Miliband wants to forget Iraq and has ‘put it behind him’…I guess he wants to do the same with the crisis in Libya which he helped create.
Miliband is certainly getting his blood money’s worth out of migrants dying in the Med. The BBC has given him headlines all day and has hardly mentioned the large amount of criticism directed at him from so many quarters.
The BBC’s Chris Mason tried to blame the Tories for making this into an ‘incendiary story’ and deflecting the news agenda away from Labour’s ‘subtle, nuanced point’ about Libya and the failure to plan for the future….or as Mason put it…Labour’s subtle argument was ‘obliterated by the Tory attack’. That claim was made after he admitted Labour had sent him their press release the night before stating quite clearly that Cameron was directly to blame for deaths of migrants…how can Mason then blame the Tories for ‘turning this into an incendiary issue’? Labour deliberately set out to get the headlines with a highly inflammatory statement and the BBC has obliged all day.
We then had on ex-diplomat Sir Jeremy Greenstock…and you
have to ask how on earth does the UK get anything done in its own interest with the likes of Greenstock representing them?…a man more inclined to be an internationalist than a man who would press for the UK’s interests first. I always despair/laugh when I listen to diplomats….they seem to think their job is to get agreement regardless of the actual contents of the agreement.
Greenstock waffled on and essentially attacked Cameron. Tony Livesey seemed all too keen as he declared ‘So Ed Miliband was right!’
Miliband was in the BBC’s ‘Live Lounge’ today being quizzed on his policies…..even in this report the BBC’s first comment is about Libya even though the first question was
about the SNP…and no mention of the question about ‘trust’ and his having betrayed his brother…the questioner saying he and his friends probably wouldn’t vote Labour because of this trust issue…you might think that was a notable comment, especially considering the huge fuss about this recently….the BBC didn’t…they stuck with Libya…..
Ed Miliband has been questioned by 10 young voters in the Live Lounge.
He was quizzed on the issue of migrants trying to reach Europe after accusing David Cameron of being partly to blame for recent deaths in the Mediterranean.
Curiously no mention of Miliband’s betrayal of the Syrian people either.…how many have died after he abandoned them to their fate…and how many are those refugees drowning in the Med because of his failure to support them? Hope he asks that question of himself in the mirror each morning just as he denounces Cameron. The BBC certainly won’t be asking him such awkward questions.
Whilst the BBC give us their Live lounge interview one they don’t report is an encounter Miliband has had on LBC about the NHS…
From the Mail:
‘I find it physically repulsive when you claim to be the party of the NHS’: The moment Miliband met his match in an ordinary member of the public whose mother suffered agonising hospital death under LABOUR
A woman whose mother died in a hospital under Labour has told Ed Miliband that she find it ‘physically repulsive’ when he claims to lead the party of the NHS.
During a live radio phone-in, the woman challenged the Labour leader over the ‘totally avoidable’ and ‘horrific’ death.
The woman, who was identified as Claire from Manchester, said that there was a ‘total denial’ from the party about what went wrong in her mother’s case.
She said that her local Labour candidate had put the phone down on her when she rang him to speak about the treatment her mother received.
The exchange is one of the first unscripted moments of the election campaign, which has been tightly-controlled and stage-managed with the party leaders meeting very few regular voters.
As the Mail says this is one of the few unscripted moments of the campaign where ‘real’ members of the Public have got through to the politicians unchecked….the BBC itself was raising this issue about stage-management of ‘public appearances’…and yet they ignore this blistering attack on Miliband.
The BBC though were happy to report this….
Ed Miliband mobbed by hen party on campaign trail in Chester
Not once but twice…
Hen party bride-to-be says Miliband ‘has my vote’
So two stories about Miliband being ‘mobbed’ and not one about severe criticism of Labour on the NHS…which of course is one of its central themes of its election campaign…..because we all know that ‘labour created the NHS’…except it didn’t…all it did was put into practise a plan devised by William Beveridge, a Liberal, under the authority of Tory PM Winston Churchill.
It looks very much like the BBC is acting like Miliband’s PR agency than a news outlet, only reporting the nice stuff and hiding the bad.
“…how can Mason then blame the Tories”
It is, I believe, an aspect of his DNA.
“…looks very much like the BBC is acting like Miliband’s PR agency than a news outlet..”
Ed telling them that they’re safe under him rather secured a committed level of support.
I wrote to my MP Nadhim Zahawi to ask why they did not stand up to the Left wing bias exhibited against Conservatives by the BBC and this is his reply :-
Dear Philip
Thank you for your email about the BBC, and your thoughts on how Conservative representatives may best tackle their interviewers.
If you wish to make your views heard by the BBC themselves then you might be interested in visiting the complaints section of their website here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/complaints
Thank you again for your email.
Warm regards
I have written back asking him was he joking, that he obviously did not have a clue about what happens at the BBC and that I wasted my time writing to him. I pointed out that the complacency of his Party regarding the BBC would be to the detriment of his Party and its supporters.
Seems he is well versed in CECUTT SOP given he didn’t answer the question posed and offered some pointless cut & paste.
At least he didn’t add a bit of toecurling gush about ‘national treasures’.
A lot of MPs and PPCs are not very bright.
Nice old fashioned name for U.K politician surprised you could spell it
Google !!
I notice the ‘gets my vote’ isn’t actually quoted: they quote why she isn’t voting Conservative:
The relevant quote is ‘”She said Mr Miliband definitely had her vote. “I don’t agree with the legal aid cuts and therefore won’t be voting Conservative,” she added.’
I would like to hear what she actually said.
Also, re Live Lounge, I heard the David Cameron (yep, sorry) one and was surprised (NOT) by the aggressive, professional and very ‘anti’ questioning not only from the BBC guy but EVERY ‘young voter’ allowed to put a question: even the youths were interrupting Cameron (I don’t mean hecklers, I mean ‘doing a Paxman/Evans?Humphrys) I would like to know their backgrounds. I have just heard the Miliband one from your link and the difference is MARKED! Still a bit pushy but much more of a cosy chat with Miliband. Gosh.
Beyond edit time so I can’t change the above comment but I do retract partly what I wrote: just listened to the whole thing and even though they aren’t as aggressive there is good comeback/ ‘rebuttal’ from questioners and host.
great top image by the way.
I have felt like a loan voice over the pro Labour bias for many many years by the BBC and Channel 4. I am a Conservative and am left feeling my views are not represented anywhere to the contrary I feel that I, because I am a Conservative am rather a nasty person only looking out for myself.
The BBC are ratcheting up their support of Labour the closer we get to the Election. I have complained to the BBC following many blatant examples such as last week’s Andrew Marr Show but it is just water off a duck’s back.
The BBC is run by Labour supporters with strong Labour connections. I remember John Piennar and John Prescott having a bit of a tiff on the radio and Prescott said to Piennar why are you giving me such a hard time I know you voted Labour. There followed an embarrassed pregnant pause.
We, as Conservatives, must mobilise ourselves and take positive action. Might I suggest withholding the licence fee and starting our own Channel.
Susan. You are not a lone voice. If you have the time, peruse through some recent ‘Open Thread’ postings on this site, where you will spot incidences of BBC bias that contributors to this site have noticed and recorded.
My postings tend to focus on political bias. My personal bias is that I think small government is preferable and its power should be limited and I also think that the license fee is a morally unjustifiable tax. My views are not even touched by the BBC. At the coming election I will be voting UKIP.
You are not alone.
They BBC does not mind undermining our free society because they never believed in it in the first place. As Rod Liddle points out, what they believe in is their own privileges; and he should know he once worked for them.