Did the BBC attend and report on the Conference: “Towards a New Law of War”? If not it should have done…
at http://tinyurl.com/pwgucde
…..The Current laws of warfare are outdated. The Geneva Conventions never envisioned the asymmetrical warfare that is waged today. We must redefine the laws of warfare, so that democratic states can adequately fight back. Today, terror groups attack civilians, and when democracies fight back, their defense is referred to as a war crime. Terrorists should not be able to apply to international courts as if they were victims when they are the perpetrators.
….Prof. Eugene Kontorovich, Northwestern University School of Law, asked how one measures proportionality. The law does not define what the proportion is. Who decides? In international law, there is no final legal decider.
We are dealing, he said, with the hypocrisy of double standards. The law is not going to change, but we should not allow it to be distorted: if properly understood, there is flexibility.
The keyword is excessive: a significant imbalance. Commanders must anticipate the risk, and make an assessment regarding whether it is worth it.
They did report the anonymous second and third hand report by Breaking the Silence whose conclusions, Israeli military ‘fired indiscriminately’ in Gaza, would be rejected by every person at that conference.
If Israel was so indiscriminate the number of dead would be far higher as would the relative number of non-combatants but the BBC has never compared relative casualty figures for Gaza and other wars.
The BBC harem (Carol Kirkwood, Steph McGovern, Sally Nugent, Louise Minchin et al) are joined on the big red ottoman this morning by their Sharia-complient eunuch (Bill Turned-off-ball) so that when it comes to having to talk about Rotherham there’s no mention of ethnicity let alone religion and when Texas cartoons come up we are told of THE PROPHET MOHAMMED
This lot are a lost cause. BBC : News so long as it doesn’t offend you know who.
How lucky we are in this country to have such luminaries as Russell Brand to guide us in making the correct choice when voting on Thursday. Without the wise words of this deep thinking messiah mere mortals like me would be completely lost.
Only kidding (in case you needed telling).
The modern obsession with vapid celebrity plumbed new depths when the Marxist idiot met the Marxist idiot. That incident alone should be enough to bar Ed Milliband from office permanently.
Where has the word ‘progressive’ come from all of a sudden? Why have our friends at the BBC been using the phrase at every opportunity?
What’s progressive about retuning Britain to the chaos of the 60s and 70s?
What’s progressive about retuning the people of Britain to the status chattels of the state, dependent on the largesse of a left wing government?
What’s progressive removing people’s aspirations, sneering at and punishing people’s progress and success?
It’s a case of the Left taking a word with positive connotations, and annexing it for their own. They do it all the time, seeking to control the language, and hence the very terms of the political debate.
This video is doing the rounds. Obviously it involves some very important visitor to the UK to whom our collaborative cops express loyalty. Why wasn’t this arrival covered by the BBC? It looks newsworthy.
BBC News Channel. 11am. ‘Following the party leaders’. Three-way split screen – LibLabCon. No sign of UKIP. Decision to ignore OFCOM ruling is well established now, even though UKIP is polling double the LibDems.
BBC – 5Live has a 2hour electathon palava, with Lib/Lab/Con, and erm … no UKIP, The Tory “No Platform Farage pressure in the crucial week of the campaign seems to be true. with unwarranted ridicule, extremist/racist slurs as the BBC addition.
Meanwhile “a lie a day” Tory election rumbles on, with did he,
didn t he Camoron, fury over claim Cons PM ‘told Nick Clegg he can’t win election’? … his partners say yes, Tory spinners say no, and Camoron as usual, ducks the question.
… avoid questions, ignore questions, no answers and deceit …
yesterday the NHS … NHS Partners report … Schools 😀
Without any doubt the most cowardly, smearing spiteful campaign in British political history, with Dave the dodger, scrutiny dodger, debate dodger, question dodger, truth dodger at the helm … even in the last question time on the BBC , Camoron steadfastly refused to debate in the same room as his main rival , who with his usual patronising spite has tried to character assassinate from a safe distance and with no fear of a reply …
He and his grasping Tory toff cronies are beneath contempt, he even banned opponents from attending a debate in his own constituency , and then ducked out of a radio interview along side the Trussel fund , who run the largest of the food bank charities in this country.
Then Camoron had the astounding nerve to describe himself as a brave Fire Fighter , running around putting out blazes started by his opponents .
Noggin, can you go on the car crash that is the bitch Derbyshire’s show and be interviewed as a “don’t know” ? . You sound just the kind of undecided type that are looking for.
Chaps and chapesses, any thought given as to which channel you’ll be watching on election night?
Always try to avoid the bBC coverage, Dimbley, Vine etc but it may just be a little fun seeing the vote slip away from Labour and see UKIP grab a few seats, would love to see how they spin it…
Sky has been going the same way as Al Beeb, so I thought as ITV have promised zero adverts between 10pm – 5am, I might just give them a go, they seem to have less objectionable presenters than the afore mentioned and did a good job on their leaders debate.
It’s definitely going to be tricky dividing my time between Sky and BBC on Election night. I can only hope that the BBC is forced to endure a Tory majority – like many here, I just want to see the BBC apparatchiks squirm as their preferred outcome slips slowly away, despite their very best efforts to ‘game’ the Election in Red Ed’s favour. Time to get in the popcorn.
ITV politics has been a breath of fresh air. Their handling of the first debate left the BBC standing, their political chief, Tom Bradbury is the best political analyst on TV, the BBC crew look old, tired, grey, jaded and of course biased by comparison.
I have far more trust and confidence in ITV reporting than I do, Norman Smith, Jim Naughte, Evan Davis, everyone else – every single one of the others on Newsnight, Gameshow Campbell, Victoria Derbyshire and everyone else on Five Live.
ITV had a go at 24 hour rolling news for a time, sadly it didn’t work out. I’d gladly allow the government to divert some of my licence fee to support a rival 24hr news outlet to rival the BBC back in ITV.
i’m quite looking forward to watching the election results on the BBC. Its going to be a great night watching the beeboids faces as it becomes clear that the election isn’t going the way they want. But above all, i cant wait to see their jaws drop when our Lord and Saviour, St. Nigel of Farage gets elected
Election nights are usually quite depressing here as BBC Scotland or STV focus, naturally enough, on Scottish constituencies where yet another Labour scarecrow gets in. Watching them get a bloody nose will bring some comfort, though frankly replacing them with SNP makeweights (one of their candidates is 20 years old, FFS!) won’t be any improvement. I will flick between Scottish and English broadcasts, but haven’t decided which channel. Probably all of them!
Some of us have to go to work the next morning, so it will unfortunately be BBC radio. It will need around a dozen results before anything starts to become clear, so that’s what midnight or beyond and you have sat watching 2 hours of speculation!
The one way to get back at the BBC is of course to watch ITV, so when the ratings come out you may have assisted in a small, but significant defeat for the BBC, should ITV get a bigger audience.
But then you would not be able to comment on BBC bias, or more hopefully see the presenters really really glum faces as the Tories do better than expected and then cast around for explanations.
Hopefully some bright Tory will thank the BBC for its help!
It will need around a dozen results before anything starts to become clear, so that’s what midnight or beyond and you have sat watching 2 hours of speculation!
The link below gives declaration times. There’s not much happening before 2.00am. In the past they could predict the outcome from the swing in the first seat, but that wont happen this time. Might be better setting the alarm for 2.
Radio 4 Extra gives us something new, (for once), “1835 election fever in Ipswich. True story of George Cunnold’s brave stand against political corruption.”
Two days before the election and we get a tale one hundred and eight years old about ‘Tory’ MPs bribing the electorate. Could it not wait a week?
Watching Al Beeb news and it looks as if the EU is totally and utterly failing to stem the flow of ‘migrants’ heading their way , and ours .
It would appear they are ferrying the whole of Africa over to Europe.
Europe is a ‘failed state’.
Usual white hat Andrew Neil did an an amazing hatchet job on the Bow Group chairman on Daily Politics. He rubbished his CV and questioned the legitimacy of the Bow Group’s tactical voting press release. Neil seemed to think in the case of the Bow Group their public utterances should be supported by a poll of their members. We don’t get any questioning of the process behind the publications of other think tanks. Neil must have been acting as heavy for geriatric Heseltine sat beside him.
It’s hard to believe that Brillo left his own views at the door today. That was one of the worst bits of bias I’ve ever seen. The contrast of his smearing of the Bow guy with his forelock tugging to Heseltine was sickening. The guy is razor sharp, though. ‘Are you even Benjamin Harris-Quinney?’ ‘Well, I’m not Grant Shapps!’ Classic!
Still; I wonder who decided Heseltine would be a good person to convince UKIP voters to return! Peter Hitchens was brutal in demolishing him earlier – well worth watching about 1/2 hour point.
We had this on the Beeb, when the suggestion from Harris-Quinney that some disaffected Tories might want to vote tactically for UKIP was not considered, even for one single question. (Hesletine to Neil, “you’ve destroyed him”).
Turn over to the “alternative” channel, Sky News, and the reporter (female, ethnic, name I didn’t catch) on Murnaghan was pretending to ask why immigration hadn’t become an election issue. Well, it seems that since “all the parties are proposing limits”, there’s nothing much to debate. Furthermore, with the “tragedy of events” – i.e. the flood of illegal immigrants into Italy – it would have been “heartless” to even raise the issue. And here’s me thinking that the only reason immigration wasn’t allowed to become an issue by any of the television news media was that it might encourage the ‘heartless’ plebs to vote UKIP.
What can a man do in such a rigged game but vote for the maligned and misrepresented ‘underdog’?
G.W.F. posted a Facebook link to this, its worth repeating and showing (with sound) to anyone you know who are considering voting Labour who are actively seeking such votes, also remember this happened under a Tory led coalition with our dhimmi police ‘service’ assisting.
