New month, new Open Thread. So, what was your view of BBC’s Question Time and Ask Nigel Farage programmes last evening? I get the impression this morning that the comrades seem a bit disappointed that Miliband gave the appearance of being less than enthusiastic for a pact with the SNP. Thoughts on this and any other issue of bias welcome here!
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Fascinating difference between the “sweetness and light” tone of a Today interview this morning with Sinn Fein and the usual sneering, accusatorial attitude adopted with UKIP. A visitor from outer space might think the BBC animus toward UKIP might be due to some past heinous crime like murdering thousands of their fellow citizens.
How surprised the aliens would be when they learnt the BBC was actually providing a conduit for IRA/Sinn Fein propaganda when IRA/Sinn Fein were murdering their fellow citizens.
The Today team was surprised that 3 of the policemen arrested in Baltimore were black. Why would that be surprising?
I wonder if MSM (inc Beeboids) will stop playing the race-card on Baltimore now that we know that of the six police charged over Mr Gray’s death, three are black and three are white.
And that the policeman facing the most serious charges is black.
You are more likely to be killed by the police in the U.S. if you are white than black, as they don’t have to fend off any awkward accusations of racism in the aftermath.
“Caucasophobia — the Accepted Racism”
The BBC have no interest in Baltimore or its residents. The BBC’s interest extends to how the events can assist in expanding the ever growing written, video and audio library dedicated to explaining how black people are victims beyond reproach being subdued by evil whitey.
BBC professional race hustling using the blood of dead Americans.
And for the record, as the BBC never want to clarify the facts, Police Office Darren Wilson lawfully killed the feral criminal bully Michael Brown in Ferguson. And yes, Michael Brown was a bad criminal black dude and Darren Wilson is a good law abiding white dude. Not that you’d be left with that impression by the racist BBC and their racist reporters.
Hmm so our undecided lady has been on the BBC 12 times before in the last 12 months? Well call be a conspiracy theorist, but what better way to plant a stooge, to say that they are “undecided” and come across all “conservative like” and thus show that the BBC are not biased? Operation Dodge City completed but not successful. I might just go back in time and try to find out what her views were over those 12 previous interviews.
“I might just go back in time and try to find out what her views were over those 12 previous interviews”
I for one would be most interested.
The much loved , hilarious and totally unbiased hostess (she’ll hate that term) of ‘The News Quiz’ has decided to go into politics.
I know what you are thinking – is she Conservative or is she UKIP?
Well stand by for a massive, seismic surprise, folks, ‘cos it turns out that our Sandi is a lefty feminist!!! I’m shocked I tell you, shocked.
I had the impression she was a Lib Dem until a few days after the last election.
The thought of her party being able to actually influence government decisions was possibly too much for her – along with many others seemingly who wanted to vote safely such that nothing could ever be their fault because permanent opposition makes life extremely easy.
Sandi Toxic a politician, that is funny. Perhaps she should form a party for rabid left-wing ‘comedians’. Now, I wonder where she might find a ready supply of those.
Perhaps Toksvig should recruit the ex-Lib-Dem MP Jenny Tongue: after all, Sandi likes a bit of tongue.
BBC Newsflash:
Ed Miliband says his thoughts with Duke & Duchess of Cambridge, adding “I wish them well” #RoyalBaby
I await minute by minute coverage of Ed’s other thoughts as the day unfolds.
One of my own, for all shark-jumping pols and content void media: leave the woman to have her kid in peace, announce the birth, and then report it.
Millipede knows that a Royal baby will give Cameron the chance at grandstanding, but the polling sites say that there will be no ‘royal baby bounce’ based on past evidence.
I can remember a Royal funeral some years back which gave rise to some of the grossest grandstanding by any politician, from Liebour’s own Bliar.
“She was – (voice choked with faux-emotion) the People’s Princess.”
(Bliar on Diana, Princess of Wales.)
For a moment there I thought you were making a reference to Blair’s attempt to hijack the funeral of the Queen Mother.
I have just been listening to the Five Dead news, which includes a report of the best wishes from Ed Miliband to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, complete with soundbite about the birth of his own kids. Did the Prime Minister refuse to comment, so they had to use Red Ed’s soundbite faute de mieux? Or is it now BBC policy to treat Special Ed as de facto Prime Minister? I think we should be told.
BBC Breakfast for about the sixth day in a row lead with labour news…
This morning, however, it’s the Duchess of Cambridge going into labour
A Daily Express journo gets to talk with Naga and Charlie
Wonders will never cease.
Still, there’s a glimpse of what todays professional journo thinks of the little people when we have reference to ‘the Media’ (all hail the mighty truth-to-power fourth estate) and then there’s joe public – “the union jack waving brigade”
Pity, the Express Royal correspondent seemed such a pleasant lady. But afterall this was her big tv moment speaking live to the Beeb, she probably meant nothing explicitly contemptuous…. Mind you, I conclude the spirit of Emily Thornberry runs deep in media circles.
Hasn’t the Clapham omnibus reached its destination, yet?
I think it is hired by BBC/Labour until election day. Then it will be off the road, unless there is an (unlikely) debate in Parliament on the future of the people’s broadcaster.
It’s running a Circle Line bus replacement service.
Can we expect sob-stories from Beeboids about their ‘migrants’ on Eurostar from Paris to London?
“More than 500 British-bound migrants set up camps in the heart of Paris where they openly admit trying to stow aboard Eurostar trains to London.
“There are two encampments near Austerlitz station and Gare du Nord.
“There are also around 1,000 migrants living in a shanty town near Calais.
“‘We try to hide in the train toilets, but it’s difficult’ – immigrant in Paris.”
Conservative 55%
UKIP 46%
Liberal 2%
Green 1%
SNP 1%
Labour – 5%
British police in Luton-
“UK Police Officers ‘Stand Together’ With Islamic Extremists”
When extremists and the police stand together we are in trouble. It will happen, make no mistake, extremists will kill a cop. And lessons will have to be learnt.
In 2007 on Nederland1’s popular Pauw & Witteman talkshow, the former police chief of Amsterdam, Joop Van Riessen called for the murder of Geert Wilders and the deportation of all who voted for him as Wilders’ call to end Muslim immigration into Europe was rocking the multicultural boat too much. The upper echelons of the forces of law and order seem to have swallowed the multiculturalism shtick hook line and sinker. Could the reason be plod inertia (let almost sleeping dogs lie) rather than ideological fervour ? Or has years of “diversity training” paid off?
Almost certainly the latter, coupled with the fact that, as with the BBC and other broadcasters, the top jobs only go to people who have been chosen to reinforce the desired politics. Don’t expect policing skills from Chief Constables these days – any more than you would expect journalistic ones from the BBC.
Beeboids’ biased reporting for mass immigration into U.K is as notorious as it is politically irresponsible.
A counter-report.
The enforced, rapid, unending colonisation of Europe-
have you noticed that radio 5 live presenters and the race baiters( white police officer kiills unarmed black man) have gone quiet all of a sudden over the charging of these 6 police officers in baltimore,yes, of these 6 police officers charged and innocent until proven guilty 3 of them are black,see all this white officer kills unarmed black man in america is not all what it seems in the usa,this case in baltimore proves that beyond doubt.
Another Stuart post that is utterly unintelligible gibberish. Keep them coming. It’s good to know your care in the community order is working.
I found Stuart’s post clear enough and had no problem understanding it. Perhaps you should work on your comprehension.
It would be nice if he’d use a full stop every now and then.
Godhelpyou. Snob.
Grammar costs nothing; neither does politeness.
Stuart’s grammar may not be to your liking Rob, but I have been seeing an improvement. And I’m more interested in content, which with Stuart, is often informative and resonant. He is expressing himself as he can, whatever value or cost you apportion to it. The comment ‘snob’ to Godhelpus was not impolite. It was an accurate description considering the view expressed. Perhaps it may also apply to you in respect of your unashamed pedantry?
The accusation of pedantry when someone is trying to use correct English is absurd. I assume you are not one of the people who think spelling and punctuation do not matter when marking exams? If you are, your comment is at least logical, if you are not, it is nonsensical.
