Friday arrives and time for a new Open Thread. BBC seems determined to talk UP UKIP divisions whilst staying mute on the chaos in Labour ranks! Over to you!
Even Choudary himself rejected the BBC’s comparisons last night. He said:
‘The comparisons with Mandela and Gandhi are false. They are kuffar (non-believers) going to hellfire whilst I am a Muslim. Alhamudililah (praise God)’.
I would imagine that the last person to publicly call Mandela a “kaffir,” and thus callously demean blacks in general, would have been a white South African during apartheid.
Choudary and his ilk are far worse than the white supremacists of those days, who trampled on the rights of black South Africans within the borders of their country. Choudary and company seek to impose their barbaric Sharia “law” on the entire planet.
Here’s the irrepressible Pat Condell, who appreciates Choudary for demonstrating the unpalatable truth about Islam, while other Muslims duck and dive and attempt to deceive the West:
A reprise from earlier in the thread
Re Choudary – BBC
The west is sick.
“The West is very sick.
The BBC thinks a preacher of violence and hatred is a hero on the level of Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela, and that people who fight for human rights and humane values, such as Pamela Geller and I, are bigots and hatemongers.
The Church is in full appeasement/surrender mode.
The government and law enforcement authorities are in full denial mode.
… No one is standing up. Cowardice and appeasement not only rule the day, but are celebrated and hailed as prudence and wisdom”
R Spencer
below … Mandela Choudary, “spreadin the peace”
feel the love …
Would Churchill have survived the Government’s extremism test?
‘How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.’ The River War.
Appeasing Theresa would never have let him re-enter the country.
“No one may be indifferent to the racial principle, the racial question. It is the key to world history. History is often confusing because it is written by people who did not understand the racial question and the aspects relevant to it. Race is everything, and every race that does not keep its blood from being mixed will perish. Language and religion do not determine a race – blood determines it.”
He’d have been golden for 5 years until the actual pressure cooker of the next GE hustings exposed his vacuity to a public clearly not as daft as Labour and the BBC think… hope…
Can’t be fun, but the winnowing effect Tories & UKIP get 24/7 must serve to battle-harden the better ones and purge some of the dross.
A service Labour, Greens & SNP seldom enjoy save on DP outings.
In other news, I’ve seen nothing on any bbc site about this;
I wonder why ? British government pays a lot of cash to transport 3 Chinooks to India in 3 Antonov transports. Nepal thinks maybe big proven helicopters are not what they want to move supplies to totally cut off areas. How does the bbc square up the apparent ingratitude show by the Nepalese government ? I mean victims are supposed to be so grateful when we spend loads of lolly on them, not turn their noses up eh ?
Difficult one for beeboids, looking to not a good day for their scripts. Nepal says no thanks, Chuka chucks it in, UKIP seems to be weathering the storm and the poor “migrants” in the Bay of Bengal are being told to get lost by all those nice other third world countries. Expect the bbc to demand we send a ship to go and rescue them next.
‘Expect the bbc to demand we send a ship to go and rescue them next’
Already on it. seems the UK was responsible back in the day, so the selective historical reparation agitation kicks in.
I’m just awaiting, with some dread, what Reverse Birkenhead (Not Tony – though women & Lenny first seems his thing)) Drill applies when they spring a leak and one lot of peaceful types throws another lot in the ‘oggin.
What I can’t figure is why, when the right kind of rescuer hoves into view, these things seem to immediately sink.
Labour and the Libdems are in total disarray! yet, Al Beeb and the rest of the NUJ run press are focusing on Farage who has the total support of a majority of its voters who want him to be the leader.
Biased or what ?
The media are afraid very afraid . The attacks will go on as the referendum draws near .
Perhaps more a combination of pathological wishful thinking and the usual bias this time. The usual “critics speak out about.., “Farage accused of ..”, ” Bitter defeat for UKIP – poor third with 4 million votes ” type treatment. The resign unresign controversy is the sort of “oh I say, bad form old chap” nonsense that obsesses the genteel old codgers at the local Conservative Club and Dumblbey on QT. R4 Today Programme were unable to find, and they must have been trying really, really hard, to find anyone who was outraged by this scandal, except the usual suspects of course. Does Farage mean the Vicar of Clacton when he says there is an influential figure briefing against him?
With Naughtie, Marr and now Norm making utter silly-billies of themselves using the same word* about the same political end of the spectrum, this FOI thread I was sent is a hoot:
Maybe the BBC could pop the above three gents on a bit of job share with the FoI Dept. to spare these delicate blossoms the distress of reading the words that are used by the BBC but the BBC can use as an excuse to blow off further inquiry or complaint?
Which is pretty much ‘Beware of the Leopard’ meets ‘Catch 22’ to a tee.
