First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
When an atheist critic of religious fundamentalism was hacked to death in Bangladesh you may have thought that the killers were the ‘masked men’ with machetes who were the guilty party…not so….the BBC can reveal that he died because Sweden refused him a visa to visit there in April.
Visa application from Ananta Bijoy Das came on April 15 and was denied on April 22 according to Swedish Migration Agency
So nothing to do with the Religion of Peace….and indeed on 5Live there was in fact no discussion of the issues that caused his death….he’d still be alive if Sweden had let him visit…it’s the Swede’s fault he’s dead.
Of course the same BBC were delighted when Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller and Geert Wilders were refused entry to Britain on trumped up charges… can criticising religious extremism be considered dangerous and against the interests of this country?
I can’t possibly imagine the BBC’s headlines should any of them end up being similarly assaulted by a Muslim fanatic.
But let’s ask why the Swede’s might have refused an atheist blogger who upsets Msulim sensibilities a visa….could it possibly be due to the large number of Muslims in Sweden and the very pro-Muslim attitude of the Swedish government that turns its back on large scale anti-Semitism by Muslims in their country? Could it be that rather than defend free speech, liberalism and a civilised world the Swedes would rather side with the fanatics for a quiet life…at least for now?
Incredible really that Europe, the birthplace of the Liberal, democratic ethic which gives people around the world a better life, should surrender those values and its culture so easily.
What hope is there for people who seek sanctuary and a safe place where they can think and speak freely when one of the few remaining places in the world to supposedly uphold those values and protect those who wish to live by them capitulates to aggressive, religiously inspired activists who exploit those rights in order to destroy the societies that are shaped by them and should defend them to the last?
Where will people who seek protection from those religious fanatics be able to go if the fanatics hold sway in the places where refuge is sought? The world is getting smaller for people who love freedom, democracy and individualism.
It is an irony that the BBC expresses any dismay at the Swedes when its own narrative is to defend those same fanatics.
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
First the socialists came for the patriots of the BNP, and I did not speak out, because I was not a BNP member.
Then the socialists came for the UKIP members, but I did not speak out because I was not a member of UKIP.
Then they came for the people who voted Conservative, but I did not speak out, because I did not vote Conservative.
Then the socialists came for the church going Christians, but I did not speak out, because I did not go to church.
Then the socialists came for the Islamists, but the Islamists cut off the socialist’s heads, and I did not speak out.
Then the Islamists came for me, but I became an Islamist. Do you like my Burka?
Sweden has long been a lost cause. I feel sorry for those Swedes who live by Western values.
Bur we should remember Sweden’s attitude during WW2. Then not be surprised.
The sooner Sweden ceases to exist except as a land mass the better for Europe. Sorry to say that but Sweden adds nothing to European civilisation any more.
Sweden will probably get rolled over by Putin or his appointed successor. By 2030 the US will be long gone, re rolled for a face off with the Chinese, the Muslims in Sweden will grow and probably take over. I doubt Putin will stand by and allow this threat from the North to his country, a quick assault over the Baltic and the defenceless Swedes will be rolled over. NATO ? You must be joking, by then long gone. The first battleground between Islam and those in Europe will be between the Swedish Muslims and the Russians. As ever, expect the unexpected.
Very possible. Our Western liberals and that includes nearly all now in power just do not understand Russia at all. Probably for the future of Europe this is a good thing.
You have to ask who would you rather held sway over a decaying Islamising Europe. Russia or the useless liberals who have no belief in the future of their civilisation.
Russia is the future guardian of Europe that is certain. The USA will go and as for Nato please don’t make me laugh.
It should be England’s role to ensure that such a future is tempered by our influence and a firm relationship with Russia. Historically we have no cause to be Russia’s enemy.
Except for the Crimean War when we hammered them !
When I first heard of this, I thought it was an old story, because several bloggers have been hacked to death in Bangladesh recently. I feel sorry for this poor man, but I am puzzled as to who might have murdered him, because Five Dead certainly did not give any clue. It was just “masked men” apparently. How strange.
Anyhow, the Swedes were indeed gutless in refusing him a visa to speak at a conference, on the grounds that he might claim asylum. The idea that a Muslim apostate would not think that Sweden was a safe haven does not seem to have occurred to them. It seems as if the imposition of the Sharia on Sweden is going to take a few of them by surprise.
One despairs.
the view from sweden
Note how often the word ‘conservative’ is used
wow perfect
I listened to this on the World Service this evening.
In the body of the report it did mention that is Islamist extremists were behind the attack, but the sign off to the report was remarkable: There was a quote from someone stating that if Sweden had given him a visa then he would be alive today! So clearly Sweden’s fault, not the attackers or even the Bangladesh authorities not being able to protect its own citizens.
Sweden is the last bastion of how socialism can work perfectly – according to socialists – apart from the fact Sweden is one of the most business-friendly nations on earth. Ed Miliband should have taken notes from Sweden’s example – embrace business and you can afford to have your socialist dream!
However, Sweden is learning the hard way, that complacency and ‘compassion-at-arms-length’ politics (I’m thinking Ed Miliband and Labour here folks) is rotting their society from the places the government didn’t even realise existed!
Sweden has managed to turn away from being one of the safest, nicest, and liberal societies in the world into an absolute crime ridden, unsafe islamic hell hole…all thanks to socialist politicians who think that Sweden is one great big project and the European Swedes do not matter!
The Swedes remind me of the Eloi.
”Swedish” police woman
“First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.”
Funny, isn’t it, how Martin Niemöller’s poem makes a point of the fact that the first people the Nazis victimised were Socialists and Trade Unionists.
Can you spot the obvious mistake? As everybody who reads and contributes to this blog knows, the Nazis were definitely left-wing, socialist monsters, and definitely not at all right wing.
Then again, Martin Niemöller only spent a decade resisting the Nazis and a mere eight years in a concentration camp, so what did he know.
No more than this guy who grew up under Marxism