New month, new Open Thread. So, what was your view of BBC’s Question Time and Ask Nigel Farage programmes last evening? I get the impression this morning that the comrades seem a bit disappointed that Miliband gave the appearance of being less than enthusiastic for a pact with the SNP. Thoughts on this and any other issue of bias welcome here!
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OT: The invisible man – anyone seen or heard of The Chairman Of The Conservative Party, Michael Green? Seems to have disappeared since the Wiki fuss. Maybe Lynton has said ‘Make yourself scarce’. Anyone who remembers the role Chairman Tebbit used to play will find it remarkable.
Yawn , ZZzzz
I have Just watched ITV Wales broadcast the programme ‘Churchill: 100 Days That Saved Britain.’ What a breath of fresh air!
I dread to think what dish of multiculti, PC. is Al Beeb going to serve us over the next few days on their version of the 70 Anniversary of VE Day. They just don’t like patriotism and being proud of this great nation.
Just about to tune into the Law of War Conference live feed.
I can understand the Scottish drive for independence from Britain but it’s beyond me why they would want to sacrifice that independence to the EU.
Breakfast: Serious faces :
Illegal migrants rescued off the coast of Libya. At least they are now admitting it’s not off the Italian coast.
Brief mention of shots fired in Texas.
Let’s take a wild guess shall we?
I am surprised the BBC have not reported the shooting of the jihadist scum by the American police as “Yet more Black men shot dead by White police officers”.
As far as I am concerned, this is the one bit of good news I’ve heard for a while. I just wish they would bury jihadist bodies in dog faeces, instead of treating them as if they are normal human beings.
Except they have which rather bursts your balloon somewhat.
Interesting bias however that they underplay whose behind the ‘let’s all antagonise a world religion’ event. More right wing bias from the Beeb as usual.
On bbc breakfast at 8am, they managed to attach the word ‘controversial’ to the cartoon event.
Well bbc, it was Texas, USA. Not Syria, not Iraq, not Libya even.
Oh, and they also managed to insert Geert Wilders name into the report. That of course provides the motivation for albeeba, if Geert Wilders was there, WTF did anyone expect, but to get murdered eh? Eh?
The bbc, permanent supporters of terrorists.
Anyone watch the “School Choir of the Year” yesterday?
I make no further comment you must make up your own mind!
No another BBc gem I didn’t watch.
Double climate change whammy this morning.
Apparently “experts” on a ship in the Arctic are telling us how the polar ice is thin, patchy, and melting, because the 19 year global flat, or cooling temperature has, in fact, been secretly warming. The exact opposite of what I’ve been reading elsewhere, on more informed sites.
Plus a wishy-washy Lord Stern, who doesn’t appear to know his arse from his elbow, particularly in terms of subsidies for fossil fuels.
Yet another “interview” with an “expert” (his realm is economics, I believe), with no balancing argument, or appearance of an expert from the other side, to voice a differing opinion.
The BBC: What WE say goes, because we know ALL the answers.
Arctic ice melting? In spring? We’re doomed!
I think you’ll find there aren’t any balancing arguments.
Sometimes I wonder if what you want goes something like this. ‘The moon is made of rock’ No it isn’t! ‘ it’s made of cream cheese’. That’s cleared that up then.
Additionally by placing the word “experts” is commas you place yourself as an informed critic of the work they are doing.I suggest it is now encumbent on you to provide us with your qualifications/experience in this area.
I heard it too it was five minute piece that contained nothing – the ice melts in summer then it refreezes in winter. It gets a bit thinner here is the breath of a diver below the ice .Oh here’s David Schuckman (can’t be bothered to look up the spelling the man’s a phoney) with a spade digging through snow oh he’s reached ice. Here is somebody with a rifle because there are polar bears around (yeh record numbers of polar bears don’t ya know ). I just could not figure out what it was telling me – sixth form newsletter crap
Here speaks the true voice of the fascist left.
Always nice to hear from you.
where does moon / cream cheese come from we all could turn you inside out on astronomy if you want to open that one up
I wouldn’t want to overload your little public-transport brain, Mr. Omnibus.