I find this deeply sinister, shocking and view with a sense of foreboding…
Dear God, ……….show this to all real British people before Thursday and UKIP will win 500 seats. Wonder who the white coppers will vote for ? If they have received enough brainwashing no doubt the X goes to the idiots who wants more of this here. I wonder if they realise they will be the first to be killed when the “men” start flexing their muscles in the near future ? I do hope this makes Midlands today this evening but somehow I doubt it.i now know what it felt like to be in the firing line at the battle of Rorke’s Drift
You know you really shouldn’t be alarmed by such displays of affection for this country. That was the UK Fez Wearing Champions returning from their victory at the World Hat Adornments Symposium in Karachi. They won gold and their supporters where merely chanting the final score.
You should be careful otherwise you may disappear into one of Ed’s Diverity Awreness Training Camps. NB Stay out of the showers …
I note that BBC Radio News had, a Head teacher on yesterday
that was still receiving intimidation, threats, dead animals left outside on the playground, even death threats etc over …
Islams Trojan Horse Sharia not being followed in Bham schools?
Yes folks! … That’s the BBC s “I wouldn t believe it”,
erm … “so called” “alleged” Trojan Horse schools?
Daily Politics. 5.5.15. BBC2 1200hrs. Bias and rudeness. From Andrew Neil.
Brillo has a bad one. A very bad one. Oh dear. Brillo decided to engage in an ad hominem attack on a bald headed guy from a conservative think tank.
Brillo plays the man, not the ball, so we don’t get to hear what the chap has to say.
Walter Mitty, Brillo? Absolutely pathetic. Brillo has come across intellectual imposters and Walter Mittys so often, but, as a professional interviewer, resists the ad hominem attacks. Why now? Why today? UKIP related perhaps? Why didn’t Brillo listen to his comments and take them to bits? Brillo, that is what you do! This was a premeditated, pre-researched attack on an individual who had not even been given opportunity to express his conservative viewpoint. Terrible, and formal complaints would be justified by the gentleman concerned.
Brillo has shown his hand today, and it is not a positive one. He is anti-UKIP (probably Tory).
I await Brillo calling out the demonstrable Walter Mittys and subject them to ad hominem verbal attacks. Owen Jones for one has made a good living out of the BBC and Establishment media. Yet I have never heard Brillo resort to name calling when he embarrasses OJ by exposing his hypocrisy, his verbalised untruths and his contradictory statements.
Nailed it. He is establishment Tory. They desperately need three per cent that is hesitant for UKIP. The Bow paper threatens the plan so it, or its author, has to be rubbished. Surely he doesn’t think Hezza will attract Kippers, though? Notice Brillo didn’t take on Peter Hitchens earlier.
I look forward to Russell Brand wiping the floor with Brillo. It would not be difficult – and my opinion of Brand is below zero. However, Brand would hop from one topic to another leaving one question, one idea, pre-programmed Brillo in a funk.
Seeing as ‘wanker’ Brand got well and truly squashed by an ordinary working class bloke on QT, I have doubt on his ability to even remember what the question is before disappearing off up his own arse. Typical example of Sod’s law of being promoted above your level of competence. He ought to have stuck to his weekly column in the ST on the trials and tribulations of West Ham.
Good post, Geoff………..This is a total disgrace. Neil totally prevented the guy getting his message out and then asks heseltiine, probably the most pro euro tory on the planet what he thought. ………
There is just no pretence any more of any equilibrium with the bbbc. Yet, the bbbc tell themselves they are the standard bearer for free speech. I hope something is done about it.
Of course Geoff is totally correct…….At all costs prevent the UKIP message getting to the public
Take a look at this past paper and accompanying booklet for the AS level General Studies exam 1984.
It is shocking left wing bias written by BBC regular contributor Mariella Frostrup. Worse still it is incredibly naïve as to the causes which are deeply rooted in Islamic religious belief.
The question paper makes reference to BBC right wing bias, and it seems to me that this is just another example of the indoctrination of the children rather than an exercise in discerning what an author is getting at.
Questions such as
The argument presented in the passage is
A balanced.
B over-emotional
C comparative.
D one-sided.
Do not have a correct answer which actually lies in the perceptions of the reader, however should a examinee answer politically incorrectly then they will be marked down !
I was going to say 1984 was a terrible time for the country and it was a lot worse then than today. Trotskyist’s controlled the labour party. We even had communist councils in Liverpool and Glasgow All this at the height of the cold war so the exam papers do not surprise me
but things havnt changed at all have they. Labour still siding with the enemy and the loony left still controll the education system. The only difference is, loony left ideology is accept as the norm now.
We live in terrifying times, and while some people might say only smarties have the answer, the country needs to wake up and understand only Nigel Farage has the answer
Have just watched Daily Politics.
The Conservative think-tank, the Bow Group, has recommended that, in seats where the Tories can’t win, support be given to UKIP.
Brillo’s assault on the chairman, Ben Harris-Quinney, was nothing short of disgraceful.
Brillo’s style has become so obvious of late. Ask a couple of questions – usually personal – which have no bearing on the issue the interviewee has come along to discuss – then keep asking them, even when adequately answered – in order to destroy the argument. The man made it clear that he was proposing an election strategy, which is worthy of discussion, even if mistaken. But no, Brillo wanted to destroy the man’s credentials. Brillo did the same with Tommy Robinson when he avoided serious issues about Islam and focused on Robinson’s real name repeatedly. Brillo is a one question hack, a technique that might work in a sixth form debating club, but not as a national broadcaster. In fact Brillo sounded like the drunk in a pub argument who repeats his own banal comment.
Similar effect for all three options I guess. Though the first two won’t have the same effect on your rectum as the latter. Are you a contortionist Mike? I wish I had the ability and flexibility to do that.
Aw shucks , you were all heaping praises on Brillo for weeks , is he a turncoat ? He is definately a Conservative . I am not that keen on Hesser ,as he is a Euro fanatic.His daughter is a mosie convert though , that`s probably why he is so pro Euro /Eu.
There is something really smelly going on in that “interview” with the Chairman of the Bow Group. What did Lord Heseltine mean when he stated that “you’ve destroyed him”. Destroyed what Mr Heseltine? The Chairman told us all exactly who he was, what the Bow Group stood for and who the supporters of the group were, which included the Madrid connection. So what was the purpose of this “interview” BBC? This was an interview with “evil intent” and Andrew Neil perpetrated it. Shocking, really shocking and Mr Neil should be made to apologise for an interview that was nothing more than an attempt to smear where there was nothing to smear.
IDS, on BBC Welfare Debate … on dreary autopilot blabbering on with his fictitious figures, abjectly refused to answer where his “welfare” cuts are to come from, lying about foodbanks, lying about employment figures and well just about everything else.
A droning regurgitation of the same obfuscation, and dodges we have had to endure from the liars Camoron and “Pinocchio” Osborne.
Was this creature, due to be on D Politics at all?
Watching him lie through his teeth, then get soundly chastised
… always a pleasure, he always looks so offended 😀
Was he asked about the 1 million poor sods who have been sanctioned?
We know that we have a party which simply doesn’t care about the suffering and the cruelty, when they are prepared to subject people to more harsh treatment than those in prison.
If every Job seeker committed an imprisonable crime such as setting fire to a job centre then the Tories wouldn’t be able to implement this cruel plan. On the other hand if naïve leftie do gooders didn’t provide the means via food banks then again the Tories wouldn’t be able to be so cruel.
yep! “benefits” have changed, all “welfare”, these days
soon to be “workfare”, or is that “jobfare” … then to be replaced with foodstamps one can assume
… Remember the odious IDS, pre election last time round? … the pretence of living in a flat for a week?
just more Tory bullshit,
Lying on his academic record on his CV, lying and misrepresenting statistics for his grasping ideological reasons ever since,(typical Tory)
The direct consequence of the welfare changes that he has introduced? people have died.
A million on sanctions? … just helps the Tory liars falsify
the figures yet again
He is a disgrace as a politician and as a human being, and so … fits right in with Camoron, Osborne and the rest of the Tory No10 cronies.
“The government has had to launch an inquiry after it was forced to admit that jobcentres have been setting targets and league tables to sanction benefit claimants despite assurances to parliament this week that no such targets were being set.”
“Rising numbers of vulnerable jobseekers are being tricked into losing benefits amid growing pressure to meet welfare targets”
Do you not recall the revealed letters? the whistle blowers? showing the DWP’s secret targets for sanctioning welfare recipients was in effect
As, simultaneously Iain Duncan Smith was still insisting on the floor of the Commons that no such sanctions targets exist.
Isn’t lying to the House a breach of the Ministerial code punishable by instant sacking? … just askin
Ah … Tory/Lying there s those words again
Please tell me why you think people are sanctioned.
Am I wrong to think that it those not keeping their side of the benefits deal of being required to make some effort to get themselves off benefits, or are Thoughtful and noggin in favour of just dishing out the cash with no strings?
Re the DP Brillo interview today, this was a comment Ben Harris-Quinney made on Guido post interview and a following Tweet.
“Ben Harris-Quinney • 2 hours ago
I was unable to express myself clearly and have already submitted a formal complaint to the BBC at being referred to as ‘Walter Mitty’. I am the Chairman of the Bow Group, not some run of the mill activist.”
An honour to be in the company of those stabbed in the back by #Heseltine.
The problem is that the BBC have performed their hit-and-run and gotten away with it; any complaint is, by default, going to get lost in the deliberate bureaucracy of the Politburo. They achieved what they set out to do (and will keep doing right up to May 7th) – a kick in the nuts on national TV to anyone it deems ‘the enemy’.
When you are that big, that unaccountable, that pernicious…well, you guys know the rest.
What did they set out to do? Who watches DP? Me and a few tens of thousand of other ‘anoraks’ who could see clearly what was going on. Of those, many may be conservatives. The ‘interview’ should let them know who represents conservatives. It ain’t Heseltine or the Conservative Party, thats for sure.
Brillo and Heseltine demonstrated how the Conservative Party is fundamentally split, I suggest now, beyond repair. Could get messy post election. Defection time.
