In the last Question Time before the election, Dimbo meets up with the three stooges, and we get a chance to say good bye to Mr Nick Clegg, before he loses his seat in Parliament (hopefully) and gets sacked as Lib Dem leader (more likely). One other party leader appearing tonight will be likely to lose their seat as well, but which one will it be? Join us to cheer them off!
Question Time Live Chat
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Wont be able to watch because ”King of the biased ones” is presenting it (Dimbo), I will end up sticking my size tens through the screen.
Enjoy the viewing folks
Well Big Dave is looking and sounding like the idiot he his.
If this guy gets back in next week God help us all.
I work in the NHS and he has just promised that he will save the NHS what a lie.
If that Marxist cretin Miliband gets in, then we need all the Gods to help us all !
Remember Stafford NHS under the last Labour lot.
I do remember, but be in no doubt if he gets back in.within the next 5 years as Thatcher demolished the mining industry he will demolish the NHS.
Yet again in my pay slip this month was another letter telling me jobs are not safe and wards and departments are closing down with immediate affect and he has just stood there on live tv and said he is putting millions of pounds into the NHS shocking lies.
I do agree Milliband is a cretin.
bollox. the previous labour government closed more pits than maggie did.
but imagine if none of the pits were closed, wouldnt they now be forced to close cos of climate change
god help the public if labour get to run the NHS again. south staffs and the liverpool pathway.
I Think you will find the correct spelling is Bollocks !!!
I am not a Labour supporter, however the fact still remains that clinics wards and A and E departments are as we speak in the process of being closed down.
bollox (as its spelt on line)
theyre not shutting down any A&E’s where i live.
if i phone my GP in the morning. theres a good chance i’ll see him that morning, mid afternoon at the latest.
at the top of my road is an ambulance volvo estate thats parked up 24/7 just waiting for an emergency
50 meters down the road is a defibrillator on the wall with a phone to get the code together with instructions
The only problem in the NHS are the marxist unions and their foot soldiers who keep using it as a weapon to slag off the torys
but then again, i dont live in a culturally enriched area so maybe thats why we dont have any problems with the NHS where i live
Well it’s always nice to hear how one individuals experience is so more important than the collated stats.That is quite apart from the fact that most hospitals are running deficits.
“Yet again in my pay slip this month was another letter telling me jobs are not safe and wards and departments are closing down with immediate affect…”
Is this true? Should be investigated: NHS is 5th biggest employer IN THE WORLD (or higher, top 5 anyway) so if they are sending out this sort of scaremongering tactic in a GE campaign then it is a crime.
Well he’d hardly be a Marxist would he.pledging cuts .Perhaps you might like to benefit us all by divulging your knowledge of Marx. I guess that won’t take long.
As to Stafford maybe you should take a look at the report on it.
March 15, 2015 at 1:09 pm
I contribute here because I am highly critical of BBC news”.
Then vote here Mr man with the clap on the bus ….
Sorry but I just need to look at the Coroners report for my late uncle to see what was going on. Wilful neglect is an understatement. Still no real apology and good people hounded out of town by evil staff members.
”well big Dave”
God help the UK if Milliband waffles his way back into power. It amazes me that people like you are so blinkered,Milliband brought this country to its knees and like Milliband peolple like you are in denial
Out of the millions of people who use the NHS less than 0.03% complain.
Why don’t you sing the praises of the NHS instead of constantly moaning about it…Our NHS is the envy of the world and most countries would give there right arm to have it.
I couldn’t face it either, but now Mr D has insisted on watching the BBC1 news for the rerun. Nick Robinson with his reprise highlighting that Cameron refused to answer a question so Labour will keep pressing and that Miliband (in spite of falling off the dais) and Clegg doing rather well. Now over to Nepal.
…Sky news has just reported that because of previous complaints of serious bias, the audience in the BBC debate this evening has been specially chosen and comprises of the following….
25% Conservative
25% Lib Dem
25% Labour
15% Undecided
10% Others
Whats the bet the 15% Undecided and the 10% Others are lefty plants by the BBC…SHIT,I REALLY AM GETTING PARANOID
Whats the bet the 15% Undecided and the 10% Others are lefty plants by the BBC…
It has occurred to me in the past that it may not be ‘the BBC’ as in senior movers and shakers, but rather BBC unions or outside hate groups who know how to work the system and may place a huge proportion of the applications and mis-represent their views when applying.
I really cant watch it knowing whats going to happen. The bully boys in the audience will start and it goes down hill from there and King of the Biased ones (Dimbleby) will do bugger all to stop them .
I agree,unions will have there plants and hate groups will have lied to get on there.
Just not enjoyable viewing anymore
Good point.