Perhaps my accusation was harsh. I do indeed think spelling, punctuation and grammar are important. In all these features of written English, I am still trying to improve. The point I was (clumsily) attempting to make was this: That Stuart’s grammatical ability is what it is, and we should focus on what Stuart is attempting to communicate rather than his habit of avoiding full stops. Godhelpus is a troll who has no interest in engaging in the matters raised on this web site.
Actually, grammar, or the successful teaching of it, costs a great deal of money. See today’s newspapers for reports from School and College heads expressing concern at the lack of grammar skills and classroom discipline abilities from those applying to train as teachers.
Please do not be put off making your contribution to this site.
Full stops and capital letters are free.
Stuart is spot on here. There’s no doubt that if the police had all been white the BBC would have been all over the story like ants on sugar.
But it’s impossible to pump out the standard propaganda about evil white authorities and innocent blacks when those three officers are black and the Baltimore mayor is a black woman who is highly critical of black looters as they riot and destroy property.
Exactly Stuart. And can we assume from your “argument” that the presence of black slaves involved in the management of the plantations means we must also reassess just how racist slavery was? Given your incredible bit of deductive reasoning?
Lost you somewhere here – are black policemen in the US treated as slaves?
Why not reassess the extent to which slavery is or was racist? Perhaps we have been over fed on the story that only black people have been slaves and only white’s have owned them. Among the first US slave owners were black people. And let us not forget that moslems have owned slaves, some white some black. And somewhere is a historic connection between Slavs and slaves. Stuart makes a valid point.
Quite correct G.W.F. The first slave owner in American history was Anthony Johnson a black tobacco farmer from Virginia.
If you want to hear some fascinating truths about slavery in the U.S., the slave trade and the American Civil War this is well worth watching –
“And let us not forget that moslems have owned slaves”
No need to use the past tense, Moslems have always owned slaves, they own slaves now, and they will own slaves in the future, both to do the work and for their sexual gratification. Mohammed did it, so it is all right, and it will always be all right. If you are a Moslem, the political, social and sexual mores of the 7th century are just fine and dandy, there is no need for society to evolve at all.
Well said Rob.
“Slavery in Islam is a permanent and perennial institution.” K.S. Lal ‘Muslim Slave System In Medieval India.
“With regard to most parts of Muslim Africa, long before Europeans ever appeared on the scene, was a well organized and institutionalized system. In East Africa the slave trade was virtually a Muslim-Arab monopoly.
Muslims generally viewed the anti-slavery measures of the European colonial powers in the 19th and early 20th Century both as threats to their livelihood and as an attack on Islam.”
John Alembillah Azumah ‘The Legacy Of Arab-Islam In Africa.’
Slavery in Europe is also prevalent. It isn’t Muslim inspired.
Using moral relativity is a poor way of debating the argument. Stick to the subject – moral relativism is bullshit used as a deflection tactic.
No I haven’t noticed. Maybe you could document how many times the subject was raised before and after the revelation you feel to be significant. You must then subtract the decline in the incidence of reporting associated with the life cycle of the story. You also need to consider the incidence of competing stories and perhaps a natural lack of continuity due to personnel changes eg editorial staff. After this you maybe able to establish bias although if you are suggesting a racial bias you will need to consider a number of other factors
From the obfuscation section of the BBC Rebuttal Manual?
Perhaps you would like to consider how, every time we get a drama over the shooting of some poor autistic kid simply out to buy a pint of milk for his disabled mother, someone here posts a video of him kicking the sh1t out of some innocent pensioner or some such. One would hope that, eventually, you might detect a pattern in the reporting.
Oh look folks, our resident expert on everything from climate change through the non bias of the bbc to being an expert on social problems in other countries is here again. Though not to entertain you….:-(
You are either one of those unusual people who need no sleep and has no other life like work, or family or just the weekend afternoon shift drone earning his pay, which is it ? I guess the latter. You’re a fake.
‘Clapped out man on a bus’ is a number of personalities, a number of paid shift workers and a researchers that probably monitor this site 24/7. Hence the split personalities .
Yes you can imagine them all having a meeting and choosing the name MOCO such a wheeze because they are anything but , none of them been on the number 25 bus to Ilford at 11.30 of an evening that would immerse them in their beloved multi-culturism. A lot of young kids fresh out of marxist training school aspiring to be an auto cue reader on the TV if all goes well
Do you honestly think the BBC monitor this site? Why?
There is never an original post, just ‘Alan’s’ interminable copy and pastes. There is never an insightful comment, just Vance and his sockpuppets with a collection of loners wishing they lived in 1933.
Nobody quotes this site in any serious media. Or anywhere even on the far right.
Nobody writes or submits any articles that the media would pick up. Vance can’t even hit 12000 twitter followers despite his years of hate and abuse as a 99p store Kate Hopkins. He even fails at that!
But boy is it fun to wind you losers up!
So how sad are you for taking time out of your busy day to visit us?
The lady (GetReal) doth protest too much, methinks ?
I would put money on the fact that BBC takes an interest in a site that has people with independent brains who don’t buy the rubbish churned out by the auto cue readers. Keep your friends close but keep …. well you know the rest I hope
That excludes this site for sure. Why on earth would you attribute any influence to a collection of individuals riven with their own biased views even before they log on. If anyone looks at this site at all,rest assured it would only be for amusement purposes.
So why are you here then?
This is what he (or they) says he’s here for …..
March 15, 2015 at 1:09 pm
I contribute here because I am highly critical of BBC news
oh come on whats the going rate for an auto cue reader these days ? We have all had and still have proper jobs – pay a load of tax and really love our country – whats the matter with you lot eh ?
This was interesting:
Some very careful wiggle-room phrasing and disclaiming going on there.
If Clappedout is as thick as the Labour canvassers I encountered yesterday then we waste our time arguing with him. Examples of the Labour canvassers wisdom:-
Andrew Lansley tried to cover up the Mid Staffs scandal (not Andy Burnham).
Maggie Thatcher sent in the troops to sort out the miners at Orgreave.
The 50p tax rate for high earners was introduced in 1997.
Churchill sent in troops to shoot and kill striking Welsh miners in the 1920s.
Only Tory MPs were jailed for fiddling their expenses.
Four million+ immigrants allowed into the country under Labour because of a skills shortage.
The Tories are privatising the NHS ( wouldn’t accept PFI was a form of privatisation and they wouldn’t accept that NHS trusts are having to pay billions of pounds in interest payments on PFI contracts)
Thatcher closed all the pits – wouldn’t believe that the NUM website clearly shows Labour closed far more pits than the Tories ever did.
Only Tories are tax avoiders ( wouldn’t believe Miliband avoided tax with his deed of variation and that Ummuna and Margaret Hodge have access to offshore accounts).
Labour supporters won’t accept the truth even when you ask them to research it on the interent. They accept every cock-and-bull statement from their political masters.
You couldn’t make it up – but the BBC and Labour do- every day!
Manon / MOCO
Good grammar and spelling once again!
Oh dear, you really are going to have a word with those graduates much younger than you when they are on shift.
Perhaps you could arrange for some remedial lessons, as they will have been educated in the mixed ability comprehensive system rather than the eltist grammar school system you previously claimed you were.
What suddenly transformed the BBC into a responsible broadcaster providing balanced pre-election coverage, albeit only for a few hours on Thursday? I understand there are laws against pre-election bias but the BBC habitually ignores them.
It couldn’t have been an appeal to a sense of fair play since the BBC doesn’t have one, or UKIP’s accusations of bias, which the BBC would simply have brushed aside, so what prompted the radical change?
Is the BBC simply trying to play it safe so as not to antagonise whoever forms the next government?
You’re right, IMO Farage played a big part in ensuring a non biased audience. MP or not, he is certainly shaking up the establishment.
My concern is that (see my post previous page) that the bBC used know (to them) Tory stooges to give the impression of an unbiased audience, a double double bluff if you like.
Well, I guess Farage could have played a part but I was thinking that somebody seriously high up in the BBC hierarchy exerted heavy pressure to ensure a reasonably-balanced audience and presenter.
But yes, I suppose there could have been an element of bluff. That has a funny side to it: the only way the BBC can achieve a semblance of balance is by bluffing.
So let;s work out your logic.
The BBC is always biased.
Nigel has scared them into selecting an unbiased audience
But they didn’t as this was a bluff.
