The BBC’s very own turbulent trendy priest, Giles Fraser, was a happy boy on Thursday morning. He’d been following the BBC and was excited to know that come Friday the nice Mr Miliband would be padding his way to the Palace to be annointed Prime Minister…Hollyrood Palace presumably.
Fraser was sorely tested come Friday morning and the unpalatable truth dawned….the British Public weren’t fools….Fraser is disgusted by the voter’s shameless greed…..
‘Right now I feel ashamed to be English. Ashamed to belong to a country that has clearly identified itself as insular, self-absorbed and apparently caring so little for the most vulnerable people among us. Why did a million people visiting food banks make such a minimal difference? Did we just vote for our own narrow concerns and sod the rest? Maybe that’s why the pollsters got it so badly wrong: we are not so much a nation of shy voters as of ashamed voters, people who want to present to the nice polling man as socially inclusive, but who, in the privacy of the booth, tick the box of our own self-interest.’
But it is not just the shameful self-interest of the great unwashed that Fraser denounces from his fiery pulpit, he knows who is to blame for the temptations put in the way of wavering, morally uncertain people….
‘We try and control the gods of Rothermere and Murdoch with our electoral intercessions. But maybe they are just too powerful, too remote.’
The Satanic forces of darkness…the Mail and Murdoch.
Bizarrely Fraser goes on to argue that elections are empty and worthless in reality and change nothing….so why is he so disappointed that Labour didn’t get in?
I was also amused to see this from Fraser….which pretty much sums up the problems with the Church…
The idea is that people tend to join churches not because of any specific belief but as a marker of belonging. And the rituals of the church are more an expression of this belonging then they are an ideological statement of faith.
Many ‘Priests’ like Fraser of course don’t themselves subscribe to Christian values, often not even believing in God…using the Church as a vehicle for their own left wing politics, sanctifying them with the implied question ‘What would Jesus do?’
Strangely the Guardian has a similar problem with the Mail and Murdoch as Fraser….’Yes, rightwing newspaper coverage did cause Ed Miliband’s downfall’
Well you could, I suppose, argue that Miliband and his policies were the cause of his downfall….and never mind the BBC claims that it was the BBC that put Cameron back in the driving seat.
The Guardian, as always has its own agenda…here is the rather sinister final paragraph from that article….
‘The press’s role in the 2015 election requires more investigation. As so often, the coverage over six weeks tells us little more than we could have anticipated before the campaign began. Agenda-setting over a longer period is far more important’
The Press, unlike the BBC, is not required to be impartial and indeed such an ability to take sides is part and parcel of this country’s prized liberty of free speech.
It looks like the Guardian is once again on the warpath against parts of the Press, the Right Wing, that don’t have the same values as the Guardian….funny how it is okay for the Guardian to be profoundly biased in its own reporting, and it was virulently anti-Tory, but for the Right Wing Press to be similarly disposed is morally criminal.
No doubt the Guardian will be teaming up wth the BBC and Labour once again, as it did with Leveson, to try and curtail the freedom’s of the Press and force them to deliver a pro-Labour message…sinister or what?
The Guardian and the BBC…..defenders of tolerance, liberalism, free speech and free thought?
Think again…if you’re allowed to.
One of Giles Fraser’s tweets can be seen at . He suggests that Saint Paul is wrong. This sounds pretty heretical to me.
“A million people visiting food banks” Really?
Or does he mean there were a million visits to food banks?
Not the same thing at all.
This food bank / poverty meme confuses me. Nobody in Britain – nobody sane – needs to be hungry. No one ever explains why people go to ‘food banks’. My suggestions:
Their ‘benefit’ has been sanctioned
They are not entitled to income – ileagal immigrants spring to mind
They are incompetent and cannot manage the income that they do have.
Incompetent administration has delayed their free money being handed to them.
The last is the only genuine cause of any ‘hunger’ AS for the Rev Giles he can bugger off, I am not selfish – but I have to work from Jan 1 to the 28th of may for a notional 40 hour week
To pay for the housing, clothing, feeding, education, health, entertainment, criminal convictions, marital strife……etc … of the millions of non working / non legal people in the country.
How much more does Giles want from me?
