Is yon Irn Bru like a wee nippy sweetie to the Krankies?
Ye’d better tell me! So you shud!
Ach! Michty mei! Jings crivens an’ help ma boab! So ye will, won’t ye?
Ye will, won’t ye? Won’t ye! Won’t ye!!!!!
Ye ken wot Aam sayin’ like, mebbes.
What percentage, supported UKIP, and how many seats?
Tories will alter boundaries straight away of course, possibly to asset another 20 seats.
Cameron will carry on lying, no change there, I would imagine his next one about the union, pretence about wanting to be all together etc, after shamefully driving more resentment for weeks.
Osborne will carry on lying, doctoring figures keeping his champagne buddies well in.
What is clear, if you are poor, the most vulnerable, the disabled, in limited hours work, low pay, suffering now, not able to live well away from those … erm undesirables
…… you can watch out
Ahh yes the Tories will alter boundaries … to make them fair .. that would never do would it Noggin. As for driving resentment … your hypocrisy knows no bounds … after weeks of Socialist Wreckers turning North against South … Public Sector against Private Sector …. blue collar against white collar workers …. workers against management … poor against rich lol As for lying and making up numbers go back and read Labours immigration forecasts … debt forecasts…. budget deficit forecasts …PFi cost lies …. and on and on and on
The boundaries commission is independent – it can suggest boundary changes and Parliament can either accept or reject them (but not alter them). Last time if you remember the Lib Dems threw a tantrum over failure of HoL reform to make up an excuse to ditch them. This time they will surely pass as the conservatives have a majority and the changes will benefit them.
And before you call it Gerrymandering – the reason why the changes take place are to equalise the size of each constituency so that each MP represents roughly the same number of voters. Labour constituencies are smaller as anyone with half a brain moves out as soon as they can. So they will be made larger – reducing the effectiveness of the Labour vote. (There are two main exceptions – Isle of Wight – which is too small to have two seats, and the Scottish Isles – which is too big in area to consider extending it.)
All constituencies must be made equal in terms of population size and represented by a single MP, irrespective of the area they cover, and this must apply to the whole of Scotland and Wales, too. However, recognition must be given to the very large areas covered by some constituencies and the consequent difficulties of access to remote communities. In such cases, I would suggest that generous parliamentary funding is granted for the employment of an additional experienced person, chosen by the sitting MP, to help look after the constituency, to hold ‘surgeries’, etc., as agreed between the MP and his or her deputy. Access to constituents would thereby be fair, and I am sure constituents would be happy with the increased opportunity for contact at a high level.
OK Noggin I’ll try ‘one more time’ …. no facts … no intelligence …. just silly name calling !
.. and the poor and most vulnerable can only be helped … and read this slowly … IF YOU EARN THE MONEY TO HELP THEM.
…. or you can hock future generations by tricks like off balance sheet PFI loans that hospitals can never pay back … or the impoverishment of future generations of private sector workers by destroying their pensions whilst continuing the unsustainable funding of public sector pensions … or allowing millions of people to settle here without any infrastructure planning … want me to go on ?
Noggin … It is hopeless trying to communicate with anyone of such limited intelligence. I provided facts … you provided personal opinions using silly name calling with no facts …. are you a Labour/SNP/Green MP (or as they are known one of the minorities) trying to masquerade as a contributor to this site ? Perhaps I should come down to your level …. Milliband incompetent fool yes or no ?… Balls by nature as well as by name ? …. Clegg – well lets not go there too cruel … all have one thing in common … they lost … try to deal with it friend or you’ll become sooo bitter and twisted…. Blue skies … shining on me .. nothing but blue skies …
Noggin (buzzer) Repetition.
FP, take as long as you like…
In passing, all PFI hospitals were scrutinised at application as affordable, and revert to NHS ownership after 25 or 30 years, when the “mortgage” is paid off. Yes, it’s cheaper to buy your house outright on day 1. You did so, of course? Both sides are lying on this one
London Calling . As an auditor that has reviewed many, many, so called scrutinys of the type you mention I have to tell you that your faith in them is misplaced. They invariably come to the conclusion that the people signing the contracts want them to. Yes you are correct I did buy my house on a 30 year mortgage, but what I didn’t do is sign a 30 year services contract with built in price rises and no option to cancel !
I have a 1,000 page Arthur Anderson assessment for my local PFI that says you are making things up. My district got brand new £175m replacement hospital with all manner of things like MRI en suite that never existed before, and local patients have benefitted. Pity the organisations that had the benefit of your “insight”.
The BBC were remarkably milquetoast about Galloway’s concession speech. Surely his “The venal and the vile, the racists and the Zionists will all be celebrating.” or his the more enigmatic “The hyena can dance on the lion’s grave but it can never be a lion” would be more newsworthy than “privilege” to spend three years as MP in Bradford West, “a special place full of special people” and “I’m going off now to plan my next campaign”?
The Labour candidate won with a majority of more than 11,000. Mr Galloway’s Respect party won 8,557 votes and the Conservatives 6,160. So in an election where Labour, elsewhere, took a beating, in Bradford West it won (back) a seat.
A very interesting result in a seat with a large (majority?) Pakistani population. Galloway relied on his Jew Hatred/anti Israel fireworks combined with extraordinary Islamic pandering to win. So the question is what Naseem Shah will do, ‘regular’ left anti Israel or special anti Israel?
I doubt the BBC will consider it but could Galloway’s connection with Shiite Iran have been the losing factor among Sunni Pakistanis? Could the fact that Galloway was, by reputation, a terrible MP have been the cause?
Is it possible we are in for a pleasant surprise? I don’t expect Naseem Shah to support Israel but relative neutrality and the realisation that what happens in the Middle East has nothing to do with the welfare of her constituents would be a plus.
Lol. Quite Noggin. You can’t respond with facts or any any rational, intelligent argument so you fall back of the standard Socialists response of pathetic, infantile, name calling or what is knows in Labour circles as ‘policies’.
London Calling. Your point is irrelevant and neither adds nor detracts from my comment. Congratulations on your 1,000 page report which I assume is supposed to indicate some sort of gravitas by volume. In my experience a 1,000 page assessment is tiny in comparison to most assessments. I am still trying to stop laughing from your point that it was performed by Arthur Anderson as if that lends some great credibility to it. This being the same Arthur Anderson that has virtually been wound up for incompetence after it’s so called auditing and assessments of a little company called Enron ??
Congratulations on your new hospital and MRI scanner and the many operations that have and will be performed. I made no comment on the initial cost of the project and those like them. The problem is that incentives had to be provided to build AND SERVICE the contracts. This has in many cases led to hugely expensive contracts which hospitals and schools are finding difficult to fund. So the point is the projects have been built on tic and are being run on tic. Don’t take my word for it read any of the many articles on the PFI funding crisis. Whether organisations have benefitted from my insights I leave them to judge, but I suspect they certainly won’t benefit from your ill researched, left wing, public sector ‘expertise’, typical of the people who know how to borrow and spend money but not how to repay or earn it. We could all use our credit cards to go out and buy everything we desire, but most people don’t because they understand that eventually it has to be paid for.
Fundamentally ALL assessments of PFI deals were wrong as the appraisers were instructed to use Green Book assumptions for the Public Sector comparator – i.e. the ‘benefits’ PFI were all compared with incorrect data – e.g. refusing to acknowledge that the State (by definition) could borrow funds several percentage points cheaper than private institutions. Basically Brown and his cronies PRIVITISED the new build programme of the NHS paying much higher interest rates and service contract fees simply to avoid adding these costs to the national debt – for presentational purposes only.
PFI the biggest fu**ing waste of public money ever and all to avoid some bad press. That shows you where the priorities of the Labour party lie
Like a clockwork gramophone as it floats down the toilet vortex that the BBC will now become.
It was a big gamble to openly declare for the left, and they lost. I imagine there will be a reckoning at some point – perhaps it will be a priority, along with the delayed reforms to the electoral boundaries?
Just rewatching the coverage (sad I know) – at around 5.30 forecast went from 316 to 325 – just came through on the screen but not a mention in studio. Wasnt the first hint og conservative majority (squeaker doesnt vote) too important for BBC to overlook?
FBI chief: Potentially ‘thousands’ of Islamic State followers in US
“So don’t draw any Muhammad cartoons, people, and maybe they won’t hurt us”.
“Anyway, why are there potentially thousands of followers of the Islamic State in the U.S.?
The FBI shows a remarkable lack of curiosity about that.
Of course, Bureau policy is to ignore the ideology, motives and goals of the jihadis.
Muslims are streaming into this Islamic group that the Obama Administration insists is not Islamic”
R Spencer
BBC Toady 2hrs 50
“in this fevered and troubled time” … “loathsome bigotry like this is allowed to have its day”
… yep! meaning those who wanted to have a cartoon competition?
and … NOT the IS/Islamic Sharia inspired Islamic wannabe mass murderers who thankfully were shot dead at the scene.
Soooo … what about the other death threats against P Geller since?
1000s IS supporters in US?… anyone interested? … BBC?
They seem more interested in the gunmen.
Cameron will now be forced to hold an EU referendum…we can get our country back and then put an end to the BBC. But I don’t care in which order they happen…..
Cameron will now be forced to hold an EU referendum…we can get our country back…
I fear you’ll be disappointed. Cameron has rightly determined that the current generation is primarily selfish and he’ll only have to play the ‘economic security’ card to deliver a stay-in vote.
All of The Essex Man & my Essex Comrades are all down the Pub in a minute , we are getting shedded . Foggy is on the Iron Bru, with his sour grapes . I`d even buy the Kippers a drink today .Labourites can all buy their own .
Repeal the Climate Change Act, Repeal the Human Rights Act, have the promised bonfire of the quangos, stop paying our enemies aid money, seal our borders as promised and reduce immigration to virtually nil; no immigrants, no refugees, no asylum seekers. Cancel HS2. Ensure we have a proper defence force and get rid of the upper echelons of the armed forces who have been actively destroying our ability to defend ourselves. But, number one, stop the socialist propaganda machine that is the bbc, immediately.
Now the Tories have a majority I would be surprised if we didn’t see many of the General’s suggestions come to pass. But sorry John in Cheshire, if you really think Cameron and his wet ilk will do anything about Europe, the Climate Change Act, the Human Rights Act,, obscene foreign aid etc, then you clearly haven’t been watching them for the last 5 years. Still, after the BBC’s abysmal display this year, I suspect there will be some internal pressure in the Con camp to do something about them, but all the BBC has to do is bleat about “Auntie Beeb” and “Jewel in the Crown” etc and the Tories just won’t have the guts to tackle them in any meaningful way.
While Labour or (God forbid!) Labour/SNP) would have been a disaster, make no mistake that a Conservative win just means that Common Purpose got in again, albeit with at least some back-bench opposition……
Remove the official opposition, in the form of the BBC, and the shopping list of changes will be far easier. News and current affairs should be first. “Cut the head off the snake and the body will wither”.
