The BBC is straight on the story….no hanging about waiting for facts or details…essentially what they bring us is a headline with the words ‘Election fraud’ and ‘Farage’ in the same sentence….
Fraud probe in Nigel Farage-contested Thanet South seat
And that’s it…oooh hang on…there’s more…
Kent Police are making inquiries into a report of electoral fraud in the Thanet South seat, contested in the general election by Nigel Farage.
The UKIP leader failed to win the seat, losing out to Conservative candidate Craig Mackinlay.
Mr Farage secured 16,026 votes, with Mr Mackinlay achieving 18,838.
That really is it…except for this…
‘More follows.’
So the BBC are so excited about an allegation of fraud in the same constituency that Farage stood for election that they run the story with Farage’s name mentioned very, very prominently, implicating him by default, and very little else. Why no mention of the Tory candidate who actually won the seat?
This rush to report from the BBC that hid the fact that a Muslim Mayor of Tower Hamlets was kicked out of office for actual electoral fraud deep down in its ‘England’ page…not on the Frontpage, or the UK page but the England page where you’d have to go looking for it…the Mayor in charge of a £1 billion budget who used it to buy votes and yet the BBC looks to downplay and ignore it as if it didn’t happen. The reason? Because he was Muslim and was voted in by Msulim voters and used claims of racism and Islamophobia to try and shut up those who were asking questions…the BBC is as always reluctant to highlight instances of practises that show Islam in a bad light and especially cases where claims of islamophobia are patently false and used to silence critics because it then raises the question about others who use similar tactics to silence people…..the BBC et al not averse to using the same tactics themselves.
Unless we get this
We’re going to keep getting this
and this
I posted a comment yesterday saying that the results in South Thanet should be examined , but comparing them closely with previous elections as many people suspect Nigel Farage was stitched up at the very least by ‘tactical voting’ from the LibLabCon supporters……very ironic considering the ‘principled’ stand that the Establishment had taken against such practice.
However , that comment disappeared down the BBBC Memory Hole very quickly-don’t know why??????
Don’t forget the overwhelming victory scored by UKIP in the Thanet local elections…
Wasn’t there a story that a lot of ballot boxes went AWOL for a few hours????? Justice requires a bye-election!
Establishment investigating establishment, no score draw, nothing to see here, move along now….
What about a bit of an investigation of the BBC ‘indirectly’ funding Al Murray’s FUKP campaign against Farage in South Thanet?
BBC owns UKTV -> who own Dave TV -> who commissioned Avalon Entertainment to make Murrays programme, and follow him around during the campaign.
Avalon execs are also Murrays official fellow staff according to the Electoral Commission.
BBC money directly funding a ‘spoiler’ candidate and campaign?
It stinks.
This is outrageous, an utter disgrace, like that disgusting C4 fictional programme about the aftermath of a UKIP victory “deporting immigrants” umm.. sorry the policy is deporting ILLEGAL immigrants, enforce existing laws. Smug liberal left producer programme funded from the license fee contrary to its contitution. Will Cameron conveniently forget? Eton posh-boy who has Blair’s eyes
What about a bit of an investigation of the BBC ‘indirectly’ funding Al Murray’s FUKP campaign against Farage in South Thanet?
BBC owns UKTV -> who own Dave TV -> who commissioned Avalon Entertainment to make Murrays programme, and follow him around during the campaign.
Avalon execs are also Murrays official fellow staff according to the Electoral Commission.
BBC money directly funding a ‘spoiler’ candidate and campaign?
It stinks.
..Couldn’t edit my previous post in time:
Murray’s programme was a ‘mockumentary’ concerning his campaign against Farage. It was aired on Dave straight after the polls closed, and has had multiple repeats.
(Whoops, double post, sorry!)
Every time the BBC pursues someone who is not of their leftist faction without a strong justification, they lose more support. It looks as though they are going to need all the support they can find soon. So let them keep up their attacks , in the end they will be the losers.
What doesn’t add up, is how UKIP took Thanet council from the Tories, and yet lost the general election…
Then there was the ballot boxes going missing for hours on end..
However, nothing would surprise me anymore, because as we all know this is a banana republic in terms of electoral corruption these days.
I saw a tweet from a local saying that they weren’t even locked metal ballot boxes, but were canvas bags with zips.
This result stinks!!!
According to UKIP they didn’t raise the complaint – and the ‘fraud’ could be inadvertent counting the wrong boxes e.g. mixing up the two Thanets. I can’t imagine the Tories would complain as they won, so it remains a mystery.
Just remember the risks of falsely accusing people.
This is what doesn’t add up…A landslide victory for UKIP in the council elections, and yet Farage lost his vote?
Sorry why doesn’t it add up? voting to get your bins clean is very different to electing a national government
I’m sorry he lost but unless some one comes up with more then ‘we was robbed ‘ as evidence, then no conspiracy !
