It goes without saying that the BBC have been brazenly pro Labour throughout the campaign. The shock that the exit poll gave the assembled BBC presenters was clear to see. There were numerous slips of the tongue during election night which showed very clearly which side they were on. Emily , Robinson and Marr being the worst offenders. I thought that Dimbo and Huw Edwards were unbiased and did a good job. Mr Vine was a clown with his silly toys.
But thought must now turn to the next 5 years. There are many weighty issues for the government to tackle, the UK constitution, EU negotiations and the referendum, economy and deficit reduction,immigration and the threat of Islam , each being massive
issues in their own right. However, dealing with the BBC should not be neglected. Currently , and for the past 30 years , the BBC has made change, which didn’t conform to their leftist view, extremely difficult to introduce. It made the government employ lots of its change management resource and political capital to get the change through. Basically if you went against the BBC view you were going to find life tough because they would whip up public opinion against you. Governments operated effectively only with the consent of the BBC.
The time has come to put an end to this unelected but very powerful institution being part of our body politic. However, I think that the BBC is beyond reform and will simply not accept being confined to an apolitical impartial role.
Although I would prefer to see its outright abolition I can see that this is politically very difficult. Therefore, other measure are needed. These should include confining the role of the BBC to radio and TV and not allowing it into new forms of content distribution. The media savey generation would then grow up with out the BBC’s left wing preaching. Its revenues should be confined to the TV license, the cost of which should be steadily reduced as its service contracts , see below. But refusal to pay the LF should be decriminalised and a very lenient attitude taken to those who refuse to pay. Perhaps only being fined after say a dozen offenses, this leniency will surely be welcomed by the liberal left.
BBC local radio should be abolished and commercial radio stations encouraged to fill the gap and a non state funded news provider encouraged, from which they took their news feed. The number of BBC TV channels should be reduced to two or three. The BBC website should be restricted to allow others to compete more effectively.
Indeed. Seems if technology exists you have to buy it when you have unlimited funds. How much did they spend on that; magically displaying all the possible coalitions… and studios set up today with Westminster as background and reports from Scotland. A fortune was spent to cover the complex coalition negotiations…. that never happened.
Why does the person showing off the computerised version of the swingometer feel obliged to act like Dr Magnus Pyke on drugs? There would be less arm swinging if you let a gibbon loose in the studio.
Heard a good quote from PJ O’Rourke on R4 last night. He was talking about pollsters when he said,”Predictions about yesterday released first thing tomorrow”. Now there is someone who should be on BBC election coverage. The BBC won’t allow that of course because Mr O’Rourke would tear them all a new one and be funny with it.
Back in 1978 I was involved in writing a White Paper on the Post Office and BT. BT was always claiming that the taxpayer should invest in its new technologies as they would give productivity benefits. So I stuck into the draft that BT prices sh0uld be progressively reduced on an “RPI minus X%” formula. And X was set at 5%. In other words – BT prices in real terms should be reduced by 5% each year.
BT had claimed they could reduce prices – but had never before been forced to deliver. All through the coming years this RPI minus X requirement was a key driver in forcing BT to sort out its gross overmanning.
On the BBC, I would set an initial licence fee at about half the present level, requiring the BBC to drop all manner of services that the commercial sector can and do provide. This limited “public service broadcasting ” licence tax would then be reduced year by year – to put pressure on the BBC to accelerate the switchover to subscription services. By the end of say 5 to 8 years the BBC should be required to get ALL its revenue from subscriptions – if people want it they should pay for it – with maybe a £100 million a year subvention from the Exchequer to help support bedrock “public sector broadcasting”.
I would go for something similar but allow by legislation for the creation of a proper BBC Trust which would hold funds – invested appropriately – and which the BBC would have the income therefrom to fund their public broadcasting.
The Licence Fee would be set to halve over the next five years, with 10% of the total amount received being allocated to the Trust. This could be matched by a grant or loan from the taxpayer via Government. After five years the LF should be set to reduce to zero over ten years with the BBC saving 5% (or more) inot the Trust, and from which time the BBC should start repaying the initial Government grant.
Their income might go up & down, as might the value of the underlying investments, but the BBC Board would just have to trim its activities to suit and budget like anyone who faces the vagaries of economic life. If people wished to donate to and enlarge the BBC Trust voluntarily, they could do so.
Eventually, we would be free of the Licence Fee, a slimmed down and efficient BBC would still have a constant source of income so that it could broadcast advert free. Other broadcasters might feel that the playing field is rather more level then. There would be nothing to stop them taking a similar strategic approach.
I make the rather childish point of now, when I’m asked my nationality, of always saying English. Not British, English. You get some quite interesting reactions. Make sure you do the same. If the Scots want to get all nationalistic, I think they and the leftie media will find the English can play that card too.
Cameron has much to ponder; however for now, I am celebrating the fact that despite weeks of shameless campaigning by the BBC, they lost and they lost badly. We should all do all we can to rub their leftie snouts in it.
can some one explain the scots full fiscal autonomy to me, all i can see is they want full control over tax and spend with no mention of debt, how does it account for anything shared.
BBC analysis of how Cameron won includes such pearls as,
“For months the Conservatives, with the Tory press in lockstep, had been tearing at Ed Miliband’s character.”
“In vain did Labour try and chip away at the fear-mongering.”
“the Conservative messaging: you are risking the hard-won recovery if you vote Labour. It might have made for a thin, negative and corrosive campaign. But it worked a treat. ”
For once I’m in complete agreement with the reverend.
I think we’re all thoroughly ashamed that Giles Fraser is English…
His socialist utopia exists just to the north of Hadrian’s Wall. He can travel by car, coach train or plane.
So, I’ve got some well meant and friendly advice for him.
Piss off!
Why does the BBC have no interest in the fact that in NI the % of the vote for both nationalist parties fell, while it rose for every Uniionist party and that was despite UKIP and Conservative candidates taking unionist votes.
Wasn’t demographics going to deliver a nationalist majority? Surely catholics aren’t voting for unionisism and also for traditional values? Just some of the questions the BBC NI office won’t be asking while they wait for further instructions.
The ‘business’ story promoted on the BBC news website.
“On top of this, Australia’s failure to achieve marriage equality is a competitive disadvantage when it comes to attracting those skilled migrants and investors for whom non-discriminatory laws are important.”
Give it a rest.
I knew a gay British man who emigrated to Australia with his Canadian partner a couple of years ago. They had no problem.
“Gay marriage is what we need to be modern and outward looking” say Saudi and Irianian people in opinion poll’…bbc online.
” we need to attract the best immigrants to help us develop”
Sounds like the bitter pill of defeat hasn’t gone down at all well over at party HQ. PR and Communications wing already warning how difficult it is going to be to govern with such a small majority, after those evil Tories ran a truly ‘brutal’ campaign, then there’s trouble up North with Jimmy Krankie, and it won’t be long before there is mayhem from the Tory right over the EU, not to mention the backlash over those Tory Cutz….must be an unbackable proposition that they’ll be getting themselves into a frenzy to whip up a Boris leadership challenge any time soon. Late night strategy meeting held in ‘shell-shocked’ anger – and that’s the best they could come up with at short notice.
It is funny to see the headless chicken response from the left. The SNP will be impotent at Westminster, in Wales each unionist party out polled Plaid, in NI every nationalist party down every unionist party up, the Conservatives with a working absolute majority, Labour looking for a new leader and shadow chancellor, stock market up, an EU referendum in 2017 and a Prime Minister who owes the BBC nothing.