The Question Time audience usually consists of Public Sector Union reps and shouty Labour Party supporters who make outraged noises if anybody says anything they disagree with (such as denials that the Moon is made of cheese).
The public sector union reps tend to sit in the middle front. It will soon become obvious if it is the usual fascist mob. Given that the producer is a Marxist the chances of accurate representation of the Country are remote – Marxists see it as their moral duty to subvert free elections.
”Moon is made of cheese ”
Marxist are everywhere and given any opportunity they will appear at a moments notice.
I genuinely believe if nothing is done about the BBC and other broadcasters who show such contempt for the ordinary person,then sadly we on the slippery slopes to no more freedom of speech
Ah well..!!
Marxist beliefs are now rare in the West, as everyone can clearly see that there is no inevitable process by which the working classes eventually prevail over the uber-wealthy capitalists who employ them.
With about 25% undecided the correct percentages should be
25% Undecided
26% Conservative
25% Labour
7% Lib Dem
10% UKIP
7% others
After all – UKIP supporters might have their own questions to ask David or Ed as presumably one will be PM.
After all Conservatives + UKIP = 50% approx. in voting intention.
Well observed, Arthur. Why should the Lib Dems (as an example) get equal representation with the Tories and Labour when the number of seats they hold and their %age vote predicted by opinion polls is nowhere near 25%? Since when were they even a ‘major party’?
It will be 98% lefties, hateful BBC
The BBC don’t need to manufacture a biased audience, it’s much simpler than that. Because everything on Aunty is so left slanted they naturally have a huge left wing audience just waiting in the wings. It’s like supporting a football team, let’s say Manchester United (because they play in red). If you turned up on match day at Old Trafford the place would be thronging with “red” supporters.
Of course you will get the occasional brave voice from opposition supporters who try to get themselves heard above the mob, but it’s an uneven and uphill struggle.
The BBC bias is now so embedded it’s in their very DNA; I don’t think they even realise it themselves. When you are surrounded by people who all think the same way you tend to think those are the beliefs of the majority and not a narrow, self regarding bigoted clique.
BBC bias is right wing.
I’ll second that.
Surprised there isn’t more coverage here and elsewhere about the BBC’s decision to exclude UKIP from tonight’s Question Time featuring the main party leaders. This is in direct contravention of Ofcom ruling that UKIP should be regarded as a major party, and treated the same as the other three.
where is nigel farage tonight on question time ?
He’s been making rabbit pie a La Roche.
I will not be watching as, just like the last ‘debate’, the audience will have been carefully selected to provide the approved reactions.
Any views expressed which even mildly criticize mass immigration – and that’s the best anyone who values our culture and freedoms can hope for given Cameron is the only one representing right-wing views – will be met with stony silence, or worse, the trademark boos and hisses of the Left (still tolerated by our oh-so-civilised state broadcaster).
Channel 4 and John Snow were in Leeds last night, the way he talked to the Ukip representative was a disgrace. Asking him a question about housing and then screeching over the top of him like a demented parrot when he tried to answer. Channel 4 has nothing to learn from the BBC about liberal bias.
Jon Snow’s new wife, Precious Lunga, I think he’s got a dog in this fight.
and then after these establishment 3 blabbermouths posh boys hungry for power who will tell us how they will improve are lifes and reward hard working familys we switch to radio 5 live and another 2 blabbermouths john pienaar and stephen nolan who no doubt hate ukip and will put a negative spin on what the excluded nigel farage says on his bit part and strangely timed question time spot at 10.50 pm from no doubt a hostile left wing ravaged anti ukip audience in birmingham,this whole election debate is a charade and circus and i am sick of it already. a feeling the audience will behave its self after Farage felt the BBC’s collar and put a flea in Mr ”im a marxist biased cretin”Dimbleby’s ear
Millibands Sheffield (Kinnock) Rally moment.
Dave takes QT (Dimbleby) chequered flag with Nigel winning hands down overall on this politically enchanting night, notwithstanding Jo Coburn and BBC expected biased selected audience in the later UKIP debate was noticeably skewed against him.
Apologies, I didn’t realise QT was on early tonight, it has started and the chat is open now (8 pm)
Dimbleby: ‘So you didn’t want to put to bed rumours…’
Obtuse in the extreme. Any reasonable people knew what Cameron meant
Am I the only one in the chat room?
Sounds like the Beeb have invited Mr Green’s rent-a-mob tonight to counter allegations of audience bias.
I still noticed a few ‘cheerleaders’ planted in the audience – I have my doubts .
Many are too canny to reveal to QT beforehand who they cheerlead for.
Will they get rich quick as a result I wonder.
March 15, 2015 at 1:09 pm
I contribute here because I am highly critical of BBC news.”