Blindingly obvious biological fact, parasites need to be careful, if they suck too much blood from the host it will die. If Giles wants to feed the five million then he should dip into his own pocket and the pockets of his fellow travellers and wind in his . As for me I provide a very very generous tax free income to the ‘poor’. For me to be able to have a pension of 26K (the benefits ‘ceiling’) for a 40 year non working career I would need a pension fund of 750,000. 750,000 per family. Is that mean spirited Giles?
If Giles is ashamed of being Engish I suggest he shifts his denomination to Church of Scotland and moves north of the Border. Buy a Tam-o-Shanter, and get ready for extreme Anglophobia; Lang may yer lum reek.
“Nobody in Britain – nobody sane – needs to be hungry.”
Obviously you must either work in the public sector or other very safe protected occupation.
How do you buy and cook food if you haven’t got any money?
You talk about people having their benefits sanctioned as if it’s a reasonable thing for the Job Centre to do. You are clearly a clueless muppet ! (and I don’t normally do insults) !
Tell me how you would work your way around this real life sanction situation.
The Job centre sends you on a week long course which you MUST attend.
At the same time it wants you at the job centre to attend an interview.
Failing to attend either will gain you a suspension.
Despite the person this happened to informing the job centre that it was impossible and that the two dates clashed, they were suspended, although reinstated weeks later.
During this time they had no money to live on, and if it wasn’t for the food banks would have starved.
Tell me what this person did wrong to deserve this? How would you have done it differently ?
Nearly a quarter of claimants have been sanctioned by the evil Tories in one year ! That’s nearly a million claimants !
Yes there are a number of workshy people who need a kick up the arse, but this is attacking genuine people in need of help, not starving to death!
On the flip side of this, if it wasn’t for all the do gooders running the food banks then the Tories wouldn’t be able to indulge in all this wanton cruelty. Once a few starving people descended onto the Supermarkets, feeding themselves for free then those Directors contributing fund to the Tory party would soon have it stopped !
yep, it is simply pointless wanton cruelty isn’t it. The Tories have set a policy simply to torture people, after all, just think how many votes are in pointless cruelty.
No, they have set a policy to avoid criticism over the levels of unemployment and the amount of money they give to the unemployed !
They have lied about new jobs being created by manipulation of the statistics. There are fewer people unemployed (because they sanctioned them) so therefore there are more people in work.
The cruelty comes in the human cost of this policy.
job centre plus really are w@@nkers ive seen it
30mins late sanction
turn up in summer without footwear, thrown out sanction
gone to interview when you should be there sanction
use your own mobile to call employer, told to stop call, thrown-out sanction
cant speak english, no problem how can we help you, fetch the interpreter.
The real scroungers dont go to the job centre, their the percentage of lifestylers and their mostly on disability, just walk round the centre of northern ahem ex-mill towns and count the walking sticks.
The one’s on £75 jsa really dont even scratch the surface of the money mountain
get off your arse and get a job
there is it that difficult?
really, don’t bother coming back at me. i’ve been unemployed, but i’ve also made sure i’m trained and qualified and i’ve posted leaflets and had jsa docked because i tried to be responsible. you are not my responsibility. you are your responsibility.
In principle what you say is true. But the job centres have turned draconian. Whether you have worked for 40 years or not at all you receive same JSA and treated like scum to be herded into trying courses so that workfare companies can make money. You get sanctioned essentially if you are single males. The job centres of the 1950s and 1960s were humane and effective. This is all cosmetic. They are trying to get people off the books by making them self employed. Still no work but money is the same. Add to that a massive overhang of labour with immigration face people with low skills and middling skills struggling. I know of a chap who does basic building work. He charges £60 a day but he keeps getting undercut by Polish workers in the area. The sanctioning I have seen is done with a certain glee and when appealed – at a court no less – the job centre almost always loses because of the wongness of their judgement. Job centres are a racket which few seem to be aware of bar those on the receiving end. It’s good that you have the ability to sort yourself out but the welfare state has created this problem. Kafka would be challenged by the fact that these job centre and the parasitical making money out of the unemployed, are the only beneficiaries of this system.
Very well put, but you’re casting pearls before swine. You lose them after ‘In principle…’, because high-minded theory is all that interests them. They are the Tory equivalents of Owen Jones and Polly Toynbee; completely out of touch with reality. It’s ironic that they promote the system of bosses exploiting the workers by setting them against each other that is such a clichéd argument from the left. Such selfish greed will not end well. Priti Patel is trumpeting the creation of more jobs as I type; the bosses and the Somalis waiting in Libya will be pleased.