We’re beginning to get a sense of what the green benches will look like, come May 18th when the new Parliament is summoned. There will be a record 191 women sitting on them. 42 won’t be white and fewer will be privately educated. UCL have being doing this research and there’s a lot more interesting detail here from the Guardian. (WHAT A SURPRISE!)
The 56 MPs from the SNP are likely to stand out. By my count 20 are women and they include Kirsten Oswald, who only joined the party last year, and high profile Scottish business woman Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh. There’s a good break from the Scotsman here. ‘
I think Farage was quite pleased…he’d got what he had always wanted, an in out referendum. With nearly the entire parliament pro Europe who gets to lead the no/out of EU campaign? Nigel looks like he has played a blinder here. Summer holiday and then back to lead us out of Europe and reclaim the country before we set about reforming the BBC. And by reform it I of course mean sell off the bits that are worth anything and abolish and demolish any of the leftovers.
I agree that Farage has played a blinder, but you won’t hear that from the BBC. The expectation was for a Labour, or possibly Conservative, coalition which would have ruled out a referendum.
The BBC will campaign for the EU but will struggle as the Eurozone implodes, and Greece tanks. While Osborne agreed to help Ireland the Irish are working their way back to prosperity, and thankfully he got us off the hook for the Eurozone.
Only a craven commie-lite media would already be trying to put up statues for their “fallen”…the likes of Balls, Cable.
Nick Robinson said yesterday that nigh on a “golden generation of Labour and liberal leaders of tomorrow” were taken out and shot at dawn by the firing squad-that`s us by the way, those who dared to vote differently?
Clearly all this VE stuff has been getting to them all-that ANYONE would reckon on slurry like Davey or Laws as anything other than one golden shower(with due deference to Mark Oaten!) is weird.
The TRUE heroes of all this are Nigel, Reckless and-in particular-Esther McVey who had the vilest of abuse lobbed at her in West Wirral…these took a lot for Team England, and we need to honour them as we can and will.
There`ll be more…but God Bless and keep them until we get them back into the Commons-or chairing the BBC…well, wiring it to the mains anyway!
I`ve often said that the Lefty slurrys theme toon has been “Children of the Revolution”…(I use a rolls royce `cos its good for my voice, top hat with mirrors, all that?).
Now these Gauloise cigarillos are squished and lobbed over Bog Standard Comps dog mess fields…their new anthem is “Whatever happened to the teenage dream”?
Died on the line to Andrew Sachs in October 2008, buried with savile in 2011…so why do we still pay them for their musings?
13:00 news BBc run with the main story “Scotland’s voice”will be heard in Westminster says Jimi Krankie err sorry Sturgeon. Obviously world news story number 1.
And obviously on any BBC outlet for as long as it takes to cause a civil war along the Coldstream again.
Scotlands voice has yet to be heard-the Cybernats have the megaphone and broken Irn Bru bottles for now…but slippery lawyers like Sturgeon are simply the privileged metropolitan elite in Morningside and Leith…not true Scots who`ve given so much to our country.
Can you imagine how Salmond and Stugeons relative status will work out?…if there`s not an internecise split to finish them all withing a few years,I`ll be surprised.
Til then-shut it Tartanazis…we`ve had a haggis full.
Any futile thoughts that the Beeb might turn down the socialist rhetoric post-election have been quickly quashed as they pump up the volume and lionisation of Sturgeon and the SNP.
A quite astonishing dissection of why Labour performed so poorly in the election on radio 4 this morning.
So much naval gazing, but like nearly all on the left, they have forgotten the old maxim that those who forget the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them.
The left has not only forgotten the past it has decided to destroy & rewrite it!
At the time of Millibands election as leader everyone said he had no chance, but instead of listening to them Labour ploughed blindly on despite the disastrous poll ratings, and ended up in the place they are now.
I’m not certain whether Labour have minimised the input of Trade Union leaders, but the desperately need to if they want to have a future.
It certainly needs to moderate the voting rights of certain Scottish union leaders who now probably owe little allegiance to Labour !
Even after the election result they were saying that Labour lost because they weren’t left wing enough!
Who will be the next Labour leader? They’ll tell you when the unions tell them !
Tell you what though thoughtful.
It`s great to be see history getting rewritten live as we speak.
I thought that the Tories had won the election, and that UKIP(and-to be fair-the Greens) were swindled…but we`ll be back to that one.
Turns out that the whole liberal agenda is more crap on the SNPs
“success”…and how on earth we can get the likes of Dianne Abbott and Ken Livingston back into vogue with the chavs and plebs who fell for Murdoch and Thatcher…er, yes…that`s gonna be it!
It`s very much like cut and paste on the Kremlin balcony, with the smell of Tippex and burning celluloid…excising, redacting, trimming-or lousy,lazy lying if you like.
Best keep your momentoes of this great event before the Capita Cops come in to seize any evidence of the Lefts rout…might well be illegal if they can fix that a la Savile.
Endless lies and tropes from the fopped-off Left.
But I was there…and a joy to witness their decommissioning.
Time now not to open a vein to pay them though…the License fee must go.
BBC back on track with R4 Any Questions. The Tory speaks and is greeted with groans from the audience, while the Labour and LibDem speak attacking the Tories and get applause.
I hope Cameron was listening.
Particularly bizarre when we now know that the Tory/Ukip vote combined represented just over 50%. In what possible way could the audience be said to be at all “unbiased”?
The BBC’s current Charter is up for renewal in 2017. Tories have already signalled their hostility towards the Corporation, so the BBC can’t expect to get the usual deferential ‘nod-through’ for its annual £3.5bn poll tax on the British public. Sadly for the BBC – and despite their very best efforts – Ed Miliband who, naturally, had explicitly guaranteed the BBC that a Labour Government would leave them alone (it was in the 2015 Labour Manifesto) didn’t win the General Election.
Now it’s time for the Tories to settle a few scores with the left-leaning BBC. Can’t wait. Time for the BBC stare into the abyss and compete in a commercial market, just like everyone else.
On Last night’s post-election Question Time, some dimwit in the audience started (quite literally) shouting about how the Tories cosied up to Rupert Murdoch, whom she claimed was the most powerful media magnate in the country. That would be the BBC, actually. The BBC’s news services across all platforms are read, heard and seen by the highest percentage of the British public. That would be the same BBC that is publicly-funded (by demanding money with menaces). Lefties and their hatred of Murdoch ignore the biggest elephant in the room of all. I wonder why?
One can only hope that even now, somewhere in a darkened room still well out of view, the knives are being sharpened in readiness for Charter Renewal Day. The BBC has got it coming, but will Cameron have to guts to deliver the killing blow..?
Cameron won’t do anything. He needs the BBC. Firstly they are the propaganda wing of the Labour party. Cameron will use this to wind up the SNP and Scotland will never vote Labour again.
Secondly the BBC is pro-Europe and Cameron is also pro-Europe and needs plenty of EU propaganda. He has a majority and five years in power and he can redraw the boundaries.
Why should he care about a bunch of losers at the Beeb who worship a Stone?
I have to concede that arithmetic isn’t one of my strengths. However, bear with me.
The Scottish Nat’s got an astonishing 56 seats on a fairly small proportion of the overall vote.
UKIP, on the other hand, got over 3.5 million votes, making them the third most popular party, but only got one player at the top table.
Using these figures as a template I’ve estimated for Nigel’s party to get 56 seats they would have to get 196 million people to vote for them.
