A Conservative government next week, could cause severe mental health problems in the BBC.
Is the health secretary aware of this, and what actiions he /she is taking to avert a breakdown of fair and balanced news from the world’s most trusted broadcaster.
The Guardian are doing likewise. I get the impression that the so called champions of free thought ,expression and speech, are of the opinion that people must be pushed into voting Labour.
So a supposed debate on immigration by the High Priestess of Left Wing Bias Derbyshire turns into a soundbite on a ‘private’ comment that Cameron made and then leads that Cameron is lying on every BBC news bulletin !
derbyshire has got a face for radio and should have stayed there, I watched some of that programme this morning, it was full of student yoof bigging up the positives of immigration…they are a bit like turkeys voting for Christmas…these are the same yoof moaning about no Uni places, no jobs, no housing, crap wages, poor NHS yet not one of them linked the problems to mass immigration…like, amaaazing really??
In May 2015, Ms Geller played a key role in organising a conference on cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in a suburb of Dallas, where two gunmen were shot dead after opening fire outside the venue.
From this one would gather that two innocent Muslims were just going by, when they were ambushed and shot dead, by people attending the conference.
in April 2015, the AFDI was also in the headlines when it arranged for a controversial advertisement – which referred to Muslims killing Jews – to be displayed on New York’s buses.
No controvery here. Jew hatred and the advocacy of killing Jews goes on 24/7.
However, expressing views that even her supporters have criticised as being excessive, she has, for instance, been quoted as describing the faith as a “genocidal ideology”.
Islam is genocidal. Ask Buddhists in once Buddhist majority Afghanistan – Hindus in India, Christians in once Christian Turkey. Coptic Christians in once majority Christian Egypt.
The idea we are going to bridge our freedom, our most basic inalienable right in order to not offend savages, is egregious, it is outrageous,” she told Fox News.
Does the BBC have a problem with that?
She has been denounced by critics as a “bigoted blogger”, reportedly has no formal journalistic qualifications and operates outside traditional Washington power centres.
Qualifications in journalism?? The type that Dimbleby has, a third class honours (fail in reality)
The BBC has no problem stifling free speech for people it does not agree with, or vilifying their competance, when they dont have access to the most lavishly funded state broadcaster.
“She has been denounced by critics as a “bigoted blogger”, reportedly has no formal journalistic qualifications and operates outside traditional Washington power centres.”
How shocking. I bet she never goes to Georgetown dinner parties with John Kerry and Hillary Clinton either. She must be one of those “fly over” people who cling to God and their guns for some strange reason. Definitely not a BBC sort of person.
Pamela Geller is beyond a beeboid’s comprehension. The trouble with the average US and UK liberal is that they think the American Constitution is a basis for negotiation. That millions of US citizens do not is something they cannot stomach.
The Left will certainly try to create chaos if the Tories win with UKIP on board. That is a fairly safe prediction. Any excuse will be used for violent protest, strikes and rioting until they recover from their fits of pique.
This is what the left always do when the masses don’t accede to their warped view of the world where paedo’s are allowed to walk free, where murderers are treated as victims, where being normal is to be abnormal, where having ambition is a sin and where their socialist utopia rules us all.
Then comes the fight back, as is happening now, and the lefties become more nasty and desperate (as Lord Scriven treacherously became today) with personal attacks and pathetic tricks such as rolling out the likes of Brand, Coogan and Izzard to do their bidding because their leader is a moron (if that lot don’t put you off liebour nothing will).
And so it builds until the inevitable happens and the left have to be put back in their place by force. The lefties aren’t going to let up, there’s trouble ahead.
I long ago decided that Robinson was a leftie despite his past flirtations with the Tories at university. But then again if you work for the BBC you need a lot of courage to go against the BBC leftist bias and be prepared to lose your career and possibly your job. Not many of us would be prepared to put our jobs on the line. And of course, the BBC is so dominant in the British media , that getting a job of similar status and salary is likely to be very difficult.
Just another example of the pernicious effect on our democracy of having a near monopoly state funded broadcaster.
One must remember that the BBC faces a charter renewal in December 2016. The only political party which guarantees no change to the status Quo and therefore an easy life for everyone is the labour party. The BBC bias during this election campaign has been particularly sickening, heightened and thinly veiled. You can excuse the groupthink of a bunch of University graduate left wingers, but what you cannot excuse is the wilful and deliberate attempt to mislead people and brainwash people.
