I see the BBC leads its new bulletin the day before the General Election with an anti-UKIP story. It’s been quite remarkable to see how the State Broadcaster has done everything possible to marginalise the Party that won the European poll just last year. Anyway, here’s an Open Thread for you.
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Mr Blay is another ex-Conservative causing trouble for UKIP. He makes comments no sane candidate would make just in time to be reported the day before the election. Anyone else smelling a rat here?
It seems from what I’ve seen on the BBC that UKIP have stopped campaigning almost entirely.
”He makes comments no sane candidate would make just in time to be reported the day before the election.”
Curiouser and curiouser….
Meanwhile on page 8 of today’s DT there is an article by Bryony Gordon about conservative MP Esther Mcvey; it includes a report that last year labour MP John McDonnell had publicly suggested ”lynching the bastard”
I must have missed that when the BBC reported it and demanded the MP should be removed from office.
I loved the UKIP candidate being interviewed on Today this am by an interrupting biased presenter, he pointed out the 300+ councillors of the other parties who had been convicted of serious crimes including terrorism, paedophilia, fraud including voter fraud etc. ..where was the balanced coverage of this?
The former LibDem leader of a Council near me was jailed for child pornography. In the same Borough a Tory Councillor was convicted of housing benefit fraud. And in an adjacent Borough a LibDem Councillor was convicted of racial assault.
But you will have heard all this before – the BBC splashed it all over the airwaves for day after day !
Make your vote count
remember when the Conservatives said “are you thinking what we’re thinking?”
Well, are you thinking what the Conservatives are thinking?
Gosh !! a white woman, you don’t see many of those ? That’s how mass immigration (invasion) has been normalised. To see an effnik with a blanket over her head on a bus is now normal while seeing a native Briton is rare. The culture has been subverted.
She looks Eastern European to me and that ain’t no woman on the left, look at the hands, more butch than Diane Abbott!
The problem is how can we feed spaghetti to our women?
Made me laugh out moment of the day! One for the starting “jokes” on HIGNFY ?
Thanks, ( tears still running down my cheeks ).
Abbott is a racist the BBc don’t want to know if you complain about this racist being on the TV.
I wonder why millions of Africans are desperate to get to Europe, even with a high risk of drowning.
Dont they know that they are coming to a continent full of racists, who will turn them into slaves.
Hey Diane
Maybe Africans dont believe the lies of people like you, and even if they did, they would rather live in a country of White racists and slavers, then live in Free Africa.
I got the impression from ‘her’ eyes that ‘she’ was a man but the hands clinched it.
If that’s a woman then Woody Allen will win the next heavyweight boxing championship.
I find it unbelievable that after 7/7 Britain still allows masked people to mingle with the general population.
Clearly you feel that the issue is not immigration outside of the EU since that is now quite small ,but more of Muslims already here. so what would you like to do about it exactly,given that many are second and third generation?
When you say immigration outside of the EU is now quite small, I’d be curious to know what your definition of “quite small” is.
Here, from the ONS website, is the breakdown of EU to non-EU immigration:

Can you add the similar graph for emigration.
I would be interested to see whether British citizens leaving has dropped somewhat since Gordon engineered the 20% drop against the Euro and early retirement on good pensions also dropped with the recession so the flight to France and Spain dwindled.
Until the Euro is killed off and European countries economies can get back to normal few EU immigrants are likely to return home (remember Auf Widerhesein Pet)
It is interesting to see the non EU rise but that also includes first and second world immigrants and could reflect the recovery in our economy too, and they may also return home at some stage
A shame they do not split the non EU into more categories, because the likelihood of third world immigrants returning home is probably quite small.
Are you taking the piss Mr Clap or just plain ignorant of the facts?
Taking the piss. But the question still remains ,what do you want to do with those that are here?
Encourage them to integrate into British Society. If they don’t want to – well there are plenty of other countries where they’d feel better at home.
“what do you want to do with those that are here?”
simple, i’d hook them up to a lie detector machine and ask them if they want Britain to became an Islamic country
depending on their answer depends upon whether or not they are detained at HM Tower of London before they are deported to an islamic country of their choice
The international aid budget should be used to encourage muslim countries to accept them even though the Islamic State will take them for free
Of course, their human rights should be respected and they should be given a packed lunch, a bottle of water and a fiver for their journey
what do you want to do with those that are here?
A good question.
The solution is not simple, now that we have all been placed in this insidious position by our governments without ever being asked. Our best way forward is to try and find a way that will lead to the minimum of violence and civil unrest.
I think the first thing that needs to be done is for open discussion of Islam and education of the population about what Islam is.
This means telling all children about the true nature of Islam (Mohammed marrying a six year old infant and raping her when she was nine years old, for example).
This would lead to the understanding that Islam is a serious problem for the world, for our culture, and for the victims themselves.
We need to find a way to persuade the victims of Islam that there is a better way, whether that means embracing a non-violent religion such as Christianity or something such as atheism. Muslims should be ashamed of their religion, and society at large needs to gain the knowledge so that social pressure makes them feel that.
Schools and colleges should have special courses designed to de-program people who have been taught to hate kaffirs since they were a few years old.
In my opinion, their culture is generally vastly inferior to ours, and we should not be ashamed to tell them that.
This would be just the beginning. Education I believe is the key for both victims of Islam and westerners.
the word kaffir or kuffar to describe white Christians, when used by muslims, is meant to be just as offensive as the use of the word nigger to describe all black people. It is meant to state that you are inferior to muslims.
Quite. My neighbours are a Muslim family. The children were always OK with me until the older boys became about six or seven years old.
One day, I was in the garden and they shouted across the fence to me “Are you a kaffir?”. I said I didn’t know, although I well did.
I suspect the boys had just started going to a Madrassa, a special Islamic school where they are taught about Islam (and how to hate non-Muslims).
How sad that, at that young age, they were taught to regard me with contempt, bearing on hatred.
What a cancer Islam is to the world.
Of course, the word “kaffir,” as you may recall, was the Afrikaner epithet of choice for natives in RSA in the pre-Saint Madiba days, but instead of wiping from memory such a “hate speech” term, as a legacy of apartheid, we are now to accept it from the people from whose language the term originated, and blame the Boers for having “culturally appropriated” it.
Anyone who uses the contemptuous term “kaffir” in South Africa these days will be in serious trouble. It’s ironic that Muslims are free to use it in a country which provided support and refuge for anti-apartheid activists for so many years.
Now I’m wondering what would happen if a black South African was called a “kaffir” by Muslims on visiting the UK.
How to answer Manon. What to do about Moslems already here. After the Second War a small Welsh village I lived in received an overwhelming number of Italians, former POWs, who settled among us. We were either C of E or Non Conformist and they were R Catholics, which was very different. The women always seemed to be covered in black – as a sign of mourning for relatives in the old country. Call it a culture clash. As young men we had scraps with the young Italians, until our sisters started dating them, and woe betide anyone who upset his sister by continuing this way. Local women spoke to the Italian women about clothes and fashions and there was gradual change. The RC church took off and attracted many followers. We integrated.
But we did not have a government dedicated to multikulty separate identities with reverence for different community leaders, and the local cops handed out whacks to anyone caught scrapping. And there was no UAF, Hope not Hate, street thugs to enforce segregation and the arbitrary power of community leaders. And the unions focused on workplace matters. And the BBC had no followers of Gramsci or the SWP who ponced off cultural politics.
What to do Manon? Go back to your masters in the BBC and Government and tell them to leave the good people of these islands alone.
‘Non Conformist’. Great name. So much of what was good about Britain came from people who were non-conforming in one way or other. Not a good career move these days, though. Shame.
Nice story, but not really helpful. You are writing of a small minority of Europeans, culturally close (in fact we owe an awful lot to them); what we have today is in some case a majority, a resolutely separate group with little in common culturally. Will they integrate and turn into Brits? No. And before Clapman jumps in, asking me what is a Brit, I say to him read a history book called something like a history of Britain. Read from say 800 A.D. to 1960. The people you are reading about are Brits. Look at photos, look at pictures. Those are Brits.
Yes, I do acknowledge huge differences, and recognise that the assimilation would be so much harder. In fact it could be bloody, as it was with Imperial Japan.
Notsohappyclappy :…..We make it clear to them that the Islamic way of life is not compatible with this country and that while we are quite happy for them to practice their religion of choice it must not conflict with our culture and laws and they must not attempt to impose it on others. If they have a problem with this we could invite them to move to a country where ‘the religion of peace’ is practiced, but I think they might encounter a few cultural problems if they do. The irony would be something to behold !!!
“If they have a problem with this we could invite them to move to a country where ‘the religion of peace’ is practiced”
A perfectly reasonable suggestion. However, suggestions of this kind are deemed offensive by some, and risk attracting plod’s attention, the law (as widely interpreted) being firmly on the side of the “offended” immigrant and their various mouthpieces. A situation which could get much worse if Miliband is elected.
Mind you, I’m not overly optimistic about Theresa May either.
I took my 72 year old mum out for dinner on Monday. They have built a mosque at the end of her road and on holy day is it Friday not sure she says nobody can move for bearded blokes in white dresses. She took the dog for a walk the other day and the dog was having a bit of a sniff and she was daydreaming when suddenly she could hear ‘lady get your dog away from here – the bearded blokes in dresses were shouting at her via their call to prayer mike. What a shame eh a little old lady trying to walk her dog down her own road
Get some guys together Lock 13, and collect all the dog shite you can, dump the lot on the steps of the Mosque……serve the bastards right.
That’s the future unless we wake up – PDQ.
and you don t even deserve to know, how we re going to do it,
in fact you don t even deserve to ask
Obvious material for The Now Show or The News Quiz or whatever is occupying the R4 ‘comedy’ slot at 6.30 on Friday, you would think:
Ed Balls faced ridicule last night after two cheques he sent to a tradesman bounced – at a time when he is campaigning to be put in charge of the country’s finances.
The Shadow Chancellor sent the cheques to a glazier who had carried out work at the £1million London home he shares with his wife, Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper.
Incredibly, the bank refused to honour the £150 cheques and sent them back to the outraged tradesman, Brian Ford, stamped with the words ‘NO ACCOUNT’.
Sound familiar? You know, echoes of ‘There’s no money’?!!
Somehow, I don’t think anybody here here will be holding their breath….
‘Ed Balls faced ridicule’
Clearly ‘not funny’ ((c) A. DG Comedy Vetter) at the BBC, so not HIGNFY or MTW material either.
“Yep, always knew that there Balls feller was a no-‘count varmint…”
I guess we’ve been waiting for the BBC anti-UKIP bias bombshells.
Well last night we had this one. Will it be a damp squib?
A BBC favourite, Ms Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, slurred by a UKIP candidate ‘on Twitter’. Idiot. We live during times where Ms Yasmin Alibhai-Brown may feel comfortable expressing, openly to TV audiences, genocidal views such as her hope that white men become extinct (and thereby, white women). It used to have the name ‘Ethnic Cleansing’. We do live in times when our national broadcaster, whilst giving racists like Ms YAB, Dianne Abbot and Nabila Ramdani air time, will dig up an obscure tweet from November 2014 of an insulting rant. A UKIP guy, ranting in an industrial manner, (to his mate?) as a reaction to a Ms YAB on the TV. The BBC pass it off as a news story, timed in its release in an attempt to affect an election. I wonder, how many ‘followers’ had read this tweet before yesterday? Or how long the BBC has had it on file? I rant in the privacy of my home when I hear Ms YAB express her hateful bile (she genuinely believes herself to be nice? Cognative dissonence?).
We also have another. This report is a real story which should be reported. But why the delay since Saturday? Covered on main News channels. Local spat between two troughers by the sounds of it. A former Tory UKIP PC who’s now been suspended by UKIP has gone on a vicious rant. On film. Idiot. Another wrong’un weeded out of the UKIP. Good. Put it doesn’t bode well in the long run for the Tory either. These two characters and candidates appear to have worked together before.
This is, however, risible bias by omission by the BBC.
Which Tory candidate wouldn’t vote for Ed because he’s a Jew? Which Tory PCC was conspiring with Islamists, the EDL and the Police Service for political advantage? Which Labour PC was found guilty of fraud? Which Labour guy was sacked due to repeated assault offences? How was his successor selected in his constituency? Which LibDem has been sacked, but is still standing? Convicted LibLabCon 2015 would need a dedicated section if the BBC cared to cover the stories. Undoubtedly selective reporting by the BBC.
Nothing on the gender, religious and race segregated Labour meetings on today’s election website. Labour is openly courting misogynists and has been caught out. The BBC doesn’t report it. The real home for homophobes and fatwa sympathisers is Labour. BBC doesn’t want people to know. Well they should be informed by the BBC. So they can make up their minds based on facts.
How can right thinking people who value men and women alike, who treat people as they find them, who uphold British values of tolerance, manners and fortitude, possible vote for the regressive, immoral stain on our politics that the Labour Party of today has undoubtedly become?
Biased Brain Carcinogen.
So you are example of tolerance are you?
Yes. I am the Benchmark in tolerance. Gold standard (look that up in you’re self-education in Economics).
It is hard to overstate how tolerant I am of, for instance, your ignorance. I am vocally intolerant of immorality and intolerance.
Is that the best you can do in defence of your beloved BBC, Mr Clap?
Or maybe you just couldn’t stop yourself – Lefty Tourette’s and all that (there seems to be a lot of it about in this campaign….)
It’s interesting that the defectors to UKIP are causing as much trouble as they were for Conservatives.Maybe they are just trouble makers full stop.
Did MI6 plot against UKIP by Douglas Murray
” Dirty tricks against UKIP by the establishment are not a new phenomenon. Though in recent days the Conservative party have been found engaging in them, there are far more striking examples from the recent past.
On 25 May 2001 the Spectator published a piece by Norman Tebbit that deserves to be far better known. Tebbit recounts the tale of two serving or former British intelligence agents who infiltrated first Jimmy Goldsmith’s Referendum Party and then UKIP. Tebbit gives examples of how UKIP’s efforts were derailed during the period in which these agents were inside the party.
It is important to stress before directing you to the Tebbit piece below that it is not conspiracy theory. So long as it was British government policy to seek further integration into the EU, parties like UKIP posed a threat to perceived British interests.”
remember when under Blair MI5 bugged the Womens Institute?
Or brought down a Labour government! Just as well they are not sifting through every bodies data.
ahhhh the military coups of 1968 and 1974, the army seized the port of dover in ’68 and heathrow in 74 when MI5 thought the Labour Party was too communist
Luckily enough, the torys got elected in ’92 so there was no need for another one. Remember Kinnock, wanted to get rid of our nukes when the USSR was still very unstable and wanted our army to take to the hills and fight like titos partisans? It still sends shivers down my spine thinking about it, but be thankfull man on the bus, i was in uniform at the time and there to you protect from the Labour Partys treasonous intentions
this was back in the day when the security services had common sense not common purpose.
Er no! I was thinking more of 1924.
be grateful of our armed forces, there to protect you from the excesses of socialism
Are those the ones the Tories have cut?
you seem very concerned about our countrys defence and lack thereof. I take it ukip can now count on your vote?
edit, well the tories are a socialist party arent they so what do u expect
As a Labour-supporting, mass immigration-approving global warming alarmist, what is it that attracts you to the BBC Mr Clap?
Don’t mention the M or P words. bBC news24 content was those two reports issued about the abuse of young girls in Rotherham and no action taken. At no point was the M or P words used. But hold on what were the reports about, M and P’s. The words that will not be used by the bBC.
2nd last on the previous Open Thread 🙁
Will be very interesting how the BBC covers the latest allegations towards their favourite candidate for US President.
To be fair Anthony Zurcher, North America reporter, has already contributed two articles in the America section. Will a ‘feared’ book damage Hillary’s presidential hopes? and Clinton cash questions over Russian deal.
The book Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich, released today makes three basic accusations:
1) The Clintons failed to report hundreds of donors as required by law.
2) The Clintons received millions of dollars in donations from foreign donors, also forbidden by law
3) Hilary Clinton made decisions as senator and secretary of state in the interests of some foreign donors. Surely an indictable offense.
Will the BBC take the usual steps of running the Clinton’s defence as the ‘real’ story, as so many others in the media have already? Or will they throw Hilary under the bus the moment Obama does?
I might feel better disposed toward that book if its advert didn’t take over the page and my computer when I go on to Breitbart.
Install Adblock extension on Chrome, works well.
I have that extension on Firefox, generally works well but not for this.
NoScript extension for Firefox does the trick for me with Brietbart.
Roland I find going back off the page then straight back on the advert doesn’t return I’m on fire fox so not sure other browsers the same !
I use Firefox, and I found just refreshing the page usually works.
Maybe the donations were just ‘mis-banked’.
So potentially according to BBC wishes, the most likely outcome is a Labour minority government propped up by SNP, PC, Greens.
A Marxist clown supported by a Scottish Marxist ‘austerity/tories/poverty’ soundbite bobblehead, a Welsh ‘austeriteeeeeeeeeee’ clothes horse and an Australian spitting image puppet.
Lib Lab Con, SNP, Plaid Cymru, Greens all believe in mass immigration, multiculturalism, die-versity, EUSSR. They’re all on the same script.
“They’re all on the same script” – which is broadcast on a 15 minute loop by the BBC
It looks like a Conservative win by a small majority.
Dave will do what he is told.
Stig Abell, an arse was reviewing the papers on SKY news
” UKIP seems to be dipping, I think their bubble has been burst. ”
That seems to be the narrative the corporate media has been pushing over the last couple of months, it’s as if they’ve all got the same script, nah, it can’t possibly be, can it ??? !!!
and the previous night sky news `the papers` had the Daily Mail Tory journalist repeatedly saying how he had never voted UKIP.As written before if anything sky news is even biased against UKIP than the BBC
The most important duty of any government is the defence and security of the nation.
Hardly any topic, debate or discussion on Al Beeb about this with the approach of the elections .
I am afraid the other television channels are lacking in this respect also.
Within hours of the election result, we should have a clearer picture of whether the BBC will survive in its current form. With the current BBC Charter due to expire at the end of next year, the next government will barely have 18 months to consult on the terms of its renewal. It is perfectly possible, if results are only slightly worse for Labour and the Lib Dems than polls suggest, that an unholy alliance of Conservatives, Ulster Unionists from the DUP and a handful of Ukip MPs will see the BBC savaged to a point beyond repair. Its funding, remit, governance and possibly its very existence could be up for grabs.
Professor Steven Barnett: Why the BBC’s Future Hangs on This Election
Sounds brilliant; but would Call Me Dave go for it? Nah.
That would be the best possible outcome of this election – a Tory minority Government dependent on – and being pulled back on a truly conservative small-government course by UKIP and the DUP.
UKIP is explicit in its wish to cut back the BBC, to have a really searching Charter review. But quite a lot of Tory backbenchers are also fed up with the BBC – and many senior people too. Cameron would be a mug if he did not see how blatantly biased the BBC has been.
So – in these circumstances the BBC could well be in deep doo-doo. Whatever survives could well be put under far more stringent rules and hopefully external control .about impartiality.
Q. What is the difference between the BBC and the Stasi?
A. They haven’t tried to destroy the evidence yet.
Like the dearly departed DDR’s Guest at every dinner table, the BBC benefits from freedom of information, but is miraculously immune from it. If they lose their wall of protection, then there will be a gnashing of shredders by day and a pillar of fire by night, in Salford and BH. What they have been up to leaves traces, which they may feel it necessary to delete.
Very impartial and balanced from the ‘professor’. “unholy alliance”? We can guess his qualifications. Another leftard charlatan of the pseudosciences given the title Professor? What would the SNP/Lab coalition be? The holy alliance. Has Steve Barnett an MPhil in Theology or some other made up ‘academic subject’? Has he a direct line to God?
Matthew Goodwin is another Professor Peabody type who’s never off the media wittering on about the Rise of the Far Right !!! ( but never about UAF, SWP, Hate not Hope etc etc )
To be fair, Godwin is about the only academic who treats UKIP with respect. He has taken a lot of abuse for saying that they are now well established and will not fade away. He’s having his revenge on the Dan Hodges types this morning:
From what I can find he is just another brick in the incestuous house of Media/politics/academia! the real unholy alliance
So Kippers the Tories are not so left wing & evil , when they want to finish off the BBC eh? I guess Clacton & Thurrock will be the 2 seats you get . The rest won`t be elected .
Good to see you’ve tweaked your model, Essex Man. You might have to fine tune it again before Friday morning.
Cameron will no more sort the BBC than he will the EU or immigration. He’s a dud. And where’s his Chairman? Never seen an election where the Chairman Of The Conservative Party was invisible. Anyone seen Mr Green?
Mr Green , will be elected , Mr Farage probably won`t.Mrs, Green will also be elected down in Brighton.
Parliament needs Nigel Farage to wake it up from its complacency . That is what all its ‘Libab’ and ‘wet Cons’ are afraid of . They have seen him perform in the ‘so called’ EU parliament.
Vote UKIP and get Britain Great again. It all hangs on you in Thanet South.
Good luck from the West of this island .
You need to wake up Essex Man, the Tories have sold us out to the EU just like the LibLabs.
This has probably been mentioned, but I noticed on the Today programme great coverage was spent on UKIP’s Robert Blay’s stupid comment about his Conservative opponent Rani Jayawardena. I am no UKIP supporter & I think Blay’s remarks were stupid, but there was no mention of the similar, if not worse remark by John McDonnell of wanting to linch Esther McVey – worse because I think Blay was joking, McDonnell’s was full of vicious hatred.
I thought Cameron did a good job against Humphrys, but still there was the instant jump-in by Humphrys of ‘Right!’ whenever Cameron began to make a critical comment of Miliband. Cameron did well because he kept talking not allowing but-ins, pity he didn’t do that before & particularly with Marr a short while ago.
Despite Ofcom deeming UKIP a major party the BBC has done everything possible to relegate them to the background. Yesterday on 5 Live every bulletin was led by what the ConLabDem leaders were doing with, generally, with a quote from each.
The best UKIP got, after an SNP bit, was “Farage says a hung Parliament will be a chance for change”. Nothing else. And then onto the Greens. So obvious it was risible.
BUT, BUT, BUT this morning – UKIP is front and centre? Why? A PPC has made a “racist” comment about a fellow candidate.
And so every bulletin is now led by – “UKIP will vet its future selection procedures.”
So neither yesterday, nor today, nor at anytime to be fair, have we ever had any time dedicated to UKIP policy.
Shocking, shocking bias against a major party that cleaned up in the Euro elections.
Complaint submitted. I shan’t hold my breath.
Same UKIP sidelining on last night’s BBC news and this morning’s website. It’s been going on for weeks. Shut the BBC down.
BBC News did report the OFCOM ruling with an implication that they would abide by it. But at some point someone, somewhere decided that they were not legally bound by anything, so we wont bother. So there.
Furthermore this is despite the fact that the cabinet office considers UKIP to be a major party however the BBC has “its own mind on this subject!”.
… the BBC told me themselves that they’re not interested in what Ofcom says, and that they make up their own rules about what is a priority and what isn’t. According to them, UKIP simply isn’t important enough and the cabinet office position is not binding on them.
Why does the BBC think Peter Kay is more important than Nigel Farage?
We must face reality. UKIP is a real danger to the elite. Not so much fear of the leadership but the fear the elite has of widespread and unspoken support amongst the shire people and the old industrial class.
The elite just does not know how extensive this support is. Which is why it is so important to vote UKIP. The more votes the greater their fear. Remember the liberal elites are cowards but ruthless.
My position is clear. To vote for the other parties is to betray future generations.
In 100% agreement dave s
+1. A Vote for LibLabCon is to betray future generations.
Dave s. is right, absolutely right.
This is one of the ludicrous aspects of the FPTP system: when people vote tactically, you can never tell who they really support. Some kind of proportional representation should allow us to see clearly how much support each party really has. No vote would be wasted, not one.
No. PR is the enemy of democracy, not its friend. Just reform the electoral boundaries, so that a vote has the same weight whichever constituency you are voting in.
Well said dave s, there is an enormous amount at stake tomorrow – for the future of our nation and its people; far more than I think many people realize.
Two Labour parliamentary candidates have been suspended and disowned after nominations closed.
Now does anyone recall the BBC coverage and their names ?
Anybody see Politics show where Bow chap got full Neal? This was a disgusting attack. Neal chooses his victims very carefully and goes for the weakest politically or the right of Blair. Reminds me of the goings on during the Cultural Revolution in China. The urge to destroy always found out by the political power of the person it is deployed against. BBC should be ashamed to allow this attempt to destroy a human being who is impotent in the BBC grip on the end of a link with Neal going full to devour the poor man. Somebody should have saved the poor chap by throwing some peanuts to Neal. Heseltine is just being Heseltine – a pathetic ingratiating narcissistic man following the leader. Neal, there are more deserving of your savagery. But that’s the point, isn’t it…
Much comment on this in the Start of the Week thread Laska.
Aye, but it still rankles, Brillo has gone way down in my estimation, this wasn’t an interview it was a pre-determined ambush, a disgrace, the reason? because he was urging tory voters in seats where they had no chance, to vote UKIP.
Remember people, we’re now flying directly over the target. The flak has been pretty constant all the way, but now it’s at its most intense. The enemy knows we’re knocking on its door. All we have to do is safely deliver the payload right over the bunker complex and we can head for home, comforted by the fact we’ll know we’ve dealt our opponents a crippling blow – perhaps even a fatal one.
Chocs away and good luck, everyone!
The Euro seems to have received scant attention during the election campaign. I think we know the Conservative’s position, i.e. we will not join it, but I have heard no question at all from the BBC to Ed Miliband about this, and Miliband has not mentioned it. So has he positively ruled out joining the Euro, or has he left his options open to join it at some stage? It is, perhaps, notable that the BBC has been quiet on the subject.
I believe the conservatives under Cameron would join the Euro – it is basically a matter of timing and the intervention of events. And when they feel the public have been softened up enough.
Indeed, the Lisbon treaty not only demands this, but also includes the QMV mechanism by which the rest of the EU can over-rule any British resistance to adopting the Euro single currency.
The only way to be sure to keep the pound is to leave the EU.
It would have to be after his much vaunted referendum; indeed, it should be one of the issues we would be voting on.
Whenever there is a Mohammed on Radio 4’s Today programme complaining about Muslims being insulted, you have to do a name check to find out the true agenda.
This Mohammed is indeed an “former top-aide” to Obamma.
What the ever truthful Today team did not mention is that the former homeland security advisor had to resign because he tweeted ” I’ve said b4 inevitable that Caliphate returns”.
Why then does someone who advocates the return of the caliphate want the US and British governments to spend billions trying to persuade the 1 in 4 Muslims who want the Caliphate to desist from murdering their “fellow” citizens.?
It’s simply an extortion racket. Billions in sweetners to the Muslim community to build mosques, etc in the vain hope that this will “divert” them from terrorism. I’m sure all those “deradicalized” ex Jihadis on the government pay roll would think “all their Christmases had come at once” if it wasn’t unislamic to express oneself in such a way.
Another CAGE momemt for the BBC.
More BBC islamophilia
1hr 15mins
“Muslim DHS adviser Mohamed Elibiary admits ties to convicted Hamas fundraiser”
“Muslim Brotherhood supporter Mohamed Elibiary gets promotion on Homeland Security Advisory Council”
and er … hmm talking of … Texas
talking of … Texas
“You can’t offend muslims by drawing mohammed. You can’t offend muslims by being Jewish.”
You cant offend Jews by being Palestinian
Well I think we would all agree that this election is being led by the mainstream media, for the cosy westminster ruling coalition-any further coalition will enable the continued erosion of our freedoms. Our country/nation is in one hell of a mess-its sovereignty-its ability to govern and defend itself is going down the plug hole. The criminal debt-creating private bankers have our system-serving politicians firmly in their pocket. Will it really matter which of the leading political parties one supports, the leaders having been thoroughly corrupted by the enormously complex & extremely invasive global financial corporate legal system-been allowed to ensnare and enslave humanity using unlawful and dishonest means. But have they been challenged enough? No they have not-because of the controlling media which has silenced in the most part the true voice of the people.
A bit wide of the mark but some valid points nonetheless. It is true that global capitalism is increasingly controlling nation states and it may well be true that the Platonic maxim of ‘justice being the interest of the stronger’ holds good.Given this, I am somewhat bemused as to your inference that a national challenge is plausible. The financial crash in 2008 was caused by around 60 individuals ,most in the U.S.,in the finance industry but killed millions and took 12% growth from this country. Under these circumstances it is encumbent on you to explain how a national government can legislate against this if it wanted to. Clearly the Tories wouldn’t be interested in doing so because key members of the elite,who they represent, are net beneficiaries.
We could do what the Canadians did and ensure that our economy is sound and the government run a surplus.
Canada barely even noticed the crash.
The effect of the crash depended on how much of a finance sector you had at the time. Since all Britain has is a finance sector we got hit proportionately harder than most other countries. It is quite ok to run with a debt if your country is growing. At the time of the crash the UK had borrowing at 37% .After the crash it jumped to around 80% as the taxpayer was required to bail out free enterprise banking. If they hadn’t had done this then banks would have crashed and probably millions of savers would have lost their cash.Such is the free market.So good it needs the man in the street not only to doff their caps to swindlers but also to pay their bonuses.
The financial crash in 2008 was caused by around 60 individuals…
… and Gordon Brown didn’t spend even an hour in jail!
Nobody is forced to borrow more than they can afford. 60 people? Add a few million.
Good comments from tarien. Usual garbage from MOCO due to the inability and aversion to understanding events.: “Platonic maxim.” Classy MOCO, classy. Just squeeze the words ‘paradigm’ and ‘hegemony’ in your posts, and hey presto, your paymasters will purr more loudly.
I worked in the mortgage industry as an IFA at the time. Banks have a responsibility to lend to people who have the ability to repay it. From around 2001 to October 2008, fewer and fewer checks were made by practically every lender (HSBC excluded) on applicant’s income.
It got to the ridiculous stage that we were having visits from lender representatives telling us how to get around their underwriting procedures. It was truly unbelievable and guaranteed to end in tears.
You can’t blame borrowers when they are desperate to get a roof over their heads in an exploding (upward!) market and lenders are tripping over themselves to lend AT ANY COST.
Oh, and nothing, absolutely nothing, has changed the debt dynamics of the UK.
He didn’t cause the crash.might be an education if you check out Mervyn Kings comments about this. Out of interest what is your current understanding about who caused the financial crash?
At its simplest – banks ran out of people with decent credit scores who could repay the money they were lent. This was basically as a result of the Clinton administration telly Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac to lend to anyone – and people in the USA borrowing money on ludicrously cheap initial deals always expecting they could re-mortgage.
The panic over the selling of this debt onwards caused a freeze in the bank lending markets that caused banks to refuse to lend money to other banks because of the fear that they had no real assets to cover them.
The Bank of England (through the Government) injected money into the banks that could be saved as such (Lloyds/ RBS) and forced HBOS to be taken over by Lloyds (nearly killing it). They also provided guarantees for loans, enabling banks to lend to each other with confidence. (Most of the £850 billion quoted for the cost of bailing out the banks was never called on – but the banks had to pay for the service). The Government also loaned money to Ireland after the Irish Government guaranteed the BOI without doing due diligence – this should be a nice little earner since we borrowed at 3% and loaned the money out at 6.5%.
Note that lending is a Ponzi scheme that must always end in failure as banks lend out X and take in X+Y – and the only way you can create the Y is to lend out more money.
Note also that the new rules the banks now have to apply before lending money is going to have the effect of drying up mortgages – people relying on cheap introductory deals or current low interest rates are going to be shafted when rates go up – which they will if Ed Miliband gains power.
Do you want to REALLY bet your house on Ed Miliband.
Another Groundhog Day with Mr Clap.
Same old ignorant shite, over and over and over again.
Totally wrong on Fanny and Freddie. If you are referring to CDOs then then these were exploited by the Private sector to the extent that there were CDOs of CDOs with the intention of CDOs of CDOs of CDOs. This relentless search for profit ended with the increase of interest rates.
I note your comments in respect of how the current markets operate and would point you to the Green parties policy on the government having control over the money supply instead of the banks. The are more details on the cross party site Positive Money.
Don’t be so blind, Busman. US banks were coerced into lending ridiculous amounts of money to people most unlikely to repay the mortgages properly. Even when it was clearly spinning out of control the Dems – including Obama – resisted any proper controls on Freddie and Fanny.
The whole situation was compounded by these worthless mortgages being bundled together and sold on to other banks – infecting the whole financial system. And in the UK, that was easier to achieve because Gordon Brown had fractured the regulatory system in the City of London. Stir in excessive lending by some of the UK building societies, and poor lending on commercial property by some of the banks – and in the end there come a crunch. The whole damn house of cards fell down.
Your idea about consulting the Greens on anything to do with finance is enough to make a horse laugh.
Excellent. Just about as clear an explanation as you can get. The encouragement by government of banks to lend rashly and customers to go into crazy debt, all to give the illusion of growing prosperity- that’s the basic cause. Populist politicians aided by human greed.
Manon, maybe Brown didn’t cause the crash but he left this country’s finances in such a state that we were unable to weather the storm. In 2005 THREE YEARS before the crash the IMF told the Labour government that running such a massive deficit at that time put the country at risk if there were to be future economic problems around the world. I remember Ed Balls laughing off the warning and saying he knew better than they did what was best for the economy. So yes, Brown and Balls did have a BIG hand in the economic woes of this country.
its a bit harsh to blame brown for something his tiny brain couldnt actually comprehend. We can blame the lying thief though for
raiding and killing pension schemes
pre-announcing the cut price sale of gold and then selling it at rock bottom
not doing anything to control and regulate the reasons he did this, helping the crash to come
not raising tax – whilst raising NI
signing us up to neverending PFI’s
running a massive deficit because he was a financial genius with the midas touch
bringing new level of meaning to the words stealth taxes
apart from that not really his fucking fault
Manon. Greek philosophy fail. Plato opposed the maxim which he attributed to Thrasymachus, about Justice being the interests of the strong.
Does it piss you off when a pedant draws attention to something irrelevant to your argument?
Indeed he did because he believed in a moral basis to justice. Consider when the banks are to big to fail,nail or jail and increasingly others have to queue for food parcels whether Plato or Thrasymarchus recognises justice as anything but the interest of the stronger. No philosopher king on the horizon I’m afraid.
Well… it’s 5 minutes past noon and DP Ellie is straight on to the suspension of the Kipper. Can’t say the Beeb didn’t give UKIP ‘coverage’ over this campaign. Farage coming up… he might give JoCo his views on the Beeb…
Not another one. The rate it’s going these people are going to give the one policy party a bad name!
‘Not another one’
Blimey, talk about behind the curve. Do keep up. Given your… output… that intro did make me laugh.
Back to the site topic, UKIP may well be better advised to attract those who mow down folk whilst texting, or simply unsure which spouse is in the driving seat, or which spouses support which dodgy advocacy groups to ensure BBC understanding, forgiveness, excuse or, often best of all, blessed absence of mention.
Which one policy are you refering to?
I cannot make out which one of their dozens of carefully costed and independently vetted policies you mean.
sheesh! …
maybe he means the Conservative Party?
they won t tell you what they intend, haven t costed anything, and have been caught lying about it. …
then again, perhaps the electorate don t deserve to know?.
Don’t waste your breath, Geyza – he’ll just keep coming back with the same old shite no matter how many times you point out where he’s wrong.
Guido is another I tend to check before trusting, but is streets ahead of the BBC in speed and accuracy and (mostly) sticking it to all of them (though I felt UKIP drew more fire from him too than others more deserving. Still, winnowing the weak… ).
What he has unearthed on Labour, the Greens and Tories that the BBC has managed to neglect is breath-taking.
There is also a more than healthy spotlight on just what market-rate delivery with no accountability can produce:
Comments are cruel and hurtful. But seem accurate mostly.
“Poundshop Kilroy”. ‘Um, brilliant’ as all in W1A may say.
This is interesting; why is she not popular? I can’t stand her, but I’m a minority in a country brainwashed with the diversity/inclusion do-gooder delusions. Why is she not a hit with the love-the-world idiots? Is it the time of the morning when more elderly/retired watch? Is the subject matter too heavy for the ‘mums’ audience?
It is a mystery. Given the calibre of competition, past and present, simply a flickering light on the box seems capable of attracting a bigger audience available at this time.
She and/or her topics seem to actively repel viewers.
That is a talent in itself that can only be indulged when the broadcaster is very, very, unique.
It’s her sneering ‘I’m clever, you need to think and do what I say ‘ smirk on her ugly gob that people dislike.
Indeed, Guido’s site provides vastly more relevent, accurate and impartial political coverage than the entirety of the BBC.
I would rate the BBC as a profoundly biased, amateurish bunch of misinformation artists and propagandists. They are NOT in any way, shape or form, a NEWS organisation.
The BBC coverage of this election shows that the BBC are completely unfit to hold any sort of broadcast licence at all.
Bbc website at noon full of misdemeanours of UKIP and the Tories, pictures of “Ed” centre stage, Cameron looking like he’s sad and tired and Farage nowhere.
Guido has dug up this little story about a former Animal Lib Front main man who is helping the Greens out in Wyre Forest including a nice pic of him with the Aussie bint. Obviously no mention of this on the website………
The evil ALF was big around here for a time, until they overstepped the mark and dug up the body of a grandmother in their campaign to close down a local supplier of dogs for research. A few of them got their just deserts for that little prank.
Maybe they would like to start a campaign against Halal meet suppliers and shops ? No thought not.
Despite being posted four hours ago, this story is still has second billing ahead of other more recent story’s (and more important) on the bBC News UK Website.
Should we be surprised? Nah, just the sort of perverse cr@p the bBC love.
So your a homophobe we get it. If you think the high court would hand over the custody of a child for frivolous reasons then you know absolutely nothing about Children Act law or practice.Actually to post this ,it’s a pretty fair assumption you know nothing about anything!
So humans have evolved for – ? – four million years, with the emotional development of a child being strongly dependent on the proximity of a male and a female. But wait, never mind about four million years of evolution; you and your lefty group-think friends develop a fashionable fad to change the law and take it on yourself to abuse Geoff for disagreeing. I fear you mistake us for those who give a ….
PS: Emotional development linked to a male and a female obviously goes back a lot further than the emergence of some sort of human.
You can assume all want, because that’s all you can do. This is not about the parents sexual persuasion, that’s up to them, this is about the rights of kids to be brought up with the the confounds of a conventional family. Not within some Marxist Lefty utopia that the likes of you and the bBC try and indoctrinate on our young and the hard of thinking.
Poor little girl. What chance for a stable upbringing? Unstable environment for a child, by design. Very sad.
A homosexual couple cannot conceive their own child without outside “help”. Fact. Thus, cases like the one reported today will become increasingly common.
I feel sorry for all parties involved, but my main pity is reserved for the poor child who is being forcibly removed from her mother’s care, even though she is still breastfeeding. Poor child, to grow up without a mother.
Let us never forget how the hard left, egged on by the Labour party, the Greens and in some cases Tory candidates have bestowed on us either violence, hatred or vandalism almost everywhere a UKIP candidate stood…
Watched Euronews last night doing a feature on the UK election. Cons, Labour, Libs, Greens, PC, DUP all mentioned but no mention of UKIP whatsoever! Incredible.
Not ‘Incredible’, ‘Inevitable’.
Apologies off topic, but you won’t see such on the bBC, for balance it would have been good to see a reaction to members of other party’s doing the same.
The BBC suspects that Red Ed may not get a majority tomorrow. This was clear from the line of questions being pushed by Evan Davis on last night’s Newsnight and again today by Martha Kearney on this afternoon’s TWATO. The Corporation has softly, softly been repeating the question at every opportunity (as a possible reality begins to dawn):
Can a second-placed party in an election legitimately call the shots?
Helpfully, the BBC’s in-house newsletter, The Guardian, was already asking the question yesterday.
The BBC thinks, despite an historic understanding in British Parliamentary history that the party with the largest majority in a General Election gets the right to try and form a Government first, that Ed and his goons, with the help of the SNP (and possibly the Lib Dems or Greens) should crowbar his way into Downing Street tomorrow, even if the Conservatives emerge as the party with the largest majority.
The BBC is trying its damnedest to prepare the ground ahead of the final vote, so that if it becomes clear Ed has been rejected by the majority of electors there is still an effective and (what it calls) ‘legitimate’ Plan B to get him safely into Government, come what may.
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. The BBC hopes you’re not paying attention, even while it gently ‘nudges’ you…
It could be (hope not) that labour have more seats and fewer votes. Seats trumps votes (crazy version of democracy). However, incumbent only goes when he wants or thinks he cannot win parliamentary votes.
If Cameron has more electoral votes, he will feel obliged to seek some way of forming a coalition, or at least an understanding that will enable him to govern. Add LibDems, add DUP, add UKIP perhaps and see what you’ve got. Assume SNP and labour will automatically oppose. Do the maths.
Fear not in times like this the great British Public will step up to the plate and produce the Magna Kipper.
Actually the current Government has first try at seeing if they can continue. Ed Miliband was vociferous in pointing this out 5 years ago.
If Mr Cameron realises that he cannot command the support of the house then then and only then does he go to the Queen and recommend she ask Mr Miliband if he can do so.
I can think of several tens of billions of reasons why this must not happen.
“The BBC is trying its damnedest to prepare the ground ahead of the final vote…to get him safely into Government, come what may.”
For a few days after the last General Election the BBC desperately tried to push the case that Gordon Brown could (indeed should) stay as Prime Minister, until a Labour MP (yes a Labour Party MP) said in effect shut the fuck up BBC the Labour Party has just lost the election. It has got so bad Labour MP’s have to tell the BBC to stop being so biased to the Labour Party!
PS The Labour MP was called John Reid. I doubt that the BBC are making that clip available.
Guess who wrote the manual for the constitutional formation of coalition governments?
Yep that’s right, it was Cameron together with Civil Service head Gus O’Donnell. He has made it crystal clear that a minority party can form a government if the one with more seats cannot. It is highly unlikely that Cameron will be unable to, will resign, and take Nick Clegg with him. If Cameron is able to form a government with Clegg then Clegg will keep his position.
This is however highly unlikely.
Cameron just cannot get enough seats, and have support from minor parties with sufficient seats to reach the magical 326 majority.
Of course he could try, and risk a vote of no confidence but it is the SNP with around 50 seats who will be the major players here.
As previously mentioned the BBC website shows bias by its selection of pictures of the party leaders. They obviously took in the comments about Milliband always being first and as of this minute on the front page he is now third after Cameron and Clegg. However they managed to find a picture of Milliband in presidential pose, Clegg looking forceful and Cameron appearing totally vacuous and bewildered! Total bias again
Still on the subject of R4’s WATO (though ‘TWATO’ does suit it better, I agree!) the programme opened with a short summary from correspondents who have been following the individual parties.
Guess the only party whose correspondent led on a synthetic ‘scandal’?
When the history of this terrible election comes to be written, the campaign waged against UKIP by the establishment and its lickspittle media allies will deserve a long and damning chapter.
Can anyone remember a post here some months ago that listed numerous reasons for not voting labour. I’d like to post it on my facebook page today. Thanks.
Here’s one to add:
It would appear obeying legal democratic process is more on a ‘if you don’t get caught’ basis, especially with the voting blocs imported to pop their ‘X’ in the ‘correct’ box should postal fail to deliver.
Given the BBC’s penchant for running Labour lines cut ‘n paste in complement via broadcast, I wonder what is being pumped out on the BBC Asian Network?
Who knows? As part of a complaint I once asked for a translation of a BBC foreign language page as a result of a colleague drawing my attention to some very dodgy reporting, and the BBC refused to provide it as they said it wasn’t up to them to let British people know what they were paying for to be pumped out in their name elsewhere.
It went a long way to set me further on a collision course with CECUTT.
Basically the BBC’s little teams of helpers here and around the world can be saying anything and few would be any the wiser.
John…..My pleasure:
Vote Labour – Get ROTHERHAM + most other LABOUR COUNCILS
NHS Wales
Not heard nothing from Al beeb about this. Maybe its hidden away on their web site. I’d look, but why bother? i’d be putting one of their paid trolls out of a job. I look forward to reading dez’s reply
There is a really violent undercurrent to this election:
Vandals targeted a Conservative MP days before the election by deliberately flooding her garden with 1,300 litres of sticky oil.
Last week cars belonging to Ms Leslie and her elderly father Ian, 70, were daubed with paint and the words ‘Tory Scum’ were scrawled along the bodywork.
Charlotte Leslie has written about her shock at finding that vandals had punctured the oil tank in her garden, causing her parents’ entire heating supply for the year to seep into the ground.
The thuggery seems to have been prompted by Ms Leslie’s support for unconventional oil and gas development. In other words it’s the environmentalists again.
Isn’t it odd that nearly all thuggery comes from lefty/green type?. UKIP may have some oddballs (perhaps plants, perhaps not), the Tories certainly have, but the really nasty, violent types tend to be on the other side of the argument.
you gotta understand communism to understand the left, especially the marxist/trotskyist branch of it and a thing called Permanent Revolution (thats the part of communism Ed Miliband was brainwashed into believing in by his Dad when he was growing up)
apparently, to the commie, trotskyism isnt as bad as Stalinism, but just a few days ago we had this on the streets of our capital city for the May day parade
If only time machines were available to whisk these twollocks back to Stalinist Russia so they could revel in its atmosphere of joyous freedom .
Stalin. So how many deaths was Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin responsible for.? 20 million or more. And these retards parade around with his picture.
Now just imagine if some other group held a rally parading large banners of Hitler.
Not difficult to imagine ‘PC’ Plod’s reaction is it?
Which tells you all you need to know about who is actually running the country, regardless of what political party occupies No. 10.
fuck me surely old stalin is about as pc as hitler , this is really odd
Don’t know about odd, but it is getting beyond a joke how actual thuggery is immediately excused or explained, whilst mere words of various hues, from the anodyne to the over-colourful, see authorities and media rushing to not just condemn but seek to see incarceration as a first resort.
Things seem very backwards.
Even the symbols and faces of the evil Soviet regime are tolerated and broadcast in a way their Nazi equivalents would not be.
They cannot be proper “Greens ” , why would they want the evil oil , contaminating their green soil . I hate greens , anyhow , its another Marxist fanclub.
the labour party sponsored daily mirror set up and entraptment of this ukip candidate robert blay is just a final pre election push to scupper ukips chances in the election,yes the bbc and radio 5 presenters love it because of there hatred of ukip.but here is the problem with ukips media machine,they dont hit back hard at there enemys,at the last count there are 300 lib, lab,tory and other members and candidates from other political partys who are either suspended or serving prison sentences from crimes ranging from rape,sexual assaults,fraud,violence etc,the media ignore this because of there anti ukip bias,ukip should point this fact out to any bbc journaists everytime they try to smear them with some lame set up story of a ukip candidate,dont fall this this leftist smearing trick and vote ukip on may the 7th.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3062389/Man-45-court-threats-behead-Ukip-election-candidate-conversation-Middle-East.html..not a peep from the bbc about this story.
Peeplessness-wise, as the Shadow DPM has decided to… er… ‘help’ with the story-which-dare-not-be-mentioned by digging a crater where there was already a massive hole, it will be interesting to see how the BBC editorial integrity kicks in here… or hits the snooze button again…
Usually Hattie is whisked into a studio to make live her latest utterances before you can say ‘PR as news’.
“even more not in favour of….”
That brought a smile for me, even on a gloomy day such as this.
“men only meetings” is the worser bad thing what our Hattie (that trained and seasoned campaigning legal brain) is referring to here.
You have to wonder at where the Left, or should I say ‘progressives’, decide to make their stands and where they choose to pretty much run away.
“This meeting was organised by a male Labour councillor and a female Labour councillor, and what they were trying to do is ensure there weren’t men only meetings, which we are even more not in favour of.”
1. Ban men-only meetings.
2. Ban segregated meetings.
You know, Harridan, like so many other things you managed to ban during your 13 years of country wrecking.
And she was a lawyer? Or maybe she has such contempt for the elctorate she honestly believes we will swallow that muddled garbage.
I wonder if this detail will tickle the BBC UKIP Daily Derangement Editor or maybe a HIGNFY scriptwriter’s fancy, or will Jasmine intercept lest the narrative is compromised by fact?
HIGNFY was more equal-opportunity this week, but still reserved a significant proportion of unfunny snide for the object of Ian’s political obsession.
I have always maintained winnowing the weak made UKIP stronger, but lost all respect for HIGNFY when they were pushing stereotypes on race and other isms that were clearly not the case, whilst giving satirical gold on platters from other parties a pass.
Mr. Farage handled this up close, personal and with calm courtesy, and the woolie-capped hipster gob bottled it.
BBC News Page 6/5/2015.
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Comment number 13. Posted by Jim on 9 hours ago.
“Last chance to stop Miliband and Balls wreaking everything. Vote wisely”.
UP 455 DOWN 183
Maybe, just maybe there’s hope despite all the weeks of pro-Labour bias……
Good Luck everybody.
I’m just looking forward to a day free of electioneering and propaganda. I’ve taken to watching the shopping channels to get away from it all. !
Try moving abroad,it’s a breath of fresh air. When the Beeb sacked Clarkson my husband was due to fly to UK to see family ,half his suitcase on return was Top Gear DVDS to keep us going. Will be watching Sky News tomorrow (can’t get Beeb thank god)
Still this made me laugh:
Crash and burn how long will it be before it gets re scheduled to BBc 3
BBC 3 is due to close down for good soon.
just for a laugh try this http://thequietus.com/articles/17804-bbc-bias-general-election
Some kind of alternative reality, or just lots of serious drugs?
Where’s the Beeb on this?
The bBC West political correspondent as just told us that UKIP will not win any seats in the West, followed by the pointed and smug comment ‘and not many in the rest of the country either’
I’ll be doing my bit to try to prove the bastards wrong, even here in the West.
I think it worth pointing out that even if UKIP don’t win many seats (though I hope to God they do); if it weren’t for them and their growing support, there would have been absolutely nothing said about immigration in this election campaign nor the preceding Euro election either.
The other parties would avoid it like the plague if they were able: just look at how Hague and Blair colluded to ensure it wasn’t an election issue when they were both party leaders, quite appalling.
The rise of UKIP validates what Peter Brimelow wrote –
‘Immigration is a profoundly powerful issue once it gets into politics. It is a party breaker, if parties don’t respond to it people will form new parties. There is no more powerful issue in democratic politics than immigration.’
I feel it in my water that UKIP gonna throw in a lot of surprises tomorrow night!
It said that UKIP was now 17 percent in the Polls with an unusually high 40 percent undecided. The undecided seem to be between Labour and UKIP and the Tories and UKIP rather than any other combination. Also they are predicting an unenthusiastic and therefore low turnout for the three establishment parties (Labour, Conservative and Libdem), but not for the anti-establishment parties (UKIP, Greens and SNP). Also there are indications of a reluctance to admit intentions to vote UKIP in establishment tribal areas, but a fear of Milliband could provide the Tories with a percentage of Zombie votes.
Absolutely, even with just 15% of the vote and one seat they have to be taken seriously. People will also start asking questions as to why with just 8% of the vote the SNP can get 59 MPs and the Lib Dems also with 8% 20+ (in 2010 they got 49 MPs with just 18%)
One last thought, Finland’s UKIP equivalent were polling just 10%, on the night they got 24%.
If Farage gets elected, he’ll cause mayhem in the Commons. He’ll humiliate Cameron. If he doesn’t get elected, I can’t see any of the others being more than an irritant, although they’ll keep things on the boil. But even if UKIP disappears tomorrow, it’s all still a house of cards waiting to collapse. Just saying you want to make everyone in the world rich doesn’t make it happen.
Reports of UKIPs demise from orginisations like Hope not Hate and the BBC seem to have been greatly exaggerated…
According to the bookmakers Carswell is home and hosed..
And both South Thanet and Thurrock have seen UKIP go odds on in bookmakersd betting over the last twenty four hours..
Who will be right?….Be fun watching..
“He’ll humiliate Cameron.”
He would. (I’d like to say ‘will’.) Cameron, Blair, Clegg etc are happy when surrounded by PC, PR and smarm. Farage is blunt and yes, rude on occasions. There is a good case for occasional rudeness. Sometimes the surface of smarmy politicians needs to be severely abraded. Van Rompuy springs to mind.
here here deborah (another)
Ah ha. All is now revealed. Andrew Neil destroyed Bow Group Chairman yesterday on Daily Politics. But something did not ring quite true or authentic about the encounter.
The Tories apparently emailed Andrew Neil all the ammunition he needed, some of it not all pucca gen information, with the sole purpose to discredit Ben Harris-Quinney for stating Tories in Labour strongholds should tactically vote UKIP:
What retarded thinking. Here is a seat which we haven’t a hope of winning, yet instead of letting our supporters vote tactically to get in an MP from a party which could support us sufficiently (with others) to form a government; we would rather the seat went to Labour and they get in power instead.
They deserve to lose.
Its all about their masters the EU. UKIP offers the real danger of a referendum and the Tory’s disgraceful behaviour towards Mr Harris-Quinney quite correct notion proves Douglas Carswell’s ‘pretenderendum’ theory correct.
Have no doubt Essexman et all, Cameron has no intention of a referendum.
Off course Cam will hold a referendum , but Millipeed won`t , & Kippers need the Tories to hold that referendum .The only thing that might not happen ,is that we vote not to leave .It is not in the bag , & Krankie will use that as an excuse , to hold another Independence vote , or if England votes to leave , & Scotland to stay in, she will say she can veto it.
The pretenderendum will be a stitch-up. The LibLabCon, big biz and the Beeb will ensure it. ‘Securing Britain’s place in Europe’ will be Cameron’s ‘legacy’. Cameron and Krankie will be air-kissing on the night. Then the Tory party will split, but the anti-EU faction may be so small that it doesn’t justify the name. And in a hundred years, if it still exists, all the leaders of the Tory party will be called Mohammed.
A referendum in which Cameron will let kids and immigrants vote to try and rig it.
Aided and abetted by the BBC, which will have its propaganda turned up to 11.
Yeah well all your Jackanory codswallop will soon be proved wrong . If Cam wins, & we have a referendum, are you going to vote, or boycott it . If Millipeed wins you will get fuck all, anyhow. I`ll be back on sometime on Friday, to tell you how much I`ve won at the bookies with my predictions . Enjoy .
Don’t rush on our account.
Off topic Dave worship is such a bore.
And a lot of ‘boat people’ coming in to the UK from Europe should help ‘rig’ the votes .
Off topic, for which my apologies, but Breitbart has infuriated me with the ridiculous Clinton book ad that is currently dominating the page.
Because I support its efforts to break the mould, I had switched Adblock off for Breitbart. It has just gone back on.
Thanks for the link. It shows the Tories for what they are. Worthless.
Thanks for the link Charlatans. I said yesterday that there was something very smelly about that “interview” and my instincts were right. I’m voting UKIP tomorrow, well done the conservatives. Not. It now looks like the BBC can be bought by anyone.
R4 around 445 this afternoon. A deal of wailing about gentrification in the East End and in Glasgow?
Apparantly the liberal hearts are breaking over the plight of the current residents being forced out by this. Really sad isn’t it?
Now when unrestricted immigration causes the indigenous English to feel pushed out everywhere these same liberals are silent.
Judging by the tone and accents in the East End of London segment I wonder just what ethnic grouping they might be.
Liberals wail over everyone but the old English. They really don’t like themselves or their own people very much do they?
And, as I’ve remarked before. the irony is that a current series on BBC 4 demonstrates that even before the Left decided to throw open the doors to the world, its agents in London town halls had already decided to expel native Londoners to the surrounding counties, by destroying their neighbourhoods.
The Left actually despises the working class, as any reading of the bien pensant early Labourites will show. Miliband and his kind follow that tradition perfectly. He has no more in common with ‘the workers’ than has Cameron – and a good deal less than many old school Tories from the shires, who at least knew farm and rural workers.
Heard a remarkable admission on Outside Source today from one Matthew Price. I couldn’t believe this was on the World Service:
…been to several dozen constituencies talking less to the politicians more to the people to get a feel on the ground and one of the things that’s really struck me in the last decade and a half of working abroad is a real sense here that people are disengaged from politics in a way that I’ve never seen in a national election before.
There’s an exception… Scotland and the Scottish National Party….quite a lot of people energised and enthused about politics…
however for the rest of the UK there seems to be a massive disengagement from politics…some of them feel that the leaders are out of touch …that they come from a private school background….universities, considered by some to be elite universities…out of touch.
Tony Blair ….his involvement with George W Bush… invasion of Iraq. Here he is certainly remembered for that …seen in quite negative terms but he’s also known as the man who changed the left-wing Labour party and brought it more to the centre of British politics and a lot of people who class themselves as working class and would have traditionally voted for a left-wing party that they saw as looking out for the workers…a lot of people felt left behind by that …
they felt the Labour Party didn’t speak to them anymore ….a lot of those I met have responded to this message from arguably the far-right of centre party of British politics at the moment, the UK Independence Party. And a lot of Labour voters are thinking of switching allegiance tomorrow for the first time in their lives…
He then mentions the qualities of the Tory Party and Labour that would attract voters. Apart from the far right insult, his report overall was quite balanced, even perhaps negative towards Labour. What made me nearly fall off my chair was the extraordinary observation from the BBC that Labour was likely to lose voters to UKIP.
I’m wondering whether Price will still have a job post elections.
(from 1:40 in)
I am watching George Gently. What a masterpiece. They have managed to insert an unsurpassable piece of politically biased agitprop soap opera into the pre-election run up, at the most sensitive time on the very eve of the ballot, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Stick it to the toffs, dying workers, heroic SJW Gently complete with marching sidekicks. They might as well be flying a banner with the words of the dying old man, ‘ye canna trust them’.
The problem with having fixed-term parliaments with elections timed years in advance, is that programming and propaganda can be timed to perfection. Nice one, BBC.
Up the workers. Solidarity. Give the knobs a kicking. Judge them by their accent and wealth.
Most BBC contains thinly disguised propaganda, unless it is based on a book written before the Left seized control – and even then they are not beyond a bit of not so subtle re-writing.
I haven’t read them but I’d wager the original Alan Hunter Gently novels from 1955 weren’t the diverse product the bBC have made them.
This is interesting all right, perhaps another unintended consequence of fixed term elections. It’d be a great idea to abolish those anyway if the lib dems don’t get back in. Much better for the country and democracy to call snap elections. Perhaps harder to co-ordinate the drama dept on telly to create anti EU party propaganda.
Prophet Zebadiah Abu-Obadiah Strangely not mentioned on the BBC but worth a look at.