As polling day approaches, it strikes me that the BBC has dropped any pretence of balance. It wants Miliband into 10 Downing Street and the propaganda machine is pumping out as much Pro Ed material as possible. It has sought to blame down the #Milistone farce from yesterday – even though The Guardian itself expressed disbelief in the limestone folly – and instead has led the news today with the Clegg attack line that Cameron told him in a private conversation that he did not belief that the Conservatives can win a majority. Meanwhile, Miliband keeps pretending that he CAN win a majority and Andrew Neill apart, the BBC complies with the fantasy. Until Friday.
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It dropped any such pretence a couple of weeks ago, I’d say.
Ve are fighting for our lives here at the BBC. Unless Labour wins the GE, theres no future for the vast majority of us. This is a dreadful situation. I get free medical insurance at the BBC, the thought of having to sit in an NHS hospital with C2’s sends shivers down my spine
When Milliband says he can still win a majority wish someone would point out that the current odds of a labour majority with betfair are 130/1 – I`ve had a few quid on my odds would be 16/1.The tories majority odds are 9/1 – about accurate.
I don’ t know if Mrs. Merton does media analysis, but I sense things changed about the point Ed Miliband said the BBC was safe with him no matter what, as his opponents were already wondering out loud if a £4Bpa unaccountable propaganda machine staffed by political opponents was as unconflicted as it might be.
Wow! I don’t believe it I have been forced to watch a 13 minutes of the ultimate political assassination of the conservative party on BBC news 24, Nicola Sturgeon has been gifted a free Party political broadcast at the expense of democracy. When are these invisible no-marks going to be held to account
She won’t be able to hold a seat in the Westminster Parliament, so why all the fuss? Oh, so with her efforts her friend Alex Salmond just might. Irrespective all SNP want is another bash at getting a YES vote to independence-that would teach Scotland a lesson if they did-there would be no life raft to cling to as there Oil revenues disappear leaving them under the EU jackboot.
I’m particularly dismayed that Derbyshire or AN Other did not seek to ask Lib Dem lackey Scriven to justify the language used in his Tweet, i.e. So Cameron has taken to lying on Tory Maj.
How can one lie about the unknown outcome of the election?
I noticed that Clegg has refused to confirm Scriven’s account, saying it was a private conversation. Compare that with Danny Alexander releasing details of cabinet discussion about benefits – my view is if Cameron had said it, Clegg would have confirmed it.
I also noticed Scriven, when asked about it, have difficulty in maintaining eye contact. He looked and sounded particularly uncomfortable and shifty.
Meanwhile the BBC are having similar difficulty in telling its audience about gender segregated Labour rallies and Ed’s Obelisk.
Aaah. I see now.
Uncorroborated gossip masquerading as a major political story, failing the ‘double source’ test (not that the BBC bother with that when it comes to the Tories – Lord McAlpine anyone?).
This was too much of an opportunity to miss; to slip the knife into Cameron during election week AND to breathe life into the dead duck of a BBC News programme, one that was dead on its feet.
No wonder the BBC are running this for all it’s worth…it’s no more than a trailer for VD.
I popped a very sanitised version of the above on the BBC website earlier this afternoon, i.e; This was a story that Clegg had failed to support…it was not ‘double sourced’…it seemed odd…were the BBC using the story to promote one of their programmes?
Guess what? It has ‘been disappeared’…just as this story has largely ‘been disappeared’ on the BBC evening news. Just a passing reference to Scriven’s comments. That’s all.
It’s a mystery. What happened?
At the risk of hogging the forum, just to let you know that I have now received an e-mail from the BBC confirming that my post has been removed because it was ‘Off topic’ !!!!
The BBC’s was a story, remember, about a Lib Dem claiming to have been told something that Cameron was supposed to have said to Clegg – as were my comments.
The BBC don’t like posts they don’t agree with. Hypocritical, anti democratic fascists.
It was funny watching the liebour candidate being questioned by Neil on the segregation scandal, from hearing every word the tory candidate said, despite being on an outside broadcast with slight delay, and challenging him to all of a sudden being unable to hear Neil? Funny that!
Of course she knew nothing about it and couldn’t possibly comment, the tories may be dragging us back to the thirties (yes please if it means no muslims) but liebour are intent on dragging us back to the dark ages.
With labour’s unaffordable and unsustainable energy policy, they will literally be the new dark ages.
They are desperate now. Lib Dems want to keep a slice of power at any cost,and BBC don’t want a conservative majority.