I don’t think Jimmy Krankie’s going to be campaigning for electoral reform, do you?
BBC Parliament channel now showing a full replay of Thursday’s/Friday’s coverage.
Technical coverage really was poor – they never seemed to show the stats for the individual announcements just a lot of sensationalist leftie twaddle.
Tuned in to Toady this morning to hear the sombre tones of a female reporter. Waking from my slumbers quickly, I expected the worst – a humanitarian disaster at the very least.
My God, she’s in St Ives! Not an an earthquake? Floods and landslides, perhaps?
No, no, no – much, much worse – the evil Tories had snatched the sacred Parliamentary seat from the Lib Dems, whose birthright it so obviously is to hold the seat in perpetuity.
The funereal tone of our intrepid reporter deepened as the interviews went on ‘I’m appalled at the Tories getting in’, said a young woman from the Tate. Strangely, we never found out why.
ABSOLUTELY HORRENDOUS BBC pro-Labour bias happening on BBC 24 at the present. Commentators calling the Tories the ‘nasty party’, that Labour still had the ‘positive arguments’; they look like mourners at their own funerals. This is pure downright bias and should not be allowed. I hope this disgusting excuse for a broadcasting organisation is severely curtailed by the Conservatives.
So, WELL DONE DAVID CAMERON! Great to see the Liebour filth destroyed.
And how the hell can the Scottish Stalinists get 56 seats with 1.5 million votes whilst Ukip get 4 million and get one? Pathetic. The Western isles seat in Scotland has a population of just 26, 000 people! An affront to democracy.
I think they have a diminishing pool of socialists to worship, especially as Galloway got the boot. All those TUSC candidates did spectacularly well, didn’t they?
except for the socialist national party that is, waving their tartan swastikas, creating a ginger master race, whilst demonizing another race and blaming them for all their problems
Same in the week on Radio 2 news where they described a 92 year old woman as a fighter pilot.
She was of course a member of of the WAAF who’s work should of be respected and was extreamly important, but the wording used in the report implyed she fought, when in reality she flew fighter aircraft to their destinations for battle.
She was actually in the Air Transport Auxiliary. They did a very good job ferrying aircraft from builders to MU’s ( Maintenance Units ) and then onto squadrons. Frequently flying aircraft they only had scant knowledge of, they could fly half a dozen different types in a day, with no radios.
The famous Amy Johnson was one and was the first to die in somewhat mysterious circumstances.
They all did a very good and crucial job but were not front line aircrew which I believe they freely admitted. It is only the BBCs endless need to find examples of ” diversity ” which leaves a nasty taste in the mouth
I seem to remember way back, when Mrs Thatcher first won (or was it a subsequent time?), the BBC had nailed its colours so firmly to the left mast, that no-one from the winning side would talk to it after the election, so all it could do was talk to the losers.
Likewise now, it has to occupy itself with listening to depressing drivel from the various losing sides, plus trying to drum up the SNP as ‘winners’. Well, I suppose they are in Scotland, but I didn’t notice their candidates anywhere here in Glos..
It’s all very frustrating, since the Beeb have plainly been cut out completely from any ‘interesting’ channels of info, we’re all left guessing what’s going to happen. News-gathering, my a*se.
An investigation is to be carried out into the appalling inaccuracies of the polls and the possible bias shown by certain polling companies….YouGov and Survation must be shitting themselves.
YouGov stopped polling me for political opinions a long time ago, presumably when it worked out whom I voted for (one guess). Today it sent me an email asking me all about how I voted.
YouGov ‘members’ are usually paid a handful of points for a response. Occasionally, when the stakes are, presumably, low, they offer respondents entry into a prize draw.
Guess which treatment this ‘urgent’ poll got?
YouGov claims it is a polling organisation. It is run by a Labour supporter, whose wholly unelected wife was the EU’s ‘foreign minister’. Have a look at YouGov’s site and read the opinions of some of the self-selecting SJWs who are ‘members’.
Personally, I wonder if the real reason polling organisations exist is to influence the way people vote by setting and nudging the political mood music. And to make money, of course. There’s always that.
For goodness sakes, BBC News 24 has basically turned into a Labour Leader Contest show; the BBC are nothing other than Labour stooges. They’re a disgrace.
But if the Euroskeptics in his party can hold him to it, and the SNP can get another referendum on Scottish independence, the consequences of the dueling referendums could be very interesting indeed: Scotland within the EU, the rest of the U.K. outside it.
As I understand it, Scotland would have to leave the EU with the rest of the UK then re-apply in its own right.
An independent inquiry is to look at the accuracy of UK election polls, after they failed to predict the Conservatives’ lead over Labour.
The British Polling Council (BPC) will examine “apparent bias” and make recommendations for future polling.
It follows widespread shock on Thursday at a BBC exit poll, which showed the Tories comfortably ahead of their opponents.
I suppose it would be too much to expect the BBC to point out the inconsistency of Ban Ki Moon dipping the knee to Putin on Red Square. It would appear that not all occupied territories are alike.
A little off-topic, but does anyone know if Paul O’Grady, (formerly Lily Savage drag artist, currently dogs’ best friend), has left the country yet? He did promise to If David Cameron got back in. Only fair he keeps his promise.
The Parliament Channel are re-running the election broadcast. Have it on in the background to cheer myself up.
They just showed a bit about Balls. I could not believe the crap I was hearing. They were saying what a nice bloke he is, he plays the piano, etc, etc. They then went on to say he could become a popular TV presenter, like Portillo. No prizes for guessing the channel, eh?
I have the slightly dubious honour of having Nadinne Dorries as my MP. She apparently caries out regular surgeries in my town. I plan to be top of the list for her next visit. I have one question: what are the Tory plans for radical reform of the BBC? This time they have no excuses. I will make it clear that my vote and I suspect many others at the next election depends on this one key topic.
I do hope you have something to report back to us. I was delighted to see the election victory and now wonder if there are Conservatives with spine, prepared to stand against Pravda
I now have a former BBC reporter, who sometimes covered political matters, as my M.P.
Having heard his acceptance speech on being elected my admiration for him grew by leaps and bounds as he trotted out the socialist crap that had just got his party badly defeated nationally.
He truly must have been a superman to leave the political opinions he expressed at home and not let them “colour” his reporting!
Top two stories on R2 6.00pm….1. Scottish devolution promised by Cameron not enough according to Krankie. 2. Didn’t catch the name but the corp had claimed to sniff out someone claiming to have seen many spoilt ballot papers where, apparently, many people had originally put a cross in the Labour box, only to change their mind at the last minute for a fear of an SNP coalition so voted Conservative instead (but it wasn’t really their first choice). Its desperate, pathetic and self serving. I am starting to wonder whether they think execution might happen this time, so what is there to lose.
I heard that, it was a failed lib dem that said it. Unbelievable that it was even reported. How many would he have had to examine to make the conclusion, lying bastard. Still got reported on the bbbc though, obviously without question.
It gets bloody worse folks, Labour politician working for BBC
James Purnell.
British Politician.
James Mark Dakin Purnell is the Director of Strategy and Digital at the BBC being appointed to the post in February 2013.
Born: March 2, 1970 (age 45), City of London.
Party: Labour Party.
Movies: One Mile Away.
Education: Balliol College (1991), Royal Grammar School, Guildford, University of Oxford.
I can’t watch it, I haven’t watched any bbc WWII commemoration programme since they forced a veteran of the Remagen battle to apologize for what the Nazis did to the village in the counter offensive after the paras tried to force the nazis back.
