Where have all the little comment flags gone on articles on the BEEB . You have to go looking for articles to comment on and pray they have a section. After about a hundred or so you slowly lose the will to live. A cunning plan by them to stop negative comments .
“Have Your Say (on things we think you should have your say about)” – don’t expect to comment on stories where there is any scope for disagreeing with the BBC line.
“Don’t expect to comment on stories where there is any scope for disagreeing with the BBC line”
I think it was only yesterday someone had noticed the BBC had been a wee bit selective in which party pronouncements of the day had been opened up for public commentary, and which had remained the sole preserve of BBC editorial analysis (with integrity, no doubt) alone.
The BBC seems to be ‘improving’ interactivity with all its usual commitment to actual public exchange where things can slip out of their absolute control.
Seems that they have also changed their systems such that Newsniffer can no longer track when they go back and tweak their journalism to make sure the archives look better.
School prefect and swot Michael Gove age 14 was on Question Time the other week he babbled ” Immigration is a good thing it benefits the country !! ” Yeah Michael, it’s all jolly hockey sticks.
Yappin Alibaba Brown in response gushed ” I agree with Michael, I could HUG him.” A damning indictment on the present day Tory party, getting praise from a Race Hustler. It’s at 38.25
If further confirmation was needed that the State Broadcaster is not acting in the States interest here it is (they really know how to shove our noses in it):
They were hoping everyone had forgotten that by now. Take one for the team, Fiona, make it look like we’re actually doing something about it; have a couple of years out, then back to business as normal.
Bit surprised, frankly. Usually DCMS Ministers are a bit more circumspect, possibly to avoid a ‘back off, or we’ll end you’ from a BBC DG or Trust chair.
However, since Ed’s message of mutual support was received loud and clear, and being now acted on daily, the gloves appear off.
I met Mr. Javid once, early in his new role. Every single thing I warned him about has come to pass. Seems it may be sinking in at last. If possibly too late.
These are stats that go beyond impressions of bias that BBC CECUTT can shrug off with a quick template.
Just what is the explanation for the national broadcaster deploying SWAT teams on every errant currant bun with parties Jasmine Lawrence despises, yet much more serious stuff gets the ‘not news’ ((c) A. High Integrity Tealady) treatment?
Training your dog to pee and poop outside is easy. every time she uses the loo, i just say “have a BBC”, and now after a couple of weeks of training, when we’re out and i use the words “have a BBC”, she’ll leave a great big pile of steaming shit or have a pee, I couldnt think of a more appropriate word command for her to use the bathroom
Heres a pic of her practicing to chase a tv licensing goon off my property 😛
My brother trained his cat to use the toilet in his downstairs cloakroom. I went in there once to have a slash and there’s this big ginger tom squatting over the rim and glaring at me as if to say “Oi! Get out! I’m having a shit”.
i have to disagree, ppl working in local authorities seem to get sent a lot of feces through the post, the logic being, if they talk to you like youre shit, then i’ll send u my shit. Thats just common sense, not a mental health issue, and serves the little dictator working for the council right
I remember a convict in a max security prison who was sending letters to the tutors on an educational course with feces in them. I asked the convict how he got them into the envelope and out of the prison, and he explained that as he worked in the kitchens he rolled them flat and then placed them in the freezer and was then able to fit them into the envelopes which would remain solid until they left the prison.
Please do not consider this for BBC staff, no matter how biased. They may broadcast crap, but it is beneath contempt to post it to them
I did a TV show with one of my dogs and after a long car ride I let him piss – over a litre – in the doorway of the BBC studios in Salford. Here he is supporting Sarah Palin’s Liberty pose, as a Momma Grizzly.
what like the lefties on QT you mean, booing and hissing at everything they dont agree with. Or how about the violent fascist UAF who terrorise legitimate political parties. thats real grown up that isnt it
the fascist left havnt heard the english lion roar yet, but that time isnt far away
The remake of ‘Merry Winterval, Jasmine’ is apparently being as we speak nudged through the left of centre BBC commissioning process that already has brought us mega-budget hits like ‘Atlantis’.
David Brims – ive named her after an ex gf whos nickname was blondi (she was a peroxide blonde.) However, on the off chance i ever bump into her, i will say i named her after Hitlers dog, although i cant remember whether or not i told her i always name dogs after ex gfs
GWF – LOL Nigger was a very popular name for dogs back in the day. Heres a pic of another Nigger’s grave o_O
I do remember it as a popular name. And no racial offence was meant. A dear friend of mine, quite elderly, has recently died, leaving behind her black dog named Golly.
Meet Wog the dog, he fought bravely in ww2 for the ozzies and was brutally murdered by quarantine officials on returning home to oz, hopefully the lefties arent too outraged at his name, he was an egyptian terrier
Detail the bias? Well, it’s probably more like risking revealing one (or more!) of mine but the 8.10 a.m. segment on the TOADY programme today was priceless. Catch it on iPlayer repeat if you missed it.
I got the impression when Humphrys was asking awkward questions that he was simply going through the motions and didn’t expect Balls to answer them seriously, and that Balls knew it. It was all far too matey and Balls should have been told to shut up every time he started one of his prepared lists of Tory “crimes”.
Simple – count the interruptions. Very very few. Balls was allowed to spout his quickfire stuff almost without any corrections or pauses. It was like Humphreys was hosting a party political broadcast.
Yes, but EdB is the Tories secret weapon. Let him rattle on long enough and anyone with half a brain will think the TODAY prog tea money isn’t safe with him, let alone the Band of England and the UK economy.
It has been notable in this election just who the main parties have been keeping locked away as much as possible.
“Can it really be that the BBC has only issued specific guidelines on the ‘correct’ terminology to be used when reporting on one of the world’s many conflicts? ”
Well, with only £4Bpa and 20,000 staff, clearly for the BBC there are ‘guidelines’ and ‘more of a guideline really’ (c) A. Semantic CECUTT Drone.
BBC R4 – change to schedule. No Mid Week. No Book of the Week – what treat do we have instead? The Woman’s Hour Election Debate – Arrrrghhh FUCK [sound of radio smashing against wall].
Tory “a lie a day” election, continues into absurdity William Vague
lives up to his name, no income tax increases! blaring out
Hmmm … no tax increases? well erm no, the “tory money tree” er, never mind that … NHS erm, (gave at navel) … “welfare” cuts, folks we re fair trust us … honest!
Trust us!!! … just look at our 100 imams oops I mean businesses letter … the much vaunted Tory ‘small businesses’ letter? … written inside Conservative HQ and … that included firms that have closed down! can t be straighter than than that eh!.
The erm … “employment figures” (gulp),
how we erm … “halved”(sweat, sweat, keep the car running) the “deficit”
“Conservatives might 😀 be rubbish”
The BBC points that out with regularity,
or rather the Cons do it more so to themselves
to howls of derision on here, usually.
The BBC is biased, very biased,
but if they stopped lying, you know …
conning the public, the Cons might just help themselves
An excellent comment! In my area, the Tory running for re-election seems obsessed with concreting over the entire landscape. Someone needs to sit her down and quietly explain the meaning of the word ‘conservative’.
Fine words, but alas not true. Some conservative followers of the Religion of Peace seemed to have succeeded in turning the clock back………. by centuries. They would also have dealt very decisively with Mr. Waugh.
How far do you want to go back? Even a thatched Tudor property was once a field.
We are talking about the unnecessary and ever growing need for more and more houses down to immigration, something the Tory’s have done zilch about in the last 5 years.
“Even a thatched Tudor property was once a field.”
Is there a brown field site of any size anywhere near your property?
The population has been growing steadily for years, without the immigration surge. The number of households in the country has been rising at a faster rate than the population due to couples splitting up, children leaving home and going to university and not returning home after, children just leaving home earlier etc.
And new housebuilding is way behind the demand curve so we get to the situation where you and I are sitting pretty in the wonderful home we “worked hard and paid for” (almost certainly with a huge sub from the taxpayer if you are a baby boomer via tax relief) and worth a fortune, and now want to pull up the drawbridge for others who want to follow.
I’ll bet if Labours calls and you ask them where in the constituency your share of the 200,000 homes a year will be built the answer will probably be not near you as hell hath no fury like a NIMBY scorned.
Look here Old puffer. Where I live a developer wants to build on a “green field” site. Site is on the other side of the WCML down a narrow single track lane and on the site of a gunpowder factory and it’s spread out Nissan hut storage. The site is surrounded by flood plain. There is zero public transport. There is and will not be any space for even a public footpath. The local school is full to bursting and expanding the site is going to be difficult. A useful place to stick 175 houses ? Or lunatic planning which allows con artists to make a million and leave the rest of us to pick up the pieces ? No doubt I’m a NIMBY or maybe I can see flying pigs.
And hell hath no greater example of avarice than the average property developer.
Spare us the ‘homes for our young people’ rhetoric. There isn’t a house being built that sells for less than £500,000 around here. And the people buying them are, for the most part, natives being driven out of the cities.
The Tories’ answer? Import more immigrants, concrete over everything. Makes lots of money ker–ching!
That’s not conservativism. It’s suicidal vandalism.
The population was predicted to gently decline, until Blair decided to open the floodgates. Now look where we are. It’s worked for Labour, though. Lots of lovely imported misery and poverty, with Labour ready with easy ‘make the rich pay’ answers.
“The population was predicted to gently decline, ..”
Can you provide a link to back up this interesting assertion.
Ditto one concerning “household formation”, which is a different but related matter in the number of houses required. Average household size (number of occupants per dwelling) has been steadily declining, but that means you need more houses, even for the same number of people!
http://www.parliament.uk/briefing-papers/POST-PN-438.pdf if anyone is interested. Seem to recall end of century birth rate was negative as predicted but is now firmly positive at 2+ but could be wrong. Didn’t read the doccie – looks interesting – haven’t got time.
Changing demographics. That’s the plan, and it’s working well. Transforming my city of birth into an ethnically-diverse, crime-ridden, skank-infested shit-hole will work wonders for the Labour Party.
How true. One of the most idiotic questions media morons ask ,whether it is in the less enriched areas of Northern England or the less rejuvenated regions of East Germany, is “why are you so xyz-phobic, the percebtage of xyz here is only 0.5%? As if people in these backwaters are not aware what happens when thirdworlding reaches 40% or 50%
Or that the backwater residents who live in those areas don’t work in or visit more er… culturally diverse and multiculturally vibrant places, which they don’t wish to continue getting larger and larger or to see replicated where they and their families live.
That’s what it’s always been about. Don’t let the people change the government. Pre-emptive strike, let the government change the people.
Nothing gives people more power than giving other people what they know in their hearts they are not entitled to. They are owned for ever. It’s why 90%+ of minorities vote Labour. Milliband is the traitor of England, Fabian elite..
Labour wants power it hasn’t EARNED. It is the Achilles heel of democracy, when more than 50% of the electorate profit more from redistribution of wealth than wealth creation. Unfortunately we have Cameron, who understands nothing of this.
Loved the front page pic of Ed. {Seemed to be a bit negative, bit of a stitch up – thought the Grauniad were meant to be on his side?}
Maybe suitable for a caption competition with only one of Brands hands in shot but am not sure how it’s possible to run one that is polite enough for public consumption.
Think the Shadow Chancellor might feature – again – in the entries.
London is a lost cause, not sure of your point, but if anything that is more reason to vote UKIP, what have the Tory’s done about it in the last 5 years?
I agree with Mallard , just incase Foggy & Noggin the Nog , & other`s ,start up the Kipper Fan Klub , I hear , that many are voting Tory to keep the SNP /Millipeed Tanks off England`s Green & Pleasant Lawn. I predict kippers will only have Clacton & maybe Grimsby .
Essex Man; Cameron is just a pretend conservative, like he pretends to be interested in football. I’m not obsessively conservative myself; just prefer to keep the good bits. I’d certainly like to conserve the Green & Pleasant Lawn. But sadly under Dave, it will be deemed ‘hideously white’ and will get a large helping of dark cultural enrichment from Africa. You should have been watching the Parliament Channel this morning. Speaker after speaker in Strasburg competed to be the most welcoming to illegals. One man stood alone. One day you’ll feel ashamed at how you treated him and the thirty pieces of silver you earn extra under Call Me Dave the snake oil salesman will be little compensation.
Essex Man – this Conservative Party, which you prefer over UKIP, has sold you, me and every other British person in this country out. What is the abiding legacy of this last, Tory dominated, coalition government? Gay marriage, a £+10 billion annual overseas aid budget, the erosion of our Armed Forces and a total, complete and utter failure to halt the ongoing demographic collapse of the indigenous population of our nation, by massive legal and illegal immigration; which has led to the emigration of huge numbers of our own talented people, escaping our deteriorating society and taking their social capital with them.
I don’t care if UKIP costs the Tories the election and Labour form a government with the SNP and God knows who else, it wont last five minutes anyway.
If UKIP do cause the Conservatives to lose, it should force them to change their policies to ones which actually represent the views of a huge number of people in this country. The best result for Britain, in my opinion, would be a Conservative minority government, supported by UKIP – to control the pro-E.U. fetishisms of Cameron, Boris and others, such as favouring the admission of rapidly re-Islamising Turkey for example.
To quote Milton Friedman – “The important thing is to establish a political climate of opinion which will make it politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing. Unless it is politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing, the right people will not do the right thing either, or if they try, they will shortly be out of office.”
That is what UKIP can do with sufficient support, force the Conservatives to change so it becomes more “politically profitable” for them; to seek to regain our sovereignty and twist out of the headlock of bureaucracy and endless stifling regulation which are the fruits of our exorbitantly expensive membership of the E.U.
£20 000 for every man woman and child in the country.
Cast Iron Dave and his Eurosocialist helmsmanship, well, shared helmsmanship with twenty seventhy others, of EUS Clusterfork. We need a proper Captain. And a streamlined boat. Captain Farage and HMS UK.
Who cares about Gay Weddings, apart from Scott ? The CoE & other churches are exempt . A Gay wedding will only be a Registry Office one , maybe held in a swank hotel , but only Scott & his mates will attend . The rest of us can avoid Brighton,& go down the Pub . So Cam is not a Conservative cos of that , 1950`s again. Anyhow, as I predicted ,no more than 3 kipper seats , you will be going Doh , by next Friday , you know I am right, because you hate any criticism of the Kipper Fan Klub. Don`t worry you will get over it in a day or two.
They never look ahead these lefties. If London becomes a non English city then we are in unknown territory. I cannot think of a capital city ever that was not populated by the indigenous people of that country.