Ironically Cameron is the only one who can get a majority,unlikely but it is possible if you ignore the polls which I don’t have any faith in ……
I just want to bask in the BBCs pain if Cameron wins…..
I just want to bask in the BBCs pain if Cameron wins…..
Me too.
And me. Perhaps we should have formed a party called the ‘Cause the BBC Excruciating Long Term Pain’. If we had put up more than 3 candidates the BBC would have had to interview us! What fun.
Have you lot no consideration for the poor sellers of Champagne who will lose out on selling thousands of cases of Champagne to the Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation if Ed Milibland and Liebour aren’t the next government?
Good idea not to believe the polls especially the one from Survation, and YouGov has a leftish orientation. Owners wife is an active Baroness for Labour in the house of Lords
I watched the BBC1 news at 1 o’clock. The bias was clear and unarguable.
They showed campaigning by Cameron, Miliband, Clegg and Sturgeon; Farage did not appear at all. Remind me again: which party won the 2014 Euro elections, has one third of the UK MEPs and is currently third in the polls in England?
The non-story about Cameron and the admission of the likelihood of no Tory over-all majority was inflated out of all proportion. How recently did he say this? Did he actually say it? And isn’t it just a statement of the obvious, given opinion polling returns?
There was a clip of Victoria Derbyshire’s show. Question: does VD’s upward career path in the BBC owe anything to her relationship with senior editor Mark Sandell? Perhaps we should ask Fi Glover.
The Mediterranean migrants story was covered with all the usual emotion and personalization, with no questions asked about how sustainable such an influx is or even whether some of them are simply risking drowning for economic motives.
There was more climate change alarmism from up on the Northern polar ice mass. The BBC didn’t quite say what they seemed to imply, showing scientists measuring ice, mentioning climate change but not warming. Question: why no mention of the expansion of the Southern polar ice mass?
I don’t usually watch this 1 o’clock show but if this Bank Holiday edition was typical, then I don’t think I’ve been missing much.
The BBC never ask some questions about this migration
1. How come if they are fleeing persecution, they are mostly young men, and not families.
2.If they are poor, how come they can afford $5000 per pop on a boat + atleast another $3000 to get to Libya.
The answer is that the family back home has raised some $8000 or more in cash, probably raised from loan sharks, and sent the fittest male on a hazardous journey,.
The young man cannot go back no matter what, as there can be no going back. Thus no way but forward. Hence the joy when they hit terra firma in Italy. They now know they will get asylum, and the family back home can join them via Family re-unifucation visas.
When one looks at it this way, it is quite rewarding financially. Almost all of them have no worthwhile skills, and no education. But they may be able to box, run, jump or play football etc, and get rich. If not, there is a good living on Benefits.
And for Muslims, the additional benefit of waging Jihad on a readily available prey, that will also grant them sexaul paradise.
Well said DP111, now send this to the idiots at the Guardian, see if they poo-poo this….you are nearer the mark than you think.
This immigration situation ref: boat people, is heading for real problems that the authorities may find they can cannot control-Europe is flooded with over 52 million Muslims, how long before they reach the 100 millions? Goodbye Christian Europe hello Islam/Sharia law.
Highly amusing (or was it BEmusing)? to watch the scientific “experts” warning us of climate change, and the ever decreasing polar ice mass, after they had split a part of it wide open with the ice-breaker they arrived on! Whatever next, start crashing our unwanted satellites into innocent planets?
The BBC News App is the worst. It should be renamed to BBC Labour News and done with it. Continued pro Labour stories or if there is a negative one the BBC come to their defence. Any opportunity to show another pic of Wallace photoshoped to try and make him sexy to voters. And of course any Conservative story is kept to the minimal. If there is a positive one you can guarantee Labour will be mentioned after the first few sentences.
The Leftist BBC is desperate and pathetic. It invariably puts its own interests before everything else. It is humanity reduced to the banal and petty resentments of people who confuse their poverty of soul with the universe.
it strikes me
As is so often the case, your impression is selective and ignores any coverage which would run counter to the conclusion you drew in advance.
It has sought to blame down the #Milistone farce from yesterday
Listen to the Today interview and say that with a straight face.
Meanwhile, Miliband keeps pretending that he CAN win a majority and Andrew Neill apart, the BBC complies with the fantasy
Keep taking the tablets, Vance old chap. Until reality hits, don’t worry, though – there are enough sycophantic duplicated personas on here to falsely reassure you that you’re on to something.