*I have decided to upgrade same word from a ‘Naughtie-Marr’ to a Naughtie Marr-Baker’ in honour of Norm joing the club.
As BBC comedy, in all its forms, from the new Naughtie Marr-Baker Jester Elis James to ‘You Can Call Me Al (and uniquely fund my campaign)’ Murray is topical, here is something I have learned from a source (which may by accurate, or, not, but at least is referenced):
‘every cliche I’d ever heard about interfering producers came true. Magnified a hundredfold by the marxist mangle that the BBC insist on dragging everything through.’
In the spirit of balance, I do wonder if the author is not consulting on ‘W1A’.
Thanks to disgusted of essex, we now know Manontheclappedoutbus, ex journalist, probably a retired beeboid who lives life to the max because he used to get poor single mums who used food banks jailed so he could have his gold plated pension
he’s his twatter profile
“Retired journalist. Local theatre reviewer. Like my MP3 and my Kindle. Don’t like hypocrites or people making life difficult for others just because they can.”
Sounds a total typical middle class gimme, gimme, I deserve, toss pot . God save me from these white wine drinking, local theatre types. Obviously never had to do horrible jobs to live such as people on here including me. Bet he has a Waitrose card to get his free coffee in the morning. I’ll have to take up twitting to annoy the pompous arse. And these types think they can tell us, US ! How to behave and vote. You know what ? He and his bloody kind are frightened of us thinking for ourselves these days and not doing as the muppets in Transport house tell us.
Guest Who
Your link doesn’t have a ring of truth about it. No, it’s a never ending peel of bells across the entire capital.
Additional credence comes from some lunatic lefty immediately trying to poo poo it.
Shadow business secretary Chuka Umunna has withdrawn from the Labour party leadership contest, just days after throwing his hat into the ring.
The MP, 36, said in a statement that he was not comfortable with the level of pressure and scrutiny that came with being a leadership candidate.
The BBC’s Nick Robinson says Mr Umunna has been distressed by the level of scrutiny on him and his family.
He added that he understood there was no scandal that lay behind his decision to step aside.
So it’s Nick Robinson of the BBC who is trying to lay fears to rest about their Fave Obamessiah !
Scandal or not, you can just imagine the scene of a Labour grandee approaching Chukkie in a private room somewhere, and saying in hushed tones.
” Now look lad, we don’t want you in this election, So you’d better withdraw.”
“But I think I have a good chance and they’re calling me the British Obama”
“Be that as it may lad there are others in the queue ahead of you and it’s their turn first”
“But I thought this was a free and fair election”?
“Aye it is lad, it is, so you’ll withdraw then? After all you don’t want the press finding out about you and that incident with the Turkish goatherd and the three legged goat do ya lad?”
“Errrr no, I’ll just go & write my withdrawal statement “.
I think the reason is more simple. He was being told that he would have to wear a cloth cap and be seen walking his whippet to appeal to northern voters.
Yes, I take your point. Ermine from Harrod’s would have been a better choice. A cute white (no racism intended) ferret would have gone down well up North.
Reaching out to Northerners has been Chukka’s downfall. Mentioning to reporters that he was partial to a faggot every now and then is obviuosly the source of the nasty rumours about his sexuality.
What was that left wing party Jones was pushing last year ‘socialist alliance’ or some such? The only result I saw for them election night was in Birmingham (I think) ,0.04%
Even SWP front TUSC did better
Picked this up on ‘Left Futures’
“Far Left UK General Election 2015 Results | All That Is Solid
They’re all here in all their glory (not!): TUSC lost 128 deposits al for an average of 0.6% of the vote, the Communist Party of Britain scored an average of only 0.4% in 9 seats, the Scottish Socialist Party from whom you might perhaps have expected more in the new Scotland scored only 0.5% in four seats (everywhere else in Scotland they recommended a vote for the SNP), but the prize goes to Arthur Scargill’s Socialist Labour Party (which now seems only to exist in Wales) where it got a comparatively “respectable” score of 1.5% across 7 seats. Given our performance in Scotland, who are we to mock?”
So much for public crying out for Owens left wing alternative
Oh and this what they think of Chuka
Meanwhile, here over the pond the anointed messiah has hosted a summit with gulf leaders. Here’s the BBC’s gushing take on it.
Obama reassures Gulf allies on Iran
US President Barack Obama has pledged to stand by his Gulf allies with military force if necessary, amid heightened tensions with Iran.
………… The six-nation Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) is made up of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and UAE.
They then provide a breathless “analysis” from, of all people, Barbara Plett.
President Obama didn’t give the Arabs the formal defence treaty some of them wanted.
But he went as far as he felt he could to reassure them that the US had their back, including a pledge of deeper military co-operation to counter what he called Iran’s destabilising activities.