The BBC needs to get used to the fact that the unions selected a complete and utter failure in Ed, and that the Labour party will not be winning any election or leading any coalition. This is despite all of their best efforts! The bias they have shown will be punished by the Conservative party who will most likely be leading a coalition. There will also be a considerable number of UKIP MP’s making sure that the BBC is punished for this.
If the Conservatives win, I think we should all write to the PM, leading conservaties, and your own MP if he is conservative, that something has to be done about the blatant bias of the BBC.
It is so bad that it does no good for the proper functioning of an equitable society, and political process.
They might have a little squabble now and again, but the LibLabCon and the Beeb are ‘all in it together’. If Cameron remains PM, he’ll be working with the Beeb from Day 1 to secure a ‘stay-in’ vote at the EU Referendum. They have common purpose; don’t expect a broadcasting revolution.
I’d be suprised if UKIP win anything more than Clacton.
I was really hoping that Nigel Farage would get elected till I read in the Mail his campaign manager is an ex-National Front organiser who tries to pass off his membership as belonging to a social club. Clearly, being still in place, his NF views have found a very good home in UKIP.
I wouldn’t be suprised if Douglas Carswell defects back or stands as an independent.
There’s none of the mainstream parties I’d vote for. I’m a Tory to my fingertips and with the (ex) Conservative Party’s social Marxism there is no way I would vote for them unless they had a genuine conservative standing.
Don’t believe everything you read in the Daily Mail. They have got it in for UKIP as much as the Sun and the Mirror and the Guardian and the BBC.
The last poll in Farage’s constituency had Farage 9% points ahead. There are loads of what pollsters would call “shy kippers” and the establishment are going to get one hell of a shock on Friday.
It says something when even the Sun would encourage tories to vote lib dem in some marginals to defeat Miliband, yet refuse to ask tories to vote UKIP in Ed Miliband’s own constituency, when doing so would unseat Ed Miliband. Now why would anyone who supports the tories and alleges to hate labour NOT encourage tories voting UKIP in Doncaster North to defeat Ed Miliband in his own constituency??? The mainstream media and the tories are utterly refusing to acknowlege that there are loads of Northern Labour seats where tories voting UKIP will stop Ed Miliband getting in to No 10! This proves that the tories are not bothered about winning at all.
The establishment’s strategy shows they want Ed in No 10 more than they want UKIP to gain any MPs.
But Richard Littlejohn’s article in the Mail is a clear call to vote UKIP where it makes sense ? Anything to stop Tombstone Ed Miliband.
In my own area there were a strongly Eurosceptic Tory MP and 2 former LibDem Cabinet Ministers. In the former Tory seat most UKIP voters I know will vote UKIP – because the Tory looks safe to win anyway. But in the 2 former LibDem seats some UKIP people say they are thinking of voting Tory as the only realistic way to kick out the LibDems.
I believe this pattern may be reflected across the country. UKIP supporters are by definition not in thrall to the major parties. They can make up their own minds. Those in target UKIP seats will overwhelmingly vote UKIP. Those in marginal seats where the choice looks balanced between Tories and Labour may well decide to vote tactically. And the threat of a Labour/SNP stitch-up will weigh heavily in their minds – plus the fact that Labour refuses a referendum on Europe and gave away any semblance of border controls.
Likewise in seats where the fight is effectively between a Tory and a LibDem, UKIP tactical voting will benefit the Tories.,
Agree totally. I voted UKIP in the last Euro Elections because the proportional electoral system meant that my vote would count nationally. I want to vote UKIP again but live in a Lib-Dem/Tory semi-marginal where I think a UKIP vote would be wasted. So, with a heavy heart, I will probably vote tactically Tory simply to keep even worse people out of power if possible.
Sorry to say, it will probably be people like you
(Stansgate II),who show no backbone or commitment
to their own views, that will prevent the much needed
fundamental changes to the super wealthy dictatorship we find ourselves being governed by.
If everyone who believes in Nigel Farage & UKIP,took the bull by the horns and actually voted for them, instead of chickening out for their own selfish reasons; then the silver spoon “powers that be”, would very likely get the shock of their elitist lives on polling day
I respect your views but … my reasons are certainly not selfish, they are merely rational where I live. Were I an elector in Heywood & Middleton or Rotherham or Thanet South or Clacton or many others, I would vote UKIP. However, according to available information, UKIP have no chance here, so I feel I have to vote tactically for the least bad available option. The electoral system is hardly my fault!