Maybe I am being silly but it does look as if the liberals want us gone- expecially the shire people -so that they can indulge their fantasies. In a real way the liberal metropolitans do not regard themselves as English but way above such childish notions.
Only two possible outcomes if this goes on. Neither very comfortable for any of us.
It’s happening all over Europe. Capital cities are being overrun by non-natives. And from there it spreads outwards. Look at Stockholm. The Swedes (a lovely people for whom I have much affection and respect) have sleepwalked into cultural suicide because of their liberal ideals. We’re next.
I’m sure the remaining aboriginal population of Australia is overjoyed by the cultural enrichment and rejuvenation mass, uncontrolled European immigration has brought, all those skill shortages reduced and the massive increase in GDP. Likewise, the aboriginals in North and South America. After all the Pilgrim Fathers were the asylum seekers of their day.
But then there was no over-generous Welfare State titty in Australia, Canada and the USA back in 1900 for immigrants to claim benefits without working.
Working-age immigrants were expected to become productive members of American, Canadian and Australian society within a few weeks of landing.
Visited Oz a few years back, stayed on the South West coast for 3 three weeks then traveled East to Sydney for a week. Sydney soured the ‘Oz’ experience no different than London, wish I’d stayed West could happily live there, although it did hit 40 deg…
Visited Oz a few years back, stayed on the South West coast for 3 three weeks then traveled East to Sydney for a week. Sydney soured the ‘Oz’ experience no different than London, wish I’d stayed West could happily live there, although it did hit 40 deg…
If by liberal you mean Londoner then you’re quite correct that none of us gives much of a toss about what is supposed to constitute “English”. It’s all about driving forwards, trying new things and sussing out what works. Just like every other wave of progress over the last 100 years the “shire people” will have a moan and a fret then it’ll roll out to them in 20 years without anyone dying. Look forward to Peruvian small plates and scandi-chic circa 2035 dudes.
You clearly believe that the country is powering ahead under the ‘new wave of progress’. You should consider that perhaps it just has residual momentum from the boring old system. If so, then when that runs down, you’re stuffed. The ‘progressives’ mansion tax suggests that’s where were headed.
So basically, the accusations that Labour imported people to vote for them is vindicated. An appalling abuse of the democratic process.
Now they’re looking to introduce legislation so we can’t criticize the religion of the people they brought in here. Vile, rotten Labour! Keir Hardy and the working men who founded the party would disown you in disgust if they could see you now.
If you actually look at the EU election results, the native Brits of London were more likely to vote UKIP than the national average – but that doesn’t fit in with the ‘UKIP voters are stupid/uneducated/left behind/losers/not exposed to the ‘joys’ of multiculti’ meme that the BBC loves to put out.
wheres the BBC been when it comes to reporting this? If this had been UKIP al beeb would have had multiple orgasms reporting it. The reserach is from al beebs favourite communist street thugs as well, “hope not hate”
Research by ‘Nope No Hope’ reveals 21 paedos, 2 rapists, 1 terrorist, 13 racists, 6 sexists or homophobes, 1 drug fiend, 8 expenses cheats, 4 benefit fraudsters, and 28 thieves from the LibLabCon artsts
Newsnight 28.4.15. A dumbed down Katz production starring Comrade Evan Davis. It’s a lefty establishment bias-athon. I’m shocked.
Commissar Harriet Harperson on the Labour v Conservative, Red v Blue narrative. Comrade Evans does his job. ‘Our old favourite’ Eh Evan? Yes, Evan’s idea of ‘our’ old favourite is the Conservative vs Labour battle. Cue Pink battle bus (and after twelvty weeks on the road Labour have decided that the bus/van is pink. Not magenta, nor fuschia. Thanks BBC. FFS.)
Harriet is on a ‘woman to woman’ bus. ? . I don’t even know what that means. Does Ms Harperson give a toss about men? It appears that she cares only about women. Can she talk plain English?
UKIP up to 2 seats on the BBC Poll! (But don’t mention UKIP Evan.)
Now it’s Ed in Pudsey! And a range of seats where Labour are going to turn it round against the Tories in a few marginals. So Comrade Evan, what of it?
Ah yes. Ask the expert. ‘What can Labour do to squeeze this through in these marginals?’ … ‘Take us through what Labour can do?’ Expert … ‘They can hope and pray and pray and hope’.
I think I may get a career in being an expert. I could also tell Evan nothing about anything of interest to the viewer.
I’m 12 minutes in. Can I bear any more?
Tory v Lab. SNP issue, LibDems. Over the line. Incumbency is a powerful thing. Blue v Red. Most localised campaign, ever! All narrative – no content.
Off to Morecambe. Good excuse to talk about Eric Morecambe. How did Eric vote? ‘Tory at heart, I think.’ Explains his former driver. Also a good excuse for a cockle picking diversion from the political issues of the day. And, yes, we have a racism against chinese snippet of a conversation and a Labour voter. Because its only Labour who care about immigrants, only Labour who care about deaths at Morecambe. This ‘reporter’ has form. Common Purpose girl, daughter of Establishment, who did a biased job on the east coast a couple of weeks ago. Katy Razzle. Not one mention of policy, not one mention of a party other than Con or Lab. Grade E ‘journalism’. Allegra Strappon in Cornwall for balance. Because we need balance. Yes, it’s a two horse race between LibDem and Con. St Ives. And if you didn’t know, Allegra thinks that what the coalition does is ‘bad stuff’. (We already know you are red Allegra. Needn’t make it too obvious.)
Oooh!. UKIP mentioned by Allegra 26 mins in. Because they may prevent the Tories getting in. Of course Allegra, thanks, because we need to know that its all about Red v blue v yellow v SNP v wasted UKIP vote v hung parliament permiatations. Nothing to do with policies, just to do with a carve up between those who are born to rule.
It must be so, because Comrades Katy, Evan, Allegra and Laura (no, not Laura!), who are born to broadcast, having been born righteously positioned on the higher moral plane, tell us so.
And now we have Tim ‘nice but dim’ Farron the next leader of the Limp Dems, talking numbers and permiatations. FFS.
33 mins in and nothing on Economics, Defence, Education, Health or the axle issue, the hub of the problem, the issue of immigration (which, thanks to Ed Miliband’s permission, it is now OK to discuss – but not on Newsnight).
Ooooo! But Farron thinks SNP UKIP are extremists???? And nationalism is dangerous. Hello Tim? UKIP beheadings? Assaults? Bombs? incitement to hatred? Extremists? SNP may have been indulging in harassment, heckling and criminal damage, but UKIP? Evidence please Farron? Farron uses the ‘Smear’ method.
That’s the policy-free politics offering from Newsnight. Nothing on today’s revelations on postal voting fraud in Blackburn. Nothing on the Conservative PPC and the Ed/Jew comments. No follow up on Labour/BNP cross fertilisation in Lancashire.
Let’s go over to Baltimore to feed our ongoing evil American whites (especially cops) killing innocent and unarmed black people narrative. Usual race baiting piece with (another) African American race baiting professional using the uncivilised and riotous behaviour in Baltimore as a stick to beat bad old racist whitey with. Again. Have these ‘journalists’ done their homework? Have they watched ‘The Wire’? No. And No. Beeboid race baiting narrative, no content. No understanding of the real issues that is the human melting pot of Baltimore. No greys with the BBC. Simple black and white narrative.
And to finish off, an old poet dude who is fed up of the empty rhetoric, soundbites and abuse of language in the current election debate. Oh the irony! Interesting interview. Interesting comments from an old guy who has given up already.
Newsnight went with the ‘Ignore UKIP’ and ‘Ignore immigration’ method tonight. Good job comrades!
… and coming to BBC bias – the Times this morning laid out in detail – its main front-page headline/story no less (+ main editorial comment) – Lady Hodge’s tax hypocrisy. Was this mentioned in the Today survey of the papers? Of course not. BTW, although not mentioned in the Times, as well as being a world-class hypocrite Lady Hodge enabled child abuse in Islington when she led the council there.
Why wasn’t Ed asked about Lady Hodge’s tax affairs in the Balls-Humphrys conversation (it wasn’t an “interview” in any meaningful understanding of the word)? After all, Balls is claiming that suppression of tax avoidance will raise untold billions (much of which is to be spent on the NHS in Scotland BTW) so it’s relevant to the conversation.
While I’m on, what was the purpose – beyond the BBC’s furtherance of a Labour tactic to get Miliband down wiv de kidz – of transmitting a gratuitous clip of the Brand-Miliband mutual masturbation session on Today this morning? I don’t recall Attlee filming a conversation with Arthur Askey during the 1951 hustings to garner some of Askey’s popularity although Askey would, I’m sure, have talked/written more common sense in five minutes than in Brand’s lifetime.
Another thing Ed wasn’t asked was about the zero-hour contracts operated by Labour itself. After all, it was Ed who brought up the subject. An open goal for anyone actually interested in putting the ball in the net.
Classic Beeb economic shock-horror headline yesterday “UK economic growth slows to 0.3%”. Not so, as anyone actually bothering to read the story would discover this figure only refers to government stats for the first quarter of 2015. Quarterly growth statistics are notoriously volatile, and the annual figure, which is the one that really counts, is usually revised upwards from the run of quarterly figures once the data are checked by the Office of National Statistics. The BBC has been playing this trick concerning both quarterly and monthly statistics for the past five years.
Is not measuring GDP a nonsense without reference to population growth and debt levels?
If the last two increase at the same or a faster rate than the first, then there is either no progress or negative progress.
Not disagreeing that al beeb cherry picks economic data to suit its party political affiliations, but is the measure even reliable if accurately reported?
This is where the wheels start coming off the mass imm bandwagon.
It seems that the main case being made now for mass imm relates to economic benefits, presumably because trying to convince the average man or woman that it’s been beneficial on a social/cultural level is a tough ask in the light of, inter alia, racially motivated CSA across the country, beheadings in london, and interesting electoral practices.
Yet GDP per capita, in this age of massive population expansion, has failed to advance. Productivity has improved not at all.
The economic benefits of mass imm appear to be about as plentiful as the social ones.
BBC channels this mornin.Live Miliband speech with Ed Balls,show whole speech.
Cameron live speech ,not shown on either news 24 or Parliament channel. What have we instead ? Victoria Derbyshire droning on on about abuse /human rights and a European Parliament live debate on migrants.
For Gods sake BBC there is a UK election on and you are supposed to be the national broadcaster. They aren’t even bothering with balance .
Sky little better,small amount of speech then cut off.
Like most of us here, I’ve been seriously concerned about the BBC’s Left wing bias for many years – never more so than during this election. But you raise a very valid point about Sky, too. As I mentioned on another thread, I’ve just ditched the new BBC news app (because they’ve broken it) and replaced it with the Sky equivalent.
What I hadn’t realised was how far to the Left Sky has gone, too. A recent article about Nigel Farage could have come from the Mirror.
We are in deep trouble with the state of news broadcasting in this country having drifted to the sort of political monoculture usually found in dictatorships.
The BBC are utterly shameless in their bias now. I hope there will be major repercussions for the BBC if their beloved Labour/SNP ‘dream team’ don’t happen form the next government. I hope we will have a PM who will have the balls to actually curtail this vile propaganda outfit.
Well it will be boom time for the BBC if Labour/SNP get in. Expect TV license money to be collected from the Council Tax, and hiked. They must be rewarded for their unwavering loyalty to the Party after all.
I hope there will be major repercussions anyway. I think BBC bias is now sufficiently recognised that the Tories could get away with calling the BBC out on it, with any reprisals from the BBC being seen to prove their point.
“Labour’s Hodge ‘had £1.5m shares in offshore tax haven’:
Senior politician accused of hypocrisy following earlier fierce criticism of tax avoidance.
“Labour MP Margaret Hodge has repeatedly attacked offshore arrangements.
“But she has allegedly benefited from scheme allowing Britons to move assets back to UK without facing criminal action.
“Tory candidate for Shipley Philip Davies said news was ‘sheer hypocrisy.'”
Extremely biased report from Bath constituency this morning on Today programme. Introduced with someone saying that Bath had become “much more cultured” now that Sunday afternoons were like being in the Caribbean (?!)
In the 2010 Election, the Lib Dems received 56.6% of the vote, the Conservatives 31.4% and Labour only 6.9%. Clearly the Election is between the Lib Dems and the Conservatives (who held the seat for many years).
Yet, guess what? The report opens with the Labour candidate who is given 1 minute 48 seconds of time, with very sympathetic treatment. Subsequently, the Lib Dem is given 1 minute 34 seconds and the Conservative candidate a mere 48 seconds.
“Impartiality” in the BBC lexicon clearly means promoting Labour not only at the macro but the micro level as well.
As someone who was born and grew up in Bath, the City is now a shite hole, 23 years of Lib Dem control has ruined it.
Planning has been grated to many eyesores, mainly student accommodation (remember Bath is supposed to be a heritage city) and it is no longer a pleasure to visit, bearing little resemblance to the city I lived in for 25 years.
Its now a bohemian place full of overseas students, one would be hard pressed to find a genuine young Bathonion, foreign accents abound on a Saturday afternoon visit. Most of the lovely Victorian terraces have been gutted and turned into student flats, these students skew the vote in the Lib Dems favour, although this time many may vote Green and split the vote thus letting The Tory’s win (hopefully).
Wouldn’t be surprised to see the city lose its heritage status.
Like so many of our market towns and smaller cities.
But if you try to suggest ripping the heart out of a 1,000 plus year old settlement just to make room for more incomers and money for developers is wrong, some clown uses the word ‘nimby’.
Funnily enough, there was a truly excellent programme on BBC 4 recently (a repeat, of course) tracing how the Marxist-inspired architects and central planners post WWII destroyed a thriving community in Deptford.
It was so good that I found myself wondering how on earth it managed to make it to broadcast.
Moreover, it was an object lesson in how socialism kills the very things it pretends to cherish and should be compulsory viewing for socialists and housebuilding fanatics alike.
” Deptford High Street was ‘the Oxford Street of south London’. Today, marooned amid 1970s housing blocks, it is one of the poorest shopping streets in London.”
I remember seeing that a while ago. It made me incredibly angry to see how a community was willfully destroyed step by step:
Pull down the ‘slums’ (that aren’t slums)
Put up tower block shite that nobody wants to live in
Import immigrants that are willing to live there
Crime and drugs explode on the scene
Old residents flee
Area become total shit hole that can’t be gentrified due to tower block housing.
