What I’ve noticed, and it’s very subtle, is that whenever there are pictures of party leaders shown together on the BBC website, Miliband is always shown first. Yesteday for example we had a collage of four leaders in this order: Miliband, Clegg, Cameron, Farage. This is subtle psychological propoaganda which suggests that Miliband is PM material and it has been happening throughout the campaign whenever the party leaders have been shown together. Today we just have Miliband and Cameron, but again Miliband comes first. Surely the incumbent PM should be shown first and the challengers after or is that just me?
And now for the first time this evening (and in this campaign as far as I can remember) I see the BBC website shows Cameron first! If I didn’t know better I might think that someone read this blog!
I notice also there seems to be strategic coordination between BBC and the Labour campaign which is deeply worrisome.
1-They realized now that ignoring UKIP was a huge mistake because it was actually helping the Tories. So now they talk about UKIP again and actually give them prime time.
2-They’ve censored any references to the SNP because they realized it was hurting Labour. Now every interview is edited to remove any reference to it or they just spin it as a Labour advantage.
3-They constantly drone on about the NHS and tell us it is the main election decider. They add subtle messages to lead the viewer with no doubt it would only be safe with Labour.
4-They ignore any references to the economy unless it is negative.
5-They completely ignored reports from the IMF which praised the coalition for management of the economy and the right balance of cuts. If this were Labour it would have been on every news bulletin throughout the week. I suppose it would make them look completely stupid given that the BBC’s has spent the last 5 years bashing every policy and saying it won’t work.
6-Whenever there’s a Labour policy announcement, it is immediately discussed by a supportive guest (either from Labor or left wing press). When there’s a Tory policy announcement it’s immediately followed by a counter argument as to why it’s wrong. Again with someone from Labour or the left wing press. Thus Labour policies are never challenged whereas Tory policies are always implied to be flawed (except on the “Daily Politics” which nobody watches except politicians and political anoraks).
This systematic bias has been going on for years and is successfully brainwashing the public.
Lefty Top Trumps in all its revolting, hypocritical glory.
Islam trumps women’s rights, so not a word from the BBC, Guardian, Harridan Harman nor any protest from feminist groups normally so quick to take offence.
In fact, if you can find any card in the pack which trumps Islam, I would be very, very surprised.
Does anyone know what the Koran has to say about Moses? Does it make a favourable reference to his stone carving activities? The reason that I ask is that I am still trying to work out what motivated the Mad Marxist to go for the stone tablets. Was he trying to seek common cause with the three religions of the book and in doing so cover up Marx’s less than generous comments about religion and opium?
Even the BBC are struggling to find a favourable explanation.
Maybe Farage should pledge to put a 9ft stone in the garden and then Cameron could better him with a 10ft pledge.
What an absolute joke Milliband is. His supposed tax raising policies to pay for his pledges has seen HSBC think about moving its operations away from this country and no doubt other large companies would do the same. He tries to pretend Non Doms do not pay tax when they do on UK earnings plus the ‘Fee’ so if he implements for attack on Non Dom status we will lose a lot of that revenue. He does not know how he is going to administer the Mansion Tax or the rates and yet this is a major part of he so called ‘costed’ revenue stream. I could go on but the steam coming out of my ears is fogging up the room.
People might remember I fired off a complaint the other week about the BBCs use of footage of a US B-17 bomber in a intro of a programme about Churchill and the Battle of Britain.
Well I’ve had a reply ! And I guess this is as close as you get to an apology.
“Unfortunately this does seem to have been an oversight. We always strive for accuracy but sadly mistakes do sometimes slip through. We would like to thank you for bringing this to our attention”.
Kind regards
Stuart Webb.
Note he never actually apologises for mistaking a US bomber for a Nazi one, it’s just one of those things when mistakes ” sometimes slip through”. Sometimes ? It seems to me to be a bloody torrent on an hour by hour basis.
My FiL once complained to the BBC History Magazine about a series of photos used in an article about Operation Overlord. He pointed out that not only were the captions wrong but the photos were not taken where they said they were. He knew this because he recognised the photos from elsewhere.
Their response was that the photos were merely illustrative.
So accuracy and truth were not a prerequisite for an article on history! It seems they are so used to bending the truth they can no longer recognise it.
The classic was a photograph of a rabbit that ‘reportedly’ set fire to a cricket pitch shed with its burning tail.
‘Some say’ that the photograph was not of the actual rabbit, that one clearly being from the extreme right-wing of the pitch, but of a ‘progressive’ rabbit from the centre ground of rabbit politics, on the left of the pitch.
The BBC has since learnt that the rabbit was unarmed, (aren’t they all?), single and black, (it is now!), and had been set on fire by the white groundsman. All of the groundsmen are white and all of the rabbits, who constitute the majority of the population, are BAME. As a result inter-species tension is high.
The coalition government has failed to meet the demand for more urban green spaces despite the high birth rate and population growth. Only last week the head groundsman’s wife gave birth to a daughter, who confidently expects to lead the 2035 England Test side in Australia.
Maybe it depends on who replies to you ? Does the complaint get forwarded to the producer who cocked up for an answer and therefore some are more pliable to owning up ?
I feel that getting them bang to rights on a matter of fact rather than complaining about matters of subjectivity might be a way to go and get under their skin. I will do it again when I find something piss poor such as mistaking a B-17 for a Junkers 88.
Complaints should be made and followed up whatever the results. The BBC have to employ people to answer complaints and the appeals procedure is expensive to them in time and resources – Putting pressure on their finances could have an effect if more people complained .
Mistaking a B-17 for a JU88 is indeed a howler and, considering they were planes from different, opposing air forces a difficult one to comprehend. How does the film library make such a mistake never mind the films producers?
In the case I mentioned it was still a factual error but it is one they keep making. They do not seem to care if, for example, they show British troops taking cover in Italy and claim it shows them in France. They want to show British troops taking cover and see nothing wrong with choosing a photo from a different theatre. The image illustrates the article, supports whatever they wish to say even when it plainly doesn’t.
This carelessness with facts is spread across the BBC from factual programmes to drama. To them the truth is subjective and if they want to show a big aeroplane it does not matter if it is the wrong one entirely as long as the viewer/reader gets the message. This is a poisonous creed and, I think, explains a lot about how they think.
Re Islamic Texas Shooting
Robert Spencer. “The first amendment is our fundamental protection against tyranny.
Today … drawing Mohamhead is the line THEY have drawn … and so that’s where I m gonna stand”
Where would you?.
Where will the MSM?, now, we know the BBCs position already … the cabal of the enemedia?
the days ahead will clearly show that.
What next eh? … the Jews in Paris didn t draw a cartoon?
the Coptic Christians? … minorities in Syria?
Gays? … Lesbians?.
Freedom of speech? … or just freedom?
“whether American authorities will defend it … or will blame the victims and the targets … and kowtow yet again to violent intimidation.
… At this point I’m expecting the latter, but maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised”
P Geller.
I did love the Sky report this morning with an interview with Pamela Geller at the scene. http://news.sky.com/story/1477156/two-shot-dead-at-anti-muslim-cartoon-contest
Somehow I doubt the bbc will be asking her for her full and frank views on “men ” wanting to close down free speech in Texas……
Well done to the Texas Police, we could do with some of you here guys.
“After the shooting Sunday night, R Spencer tweeted:
“The shooting outside our free speech event shows once again that moderate Muslims are unable or unwilling to rein in their violent brethren.”
“Jihad expert at Texas shooting warned students of ISIS in America – last week
David Hookstead – University of Wisconsin Madison http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/22310/
Queens University, having at first cowered from continuing with their Charlie Hebdo conference, then reinstating it last week, will be shitting themselves now. Lol!
“Who shot first?” asks Humphries incongruously on the Today programme.
Could it be more white, racist policemen shooting oppressed blacks? Another opportunity for a bout of BBC self-righteousness?. No the “men” shot first and everyone involved becomes colouless. “Men” again attacking a cartoon of the Prophet competition. BBC couldn’t possibly speculate without “all the facts”. It would have been a different “narrative” if the “men” hadn’t shot first. “Far right” Geert Wilders . Is Geert Wilders anymore of a Nazi than ISIS savages are ” militants”.
BBC will twitter on about freedom and VE day, but they are too spineless to show even a hair of the Prophet’s beard.
And the BBC’s article on it contained the now familiar sentence “It is not known if the events are related” which makes me laugh now every time I see it.
2000 African / muslim immigrants (invaders) were rescued from the Mediterranean yesterday, 4000 rescued last week. David Camoron and Sarkozy overthrew Gaddifa, before he was killed he had struck a deal with Italy to block them.
Anyway, here’s a heartwarming tale of Somalians (colonisers) in Bristol. Absolutely marvelous, I’m going to take a wild guess, I don’t think they’ll be voting UKIP.
Sink them!
I have a three step process;
1. Pro actively identify their vessels in harbour and destroy them before they sail with people on them.
2. Have a wall of steel at sea that stops ALL people trafficking vessels and return them to the port from which they sailed.
3. Europe cannot and must not become a receptacle for North African immigration. All illegals that DO make it there should be returned to from whence they came and the African Union asked to pick up the bill.
It seems to be a lost cause. The rest of Europe have no heart for a struggle. Even in the UK, UKIP optimists can hope, at best, for a percentage vote in the high teens. This when a million illegals are waiting in warehouses in Libya and they’re pouring over in thousands every day. The progressives have won the ‘enrichment’ argument. By the time reality dawns, it will be too late.
The elite don’t want anyone ‘to win’. They want chaos. Civil strife on a European (and US) scale.
Why? Well please tell me what the response will be from the suthorities? More draconina laws by any chance? The conjoining of Labour, Conservative and LibDem parties to form a coalition to ‘save the nation’? The abandonment of elections and therefore any democratic rights you thought you had? The banning of parties such as UKIP because they cause the inter-racial problems?
Easy, isn’t it. Freedom takes a lot more guts than dictatorship.
Peter Sutherland, Goldman Sachs banker and head of immigration at the U.N said ” European governments should do their utmost to undermine their own homogeneity.” That’s the NWO agenda, to create a Tower of Babel and subvert, destroy and finally abolish the nation state. ” Global Village ” is their new little phrase. It’s at 6.35
So you’re proposing an invasion and a standing force in Libya? That’s what would be needed to destroy all the boats, and keep destroying them.
Return them to the port from which they sailed? Invasion again !
The way to do this is by that wonderful invention called radar! We don’t need to destroy the boats, because they’ll just be replaced, we need instead to arrest the people crewing them, and imprison them in their country of origin.
The bogus asylum seekers will always claim asylum, and if we are to remain legal then their false cases must be heard.
They should be held on an island like Lampedusa until their claim is decided, and then from their returned from whence they came.
A false claim for asylum is a criminal offence, although no one is ever prosecuted, holding people on suspicion of this makes it legal despite what the lefties think.
The process should be swift, not the 5 years plus which it take in the UK followed by no action when the claim fails. It could easily be done within 3 months.
Countries of origin should be asked for personal documentation (passports etc) on the day of the claim so that false claimants can be returned the day their false claim is decided. Any messing around by the government should be chargeable.
This way we stay in the law, and knowing that the dangerous attempt to reach the West will result in either death or failure will deter others.
Advertising campaigns in the countries where they mostly originate from should publicise this.
The bogus asylum seekers will always claim asylum, and if we are to remain legal then their false cases must be heard.
‘President’ Juncker said last week that, in future, poverty should be grounds for asylum. (No, it was well after April 1st.) Given that The Great Brun re-defined poverty as a percentage of the UK’s average wage, I’d guess that four billion people are now eligible. Maybe we should ‘look again’ at asylum?
Stuff remaining “legal”. We must look after our own.
Sink the boats, in the middle of the Med, for maximum drownings. If anyone wishes to take the UK to court let them do so.
There is a war for survival going on, we need to start shooting in the Med, and start shooting at home. The BBC would be a good place to start the UK shooting.
Agree with that in full. At least this time Mr Taxpayers guided weapons falling on Libya would have an more positive outcome than last time.
Again the media in general are putting up the story these are people fleeing from Libya which blatantly isn’t always the case.
What will happen in Bristol, as elsewhere, is that in 10 years, they will have swollen in number, pushing out any white English, like they have to date, and have their own candidate, but will announce they will be a Sharia area, separate from us, but using the NHS and local amenities paid by us, the infidels. All around that area, you see gangs of the youths, sullen, menacing and chewing Quat, or however you spell it, gobbing the juice over the pavements. The BBC will not show you that.
You didn’t receive the leaflet through you door informing you of your luck on being in a area chosen for “cultural enrichment ” did you ? No matter, report to room 101, BBC Whiteladies Rd Bristol. There you will receive an informative briefing on the shape of things to come. Good day sir, oh, and be seeing you No 6.
Thank you for that, I never knew it existed. Explains many things about a show that I watched as a spellbound 11year old. In those days magical things like this and “Monty Python” would just appear without any big media event. The growth of the media hydra with its tentacles everywhere would be one of the things he would have been against.
What in so many ways was wonderful about this interview was its freedom, smoking, an invited audience of INTELLIGENT followers, ( was that Tom Wolfe, ? ) an interviewer who sees his role as allowing the interviewee to speak his mind, not being there to just grab some reflected glory for his own shallow career ( all modern day interviewers please note ). Oh to see such freedom and intelligence on a screen these days, we have truly dumbed down.
I actually live outside Bristol, but have occasion to travel through that area and have seen it decline badly, since the Somalian horde has arrived,,,come and have a look…BBC local TV never show you the truth, sirens at night, most youths packing knives, as is their ‘custom’.
you heartless bastard, I was informed by our wonderful BBC ( worth every penny ) on Radio 4 that “the refugees were in a terrible state of anxiety”.
Surely any right thinking country, wanting to face the challenges of the 21st century, shouldn’t cavil at the prospects of millions of ‘terribly anxious’ refugees who want to be housed fed and clothed at our expense….
Why do I do this to myself?? Just put on Victoria Derbyshire debate on immigration. UKIP spokesman interrupted constantly as he tried to respond to her initial question. In fact he pointed this out to her at which point she backed off a tad. Yet when the SNP spokesman made some comment about immigrants being blamed for all the ills of modern life including Nigel Farage getting stuck on a motorway; Victoria helpfully pointed out it was the M4.
I can assure you that it wont happen again!! By the time I am off in the week again it is to be hoped that the BBC has come to its sense and taken this tripe off the air.
Radio Al Beeb Wales this morning had representatives of all parties discussing the forthcoming election. UKIP’s Nathan Gill was completely shouted down by the others when he tried to answer questions on immigration. Off switch.