So you do know that they get paid?
Then when are you going to vote here Mr Bus Man ?….
Half way through Ed’s turn and he seems to getting hit by the audience. However, his colours are nailed to the mast – no deal with the Scottish National Socialist Party, even if it it means no Labour Government. As Eric and Ernie used to say: ‘Get out f that, you can’t can you’.
Milliband is a lying sod…He will have no choice but to do a deal with SNP,there is no other way forward for him unless he gets a majority and that dosnt seem likely,thank god
Yes Milliband is a lying sod. He has to play the game that the deficit was all Labours doing when in reality,prior to the bankster crash government borrowing was perfectly respectable. He couldn’t tell the idiot who said he couldn’t afford a pint at the end of the week that there is no comparison between household economics and national economics.
The reality was that the economy of the UK was far stronger when the banking crash hit ,than Germany,Japan and the U.S..that’s Osbourne saying that not me. But the big lie the Labour Party have signed up to is there has been no change to banks. Everyone in the know expects the next crash ,for similar reasons. Because nothing has changed. Clearly the Tories are not concerned because the banksters are Tories or republicans so they can spin you a yarn that the economy is going to grow under a future Tory administration. In actual fact the economy is collapsing.More austerity will continue the collapse.
That’s the big lie. Luckily for the powers that be is that there are enough muppets to suck up a few one liners and vote accordingly. Most are too stupid to know what they are voting for or even whether it’s worth voting.
He couldn’t tell the idiot who said he couldn’t afford a pint at the end of the week that there is no comparison between household economics and national economics.
Go tell that to Greece, France, Spain……once you’ve overdone your borrowing you’re a big risk and lenders treat you accordingly whether you’re a country, a business, a household, an indidual, a…….(you get the picture).
Sadly I don’t get the picture.Evidently you don’t either. The countries you quote are tied in to a common currency. That has huge implications for the way the can ,or most importantly can’t, manage their economies. Not so the UK.
‘Sadly I don’t get the picture.Evidently you don’t either. The countries you quote are tied in to a common currency. That has huge implications for the way the can ,or most importantly can’t, manage their economies. Not so the UK. ‘
Totally different issue. My point still stands: countries outside the Eurozone are able to buy Greek bonds – if Greece is considered a high risk they will want high returns to compensate or, worse, not buy any at all. Just like a bank weighing up your creditworthiness.
Lenders often treat national state borrowers worse than individuals are treated by banks and loan companies. Look at the way the World Bank dictates to countries it lends to.
fuck me greece aint even being asked for credit card rates never mind wonga ones course its the same
Answer this Clappedoutomnishambles – If Labour weren’t running a deficit prior to 2008, how come the IMF warned them in 2005 that the deficit they were running THEN couldn’t be sustained and that should there be an economic downturn , the British economy wouldn’t be able to weather it because of Brown/Balls/Miliband’s tax,borrow,spend policies? I remember Balls saying the IMF was wrong and dismissing their warnings. Go on, answer that if you can!
It may seem far fetched but as I heard ed rejecting a deal with the Scot Nats the thought came back to me of a grand lab/con coalition. No Nats, no UKIP and no Lib Dems. Ed will get power of sorts with willing leftish Dave and Dave, of course, will have the excuse to renege on his promise of an EU referendum, as that will be the price of a deal with Labour.
“It may seem far fetched ”
There more chance that Nigel Farage will be elected the next Pope than there is of there being a Conservative – Labour coalition.
He doesn’t have to, really. He can propose what he wants and challenge the SNP to vote him down. They dare not. They were blamed for bringing down Callaghan and letting Maggie in.
He will
I totally expected the usual QT lefty stitch up, but credit where credit’s due, I thought the audience were pretty well balanced for once.
That’s because they agreed with you. You have just demonstrated the principle of confirmation bias. Nothing to do with the composition of the audience at all.
Like the last audience where Farage’s stance on immigration was met with stony silence (or was it boos? it all blends into one on the BBC)? Absolutely amazing when you consider 70% of voters have serious concerns about it. Only a BBC audience could be so totally unrepresentative of the British electorate.
“Biased BBC audience said ‘La-la-la… We can’t hear you Nigel,’ writes the Ukip Leader. ”
Sickened by Clegg’s blatant LibDem aggrandisement, the heroes, how they stepped in to save the country. How the country was facing a meltdown, like Greece recently. Arrogant, patronising – does he think we are all stupid? We are not a Eurozone country like Greece, and would not have faced the same situation. Those heroic LibDems, into the breach!! And calling LibDems a party in the ‘centre’ – LibDems are as right-wing as the Tories, their politicians lie to the public just like other major party politicians.