Labour and BBC celebrate the ‘enrichment’ and ‘diversity’.
The people responsible, if still alive, should be shot.
I remember watching that programme. One of the few times that a little bit of reality encroached into the usual middle class BBC Leftist crap. I noticed yesterday the BBC promoting a new series called the “Greatest Generation”. It shows clips of the Jarrow marchers and nuclear disarmament campaigners and so forth, and so you know what is coming. i.e. wall to wall Guardian reader Leftist crap from people whose parents went on marches supporting Stalin and Mao and Pol Pot (you know nice people like that) – the history of the Left is so shameful they have to re-write it.
Something tells me that their history will omit the fact that the Labour Party bitterly opposed the NHS, it only went through because its MP’s were won over and rebelled against the Partly line. Read Beveridge’s Memoirs.
“REVEALED: How IS teach British ‘sleeper cells’ to stay undetected online with ‘DIY guides.’
“The Islamic State terror group are arming young extremists in Britain with the skills to remain completely undetected online – so they can plan atrocities with a global network of jihadists, it has been reported.”
How surprising that the terrorist instruction manuals are all written in Arabic. It’s almost as if the majority of terrorists are Muslims … surely not.
They must really, really misunderstand their peaceful religion.
That grauniad article is interesting. It’s widely known now that mass imm has a deleterious effect on community cohesion (eg racially motivated CSA), on the availability of housing (especially at the lower end of the scale), and on public services (particularly health and education).
What the grauniad article confirms is it actually changes the nature of the government of a country. Without it, this country would have taken a less statist approach, since the latter has coincided with lab administrations, which could only govern and indeed spend as they did owing to an increased population.
The Left say they want more community cohesion, less poverty, and more equality.
In reality they pursue policies which destroy communities, traps people in welfare dependency, and increases the bank balances of politicians. Look at the career of the (anti-white) racist Diane Abbot.
“Truth about Labour and immigration: 90 per cent of households established at height of open-door policy headed by a migrant.
“Nine in 10 homes set up at height of open-door policy headed by migrants.
“Between 1997 and last year, 65 per cent of the country’s 2.7million extra housing units were headed by a foreigner.
“In peak period – 2005 to 2009 – the figure rose to a staggering 89 per cent.”
Given the Labour Party and Trade Unions’ record (inc BBC-NUJ’s) in their enthusiatic, unquestioning campaigning for open-door, mass immigration and the total colonisation of Britain, why don’t they put this ignominious ‘achievement’ on Labour Party posters?
That’s a bloody good point. We never stop hearing of how immigration has enhanced our country – socially, culturally, financially – so why don’t we hear of a ‘We’ll let more immigrants in than any other party’ policy?
Labour to be wiped out in Scotland is just the start hopefully. They took their so called safe seats for granted for too long.Change in the North and East London is long overdue.
Even with all the Olympic money ,Stratford is still a dump with eye sore buildings being built all over the place.Other parts of the Borough cannot be improved because it would deprive people of their ” culture”.This is a borough that has had no opposition parties since it became Newham.Full on Labour.
Nothing like keeping people down because of their culture especially in their safe seats.
Lets see a bit of post election analysis about that from the BBC .
“BBC accused of ‘anti-Tory bias’ by Culture Secretary Sajid Javid who threatens review of how the Corporation is governed.
Culture and Media Secretary Sajid Javid complains over BBC election bias.
“Minister cited Radio 4 debate in which all guests criticised David Cameron.
“Javid suggests summer review of BBC charter include a review of balance.”
Will Beeboids ramp up their pro-Labour Party, anti-Tory political bias in the final week before the Election in their efforts to ensure protection of BBC licence fee, mass colonisation of Britain, no E.U referendum?
Checking the betting the Tories are still 4/1 on for most seats compared with this report. You can get a very good 3/1 against Labour having most seats, so if you believe this report bung a £100 on Labour now.
Money risked often is more right than voiced opinion.
A short period of rule by the Marxists Miliband and Sturgeon will see England divorce Scotland and thus render Labour unelectable for generations.
Once we are rid of Labour, we can then get rid of the faux Conservatives and their pals in the EU and crony capitalists and get back to being a sensible country again.
You fail to understand why ‘The Fish’ in Scotland is being ‘bigged up’ along with Plaid Cymru.
Scotland gets it’s say, as does Wales to a lesser extent. This leads to calls for the English ‘regions’ demanding similar ‘semi-autonomous roles, ‘localism’. And, in due course England will be split into 9 regions…funny that, because it’s already EU policy.
And the Balkanisation of England will be complete…along with any power we previously commanded within the EU and the UK.
Ascrofts polling of Sheffield Hallam constituency is due later today, and it was looking extremely marginal from previous polls.
For those who don’t know this is Nick (I’m on a different planet) Clegg’s seat.
If it does look like he will lose the seat then the BBC coverage will be truly interesting, as I can’t imagine them being as enthusiastic as they are over UKIP and some of their marginal.
But how they cheered him on in 2010 prior to stabbing them in the back.
Detailed polling in such as Grimsby and Great Yarmouth seems to be indicating disappointment for UKIP, so the BBC may yet do a big splash if a seat is actually won by UKIP and try to “analyse” for their audience just why enough people in that constituency made such an “extraordinary” decision!
Cock-up in Hull East (LAB) sees postal ballot paper omit two candidates Labour’s Karl Turner and Greens candidate Sarah Walpole are not listed on a new batch of postal ballot papers sent out today.
Starting to see why, when one asks tricky questions about BBC-sourced vox-poppery, they very quickly mount the editorial integrity high horse or unleash the exclusive ‘purposes of’ laywers.
On an OT note, is Chukka really that stupid? Or just confident such dodges will make it to niche blogs and not the dominant broadcaster his boss has bought off?
Back on T, the comments are already gathering pace:
Nick Booth Apparently, Stephanie Flanders’ mum’s answering machine recorded a message from two tipsy mockneys at four in the morning.
“Hello, my name’s Russell. here’s my friend ed” said one voice.
On came the other.
“Did I shag your daughter? You bet I did!” said Ed.
I wonder if that one would make it past Lord Hall hall’s funny bone? Or will he stick with the ‘cancer’ stuff that seems more in keeping with current BBC required standards?
Ed with similar hand gestures and a mockney accent sits with the great political theorist, Brand, on the couch. I was pleased that Brand was waving his arms about and not trying to give Ed a wank, which is the kind of thing he is reported as doing to men in the Daily Mirror.
Given the BBC can get quite excited editorially if a traditionally supportive organisation or media expresses doubts about political leaders the BBC doesn’t fancy much either, it will be interesting how they ‘handle’ this from… THE NEW STATESMAN (home of many a BBC sofa gob for hire over the years):
THIS is the kind of man we need representing the Former UK, in ALL things –
It’s a travesty, that the majority of the British public will never see things like this, due to the reticence of Channel 4 and the BBC to broadcast them.
Farage from the UK goes to Strasbourg and gives this brilliant speech to a room full of enemies. And our state broadcaster is not interested. But then, they were not interested in Churchill’s warning against the Nazi threat. Never mind, some thugs from the UAF and Hope for Hate will be there to disrupt his final election speeches here and the BBC will interview them as if they were Taliban heroes.
“Mediterranean boats will bring 500,000 Islamic State terrorists to Europe, blasts Farage.
“Over hasty EU legislation to tackle the thousands of African migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean to Italy could see half a million Islamic State terrorists to flood Europe, Nigel Farage has warned.”
I knew that Farage was going to make this speech – taking time out from his campaign in the UK election. I had been looking all day for a clip of the speech. No sign of it on the BBC or Sky. Shoved straight down the memory hole. Why should I have to come to this relatively obscure website to finally see what Farage had said ?
I reckon his views on this matter chime with the views of millions of people in the UK. So how dare the media suppress this speech ?
The Beeb and the enemedia are continuing their new policy of COMPLETELY IGNORING (if not trashing) UKIP ,in the hope that potential supporters will lose hope and ‘go home’ to the T ories.
I think this tactic is going to backfire on them spectacularly.
Of course UKIP have no chance of actually winning this election, but it will show people that they are a credible force in British politics, and that there is an alternative.
“Iran fires upon, seizes U.S. commercial ship, U.S. ‘monitoring’ the situation.”
Excerpt, by Robert Spencer-
“’Even though the Strait of Hormuz is in Iranian territorial waters, ‘innocent passage’ is applied — ships are authorized to pass through the body of water assuming they abide by all the rules of the sea — because it is an internationally recognized shipping lane.’ By firing upon the ship, then, the Iranians are clearly signaling that they hold Barack Obama in contempt, and know that there is no limit to how far they can push him. They took the measure of John Kerry at Lausanne, won their spectacular nuclear concessions from the Obama regime, and now they’re going to rub his face in their aggressiveness, knowing that he will do nothing in response.”
Yet again you see the puppet but not the strings !
Look to what Saudi said about this prior to the negotiations with Iraq and you will see yet more evidence that the US government is not operating in the interests of the USA. It hasn’t been for some decades now, since the Bush / BLiar years which if you notice is when everything started going wrong.
Couldn’t disagree with you more. Since the American civil war, America’s foreign policy has always been conducted in the interests of the USA irrespective of the peripheral damage done to friends and allies.
Bit late but it’s review the BBc breakfast show. I didn’t see all of it so I’m sure it was much worse than this.
The main, thrust if I can use the word was affordable housing. They had Steph who was on a building site interview among others Melanie. Melanie is a “Housing expert” and she tells us that the housing shortage is caused by “low interest rates”. WTF? Low interest rates! Of course the flood of immigration is never mentioned as being a cause. Later..wait for it…wait for it (CHARITY ALERT) she interviews someone from Shelter who again doesn’t talk about immigration.
Baltimore and the latest in the ongoing Freddie “Crackpipe , looting sorry did I say looting I meant protests. A “largely” peaceful night apparently I may have a look on some US sites to see how “largely” peaceful. In the ongoing spirit of missing information the BBc didn’t mention this. http://thefourthestate.co/2015/04/breaking-freddy-gray-had-spine-surgery-just-one-week-before-arrest/
The allegation that he had spinal surgery a week before his arrest which may or may not have a bearing on the case.
Back to alcohol & obesity calorie information on alcoholic drinks blah blah blah. Yep always a big issue when your planning on getting off your face on triple strength lager oooh I wonder how many calories that is.
Oh and serious faces Australian citizens executed for breaking the drugs law in a country I wouldn’t even think about visiting. Apparently they were repentant and had shown rehabilitation we are told.
I noted the sombre tone adopted every time the executions were reported. Pity the likes of our Misahl is unable to adopt a similarly sombre tone on those rare occasions she (or any of them) report on the mass slaughter and ethnic cleansing of Christians in other Islamic countries.
Ah, but this is the death penalty – one of the Left’s betes noirs – and there lies the difference.
“…History shows that the left has been pretty keen on the death penalty for those it does not approve of or who challenge their views.”
Very keen. Stalin, Hitler (yes, he was a National Socialist), Pol Pot, Mao…my, the list quickly fills up with homicidal left wing lunatics, doesn’t it?
The 7.25 sports bulletin on yesterday’s edition of Today had about 15 seconds on Bournemouth’s remarkable promotion to the Premier League, the rest being dedicated to an interview with some Swedish bird who wanted to turn golf upside down to make it more ‘accessible to women’.
Great opportunty for our BBC host to voice his own opinions ‘Game for boring middle class men’ – showing the usual prejudice held by the rabid left who see golf clubs as the last refuges of UKIP-voting chauvinists/bigots/racists/Little Englanders which clearly need to be destroyed.
Then there were the finer points of the game that would need to be changed to make it ‘more exciting’: men, apparently, are better at taking time over their shots, giving them an unfair advantage. Cricket has adapted to the times (those would be the Attention Deficit Disorder Times, I’d guess) – 20/20 and all that – why not golf? And, our cheeky BBC chappie asks, has she ever been tempted to play in jeans?
Expect more and more of this mind-numbing tripe because the BBC won’t be happy until women have ‘equality’ in all aspects of every sport on the planet, even if it means changing those nasty male-oriented rules – like being given time to concentrate on where to land your golf ball. Nothing like a level playing field, what?
One dirty little trick the Gordon Brown did on leaving office which has never been made public, was to reduce the Prime Minister salary from £194 000 to £142 000 forcing Cameron to take a £50K pay cut.
Personally I don’t think this is anywhere near enough for the long hours nor for the responsibility of the job. It opens the incumbent up to the temptation of bribes which I believe is actively happening, and it is so low that just three speaking engagements (or less) would make more than the yearly salary.
There is no doubt whatsoever. They’re at it all the time. My favourite is football though, because the current pay gap is enormous, pretty much matching the viewer attraction. It’s a measure of the cockiness of the Beeb that they even take this on. But they are, and one day I’m sure PL clubs will have to subsidise female teams. UEFA already interfere against Man City, so the principle is established.
Tennis is already there, but the skill deficit is less noticeable, and plenty of males will derive a measure of entertainment from the toned limbs/short skirts on the likes of Anna Kournikova and Ana Ivanovic.
There seems to be some evidence that males are fighting back against bullying feminism. Their best means to counter enforced female sport is to constantly discuss the looks of the competitors rather than their ‘skills’.
Radio 5 Live summing up the leaders today.
Sound bites from Dave re legalising no increase in taxes, Ed saying it’s a gimmick, Clogg on more free stuff for primary school children, and……… Farage (introduced by the presenter as getting their message out) ” ….we simply can’t accept countless millions…”.
That was it. No context. No explanation. No description of what he was talking about, or where, or when.
That is by far the most blatant bias by the lying liars at the BBC to discredit Nigel Farage and UKIP. Truly disgraceful, even by their standards.
Suppose seven delicious cakes arrived at the BBC – each with the name of a political party on them and just ONE of them happened to be the right way round in a photograph. Which one do you think it would be?
Repeat of the Brand/Miliband interview on News At Ten, BBC 1. 3 students Voxpop, two girlies saying that they have more in common with Brand than Miliband and so having seen Ed with Russell, they are now more likely to vote (Labour implied). And the summary voiced over explained that the interview had therefore been worth it. No explanation whose view that was, I expect they mean in the view of the Beeb.
I wouldn’t worry, by polling day they will have forgotten which day it was on or not registered or will turn up after the pub around 11pm. Maybe the original celebrity Hammer supporter will sent them a text to remind them not to bother to vote.
I would be far more impressed with the charlatan if he could replace Big Sam and steer his team into the top four. Yeah I know, Nigel has more chance of waking up as PM than that will happen.