Therefore the BBC remains biased
Which means Nigel has scared nobody
Which means your post is utter tripe.
I didn’t say, “Nigel has scared them into selecting an unbiased audience.”
People here are trying to work out why the BBC would take the extraordinary step of producing an unbiased Question Time programme on the election.
We know the BBC and its bias well enough to know that the balanced programme was only a flash in the pan. But the questions of the who and the why of that flash have not been answered.
Given the BBC’s obsessive secrecy they probably never will be answered.
Oh, I forgot to mention that your post is crap.
Whatever the BBC’s reason for selecting an unbiased audience it has left the Labour party in shock. Ed was asked questions that weren’t in the script – any more of that and the TV Tax is toast whoever wins next week.
I am sure the Al Beeb are starting to react to this call…..
That’s awfully inconvenient timing for the BBC. A Royal birth when presumably the idea was to have ‘Two Kitchens’ headline news with whatever the latest press release from central command was for the weekend before the election – as he has been most weekends of the election so far….Narrowing the chances of the champagne bottles being strewn around broadcasting house come Friday morning and James Naughtie won’t be able to announce that ‘we’ have won the election…They’ve got Mr Bean front and central at the Election 2015 page with an anti Tory headline…naturally…
UK election page – nice smiling picture of Ed with an anti Tory headline
England page – nice smiling picture of Ed with a pro Labour headline
Scotland page – nice smiling picture of Ed with same anti Tory headline
NI page – nice anti Tory message woven into the headline
Wales page all about Plaid and errr……. Labour
All very impartial.
Sometimes it is not always possible to present all the points of view of a story. As I’m sure they would say.
I think what they do is to present the news as it happens. The role of the SNP takes the centre stage since Their inclusion appears to be the only election strategy Dave has. That and the reliance on the general stupidity of the great British public.
What distracted…what….where….
12:00 news BBc 1 yes again still banging on about child benefit so is this the 3rd or 4th day. I think Cameron has already answered the question.
Things seem to be getting desperate here as we are in the Conservatives 3rd most vulnerable seat. Labour sent us a flyer telling us we might not know our current MP is a Tory. Well they are also the f****ards who sent out a flyer for the liebour MP in the next constituency. Today we have a letter purporting to be from a 17 year old imploring us to vote liebour. Despite the grammatical errors it obviously was not written by a 17 year old.
I seem to have had a disproportionate number of flyers from Labour – so many that I find it hard to believe the local candidate is keeping within the official spending limits.
In a properly run news organisation, it might occur to someone to check whether the rules are generally being adhered to.
So that lets out the BBC…
This election campaign has been characterised by ‘lies’, aided and abetted by the BBC, gatekeeper of ‘the message’.
Now I’m aware that politicians can be ‘economical’ with the truth and a ‘cast-iron’ or ‘red-line’ promise can fall by the wayside as circumstances change unexpectedly but surely we have to give some credence to what they say?
Rather than the parties stating their positive goals, such as spend more on roads or cut income tax, far to much time has been spent on making up negative stories.
For instance mid-week Danny Alexander released the story that three years ago he initiated a position paper that contained a proposal to cut child benefit and for some unspecified reason a government that didn’t include LibDems would carry out this dropped ‘plan’. One would have thought that this story would be ‘dead’ the day it was launched, as David Cameron said he wouldn’t have approved it.
Meanwhile ‘in-touch’ Ed two days later decides here is lie that he can tell about Cameron. So on Friday, all the way through to midnight the BBC leads with Ed says Cameron won’t come clean over his proposal to cut child benefit. Then immediately follows this with a statement by Cameron that he considers it to be a vital benefit. Lies, but from whom?
A BBC that tried to inform wouldn’t report this rubbish, (so much doesn’t make the news anyway), but instead might inform us about ‘position papers’. This is a civil service staple, ‘what-if’ studies. It is essential when writing these papers that there are alternatives. Sometimes these are genuine alternatives, sometimes they are deliberate outliers to ‘force’ the minister to make the right choice.
Of course we used to know these things, when the BBC made intelligent comedy like Yes Minister, now replaced by ‘cutting edge’, f***ing sh*te In The Thick Of It, written by 34-year olds, going on 13.
BBC very quiet on yet another candidate stepping down:
Of course he is another UKIP anti-semetic! Look forward to the condemnation of UKIP from Vance and Alan. Don’t expect to hear it though.
Very unpleasant remarks, but he has not produced a UAF style army to prevent anyone from saying that he is a stupid pratt for expressing them. He should have stayed on and took it from the voters. Free speech, even when offensive, should be paramount. And the state broadcaster should acknowledge this.
Yo Dummy! (reporter) Thanks for highlighting the BBC Bias. Pro-Labour, of course sir.
BBC covered this story about how UKIP suspended a UKIP candidate for sending a tweet which some have said is anti-Semitic (note, no crime has been committed). It was on the BBC News Election page yesterday, where two other articles, one about a Labour PC convicted of fraud (i.e. he committed a crime) and one about Eric Joyce being convicted of a crime. Funny how these other two reports were headlined (1) to show the Labour Party strongly (Labour Party suspends……) (2) To pretend the Eric Joyce was not elected as a Labour MP (no mention of Labour in the headline ) . Whereas, UKIP are tainted by the wording of the headline “UKIP man suspended over Jewish slur”:- deliberate use of English to infer that the suspending of the ‘UKIP’ man, may have been done by a third party and that UKIP are associated with “Jewish slur”, instead of “UKIP suspend candidate after controversial tweet.” which may have risked UKIP being seen as decisive and firm.
So one tweet from a UKIP PC. Two court convictions for Labour men. Which one stays in the headlines? Which two fall of the Election webpage in a day? You need not ask, because you know instinctively. It’s called BBC Bias and it is predictable.
BBC can’t help the bias. It’s soaked into all their employees. Editors, presenters, web site writers, reporters.
On the matter of the tweet:
“Protect child benefits? If you had it your way you’d send the £ to Poland/ Israel”
Is this a dig at Luciana’s Jewishness? Is it a dig at the Labour Party propensity to remove money from poor brits to send to foreign dictators (i.e. a dig at Overseas Aid)? Is it a dig at our Welfare system which sees benefits being sent ‘home’ to other countries?
I suggest that it is a real stretch to read the tweet as anti-Semitic. But give a race baiter the smallest of grammatical opportunities and they will invoke their egotistical self-righteousness to drag the reputation of a third party through the mud, without a thought. Why they display so much empathy to the criminals on whom the very same people comment is beyond me.
As well as having been preselected through discrimination for her safe Labour seat, Luciana Berger does appear to be a professional offendee. Many have been accused by her of Anti-Semitism. She has a history of using race and religion as a weapon, yes, she is a race baiter by training. Another professional politician who has attained position not through merit, but through her gender, ethnicity and appearance. Well on the face of it, it can’t be her intellect, education, experience, love of England, love of liberty or any other good reason I can think of. Another promoted beyond ability.
Perhaps the BBC can do a follow up to explain how they infer a “Jewish Slur” from the content of the tweet. I don’t see it. Maybe I need thinner skin? Or maybe I just need the BBC reporter to clarify this point to me in more detail. It certainly doesn’t come close to Mr Tim Wilcox, or BBC editorial guidance implementation when it comes to Anti-Semitism.
By “BBC very quiet” I assume you mean the only headline on the BBC Election website mentioning UKIP? At least when I looked.
Very wrong “reporter”. It was all over the BBC yesterday including their web pages via Google.
Can we have a function to reverse a ‘like’ ie a double click, as I inadvertently ‘liked’ one of the pathetic posts by ‘reporter’
A ‘FOAD’ button would be handy, too.
Breitbart on to it:
The charity commission has contacted the charity which runs the Mosque…
I’m confused. Is the charity the religious organisation itself, or something separate? If the latter; it would be good to know if it ‘attracts’ government funding.
Churches can claim the tax back on members “subs” because they are charities.
But as someone pointed out the other day the religion of peace residents are rather less likely than average to be income tax payers, whereas in terms of receipt of benefits …
This clown stands in a mosque, and starts a moronic braincell singular rant, about paedos?
Paedo s, in government … who ve got away with it?.