Sophie Rayworth interviewed the veteran during the 2013 Poppy day remembrance, I was shocked and so was a veteran Dutch freedom fighter who told Rayworth that there was no need for apologies, the Nazis needed to be defeated and the Dutch were grateful that the British had arrived, it’s a pity the bbc didn’t feel the same.
I sent a complaint but received the usual ‘we don’t give a toss’ reply. I thought I had seen it all with the bbc but I felt ashamed and embarrassed at seeing that brave old man in tears.
Nothing would surprise me, during the Middleton/Heywood by election last year, where the count was extremely close, an official was heard to say to a liebour representative ‘don’t worry, you were going to win no matter what’.
The alleged accusation was never proved and it was buried pretty quickly. How many modern voting methods involve pencils and boxes that can disappear anywhere anytime in transit?
The powers were that desperate to foil UKIP that I can see truth in this story.
I very strongly suspect that what happened was a microcosm of the nationwide feeling that, even if one had to hold one’s nose doing it, a vote for the Tories mean we had a chance of keeping McLabour out.
Curiously, where I voted, UKIP had no council election candidates but did have a runner in the 3.15 at Westminster, so I voted the other way – for UKIP in the GE but for the Tories in the local elections.
I really don’t want to believe that the ballot was rigged against Nigel Farage. Then again, I didn’t want to believe the security services worked against Sir James Goldsmith and then the fledgling UKIP, until Norman Tebbitt apparently confirmed it.
One thing is certain. This is a story that the BBC wouldn’t touch in a million years.
Didn’t think about it at the time but at 3am ish Sky reported that it looked as if Farage had lost, they didn’t repeat it, but it appears to have come from a Tweet from Isabel Hardman at 12.38 that ‘a good source’ had told her Farage had lost.
Yes, and that link you supplied shows Ms Hardman furiously trying to explain away her information.
Another curiosity emerged in the run-up to polling day when a prominent Labour site reported that Miliband had been given information about the results of postal votes. Which, of course, should have remained sealed until the counts began.
This latter story has been repeated since, but no one in the Press seems at all bothered by the implications.
Not sure if you watched it but Diane Abbott was on This Week with Susan Evans, the Thursday before the election I believe and very pointedly and aggressively and in no uncertain terms told Susan Evans that UKIP would NOT win in Thanet.
Daily Mail today: ‘As the results filtered through… It was as if the Corporation, in its despair over the collapse of the Left, believed the whole nation shared its anguish…. Nothing could have been further from the truth’…
‘This abrogation of its responsibility as a public broadcaster will, inevitably, have an effect on its future, as the BBC’s licence fee comes under increasing scrutiny….Undoubtedly, a new and energised Tory Government will look closely at the issue of whether this Left-leaning, management-heavy behemoth should be subsidised by a compulsory tax on TV viewers’.
Nigel Farage’s opportunity as an MP was destroyed by national politics.
He needs a by election as an opportunity. Maybe somewhere in the north yet south of Scotland?
But, I think that the 3 million ‘presence’ of UKIP voters in the country will help push the Tories away from Europe.
The SNP really needs to be dealt with in a fair yet brutal and positive way.
How about Scottish parity with Wales as regards the Barnett Formula? No need for excuses as I’m sure Sturgeon wouldn’t want Scotland to be seen as more deserving than Wales?
The SNP could not cope with true independence as Scotland would wither away financially.
In 1707 the Union was created because Scotland was financially broke and England saved them.
One other thing that I have learnt from this election is that the entire population of Scotland is less than half that of London! … The SNP (4.7 votes per MP) having suddenly got 56 MP’s now at Westminster (supporting Labour policies), whilst 3.9 million voters of Ukip get just one MP despite getting 12% of the nations entire vote and becoming the official third largest part in Britain. It hardly seems a fair representation of the true state of the nations unease with mass immigration and the BBC promotions of Labour policies.
And yet watch as the BBC continues to treat the LibDems as if they have some significance.
That will be a process begun before the LibDems achieved any success when, in the mid 1990s, the BBC suddenly started giving them unaccountable amounts of coverage. Clearly, as a party of the Left, they ticked some important boxes for the Biased Corporation.
Once they shake off the contamination of having been in bed with the Tories, no doubt they will be rehabilitated – and the Corporation will continue to ignore UKIP, however many people voted for its candidates.
Unease is the right word, yesterday morning, although disappointed with UKIPs failure to turn votes into seats I was pleased that the left had been annihilated. Yet going about my business today one is constantly reminded of the spectre of overbearing immigration and forced diversity.
I still fear that although Labour have been kicked into the long grass nothing will change, Cameron is not a real Tory.
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It goes without saying that the BBC have been brazenly pro Labour throughout the campaign. The shock that the exit poll gave the assembled BBC presenters was clear to see. There were numerous slips of the tongue during election night which showed very clearly which side they were on. Emily , Robinson and Marr being the worst offenders. I thought that Dimbo and Huw Edwards were unbiased and did a good job. Mr Vine was a clown with his silly toys.
But thought must now turn to the next 5 years. There are many weighty issues for the government to tackle, the UK constitution, EU negotiations and the referendum, economy and deficit reduction,immigration and the threat of Islam , each being massive
issues in their own right. However, dealing with the BBC should not be neglected. Currently , and for the past 30 years , the BBC has made change, which didn’t conform to their leftist view, extremely difficult to introduce. It made the government employ lots of its change management resource and political capital to get the change through. Basically if you went against the BBC view you were going to find life tough because they would whip up public opinion against you. Governments operated effectively only with the consent of the BBC.
The time has come to put an end to this unelected but very powerful institution being part of our body politic. However, I think that the BBC is beyond reform and will simply not accept being confined to an apolitical impartial role.
Although I would prefer to see its outright abolition I can see that this is politically very difficult. Therefore, other measure are needed. These should include confining the role of the BBC to radio and TV and not allowing it into new forms of content distribution. The media savey generation would then grow up with out the BBC’s left wing preaching. Its revenues should be confined to the TV license, the cost of which should be steadily reduced as its service contracts , see below. But refusal to pay the LF should be decriminalised and a very lenient attitude taken to those who refuse to pay. Perhaps only being fined after say a dozen offenses, this leniency will surely be welcomed by the liberal left.
BBC local radio should be abolished and commercial radio stations encouraged to fill the gap and a non state funded news provider encouraged, from which they took their news feed. The number of BBC TV channels should be reduced to two or three. The BBC website should be restricted to allow others to compete more effectively.
Mr Vine was a clown with his silly toys.
Indeed. Seems if technology exists you have to buy it when you have unlimited funds. How much did they spend on that; magically displaying all the possible coalitions… and studios set up today with Westminster as background and reports from Scotland. A fortune was spent to cover the complex coalition negotiations…. that never happened.
Why does the person showing off the computerised version of the swingometer feel obliged to act like Dr Magnus Pyke on drugs? There would be less arm swinging if you let a gibbon loose in the studio.
Heard a good quote from PJ O’Rourke on R4 last night. He was talking about pollsters when he said,”Predictions about yesterday released first thing tomorrow”. Now there is someone who should be on BBC election coverage. The BBC won’t allow that of course because Mr O’Rourke would tear them all a new one and be funny with it.
Get rid of the unjust and unfair, licence fee. The BBC should be a news information channel only .
Sign here….