Men and women of substance in the Conservative Party know that their obituaries and their relevance in history will be determined by how they act in the coming two to three years. The disaster that is the EU will implode, its just a matter of how and when. Greece may be the catalyst, but it could be something completely unpredictable from left field. Who knew what was going to happen in 1913? Most were fearing a war over Irish home rule, but some dude got shot in Sarajevo, and the rest as they say, is history. There is no longer anywhere for our politicians to hide. Hard decisions will need to be made soon and the interests of our nation need to be protected.
I noticed this bBC article this morning about Muslims voting in Halifax: General Election 2015: Young, Muslim and disengaged Many Muslims say Islamophobia has been on the rise in Britain since 2001 and the 9/11 attacks. The stigma has been compounded as news about young men and women travelling from the UK to join conflicts abroad has brought increased political and media focus on the Muslim community. BBC News travelled to Halifax to talk to second generation British Muslims about how they feel about politics and the election. Despite attempts to include their views in this video, none of the women asked were willing to speak on camera.
So the bBC goes all the way to Halifax in which to question a load of Muslims to ask them if they wish to partake in the democratic vote of the next government of the UK.
But instead, they opine about how they are victims of ‘Islamophobia’ (I’m a brown skinned Paki looking fellow who lives in a predominately white town and to this day I have had no issues with people, in fact around the Uk, I have experienced no hatred due to the colour of my skin) and because of that, because they don’t know anything about what the parties are offering, because of British foreign policy they will not be voting.
And here is something the bBC isn’t telling you about the Muslim vote in Halifax. Labour disqualifies more than 130 Halifax party members before hustings More than 130 new members of the Halifax Labour party have been disqualified from voting for the party’s general election candidate after suspicions were raised about their recruitment. All but seven of the disqualified members are of Asian heritage, and joined six to 12 months ago in the same multicultural ward of Halifax,One local member said a complaint was made to the regional Labour party alleging most of the new members had been recruited by the same person and their subs paid on the same credit card. Some local members believe the recruitment was organised by those who want to control the selection of councillors in Park ward, which is currently represented by two men of Pakistani origin and one white British woman.
The bBC, bringing you half the story all the time.
Interesting Ed has decided to say ‘Trust’ often enough in hope that it sticks, a bit like the BBC.
Trouble is, after being fooled a few too many times, I don’t trust either of them.
So the first thing I do when I see stuff like this is head elsewhere:
BBC World News
· Dozens hurt as Ethiopian Israelis protest against alleged police brutality in Tel Aviv
Israel police clash with Ethiopian Jewish protesters
Hundreds of Ethiopian Jews protest against police brutality and racism in the Israeli city of Tel Aviv, leading to violent clashes.
That word ‘alleged’ is always a red flag; it means the BBC is hiding behind testimony it likes but needs one degree of separation from.
Also, generally speaking, I have found that getting ‘hurt’ at a ‘protest’ is seldom a passive affair.
Of course you are right not to trust the BBC. But police brutality was quite evident here. The video (no sound) begins with the policeman accosting the Ethiopian, an IDF soldier in uniform on a bicycle. He lays into him with a number of punches and while the Ethiopian, quite a small guy, tries to get one punch in in response he is soon overpowered by the cop and a civilian who comes to assist the cop.
That’s what sparked the rioting. Of course we don’t know what happened before he was attacked. I suppose he could have given the cop some lip, but of course that would not justify him being assaulted.
I guess once BBC hacks find out more details, they’ll concentrate on the police brutality, minimise the Ethiopian violence which followed, in which several were injured on both sides, and ignore the fact that PM Netanyahu personally met with the soldier to offer apologies and that the cop has already been fired.
As I said, and you kindly accept, the BBC version was not one I was prepared to trust, even as version 1.
However, there are cases clearly to answer here. As with the USA, even in face of often extreme provocation, if not in self-defence it is foolish for any officer of the law to act with unjustified violence, especially as the prevalence of mobiles and social media will make it (rightly) public instantly. It only means, beyond the victim, they suffer, their colleagues suffer and their superiors to the top suffer. No winners.
However, your kind feedback suggests it was handled as best it could be up the line. Not sure if, from what you write, the BBC has or will get around to noting this.
Or go into context much.
All I know is that the Facebook page was pretty ugly. Caused by the cop and this incident maybe, but absolutely made a bunch worse by the BBC and a very selective way of ‘reporting’ that feeds into the hands of those itching for excuses. Hard not to see the BBC steering it that way. BBC complicity in stirring to suit agendas is a serious concern of mine.
Hence, my trust in the BBC remains at the same level. I know more, and maybe more will be added. Which is all I can ask.
A blue on green with possibly additional racial overtones sounds pretty complex at best. Why a policeman would without reason attack a soldier, anywhere, remains odd to me. Civilians not respecting the uniform is also a surprise.
I’m shocked that the BBC doesn’t choose to report real brutality by the Sharia enforcers in Saudi, Iran, Gaza and any other Islamic hellhole where it’s an everyday occurrence and is on scale way beyond this.
No the word alleged means they are taking accounts from sources that are not verifiable. Presumably you think that everyone taken into custody by the Police is guilty on the basis on your logic.
Top Gear is being investigated by media watchdog Ofcom over Jeremy Clarkson’s use of the word ‘pikey’, despite the BBC Trust having previously cleared the show.
Ofcom has launched a probe into the use of the word, used as a derogatory term for gipsies or travellers, and its potential for offence, but said today it will take no action over an expletive-laden Kanye West performance at this year’s Brit awards.
Typical of the politically correct public sector, which needs to be seen to be doing ‘something’ even if that something is utterly useless and irrelevant.
There isn’t a single office overseeing markets which has adequately worked, because nothing the public sector does ever works properly. One of the things leftie Dave should have done instead of persecuting the poor, is to have privatised all the Off ….. quangos and told the shareholders that a failure to perform would result in a loss of investment. Then we might have seen some real & relevant action being taken.
I used the word ‘Snigger’ the other day and some twat tried to call me a racist. Walked away with his tail between his f-ing legs after I ripped him a new one.
I don’t live too far from Clarkson and have encountered him at rugby matches and other local sporting events although we don’t move in the same circles 😉
‘Pikey’ around here does not mean Gypsy but is synominous with ‘chav’. Not that the race hustlers will care …
Are you the very same Manonclaphamomnibus who wrote this ?………..”
March 15, 2015 at 1:09 pm
I contribute here because I am highly critical of BBC news”.
Or are you just another sockpuppet ?
BBC 6 o’clock news is starting with a Miliband interview that is so soft as to be all but a unchallenged party political broadcast. What are the chances of the other party leaders getting a similar chance before the election?
BBC Radio 5 News – Re Texas Islamic shootings approx. 5.45pm
Long interview with some dude from the FBI, still looking at all the options to find a motive ???????????????????????
There were just so many “soft targets” in towns nearby etc.
Does Murdoch control Sky News? I have some vague memory that he may own less than 50% since the time of the hacking cases? Just had a look at Google but I’m none the wiser and my head hurts…
Item on Radio 4 6 o’ clock news about the recent weather. Apparently the temperature was fairly typical for the time of year. When I thought back about the amount of times my car had been covered with frost or I had gone out in a winter coat I began to doubt this. However, the article ended by pointing out that many people had a selective memory on weather; only remembering the worst bits………. Silly me. When the facts don’t fit the theory. Ignore the facts.
I know up on Anglesey I can see we still have snow on the mountains and I am just putting on thermals and waterproofs to take the bike out !
Dam this warming is getting to me now when will it end ? pmsl !
A day off today so a friend and myself watched ‘ Shane’ .Definitely no way we were going to watch political garbage.
Now ‘Shane’ might not be familiar to all of you. It is a Western and made long ago- 1953 I think.
It portrays a world and a people who are as far from the liberal world as it is possible to be. It is a superb antidote to the attitudes we are forced to see every day paraded around us. I doubt a liberal could watch it for even five minutes.
The people take responsibility for their own actions. Even the villians do this. The state is never mentioned except in a truly patriotic celebration of the 4th of July. A wonderful scene.
Above all else it celebrates the family and how the family is at the very centre of Western culture and that if it is not then that culture is weakened. It is the family that builds and hands on the culture nobody else.
That the family is traditional goes without saying. The women are not portayed as subservient but as equals in their different roles.
I suppose it reflected the last rays of a healthy cultural sun before the cultural marxists got to the work of destruction and despair.
There is a strong moral certainty in the film despite the ambivalent life of the main character- the gunfighter Shane.
One of the very best things is at the end when Shane, having defeated the villians, takes his leave of the little boy Joey. He tells him to look after his mother and father. That handing on of responsibilty is something we no longer really understand., It is at the heart of our civilisation and these political pygmies that now strut around this country with their absurd worship of the state and their denial of personal responsibility are all we have left. The media and the BBC is full of them .
This is the way a nation goes down. and why this election is a meaningless farce.
Thanks Dave. You are so right. I often refer to Shane in my philosophical reflections. Our mainstream media, our politicians, have failed to recognise how responsible individuals can be in their ordinary interactions. Everything is shallow. Here is a piece from the philosopher, Peter Winch, on the movie. Says Winch:
‘A lone horseman arrives at the isolated homestead of a small farmer on the American prairies who are suffering from the depravations of the rising class of big cattle-owners. Although they hardly exchange a word, a bond of sympathy springs up between the stranger and the homesteader. The stranger silently joins the other in uprooting, with great effort, the stump of a tree in the yard; in pausing for breath, they happen to catch each other’s eye and smile slyly at each other.
Now any explicit account that one tried to give of the level of understanding that had sprung up between these two, and which was expressed in that glance, would no doubt be very complicated and inadequate. We understand it, however, as we understand the meaning of a pregnant pause (consider what it is that makes a pause pregnant) or as we may understand the meaning of a gesture that completes a statement…
the interchange of glances derives its full meaning from the internal relations to the situation in which it occurs: the loneliness, the threat of danger, the sharing of a common life in difficult circumstances, and the satisfaction of physical effort, and so on’.
And they praise BBC drama for its cutting edge and diversity.