Watched VD on TV instead – Again a biased audience with the usual whooping cheerleaders and more bias . Off switch once more for something I am forced to bloody pay for – where is the justice in that?
Get rid of this TV tax or get rid of the ‘so called’ Trust !
The problem is that there’s no choice of factual/debating radio channels. The only one I can get other than BBC ones is LBC, but that is Londoncentric, has a majority of lefty/liberal “progressive” presenters and callers who speak a sort of mangled English with baffling accents. I turn it off in despair as quickly as Biased Beeb. Are there any choices other than the net?
The Conservatives are always babbling on about the economy, the economy this, the economy that, blah blah blah, they never talk about the culture or the destiny of the nation like the French do. As an antidote to the General Election coverage BS, here’s Jared Taylor.
The BBC lets Red Ed put a positive spin on that hideous, embarrassing stone, whilst giving him the opportunity to take a dig at the Tories:
“It’s to remind working people in this country. I’m absolutely serious about changing how this country works,” says Miliband. He highlights Nick Clegg’s broken promise and David Cameron’s on immigration – both before the 2010 election – as proof of why such cast-iron, or cast stone, guarantees are needed.
If Nigel Farage or David Cameron had produced a tablet full of empty political slogans, and wanted to put that monstrosity in the garden of a Grade I listed building, I’m pretty sure it would get more than a passing comment in a round up of the day’s news.
It would have its own article, with a Have Your Say so that people could say, ‘Who does this prat think he is?!? Moses?’.
Yes, that “Ed Stone” of theirs seems to be beyond the usual scorn.
Had the Tories done anything so presumptuous, vainglorious and destructive to Mother Earths bounty?…they`d have been laughed off the screen and airwaves.
But the 10 0 Clock news last night referred to it as ” a novel way of campaigning”…and Miliband was allowed to say that “at least we`re all talking about it”.
Er, no Ed…like your pink van, your segregated Muslim audiences, Hodges tax dealings, Paedos Islington Expression(PIE)…no, the BBC are expressly NOT talking about it.
Hopefully we`ll be able to tramp the stone down on them all on Friday.
‘….He highlights Nick Clegg’s broken promise and David Cameron’s on immigration – both before the 2010 election – as proof of why such cast-iron, or cast stone, guarantees are needed….’
What guarantees?… They are not pledges just words…any old words….platitudes.
Miliband is leading an unbelievably audacious campaign…on almost every issue criticising the Tories for everything that Labour screwed up , from the economy to education, from the benefits system to the NHS.
And then Miliband has the gall to call Cameron out on immigration…when he himself refuses to put a number on the limits he would apply.
I don’t know about #Edstone….it more like a gall stone to me.
Many think that when Red Ed says he ‘wants to change how the country works’ it’s just more politicians ‘talk’. But remember, Ed is an ardent Marxist through and through and he means real fundamental change. He intends to bring Marxism to government.
As part of this he wants to restore State ownership and control of ‘the means of production distribution and exchange’, which was in the Labour ‘rule’ book until recently. That’s mostly everything, no-one will be safe from his plunder. And expect to see the leaders of our militant unions through the door from day one. He owes them big time.
He may look geeky but he’s dangerous to the freedoms we have gained and ruthless too. Don’t expect any understanding or tolerance from him if has the whip hand and you disagree with him and his party.
And the BBC is doing its utmost to get him elected.
Recently on the Guido Fawkes political website, I read a nauseating and deeply worrying article, which clearly illustrates how far the Labour Party is prepared to go in order to gain power on Friday. The aricle relates to a political meeting organised in Hodge Hill, West Midlands, organised by the Labour Party and addressed by Tom Watson M.P., Liam Byrne M.P. (the person who wrote the infamous Trasury note explaining that the country had run out of money), Jack Dromey M.P. (where was Harriet?) and the equally ghastly Sion Simon M.E.P.. Nothing wrong with that you might say, in view of the fact that we are going through an election campaign. But if you look at the photograph of the meeting, you will notice that the audience is Moslem and that the men and women attending the meeting are strictly segrated! I was always under the impression that the Labour Party was in the forefront of upholding the principle of equality, so why are these stalwart members of the party so content to ignore one of the party’s fundamental tenets in order to gain some extra votes? What this clearly illustrates is that the Labour Party is content to forget its principles in order to gain power at any price. It is interesting to note that the BBC has made no mention of this fact and it must be assumed that Auntie is also quite content to ignore her feminist credentials for the duration of this election campaign, irrespective of the future consequences of adopting such a stance.. This leads on to the wider question as to what will happen on Friday morning if no party gains an overall majority? Clearly the Labour Party will now agree to any deal with La Sturgeon and her S.N.P. pals in order to allow Mr. Ed to enter Downing Street. The result will be as Jim Sillars, the deputy leader of the S.N.P., predicted, that there will be another referendum held in Scotland next year on whether it should be allowed to become independent. South of the Border, the Moslem supporters of the Labour Party will demand their own concessions, one of them being that the principle of equality will not be upheld in largely Moslem areas, as well as the lawful introduction of Sharia courts. Are the British people so stupid as to sleep walk into this situation? The answer I am afraid is yes, as they have completely lost their self-respect in their continuous demand for greater financial support from the state.
In 1941, Winston Churchill addressed both branches of Congress in the United States, and during his speech he attacked the Axis powers by posing this simple question: “What kind of people do they think we are…?” One wonders how the great man would view the kind of people we have now become? What indeed has happened to the freedoms and independence for which he urged the British people to fight? When 70 pert cent of Britian’s state-educated pupils do not even take GCSE history, the answer I am afraid is obvious. It would appear that Thursday will be a seminal moment in our nation’s history and the British people need to wake up before then in order to deal with the Trojan horse that it already here, because the BBC will not alert them to this constitutional challenge.
The inspiration for the above entry was an article by the respected economic and social commentator, Jeff Randall, now sadly retired, which appeared in the Daily Telegraph, 30 January, 2012.
I posted here a few months ago how the female BBC news readers all seemed to have gone to the same dressmaker – Jane Hill, Sophie Rayworth and Fiona Bruce to name but a few; all in similar blue dresses with a ‘V’ shape in a round neck. At the time I mused whether these were provided by the BBC to save the poor dears having to buy all their own clothes. Well over the last week or two these dresses have all turned red – think Rita Chakrabati and Fiona Bruce on the 10pm BBC1 slot. Now this couldn’t be a subliminal message to vote Labour – could it? The red is very much the colour of Labour roses.
Good spot! Jo Coburn is thesame. The bigger question is how do you manage to sit through a bBC news presentation featuring any of the above gurning, smug, self satisfied, condescending and diverse lefty’s ?
Some Lib Dem I never seen or heard of before tweets that Cameron says he cant win the election outright privately to Clegg and that is major news and a reason to suspend the VD debate on immigration??? Audience member talking common sense about the immigration numbers and booed by sections of the BBC selected audience??? The BBC’s Norman Smith being allowed to make highly political interjections into the debate and yet have his views presented as the judgement of Solomon??? Thank goodness I am normally at work and don’t have to watch this garbage.
I found myself watching it with the kind of perverse curiosity that I watch most BBC “news” output as my blood gently boiled. In a way I welcome the BBC throwing all it can behind this nonsense as it shows just how out of touch with they really are.
Robin Brant back in full ‘Get Farage’ mode this morning. Bigs up tivial detail on referendum demand and posts a succession of tweets about some obscure EU vote last week. You would have thought Brant would have questioned Farage on the 6,000 new enrichments floating in, but maybe not.
.@Nigel_Farage says he will change his vote if he finds out he did vote against MEPs expenses disclosure #ge2015
I don’t know if this is happening where you are, but when I refreshed “The Guardian” website, I got invited to take part in a survey asking what I thought about it. It took a bit long to fill in, but it was a great opportunity to tell it what I thought about it. Given that it is the favourite newspaper of the BBC, I’d recommend all readers of this site to check it out.
So the bBC reports on Blacks rioting in Israel and according to the bBC they can only be victims. Everywhere blacks are they ruin;
and now Israel
and the ethical latte drinkers demand we import hundreds of thousands of these people into our midst.
Racist? nah just a good old observation. Oh and here’s the video of those poor innocent Ethiopian jews getting attacked by the nasty evil Jewish police. Take note over how those bastard motor scooters offend the innocent.
Right Israel, get tough and kick all the Ethiopian skinny bastards back to Ethiopia……see how long they last as jews there, then they’ll know real racism.
sorry guys, this time, as an Israeli, I can tell you that you don’t really know what’s going on (and I can’t blame you).
There is racism against Ethiopians, they are not really welcomed as Jews. They are different, very delicate people, humble, and they never complained for this unfair treatment they get here. Until a policeman hit an Ethiopian, a soldier. Finally, they had enough of it. Most Israelis support these protests (but not the violence few of the protesters used). It is a justified cause, justified protest. We feel uncomfortable knowing we didn’t really accept them as people of our kind because they look so different. We brought them here, to a very different world from what they knew before, and gave them very little help to adjust to it. In this situation, no wonder some of us wrongly thought we are better than them, and we can humiliate them..
We don’t blame them. It’s a wake-up call for us.
So I’m watching the bBC interviewing an eyewitness to the shooting of 2 armed gunmen in Dallas by Police. LIsten to the bBC man’s questions, he really goes out of his way in which to find a racist angle of the intended victims in which to excuse the murderous intent of the followers of peace. Eyewitness: ‘Some were opposed to US cartoon event’ Eyewitness Stephanie Conway told the BBC there were people who were opposed to the event, but she saw nothing threatening.
Those people who opposed the event, they were on facebook
Nigel Farage on LBC this am and I think all callers were sympathetic or neutral.
Nigel Farage on R4 this pm and so far I’ve heard five callers, all hostile. Every single one.
Only caught a couple of minutes of Nigel Farage on TWAO, once again bBC setting the traps with the callers selected with questions such as “You went to public school aren’t you the establishment….” “Why not many women candidates…” a Brit living in Barcelona worried about Britain s exit from the EU (no bias there!)
Classic example of BBC ‘coverage’ of UKIP during the campaign. Pre-selected questions on the standard anti-UKIP smears. Beeboid has prepared follow-ups ready – Farage said thay have 16% female candidates; Beeboid has been ‘told’ that is the lowest of any party. At least she gave him an opportunity to respond to her prepared ‘facts’; unlike JoCo who sneered them in and rapidly ‘moved on’.
I too heard that “our researchers found” meme that had obviously been set earlier by the BBC.
In cahoots with their plant who asked it.
The topics chosen were all BBC shibboleths that test liberal values of theirs-only surprised that “climate change” didn`t get asked.
Farage did very well-the patience of Job that lad.
I`m voting for his grace under constant fire, abuse and assault…only suits the UAF/SWP/Cybernats if we`re scared off from voting for him.
I`d get UKIP to press a complaint about the “spontaneous questions” from “the public”-they sounded co-ordinated and scripted from Tarquin and Jocasta from Holland Park, IMHO.
The BBC wouldn’t want to talk about his intention to repeal the ‘Climate Change’ Act, he might tell listeners a few scientific truths the BBC don’t want them to hear.
The bBC and its love fest with the SNP: Election 2015: Scuffles at Scottish Labour event in Glasgow Mr Murphy said it was evidence that the SNP was trying to disrupt the democratic process, but demonstrators interviewed by the BBC denied that they were there on behalf of the SNP.
So according to the nice unbiased people at the bBC, the SNP weren’t involved in attacking anybody who doesn’t sing to their tune of “Freedom”
Here is how the Scottish Daily Record reports the same story: Comedian Eddie Izzard slams violent nationalist protestors following ugly scenes as he joined Jim Murphy in Glasgow EDDIE Izzard has hit out at “violent” and “aggressive” nationalist protesters as scuffles broke out when he campaigned in Scotland with Labour’s Jim Murphy. The cross-dressing comedian teamed up with the Scottish Labour leader in the centre of Glasgow this morning. Protesters, some waving SNP leaflets, attempted to drown them out, branding Murphy a “traitor” and a “warmongerer”
First of all I am concerned at how the left feel that it is their right to violently protest anybody who doesn’t think their way. Be it CND,anti immigration, anti-fur,meat, students. These people feel that it is their human right to abuse,silence and in cases attack those who think differently.
Secondly why does the bBC go out of its way it which toa ct as damage limitation for those who abuse others
Thirdly, nice to see labour getting a taste of their own medicine.
Leftist Eddie Izzard on the receiving end of lefty anti-democratic bully boy tactics. And he’s the sort of ‘comedian’ who approves when it’s UKIP on the receiving end.
Can they rerun this ? I need time to get up there and get a good seat for the fisticuffs. Might be better than the recent boxing match, does darling Eddie wear the full high heels, black stockings and shortish dress and full lippy ? I’ll pay £ 100 scottish quid to see him up against a Nat in full kilt and ” Braveheart ” undies.
Yep, glad to see the Left getting the consequences for allowing Thatchers death to be co-opted for Satans State…
Reap what you sow lads…and Eddie!
Biblical concept, therefore will hand myself into the Kirk to get same sex/global warming re-education.
Jesus spoke of little else.
That said, have a regard for Jim Murphy, Alistair Darling etc…pity we`re losing their like to the Tartanazis!
It is now clear that Scotland must leave the UK. I would go so far as to suggest that it is necessary to preserve the peace of the realm.
If the nats do not get their way then only trouble of all sorts will follow. The Shire English are indifferent now to the fate of Scotland. The union is not worth a single extra concession or pound. Get rid of it and soon.
Some more balance and impartiality from the BBC. Love the way they use the quotation marks – it’s not us that thinks this it’s what people say, we are just the thoroughly impartial BBC reporting the err facts…
BBC – Have pictures of Muhammad always been forbidden?
As the MSM or is that the enemedia, prostrate themselves to Allah, the Sharia compliant shills at the BBC, wants to know how long for? … (shakes head).
BBC – always first to kowtow with its “enrichment” programme,
and with its yellow streak as wide as a Heathrow runway.
“The issue of depicting the Prophet Muhammad”
What does the Koran, the holy book say?, What does Islamic tradition say on the matter? The portrayal of ahem … “the Prophet”? … and Muslims in general as terrorists is seen as particularly offensive.
etc, etc, etc. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-30813742
I noticed it first at around the time of the ‘nothing to do with Islam’ murders in Paris. No idea why it changed. But, to paraphrase the Bard: a turd by any other name still smells of shit
Is it me or has Jo Coburn got a face for radio, too? What is it with the bbbc? Why do I have to sit and view unattractive women looking into the camera and talking to me. Is it a plot by the bbbc to stop me being a heterosexual?
