So, the BBC reports on the Conservative promise to curb tax rises during the duration of the next Parliament and the BBC dutifully reports the Labour accusation that this is “a gimmick”. The BBC reports on the meeting between Ed Miliband and Russell Brand and suggests it was ‘interesting” – no criticism reported so I guess everyone agrees with Ed? I suspect the BBC is just excited at the idea of these two socialist millionaires chilling out together to allow any scathing criticism of this stunt.
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I see the Bias, and agree that’s pretty blatant.
But legislating as a way of restricting the actions of the chancellor, simply to make a political point. That’s no way to run an economy.
I think I may well be spoiling my ballot paper. I don’t know how I can vote for such economic stupidity.
I agree the Conservatives are announcing some barmy policies, giving away Housing Association houses to those already lucky enough to live in one, giving £5k pa per child childcare and now this meaningless legislating for virtue. It was an achievement itself to fail to win against Broon, and now with a recovering economy and against a Labour party stricken by the loss of its Scottish kingdom it looks like the Conservatives again are snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. No doubt Cameroon will blame the ‘racists, loons and fruitcakes’ of UKIP for not ‘coming home’.
It’s not about UKIP – in fact I think that in the big scheme of things they are largely irrelevant.
The big issue in this election is the electorate itself. There is now a majority in this country that is largely left wing – in agreement with big state, and a big welfare state.
This has left all the politicians trying to offer more and more ‘retail policies’ to get power.
UKIP are slightly different, in that the offer is clear, but the ability to achieve much in government after this election is clearly small – the arithmetic would have to be just at the point that a UKIP/CON pact would get the right over the line, which is unlikely. So UKIP are not in the same position as Cons or Labour, or even the SNP or Libs.
Tony E
On the ball.
If more than 50% of the population receives more from the state than they put in any proposals that make people losers of some of the state’s largesse are rather unlikely to vote for you.
Labour totally got the cost of running the wrinkly bus pass scheme wrong, but it is a brave politician who will take it away and hope to get (re)elected.
“I paid in for that all my life”. To which I reply if the governments had been dishing out the benefits they do now when you were paying in you would have had to pay in rather more then!
The majority of people – certainly in England – are naturally conservative with a small ‘c’, or ‘right wing’ if you prefer. It is because of this that Labour spends so much effort on gerrymandering: bringing in immigrants; wanting to extend the vote to 16 year olds; pandering to the Scots and Welsh. The aim of this is boost their own support, which has diminished following their abandonment of the traditional working class. And it is certainly very true that the welfare state has been extended to try and rope everyone in, giving all a vested interest in retaining a quasi-socialist system. However, ultimately the Left relies upon smoke and mirrors and sleight of hand: it dominates the media, academia and the legal system, creating the ultimate closed shop. The effect is that people believe it is the majority, rather than just a very powerful, dictatorial and frightened minority. That is always the way in which totalitarian states operate – ensure that the majority never gain awareness of their own power.
We’re at a point where major governments run at huge levels of debt too (arguably a very socialist policy), quantitative easing is noŵ almost the only solution and as a result interest rates are kept low which encourages more household and business debt. We’re starting to see signs of problems with this strategy with inflation turning negative, and negative bond rates too. There’s possibly a big correction coming and no government really knows how to deal with it. I think attitudes of the electorate could well be forced to change in our lifetimes.
You do not think wall to wall coverage by the BBC of the Liberal Democrats had anything to do with the Tories not getting over the line last time?
Try answering an examination type question “Compare and contrast the BBC coverage of the Liberal Democrat Party in 2010 and 2015”.
The BBC new Labour were unelectable in 2010 so achieved a huge success in stopping a Tory majority only for the Lib Dems to stab them in the back.
Have you ever noticed a good word on the BBC for the Lib Dems since they entered the coalition?
Pre 2010 no jokes at Lib Dems expense. Post 2010 they are down there with the Tories and my friends on here who cannot help themselves but tell us they are voting UKIP at the end of every post.
I agree with Mr Mallard , but I`ve already voted Conservative . Millipeed /SNP/Brand will totally ruin England , I sorry Kipper Fan Klub , there is no going back to the !950`s now.
Essex , you slate UKIP like the BBC does . Back to the 50s and all that . That’s why we see Tories are just Labour lite .