Another classic on the Beeb website today : “Offbeat moments from the campaign trail”- a collection of photos of party leaders where Ed & Nicola are deified, while Cameron and Farage get the custard pie treatment- the website home page also continues the honoured tradition of a montage where Miliband is the focal point in statesman mode while Cameron is to one side looking puzzled. BBC Management clearly believe they can ignore their Charter with impunity.
I had the misfortune late at night to catch ‘The Vote Now Show.’ Did anyone hear it?
Desperately unfunny and wildly biased towards the metro liberal left as you can imagine. ‘Jokes’ about farting beside Nigel Farage and sly unpleasant references to the bete noire Daily Mail. The main part was an unfunny rant from a self proclaimed anarchist who ‘analysed’ the various party programmes to gauge which was fairest and most ‘equal’. Unfunny, useless twatism IMHO. Paid for by you, folks.
The lost art of satire is well and truly alive……. Just not on the BBC. I cannot comprehend how anybody could even raise a chuckle at that nonsense.
The episode where they poked fun at Farage for daring to point out the BBC audience for the leaders debate was biased was almost Stalinist. Fancy thinking the BBC is biased?? Are you mad?? Creeping schizophrenia?? Time for re education methinks.
In a few years time this kind of programme will be used as an example of how rotten the BBC has become.
Good to catch up on all things Beeboid from the likes of NISA and angryupnorth above.
Thanks for listening to all this slurry on my behalf.
1. Heard the 7am news headlines where South Yorkshire Police get pilloried again-this time for letting child abuse go on, in front of their noses.
Apparently, all linked to drugs and violence.
But of course.
But was there not ANOTHER factor in the abuse, grooming and exploitation of these kids in Labour-run childrens homes?
Er…Islam maybe?…Muslim men perhaps?
Well blow me down…no one seems to have noticed this constant thread…
The BBC never would-and besides there`s still Hillsborough to keep on the boil.
Well, at least the poor kids so abused weren`t allowed the escape routes of adoption or fostering by REAL abusers of kids-like Catholics, evangelicals, smokers and UKIP supporters!
Well done the Left, Go Guardian-brilliant BBC!
Now remind me again-Shoesmith, mid-Staffs and all…all were Labour Councils were they not?
Not as though the BBC will join THOSE dots together though will they…not with the Savile/Peel monkey on their backs.
If only Nigel would risk the carbon footprint in torching the BBC to the ground, so we could recreate a media that won`t bring Putin and IS, Somalian pirates to our shores and doors.
Andrew Neil-dead man walking after his attack on some harmless Bow Group spokesman above.
Do you think Heseltine and himself have something big to hide here-why else the character assassination and bellicose abuse from these grandees over some poor bloke only on to suggest a bit of tactical voting?
Am voting UKIP based on this one-simply couldn`t bear a Heseltine/Neil gang bang on air like this again.
Hell-even labour are better than this.
Cameron really ought to know what happened here-no point fearting the ScotsNats when Neil and Heseltine seem able to do a Freisler from the comfort of a BBC studio-without even the willingness to get out onto the street.
This Neil/Heseltine thing was Nazi territory…the Tories are toast.
I listened to Jeremy Vine interview Madam Krankie on his show today and I must admit he stuck the boot in surprisingly hard.
I should think the SNP would have culled a few more votes from undecided Scots who heard it. There were some quite extraordinary questions, I think one was something like “Are you really trying to destroy Labour in Scotland?” WTF? It’s a general election Jezza! Another – “Why does your party attract thugs the way it does?”
She did seem taken aback as the interview went on; I even thought she got a tougher time than Farage did when interviewed on this show.
The Beeb really don’t like anyone stamping on Labour’s fingers as it tries to climb to power, do they?
Thugs attack UKIP supporter in Bournemouth
UAF Globalist extremists probably.
A UKIP supporter has been injured after confronting men who ripped down an election placard in his garden. Mark Smith suffered minor injuries to his face, arms and leg when he was attacked at his house in the Kinson area of Bournemouth on Monday.
He described it as “an infringement of freedom of speech”.
Dorset Police confirmed officers had been called to a report of an assault involving a group of five young men. No arrests have been made.
The men are believed to have left the scene by car before police arrived.
Tucked away in the local news I note.
Imagine if Muslim Labour supporters had been attacked by thugs!
It would be wall to wall coverage by the Beeboids.
the more i see of the obvious “lets get ukip” the more determined my vote gets, tactical voting phaaaa no chance suckers register my fucking feelings in your tiny fucking brains
The BBC news website has found a UKIP story to put on it’s homepage.
“UKIP hopeful suspended over threat” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-2015-england-32595003
“The recording appears to show Mr Blay threatening to shoot Mr Jayawardena if he ever became prime minister.”
Bad, wicked – yes. Credible threat – probably not. The most important UKIP story relating to this election – no!
I see a lot of similarities in the Labour media campaign to the Obama presidential media campaign. The influence of Axelrod maybe? The Israel election had “advisors” from the US assisting the Labour equivalent.
No one seems to be complaining about foreign influence in the UK election process. BBC ? Crickets. This is something investigative journalists would be all over if UKIP, Tories, DUP etc. were being aided in the same way. It is a danger to all parties, right and left.
The book Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich, released today makes three basic accusations:
1) The Clintons failed to report hundreds of donors as required by law.
2) The Clintons received millions of dollars in donations from foreign donors, also forbidden by law
3) Hilary Clinton made decisions as senator and secretary of state in the interests of some foreign donors. Surely an indictable offense.
Will the BBC take the usual steps of running the Clinton’s defence as the ‘real’ story, as so many others in the media have already? Or will they throw Hilary under the bus the moment Obama does?
I keep saying this because it doesn’t seem to be getting through!
Much of the Clintons cash from ‘foreign governments’ has come from Sunni Islamic countries, just as Tony BLiars has.
How much evidence, circumstantial or otherwise do you need before you start believing in the possibility that Western politicians are being bribed? (Cleverly, because they aren’t going to make it obvious !)
The first step here is to establish not that is IS happening, but that it might be, because the smoking gun is going to be well hidden, behind a smokescreen.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Did the BBC attend and report on the Conference: “Towards a New Law of War”? If not it should have done…
at http://tinyurl.com/pwgucde
…..The Current laws of warfare are outdated. The Geneva Conventions never envisioned the asymmetrical warfare that is waged today. We must redefine the laws of warfare, so that democratic states can adequately fight back. Today, terror groups attack civilians, and when democracies fight back, their defense is referred to as a war crime. Terrorists should not be able to apply to international courts as if they were victims when they are the perpetrators.
….Prof. Eugene Kontorovich, Northwestern University School of Law, asked how one measures proportionality. The law does not define what the proportion is. Who decides? In international law, there is no final legal decider.
We are dealing, he said, with the hypocrisy of double standards. The law is not going to change, but we should not allow it to be distorted: if properly understood, there is flexibility.
The keyword is excessive: a significant imbalance. Commanders must anticipate the risk, and make an assessment regarding whether it is worth it.
They did report the anonymous second and third hand report by Breaking the Silence whose conclusions, Israeli military ‘fired indiscriminately’ in Gaza, would be rejected by every person at that conference.
I bring that up because france 24 reporting on the same story Israeli veterans slam Gaza war tactics, indiscriminate fire did manage to report the conference, including the problems Israel faced in Gaza.
If Israel was so indiscriminate the number of dead would be far higher as would the relative number of non-combatants but the BBC has never compared relative casualty figures for Gaza and other wars.
BBC Watch looks at this from the BBC editorial guidelines angle as in flouted in promotion of ‘Breaking the Silence’ booklet.
The BBC harem (Carol Kirkwood, Steph McGovern, Sally Nugent, Louise Minchin et al) are joined on the big red ottoman this morning by their Sharia-complient eunuch (Bill Turned-off-ball) so that when it comes to having to talk about Rotherham there’s no mention of ethnicity let alone religion and when Texas cartoons come up we are told of THE PROPHET MOHAMMED
This lot are a lost cause. BBC : News so long as it doesn’t offend you know who.
Seems certain of ‘the talent’ are not one hundred per cent eye-to-eye with the management over its cack-handling of the Clarkson fracas
‘Great British Bake Off star Paul Hollywood has criticised the BBC…’
“It was handled wrongly. It could have been dealt with quietly – whether Jeremy left in the end is almost immaterial.”
That’s what you get when Political Correctness trumps entertainment, folks
Danny Cohen the next DG, apparently.
Safe pair of hands.
Has the BBC lost interest in Baltimore then?
Round about the time half the policemen concerned turned out to be black, I’d guess.
How lucky we are in this country to have such luminaries as Russell Brand to guide us in making the correct choice when voting on Thursday. Without the wise words of this deep thinking messiah mere mortals like me would be completely lost.
Only kidding (in case you needed telling).
The modern obsession with vapid celebrity plumbed new depths when the Marxist idiot met the Marxist idiot. That incident alone should be enough to bar Ed Milliband from office permanently.
Who was it who said “If you need a celebrity to tell you how to vote, you probably shouldn’t vote”? Ozzy Osbourne?
A rather funny posting on Reddit from one of Russell Brands fans:
Here’s one comment:
How to make a mess of an election endorsement:
1.Convince over a million people voting isn’t worthwhile
2.Produce a book and film that points out all the problems with society but offers no answers
3. Watch as hundreds of thousands of young people people don’t both to register to vote – “Why bother?”
4. Meet a couple of progressive politicians who have been suggesting solutions to the exact problems you’ve been going on about for several decades
5. Get it, endorse one of them for PM
6. Watch on Thursday night as the Tories win because hundreds of thousands of people who could have voted can’t because they believed you at step 1.
Of course the BBC has chosen to publicise Brands epiphany because he now supports their chosen party !
Russell Brand is a self confessed wanker. Ask him nicely and he will give a hand job.
Where has the word ‘progressive’ come from all of a sudden? Why have our friends at the BBC been using the phrase at every opportunity?
What’s progressive about retuning Britain to the chaos of the 60s and 70s?
What’s progressive about retuning the people of Britain to the status chattels of the state, dependent on the largesse of a left wing government?