And it’s deeper than that. The main push for the encouragement of diesel cars came due to pressure from scientifically illiterate hippies (aka ‘Greens’) who were trying to scare-up a panic over ‘peak oil’.
The BBC has a dog in this fight because it has been promoting the ‘Green’ cause for over a decade and so bears a considerable responsibility for this nitrogen dioxide problem.
What’s more green? A diesel that lasts decades and 200k.+ miles @50mpg, or some modern mobile computer that is almost impossible to change a light bulb on and is un-economic to repair at 8 years because of a control box failure?
Says a proud owner of a 14 year old Audi diesel with 205k on the clock and still returning 55mpg!
The DPF is a good example of Euro ‘green measures’ which have both spoilt the relaiabilty and effiency of the diesel engine. No pre 2007 Audi/VW diesel engine had one fitted, mine doesn’t have one.
Which was the point I made earlier. Diesels were more or less forced on motorists at the prompting of ‘Greens’, who then started making even more demands, making diesels inherently unreliable.
You pre-2007 VW engine is neither here nor there. The problem is the tens of thousands of the damned things still pouring onto the road now, belching out Nitrous Dioxide for the relatively short period they remain operational.
You said ‘diesels last for decades’. Not now they don’t!
It’s a classic case of what happens when governments interfere in markets.
Personally I’m very suspicious that the NO2 thing is another Green con to get us all into shiny new petrol EuroBoxes and pay more taxes if we decide to stick with our diesels.
Euro 5 and Euro 6 diesels emit 0.005 g/km of particulate matter.
Euro 5 and Euro 6 petrol engines (with direct injection, which is the majority of modern petrol engines) emit 0.005 g/km of particulate matter.
The Euro 5 standard was introduced in September 2009, with all cars from 2010 meeting this standard.
It is ridiculous to claim that diesels emit more particulates than petrols and shows a thorough lack of understanding of modern engines and emission standards.
Just what are the Greenies going to do about all the diesel generators that are required to ‘Top up’ the system when there i s no wind? And all the lorries that deliver the lentils to their health food shops. Both belch out more pollution than any diesel car.
Dare I say it but even more reason to vote UKIP to get us out of even more bloody regulation.
You’d be hard pressed to find anyone more anti-EU than I am but I think you’re missing the point about diesels.
I’m not sure it is safe to ignore NO2 levels but even if we do for the purposes of this argument, to get diesels down to the particulate levels you quote, they have been effectively crippled and what was once a very useful engine for certain purposes has been rendered an expensive and potentially unreliable alternative to petrol engines.
I agree about diesel generators for electricity. It is, of course, madness. My view is that an equal madness has been filling our roads with them.
Had the politicians not become involved, neither would have happened.
Seems to me the only time we really hear about air pollution is when it blows over from Europe or and the Sahara. Yes I remember we were sold diesels as being more economical and surprise as soon as they became popular diesel became more expensive than petrol engines. Latest diesels are stuck with these abominations http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diesel_particulate_filter I’ve heard so many horror stories about the lifespan and replacement costs we wouldn’t be buying anything with them fitted, so by logic the diesel we have will be replaced by petrol. Mike my nice but dim brother in law has just bought an all electric car. He can drive it too his parents house as long as he drives straight there and it’s not cold. He was giving the talk about road tax and how he can charge for free in so many places. Yes I said and how long will that last.
BBC doesn’t seem to have much comment on the possibility of a Lib Dem catastrophe at the election. If Clegg loses his Sheffield Hallam site, and he very well might then who is going to negotiate for them in the 14 days they have to form a government post election?
Even if Clegg does scrape in, it’s likely he will have to resign because of the election performance, again leaving him unable to negotiate a coalition on behalf of the new leader.
Danny Alexander looks like he will also lose his seat so there won’t be a simple east succession.
Although it looks like the Tories will have the most seats they will not be able to form a government, and with Labour + SNP + Greens and others will.
I‘m angry about this bias. News at 10. Broadcast to the nation.
A report from South Thanet. Framed as ‘Farage trying to win’ vs ‘the others trying to stop Farage winning’. Whilst the anti-UKIP and pro-Labour slant is standard, the footage shown to accompany the piece included a BBC regular. (Bunny LaRoche?). A sometime blue haired, sometime pink haired woman, who Russell Brand once called a ‘lady’ on Question Time, is clearly seen shouting abuse at Nigel Farage.
For the BBC to once allow a known Socialist Workers Party affiliate onto Question Time, to threaten Nigel Farage on air, was unprofessional. To include her in a clip on the main BBC News hurling abuse at Nigel Farage on the streets of (I think it was Ramsgate), knowing that she is an SWP activist, but inferring that this was ‘local opposition’ is biased. It almost appeared staged.
Never do the BBC reporters ask these ‘protesters’ to state, clearly, the nature of their protest – what precisely is the problem with the UKIP message? And why are they not actively promoting their own positive message, instead of interrupting those who wish to do exactly that. Never does the BBC uphold the principles of democracy by promoting the clear dissemination of the party policies. The BBC does the opposite. It promotes the abuser, the name caller, the whinger, the moaner, the offended, the demander, the shouter.
UKIP have been given different status by Jeremy Vine on the Bigscreen Multicolour Singing and Dancing Election Mega computer. One wonders if they already have the results. However, Jeremy was not thinking too clearly. Evidently ‘Local factors’ are helping UKIP in Rotherham. Rotherham, the town that the BBC really wishes didn’t exist. Would the ‘Local factors’ be rape victims? Labour incompetence? Failure of Child Protection Services? Are the ‘Local Factors’ rape gangs? Police corruption? Political corruption?
This is what we get for our Fee. Detached, elitist, self righteous left wing media elite at play. Rotherham? Local Factors? Its children’s lives FFS. And the BBC is doing their upmost to maintain the status quo through their continuing pro-Labour and anti-UKIP campaign.
Apart from what seemed like Labour Party pro-paedophile activists campaigning against UKIP support for the victims. We haven’t seen much on BBC Look North, not even a report about the new commissioners, let alone the continued inactivity of the local Police. The White working-class population in Rotherham are so fearful that they have a phobia about Islamic taxi drivers, and therefore ask for white taxi drivers. Now Miliband is threatening the indigenous people of Rotherham with anti Islamophobia laws.
Alex Forsyth. Sad. That was the sort of report we’ve come to expect from Robin Brant but she was pretty fair on twitter last week. She tweeted regularly. The funny thing is, since she has started working again she hasn’t tweeted at all. Odd.
I still have a sense that the result on May 7 will lead to a coalition between the Tories, the DUP and UKIP. The latter 2 parties pulling the Tories to the right, where they belong.
And in the negotiations on how to proceed – UKIP will publicly argue, and many Tory MPs will support them, that the BBC needs to be cut back. Not abolished, but returned to the real job of public sector broadcasting, providing stuff that the “market” will not provide. The licence fee halved or cut by two-thirds, but the BBC allowed to look at raising further revenue by subscription.
And a much more fierce insistence on political neutrality.
Two things this morning. First, I didn’t quite catch all of the news report on Radio Devon yesterday, but it would appear that a group of parents refused to let their children into a mosque because they feared for their children’s safety. It was a school trip set up to embrace other religions. I’ll try and find more on this later today.
And secondly, it now looks like the winter just gone will show the greatest number of “Frost Days” for a very very long time and over an extended winter period. If Global Warming is taking place as we are told ad nausea by the BBC, then why are we having so many “Frost Days” in the U.K.? Maybe any “Climate Change” we are currently seeing is not down to man made Co2 but more to so with the cycle 24 of the sun spot activity which is almost zero. Notice no winter storms this year? A cool and dry summer awaits for us, me thinks.
I doubt they were worried about their ‘safety’ per se.
Although there would be some concerns they might be in contact with Muslim child sexual abusers while in the mosque, the children would obviously be subjected to numerous lies and misinformation about Islam as part of the trip.
I very much doubt they would learn anything useful about the life of Mohammed “The first thing we want to tell you children, is that you are all old enough to be Mohammed’s wife as his favourite infant bride was only six years old when he married her”.
“But don’t worry, he didn’t rape her until she was nine years old.”
More likely they just realised if they gave the real reasons they did not want their children on a school mosque trip, they would be declared as racist by the fascist left and possibly be arrested and/or have their children taken into care.
They could well be worried about the children’s safety. Isis has shown itself to be astute and as ruthless as anything we have seen in our lifetimes and the chance is not worth taking. . I would have been in agreement with the parents. No visit.
Two things this morning. First, I didn’t quite catch all of the news report on Radio Devon yesterday, but it would appear that a group of parents refused to let their children into a mosque because they feared for their children’s safety. It was a school trip set up to embrace other religions. I’ll try and find more on this later today.
And secondly, it now looks like the winter just gone will show the greatest number of “Frost Days” for a very very long time and over an extended winter period. If Global Warming is taking place as we are told ad nausea by the BBC, then why are we having so many “Frost Days” in the U.K.? Maybe any “Climate Change” we are currently seeing is not down to man made Co2 but more to so with the cycle 24 of the sun spot activity which is almost zero. Notice no winter storms this year? A cool and dry summer awaits for us, me thinks.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Where have all the little comment flags gone on articles on the BEEB . You have to go looking for articles to comment on and pray they have a section. After about a hundred or so you slowly lose the will to live. A cunning plan by them to stop negative comments .
“Have Your Say (on things we think you should have your say about)” – don’t expect to comment on stories where there is any scope for disagreeing with the BBC line.
“Don’t expect to comment on stories where there is any scope for disagreeing with the BBC line”
I think it was only yesterday someone had noticed the BBC had been a wee bit selective in which party pronouncements of the day had been opened up for public commentary, and which had remained the sole preserve of BBC editorial analysis (with integrity, no doubt) alone.
The BBC seems to be ‘improving’ interactivity with all its usual commitment to actual public exchange where things can slip out of their absolute control.
Seems that they have also changed their systems such that Newsniffer can no longer track when they go back and tweak their journalism to make sure the archives look better.
Revisionist propaganda backed by unaccountable censirship. That’s always worked out so well in the past.
“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” – George Orwell,1984 – (former BBC employee)
School prefect and swot Michael Gove age 14 was on Question Time the other week he babbled ” Immigration is a good thing it benefits the country !! ” Yeah Michael, it’s all jolly hockey sticks.
Yappin Alibaba Brown in response gushed ” I agree with Michael, I could HUG him.” A damning indictment on the present day Tory party, getting praise from a Race Hustler. It’s at 38.25
Polish immigrant rapes and murders French girl aged 9 in Calais.
A ‘like’ doesn’t really seem appropriate, give then repugnant nature of the crime, but thanks for drawing it to my attention.
If further confirmation was needed that the State Broadcaster is not acting in the States interest here it is (they really know how to shove our noses in it):
They were hoping everyone had forgotten that by now. Take one for the team, Fiona, make it look like we’re actually doing something about it; have a couple of years out, then back to business as normal.
Vote UKIP.
On the same page:
Bit surprised, frankly. Usually DCMS Ministers are a bit more circumspect, possibly to avoid a ‘back off, or we’ll end you’ from a BBC DG or Trust chair.
However, since Ed’s message of mutual support was received loud and clear, and being now acted on daily, the gloves appear off.
I met Mr. Javid once, early in his new role. Every single thing I warned him about has come to pass. Seems it may be sinking in at last. If possibly too late.
These are stats that go beyond impressions of bias that BBC CECUTT can shrug off with a quick template.
Just what is the explanation for the national broadcaster deploying SWAT teams on every errant currant bun with parties Jasmine Lawrence despises, yet much more serious stuff gets the ‘not news’ ((c) A. High Integrity Tealady) treatment?
Blondi update at 16 weeks
Training your dog to pee and poop outside is easy. every time she uses the loo, i just say “have a BBC”, and now after a couple of weeks of training, when we’re out and i use the words “have a BBC”, she’ll leave a great big pile of steaming shit or have a pee, I couldnt think of a more appropriate word command for her to use the bathroom
Heres a pic of her practicing to chase a tv licensing goon off my property 😛
My brother trained his cat to use the toilet in his downstairs cloakroom. I went in there once to have a slash and there’s this big ginger tom squatting over the rim and glaring at me as if to say “Oi! Get out! I’m having a shit”.
Im impressed. Was this your brothers cat?
“BBC presenter Adrian Chiles is reportedly among a number of the corporation’s stars to have been sent soiled toilet paper in the post.
Match of the Day 2 host Chiles said he had received about eight packages, which he described as “disgusting”.
“The smell is not something you want first thing in the morning,” he said. “
No. He would never stoop to such vileness, even to the odious Chiles.
Yes have to agree that sort of act shows a metal health issue that needs help !
i have to disagree, ppl working in local authorities seem to get sent a lot of feces through the post, the logic being, if they talk to you like youre shit, then i’ll send u my shit. Thats just common sense, not a mental health issue, and serves the little dictator working for the council right
I remember a convict in a max security prison who was sending letters to the tutors on an educational course with feces in them. I asked the convict how he got them into the envelope and out of the prison, and he explained that as he worked in the kitchens he rolled them flat and then placed them in the freezer and was then able to fit them into the envelopes which would remain solid until they left the prison.
Please do not consider this for BBC staff, no matter how biased. They may broadcast crap, but it is beneath contempt to post it to them
Just how big is your garden ?
we’re practicing in the park. you see the occasional lefty in there who make a good training aid 😉
I did a TV show with one of my dogs and after a long car ride I let him piss – over a litre – in the doorway of the BBC studios in Salford. Here he is supporting Sarah Palin’s Liberty pose, as a Momma Grizzly.
I was going to say, that looks more befitting size-wise of a bbc employee’s garden.
In Hampstead, obviously.
” you see the occasional lefty – who makes a good training aid” You must be from a bygone era. Why have you not grown up?
what like the lefties on QT you mean, booing and hissing at everything they dont agree with. Or how about the violent fascist UAF who terrorise legitimate political parties. thats real grown up that isnt it
the fascist left havnt heard the english lion roar yet, but that time isnt far away
Blondi ? Don’t tell me you’ve named it after Adolf’s dog ? Scott will have a stroke !!
Just to upset the trolls
I’m sure he said ‘Nipper’ – at least he did the last time I saw this film on TV.
The BBCs Stephen Fry wants to rename Nigger as Trigger in the new Dam Busters film. I wonder what Nigger would say about that?