I think it is more like a hydra, but I get your meaning. The way to defeat the Beeb is privatisation – they brick themselves at the thought of it. They know nobody want to pay for their crap and if people did pay, they’d want to be entertained, not lectured via ‘comedy’, drama, history, phone ins, panel shows, news, etc.
I think you’ve forgotten something, Gen. The Tories have been in power for the last 5 years. With the exception of the boundary changes, why the hell are the Tories going to do anything different?
You sound a little like the Blairites in opposition….year zero was 2010 and nothing happened before then. Year zero is now 2015.
Mr C should be given the benefit of the doubt, at least for a while – we have had 5 years of a coalition govt, not a Tory one. Mr C has shown he can trim & trim to stay in power, with an infestation he could not shift. We do not yet know how Mr C will trim when the ‘infestation’ is from the Right, within his own party. Unless he has the brass neck to line up Lab or the SNP to defeat his own ranks on certain crucial issues?
Precisely. However Cameron will not change direction by much. He has his eyes on the prize – an EU funded retirement. Nothing will stand in the way of that.
I have absolutely no faith that the referendum (if it happens) will be fair and above board. The EU will use every dirty trick in the book to sabotage it, Cameroon will probably cave in and let EU citizens here vote and the Nationalists in Scotland and Wales will do their best to cause trouble with their separate nations vote nonsense.
Edit : Even worse there could be a convenient EU wide conflict (either with Russia or internal) that scuppers any chance of a referendum and imposes more integration on us.
Cameron won’t be able to get every Conservative MP to vote for a referendum – e.g. Ken Clarke and other arrogant ‘we know better than you plebs’ types, will vote against ‘as a matter of conscience’.
The rest of the Commons will vote against the Torys. Even if he wanted a vote, which he clearly doesn’t, there won’t be one. They’ll pretend to whip the backbenchers, but some ‘Tory rebels’ will vote it down – and retire at the next election.
That would be dynamite if that happened. The right would have the power to pressurise Cameron. Some Labour MPs would vote for it; e.g. Kate Hoey. Plus the eight DUP, two Ulster Unionist, Lady Hermon (Ind) and Douglas Carswell would be rock solid for it.
Can’t say I had any particular gripes about last night’s coverage. I was flicking between BBC Scotland (too depressing), BBC England, Sky and ITV (although I gave up on them when Bryan May was wheeled out as someone whose opinions we should give a stuff for) and didn’t see much difference.
However I hope there’s a reckoning for the bias before the election, particularly the no-platforming of UKIP who still managed 12½% of the vote despite that. What they might have achieved with fair coverage…
Just listen to Peter Allen on BBC 5Live, his tone says it all. With Labour figures it’s all we are joined in sorrow, with LibDems there’s a tone of sympathy, with Conservatives it’s much less friendly.
By the way, what was the voice from the studio during Nigel Farage’s resignation speech, sounded like a snort of disbelief. Did anyone record it? More BBC anti-UKIP bias? Who was the snort actually from?
I was listening through headphones, and it sounded very much like it was Peter Allen himself. The whole tone of Allen’s programme this morning was “what went wrong?”.
It would take a heart of stone not to laugh !
With a Conservative majority, Cameron should within the first year:
1. change constituency boundaries, something that was part of coalition agreement but LibDems renaged on
2. take on the BBC, they will oppose Conservatives come what may, so just do it
“Wonderful! … Britain has rejected Miliband, who said that he would criminalize “Islamophobia,” and chosen to re-elect Cameron, the dhimmi appeaser who banned Pamela Geller and me from Britain”
I listened to James Naughtie and Carolyn Quinn at several points during the night. There seemed to be some female Labour peer in permanent residence, constantly putting in her opinion.
Did the plan go wrong? Should they have had Lord Tebbit instead?
I loved the bit when she said that Labour’s drubbing in Scotland was all David Cameron’s fault! (Nothing to do with the running sore that Tony Blair created then?).
Well Roland as I’m sure as they will find out she could have some interesting attributes we don’t know about yet !other then that I couldn’t possibly comment
1) He worked out that the referendum would increase the profile of the SNP – who could take seats off Labour & Lib Dems – but only 1 off the tories.
2) He knew the SNP could never win more than 59 seats and so could not threaten the UK parties.
3) He played Labour for patsys suggesting that they go in and combat the nationalism that he knew would grow.
4) result – SNP destroy the two ‘national parties’ that were a threat to the Tories.
5) As an aside – he also knew that the Lib Dems would disintegrate when bound in coalition with the ‘nasty tories’ and their left voters would leave them – leaving the MPs in the Lib-dem – Conservative marginals exceptionally weak.
Voters south of the Pennine Way were pooping themselves at a Labour/SNP coalition. Scotland was already gone. Those Tory/UKIP/LibDem waverers were convinced in the last 72 hours that anything and anybody would be better than Milibrain and The Fat Conceited One north of the border (The Sturgeon is just a front,,,,bit prettier than the The Salmon).
That’s why UKIP didn’t do so well down south as expected, one of the reasons the LibDems collapsed and why there was suddenly a 7% lead for the Tories.
whatever happens in/to scotland now the snp will spin it to take the credit if its good and blame the cons and by association the english for the bad, scottish independence is inevitable
At 1.31 am this morning, dave s posted this comment in response to Essex Man:
The result looks as I thought. I see it pleases you. The liberal elites have bought a litttle time . That is all. The existential problems facing us and Europe are not going to go away.
Third world and Muslim colonisation is going to go on and at a faster pace . And what a strange thing that is. Colonisation by the less competent. Something the world has rarely seen.
Few people are able to look ahead. It is not that hard and the future is firmly in the hands of liberal fantasists .All you can say of Cameron and his elite is that it is marginally more competent than Milleband.
But it is not fitted to deal with what is coming.
Nothing I could write would improve on this. Sad situation. Someone said ‘In a democracy, people get the government they deserve’. It feels true this morning.
Foggy & Co are not real Kippers , they would of preferred SNP/ Millipeed & all the chaos that would of happened . PS , My shares seem to be doing well .
” they would of preferred SNP/ Millipeed & all the chaos that would of happened”
Compared to what?
Its not an act you really don’t get it do you
I’m glad your shillings are multiplying ,one day you may have enough to fill that gapping hole inside your being-one day- maybe
If Cameron has any sense, the first thing he will do now is reform the BBC, I suggest annual reduction in licence fee to take it to zero by the next election, gives them plenty of time to roll in subscriptions and pay per view.
Or, how about his option, keep the licence fee for now but privatise them, and offer the BBC staff shares. That will create so many ideological contradictions and so much infighting that the organisation will self-destruct, with no need for the politicians to get their hands dirty.
I actually think they will slowly start to chip away at the bbc from now on. They would be stupid not to as they are free of the shackles of the Lib Dems and the disgusting anti-Tory bias can’t have been missed
If the Cons do anything about the BBC it will be minor fiddling. A new Trust Chairman here. A ban on advertising new jobs solely in The Guardian there. That will help, of course, but it won’t be the widescale dismantling that it needs. Besides, UKIP deflected most of the BBC bias this election – most of the ire about “the Nasty Tories” etc was instead pointed at Farage and his band of “dangerous racists and far-right odd-balls.” As a result I suspect many Cameronites are not that bothered about the BBC’s appalling performance – they felt little of the bias themselves and indeed, it probably shunted a few unsure UKIP voters their way.
A ban on advertising new jobs solely in The Guardian there […]
They cannot legally do this, nor should they, without a change in the law and that will not happen. What they should do is ban all advertising of state funded positions except through the web-sites of those very same organisations. Most state departments and councils already have a jobs page and the money saved can be put to better use.
There should be a government jobs website – easy and cheap to run. No need to advertise privately. They could also host any jobs advertised in Job Centres.
Well that says it all. I can’t believe that, over one night, Cameron has suddenly become an effective politician who will do sensible things to benefit the country.
The only difference is this time he’ll have no excuse.
Cameron’s overriding priority now is to deliver a stay-in vote at a Euro referendum. That will be his ‘legacy’ – sorting out a problem that bedevilled the Tories, the UK and Europe for fifty years. He needs the BBC on board as his propaganda tool; he’s not likely to jeopardize the big prize at this point.
Oh I think there will be, after an intense propaganda campaign threatening economic disaster if we leave, with big business (the regulatory burden helps to stifle potential competitors starting up) solemnly warning of the perils ahead.
As I mentioned on another thread I found Humphrys’ interview with Osborne (“Today” c7:45) churlish in the extreme. No welcome or congratulations. First words were accusing the government being dragged to the right. Osborne says no so Humphrys claims that Cameron will suffer, as Major, from the “bastards”.
Thing is that now Cameron is on borrowed time. Before, he could blame the Liberals for all his woolly socialism. Now he has nowhere to hide in terms of policy. He is just as week as Major as a leader, and lacks even Major’s charisma. With political parties self-destructing spectacularly all over the place, he won’t want to risk joining them.
On the other hand, only three Labour Party leaders have ever managed to obtain a working majority in a British election, Atlee, Wilson, Blair. It takes a very special combination of person and circumstances for the Labour party to take power. With the loss of Scotland, there is a good likelihood that Labour in its current form could never win an election ever again. This is the best they could manage, don’t forget, with the Liberals at their lowest point possible. All Cameron has to do is push the Conservatives a little bit further towards the soft left, devolve Scotland, and Labour are finished. Interesting times.
1. Give Scotland what they want short of independence; full tax raising powers. End English funding of Scotland (no Barnett formula).
2. Settle the West Lothian question now.
3. Put an end to BBC bias.
4. Make some radical policy decisions e.g. a big rise in personal allowances to bring millions out of income tax, reduce VAT to 5%.
5. Bring forward the EU referendum and campaign to leave.
6. Put a real stop to mass immigration.
7. Get back to the bonfire of the quangos and slash the size of government.
And on a more mundane note bring on board some top notch spin doctors (like Campbell who I dislike for his policies but respect for his cleverness) to bury Labour forever.
So what you are saying is that Cameron should stop being Cameron? He is a classic Tory Wet, always has been, always will be. I agree with your ideas, but to suggest Cameron would begin to deliver them is wishful thinking.
Watching Dimbledore at times last night, I was reminded of a line from Hunter S. Thompson – “It was obvious that he was a man who marched through life to the rhythms of a drum I would never hear.”
It is high time he was put out to grass.
Watched her and Nick R giving an emotional eulogy about the “real Ed Balls” who we would all love if we knew him like they do. Contrast that with the undisguised contempt for Farage. Still it shouldnt be ovelooked that Al Beebs relentless bias didnt work on getting their man in.
Les Dawson was actually an accomplished pianist who misplayed for humourous effect. However, Balls is not an accomplished economist who spouts rubbish for humourous effect – he just spouts rubbish naturally. Still, as you say, it’s hardly likely to hold him back from a cushy job in the BBC.