It will be interesting to see how many con-lab marginals the conservatives fail to win from labour, or lose to labour, because of the rise in the UKIP vote since 2010. I would suggest that the many UKIP voters who post on here should think about tactical voting before they mark their ballot paper, in any constituency where labour will get in if the UKIP vote rises . Otherwise they will simply usher in a lab-SNP allance which will refuse an EU referendum and fleece the English yet more to subsidise the whingeing jocks.
dont spoil it ukip it
Yes totally agree.
Dave should learn to hold his nerve, he bottled it on the Scottish referendum – when there was no need and now he’s doing it again.
Russell Brand is just the dirty scumbag type which appeals to the BBC.
It does not matter how vile ,misogynistic or anti social you are as long as you are left wing.
I think the issue about Gimmicks relates to the Tory election strategy coming off the rails and therefore are being forced to offer anything for a vote. What this does to their credibility is obvious. The difference with the meeting is that the outcome is unknown which is why it is an interesting development. No bias at all unless you are already biased in which case you are not in a position to judge.
March 15, 2015 at 1:09 pm
“I contribute here because I am highly critical of BBC news.However,I am quite surprised by the lack of objectivity and reasoning. Instead of BBC bias all this site appears to be about is a number of individuals reinforcing their own extremely uninformed political outlook.” ?
Have you watched the BBC coverage of the elections ? I dont think Labour has anything to complain about. Most people on this site complain about left wing bias so its fairly safe to say they feel their centre and right wing views are not being covered .
Bias there is for sure, and bias needs to be exposed.
However, bias is also very hard to frame and hence nailing it, and perpetrators, is at best tricky.
With this election my greater concern is the effect a £4Bpa media monopoly monolith can impose on democratic process, especially when utterly compromised by survival instincts and self-interest.
As evidenced daily, in fact.
They want the party in that ensures them income and security and an opportunity to play social engineering games, and out any that is a threat to the gravy train and Happy Times when they can set up or sink whatever takes their fancy as 19,997 people do not leave their politics at the door each day, and get to play with a lot of nifty broadcast kit to try and sway the 70M+ domestic audience (plus the world) to their way of thinking.
That for me is neither left, right or centre, but simply recalling a lesson from not so distant history.
I do not want the BBC dictating how my life needs to be lived as they remain as inaccurate, inept, corrupt and unaccountable as the last few years has over and over shown them to be.
I did not vote them in, and there seems no mechanism to decline their vast, malign influence by vote or any other means.
The BBC is a dangerous anachronism that is an unfit-for-purpose ‘unique’ well past its sell-by date in this day and age.
You contribute hear because you are biased.You don’t however provide any evidence of bias.This surely is the point of this site.
‘You contribute hear because you are biased’
Here, here!
Or something.
The name’s the same. But the calibre seems to have slipped (even further). I smell a rat.
In that vein, and in homage to Hideous Greg, I join Roland D in appreciating the ongoing comedic contribution.
ManonClaphamOmnibus = Pro-Labour = Pro-BBC
Yes, Manon’s grammar / spelling ranges from the fairly good to the diabolical, which for a “graduate” from way back when is most surprising.
All lending credence to him suffering from at least a split personality!
Radio 4 at 1pm. The item on the Tory tax pledge. The initial prominence given to the labour criticism rather than any real attempt to explain it.
Not bias I agree but selective use of the medium to make a political point.
The BBC is just the way it is along with most of the media and academia. Long suffused with the policies of modern liberalism and so ingrained is it that the reaction to criticism is always the same. Genuine surprise.
Was it presented as “Labour calls Tory tax pledge a gimmick before explaining it”
A classic during the Labour years was “Labour denies Tory accusation of …” without playing a clip of the Tory saying what it was.
Since the coalition it tends to be the other way round. You hear Labour make the accusation and then the comment that it was denied by the government.
The evidence of bias is mainly in the form of Censorship. The censorship of evidence of people and facts, other than those not censored by the Guardian Newspaper. Hence articles such as “BBC Censorship”
Also you have BBC audiences even in Tory areas that go UKIP, full of left-wing emotionally aggressive thugs. The BBC should stop filming, and throw out theses lefty thugs before continuing Question Time.
Both ITV and Sky managed to invite a civilised audience for the Leader debates, proving that not all Labour voters are middle-class headbangers employed by the BBC.
Now lookee here
The former head of parliament’s public accounts committee – and a fierce critic of tax avoidance and “secretive” offshore funds – has received more than £1.5m in shares from the tax haven of Liechtenstein, according to a report.
The money came through a controversial scheme that lets wealthy Britons move undeclared assets back to the UK without facing criminal action.
