DB on this site (h/t Craig at Is the BBC Biased?) noticed that the BBC’s Hugh Sykes was in a frenzy of sefl-righteousness about the Times using the word ‘earthquake’ as Craig reveals…
I hope the @thetimes will apologise to the relatives of the recently dead in #Nepal for describing the #UK #election2015 as an earthquake.
— HughSykes (@HughSykes) May 9, 2015
I hope the BBC will apologise for a similar use just one day ago…….
UK ‘political earthquake’ rocks EU
The words “political earthquake” have been translated into numerous European languages today, making front page news across the continent.
The mood is possibly best summed up in the Le Monde headline: Triumph for Cameron. Concern for Europe.
Of course the Times is from the Murdoch stable and no doubt the ever more dumb Sykes is not on a sanctimonious moral crusade but a political and ideological one.
Looking at Sykes’ Twitter feed he has this gem…which could indicate something…wishful thinking possibly….and ironically from the Times…..
HughSykes retweeted Peter Brookes
Idea for an
@Labour billboard. But they didn’t.HughSykes added,
Looks like the law of hilariously ironic consequences kicked in pretty quickly for Mr. Sykes.
Dark looks round the water cooler Monday from colleagues well and truly dropped in it.
Maybe a wee email from Hugs winging his way?
It didn’t take long at all for the Leftard “Progressives” to organise a “hate” demonstration in London (which inevitably turned violent) against the majority’s democratic wishes. You have to love these “liberals”. Of course, the McBBC has taken delight in covering, along with constantly pushing the “backbench dissent” line. No honeymoon for this government then.
Luckily we can all go back to our lives Lakesman.
Let the liberal elite suck the bones and harry all they like-ting a ling a loo, nobody on Planet Real gives a damn.
Lord Haw haw needs his life support switched off though-and good blokes like Sajiv Javid know this.
No more license fees to the traitors at the BBC.
I hope then, that the BBC will say sorry for allowing Ken Livingston to say that Thursday night was a “tragedy”…for the Labour Party.
And also bring Lord fat Prescotti in to say sorry for telling us all that the “tectonic plates had shifted” when Brown and Blair were up on Broken Back Mountain in 2005.
Similarly offensive eh Syko?…and don`t tell me that he wasn`t reading it all phonetically for the fat fick fucker wouldn`t have know what a tectonic plate was.
Unless it had a load of state-paid rice and sour/sour sauce on it from Charlie Chows in Hull…freebies to the fat fick Prescott clan since 1994.
Love SykoKilla!
as usual the Kommissars have started to agitate with direct action when the silent moral “majority” have spoken. They have no mandate to say anything they cant even spin it with a votes cast or pr approach.
Am I understanding Mr Sykes correctly, is he saying that the commies decide what words we use and that earthquake is on the forbidden list? Do these sick people have seminars amongst themselves; possibly like 28gate,remember that; to plan this wicked nonsense?
I could really murder a pint, Mr Sykes.
Am I allowed to say that?
Perhaps Hugh needs a period of ‘reeducation ‘? Maybe he ought to go back to his first job in front of the great unwashed………..bbc West’s late night continuity announcer.
Sorry I don’t have a photo but his slanted pudding basin haircut was even back in the 70s a little odd.