Mind you, there is always that Rita Chakrabhati…..Oh, no….sorry, bad example………
Why does the BBC insist in its headlines to referring to Mo as the Prophet Mohammed? He’s not the Prophet to me.
And yet the BBC punctiliously refers to ‘so called Islamic State’?
I did a search a few months ago of the BBC website using only the term ‘prophet’. As I already anticipated, the only time it is used preceding a name, as a mark of reverence, is with Muhammed.
Jesus, Moses, Elijah, etc might be referred to as prophets, but only in the context of a sentence for reference – not reverence.
(I will also mention that the BBC search engine has been progressively ruined over recent years. It used to have the facility to choose the dates and other stipulations to define the results but they got rid of it, probably claiming it has been improved.)
While looking through some of the links I came across one which I think everybody will find very interesting. It’s the script for the documentary ‘In the footsteps of Muhammed’. Reading it one can see all the justifications the BBC uses to convey to the public that Islam is a religion of peace, using scholars from various universities to give credence to that claim. Here’s how they explain how the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem has come to be the third most holiest site in Islam, despite Jerusalem NEVER being referred to even once in the Koran. However, one of their ‘experts’ appears to present the Muslim claim as though it was. In the Footsteps of Muhammad
I actually read this and was surprised how tortured it was to present “jihad” favourably and allowed an awful lot of interpretive licence. I don’t think “rights” were routinely grounds for some wars in seventh century Arabia. The BBC was strained to favour a benevolent view of Islam with quite outrageous interviewees who were not challenged. What was – not – odd is that there were grounds for disputing the more egregious “reasoning” and authorities that would have clarified to the listener where the better understanding lay regarding these issues. BBC chose their “experts” who chose to go full political. So many “erm’s betray anxiety and bad faith.
David Shukman has this piece on the Science – Environment website. The warmists are on the comments. Few of them appear capable of reading or applying basic reason and rational thought, but that’s religious nutters for you.
David start us off with an opening sentence with “…..Changes in the Arctic Ocean are so profound that the region is entering what amounts to “a new era”, according to Norwegian scientists…” . Wow David. Should we be worried?
David explains that Norwegian scientists are mounting an expedition to the Arctic. They are looking at ice thickness and age in the Arctic Ocean, in the arctic winter. Oh, very good. I wonder if they have been doing this for a long time. I guess we must have a heck of a lot of data to be asserting that “..changes in the Arctic Ocean are so profound…”. Do we David? Have lots of data?
…. The director of the institute, Jan-Gunnar Winther, said that measuring what happens in the winter was vital to improving scenarios for future climate change. Did he now David? Did he tell us anything else?
… “We have almost no data from the Arctic Ocean in winter – with few exceptions – so this information is very important to be able understand the processes when the ice is freezing in early winter and we’ll also stay here when it melts in the summer,” he explained. …
I guess that tells us what we need to know David. “We have almost no data..” A bit boring really. A story along the lines of ‘We know nowt, so we’re off to measure a few things so we will know a little bit more than nowt’ doesn’t tend to make too exciting a story. Shouldn’t get in the way of the end-is-nigh-Armageddon conclusions to support the warmist narrative.
Whilst the work that these scientists are doing will no doubt provide interesting data for current and future scientific investigations, this basic data gathering exercise has been used by David to push the religious warmist propaganda, and indeed the usual devotees, warmons and warmistas make their comments below the article, inferring that their genocidal solutions (yes, real eco-loon nutters comment on these articles who advocate mass extermination of humans) have some foundation in rationality, reality and humanity.
Oh, when will the BBC cease employing charlatans and politically motivated believers in AGW to report on these subjects? When will they employ scientifically qualified reporters who can report on any aspect of investigative science, without feeling the need to link it to the governmental scam which was once known as Global Warming, but is now known as Climate Change (on account of the globe not actually warming).
Surely the BBC could remove these articles from the ‘Science and Environment’ tab on the website to a new category. Perhaps the category ‘Religion’ would be more apt?
David Shukman, Roger Harrabin. Enemies of science, reality deniers, enemies of truth, distorters of facts, receivers of large salaries, deceivers of large numbers, layers down of large personal carbon footprints.
Scrap the telly tax, and put David Shukman, Roger Harrabin et al. out of work. I’m sure Greenpeace or Friends of the Earth will give them a job more suited to their propagandist skills?
Another threat is from polar bears, and one approached the ship while we were on board.
In the darkness of the polar winter, Dr Jennifer King was in a small group working under the Lance’s floodlights when a bear guard suddenly spotted one of the animals emerging into the light.
“It was 25m away, standing up on ridge looking at us, looking like a majestic king of the Arctic – it was very beautiful but the heart stops.”
Its difficult to find any data on cloud cover of the Arctic in Winter, satellites could be able to see Clouds at night, but its seen as unimportant as Clouds do not reflect Solar radiation at night. Clouds trapping heat in the polar regions in the Winter make these regions far less relevant for all three Global Warming Theories:
(1) The Sun shining through CO2 makes the Tropics the best place to cherry pick for Global Warming.
(2) The Sun shining in the Tropics makes this the best place to cherry pick for increased Solar Irradiance.
(3) The Sun shining in the Tropics makes this the best place to cherry pick for decreased Cloud cover.
Therefore the obsession with the Polar regions is very unscientific, but would explain why polar scientists are favoured by the BBC. Polar scientists would be more in the dark about causational climate science than scientists dealing with temperature measurements in the Tropics.
This proves that the BBC must be censoring the better qualified scientists, because they are not telling the BBC what they want to hear.
It was rather revealing that the best qualified Climate scientist at that BBC Climate Change seminar, was a Polar region “temperature measurer woman“.
BBC – Climate drives new era … ya da ya da ya da
“director of the institute, Jan-Gunnar Winther, said that measuring what happens in the winter was vital to improving scenarios for future climate change.”
… shameful that the BBC puts this under science?
oops! apologies … I nearly forgot the “science” is erm “settled”
“A new era has entered, we are going from old ice to young ice, thinner ice and the climate models used today have not captured this new regime or ice situation.
“So knowing how it is today can improve climate models which again improve the projection for global climate change.”
A bit of trouble on the Radio Devon Facebook page when one of their listeners gave a ticking off to one of their presenters Bill Buckley (him of That’s Life) who had said there had been too much coverage of the naming of the new royal. Well, for balance, I posted this onto the BBC Radio Devon facebook page:
“I see the Labour Party are now segregating people at their meetings. Hang on? Isn’t that called apartheid? Hell Yes, the Labour Party, the Apartheid Party. Where are you putting your cross this Thursday good people of Devon?”
Sort of OT, but example of media group-think: there is a huge fuss over the power of Nicola Sturgeon but no real analysis on the Lib Dems. With Clegg looking likely to lose his seat, Tim Farron could be king-maker on Friday morning but no one mentions this possibility. Miliband and Farron; the ‘Dream Team’!
BBC rightly condemns the SNP supporters drowning out Labour’s Mr Murphy. Pity they don’t try to keep control of their own audiences whenever a Tory or UKIP speakers opens their mouth.
Mair on PM Radio4 demonstrating yet again his grasp of the issues in his calm and collected interview with Geller.
“Doesn’t the fact that the exhibition has. been held demonstrate that freedom of speech is alive and well in the USA?” This must be the most stupid question ever asked on the BBC. Mair must still think, because it’s Dallas, the two gunmen were liquored up non-muslim cowboys who rode into town to shoot up the sheriff.
Geller was clear and cogent in what she said, maybe Mair will have a cosy chat with Wilders too.
The other thing about the pre-recorded Geller interview, was Our Eddie said that it was brief as she was rushing to board a flight; yet when it was played there was no sense that she wanted to get through it as fast as possible. P.G. is indepedently wealthy, AFDI is well funded and coupled with the security she needs due to the Usual Suspects, I would expect it to be a private flight she would be on anyway – from which she could have done the interview. It seemed quite odd how it was curtailed, perhaps due to its content being too close to reality instead of BBC La La land.
SNP excrement make the BNP seem like the Salvation Army but yet these vile bigoted knuckle-dragging zealots are portrayed as progressives. They are nothing but insular, ignorant and racist filth.
‘They are nothing but insular, ignorant and racist filth’.
Ah, but you see through the BBC lens progressives such as the SNP can only ever be ‘angry’ whilst it is the sole preserve of the right to display ‘hate’
Check carefully through BBC reports – you will soon see how it works.
The National Socialist Scottish Workers Party. It’s like watching newsreels of the early 30’s in Berlin.
I don’t recall the Beeb being upset at the treatment of Nigel Farage.
all i can say is yes the politacal anti ukip bias in this election from the bbc and the rest of the media has been disgusting.but here is the thing,if your working class like me and you vote for red ed and labour on thursday you are a fool.a damm fool,and if you do vote for labour on thursday dont you dare complain about the tsunami of politacal correctness and mass immigration that will follow for certian,vote labour on thursday and you are just betraying your working class roots and you deserve what you get if red ed gets into power.
I take some (but not much) comfort from the view that maybe it has to get worse, and even more blatant, before it gets better. 5 years of Labour Party political correctness, Islamophilia and mass immigration might make the ‘counter-revolution’ started by Farage really take hold.
Or should I carry on planning my escape? … Thailand?
BBC – Prophet cartoon attack: Suspected gunmen ‘named’
whose “Prophet”? … yours? mine? … obviously the BBC s though
“suspected gunmen” BBC for wannabe Islamic mass murderer
hmm picked Texas, where erm “everyone s packin”
anyways … interesting interview re – Texas, this interviewer must
be ex beebot
Thanks noggin-keep these coming will you?
Don`t think I`ve seen a clearer line between truth and weasel apologists for Islam.
If only the BBC would allow 13 mins of Kirsty Wark talking to Douglas Murray without Medhi Hasan…then we`d get the exposition of the liberal privileged left as it flails, smears and sneers at those who speak the truth about Islam.
Great to see the principles so starkly laid bare…Geller speaks for us all.
Can only imagine the bile coming from Justin Webb, from our BBC correspondents and the Democrats-blame Geert Wilders, Spencer, Geller and thank Islam for the headline news they continue to create for the comfortable flaccid Left.
Who shot first?…was it a provocation?…all questions that onlybthe BBC would ask.
Now-what about that clamour of us all to reopen an inquiry into the death of Bin Laden?
Come on BBC?…”the public have a right to know”.
As if YOU`D know, you liberal scum!
Just watching the hideously white footage on tonights bBC VE Day program, producers must have been searching high and low for a bit of diversity, failed so far, where’s Lenny?
Ironic really as most of their dramas depicting the time would have us believe otherwise…
Sorry Geoff but I told you so .
When the programme was first advertised I though they would twist history.
Our fathers that fought so hard in the last war must be rolling in their graves .
There aren’t many things on the telly these days that have me roaring with laughter but…
The sight of the Scottish Labour Party leader mincing about with an English comedian(?) who wears more make up than a Joan Collins drag act and is then set upon by the most repulsive bunch of far left bigots did have me chuckling. What, in the name of God, were they thinking?
There is nothing cuddly, progressive or reasonable about the SNP. They’re bigots who absolutely detest the English, though never enough to refuse our generous hand outs. They’re the UAF in a tartan kilt and a deep fried Mars bar with chips on both shoulders.
But the look on Eddie Izzards rouged and mascaraed face as he pouted for the cameras and whined pitifully about “democracy.”
Absolutely priceless!
Disgusted at the BBC.
I was happily watching the VE Day Remembered until 9.10 pm. I even thought that the BBC was showing what a good job it could do as a national broadcaster. At the back of my mind though I wondered why this was being shown on the 4th of May and not on the 8th on May which of course is the anniversary of VE Day. At 9-10 pm all was revealed. We got a 10 minute plug about how there was a Labour landslide 8 weeks later and how the NHS was founded etc etc.
I ask you how on a programme about VE day do we manage to get to events 8 weeks later which just happen to show the Labour party as being a founder of modern Britain?
The BBC are the most cunning set of bastards. My God I hope that we manage to avoid having the Mad Marxist as PM and that we elect a government who will stuff the BBC . I hate their guts.
Did the BBC not mention that it was the 1944 White Paper, published by Tory MP and war-time Minister for Health, Sir Henry Willink that called for the creation of the NHS?
For instance, the USA saw the UK as heading towards Communism and vital loans became difficult and very expensive. The country became crippled and rationing continued until the early 1950’s.
The Labour PM Bevan has been heavily criticised since but of course no mention.
And of course there was extensive mention of black immigrants to help the country. Immigration at that time was on a minute scale but the point was made that immigration was and is good for us.
VE Day itself lasted about 10 minutes.
And a parade of BBC luvvies to give us their hilarious yet poignant memories of the time.
Hear, hear!! …………
What began as a documentary about the end of the 2nd World War became a party political broadcast on behalf of the liebour party.
The sacrifices of the people both civilian and military were hardly mentioned. I am surprised that we didn’t have that odious Russell Brand getting his face on the programme,. All the left wing bbbc luvvies all had a little spot to make their comments. etc etc.
I am convinced that the bbbc are just waiting for the last of the war veterans to die and then I would bet my mortgage that withing 18 months we will be getting all the revisionist documentaries about the second world war – about how the troops didn’t really believe in what they were doing, how they didn’t really understand what they were doing, how the ethnic minorities are always under represented and, of course how awful the bombing of Dresden was….
reply to Dover View : Bevan was never PM. Otherwise, I agree with most of your points.
But why should there be “an opposing view”? This sort of programme should be reporting, commenting on newsreels etc. NOT putting forward views. This what the Biased ones are up to all the time: slipping in their own agenda. They have to be watched like hawks.
” I hope that we manage to avoid having the Mad Marxist as PM and that we elect a government who will stuff the BBC ”
And who exactly might that be? UKIP aren’t fielding enough candidates to win a majority and once the election is over they won’t be able to change the agenda.
As has been said before, if you want action against the BBC you need to hope for a government of the right with no Lib Dem influence. This can happen with DUP and UKIP supporting the Tories, IF and only IF, UKIP and the Tories can win 315 seats between them.
Obviously tactical voting is necessary, with Tories and UKIP voters voting for whichever party has the best chance of beating Labour in a constituency . That way UKIP could win a lot more than the handful of MPs they will get otherwise, perhaps 15 to 20 , and the Tories can get towards 300, with the DUP having around 10 seats, that will give a working majority and keep Labour out. UKIP will have the influence to ensure there is a free and fair referendum on the EU and can call the shots on dealing with the BBC.
The prize for UKIP is big, the prize for the country enormous. Why don’t Tory and UKIP voters see that their interests coincide to a large degree?