Thoughtful I know where you are coming from and understand that people can fall into this “hopeless” trap. I have seen it with my own children.
Much of it relates to poor education and proper financial planning. Every person should plan for the day when they have no income. They should have savings to carry them for at least 6 weeks. I have savings that would carry me for 6 months should the worst happen.
As I said I have seen it with all my children but it only happens once. They get their pay and work out that they must spend it all on anything but it MUST be spent before the next pay day. Then the unexpected happens and they have nothing to live on. First port of call is Bank of Mum & Dad. At which point a serious Bank Managers discussion happens; planning for the future etc etc. The final point being that I have provided a safety net for myself and now you want to use my net. Well its going to cost you the same as going to the Bank. Next time it happens I may not be so accommodating.
Much of it relates to poor education and proper financial planning.
Some of it relates to unexpected bad health. Funny enough, the arch Tories are just as keen as the lefties to reduce life to simple slogans. ‘All sickness is malingering’ is the favourite. But people get nasty things, like cancer.
Thoughtful’s phrase ‘wanton cruelty’ is appropriate. People are just things to be processed. It doesn’t matter if bureaucracy leaves you without money for a fortnight, as long as it is repaid later? Or if you’ve got two types of cancer, one terminal, and you’re sent for a DLA assessment and put off. Don’t be telling me it doesn’t happen; when I look at my kitchen window I see a victim about twelve feet away. Does the fact that fifty per cent win appeals make it OK? Not in my book, given the soul-destroying hassle really ill people have to endure dealing with dead-eyed civil servants. When I hear stories of hardship, why would I not believe them?
Some people in any society are weak. It is surely a core task of the society to find appropriate roles for those people. But employers now don’t need to help any unfortunates; there are plenty of young, cheap immigrants to replace them. Don’t be too cocky if you’re fit and healthy today; the day will come when you’re less fit – and dog-eat-dog will be far less appealing.
How about arranging the interview time so it doesn’t clash with the working time? Or getting a written permission from the employer to attend the interview? Either one of these is surely not beyond the wit of the average welfare recipient?
There were a million food bank vouchers handed out and the average voucher spend per person was 2, so it’s more like 400,000 people – but even that is the figure given by the Trussell Trust themselves who I have no doubt over-egged the numbers.
“There were a million food bank vouchers handed out and the average voucher spend per person was 2, so it’s more like 400,000 people ”
Not sure where you went to school, but half of a million is 500 000 !
Is this figure just for the Trussell trust, or for all food banks?
I wonder how many Halal food packs the trust gives out. Not very many I suspect, because Muslims probably aren’t being sanctioned.
“Nearly a quarter of claimants have been sanctioned by the evil Tories in one year ! That’s nearly a million claimants !”
Can you provide a link from a reputable source to support those figures.
You would seem to imply 4m people of working age are on the DWPs books, as the latest figure I can find is of about 40m of working age, so 1 in 10 are sanctionable DWP clients?
Only unemployed are sanctioned (AFAIAA) so the 40 million figure is not relevant.
Benefit sanctions hit over 900,000 claiming jobseeker’s allowance
Remember that some people are sanctioned more than once, but that this is not recorded in the figures.
There are currently 1.86 million unemployed people in the UK (if you believe government figures are accurate).
Note how the graph starts to fall from 2013, just in time for the election, and coincidentally just at the point when sanctions begin to rise.
It doesn’t matter who the government is, they all get up to dirty tricks, especially where unemployment statistics are concerned. Trying to suggest it’s reasonable because you support the Tories won’t wash. It’s not reasonable, it’s cruel and unacceptable in a civilised society.
I’ve just been told a story of a man who was made redundant and not given any money for 7 weeks because the numb nuts at the job centre didn’t understand the new universal credit.
When he first got to the food bank, he hadn’t eaten for 3 weeks, just survived by drinking tap water. He had been found in a state of collapse and had to be admitted to hospital.
The animals at the job centre told him that if he wanted to sort his claim out he would have to visit another office 26 miles away. He attempted to walk the 52 mile round trip when he collapsed again and was hospitalised.