A homophobic Nigger, who would have thought such a thing
The remake of ‘Merry Winterval, Jasmine’ is apparently being as we speak nudged through the left of centre BBC commissioning process that already has brought us mega-budget hits like ‘Atlantis’.
David Brims – ive named her after an ex gf whos nickname was blondi (she was a peroxide blonde.) However, on the off chance i ever bump into her, i will say i named her after Hitlers dog, although i cant remember whether or not i told her i always name dogs after ex gfs
GWF – LOL Nigger was a very popular name for dogs back in the day. Heres a pic of another Nigger’s grave o_O
I do remember it as a popular name. And no racial offence was meant. A dear friend of mine, quite elderly, has recently died, leaving behind her black dog named Golly.
awwww i hope Golly has found a new home
Meet Wog the dog, he fought bravely in ww2 for the ozzies and was brutally murdered by quarantine officials on returning home to oz, hopefully the lefties arent too outraged at his name, he was an egyptian terrier
Lets not forget this shown on BBC prime time.
“Scott will have a stroke !!”
Now, now I know some homosexuals seem to have a fixation with Nazi imagery but sure Scott isn’t among them.
Talking of Scott, the cat on the ship the Terra Nova, for Scott’s final expedition to the Antarctic, was called Nigger.
Glorious. Best laugh all week !
Detail the bias? Well, it’s probably more like risking revealing one (or more!) of mine but the 8.10 a.m. segment on the TOADY programme today was priceless. Catch it on iPlayer repeat if you missed it.
Humphrys v. Balls.
I heard it. Nauseating.
Wot! The Humph?
Yes ‘the Humph’ – like a bloody fawning school girl with a crush on her gym teacher.
I realise the old dog has lost most of his bite but felt he did do a good bit of the terrier yapping & snapping around EmptyEds ankles.
It ended with a laugh & a chuckle; it seemed like Ed was might relieved to be outathere.
I got the impression when Humphrys was asking awkward questions that he was simply going through the motions and didn’t expect Balls to answer them seriously, and that Balls knew it. It was all far too matey and Balls should have been told to shut up every time he started one of his prepared lists of Tory “crimes”.
Simple – count the interruptions. Very very few. Balls was allowed to spout his quickfire stuff almost without any corrections or pauses. It was like Humphreys was hosting a party political broadcast.
Yes, but EdB is the Tories secret weapon. Let him rattle on long enough and anyone with half a brain will think the TODAY prog tea money isn’t safe with him, let alone the Band of England and the UK economy.
It has been notable in this election just who the main parties have been keeping locked away as much as possible.
Probably be quicker to detail the impartiality. Wouldn’t be much of a blog though, a line a day at most.
Missed the new thread. Hope it’s OK to port this over:
“Can it really be that the BBC has only issued specific guidelines on the ‘correct’ terminology to be used when reporting on one of the world’s many conflicts? ”
Well, with only £4Bpa and 20,000 staff, clearly for the BBC there are ‘guidelines’ and ‘more of a guideline really’ (c) A. Semantic CECUTT Drone.
Presumably the BBC should describe East Jerusalem as “occupied territory ….. of Jordan?”
Why does Jordan not seem to want the “West Bank” back.
Answers on a postcard to the BBC
BBC R4 – change to schedule. No Mid Week. No Book of the Week – what treat do we have instead? The Woman’s Hour Election Debate – Arrrrghhh FUCK [sound of radio smashing against wall].
And on bbc Nottingham men are demonized. See other post.
Nearly 2 hours of Wimmins Hour. 2 presenters – Jane “Champagne bottles in the corridors in 1997″Garvey and Jenni Murray. No bias there then ?
Tory “a lie a day” election, continues into absurdity William Vague
lives up to his name, no income tax increases! blaring out
Hmmm … no tax increases? well erm no, the “tory money tree” er, never mind that … NHS erm, (gave at navel) … “welfare” cuts, folks we re fair trust us … honest!
Trust us!!! … just look at our 100 imams oops I mean businesses letter … the much vaunted Tory ‘small businesses’ letter? … written inside Conservative HQ and … that included firms that have closed down! can t be straighter than than that eh!.
The erm … “employment figures” (gulp),
how we erm … “halved”(sweat, sweat, keep the car running) the “deficit”
The Conservatives might be rubbish but what exactly is this to do with BBC bias?
Noggin is a troll.
I believe you are interested in the financial services area.
Can you update on what is happening on the government securities market?
Are investors baling out ahead of the election? Likely situation with Ed and Nicola on the national leadership tandem?
Well, this particular investor is.
“Conservatives might 😀 be rubbish”
The BBC points that out with regularity,
or rather the Cons do it more so to themselves
to howls of derision on here, usually.
The BBC is biased, very biased,
but if they stopped lying, you know …
conning the public, the Cons might just help themselves
The main thing about the ‘Conservatives’ is that they are not.
An excellent comment! In my area, the Tory running for re-election seems obsessed with concreting over the entire landscape. Someone needs to sit her down and quietly explain the meaning of the word ‘conservative’.
Didn’t Evelyn Waugh once say that the problem with the Conservatives was that they couldn’t turn the clock back by even one minute?
Fine words, but alas not true. Some conservative followers of the Religion of Peace seemed to have succeeded in turning the clock back………. by centuries. They would also have dealt very decisively with Mr. Waugh.
Would it be fair to say that you have got your property and you do not want the area “spoiled” by others.
Perhaps your property was part of concreting over the countryside at some time, but that is of course a different matter.
I’m all right Jack, up with the ladder?
How far do you want to go back? Even a thatched Tudor property was once a field.
We are talking about the unnecessary and ever growing need for more and more houses down to immigration, something the Tory’s have done zilch about in the last 5 years.
Whats wrong with brown field sites?
“Even a thatched Tudor property was once a field.”
Is there a brown field site of any size anywhere near your property?
The population has been growing steadily for years, without the immigration surge. The number of households in the country has been rising at a faster rate than the population due to couples splitting up, children leaving home and going to university and not returning home after, children just leaving home earlier etc.
And new housebuilding is way behind the demand curve so we get to the situation where you and I are sitting pretty in the wonderful home we “worked hard and paid for” (almost certainly with a huge sub from the taxpayer if you are a baby boomer via tax relief) and worth a fortune, and now want to pull up the drawbridge for others who want to follow.
I’ll bet if Labours calls and you ask them where in the constituency your share of the 200,000 homes a year will be built the answer will probably be not near you as hell hath no fury like a NIMBY scorned.
Look here Old puffer. Where I live a developer wants to build on a “green field” site. Site is on the other side of the WCML down a narrow single track lane and on the site of a gunpowder factory and it’s spread out Nissan hut storage. The site is surrounded by flood plain. There is zero public transport. There is and will not be any space for even a public footpath. The local school is full to bursting and expanding the site is going to be difficult. A useful place to stick 175 houses ? Or lunatic planning which allows con artists to make a million and leave the rest of us to pick up the pieces ? No doubt I’m a NIMBY or maybe I can see flying pigs.
And hell hath no greater example of avarice than the average property developer.
Spare us the ‘homes for our young people’ rhetoric. There isn’t a house being built that sells for less than £500,000 around here. And the people buying them are, for the most part, natives being driven out of the cities.
The Tories’ answer? Import more immigrants, concrete over everything. Makes lots of money ker–ching!
That’s not conservativism. It’s suicidal vandalism.
The population was predicted to gently decline, until Blair decided to open the floodgates. Now look where we are. It’s worked for Labour, though. Lots of lovely imported misery and poverty, with Labour ready with easy ‘make the rich pay’ answers.
“The population was predicted to gently decline, ..”
Can you provide a link to back up this interesting assertion.
Ditto one concerning “household formation”, which is a different but related matter in the number of houses required. Average household size (number of occupants per dwelling) has been steadily declining, but that means you need more houses, even for the same number of people!
Keep those blinkers securely in place and you’ll never notice the hordes swarming around you…. well; not for a while, anyway.
http://www.parliament.uk/briefing-papers/POST-PN-438.pdf if anyone is interested. Seem to recall end of century birth rate was negative as predicted but is now firmly positive at 2+ but could be wrong. Didn’t read the doccie – looks interesting – haven’t got time.
“The main thing about the ‘Conservatives’ is that they are not.”
The same is true of liberals, who certainly are not.
And Labour, something they are not in favour of at all. Benefits for all and damn the expense.
I would not normally link to anything from the Guardian, but this article is well worth a read, particularly for our UKIP friends on here.
Changing demographics. That’s the plan, and it’s working well. Transforming my city of birth into an ethnically-diverse, crime-ridden, skank-infested shit-hole will work wonders for the Labour Party.
How true. One of the most idiotic questions media morons ask ,whether it is in the less enriched areas of Northern England or the less rejuvenated regions of East Germany, is “why are you so xyz-phobic, the percebtage of xyz here is only 0.5%? As if people in these backwaters are not aware what happens when thirdworlding reaches 40% or 50%
Or that the backwater residents who live in those areas don’t work in or visit more er… culturally diverse and multiculturally vibrant places, which they don’t wish to continue getting larger and larger or to see replicated where they and their families live.
That’s what it’s always been about. Don’t let the people change the government. Pre-emptive strike, let the government change the people.
Nothing gives people more power than giving other people what they know in their hearts they are not entitled to. They are owned for ever. It’s why 90%+ of minorities vote Labour. Milliband is the traitor of England, Fabian elite..
Labour wants power it hasn’t EARNED. It is the Achilles heel of democracy, when more than 50% of the electorate profit more from redistribution of wealth than wealth creation. Unfortunately we have Cameron, who understands nothing of this.
Loved the front page pic of Ed. {Seemed to be a bit negative, bit of a stitch up – thought the Grauniad were meant to be on his side?}
Maybe suitable for a caption competition with only one of Brands hands in shot but am not sure how it’s possible to run one that is polite enough for public consumption.
Think the Shadow Chancellor might feature – again – in the entries.
Give up the gist Mall, I’m loath to click on that.
London is a lost cause, not sure of your point, but if anything that is more reason to vote UKIP, what have the Tory’s done about it in the last 5 years?
Why of interest to UKIP particularly?
It provides quite a bit of ammunition for you to quote from from an unimpeachable left wing approved source!
I agree with Mallard , just incase Foggy & Noggin the Nog , & other`s ,start up the Kipper Fan Klub , I hear , that many are voting Tory to keep the SNP /Millipeed Tanks off England`s Green & Pleasant Lawn. I predict kippers will only have Clacton & maybe Grimsby .
Zzzzzz, you tried the same spiel on Guido and were shot down and in flames. That comment sounds like Dave’s famous “I agree with Nick…”
Just tell me WTF have the Conservatives done about immigration over the last 5 years and don’t blame the LibDems…
That’s not a trick question, is it?
Even a BBC journalist knows what the Tories have done about immigration.
Actually it was Gordon the Moron who agreed with Nick.
I stand corrected, but same difference!
Essex Man; Cameron is just a pretend conservative, like he pretends to be interested in football. I’m not obsessively conservative myself; just prefer to keep the good bits. I’d certainly like to conserve the Green & Pleasant Lawn. But sadly under Dave, it will be deemed ‘hideously white’ and will get a large helping of dark cultural enrichment from Africa. You should have been watching the Parliament Channel this morning. Speaker after speaker in Strasburg competed to be the most welcoming to illegals. One man stood alone. One day you’ll feel ashamed at how you treated him and the thirty pieces of silver you earn extra under Call Me Dave the snake oil salesman will be little compensation.
Essex Man – this Conservative Party, which you prefer over UKIP, has sold you, me and every other British person in this country out. What is the abiding legacy of this last, Tory dominated, coalition government? Gay marriage, a £+10 billion annual overseas aid budget, the erosion of our Armed Forces and a total, complete and utter failure to halt the ongoing demographic collapse of the indigenous population of our nation, by massive legal and illegal immigration; which has led to the emigration of huge numbers of our own talented people, escaping our deteriorating society and taking their social capital with them.
I don’t care if UKIP costs the Tories the election and Labour form a government with the SNP and God knows who else, it wont last five minutes anyway.
If UKIP do cause the Conservatives to lose, it should force them to change their policies to ones which actually represent the views of a huge number of people in this country. The best result for Britain, in my opinion, would be a Conservative minority government, supported by UKIP – to control the pro-E.U. fetishisms of Cameron, Boris and others, such as favouring the admission of rapidly re-Islamising Turkey for example.
To quote Milton Friedman – “The important thing is to establish a political climate of opinion which will make it politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing. Unless it is politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing, the right people will not do the right thing either, or if they try, they will shortly be out of office.”
That is what UKIP can do with sufficient support, force the Conservatives to change so it becomes more “politically profitable” for them; to seek to regain our sovereignty and twist out of the headlock of bureaucracy and endless stifling regulation which are the fruits of our exorbitantly expensive membership of the E.U.
Abiding Legacy? Mr Glodstone.
As Ed was once reminded. You forgot the Deficit.
2010 £800billion 2015 £1500billion
£20 000 for every man woman and child in the country.
Cast Iron Dave and his Eurosocialist helmsmanship, well, shared helmsmanship with twenty seventhy others, of EUS Clusterfork. We need a proper Captain. And a streamlined boat. Captain Farage and HMS UK.
Vote UKIP. Is there a credible alternative?
I’m sure you are aware of the saying “Peeing into the wind”.
A very long winded way of saying that is what you intend to do, but that is your prerogative.
If everyone thinks that way Mallard, this country is fu@ked!
Who cares about Gay Weddings, apart from Scott ? The CoE & other churches are exempt . A Gay wedding will only be a Registry Office one , maybe held in a swank hotel , but only Scott & his mates will attend . The rest of us can avoid Brighton,& go down the Pub . So Cam is not a Conservative cos of that , 1950`s again. Anyhow, as I predicted ,no more than 3 kipper seats , you will be going Doh , by next Friday , you know I am right, because you hate any criticism of the Kipper Fan Klub. Don`t worry you will get over it in a day or two.
Don’t be so sure the Isle of Wight doesn’t go purple.
To me it backs up everything ‘kippers and sensible Tories have been saying, to howls of “racist” from the BBC.
They never look ahead these lefties. If London becomes a non English city then we are in unknown territory. I cannot think of a capital city ever that was not populated by the indigenous people of that country.
Maybe I am being silly but it does look as if the liberals want us gone- expecially the shire people -so that they can indulge their fantasies. In a real way the liberal metropolitans do not regard themselves as English but way above such childish notions.
Only two possible outcomes if this goes on. Neither very comfortable for any of us.