What’s progressive removing people’s aspirations, sneering at and punishing people’s progress and success?
Quite right. Let’s refer to these statist throwbacks as what they are – regressives.
It’s a case of the Left taking a word with positive connotations, and annexing it for their own. They do it all the time, seeking to control the language, and hence the very terms of the political debate.
This video is doing the rounds. Obviously it involves some very important visitor to the UK to whom our collaborative cops express loyalty. Why wasn’t this arrival covered by the BBC? It looks newsworthy.
BBC News Channel. 11am. ‘Following the party leaders’. Three-way split screen – LibLabCon. No sign of UKIP. Decision to ignore OFCOM ruling is well established now, even though UKIP is polling double the LibDems.
Bookmaker’s latest odds :
Win most seats : Conservative 2/9 Labour 9/2
PM after election : Cameron evens, Militwat evens.
Doesn’t seem fair !!
BBC – 5Live has a 2hour electathon palava, with Lib/Lab/Con, and erm … no UKIP, The Tory “No Platform Farage pressure in the crucial week of the campaign seems to be true. with unwarranted ridicule, extremist/racist slurs as the BBC addition.
Meanwhile “a lie a day” Tory election rumbles on, with did he,
didn t he Camoron, fury over claim Cons PM ‘told Nick Clegg he can’t win election’? … his partners say yes, Tory spinners say no, and Camoron as usual, ducks the question.
… avoid questions, ignore questions, no answers and deceit …
yesterday the NHS … NHS Partners report … Schools 😀
Without any doubt the most cowardly, smearing spiteful campaign in British political history, with Dave the dodger, scrutiny dodger, debate dodger, question dodger, truth dodger at the helm … even in the last question time on the BBC , Camoron steadfastly refused to debate in the same room as his main rival , who with his usual patronising spite has tried to character assassinate from a safe distance and with no fear of a reply …
He and his grasping Tory toff cronies are beneath contempt, he even banned opponents from attending a debate in his own constituency , and then ducked out of a radio interview along side the Trussel fund , who run the largest of the food bank charities in this country.
Then Camoron had the astounding nerve to describe himself as a brave Fire Fighter , running around putting out blazes started by his opponents .
They’ve also ”weaponised” the Womble, I saw Boris on SKY news the other day , babbling on about something.
I ve just noticed Paul Nuttall … managed to get a couple of minutes on 5Live, hmmm we have moved on to another 2hr electostint though.
“Car Crash that is the Bitch Derbyshire”
… bit harsh 😀
… I mean, who doesn t want a dose of VD?
…….. no wait 😀
Noggin, can you go on the car crash that is the bitch Derbyshire’s show and be interviewed as a “don’t know” ? . You sound just the kind of undecided type that are looking for.
Chaps and chapesses, any thought given as to which channel you’ll be watching on election night?
Always try to avoid the bBC coverage, Dimbley, Vine etc but it may just be a little fun seeing the vote slip away from Labour and see UKIP grab a few seats, would love to see how they spin it…
Sky has been going the same way as Al Beeb, so I thought as ITV have promised zero adverts between 10pm – 5am, I might just give them a go, they seem to have less objectionable presenters than the afore mentioned and did a good job on their leaders debate.
Any thoughts?
It’s definitely going to be tricky dividing my time between Sky and BBC on Election night. I can only hope that the BBC is forced to endure a Tory majority – like many here, I just want to see the BBC apparatchiks squirm as their preferred outcome slips slowly away, despite their very best efforts to ‘game’ the Election in Red Ed’s favour. Time to get in the popcorn.
There you go, Phil, you’ve identified the UK’s entire problem without even realising it.
‘….between Sky and BBC…’. There’s the problem staring right back at you.
ITV for me. I have just bought a new TV, and I don’t want to smash it to pieces just yet.
ITV politics has been a breath of fresh air. Their handling of the first debate left the BBC standing, their political chief, Tom Bradbury is the best political analyst on TV, the BBC crew look old, tired, grey, jaded and of course biased by comparison.
I have far more trust and confidence in ITV reporting than I do, Norman Smith, Jim Naughte, Evan Davis, everyone else – every single one of the others on Newsnight, Gameshow Campbell, Victoria Derbyshire and everyone else on Five Live.
ITV had a go at 24 hour rolling news for a time, sadly it didn’t work out. I’d gladly allow the government to divert some of my licence fee to support a rival 24hr news outlet to rival the BBC back in ITV.
i’m quite looking forward to watching the election results on the BBC. Its going to be a great night watching the beeboids faces as it becomes clear that the election isn’t going the way they want. But above all, i cant wait to see their jaws drop when our Lord and Saviour, St. Nigel of Farage gets elected
Wish I shared your confidence there.
Have faith my friend. God is on our side. Allah is on the side of the LibLabSnpCon artists
Election nights are usually quite depressing here as BBC Scotland or STV focus, naturally enough, on Scottish constituencies where yet another Labour scarecrow gets in. Watching them get a bloody nose will bring some comfort, though frankly replacing them with SNP makeweights (one of their candidates is 20 years old, FFS!) won’t be any improvement. I will flick between Scottish and English broadcasts, but haven’t decided which channel. Probably all of them!
Some of us have to go to work the next morning, so it will unfortunately be BBC radio. It will need around a dozen results before anything starts to become clear, so that’s what midnight or beyond and you have sat watching 2 hours of speculation!
The one way to get back at the BBC is of course to watch ITV, so when the ratings come out you may have assisted in a small, but significant defeat for the BBC, should ITV get a bigger audience.
But then you would not be able to comment on BBC bias, or more hopefully see the presenters really really glum faces as the Tories do better than expected and then cast around for explanations.
Hopefully some bright Tory will thank the BBC for its help!
It will need around a dozen results before anything starts to become clear, so that’s what midnight or beyond and you have sat watching 2 hours of speculation!
The link below gives declaration times. There’s not much happening before 2.00am. In the past they could predict the outcome from the swing in the first seat, but that wont happen this time. Might be better setting the alarm for 2.
Declaration times in time order
Also; consider Adam Bolton on Sky and Paxman on C4.
Will Sky be doing a live international streaming thing so people like myself can watch from outside the UK?
Maybe LBC on the radio, coupled with online e.g. Telegraph.
Every little helps…
Radio 4 Extra gives us something new, (for once), “1835 election fever in Ipswich. True story of George Cunnold’s brave stand against political corruption.”
Two days before the election and we get a tale one hundred and eight years old about ‘Tory’ MPs bribing the electorate. Could it not wait a week?
Every little helps you know.
Watching Al Beeb news and it looks as if the EU is totally and utterly failing to stem the flow of ‘migrants’ heading their way , and ours .
It would appear they are ferrying the whole of Africa over to Europe.
Europe is a ‘failed state’.
Waiting for comments on Daily Politics. Jaw-dropping edition. The ‘right’ is ready for a re-alignment.
Usual white hat Andrew Neil did an an amazing hatchet job on the Bow Group chairman on Daily Politics. He rubbished his CV and questioned the legitimacy of the Bow Group’s tactical voting press release. Neil seemed to think in the case of the Bow Group their public utterances should be supported by a poll of their members. We don’t get any questioning of the process behind the publications of other think tanks. Neil must have been acting as heavy for geriatric Heseltine sat beside him.
It’s hard to believe that Brillo left his own views at the door today. That was one of the worst bits of bias I’ve ever seen. The contrast of his smearing of the Bow guy with his forelock tugging to Heseltine was sickening. The guy is razor sharp, though. ‘Are you even Benjamin Harris-Quinney?’ ‘Well, I’m not Grant Shapps!’ Classic!
Still; I wonder who decided Heseltine would be a good person to convince UKIP voters to return! Peter Hitchens was brutal in demolishing him earlier – well worth watching about 1/2 hour point.
We had this on the Beeb, when the suggestion from Harris-Quinney that some disaffected Tories might want to vote tactically for UKIP was not considered, even for one single question. (Hesletine to Neil, “you’ve destroyed him”).
Turn over to the “alternative” channel, Sky News, and the reporter (female, ethnic, name I didn’t catch) on Murnaghan was pretending to ask why immigration hadn’t become an election issue. Well, it seems that since “all the parties are proposing limits”, there’s nothing much to debate. Furthermore, with the “tragedy of events” – i.e. the flood of illegal immigrants into Italy – it would have been “heartless” to even raise the issue. And here’s me thinking that the only reason immigration wasn’t allowed to become an issue by any of the television news media was that it might encourage the ‘heartless’ plebs to vote UKIP.
What can a man do in such a rigged game but vote for the maligned and misrepresented ‘underdog’?
G.W.F. posted a Facebook link to this, its worth repeating and showing (with sound) to anyone you know who are considering voting Labour who are actively seeking such votes, also remember this happened under a Tory led coalition with our dhimmi police ‘service’ assisting.
I find this deeply sinister, shocking and view with a sense of foreboding…
Dear God, ……….show this to all real British people before Thursday and UKIP will win 500 seats. Wonder who the white coppers will vote for ? If they have received enough brainwashing no doubt the X goes to the idiots who wants more of this here. I wonder if they realise they will be the first to be killed when the “men” start flexing their muscles in the near future ? I do hope this makes Midlands today this evening but somehow I doubt it.i now know what it felt like to be in the firing line at the battle of Rorke’s Drift
You know you really shouldn’t be alarmed by such displays of affection for this country. That was the UK Fez Wearing Champions returning from their victory at the World Hat Adornments Symposium in Karachi. They won gold and their supporters where merely chanting the final score.
You should be careful otherwise you may disappear into one of Ed’s Diverity Awreness Training Camps. NB Stay out of the showers …
I note that BBC Radio News had, a Head teacher on yesterday
that was still receiving intimidation, threats, dead animals left outside on the playground, even death threats etc over …
Islams Trojan Horse Sharia not being followed in Bham schools?
Yes folks! … That’s the BBC s “I wouldn t believe it”,
erm … “so called” “alleged” Trojan Horse schools?
1hr 41mins
I wonder if they arrived to go to that huge RoP demonstration in Whitehall which Al-Beebus nor ITN saw fit to report?