A better way would be for a fixed £50 flat fee and then subscription.simples
Forgive me, but a flat fee of any level for their ‘service’ simply ensures unique funding no matter how good it is. Or bad.
This has not so far worked well for impartiality, accuracy or integrity.
You could start the orderly run-down at £50 one year, reducing by £10 per year until the wrecking balls are set loose.
Back in 1978 I was involved in writing a White Paper on the Post Office and BT. BT was always claiming that the taxpayer should invest in its new technologies as they would give productivity benefits. So I stuck into the draft that BT prices sh0uld be progressively reduced on an “RPI minus X%” formula. And X was set at 5%. In other words – BT prices in real terms should be reduced by 5% each year.
BT had claimed they could reduce prices – but had never before been forced to deliver. All through the coming years this RPI minus X requirement was a key driver in forcing BT to sort out its gross overmanning.
On the BBC, I would set an initial licence fee at about half the present level, requiring the BBC to drop all manner of services that the commercial sector can and do provide. This limited “public service broadcasting ” licence tax would then be reduced year by year – to put pressure on the BBC to accelerate the switchover to subscription services. By the end of say 5 to 8 years the BBC should be required to get ALL its revenue from subscriptions – if people want it they should pay for it – with maybe a £100 million a year subvention from the Exchequer to help support bedrock “public sector broadcasting”.
I would go for something similar but allow by legislation for the creation of a proper BBC Trust which would hold funds – invested appropriately – and which the BBC would have the income therefrom to fund their public broadcasting.
The Licence Fee would be set to halve over the next five years, with 10% of the total amount received being allocated to the Trust. This could be matched by a grant or loan from the taxpayer via Government. After five years the LF should be set to reduce to zero over ten years with the BBC saving 5% (or more) inot the Trust, and from which time the BBC should start repaying the initial Government grant.
Their income might go up & down, as might the value of the underlying investments, but the BBC Board would just have to trim its activities to suit and budget like anyone who faces the vagaries of economic life. If people wished to donate to and enlarge the BBC Trust voluntarily, they could do so.
Eventually, we would be free of the Licence Fee, a slimmed down and efficient BBC would still have a constant source of income so that it could broadcast advert free. Other broadcasters might feel that the playing field is rather more level then. There would be nothing to stop them taking a similar strategic approach.
Wins all round?
and of course one other source of income that would continue is the worldwide sales of BBC programmes from its huge archive.
I make the rather childish point of now, when I’m asked my nationality, of always saying English. Not British, English. You get some quite interesting reactions. Make sure you do the same. If the Scots want to get all nationalistic, I think they and the leftie media will find the English can play that card too.
Cameron has much to ponder; however for now, I am celebrating the fact that despite weeks of shameless campaigning by the BBC, they lost and they lost badly. We should all do all we can to rub their leftie snouts in it.
can some one explain the scots full fiscal autonomy to me, all i can see is they want full control over tax and spend with no mention of debt, how does it account for anything shared.
BBC analysis of how Cameron won includes such pearls as,
“For months the Conservatives, with the Tory press in lockstep, had been tearing at Ed Miliband’s character.”
“In vain did Labour try and chip away at the fear-mongering.”
“the Conservative messaging: you are risking the hard-won recovery if you vote Labour. It might have made for a thin, negative and corrosive campaign. But it worked a treat. ”
So not much bias there then.
The CECUTT blow off to this one will be a treat to hear.
Clearly the BBC is in a snit, but promoting such opinions as impartial analysis is a stretch even for them.
In vain did Labour try and chip away at the fear-mongering.
Ha ha ha. Oh dear, unintended satire – the best kind.
Giles Fraser ensures his BBC gig contract gets the Simpson ‘in perpetuity’ treatment…
I am feeling thoroughly ashamed to be English.
Speaking for the nation, as ever.
I am feeling thoroughly ashamed that Bile Fraser is English too! we don’t want him so can he £$%^&^ off to which ever socialist hell hole he wants !
For once I’m in complete agreement with the reverend.
I think we’re all thoroughly ashamed that Giles Fraser is English…
His socialist utopia exists just to the north of Hadrian’s Wall. He can travel by car, coach train or plane.
So, I’ve got some well meant and friendly advice for him.
Piss off!
I’m sure Dez or somebody will be along soon to point out all those BBC tweets that are in support of Cameron.
Over to you, boys….
Why does the BBC have no interest in the fact that in NI the % of the vote for both nationalist parties fell, while it rose for every Uniionist party and that was despite UKIP and Conservative candidates taking unionist votes.
Wasn’t demographics going to deliver a nationalist majority? Surely catholics aren’t voting for unionisism and also for traditional values? Just some of the questions the BBC NI office won’t be asking while they wait for further instructions.
“Gay marriage is ‘economic sense’ say Australian firms”
The ‘business’ story promoted on the BBC news website.
“On top of this, Australia’s failure to achieve marriage equality is a competitive disadvantage when it comes to attracting those skilled migrants and investors for whom non-discriminatory laws are important.”
Give it a rest.
I knew a gay British man who emigrated to Australia with his Canadian partner a couple of years ago. They had no problem.
“Gay marriage is what we need to be modern and outward looking” say Saudi and Irianian people in opinion poll’…bbc online.
” we need to attract the best immigrants to help us develop”
Nah made it up, did I fool anyone ?
Sounds like the bitter pill of defeat hasn’t gone down at all well over at party HQ. PR and Communications wing already warning how difficult it is going to be to govern with such a small majority, after those evil Tories ran a truly ‘brutal’ campaign, then there’s trouble up North with Jimmy Krankie, and it won’t be long before there is mayhem from the Tory right over the EU, not to mention the backlash over those Tory Cutz….must be an unbackable proposition that they’ll be getting themselves into a frenzy to whip up a Boris leadership challenge any time soon. Late night strategy meeting held in ‘shell-shocked’ anger – and that’s the best they could come up with at short notice.
It is funny to see the headless chicken response from the left. The SNP will be impotent at Westminster, in Wales each unionist party out polled Plaid, in NI every nationalist party down every unionist party up, the Conservatives with a working absolute majority, Labour looking for a new leader and shadow chancellor, stock market up, an EU referendum in 2017 and a Prime Minister who owes the BBC nothing.
They never let it go do they?
‘Gender balance of newly elected MPs
We’re beginning to get a sense of what the green benches will look like, come May 18th when the new Parliament is summoned. There will be a record 191 women sitting on them. 42 won’t be white and fewer will be privately educated. UCL have being doing this research and there’s a lot more interesting detail here from the Guardian. (WHAT A SURPRISE!)
The 56 MPs from the SNP are likely to stand out. By my count 20 are women and they include Kirsten Oswald, who only joined the party last year, and high profile Scottish business woman Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh. There’s a good break from the Scotsman here. ‘
Wonderful to behold the BBC struggling to make sense of it all.
It won’t take them long though to regroup and get their new attack lines.
I think Farage was quite pleased…he’d got what he had always wanted, an in out referendum. With nearly the entire parliament pro Europe who gets to lead the no/out of EU campaign? Nigel looks like he has played a blinder here. Summer holiday and then back to lead us out of Europe and reclaim the country before we set about reforming the BBC. And by reform it I of course mean sell off the bits that are worth anything and abolish and demolish any of the leftovers.
I agree that Farage has played a blinder, but you won’t hear that from the BBC. The expectation was for a Labour, or possibly Conservative, coalition which would have ruled out a referendum.