Is this the country you want to live in? Where multi millionaires pay no inheritance tax, and the poor starve?
It’s not the country I want to live in !
I pay tax as the price for civilisation, not so that the super rich can be safe and pay as little as they can get away with while keeping their privileged positions for generations to come.
get off your arse and get a job
there is it that difficult?
really, don’t bother coming back at me. i’ve been unemployed, but i’ve also made sure i’m trained and qualified and i’ve posted leaflets and had jsa docked because i tried to be responsible. you are not my responsibility. you are your responsibility.
Is this the country you want to live in? Where multi millionaires pay no inheritance tax, and the poor starve?
Would that be through tax avoidance or tax evasion?
I pay tax as the price for civilisation, not so that the super rich can be safe and pay as little as they can get away with while keeping their privileged positions for generations to come.
The top 1% of earners contribute nearly 30% of tax revenues.
Or are you talking about a wealth tax on the super rich? How would it work and how much would it raise?
Your argument is too simplistic to stand up without some sound figures.
And here’s an example of the benefits system which you think doesn’t need reform:
CONVICTED hate preacher Abu Hamza’s family will continue to live in their taxpayer-funded £1.25million house – and receive £650 a week in state benefits
“Not sure where you went to school, but half of a million is 500 000 !”
An average of 2 vouchers spent does not necessarily make 500,000 spenders from 1 million vouchers. There is no limit on how many vouchers one person can receive (although there is a weekly limit) and it was revealed that most people only use 1 voucher. With that in mind, there are obviously people out there using many more than just the weekly limit of 3 vouchers.
When decimal places are taken into account, the number is rounded UP to 2 therefore the actual number of people using food banks is less than 500,000.
You need to do some homework yourself.
They all of them these concerned clerics like Fraser do Christianity and by necessity us the voters much disservice let alone much insult.
AS for his shame at being English. At least he used the E word even if to insult .However our shame at affording him a platform for his pathetic ramblings is more to the point.
Thanks…this made me laugh out loud…
‘So, there you have it. One Church is “mad as hell”, and a vicar is as mad as a box of frogs.’
Why is he so worried ? If we’ve done something wrong in not voting for Labour or LibDims God will punish us in the afterlife .
None of his business.
I’m actually really enjoying all this lefty angst. I had to stop listening to the BBC during the election campaign but now I’m laughing with schadenfreude every time. Every time they speak they demonstrate their contempt for the regular normal type people who voted the right way.
Perhaps Giles Fraser will decide to convert to Islam and emigrate to the Caliphate in order to become part of a truly progressive, caring society!
Me too – whilst the Beeb is doing the navel gazing for Labour and how things went wrong, I am actually quite enjoying the News on Radio 4 and BBC1. However I know it won’t last long and they will soon be in ‘Tory attack’ mode again soon.
Yes, it would be nice if we could have an election every month or so just so we could enjoy the sound of the leftists in permanent agony.
I wonder how many people actually turn up on a Sunday to listen to Mr Fraser’s rantings; and are they all what might be termed Christian in Name Only?
Frazer is the BBC’s go-to Guardianista, pro-Palestinian terrorist supporting antisemite.
Nothing new here.
‘And the rituals of the church are more an expression of this belonging then they are an ideological statement of faith.’
He could have followed it with
‘For a genuine ideological statement of faith try Islam’, since the Christian Church is hovering between Islam as a faith and socialism as its practical application, according to the gospel of St Alex Callinicos of SWP.
“…The Press, unlike the BBC, is not required to be impartial and indeed such an ability to take sides is part and parcel of this country’s prized liberty of free speech.”
Well said – it’s a truth that is always conveniently forgotten by liberal Marxists. Somehow the BBC – the nation’s biggest, most powerful broadcaster – always gets a free pass from these liberal fascists. You know; ‘cos it’s impartial, innit?
Creeps like Fraser disgust me. Truly, the enemy within.
When the revolution comes the BBC will remain the state broadcaster, with The Guardian and the Mirror the only other officially sanctioned media outlets. I understand the Independent will be allowed to continue to demonstrate to the world that press freedom is alive and well in the British Democratic Republic. All other media outlets will be liquefied.
Press freedom would be the first casualty in their ‘Liberal Marxist’ fantasy world.