Daily Politics. 5.5.15. BBC2 1200hrs. Bias and rudeness. From Andrew Neil.
Brillo has a bad one. A very bad one. Oh dear. Brillo decided to engage in an ad hominem attack on a bald headed guy from a conservative think tank.
Brillo plays the man, not the ball, so we don’t get to hear what the chap has to say.
Walter Mitty, Brillo? Absolutely pathetic. Brillo has come across intellectual imposters and Walter Mittys so often, but, as a professional interviewer, resists the ad hominem attacks. Why now? Why today? UKIP related perhaps? Why didn’t Brillo listen to his comments and take them to bits? Brillo, that is what you do! This was a premeditated, pre-researched attack on an individual who had not even been given opportunity to express his conservative viewpoint. Terrible, and formal complaints would be justified by the gentleman concerned.
Brillo has shown his hand today, and it is not a positive one. He is anti-UKIP (probably Tory).
I await Brillo calling out the demonstrable Walter Mittys and subject them to ad hominem verbal attacks. Owen Jones for one has made a good living out of the BBC and Establishment media. Yet I have never heard Brillo resort to name calling when he embarrasses OJ by exposing his hypocrisy, his verbalised untruths and his contradictory statements.
He is anti-UKIP (
probablyundoubtedly Tory).Nailed it. He is establishment Tory. They desperately need three per cent that is hesitant for UKIP. The Bow paper threatens the plan so it, or its author, has to be rubbished. Surely he doesn’t think Hezza will attract Kippers, though? Notice Brillo didn’t take on Peter Hitchens earlier.
Interview here – shocking! You’re right the problem Brillo has with this guy is that he is telling people, under certain circumstances to vote UKIP.
Brillo was a disgrace. An embarrassment to watch.
I look forward to Russell Brand wiping the floor with Brillo. It would not be difficult – and my opinion of Brand is below zero. However, Brand would hop from one topic to another leaving one question, one idea, pre-programmed Brillo in a funk.
Seeing as ‘wanker’ Brand got well and truly squashed by an ordinary working class bloke on QT, I have doubt on his ability to even remember what the question is before disappearing off up his own arse. Typical example of Sod’s law of being promoted above your level of competence. He ought to have stuck to his weekly column in the ST on the trials and tribulations of West Ham.
All I can say is that the media and political elite must be cacking themselves.
Good post, Geoff………..This is a total disgrace. Neil totally prevented the guy getting his message out and then asks heseltiine, probably the most pro euro tory on the planet what he thought. ………
There is just no pretence any more of any equilibrium with the bbbc. Yet, the bbbc tell themselves they are the standard bearer for free speech. I hope something is done about it.
Of course Geoff is totally correct…….At all costs prevent the UKIP message getting to the public
Take a look at this past paper and accompanying booklet for the AS level General Studies exam 1984.
It is shocking left wing bias written by BBC regular contributor Mariella Frostrup. Worse still it is incredibly naïve as to the causes which are deeply rooted in Islamic religious belief.
The question paper makes reference to BBC right wing bias, and it seems to me that this is just another example of the indoctrination of the children rather than an exercise in discerning what an author is getting at.
Questions such as
The argument presented in the passage is
A balanced.
B over-emotional
C comparative.
D one-sided.
Do not have a correct answer which actually lies in the perceptions of the reader, however should a examinee answer politically incorrectly then they will be marked down !
Click to access AQA-GENA1-QP-JUN14.PDF
Click to access AQA-GENA1-SB-JUN14.PDF
I was going to say 1984 was a terrible time for the country and it was a lot worse then than today. Trotskyist’s controlled the labour party. We even had communist councils in Liverpool and Glasgow All this at the height of the cold war so the exam papers do not surprise me
but things havnt changed at all have they. Labour still siding with the enemy and the loony left still controll the education system. The only difference is, loony left ideology is accept as the norm now.
We live in terrifying times, and while some people might say only smarties have the answer, the country needs to wake up and understand only Nigel Farage has the answer
Vote ukip!
Sorry, I don’t know why I keep getting my years mixed up, maybe this is a Freudian thing.
The Correct year is 2014 !
lol its ok, life does sometimes feel like we’re living in Orwell’s 1984,
It does have a correct answer and that answer was (D) One Sided which you allude to as being your answer.
Have just watched Daily Politics.
The Conservative think-tank, the Bow Group, has recommended that, in seats where the Tories can’t win, support be given to UKIP.
Brillo’s assault on the chairman, Ben Harris-Quinney, was nothing short of disgraceful.
Can’t believe the BBC is still rolling out the massively pro-EU, dried up old Queen Heseltine.
Erm, actually…………
Watched the brillo interview. The usually balanced Neil utterly shamed himself
Brillo’s style has become so obvious of late. Ask a couple of questions – usually personal – which have no bearing on the issue the interviewee has come along to discuss – then keep asking them, even when adequately answered – in order to destroy the argument. The man made it clear that he was proposing an election strategy, which is worthy of discussion, even if mistaken. But no, Brillo wanted to destroy the man’s credentials. Brillo did the same with Tommy Robinson when he avoided serious issues about Islam and focused on Robinson’s real name repeatedly. Brillo is a one question hack, a technique that might work in a sixth form debating club, but not as a national broadcaster. In fact Brillo sounded like the drunk in a pub argument who repeats his own banal comment.
I’m trying to decide what would be the most effective: complaining to the BBC/BBC Trust, or shouting up my own backside.
Similar effect for all three options I guess. Though the first two won’t have the same effect on your rectum as the latter. Are you a contortionist Mike? I wish I had the ability and flexibility to do that.
The most effective solution is to stop funding them.
Having just listened to the link above concerning the Bow Group, one has to ask the question is, Lord Heseltine senile?
I think the BBC and in particular Brillo, need to be taken to task concerning this so called “interview”.
Not sure about senile, but the photos the establishment have of him must be pretty incriminating!
Aw shucks , you were all heaping praises on Brillo for weeks , is he a turncoat ? He is definately a Conservative . I am not that keen on Hesser ,as he is a Euro fanatic.His daughter is a mosie convert though , that`s probably why he is so pro Euro /Eu.
I think he has ran out of steam.
He’s been on too much.
There is something really smelly going on in that “interview” with the Chairman of the Bow Group. What did Lord Heseltine mean when he stated that “you’ve destroyed him”. Destroyed what Mr Heseltine? The Chairman told us all exactly who he was, what the Bow Group stood for and who the supporters of the group were, which included the Madrid connection. So what was the purpose of this “interview” BBC? This was an interview with “evil intent” and Andrew Neil perpetrated it. Shocking, really shocking and Mr Neil should be made to apologise for an interview that was nothing more than an attempt to smear where there was nothing to smear.
I wonder why Brillo wanted to destroy the Bow Group Guy? Please enlighten me someone.
IDS, on BBC Welfare Debate … on dreary autopilot blabbering on with his fictitious figures, abjectly refused to answer where his “welfare” cuts are to come from, lying about foodbanks, lying about employment figures and well just about everything else.
A droning regurgitation of the same obfuscation, and dodges we have had to endure from the liars Camoron and “Pinocchio” Osborne.
Was this creature, due to be on D Politics at all?
Watching him lie through his teeth, then get soundly chastised
… always a pleasure, he always looks so offended 😀
Was he asked about the 1 million poor sods who have been sanctioned?
We know that we have a party which simply doesn’t care about the suffering and the cruelty, when they are prepared to subject people to more harsh treatment than those in prison.
If every Job seeker committed an imprisonable crime such as setting fire to a job centre then the Tories wouldn’t be able to implement this cruel plan. On the other hand if naïve leftie do gooders didn’t provide the means via food banks then again the Tories wouldn’t be able to be so cruel.
yep! “benefits” have changed, all “welfare”, these days
soon to be “workfare”, or is that “jobfare” … then to be replaced with foodstamps one can assume
… Remember the odious IDS, pre election last time round? … the pretence of living in a flat for a week?
just more Tory bullshit,
Lying on his academic record on his CV, lying and misrepresenting statistics for his grasping ideological reasons ever since,(typical Tory)
The direct consequence of the welfare changes that he has introduced? people have died.
A million on sanctions? … just helps the Tory liars falsify
the figures yet again
He is a disgrace as a politician and as a human being, and so … fits right in with Camoron, Osborne and the rest of the Tory No10 cronies.
quack, quack oops! … ducky 😀
“The government has had to launch an inquiry after it was forced to admit that jobcentres have been setting targets and league tables to sanction benefit claimants despite assurances to parliament this week that no such targets were being set.”
“Rising numbers of vulnerable jobseekers are being tricked into losing benefits amid growing pressure to meet welfare targets”
Do you not recall the revealed letters? the whistle blowers? showing the DWP’s secret targets for sanctioning welfare recipients was in effect
As, simultaneously Iain Duncan Smith was still insisting on the floor of the Commons that no such sanctions targets exist.
Isn’t lying to the House a breach of the Ministerial code punishable by instant sacking? … just askin
Ah … Tory/Lying there s those words again
Please tell me why you think people are sanctioned.
Am I wrong to think that it those not keeping their side of the benefits deal of being required to make some effort to get themselves off benefits, or are Thoughtful and noggin in favour of just dishing out the cash with no strings?
Re the DP Brillo interview today, this was a comment Ben Harris-Quinney made on Guido post interview and a following Tweet.
“Ben Harris-Quinney • 2 hours ago
I was unable to express myself clearly and have already submitted a formal complaint to the BBC at being referred to as ‘Walter Mitty’. I am the Chairman of the Bow Group, not some run of the mill activist.”
The problem is that the BBC have performed their hit-and-run and gotten away with it; any complaint is, by default, going to get lost in the deliberate bureaucracy of the Politburo. They achieved what they set out to do (and will keep doing right up to May 7th) – a kick in the nuts on national TV to anyone it deems ‘the enemy’.
When you are that big, that unaccountable, that pernicious…well, you guys know the rest.