The BBC will campaign for the EU but will struggle as the Eurozone implodes, and Greece tanks. While Osborne agreed to help Ireland the Irish are working their way back to prosperity, and thankfully he got us off the hook for the Eurozone.
Only a craven commie-lite media would already be trying to put up statues for their “fallen”…the likes of Balls, Cable.
Nick Robinson said yesterday that nigh on a “golden generation of Labour and liberal leaders of tomorrow” were taken out and shot at dawn by the firing squad-that`s us by the way, those who dared to vote differently?
Clearly all this VE stuff has been getting to them all-that ANYONE would reckon on slurry like Davey or Laws as anything other than one golden shower(with due deference to Mark Oaten!) is weird.
The TRUE heroes of all this are Nigel, Reckless and-in particular-Esther McVey who had the vilest of abuse lobbed at her in West Wirral…these took a lot for Team England, and we need to honour them as we can and will.
There`ll be more…but God Bless and keep them until we get them back into the Commons-or chairing the BBC…well, wiring it to the mains anyway!
I`ve often said that the Lefty slurrys theme toon has been “Children of the Revolution”…(I use a rolls royce `cos its good for my voice, top hat with mirrors, all that?).
Now these Gauloise cigarillos are squished and lobbed over Bog Standard Comps dog mess fields…their new anthem is “Whatever happened to the teenage dream”?
Died on the line to Andrew Sachs in October 2008, buried with savile in 2011…so why do we still pay them for their musings?
Go to 11.40, but the rest of it is just as funny!
13:00 news BBc run with the main story “Scotland’s voice”will be heard in Westminster says Jimi Krankie err sorry Sturgeon. Obviously world news story number 1.
And obviously on any BBC outlet for as long as it takes to cause a civil war along the Coldstream again.
Scotlands voice has yet to be heard-the Cybernats have the megaphone and broken Irn Bru bottles for now…but slippery lawyers like Sturgeon are simply the privileged metropolitan elite in Morningside and Leith…not true Scots who`ve given so much to our country.
Can you imagine how Salmond and Stugeons relative status will work out?…if there`s not an internecise split to finish them all withing a few years,I`ll be surprised.
Til then-shut it Tartanazis…we`ve had a haggis full.
Any futile thoughts that the Beeb might turn down the socialist rhetoric post-election have been quickly quashed as they pump up the volume and lionisation of Sturgeon and the SNP.
A quite astonishing dissection of why Labour performed so poorly in the election on radio 4 this morning.
So much naval gazing, but like nearly all on the left, they have forgotten the old maxim that those who forget the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them.
The left has not only forgotten the past it has decided to destroy & rewrite it!
At the time of Millibands election as leader everyone said he had no chance, but instead of listening to them Labour ploughed blindly on despite the disastrous poll ratings, and ended up in the place they are now.
I’m not certain whether Labour have minimised the input of Trade Union leaders, but the desperately need to if they want to have a future.
It certainly needs to moderate the voting rights of certain Scottish union leaders who now probably owe little allegiance to Labour !
Even after the election result they were saying that Labour lost because they weren’t left wing enough!
Who will be the next Labour leader? They’ll tell you when the unions tell them !
Tell you what though thoughtful.
It`s great to be see history getting rewritten live as we speak.
I thought that the Tories had won the election, and that UKIP(and-to be fair-the Greens) were swindled…but we`ll be back to that one.
Turns out that the whole liberal agenda is more crap on the SNPs
“success”…and how on earth we can get the likes of Dianne Abbott and Ken Livingston back into vogue with the chavs and plebs who fell for Murdoch and Thatcher…er, yes…that`s gonna be it!
It`s very much like cut and paste on the Kremlin balcony, with the smell of Tippex and burning celluloid…excising, redacting, trimming-or lousy,lazy lying if you like.
Best keep your momentoes of this great event before the Capita Cops come in to seize any evidence of the Lefts rout…might well be illegal if they can fix that a la Savile.
Endless lies and tropes from the fopped-off Left.
But I was there…and a joy to witness their decommissioning.
Time now not to open a vein to pay them though…the License fee must go.
BBC back on track with R4 Any Questions. The Tory speaks and is greeted with groans from the audience, while the Labour and LibDem speak attacking the Tories and get applause.
I hope Cameron was listening.
Radio 4 Any Questions has a follow on call in programme.
1st caller – Labour supporter
2nd caller – Labour supporter
I’m switching off.
Leftie callers took up the first 22 minutes – out of 28.
Bias ? What bias ?
Particularly bizarre when we now know that the Tory/Ukip vote combined represented just over 50%. In what possible way could the audience be said to be at all “unbiased”?
The BBC’s current Charter is up for renewal in 2017. Tories have already signalled their hostility towards the Corporation, so the BBC can’t expect to get the usual deferential ‘nod-through’ for its annual £3.5bn poll tax on the British public. Sadly for the BBC – and despite their very best efforts – Ed Miliband who, naturally, had explicitly guaranteed the BBC that a Labour Government would leave them alone (it was in the 2015 Labour Manifesto) didn’t win the General Election.
Now it’s time for the Tories to settle a few scores with the left-leaning BBC. Can’t wait. Time for the BBC stare into the abyss and compete in a commercial market, just like everyone else.
On Last night’s post-election Question Time, some dimwit in the audience started (quite literally) shouting about how the Tories cosied up to Rupert Murdoch, whom she claimed was the most powerful media magnate in the country. That would be the BBC, actually. The BBC’s news services across all platforms are read, heard and seen by the highest percentage of the British public. That would be the same BBC that is publicly-funded (by demanding money with menaces). Lefties and their hatred of Murdoch ignore the biggest elephant in the room of all. I wonder why?
One can only hope that even now, somewhere in a darkened room still well out of view, the knives are being sharpened in readiness for Charter Renewal Day. The BBC has got it coming, but will Cameron have to guts to deliver the killing blow..?
Here’s hoping ..
BBC accused of ‘anti-Tory bias’ by Culture Secretary Sajid Javid who threatens review of how the Corporation is governed
BBC accused of left-wing ambush on David Cameron over hostile Radio 1 interview
Cameron won’t do anything. He needs the BBC. Firstly they are the propaganda wing of the Labour party. Cameron will use this to wind up the SNP and Scotland will never vote Labour again.
Secondly the BBC is pro-Europe and Cameron is also pro-Europe and needs plenty of EU propaganda. He has a majority and five years in power and he can redraw the boundaries.
Why should he care about a bunch of losers at the Beeb who worship a Stone?
Maybe the BBC can find a home for the real tombstone. Room 101?
Dig a large hole, put Miliband in it, and seal the hole with the stone.
Maybe Ed could store it where the sun doesn’t shine ?
Where did they dream that gimmick up from? Had someone at Labour HQ just watched 2001 A Space Odyssey on blue ray or something?
I suppose they were trying to base it on the Ten Commandments but the poor guy couldn’t think of more than six.
I’m still quietly celebrating VEd Day by tuning out of all forms of BBC broadcasting
VEd day – very good. VJ day (victory over Juncker) still to come.
I have to concede that arithmetic isn’t one of my strengths. However, bear with me.
The Scottish Nat’s got an astonishing 56 seats on a fairly small proportion of the overall vote.
UKIP, on the other hand, got over 3.5 million votes, making them the third most popular party, but only got one player at the top table.
Using these figures as a template I’ve estimated for Nigel’s party to get 56 seats they would have to get 196 million people to vote for them.
I don’t think Jimmy Krankie’s going to be campaigning for electoral reform, do you?