Islam – political ideology … Mosque – political messages
anyone see a pattern emerging
It sounds as though Hate not Soap are getting desperate. Even they must think that Nigel is going to win.
Meanwhile, the R4 news at 1 (absent the royal birth) leads with Ed Miliband asking for whose benefit Britain is governed, followed by the Labour fabricated story that Camerron is battling accusations he will cut child benefit.
So that’s 2-0 to Labour from our ‘famously unbiased’ news organisation and pretty representative of the bias it has shown throughout this election campaign,
It’s time to knock it on the head.
R4 news at 2pm, the leading story was… Ruth Rendell
‘Rendell whose writing brought her considerable wealth, was made a Labour life peer in 1997 and is reputed to have given generously to Labour…oh sorry, ‘to charity’
Then the Royal birth was mentioned.
I don’t know why Al Beeb is so keen to keep the event down the news pecking order, I can’t see why this will bring the Conservatives more votes?
Radio 2 2pm news lead with the same story, incredible in view of today’s other big story…
It seems the actual birth of the royal baby isn’t that important to the bBC, more so its sex and the the ascension thing and the fact that as a girl (and rightfully) for the first time stands her place in line for the throne.
Of course the bBC see this as a victory for feminism.
BBC World News
For migrants it is a dangerous journey to cross sub-Saharan Africa to reach the north African coast. It is estimated that 100,000 migrants will go through the town of Agadez in Niger this year, higher than in 2014, putting their lives into the hands of smugglers. Some migrants will never make it, dying of thirst en route, or sold to militia for money. Our West Africa correspondent Thomas Fessy reports from Agadez.
Odd one this. By any measure the piece rather makes the problem clear, and who is not going near it.
“African governments remain largely silent”.
Be interesting if this ‘analysis’ goes as wall to wall as other high profile narratives.
Islamisation of Britsih society.
For INBBC’s ‘Education’ online pages?:-
“UK: Cornwall school makes field trip to mosque MANDATORY for Christian
and other non-Muslim students”
Somali Bristol:
-more Beeboid ‘diversity’ input.
“Election 2015: Bristol taskforce aims to ‘make Somali votes matter.'”
By Caroline Le Marechal.
BBC News, Bristol.
I’d have thought some Labour Party fixer had already filled in the postal voting forms.
As bold as brass. BBC Radio Devon, 19.00 news bulletin refers to the birth of a new royal and bulletin then states all political parties were quick off their marks to congratulate the parents. We then get 30 seconds of sound bite from Ed Miliband and no-one else. And there are some who come on here and state that the BBC is not biased. Wilfully ignorant, plain stupid or both.
’30 seconds of sound bite from Ed Miliband and no-one else’
That’s the kind of factual stuff that gets the BBC rather nervous and CECUTT a bit defensive.
Sadly, proving it is a bit labour intensive.
Of course one could ask the BBC via FOI to list who gets sole or shared billing on such things, but one suspects their rejection would swing between the usual ‘purposes of’ secrecy and it being too much time to find out.
At least to assist any external oiks. They seem to dream up lists of all sorts of odd things for internal obsessions at the drop of an ‘ism.
In that vein:
Author: Bodo
And who, I wonder, is the BBC insider that has access to the BBC archives and can go back counting the appearances of this woman from Question Time.
A BBC staffer who is disgusted the Beeb showed a bit of balance for once?
It never occurred to me until Bodo raised it, and I was pondering Old Bloke’s comment, that given the BBC’s clear reluctance to share information on who has appeared when to say what, how was this detail acquired, and so quickly?
Not impossible given the will and resources, but not easy either.
This royal birth wall to wall coverage is ridiculous.
Anybody would have thought that Prince William had been blessed with another son!
But was it really necessary, today, to temper that coverage by inviting a fervent anti-royalist into the BBC News studio to deliver a 10 minute hate (about 5pm)? (I am no keen supporter of the monarchy but why deflect from today’s “happy event”?)
And there was you going on about queen and country a few weeks back. Try and have some respect for your betters
Troll hooked. Huzzah!
I do hope the feminists in the BBC will report on Labour candidates speaking to a sexually segregated audience. Now I wonder if there are separate compartments for men and women on Harriet’s pink bus.
Guessing… ‘not news’ even if A. Reporter does bring it to the attention of An. Editor under the thumb of A. DG Ensured Survival by the Party (literally) Party in Question.
Moving on… babies!!! Female ones!!!! Awwwww!!!! And protests the BBC likes… in America!!!
Shocking news…Paul O’Grady is to leave UK if Conservatives win election according to the Telegraph. Best news ive had all day….
Excellent………..but what about the loss of talent?……….oh, hang on a mo…..loooool
Let me guess. He’s protesting about the gay marriage law?
Lets hope Dimbleby and all the lefties have the same idea, second thoughts that would be to much to ask for, mind you stranger things have happend
Please take all the rest of the BBC “comedians” with you, then.
Can he please take that comedienne (she will hate that) sandy toksvig with him?
Typical champagne socialist! Maybe he’ll go and live in the New York apartment that he already owns.
It never ceases to amaze me the wealth that entertainers with seemingly limited talent can amass, it seems to come from production company’s that they own, which I’m sure exist for a reason….
Shocking news…Paul O’Grady is to leave UK if Conservatives win election according to the Telegraph.
I think its just a cheap publicity stunt.
O Grady is 60 next month. His long term partner died 10 years ago, he himself recovered from the big C the other year., I think he simply wants to retire somewhere warm and enjoy the rest of his life.
Didn’t realise O’Grady has had such a rough ride and you dont wish that on anybody. Dont think he is retiring to soon, he has recently extended his contract with his his Radio 2 show. Mind you when Labour lose he may have to buy himself out of his contract. Mind you the money he has amassed will go a long way in North Korea
Yes, you always wonder when you read of these lefties threatening to leave the country: ‘Which socialist paradise will they choose?’
Perhaps he should take advice from his employers – they’re always telling us how great Cuba is (for example).
Then there’s ‘Monarco’ of course…
My Brother-in-law works for the BBC and has worked with Paul O’Grady. According to him, Mr O’Grady despises “ordinary” people and spends all his time b*tching about them.
His Sunday Radio 2 show won`t disappear I guess , it will be recorded & played out from the BBC`s New York studio .I sometimes catch a bit of it, (unfortunately) if I have been listening to the previous Sounds of the Seventies ,with J.W.
BBC Bias. European public demonstrations coverage.
Earlier in the year, the BBC reported on a number of public protests held in Germany. They were deemed newsworthy. Very newsworthy considering the plethora of articles on the subject. The protests related to the influx of immigrants, particularly those who submit to Islam, which these German protesters were not happy about having imposed on them, by those who represent them. The coverage, as reported at the time on this site, was biased, truth distorting propaganda. Any violence recorded during these public protests originated from those protesting about the protesters. Left wing organised anti-protesters with whom the BBC, along with the political establishment of both Germany and the UK and the Christian churches, sided.
Today in Milan, ’Anti-capitalist’ protesters have been protesting.
People strolling down German streets with uncovered faces and polite explanations as to what they are protesting about (the Islamisation of their villages, towns and cities) are dangerous and right wing according to the BBC. Here are a couple of BBC smears of peaceful German protesters. Firstly from Newsbeat, lying to our children:
Thanks BBC for letting our children know that PEGIDA are bad and evil because A Merkel , ‘church leaders’ (paedo enablers?) and a few German celebs say so … German chancellor Angela Merkel has criticised the protests, calling them xenophobic and racist. ……She said the people behind Pegida have “coldness, prejudice and hatred in their hearts…..”. Bog standard BBC biased propaganda.
Secondly, a top propaganda piece –in video,:
Remember, PEGIDA are racists, because the Establishment and their propaganda arm say so. PEDIGA have no genuine concern for their communities, their history, lawfulness, customs and culture to which Islam is an antithesis. And Islamic foreigners take precedence and anyone who says, anyone who thinks otherwise, is of course, a racist. Thanks BBC.
Don’t worry, there are lots more, but I’ll leave a fourth one, just to make sure any expression of concerns regarding the Islamisation of Britain is nipped in the bud.
You can google many more if you can be bothered.