Labour’s Margaret Hodge was, according to The Times, among the beneficiaries in 2011 of the winding-up of a Liechtenstein trust that held shares in the private steel-trading business set up by her father.
Saw the headline in The Times (paywall) at Morrisons
Nothing on the BBC site so far.
The Times link
But one can view only a paragraph or so.
I wish the Times will stop its paywall nonsense at such a crucial period.
Nothing on the BBC on M Hodge.
Ed Milliband visiting Russell ”smarmy bastard”Brand was a complete bloody disgrace….
Millions of people have died fighting for this country for the right for freedom of speech and the right for a free vote. Brands views suggest he should pack up his bags and do us all a favour and sod of to North Korea where his unbelievable and sick views would be much more appreciated.
Millibands excuse was he would be willing to talk to anybody,bet he would if it could secure him a few extra tacky votes.
It really was an appalling thing for Milliband to have done.
Brand is a sick and pathetic individual who’s idea is that nobody should vote,well Mr Brand go and tell that to the relatives who have lost family members in various conflicts world wide defending your right to have a vote.
Do us all a favour Mr Brand and rot in hell.
Let’s look at influence.
Russell Brand has 10000000 twitter followers
Vance has 10000
Both are on the TV a lot. Only one is ignored. Completely!
”Lets look at influence”
Cant disagree with you but for me its a point if principal.
Brand is an appalling individual with extremist and unpleasant views.
It just seemed a tacky and unnecessary move by Milliband.
Going by his campaign so far it wasn’t surprising.
© toilet wall graffiti –
“Eat shit! 10000000 flies can’t be wrong”
”eat shit 10000000 flies cant be wrong”
True…Brand is a pile of shit so he and his 10000000 shit eating flies can piss off to North Korea and do us all a favour.
10 000 000 followers.
Zero friends.
The modern world.
Jim Jones had a lot of followers.
Until he didn’t.
Yeah, right – if it’s popular on twitter it’s gotta be right, yeah? Modern education, I suppose…
I think the BBC have realised that if the Torys get re-elected, thats the end of the licence fee, so what does it matter if they are blatantly biased towards Labour, the BBC has nothing to lose.
But why all the hype about russel brand as some sort of messiah, Pat Condell has a huge following as well, and he talks a lot more sense, why isnt he worshipped by the BBC, or at the bare minimum, why isnt Pat on QT?
“I think the BBC have realised that if the Tories get re-elected, that’s the end of the licence fee, so what does it matter if they are blatantly biased towards Labour, the BBC has nothing to lose.”
The case for the Labour Party is so weak they are throwing everything at it, postal vote (corruption), up the youth (ignorance) vote, Tory Cuts (bloat the public sector and get them on the payroll) endorse high Muslim immigrants from shit holes (sure they hate the Country but they vote Labour) and last but not least give the Guardian reading Labour voters at the BBC (when they don’t actually work for the Labour Party) the budget for 24/7 propaganda.
Economically the position of Labour is the strongest in the election. Austerity does not work and as much as the Tories like to pretend the economy on the mend it plainly isn’t. Furthermore, there is absolutely no academic evidence to support austerity. There is however considerable evidence to show that targeted borrowing encourages economic growth.
I note that you may be overcome by your own political bile but these economic realities are nonetheless true.
Vote Tory and you will get further stagnation as sure as night follows day.
If you want to see austerity working see Ireland. If you want to see the Labour plan B alternative failing see France under Hollande, as the BBC never tires of reminding us.
It would be more convincing if you could provide evidence that austerity boosts economic activity.
Making spurious comments in relation to cherry picked economies really doesn’t count for much particularly if these countries are part of the Euro zone.
OK you cherry pick and show an economy comparable with the UK which shows borrowing is encouraging economic growth.
If austerity means less Government spending, then Hong Kong in the 1970’s is one example that proves that the more extreme forms of austerity cause economic miracles, a lesson learned by the communist regime in China. This is because the people have almost 100 percent of the wealth in the economy, spending it on the projects that the people want rather than some socialist moron in the government spending it on welfare, and all because the people have been kept poor by a tax rate above 34 percent by a Socialist regime. It is proven that all economies that tax above 34 percent, fail, and that the more socialist a government is, the greater the percentage and therefore the greater the failure.
Government borrowing falling, overall deficit falling, money supply figures tighter, growth greater and rising, evidence aplenty for those not so blind they cannot see.