Scott wrote:
Keep taking the tablets, Vance old chap. Until reality hits, don’t worry, though – there are enough sycophantic duplicated personas on here to falsely reassure you that you’re on to something.
Scott ,for somebody who comes on here to scream and scream and scream about what a victim he his on this forum, you don’t half spend a lot of time on here. Not only that, but for somebody who doesn’t like abuse,vitriol and the piss taken out of him, you really do have it in for David and Alan.
Leave him alone you bully! Don’t you know how fragile the poor mite is and how much attention, even vitriolic attention, he craves? 😉
Just let him post and ignore the poor soul.
Scott ,for somebody who comes on here to scream and scream and scream about what a victim he his on this forum
No, I don’t. Indeed, the only people who scream about what a victim I apparently am are the wannabe bullies such as you.
However, when people like you behave despicably towards others, I for one am not cowed by your bullying tactics. That’s what really riles you, isn’t it? You want to play the hard man, but it doesn’t work. So you mischaracterise people like me who stand up to you, because attempting to belittle them is all you have left.
Well, that and throwing around the sort of four letter words that Vance claims to hate having on this board, if only when he thinks people booking him for appearances on BBC chat shows may be looking.
Hi Scott, Good to see you back. We get so many false Scotts on here, but they don’t make an argument. You need to remember this site is about the BBC, even if people – myself included – go OT a lot. Certainly the Tory press are just as biased, but then we aren’t forced to pay for the pleasure. Much of it is despicable, like the faux scandal over how Miliband eats a sandwich. I do accept that such bias used to be so relentless that Labour could never get a fair hearing until Blair and Campbell reduced politics to PR soundbites. That worked out well – they left a template for Call Me Dave. But that aside; the tablet of stone is very ill-judged for a man desperately trying to escape the image of a schoolboy politician, don’t you think? And when the argument is whether Labour plus fifty SNP can win, the idea that Labour can win alone is fanciful.
All that said, unlike the normal ‘progressive’ you do make an argument. So tell us what you think of the real story; how our long established culture is being overwhelmed by foreign cultures, some of them hostile to your own liberal lifestyle. I genuinely don’t understand how ‘progressives’ are so relaxed about it.
“you do make an argument”
Start one, maybe.
“You tell us what you think of the real story”
Didn’t get an answer, amazingly.
Oops, I seem to have ventured onto the wrong site.
I thought this was meant for people who wished to vent their opinions on topical and relevant issues, with the hope of developing conversation with other intelligent individuals, who may share, or indeed disagree with ones own opinions.
My mistake, as I seem to have accidentally entered into a verbal brawl between several adolescents who haven’t much to say about real issues.
Do your parents know you’re on here? Tut Tut, Save it for the playground you children!
Hi Scott – got a new dummy IP address?
Scott is as unpleasant as some of the BNPers who post on this site. They’d make good bedfellows. Oh, hang on …
“As is so often the case, your impression is selective and ignores any coverage which would run counter to the conclusion you drew in advance.”
If he does not like the BBC why should he be forced to pay for it?
“Keep taking the tablets”
If anybody who claims that the the BBC as biased to the Labour Party is mentally ill maybe there should be a system whereby they get certificates of correct thinking from you before they are allowed to express an opinion.
“As is so often the case, your impression is selective and ignores any coverage which would run counter to the conclusion you drew in advance.”
If he does not like the BBC why should he be forced to pay for it?
Non sequitur alert!
Vance hates the BBC so much that he is quite prepared to lie about its political coverage in order that his own prejudices are confirmed. It’s quite sad, really, for a number of reasons. Not only that he’s reduced to falsehoods in order to provide buttresses to his own shaky bigotries, and not only that there are so many people (or a few with multiple personas, at the very least) who are quite happy for him to lie, because it feeds into their own vapid mindsets too.
And yet, when BBC producers call offering him a place on of their shows, he agrees like a shot. Is it the licence fee-funded appearance fees? Is it his vanity, vaguely imagining that he will gain a few more mindless fans, thus validating his sub-Katie Hopkins trolling of the airwaves? Who can tell. One thing’s for sure – the people of Belfast East got it right in 2010 when they ensured that David “I must be right even when I haven’t got a freaking clue what I’m on about” Vance would never, ever get within a country mile of anything approaching responsibility.
“If he does not like the BBC why should he be forced to pay for it?”
I thought I would give you another opportunity to answer the question.
