No one on the evening election show mentioned that widespread revulsion and horror at the massive number of rapes of children covered up by Labour was not an election asset.
Where is that brave fellow Manonclap..etc now I really fancy a good old gloat!
Boy, has he been pushing water uphill on this site during this last few months.
Brave man if nothing else and to be hones he has certainly proved to be quite amusing and I personally have so enjoyed factually ripping some of his statements to bits on here.
The Labour Party spin room (known as BBC Newsnight) will be in mourning tonight. They will just have to cheer themselves up with the fact that there is still a television license and Thatcher is dead.
Is that the system where you do not know who your M.P. is because the constituencies have say 10 M.P.s? If you have a problem do you write to all of them, or if three people have exactly the same problem do you each write to a different M.P. and triplicate the effort.
Also the one where you cannot vote for the good bloke, only those selected by the parties and listed from 1 to 10 on the party list.
The one where the maverick M.P. gets pushed down the list below jelly mould wannabees with a PPE from Oxford.
The one where like Italy and Israel the party with three M.P.s, say the Greens, trade off those last votes you need for a tiny majority for the inevitable coalition for some of their loony policies, and governments tend to come and go quite quickly.
If four parties make up a coalition which policies that you voted for will be ditched to get others on board?
PR is superficially wonderful, but practically tends to be a nightmare and produce weak government
When voting in the are electing a person to represent the constituency and 75000 constituents so have a direct link to one person who holds surgeries in you constituency, opens fetes, you can get to meet him etc. If you choose on the basis of party that is up to you.
Can you name all you M.E. P.s, elected under a PR system,Pprobably not, but I bet you know who your M.P. is.
FPTP is by no means perfect, but it serves its purpose in my book.
The Greeks (don’t laugh) have quite an interesting system – the largest party by vote share get a bonus 50 seats. That strikes me as a good idea and it allows the largest party to form a government without having to pander to the tiny parties – e.g. SWP, BNP, etc.
Everyone should tune in to the BBC convulsions in trying to explain the ‘totally unexpected and surprising’ result. Best comedy on TV this year. Apparently Labour lost because the nasty Tories frightened everyone into voting against the SNP Nationalist Ultras … not enough ‘Progressive’ people came out to vote … the public didn’t fully understand their policies …. Andrew George (LibDem) says they were ‘toxified’ (is that a word) by their association with the Conservatives in coalition … and Europe is ‘uneasy’ about the result (maybe they are thinking of our valuable contribution to Europe i.e. our money ! Lolololol
“Smile at us, pay us, pass us – but NEVER forget this day
For we are the people of England – and now we have had our say”
The main presenters of the Today programme are Naughtie the Scot, Humphrys the Taff, and Mishal. The only English guy is Justin Webb, wet as a lettuce. Is there any chance of a straight English presenter from working/middle class stock asking the real questions that us plebs want answered? Someone without the tone of innate superiority = scorn ? Someone who does their homework properly on issues like climate change, the downsides of excessive immigration, the loss of our Parliamentary sovereignty to Brussels ?
Amazing insight from Tristriam Hunt on Election 2015. White working class voters outside the thirdworlded areas of England have an “English identity” and so voted UKIP rather than Labour in, say, Carlisle.
Labour’s use of immigrants to fracture votes (foul social engineering) in their favour, London as the prime example, has ultimately worked against them.
They, Labour, have to get support from disparate groups in coming elections. Groups who have nothing in common for instance the white working class and Islamist communities.
Good luck with that Tristam. Your stuffed mate. May you never get back in to power.
Had to laugh at old windbag Kinnock churlishly blaming the electorate for letting down Liebor and only thinking of their selfish interests. Probably having a flashback to 1992 and his “Well alright!” moment. That coming from Mr and Mrs EU Gravy Train. Then of course his son gets a shoe in to a safe Labour seat. Nothing to do with Mummy and Daddy of course.
how ironic that the dumb stupid labour supporters increased the tory majority by voting for the tory candidate in south thanet to keep nigel farage`out,what an own goal that was,what is even more annoying is ukip got 4 million plus votes and only one seat and the snp got 1.5 million votes and 56 seats,how damm unfair that was on the ukip voters out there.
Chin up stuart. The tide’s turning. Major Party status now. The conversations can begin. Carswell is wise beyond his age and he can now get to work. He’s played a quiet, good hand and his reputation is impeccable. Shouting down UKIP won’t wash anymore.
And she is a baby, she knows what exactly ? Will she be busy doing her degree or representing her constituents ? The SNP show their disrespect for Parliament by using her and she is being used, she will do whatever mrs Krankie tells her. Their ought to be a minimum age before becoming an MP, I would say 28.
Also life was simpler then, there was less to learn.
People started work young, married and bore children young and died in their fifties.
Those who went to Oxford started at about fourteen!
Not really ‘less to learn’ – just different things. Scholarship in the 18th century was very rigorous.
You may not have been expected to have had a passing knowledge of DNA or the workings of the internal combustion engine but to be regarded as ‘well educated’, mastery of Greek, Latin and Hebrew was essential.
I was also trying to imagine some poor sod trying to get Al Murray to help with some grubby representing the constituency stuff when he’s on tour or simply getting over a bad gig.
MPs are supposed to do stuff back at the ranch too.
Our guy sailed in. We voted for him not because of party or policies (in spite of them, in fact), because I nailed him down on taking concerns up the line and a fair record fighting for those who have given him their mandate. He’s a Tory and ‘aware’ the BBC is straying badly from Charter and remit. I aim to remind him.
If this lass has backbone and mettle good luck to her, but it seems more likely a Whip will say jump and she’ll be dangling off the rafters.
‘Smirnoff Ice is the drink of the gods – I cannae handle this c*** man.’
‘Woke up beside half a can of Tennents and a full pizza and more money than I came out with. I call that a success.’
‘It took every fibre of my being not to put the nut on them all’ – talking about Labour councillors
‘Ed Milliband is an unbearable ***’
‘I’ve only just realised – I really f***** hate Celtic and ‘Celtic, yer a joke! #scum’
Now, I accept that it’s the Daily Mail, who like to present things in the worst light, and it’s not clear how old some of these are but it’s not a good start.
The difference though, Geoff, is the fact we can now watch it and laugh – not with the out-of-touch biased leftist bastards, of course, but at the out-of-touch biased leftist bastards.
Will likely pass, but it may be interesting how the renowned BBC comedic integrity joins its professional editorial integrity in choosing things not to mention as not funny and/or newsworthy ((c) A. Monaco Samaritans Customer). Pretty sure they are making plans for Nigel, though.
The Sunday ‘Newspaper Headlines’ page should be a hoot.
Guessing a blank thread other than the Mirror, Observer and Indy.
Heck, I might actually watch my first QT since Feb 2014 and my first HIGNY this year. Also, I assume tomorrow it will be safe to start watching BBC news again?!
Hi Bunny actually we have the results back and sadly what you have got is persistent left bladder irritantitis now we can treat it with daily doses on pure Vine mixed with 10cc of wussels own Brand elixir but the side effects are worrying one you stay exactly the same which we can both agree is well yeewwwwwwwk! or 2 you get trapped in your own ego’s gravity field until you disappear up your own fundamental ! again !
The Labour party is a real difficult place now, and the person to blame is without a doubt Tony BLiar.
Even the BBC seems to be realising that what most of us realised – he not only wrecked the country, but wrecked the Labour party too !
What a terrible position for the next Labour leader.
Move to the right to attract English floating voter and alienate the Scots
Move to the left to attract Scottish floating voters, and alienate the English.
Fail to win a majority and you need a coalition with the SNP and the English voters won’t accept that.
Then they have to over come the legacy of BLiars toxic legacy with the Iraq war and mass immigration.
Who on earth would want this poison chalice?
It would never have happened if BLiar hadn’t devolved Scotland, empowering the SNP, and imposing it on Wales empowering Plaid Cymru.
BLiar succeeded in splintering the left wing vote to the point that currently the only government a Labour party could form would be a coalition, and with partners the English won’t stomach.
As far as I can see there will be a Tory government, which means 10 years at least and possibly 15 years. After that it depends what Labour can do to win Scotland back.
That is a good analysis Thoughtful. Blair beginning devolution and letting Scotland have it’s own parliament etc, was akin to detonating a slow motion nuclear bomb in one of Labour’s strongest fortresses – though no-one was aware of it at the time.