How will the BBC report on the Left Wing protesters in Italy today, with their gas masks and helmets
hiding their identity, and their impolite explanations in the form of bricks and Molotov cocktails? How will the BBC self-righteous leftist narrative spin this news? Or will they even report it? It hasn’t hit the BBC News Website yet (2.5.15 2310Hrs); unless it’s hidden away on an obscure ‘can’t find it easily’ link.
Well I’m a critic of these far left wing vandals in Italy. I’m a critic of the common feature of far left wingers to use violence and criminal damage as a tool to destabilise society and promote whatever selfish, hormonal, angst ridden message they may have, but which they fail to communicate. And where does history tell us that left wing extremism leads? Division, poverty and death, through facilitating authoritarian regimes, that’s where. And today we are living it, though most don’t yet realise. There you go BBC. You now have a ‘critics say’ angle when/if you do report on the far left extremism in Milan.
In anticipation of more pro-Islam, Anti-British, Pro-Left Common Purpose propaganda from the BBC through deceit, omission or bias: Scrap the Telly Tax.
Concise analysis thank you. No doubt berk on a bus will attempt to smear you. But then we know whose initials he has engraved on his heart and his payslip don’t we ?
Good news on the postal vote?
If Dave gets back, ideally with the conditional support of Nigels Farage and Dodds, we will see a further closing down of New Labour’s massive postal vote scam.
I like this from the comments below the article;
Ahhh… what a shame. All those imported Muslim Postal Voters not working out for you? That’s dreadful. Shame we’ll all have to pay for it with our lives. Thanks, Labour.
”Good news on the postal vote”………….
Great reading
Just e-mailed the local Labour candidate in my constituency (probably the only one with four genuine contenders, that excludes UKIP by the way) to thank him for including latest state of play in the polls in his latest flyer, which means we all know which of the three challengers are in second place for the old tactical vote to avoid an SNP controlled Labour government!
He also asks us to wipe the smiles of certain peoples’ faces (not negative campaigning of course). Perhaps we may yet have a glorious “Portillo moment” here!
Sources close to the BBC have also learned that the BBC is donating one of the Eric Gill statues from Broadcasting House to top off Ed Milliband’s Slab of Sincerity in the No. 10 Rose Garden, so anyone looking out the window can think sad thoughts about Rotherham, Oxford, etc.
There’s also the tomb of the unknown BBC Mid-Staffs challenge to Andy Burnham, with a glass of wilting flowers just out of reach.
” Statue in Downing St Rose Garden ”……
They are discussing the statue on Sky News with great hilarity.
Millibands is barking mad. So every time he breaks a manifesto promise he will have to get a stone mason to chisel a long line through that specific broken promise……
Bloody hell lets hope the idiot dosn’t get into power, the bloke is losing the plot..!!!
Wasn`t Eric Gill a wrong`un?
But a lefty wrong un like John Peel and Russell Brand?..and therefore a flawed but virtuous class warrior?
You know?…like Harriet, Patricia, Jack D and Maggie Hodge?
Vote NF-never thought I`d be able to say that in my lifetime.
I have just had the dubious pleasure of watching the odious Andrew Marr on his Sunday show……….Everything was technically good until Nigel Farage was interviewed and then mysteriously there were sound problems………….again. Very mysterious because only 15 seconds previously superbitch Yvette cooper (you know, Mrs. Ed Balls) was sitting in exactly the same chair and there were no sound problems at all for her!!
It was so bad that the sound for some of the piece was at the appropriate level when marr spoke but when NF replied the sound level diminished substantially (I had to increase the volume to hear what Farage was saying by 50% on the TV). However, Nigel dealt with Marr successfully despite the usual interruptions as he was answering a question…..unlike yvette cooper where it was more of a cosy chat.
I cannot believe that the bbbc is so desperately frightened or hateful of Farage and UKIP that it could go to these lengths to prevent the UKIP message from being broadcast………….Or would they?
Agree with English Gentleman, Perhaps after the election when either Milliband or Cameron/ May introduce phobias as hate crimes we can argue for Farragophobia to be added and prosecute the likes of Marr and Neil.
No Tories on Marr today. Given the proximity of the election a very curious BBC decision.
Interesting question from Marr to the odious Yvette Cooper, ‘What do you think of the nasty Tories targeting your poor husband?’ or words to that effect.
I wonder what her answer to that extremely challenging question on Labour policy was likely to be?
Listened to about twenty minutes of The World At One earlier.
Basically, Mark Mardell allowing Labour to muse all about getting power-and how best the BBC can be permitted to broadxast the means.
Utter bias, wall to wall…not a Tory in sight.
Just Labour.
BBC. Biased and institutionally racist.
Another shooting involving a white police officer and a black civilian.
The BBC has covered the story without mentioning the colour of the skin of the police officer (white) or the civilian (black). Which is unusual for the BBC which is usually attentive to skin colour definitions in killings in the US involving the police.
But then again, on this occasion, an armed black former convict has shot a white police officer in the head, so the atypical approach to the story “unarmed black” blah blah “racist white cop” narrative doesn’t quite fit.
BBC journalists. Their bias and narrative distortion becomes so clear when the evil racist white police officer is the victim and the black man is armed, and suddenly, the Beeoid is keen to avoid all mention of the protagonists’ skin colours.
Thank you BBC for your balance, consistency and eagerness not to bring skin colour into the narrative of this story. Perhaps this will be the dawn of a colour-blind approach to reporting? I’m not holding my breath.
Some dumb ass on the big questions 3 out of 4 people in US prisons are coloured must be racist not the obvious answer that they commit more crimes
Obamas policies have failed blacks and the poor big time .Divide and rule always hits the poor.That is why Milibands policies will hit the poor.
My black friends were over the moon to have the first black president ,they never thought it would happen in their lifetime. They are bitterly disappointed.
Hope and Change wasn’t it?
You won’t hear Obamas failures debated on the BBC any time soon.
‘My black friends were over the moon to have the first black president….’
How very racist of them – he’s half-white you know.
Obamas policies have failed blacks and the poor big time .Divide and rule always hits the poor.That is why Milibands policies will hit the poor.
My black friends were over the moon to have the first black president ,they never thought it would happen in their lifetime. They are bitterly disappointed.
Hope and Change wasn’t it?
You won’t hear Obamas failures debated on the BBC any time soon.
You make a fundamental error in believing Presidents and Prime ministers are elected through a transfer of power from the electorate. They are not!
Power in modern society is almost exclusively economic. A failure in the economy nonetheless reflects shifts in politics. The idea that Scotland has no had a fair deal has led to separatism in the form of the SNP,albeit assisted by the incompetence and connivance of Cameron. Similarly UKIP has found resonance in its isolationist stance with Europe.
If the truth be told this reflects a process of continuous collapse. We will berate the poor ,the blacks ,the Asians and the infirm because that’s what always happens.In the end it will be the economy that throws the dice and the very few fortunate that operate the process will be the ultimate beneficiaries.
Oh look again folks ! It’s that privatised bus operator ( not ) back again, this time showing us the wonders of his economic education, truly a wonder, is there no end of the skills of this giant amongst us ? Is there a subject to which he cannot apply his rapier mind and show us mere plebs how wrong we are ?
Seriously I do worry about you old chap, what with your endless writings to us idiots, we do keep you up to some very long days, and yet, and yet, we are truly blessed !! Because no matter what the time of day he shall come and appear to us ( Jesus Christ, no only joking ) do you not need sleep ? A meal ? A toilet break ? You do seem to be on a 23 out of 24 hour regime, you are truly astonishing. I suppose the other alternative, that you are just a Boid on a shift cannot be correct can it ? PS let us know when you’re off duty and we’ ll come down the nearest pub to White City and buy you a pint for entertaining us. Oh, and if you like you can get up and sing us a tune in Karaoke hour, something from the vaults of the bbc ? Black and White Minstrels perhaps ? Nah only kidding, the theme tune to Jim’ll Fix It will be fine…….
the wonders of his economic education, truly a wonder, is there no end of the skills of this giant amongst us ? Is there a subject to which he cannot apply his rapier mind and show us mere plebs how wrong we are ?
Surely you are describing David Vance, an utter ignoramus who considers himself an expert on everything from military matters to transgenger kids with yoghurt pot distribution thrown in. Truly he is the wonder of the age.