So Scott, you have crawled back because you just can’t resist us. The difficulty is that you are a troll and that you think you have a right to post here. You don’t. And being rude ensures your presence is unwanted. Bye.
The difficulty is that you are a troll
Don’t think you really understand that term. If you did, you’d realise that your site is riddled with trolls – and that your own behaviour on this and other sites, as well as on the BBC when you accept their invitation, is far more deserving of being called “trolling”.
And being rude ensures your presence is unwanted.
Yes, being rude’s out on here. Unless you’re Pounce. Or Old Goat. Or Alan. Or stuart. Or David Brims. Or Guest Who. Or David Vance himself.
Because being rude and aggressive and trolling and a liar and a hypocrite is okay if you’re David Vance, or somebody who similarly can’t be bothered to engage their brain enough to see how much of a hypocrite they are.
Still, never mind, David. You have the fanbase you deserve. The small, twisted, malignant balls of hatred deluding themselves that this site is about BBC bias are all yours. Now you get back to imagining against all reason that you’re a decent human being, and I’ll carry on laughing at your inability to be anything close.
Speaking for myself, I am intrigued by your definition of ‘rude’.
I simply disagree with you, and tease your motivations and methods, which given your personality is easy to do. But unlike you I do not resort to unpleasant language and Jeckyll & Hyde posting claims swinging between lashing out and playing the victim. I’m surprised you haven’t concocted an ‘ism to throw around.
I don’t think you understand a lot, and the meaning of ‘rude’ is but one.
I have no clue what perverse need brings you back, like a moth to a flame, but you serve yourself poorly, and the cause of the BBC you on occasion use as excuse for your presence here even less.
Oo la la Scott “liar and a hypocrite” defamation anyone?
Sorry David, he is a socialist and therefore he is always right.The Electorate really should not be trusted with the truth as they are incapable of utilizing it and proper debate should not be encouraged. We should just leave it to the socialists who know best and if they have to be economical with the truth then that is ok as it helps perpetuate their agenda. As we see socialists create ideal societies………well not exactly but then they all seem to make themselves very rich so something positive is achieved.
So then Scott, do you think that the BBC is not in anyway biased in any shape or form? What was that about taking tablets? Careful of your answers, the world can see them.
Like anyone on the Marxist left, he lives in dread of losing the propaganda power of the BBC by having impartiality restored.
How one yearns for the once ubiquitous fruity voiced old boys like Alexander McCloud and Gordon Clough who sought to edify the listening public with their interviews, not seek kudos with their peers to see who can be the most rude and demeaning to politicians, most especially if they’re conservative.
All I can say to Scott and his ilk is, ‘don’t worry’. The bratocracy will drag this country down to it’s inevitable occult conclusion. We’ll have the Soho version of Boko Harem running amok – only it won’t be schoolgirls who have to watch out.
The BBC are the most biased organisation you will ever come across.
It is riddled with Union bullies who keep a tight ship, and look out if you dont toe the party line.
My sisters boyfriend worked for them for years and was astonished at some of the meetings he would take part in. The meetings were always controlled by a union rep/mafia thug.
The BBC is so far to the left it beggars belief.
I just wish the likes of the Conservative and UKIP parties would get together and do something about.
The likes of Andrew Marr,Dimbleby,Victoria Derbyshire and others dont even try to hide there bias knowing that they will never be held to account.
I was so angry i phoned the BBC recently to complain about the bias, I was met with nothing but contempt.Folks the place is riddled with the lefty parasites.
Lets hope if the Tories get in and with the help of UKIP they will sort out the bastards at the BBC once and for all…A day to celebrate
There is one point about the BBC Charter and Impartiality that seems to have arisen. The possibility of the Tories blackballing the BBC and calling for mass non-payment of the licence fee, with the support of UKIP, the Express, Mail and other right-wing organisations saying that the BBC is biased, and the ruling Labour Party and left-wing saying that the BBC is Impartial. Such a policy of an opposition party would destroy the BBC, and I think is being considered by those who want to get rid of Cameron, which would be inevitable if he becomes opposition leader.
So I think a Labour victory will not save the BBC if the Tories have a more intelligent leader like Boris Johnson, and yes he is very intelligent, as from experience, I find that some lonely child geniuses learn to act the clown as a successful way to get on with Socialist types, as Socialists do not like anyone more intelligent than themselves due to selfishness.
But how do we know this is the real Scott and not an imposter ? Come on Scott, tell us something about your life that only you know that proves it’s really you.