Jeff, on your figures it look like us Kippers will have to apply for postal votes.
BBC Parliament channel now showing a full replay of Thursday’s/Friday’s coverage.
Technical coverage really was poor – they never seemed to show the stats for the individual announcements just a lot of sensationalist leftie twaddle.
Tuned in to Toady this morning to hear the sombre tones of a female reporter. Waking from my slumbers quickly, I expected the worst – a humanitarian disaster at the very least.
My God, she’s in St Ives! Not an an earthquake? Floods and landslides, perhaps?
No, no, no – much, much worse – the evil Tories had snatched the sacred Parliamentary seat from the Lib Dems, whose birthright it so obviously is to hold the seat in perpetuity.
The funereal tone of our intrepid reporter deepened as the interviews went on ‘I’m appalled at the Tories getting in’, said a young woman from the Tate. Strangely, we never found out why.
ABSOLUTELY HORRENDOUS BBC pro-Labour bias happening on BBC 24 at the present. Commentators calling the Tories the ‘nasty party’, that Labour still had the ‘positive arguments’; they look like mourners at their own funerals. This is pure downright bias and should not be allowed. I hope this disgusting excuse for a broadcasting organisation is severely curtailed by the Conservatives.
So, WELL DONE DAVID CAMERON! Great to see the Liebour filth destroyed.
And how the hell can the Scottish Stalinists get 56 seats with 1.5 million votes whilst Ukip get 4 million and get one? Pathetic. The Western isles seat in Scotland has a population of just 26, 000 people! An affront to democracy.
Looks like the SNP are fast replacing Liebour as the BBC’s socialist idols. Grovelling coverage on their news channel.
I think they have a diminishing pool of socialists to worship, especially as Galloway got the boot. All those TUSC candidates did spectacularly well, didn’t they?
except for the socialist national party that is, waving their tartan swastikas, creating a ginger master race, whilst demonizing another race and blaming them for all their problems
they are something else
BBC documentary on the Lancaster this morning.
The voice-over introducing the programme said the following:
‘A tribute to the people who flew the Lancaster’
‘People’?? It was simply the ‘men’ who flew the Lancaster. Or were all rear gunners women?
Anyone else noticed the BBC’s VE Day logo? It comprises three women and a black man in US army uniform. Those ‘people’ again?
(Apologies for the thread hijack).
But surely there were moslems among them.
Indeed there were G.W.F. – fighting for the Germans.
Same in the week on Radio 2 news where they described a 92 year old woman as a fighter pilot.
She was of course a member of of the WAAF who’s work should of be respected and was extreamly important, but the wording used in the report implyed she fought, when in reality she flew fighter aircraft to their destinations for battle.
Al Beeb rewriting history as per usual .
She was actually in the Air Transport Auxiliary. They did a very good job ferrying aircraft from builders to MU’s ( Maintenance Units ) and then onto squadrons. Frequently flying aircraft they only had scant knowledge of, they could fly half a dozen different types in a day, with no radios.
The famous Amy Johnson was one and was the first to die in somewhat mysterious circumstances.
They all did a very good and crucial job but were not front line aircrew which I believe they freely admitted. It is only the BBCs endless need to find examples of ” diversity ” which leaves a nasty taste in the mouth
I seem to remember way back, when Mrs Thatcher first won (or was it a subsequent time?), the BBC had nailed its colours so firmly to the left mast, that no-one from the winning side would talk to it after the election, so all it could do was talk to the losers.
Likewise now, it has to occupy itself with listening to depressing drivel from the various losing sides, plus trying to drum up the SNP as ‘winners’. Well, I suppose they are in Scotland, but I didn’t notice their candidates anywhere here in Glos..
It’s all very frustrating, since the Beeb have plainly been cut out completely from any ‘interesting’ channels of info, we’re all left guessing what’s going to happen. News-gathering, my a*se.
Sky news just stated……
An investigation is to be carried out into the appalling inaccuracies of the polls and the possible bias shown by certain polling companies….YouGov and Survation must be shitting themselves.
Lets hope the BBC gets shown the same treatment…
Don’t believe a word of it!
YouGov stopped polling me for political opinions a long time ago, presumably when it worked out whom I voted for (one guess). Today it sent me an email asking me all about how I voted.
YouGov ‘members’ are usually paid a handful of points for a response. Occasionally, when the stakes are, presumably, low, they offer respondents entry into a prize draw.
Guess which treatment this ‘urgent’ poll got?
YouGov claims it is a polling organisation. It is run by a Labour supporter, whose wholly unelected wife was the EU’s ‘foreign minister’. Have a look at YouGov’s site and read the opinions of some of the self-selecting SJWs who are ‘members’.
Personally, I wonder if the real reason polling organisations exist is to influence the way people vote by setting and nudging the political mood music. And to make money, of course. There’s always that.
For goodness sakes, BBC News 24 has basically turned into a Labour Leader Contest show; the BBC are nothing other than Labour stooges. They’re a disgrace.
This is an interesting article from across the pond about the election.
But if the Euroskeptics in his party can hold him to it, and the SNP can get another referendum on Scottish independence, the consequences of the dueling referendums could be very interesting indeed: Scotland within the EU, the rest of the U.K. outside it.
As I understand it, Scotland would have to leave the EU with the rest of the UK then re-apply in its own right.
And join the Euro as a condition of admittance.
Good luck with that. We’ll set up the soup kitchens in Carlisle and Berwick.
From the BBC News web page….
An independent inquiry is to look at the accuracy of UK election polls, after they failed to predict the Conservatives’ lead over Labour.
The British Polling Council (BPC) will examine “apparent bias” and make recommendations for future polling.
It follows widespread shock on Thursday at a BBC exit poll, which showed the Tories comfortably ahead of their opponents.
I suppose it would be too much to expect the BBC to point out the inconsistency of Ban Ki Moon dipping the knee to Putin on Red Square. It would appear that not all occupied territories are alike.
A little off-topic, but does anyone know if Paul O’Grady, (formerly Lily Savage drag artist, currently dogs’ best friend), has left the country yet? He did promise to If David Cameron got back in. Only fair he keeps his promise.
Brand and O’Grady together!! What a cock sucking ouroboros that would be, an infinity of chronically unfunny leftist bile!
Sorry for the language but Brands sick making face turns me into Chubby Brown!
The Parliament Channel are re-running the election broadcast. Have it on in the background to cheer myself up.
They just showed a bit about Balls. I could not believe the crap I was hearing. They were saying what a nice bloke he is, he plays the piano, etc, etc. They then went on to say he could become a popular TV presenter, like Portillo. No prizes for guessing the channel, eh?
I have the slightly dubious honour of having Nadinne Dorries as my MP. She apparently caries out regular surgeries in my town. I plan to be top of the list for her next visit. I have one question: what are the Tory plans for radical reform of the BBC? This time they have no excuses. I will make it clear that my vote and I suspect many others at the next election depends on this one key topic.
I do hope you have something to report back to us. I was delighted to see the election victory and now wonder if there are Conservatives with spine, prepared to stand against Pravda
Give her some ammo ….
Dental surgeries?
Pull the other one .
I have the same dubious honour. Good idea.
I now have a former BBC reporter, who sometimes covered political matters, as my M.P.
Having heard his acceptance speech on being elected my admiration for him grew by leaps and bounds as he trotted out the socialist crap that had just got his party badly defeated nationally.
He truly must have been a superman to leave the political opinions he expressed at home and not let them “colour” his reporting!