Yes but its funny that its happened the day after he announces he’s stopping on. Even out of parliament he’s a thorn in the governments side and all the other parties want shot of him as their increase in popularity has been nothing short of meteoric. If you look at ukip percentage increase without even factoring in strategic voting (that just makes me weep) and suppose they repeat it in 5 yes, that’s a real threat.
I think UKIP will win a majority in 2020. My reasoning?
The tories are trying to con the country with a bait & switch con of a referendum, whereby the entire establishment (political, media & corporate) will bait the country with as yet undelivered EU reforms, then once the country has voted in favour of those reforms, (as all the polls suggest), some other EU member states will veto those reforms by refusing to ratify them. When that happens we will be stuck in an unreformed EU, Still under the Lisbon laws and we will remain on course for ever closer union, including joining the Euro, a single EU military, single EU tax rates etc…
Once that happens, UKIP will win a clear majority.
However, that prediction is moot if the EU rejects any chance of reform before our referendum leading to the tories campaigning for an OUT vote.
Sky News 24 have a more balanced view:
They go as far to suggest that the report to the police was from someone sympathetic to UKIP and angered at their loss? Blimey!
And also mentioned is that UKIP won overall control of Thanet Council after the election.
Maybe Farage intentionally lost the election as a cunning UKIP plan to….erm…er….
>The UKIP leader failed to win the seat, losing out to Conservative candidate Craig Mackinlay.<
It is a double whammy for the BBC to be able to link alleged electoral fraud to both UKIP and the Conservatives (who actually won the seat) in the same sentence. No-one else involved it would seem.
BBC are somewhat more reluctant to draw attention to potential electoral fraud arising from postal voting in Labour constituencies, but there we go.
If we just had identity cards and biometrics then we could do away with voter fraud,except the Muslim community would argue it breaches their human rights as voting 5 times each is a cultural issue we should be sensitive too….
Police announce there is no case of fraud…..must have been Labour then.
So Old Bill decides after almost half a day’s intensive and in-depth investigation that there’s ‘no evidence of fraud’.
Good job they take so many of their other duties even more seriously, isn’t it?
this story has been totally ignored by the bbc and the rest of the anti ukip rancid contacts in south thanet tell me that ukip has made this complaint to the police over electoral fraud by there opponents whom i cant name for legal reasons but i think we can guess who they are,i was amazed and shocked when nigel farage did not win south thanet,the polls had him 9pts in the lead just a few days before the election.something is wrong here,seriously wrong.
Umm, this tells quite a story
I’ll try posting with the image this time!
Have you checked that in the locals they were not electing more than one councillor per ward, or in some wards, hence there being the opportunity to put two votes (or more as we have three councillors per ward here) on the paper which will be counted individually. Presumably there were not many Lib Dems standing for the local councils but several independents.
I look forward to your reply.
Good point 60022, love to answer, but not my work was lifted from a tweet.
The corruption involved in our apparently democratic process is frankly scary. If the Ukrainian government was so corrupt as to have the EU and America shouting for the people to overthrow it ,which they did, why on earth are they not calling for the British people to stand up and fight? Could it be that corrupt or not it suits their purposes. I suspect if we revolt we will be terrorists not freedom fighters..
I am looking forward to bombing raids to oust the corrupt governments in Rotherham etc. just as we called for when ISIS raped hundreds of children.
A sterling effort from the Kent poodle force, at least there was some form of investigation, every other victim of crime just gets a phone call stating “There’s nothing we can do, sorry”.
There’ll be other fights for Nigel, the left can’t keep him out everywhere and after another five years of mass immigration, murders by immigrants, British people getting shafted from every angle, being stabbed in the back by the treacherous Salmond and Sturgeon, being fed bullshit by the bbc his time will have come.
I have commented elsewhere on the point you make.
It is unbelievably clear that UKIP are so popular because of immigration.
To defeat UKIP end immigration, continue immigration UKIP will grow, no party will or can tackle immigration, so immigration will rise and UKIP will grow.
The inevitable conclusion seems to me to be rather simple.
“essentially what they bring us is a headline with the words ‘Election fraud’ and ‘Farage’ in the same sentence”
This is serious sh*t, man. OBVIOUS bias. I mean, there’s no way that UKIP-supporting Breitbart would ever do that.
I don’t think there’s any great mystery or conspiracy here (sadly).
I think that the electorate voted with their hearts (UKIP) for the council elections and with their heads(Tory) for the general election. Such was the horror of a the hard left SNP forming a coalition with Mr Ed and having any say in English politics.
Suzanne Evans has already said pretty much the same thing.
However, the Beeb will make the most of any mischief they can make and if they can get the words “corruption, fraud and UKIP” into a sentence they’ll be more than happy.
can you trust the kent police to properly investigate this allegation ? dont think so.
It was not until I came across the following site that I reasised what a big brother outfit the EU are. UKIP are essential to keep the citizens of the UK looking at what the EU is upto. If you look at the site the level of detail and depth is astounding.
It also shows how much the UK gov is a slave to the whims of the EU.