You aren’t one of his sockpuppets by any chance….
David Vance’s sock puppet perhaps ?
Cheers Mr Man, do I take that as an insult or a sign of approval ?
For your and any other bbc muppet including the bbc favourite ‘boid, I am as working class as they come. I was born in England to welsh parents, lived in Wales until 25 and then in the the midlands for the next 30. I have never in my life earned more than a working mans wage and I would not know David Vance if I fell over him in the street.
However I know some things, that the so called Labour Party is full of ‘liberal’ family sperm who use the likes of my fellow workers to make their mark and make their own personal fortune. I do not like being represented by such total pricks who would not know a fair days work if they unhappily fell onto it. I believe that this country is mine and my children’s because we have been here for getting on for two thousand years, it does not belong to your ‘friends’ who are the latest tools for you to get your ever so nice clean fingers on the levers of power. I am quite capable of deciding who is best to run the country in my name, I don’t need the likes of you and your well born socialist friends to tell me that Blair, brown and the latest cretin in a penguin suit, milliband ( another bloody foreigner ) to speak for me. Do you understand ? The real working people of this land despise you and your sort. Message ends.
clever people say things in clear concise sentences – unnecessary verbiage is the sign of a stupid person Man on bus please note for future reference
What did they expect? If you elect as president a coloured, Harvard educated “Community Organizer” from the city which epitomises Democrat machine politics and corruption, it isn’t going to end well.
What has being coloured got to do with it? Can only white men do politics, especially of the far right persuasion? Oh what a sad person you must be:-)
Not at all, but being coloured has enabled him to insert himself into every single incident where race can be purported to be a factor; from Trayvon “if I had a son he would look like me” Martin, to the Ferguson riots, to the destruction in Baltimore and any others in between.
The fact is Barry has virtually nothing in common
with most blacks in America. He went to the most exclusive private school, in the most ethnically tolerant state (Hawaii) which is also one of the wealthiest and then to one of the top Ivy League universities; yet he uses his colour, as his attack dog Eric Holder did as A-G : to further his political agenda.
That is what his being coloured has to do with it, he plays on his race like a maestro on a Stradivarius.
In addition, this is the U.S. we’re discussing here, not the U.K. remember.
If Obama had not been black, he would not have become President. That is a fact. He was a one term Senator from Illinois, who had achieved nothing of any note in his time in politics. The 2008 election would have been won by Hillary Clinton as the “first woman President” if the “first Black President” had not stood. The question of their ability or fitness for office was clearly secondary to either their sex or colour. Pretty depressing when you think about it.
If he had not been black he wouldn’t have survived the Benghazi debacle either: the burning of a U.S. consulate, torture/murder (possible rape) of an ambassador and killing of three staff and wounding of a further five; the complete failure to deploy military support to State Dept. personnel under fire for eight hours (who repeatedly requested it) when such support was two hours away – then a cover up.
I do not believe a white president, even a Democrat, could have possibly survived such a scandal.
spot on all Liberals do is tick boxes – the rest of us believe in a meritocracy .
And Justin Webb spouted the same lefty slurry in “The Times” on Friday.
Our BBC stiffie turns out to want Mr President to “tear down these walls”-prison ones of course.
Am guessing that Webb can hide up behind his gated goons in leafy Hampstead, as the prisons are emptied…not his problem is it?
Funny though eh?…all those Stateside riots under a seemingly inept bystanding BLACK President?
Why so?…didn`t Barak promise “an end to this sort of t`ing”?
Ah well-the lefties over there will no doubt cite the need to elect a WOMAN President next time eh?
Webb will agree-he`s Peter Woods laddie doncha know?
Nepotism?…only Royals and Tories are guilty of same-Webb,Benn Straw etc?…well, that`s talent you see.
And this turd hates blacks and women! I assume you are still a virgin.
What is this a ‘testament’ to? Fatuousness?
Obviously, here’s a man that can’t read. Obama is a politician but politics is subservient to economics and the forces that maintain the economic conditions. This isn’t even a political statement so I am not quite sure why left wing or right wing or any other wing comes into it. Maybe you should explain why you think it’s relevant to talk in such terms.
That’s only because they don’t get the same life chances.
A black man will never get anywhere in the US.
I actually heard a white studenty harridan screaming that to an elderly black cop at one of their protests/ free shopping expeditions.
So typical of the BBC. No doubt they’ll drop that inconvenient story like a hot coal.
Been a good few weeks media-wise.
Because all the lefty liberal election splutterings have exercised the shapeshifting blobs of the BBC and their Westminster “civil partners”…I`ve had no need to watch their crap as Islam gets its grip, as mental elf cheridees tell me why psychos should STILL be able to fly planes into mountains with hundreds on board…among other weasel scummerings from the liberal eunuchs.
They choose their f***in` stories-and we bite the bait.
But the election has kept them sniffing each others fetid undies.
And I`ll quietly vote UKIP.
That said-I DID see Channel 4 attempt to dig up Camerons dad( who died in 2010) to check on whether he was an offshore banker type.
Yet-when Margaret Hodge does the same-and/or worse for all I know-I see no Channel 4 snuffle-trufflers heading over to Jersey or Liechtenstein
And I CERTAINLY see no efforts to unravel Milibands “Deeds OF Variation”, as he chews the rug with Russell Brand-who is similarly fey about HIS tax arrangements.
Nor does Harriets Child-Catcher Van or Hodges efforts to smear children abused in her care(Islington) seem to bother Channel 4 or the BBC.
But we the British haven`t forgotten…nor will we.
Someone has already mentioned the Marr / Farage interview and the somewhat suspicious sound problems. There were problems with the questions as well. Here we are, four days from the general election, and Marr thinks it’s relevant to ask a party leader about b & b owners accommodating gay people. I mean it’s the most important item on the agenda, isn’t it? Worrying about this keeps me awake at night. Let’s not discuss jobs, immigration, homelessness, migrants drowning in the Med’ let’s chat about b & b owners. The other week we had to endure the extremely odd Evan Davis asking him about breast feeding and the latest Paddington Bear film. You really couldn’t make it up. Quite clearly this is a lefty method to corral the debate into a politically correct cul de sac in an attempt to paint anyone to the right of Karl Marx as an intolerant bigot.
Thankfully Nigel, rather forcefully, refused to get involved in this idiocy and pushed the interrogation back to grown up politics.
By the way, Yvette Cooper, loving spouse of the shadow chancellor, was also on. Dear God what a ghastly bullying shrill she is.
I never thought I’d say this but, I feel sorry for Ed Balls…
“By the way, Yvette Cooper, loving spouse of the shadow chancellor, was also on. Dear God what a ghastly bullying shrill she is.”
Check out the definition of “harridan”. You will see it fits perfectly for 90% of Labour female M.P.s
I grant honourable exception to Kate Hoey and Gisela Stuart, both of whom I might just break a life long habit and vote for on a personal basis.
Wow. Hoey and Gisela were the first two exceptions to the ‘Labour Harridan’ rule in my little book too. Snap! I do struggle to think of any more though.
Ann Cryer wasn’t bad either, speaking out about Muslim child grooming, though she’s no longer an MP.
Ann Cryer is a decent woman. As was her husband.
Ann Cryer wanted to do something about mass rape of white girls by Muslim men predominantly of Pakistani origin. But she couldn’t then. And she can’t now. It shows how the system is broken. Even when you have elected representatives who are both aware of a problem and want to act on that knowledge, they remain impotent due to the inertia of institutions and the apathy of those within them, who occupy positions and receive salaries.
That’s worrying. You and me agreeing on something, apart from the bias at the BBC of course!
I’m sure we have much in common, including railway engineering. We’re just voting for different parties.
Vote Labour – Vote segregation – Listen to the BBC – Accept Islam as your new overlord..
Labour politicians speak to a segregated audience! Never. Chukka made it clear that Labour would outlaw segregated audiences.
Surely the sanctimonious Tom Watson, who was there and is never backward at coming forward when he spots an opportunity to berate the Tories from his imaginary moral high ground, has something to say about this?
Does he approve?
And where are the harridan feminists and their shrieking protests? Too busy playing Lefty Top Trumps, perhaps?