Blair et al must have thought that regardless of what powers the Scots were given, they could always be relied upon to solidly vote Labour.
The wisdom of that strategy, we can now all judge for ourselves.
Can anyone see Labour getting back into government (unsupported by other parties) anytime? Ever?
I’ve heard of shooting yourself in the foot, but this was more like blowing both legs off with a pump action shotgun.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Well done thoughtful. A few points which have been needed in the bigger picture about Wales.
The bbc and others gave Plaid Cymru loads and loads of airtime, thinking they were the equals of the SNP. They are and never will be. The reason ? They are based wholly on the language. They treat Welshmen who speak English as second class. They and their little pointless assembly were a sop to shut them up and keep a hold on welsh separatism which if the stupid London elite had bothered to look was never an issue.
The Tories took 11 seats, their best showing for over 30 years, god almighty they took The Gower from labour !!! Labour have had The Gower for over 100 years ! It’s like winning Liverpool Riverside.
UKIP got 14% of the vote! not bad for a party that represents the old, the stupid, the forgotten in ENGLAND.
For all their airtime from the bbc ( their friends, family the neighbours in the houses in Whitchurch just down the road from Bbc Llandaff ) Plaid Cymru gat a piddling 12% of the vote and just kept 3 seats. A useless, pathetic party, a one trick party who appeal to a small minority from the North obsessed with their dead language. The London elite, the bbc were obsessed with thinking the Welsh were as bad as the Irish and the scots and wanted change, they did not. The Welsh are far more sensible than they think, well done Wales, I’m proud of you tonight.
Well D,
Dont be confused about the language.
Why? Well, it’s not dead, in spite of historical efforts to kill it. Also the Plaid Cymru leader, Leanne cant speak it either.
There IS a point here, whilst the thrust of any policies remains all about the language Plaid will never succeed.
However, it’s worse than that, as the multiple pictures of the Eastwick Three showed, the lefties cosying up to each on that tv stage, stuck nail after nail into the coffin of the party of Wales.
There are many in Wales, and a growing number, who recognise that whst’s happening across the dyke will one day arrive here and bite us on the rump.
Hence, UKIP is now the third largest vote in Wales, and Plaid is relegated.
The Plaid activists will never wake from their slumbers.
They remain with their narrow parochial view, that any threat to our culture and way if life here is all the fault of Johnny English, the bounders flooding over the dyke, and diluting our culture.
They simply will never be able to think beyond offa’s dyke and see the bigger picture, and just think for one second….what IS white flight?
Well Said ‘Dysgwr’
UKIP Wales should now focus on next years Assembly Elections . They did a good job here although there were no seats . The number of votes reflected the support in Wales . UKIP should exploit this while the ‘iron is still hot’.
Not confused about the language, it is where PC sprang from. All revolves around saving it, promoting it. They do divide the Welsh into speakers and non speakers and as most don’t use it they do not appeal to the majority. Don’t get me wrong, if people want to speak it fine, but having it rammed down your throat if you don’t speak it or want it ? Ever stood on the platform on Cardiff Central and listened to the automatic station announcer reel through the Vally line stations in English and then Welsh ? The trains gone before it finishes ! PC crap.
That women who ought to have been on “Stella” as a minor character spent the entire campaign banging on about helping herself to the cash in other people’s pockets for her to waste. They have no vision for the future, the Tories have recovered, UKIP have leapfrogged them from nowhere in a few years. Plaid are not the future, they are the past, they offer nothing to those in the coastal belt where jobs and money need to be found.
Listen matey….Station Announcers are hard enough to understand in English alone, without you a non-speaker trying the welsh.
If you re-read my piece you’ll see we agree on most of it.
However, if, as you say, in Wales they divide into those two groups, speakers/non sp…..
Then Leanne wouldnt be Plaid Cymru leader.
I can recommend you some good Welsh Language courses if you wish? But I would never shove it down anyones throat.
Once upon a time, I was you!
For 58 years I thought…Welsh lingo?,…..bugger allł but a nuisance….who needs it eh!?
Then the penny dropped, 8 yrs ago….
And I am fluent and can reed and rite proper now like i does in inglish..
See? Even I can do it.
…. and 75% of the Wales population either voted against devolution and a Welsh Assembly, or did not vote. In only few of the old traditional Welsh counties in the west was there any reasonably substantial vote for devolution.
Hey…it aint so long since they allowed pubs to open on a Sunday lol.
When my kids were young we went on hols to North Wales, and stupidly went looking to find a pub on a sunday night lol.
And on PM.
Ken Clarke, David Steel and Lady Prosser(who else?).
The thrusting new faces for the 21st Century settlement.
Oh-and BBC 24 was talking to Shirley Williams.
The BBC-sucking Werthers Originals, craving nannys caresses and hoping it`s all a dream.
Now then Dave,George and Sajid…what about that bloody TV License and the BBCs threats to empty chair you for not abasing yourselves at Paxos winklpickers?
Revenge-her`s hoping for a bit of nasty partiness in the case of the paedo BBC(Savile…oi!)
Listening to PM and absolutely sick to the back teeth of hearing Scottish voices contantly griping about how the English have treated them like ‘dogs’, conveniently forgetting how we bailed them out of bankruptcy 300 years ago when they were falling over themselves to form the union.
I wonder what the gutsy Irish think when they hear Sturgeon’s constant moaning about ‘austerity’. The Irish griited their teeth, knuckled down and went through REAL austerity and have come out the other side much the stronger for it. We have more in common with them than the eternal victims north of the border and many in Ireland won’t have forgotten Osborne’s £7 billion to help them get through it.
Totally agree. Sturgeon was whining that it is “time the Scots were treated properly”.
I would have thought that the Scots are already treated right royally under the Barnett formula.
What the English vote means is that we are fed up with this imbalance. Let the Scots pay for their own Marxist policies, why should we keep on subsidising them when all they show is ingratitude.
Ah John but you’re forgetting the Scots latest claim … as explained to me recently when I was in Scotland … apparently the English stole all ‘their’ oil … it was supposed to be used to create a Norwegian style Sovereign Fund for investment purposes you understand …. so that a big enough pot of money could be created that the Scots could put their feet up for evermore and be kept in the style to which they believe they should become accustomed …. No mention of course of the past years funding of their mainly Public Sector economy or Norway’s high tax structure which enabled them to save …
At least the case of Greece, Germany did ravage the country and stole their gold. England has spent 300 years giving Scotland complete equality in the Union, we had an idiot Scottish Prime Minister flog our gold for bobbins, and we get treated by the SNP as if we have raped the place.
Yes, England gave a bankrupt Scotland complete political union, and paid off their debts, and some of them have never forgiven us for it. No good turn goes unpunished!
Of course, as the dust settles, day-to-day affairs must progress.
I was just pondering what the workload of CECUTT will be like with such as their ‘How To Vote Labour’ page and others needing the delay and dismiss treatment, when this came in to show the BBC’s FoI fielders are clearly struggling to cope too:
‘My request is perfectly valid and your response is hostile and accusatory….
…I also note that those seem to do little to encourage the BBC to respond in a timely manner to requests….
…My request is intent on obtaining information from the
BBC which it seems intent on keeping secret. It is also my right
under the law to make this request.’
And it seems the usual ploys can run foul of the determined member of the public:
We need Marshall Wade again ! The verse removed from the National Anthem needs reinstating !
Lord, grant that Marshal Wade
May by thy mighty aid
Victory bring.
May he sedition hush and like a torrent rush,
Rebellious Scots to crush.
God save the King.
Just driving back from the chinkys then, crispy chili beef for me and a sausage for blondi, and this popped on the radio. It put a smile on my face and made me think of the BBC and its future
An absolute joy of a result to behold!
Bought The Guardian and the Mirror, drinking in every BBC outlet-and Channel 4 to come with Jon Snow soon!
The oafish Lefties still don`t get it-and the BBCs luvvies are already spinning their cocoons-and continuing to bind themselves still further to their fantasy politics.
Hence the Euro Referendum, implications that he`ll be back to hugging hoodies-Majors “bastards” revisited.
Oh, and aren`t we being harsh on the Scots, excluding them?
Only the BBC care less.
We the British people have voted-and that`s five years of sticking that to the Left…they`ve not asked one REAL person in this country what THEY thought of the mad lefty experiments.
