he does offer an EU referendum the entire establishment will make sure the propaganda machine is fired up to halt any chance that we’ll vote it out. Been there and done that with a former political chancer by the name of Harold Wilson.
For someone to get my vote I have to trust that they believe in something other than winning elections and continuing the endless and meaningless game of political ping pong.
Although we all might follow your thinking, Jeff, however what options has the voter really got? I do fear for this nation, especially until & if ever it can pull away from the European Union, however let’s not forget who is pulling the strings-those that control the whole of Europe- Central Banking Elites, Major conglomerates & the external financial power from outside Europe-all these elements will dictate the future of Britain no matter where one put’s one’s cross on the ballott paper. Difficult times ahead.
Voting UKIP will give them the opportunity and benefit of Parliamentary Privilige with regard to raising ‘Delicate Issues’. The LLE will tie themselves in knots responding.
UKIP got its first mention on German TV in ARD’s Presseklub on Sunday. Of course, it was mentioned in the same breath as le Pen’s party in France. In the German media Britain’s name is mud because of our Eurosceptic sentiment. In recent months, I’ve noticed a certain amount of low level sniping, for example in a film about the “troubles”. Northern Ireland was referred to as “British occupied Northern Ireland” in the film notes. For most Germans the “European Project” is a Holy Grail to be pursued at all costs. Clearly, any attempt by Cameron to renegotiate anything to do with the EU will be crushed by Ma Merkel. The Germans are willing to spend any amount of money to keep Greece in the Euro and so keep the “European Project” on track. There will be no change to “free movement of people” a pillar of faith for the European Project.
The main topic of Presseklub was asylum seekers in the Med. Britain’s France’s and Poland’s refusal to accept these “asylum seekers” was, of course, seen as “uneuropean”. The German position on this is however inconsistent. Ma Merkel criticised PEGIDA followers who did not want more asylum seekers as having “hate in their hearts” yet she now wants the BURDEN of asylum seekers to be shared fairly around Europe. Are asylum seekers a burden or not? Why should thirdworld asylum seekers have the right to asylum only in firstworld countries. Syrian asylum seekers are a buden in Jordan yet joyous in Europe
Subscribe to much of what you say, especially in respect to the support Germany under their ex-communist leader is giving to the fascist styled EU. The present German Chancellor Mr Merkel, was brought up in East Soviet Germany and so continues to think in such a way. Agree that should a Conservative government be re-elected, really and honestly there will be little chance of any renogitiation being attended to.
What I was getting at is that although the LLE ( as you name it ) think they run the country they are completely useless. They can’t do or build or farm or whatever, They are drones with the appearance of power. If we withdrew our skills and labour the country would fold and fast. The tragedy is that we in the shires do not understand just how powerful we could be.
All those ‘white van men’ have far more power than they think. The LLE are now a distinct type. They look weak and they are weak. They rule by default. My grandsons small though they are would make mincemeat of them.
Concisely put Doublethinker-whilst like you I support much of what UKIP is standing for, this may not yet be their time. Socialism leads to communism-Democartic legitimacy implies popular sovereignty, otherwise known as the consent of the goverened. The people are supposed to be the ultimate arbiters, with the right to be able to to say ‘No, as well as ‘Yes to government policies-the question is then, will they ever have that right ? Not under a Socialist Labour Government.
I haven’t got iTunes. Shame because I would be very interested in hearing that podcast. Don’t ask me to download iTunes because there’s no reason why it cannot be made available as an MP3 or WAV file without having to subscribe to a service that is going to bombard me with emails every time Miles Citrus releases a new single!
Listen here without i-anything.
we have had it in england for the last 20 years,the vile leftist stalinist scum and that is what they are is scum have silenced the ordinary man and the women on the streets who have had concerns about this criminal act by all these politacal partys who have imposed mass immigration on us in england and we all know where we have ended up now with foreign child groomers raping are english children and mass terrorism including even a 14 year old islamist muslim from blackburn who has just been remanded into custody for allegedly encouraging a beheading of a non muslim,thats your diversity and multi culturism that these scumbags have imposed on us,yes,gaunty tells it as it is and still these vile leftists defend this failed multi cultural experiment defended by the bbc and there hand picked leftist allies luvvies who love newsnight so much it is like a second home for them,a pox on the lot of them,and a pox on any working class person who votes for milliband and his best mate ken livingston who will turn the uk into a third wortd cesspitt worse than we have now.
Surely “My friend Jon Gaunt” is an oxymoron. You don’t have any friends and Gaunt only knows you the way a troll knows another troll.
Have you forgotten your election trashing so completely?
If immigration is good, then it follows that millions leaving a country or continent is bad.
Africa is poor and needs therefore mass immigration to make it prosperous.
Thus, we should argue the case for the millions of muslims already in Europe to return to their home nations as their economies need the prosperity they will bring.
“Jeremy Paxman reveals he no longer watches Newsnight and prefers ITV dating show Take Me Out”
The 13 year olds who run Newsnight have got younger since he left.