It’s happening all over Europe. Capital cities are being overrun by non-natives. And from there it spreads outwards. Look at Stockholm. The Swedes (a lovely people for whom I have much affection and respect) have sleepwalked into cultural suicide because of their liberal ideals. We’re next.
It’s happening all over Europe. Capital cities are being overrun by non-natives.
Not just Europe; heard just yesterday from a visitor to Melbourne who was shocked at the number of non-whites.
I have a daughter in Sydney and I visit her about once a year. Every year the place seems to change before my very eyes, and not for the better.
Are you sure you want to go down the road of discussing what colour natives of Australia should be? 😉
I’m sure the remaining aboriginal population of Australia is overjoyed by the cultural enrichment and rejuvenation mass, uncontrolled European immigration has brought, all those skill shortages reduced and the massive increase in GDP. Likewise, the aboriginals in North and South America. After all the Pilgrim Fathers were the asylum seekers of their day.
But then there was no over-generous Welfare State titty in Australia, Canada and the USA back in 1900 for immigrants to claim benefits without working.
Working-age immigrants were expected to become productive members of American, Canadian and Australian society within a few weeks of landing.
”IF London becomes a non English city”
It already is, 2011 Census, London is 55 % majority effnik, even worse, inner London primary schools are 95 % effnik.
Visited Oz a few years back, stayed on the South West coast for 3 three weeks then traveled East to Sydney for a week. Sydney soured the ‘Oz’ experience no different than London, wish I’d stayed West could happily live there, although it did hit 40 deg…
Visited Oz a few years back, stayed on the South West coast for 3 three weeks then traveled East to Sydney for a week. Sydney soured the ‘Oz’ experience no different than London, wish I’d stayed West could happily live there, although it did hit 40 deg…
@dave, you wrote
‘Maybe I am being silly but it does look as if the liberals want us gone’
To think anything else would be delusional.
If by liberal you mean Londoner then you’re quite correct that none of us gives much of a toss about what is supposed to constitute “English”. It’s all about driving forwards, trying new things and sussing out what works. Just like every other wave of progress over the last 100 years the “shire people” will have a moan and a fret then it’ll roll out to them in 20 years without anyone dying. Look forward to Peruvian small plates and scandi-chic circa 2035 dudes.
Fraud. All the real cockneys have left London. Most had gone by 1970.
You clearly believe that the country is powering ahead under the ‘new wave of progress’. You should consider that perhaps it just has residual momentum from the boring old system. If so, then when that runs down, you’re stuffed. The ‘progressives’ mansion tax suggests that’s where were headed.
Nope I believe that London is powering ahead. Not sure what the rest of the country is up to.
Re: Guardian piece
This from comments section
andyrwebman 1d ago
So basically, the accusations that Labour imported people to vote for them is vindicated. An appalling abuse of the democratic process.
Now they’re looking to introduce legislation so we can’t criticize the religion of the people they brought in here. Vile, rotten Labour! Keir Hardy and the working men who founded the party would disown you in disgust if they could see you now.
If you actually look at the EU election results, the native Brits of London were more likely to vote UKIP than the national average – but that doesn’t fit in with the ‘UKIP voters are stupid/uneducated/left behind/losers/not exposed to the ‘joys’ of multiculti’ meme that the BBC loves to put out.
wheres the BBC been when it comes to reporting this? If this had been UKIP al beeb would have had multiple orgasms reporting it. The reserach is from al beebs favourite communist street thugs as well, “hope not hate”
Research by ‘Nope No Hope’ reveals 21 paedos, 2 rapists, 1 terrorist, 13 racists, 6 sexists or homophobes, 1 drug fiend, 8 expenses cheats, 4 benefit fraudsters, and 28 thieves from the LibLabCon artsts
Sounds like a typical cross section of the House of Lords.
or the honours list.
Newsnight 28.4.15. A dumbed down Katz production starring Comrade Evan Davis. It’s a lefty establishment bias-athon. I’m shocked.
Commissar Harriet Harperson on the Labour v Conservative, Red v Blue narrative. Comrade Evans does his job. ‘Our old favourite’ Eh Evan? Yes, Evan’s idea of ‘our’ old favourite is the Conservative vs Labour battle. Cue Pink battle bus (and after twelvty weeks on the road Labour have decided that the bus/van is pink. Not magenta, nor fuschia. Thanks BBC. FFS.)
Harriet is on a ‘woman to woman’ bus. ? . I don’t even know what that means. Does Ms Harperson give a toss about men? It appears that she cares only about women. Can she talk plain English?
UKIP up to 2 seats on the BBC Poll! (But don’t mention UKIP Evan.)
Now it’s Ed in Pudsey! And a range of seats where Labour are going to turn it round against the Tories in a few marginals. So Comrade Evan, what of it?
Ah yes. Ask the expert. ‘What can Labour do to squeeze this through in these marginals?’ … ‘Take us through what Labour can do?’ Expert … ‘They can hope and pray and pray and hope’.
I think I may get a career in being an expert. I could also tell Evan nothing about anything of interest to the viewer.
I’m 12 minutes in. Can I bear any more?
Tory v Lab. SNP issue, LibDems. Over the line. Incumbency is a powerful thing. Blue v Red. Most localised campaign, ever! All narrative – no content.
Off to Morecambe. Good excuse to talk about Eric Morecambe. How did Eric vote? ‘Tory at heart, I think.’ Explains his former driver. Also a good excuse for a cockle picking diversion from the political issues of the day. And, yes, we have a racism against chinese snippet of a conversation and a Labour voter. Because its only Labour who care about immigrants, only Labour who care about deaths at Morecambe. This ‘reporter’ has form. Common Purpose girl, daughter of Establishment, who did a biased job on the east coast a couple of weeks ago. Katy Razzle. Not one mention of policy, not one mention of a party other than Con or Lab. Grade E ‘journalism’. Allegra Strappon in Cornwall for balance. Because we need balance. Yes, it’s a two horse race between LibDem and Con. St Ives. And if you didn’t know, Allegra thinks that what the coalition does is ‘bad stuff’. (We already know you are red Allegra. Needn’t make it too obvious.)
Oooh!. UKIP mentioned by Allegra 26 mins in. Because they may prevent the Tories getting in. Of course Allegra, thanks, because we need to know that its all about Red v blue v yellow v SNP v wasted UKIP vote v hung parliament permiatations. Nothing to do with policies, just to do with a carve up between those who are born to rule.
It must be so, because Comrades Katy, Evan, Allegra and Laura (no, not Laura!), who are born to broadcast, having been born righteously positioned on the higher moral plane, tell us so.
And now we have Tim ‘nice but dim’ Farron the next leader of the Limp Dems, talking numbers and permiatations. FFS.
33 mins in and nothing on Economics, Defence, Education, Health or the axle issue, the hub of the problem, the issue of immigration (which, thanks to Ed Miliband’s permission, it is now OK to discuss – but not on Newsnight).
Ooooo! But Farron thinks SNP UKIP are extremists???? And nationalism is dangerous. Hello Tim? UKIP beheadings? Assaults? Bombs? incitement to hatred? Extremists? SNP may have been indulging in harassment, heckling and criminal damage, but UKIP? Evidence please Farron? Farron uses the ‘Smear’ method.
That’s the policy-free politics offering from Newsnight. Nothing on today’s revelations on postal voting fraud in Blackburn. Nothing on the Conservative PPC and the Ed/Jew comments. No follow up on Labour/BNP cross fertilisation in Lancashire.
Let’s go over to Baltimore to feed our ongoing evil American whites (especially cops) killing innocent and unarmed black people narrative. Usual race baiting piece with (another) African American race baiting professional using the uncivilised and riotous behaviour in Baltimore as a stick to beat bad old racist whitey with. Again. Have these ‘journalists’ done their homework? Have they watched ‘The Wire’? No. And No. Beeboid race baiting narrative, no content. No understanding of the real issues that is the human melting pot of Baltimore. No greys with the BBC. Simple black and white narrative.
And to finish off, an old poet dude who is fed up of the empty rhetoric, soundbites and abuse of language in the current election debate. Oh the irony! Interesting interview. Interesting comments from an old guy who has given up already.
Newsnight went with the ‘Ignore UKIP’ and ‘Ignore immigration’ method tonight. Good job comrades!
I watched all that with growing incredulity but as I’m not as eloquent as you, I just kicked the cat. (didn’t really, haven’t got one)
Autocue bunnies/numpties being paid hundreds of thousands of tax-payer pounds a year is injurious.
Aforementioned bunnies/numpties then avoiding paying tax on their ‘earnings’ is the insult.
Tax avoidance? What you’re forgetting is that it’s perfectly legit when they do it.
… and coming to BBC bias – the Times this morning laid out in detail – its main front-page headline/story no less (+ main editorial comment) – Lady Hodge’s tax hypocrisy. Was this mentioned in the Today survey of the papers? Of course not. BTW, although not mentioned in the Times, as well as being a world-class hypocrite Lady Hodge enabled child abuse in Islington when she led the council there.
Why wasn’t Ed asked about Lady Hodge’s tax affairs in the Balls-Humphrys conversation (it wasn’t an “interview” in any meaningful understanding of the word)? After all, Balls is claiming that suppression of tax avoidance will raise untold billions (much of which is to be spent on the NHS in Scotland BTW) so it’s relevant to the conversation.
While I’m on, what was the purpose – beyond the BBC’s furtherance of a Labour tactic to get Miliband down wiv de kidz – of transmitting a gratuitous clip of the Brand-Miliband mutual masturbation session on Today this morning? I don’t recall Attlee filming a conversation with Arthur Askey during the 1951 hustings to garner some of Askey’s popularity although Askey would, I’m sure, have talked/written more common sense in five minutes than in Brand’s lifetime.
Another thing Ed wasn’t asked was about the zero-hour contracts operated by Labour itself. After all, it was Ed who brought up the subject. An open goal for anyone actually interested in putting the ball in the net.
Posted incorrectly
Classic Beeb economic shock-horror headline yesterday “UK economic growth slows to 0.3%”. Not so, as anyone actually bothering to read the story would discover this figure only refers to government stats for the first quarter of 2015. Quarterly growth statistics are notoriously volatile, and the annual figure, which is the one that really counts, is usually revised upwards from the run of quarterly figures once the data are checked by the Office of National Statistics. The BBC has been playing this trick concerning both quarterly and monthly statistics for the past five years.
Indeed Gunner. You’re not the only one to notice this particular bit of blatant chicanery.
Is not measuring GDP a nonsense without reference to population growth and debt levels?
If the last two increase at the same or a faster rate than the first, then there is either no progress or negative progress.
Not disagreeing that al beeb cherry picks economic data to suit its party political affiliations, but is the measure even reliable if accurately reported?
This is where the wheels start coming off the mass imm bandwagon.
It seems that the main case being made now for mass imm relates to economic benefits, presumably because trying to convince the average man or woman that it’s been beneficial on a social/cultural level is a tough ask in the light of, inter alia, racially motivated CSA across the country, beheadings in london, and interesting electoral practices.
Yet GDP per capita, in this age of massive population expansion, has failed to advance. Productivity has improved not at all.
The economic benefits of mass imm appear to be about as plentiful as the social ones.
BBC channels this mornin.Live Miliband speech with Ed Balls,show whole speech.
Cameron live speech ,not shown on either news 24 or Parliament channel. What have we instead ? Victoria Derbyshire droning on on about abuse /human rights and a European Parliament live debate on migrants.
For Gods sake BBC there is a UK election on and you are supposed to be the national broadcaster. They aren’t even bothering with balance .
Sky little better,small amount of speech then cut off.
Like most of us here, I’ve been seriously concerned about the BBC’s Left wing bias for many years – never more so than during this election. But you raise a very valid point about Sky, too. As I mentioned on another thread, I’ve just ditched the new BBC news app (because they’ve broken it) and replaced it with the Sky equivalent.
What I hadn’t realised was how far to the Left Sky has gone, too. A recent article about Nigel Farage could have come from the Mirror.
We are in deep trouble with the state of news broadcasting in this country having drifted to the sort of political monoculture usually found in dictatorships.
Something needs to change.
They all have a similar purpose..
Indeed. Perhaps even a ‘common purpose’.
The BBC are utterly shameless in their bias now. I hope there will be major repercussions for the BBC if their beloved Labour/SNP ‘dream team’ don’t happen form the next government. I hope we will have a PM who will have the balls to actually curtail this vile propaganda outfit.
It might well be a case of sh1t or bust for the state broadcaster in respect of this general election.
Well it will be boom time for the BBC if Labour/SNP get in. Expect TV license money to be collected from the Council Tax, and hiked. They must be rewarded for their unwavering loyalty to the Party after all.
‘Expect TV license money to be collected from the Council Tax, and hiked’
We’ll see. The conflict of interest at the mere prospect of this sweet deal that now governs BBC electoral coverage is already astounding.
aye, al beeb has strayed into hitherto unchartered waters in terms of election coverage bias.
Its Charter is now being made a mockery of, not that its raison d’etre is worth a rat’s ass anyway.
Who wants the state to provide them with news and entertainent, FFS?
I hope there will be major repercussions anyway. I think BBC bias is now sufficiently recognised that the Tories could get away with calling the BBC out on it, with any reprisals from the BBC being seen to prove their point.
“Labour’s Hodge ‘had £1.5m shares in offshore tax haven’:
Senior politician accused of hypocrisy following earlier fierce criticism of tax avoidance.
“Labour MP Margaret Hodge has repeatedly attacked offshore arrangements.
“But she has allegedly benefited from scheme allowing Britons to move assets back to UK without facing criminal action.
“Tory candidate for Shipley Philip Davies said news was ‘sheer hypocrisy.'”
This is hardly news to anyone here, though, is it? Why are we only now hearing about it from the Mail?
It was my great misfortune to watch a few minutes of bbc breakfast with Bill and Naga last week.
Naga was introducing a Tory proposal, whereupon she turned to the correspondent on location, and asked:
“How should we view this announcement?”
How should we view this announcement?”
Through the distorted BBC looking glass, of course.
…maybe they think since we’re paying them 4bn a year, for that we expect to be told how we should view political events.
Saves us plebs the trouble of thinking.
Answer: you shouldn’t view it. You should report it.
Concise and spot on.
Extremely biased report from Bath constituency this morning on Today programme. Introduced with someone saying that Bath had become “much more cultured” now that Sunday afternoons were like being in the Caribbean (?!)
In the 2010 Election, the Lib Dems received 56.6% of the vote, the Conservatives 31.4% and Labour only 6.9%. Clearly the Election is between the Lib Dems and the Conservatives (who held the seat for many years).