His prickly, self-righteous style is unmistakeable. You can almost hear the flounce at the end of every post.
Is the bbbc running scared?
They’re audience tampering going back to the 2nd scottish referendum debate and its behaviour throughout this GE
SAYS a lot about their fear.
At least Mr, Cameron was smart enough to deny them their craving for a debate with RED ED the Mystic man
With up to 40% posssibly undecided why are they obsessing with such tight polling numbers…………..
”is the bbc running scared”
40% undecided and the rumors about the postal vote results so far..i bet the bbc is running scared.
First Danny Alexander spills the confidential beans.
Now some bloke called Scriven.
Lib Dems leaking like diahorrea ?
They are like a dying man trying to make a last ditch effort at making one last mark in his life, the libs are finished, Clegg is a clown, Alexander will be jobless and the party will be outdone by the Greens, their credibility is zero and the whole party is an irrelevance..what was Scrivens hoping to gain from his disgusting and treacherous tweet?
The whole lefty crew are vermin, the SNP back stabbers, lib treachery, liebour nastiness, BBC arrogance…it’s time the whole lot were destroyed.
the choice is becoming very clear now with 4 days to voting day,vote labour on the 7th of may and you get the old gang from 97 ,harriet harman.ken livingston(who by the way wrote red eds manifesto,len mcluskey ,the snp and the rest of the 97 marxist gang running this country for 5 years,but there is a antidote to this coming horror of a labour,snp,islamist coalition,vote ukip and you will get a tory,dup,ukip dream coalition,the choice is there,do the right thing and vote for ukip on thursday and save this country from a communist takeover.
I hope this becomes a reality. If it does they have to start a new era in UK politics starting with destroying the bbc and forcing them to sell off many different parts of the monster with the proceeds going to the poorest in society to rid us of the millions of food banks we have all had to visit, a cause the bbc can’t fail to support?
Then would come the destruction of the left to nothing more than a protest voice, then the removal of any muslim influence in UK politics so that we have no more latfur rahmans, no more families of councillors going to join ISIS, no more postal voting bullying, no more paedo scandals and no more corruption from a section of society where corruption comes as natural as sleeping and breathing.
”The choice is becoming very clear”…
And when the dream coalition hopefully gets into power, the first thing on there political agenda will be to deport that flesh crawling parasite ”Russell Brand”
Yes indeed – and can we deport him to the newly independent and completely unsubsidised socialist utopia of Scotland?
The BBC are asking tonight if it has been a “dull election campaign”.
No kidding BBC, maybe that’s because you’ve been trotting out one man and one party for the past 5 weeks and have failed in your dury to give fair and balanced reports on all the parties.
If it has been “dull” in your world it’s because you made it so.
Socialism is itself the dullest form of life in the entire universe.
You WILL conform and we WILL all be the same.
And there’s only two colours – red and grey.
You get £15 Billion per year, or what ever it is, and you still managed to make a General Election in 2015 bland.
The BBC bias for the Labour party and Miliband became so obvious over the bank holiday when they screened ALL of the Wallace & Grommit films.
Labours Andy Burnham says they will save the NHS….BULLSHIT..!!
Found this article from the Commentator
”General election campaigns are always brutal, unpredictable and exhausting, which is why political parties tend to focus on a core issue, usually one where they have strong credentials.
Having halved the deficit, helped get 1.75million people into work and put Britain on the road to recovery, it is perfectly logical that David Cameron and the Conservative party are focussing on the economy. In contrast to this astute political judgement, the Labour party have chosen the NHS as its key theme — using Andy Burnham as the face of the campaign.
Yes, that’s the same Andy Burnham who was running the Department of Health when it stopped the Care Quality Commission watchdog from releasing a damming report into failing hospitals just hours before it was due to be published in November 2009.
Burnham has denied claims of a cover up, but the delays on the report, due to be published before the general election, left many calling for his resignation.
When Labour have a shadow health secretary with Andy Burnham’s credentials, it is hardly surprising that the latest ComRes poll shows that 22 percent of people say David Cameron is the party leader they most trust to manage the NHS, with Ed Miliband on 20 percent.
Labour have long resorted to smears, falsehoods and deliberate lies about the NHS when they get desperate and run out of ideas. A good example of this is one of the taglines in their 27-page health propaganda dossier claiming the Conservatives will destroy the NHS within years.