It’s a difficult one, isn’t it? Do bear in mind that if you vote for someone you don’t really believe in to keep out someone you consider even worse, the political parties take your vote as being approval for everything they stood for. For instance, continued immigration.
It’s for that reason I have decided to stick with my original intention to vote UKIP, even though it’s between SNP & Labour and there’s no chance whatsoever of UKIP being elected here. I want to remind the powers that be that I’m here.
I live in an SNP 2,000 majority seat with the conservatives 2nd. I previously voted UKIP in the Euro elections but will go conservative to try to remove the SNP.
Don’t mean to single anyone out Stansgate II, but you’ve just proven my original point to be correct.You say “UKIP have no chance here”, but if everyone thinks like that, they are throwing away the opportunity to actually find out by merely hedging their bets. Far too many voters take way too much notice of opinion polls etc. Instead of following their own instincts, they are too easily swayed by these “polls”.
My personal opinion of such polls, is they need to be taken with a very large VAT of salt, as anyone can ask a few thousand people how they will vote in a particular area, and take an average of their findings….easy peasy. But if the pollsters then drove down the road for even just a couple of miles, they could get a completely different outcome.
I believe polls should be banned during an election period, because, as we have already established, they DO interfere with the electorate’s final decision on who they will vote into office. Moreover, they should also be banned as the political parties love them so much; because if the polls show they are ahead in a particular constituency, they do not feel any compulsion to make an effort to gain votes in that area.
Without the existence of opinion polls, no party could be smugly complacent about who’s winning where, and this may even force them to get off their collective posteriors and actually WORK, in ALL constituencies, to prove themselves worthy of the task of running the country.
This is no longer a matter of democracy. Democracy cannot prevail when left-wing propaganda and misleading information is convincing people they are poor when they are not. Cameron has failed the country simply because he is too scared to act like a man in front of the cameras.
Why should Cameron care if he loses the election simply for being honest? Could it be because he wants to be prime minister more than he wants to make a difference?
Who the f**k can I vote for? I have absolutely no idea (apart from NOT voting for Labour!!!)
The voting system in Britain is one of the most corrupt in the world. Democracy cannot play a part, when two parties, none of whom actually WIN an election, can still get into Downing Street.
Picture the scene: Two chums finish their schooling at the same time; both aspire toward higher education. David has more than enough qualifications to gain a place within his preferred college; Nicholas however, has too few merits to qualify. David, with his greater intellect, has an idea! He suggests giving some of his merits to his lesser educated chum. “Brilliant”!!! Proclaims Nicholas, “now we can remain bestest chums throughout our college education and live happily ever after”!
Unfortunately for the chums, their plan was thwarted by a very meticulous college interviewer , who discovered the deception whilst examining their applications. The attempted ruse was immediately reported to the college Dean, who summoned the boys before him. Having heard the chum’s account of the matter,(and discovering that the Dean had attended school with both the lad’s Fathers), the Dean allowed them both entry after all!!
Such scurrilous, underhand behaviour amongst the privileged elite, has continued throughout the centuries and still exists in modern society. Historically, we called this blatant cheating; But today we prefer to think of it as a coalition!!!
i dont like the election coverage stephen nolan and john piemaar have been giving after question time on there radio 5 live show extra time question time on thursday and the amount of time both of them give radio 5 live regular leftie callers to attack ukip and the conservatives needs some looking into i say,i find john pienaar arrogant in his attitude to what you might say are ukippers and tory voters,stephen nolan is just plain rude to non leftie callers,them pair really wind me up some on thurday night.
Search Biased BBC
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It almost sounds like a call to arms.
A Conservative government next week, could cause severe mental health problems in the BBC.
Is the health secretary aware of this, and what actiions he /she is taking to avert a breakdown of fair and balanced news from the world’s most trusted broadcaster.
The Guardian are doing likewise. I get the impression that the so called champions of free thought ,expression and speech, are of the opinion that people must be pushed into voting Labour.
Well there have been complaints that only Labour are getting mentioned on the website……Have they mentioned the stone yet?
There’s been no Tory ‘chaos’ for the past five years.
Why would there be ‘chaos’ if they won this week?
It doesn’t make sense unless, unless…. surely Nick can’t be biased whilst working for the BBC? Surely not?