‘They achieved what they set out to do’
What did they set out to do? Who watches DP? Me and a few tens of thousand of other ‘anoraks’ who could see clearly what was going on. Of those, many may be conservatives. The ‘interview’ should let them know who represents conservatives. It ain’t Heseltine or the Conservative Party, thats for sure.
Brillo and Heseltine demonstrated how the Conservative Party is fundamentally split, I suggest now, beyond repair. Could get messy post election. Defection time.
Men and women of substance in the Conservative Party know that their obituaries and their relevance in history will be determined by how they act in the coming two to three years. The disaster that is the EU will implode, its just a matter of how and when. Greece may be the catalyst, but it could be something completely unpredictable from left field. Who knew what was going to happen in 1913? Most were fearing a war over Irish home rule, but some dude got shot in Sarajevo, and the rest as they say, is history. There is no longer anywhere for our politicians to hide. Hard decisions will need to be made soon and the interests of our nation need to be protected.
I noticed this bBC article this morning about Muslims voting in Halifax:
General Election 2015: Young, Muslim and disengaged
Many Muslims say Islamophobia has been on the rise in Britain since 2001 and the 9/11 attacks. The stigma has been compounded as news about young men and women travelling from the UK to join conflicts abroad has brought increased political and media focus on the Muslim community. BBC News travelled to Halifax to talk to second generation British Muslims about how they feel about politics and the election. Despite attempts to include their views in this video, none of the women asked were willing to speak on camera.
So the bBC goes all the way to Halifax in which to question a load of Muslims to ask them if they wish to partake in the democratic vote of the next government of the UK.
But instead, they opine about how they are victims of ‘Islamophobia’ (I’m a brown skinned Paki looking fellow who lives in a predominately white town and to this day I have had no issues with people, in fact around the Uk, I have experienced no hatred due to the colour of my skin) and because of that, because they don’t know anything about what the parties are offering, because of British foreign policy they will not be voting.
And here is something the bBC isn’t telling you about the Muslim vote in Halifax.
Labour disqualifies more than 130 Halifax party members before hustings
More than 130 new members of the Halifax Labour party have been disqualified from voting for the party’s general election candidate after suspicions were raised about their recruitment. All but seven of the disqualified members are of Asian heritage, and joined six to 12 months ago in the same multicultural ward of Halifax,One local member said a complaint was made to the regional Labour party alleging most of the new members had been recruited by the same person and their subs paid on the same credit card. Some local members believe the recruitment was organised by those who want to control the selection of councillors in Park ward, which is currently represented by two men of Pakistani origin and one white British woman.
The bBC, bringing you half the story all the time.
Good post, Pounce.
Interesting Ed has decided to say ‘Trust’ often enough in hope that it sticks, a bit like the BBC.
Trouble is, after being fooled a few too many times, I don’t trust either of them.
So the first thing I do when I see stuff like this is head elsewhere:
BBC World News
Dozens hurt as Ethiopian Israelis protest against alleged police brutality in Tel Aviv
Israel police clash with Ethiopian Jewish protesters
Hundreds of Ethiopian Jews protest against police brutality and racism in the Israeli city of Tel Aviv, leading to violent clashes.
That word ‘alleged’ is always a red flag; it means the BBC is hiding behind testimony it likes but needs one degree of separation from.
Also, generally speaking, I have found that getting ‘hurt’ at a ‘protest’ is seldom a passive affair.
I wonder who instigated these ‘violent clashes’?
Think I’ll await the BBC Watch version.
Of course you are right not to trust the BBC. But police brutality was quite evident here. The video (no sound) begins with the policeman accosting the Ethiopian, an IDF soldier in uniform on a bicycle. He lays into him with a number of punches and while the Ethiopian, quite a small guy, tries to get one punch in in response he is soon overpowered by the cop and a civilian who comes to assist the cop.
That’s what sparked the rioting. Of course we don’t know what happened before he was attacked. I suppose he could have given the cop some lip, but of course that would not justify him being assaulted.
I guess once BBC hacks find out more details, they’ll concentrate on the police brutality, minimise the Ethiopian violence which followed, in which several were injured on both sides, and ignore the fact that PM Netanyahu personally met with the soldier to offer apologies and that the cop has already been fired.
Many thanks.
As I said, and you kindly accept, the BBC version was not one I was prepared to trust, even as version 1.
However, there are cases clearly to answer here. As with the USA, even in face of often extreme provocation, if not in self-defence it is foolish for any officer of the law to act with unjustified violence, especially as the prevalence of mobiles and social media will make it (rightly) public instantly. It only means, beyond the victim, they suffer, their colleagues suffer and their superiors to the top suffer. No winners.
However, your kind feedback suggests it was handled as best it could be up the line. Not sure if, from what you write, the BBC has or will get around to noting this.
Or go into context much.
All I know is that the Facebook page was pretty ugly. Caused by the cop and this incident maybe, but absolutely made a bunch worse by the BBC and a very selective way of ‘reporting’ that feeds into the hands of those itching for excuses. Hard not to see the BBC steering it that way. BBC complicity in stirring to suit agendas is a serious concern of mine.
Hence, my trust in the BBC remains at the same level. I know more, and maybe more will be added. Which is all I can ask.
A blue on green with possibly additional racial overtones sounds pretty complex at best. Why a policeman would without reason attack a soldier, anywhere, remains odd to me. Civilians not respecting the uniform is also a surprise.
If the BBC can’t find a way to spin it against Israel, they’ll drop the story quickly, as we know.
I’m not on Facebook, so couldn’t access the story there.
I’m shocked that the BBC doesn’t choose to report real brutality by the Sharia enforcers in Saudi, Iran, Gaza and any other Islamic hellhole where it’s an everyday occurrence and is on scale way beyond this.
No I’m not really.
They won’t do that because they are part of the establishment. Right wing bias imo.
No the word alleged means they are taking accounts from sources that are not verifiable. Presumably you think that everyone taken into custody by the Police is guilty on the basis on your logic.
Top Gear is being investigated by media watchdog Ofcom over Jeremy Clarkson’s use of the word ‘pikey’, despite the BBC Trust having previously cleared the show.
Ofcom has launched a probe into the use of the word, used as a derogatory term for gipsies or travellers, and its potential for offence, but said today it will take no action over an expletive-laden Kanye West performance at this year’s Brit awards.
Typical of the politically correct public sector, which needs to be seen to be doing ‘something’ even if that something is utterly useless and irrelevant.
There isn’t a single office overseeing markets which has adequately worked, because nothing the public sector does ever works properly. One of the things leftie Dave should have done instead of persecuting the poor, is to have privatised all the Off ….. quangos and told the shareholders that a failure to perform would result in a loss of investment. Then we might have seen some real & relevant action being taken.
Sounds a bit niggardly to me.
I used the word ‘Snigger’ the other day and some twat tried to call me a racist. Walked away with his tail between his f-ing legs after I ripped him a new one.
‘Arf, ‘arf, ‘arf. Someone put up a black ?
What about that racist Snickers bar? easy to say sniggers by mistake.
Golly I like those.
Used to enjoy Umbongo fruit drink too.
But if you look at the bBBC website http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-32590963 it uses the title Top Gear investigated by Ofcom over Pike’s Peak pun. What happened to Pikey?
Don’t tell him, Pike!
OFCOM roused from their slumbers on, of all things… this?
Seems they feel they are on safe ground.
Unsurprised, but a bunch of other stuff I bet they booted back to the Trust to disappear before you could say ‘notus.gov’
I don’t live too far from Clarkson and have encountered him at rugby matches and other local sporting events although we don’t move in the same circles 😉
‘Pikey’ around here does not mean Gypsy but is synominous with ‘chav’. Not that the race hustlers will care …
Actually he NHS ,despite Dave , is one of the most efficient health deliverers in the world.
Spot on there Moco.
Maybe you should change ‘despite’ to ‘because of’. It’s satisfaction is near record high levels and disatisfaction is at a record low level.
Are you the very same Manonclaphamomnibus who wrote this ?………..”
March 15, 2015 at 1:09 pm
I contribute here because I am highly critical of BBC news”.
Or are you just another sockpuppet ?
As if by magic !
Clapham bus depot driver reveals his day job as being a couch potato..
Shouldn’t they be looking in to the institutional bias of the BBC ?
Goodness gracious me!
BBC 6 o’clock news is starting with a Miliband interview that is so soft as to be all but a unchallenged party political broadcast. What are the chances of the other party leaders getting a similar chance before the election?
The BBC have completely ignored this graceful, hypocritical and cowardly act by Liebour, a party that sanctimoniously lectures everybody of sexism…
What a despicable rabble Labour are. And how blatantly biased of the British Branch of Communism to ignore this truly anti-British behaviour.
sorry, that should read ‘disgraceful’. Graceful is not a word I’d want to be accused of using in the same utterance as Liebour.
BBC Radio 5 News – Re Texas Islamic shootings approx. 5.45pm
Long interview with some dude from the FBI, still looking at all the options to find a motive ???????????????????????
There were just so many “soft targets” in towns nearby etc.
This might help
perhaps better try this link
We need to start a movement to get a UK version of Fox over here ASAP. It might well save our sorry apology of a country from destruction.
Maybe it’ll be easier if you emigrated to the U.S. And became a clan member.
Have you roped a couple of your classmates to join this site, Blakey? Only some half-wits appear to be up-voting your childlike drivel lately.
Still waiting for an apology, evening team member of the bus depot. Can you pass my message on to whichever of you was abusing me ?
But he isn’t a democrat so the clan won’t consider his application ! now an illiberal hate monger like you echmanonagermanbus hmm
Indeed. Why Murdoch allows Sky to be BBC-Lite is anyone’s guess.
Maybe the rumours are true – does Murdoch simply hate the United Kingdom?
Does Murdoch control Sky News? I have some vague memory that he may own less than 50% since the time of the hacking cases? Just had a look at Google but I’m none the wiser and my head hurts…
Item on Radio 4 6 o’ clock news about the recent weather. Apparently the temperature was fairly typical for the time of year. When I thought back about the amount of times my car had been covered with frost or I had gone out in a winter coat I began to doubt this. However, the article ended by pointing out that many people had a selective memory on weather; only remembering the worst bits………. Silly me. When the facts don’t fit the theory. Ignore the facts.