“LibDems are as right-wing as the Tories, ”
I agree that Cameron is near level with the Lib Dems but it’s centrte-left, not even slightly right of centre let alone right-wing!
Free market capitalism, minimal state, no state industries or healthcare, planned reduction of social rent housing until it dies out, etc etc, right wing policies by any definition.
The ‘Labour’ Party has been centre-right itself for some time now.
Lewis42. Come back once you discover what statist corporatism is. (hint. Thats what you’ve got. Corporations, Banks, Governments bleeding you dry. LibLabCon all left centre social democrats. Dividing you. Ruling you.)
Free market capitalism? You don’t know what it means. It certainly doesn’t exist in this country.
If are divided. You are ruled. You will find no answers and certainly no prosperity, with Labour.
So corporations banks etc are left wing eh!
I suppose that’s why they give themselves big bonuses.
The banks were heavily subsidised by the state. If this were a capitalist country, those bad banks would have crashed and their remaining assets bought cheap by other good banks.
For the most part the British public are stupid. If the public were informed and politicians made rational choices on the basis of evidence then things would be different.It would be interesting to know your thoughts on why we are not like Greece and what implications that has for the understanding and management of our own economy.
If the public were informed and politicians made rational choices on the basis of evidence then things would be different.
As a global warming alarmist, did you manage to keep your face straight when you typed that?
And we are not like Greece because a) we’re not in the Euro b) we don’t have a left-wing government addicted to unaffordable public spending.
I presume you intend to come up with evidence to rebutt the overwhelming science in respect of GW.
In respect of the EU there is one creditor nation and the rest are debtors. However you wish to characterise individuals or individual nations there are fundamental issues where there is monetary union without fiscal Union,a point well made by the Governor of the Bank of England. Sadly because of this there will be no resolution to Europes woes until everyone leaves the Euro.
Evidence against AGW? How about the RSS satelite records? The ARGO Buoys and all the actual raw, unadulterated, unadjusted measurements which refute the flawed projections by alarmist, incomplete, innacurate climate models?
How about all the predictions (hundreds of them) by emminent climate scientists (from “evidence” derived from climate models) about what the climate should already be like by now, which have been utterly wrong? By way of only a couple of examples, according to predictions made by Dr Hansen in the 1980s, New York should be permanently underwater any day now and snow was going to be something that children only read about in history books. There are hundreds more such examples.
How about the broken protocols, twisted methodology and blatant lies used in every study to support the idea that there is a “97% consensus”
How about the total fiction peddled by the IPCC?
Do you realise that the quaint, old fashioned method of investigation known as the “scientific method” falsifies the CAGW hypothesis outright?
The ECS (Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity) at the very heart of the CAGW hypothesis is being proven by observation and empirical measurement to be significantly lower than the climate alarmist’s flawed projections, derived by climate models.
When the evidence (in this case from empirical measurements) does not match the prediction of the hypothesis (in this case, climate model projections), then the hypothesis is WRONG!
Nobel Physicist Richard P Feynman stated correctly,
“It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn’t matter how smart you are. If it doesn’t agree with experiment, it’s wrong.”
The essence of the scientific method dictates that a hypothesis must be tested rigourously with the aim of falsifying it. If it cannot be falsified, it remains valid UNTIL it can be falsified.
If only climate scientists actually did that, instead of exaggerating and manufacturing fraudulent data with the sole-purpose of propping up a failed hypothesis in return for grant money, fame, political influence and media adulation.
Where’s he gone?
Preparing for another ‘Groundhog Day’, I’ll wager.
March 15, 2015 at 1:09 pm
I contribute here because I am highly critical of BBC news”
So where is your contribution on the BBC news ?
Are you signing here ?…
ICM Poll on tonights debate….
44% Cameron
38% Milliband
19% Clegg
Thats makes it 101% – no wonder the polls cannot be trusted.
true…got it off Sky
Perhaps they gave the extra 1% to Clegg as a sympathy vote
Rounding up.
Why marry someone who wants a divorce?
Ring any bells SNP/Labour.
Again did not see these waste of time debates. Read the Telegraph and the bBC website, are they talking about the same programme? According to the Tele Milibrain would not admit labour overspent, according to bBC website the question did not come up!!
What exactly do you mean by overspent? Prior to the banking crash borrowing was at 37 % and falling. The government was then obliged to bail out the banks which immediately increased borrowing to 77% of GDP.Thereafter various monetary stimuli have been added to the mix including £395 billion to add liquidity and supposedly restart the economy which sadly hasn’t happened. If you want to jump up and down about Labours exemplary actions in the face of a banking meltdown then fine but its encumbent on you to explain what you would have done instead. The Tories at the time wanted some banks to go to the wall .Maybe you agree with this but if you do then take note of the subsequent and major issues arising from the U.S. Letting Bear Sterns go.