A truly glorious mourning at the Beeb. All thoughts of the Champagne Charlies turning to the Charter negotiations next year- when the the little red roosters will be barbecued…
With Labour once again in disarray I think we can expect the BBC to resume the role of Her Majesty’s Official Opposition that it took upon itself after the 2010 election, until its favourite child was able to sort out a new leader and decide which direction it will go with its policies again. New Labour was electable but anathema seemingly to socialists.
The old interruption meter will be whirling round like petrol gauges at £2 a litre!
Now what about a Labour harridan as leader, that will surely get the p.c. and female voters on-side and if there were a non-white one the BBC would be having wet dreams!
There will never be a better time to deal with the BBC and the TV Tax will probably be frozen and then reduced with the aim of getting rid of it completely (hopefully) – maybe that is why the bbc have been so desperate for advertising abroad for extra funds (like evil capitalists do but I suppose it is “different” when they do it) as they knew the writing could be on the wall for them.
If Cameron does only one thing over the next 5 years I hope it is to rid us all of the scourge of the bbc for good
Please reserve a seat for Russell Brand, preferably outside.
Lily Savage won’t leave and neither will Pantsdown eat his hat. Bluffs called and liars exposed all round.
Really funny. they all seem to have had an irony bypass. Sitting in their nice homes with all of their money, avoiding as much tax as possible whingeing about the nasty party winning!
May they keep bitching and howling, it just gets funnier.
Whoops, replied to the wrong comment, sorry Mark, meant to link it to Stewarts Breitbart link below!
BBC coverage, generally not too bad on the night. Exit polls not too bad, pre-election polls (as we all suspected) were way off and the saturation coverage of them probably affected the vote. Not bad other than the usual personalisation of Nigel Farage’s fortunes. Laura K, Nick R, Dimblebore all seem to have personal issues with NF too. I find it thoroughly depressing that Farage will not be improving the discourse in the HoC. BBC staff were less bubbly than they were primed to be, unlike the 3 Blair elections.
The political map has changed. Are we a United Kingdom? I don’t think we are. Many costly problems to attend to including the logistical nightmare that the Tories will have to address (and it hasn’t been costed) the reality that Trident and other key defence infrastructure has to move south of the Border. The Scottish defence industry will suffer (or relocate to England).
The Labour Party has retreated to urban England and Wales, and Londonistan. Can Labour recover or rediscover a soul?
The positives? There are more pandas in Scotland than Labour MP’s. Mr Ian Murray (South Edinburgh) will no doubt be reminded of that many times over the coming years.
The right wing of the Conservative Party, now have power. What will be done with it remains to be seen.
The electorate, albeit with the assistance of the MSM and the BBC, has rejected UKIP in this election. Fear, tinged with a dose of sense won the day – Leftard Labour was rejected and in the cold light of day – Miliband was obviously unelectable. The electorate were never dumb enough to swing to Red Ed, but never had the opportunity to engage in the real issues (which were avoided like the plague during the election campaign).
The GE2015 campaign offered by the MSM, has been a long dissection of the possible permutations of a post-election coalition carve up. It worked. Issues were not debated and the LibLabCon have won, in the form of the Con. Watch the debt rise, watch George flap as the deficit doesn’t come under control, as the population continues to rise, as houses continue not to be built, as school places get fought over, as waiting lists at the NHS get worse.
Then there is the mass flight from Africa and the Middle East.
Is this the time of the Eurosceptics in the Conservative Party? Are there sufficient of them? Have they the strength? I doubt it. Strong backbones take time to form.
It is now my duty to re-double my efforts to further the causes which have been pursued by UKIP during this general election.
Well done and thank you Nigel Farage. My respect for you is unquantifiable. The first hero I have had since Sir Ian Botham. And well done Douglas Carswell – do your best sir.
Is this the time of the Eurosceptics in the Conservative Party? Are there sufficient of them? Have they the strength? I doubt it. Strong backbones take time to form.
Short of UKIP success this is a great result, in that it will throw up answers to the questions you raise. No excuse of ‘we have to accommodate LibDems’ any more. Cameron surely didn’t want quite this much success. The argument against the UKIP route has been ‘there’s a group of Tories, just waiting….’ Well; now we’ll know. Cam will ‘deliver’ some trivial reforms. Some of those Tories will never accept the EU with any reform, thankfully.
The man to watch is John Redwood. I notice Brillo interviewed him earlier, when he was first to raise the EU issue. Uncompromising. Over the past couple of years I’ve emailed four or five Tory MPs at times when they’ve been on the box. My message was basically ‘You should join UKIP’. All, apart from one, ignored me, or sent a template to fill in some days later. Redwood was the exception; he mailed me back within four minutes, pretty angry. I was impressed. I’m firmly convinced he’ll not be bought off by Cameron. The ‘bastards’ are back. Where’s that popcorn?
Yes, JR is not dismissable as an ignorant lunatic. He has soldiered on in difficult times, and I hope he will adapt quickly to demanding a serious hearing. He needs to act rapidly – carpe diem.
I’m not a UKIP supporter, but I think the resignation of Nigel Farage is a huge loss to UKIP. Despite quite unprecedented hostility from the loudmouth left, both inside and outside the BBC, he has behaved with a grace and humour far beyond the call of duty. In fact his resignation is a loss to the debate on immigration and nationality in general. Would this even be up for discussion without Farage?
No it wouldn’t (be up for discussion). Oldartist, your country needs you! Henceforth, show that support by resolving to vote UKIP in any and every election. Farage will be back – the peoples’ army will demand it.
With you on both counts. He’s an honest bloke – probably the most decent politician we have in Britain – and he’s been hunted down, almost literally on some occasions, by the howling PC-fascist mob of the Left (in which the BBC has been complicit, especially 5 Live). The press have done themselves no favours, either.
Let’s hope there’s still someone who can make sure we have an honest debate about immigration and effing ‘climate change’.
Not sure why there is so much concern about the resignation of NF. I don’t think the media have realized the potential of what has happened here. Cameron deserved a second chance based on his record. NF has now been removed from the BBC’s snipers so they won’t be able to attack him directly anymore. UKIPs share of the vote is significantly up, particularly in Labout seats, and it might have been more if it wasn’t for the current SNP threat. They have some very astute media savvy people in the wings who have previously dealt very effectively with the BBC and other media. I am thinking of people like Suzanne Evans and Steven Woolfe. I think the demise of UKIP reported in the media has been greatly exaggerated …. and if Cameron does not deliver in this Parliament then the next election will be very, very, interesting. And the Socialist Wreckers/SNP Ultras have been kept out for at least 5 more years … as a well known figure once said Rejoice, Rejoice.
At least Al Murray got a derisory number of votes in his protest stunt. But I’m very disappointed for Farage that he didn’t win, in light of the shift he put in for UKIP. The Tories were determined not to let him get into Westminster, it’s a real shame as he would have brought a lot to Parliament with him.
Well he has only resigned for the summer – to take a long holiday. he can re-apply for the leadership when the election is held in the autumn (if he recovers.)
Agreed not 100% UKIP either but very sad to loose him [OK for now he may ‘be back’ ] but I can see why he needs a break especially after that disgusting attack on him and his family in their personal time no doubt the pro BBC Trolls on here loved it for me it was truly sickening !
I like Farage, but I think he was naive in his dealings with the BBC. How could he not see that comments (e.g. HIV treatment, crime, Islam, breastfeeding, etc) wouldn’t be twisted and used to paint him as a Nazi? He could have raised the same issues with less emotive examples – e.g. Morbidly obese, TB sufferers, Diabetics should be refused work visas due to cost. HIV is too ‘victim loaded’.
Who can replace him, though? Suzanne Evans is good and getting better at media handling. Steven Woolfe also talks a level headed and sensible immigration position (the BBC also find it hard to attack him, as the son of an immigrant). Paul Nuttall seems good natured, but his crew cut hair allows the easy comparisons with ’80s skin head thugs. Carswell had some very interesting ideas on democracy, but his wonky face just won’t do in the modern media age.
He will be back, the only one who had the guts to tell a BBC audience what they were, who never said the weasel words “the religion of peace”, who was not afraid to say the jobs being done by immigrants should be done by the British unemployed, who was not afraid to say there were too many people of cultures incompatible with the British way of life being welcomed into this country, who was not afraid to tell the EEC elite what a useless load of self serving crap they were.. I hope that Cameron now released from the constraints of the treacherous Liberals will now be able to move forward with the policies for which we first voted him in and forget the wishy washy liberalization into which he descended. I had hoped UKIP would have got enough seats to keep Cameron honest but hopefully Ferage will return and do just that.
What really disturbs me about Balls (Yes!!) and Millipede’s (Guffaw!!) speeches is the total lack of humility in front of the electorate. Not once did either say the electorate had spoken. No, both said the electorate are children and that Labour knows best. And as ever, bBC do not pick them up on this.
In fact also seen interviews with Danzcuck and Livingstone and Owen Jones (all on Sky though) and again none of them can accept that the (English) electorate have rejected Labour or that Labour will listen. The constant refrain is that the electorate are wrong and do not know what they have done. Sky didn’t pick this up either.
Balls has some justification – he was probably in shock over the result as he undoubtedly expected an increased majority in line with the opinion polls.
A thought suddenly occurred to me this morning whilst watching the election coverage.
The SNP have had one helluva lot of publicity in the last few weeks (months?). It would be an interesting exercise to dig out their speeches and interviews and for ‘Scottish’ and ‘Scotland’ substitute ‘English’ and ‘England’ and vice versa and imagine it was a fictitious ‘ENP’ talking.
The BBC’s airwaves would be permanently buzzing with the Left’s indignation and anti-English rhetoric: ‘Far Right’, ‘Little Englanders’, ‘English racists’, ‘extreme English nationalism’, ‘just like Hitler’, ‘one step away from the gas chambers’ etc. etc. etc.
But as it’s the SNP – hey ho, passionate about their country and culture, what, and so to be admired (whilst ignoring the anti-democratic, fascistic behaviour of their supporters).
Hey Essex Man! Mr Green – the incredible invisible man – is back! I’m watching him on the Beeb! He hasn’t been seen since the Wiki scandal but, now the vote’s over, there he is! Maybe Stinking Rich IV is due for release?
Excellent , I am sure he will do a good job for the next 5 years ,Foggy . Seems like you have a `thing ` for a certain Grant , are you “friends” with Scott , by chance ? I think you are doing a bit of stalking , on Mr Green , not stalking me are you ,as well ? As I predicted Mr Green in , Mr Farage ,out .
Er Farage who , kippering has gone , Carswell to rejoin the Conservatives soon . There will be a referendum , but once that is settled either way , whats the point of the Kippers . Foggy , if you are so sure of a result , stand for parliament as a kipper .
dont forget the only reason Nigel isnt an MP is because the torys and labour parties where in it together to keep Farage out.