You wanna try France, socialist paradise – all the money is under the mattresses where Hollande can’t reach (he has other uses for mattresses).
Austerity does not work and as much as the Tories like to pretend the economy on the mend it plainly isn’t.
The population of Africa is 1bn. UNICEF say it could be 4bn by 2100. When Dave and Ed take on to share our goodies with that lot, Westminster squabbles will be irrelevant.
Let’s be honest, if that population estimate is correct, then European cultural civilisation is finished in 75 years or less.
Once there is a big enough population on our border, the border will cease to exist. Europe will become Africa with colder weather, and African culture will become dominant in Europe.
That’s just the way of the world. It isn’t some malicious takeover (though I’m sure there will be skirmishes on the way) – it’s just population and demographic change and it’s inevitable effect.
… it’s just population and demographic change and it’s inevitable effect.
The change is dependent on the decadence of our society. That’s our choice; it’s not inevitable. UKIP may get 12% next week. If they got 40%, they would secure our borders and set about organising a self-sustaining country again. You’re right; it wont happen. We destined to go the way of the Roman Empire. But it’s not inevitable.
Hello OMO, back again for another rant at the great unwashed ? I’m still waiting for an apology from you old cock for saying we would put Muslims in concentrations camps when in fact one of their leaders in the past thought they were a very good way to deal with Jews. Going to man up and apologise or are you just going to ignore me again ?
Muslims are already in a concentration camp.Its run by the Israelis with the cooperation of the UK and U.S.
? Except the Israelis are in the camp, and the Muslims surround it ?
It is Israel that is under siege.
Define ‘concentration camp’ in this context.
I will take that as not giving this site an apology. I didn’t expect you to be a man and give one so no surprise there then. What is it with you leftie metrosexuals that when you are shown to be utterly wrong you will just go off on a tangent rather than hold your hand up. You are pathetic, and you expect me to read your rubbish ? Dream on.
Sure – little Israel completely surrounds Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Lebanon….
F**king muppet, SIX MILLION murdered by socialists and STILL the left blame the victims.
There are millions of Muslims in camps in Jordan. They suffer far more day to day than their compatriots in Gaza or the West Bank. Where are your tears for them?
Under what system of “austerity” does the National Debt double in five years? Under what system of “austerity” does the government still need to borrow £90 billion a year? There have been a few cuts here and there, but overall government expenditure has continued its remorseless rise.
There has been no “austerity”. That is the real failing of this Coalition. They have cut the armed forces, sure. They have made a few shroud-waving gestures such as the “bedroom tax”, which frankly is more trouble than its worth. But they have made no real attempt to reform the structure of the post 1945 Welfare State. David Cameron is a manager, he has no vision, and no commitment to anything in particular, beyond his own advancement. His government has made no real reforms, no real changes, and there has been no bloody austerity!
Exactly. More anti-English language usage. The recent redefinition of the word ‘austerity’.
Austerity = Continuing to spend more than you have, call it ‘austerity’ and hope that nobody will notice.
We’ve barely had any austerity yet! Government spending still vastly outweighs receipts.
Just how have the coalition failed?
We have good growth, we have falling unemployment and interest rates at near zero.
There is no doubt that the economy was growing, at a rather feeble rate, when Labour left. The problem is they were borrowing £170 billion per year to get it.
I think the BBC have realised that if the Torys get re-elected, thats the end of the licence fee, so what does it matter if they are blatantly biased towards Labour, the BBC has nothing to lose.
Yep, that’s high on the list for the Tories. Along with cutting immigration, a referendum on the EU and no more of this nonsense about diversity and same sex marriages. Oh, silly me – I’m looking at their manifesto for 2010. Once bitten, twice shy: vote UKIP.
yeah im a kipper voter, but the torys cant be stupid enough to let the BBC keep getting away with the pro left wing bias as its political suicide. theyre not that stupid are they?
Yes they can -clearly dopey Dave thought that by adopting a conciliatory tone with the Beeb they will go easy on him and despite the evidence ,he will continue on that course
Here’s a “Gimmick” the BBC would be horrified about….A man at work in Europe, eight days before standing for election, of which the BBC would do anything to stop him winning…
Awesome. In years to come, this speech will rank alongside warnings by Cromwell, Churchill and Enoch Powell.
Seem to remember Ed Milliband saying the same thing in respect of Libya and getting hammered for it .Completely spot on regarding trade barriers. Maybe everyone should start to wake up and oppose TTIP ,another EU inspired trade deal, so we dont get any more restrictions on trade.