A newspaper industry consisting only of The Guardian, The Mirror, and The Independent, is the Left’s idea of diversity.
Fortunately (no thanks to the BBC) we still have a free press i.e. you can go into a shop or online and decide yourself what you want to buy. I cannot recall being given a choice if I want to pay for the pro-Labour Party BBC.
Don’t kid yourself, they are, in their madness post election, blaming their defeat on the ‘right wing press’, because it said a few nasty words about them !
The fact that most people do not get their news & opinions from the press does not seem to have inconvenienced their thinking !
They were promising a full implementation of Levinson and new laws to ban the press from opposing them.
This is now! not when the revolution comes !
It is sometimes said that scratch a Leftist and underneath you find a totalitarian. You do not even have to scratch.
The problem with the church – just as it is with socialists – is that they want to monopolise morality because they do not believe normal ‘everyday people’ have it in their hearts to be compassionate or capable of making morally positive decisions. The church believes only God can decide on the moral good, and, on the other side of the fence, socialists believe only the state can provide a caring society.
Both are wrong. Only we, the people, can make a positive change to our society. When you remove the responsibility from individuals to the state, individuals will no longer behave in a responsible manner. This is something those on the left CONSTANTLY fail to recognise.
Increasing welfare reduces personal responsibility. FACT!
Are you trying to tell us “there is no such thing as society” apart from the collective action of us individuals.
For goodness sake with clear thinking like that you could upset an awful lot of people who fail to read after MT used the words in parentheses.
I think the Barnett formula demonstrates your final sentence, but for all our protestations we are all pleased to think that there is a safety net there to catch us if we fall.
The arguments really being about the level of the net and how much effort people caught by the net should be required to make to help themselves.
“Are you trying to tell us “there is no such thing as society” apart from the collective action of us individuals.”
That is exactly what I am saying. The government does not exist to run our lives – the government is there to HELP us to run our lives and look after others. The government is there to give us the tools to do good within our circle of family and friends, and to help those around us, whether it is the old woman down the street or the family next door who are struggling with money.
But if we have this misguided assumption that they are being looked after by the state, we are less inclined to go and help.
Simples. Can anyone refute that?
Can anyone refute that?
Say someone on minimum wage – who hasn’t put past a lot of money – gets terminal lung cancer. Do we just let him starve? Throw him on to the streets?
Who, apart from hysterics like Fraser and certain Left wing hacks, is suggesting we would?
If you think socialism is essentially ‘caring’, try convincing people living in Staffordshire.
Read my post again. Did I say that?
What has The “Reverend” Giles Fraser got to do with Almighty God or Christianity – he is a priest in name only who works for the BBC
The mainstream churches really do make you laugh with their proselytising and preaching holier-than-thou crap.
The Catholic Church has to be one of the richest organisations in the world with its properties and treasures, let alone its own “bank of dodgy dealings” and I suspect the CofE would rank right up there with them yet they continue to preach as if they are still the arbiters of all things that are moral and right.
To quote the Good Book – Matthew 19:21
21 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” Yet I don’t really see any of the mainstream churches following this basic tenet. In fact, the Cof E loves to be the ultimate hypocrite because it gets away with it
In the 20th Century Western Society really discovered capitalism and they realised they could buy all the fruits of heaven down here on earth and that’s when the churches started losing their flocks. It’s interesting to see that the recent boost in church attendances have been from Eastern European former communist states, African and South American immigrants – all who are trying to attain that level of “heaven on earth” that Western Society attained decades ago.
So, what have the main churches got left? They are really an extension of the liberal, lefty elite who, with their millions, can afford to dance to the Socialist tune. After all, they don’t want us proles to get wise to the irony of their position; but we don’t do good revolutions like the French, do we?
Somehow, last week the proles got wise to their carp and self-important tweets, and bilious lefty followers like the wee Owen and Brandy Wandy.
Religion, to most enlightened proles, is just a centuries-old anachronism and, without our slavish devotion, it will wither and die. Perhaps that’s why the McBBC is in thrall to Islam as it keeps its followers firmly embedded in the Middle Ages.
Iman al Fraser has a certain ring to it.
You forgot to mention Indian immigrants importing American sugar-coated Christianity that is designed to propagate through ‘social networking’ in a similar way that Amway (remember them?) propagated itself through ‘network marketing’, or more precisely – pyramid scheme!