I suppose UKIP supporters are still sore at being described by the Prime Minister (not a cheap hack, but the Prime Minister) as “fruitcakes”etc.
The remark which lost any chance of a Conservative majority.
Why don’t Tory and UKIP voters see that their interests coincide to a large degree?
On the big issue, securing our borders, Tories are inseparable from Labour in supporting open-door immigration. I have no common ground with Cameron – why would I vote for him?
The Tories are offering a referendum on EU membership. In a position of influence UKIP can work with the right of the Tory party to ensure that any such referendum is free and fair, as Mr F wishes it to be, and campaign for exit to get control of the borders. There is no chance of a referendum unless the Tories lead the government. So if controlling our borders is your ‘red line’ why wouldn’t you work for a Tory/UKIP/DUP alliance of one sort or another, and tactical voting , Tory/UKIP and vice versa, is the only way to bring such an alliance about.
… UKIP can work with the right of the Tory party to ensure that any such referendum is free and fair…
It’s a stitch-up. Cameron and Clegg have already agreed how to offer it, but guarantee a stay-in result. Children and migrants will be allowed to vote. All the media will run scare stories of the waste-land if we leave. The Beeb will be in the lead. ‘Pretenderendum’ – Douglas Carswell.
Can`t we do the SNP for transfat phobia or such, in regard of their bullying of Dame Eddie Izzard?
Bloke has had weeks of mincing about in a skirt and heels as if it`s not all a Labour Party freak show…at least the descendents of Tommy Sheridan aren`t putting up with the Grayson Perry charade of “normality in diversity”.
The Emperors New Clothes?…raid your stepmums wardrobe, so it seems.
Putin and IS must be laughing.
Hope Eddie wears his hijab when he goes to Brum…and sits with the laydeez as Labour seems to like.
Daily Politics this morning and there’s a ’round-up’ of the political parties at the beginning of the show. There was a lib, a lab and a con but nothing of UKIP – you’d think they weren’t contesting this election. In fact, there was barely a mention of UKIP throughout the entire programme. The only mention was by Professor Curtis in relation to marginal seats. I thought UKIP were regarded as a major party now and were accorded equal time with the others. It seems to me that the Beeb is denying UKIP the ‘oxygen of publicity’ in contravention of the rules.
‘ I thought UKIP were regarded as a major party now and were accorded equal time with the others.’
We all thought that, coz the Beeb told us so… OFCOM ruling, blah, blah… But being a law unto themselves, the Beeb moved the goalposts:
What is alarming about the timings, and therefore audience figures, is that the BBC told me themselves that they’re not interested in what Ofcom says, and that they make up their own rules about what is a priority and what isn’t. According to them, UKIP simply isn’t important enough and the cabinet office position is not binding on them.
“the BBC told me themselves that they’re not interested in what Ofcom says, and that they make up their own rules”
Given Ofcom is often cited as the solution to the woeful oversight standards the BBC is held to, maybe something all advocating this, such as the Future of the BBC inquiry, should take note of.
The BBC comedic choices in complement are interesting. Frankie Boyle, now Jo Brand.
It’s only a pity we will not be treated to the satirical take on such ‘non news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) as the #Edstone or Labour’s segregated meeting special.
One rather suspects they will not need a laugh track, as we face a future of bussed in audiences more than schooled in Kim Yong Un applause cues.
Those who wish to preserve their televisions should put protective screens across before attempting to watch. I certainly won’t watch. Nothing could stop me hurling my TV dinner at the Samsung, followed by shoes, furniture and a full chamber pot. Is that awful feminist the mother of the charming Russell Brand?
Bevan was never PM. Otherwise, I agree with most of your points.
But why should there be “an opposing view”? This sort of programme should be reporting, commenting on newsreels etc. NOT putting forward views. This what the Biased ones are up to all the time: slipping in their own agenda. They have to be watched like hawks.
Surfing this morning I caught Al – Jazera’s report of the Texes shooting that the studio newsreader speaking over footage called the dead ” the followers of the Islamic prophet Mohammed “………..well bugger me, when you have a Muslim TV station coming from a Muslim country calling it correctly what excuse does the bloody bbc have for being craven cowards for endlessly telling us he is “the prophet Mohammed ” ?
Not my prophet, not now, not in the past not ever as long as I breathe, so try and not insult me bbc or I might get angry and upset and I might feel the need to take direct action.
It was the more moderate BBC staff who moved to Al Jazeera.
Many a true word is said in jest.
Al Jazeera is obviously also biased but at least some of the people there retain the ability to separate personal bias from professional responsibilities and produce some decent content.
The BBC, in contrast, simply cannot report a thing without putting its own idiotic leftie spin on it.
I’ve been absolutely disgusted by the BBC’s left biased coverage of the election. How on earth can a state funded broadcaster that’s supposed to represent everyone get away with this? Why aren’t the conservatives doing anything about this?
The daily election roundup is a 30-minute blatant propaganda broadcast for the Labour party. I’ve been watching for a few weeks now and the format is the same. It is repulsive:
Around 25 minutes wall to wall Labour coverage
Around 3 minutes Tory coverage (always negative spin)
There’s two invited commentators – always from Labour supporting newspapers (Guardian, New Statesmen, Independent etc) that are fed loaded questions by the anchor which are clearly intended to get them to launch into a Tory attack.
Yesterday the coverage was even more ridiculous. The clips showed all three party leaders with the usual blatant prominence given to Miliband giving his spiel for several minutes. This was followed by a two second clip of the PM which was cut mid sentence (I notice it was strategically cut before he mentioned the SNP).
They are already talking about communist Miliband as though he’s PM. This is a affront to democracy and has to be stopped.
They need to rename themselves the Blatantly Biased C***s.
You need more of your medication my friend. One of the main aspects of the election is the NHS but one thing you haven’t heard on the Beeb is any serious consideration of the abysmal effect that the non mandated Health and Social care Act has had. Everyone is so disillusioned that Gps are looking to retire early there are a dearth of new recruits and half of the doctors that qualify are now going straight to Australia. Virtually every metric in that organisation has tanked and now is oven ready for wholesale acquisition by the private sector.Even the Yanks are warning us.
The BBC are keeping everything Tory out of the news and discussion except for the notion that the Tories have made a great job on the economy.They are pedalling pure Tory nonsense. Without PR this is a phoney election. Without the facts properly discussed this is more than a farce.
Needless to say when the dust settles there will be money to be made, and it won’t be by the average Joe in the street.
At 7.55 “Today” revisited the Rotherham child abuse affair, interviewing the new South Yorkshire Police & Crime Commissioner. We had reference to the police, local & national government but the word “Labour” was never uttered.
Nor was the M word. He seemed slightly baffled and also thought that everyone was to blame, including the public for insisting the police concentrate on car crime and burglary!
He made regular reference to the Alexis Jay inquiry so must surely know that “At an operational level, the Police gave no priority to CSE, regarding many child victims with contempt and failing to act on their abuse as a crime.” and that “By far the majority of perpetrators were described as ‘Asian’ by victims, yet throughout the entire period, councillors did not engage directly with the Pakistani-heritage community to discuss how best they could jointly address the issue. Some councillors seemed to think it was a one-off problem, which they hoped would go away. Several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.”
If only the BBC had the resources to have googled that before the interview.
Flexdream – “regarding many child victims with contempt”
A couple of months ago I was a little stung by a (Labour supporting?) comment on one website which claimed that all the comment coming from the right was phoney as those people would have regarded the abused as white trash. Interesting that the Labour police authority, Labour local council and all the PC PCs made that attitude official policy.
It looks like there is going to be a big , a very big can of worms to be opened up with this decade of ”abuse”. How on earth will Al Beeb cover this ?
Perhaps the lonely, loony ‘Bus Driver’ or ‘Bunny the red’ may have some words of advice ?
You’re ‘casting pearls before swine’, noggin. Sometimes I’m amazed how Cameron gets away with it… then I read the comments of Tory voters and I understand.
But up in Yorkshire – and elsewhere – many people will be able to join the dots to the L word and the M word. The “new” angle on the blind eye turned on hard reports of 2003 that were deliberately ignored by both the police and the Councils helps to keep the whole issue in the minds of voters. It will be splashed across the local press ?
You can couple that to the weekend reports of some 3000 people a day, mostly economic migrants not genuine asylum seekers, being landed in Sicily / Italy. That can be rounded up to a flow as large as a million a year just by that one route. If that is the thin end of a wedge, Lord knows what the thick end would be – a far more massive inrush from sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East.
Both issues, very live now in the last days of the election, play directly to what UKIP is saying in Yorkshire and Lancashire. A plague on Labour – and a plague on the Tories and LibDems as well. And a plague on all Euro-blind politicians. Only UKIP has clean hands.
… many people will be able to join the dots to the L word…
My first reaction to the prominence of this story was surprise that the Beeb raised its profile two days before an election. But maybe it deflects blame everywhere but Labour (and Muslims – can’t insult your voters). Added to that, Sarah Champion has spent five years marketing herself as a champion of the abused; not a representative of the guilty party. Maybe it’s brilliant; allowing the memories to fester might be worse than acknowledging the story but deflecting blame.
Labour started this nonsense to ‘rub the Tories nose in it’. They never imagined that the greedy Tory bosses would come to love the cheap labour and the well-heeled Tory voters would be remote from the ‘enriched’ areas …for now, at least. So it’s the ordinary folk who are being primarily affected. Maybe it’s ‘every man for himself’. I’ll be able to live out my life in a rural area; let those who vote LibLabCon enjoy the enrichment.
“The country has become a boarding house of mutually hostile tribes, appeased by a Leviathan government endlessly confiscating the wealth created by autochthonous workers and giving it to the indigenous unemployed and immigrants and their offspring.”
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
What I’ve noticed, and it’s very subtle, is that whenever there are pictures of party leaders shown together on the BBC website, Miliband is always shown first. Yesteday for example we had a collage of four leaders in this order: Miliband, Clegg, Cameron, Farage. This is subtle psychological propoaganda which suggests that Miliband is PM material and it has been happening throughout the campaign whenever the party leaders have been shown together. Today we just have Miliband and Cameron, but again Miliband comes first. Surely the incumbent PM should be shown first and the challengers after or is that just me?
Quite true, but then he opens his mouth !!
Reminds me of a joke:
Light travels faster than sound.
That’s why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
a bad joke made even worse by the fact radio waves travel at the speed of light
please excuse my grumpyness but ive just woken up
now that ive posted and re-read, i should drink my coffee and eat my toast before i post. sorry misread your excellent joke
No problem. I was actually thinking of rewording the second bit to:
…That’s why some people appear bright until they speak.
It’s more concise and the meaning is equally clear.
Raging Bull. No, its not just you.
Yes, but I also note that the BBC are giving Miliband the last word before the election on many of their programmes.
You are right and the idiot is always smiling
Gurning more like.
Happened again tonight on main news then Burnham given first crack on East Midlands News. Blatant.
And now for the first time this evening (and in this campaign as far as I can remember) I see the BBC website shows Cameron first! If I didn’t know better I might think that someone read this blog!
Well let’s check that shall we? *clicks BBC website*
So you’re talking rubbish.
I notice also there seems to be strategic coordination between BBC and the Labour campaign which is deeply worrisome.
1-They realized now that ignoring UKIP was a huge mistake because it was actually helping the Tories. So now they talk about UKIP again and actually give them prime time.
2-They’ve censored any references to the SNP because they realized it was hurting Labour. Now every interview is edited to remove any reference to it or they just spin it as a Labour advantage.
3-They constantly drone on about the NHS and tell us it is the main election decider. They add subtle messages to lead the viewer with no doubt it would only be safe with Labour.
4-They ignore any references to the economy unless it is negative.
5-They completely ignored reports from the IMF which praised the coalition for management of the economy and the right balance of cuts. If this were Labour it would have been on every news bulletin throughout the week. I suppose it would make them look completely stupid given that the BBC’s has spent the last 5 years bashing every policy and saying it won’t work.
6-Whenever there’s a Labour policy announcement, it is immediately discussed by a supportive guest (either from Labor or left wing press). When there’s a Tory policy announcement it’s immediately followed by a counter argument as to why it’s wrong. Again with someone from Labour or the left wing press. Thus Labour policies are never challenged whereas Tory policies are always implied to be flawed (except on the “Daily Politics” which nobody watches except politicians and political anoraks).
This systematic bias has been going on for years and is successfully brainwashing the public.
And why are the BBBC muddying the waters over who is a legitimate winner. Paving the way for Red Ed no doubt.
Where is the bBC outrage at this Labour rally, where our citizens are so harmoniously integrated, that males and females are sitting apart.
just seen labour spokes ‘person’ on daily politics feign a non working headset when squirming to this question lmao
It’s getting more like an episode of “The Thick of It” every day.
Lefty Top Trumps in all its revolting, hypocritical glory.
Islam trumps women’s rights, so not a word from the BBC, Guardian, Harridan Harman nor any protest from feminist groups normally so quick to take offence.
In fact, if you can find any card in the pack which trumps Islam, I would be very, very surprised.
Two-faced leftist bastards.
Does anyone know what the Koran has to say about Moses? Does it make a favourable reference to his stone carving activities? The reason that I ask is that I am still trying to work out what motivated the Mad Marxist to go for the stone tablets. Was he trying to seek common cause with the three religions of the book and in doing so cover up Marx’s less than generous comments about religion and opium?
Even the BBC are struggling to find a favourable explanation.
Maybe Farage should pledge to put a 9ft stone in the garden and then Cameron could better him with a 10ft pledge.
What an absolute joke Milliband is. His supposed tax raising policies to pay for his pledges has seen HSBC think about moving its operations away from this country and no doubt other large companies would do the same. He tries to pretend Non Doms do not pay tax when they do on UK earnings plus the ‘Fee’ so if he implements for attack on Non Dom status we will lose a lot of that revenue. He does not know how he is going to administer the Mansion Tax or the rates and yet this is a major part of he so called ‘costed’ revenue stream. I could go on but the steam coming out of my ears is fogging up the room.
I knew the idea of the headstone had gone down badly when the BBC chose it to be well down their running order on yesterday evening’s BBC1 News.
If the worst happens and millibland gets to no. 10 Does Mr taxpayer foot the bill for moving the tablet of promises? Has this been paid for already or does he just have a polystyrene mock up left over from Spinal Tap http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=spinal+tap+stonehenge&FORM=VIRE3#view=detail&mid=03F22509916E6599EC7E03F22509916E6599EC7E
People might remember I fired off a complaint the other week about the BBCs use of footage of a US B-17 bomber in a intro of a programme about Churchill and the Battle of Britain.
Well I’ve had a reply ! And I guess this is as close as you get to an apology.