Interestingly I was at a hustings debate and every speaker – UKIP, Green, SSP, Labour, LiibDem and SNP was against TTIP. The Conservative speaker had not heard of it at the time. Not one was in favour, but the UK will be bound by what Europe decides.
To its credit there was a recent BBC R4 programme on this issue in general, not TTIP in particular.
re: Cromwell
Oliver Cromwell defeated the Barbary pirates, thus putting a stop to the taking of Europeans as slaves for the Islamic bazaar.
If he was here at the moment , he would not put up with modern day slave traders coming out of the Barbary coast.
Bunny, racists are those who use race as a weapon. Farage is defending this country from the racists at the BBC and the EU. Has racism come and got you Bunny, are you a BBC racist?
I think most of us are rabbitophobes at this point…
“Racists” were people who shovelled 6 million people of one race into gas ovens, not people who defend Britain from being abused by the world’s economic migrants. Farage is a patriot, and You Bunny are a prat-riot.
Wow, just look at the arrogance of that place!.
When Nigel sat down first the silence spoke volumes.
Then look at 3.53 to see that other member shake his head and roll his eyes in utter denial.
Haven’t seen ManOn or Bunny here for a while, then they both come along together.
Car sharing?
There is comedic potential.
The comedic potential has already ben mined above.
“Economically the position of Labour is the strongest in the election.”
Made me laugh out loud, so it did.
I note our Robert Peston looks forward to the “golden day” when there’ll be a female Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Why so?
Does the BBC man believe a woman would be bound to bring in certain unspecified economic and fiscal policies for which Peston is rooting? That’s not his business as a balanced BBC journo – is it?
‘Check your privilege’, Peston – you can’t express preferences.
Does he have someone in mind? Again, as a BBC employee it’s not for him to promote particular political careers, be they everso skirt-wearing.
Is Peston simply playing identity politics? Surely this can be the only conclusion.
I had already come to the conclusion that the BBC thinks its prime directive lies in the area of identity politics and this throwaway line from Peston serves to confirm my suspicion.
We have already had a female Chancellor of the Exchequer in all but name. Thatcher made damn sure that anyone in No 11 followed her wishes.
But then – her official title was First Lord of the Treasury.
For the benefit of those not in the know, ‘First Lord of the Treasury’ is the official designation of the person commonly referred to as ‘Prime Minister’.
I look forward to the ‘golden day’ when any of these BBC c*nts aren’t the sons or daughters of the aristocracy in this country.
Didn’t your mum have one Scott ? I bet your dad had Petula Clark.
Ed Milliband visiting Russell ”smarmy bastard”Brand was a complete bloody disgrace….
Millions of people have died fighting for this country for the right for freedom of speech and the right for a free vote. Brands views suggest he should pack up his bags and do us all a favour and sod of to North Korea where his unbelievable and sick views would be much more appreciated.
Millibands excuse was he would be willing to talk to anybody,bet he would if it could secure him a few extra tacky votes.
It really was an appalling thing for Milliband to have done.
Brand is a sick and pathetic individual who’s idea is that nobody should vote,well Mr Brand go and tell that to the relatives who have lost family members in various conflicts world wide defending your right to have a vote.
Do us all a favour Mr Brand and rot in hell.
Anyone notice three Al Beeb ‘sockpuppets’ trying to disrupt this site. There must be panic in the camp for them all to reappear together? Election getting closer perhaps …..
Vance, posting again? Really!
Yes, I remember that chap on ‘Crossroads’ called Benny . He really was a ‘bright’ guy ?
I think that’s a revised number of four Al Beeb ‘sockpuppets’ now .
They at Al Beeb are getting very desperate, possibly because they have seen the number of signatures already here ……
“No criticism reported,” says Vance.
“Russell Brand is a joke,” the BBC article reports David Cameron as saying.
Still, never mind. Most Biased BBC commenters don’t give two hoots that David Vance is quite happy to lie through his teeth. Because in Biased BBC world, making a futile cheap shot based on a lie in an attempt to feel relevant is worth far more than being an honest, decent human being.
Sad, really. We should all wish Vance our deepest sympathy, and pray that one day he learns how to be honest and truthful. It’ll be a long road, but one day he may get there.
Ignore the jihadi-fancying troll
In the name of democracy and impartiality, the BBC have no choice but to air the beliefs of idiots in equal measure. That’s where the bias begins…