I know up on Anglesey I can see we still have snow on the mountains and I am just putting on thermals and waterproofs to take the bike out !
Dam this warming is getting to me now when will it end ? pmsl !
A day off today so a friend and myself watched ‘ Shane’ .Definitely no way we were going to watch political garbage.
Now ‘Shane’ might not be familiar to all of you. It is a Western and made long ago- 1953 I think.
It portrays a world and a people who are as far from the liberal world as it is possible to be. It is a superb antidote to the attitudes we are forced to see every day paraded around us. I doubt a liberal could watch it for even five minutes.
The people take responsibility for their own actions. Even the villians do this. The state is never mentioned except in a truly patriotic celebration of the 4th of July. A wonderful scene.
Above all else it celebrates the family and how the family is at the very centre of Western culture and that if it is not then that culture is weakened. It is the family that builds and hands on the culture nobody else.
That the family is traditional goes without saying. The women are not portayed as subservient but as equals in their different roles.
I suppose it reflected the last rays of a healthy cultural sun before the cultural marxists got to the work of destruction and despair.
There is a strong moral certainty in the film despite the ambivalent life of the main character- the gunfighter Shane.
One of the very best things is at the end when Shane, having defeated the villians, takes his leave of the little boy Joey. He tells him to look after his mother and father. That handing on of responsibilty is something we no longer really understand., It is at the heart of our civilisation and these political pygmies that now strut around this country with their absurd worship of the state and their denial of personal responsibility are all we have left. The media and the BBC is full of them .
This is the way a nation goes down. and why this election is a meaningless farce.
Thanks Dave. You are so right. I often refer to Shane in my philosophical reflections. Our mainstream media, our politicians, have failed to recognise how responsible individuals can be in their ordinary interactions. Everything is shallow. Here is a piece from the philosopher, Peter Winch, on the movie. Says Winch:
‘A lone horseman arrives at the isolated homestead of a small farmer on the American prairies who are suffering from the depravations of the rising class of big cattle-owners. Although they hardly exchange a word, a bond of sympathy springs up between the stranger and the homesteader. The stranger silently joins the other in uprooting, with great effort, the stump of a tree in the yard; in pausing for breath, they happen to catch each other’s eye and smile slyly at each other.
Now any explicit account that one tried to give of the level of understanding that had sprung up between these two, and which was expressed in that glance, would no doubt be very complicated and inadequate. We understand it, however, as we understand the meaning of a pregnant pause (consider what it is that makes a pause pregnant) or as we may understand the meaning of a gesture that completes a statement…
the interchange of glances derives its full meaning from the internal relations to the situation in which it occurs: the loneliness, the threat of danger, the sharing of a common life in difficult circumstances, and the satisfaction of physical effort, and so on’.
And they praise BBC drama for its cutting edge and diversity.
Another classic on the Beeb website today : “Offbeat moments from the campaign trail”- a collection of photos of party leaders where Ed & Nicola are deified, while Cameron and Farage get the custard pie treatment- the website home page also continues the honoured tradition of a montage where Miliband is the focal point in statesman mode while Cameron is to one side looking puzzled. BBC Management clearly believe they can ignore their Charter with impunity.
I had the misfortune late at night to catch ‘The Vote Now Show.’ Did anyone hear it?
Desperately unfunny and wildly biased towards the metro liberal left as you can imagine. ‘Jokes’ about farting beside Nigel Farage and sly unpleasant references to the bete noire Daily Mail. The main part was an unfunny rant from a self proclaimed anarchist who ‘analysed’ the various party programmes to gauge which was fairest and most ‘equal’. Unfunny, useless twatism IMHO. Paid for by you, folks.
Yeah I used the word ‘unfunny’ three times just then.
Reason being there is no way that show would pass Trades Descriptions as a comedy.
The lost art of satire is well and truly alive……. Just not on the BBC. I cannot comprehend how anybody could even raise a chuckle at that nonsense.
The episode where they poked fun at Farage for daring to point out the BBC audience for the leaders debate was biased was almost Stalinist. Fancy thinking the BBC is biased?? Are you mad?? Creeping schizophrenia?? Time for re education methinks.
In a few years time this kind of programme will be used as an example of how rotten the BBC has become.
Good to catch up on all things Beeboid from the likes of NISA and angryupnorth above.
Thanks for listening to all this slurry on my behalf.
1. Heard the 7am news headlines where South Yorkshire Police get pilloried again-this time for letting child abuse go on, in front of their noses.
Apparently, all linked to drugs and violence.
But of course.
But was there not ANOTHER factor in the abuse, grooming and exploitation of these kids in Labour-run childrens homes?
Er…Islam maybe?…Muslim men perhaps?
Well blow me down…no one seems to have noticed this constant thread…
The BBC never would-and besides there`s still Hillsborough to keep on the boil.
Well, at least the poor kids so abused weren`t allowed the escape routes of adoption or fostering by REAL abusers of kids-like Catholics, evangelicals, smokers and UKIP supporters!
Well done the Left, Go Guardian-brilliant BBC!
Now remind me again-Shoesmith, mid-Staffs and all…all were Labour Councils were they not?
Not as though the BBC will join THOSE dots together though will they…not with the Savile/Peel monkey on their backs.
If only Nigel would risk the carbon footprint in torching the BBC to the ground, so we could recreate a media that won`t bring Putin and IS, Somalian pirates to our shores and doors.
Andrew Neil-dead man walking after his attack on some harmless Bow Group spokesman above.
Do you think Heseltine and himself have something big to hide here-why else the character assassination and bellicose abuse from these grandees over some poor bloke only on to suggest a bit of tactical voting?
Am voting UKIP based on this one-simply couldn`t bear a Heseltine/Neil gang bang on air like this again.
Hell-even labour are better than this.
Cameron really ought to know what happened here-no point fearting the ScotsNats when Neil and Heseltine seem able to do a Freisler from the comfort of a BBC studio-without even the willingness to get out onto the street.
This Neil/Heseltine thing was Nazi territory…the Tories are toast.
I usually speak up for Andrew Neil. But that interview was a bloody disgrace.
I listened to Jeremy Vine interview Madam Krankie on his show today and I must admit he stuck the boot in surprisingly hard.
I should think the SNP would have culled a few more votes from undecided Scots who heard it. There were some quite extraordinary questions, I think one was something like “Are you really trying to destroy Labour in Scotland?” WTF? It’s a general election Jezza! Another – “Why does your party attract thugs the way it does?”
She did seem taken aback as the interview went on; I even thought she got a tougher time than Farage did when interviewed on this show.
The Beeb really don’t like anyone stamping on Labour’s fingers as it tries to climb to power, do they?
I try not to go off base and stick to BBC bias related issues.
“26 seats where you shouldn’t vote Ukip” says the Telegraph sub headline today.
Its that sort of “do as you are bloody well told pleb” hectoring that simply makes me vote UKIP.
Especially if it means the F@ckwit Anna Soubry might lose.
At least it is a short suicide note, unlike many on here who take much longer to tell us the same thing.
Peeing into the wind?
Shooting yourself in the foot?
Cutting off your nose to spite your face?
Pyrrhic victory?
And doubtlessly several other such sayings come to mind
OK defacing election posters is wrong, but sometimes the quips are too funny to miss.
“I’m voting UKIP!” – tagged with “Please call a doctor”
A Tory poster “The Economy – Don’t let Labour Ruin it” tagged with “let us finish the job instead”
“A Tory poster “The Economy – Don’t let Labour Ruin it” tagged with “let us finish the job instead””
I did not think Labour supporters were capable of such irony!
itv news here we go again found a ukip nutter
Thugs attack UKIP supporter in Bournemouth
UAF Globalist extremists probably.
Tucked away in the local news I note.
Imagine if Muslim Labour supporters had been attacked by thugs!
It would be wall to wall coverage by the Beeboids.
the more i see of the obvious “lets get ukip” the more determined my vote gets, tactical voting phaaaa no chance suckers register my fucking feelings in your tiny fucking brains
The BBC news website has found a UKIP story to put on it’s homepage.
“UKIP hopeful suspended over threat”
“The recording appears to show Mr Blay threatening to shoot Mr Jayawardena if he ever became prime minister.”
Bad, wicked – yes. Credible threat – probably not. The most important UKIP story relating to this election – no!
I see a lot of similarities in the Labour media campaign to the Obama presidential media campaign. The influence of Axelrod maybe? The Israel election had “advisors” from the US assisting the Labour equivalent.
No one seems to be complaining about foreign influence in the UK election process. BBC ? Crickets. This is something investigative journalists would be all over if UKIP, Tories, DUP etc. were being aided in the same way. It is a danger to all parties, right and left.
Will be very interesting how the BBC covers the latest allegations towards their favourite candidate for US President.
To be fair Anthony Zurcher, North America reporter, has already contributed two articles in the America section. Will a ‘feared’ book damage Hillary’s presidential hopes? and Clinton cash questions over Russian deal.
The book Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich, released today makes three basic accusations:
1) The Clintons failed to report hundreds of donors as required by law.
2) The Clintons received millions of dollars in donations from foreign donors, also forbidden by law
3) Hilary Clinton made decisions as senator and secretary of state in the interests of some foreign donors. Surely an indictable offense.
Will the BBC take the usual steps of running the Clinton’s defence as the ‘real’ story, as so many others in the media have already? Or will they throw Hilary under the bus the moment Obama does?
I keep saying this because it doesn’t seem to be getting through!
Much of the Clintons cash from ‘foreign governments’ has come from Sunni Islamic countries, just as Tony BLiars has.
How much evidence, circumstantial or otherwise do you need before you start believing in the possibility that Western politicians are being bribed? (Cleverly, because they aren’t going to make it obvious !)
The first step here is to establish not that is IS happening, but that it might be, because the smoking gun is going to be well hidden, behind a smokescreen.