I think it is most regrettable that Milliband didn’t explain this but it’s pretty obvious why he can’t be seen as anti bank just before this election. Crooks they may be but they are still the only game in town.
MOCO ……One would assume such an esteemed political commentator as yourself and our state broadcaster could easily explain how the worst financial legacy EVER, ever, which was left by Labour for the incoming Coalition in 2010, since the BBC have an army of some of the highest paid economic analysis experts, courtesy of our taxes.
Unfortunately though, it appears both you and the BBC are now so entrenched and infected with ‘left’ bias, or BBC ethos, (backed up by decades of recruitment placements to match), they can no longer penetrate the ‘red mist’ resulting in political obfuscation and biased reporting as a matter of course, including subtly re-writing history in aid of the cause where necessary.
I am just a mere ex-soldier and small businessman. The 2008 financial crash is all pretty clear to me, with Labours part in the downfall being so obvious and fact based.
Such was the gigantic scale of the Blair and Brown deficit and debt legacy, it would not matter which Government was in power from 2010 onwards, things were again so desperate, (for the second time Labour were in power in my lifetime), austerity and financial prudence was again rapidly needed or we go Zimbabwean.
Predictably, as soon as they got into opposition, Labour got it wrong all over again with ‘TOO FAR – TOO FAST’ advice. They voted against every welfare Bill reform put through. Had we followed Balls, Milliband, McCluskey and the party’s traitorous propaganda we certainly would not now be EU and world leading growth champions, but instead facing a ‘Greek Tragedy’?
Even, now Labour has the brass neck to ‘slag off’ the other parties for wanting to privatise the NHS!
They really think us ‘plebs’ did not notice PFI, for example, which is going to require our children and grandchildren to pay off £300 bn PFI Labour Privatisation – YES £300bn to be repaid – for the NHS over the next generation. This is causing great hardship in the NHS already!
Add to that their illegal wars, where literally millions lie dead or displaced and importing 4 extra million people into the country, depressing the working mans wage and putting enormous strain on our NHS, Housing, Doctors, Schools, cultural cohesion, turning a blind eye to the likes of Rotherham, Labour’s legacy is criminal, pathetic and shameful.
Charlatans…. Great piece
Just listened to Andrew Burnam (shadow health)on Radio 5 live and I could not believe what I was hearing. He was in complete denial regarding the financial carnage Labour left for this coalition. Even the audience were astonished at his unbelievable remarks,you could hear audible gasps.
I didn’t listen to the Question Time Debate last night but I gather Milliband made similar comments and got a similar reaction from that audience.
Can you imagine what carnage would prevail if Labour got back in power at the behest of the SNP, dosnt bare thinking about.
Lets hope Joe Public are not taken in by Labour’s denial, appalling track record and waffle.
So how would you suggest I vote to prevent them getting back into power? UKIP?
Hopefully in the little time left people will realise that they must vote for the “least worst” alternative, even if it not what they really want to do.
I was undecided up to last night but Millibands denial that Labour were blameless with regards to the carnage this coalition took on has finally help me make my mind up.
There is no way I can vote Labour again when you have Milliband and Balls running the show. Both individuals were in the cabinet so in turn were part of the policy making team of the last Labour government that caused such a mess .
It scares me that they believe they were blameless. God forbid what they will do if they get in power if they believe all was well when they were last in power.
If both had recognised what they had done was a mistake then perhaps you may think they have learnt a lesson, but to deny it is appalling.
They have lost my vote.
Conservative get my vote this time UKIP A CLOSE SECOND
“Least worst then”
I have a feeling from talking to others in the (builders) office – no Guardian readers – that several are starting to smell the coffee as you have articulated and are voting as best they can against an outcome rather than particularly for the party they choose.
I did one of these “Who suits you best” tests and the Tories came out slightly ahead of UKIP with the LIb Dems well in the running, but I know voting UKIP nationally would be wasting my opportunity to influence the actual outcome.
I can, of course, express a different vote in the local election at the same time which can send an effective message if national and local %ages come out somewhat different. as for the Lib Dems when we had Euro and local elections the same day a while back. LDs did well locally and bombed in the Euros – it may have marked their card for them to ease off on Europe!
It might even be the best message to send to indicate the “softness” of support.
My sentiments exactly… UKIP really appeal to me but because of the fear of letting Labour back in I’m going with the Conservatives this time….Perhaps things will change in the future
Depends where you are – if not in a tory held marginal then vote ukip with a clear conscience.
”Depends where you are”
Very true.Sadly im in a Tory marginal
Man With The Clap has disappeared again.
What an incredible time for a post 4.38 a.m.
Yet another mystery about you.
