The BBC has spent a good deal of time either downplaying or ignoring the Muslim Trojan Horse scandal in Birmingham schools, often resorting to saying that the claims of a Muslim takeover were merely the deluded ramblings of racists, Islamophobes and the paranoid…..before suggesting that if that is what Muslim parents wanted then perhaps that is what they should have in the interests of that old dangerous standby ‘community cohesion’.
How different is the BBC approach to similar religious fundamentalism in Georgian schools…
The church’s conservative message is increasingly at odds with the country’s liberal, pro-Western direction, which paradoxically most Georgians also support.
Schools have become an ideological battleground.
Children under pressure
In 2012 Saakashvili’s government lost the election to the more traditionalist “Georgian Dream” coalition, which was enthusiastically backed by the church and grassroots Orthodox groups.
Since then, “collective prayers, preaching and indoctrination in public schools have been on the rise,” says Eka Chitanava from Georgia’s Tolerance and Diversity Institute, which recently conducted a survey of 33 religious minorities. All said their children are facing pressure at school, especially Muslims and Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Ah….especially Muslims under pressure…..that explains the BBC’s concern.
Doesn’t this all sound familiar?…just replace Georgian Orthodox with Muslim, and Russia with Saudia Arabia….
The Georgian Orthodox Church denies being an instrument of Russia, saying the links are historical.
But it cites modern religious Russian literature in its teachings, and Father Iotame told me visiting Russian priests started organising annual religious “boot camps” in Georgia three years ago – where he learned about “paedophile parties taking over Europe”. He wants to save the young from “a wave of filth” from the West.
In weekly sermons, hundreds of priests are delivering the same message: Georgia’s Western aspirations are no longer compatible with its ancient Orthodox faith. And they are telling Georgia’s young people they have to make a choice.
All so familiar and yet the BBC has a completely different reaction to the same religious extremism in British schools.
i am afraid, because of the shear criminal mass immigration policy of tony blairs labour goverment in 1997, we have large a section of are community who are still rooted in the 7th century mindset of islamic hatred of non muslims and infidels.whether it be trojan horse,child grooming or islamic extremism, this community will always close ranks and be in denial and shout racism or islamphobia at anybody who exposes these practises and evils that is deep rooted within this community,what can we do about it,not alot when we have a cowardice media and politicians who tip toe around on politcaly correct eggshells when dealing with the muslim community.
Even if the media, the BBC in particular, did not tip toe around the problem, we still have the problem that Labour has bequeathed the country forever.
This will not end well. I see a Bosnia, or England becoming an Islamic caliphate.
The BBC hate Orthodox because it survived Communism.
Ah….especially Muslims under pressure…..that explains the BBC’s concern.
Muslims put under pressure! Thats intolerable. Just because Christians are routinely beheaded in Muslim countries, is no reason why Muslim necks must be under pressure of a knife.
Russian priests started organising annual religious “boot camps” in Georgia three years ago – where he learned about “paedophile parties taking over Europe”. He wants to save the young from “a wave of filth” from the West.
Quite right too. The filth that Labour brought into the country has been raping young girls by the tens of thousands, with all political authorities turning a blind eye. The BBC colluding in the same.
No self-respecting nation can ever allow immigrants lucky to be in an advanced country, the priviledge of raping young Infidel girls by the tens of thousands.
So good luck to the Orthodox church attempting to stop the “filth from the West”.
I may be wrong but to my mind Russia seems to be more of what should be our natural ally than the EU or even the US in it’s current form. Alas TPTB don’t see it that way and if we are not careful might just get us into conflict with Russia. It seem that Christian values are a dirty word here whereas Russia has no problem with standing up for them.
Russia got a full dose of Marxism, and is now immune to the disease.
I found this to be the case in East Euroopean countries, China, & Vietnam. In fact, you are likely to be given a lecture on the evil of socialism in any of the above countries.
Incitement of hatred of Jews taught to British school children is completely ignored not just by the BBC but by the education department , police and all other bodies that supposedly are concerned with a multi cultural society getting along together without hatred stirred up against one group. A student teacher witnessed and reported how a religious Christian lecturer of over 300 children a year studying religious Studies A level students gives an anti Semitic inversion of the holocaust theme to them as if it was a fact – a slide was put up with the statement that Jews in Israel were behaving towards the Palestinians as the Nazi’s behaved towards the Jews in Germany.
For full account see
disgraceful absolutely f@@@ing disgraceful,…and this evil still goes on.
I heard this report on the World Service. I do not like mixing schooling and religious indoctrination (of whatever type), but I thought the Beeb was rather over egging the pudding – will they do a similar report about Saudi or Pakistan?
The Orthodox Church in Georgia is the establishment religion in the same way as the C of E is in England, so its quite natural that they would give it preference over other religions.
As to the Orthodox Church opposing the cult of Jehovah’s Witnesses that seems perfectly sensible!