“Unfortunately this does seem to have been an oversight. We always strive for accuracy but sadly mistakes do sometimes slip through. We would like to thank you for bringing this to our attention”.
Kind regards
Stuart Webb.
Note he never actually apologises for mistaking a US bomber for a Nazi one, it’s just one of those things when mistakes ” sometimes slip through”. Sometimes ? It seems to me to be a bloody torrent on an hour by hour basis.
It’s not an ‘oversight’ it’s a fat stinking howler.
They either have a poor command of the English language or don’t like admitting when they are wrong.
Or maybe both.
‘Market rate’ my arse.
Well done in getting them to admit that much.
My FiL once complained to the BBC History Magazine about a series of photos used in an article about Operation Overlord. He pointed out that not only were the captions wrong but the photos were not taken where they said they were. He knew this because he recognised the photos from elsewhere.
Their response was that the photos were merely illustrative.
So accuracy and truth were not a prerequisite for an article on history! It seems they are so used to bending the truth they can no longer recognise it.
The classic was a photograph of a rabbit that ‘reportedly’ set fire to a cricket pitch shed with its burning tail.
‘Some say’ that the photograph was not of the actual rabbit, that one clearly being from the extreme right-wing of the pitch, but of a ‘progressive’ rabbit from the centre ground of rabbit politics, on the left of the pitch.
The BBC has since learnt that the rabbit was unarmed, (aren’t they all?), single and black, (it is now!), and had been set on fire by the white groundsman. All of the groundsmen are white and all of the rabbits, who constitute the majority of the population, are BAME. As a result inter-species tension is high.
The coalition government has failed to meet the demand for more urban green spaces despite the high birth rate and population growth. Only last week the head groundsman’s wife gave birth to a daughter, who confidently expects to lead the 2035 England Test side in Australia.
Maybe it depends on who replies to you ? Does the complaint get forwarded to the producer who cocked up for an answer and therefore some are more pliable to owning up ?
I feel that getting them bang to rights on a matter of fact rather than complaining about matters of subjectivity might be a way to go and get under their skin. I will do it again when I find something piss poor such as mistaking a B-17 for a Junkers 88.
Complaints should be made and followed up whatever the results. The BBC have to employ people to answer complaints and the appeals procedure is expensive to them in time and resources – Putting pressure on their finances could have an effect if more people complained .
Mistaking a B-17 for a JU88 is indeed a howler and, considering they were planes from different, opposing air forces a difficult one to comprehend. How does the film library make such a mistake never mind the films producers?
In the case I mentioned it was still a factual error but it is one they keep making. They do not seem to care if, for example, they show British troops taking cover in Italy and claim it shows them in France. They want to show British troops taking cover and see nothing wrong with choosing a photo from a different theatre. The image illustrates the article, supports whatever they wish to say even when it plainly doesn’t.
This carelessness with facts is spread across the BBC from factual programmes to drama. To them the truth is subjective and if they want to show a big aeroplane it does not matter if it is the wrong one entirely as long as the viewer/reader gets the message. This is a poisonous creed and, I think, explains a lot about how they think.
Re Islamic Texas Shooting
Robert Spencer. “The first amendment is our fundamental protection against tyranny.
Today … drawing Mohamhead is the line THEY have drawn … and so that’s where I m gonna stand”
Where would you?.
Where will the MSM?, now, we know the BBCs position already … the cabal of the enemedia?
the days ahead will clearly show that.
What next eh? … the Jews in Paris didn t draw a cartoon?
the Coptic Christians? … minorities in Syria?
Gays? … Lesbians?.
Freedom of speech? … or just freedom?
“whether American authorities will defend it … or will blame the victims and the targets … and kowtow yet again to violent intimidation.
… At this point I’m expecting the latter, but maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised”
P Geller.
I did love the Sky report this morning with an interview with Pamela Geller at the scene.
Somehow I doubt the bbc will be asking her for her full and frank views on “men ” wanting to close down free speech in Texas……
Well done to the Texas Police, we could do with some of you here guys.
Well done Texas police. Expect a grovelling response- from the Met here, assuring the fanatics that it won’t happen in the UK
The Met Police would have closed down the meeting and charged the organisers with thought crime.
“After the shooting Sunday night, R Spencer tweeted:
“The shooting outside our free speech event shows once again that moderate Muslims are unable or unwilling to rein in their violent brethren.”
“Jihad expert at Texas shooting warned students of ISIS in America – last week
David Hookstead – University of Wisconsin Madison
Queens University, having at first cowered from continuing with their Charlie Hebdo conference, then reinstating it last week, will be shitting themselves now. Lol!
Daily Fail – No Image of Mohamhead?
and …
No surprises BBC
BBC – Gunmen shot dead at Dallas conference on Prophet cartoons.
Whose Prophet? yours?, mine?, even a Prophet at all?
“Gunmen” … Islamic?
BBC – Eyewitness: ‘Some were opposed to US cartoon event’
Is that apart from Muslims and their enablers like the BBC?
“Who shot first?” asks Humphries incongruously on the Today programme.
Could it be more white, racist policemen shooting oppressed blacks? Another opportunity for a bout of BBC self-righteousness?. No the “men” shot first and everyone involved becomes colouless. “Men” again attacking a cartoon of the Prophet competition. BBC couldn’t possibly speculate without “all the facts”. It would have been a different “narrative” if the “men” hadn’t shot first. “Far right” Geert Wilders . Is Geert Wilders anymore of a Nazi than ISIS savages are ” militants”.
BBC will twitter on about freedom and VE day, but they are too spineless to show even a hair of the Prophet’s beard.
And the BBC’s article on it contained the now familiar sentence “It is not known if the events are related” which makes me laugh now every time I see it.
2000 African / muslim immigrants (invaders) were rescued from the Mediterranean yesterday, 4000 rescued last week. David Camoron and Sarkozy overthrew Gaddifa, before he was killed he had struck a deal with Italy to block them.
Anyway, here’s a heartwarming tale of Somalians (colonisers) in Bristol. Absolutely marvelous, I’m going to take a wild guess, I don’t think they’ll be voting UKIP.
Sink them!
I have a three step process;
1. Pro actively identify their vessels in harbour and destroy them before they sail with people on them.
2. Have a wall of steel at sea that stops ALL people trafficking vessels and return them to the port from which they sailed.
3. Europe cannot and must not become a receptacle for North African immigration. All illegals that DO make it there should be returned to from whence they came and the African Union asked to pick up the bill.
I would hazard a guess as to which way they would be forced to head once they get in to Europe, just in time for the EU referendum vote in the UK.
It seems to be a lost cause. The rest of Europe have no heart for a struggle. Even in the UK, UKIP optimists can hope, at best, for a percentage vote in the high teens. This when a million illegals are waiting in warehouses in Libya and they’re pouring over in thousands every day. The progressives have won the ‘enrichment’ argument. By the time reality dawns, it will be too late.
The elite don’t want anyone ‘to win’. They want chaos. Civil strife on a European (and US) scale.
Why? Well please tell me what the response will be from the suthorities? More draconina laws by any chance? The conjoining of Labour, Conservative and LibDem parties to form a coalition to ‘save the nation’? The abandonment of elections and therefore any democratic rights you thought you had? The banning of parties such as UKIP because they cause the inter-racial problems?
Easy, isn’t it. Freedom takes a lot more guts than dictatorship.
Peter Sutherland, Goldman Sachs banker and head of immigration at the U.N said ” European governments should do their utmost to undermine their own homogeneity.” That’s the NWO agenda, to create a Tower of Babel and subvert, destroy and finally abolish the nation state. ” Global Village ” is their new little phrase. It’s at 6.35
That’s one smug tranzi bastard who needs to dance the Spandau ballet one day soon.
So you’re proposing an invasion and a standing force in Libya? That’s what would be needed to destroy all the boats, and keep destroying them.
Return them to the port from which they sailed? Invasion again !
The way to do this is by that wonderful invention called radar! We don’t need to destroy the boats, because they’ll just be replaced, we need instead to arrest the people crewing them, and imprison them in their country of origin.
The bogus asylum seekers will always claim asylum, and if we are to remain legal then their false cases must be heard.
They should be held on an island like Lampedusa until their claim is decided, and then from their returned from whence they came.
A false claim for asylum is a criminal offence, although no one is ever prosecuted, holding people on suspicion of this makes it legal despite what the lefties think.
The process should be swift, not the 5 years plus which it take in the UK followed by no action when the claim fails. It could easily be done within 3 months.
Countries of origin should be asked for personal documentation (passports etc) on the day of the claim so that false claimants can be returned the day their false claim is decided. Any messing around by the government should be chargeable.
This way we stay in the law, and knowing that the dangerous attempt to reach the West will result in either death or failure will deter others.
Advertising campaigns in the countries where they mostly originate from should publicise this.
The bogus asylum seekers will always claim asylum, and if we are to remain legal then their false cases must be heard.
‘President’ Juncker said last week that, in future, poverty should be grounds for asylum. (No, it was well after April 1st.) Given that The Great Brun re-defined poverty as a percentage of the UK’s average wage, I’d guess that four billion people are now eligible. Maybe we should ‘look again’ at asylum?
Asylum? Couldn’t choose a better word.
“if we are to remain legal”
Stuff remaining “legal”. We must look after our own.
Sink the boats, in the middle of the Med, for maximum drownings. If anyone wishes to take the UK to court let them do so.
There is a war for survival going on, we need to start shooting in the Med, and start shooting at home. The BBC would be a good place to start the UK shooting.
Agree with that in full. At least this time Mr Taxpayers guided weapons falling on Libya would have an more positive outcome than last time.
Again the media in general are putting up the story these are people fleeing from Libya which blatantly isn’t always the case.
David Vance,
“Sink them! I have a three step process;”
But Vance, why haven’t you mentioned your preferred option; which is just to watch and do nothing while people drown?
“’Illegal immigrants’ rescued in Channel as boat fails
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-28072036 …
Perhaps you could spend next easter praying to God for more people to die at sea (only if they’re African of course!)
So what’s your solution Dez?
Still waiting for an apology, by the way.
… he is studying for an MSc in public health at the University of South Wales and works in the health sector.
‘He is studying for an MSc in public health.”
Usually it’s rocket science, nuclear physics or brain surgeon.
What will happen in Bristol, as elsewhere, is that in 10 years, they will have swollen in number, pushing out any white English, like they have to date, and have their own candidate, but will announce they will be a Sharia area, separate from us, but using the NHS and local amenities paid by us, the infidels. All around that area, you see gangs of the youths, sullen, menacing and chewing Quat, or however you spell it, gobbing the juice over the pavements. The BBC will not show you that.
You didn’t receive the leaflet through you door informing you of your luck on being in a area chosen for “cultural enrichment ” did you ? No matter, report to room 101, BBC Whiteladies Rd Bristol. There you will receive an informative briefing on the shape of things to come. Good day sir, oh, and be seeing you No 6.
I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.
My life is my own.
Who is Number 1?
No spoilers, but If you haven’t seen the 1967/68 series of The Prisoner, see the final episode ‘Fall-Out’.
You are Number Six.
A rare interview with Patrick McGoohan.
Thank you for that, I never knew it existed. Explains many things about a show that I watched as a spellbound 11year old. In those days magical things like this and “Monty Python” would just appear without any big media event. The growth of the media hydra with its tentacles everywhere would be one of the things he would have been against.
What in so many ways was wonderful about this interview was its freedom, smoking, an invited audience of INTELLIGENT followers, ( was that Tom Wolfe, ? ) an interviewer who sees his role as allowing the interviewee to speak his mind, not being there to just grab some reflected glory for his own shallow career ( all modern day interviewers please note ). Oh to see such freedom and intelligence on a screen these days, we have truly dumbed down.
I actually live outside Bristol, but have occasion to travel through that area and have seen it decline badly, since the Somalian horde has arrived,,,come and have a look…BBC local TV never show you the truth, sirens at night, most youths packing knives, as is their ‘custom’.
you heartless bastard, I was informed by our wonderful BBC ( worth every penny ) on Radio 4 that “the refugees were in a terrible state of anxiety”.
Surely any right thinking country, wanting to face the challenges of the 21st century, shouldn’t cavil at the prospects of millions of ‘terribly anxious’ refugees who want to be housed fed and clothed at our expense….
Why do I do this to myself?? Just put on Victoria Derbyshire debate on immigration. UKIP spokesman interrupted constantly as he tried to respond to her initial question. In fact he pointed this out to her at which point she backed off a tad. Yet when the SNP spokesman made some comment about immigrants being blamed for all the ills of modern life including Nigel Farage getting stuck on a motorway; Victoria helpfully pointed out it was the M4.
So you were the one watching Victoria Derbyshire.
I can assure you that it wont happen again!! By the time I am off in the week again it is to be hoped that the BBC has come to its sense and taken this tripe off the air.
It is well known that the millions of immigrants do not occupy houses, have children or use any means of transport. It’s wonderful!
Radio Al Beeb Wales this morning had representatives of all parties discussing the forthcoming election. UKIP’s Nathan Gill was completely shouted down by the others when he tried to answer questions on immigration. Off switch.
Watched VD on TV instead – Again a biased audience with the usual whooping cheerleaders and more bias . Off switch once more for something I am forced to bloody pay for – where is the justice in that?
Get rid of this TV tax or get rid of the ‘so called’ Trust !
The problem is that there’s no choice of factual/debating radio channels. The only one I can get other than BBC ones is LBC, but that is Londoncentric, has a majority of lefty/liberal “progressive” presenters and callers who speak a sort of mangled English with baffling accents. I turn it off in despair as quickly as Biased Beeb. Are there any choices other than the net?
Ah so you were the other one watching Victoria Derbyshire.
And WHY isn’t this headline news on the BBC website? Instead, it’s tucked away down the page.
The Conservatives are always babbling on about the economy, the economy this, the economy that, blah blah blah, they never talk about the culture or the destiny of the nation like the French do. As an antidote to the General Election coverage BS, here’s Jared Taylor.
Thank you for posting that David, what he says is as applicable here as the U.S. Jared Taylor is very good, as is his website http://www.amren.com .
The BBC lets Red Ed put a positive spin on that hideous, embarrassing stone, whilst giving him the opportunity to take a dig at the Tories:
“It’s to remind working people in this country. I’m absolutely serious about changing how this country works,” says Miliband. He highlights Nick Clegg’s broken promise and David Cameron’s on immigration – both before the 2010 election – as proof of why such cast-iron, or cast stone, guarantees are needed.
If Nigel Farage or David Cameron had produced a tablet full of empty political slogans, and wanted to put that monstrosity in the garden of a Grade I listed building, I’m pretty sure it would get more than a passing comment in a round up of the day’s news.