Top two stories on R2 6.00pm….1. Scottish devolution promised by Cameron not enough according to Krankie. 2. Didn’t catch the name but the corp had claimed to sniff out someone claiming to have seen many spoilt ballot papers where, apparently, many people had originally put a cross in the Labour box, only to change their mind at the last minute for a fear of an SNP coalition so voted Conservative instead (but it wasn’t really their first choice). Its desperate, pathetic and self serving. I am starting to wonder whether they think execution might happen this time, so what is there to lose.
I heard that, it was a failed lib dem that said it. Unbelievable that it was even reported. How many would he have had to examine to make the conclusion, lying bastard. Still got reported on the bbbc though, obviously without question.
Main headline from the Mail Online……..worth a read
BBC must now pay the price for its blatant anti-Conservative bias, writes LEO MCKINSTRY
Read more:
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Has the BBC interviewed Len McCluskey yet ?
Didn’t he talk about setting up a new party if Labour didn’t win?
An interview with Brillo preferably.
It gets bloody worse folks, Labour politician working for BBC
James Purnell.
British Politician.
James Mark Dakin Purnell is the Director of Strategy and Digital at the BBC being appointed to the post in February 2013.
Born: March 2, 1970 (age 45), City of London.
Party: Labour Party.
Movies: One Mile Away.
Education: Balliol College (1991), Royal Grammar School, Guildford, University of Oxford.
You got f@ck all, you stupid c**t.
“I got Farage”. Have you got haemorrhoids as well, because you are a right pain in the arse.
do not worry bunny, under our glorious sharia you will be rewarded, for your war on the infidel.
Your uniform will be the niqab and we will beat you should you leave the kitchen and dare to speak
allahu akbar
We got BALLS
And I raise you a GALLOWAY.
More diverse dumbed down twaddle on bBC1 right now, full of bBC luvvies, thankfully most WW2 heroes ain’t around to see it, my Dad included.
Just waiting for Paul O’Grady to turn up dressed as Gracie Fields…
Perhaps he’ll morph from Lily Savage to Lily Marlene?
I can’t watch it, I haven’t watched any bbc WWII commemoration programme since they forced a veteran of the Remagen battle to apologize for what the Nazis did to the village in the counter offensive after the paras tried to force the nazis back.
Sophie Rayworth interviewed the veteran during the 2013 Poppy day remembrance, I was shocked and so was a veteran Dutch freedom fighter who told Rayworth that there was no need for apologies, the Nazis needed to be defeated and the Dutch were grateful that the British had arrived, it’s a pity the bbc didn’t feel the same.
I sent a complaint but received the usual ‘we don’t give a toss’ reply. I thought I had seen it all with the bbc but I felt ashamed and embarrassed at seeing that brave old man in tears.
Am looking forward to seeing how the rancid BBC report on the landslide victory of UKip on the Thanet council today, decimating the Labour party.
I had two immediate thoughts about that.
1/ is this proof that people voted Tory solely too keep McLabour out?
2/ Surely the general election votes couldn’t have been manipulated?
It does make you think, not into conspiracy theories’ but apparently postal vote boxes went missing for 6.5 hours.
Now that is very interesting, thank you.
Nothing would surprise me, during the Middleton/Heywood by election last year, where the count was extremely close, an official was heard to say to a liebour representative ‘don’t worry, you were going to win no matter what’.
The alleged accusation was never proved and it was buried pretty quickly. How many modern voting methods involve pencils and boxes that can disappear anywhere anytime in transit?
The powers were that desperate to foil UKIP that I can see truth in this story.
I very strongly suspect that what happened was a microcosm of the nationwide feeling that, even if one had to hold one’s nose doing it, a vote for the Tories mean we had a chance of keeping McLabour out.
Curiously, where I voted, UKIP had no council election candidates but did have a runner in the 3.15 at Westminster, so I voted the other way – for UKIP in the GE but for the Tories in the local elections.
I really don’t want to believe that the ballot was rigged against Nigel Farage. Then again, I didn’t want to believe the security services worked against Sir James Goldsmith and then the fledgling UKIP, until Norman Tebbitt apparently confirmed it.
One thing is certain. This is a story that the BBC wouldn’t touch in a million years.
Didn’t think about it at the time but at 3am ish Sky reported that it looked as if Farage had lost, they didn’t repeat it, but it appears to have come from a Tweet from Isabel Hardman at 12.38 that ‘a good source’ had told her Farage had lost.
Yes, and that link you supplied shows Ms Hardman furiously trying to explain away her information.
Another curiosity emerged in the run-up to polling day when a prominent Labour site reported that Miliband had been given information about the results of postal votes. Which, of course, should have remained sealed until the counts began.
This latter story has been repeated since, but no one in the Press seems at all bothered by the implications.
Not sure if you watched it but Diane Abbott was on This Week with Susan Evans, the Thursday before the election I believe and very pointedly and aggressively and in no uncertain terms told Susan Evans that UKIP would NOT win in Thanet.
Postal Votes…..
The story regarding Postal Votes originated from the OnLine magazine Labour Uncut.
alleged allegation?
Can you provide any kind of link for that because it’s the first I’ve heard of it and there’s nothing on Google.
Daily Mail today: ‘As the results filtered through… It was as if the Corporation, in its despair over the collapse of the Left, believed the whole nation shared its anguish…. Nothing could have been further from the truth’…
‘This abrogation of its responsibility as a public broadcaster will, inevitably, have an effect on its future, as the BBC’s licence fee comes under increasing scrutiny….Undoubtedly, a new and energised Tory Government will look closely at the issue of whether this Left-leaning, management-heavy behemoth should be subsidised by a compulsory tax on TV viewers’.
Nigel Farage’s opportunity as an MP was destroyed by national politics.
He needs a by election as an opportunity. Maybe somewhere in the north yet south of Scotland?
But, I think that the 3 million ‘presence’ of UKIP voters in the country will help push the Tories away from Europe.
The SNP really needs to be dealt with in a fair yet brutal and positive way.
How about Scottish parity with Wales as regards the Barnett Formula? No need for excuses as I’m sure Sturgeon wouldn’t want Scotland to be seen as more deserving than Wales?
The SNP could not cope with true independence as Scotland would wither away financially.
In 1707 the Union was created because Scotland was financially broke and England saved them.
Just a thought?
One other thing that I have learnt from this election is that the entire population of Scotland is less than half that of London! … The SNP (4.7 votes per MP) having suddenly got 56 MP’s now at Westminster (supporting Labour policies), whilst 3.9 million voters of Ukip get just one MP despite getting 12% of the nations entire vote and becoming the official third largest part in Britain. It hardly seems a fair representation of the true state of the nations unease with mass immigration and the BBC promotions of Labour policies.
And yet watch as the BBC continues to treat the LibDems as if they have some significance.
That will be a process begun before the LibDems achieved any success when, in the mid 1990s, the BBC suddenly started giving them unaccountable amounts of coverage. Clearly, as a party of the Left, they ticked some important boxes for the Biased Corporation.
Once they shake off the contamination of having been in bed with the Tories, no doubt they will be rehabilitated – and the Corporation will continue to ignore UKIP, however many people voted for its candidates.
Unease is the right word, yesterday morning, although disappointed with UKIPs failure to turn votes into seats I was pleased that the left had been annihilated. Yet going about my business today one is constantly reminded of the spectre of overbearing immigration and forced diversity.
I still fear that although Labour have been kicked into the long grass nothing will change, Cameron is not a real Tory.