BBC is yesterday, now it looks very likely the no-nonsense UKIP are going to have some legitimate input into the BBC Licence renewal.
Ha ha ha….about time too! Didn’ t they just ask for that.
For every action remember there is a reaction.
Blair…hope you listening too!
With Cameron and May at the helm the BBC have nothing to fear from a Conservative government
So a supposed debate on immigration by the High Priestess of Left Wing Bias Derbyshire turns into a soundbite on a ‘private’ comment that Cameron made and then leads that Cameron is lying on every BBC news bulletin !
derbyshire has got a face for radio and should have stayed there, I watched some of that programme this morning, it was full of student yoof bigging up the positives of immigration…they are a bit like turkeys voting for Christmas…these are the same yoof moaning about no Uni places, no jobs, no housing, crap wages, poor NHS yet not one of them linked the problems to mass immigration…like, amaaazing really??
Another suggestive headline:
AFDI is listed as an anti-Muslim group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights group.
And the Southern Poverty Law Center, is a well known lefty community agitator .
From th BBC site
In May 2015, Ms Geller played a key role in organising a conference on cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in a suburb of Dallas, where two gunmen were shot dead after opening fire outside the venue.
From this one would gather that two innocent Muslims were just going by, when they were ambushed and shot dead, by people attending the conference.
in April 2015, the AFDI was also in the headlines when it arranged for a controversial advertisement – which referred to Muslims killing Jews – to be displayed on New York’s buses.
No controvery here. Jew hatred and the advocacy of killing Jews goes on 24/7.
However, expressing views that even her supporters have criticised as being excessive, she has, for instance, been quoted as describing the faith as a “genocidal ideology”.
Islam is genocidal. Ask Buddhists in once Buddhist majority Afghanistan – Hindus in India, Christians in once Christian Turkey. Coptic Christians in once majority Christian Egypt.
The idea we are going to bridge our freedom, our most basic inalienable right in order to not offend savages, is egregious, it is outrageous,” she told Fox News.
Does the BBC have a problem with that?
She has been denounced by critics as a “bigoted blogger”, reportedly has no formal journalistic qualifications and operates outside traditional Washington power centres.
Qualifications in journalism?? The type that Dimbleby has, a third class honours (fail in reality)
The BBC has no problem stifling free speech for people it does not agree with, or vilifying their competance, when they dont have access to the most lavishly funded state broadcaster.
“She has been denounced by critics as a “bigoted blogger”, reportedly has no formal journalistic qualifications and operates outside traditional Washington power centres.”
How shocking. I bet she never goes to Georgetown dinner parties with John Kerry and Hillary Clinton either. She must be one of those “fly over” people who cling to God and their guns for some strange reason. Definitely not a BBC sort of person.
Pamela Geller is beyond a beeboid’s comprehension. The trouble with the average US and UK liberal is that they think the American Constitution is a basis for negotiation. That millions of US citizens do not is something they cannot stomach.
The Left will certainly try to create chaos if the Tories win with UKIP on board. That is a fairly safe prediction. Any excuse will be used for violent protest, strikes and rioting until they recover from their fits of pique.
Scum, the lot of ’em …
This is what the left always do when the masses don’t accede to their warped view of the world where paedo’s are allowed to walk free, where murderers are treated as victims, where being normal is to be abnormal, where having ambition is a sin and where their socialist utopia rules us all.
Then comes the fight back, as is happening now, and the lefties become more nasty and desperate (as Lord Scriven treacherously became today) with personal attacks and pathetic tricks such as rolling out the likes of Brand, Coogan and Izzard to do their bidding because their leader is a moron (if that lot don’t put you off liebour nothing will).
And so it builds until the inevitable happens and the left have to be put back in their place by force. The lefties aren’t going to let up, there’s trouble ahead.
I long ago decided that Robinson was a leftie despite his past flirtations with the Tories at university. But then again if you work for the BBC you need a lot of courage to go against the BBC leftist bias and be prepared to lose your career and possibly your job. Not many of us would be prepared to put our jobs on the line. And of course, the BBC is so dominant in the British media , that getting a job of similar status and salary is likely to be very difficult.
Just another example of the pernicious effect on our democracy of having a near monopoly state funded broadcaster.