It would have its own article, with a Have Your Say so that people could say, ‘Who does this prat think he is?!? Moses?’.
Ed playing Moses ? Now that’s a hurdle too far !
Sorry, I was thinking of Ed Moses, the great 400m hurdler of the late 70s / early 80s.
Well Moses collected two of everything before setting sail in the Arc…but did he have the foresight to put in two kitchens?
I think you’ll find it was Noah.
I really am losing it !!!!
Wish Ed was.
Yes, that “Ed Stone” of theirs seems to be beyond the usual scorn.
Had the Tories done anything so presumptuous, vainglorious and destructive to Mother Earths bounty?…they`d have been laughed off the screen and airwaves.
But the 10 0 Clock news last night referred to it as ” a novel way of campaigning”…and Miliband was allowed to say that “at least we`re all talking about it”.
Er, no Ed…like your pink van, your segregated Muslim audiences, Hodges tax dealings, Paedos Islington Expression(PIE)…no, the BBC are expressly NOT talking about it.
Hopefully we`ll be able to tramp the stone down on them all on Friday.
‘….He highlights Nick Clegg’s broken promise and David Cameron’s on immigration – both before the 2010 election – as proof of why such cast-iron, or cast stone, guarantees are needed….’
What guarantees?… They are not pledges just words…any old words….platitudes.
Miliband is leading an unbelievably audacious campaign…on almost every issue criticising the Tories for everything that Labour screwed up , from the economy to education, from the benefits system to the NHS.
And then Miliband has the gall to call Cameron out on immigration…when he himself refuses to put a number on the limits he would apply.
I don’t know about #Edstone….it more like a gall stone to me.
Many think that when Red Ed says he ‘wants to change how the country works’ it’s just more politicians ‘talk’. But remember, Ed is an ardent Marxist through and through and he means real fundamental change. He intends to bring Marxism to government.
As part of this he wants to restore State ownership and control of ‘the means of production distribution and exchange’, which was in the Labour ‘rule’ book until recently. That’s mostly everything, no-one will be safe from his plunder. And expect to see the leaders of our militant unions through the door from day one. He owes them big time.
He may look geeky but he’s dangerous to the freedoms we have gained and ruthless too. Don’t expect any understanding or tolerance from him if has the whip hand and you disagree with him and his party.
And the BBC is doing its utmost to get him elected.
Recently on the Guido Fawkes political website, I read a nauseating and deeply worrying article, which clearly illustrates how far the Labour Party is prepared to go in order to gain power on Friday. The aricle relates to a political meeting organised in Hodge Hill, West Midlands, organised by the Labour Party and addressed by Tom Watson M.P., Liam Byrne M.P. (the person who wrote the infamous Trasury note explaining that the country had run out of money), Jack Dromey M.P. (where was Harriet?) and the equally ghastly Sion Simon M.E.P.. Nothing wrong with that you might say, in view of the fact that we are going through an election campaign. But if you look at the photograph of the meeting, you will notice that the audience is Moslem and that the men and women attending the meeting are strictly segrated! I was always under the impression that the Labour Party was in the forefront of upholding the principle of equality, so why are these stalwart members of the party so content to ignore one of the party’s fundamental tenets in order to gain some extra votes? What this clearly illustrates is that the Labour Party is content to forget its principles in order to gain power at any price. It is interesting to note that the BBC has made no mention of this fact and it must be assumed that Auntie is also quite content to ignore her feminist credentials for the duration of this election campaign, irrespective of the future consequences of adopting such a stance.. This leads on to the wider question as to what will happen on Friday morning if no party gains an overall majority? Clearly the Labour Party will now agree to any deal with La Sturgeon and her S.N.P. pals in order to allow Mr. Ed to enter Downing Street. The result will be as Jim Sillars, the deputy leader of the S.N.P., predicted, that there will be another referendum held in Scotland next year on whether it should be allowed to become independent. South of the Border, the Moslem supporters of the Labour Party will demand their own concessions, one of them being that the principle of equality will not be upheld in largely Moslem areas, as well as the lawful introduction of Sharia courts. Are the British people so stupid as to sleep walk into this situation? The answer I am afraid is yes, as they have completely lost their self-respect in their continuous demand for greater financial support from the state.
In 1941, Winston Churchill addressed both branches of Congress in the United States, and during his speech he attacked the Axis powers by posing this simple question: “What kind of people do they think we are…?” One wonders how the great man would view the kind of people we have now become? What indeed has happened to the freedoms and independence for which he urged the British people to fight? When 70 pert cent of Britian’s state-educated pupils do not even take GCSE history, the answer I am afraid is obvious. It would appear that Thursday will be a seminal moment in our nation’s history and the British people need to wake up before then in order to deal with the Trojan horse that it already here, because the BBC will not alert them to this constitutional challenge.
The inspiration for the above entry was an article by the respected economic and social commentator, Jeff Randall, now sadly retired, which appeared in the Daily Telegraph, 30 January, 2012.
I posted here a few months ago how the female BBC news readers all seemed to have gone to the same dressmaker – Jane Hill, Sophie Rayworth and Fiona Bruce to name but a few; all in similar blue dresses with a ‘V’ shape in a round neck. At the time I mused whether these were provided by the BBC to save the poor dears having to buy all their own clothes. Well over the last week or two these dresses have all turned red – think Rita Chakrabati and Fiona Bruce on the 10pm BBC1 slot. Now this couldn’t be a subliminal message to vote Labour – could it? The red is very much the colour of Labour roses.
Made me think of this:
Good spot! Jo Coburn is thesame. The bigger question is how do you manage to sit through a bBC news presentation featuring any of the above gurning, smug, self satisfied, condescending and diverse lefty’s ?
As soon as I hear the bBC News them = off button!
Radio 5 Derbyshire is in Sheffield discussing immigration witha panel of candidates.
Some Lib Dem I never seen or heard of before tweets that Cameron says he cant win the election outright privately to Clegg and that is major news and a reason to suspend the VD debate on immigration??? Audience member talking common sense about the immigration numbers and booed by sections of the BBC selected audience??? The BBC’s Norman Smith being allowed to make highly political interjections into the debate and yet have his views presented as the judgement of Solomon??? Thank goodness I am normally at work and don’t have to watch this garbage.
The bBC are promoting this for all it’s worth. This is from a TV show that is tanking; coincidence!!!
I found myself watching it with the kind of perverse curiosity that I watch most BBC “news” output as my blood gently boiled. In a way I welcome the BBC throwing all it can behind this nonsense as it shows just how out of touch with they really are.
‘Gently boiled’?
My, you must have the patience of a saint.
Robin Brant back in full ‘Get Farage’ mode this morning. Bigs up tivial detail on referendum demand and posts a succession of tweets about some obscure EU vote last week. You would have thought Brant would have questioned Farage on the 6,000 new enrichments floating in, but maybe not.
I don’t know if this is happening where you are, but when I refreshed “The Guardian” website, I got invited to take part in a survey asking what I thought about it. It took a bit long to fill in, but it was a great opportunity to tell it what I thought about it. Given that it is the favourite newspaper of the BBC, I’d recommend all readers of this site to check it out.
So the bBC reports on Blacks rioting in Israel and according to the bBC they can only be victims. Everywhere blacks are they ruin;
and now Israel
and the ethical latte drinkers demand we import hundreds of thousands of these people into our midst.
Racist? nah just a good old observation. Oh and here’s the video of those poor innocent Ethiopian jews getting attacked by the nasty evil Jewish police. Take note over how those bastard motor scooters offend the innocent.
Right Israel, get tough and kick all the Ethiopian skinny bastards back to Ethiopia……see how long they last as jews there, then they’ll know real racism.
Israel rescued the Falasha Jews from the 1984/5 famine in Ethiopia – which was run at the time by Marxist colonel Mengistu.
What ingratitude!
sorry guys, this time, as an Israeli, I can tell you that you don’t really know what’s going on (and I can’t blame you).
There is racism against Ethiopians, they are not really welcomed as Jews. They are different, very delicate people, humble, and they never complained for this unfair treatment they get here. Until a policeman hit an Ethiopian, a soldier. Finally, they had enough of it. Most Israelis support these protests (but not the violence few of the protesters used). It is a justified cause, justified protest. We feel uncomfortable knowing we didn’t really accept them as people of our kind because they look so different. We brought them here, to a very different world from what they knew before, and gave them very little help to adjust to it. In this situation, no wonder some of us wrongly thought we are better than them, and we can humiliate them..
We don’t blame them. It’s a wake-up call for us.
So I’m watching the bBC interviewing an eyewitness to the shooting of 2 armed gunmen in Dallas by Police. LIsten to the bBC man’s questions, he really goes out of his way in which to find a racist angle of the intended victims in which to excuse the murderous intent of the followers of peace.
Eyewitness: ‘Some were opposed to US cartoon event’
Eyewitness Stephanie Conway told the BBC there were people who were opposed to the event, but she saw nothing threatening.
Those people who opposed the event, they were on facebook
How do i post a picture off my desktop?
At the very bottom of the reply screen is this link ‘You can add images to your comment by clicking here’
You then just need to know the file name and location from your PC/tablet.
Don’t you need to upload the picture to a hosting site first? Particularly if your desktop happens to be at work. 😉
Edit: I scroll down and it would appear that you do indeed!
Indeed I’m wrong, you’re right was thinking of Disqus!
*waves* Hi Andy!
Nigel Farage on LBC this am and I think all callers were sympathetic or neutral.
Nigel Farage on R4 this pm and so far I’ve heard five callers, all hostile. Every single one.
Al Beeb filters its callers.
Only caught a couple of minutes of Nigel Farage on TWAO, once again bBC setting the traps with the callers selected with questions such as “You went to public school aren’t you the establishment….” “Why not many women candidates…” a Brit living in Barcelona worried about Britain s exit from the EU (no bias there!)
Sod the policies eh?
I, for one, thought Nigel did brilliantly on TWatO. But then, he always does.
What a breath of fresh air, when compared with the spoutings of all the others.
May he do well on Thursday, and all strength to his elbows – both of them.
Classic example of BBC ‘coverage’ of UKIP during the campaign. Pre-selected questions on the standard anti-UKIP smears. Beeboid has prepared follow-ups ready – Farage said thay have 16% female candidates; Beeboid has been ‘told’ that is the lowest of any party. At least she gave him an opportunity to respond to her prepared ‘facts’; unlike JoCo who sneered them in and rapidly ‘moved on’.
I too heard that “our researchers found” meme that had obviously been set earlier by the BBC.
In cahoots with their plant who asked it.
The topics chosen were all BBC shibboleths that test liberal values of theirs-only surprised that “climate change” didn`t get asked.
Farage did very well-the patience of Job that lad.
I`m voting for his grace under constant fire, abuse and assault…only suits the UAF/SWP/Cybernats if we`re scared off from voting for him.
I`d get UKIP to press a complaint about the “spontaneous questions” from “the public”-they sounded co-ordinated and scripted from Tarquin and Jocasta from Holland Park, IMHO.
The BBC wouldn’t want to talk about his intention to repeal the ‘Climate Change’ Act, he might tell listeners a few scientific truths the BBC don’t want them to hear.
The bBC and its love fest with the SNP:
Election 2015: Scuffles at Scottish Labour event in Glasgow
Mr Murphy said it was evidence that the SNP was trying to disrupt the democratic process, but demonstrators interviewed by the BBC denied that they were there on behalf of the SNP.
So according to the nice unbiased people at the bBC, the SNP weren’t involved in attacking anybody who doesn’t sing to their tune of “Freedom”
Here is how the Scottish Daily Record reports the same story:
Comedian Eddie Izzard slams violent nationalist protestors following ugly scenes as he joined Jim Murphy in Glasgow
EDDIE Izzard has hit out at “violent” and “aggressive” nationalist protesters as scuffles broke out when he campaigned in Scotland with Labour’s Jim Murphy. The cross-dressing comedian teamed up with the Scottish Labour leader in the centre of Glasgow this morning. Protesters, some waving SNP leaflets, attempted to drown them out, branding Murphy a “traitor” and a “warmongerer”
First of all I am concerned at how the left feel that it is their right to violently protest anybody who doesn’t think their way. Be it CND,anti immigration, anti-fur,meat, students. These people feel that it is their human right to abuse,silence and in cases attack those who think differently.
Secondly why does the bBC go out of its way it which toa ct as damage limitation for those who abuse others
Thirdly, nice to see labour getting a taste of their own medicine.
” Comedian Eddie Lizard ”
Comedian ???
Leftist Eddie Izzard on the receiving end of lefty anti-democratic bully boy tactics. And he’s the sort of ‘comedian’ who approves when it’s UKIP on the receiving end.
Sweet irony.
Eddie Izard.
“Comedian Eddie Izzard urged people to sign the letter ”
Comedian? Yes probably.
You would not have thought that the sight of a man in a skirt would have got the Scots so worked up.
Left scum v Left scum. Popcorn time !
Can they rerun this ? I need time to get up there and get a good seat for the fisticuffs. Might be better than the recent boxing match, does darling Eddie wear the full high heels, black stockings and shortish dress and full lippy ? I’ll pay £ 100 scottish quid to see him up against a Nat in full kilt and ” Braveheart ” undies.
Yep, glad to see the Left getting the consequences for allowing Thatchers death to be co-opted for Satans State…
Reap what you sow lads…and Eddie!
Biblical concept, therefore will hand myself into the Kirk to get same sex/global warming re-education.
Jesus spoke of little else.
That said, have a regard for Jim Murphy, Alistair Darling etc…pity we`re losing their like to the Tartanazis!
It is now clear that Scotland must leave the UK. I would go so far as to suggest that it is necessary to preserve the peace of the realm.
If the nats do not get their way then only trouble of all sorts will follow. The Shire English are indifferent now to the fate of Scotland. The union is not worth a single extra concession or pound. Get rid of it and soon.
Some more balance and impartiality from the BBC. Love the way they use the quotation marks – it’s not us that thinks this it’s what people say, we are just the thoroughly impartial BBC reporting the err facts…
Pamela Geller: America’s ‘bigoted blogger’
BBC – Have pictures of Muhammad always been forbidden?
As the MSM or is that the enemedia, prostrate themselves to Allah, the Sharia compliant shills at the BBC, wants to know how long for? … (shakes head).
BBC Headline with the warning
(This article contains a historical image of the Prophet Muhammad)
BBC – always first to kowtow with its “enrichment” programme,
and with its yellow streak as wide as a Heathrow runway.