Yet, guess what? The report opens with the Labour candidate who is given 1 minute 48 seconds of time, with very sympathetic treatment. Subsequently, the Lib Dem is given 1 minute 34 seconds and the Conservative candidate a mere 48 seconds.
“Impartiality” in the BBC lexicon clearly means promoting Labour not only at the macro but the micro level as well.
As someone who was born and grew up in Bath, the City is now a shite hole, 23 years of Lib Dem control has ruined it.
Planning has been grated to many eyesores, mainly student accommodation (remember Bath is supposed to be a heritage city) and it is no longer a pleasure to visit, bearing little resemblance to the city I lived in for 25 years.
Its now a bohemian place full of overseas students, one would be hard pressed to find a genuine young Bathonion, foreign accents abound on a Saturday afternoon visit. Most of the lovely Victorian terraces have been gutted and turned into student flats, these students skew the vote in the Lib Dems favour, although this time many may vote Green and split the vote thus letting The Tory’s win (hopefully).
Wouldn’t be surprised to see the city lose its heritage status.
Like Exeter once a fine West Country city and now a nowhere place . Best avoided now. Stay on the M5/A38 and give it a miss.
Like so many of our market towns and smaller cities.
But if you try to suggest ripping the heart out of a 1,000 plus year old settlement just to make room for more incomers and money for developers is wrong, some clown uses the word ‘nimby’.
Funnily enough, there was a truly excellent programme on BBC 4 recently (a repeat, of course) tracing how the Marxist-inspired architects and central planners post WWII destroyed a thriving community in Deptford.
It was so good that I found myself wondering how on earth it managed to make it to broadcast.
Moreover, it was an object lesson in how socialism kills the very things it pretends to cherish and should be compulsory viewing for socialists and housebuilding fanatics alike.
”there was a truly excellent programme on BBC 4”
Is this it ?
” Deptford High Street was ‘the Oxford Street of south London’. Today, marooned amid 1970s housing blocks, it is one of the poorest shopping streets in London.”
I remember seeing that a while ago. It made me incredibly angry to see how a community was willfully destroyed step by step:
Pull down the ‘slums’ (that aren’t slums)
Put up tower block shite that nobody wants to live in
Import immigrants that are willing to live there
Crime and drugs explode on the scene
Old residents flee
Area become total shit hole that can’t be gentrified due to tower block housing.
Labour and BBC celebrate the ‘enrichment’ and ‘diversity’.
The people responsible, if still alive, should be shot.
You can be sure they live in agreeable Georgian rectories rather than system built tower blocks.
I remember watching that programme. One of the few times that a little bit of reality encroached into the usual middle class BBC Leftist crap. I noticed yesterday the BBC promoting a new series called the “Greatest Generation”. It shows clips of the Jarrow marchers and nuclear disarmament campaigners and so forth, and so you know what is coming. i.e. wall to wall Guardian reader Leftist crap from people whose parents went on marches supporting Stalin and Mao and Pol Pot (you know nice people like that) – the history of the Left is so shameful they have to re-write it.
Something tells me that their history will omit the fact that the Labour Party bitterly opposed the NHS, it only went through because its MP’s were won over and rebelled against the Partly line. Read Beveridge’s Memoirs.
BBC = Lies & Spin
Not on Beeboids’ political radar:-
“REVEALED: How IS teach British ‘sleeper cells’ to stay undetected online with ‘DIY guides.’
“The Islamic State terror group are arming young extremists in Britain with the skills to remain completely undetected online – so they can plan atrocities with a global network of jihadists, it has been reported.”
How surprising that the terrorist instruction manuals are all written in Arabic. It’s almost as if the majority of terrorists are Muslims … surely not.
They must really, really misunderstand their peaceful religion.
That grauniad article is interesting. It’s widely known now that mass imm has a deleterious effect on community cohesion (eg racially motivated CSA), on the availability of housing (especially at the lower end of the scale), and on public services (particularly health and education).
What the grauniad article confirms is it actually changes the nature of the government of a country. Without it, this country would have taken a less statist approach, since the latter has coincided with lab administrations, which could only govern and indeed spend as they did owing to an increased population.
The Left say they want more community cohesion, less poverty, and more equality.
In reality they pursue policies which destroy communities, traps people in welfare dependency, and increases the bank balances of politicians. Look at the career of the (anti-white) racist Diane Abbot.
agreed. power rather than social justice is their goal.
“Truth about Labour and immigration: 90 per cent of households established at height of open-door policy headed by a migrant.
“Nine in 10 homes set up at height of open-door policy headed by migrants.
“Between 1997 and last year, 65 per cent of the country’s 2.7million extra housing units were headed by a foreigner.
“In peak period – 2005 to 2009 – the figure rose to a staggering 89 per cent.”
Given the Labour Party and Trade Unions’ record (inc BBC-NUJ’s) in their enthusiatic, unquestioning campaigning for open-door, mass immigration and the total colonisation of Britain, why don’t they put this ignominious ‘achievement’ on Labour Party posters?
That’s a bloody good point. We never stop hearing of how immigration has enhanced our country – socially, culturally, financially – so why don’t we hear of a ‘We’ll let more immigrants in than any other party’ policy?
Divide and rule in other words.
Labour to be wiped out in Scotland is just the start hopefully. They took their so called safe seats for granted for too long.Change in the North and East London is long overdue.
Even with all the Olympic money ,Stratford is still a dump with eye sore buildings being built all over the place.Other parts of the Borough cannot be improved because it would deprive people of their ” culture”.This is a borough that has had no opposition parties since it became Newham.Full on Labour.
Nothing like keeping people down because of their culture especially in their safe seats.
Lets see a bit of post election analysis about that from the BBC .
“BBC accused of ‘anti-Tory bias’ by Culture Secretary Sajid Javid who threatens review of how the Corporation is governed.
Culture and Media Secretary Sajid Javid complains over BBC election bias.
“Minister cited Radio 4 debate in which all guests criticised David Cameron.
“Javid suggests summer review of BBC charter include a review of balance.”
Will Beeboids ramp up their pro-Labour Party, anti-Tory political bias in the final week before the Election in their efforts to ensure protection of BBC licence fee, mass colonisation of Britain, no E.U referendum?
And in other news (a bit late), I do like a pithy turn of phrase that captures something perfectly:
‘In a world where television news will eventually eat itself rather than report on things that have actually happened’
Or, in the BBC one where what is becomes what the BBC wants, and to get it it they charge you:
‘Hang on, did they say “offshoring” ?’
British broadcasting jobs for British Broadcasting people. Feeling the benefits already.
With one week to go, the Conservatives have a mountain to climb
Checking the betting the Tories are still 4/1 on for most seats compared with this report. You can get a very good 3/1 against Labour having most seats, so if you believe this report bung a £100 on Labour now.
Money risked often is more right than voiced opinion.
Forget Yougov the daily polls distort the rest of the narrative.
Best prices available: to be PM –
Milliband 4/6
Cameron 11/8
Looks like the money is on Labour !
Tragic !!
Let it happen. Let the BBC have its way.
A short period of rule by the Marxists Miliband and Sturgeon will see England divorce Scotland and thus render Labour unelectable for generations.
Once we are rid of Labour, we can then get rid of the faux Conservatives and their pals in the EU and crony capitalists and get back to being a sensible country again.
You fail to understand why ‘The Fish’ in Scotland is being ‘bigged up’ along with Plaid Cymru.
Scotland gets it’s say, as does Wales to a lesser extent. This leads to calls for the English ‘regions’ demanding similar ‘semi-autonomous roles, ‘localism’. And, in due course England will be split into 9 regions…funny that, because it’s already EU policy.
And the Balkanisation of England will be complete…along with any power we previously commanded within the EU and the UK.
Ascrofts polling of Sheffield Hallam constituency is due later today, and it was looking extremely marginal from previous polls.
For those who don’t know this is Nick (I’m on a different planet) Clegg’s seat.
If it does look like he will lose the seat then the BBC coverage will be truly interesting, as I can’t imagine them being as enthusiastic as they are over UKIP and some of their marginal.
But how they cheered him on in 2010 prior to stabbing them in the back.
Detailed polling in such as Grimsby and Great Yarmouth seems to be indicating disappointment for UKIP, so the BBC may yet do a big splash if a seat is actually won by UKIP and try to “analyse” for their audience just why enough people in that constituency made such an “extraordinary” decision!
Cock-up in Hull East (LAB) sees postal ballot paper omit two candidates Labour’s Karl Turner and Greens candidate Sarah Walpole are not listed on a new batch of postal ballot papers sent out today.
Starting to see why, when one asks tricky questions about BBC-sourced vox-poppery, they very quickly mount the editorial integrity high horse or unleash the exclusive ‘purposes of’ laywers.
On an OT note, is Chukka really that stupid? Or just confident such dodges will make it to niche blogs and not the dominant broadcaster his boss has bought off?
Back on T, the comments are already gathering pace:
Nick Booth
Apparently, Stephanie Flanders’ mum’s answering machine recorded a message from two tipsy mockneys at four in the morning.
“Hello, my name’s Russell. here’s my friend ed” said one voice.
On came the other.
“Did I shag your daughter? You bet I did!” said Ed.
I wonder if that one would make it past Lord Hall hall’s funny bone? Or will he stick with the ‘cancer’ stuff that seems more in keeping with current BBC required standards?
Ed with similar hand gestures and a mockney accent sits with the great political theorist, Brand, on the couch. I was pleased that Brand was waving his arms about and not trying to give Ed a wank, which is the kind of thing he is reported as doing to men in the Daily Mirror.
Given the BBC can get quite excited editorially if a traditionally supportive organisation or media expresses doubts about political leaders the BBC doesn’t fancy much either, it will be interesting how they ‘handle’ this from… THE NEW STATESMAN (home of many a BBC sofa gob for hire over the years):
News? Not news? Maybe the newsroom Tealady can be sent on break?
THIS is the kind of man we need representing the Former UK, in ALL things –
It’s a travesty, that the majority of the British public will never see things like this, due to the reticence of Channel 4 and the BBC to broadcast them.
Farage from the UK goes to Strasbourg and gives this brilliant speech to a room full of enemies. And our state broadcaster is not interested. But then, they were not interested in Churchill’s warning against the Nazi threat. Never mind, some thugs from the UAF and Hope for Hate will be there to disrupt his final election speeches here and the BBC will interview them as if they were Taliban heroes.
“Common EU Migration Policy to Allow Unprecedented Waves of Immigration”
“Mediterranean boats will bring 500,000 Islamic State terrorists to Europe, blasts Farage.
“Over hasty EU legislation to tackle the thousands of African migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean to Italy could see half a million Islamic State terrorists to flood Europe, Nigel Farage has warned.”
I knew that Farage was going to make this speech – taking time out from his campaign in the UK election. I had been looking all day for a clip of the speech. No sign of it on the BBC or Sky. Shoved straight down the memory hole. Why should I have to come to this relatively obscure website to finally see what Farage had said ?
I reckon his views on this matter chime with the views of millions of people in the UK. So how dare the media suppress this speech ?
Oh they dare.
The Beeb and the enemedia are continuing their new policy of COMPLETELY IGNORING (if not trashing) UKIP ,in the hope that potential supporters will lose hope and ‘go home’ to the T ories.
Some Chance!
Do they think we’re stupid or what???
I think this tactic is going to backfire on them spectacularly.
Of course UKIP have no chance of actually winning this election, but it will show people that they are a credible force in British politics, and that there is an alternative.
Islamic Republic of Iran’s seizure of American ship.
Has U.K’s political class (inc Beeboids) any suggestion that Britain’s weakly resourced Royal Navy needs urgent funding?
Of course, Britain’s naval ‘power’ has deteriorated since this 2007 British ignominy-
“Iran fires upon, seizes U.S. commercial ship, U.S. ‘monitoring’ the situation.”
Excerpt, by Robert Spencer-
“’Even though the Strait of Hormuz is in Iranian territorial waters, ‘innocent passage’ is applied — ships are authorized to pass through the body of water assuming they abide by all the rules of the sea — because it is an internationally recognized shipping lane.’ By firing upon the ship, then, the Iranians are clearly signaling that they hold Barack Obama in contempt, and know that there is no limit to how far they can push him. They took the measure of John Kerry at Lausanne, won their spectacular nuclear concessions from the Obama regime, and now they’re going to rub his face in their aggressiveness, knowing that he will do nothing in response.”
Yet again you see the puppet but not the strings !
Look to what Saudi said about this prior to the negotiations with Iraq and you will see yet more evidence that the US government is not operating in the interests of the USA. It hasn’t been for some decades now, since the Bush / BLiar years which if you notice is when everything started going wrong.
Couldn’t disagree with you more. Since the American civil war, America’s foreign policy has always been conducted in the interests of the USA irrespective of the peripheral damage done to friends and allies.
Bit late but it’s review the BBc breakfast show. I didn’t see all of it so I’m sure it was much worse than this.
The main, thrust if I can use the word was affordable housing. They had Steph who was on a building site interview among others Melanie. Melanie is a “Housing expert” and she tells us that the housing shortage is caused by “low interest rates”. WTF? Low interest rates! Of course the flood of immigration is never mentioned as being a cause. Later..wait for it…wait for it (CHARITY ALERT) she interviews someone from Shelter who again doesn’t talk about immigration.
Baltimore and the latest in the ongoing Freddie “Crackpipe , looting sorry did I say looting I meant protests. A “largely” peaceful night apparently I may have a look on some US sites to see how “largely” peaceful. In the ongoing spirit of missing information the BBc didn’t mention this. http://thefourthestate.co/2015/04/breaking-freddy-gray-had-spine-surgery-just-one-week-before-arrest/
The allegation that he had spinal surgery a week before his arrest which may or may not have a bearing on the case.
Back to alcohol & obesity calorie information on alcoholic drinks blah blah blah. Yep always a big issue when your planning on getting off your face on triple strength lager oooh I wonder how many calories that is.
Oh and serious faces Australian citizens executed for breaking the drugs law in a country I wouldn’t even think about visiting. Apparently they were repentant and had shown rehabilitation we are told.
I noted the sombre tone adopted every time the executions were reported. Pity the likes of our Misahl is unable to adopt a similarly sombre tone on those rare occasions she (or any of them) report on the mass slaughter and ethnic cleansing of Christians in other Islamic countries.
Ah, but this is the death penalty – one of the Left’s betes noirs – and there lies the difference.