God Bless the common sense of the British electorate.We`ll be here long after the parasitic class of media houris have decamped to Russell Brands-and (sadly for them)-they can`t vote us out and replace us with Muslims and Clintons, much as they`d like to.
Great to see so many liberal faces with slapped arses.
And thanks to Nigel-who sacrificed so much so we could get a referendum, and let a lot of Tories in, by taking so much personal abuse from the Left(and Tories as well, let me add).
He drew a lot of flak, so others might thrive…the nation thanks you Nigel, and he`ll be more than back very soon.
AND-with the Labour types in Scotland enraged-the SNP will get a pounding next year in Holyrood…but the BBC won`t be telling us that.
Sturgeon is Cleggy and his mania-a flash in the Preston pans.
I have just heard the BBC’s official verdict – “Dead Ringers” without doubt the most bile filled biased bit of BBC comedy I have ever heard. Orders of magnitude more offensive than the news quiz
Emily Maitlis looked so disheartened when she was pointing out all the spectacular Tory results and all the easy gains that Labour missed (most of them were outside metropolitan London).
Also Gordon Brown’s plan to manipulate the tax and benefits system to make so many people dependent on Labour that the Tories could never get a majority again, failed.
The biteback is starting!
Apparently Camerons acceptance speech was a “victory” one in Witney-and he targeted his former coalition partners in the Lib Dems in a “ruthless manner”, a trademark of Lynton Crosbie and some bloke called Messina.
So spake the world of the Toady Show and Channel 4 a few minutes ago.
Still-as long as Chomsky-lite eejits like these comprise the “political analysts”-Labour and its luvvies will be expunged and out of influence for a generation…suits me!
Channel 4 actually showcased the Hackney Hippo singing the praises of Dead Ed. Apparently, he was the “right choice” and had all kinds of wonderful personal attributes. Can anyone be that out of touch with reality?
bBC Points West was a somber affair tonight with Labour and Liberal being almost wiped out, seriously it was as if someone had died, quote (in a downbeat tone) “Tonight West Country life goes on as normal, but its politics have changed, we now live in a Conservative heartland with not a LibDem MP to be seen…”
Several times during the pre-election boreathon, I posted warning that the polls are unreliable and shouldn’t be taken as much more than light entertainment.
Simon Carr, on Guido’s site puts it far more colourfully than I would (!) thus:
“So, you poll-bumblers, you forecast freaks, you fee-generating ball-gazers. You used the latest scientific methods to make a small fortune for yourselves while none of you knew what you were talking about. You sold up, sold on, sold in your “90-per-cent-certain” predictions and they were fifty sorts of faeces wrapped up in a silk stocking.”
That’s worth bearing in mind the next time some BBC hack starts pontificating about poll results, Or, even more particularly, starts using poll results to justify promoting his own biases.
“More or Less” on Radio 4 this afternoon spun the poll errors. It seems (allegedly) that the results were within the margin of error – and where they weren’t they were still accurate because the polling companies asked voters how they were going to vote on the 7th and they must have changed their minds after answering the pollsters. It’s all the fault of the voters.
One of the most shocking results, as far as I am concerned, was Labour retaining Rotherham. Remember the horrendous child grooming scandal? Dennis Macshane was MP for most of that time and turned a politically correct blind eye to the events ( as did the police, social services, the council, etc). He was also shovelling tax payers dosh into his back pockets and eventually found himself holidaying at one of Her Majesty’s finest. So you might have thought Labour would find themselves in a spot of bother. But no. Labour’s latest, Sarah Champion, has won with 52% of the vote. Are these people complete cretins? Labour stood back and allowed their daughters to be groomed and raped, syphoned off their money, and come the election, when any self respecting parent would seek some sort of retribution, they obediantly trot down to the polling booth and vote for them again. It’s just utter insanity.
I guess some of the truth is that it isn’t just traditional Labour voting thicko’s, its the enormous ethnic vote that gets them in. I did hear a BBC type talking about the “rich cultural diversity in the area…” And we all know what that means… a shithole!
Ye gods what a dreadful state our country’s in.
Jeff, you have to remember that the police haven’t yet arrested many of the paedophiles in Rotherham – and until they are sent to prison they still have the vote. Now that the election is over and a Labour MP has been re-elected the police might start to do their job.
Seems that an incidental result of this startling election is that a few anti-Israel and/or anti–Semitic and/or pro-Palestinian people have lost their seats:
George Galloway, lover of Hamas terrorists.
David Ward, anti-Semite with an anti-Israel cloak.
Douglas Alexander, promoter of a Palestinian state.
Sorry put my comments about questionable time at the end of the election thread.
The face of British politics may have changed but Question time hasn’t.
QT. Campbell and Pantsdown. What a horrible angry pair. Campbell is what he is, Blairs henchmam, his lickspittle, spinning his line about the landslide in Scotland being all Cameron’s fault, hahaha. Barking.
Pantsdown even worse, coming across as a very bitter man, who has seen his party destroyed and yet again it’s someone else’s fault apart from their own. How sad. He knows he will never see them with 60 seats again in his lifetime and he is lashing out, sad, old man of the past. Time to dump him from these shows. Can’t actually blame the bbc tonight, it’s all the deluded politicians who have lost. How very, very sad.
The Audience were for once very good apart from one deluded schoolgirl
Campbell is what he is, Blairs henchmam, his lickspittle, spinning his line about the landslide in Scotland being all Cameron’s fault, hahaha. Barking.
Would that be this Alistair Campbell:
Campbell was born to Scottish parents but brought up in Yorkshire until the family moved to Leicester where he attended the same state school as Gary Lineker. “I feel British, then Scottish, then Yorkshire, then northern, then I probably feel London. I don’t feel English,” he says.
Very much the bog standard, self loathing, leftist Labour twat, then, who absolutely hates anything English. Which is why you and your party – who have done everything you can to destroy English culture and identity – find yourselves where you are today, Alistair, you loathsome piece of racist shite.
“I feel British, then Scottish, then Yorkshire, then northern, then I probably feel London. I don’t feel English,” he says.
Wildly off topic, but that reminded me of the time Golda Meir, then PM, turned to Henry Kissinger for help against Israel’s Arab enemies. Kissinger wrote to her: “I am an American first, Secretary of State second and a Jew third.”
Golda replied, “In Israel we read from right to left.”
Have I got some biased not funny crap for you. Jo Brand comments “It is the end of Farage” to wild cheering. Was that the audience because it sounds to me like it’s canned.
Let the BBC celebrate it’s small victory. If the UK votes in 2017 to leave the EU then Farage will have achieved all he could hope for. We’ve been waiting over 40 years to have a say.
HIGNFY ….. Jon Snow saying three times “There’s a lot of pain in the Country” LOL …. Yes there is Snow … it’s the majority of the Country that voted Conservative and UKIP that have to listen to the overpaid no talent crap that comes out of the mouths of you and your fellow left wing presenters.
It will not be the end of Farage. He is tired, he will have his holiday, regroup, remember he still is a European MP, and I doubt we have seen the last of him, he has been a breath of fresh air in this election, straight talking, telling us as it is.
Leaders bounce back. Farage has stepped down before. So did Salmond. Both came back. UKIP have forced Cameron to offer a referendum and are more popular than the Lib Dems or Greens. UKIP now has some good potential leaders.
Five more years of centrist, neo-liberal government.
The NHS will remain. Foreign aid will stay in the billions. Tax Credits and all that stuff will still be here. The Union will break up, leaving a diminished rump UK.
An EU referendum? That’s 50/50 at best . And even if it happens, you know that 80% of politicians will campaign to stay in, along with 75% of the media. If the economy’s doing ok in 2017 there’s not a cat in hell’s chance of the electorate going for a Brexit.
The BBC. Oh dear – it’s not good news for you I’m afraid. Cameron’s done rather well out of the BBC this election and he’ll certainly be wanting every weapon in his armoury to combat both Scottish Nationalism and the anti-Europe lobby. The BBC will remain very much the same, with its charter renewed, the licence fee retained and business as usual.
It must be very disappointing for you, but at least it keeps this website ticking over.
And to put the cherry to the top of the cake of catastrophe, UKIP’s relentless onwards march resulted in a halving of their seats to one. Poor old Nigel is down the dole office on Monday morning, joining Ed and Nick.