Is this why youre so hostile to ukip because theyre taking thousands of votes off your allies in the North of England? Tell me Essex Man, are you proud of the Tory labour alliance?
1..Deport Russell Brand
2..Demand an explanation and set up a formal inquiry into the disgraceful bias shown by the BBC and the behaviour of all its lefty cretinous presenters
3..Inform YouGov, Survation and all the other lefty bias pollsters they have no future part in any elections
4..Set up the 8th May as ”no more Ed Balls Day”and make it a national holiday
5..Make Nigel Farage a Peer(WISH HE GOT ELECTED)
6..Make sure there is a live television stream of Paddy ”bastard” Ashdown and Alistair ”don’t believe it” Campbell eating there hat and kilt respectively.
Survation claim they did a poll on the Wednesday late afternoon/ evening and got 37-31 Tory-Labour – but didn’t send the details to The Mirror as they thought it was an outlier.
Basically it appears that more people make up their mind in reality right at the end than actually say so. Lots of election polling has missed this final swing in opinion (notable 1992 of course)
Campbell was correct. SNP didn’t get 58 seats. Ashdown will have to eat his hat, or the one Brillo supplies him with. 12.6% UKIP share – so Dan Hodges has a performance to make.
Yes, the Scottish have to go. I’m not being mean (and feel sorry for right-of-centre Scots) but it appears they are overwhelmingly out of step with the political views with the English. They’ve been living on English taxpayer’s largesse for too long, and although I have no problem with patriotism, I find the SNP’s national socialist tone quite creepy.
The Scottish people voted to keep the Union only a few months back. I don’t think we should allow the Scottish National Socialists to break the Union up by the back door. They agreed at the time it was a once in a generation event, they should learn to live with the result.
I am looking forward to some big election laughs on HIGNFY, The News Quiz, The Now Show etc etc. The massed ranks of unfunny left-wing comedians at the BBC probably can’t wait to get stuck in.
One thing is clear the electoral system needs to change, we have got a system where for the majority of the people cast their vote knowing it will count for nothing. We end up with a party having 56 seats in parliament while another party had more voters and end up with one seat, that is just plain ridiculous. While I am disapointed Nigel Farage didn’t win Thanet South I am probably more disapointed that the people of Rochester & Strood didn’t stick with Mark Reckless, he is a man who stuck by his principles and is an impressive orator. Daily Express give that man a job!
let me tell you the only thing popping at the BBC are the spinal columns of our staff as they hang themselves. This is a terrible result for not just for the country but for humanity as a whole
with the loss of Ed Davis pushing global warming, and Vince Cable pushing for more immigration, our progressive future is as dead as the bbc journalists now swinging from a rope
Operation Labour post-mortem in full swing now on BBC.
The news isn’t that the Tories won, it’s that Labour lost and what can Labour do to fix their party. Steady procession of Labour mouths now on BBC1/2 and it’s all about “we” and “Labour”. Just the same as post May 2010. The news is all about Labour.
Its unbelievable. BBC dragging all types of lefty idiots out to explain how wonderful Labour are and how they will bounce back etc…Sod the fact that Tories blew Labour out of the water. Plenty of the lefty presenters eating humble pie
Having woken up around 2.30 am I was in bed reading the updates of the election on the BBC on the ipad when I read a tweet shown large on the BBC site saying ‘good news for Labour’ referring to the Acton result. Now this showed a time for the tweet of around 1pm – does it really take 1 1/2 hours for a tweet to reach the BBC? There was no update for several minutes after this leaving this message on the top of their news by the minute for some time. I did wonder if the Beeb was recirculating the tweet every 30 minutes perhaps?
You really have to laugh at the SNP Fantasists. Leave aside the fact that any English party that talked of the ‘English Lion roaring and being heard across the Country’ would be obliterated in the media for nationalism and racism. Just heard the last two SNP interviews on Sky by the party chairman and Salmond. Apparently Cameron has to respect the mandate of the Scottish people …. but the SNP doesn’t have to respect the mandate of the English and will work with the poor disaffected voters in England in the hope of causing trouble to the slim conservative majority so that it breaks. So much for mandates and democracy. It is easy to appeal to idiots with Nationalist propaganda and promises to end all ‘austerity’ with money from ummmmm …not sure, worry about that later policies.
It’s one long post mortem on bbc news at the moment. Great! Interesting observation though, news bar at bottom of screen showing Nigel Farage and Nick Clegg ‘resigning’ yet Ed MIlliband and Harriet Harman are only ‘stepping down’.
Not watching it, but is Miliband wearing a duffle coat to the Cenotaph to completely mirror the ‘achievements’ of another big time Labour loser Michael Foot?
Both united in the hope that the disgusting Labour party, the overseers of the Iraq war, Rotherham, mass immigration and ruining the economy are out of power for decades.
Have a good weekend folks and watch the BBC lick its wounds.
Watch them misunderstand why the public didn’t vote Labour and laugh.
The result in Rotherham was one which I found the most appalling.
What does it say about you as people, that you would vote back in an MP from a party which acquiesced in and obfuscated the rape of young girls in your town, by Muslim immigrants and their offspring, to protect the MC and PC doctrines to which that party is slavishly addicted?
She got 20,000 votes. Well, 8000 “men” are implicated in the Rotherham abuse. So that is 8000 Labour votes to cover up. Many of those “men” are married to they will beat their wives into voting Labour, so that is another 4000 votes. And then you have the dead voting for Labour. Easily adds up.
Me too , we are having a Scottish hooley , Haggis , Whiskey & Tennants Lager . The SNP won it for us ,Ha Ha . I love England , & Byee , Scottish Socialist`s
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“There were bottles of Prozac and Valium lining the corridors, I’ll never forget that”
The empty cans of Irn Bru….
Is yon Irn Bru like a wee nippy sweetie to the Krankies?
Ye’d better tell me! So you shud!
Ach! Michty mei! Jings crivens an’ help ma boab! So ye will, won’t ye?
Ye will, won’t ye? Won’t ye! Won’t ye!!!!!
Ye ken wot Aam sayin’ like, mebbes.
LOL! An excellent reminder!
Lib Lab lost, Con won. Just moving the coffins around the crypt.
What percentage, supported UKIP, and how many seats?
Tories will alter boundaries straight away of course, possibly to asset another 20 seats.
Cameron will carry on lying, no change there, I would imagine his next one about the union, pretence about wanting to be all together etc, after shamefully driving more resentment for weeks.
Osborne will carry on lying, doctoring figures keeping his champagne buddies well in.
What is clear, if you are poor, the most vulnerable, the disabled, in limited hours work, low pay, suffering now, not able to live well away from those … erm undesirables
…… you can watch out
Ahh yes the Tories will alter boundaries … to make them fair .. that would never do would it Noggin. As for driving resentment … your hypocrisy knows no bounds … after weeks of Socialist Wreckers turning North against South … Public Sector against Private Sector …. blue collar against white collar workers …. workers against management … poor against rich lol As for lying and making up numbers go back and read Labours immigration forecasts … debt forecasts…. budget deficit forecasts …PFi cost lies …. and on and on and on
Spot on, FP.
The boundaries commission is independent – it can suggest boundary changes and Parliament can either accept or reject them (but not alter them). Last time if you remember the Lib Dems threw a tantrum over failure of HoL reform to make up an excuse to ditch them. This time they will surely pass as the conservatives have a majority and the changes will benefit them.
And before you call it Gerrymandering – the reason why the changes take place are to equalise the size of each constituency so that each MP represents roughly the same number of voters. Labour constituencies are smaller as anyone with half a brain moves out as soon as they can. So they will be made larger – reducing the effectiveness of the Labour vote. (There are two main exceptions – Isle of Wight – which is too small to have two seats, and the Scottish Isles – which is too big in area to consider extending it.)
All constituencies must be made equal in terms of population size and represented by a single MP, irrespective of the area they cover, and this must apply to the whole of Scotland and Wales, too. However, recognition must be given to the very large areas covered by some constituencies and the consequent difficulties of access to remote communities. In such cases, I would suggest that generous parliamentary funding is granted for the employment of an additional experienced person, chosen by the sitting MP, to help look after the constituency, to hold ‘surgeries’, etc., as agreed between the MP and his or her deputy. Access to constituents would thereby be fair, and I am sure constituents would be happy with the increased opportunity for contact at a high level.
Cameron hasn t lied then? … Pinocchio Osborne? … how about that about the poor, the most vulnerable?
For goodness sake … do keep up, dear
mind you this might make you smile
“there will be others who are already celebrating: the venal, and the vile, the racists and the zionists will all be celebrating.”
“The hyena can bounce on the lion’s grave but it can never be a lion, and in any case, I’m not in my grave.”
George “gravy train” Allahway
For goodness “pigs might fly” sake 😀
there you go again
… on about labour again?
awww , go on then … just one last try 😀
Cameron hasn t lied then? … Pinocchio Osborne? … how about that about the poor, the most vulnerable?
OK Noggin I’ll try ‘one more time’ …. no facts … no intelligence …. just silly name calling !
.. and the poor and most vulnerable can only be helped … and read this slowly … IF YOU EARN THE MONEY TO HELP THEM.
…. or you can hock future generations by tricks like off balance sheet PFI loans that hospitals can never pay back … or the impoverishment of future generations of private sector workers by destroying their pensions whilst continuing the unsustainable funding of public sector pensions … or allowing millions of people to settle here without any infrastructure planning … want me to go on ?
read this slowly, soooo
Cameron hasn t lied then?
(I ll break it up for you)
… how about Pinocchio Osborne?
… how about that about the poor, the most vulnerable?
will they have to watch out now?
Cameron? no lies?
how about Osborne?
come now … yes, or no,
with your erm command of factual intelligence it shouldn t be that hard, surely.
Noggin … It is hopeless trying to communicate with anyone of such limited intelligence. I provided facts … you provided personal opinions using silly name calling with no facts …. are you a Labour/SNP/Green MP (or as they are known one of the minorities) trying to masquerade as a contributor to this site ? Perhaps I should come down to your level …. Milliband incompetent fool yes or no ?… Balls by nature as well as by name ? …. Clegg – well lets not go there too cruel … all have one thing in common … they lost … try to deal with it friend or you’ll become sooo bitter and twisted…. Blue skies … shining on me .. nothing but blue skies …
Noggin (buzzer) Repetition.
FP, take as long as you like…
In passing, all PFI hospitals were scrutinised at application as affordable, and revert to NHS ownership after 25 or 30 years, when the “mortgage” is paid off. Yes, it’s cheaper to buy your house outright on day 1. You did so, of course? Both sides are lying on this one
London Calling . As an auditor that has reviewed many, many, so called scrutinys of the type you mention I have to tell you that your faith in them is misplaced. They invariably come to the conclusion that the people signing the contracts want them to. Yes you are correct I did buy my house on a 30 year mortgage, but what I didn’t do is sign a 30 year services contract with built in price rises and no option to cancel !