Dunno about that. History shows that the left has been pretty keen on the death penalty for those it does not approve of or who challenge their views.
“…History shows that the left has been pretty keen on the death penalty for those it does not approve of or who challenge their views.”
Very keen. Stalin, Hitler (yes, he was a National Socialist), Pol Pot, Mao…my, the list quickly fills up with homicidal left wing lunatics, doesn’t it?
The 7.25 sports bulletin on yesterday’s edition of Today had about 15 seconds on Bournemouth’s remarkable promotion to the Premier League, the rest being dedicated to an interview with some Swedish bird who wanted to turn golf upside down to make it more ‘accessible to women’.
Great opportunty for our BBC host to voice his own opinions ‘Game for boring middle class men’ – showing the usual prejudice held by the rabid left who see golf clubs as the last refuges of UKIP-voting chauvinists/bigots/racists/Little Englanders which clearly need to be destroyed.
Then there were the finer points of the game that would need to be changed to make it ‘more exciting’: men, apparently, are better at taking time over their shots, giving them an unfair advantage. Cricket has adapted to the times (those would be the Attention Deficit Disorder Times, I’d guess) – 20/20 and all that – why not golf? And, our cheeky BBC chappie asks, has she ever been tempted to play in jeans?
Expect more and more of this mind-numbing tripe because the BBC won’t be happy until women have ‘equality’ in all aspects of every sport on the planet, even if it means changing those nasty male-oriented rules – like being given time to concentrate on where to land your golf ball. Nothing like a level playing field, what?
One dirty little trick the Gordon Brown did on leaving office which has never been made public, was to reduce the Prime Minister salary from £194 000 to £142 000 forcing Cameron to take a £50K pay cut.
Personally I don’t think this is anywhere near enough for the long hours nor for the responsibility of the job. It opens the incumbent up to the temptation of bribes which I believe is actively happening, and it is so low that just three speaking engagements (or less) would make more than the yearly salary.
I sincerely hope that Brown, the snot-gobbling imbecile, loses his seat to the SNP. Perhaps then he will have the decency to retire from public life.
Since Brown isn’t standing that makes you an greater imbecile because of your complete and utter ignorance.
Calm down Benny. Be nicer.
Vote UKIP.
Expect more and more of this mind-numbing tripe…
There is no doubt whatsoever. They’re at it all the time. My favourite is football though, because the current pay gap is enormous, pretty much matching the viewer attraction. It’s a measure of the cockiness of the Beeb that they even take this on. But they are, and one day I’m sure PL clubs will have to subsidise female teams. UEFA already interfere against Man City, so the principle is established.
Tennis is already there, but the skill deficit is less noticeable, and plenty of males will derive a measure of entertainment from the toned limbs/short skirts on the likes of Anna Kournikova and Ana Ivanovic.
There seems to be some evidence that males are fighting back against bullying feminism. Their best means to counter enforced female sport is to constantly discuss the looks of the competitors rather than their ‘skills’.
Fake new report. BBC claimed that tempers were fraid when UKIP and Farage visited a Town in Kent.
Cuts to footage of that mad Bunny burner woman screaming at Farage. BBC did not mention who the nut job was. Totally staged news story.
WTF does ‘powering ahead’ even mean?
Have you checked youth unemployment figures Cockney? Your part of town is one of the worst, in case you weren’t aware.
Radio 5 Live summing up the leaders today.
Sound bites from Dave re legalising no increase in taxes, Ed saying it’s a gimmick, Clogg on more free stuff for primary school children, and……… Farage (introduced by the presenter as getting their message out) ” ….we simply can’t accept countless millions…”.
That was it. No context. No explanation. No description of what he was talking about, or where, or when.
That is by far the most blatant bias by the lying liars at the BBC to discredit Nigel Farage and UKIP. Truly disgraceful, even by their standards.
Note the way Leanne Wood grins like an idiot when Huw asks the “stoking up fear” question to the ukip guy
Suppose seven delicious cakes arrived at the BBC – each with the name of a political party on them and just ONE of them happened to be the right way round in a photograph. Which one do you think it would be?
Have a Guess
Repeat of the Brand/Miliband interview on News At Ten, BBC 1. 3 students Voxpop, two girlies saying that they have more in common with Brand than Miliband and so having seen Ed with Russell, they are now more likely to vote (Labour implied). And the summary voiced over explained that the interview had therefore been worth it. No explanation whose view that was, I expect they mean in the view of the Beeb.
I wouldn’t worry, by polling day they will have forgotten which day it was on or not registered or will turn up after the pub around 11pm. Maybe the original celebrity Hammer supporter will sent them a text to remind them not to bother to vote.
I would be far more impressed with the charlatan if he could replace Big Sam and steer his team into the top four. Yeah I know, Nigel has more chance of waking up as PM than that will happen.
I saw the BBC 10pm news as well.
The report on the EU criticising the government over vehicle emissions , especially diesel emmissions was most interesting.
Naughty Tories you might think.
But which government encouraged the use of diesel vehicles?
Which chancellor gave diesel vehicles tax breaks?
But Gordon brown!
Of course, the BBC did not give any blame to Labour for the problem it caused.
And it’s deeper than that. The main push for the encouragement of diesel cars came due to pressure from scientifically illiterate hippies (aka ‘Greens’) who were trying to scare-up a panic over ‘peak oil’.
The BBC has a dog in this fight because it has been promoting the ‘Green’ cause for over a decade and so bears a considerable responsibility for this nitrogen dioxide problem.
What’s more green? A diesel that lasts decades and 200k.+ miles @50mpg, or some modern mobile computer that is almost impossible to change a light bulb on and is un-economic to repair at 8 years because of a control box failure?
Says a proud owner of a 14 year old Audi diesel with 205k on the clock and still returning 55mpg!
Allow me to introduce you to my friends, the DPF and the dual mass flywheel…
The DPF is a good example of Euro ‘green measures’ which have both spoilt the relaiabilty and effiency of the diesel engine. No pre 2007 Audi/VW diesel engine had one fitted, mine doesn’t have one.
Which was the point I made earlier. Diesels were more or less forced on motorists at the prompting of ‘Greens’, who then started making even more demands, making diesels inherently unreliable.
You pre-2007 VW engine is neither here nor there. The problem is the tens of thousands of the damned things still pouring onto the road now, belching out Nitrous Dioxide for the relatively short period they remain operational.
You said ‘diesels last for decades’. Not now they don’t!
It’s a classic case of what happens when governments interfere in markets.
Personally I’m very suspicious that the NO2 thing is another Green con to get us all into shiny new petrol EuroBoxes and pay more taxes if we decide to stick with our diesels.
Euro 5 and Euro 6 diesels emit 0.005 g/km of particulate matter.
Euro 5 and Euro 6 petrol engines (with direct injection, which is the majority of modern petrol engines) emit 0.005 g/km of particulate matter.
The Euro 5 standard was introduced in September 2009, with all cars from 2010 meeting this standard.
It is ridiculous to claim that diesels emit more particulates than petrols and shows a thorough lack of understanding of modern engines and emission standards.
Just what are the Greenies going to do about all the diesel generators that are required to ‘Top up’ the system when there i s no wind? And all the lorries that deliver the lentils to their health food shops. Both belch out more pollution than any diesel car.
Dare I say it but even more reason to vote UKIP to get us out of even more bloody regulation.
You’d be hard pressed to find anyone more anti-EU than I am but I think you’re missing the point about diesels.
I’m not sure it is safe to ignore NO2 levels but even if we do for the purposes of this argument, to get diesels down to the particulate levels you quote, they have been effectively crippled and what was once a very useful engine for certain purposes has been rendered an expensive and potentially unreliable alternative to petrol engines.
I agree about diesel generators for electricity. It is, of course, madness. My view is that an equal madness has been filling our roads with them.
Had the politicians not become involved, neither would have happened.
Seems to me the only time we really hear about air pollution is when it blows over from Europe or and the Sahara. Yes I remember we were sold diesels as being more economical and surprise as soon as they became popular diesel became more expensive than petrol engines. Latest diesels are stuck with these abominations http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diesel_particulate_filter I’ve heard so many horror stories about the lifespan and replacement costs we wouldn’t be buying anything with them fitted, so by logic the diesel we have will be replaced by petrol. Mike my nice but dim brother in law has just bought an all electric car. He can drive it too his parents house as long as he drives straight there and it’s not cold. He was giving the talk about road tax and how he can charge for free in so many places. Yes I said and how long will that last.
BBC doesn’t seem to have much comment on the possibility of a Lib Dem catastrophe at the election. If Clegg loses his Sheffield Hallam site, and he very well might then who is going to negotiate for them in the 14 days they have to form a government post election?
Even if Clegg does scrape in, it’s likely he will have to resign because of the election performance, again leaving him unable to negotiate a coalition on behalf of the new leader.
Danny Alexander looks like he will also lose his seat so there won’t be a simple east succession.
Although it looks like the Tories will have the most seats they will not be able to form a government, and with Labour + SNP + Greens and others will.
Projected results:
Conservatives 286
Labour 262
SNP 55
Lib Dems 21
Plaid 4
Greens 1
Others 8
I‘m angry about this bias. News at 10. Broadcast to the nation.
A report from South Thanet. Framed as ‘Farage trying to win’ vs ‘the others trying to stop Farage winning’. Whilst the anti-UKIP and pro-Labour slant is standard, the footage shown to accompany the piece included a BBC regular. (Bunny LaRoche?). A sometime blue haired, sometime pink haired woman, who Russell Brand once called a ‘lady’ on Question Time, is clearly seen shouting abuse at Nigel Farage.
For the BBC to once allow a known Socialist Workers Party affiliate onto Question Time, to threaten Nigel Farage on air, was unprofessional. To include her in a clip on the main BBC News hurling abuse at Nigel Farage on the streets of (I think it was Ramsgate), knowing that she is an SWP activist, but inferring that this was ‘local opposition’ is biased. It almost appeared staged.
Never do the BBC reporters ask these ‘protesters’ to state, clearly, the nature of their protest – what precisely is the problem with the UKIP message? And why are they not actively promoting their own positive message, instead of interrupting those who wish to do exactly that. Never does the BBC uphold the principles of democracy by promoting the clear dissemination of the party policies. The BBC does the opposite. It promotes the abuser, the name caller, the whinger, the moaner, the offended, the demander, the shouter.
UKIP have been given different status by Jeremy Vine on the Bigscreen Multicolour Singing and Dancing Election Mega computer. One wonders if they already have the results. However, Jeremy was not thinking too clearly. Evidently ‘Local factors’ are helping UKIP in Rotherham. Rotherham, the town that the BBC really wishes didn’t exist. Would the ‘Local factors’ be rape victims? Labour incompetence? Failure of Child Protection Services? Are the ‘Local Factors’ rape gangs? Police corruption? Political corruption?
This is what we get for our Fee. Detached, elitist, self righteous left wing media elite at play. Rotherham? Local Factors? Its children’s lives FFS. And the BBC is doing their upmost to maintain the status quo through their continuing pro-Labour and anti-UKIP campaign.
Scrap the telly tax.
Apart from what seemed like Labour Party pro-paedophile activists campaigning against UKIP support for the victims. We haven’t seen much on BBC Look North, not even a report about the new commissioners, let alone the continued inactivity of the local Police. The White working-class population in Rotherham are so fearful that they have a phobia about Islamic taxi drivers, and therefore ask for white taxi drivers. Now Miliband is threatening the indigenous people of Rotherham with anti Islamophobia laws.
Hasn’t happened by accident…believe me.
A report from South Thanet.
Alex Forsyth. Sad. That was the sort of report we’ve come to expect from Robin Brant but she was pretty fair on twitter last week. She tweeted regularly. The funny thing is, since she has started working again she hasn’t tweeted at all. Odd.
I still have a sense that the result on May 7 will lead to a coalition between the Tories, the DUP and UKIP. The latter 2 parties pulling the Tories to the right, where they belong.
And in the negotiations on how to proceed – UKIP will publicly argue, and many Tory MPs will support them, that the BBC needs to be cut back. Not abolished, but returned to the real job of public sector broadcasting, providing stuff that the “market” will not provide. The licence fee halved or cut by two-thirds, but the BBC allowed to look at raising further revenue by subscription.
And a much more fierce insistence on political neutrality.
One can but dream !
Two things this morning. First, I didn’t quite catch all of the news report on Radio Devon yesterday, but it would appear that a group of parents refused to let their children into a mosque because they feared for their children’s safety. It was a school trip set up to embrace other religions. I’ll try and find more on this later today.
And secondly, it now looks like the winter just gone will show the greatest number of “Frost Days” for a very very long time and over an extended winter period. If Global Warming is taking place as we are told ad nausea by the BBC, then why are we having so many “Frost Days” in the U.K.? Maybe any “Climate Change” we are currently seeing is not down to man made Co2 but more to so with the cycle 24 of the sun spot activity which is almost zero. Notice no winter storms this year? A cool and dry summer awaits for us, me thinks.
I doubt they were worried about their ‘safety’ per se.
Although there would be some concerns they might be in contact with Muslim child sexual abusers while in the mosque, the children would obviously be subjected to numerous lies and misinformation about Islam as part of the trip.
I very much doubt they would learn anything useful about the life of Mohammed “The first thing we want to tell you children, is that you are all old enough to be Mohammed’s wife as his favourite infant bride was only six years old when he married her”.
“But don’t worry, he didn’t rape her until she was nine years old.”
More likely they just realised if they gave the real reasons they did not want their children on a school mosque trip, they would be declared as racist by the fascist left and possibly be arrested and/or have their children taken into care.
They could well be worried about the children’s safety. Isis has shown itself to be astute and as ruthless as anything we have seen in our lifetimes and the chance is not worth taking. . I would have been in agreement with the parents. No visit.
Two things this morning. First, I didn’t quite catch all of the news report on Radio Devon yesterday, but it would appear that a group of parents refused to let their children into a mosque because they feared for their children’s safety. It was a school trip set up to embrace other religions. I’ll try and find more on this later today.
And secondly, it now looks like the winter just gone will show the greatest number of “Frost Days” for a very very long time and over an extended winter period. If Global Warming is taking place as we are told ad nausea by the BBC, then why are we having so many “Frost Days” in the U.K.? Maybe any “Climate Change” we are currently seeing is not down to man made Co2 but more to so with the cycle 24 of the sun spot activity which is almost zero. Notice no winter storms this year? A cool and dry summer awaits for us, me thinks.
Well, I did say there were two things this morning! 😎