I used to work with a Mr Platt. He was a knob, too! But, in the spirit you’ve shown, have a pleasant weekend, yourself. Bask in the warmth of a resounding collapse of the leftie vote.
I fear your analysis is almost exactly right and yes to say I am disappointed greatly understates how I feel
I wont have a wonderful weekend but that’s life facts are as they are . I shall carry on hoping for the best and trying to convince people that change is possible
There now, enjoy your erection while it lasts
Thanks Stewart … for at least five years I believe !
and guess what …. after your miserable weekend …. on Monday morning the result will be exactly the same … and the next Monday … and the next …. and the next ….
No your wrong (on both counts) -I have seen things change more radically in much shorter times than that
And change things will for better or worse .
I truly fear that many more will mourn your mock than did laugh at it
I wonder how well your shallow causalism will sustain you?
Oh, I dunno. Feeling rather chipper after several beers, two bottles of rather splendid fizzy and many plays of ‘World in Motion’ on my top-hole hi-fi system.
Cheers, me old mucka! Things can only get bitter – sorry, better – and all that…
On the other hand the right/centre vote in England was overwhelming. Labour will really struggle to get back and we on the conservative right will change the Tory party our way.
If the Union goes and the Scots will have it that way now then the left is finished for a generation or more.
The EU referendum. The politicians would do well to be careful.
The BBC is becoming an irrelevance. The internet will see to that and in entertainment there are just too many rivals now.
So nothing to be worried about for us conservatives.
Those UKIP votes are solid evidence that the old English shires are not going down quietly.
I see London went it’s own lefty way. Who bloody cares. The place is nothing to do much now with me and thinks far too much of itself.
So hopefully an end to whining liberals and their incessant moaning about food banks, bedrooms, zero hours, and the rest of their gripes. Most people where I live are working and earning.
We were never going to respond to the left’s dystopic vision of our lives.
The lefties never got that and that is why they got hammered.
The real shock and horror won’t sink into the Beeb until Monday. Five years of Tory majority rule. By attacking UKIP the dickead BBC handed Cameron the reigns of power. LOL
That will indeed horrify the Beeb. I’d bet it horrifies Cameron as well; now he has no cover from the LibDems and the Eurosceptics will be at his throat.
Will the lefty oafs NEVER learn?
We`ve just voted to slap their smug, self virtuous arses-looks pretty much to me that the Tories won, and they represent the majority of decent people in the country.
And were I a grievance seeking hustler for unjust causes, an agitprop shit-stirrer-and the BBC are nothing if not that-then the fact that UKIP get 1/7th of the national vote, but get 1 seat in the Commons would be MY cause…and that the worshipped SNP get 4.7% of the vote and 56 seats would be a scandal, would it not?
No-not to the lefty luvvies of Channel 4 and BBC-whose stories are ALL about Scottish shortbread tin rebellions, and future tat about Labours renewals and not leaving the EU, as the Tories seem hell-bent on doing.
It`s as if we 85% of the electorate have not tried to tell them by voting-the BBC and Guardian lefties persist in spinning pointless narratives and concocting incestuous stories that the rest of us don`t give a stuff about.
We voted Tory-not for weekend rebels, toytown student Oxbridge flunkies-and we`ve had a bellyful of Sturgeons Braveheart posturings.
Only the BBC fantasists think any of their vacuous, fatuous output and speculations means squat to us…if only they`d all spend the next five years trying to work out why they`re such lazy, fetid onanists…and the more silence they give us, the more likely we`ll listen to them next time.
But no-a generation of flatulent losers chew a Thesaurus, and exhort the easy rebellion they`ll never see…but why do we pay for their mastubatory educations on our screens?
Ah well-the Real Right to come will take revenge on the lazy wasters.
The BBC and its Lefty `tardies…still asking questions nobody on planet real gives a fig about.
Harriet Harman is their undertaker leader, so I understand-a shocking pink hearse costs extra.
” Fear and grievance has won ” said an aggrieved Nick Clegg .
Other liberals have said that nationalism is wrong and are proud of putting the national interest before party .
8 seats but 16 faces .
Well, at least Miliband and Clegg kept their post-defeat speeches to the party faithful mercifully short. Not so the Scottish Labour leader – a guy called Murphy, I believe.
He went on a long, bitter rant to the effect that the Labour defeat was everyone else’s fault – so long, in fact, that Sky eventually had to fade him out and move on to something else. No doubt he’s still whingeing, never having grasped the principles of introspection and grace in defeat.
Before the declaration Murphy was holding a can of that oh so delicious beverage IrnBru. I bet he was wearing tartan underpants as well and still the locals gave him both barrels in his deep fried fundament.
Three first time voters on from Scotland . Bill creepy little man Turnbull turns to the youth of Scotland for comment – Tomiwa , Mohammed and James – hmmmmmm
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
To all those that stayed up all night and watched Balls lose his seat.
HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!
It’s not for me, but apparently some people will still want to tune in to get their news from Radio Labour
Rachel Burden
Good morning if you’re just joining us… We’re two hours into Election Breakfast and the shocks and upsets keep tumbling in. @bbc5live
No one on the evening election show mentioned that widespread revulsion and horror at the massive number of rapes of children covered up by Labour was not an election asset.
Where is that brave fellow Manonclap..etc now I really fancy a good old gloat!
Boy, has he been pushing water uphill on this site during this last few months.
Brave man if nothing else and to be hones he has certainly proved to be quite amusing and I personally have so enjoyed factually ripping some of his statements to bits on here.
I think he has been put to bed with a warm cup of milk.
Unfortunately, the bed wetting will follow soon afterwards.
The Labour Party spin room (known as BBC Newsnight) will be in mourning tonight. They will just have to cheer themselves up with the fact that there is still a television license and Thatcher is dead.
One amazing fact resulting from our FPTP electoral system:
SNP – total 1,454,436 votes gives them 56 x MPs = average 25,972 votes each MP – Party received 4.7% share national vote.
UKIP -total 3,881,129 votes= 1 x MP with 12.6% share National vote.
This will surely put proportional representation voting system back on the agenda?
Is that the system where you do not know who your M.P. is because the constituencies have say 10 M.P.s? If you have a problem do you write to all of them, or if three people have exactly the same problem do you each write to a different M.P. and triplicate the effort.
Also the one where you cannot vote for the good bloke, only those selected by the parties and listed from 1 to 10 on the party list.
The one where the maverick M.P. gets pushed down the list below jelly mould wannabees with a PPE from Oxford.
The one where like Italy and Israel the party with three M.P.s, say the Greens, trade off those last votes you need for a tiny majority for the inevitable coalition for some of their loony policies, and governments tend to come and go quite quickly.
If four parties make up a coalition which policies that you voted for will be ditched to get others on board?
PR is superficially wonderful, but practically tends to be a nightmare and produce weak government
When voting in the are electing a person to represent the constituency and 75000 constituents so have a direct link to one person who holds surgeries in you constituency, opens fetes, you can get to meet him etc. If you choose on the basis of party that is up to you.
Can you name all you M.E. P.s, elected under a PR system,Pprobably not, but I bet you know who your M.P. is.
FPTP is by no means perfect, but it serves its purpose in my book.
Quite. If you can’t lose, you can’t win. Your opponent is not your oppressor. FPTP with equalised constituencies.
The Greeks (don’t laugh) have quite an interesting system – the largest party by vote share get a bonus 50 seats. That strikes me as a good idea and it allows the largest party to form a government without having to pander to the tiny parties – e.g. SWP, BNP, etc.
Anyone know why the BBC state Tory seats 331 but Sky News and Telegraph both state 330 ? Both claim all seats are counted?! All other seats match.
Is it due to Bercow?
Yes it Bercow
I think he should show as an independent
Thanks, thought so but wasn’t totally sure.
I think he should just feck off.
And take his slag of a wife with him.