By 2001 GB, by following inherited spending plans, was in a position to pay down the national debt by £10s bn a year.
But no, instead of just riding the tidal wave of improving tax revenues and contenting himself to spend that, over the next 7 years he unnecessarily added £125bn to the national debt, and “built” lots of new schools and hospitals while “forgetting to pay for them – which,if he had, the borrowing would have been higher.
He also kept the Network Rail debt off the books after nationalising it .
The banks caused the world’s financial structures to wobble, GBs spendaholic policies pumped up a huge GDP bubble here which went bang a lot louder than in many countries without such a genius at the helm.
He was of course assisted in his wrecking by two complete economic ignoramuses in EM and EB!
I watched the Farage debate, I didn’t see a lot of evidence for much Ukip support in the audience. Lots of silly lefty children on the right, (Farage’s left hand side). What is it with the youngsters in this country? They seem to fail to see the whole argument but instead focus on single issues like food banks,thus ignoring the future debts when it is they who will most be affected by current overspending.
They are coming across as a dumb political generation.
The youngsters in a BBC audience are, but there are a lot who aren’t happy with the great waves of foreigners that have come / are coming into the country and they see and experience the deleterious effects of it like anyone else with a half a brain.
No its years of education by left-wing Marxist teachers that is to blame. It takes a good number of years of real-world experience after school before the penny drops and they see the light. My son is the same, he’s 18, I had to short circuit his brainwashing and beat it out of him. Now he is going to vote UKIP
Yes well beating things out of people is a great educational tool. Has been shown to really change people’s minds and garnish respect. You say he’s voting UKIP! Well there’s a thing. Maybe you could go round door to door and similarly intimidate your locality .
I’ll just get my coat. Meet you outside in 10 minutes, you can hold it for me and say ‘leave him Moh he’s not worth it’ once I’ve beaten them into submission.
These kids probably need an educated man like you to tell them about government debt. Maybe you could start by telling them about how much taxpayer money ie. Government debt went into bailing out the banks. Maybe you could also point out that the £395 billion Qe went to those that already own stock thereby making the taxpayer make the rich even richer.
Finally you could tell them that if the rich continue to get richer then the poor have to get poorer and therefore they have a greater chance of having to attend a food bank.
You never know you might make a better job of explaining it than the lamentable Millipede.
Google reveals thousands of academic papers from around the world telling us exactly how the 2007/2008 world financial crisis germinated in the USA, infiltrated the world and who is to blame.
As far as the UK is concerned we have our own particular role and blame since London is a premier world financial centre, regulated by the British Government, who are the only authority able to make the rules here, (ensuring it fits with EU compliance).
Supposedly without fear or favour reporting, the UKs most popular and historical media reach, into every home has not done their job and given us unbiased truth about the last Labour Governments critical role in the world’s biggest ever economic crisis.
The 2008 financial crash is all pretty clear to me, with Labours part in the downfall being so obvious and fact based.
In 1997, the Conservatives bequeathed Labour a growing economy and impressive projected positive finances, the best ever handed over to an incoming Government in this land. Labour, in part, got elected somewhat on this promise not to ‘screw it up’ by inputting in their 1997 manifesto to continue these sound Conservative financial policies for the first few years in power.
Once bitten and twice shy, just like today Labour needed to counter the polls showing the electorate fear of a repeat of their economic history. With good reason, since the public has not forgotten when Labour were in power in the 70s, when they handed over to Thatcher such a dire, desperate situation of our nation degraded to the ‘sick man of Europe’, even requesting an IMF bailout like a poor third world African nation, solely due to the horrendous Labour Political and Economic incompetence.
Under Labour, our country contributed greatly to the world financial crisis. London, the World Financial centre infection tempted so many other nations to take advantage of easy leverage and corrupt dealing under the auspices of the UK Governments ‘light touch’ regulation. was Gordon’s message from the world’s premier financial centre.
In London, so many other nations’ banks and international financial transactions were conducted under our rules and they too became infected, suffered or took advantage of LIBOR scandalous rate fixes and FOREX scams for example. Just look at the evidence of infection resulting from the collapse of the Icelandic banks – Kaupthing, Landsbanki and Heritable – and the impact on UK depositors where the UK Treasury decided to freeze the UK assets of Landsbanki held in London when it became apparent they might not pay out to UK depositors.
It is of course accepted that the USA initiated the suicidal scaled up sub-prime, CDOs and other lax and related corrupt banking practices, which London under Labour light regulation followed and duplicated with gusto. It is clear Brown and his Treasury cohorts failed spectacularly in their dereliction of duty to regulate the City of London to our National credibility detriment. This LABOUR induced scandal has shamed the nation.