It makes fascinating reading and can easily generate big headlines and hysteria in the left-wing press. The problem for Labour is that the public not only trust David Cameron to manage the NHS more than they do Ed Miliband, they know that Labour is lying.
David Cameron has not only ring-fenced the NHS budget from cuts, he has repeatedly made personal pledges about how precious the organisation is to him and his family.
Cameron’s commitment to the NHS has been proved time and time again. A perfect example of this was the announcement from Chancellor George Osborne who pledged an extra £2bn in his recent Autumn Statement. The announcement wrong-footed Labour strategists, forcing them on the defensive over a policy issue that is supposed to be home turf.
By selecting a topic on which they have proven themselves to be utterly negligent and at times dishonest, Labour is leaving itself wide open to attack. Many, many questions about Andy Burnham’s record as health secretary under the previous government have not been answered and the public have a right to know what he knew and when he knew it.
Labour’s narrative that the Conservatives have a secret agenda to run the NHS into the ground is neither factually accurate nor believed by the public.
If Labour really cared about the NHS, then they wouldn’t be frightening people that use it with lies, they’d be trying to improve it. For that reason, if none of the above, Labour will never be trusted to run the NHS again.”
‘Many, many questions about Andy Burnham’s record as health secretary under the previous government have not been answered and the public have a right to know what he knew and when he knew it.’
The cover-up of the CQC report has been raised in the press a number of times.
Surely, then, this must be a job for the broadcasting organisation that is home to ‘the world’s finest investigative journalism’.
So what is stopping them? Any ideas Dez?
Well, that’ll be all over the entire BBC media estate.
OK, a mention on DP. Maybe.
Being fair to Ms. Powell, she seems to rely a lot on the BBC1 news mainly to learn what she is meant to say so, like certain segregated meetings attended by high profile colleagues, she has remained clueless.
Being fair to Ms. Powell, she seems to rely a lot on the BBC1 news mainly to learn what she is meant to say…
That’s being very fair. There’s plenty would say she’s ‘as thick as two short planks’.
”thick as two short planks”
..your are absolutely right.
All these Labour politicians do is make things up as they go along, as long as it sounds good to the person they are speaking to at that precise moment…we used to have a saying in the army, ”bullshit baffles brains”,and they are all bloody experts at it.
In the spirit of balance:
Seems the BBC has mentioned it (a bit) elsewhere, and the lovely Lucy is making friends and influencing people left, left and left of centre accusing them of of misquoting her by using her actual words.
A real asset to the cause.
One rather suspects she will be an early sacrifice to it, though. Even the BBC can’t make her sound credible.
Seems headhunters are already seeking twinned woodwork with rosettes on that hopefully still meet diversity requirements.
Seems Labour feel the principle of stretching credulity to the limit may yet work…
Given most of the BBC hasn’t gone too near this anyway, it will be interesting if any editorial heads pop over the parapet with a small measure of professional integrity to ponder just how this scenario may have come to pass.
Besides the flat out lying about it part.
What have the BBC said?
You just know if this was a segregated UKIP meeting that the BBC would, run and run and run and run with it.
Did you hear 20 MINUTE BBC lunchtime ‘expose’ of alleged tory paedo ring by Thatcher MPs. No substantation, no polce charges. old claims trotted out as news (smears )36 hours before election. Oh and they promise ‘part 2’ on Wednesday. BBC is throwing kitchen sink at this election.
6pm BBC news tonight. Main story focuses on party leaders – running order Milliband, Clegg and last Cameron.
Milliband shown with laudatory supporters cheering him. Cameron shown being barracked by SNP supporter. Milliband given easy ride interview by James Langdale as part of same piece .
Yes the beeb is giving it’s pro labour bias one last push.
It really looks as though the BBC has got to a stage where it really dosnt give a damn what criticism it receives regarding its appalling bias as long as its beloved Labour gets into power. I think today has been possibly one of the worse so far, unbelievable. If Labour do get into power,thanks to the BBC, any investigation that may arise regarding there conduct will go on deaf ears because Labour are in power and will nullify any inquiry.
If it were a fair fight then perhaps you could accept the outcome of the election and move on, but witnessing what we have makes that very difficult.
Any respect and trust i had for the BBC has gone……
Lets just hope Labour don’t succeed and we can all celebrate.
The Today Programme
From Aberdeen to Penzance and Belfast to Norwich, our reporters have sampled opinion ahead of #GE2015.
Have a listen.
Given the BBC’s record with ‘sampled opinion’, I decided to give it a miss.