This guy isn’t a Christian, he’s the type of priest that gives Christianity a bad name.
He’s a typical left wing person who finds the CoE a convenient vehicle. He picks and chooses which bits of the CoE he likes. So the CoE is against “same sex” marriage; he’s for it enthusiastically. He is rabidly pro- Palestinian; which means anti-Israel. He cannot see an immigrant without attributing them with the finest qualities. He finds druggies mildly irritating but is also able to find amusement. He thinks that the government should dedicate the economy to the benefit of the poor which demonstrates his economic illiteracy. He thinks himself smart and all-wise because he is a man untroubled by doubt. But he does enjoy fine wine and dining; I don’t know how he in good conscience can swallow those expensive luxuries given the existence of the poor that cause him such anxiety. Of course his children get onto the best university courses because they are so “brilliant” not because of the privelage he has bequeathed them. You do wonder whether he feels guilty that they are harming social mobility by taking best positions in society but, of course, he doesn’t. He enjoys his income from the BBC and Guardian and feels that it is fully deserved. I expect he gets the best tax advice. But we can all understand his politics – he wants our money diverted to his chosen types of people because their condition is our fault. “Our money” is a concept too far for him except for himself. He is without fault. What’s that about motes and eyes.
He’s about as much use as a Christian as the Rev Al Sharpton is to promoting harmonious race relations in the US.
‘Vulnerable’ is one of those leftard buzz words rather like ‘inclusive, diverse, tolerant, unacceptable, racist, racism, homophobic, sexist, climate change denier.. words that are twisted and shaped to be a catch all weapon of fire and brimstone for all those deemed to fall within it’s clutches.
I certainly feel for the vulnerable…the old men and women that can’t show a Christmas tree in their window without fear of being attacked by Muslims. I feel for the young white girls raped by Muslim gangs. I feel for those put in prison ( mainly women ) for not paying the BBC poll fee. I feel for those that cannot get work due to an over supply of cheap foreign labour. There are all sorts of ‘vulnerable people I feel for.
The truth though is that these aren’t the vulnerable the Labour party and BBC care for. The people they term vulnerable are the very client state people Labour deliberately created to vote for them for perpetuity, the single parent households, the people who feel entitled to others money for sitting on their backsides etc.
A vote for Labour and their stooges therefore creates a real and worrying class of ‘vulnerable’ people.
I voted UKIP and am no supporter of the tory party, but I do think that the tories will diminish the amount of ‘vulnerable’ people that labour purport to support ( indeed they do financially…well the rest of us do ) by simply cutting benefits and getting people back into work.
The work ethic is important for self pride something Labour try to take away for state dependence.
Strangely never being a fan of Thatcher as I was a young socialist then she certainly promoted self help and self pride and I believe that we have so many successful businesses in Britain today because of her beliefs. The amount of small firms that started in the eighties is testament to this.
Why on earth does the Red Vicar think people should not vote in their own self interest? He clearly believes in state socialism, and therefore votes in his self interest, so why can’t I vote in mine? Typical sanctimonious left wing hypocrite, employed by the BBC, but then I repeat myself.
If we had an impartial state funded broadcaster we would have a right wing reply to the leftist priest. But I don’t expect that we will ever hear from the right on the BBC.
As to the Guardian it is a thoroughly crazy publication but, apart from the BBc buying 50% of its circulation, we don’t have to pay for it.
Poor old Giles just doesn’t get it. He doesn’t get democracy and he doesn’t get that the welfare state has to be paid for with a strong economy.
He gets them alright, he just doesn’t want them. What he wants is a population of serfs being told what to do by the Church. Anybody seeking to do better for themselves is a threat to the feudal order.
Not the Church, Commissars more like.
Who will rid us of this meddlesome priest?
Oafish Christians who are NOT Friends of Israel are now taking a tonking.
No churches, no purpose-and only the BBC and its God Ariel provide a pew for these third rate creeping weevils.
And until they check their bibles about Israels existential threats through history-and Gods clear care for them-these oafs are IS Open Throated dangermice.
Back Israel-as went Netenyahu, so now goes Cameron…
And the BBC’s right wing equivalent of Giles Fraser, in the interests of balance and impartiality, is…..