Labour, who were the only ones with the power to regulate, stress test and ensure ‘No more boom or bust’ let these London based banks run riot, impacting most of us through pension funds, bank charges, savings, PPI and derivatives and also allowed the other Nations banks in the City to follow our ‘world class’ London example.
One should never forget it was Brown Balls & Milliband, more than any other MPs who were in the treasury and are most to blame for not regulating and the recession legacy they left.
The country was basically on the brink of bankruptcy after 13 years of Labour. They certainly ‘did not fix the roof whilst the sun was shining’, borrowing to the hilt even during those financial good times when they should have been building the reserves, (not selling off 400 tons of gold at bargain basement prices) and leaving notes to their successors that there was ‘nothing left’.
I live in hope that most others can see what I can see with the Labour propaganda dished out by the BBC and just pray the Broadcaster Licence review will right an obvious wrong for the future benefit of our nation.
Nice to see someone reading positive money’s website. please read more of it. That way you may appreciate how little the Government actually creates money.In fact 97% is created by the banks. You make several errors in your appraisal. Whilst CDO and CDSs were the trigger to the meltdown this was only part of the problem. The real issues started with Thatcher and are much deeper and involve the revision of protective legislation sensibly introduce after the 1930 crash. Underlying this was a more fundamental reevaluation of value and money.
Back to the Labour Government. Under Blair ,who was very much a Thatcherite, borrowing certainly did rise due to the expansion of expenditure on the very rundown state of public services. You might remember the melt down of the health services and indeed the poor state of education after the thatcher years. The data shows that after 2005 borrowing was falling and just before the crash was at 37%. Nothing wrong so far particularly when you bear in mind the NHS was created when ,off the top of my head,I believe borrowing was at 250%.
In short the idea that the economy was out of control at the time of the crash is plain nonsense.Moreover at the time the Tories were pushing for even lighter touch regulation believing that the market knows best. The Tories even matched the Labour spending plans in the election prior to that. The point is it was very much business as usual and as Mervin King explained recently the crash literally came out of the blue. I’m sure you know the story of CDOs and key point was they were not understood in the context in which they were being used.In large measure they weren’t understood by most of the financial markets and especially by the regulators who at their inception had no tools to measure their creditworthiness.In fact the tool they did use was given to them by Goldman Sacks which allowed for the unscrupulous gerrymandering of the mix of securities. In short their was no reasonable way to regulate the trading of these derivatives and on face value these derivatives were judged to be as safe as houses. The big problem of this time was credit and this was not restricted to the UK or to the Labour Party. As to stress testing this is all wisdom in hindsight.Whilst banks can create money through issuing credit there will always be problems.As a result of 2008 the free capitalist market was required to be bailed out by the State (free marketeers please note) It was taxpayers money that had to be used to prop up the banks in the UK to the tune of between 200 to 840 billion. That was not Labour Profligacy, that was a necessary act of self survival.It was a pattern repeated across those nations where the financial industry prevails which is why London was particularly hit.
Your mail also erroneously assumes that the problem has gone away since the Tories are now in Government. The problems are still there and this will happen again . Ultimately there is nothing to stop any financier bank or whatever to create a product or set of products which either get around existing controls or are completely outside of any regulatory structure. CDSs are a case in point,basically an unregulated insurance scheme.
Ultimately if you want stable money you should follow the Green party’s policy an get government to take over money creation.If you want safe trading you need to legislate so that all financial lproducts get a government seal of approval. Will this happen? I am reminded every year of the Lord Mayors day when the Queen is required to wait for the Lord Mayors permission to enter the City of London. Symbolic this may be but nonetheless underlines the huge historic and contemporaneous power of this autonomous institution. The British Government taking it on! Hell will freeze over first.
I would agree on one thing in respect of Labour however at that time and that was the failure to address the collapse of Manufacturing. It’s the same failure that the current Government has made and without it the pull of funny money and all things disastrous will continue to beckon. It is merely a matter of time and the complexion of the incumbent government will be entirely irrelevant.
Now that level of erudition is totally at odds with some of “his” contributions over time.
Is this the same poster as at 4.38 this morning, or has the shift changed at BBC blog control?
Good to see you debating, although you clearly do not show logic, rather ‘left ideological’ analysis with your answers to my prognosis:
“how little the Government actually creates money” :
USSR finally collapsed with their failed attempt to con the masses about state production. Only private enterprise supported by state services, ultimately provides any cash whatsoever for all corporation taxes.
“real issues started with Thatcher”:
How many finance Acts have been through parliamentary process since Thatcher?
“the economy was out of control at the time of the crash is plain nonsense”:
Deal in facts not fiction. Can you imagine John Major and Mervyn King reading about Northern Rock 125% mortgages over breakfast and not doing something about it same day?