Everyone should tune in to the BBC convulsions in trying to explain the ‘totally unexpected and surprising’ result. Best comedy on TV this year. Apparently Labour lost because the nasty Tories frightened everyone into voting against the SNP Nationalist Ultras … not enough ‘Progressive’ people came out to vote … the public didn’t fully understand their policies …. Andrew George (LibDem) says they were ‘toxified’ (is that a word) by their association with the Conservatives in coalition … and Europe is ‘uneasy’ about the result (maybe they are thinking of our valuable contribution to Europe i.e. our money ! Lolololol
As GK Chesterton might now say –
“Smile at us, pay us, pass us – but NEVER forget this day
For we are the people of England – and now we have had our say”
The main presenters of the Today programme are Naughtie the Scot, Humphrys the Taff, and Mishal. The only English guy is Justin Webb, wet as a lettuce. Is there any chance of a straight English presenter from working/middle class stock asking the real questions that us plebs want answered? Someone without the tone of innate superiority = scorn ? Someone who does their homework properly on issues like climate change, the downsides of excessive immigration, the loss of our Parliamentary sovereignty to Brussels ?
Stupid question I suppose.
Amazing insight from Tristriam Hunt on Election 2015. White working class voters outside the thirdworlded areas of England have an “English identity” and so voted UKIP rather than Labour in, say, Carlisle.
Labour’s use of immigrants to fracture votes (foul social engineering) in their favour, London as the prime example, has ultimately worked against them.
They, Labour, have to get support from disparate groups in coming elections. Groups who have nothing in common for instance the white working class and Islamist communities.
Good luck with that Tristam. Your stuffed mate. May you never get back in to power.
Had to laugh at old windbag Kinnock churlishly blaming the electorate for letting down Liebor and only thinking of their selfish interests. Probably having a flashback to 1992 and his “Well alright!” moment. That coming from Mr and Mrs EU Gravy Train. Then of course his son gets a shoe in to a safe Labour seat. Nothing to do with Mummy and Daddy of course.
how ironic that the dumb stupid labour supporters increased the tory majority by voting for the tory candidate in south thanet to keep nigel farage`out,what an own goal that was,what is even more annoying is ukip got 4 million plus votes and only one seat and the snp got 1.5 million votes and 56 seats,how damm unfair that was on the ukip voters out there.
Chin up stuart. The tide’s turning. Major Party status now. The conversations can begin. Carswell is wise beyond his age and he can now get to work. He’s played a quiet, good hand and his reputation is impeccable. Shouting down UKIP won’t wash anymore.
Posted elsewhere, an interesting way of looking at the result…
Votes per seat:
DUP: 184,260 votes = 8 Seats = 23,033 votes per seat
SNP: 1,454436 votes = 56 Seats = 25,972 votes per seat
SD&LP 99,809 votes = 3 Seats = 33,270 votes per seat
Con: 11,116255 votes = 325 Seats = 34,204 votes per seat
Lab: 9,236,878 votes = 230 Seats = 40,160 votes per seat
SF: 176,232 votes = 4 Seats = 44,058 votes per seat
Ulst: 114,935 votes = 2 Seats = 57,468 votes per seat
PC: 181,694 votes = 3 Seats = 60,565 votes per seat
LD: 2,359,368 votes = 8 Seats = 294,921 votes per seat
UKIP: 3,830,029 votes = 1 Seat = 3,830,029 votes per seat!!!
According to the ‘Independent’, under a proportional voting system UKIP’s 3.8 million votes would have given them 82 seats.–gJenQmaW2gW
And the ‘Vote UKIP, get UKIP’ reality would have given them a lot more votes/seats. The legacy cartel, on the other hand…
A 20 yr old student gets in at Douglas expence:
He is to male, pale and stale.
And she is a baby, she knows what exactly ? Will she be busy doing her degree or representing her constituents ? The SNP show their disrespect for Parliament by using her and she is being used, she will do whatever mrs Krankie tells her. Their ought to be a minimum age before becoming an MP, I would say 28.
Agree, but worth remembering Pitt The Younger was only 24 when he became Prime Minister.
When giving her acceptance speech, the girl in question sounded like a 40 Woodbine a day person.
We had a decent education system in the 1770’s.
Also life was simpler then, there was less to learn.
People started work young, married and bore children young and died in their fifties.
Those who went to Oxford started at about fourteen!
Not really ‘less to learn’ – just different things. Scholarship in the 18th century was very rigorous.
You may not have been expected to have had a passing knowledge of DNA or the workings of the internal combustion engine but to be regarded as ‘well educated’, mastery of Greek, Latin and Hebrew was essential.
Not sure many constituents care.
I was also trying to imagine some poor sod trying to get Al Murray to help with some grubby representing the constituency stuff when he’s on tour or simply getting over a bad gig.
MPs are supposed to do stuff back at the ranch too.
Our guy sailed in. We voted for him not because of party or policies (in spite of them, in fact), because I nailed him down on taking concerns up the line and a fair record fighting for those who have given him their mandate. He’s a Tory and ‘aware’ the BBC is straying badly from Charter and remit. I aim to remind him.
If this lass has backbone and mettle good luck to her, but it seems more likely a Whip will say jump and she’ll be dangling off the rafters.
Backbone & mettle?
‘Smirnoff Ice is the drink of the gods – I cannae handle this c*** man.’
‘Woke up beside half a can of Tennents and a full pizza and more money than I came out with. I call that a success.’
‘It took every fibre of my being not to put the nut on them all’ – talking about Labour councillors
‘Ed Milliband is an unbearable ***’
‘I’ve only just realised – I really f***** hate Celtic and ‘Celtic, yer a joke! #scum’
Now, I accept that it’s the Daily Mail, who like to present things in the worst light, and it’s not clear how old some of these are but it’s not a good start.
My bad.
Clearly fitness for office can vary depending on area.
It appears any disrespectful Whip can expect to be chinned.
I look forward to asking my 70+yo ex-public sector cousins just how well-served they now feel.
Going by that, I’d say she’s got just what it takes to represent her constituency admirably.
If you’re not politicked out, an Election Question Time Special at 8.30 followed by Have I Got Election News for You, watch for the spin and bias !
The difference though, Geoff, is the fact we can now watch it and laugh – not with the out-of-touch biased leftist bastards, of course, but at the out-of-touch biased leftist bastards.
I’m with you JTF. Feet up …. nice cup of tea …. smile on my face ….. as Dumbleby tries to rescue the result for the Biased Broadcasting Corporation.
Will likely pass, but it may be interesting how the renowned BBC comedic integrity joins its professional editorial integrity in choosing things not to mention as not funny and/or newsworthy ((c) A. Monaco Samaritans Customer). Pretty sure they are making plans for Nigel, though.
The Sunday ‘Newspaper Headlines’ page should be a hoot.
Guessing a blank thread other than the Mirror, Observer and Indy.
“The Voting Public: You B@rst@rds!”
Heck, I might actually watch my first QT since Feb 2014 and my first HIGNY this year. Also, I assume tomorrow it will be safe to start watching BBC news again?!
According to MSN news Andy ‘Div 2 Football Manager Sound-Alike’ Burnham is bookies’ favourite for the Labour leadership.
This election is the gift that just keeps on giving. I have to keep pinching myself, in fact.
Is Andy Burnham a Barbie Doll boyfriend . ? I shouldn’t be personal but he looks like one .
He’s always a bit heavy with the mascara in my opinion. I’m surprised Eddie Izzard doesn’t give him a bit of quiet make up advice.
Let`s hope you`re right sir
Hi Bunny actually we have the results back and sadly what you have got is persistent left bladder irritantitis now we can treat it with daily doses on pure Vine mixed with 10cc of wussels own Brand elixir but the side effects are worrying one you stay exactly the same which we can both agree is well yeewwwwwwwk! or 2 you get trapped in your own ego’s gravity field until you disappear up your own fundamental ! again !
120 2nd Places for UKIP.
What a map !
Do you have a web link for it ?
And if this is the way politics is taking us. we , as a people , are fininished.
What Finland is moving here too ???!!!
The Labour party is a real difficult place now, and the person to blame is without a doubt Tony BLiar.
Even the BBC seems to be realising that what most of us realised – he not only wrecked the country, but wrecked the Labour party too !
What a terrible position for the next Labour leader.
Move to the right to attract English floating voter and alienate the Scots
Move to the left to attract Scottish floating voters, and alienate the English.
Fail to win a majority and you need a coalition with the SNP and the English voters won’t accept that.
Then they have to over come the legacy of BLiars toxic legacy with the Iraq war and mass immigration.
Who on earth would want this poison chalice?
It would never have happened if BLiar hadn’t devolved Scotland, empowering the SNP, and imposing it on Wales empowering Plaid Cymru.