Jug Ears was banging on about gay marriage and Christian bed and breakfast owners banning gay people from their premises to Nigel Farage this morning. Agenda, what agenda ?
I’m sure there must be some Muslim b and b owners the gay fascists could check out for ‘compliance’.
Like most other people, I`d not have bothered overmuch about those drug dealers that were executed in Indonesia last Wednesday.
Did notice the racist overtones of the media reporting-Aussie citizens clearly are worth more to the liberal elite than a few Nigerians or such, and the BBC made that clear.
Funny when the Commonwealth comes back isn`t it?
Anyhoo-read an article about the British woman who seems to be next to die over there in the Mail this morning.
She cited this song as the one her friend on Death Row sang at the end.
I`ll say no more, but it moved me….may God sift the bones out of it all.
There are a few rumours circulating that Cameron is so desperate to cling onto power that he is prepared to enter into a coalition with Labour !
If this is true then it certainly wouldn’t surprise me, especially after his involvement with the SWP, and the two parties are so close together they might as well merge anyway !
On the other hand I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the more reasonable Labour MP’s (there are one or two) didn’t contemplate crossing the floor of the house if Miliband goes any further to the left, à la those that left to form the SDP
I have mentioned this possibility a couple of times and it has not been taken seriously. But I do think that Dave and Ed are capable of forming a coalition as there will be no Lib Dems, and the other parties are further removed from them as they are to each other. They will have five years to stitch things up, eliminate rivals like UKIP with the aid of the BBC and media, then back to normal Tory/Lab ping pong.
Lateral thinking. Interesting thought, Thoughtful!
A Booker prize for fiction that one, from Mr T.
This may tell you all why Al Beeb are not happy ‘bunnies’ with Farage.
That BBC editorial integrity and what is clearly ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) strikes again.
Getting a tad blatant, mind.
I’d be fascinated how the CECUTT bank holiday drone explains away the latest ‘Ed says’ for once not being breathlessly rushed to every home page, especially given it was universally panned instantly by everyone.
Surely the HIGNFY team can’t avoid satire like this too?
Speaking of CECUTT, here they are doing what’s best and subtly altering the facts to assist in their own belief-based arbitration:
Hard to imagine a more bent department of a more bent organization.
The only way they can get any trust associated with them is by sticking the word on the tin. Shame the contents are spoiled.
Worth looking at the Guido link if only for the “Poor people have been voting Labour for 90 years, and they are still poor” poster.
Exactly my problem with the Barnett formula and the distortion of spending in England.
How long do you keep pumping cash in, without any discernible benefit
The BBC has offered this ‘#Edstone article’. It doesn’t reflect well on Ed Miliband.
I knew it existed through a third party, but a casual peruse through the BBC webpages (1720Hrs 3.5.15) gave me no results. I couldn’t find it! How strange. So I used the search facility on the website to locate it. I give the link above, but I would ask those who are interested to try to find the article on the BBC website for themselves, without using the search facility. Let us know how you get on.
I guess in youth-world, #Edstone will be trending. RIP Labour? Oh well, never mind, carry on.
How the BBC love Ed Miliband and his associates in the Labour Party and love to protect them from impartial exposure. Biased again.
Fully politicised civil service sees a top Mandarin speak out on behalf of Labour. Calls for resignation are inevitable.
Interfering in the election process is indefensible.
Re-read the headline and you will struggle not to agree with it.
“Did not trigger”, but Labour borrowing to overinflate the economy (let alone what they did nor borrow to build all those schools and hospitals) DID make the “Crash” in the U.K. much deeper than in many other European countries.
You will remember Labour taunts about how long it took to get GDP back to pre-crash levels compared with France, Germany etc.
Not really .if you are numerate you can check out the figures yourself. I believe the view that the banking crash was the cause of a massive increase in borrowing is widely held amongst those understand what went down at the time.That includes the ex governor of the Bank of England. Ultimately an unregulated sector where monetary acquisition is the only goal is bound to cause problems. If you think somehow the financial sector has been regulated or indeed is capable of being regulated then think again. It will happen again no matter who is in government.
Same old same old. It was – and is – a house of cards. It suffered a minor tremble – not the big one yet – and so you home in, as usual, on a couple of cards that you think you can isolate from Brown and exclaim ‘That’s it! These were the problem’, trying to distract from Brown’s culpability. What about the vast ‘investment’? The house price bubble? The one million non-jobs? I suppose they were ‘pump-priming’?
We still have a house of cards and it will all end in tears. I take some comfort knowing that most tears will be shed by the naïve ‘progressives’ when their delusions are shattered.
Negative interest rates put world on course for biggest mass default in history
Atul Hatwal…Editor of Labour magazine called ” Labour Uncut” says in an article he has spoken to his contacts in the Labour party who say the Postal vote information leaking out suggest Labour are in serious trouble. It was one of the reasons he suggests why Milliband in panic went to see that complete shit Russell Brand for help.
According to Hatwal representatives from all parties can be present at postal vote opening but are under strict rules not to count or make any public statements, of course they do count and quickly report back to the respective campaign headquarters.
Lets hope its true.
I read that also. Interesting times ahead I hope!
”Interesting times ahead”
I hope so also, i just hope to god Milliband dosnt get in,he can the use that 8ft chunk of rock as his political head stone. I get the impression Cameron and other Tory politicians are quietly confident. Cameron on news outlets today seemed very upbeat. I think all parties know a great deal more than Mr and Mrs Joe Public
Labour uncut is not a friend of Labour, and tallying postal vote information and releasing it prior to the election is illegal.
For this to have any credibility it requires the reader to assume that several constituencies have given information to Labour HQ. That stretches credulity to breaking point, and in addition it also requires that Labour HQ also leaked it!
Worse still it flies in the face of all the polls making it even less believable.
Please dont be so naive, you dont and we dont have any idea what goes on behind the scenes,of course they have an inkling at whats going on. And do you really believe the polls. A poll can be manipulated in any way you wish it to be by asking a question in a way to lead a individual to give a reply you want.
Go onto Hatwal’s website,he’s a devout Labour man,always has been and will be and of course his on line magazine is a Labour supporter. Prior to this article most articles were all how wonderful Labour are and were
Alun, you accuse me of being naïve, and you then go on to say that polls can be manipulated, but all of them all the time ?
Yes I believe the polls because the chances of every single one being ‘manipulated’ is zero !
No we don’t know what is going on behind the scenes, but the idea that every single marginal constituency in the country has illegally leaked tallied figures for postal votes to Labour HQ is risible.
Please read the article..I’m just the messenger, it genuinely surprised me
Ed’s night-time dash to casa Brand driven by postal ballot panic
by Atul Hatwal
Uncut has learned the real reason for Ed Miliband’s sudden night-time visit to Russell Brand’s Shoreditch home: panic caused by the early tallies of postal ballots being fed back to party HQ, from marginals around the country.
Labour is behind and urgently needs to reach out to new voter groups. Russell Brand was a means to that end.
Postal voting started in mid-April. Over 5 million are expected to cast their ballot in this way and over the last week, local teams from all parties have attended postal vote opening sessions in each constituency.
Although the parties are legally not allowed to tally votes at these events, they all do and the constituency teams then dutifully pass their field intelligence back to HQ.
These are not opinion polls results or canvass returns but actual votes, hundreds of thousands of votes, from across Britain. Numbers have been flowing from each marginal to party strategists to give the most accurate picture of the current state of play.
Labour insiders familiar with the latest figures have told Uncut that the picture for Labour in marginal seats, where it is fighting the Tories, is almost uniformly grim.
Seats that canvass returns had suggested were strong prospects for gains are much more finely balanced and those that were close are swinging heavily to the Tories.
The tartan scare is working with the fear of McLabour shifting large numbers of wavering Lib Dems and Ukippers into the Tory column.
National opinion polls and Lord Ashcroft’s last swathe of constituency polling have seemed to indicate a shift towards the Tories recently, but Labour insiders say the effect on the ground in marginals is much bigger than picked up in polls so far.
Labour has already squeezed the Greens as much as possible for votes, and is coming up short. Despite a superior get-out-the-vote operation primed and ready for next Thursday, Labour cannot bridge the gap by organisation alone.
With just a few days to go until the election, Labour desperately needs new voters.