I have a 1,000 page Arthur Anderson assessment for my local PFI that says you are making things up. My district got brand new £175m replacement hospital with all manner of things like MRI en suite that never existed before, and local patients have benefitted. Pity the organisations that had the benefit of your “insight”.
The BBC were remarkably milquetoast about Galloway’s concession speech. Surely his “The venal and the vile, the racists and the Zionists will all be celebrating.” or his the more enigmatic “The hyena can dance on the lion’s grave but it can never be a lion” would be more newsworthy than “privilege” to spend three years as MP in Bradford West, “a special place full of special people” and “I’m going off now to plan my next campaign”?
The Labour candidate won with a majority of more than 11,000. Mr Galloway’s Respect party won 8,557 votes and the Conservatives 6,160. So in an election where Labour, elsewhere, took a beating, in Bradford West it won (back) a seat.
A very interesting result in a seat with a large (majority?) Pakistani population. Galloway relied on his Jew Hatred/anti Israel fireworks combined with extraordinary Islamic pandering to win. So the question is what Naseem Shah will do, ‘regular’ left anti Israel or special anti Israel?
I doubt the BBC will consider it but could Galloway’s connection with Shiite Iran have been the losing factor among Sunni Pakistanis? Could the fact that Galloway was, by reputation, a terrible MP have been the cause?
Is it possible we are in for a pleasant surprise? I don’t expect Naseem Shah to support Israel but relative neutrality and the realisation that what happens in the Middle East has nothing to do with the welfare of her constituents would be a plus.
Lol. Quite Noggin. You can’t respond with facts or any any rational, intelligent argument so you fall back of the standard Socialists response of pathetic, infantile, name calling or what is knows in Labour circles as ‘policies’.
London Calling. Your point is irrelevant and neither adds nor detracts from my comment. Congratulations on your 1,000 page report which I assume is supposed to indicate some sort of gravitas by volume. In my experience a 1,000 page assessment is tiny in comparison to most assessments. I am still trying to stop laughing from your point that it was performed by Arthur Anderson as if that lends some great credibility to it. This being the same Arthur Anderson that has virtually been wound up for incompetence after it’s so called auditing and assessments of a little company called Enron ??
Congratulations on your new hospital and MRI scanner and the many operations that have and will be performed. I made no comment on the initial cost of the project and those like them. The problem is that incentives had to be provided to build AND SERVICE the contracts. This has in many cases led to hugely expensive contracts which hospitals and schools are finding difficult to fund. So the point is the projects have been built on tic and are being run on tic. Don’t take my word for it read any of the many articles on the PFI funding crisis. Whether organisations have benefitted from my insights I leave them to judge, but I suspect they certainly won’t benefit from your ill researched, left wing, public sector ‘expertise’, typical of the people who know how to borrow and spend money but not how to repay or earn it. We could all use our credit cards to go out and buy everything we desire, but most people don’t because they understand that eventually it has to be paid for.
Fundamentally ALL assessments of PFI deals were wrong as the appraisers were instructed to use Green Book assumptions for the Public Sector comparator – i.e. the ‘benefits’ PFI were all compared with incorrect data – e.g. refusing to acknowledge that the State (by definition) could borrow funds several percentage points cheaper than private institutions. Basically Brown and his cronies PRIVITISED the new build programme of the NHS paying much higher interest rates and service contract fees simply to avoid adding these costs to the national debt – for presentational purposes only.
PFI the biggest fu**ing waste of public money ever and all to avoid some bad press. That shows you where the priorities of the Labour party lie
Did they actually publish any forecasts?
Like a clockwork gramophone as it floats down the toilet vortex that the BBC will now become.
It was a big gamble to openly declare for the left, and they lost. I imagine there will be a reckoning at some point – perhaps it will be a priority, along with the delayed reforms to the electoral boundaries?
marr was gutted… he went to bed in a right strop!
Bet Jackey Ashley was no where near.
Is that some kind of Gay sex toy then?
Just rewatching the coverage (sad I know) – at around 5.30 forecast went from 316 to 325 – just came through on the screen but not a mention in studio. Wasnt the first hint og conservative majority (squeaker doesnt vote) too important for BBC to overlook?
FBI chief: Potentially ‘thousands’ of Islamic State followers in US
“So don’t draw any Muhammad cartoons, people, and maybe they won’t hurt us”.
“Anyway, why are there potentially thousands of followers of the Islamic State in the U.S.?
The FBI shows a remarkable lack of curiosity about that.
Of course, Bureau policy is to ignore the ideology, motives and goals of the jihadis.
Muslims are streaming into this Islamic group that the Obama Administration insists is not Islamic”
R Spencer
BBC Toady 2hrs 50
“in this fevered and troubled time” … “loathsome bigotry like this is allowed to have its day”
… yep! meaning those who wanted to have a cartoon competition?
and … NOT the IS/Islamic Sharia inspired Islamic wannabe mass murderers who thankfully were shot dead at the scene.
Soooo … what about the other death threats against P Geller since?
1000s IS supporters in US?… anyone interested? … BBC?
They seem more interested in the gunmen.
Cameron will now be forced to hold an EU referendum…we can get our country back and then put an end to the BBC. But I don’t care in which order they happen…..
Cameron will now be forced to hold an EU referendum…we can get our country back…
I fear you’ll be disappointed. Cameron has rightly determined that the current generation is primarily selfish and he’ll only have to play the ‘economic security’ card to deliver a stay-in vote.
All of The Essex Man & my Essex Comrades are all down the Pub in a minute , we are getting shedded . Foggy is on the Iron Bru, with his sour grapes . I`d even buy the Kippers a drink today .Labourites can all buy their own .
Well done Tory boy!
Thanks Comrade Geoff !
Have a great afternoon, EM, sounds like my kinda do…
Thanks Johnnythefish too.
Don’t be to sure. look at last nights results. A lot of those Cons are Anti Europe.
1) Get rid of the evil little gnome who occupies the Speaker’s chair.
2) Appoint someone to get started on reforming the BBC.
3) Legislate boundary change.
4) Start demanding reducing powers from and payments to Europe.
5) Get the police off their fat arses and on the streets.
Repeal the Climate Change Act, Repeal the Human Rights Act, have the promised bonfire of the quangos, stop paying our enemies aid money, seal our borders as promised and reduce immigration to virtually nil; no immigrants, no refugees, no asylum seekers. Cancel HS2. Ensure we have a proper defence force and get rid of the upper echelons of the armed forces who have been actively destroying our ability to defend ourselves. But, number one, stop the socialist propaganda machine that is the bbc, immediately.
Now the Tories have a majority I would be surprised if we didn’t see many of the General’s suggestions come to pass. But sorry John in Cheshire, if you really think Cameron and his wet ilk will do anything about Europe, the Climate Change Act, the Human Rights Act,, obscene foreign aid etc, then you clearly haven’t been watching them for the last 5 years. Still, after the BBC’s abysmal display this year, I suspect there will be some internal pressure in the Con camp to do something about them, but all the BBC has to do is bleat about “Auntie Beeb” and “Jewel in the Crown” etc and the Tories just won’t have the guts to tackle them in any meaningful way.
While Labour or (God forbid!) Labour/SNP) would have been a disaster, make no mistake that a Conservative win just means that Common Purpose got in again, albeit with at least some back-bench opposition……
Sounds like the UKIP manifesto. No chance of any of this until 2020 earliest.
Remove the official opposition, in the form of the BBC, and the shopping list of changes will be far easier. News and current affairs should be first. “Cut the head off the snake and the body will wither”.
I think it is more like a hydra, but I get your meaning. The way to defeat the Beeb is privatisation – they brick themselves at the thought of it. They know nobody want to pay for their crap and if people did pay, they’d want to be entertained, not lectured via ‘comedy’, drama, history, phone ins, panel shows, news, etc.
I think you’ve forgotten something, Gen. The Tories have been in power for the last 5 years. With the exception of the boundary changes, why the hell are the Tories going to do anything different?
You sound a little like the Blairites in opposition….year zero was 2010 and nothing happened before then. Year zero is now 2015.
Mr C should be given the benefit of the doubt, at least for a while – we have had 5 years of a coalition govt, not a Tory one. Mr C has shown he can trim & trim to stay in power, with an infestation he could not shift. We do not yet know how Mr C will trim when the ‘infestation’ is from the Right, within his own party. Unless he has the brass neck to line up Lab or the SNP to defeat his own ranks on certain crucial issues?
Precisely. However Cameron will not change direction by much. He has his eyes on the prize – an EU funded retirement. Nothing will stand in the way of that.
I have absolutely no faith that the referendum (if it happens) will be fair and above board. The EU will use every dirty trick in the book to sabotage it, Cameroon will probably cave in and let EU citizens here vote and the Nationalists in Scotland and Wales will do their best to cause trouble with their separate nations vote nonsense.
Edit : Even worse there could be a convenient EU wide conflict (either with Russia or internal) that scuppers any chance of a referendum and imposes more integration on us.
Negative sod aren’t I
Cameron won’t be able to get every Conservative MP to vote for a referendum – e.g. Ken Clarke and other arrogant ‘we know better than you plebs’ types, will vote against ‘as a matter of conscience’.
The rest of the Commons will vote against the Torys. Even if he wanted a vote, which he clearly doesn’t, there won’t be one. They’ll pretend to whip the backbenchers, but some ‘Tory rebels’ will vote it down – and retire at the next election.
That would be dynamite if that happened. The right would have the power to pressurise Cameron. Some Labour MPs would vote for it; e.g. Kate Hoey. Plus the eight DUP, two Ulster Unionist, Lady Hermon (Ind) and Douglas Carswell would be rock solid for it.
Can’t say I had any particular gripes about last night’s coverage. I was flicking between BBC Scotland (too depressing), BBC England, Sky and ITV (although I gave up on them when Bryan May was wheeled out as someone whose opinions we should give a stuff for) and didn’t see much difference.
However I hope there’s a reckoning for the bias before the election, particularly the no-platforming of UKIP who still managed 12½% of the vote despite that. What they might have achieved with fair coverage…
Farage resigns but leaves it open to stand in September for election as party leader. He will be back.
Nigel – Don’t give up!
Good! We need him to keep Cameron honest.
Demon, are you back in circulation ?
Thanks for that. I am nowish. I might have clicked report by error. Sorry if I did.
I see the BBC girls are still wearing their red outfits
I have noticed , its pretty blatant . Perhaps the Conservative PM will do something about its bias now they are back in power ?
Perhaps force the BBC staff to wear a uniform – based on the Union Flag – I bet they’d love that!
They have no dress sense, they clash with the map behind them.
Just listen to Peter Allen on BBC 5Live, his tone says it all. With Labour figures it’s all we are joined in sorrow, with LibDems there’s a tone of sympathy, with Conservatives it’s much less friendly.