BLiar succeeded in splintering the left wing vote to the point that currently the only government a Labour party could form would be a coalition, and with partners the English won’t stomach.
As far as I can see there will be a Tory government, which means 10 years at least and possibly 15 years. After that it depends what Labour can do to win Scotland back.
That is a good analysis Thoughtful. Blair beginning devolution and letting Scotland have it’s own parliament etc, was akin to detonating a slow motion nuclear bomb in one of Labour’s strongest fortresses – though no-one was aware of it at the time.
Blair et al must have thought that regardless of what powers the Scots were given, they could always be relied upon to solidly vote Labour.
The wisdom of that strategy, we can now all judge for ourselves.
Can anyone see Labour getting back into government (unsupported by other parties) anytime? Ever?
I’ve heard of shooting yourself in the foot, but this was more like blowing both legs off with a pump action shotgun.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Well done thoughtful. A few points which have been needed in the bigger picture about Wales.
The bbc and others gave Plaid Cymru loads and loads of airtime, thinking they were the equals of the SNP. They are and never will be. The reason ? They are based wholly on the language. They treat Welshmen who speak English as second class. They and their little pointless assembly were a sop to shut them up and keep a hold on welsh separatism which if the stupid London elite had bothered to look was never an issue.
The Tories took 11 seats, their best showing for over 30 years, god almighty they took The Gower from labour !!! Labour have had The Gower for over 100 years ! It’s like winning Liverpool Riverside.
UKIP got 14% of the vote! not bad for a party that represents the old, the stupid, the forgotten in ENGLAND.
For all their airtime from the bbc ( their friends, family the neighbours in the houses in Whitchurch just down the road from Bbc Llandaff ) Plaid Cymru gat a piddling 12% of the vote and just kept 3 seats. A useless, pathetic party, a one trick party who appeal to a small minority from the North obsessed with their dead language. The London elite, the bbc were obsessed with thinking the Welsh were as bad as the Irish and the scots and wanted change, they did not. The Welsh are far more sensible than they think, well done Wales, I’m proud of you tonight.
Well D,
Dont be confused about the language.
Why? Well, it’s not dead, in spite of historical efforts to kill it. Also the Plaid Cymru leader, Leanne cant speak it either.
There IS a point here, whilst the thrust of any policies remains all about the language Plaid will never succeed.
However, it’s worse than that, as the multiple pictures of the Eastwick Three showed, the lefties cosying up to each on that tv stage, stuck nail after nail into the coffin of the party of Wales.
There are many in Wales, and a growing number, who recognise that whst’s happening across the dyke will one day arrive here and bite us on the rump.
Hence, UKIP is now the third largest vote in Wales, and Plaid is relegated.
The Plaid activists will never wake from their slumbers.
They remain with their narrow parochial view, that any threat to our culture and way if life here is all the fault of Johnny English, the bounders flooding over the dyke, and diluting our culture.
They simply will never be able to think beyond offa’s dyke and see the bigger picture, and just think for one second….what IS white flight?
Well Said ‘Dysgwr’
UKIP Wales should now focus on next years Assembly Elections . They did a good job here although there were no seats . The number of votes reflected the support in Wales . UKIP should exploit this while the ‘iron is still hot’.
Not confused about the language, it is where PC sprang from. All revolves around saving it, promoting it. They do divide the Welsh into speakers and non speakers and as most don’t use it they do not appeal to the majority. Don’t get me wrong, if people want to speak it fine, but having it rammed down your throat if you don’t speak it or want it ? Ever stood on the platform on Cardiff Central and listened to the automatic station announcer reel through the Vally line stations in English and then Welsh ? The trains gone before it finishes ! PC crap.
That women who ought to have been on “Stella” as a minor character spent the entire campaign banging on about helping herself to the cash in other people’s pockets for her to waste. They have no vision for the future, the Tories have recovered, UKIP have leapfrogged them from nowhere in a few years. Plaid are not the future, they are the past, they offer nothing to those in the coastal belt where jobs and money need to be found.
Listen matey….Station Announcers are hard enough to understand in English alone, without you a non-speaker trying the welsh.
If you re-read my piece you’ll see we agree on most of it.
However, if, as you say, in Wales they divide into those two groups, speakers/non sp…..
Then Leanne wouldnt be Plaid Cymru leader.
I can recommend you some good Welsh Language courses if you wish? But I would never shove it down anyones throat.
Once upon a time, I was you!
For 58 years I thought…Welsh lingo?,…..bugger allł but a nuisance….who needs it eh!?
Then the penny dropped, 8 yrs ago….
And I am fluent and can reed and rite proper now like i does in inglish..
See? Even I can do it.
…. and 75% of the Wales population either voted against devolution and a Welsh Assembly, or did not vote. In only few of the old traditional Welsh counties in the west was there any reasonably substantial vote for devolution.
Hey…it aint so long since they allowed pubs to open on a Sunday lol.
When my kids were young we went on hols to North Wales, and stupidly went looking to find a pub on a sunday night lol.
QT 8.30 Tonight:
Alastair Campbell
Francis Maude
Paddy Ashdown
John Swinney
Julia Hartley-Brewer
And on PM.
Ken Clarke, David Steel and Lady Prosser(who else?).
The thrusting new faces for the 21st Century settlement.
Oh-and BBC 24 was talking to Shirley Williams.
The BBC-sucking Werthers Originals, craving nannys caresses and hoping it`s all a dream.
Now then Dave,George and Sajid…what about that bloody TV License and the BBCs threats to empty chair you for not abasing yourselves at Paxos winklpickers?
Revenge-her`s hoping for a bit of nasty partiness in the case of the paedo BBC(Savile…oi!)
I hope someone takes in a hat.
Listening to PM and absolutely sick to the back teeth of hearing Scottish voices contantly griping about how the English have treated them like ‘dogs’, conveniently forgetting how we bailed them out of bankruptcy 300 years ago when they were falling over themselves to form the union.
I wonder what the gutsy Irish think when they hear Sturgeon’s constant moaning about ‘austerity’. The Irish griited their teeth, knuckled down and went through REAL austerity and have come out the other side much the stronger for it. We have more in common with them than the eternal victims north of the border and many in Ireland won’t have forgotten Osborne’s £7 billion to help them get through it.
Totally agree. Sturgeon was whining that it is “time the Scots were treated properly”.
I would have thought that the Scots are already treated right royally under the Barnett formula.
What the English vote means is that we are fed up with this imbalance. Let the Scots pay for their own Marxist policies, why should we keep on subsidising them when all they show is ingratitude.
Ah John but you’re forgetting the Scots latest claim … as explained to me recently when I was in Scotland … apparently the English stole all ‘their’ oil … it was supposed to be used to create a Norwegian style Sovereign Fund for investment purposes you understand …. so that a big enough pot of money could be created that the Scots could put their feet up for evermore and be kept in the style to which they believe they should become accustomed …. No mention of course of the past years funding of their mainly Public Sector economy or Norway’s high tax structure which enabled them to save …
Where have I heard a similar story recently ?
Oh yes, the Syriza nutjobs in Greece trying to get retro compensation from the Germans.
At least the case of Greece, Germany did ravage the country and stole their gold. England has spent 300 years giving Scotland complete equality in the Union, we had an idiot Scottish Prime Minister flog our gold for bobbins, and we get treated by the SNP as if we have raped the place.
Yes, England gave a bankrupt Scotland complete political union, and paid off their debts, and some of them have never forgiven us for it. No good turn goes unpunished!
The spin has started. Some BBC bint asking ‘Does this mean the Tories will now lurch to the right?
We can only hope, luv.
Of course, as the dust settles, day-to-day affairs must progress.
I was just pondering what the workload of CECUTT will be like with such as their ‘How To Vote Labour’ page and others needing the delay and dismiss treatment, when this came in to show the BBC’s FoI fielders are clearly struggling to cope too:
‘My request is perfectly valid and your response is hostile and accusatory….
…I also note that those seem to do little to encourage the BBC to respond in a timely manner to requests….
…My request is intent on obtaining information from the
BBC which it seems intent on keeping secret. It is also my right
under the law to make this request.’
And it seems the usual ploys can run foul of the determined member of the public:
‘The ICO has written to the BBC directing it to provide a review of its handling of this request within 20 days.’