This is why Ed Miliband suddenly changed his plans and went to Russell Brand’s home to be interviewed.
Even though Labour’s press team advised that this would wipe-out Ed Balls’ planned offensive the next day on Tory tax plans and dominate media coverage, potentially for days, the decision was made to go ahead with the interview.
The rationale was that beyond the direct reach of Brand via his YouTube channel, and the millions that follow him on Twitter, the media discussion about Miliband’s interview would send a clear signal to young people and non-voters that Labour’s leader was different; that he would listen to them and engage with their concerns.
Whether Brand gave Labour an endorsement or didn’t (in the end he didn’t and backed Caroline Lucas and the Greens for Brighton Pavillion) was less important than sending this signal.
Given the intelligence that Lib Dems and Ukippers were already switching to the Tories, there was comparatively little downside to the choice with an upside that the story was the highest profile way to tip disaffected non-voters into voting Labour.
The tactic is logical, but speaks to an epic failure of strategy by Labour.
With just a few days left before polling, the party finds itself scrambling to reach non-voters; it is attempting to compress the work of years of engagement into less than a week, to save the election. Few expect this last minute gamble to yield any returns.
The very thin silver lining to the disastrous postal ballot field reports is Scotland: while the position in is bad, it is not the total meltdown suggested by the polls.
The opinion polls deal with Scotland as a whole where the huge reserves of SNP support in places like Glasgow deliver blow-out figures that suggest almost every Labour MP will lose their seat. However on a constituency basis, the distribution of support is much more even and Labour is competitive in seats that the polls suggest are lost.
According to the postal ballot reports, over half of Labour’s seats are genuinely winnable.
This is why so many Labour resources have been moved north of the border and the party has pivoted its campaign towards Scotland.
In recent days, Ed Miliband has been up in Scotland answering Tory charges about a future deal with the SNP, partially to try to address the problems in English seats, albeit far too late to have a major impact, but principally, to nationalise the Scottish campaign.
For disaffected Labour voters, the choice is being presented as Labour or Tory for the government of Britain where a vote for the SNP would just let the Tories in. For Tory and Lib Dem voters, the choice is between a party committed to the union, Labour, and one opposed, the SNP, where only a vote for Labour will safeguard the union.
In both cases the national dimension is central and Ed Miliband’s presence in Scotland, as national leader, underpins this approach.
The past week has been bracing and ugly for Labour strategists. The postal ballot intelligence has destroyed any residual sense that Labour is winning this campaign.
The priority now is to narrow the loss – the Tories are likely to be the largest party but if Labour can save enough Scottish seats, the result might just be close enough for Labour to cobble together a rainbow coalition to deny the Tories government, even from second place.
If Labour cannot save sufficient numbers of Scottish seats and results in England are as bad as the postal ballots suggest, then there is the real prospect of Labour entering the next parliament with fewer seats than in 2010.
The last straw being clutched among the leader’s advisers is that Labour’s vote, its base which has been relentlessly targeted by canvassing teams, is disproportionately under-represented in postal ballots. It’s a hope shared by few outside of Ed Miliband’s most committed coterie.
The election campaign is nearly over. After the past week’s postal ballot reports, many previously optimistic senior Labour MPs and advisers fear the same is true for Labour’s chances of returning to government, even as a minority administration.
A push poll is an interactive marketing technique, most commonly employed during political campaigning, in which an individual or organization attempts to influence or alter the view of voters under the guise of conducting a poll.
In a push poll, large numbers of voters are contacted briefly (often less than 60 seconds), and little or no effort is made to collect and analyze response data. Instead, the push poll is a form of telemarketing-based propaganda and rumor mongering, masquerading as a poll. Push polls may rely on innuendo or knowledge gleaned from opposition research on an opponent.
Push polls are generally viewed as a form of negative campaigning. Indeed, the term is commonly (and confusingly) used in a broader sense to refer to legitimate polls that aim to test negative political messages. Future usage of the term will determine whether the strict or broad definition becomes the most favored definition. However, in all such polls, the pollster asks leading questions or suggestive questions that “push” the interviewee towards adopting an unfavourable response towards the political candidate
It goes on all the time
Very interesting, if at all true can we deduce that if they are in ‘trouble’ their lost votes are unlikely to be going in the Tory direction? I would like to think they were going in the UKIP direction, of course conversely they could also be going in the LibDem and Green directions…
Interesting times indeed!
Its an interesting article and worth a read. Put in your search engine ”Labour Uncut”…
It dosnt make good reading for the Lib Dems or Greens
Nick (I’m on another planet) Clegg has set a number of ‘red lines’, which he has stated are his unbreakable boundaries which any party he enters coalition with will have to respect, yet he has already indicated that he’s about to compromise one of the most important ones to him.
That of an in out EU referendum, and if he’s prepared to give ground on that, then he’s prepared to give ground on all of them.
If the people of his Sheffield Hallam constituency are aware of this, it might just be his downfall.
What’s the use of drawing lines in the sand if every time they become difficult to implement you just give up on them?
The parties have reached an ‘understanding’. They will have what Douglas Carswell calls a ‘pretenderendum’; an exercise so biased that a stay-in vote is assured. The story was in the press a couple of weeks ago; not just a UKIP article. Suits both the Tories and Lib Dems.
UKIP’s Patrick O’Flynn has accused Cameron and Clegg of preparing for a “rigged referendum” on EU membership
Hopefully they’ll vote to get rid of the Clegg tw@t then.
Nothing to do with BBC bias, but just thought I’d run this past the forum members. Today, I drove from the middle of Dartmoor to the south side of Salisbury, via the M5 and A30/A303 and returned the same way. Observing throughout the journey the Party Political signs dotted about and this is what I spotted. The conservatives had plenty of signs, big and small to include who to vote for. Next was just UKIP signs, plenty but not as much as the conservatives. TWO Green signs and only ONE Labour, yes only ONE Labour in the 250 mile round trip. What was surprising was that not a single Liberal sign, anywhere, not in fields, not in towns not even in house windows…nothing, not one. Have Labour and the Liberals given up down here in the South West? Listening to BBC Radio Devon flogging a dead horse, that is Labour, you would think that Labour is the prime force in these parts. Not so from the signage, and therein lies the Bias.
R5 live had the Scots debate tonight. I listened to most of it. Truly depressing and it portends a bleak future for Scotland.
It was all about taking from the state and state this and state that and more and more state spending. Ending austerity is just another way of saying spend more taxpayers money and money you do not have. Government investment ? Dream on.
Does nobody in Scotland want to create wealth and build businesses? Obviously not. Scotland independent will head into failed state status. Blaming Mrs T and the bad English can only go so far. In the end you have to get up off the floor and start to do something for yourself. There is no evidence that the SNP or the majority of Scots are prepared to do this any more.
Traditionally, a general election is ‘the vote that matters’. Voters can let off steam at by-elections, council elections, etc. Maybe there is a reverse effect in Scotland; they can let off steam about the ‘English b*******’ now, but when the next referendum comes and the ‘Who’s going to pay…?’ question is put again, the outcome will be as before. They’re not called the ‘canny Scots’ for nothing!
Maybe but I feel the Scots are hellbent on creating a theme park based on Karl Marx Stadt circa 1955. The independence bug has really got hold of them now and for all our sakes independence needs to be swiftly granted and and end made to the union.
And if they ever did gain independence, those ‘canny Scots’ would be heard further. The conservative resurgence would be rapid.
Copper wire was invented by two Scots…..
…..fighting over a penny.
A poor joke maybe, but an essential truth lies behind it.
In the follow up programme the Scottish UKIP MEP David Coburn made exactly your point i.e. Scotlands needs successful businesses, not benefits.
Depressing to hear the unionists in the debate in agreement that the Barnett formula is a good thing as it gives Scotland more cash per head than England gets.
‘Canny do this and canny do that’
Sturgeon and Salmond promised an independent utopia. Nobody thought to ask if that utopia was 1950’s Eastern Europe.
If you enjoy ‘shock jock’ John Gaunt, (who is followed by over 160,000 on his podcast), had a great rant about LABOUR MPs Tom Watson, Jack Dromey and others holding a political hustings with Muslims in Birmingham, where the audience was gender separated.
God he was not happy about that. It is about 15-25 minutes in: