Robert Peston
@Peston 7 hours ago
I guess he could do what he always does and ignore the BBC impartiality rules and just shout ‘Vote Labour’ as loud and as often as possible.
What is the BBC trying to say with this subliminal message?…..
BBC Breaking News
@BBCBreaking 7 hours agoMillions casting ballots in UK
#GE2015 with polls open until 10pm – our live coverage
- A new hope
Taiwanese News high on something……..
David Cameron teaches young Miliband the ropes…starting with how to eat with dignity whatever the situation…
Larry the Cat
@Number10cat 7 hours agoMeanwhile, in Tower Hamlets…
I have realised why I have been posting here less recently; as the political bias on the TV has grown so the amount of TV I have watched has got less, books have become more appealing.
But sadly I fear the subliminal messages have worked. Twice today (ok one a known Labour supporter but with little brain but the other a reasonably bright chap) have said they are voting red ‘to save the NHS’ so I reminded both about Stafford. But the BBC has done the damage.
Zis iz terrible for us at the BBC, our future is on a knife edge here.
Hopfully tomorrow we wont be able to move in BBC buildings because of empty champagne bottles as we celebrate the victory of the Great Leader Ed miliband and the huge increase in the licence fee that follows. This will enable me to send my kids to private school and keep my private health insurance and many other perks of the job
However, we still at this late stage cannot rule out the far right tory party forming an axis of evil with the fascist UKIP and DUP parties, and the thought of losing the licence fee, losing my cushy over paid job and having to send my kids to a state school and having to use an NHS hospital means many BBC employees will probably end up swinging from a rope by noon tomorrow
Please, if you havnt voted already, get out , vote and support the BBC by voting labour
Heil Hall !!
Saw the same kind of bin whilst visiting Dorchester in Dorset.
Tower Hamlets were not first….bloody Rahman and Hodges rule doesn`t run to Dorset.
Mind you, would explain the postal ballot scandals in Tower Hamlets if the bin is the only place where votes for anybody but Labour/Livingston/Galloway and Rahman are allowed to be posted to.
“So if I can’t talk about the election, what on earth can I talk about today?”
Why not just shut your left wing socialist gob, eh Peston, you piece of biased left wing filth.
Oh the Polls?? Before the election the bbc and every lefty clung to the polls like a limpet in the hope that the three or four people the pollsters asked were correct in predicting that liebour and the tories were neck and neck.
Now the exit poll is out and it is predicting that liebour are well off the target they need but all of a sudden no one believes the polls, Paddy Pantsdown is going to eat his hat if the lib’s are wiped out as predicted.
Harriet the paedo protector Harman is actually saying that the tories have lost because their majority has gone down? That’s like saying a Floyd Mayweather actually lost against Pacman because he didn’t knock him out!!
If the exits polls are correct then polls such as You gov and the rest should be banned along with the bbc, their influence is clearly unfair and biased. Poor Nick Robinson’s voice looks to be failing, Lets hope the rest of the bbc vermin are speechless tomorrow morning.
I still haven’t forgotten the way Peston, safe in his cosy little corner at the BBC, reported the financial crisis in 2008. Endless predictions of doom and gloom delivered with absolute relish. No sympathy whatsoever for the ordinary people who might have lost their jobs or homes, just delight at what he thought was the failure of free markets.
I do believe that Labour could of won if the BBC had transmitted its
Londistan news programme over the whole country. Riz Lateef, and Assad Ahmed read out night after night the Trotskyist and Socialists Workers manifesto fed to them by their editors, sub editors and researchers.
If you watched the programme tonight you would of believed that Labour had won. I suppose Labour would of been better than their other passion, supporting the Mark Duggan Alliance.