Hope no one had made plans for the post-election lull.
5 live still shilling for Labour.
Discussing in mournful tones, how Labour can recover, and talking to weepy Labour voters, about their pain.
The rest of the country is gleeful, but the beeb’s on suicide watch.
We need Marshall Wade again ! The verse removed from the National Anthem needs reinstating !
Lord, grant that Marshal Wade
May by thy mighty aid
Victory bring.
May he sedition hush and like a torrent rush,
Rebellious Scots to crush.
God save the King.
Just driving back from the chinkys then, crispy chili beef for me and a sausage for blondi, and this popped on the radio. It put a smile on my face and made me think of the BBC and its future
An absolute joy of a result to behold!
Bought The Guardian and the Mirror, drinking in every BBC outlet-and Channel 4 to come with Jon Snow soon!
The oafish Lefties still don`t get it-and the BBCs luvvies are already spinning their cocoons-and continuing to bind themselves still further to their fantasy politics.
Hence the Euro Referendum, implications that he`ll be back to hugging hoodies-Majors “bastards” revisited.
Oh, and aren`t we being harsh on the Scots, excluding them?
Only the BBC care less.
We the British people have voted-and that`s five years of sticking that to the Left…they`ve not asked one REAL person in this country what THEY thought of the mad lefty experiments.
God Bless the common sense of the British electorate.We`ll be here long after the parasitic class of media houris have decamped to Russell Brands-and (sadly for them)-they can`t vote us out and replace us with Muslims and Clintons, much as they`d like to.
Great to see so many liberal faces with slapped arses.
And thanks to Nigel-who sacrificed so much so we could get a referendum, and let a lot of Tories in, by taking so much personal abuse from the Left(and Tories as well, let me add).
He drew a lot of flak, so others might thrive…the nation thanks you Nigel, and he`ll be more than back very soon.
AND-with the Labour types in Scotland enraged-the SNP will get a pounding next year in Holyrood…but the BBC won`t be telling us that.
Sturgeon is Cleggy and his mania-a flash in the Preston pans.
I have just heard the BBC’s official verdict – “Dead Ringers” without doubt the most bile filled biased bit of BBC comedy I have ever heard. Orders of magnitude more offensive than the news quiz
Emily Maitlis looked so disheartened when she was pointing out all the spectacular Tory results and all the easy gains that Labour missed (most of them were outside metropolitan London).
Also Gordon Brown’s plan to manipulate the tax and benefits system to make so many people dependent on Labour that the Tories could never get a majority again, failed.
The biteback is starting!
Apparently Camerons acceptance speech was a “victory” one in Witney-and he targeted his former coalition partners in the Lib Dems in a “ruthless manner”, a trademark of Lynton Crosbie and some bloke called Messina.
So spake the world of the Toady Show and Channel 4 a few minutes ago.
Still-as long as Chomsky-lite eejits like these comprise the “political analysts”-Labour and its luvvies will be expunged and out of influence for a generation…suits me!
Channel 4 actually showcased the Hackney Hippo singing the praises of Dead Ed. Apparently, he was the “right choice” and had all kinds of wonderful personal attributes. Can anyone be that out of touch with reality?
bBC Points West was a somber affair tonight with Labour and Liberal being almost wiped out, seriously it was as if someone had died, quote (in a downbeat tone) “Tonight West Country life goes on as normal, but its politics have changed, we now live in a Conservative heartland with not a LibDem MP to be seen…”
Sob sob…
‘… we now live in a Conservative heartland with not a LibDem MP to be seen…’
As voted for by the electorate using due democratic process. Hopefully, that was pointed out.
Several times during the pre-election boreathon, I posted warning that the polls are unreliable and shouldn’t be taken as much more than light entertainment.
Simon Carr, on Guido’s site puts it far more colourfully than I would (!) thus:
“So, you poll-bumblers, you forecast freaks, you fee-generating ball-gazers. You used the latest scientific methods to make a small fortune for yourselves while none of you knew what you were talking about. You sold up, sold on, sold in your “90-per-cent-certain” predictions and they were fifty sorts of faeces wrapped up in a silk stocking.”
That’s worth bearing in mind the next time some BBC hack starts pontificating about poll results, Or, even more particularly, starts using poll results to justify promoting his own biases.
“More or Less” on Radio 4 this afternoon spun the poll errors. It seems (allegedly) that the results were within the margin of error – and where they weren’t they were still accurate because the polling companies asked voters how they were going to vote on the 7th and they must have changed their minds after answering the pollsters. It’s all the fault of the voters.
Pretty much what one would expect from More Or Less.
One of the most shocking results, as far as I am concerned, was Labour retaining Rotherham. Remember the horrendous child grooming scandal? Dennis Macshane was MP for most of that time and turned a politically correct blind eye to the events ( as did the police, social services, the council, etc). He was also shovelling tax payers dosh into his back pockets and eventually found himself holidaying at one of Her Majesty’s finest. So you might have thought Labour would find themselves in a spot of bother. But no. Labour’s latest, Sarah Champion, has won with 52% of the vote. Are these people complete cretins? Labour stood back and allowed their daughters to be groomed and raped, syphoned off their money, and come the election, when any self respecting parent would seek some sort of retribution, they obediantly trot down to the polling booth and vote for them again. It’s just utter insanity.
I guess some of the truth is that it isn’t just traditional Labour voting thicko’s, its the enormous ethnic vote that gets them in. I did hear a BBC type talking about the “rich cultural diversity in the area…” And we all know what that means… a shithole!
Ye gods what a dreadful state our country’s in.
Jeff, you have to remember that the police haven’t yet arrested many of the paedophiles in Rotherham – and until they are sent to prison they still have the vote. Now that the election is over and a Labour MP has been re-elected the police might start to do their job.
Seems that an incidental result of this startling election is that a few anti-Israel and/or anti–Semitic and/or pro-Palestinian people have lost their seats:
George Galloway, lover of Hamas terrorists.
David Ward, anti-Semite with an anti-Israel cloak.
Douglas Alexander, promoter of a Palestinian state.
Sorry put my comments about questionable time at the end of the election thread.
The face of British politics may have changed but Question time hasn’t.
Does anybody know if Paul O’Grady has pissed off abroad yet…ha ha
QT. Campbell and Pantsdown. What a horrible angry pair. Campbell is what he is, Blairs henchmam, his lickspittle, spinning his line about the landslide in Scotland being all Cameron’s fault, hahaha. Barking.
Pantsdown even worse, coming across as a very bitter man, who has seen his party destroyed and yet again it’s someone else’s fault apart from their own. How sad. He knows he will never see them with 60 seats again in his lifetime and he is lashing out, sad, old man of the past. Time to dump him from these shows. Can’t actually blame the bbc tonight, it’s all the deluded politicians who have lost. How very, very sad.
The Audience were for once very good apart from one deluded schoolgirl
Campbell is what he is, Blairs henchmam, his lickspittle, spinning his line about the landslide in Scotland being all Cameron’s fault, hahaha. Barking.
Would that be this Alistair Campbell:
Campbell was born to Scottish parents but brought up in Yorkshire until the family moved to Leicester where he attended the same state school as Gary Lineker. “I feel British, then Scottish, then Yorkshire, then northern, then I probably feel London. I don’t feel English,” he says.
Campbell was born on 25 May 1957 in Keighley, West Riding of Yorkshire….
Very much the bog standard, self loathing, leftist Labour twat, then, who absolutely hates anything English. Which is why you and your party – who have done everything you can to destroy English culture and identity – find yourselves where you are today, Alistair, you loathsome piece of racist shite.
“I feel British, then Scottish, then Yorkshire, then northern, then I probably feel London. I don’t feel English,” he says.
Wildly off topic, but that reminded me of the time Golda Meir, then PM, turned to Henry Kissinger for help against Israel’s Arab enemies. Kissinger wrote to her: “I am an American first, Secretary of State second and a Jew third.”
Golda replied, “In Israel we read from right to left.”
Brands mum on hignfy now. She must be seething tonight. Joy of joy. She not funny and take that unfunny smug srilankan idiot with her
Have I got some biased not funny crap for you. Jo Brand comments “It is the end of Farage” to wild cheering. Was that the audience because it sounds to me like it’s canned.
Let the BBC celebrate it’s small victory. If the UK votes in 2017 to leave the EU then Farage will have achieved all he could hope for. We’ve been waiting over 40 years to have a say.