“Tories were pushing for even lighter touch regulation”:
Tories were not in power and did not have the votes to force change and in any event, you were wrong since they were seeking better regulation, (did not agree with Bank of England’ oversight being taken away etc). You trying to shift blame onto opposition? The Labour opposition have voted against each and every benefit change introduced by the Coalition. So what?
“As to stress testing this is all wisdom in hindsight”:
This Bank of England’s primary task, which was critical might I add, was taken away by Brown on forming failed FSA which oversaw other LIBOR, FOREX, PPI scandals etc.
“The problems are still there and this will happen again”
No they won’t since the coalition has introduced Financial Acts to stop this. Only Labour can start @tax, borrow, spend’ again and re-start the cycle.
“I would agree on one thing in respect of Labour failure…………….to address the collapse of Manufacturing”.
Here some more stuff you might agree with me then:
Vote Labour – Get ROTHERHAM + most other LABOUR COUNCILS
NHS Wales
I feel a touch of deep seated resentment boiling over there. Is the keyboard still in one piece?
And some people on here are not actively voting to prevent a return to power of those who were deeply involved in visiting that catalogue of woe upon us!
Moreover at the time the Tories were pushing for even lighter touch regulation believing that the market knows best.
Source? (again)
‘I’m sure you know the story of CDOs and key point was they were not understood in the context in which they were being used.In large measure they weren’t understood by most of the financial markets and especially by the regulators who at their inception had no tools to measure their creditworthiness.’
They had nothing to do with the collapse of Northern Rock or B and B. It’s Groundhog Day, you just keep coming back with the same old crap having been out-argued numerous times on previous threads.
‘It was taxpayers money that had to be used to prop up the banks in the UK to the tune of between 200 to 840 billion. ‘
That’s a deceit. The cost to the taxpayer was around £65 billion which is on track to be repaid in full – with interest. Compared to the annual tax The data shows that after 2005 borrowing was falling and just before the crash was at 37%. The data shows that after 2005 borrowing was falling and just before the crash was at 37%. contribution to the Excheqeur of £50+ billion from financial services, it’s peanuts. The figures you quote were worst case guarantees whcih never had to be realised.
‘The data shows that after 2005 borrowing was falling and just before the crash was at 37%. ‘
After three years of prudence, Gordon Brown switched tactics in 2000 and committed himself to a massive, audacious project: the Europeanisation of the British economy. He set out to shift our political centre of gravity, from being the ‘third way’ between the EU and the US and becoming an EU-style country with a massive government and masses of people dependant on that government. This was the Brown project. So the years 2000-10 saw the size of the state soar from 37pc to 50pc – a rise of 13 points. This is a faster rise than any other country, over any other postwar decade. And half of the damage was done by 2007, before the crash.
While no economist would claim that Labour’s borrowing “caused” the financial crash, many argue that it left Britain badly exposed when it struck and forced the Coalition to make far steeper cuts than would otherwise have been needed.
Britain entered the crisis with a structural deficit of 5.3 per cent, the largest in the G7, as Gordon Brown sought to increase public spending without raising taxes. Tony Blair, in his autobiography, said that the “insufficiently vigorous” approach was a “much bigger error than I thought at the time”. Lord King, the Bank of England governor at the time, said that Britain “came into this crisis with fiscal policy on a path that wasn’t sustainable”.
Exactly Johnny…….MOCO responses are typical socialist ‘taqiya’ institutionally espoused to con the masses, like the way they now portray the NHS Stafford story. Ed Milliband came up against the real public and fell at the first fence with no truthful response and the electorate noticed.
It is very sad the public were not reminded in that debate about the other major Labour appeasement of Islam, whether it be the millions displaced, dead, wounded in the middle east or the Rotherham and other Labour controlled areas, where they imported the problem by the millions between 97-2010
‘Maybe you could start by telling them about how much taxpayer money ie. Government debt went into bailing out the banks.’
Roughly one year’s tax take from the financial sector.
‘Finally you could tell them that if the rich continue to get richer then the poor have to get poorer and therefore they have a greater chance of having to attend a food bank.’
The top 1% of earners pay approximately 30% of tax.
You’d have it more, would you?
And food banks, like the cash machines that suddenly start to dispense ‘free’ cash, have a habit of attracting people once they know they’re there. Human nature. Or you might like to point us to a world-class piece of BBC investigative journalism which actually has a serious look at the people who are using these food banks and what their financial circumstances are, including a forensic examination of their budgets.
Ed got off light, no questions about Rotherham, or of his proposal to make Islamophobia a hate crime. OK, so the audience were even, but the questions remained within a narrow range. Is that bias perhaps?
Here’s the log from last night’s chat