One must remember that the BBC faces a charter renewal in December 2016. The only political party which guarantees no change to the status Quo and therefore an easy life for everyone is the labour party. The BBC bias during this election campaign has been particularly sickening, heightened and thinly veiled. You can excuse the groupthink of a bunch of University graduate left wingers, but what you cannot excuse is the wilful and deliberate attempt to mislead people and brainwash people.
The BBC needs to get used to the fact that the unions selected a complete and utter failure in Ed, and that the Labour party will not be winning any election or leading any coalition. This is despite all of their best efforts! The bias they have shown will be punished by the Conservative party who will most likely be leading a coalition. There will also be a considerable number of UKIP MP’s making sure that the BBC is punished for this.
If the Conservatives win, I think we should all write to the PM, leading conservaties, and your own MP if he is conservative, that something has to be done about the blatant bias of the BBC.
It is so bad that it does no good for the proper functioning of an equitable society, and political process.
They might have a little squabble now and again, but the LibLabCon and the Beeb are ‘all in it together’. If Cameron remains PM, he’ll be working with the Beeb from Day 1 to secure a ‘stay-in’ vote at the EU Referendum. They have common purpose; don’t expect a broadcasting revolution.
I’d be suprised if UKIP win anything more than Clacton.
I was really hoping that Nigel Farage would get elected till I read in the Mail his campaign manager is an ex-National Front organiser who tries to pass off his membership as belonging to a social club. Clearly, being still in place, his NF views have found a very good home in UKIP.
I wouldn’t be suprised if Douglas Carswell defects back or stands as an independent.
There’s none of the mainstream parties I’d vote for. I’m a Tory to my fingertips and with the (ex) Conservative Party’s social Marxism there is no way I would vote for them unless they had a genuine conservative standing.
Don’t believe everything you read in the Daily Mail. They have got it in for UKIP as much as the Sun and the Mirror and the Guardian and the BBC.
The last poll in Farage’s constituency had Farage 9% points ahead. There are loads of what pollsters would call “shy kippers” and the establishment are going to get one hell of a shock on Friday.
It says something when even the Sun would encourage tories to vote lib dem in some marginals to defeat Miliband, yet refuse to ask tories to vote UKIP in Ed Miliband’s own constituency, when doing so would unseat Ed Miliband. Now why would anyone who supports the tories and alleges to hate labour NOT encourage tories voting UKIP in Doncaster North to defeat Ed Miliband in his own constituency??? The mainstream media and the tories are utterly refusing to acknowlege that there are loads of Northern Labour seats where tories voting UKIP will stop Ed Miliband getting in to No 10! This proves that the tories are not bothered about winning at all.
The establishment’s strategy shows they want Ed in No 10 more than they want UKIP to gain any MPs.
But Richard Littlejohn’s article in the Mail is a clear call to vote UKIP where it makes sense ? Anything to stop Tombstone Ed Miliband.
In my own area there were a strongly Eurosceptic Tory MP and 2 former LibDem Cabinet Ministers. In the former Tory seat most UKIP voters I know will vote UKIP – because the Tory looks safe to win anyway. But in the 2 former LibDem seats some UKIP people say they are thinking of voting Tory as the only realistic way to kick out the LibDems.
I believe this pattern may be reflected across the country. UKIP supporters are by definition not in thrall to the major parties. They can make up their own minds. Those in target UKIP seats will overwhelmingly vote UKIP. Those in marginal seats where the choice looks balanced between Tories and Labour may well decide to vote tactically. And the threat of a Labour/SNP stitch-up will weigh heavily in their minds – plus the fact that Labour refuses a referendum on Europe and gave away any semblance of border controls.
Likewise in seats where the fight is effectively between a Tory and a LibDem, UKIP tactical voting will benefit the Tories.,
It is still 3 days before the fat lady sings.
Agree totally. I voted UKIP in the last Euro Elections because the proportional electoral system meant that my vote would count nationally. I want to vote UKIP again but live in a Lib-Dem/Tory semi-marginal where I think a UKIP vote would be wasted. So, with a heavy heart, I will probably vote tactically Tory simply to keep even worse people out of power if possible.
Sorry to say, it will probably be people like you
(Stansgate II),who show no backbone or commitment
to their own views, that will prevent the much needed
fundamental changes to the super wealthy dictatorship we find ourselves being governed by.