By the way, what was the voice from the studio during Nigel Farage’s resignation speech, sounded like a snort of disbelief. Did anyone record it? More BBC anti-UKIP bias? Who was the snort actually from?
I was listening through headphones, and it sounded very much like it was Peter Allen himself. The whole tone of Allen’s programme this morning was “what went wrong?”.
It would take a heart of stone not to laugh !
With a Conservative majority, Cameron should within the first year:
1. change constituency boundaries, something that was part of coalition agreement but LibDems renaged on
2. take on the BBC, they will oppose Conservatives come what may, so just do it
5 more years of ,moral relativism, open boarder immigration and integration into the EUSSR – remind me which party won last night
Yes but we will all be able to afford more Soma with the Tories in power.
Sad, isn’t it, that it has come to this?
“Wonderful! … Britain has rejected Miliband, who said that he would criminalize “Islamophobia,” and chosen to re-elect Cameron, the dhimmi appeaser who banned Pamela Geller and me from Britain”
I listened to James Naughtie and Carolyn Quinn at several points during the night. There seemed to be some female Labour peer in permanent residence, constantly putting in her opinion.
Did the plan go wrong? Should they have had Lord Tebbit instead?
I loved the bit when she said that Labour’s drubbing in Scotland was all David Cameron’s fault! (Nothing to do with the running sore that Tony Blair created then?).
Hmm also liked Murphys speech which seemed to say English nationalism fooled the Scottish into voting SNP ? so are Scots that dumb then Jim ?
Exhibit A: Paisley & Renfrewshire South, where they decided a 20-year old student would be suitable as their MP.
Well Roland as I’m sure as they will find out she could have some interesting attributes we don’t know about yet !other then that I couldn’t possibly comment
Was a bit tired but did not notice at the time.
Did you notice that the newly elected SNP MPs all said the same things, in the same order, in nearly the exact same words and phrases?
They are obviously all individuals.
It was Cameron’s ‘fault’ – he played a blinder.
1) He worked out that the referendum would increase the profile of the SNP – who could take seats off Labour & Lib Dems – but only 1 off the tories.
2) He knew the SNP could never win more than 59 seats and so could not threaten the UK parties.
3) He played Labour for patsys suggesting that they go in and combat the nationalism that he knew would grow.
4) result – SNP destroy the two ‘national parties’ that were a threat to the Tories.
5) As an aside – he also knew that the Lib Dems would disintegrate when bound in coalition with the ‘nasty tories’ and their left voters would leave them – leaving the MPs in the Lib-dem – Conservative marginals exceptionally weak.
Nonsense Arthur.
Voters south of the Pennine Way were pooping themselves at a Labour/SNP coalition. Scotland was already gone. Those Tory/UKIP/LibDem waverers were convinced in the last 72 hours that anything and anybody would be better than Milibrain and The Fat Conceited One north of the border (The Sturgeon is just a front,,,,bit prettier than the The Salmon).
That’s why UKIP didn’t do so well down south as expected, one of the reasons the LibDems collapsed and why there was suddenly a 7% lead for the Tories.
I think I’d rather stick it in the Salmon.
A choice between Jamesie and Ella. N.O.T.A. thanks!
The Pennine Way goes south-north not west-east. Just saying.
whatever happens in/to scotland now the snp will spin it to take the credit if its good and blame the cons and by association the english for the bad, scottish independence is inevitable
At 1.31 am this morning, dave s posted this comment in response to Essex Man:
The result looks as I thought. I see it pleases you. The liberal elites have bought a litttle time . That is all. The existential problems facing us and Europe are not going to go away.
Third world and Muslim colonisation is going to go on and at a faster pace . And what a strange thing that is. Colonisation by the less competent. Something the world has rarely seen.
Few people are able to look ahead. It is not that hard and the future is firmly in the hands of liberal fantasists .All you can say of Cameron and his elite is that it is marginally more competent than Milleband.
But it is not fitted to deal with what is coming.
Nothing I could write would improve on this. Sad situation. Someone said ‘In a democracy, people get the government they deserve’. It feels true this morning.
Foggy & Co are not real Kippers , they would of preferred SNP/ Millipeed & all the chaos that would of happened . PS , My shares seem to be doing well .
” they would of preferred SNP/ Millipeed & all the chaos that would of happened”
Compared to what?
Its not an act you really don’t get it do you
I’m glad your shillings are multiplying ,one day you may have enough to fill that gapping hole inside your being-one day- maybe
Yeah I know, that`s why I am a Tory & a Capitalist .
Rotherham voted Labour. Unbelievable really.
First they came for the little girls. And I did not speak out – because I wasn’t a little girl…
With apologies to Pastor Martin Niemöller
First they came for the little girls and I didn’t speak out, because I was scared of being called a racist.
Then they declared Bradford an ‘Israeli Free Zone’ and I didn’t speak out, because I needed their block vote.
Then they stuffed the postal votes and I didn’t speak out, because I knew I couldn’t get the natives to vote for me.
Then they wouldn’t vote for ‘The Jew’ and there was nothing I could do about it.
Ed Milliband 2015
If Cameron has any sense, the first thing he will do now is reform the BBC, I suggest annual reduction in licence fee to take it to zero by the next election, gives them plenty of time to roll in subscriptions and pay per view.
Or, how about his option, keep the licence fee for now but privatise them, and offer the BBC staff shares. That will create so many ideological contradictions and so much infighting that the organisation will self-destruct, with no need for the politicians to get their hands dirty.
He will do non of the above
I actually think they will slowly start to chip away at the bbc from now on. They would be stupid not to as they are free of the shackles of the Lib Dems and the disgusting anti-Tory bias can’t have been missed
I am optimistic after last night
If the Cons do anything about the BBC it will be minor fiddling. A new Trust Chairman here. A ban on advertising new jobs solely in The Guardian there. That will help, of course, but it won’t be the widescale dismantling that it needs. Besides, UKIP deflected most of the BBC bias this election – most of the ire about “the Nasty Tories” etc was instead pointed at Farage and his band of “dangerous racists and far-right odd-balls.” As a result I suspect many Cameronites are not that bothered about the BBC’s appalling performance – they felt little of the bias themselves and indeed, it probably shunted a few unsure UKIP voters their way.
A ban on advertising new jobs solely in The Guardian there […]
They cannot legally do this, nor should they, without a change in the law and that will not happen. What they should do is ban all advertising of state funded positions except through the web-sites of those very same organisations. Most state departments and councils already have a jobs page and the money saved can be put to better use.
There should be a government jobs website – easy and cheap to run. No need to advertise privately. They could also host any jobs advertised in Job Centres.
Well that says it all. I can’t believe that, over one night, Cameron has suddenly become an effective politician who will do sensible things to benefit the country.
The only difference is this time he’ll have no excuse.
Cameron’s overriding priority now is to deliver a stay-in vote at a Euro referendum. That will be his ‘legacy’ – sorting out a problem that bedevilled the Tories, the UK and Europe for fifty years. He needs the BBC on board as his propaganda tool; he’s not likely to jeopardize the big prize at this point.
There will be no referendum
Agree Stewart there will be no referendum Cameron is under orders to get Turkey in the EU before his Sunni masters give him the handsome pay off.
Oh I think there will be, after an intense propaganda campaign threatening economic disaster if we leave, with big business (the regulatory burden helps to stifle potential competitors starting up) solemnly warning of the perils ahead.
There should be a requirement for the BBC to release the data it keeps to monitor its own impartiality. How could anyone object?
Not a chance. Max.
As I mentioned on another thread I found Humphrys’ interview with Osborne (“Today” c7:45) churlish in the extreme. No welcome or congratulations. First words were accusing the government being dragged to the right. Osborne says no so Humphrys claims that Cameron will suffer, as Major, from the “bastards”.
Brillo addressing Cameron’s Europe problem now – it has taken a remarkably long time.
Thing is that now Cameron is on borrowed time. Before, he could blame the Liberals for all his woolly socialism. Now he has nowhere to hide in terms of policy. He is just as week as Major as a leader, and lacks even Major’s charisma. With political parties self-destructing spectacularly all over the place, he won’t want to risk joining them.
On the other hand, only three Labour Party leaders have ever managed to obtain a working majority in a British election, Atlee, Wilson, Blair. It takes a very special combination of person and circumstances for the Labour party to take power. With the loss of Scotland, there is a good likelihood that Labour in its current form could never win an election ever again. This is the best they could manage, don’t forget, with the Liberals at their lowest point possible. All Cameron has to do is push the Conservatives a little bit further towards the soft left, devolve Scotland, and Labour are finished. Interesting times.
Paddy O’Connell, sitting in for Jeremy Vine:
First record of the day Barry McGuire’s On The Eve Of Destruction, no sour grapes there then!
Cameron must now:-
1. Give Scotland what they want short of independence; full tax raising powers. End English funding of Scotland (no Barnett formula).
2. Settle the West Lothian question now.
3. Put an end to BBC bias.
4. Make some radical policy decisions e.g. a big rise in personal allowances to bring millions out of income tax, reduce VAT to 5%.
5. Bring forward the EU referendum and campaign to leave.
6. Put a real stop to mass immigration.
7. Get back to the bonfire of the quangos and slash the size of government.
And on a more mundane note bring on board some top notch spin doctors (like Campbell who I dislike for his policies but respect for his cleverness) to bury Labour forever.
Did you vote Tory for that manisfesto? Where have you been for the last 5 years?
So what you are saying is that Cameron should stop being Cameron? He is a classic Tory Wet, always has been, always will be. I agree with your ideas, but to suggest Cameron would begin to deliver them is wishful thinking.
BBC coverage has improved since Count Dimbelby returned to his coffin with the day break.
Watching Dimbledore at times last night, I was reminded of a line from Hunter S. Thompson – “It was obvious that he was a man who marched through life to the rhythms of a drum I would never hear.”
It is high time he was put out to grass.
As Cameron heads off to Buck House, Laura Kuenssberg now completely unable/unwilling to hide her feelings towards Cameron and the Conservatives
I wonder how her tweets of entrances and exits through doors will read?
Guessing not quite the same as how she tracked those of #Edmanwalking
Watched her and Nick R giving an emotional eulogy about the “real Ed Balls” who we would all love if we knew him like they do. Contrast that with the undisguised contempt for Farage. Still it shouldnt be ovelooked that Al Beebs relentless bias didnt work on getting their man in.
But it did, possibly, work in keeping their bogey man out.
That tw@t Balls losing was one of the highlights of the election for me.
I suspect that they are preparing the ground for Ed becoming a BBC TV ‘personality’.
If his piano playing is anything like his economics he’ll make Les Dawson look like Rachmaninov, so we could be in for a treat.
Les Dawson was actually an accomplished pianist who misplayed for humourous effect. However, Balls is not an accomplished economist who spouts rubbish for humourous effect – he just spouts rubbish naturally. Still, as you say, it’s hardly likely to hold him back from a cushy job in the BBC.
A truly glorious mourning at the Beeb. All thoughts of the Champagne Charlies turning to the Charter negotiations next year- when the the little red roosters will be barbecued…
I hope the BBC celebration party organisers got their champagne on a ‘sale or return’ basis. Or perhaps I don’t.
I doubt they have that sort of budget discipline. Billions more flooding in next year..
With Labour once again in disarray I think we can expect the BBC to resume the role of Her Majesty’s Official Opposition that it took upon itself after the 2010 election, until its favourite child was able to sort out a new leader and decide which direction it will go with its policies again. New Labour was electable but anathema seemingly to socialists.
The old interruption meter will be whirling round like petrol gauges at £2 a litre!
Now what about a Labour harridan as leader, that will surely get the p.c. and female voters on-side and if there were a non-white one the BBC would be having wet dreams!
There will never be a better time to deal with the BBC and the TV Tax will probably be frozen and then reduced with the aim of getting rid of it completely (hopefully) – maybe that is why the bbc have been so desperate for advertising abroad for extra funds (like evil capitalists do but I suppose it is “different” when they do it) as they knew the writing could be on the wall for them.
If Cameron does only one thing over the next 5 years I hope it is to rid us all of the scourge of the bbc for good
Dianne Abbott?
Can’t bring themselves to give Cameron or the Tories any credit. The Tories didn’t win, everyone else lost. Wankers.
no credit where credits due, their simple premise of not being complete loons with a magic money tree won the day.
What time does Paul O’Grady’s plane leave?
He can take Eddie Izzard with him.
How stupid did he look and does he look now?
Please reserve a seat for Russell Brand, preferably outside.
Lily Savage won’t leave and neither will Pantsdown eat his hat. Bluffs called and liars exposed all round.
Tutorial for Pantsdown :
Really funny. they all seem to have had an irony bypass. Sitting in their nice homes with all of their money, avoiding as much tax as possible whingeing about the nasty party winning!
May they keep bitching and howling, it just gets funnier.
Whoops, replied to the wrong comment, sorry Mark, meant to link it to Stewarts Breitbart link below!
Clip was from “Way out West”, where Laurel and Hardy had to deal with a deed to a gold mine – and a money-grubbing Scottish foe !
(The Scot was James Finlayson, whose catchphrase “D’oh !” long predated the Simpsons.)
Apparently foul mouthed Lilly Allen cant decide where to go
Answers on a post card
Flags at half mast on Broadcasting House.
Not that I like to intrude in other’s grief but I couldn’t be happier.
BBC coverage, generally not too bad on the night. Exit polls not too bad, pre-election polls (as we all suspected) were way off and the saturation coverage of them probably affected the vote. Not bad other than the usual personalisation of Nigel Farage’s fortunes. Laura K, Nick R, Dimblebore all seem to have personal issues with NF too. I find it thoroughly depressing that Farage will not be improving the discourse in the HoC. BBC staff were less bubbly than they were primed to be, unlike the 3 Blair elections.
The political map has changed. Are we a United Kingdom? I don’t think we are. Many costly problems to attend to including the logistical nightmare that the Tories will have to address (and it hasn’t been costed) the reality that Trident and other key defence infrastructure has to move south of the Border. The Scottish defence industry will suffer (or relocate to England).
The Labour Party has retreated to urban England and Wales, and Londonistan. Can Labour recover or rediscover a soul?
The positives? There are more pandas in Scotland than Labour MP’s. Mr Ian Murray (South Edinburgh) will no doubt be reminded of that many times over the coming years.
The right wing of the Conservative Party, now have power. What will be done with it remains to be seen.
The electorate, albeit with the assistance of the MSM and the BBC, has rejected UKIP in this election. Fear, tinged with a dose of sense won the day – Leftard Labour was rejected and in the cold light of day – Miliband was obviously unelectable. The electorate were never dumb enough to swing to Red Ed, but never had the opportunity to engage in the real issues (which were avoided like the plague during the election campaign).
The GE2015 campaign offered by the MSM, has been a long dissection of the possible permutations of a post-election coalition carve up. It worked. Issues were not debated and the LibLabCon have won, in the form of the Con. Watch the debt rise, watch George flap as the deficit doesn’t come under control, as the population continues to rise, as houses continue not to be built, as school places get fought over, as waiting lists at the NHS get worse.
Then there is the mass flight from Africa and the Middle East.
Is this the time of the Eurosceptics in the Conservative Party? Are there sufficient of them? Have they the strength? I doubt it. Strong backbones take time to form.
It is now my duty to re-double my efforts to further the causes which have been pursued by UKIP during this general election.
Well done and thank you Nigel Farage. My respect for you is unquantifiable. The first hero I have had since Sir Ian Botham. And well done Douglas Carswell – do your best sir.
Sorry, Angryman. Reported in error.
Is this the time of the Eurosceptics in the Conservative Party? Are there sufficient of them? Have they the strength? I doubt it. Strong backbones take time to form.
Short of UKIP success this is a great result, in that it will throw up answers to the questions you raise. No excuse of ‘we have to accommodate LibDems’ any more. Cameron surely didn’t want quite this much success. The argument against the UKIP route has been ‘there’s a group of Tories, just waiting….’ Well; now we’ll know. Cam will ‘deliver’ some trivial reforms. Some of those Tories will never accept the EU with any reform, thankfully.
The man to watch is John Redwood. I notice Brillo interviewed him earlier, when he was first to raise the EU issue. Uncompromising. Over the past couple of years I’ve emailed four or five Tory MPs at times when they’ve been on the box. My message was basically ‘You should join UKIP’. All, apart from one, ignored me, or sent a template to fill in some days later. Redwood was the exception; he mailed me back within four minutes, pretty angry. I was impressed. I’m firmly convinced he’ll not be bought off by Cameron. The ‘bastards’ are back. Where’s that popcorn?
Yes, JR is not dismissable as an ignorant lunatic. He has soldiered on in difficult times, and I hope he will adapt quickly to demanding a serious hearing. He needs to act rapidly – carpe diem.
Superb, Mr Angry Man, superb.
The Labour party has retreated…
Correct, it has. The Labour Party now depends on, largely non-white votes.
Can anyone quantify this reliance or provide links to reliable statistics?
Because I believe this is a very big stick with which to beat them. Hopefully into extinction.
Ed Miliband has an 8’6” slab of limestone and needs suggestions as to what he can do with it. Any ideas? The obvious one would be a rather tight fit.
It’s his tombstone, or a Millistone round his neck for the rest of his laff.
Cruel punishment bil but very deserved ! how about using it to repaving his road to no where?
Highgate Cemetery, overlooking the Marx memorial.
The photo of him standing in front of it, will be used to illustrate his obituary.

This means that we’ll finally get to see the results of the Chilcott enquiry – something that Millitwat would probably have buried.
I’m not a UKIP supporter, but I think the resignation of Nigel Farage is a huge loss to UKIP. Despite quite unprecedented hostility from the loudmouth left, both inside and outside the BBC, he has behaved with a grace and humour far beyond the call of duty. In fact his resignation is a loss to the debate on immigration and nationality in general. Would this even be up for discussion without Farage?
No it wouldn’t (be up for discussion). Oldartist, your country needs you! Henceforth, show that support by resolving to vote UKIP in any and every election. Farage will be back – the peoples’ army will demand it.
With you on both counts. He’s an honest bloke – probably the most decent politician we have in Britain – and he’s been hunted down, almost literally on some occasions, by the howling PC-fascist mob of the Left (in which the BBC has been complicit, especially 5 Live). The press have done themselves no favours, either.
Let’s hope there’s still someone who can make sure we have an honest debate about immigration and effing ‘climate change’.
A sad loss, regardless of your politics.
Not sure why there is so much concern about the resignation of NF. I don’t think the media have realized the potential of what has happened here. Cameron deserved a second chance based on his record. NF has now been removed from the BBC’s snipers so they won’t be able to attack him directly anymore. UKIPs share of the vote is significantly up, particularly in Labout seats, and it might have been more if it wasn’t for the current SNP threat. They have some very astute media savvy people in the wings who have previously dealt very effectively with the BBC and other media. I am thinking of people like Suzanne Evans and Steven Woolfe. I think the demise of UKIP reported in the media has been greatly exaggerated …. and if Cameron does not deliver in this Parliament then the next election will be very, very, interesting. And the Socialist Wreckers/SNP Ultras have been kept out for at least 5 more years … as a well known figure once said Rejoice, Rejoice.
At least Al Murray got a derisory number of votes in his protest stunt. But I’m very disappointed for Farage that he didn’t win, in light of the shift he put in for UKIP. The Tories were determined not to let him get into Westminster, it’s a real shame as he would have brought a lot to Parliament with him.
He certainly gave the European ‘Parliament’ a few home truths.
Well he has only resigned for the summer – to take a long holiday. he can re-apply for the leadership when the election is held in the autumn (if he recovers.)
Agreed not 100% UKIP either but very sad to loose him [OK for now he may ‘be back’ ] but I can see why he needs a break especially after that disgusting attack on him and his family in their personal time no doubt the pro BBC Trolls on here loved it for me it was truly sickening !
I like Farage, but I think he was naive in his dealings with the BBC. How could he not see that comments (e.g. HIV treatment, crime, Islam, breastfeeding, etc) wouldn’t be twisted and used to paint him as a Nazi? He could have raised the same issues with less emotive examples – e.g. Morbidly obese, TB sufferers, Diabetics should be refused work visas due to cost. HIV is too ‘victim loaded’.
Who can replace him, though? Suzanne Evans is good and getting better at media handling. Steven Woolfe also talks a level headed and sensible immigration position (the BBC also find it hard to attack him, as the son of an immigrant). Paul Nuttall seems good natured, but his crew cut hair allows the easy comparisons with ’80s skin head thugs. Carswell had some very interesting ideas on democracy, but his wonky face just won’t do in the modern media age.
He will be back, the only one who had the guts to tell a BBC audience what they were, who never said the weasel words “the religion of peace”, who was not afraid to say the jobs being done by immigrants should be done by the British unemployed, who was not afraid to say there were too many people of cultures incompatible with the British way of life being welcomed into this country, who was not afraid to tell the EEC elite what a useless load of self serving crap they were.. I hope that Cameron now released from the constraints of the treacherous Liberals will now be able to move forward with the policies for which we first voted him in and forget the wishy washy liberalization into which he descended. I had hoped UKIP would have got enough seats to keep Cameron honest but hopefully Ferage will return and do just that.
What really disturbs me about Balls (Yes!!) and Millipede’s (Guffaw!!) speeches is the total lack of humility in front of the electorate. Not once did either say the electorate had spoken. No, both said the electorate are children and that Labour knows best. And as ever, bBC do not pick them up on this.
What disturbs me more are the heights that they attained and that the bBC took the two jokers seriously.
..that the BBC actively hid the limitations of these two jokers.
In fact also seen interviews with Danzcuck and Livingstone and Owen Jones (all on Sky though) and again none of them can accept that the (English) electorate have rejected Labour or that Labour will listen. The constant refrain is that the electorate are wrong and do not know what they have done. Sky didn’t pick this up either.
And just listened to Lord Levy on Sky and loved Boris’s Dad’s response to Lord Levy’s comments :
“What you [Lord Levy] are saying is that the electorate have spoke, the bastards”.
And I love the fact Levy made him say it twice. LMFAO.
Straight from Labour’s ‘You can’t be trusted to vote on Europe’ school of politics.
The constant refrain is that the electorate are wrong and do not know what they have done
11.3m Con, 3.9m UKIP
9.3m Labour, 2.4m Lib Dem, 1.5m SNP
yet BBC allows a constant stream of comments claiming the right should do the work of the rejected left
Balls has some justification – he was probably in shock over the result as he undoubtedly expected an increased majority in line with the opinion polls.
Never any justification to ignore and belittle the people – look at the results of the election!
A thought suddenly occurred to me this morning whilst watching the election coverage.
The SNP have had one helluva lot of publicity in the last few weeks (months?). It would be an interesting exercise to dig out their speeches and interviews and for ‘Scottish’ and ‘Scotland’ substitute ‘English’ and ‘England’ and vice versa and imagine it was a fictitious ‘ENP’ talking.
The BBC’s airwaves would be permanently buzzing with the Left’s indignation and anti-English rhetoric: ‘Far Right’, ‘Little Englanders’, ‘English racists’, ‘extreme English nationalism’, ‘just like Hitler’, ‘one step away from the gas chambers’ etc. etc. etc.
But as it’s the SNP – hey ho, passionate about their country and culture, what, and so to be admired (whilst ignoring the anti-democratic, fascistic behaviour of their supporters).
Hypocritical twats.
The pollsters were obviously using climate models to calculate their predictions.
Yes, and of course there was a consensus amongst polling organisations – so they must have been right.
Revenge is a dish best served — steaming hot, straight from the oven.
(Survation got a pretty accurate phone poll on Wednesday but were so sure it was an outlier that they didn’t tell the Daily Mirror.)
Hey Essex Man! Mr Green – the incredible invisible man – is back! I’m watching him on the Beeb! He hasn’t been seen since the Wiki scandal but, now the vote’s over, there he is! Maybe Stinking Rich IV is due for release?
Excellent , I am sure he will do a good job for the next 5 years ,Foggy . Seems like you have a `thing ` for a certain Grant , are you “friends” with Scott , by chance ? I think you are doing a bit of stalking , on Mr Green , not stalking me are you ,as well ? As I predicted Mr Green in , Mr Farage ,out .
Long runs the fox, Essex Man. When the Tory party splits and half re-aligns with Farage, which side will you join?
Er Farage who , kippering has gone , Carswell to rejoin the Conservatives soon . There will be a referendum , but once that is settled either way , whats the point of the Kippers . Foggy , if you are so sure of a result , stand for parliament as a kipper .
dont forget the only reason Nigel isnt an MP is because the torys and labour parties where in it together to keep Farage out.
Is this why youre so hostile to ukip because theyre taking thousands of votes off your allies in the North of England? Tell me Essex Man, are you proud of the Tory labour alliance?
Oi, Essex boy – a reminder or two:
Turnout: 66% – ie: one third didn’t bother.
Torys’ share of vote: 37% (against a third rate Labour leader)
A good achievement by Cameron, but not an amazing one, IMO.
First things Cameron should do….
1..Deport Russell Brand
2..Demand an explanation and set up a formal inquiry into the disgraceful bias shown by the BBC and the behaviour of all its lefty cretinous presenters
3..Inform YouGov, Survation and all the other lefty bias pollsters they have no future part in any elections
4..Set up the 8th May as ”no more Ed Balls Day”and make it a national holiday
5..Make Nigel Farage a Peer(WISH HE GOT ELECTED)
6..Make sure there is a live television stream of Paddy ”bastard” Ashdown and Alistair ”don’t believe it” Campbell eating there hat and kilt respectively.
Survation claim they did a poll on the Wednesday late afternoon/ evening and got 37-31 Tory-Labour – but didn’t send the details to The Mirror as they thought it was an outlier.
Basically it appears that more people make up their mind in reality right at the end than actually say so. Lots of election polling has missed this final swing in opinion (notable 1992 of course)
Campbell was correct. SNP didn’t get 58 seats. Ashdown will have to eat his hat, or the one Brillo supplies him with. 12.6% UKIP share – so Dan Hodges has a performance to make.
Set up the 8th May as ”no more Ed Balls Day”and make it a national holiday
VE Day – Victory over Ed? Victory in England?
YOUGOV now asking about voting and if you tactically voted.
Farage is brilliant, and he will be back. UKIP will grow.
Nigel was right. People voted Conservative because of a last-minute realisation that they could be staring at Millband/SNP for five years.
Plus I’d just let the Scots go, immediately. (Surprise speech in HoC would do nicely)
A new Faslane will be good for English jobs.
Yes, the Scottish have to go. I’m not being mean (and feel sorry for right-of-centre Scots) but it appears they are overwhelmingly out of step with the political views with the English. They’ve been living on English taxpayer’s largesse for too long, and although I have no problem with patriotism, I find the SNP’s national socialist tone quite creepy.
The Scottish people voted to keep the Union only a few months back. I don’t think we should allow the Scottish National Socialists to break the Union up by the back door. They agreed at the time it was a once in a generation event, they should learn to live with the result.
BBC spinning Labours success in London as if if they had won the match. Where’s a bucket when you need one.
I am looking forward to some big election laughs on HIGNFY, The News Quiz, The Now Show etc etc. The massed ranks of unfunny left-wing comedians at the BBC probably can’t wait to get stuck in.
One thing is clear the electoral system needs to change, we have got a system where for the majority of the people cast their vote knowing it will count for nothing. We end up with a party having 56 seats in parliament while another party had more voters and end up with one seat, that is just plain ridiculous. While I am disapointed Nigel Farage didn’t win Thanet South I am probably more disapointed that the people of Rochester & Strood didn’t stick with Mark Reckless, he is a man who stuck by his principles and is an impressive orator. Daily Express give that man a job!
There are obviously a lot of idiots in Thanet South and Rochester, fools.
Can you hear the sound of Champagne corks popping at the BBC? Nope, neither can I.
let me tell you the only thing popping at the BBC are the spinal columns of our staff as they hang themselves. This is a terrible result for not just for the country but for humanity as a whole
with the loss of Ed Davis pushing global warming, and Vince Cable pushing for more immigration, our progressive future is as dead as the bbc journalists now swinging from a rope
Operation Labour post-mortem in full swing now on BBC.
The news isn’t that the Tories won, it’s that Labour lost and what can Labour do to fix their party. Steady procession of Labour mouths now on BBC1/2 and it’s all about “we” and “Labour”. Just the same as post May 2010. The news is all about Labour.
”Labour Post Mortem”
Its unbelievable. BBC dragging all types of lefty idiots out to explain how wonderful Labour are and how they will bounce back etc…Sod the fact that Tories blew Labour out of the water. Plenty of the lefty presenters eating humble pie
Having woken up around 2.30 am I was in bed reading the updates of the election on the BBC on the ipad when I read a tweet shown large on the BBC site saying ‘good news for Labour’ referring to the Acton result. Now this showed a time for the tweet of around 1pm – does it really take 1 1/2 hours for a tweet to reach the BBC? There was no update for several minutes after this leaving this message on the top of their news by the minute for some time. I did wonder if the Beeb was recirculating the tweet every 30 minutes perhaps?
You really have to laugh at the SNP Fantasists. Leave aside the fact that any English party that talked of the ‘English Lion roaring and being heard across the Country’ would be obliterated in the media for nationalism and racism. Just heard the last two SNP interviews on Sky by the party chairman and Salmond. Apparently Cameron has to respect the mandate of the Scottish people …. but the SNP doesn’t have to respect the mandate of the English and will work with the poor disaffected voters in England in the hope of causing trouble to the slim conservative majority so that it breaks. So much for mandates and democracy. It is easy to appeal to idiots with Nationalist propaganda and promises to end all ‘austerity’ with money from ummmmm …not sure, worry about that later policies.
It’s one long post mortem on bbc news at the moment. Great! Interesting observation though, news bar at bottom of screen showing Nigel Farage and Nick Clegg ‘resigning’ yet Ed MIlliband and Harriet Harman are only ‘stepping down’.
Morning Ma’am
Morning David
Yes Ma’am my forward papers will include a deep review of the BBC
Arise Sir David
From an old friend of this site.
Ah. You managed to do it correctly… 😀
Just in case further proof were needed that Richard Black is a complete tw*t.
Those would be the climate models that…..let’s get this straight……didn’t predict the 18 years’ lack of warming. Not one of them.
This from a former, senior BBC correspondent (available on speed dial).
Sometimes it feels like you’re permanently imprisoned in one of Kafka’s novels.
Looks like the pollsters used the same computers as the climate modellers.
Not watching it, but is Miliband wearing a duffle coat to the Cenotaph to completely mirror the ‘achievements’ of another big time Labour loser Michael Foot?
Wasn’t it a “Donkey Jacket”?
No, it just looked like one.
Well done UKIP.
And yes, I will say it, well done the Tories.
Both united in the hope that the disgusting Labour party, the overseers of the Iraq war, Rotherham, mass immigration and ruining the economy are out of power for decades.
Have a good weekend folks and watch the BBC lick its wounds.
Watch them misunderstand why the public didn’t vote Labour and laugh.
I’m off for a rare drinkee or two…
Hell. I’m gonna celebrate!
The result in Rotherham was one which I found the most appalling.
What does it say about you as people, that you would vote back in an MP from a party which acquiesced in and obfuscated the rape of young girls in your town, by Muslim immigrants and their offspring, to protect the MC and PC doctrines to which that party is slavishly addicted?
She got 20,000 votes. Well, 8000 “men” are implicated in the Rotherham abuse. So that is 8000 Labour votes to cover up. Many of those “men” are married to they will beat their wives into voting Labour, so that is another 4000 votes. And then you have the dead voting for Labour. Easily adds up.
Because, Glodstone, Labour voters are morons….pure and simple, or immigrants …or public teat suckers….not a very useful bunch.
Labour voters = hipsters/immigrants/benefits/public sector workers
I blame the hipsters.
Me too , we are having a Scottish hooley , Haggis , Whiskey & Tennants Lager . The SNP won it for us ,Ha Ha . I love England , & Byee , Scottish Socialist`s
There is one small (very small) conciliation in this
If that’s the case ,that left wing activists encouraged people to vote Tory in places like Thurrock and Thanet then they (the left) delivered Dhimi Dave a workable majority