HIGNFY ….. Jon Snow saying three times “There’s a lot of pain in the Country” LOL …. Yes there is Snow … it’s the majority of the Country that voted Conservative and UKIP that have to listen to the overpaid no talent crap that comes out of the mouths of you and your fellow left wing presenters.
It will not be the end of Farage. He is tired, he will have his holiday, regroup, remember he still is a European MP, and I doubt we have seen the last of him, he has been a breath of fresh air in this election, straight talking, telling us as it is.
Leaders bounce back. Farage has stepped down before. So did Salmond. Both came back. UKIP have forced Cameron to offer a referendum and are more popular than the Lib Dems or Greens. UKIP now has some good potential leaders.
What an absolute nightmare for you chaps!
Five more years of centrist, neo-liberal government.
The NHS will remain. Foreign aid will stay in the billions. Tax Credits and all that stuff will still be here. The Union will break up, leaving a diminished rump UK.
An EU referendum? That’s 50/50 at best . And even if it happens, you know that 80% of politicians will campaign to stay in, along with 75% of the media. If the economy’s doing ok in 2017 there’s not a cat in hell’s chance of the electorate going for a Brexit.
The BBC. Oh dear – it’s not good news for you I’m afraid. Cameron’s done rather well out of the BBC this election and he’ll certainly be wanting every weapon in his armoury to combat both Scottish Nationalism and the anti-Europe lobby. The BBC will remain very much the same, with its charter renewed, the licence fee retained and business as usual.
It must be very disappointing for you, but at least it keeps this website ticking over.
And to put the cherry to the top of the cake of catastrophe, UKIP’s relentless onwards march resulted in a halving of their seats to one. Poor old Nigel is down the dole office on Monday morning, joining Ed and Nick.
Have a wonderful weekend.
All a bit ‘you, you, you’ for, er, ‘you’, isn’t it?
‘Good old Nigel’ won’t be entertained at the dole office. He has a job representing us Brits in the EU as an MEP. And stirring the pot, more an more.
After a nice holiday of course. The one that he has more than earned.
Have a nice weekend. (Nick and Ed are MP’s by the way)
Bitter? Mr Platt?
I used to work with a Mr Platt. He was a knob, too! But, in the spirit you’ve shown, have a pleasant weekend, yourself. Bask in the warmth of a resounding collapse of the leftie vote.
I fear your analysis is almost exactly right and yes to say I am disappointed greatly understates how I feel
I wont have a wonderful weekend but that’s life facts are as they are . I shall carry on hoping for the best and trying to convince people that change is possible
There now, enjoy your erection while it lasts
“There now, enjoy your erection while it lasts”
Thanks Stewart … for at least five years I believe !
and guess what …. after your miserable weekend …. on Monday morning the result will be exactly the same … and the next Monday … and the next …. and the next ….
No your wrong (on both counts) -I have seen things change more radically in much shorter times than that
And change things will for better or worse .
I truly fear that many more will mourn your mock than did laugh at it
I wonder how well your shallow causalism will sustain you?
What an absolute nightmare for you chaps!
Oh, I dunno. Feeling rather chipper after several beers, two bottles of rather splendid fizzy and many plays of ‘World in Motion’ on my top-hole hi-fi system.
Cheers, me old mucka! Things can only get bitter – sorry, better – and all that…
Likewise johnyfish.
Salford 0 Giants 19.
Miliband gone, no Labour hands on the purse-strings.
SNP impotent.
12.6% in the face of the Establishment smears and propaganda machine.
Feeling pretty chipper myself!!
On the other hand the right/centre vote in England was overwhelming. Labour will really struggle to get back and we on the conservative right will change the Tory party our way.
If the Union goes and the Scots will have it that way now then the left is finished for a generation or more.
The EU referendum. The politicians would do well to be careful.
The BBC is becoming an irrelevance. The internet will see to that and in entertainment there are just too many rivals now.
So nothing to be worried about for us conservatives.
Those UKIP votes are solid evidence that the old English shires are not going down quietly.
I see London went it’s own lefty way. Who bloody cares. The place is nothing to do much now with me and thinks far too much of itself.
So hopefully an end to whining liberals and their incessant moaning about food banks, bedrooms, zero hours, and the rest of their gripes. Most people where I live are working and earning.
We were never going to respond to the left’s dystopic vision of our lives.
The lefties never got that and that is why they got hammered.
BBC News at Ten. Huw Edwards and Nick Robinson outside No 10 Downing Street.
Huw to Nick:
“What have we got to look forward to, in the next 4-5 years? If that’s the way to put it?”.
No attempt, at all, to disguise the bias.
They will keep plugging the leftist/Labour line until someone has the guts to dissolve them in bath of acid.
Walter White – come on down!
The real shock and horror won’t sink into the Beeb until Monday. Five years of Tory majority rule. By attacking UKIP the dickead BBC handed Cameron the reigns of power. LOL
That will indeed horrify the Beeb. I’d bet it horrifies Cameron as well; now he has no cover from the LibDems and the Eurosceptics will be at his throat.
Will the lefty oafs NEVER learn?
We`ve just voted to slap their smug, self virtuous arses-looks pretty much to me that the Tories won, and they represent the majority of decent people in the country.
And were I a grievance seeking hustler for unjust causes, an agitprop shit-stirrer-and the BBC are nothing if not that-then the fact that UKIP get 1/7th of the national vote, but get 1 seat in the Commons would be MY cause…and that the worshipped SNP get 4.7% of the vote and 56 seats would be a scandal, would it not?
No-not to the lefty luvvies of Channel 4 and BBC-whose stories are ALL about Scottish shortbread tin rebellions, and future tat about Labours renewals and not leaving the EU, as the Tories seem hell-bent on doing.
It`s as if we 85% of the electorate have not tried to tell them by voting-the BBC and Guardian lefties persist in spinning pointless narratives and concocting incestuous stories that the rest of us don`t give a stuff about.
We voted Tory-not for weekend rebels, toytown student Oxbridge flunkies-and we`ve had a bellyful of Sturgeons Braveheart posturings.
Only the BBC fantasists think any of their vacuous, fatuous output and speculations means squat to us…if only they`d all spend the next five years trying to work out why they`re such lazy, fetid onanists…and the more silence they give us, the more likely we`ll listen to them next time.
But no-a generation of flatulent losers chew a Thesaurus, and exhort the easy rebellion they`ll never see…but why do we pay for their mastubatory educations on our screens?
Ah well-the Real Right to come will take revenge on the lazy wasters.
The BBC and its Lefty `tardies…still asking questions nobody on planet real gives a fig about.
Harriet Harman is their undertaker leader, so I understand-a shocking pink hearse costs extra.
” Fear and grievance has won ” said an aggrieved Nick Clegg .
Other liberals have said that nationalism is wrong and are proud of putting the national interest before party .
8 seats but 16 faces .
Well, at least Miliband and Clegg kept their post-defeat speeches to the party faithful mercifully short. Not so the Scottish Labour leader – a guy called Murphy, I believe.
He went on a long, bitter rant to the effect that the Labour defeat was everyone else’s fault – so long, in fact, that Sky eventually had to fade him out and move on to something else. No doubt he’s still whingeing, never having grasped the principles of introspection and grace in defeat.
Before the declaration Murphy was holding a can of that oh so delicious beverage IrnBru. I bet he was wearing tartan underpants as well and still the locals gave him both barrels in his deep fried fundament.
Was very funny!
Let’s hope Labour never recovers from their defeat.
Fear and grievance…so it’s wrong to fear a beheading?
What a total #*^% that bloke is.
Well, who else would one want to hear from wall to wall this fine morn?
This morning @BBCNaga & Charlie are live from Westminster. Here they are with Green Party leader @natalieben
Going on @bbc5live about 7.10 – lots of exciting council results to talk about : #Bristol #Bath #Cambridge #ForestofDean #midsuffolk
Three first time voters on from Scotland . Bill creepy little man Turnbull turns to the youth of Scotland for comment – Tomiwa , Mohammed and James – hmmmmmm
Gathering of the clans?
lol what happened to Jock and Wee Archie
Converted to RoP?
I see the bbc’s pen-name creation committee has had a meeting and reissued their latest batch of fake ID’s.
Prepare for change aljabeeba.