If everyone who believes in Nigel Farage & UKIP,took the bull by the horns and actually voted for them, instead of chickening out for their own selfish reasons; then the silver spoon “powers that be”, would very likely get the shock of their elitist lives on polling day
I respect your views but … my reasons are certainly not selfish, they are merely rational where I live. Were I an elector in Heywood & Middleton or Rotherham or Thanet South or Clacton or many others, I would vote UKIP. However, according to available information, UKIP have no chance here, so I feel I have to vote tactically for the least bad available option. The electoral system is hardly my fault!
It’s a difficult one, isn’t it? Do bear in mind that if you vote for someone you don’t really believe in to keep out someone you consider even worse, the political parties take your vote as being approval for everything they stood for. For instance, continued immigration.
It’s for that reason I have decided to stick with my original intention to vote UKIP, even though it’s between SNP & Labour and there’s no chance whatsoever of UKIP being elected here. I want to remind the powers that be that I’m here.
I live in an SNP 2,000 majority seat with the conservatives 2nd. I previously voted UKIP in the Euro elections but will go conservative to try to remove the SNP.
… my reasons are certainly not selfish, they are merely rational where I live.
What’s rational about abandoning an anti-immigration party to favour one pro-immigration party over another?
Don’t mean to single anyone out Stansgate II, but you’ve just proven my original point to be correct.You say “UKIP have no chance here”, but if everyone thinks like that, they are throwing away the opportunity to actually find out by merely hedging their bets. Far too many voters take way too much notice of opinion polls etc. Instead of following their own instincts, they are too easily swayed by these “polls”.
My personal opinion of such polls, is they need to be taken with a very large VAT of salt, as anyone can ask a few thousand people how they will vote in a particular area, and take an average of their findings….easy peasy. But if the pollsters then drove down the road for even just a couple of miles, they could get a completely different outcome.
I believe polls should be banned during an election period, because, as we have already established, they DO interfere with the electorate’s final decision on who they will vote into office. Moreover, they should also be banned as the political parties love them so much; because if the polls show they are ahead in a particular constituency, they do not feel any compulsion to make an effort to gain votes in that area.
Without the existence of opinion polls, no party could be smugly complacent about who’s winning where, and this may even force them to get off their collective posteriors and actually WORK, in ALL constituencies, to prove themselves worthy of the task of running the country.
The Tories were quite happy to have him for more than 20 years.
Guess they only complained when he went to UKIP.
The Tories were happy to have him for more than 20 years.
Guess they only changed their minds when he went to UKIP.
The only news I got today was from the front page of a Newspaper. It read “UKIP ‘WILL DELIVER AN ELECTION SHOCK’
This is no longer a matter of democracy. Democracy cannot prevail when left-wing propaganda and misleading information is convincing people they are poor when they are not. Cameron has failed the country simply because he is too scared to act like a man in front of the cameras.
Why should Cameron care if he loses the election simply for being honest? Could it be because he wants to be prime minister more than he wants to make a difference?
Who the f**k can I vote for? I have absolutely no idea (apart from NOT voting for Labour!!!)
The voting system in Britain is one of the most corrupt in the world. Democracy cannot play a part, when two parties, none of whom actually WIN an election, can still get into Downing Street.
Picture the scene: Two chums finish their schooling at the same time; both aspire toward higher education. David has more than enough qualifications to gain a place within his preferred college; Nicholas however, has too few merits to qualify. David, with his greater intellect, has an idea! He suggests giving some of his merits to his lesser educated chum. “Brilliant”!!! Proclaims Nicholas, “now we can remain bestest chums throughout our college education and live happily ever after”!
Unfortunately for the chums, their plan was thwarted by a very meticulous college interviewer , who discovered the deception whilst examining their applications. The attempted ruse was immediately reported to the college Dean, who summoned the boys before him. Having heard the chum’s account of the matter,(and discovering that the Dean had attended school with both the lad’s Fathers), the Dean allowed them both entry after all!!
Such scurrilous, underhand behaviour amongst the privileged elite, has continued throughout the centuries and still exists in modern society. Historically, we called this blatant cheating; But today we prefer to think of it as a coalition!!!
i dont like the election coverage stephen nolan and john piemaar have been giving after question time on there radio 5 live show extra time question time on thursday and the amount of time both of them give radio 5 live regular leftie callers to attack ukip and the conservatives needs some looking into i say,i find john pienaar arrogant in his attitude to what you might say are ukippers and tory voters,stephen nolan is just plain rude to non leftie callers,them pair really wind me up some on thurday night.