The sheer hypocrisy of the BBC’s Julia Macfarlane’s Tweet about democracy….
Julia Macfarlane
@juliamacfarlane 19 hours agoTomorrow I’ll have what people protest, bleed and die for across the Middle East, Asia, Africa. A vote. I hope everyone uses theirs.
So Bush and Blair were right then to bring democracy to Iraq and Afghanistan and give the first chance to determine their own lives to the Muslims of those countries? A chance that Muslims, and not just the so-called extremists, in Britain decry and oppose violently…so much so many went to fight in Iraq, and now go to Syria to impose the sovereignty of Allah, and happily murder vast numbers of other Muslims…..and blithely supported in their ambitions by the BBC whose opposition to the wars and Western foreign policy fed directly into and bolstered the recruitment process of those who wished to exploit the Muslim communities’ own opposition.

Democracy cannot be delivered in an envelope or passed on in a hand-shake. Democracy is no more than common sense made good through the wisdom of hindsight. Invading a country in the name of democracy will not achieve democracy, only hatred.
What we see in backward Islamic thinking is what we would have seen in our own Christian beliefs about 300 years ago. It’s a shame Islam hasn’t been given the chance to make its own mistakes under its own umbrella. Muslims always have a scapegoat and someone to point to and blame.
300 try 1000
this is a religion which has gone backwards since the middle ages
300 try 2000.
If Arabs in Middle Eastern countries don’t want democracy, I don’t think it’s for us to impose it upon them. Smacks of cultural imperialism to me.
In the UK, however, we have a democratic system (well, sort of). If people from certain communities don’t like that, they can either shut up or f*ck off.
As an ill informed guess by just an observer, it seems to me that the Arabs all around the southern Mediterranean are historically nomadic. They just aren’t collegiate enough to come together as a large group or nation to work out a common society. So sadly the only way they can be ruled within large modern national boundaries is by dictatorship. They just aren’t adapted to Western Enlightenment democracy. They certainly don’t fit into our society in Europe because they don’t understand it or even want it.
More from Julia today (you’ll probably have to go through a couple of clicks to see the 2 screengrabs)
Bloody hell, looking at her twitting, total shill for labour, sharing their pain and their belief in it will give them space to rebuild once the plebs have been ” re educated ” . Seems to like Owen jones and his ideas……Appalling woman, needs sacking yesterday. All these paid up members of the Labour Party need sacking.
For the next election. local, or EU
Secret Conservative activists dressed in burqas, or bearded depending, should post the above flyer all over culturally enriched areas of Britain.
I’m certain that the Conservatives will have an even larger majority. It would also blunt the weapon that Labour imported to destroy the cultural fabric of the UK.