“The issue of depicting the Prophet Muhammad”
What does the Koran, the holy book say?, What does Islamic tradition say on the matter? The portrayal of ahem … “the Prophet”? … and Muslims in general as terrorists is seen as particularly offensive.
etc, etc, etc.
Google “Mughal miniatures Mohammad”.
When did the spelling of ‘Mohammed’ become ‘Muhammad’ on the BBC?
I have only just noticed.
Transcription issue from Arabic to English, with the current trend for scholarly correctness combined with Islamogrovelling.
That’s why we’re also seeing Qur’an displace Koran.
I noticed it first at around the time of the ‘nothing to do with Islam’ murders in Paris. No idea why it changed. But, to paraphrase the Bard: a turd by any other name still smells of shit
Is it me or has Jo Coburn got a face for radio, too? What is it with the bbbc? Why do I have to sit and view unattractive women looking into the camera and talking to me. Is it a plot by the bbbc to stop me being a heterosexual?
Mind you, there is always that Rita Chakrabhati…..Oh, no….sorry, bad example………
And another…
Meanwhile on Sky news…….
Mongs! The Lot of ’em
Why does the BBC insist in its headlines to referring to Mo as the Prophet Mohammed? He’s not the Prophet to me.
And yet the BBC punctiliously refers to ‘so called Islamic State’?
BBC Islamophilia,
audience Islamonausea,
over lack of BBC Islamorealism
George Igler. As eloquent and correct as ever.
Yes, I noticed this too. They do occasionally say “Muslim Prophet” but not often.
And why not “so-called” environmentalists, and “so-called” civil-rights groups too?
Of course we know why. The leftist BBC approves of these ’causes’ so they do not get the added suggestion of impropriety that ‘so-called’ provides.
They never say ‘The Lord Jesus’ as far as I’m aware ,but Mohammed is always THE prophet.
I did a search a few months ago of the BBC website using only the term ‘prophet’. As I already anticipated, the only time it is used preceding a name, as a mark of reverence, is with Muhammed.
Jesus, Moses, Elijah, etc might be referred to as prophets, but only in the context of a sentence for reference – not reverence.

(I will also mention that the BBC search engine has been progressively ruined over recent years. It used to have the facility to choose the dates and other stipulations to define the results but they got rid of it, probably claiming it has been improved.)
While looking through some of the links I came across one which I think everybody will find very interesting. It’s the script for the documentary ‘In the footsteps of Muhammed’. Reading it one can see all the justifications the BBC uses to convey to the public that Islam is a religion of peace, using scholars from various universities to give credence to that claim. Here’s how they explain how the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem has come to be the third most holiest site in Islam, despite Jerusalem NEVER being referred to even once in the Koran. However, one of their ‘experts’ appears to present the Muslim claim as though it was.
In the Footsteps of Muhammad
I actually read this and was surprised how tortured it was to present “jihad” favourably and allowed an awful lot of interpretive licence. I don’t think “rights” were routinely grounds for some wars in seventh century Arabia. The BBC was strained to favour a benevolent view of Islam with quite outrageous interviewees who were not challenged. What was – not – odd is that there were grounds for disputing the more egregious “reasoning” and authorities that would have clarified to the listener where the better understanding lay regarding these issues. BBC chose their “experts” who chose to go full political. So many “erm’s betray anxiety and bad faith.
David Shukman has this piece on the Science – Environment website. The warmists are on the comments. Few of them appear capable of reading or applying basic reason and rational thought, but that’s religious nutters for you.
David start us off with an opening sentence with “…..Changes in the Arctic Ocean are so profound that the region is entering what amounts to “a new era”, according to Norwegian scientists…” . Wow David. Should we be worried?
David explains that Norwegian scientists are mounting an expedition to the Arctic. They are looking at ice thickness and age in the Arctic Ocean, in the arctic winter. Oh, very good. I wonder if they have been doing this for a long time. I guess we must have a heck of a lot of data to be asserting that “..changes in the Arctic Ocean are so profound…”. Do we David? Have lots of data?
…. The director of the institute, Jan-Gunnar Winther, said that measuring what happens in the winter was vital to improving scenarios for future climate change. Did he now David? Did he tell us anything else?
… “We have almost no data from the Arctic Ocean in winter – with few exceptions – so this information is very important to be able understand the processes when the ice is freezing in early winter and we’ll also stay here when it melts in the summer,” he explained. …
I guess that tells us what we need to know David. “We have almost no data..” A bit boring really. A story along the lines of ‘We know nowt, so we’re off to measure a few things so we will know a little bit more than nowt’ doesn’t tend to make too exciting a story. Shouldn’t get in the way of the end-is-nigh-Armageddon conclusions to support the warmist narrative.
Whilst the work that these scientists are doing will no doubt provide interesting data for current and future scientific investigations, this basic data gathering exercise has been used by David to push the religious warmist propaganda, and indeed the usual devotees, warmons and warmistas make their comments below the article, inferring that their genocidal solutions (yes, real eco-loon nutters comment on these articles who advocate mass extermination of humans) have some foundation in rationality, reality and humanity.
Oh, when will the BBC cease employing charlatans and politically motivated believers in AGW to report on these subjects? When will they employ scientifically qualified reporters who can report on any aspect of investigative science, without feeling the need to link it to the governmental scam which was once known as Global Warming, but is now known as Climate Change (on account of the globe not actually warming).
Surely the BBC could remove these articles from the ‘Science and Environment’ tab on the website to a new category. Perhaps the category ‘Religion’ would be more apt?
David Shukman, Roger Harrabin. Enemies of science, reality deniers, enemies of truth, distorters of facts, receivers of large salaries, deceivers of large numbers, layers down of large personal carbon footprints.
Scrap the telly tax, and put David Shukman, Roger Harrabin et al. out of work. I’m sure Greenpeace or Friends of the Earth will give them a job more suited to their propagandist skills?
Fortunately nature is on our side:
Another threat is from polar bears, and one approached the ship while we were on board.
In the darkness of the polar winter, Dr Jennifer King was in a small group working under the Lance’s floodlights when a bear guard suddenly spotted one of the animals emerging into the light.
“It was 25m away, standing up on ridge looking at us, looking like a majestic king of the Arctic – it was very beautiful but the heart stops.”
Go bears!
(Does the WWF do refunds?)
Adam Boulton retweeted
The Killing Station @KillingStation
Overheard at the hotplates;
Suit 1 “Shukman wants to work on the election”
Suit 2 “Send him to the North Pole”
Suit 1 “Done”
Its difficult to find any data on cloud cover of the Arctic in Winter, satellites could be able to see Clouds at night, but its seen as unimportant as Clouds do not reflect Solar radiation at night. Clouds trapping heat in the polar regions in the Winter make these regions far less relevant for all three Global Warming Theories:
(1) The Sun shining through CO2 makes the Tropics the best place to cherry pick for Global Warming.
(2) The Sun shining in the Tropics makes this the best place to cherry pick for increased Solar Irradiance.
(3) The Sun shining in the Tropics makes this the best place to cherry pick for decreased Cloud cover.
Therefore the obsession with the Polar regions is very unscientific, but would explain why polar scientists are favoured by the BBC. Polar scientists would be more in the dark about causational climate science than scientists dealing with temperature measurements in the Tropics.
This proves that the BBC must be censoring the better qualified scientists, because they are not telling the BBC what they want to hear.
It was rather revealing that the best qualified Climate scientist at that BBC Climate Change seminar, was a Polar region “temperature measurer woman“.
BBC – Climate drives new era … ya da ya da ya da
“director of the institute, Jan-Gunnar Winther, said that measuring what happens in the winter was vital to improving scenarios for future climate change.”
… shameful that the BBC puts this under science?
oops! apologies … I nearly forgot the “science” is erm “settled”
“A new era has entered, we are going from old ice to young ice, thinner ice and the climate models used today have not captured this new regime or ice situation.
“So knowing how it is today can improve climate models which again improve the projection for global climate change.”
… you can say that again
Bonkers. Multi-year ice is well up this year.
Robin Brant has definitely stepped it up today:
He and Steph Hegarty could do a double act, maybe produced by Jasmine?
Possibly with a bit of blocking thrown in too?
A bit of trouble on the Radio Devon Facebook page when one of their listeners gave a ticking off to one of their presenters Bill Buckley (him of That’s Life) who had said there had been too much coverage of the naming of the new royal. Well, for balance, I posted this onto the BBC Radio Devon facebook page:
“I see the Labour Party are now segregating people at their meetings. Hang on? Isn’t that called apartheid? Hell Yes, the Labour Party, the Apartheid Party. Where are you putting your cross this Thursday good people of Devon?”
Mumsnet has a page which gives a fascinating insight into the thought processes which allow such fun to continue.
Apparently the audience were ‘self segregating’ and the Labour Party was being ‘sensitive’ to cultural differences.
So bugger principle “gi’us yer vote!”
Sort of OT, but example of media group-think: there is a huge fuss over the power of Nicola Sturgeon but no real analysis on the Lib Dems. With Clegg looking likely to lose his seat, Tim Farron could be king-maker on Friday morning but no one mentions this possibility. Miliband and Farron; the ‘Dream Team’!
‘Breathtaking’ surge of Tory tactical votes to save Nick Clegg in Hallam – poll
BBC rightly condemns the SNP supporters drowning out Labour’s Mr Murphy. Pity they don’t try to keep control of their own audiences whenever a Tory or UKIP speakers opens their mouth.
Mair on PM Radio4 demonstrating yet again his grasp of the issues in his calm and collected interview with Geller.
“Doesn’t the fact that the exhibition has. been held demonstrate that freedom of speech is alive and well in the USA?” This must be the most stupid question ever asked on the BBC. Mair must still think, because it’s Dallas, the two gunmen were liquored up non-muslim cowboys who rode into town to shoot up the sheriff.
Geller was clear and cogent in what she said, maybe Mair will have a cosy chat with Wilders too.
The other thing about the pre-recorded Geller interview, was Our Eddie said that it was brief as she was rushing to board a flight; yet when it was played there was no sense that she wanted to get through it as fast as possible. P.G. is indepedently wealthy, AFDI is well funded and coupled with the security she needs due to the Usual Suspects, I would expect it to be a private flight she would be on anyway – from which she could have done the interview. It seemed quite odd how it was curtailed, perhaps due to its content being too close to reality instead of BBC La La land.
The BBC give the fascist Scottish nationalist Nazi scum an easy ride…
SNP excrement make the BNP seem like the Salvation Army but yet these vile bigoted knuckle-dragging zealots are portrayed as progressives. They are nothing but insular, ignorant and racist filth.
‘They are nothing but insular, ignorant and racist filth’.
Ah, but you see through the BBC lens progressives such as the SNP can only ever be ‘angry’ whilst it is the sole preserve of the right to display ‘hate’
Check carefully through BBC reports – you will soon see how it works.
The National Socialist Scottish Workers Party. It’s like watching newsreels of the early 30’s in Berlin.
I don’t recall the Beeb being upset at the treatment of Nigel Farage.
all i can say is yes the politacal anti ukip bias in this election from the bbc and the rest of the media has been disgusting.but here is the thing,if your working class like me and you vote for red ed and labour on thursday you are a fool.a damm fool,and if you do vote for labour on thursday dont you dare complain about the tsunami of politacal correctness and mass immigration that will follow for certian,vote labour on thursday and you are just betraying your working class roots and you deserve what you get if red ed gets into power.
I take some (but not much) comfort from the view that maybe it has to get worse, and even more blatant, before it gets better. 5 years of Labour Party political correctness, Islamophilia and mass immigration might make the ‘counter-revolution’ started by Farage really take hold.
Or should I carry on planning my escape? … Thailand?
Quite right Stuart, well said. Labour primarily are the party for immigrants and immigration.
BBC – Prophet cartoon attack: Suspected gunmen ‘named’
whose “Prophet”? … yours? mine? … obviously the BBC s though
“suspected gunmen” BBC for wannabe Islamic mass murderer
hmm picked Texas, where erm “everyone s packin”
anyways … interesting interview re – Texas, this interviewer must
be ex beebot
Thanks noggin-keep these coming will you?
Don`t think I`ve seen a clearer line between truth and weasel apologists for Islam.
If only the BBC would allow 13 mins of Kirsty Wark talking to Douglas Murray without Medhi Hasan…then we`d get the exposition of the liberal privileged left as it flails, smears and sneers at those who speak the truth about Islam.
Great to see the principles so starkly laid bare…Geller speaks for us all.
Can only imagine the bile coming from Justin Webb, from our BBC correspondents and the Democrats-blame Geert Wilders, Spencer, Geller and thank Islam for the headline news they continue to create for the comfortable flaccid Left.
Who shot first?…was it a provocation?…all questions that onlybthe BBC would ask.
Now-what about that clamour of us all to reopen an inquiry into the death of Bin Laden?
Come on BBC?…”the public have a right to know”.
As if YOU`D know, you liberal scum!
Great outcome – the participants unscathed, only one policeman lightly injured and two Islamic terrorists dead.
Pamela Geller has more guts than all her ‘liberal’-left, mealy-mouthed opponents put together.
Just watching the hideously white footage on tonights bBC VE Day program, producers must have been searching high and low for a bit of diversity, failed so far, where’s Lenny?
Ironic really as most of their dramas depicting the time would have us believe otherwise…
Hang on it hasn’t finished yet !
Silly me, should have known better only watched ’til 9, SWMBO wanted to watch the drama on ITV.
Sorry Geoff but I told you so .
When the programme was first advertised I though they would twist history.
Our fathers that fought so hard in the last war must be rolling in their graves .
There aren’t many things on the telly these days that have me roaring with laughter but…
The sight of the Scottish Labour Party leader mincing about with an English comedian(?) who wears more make up than a Joan Collins drag act and is then set upon by the most repulsive bunch of far left bigots did have me chuckling. What, in the name of God, were they thinking?
There is nothing cuddly, progressive or reasonable about the SNP. They’re bigots who absolutely detest the English, though never enough to refuse our generous hand outs. They’re the UAF in a tartan kilt and a deep fried Mars bar with chips on both shoulders.
But the look on Eddie Izzards rouged and mascaraed face as he pouted for the cameras and whined pitifully about “democracy.”
Absolutely priceless!
Disgusted at the BBC.
I was happily watching the VE Day Remembered until 9.10 pm. I even thought that the BBC was showing what a good job it could do as a national broadcaster. At the back of my mind though I wondered why this was being shown on the 4th of May and not on the 8th on May which of course is the anniversary of VE Day. At 9-10 pm all was revealed. We got a 10 minute plug about how there was a Labour landslide 8 weeks later and how the NHS was founded etc etc.
