Fair do’s to Humphrys, he tried his best to challenge Miliband on Labour borrowing….Miliband absolutely refused to admit that Labour borrowed too much, despite, as Humphrys stated, that Miliband must be ‘the last person standing who believes that to be the case’…..except of course Robert Peston who backs Miliband. Miliband also tried to pass the buck for the lack of regulation of the banks…admitting such a lack led to the Banks running rampant but not linking it to Labour.
Miliband’s refusal to admit any blame is in direct conflict with his pronouncement that ‘trust is a huge issue’….the Question Time audience made that quite clear and the major trust issue was on the economy and Labour’s record….which Miliband refuses to admit….bizarre…..he can’t think on his feet and has a long list of pat answers to any question that he reels off regardless of the actual content of the question.
Whilst Miliband thinks ‘Trust is a huge issue’, one that merits his policies being literally set in stone, Robert Peston thinks not…or at least not if you’re a Tory as he explains in this blatant anti-Tory tract…..Should Tories put the chancellor in straitjacket?. As always with Peston’s reports the article concentrates almosty completely on the Tories with a very small comment on Labour.
Humphrys did a good job this morning…I’m sure Twitter will be ablaze with claims of the ‘Right Wing BBC’.
Being a leftist means never having to say sorry.
This includes the tens of millions of innocent people slaughtered in the name of Marxism/socialism.
Actually, it is well over a 100 million.
I`m going to go against the grain here, and say that I was impressed by some of what Miliband said and did.
He could not have been clearer-now whether he`ll be as principled on Friday when the sniff of ministerial leatherette draws in the likes of Harman and Copper-Balls, is another matter though.
Humphrys arrogance and unwillingness to accept nothing less than a quisling compromising soundbite from Miliband only shows the BBCs presumptuous arrogance in deigning “to speak on behalf of the people”.
They do not-they speak only for suckups to the likes of “I agree with Nicola”, the Sheila wheel or the Welsh hairdresser…the wild Celtic fringe.
All this said, Humph showed that Milibands history was a disaster-and he`ll not face that.
Miliband though did hold his own, and get a few shots in at the presumptous unelected Humphrys.
Miliband DID sound a bit weird and shouty though-has Owen Jones been advising him?
I have to disagree with you on this one, Chris.
Miliband again sounded like a Z-list waste of space who, if he gets into Downing Street later this week will be an absolute disaster.
Except if you are a feather bedded metro lefty beeboid depending on Labour to extend your free meal ticket at the expense of the license fee payers.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again; working-class people voting for Labour are like turkeys voting for Christmas. They’ll never be better off under a Labour government, and they might just find themselves out of work – again!
The real problem is that for the 12 years since the mad fool Brown started to really splurge my money on benefits that gerrymandered the whole population, Humpty never asked the questions to which he didn’t get answers today. The level of bias/incompetence amongst Al Beeb’s presenters and researchers is such that no private organisation would touch them with a barge pole. When Militwit and Bollox lie that hospitals and schools were the cause of the rise in indebtedness, why do Humpty and his boys not have to hand how much PFI was used in their financing and how little debt of the type which went into the borrowing figures to give the lie to their lies? Or, as with Marr’s ambush of Boy Dave on hunting, are they just pushing their own prejudices at our expense?