I ask you how on a programme about VE day do we manage to get to events 8 weeks later which just happen to show the Labour party as being a founder of modern Britain?
The BBC are the most cunning set of bastards. My God I hope that we manage to avoid having the Mad Marxist as PM and that we elect a government who will stuff the BBC . I hate their guts.
Did the BBC not mention that it was the 1944 White Paper, published by Tory MP and war-time Minister for Health, Sir Henry Willink that called for the creation of the NHS?
Must have slipped the BBC’s minds.
and that the NHS was opposed by the Labour Party; they forgot to mention that in their Party Election Broadcast for some reason.
Also in 1944, Rab Butler’s Education Act.
I saw that and felt the same way.
There was no opposing view.
For instance, the USA saw the UK as heading towards Communism and vital loans became difficult and very expensive. The country became crippled and rationing continued until the early 1950’s.
The Labour PM Bevan has been heavily criticised since but of course no mention.
And of course there was extensive mention of black immigrants to help the country. Immigration at that time was on a minute scale but the point was made that immigration was and is good for us.
VE Day itself lasted about 10 minutes.
And a parade of BBC luvvies to give us their hilarious yet poignant memories of the time.
Hear, hear!! …………
What began as a documentary about the end of the 2nd World War became a party political broadcast on behalf of the liebour party.
The sacrifices of the people both civilian and military were hardly mentioned. I am surprised that we didn’t have that odious Russell Brand getting his face on the programme,. All the left wing bbbc luvvies all had a little spot to make their comments. etc etc.
I am convinced that the bbbc are just waiting for the last of the war veterans to die and then I would bet my mortgage that withing 18 months we will be getting all the revisionist documentaries about the second world war – about how the troops didn’t really believe in what they were doing, how they didn’t really understand what they were doing, how the ethnic minorities are always under represented and, of course how awful the bombing of Dresden was….
Please someone close them down
“What began as a documentary about the end of the 2nd World War became a party political broadcast on behalf of the liebour party.”
I am shocked I tell you.
‘the USA saw the UK as heading towards Communism’ History Repeating.
reply to Dover View : Bevan was never PM. Otherwise, I agree with most of your points.
But why should there be “an opposing view”? This sort of programme should be reporting, commenting on newsreels etc. NOT putting forward views. This what the Biased ones are up to all the time: slipping in their own agenda. They have to be watched like hawks.
” I hope that we manage to avoid having the Mad Marxist as PM and that we elect a government who will stuff the BBC ”
And who exactly might that be? UKIP aren’t fielding enough candidates to win a majority and once the election is over they won’t be able to change the agenda.
As has been said before, if you want action against the BBC you need to hope for a government of the right with no Lib Dem influence. This can happen with DUP and UKIP supporting the Tories, IF and only IF, UKIP and the Tories can win 315 seats between them.
Obviously tactical voting is necessary, with Tories and UKIP voters voting for whichever party has the best chance of beating Labour in a constituency . That way UKIP could win a lot more than the handful of MPs they will get otherwise, perhaps 15 to 20 , and the Tories can get towards 300, with the DUP having around 10 seats, that will give a working majority and keep Labour out. UKIP will have the influence to ensure there is a free and fair referendum on the EU and can call the shots on dealing with the BBC.
The prize for UKIP is big, the prize for the country enormous. Why don’t Tory and UKIP voters see that their interests coincide to a large degree?
I suppose UKIP supporters are still sore at being described by the Prime Minister (not a cheap hack, but the Prime Minister) as “fruitcakes”etc.
The remark which lost any chance of a Conservative majority.
Why don’t Tory and UKIP voters see that their interests coincide to a large degree?
On the big issue, securing our borders, Tories are inseparable from Labour in supporting open-door immigration. I have no common ground with Cameron – why would I vote for him?
The Tories are offering a referendum on EU membership. In a position of influence UKIP can work with the right of the Tory party to ensure that any such referendum is free and fair, as Mr F wishes it to be, and campaign for exit to get control of the borders. There is no chance of a referendum unless the Tories lead the government. So if controlling our borders is your ‘red line’ why wouldn’t you work for a Tory/UKIP/DUP alliance of one sort or another, and tactical voting , Tory/UKIP and vice versa, is the only way to bring such an alliance about.
… UKIP can work with the right of the Tory party to ensure that any such referendum is free and fair…
It’s a stitch-up. Cameron and Clegg have already agreed how to offer it, but guarantee a stay-in result. Children and migrants will be allowed to vote. All the media will run scare stories of the waste-land if we leave. The Beeb will be in the lead. ‘Pretenderendum’ – Douglas Carswell.
Labour’s idea of diversity from Simon Danczuk’s twitter.
Some good comments.
It’s hard doing Jihad in Rochdale
‘Cos the shoe bomb don’t fit right in your clogs.
After “Rochdale Cowboy” – Mike Harding (lefty, naturally)
Rubber Dingy Rapids, bro.
Very diverse indeed…all those men…as the comments rightfully point out
The women are all in the other photograph.
Die-versity really means no white people.
Can`t we do the SNP for transfat phobia or such, in regard of their bullying of Dame Eddie Izzard?
Bloke has had weeks of mincing about in a skirt and heels as if it`s not all a Labour Party freak show…at least the descendents of Tommy Sheridan aren`t putting up with the Grayson Perry charade of “normality in diversity”.
The Emperors New Clothes?…raid your stepmums wardrobe, so it seems.
Putin and IS must be laughing.
Hope Eddie wears his hijab when he goes to Brum…and sits with the laydeez as Labour seems to like.
Daily Politics this morning and there’s a ’round-up’ of the political parties at the beginning of the show. There was a lib, a lab and a con but nothing of UKIP – you’d think they weren’t contesting this election. In fact, there was barely a mention of UKIP throughout the entire programme. The only mention was by Professor Curtis in relation to marginal seats. I thought UKIP were regarded as a major party now and were accorded equal time with the others. It seems to me that the Beeb is denying UKIP the ‘oxygen of publicity’ in contravention of the rules.
‘ I thought UKIP were regarded as a major party now and were accorded equal time with the others.’
We all thought that, coz the Beeb told us so… OFCOM ruling, blah, blah… But being a law unto themselves, the Beeb moved the goalposts:
What is alarming about the timings, and therefore audience figures, is that the BBC told me themselves that they’re not interested in what Ofcom says, and that they make up their own rules about what is a priority and what isn’t. According to them, UKIP simply isn’t important enough and the cabinet office position is not binding on them.
Why does the BBC think Peter Kay is more important than Nigel Farage?
“the BBC told me themselves that they’re not interested in what Ofcom says, and that they make up their own rules”
Given Ofcom is often cited as the solution to the woeful oversight standards the BBC is held to, maybe something all advocating this, such as the Future of the BBC inquiry, should take note of.
this is because the Beeb ,thinking that UKIP will hurt the Tories,are keeping them out the news.Pure bias in favour of the Tories.
Did I hear right? A special have I got news for you after the election hosted by Jo Brand, that will be “awesome” then.
The BBC comedic choices in complement are interesting. Frankie Boyle, now Jo Brand.
It’s only a pity we will not be treated to the satirical take on such ‘non news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) as the #Edstone or Labour’s segregated meeting special.
One rather suspects they will not need a laugh track, as we face a future of bussed in audiences more than schooled in Kim Yong Un applause cues.
Those who wish to preserve their televisions should put protective screens across before attempting to watch. I certainly won’t watch. Nothing could stop me hurling my TV dinner at the Samsung, followed by shoes, furniture and a full chamber pot. Is that awful feminist the mother of the charming Russell Brand?
East meets West – where are the feminazi and Al Beeb ? . Its a disgrace to all the work done by Pankhurst .
Tom Watson must be thrilled to be propping up the left so prominently in that shot.
The fat bastard will probably blame Murdoch.
The big laugh about the segregated Labour rally is that the women have not been told they have already voted
They probably voted for the successful candidate from the all-women shortlist, Jack Dromey.
Bevan was never PM. Otherwise, I agree with most of your points.
But why should there be “an opposing view”? This sort of programme should be reporting, commenting on newsreels etc. NOT putting forward views. This what the Biased ones are up to all the time: slipping in their own agenda. They have to be watched like hawks.
nothing from bunny ……. no …. no nothing though forcing her to cover up may be a good thing
Surfing this morning I caught Al – Jazera’s report of the Texes shooting that the studio newsreader speaking over footage called the dead ” the followers of the Islamic prophet Mohammed “………..well bugger me, when you have a Muslim TV station coming from a Muslim country calling it correctly what excuse does the bloody bbc have for being craven cowards for endlessly telling us he is “the prophet Mohammed ” ?
Not my prophet, not now, not in the past not ever as long as I breathe, so try and not insult me bbc or I might get angry and upset and I might feel the need to take direct action.
Well, you know what they say:
It was the more moderate BBC staff who moved to Al Jazeera.
Many a true word is said in jest.
Al Jazeera is obviously also biased but at least some of the people there retain the ability to separate personal bias from professional responsibilities and produce some decent content.
The BBC, in contrast, simply cannot report a thing without putting its own idiotic leftie spin on it.
I’ve been absolutely disgusted by the BBC’s left biased coverage of the election. How on earth can a state funded broadcaster that’s supposed to represent everyone get away with this? Why aren’t the conservatives doing anything about this?
The daily election roundup is a 30-minute blatant propaganda broadcast for the Labour party. I’ve been watching for a few weeks now and the format is the same. It is repulsive:
Around 25 minutes wall to wall Labour coverage
Around 3 minutes Tory coverage (always negative spin)
There’s two invited commentators – always from Labour supporting newspapers (Guardian, New Statesmen, Independent etc) that are fed loaded questions by the anchor which are clearly intended to get them to launch into a Tory attack.
Yesterday the coverage was even more ridiculous. The clips showed all three party leaders with the usual blatant prominence given to Miliband giving his spiel for several minutes. This was followed by a two second clip of the PM which was cut mid sentence (I notice it was strategically cut before he mentioned the SNP).
They are already talking about communist Miliband as though he’s PM. This is a affront to democracy and has to be stopped.
They need to rename themselves the Blatantly Biased C***s.
You need more of your medication my friend. One of the main aspects of the election is the NHS but one thing you haven’t heard on the Beeb is any serious consideration of the abysmal effect that the non mandated Health and Social care Act has had. Everyone is so disillusioned that Gps are looking to retire early there are a dearth of new recruits and half of the doctors that qualify are now going straight to Australia. Virtually every metric in that organisation has tanked and now is oven ready for wholesale acquisition by the private sector.Even the Yanks are warning us.
The BBC are keeping everything Tory out of the news and discussion except for the notion that the Tories have made a great job on the economy.They are pedalling pure Tory nonsense. Without PR this is a phoney election. Without the facts properly discussed this is more than a farce.
Needless to say when the dust settles there will be money to be made, and it won’t be by the average Joe in the street.
At 7.55 “Today” revisited the Rotherham child abuse affair, interviewing the new South Yorkshire Police & Crime Commissioner. We had reference to the police, local & national government but the word “Labour” was never uttered.
Nor was the M word. He seemed slightly baffled and also thought that everyone was to blame, including the public for insisting the police concentrate on car crime and burglary!
He made regular reference to the Alexis Jay inquiry so must surely know that “At an operational level, the Police gave no priority to CSE, regarding many child victims with contempt and failing to act on their abuse as a crime.” and that “By far the majority of perpetrators were described as ‘Asian’ by victims, yet throughout the entire period, councillors did not engage directly with the Pakistani-heritage community to discuss how best they could jointly address the issue. Some councillors seemed to think it was a one-off problem, which they hoped would go away. Several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.”
If only the BBC had the resources to have googled that before the interview.
Flexdream – “regarding many child victims with contempt”
A couple of months ago I was a little stung by a (Labour supporting?) comment on one website which claimed that all the comment coming from the right was phoney as those people would have regarded the abused as white trash. Interesting that the Labour police authority, Labour local council and all the PC PCs made that attitude official policy.
It looks like there is going to be a big , a very big can of worms to be opened up with this decade of ”abuse”. How on earth will Al Beeb cover this ?
Perhaps the lonely, loony ‘Bus Driver’ or ‘Bunny the red’ may have some words of advice ?
If Millipede gets his way it will be a crime to say this abuse has anything to do with Islam
Do you seriously think, the Tory mindset on this … is any different?
for crying out loud, wake up
You’re ‘casting pearls before swine’, noggin. Sometimes I’m amazed how Cameron gets away with it… then I read the comments of Tory voters and I understand.
What is the Tory mindset .?Do tell……..
“If only the BBC had the resources to have googled that before the interview.”
We have established that they can’t tell a Flying Fortress from a Stuka, so that would be completely beyond Tarquin or Jocasta’s abilities.
But up in Yorkshire – and elsewhere – many people will be able to join the dots to the L word and the M word. The “new” angle on the blind eye turned on hard reports of 2003 that were deliberately ignored by both the police and the Councils helps to keep the whole issue in the minds of voters. It will be splashed across the local press ?
You can couple that to the weekend reports of some 3000 people a day, mostly economic migrants not genuine asylum seekers, being landed in Sicily / Italy. That can be rounded up to a flow as large as a million a year just by that one route. If that is the thin end of a wedge, Lord knows what the thick end would be – a far more massive inrush from sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East.
Both issues, very live now in the last days of the election, play directly to what UKIP is saying in Yorkshire and Lancashire. A plague on Labour – and a plague on the Tories and LibDems as well. And a plague on all Euro-blind politicians. Only UKIP has clean hands.
… many people will be able to join the dots to the L word…
My first reaction to the prominence of this story was surprise that the Beeb raised its profile two days before an election. But maybe it deflects blame everywhere but Labour (and Muslims – can’t insult your voters). Added to that, Sarah Champion has spent five years marketing herself as a champion of the abused; not a representative of the guilty party. Maybe it’s brilliant; allowing the memories to fester might be worse than acknowledging the story but deflecting blame.
But we’re frequently told by politicians of all parties that immigration is a Good Thing. So surely lots and lots of immigration is a Very Good Thing?
Labour started this nonsense to ‘rub the Tories nose in it’. They never imagined that the greedy Tory bosses would come to love the cheap labour and the well-heeled Tory voters would be remote from the ‘enriched’ areas …for now, at least. So it’s the ordinary folk who are being primarily affected. Maybe it’s ‘every man for himself’. I’ll be able to live out my life in a rural area; let those who vote LibLabCon enjoy the enrichment.
“The country has become a boarding house of mutually hostile tribes, appeased by a Leviathan government endlessly confiscating the wealth created by autochthonous workers and giving it to the indigenous unemployed and immigrants and their offspring.”
Nothing to see here. please move along.