Significantly for Mr Obama, the Gulf nations said a nuclear deal with Iran would be in their security interests, if it was comprehensive and verifiable.
Now the stark reality and pointedly not reported by the BBC:
US Gulf allies fail to attend Camp David summit
King Salman bin Abdulaziz, the new leader of Saudi Arabia and America’s foremost ally in the Arab world, pointedly stayed away.
President Barack Obama sought to put a brave face on America’s troubled relations with its Gulf allies on Wednesday when four of the region’s monarchs failed to appear for a Camp David summit.
Of the six Gulf rulers invited to the occasion, only the leaders of Qatar and Kuwait made the journey to America.
The Arab monarchies believe that the agreement on the table will leave Iran with the essential infrastructure for making a nuclear weapon. They are also wary of the consequences of easing sanctions, fearing that billions of dollars of oil revenues and unfrozen assets will then flow into Iran’s coffers, strengthening its hand in the Middle East.
In every respect, every day, the BBC is failing. From “comedy” shows that are nothing more than far left obscene rants (apparently referred to as “edgy” by the BBC) to deliberately distorting news events.
I sincerely hope that Mr. Whittingdale pursues this tainted and devious organisation to the end with the removal of the TV tax and making the turd pile subscription based.
except you fail to explain why it is left wing reporting. So why is it?
Concentrate on presenting this aspect instead of reinforcing your own biased view of the world.
I didn’t say that it was “left wing reporting”
Concentrate on reading things thoroughly first.
Biased? Hardly. Just pointing out that the BBC deliberately failed to report the most salient issue at the “summit”, namely the deliberate snub by four of the six members of the Gulf Co-operation Council .
Another employee at the BBC’s rapid rebuttal unit I presume. Try harder next time. No wonder the BBC’s gone down the pan.
Rather than criticise GW’s choice of website, you might prefer to offer your opinion on the BBC’s latest choice of socialist projectile bile-vomiter:
Elis James
We have given that cunt Cameron a mandate to be even more of a psycho , for the next five years. Oh Christ
News Quiz tonight, btw. An assessment of his suitability for the role would also be much appreciated.
Indeed the modern model bbc, that is post the death and retirement of those who fronted and made programmes up until 2000 is not fit for purpose. Comedy that is not funny, news that is missing all the news, drama that is full of ethnics in the 19th C. Radio that is full of the latest fads in Hampstead. The bbc is not fit for purpose. The current crop of overpaid buffoons are simply crap, not their politics, not petty dislikes, just rubbish at their jobs, simple as.
Can’t wait for first reports on Ashley Mote ‘former UKIP MEP’ who has just been done for £500k worth of expenses fraud, between November 2004 and July 2010. Mote was elected MEP in 2004 but thrown out of UKIP before taking his seat.
So all the frauds were conducted when he sat as an Independent – and had nothing whatever to do with UKIP. What’s so puzzling is that I can’t for the life of me think why anyone would want to make the link? Any ideas?
Hopefully on one of those ships of lost souls floating in the Bay of Bengal, moving from place to place unwanted by everyone. Would be a suitable place for him.
Radio 4 PM programme and the headline news item is about a contender for the Labour leadership withdrawing.
Relegating to second place the presumably less important meeting between the British PM and Scottish PM. Well, it’s only about how the nation is governed isn’t it? Not like it’s anything significant.
More “Cahoonas” than the Pope?, he s probably too busy delighting
The Palestinian Authority … anyway
“ISIS is Islam; Islam is ISIS,” whoever denies this is “a liar”
“What? … A Nun! …This is an outrage! Is telling truths about Islam that no one wants to hear really compatible with being a Catholic nun?
Doesn’t she realize that telling unwelcome truths is harming the “dialogue”?
You know, that “dialogue” that is saving thousands of Christians from Muslim persecution every year.”
R Spencer
No surprises … not on the Al BBC
If a BBC news presenter were discovered to have made undisclosed contributions to a dodgy “charity” fronted by a Labour politician, and pooh-poohed reportage on that “charity” BEFORE the truth emerged, and then claimed those contributions had slipped his mind, would this startle anyone? Would Media Leftie types carry his water doing a Lord Nelson “I don’t see the problem” routine?
A similar situation obtains in the States with a revolving-door “journalist,” George Stephanopoulos, a former Bill Clinton senior staffer in the 90’s, now host of a Sunday morning news “chatter,” and his failure to disclose contributions to a Hillary Clinton-fronted “charity” which has come under closer scrutiny since her announcement of candidacy for President.
Do you suppose it would be well to proactively and prophylactically seek to find if there are such goings-on amongst BBC personnel and deal with it well before 2020?
It seems the BBC is becoming a real shambles. Business model stinks. The so called talent is talentless. The presenters are useless and now the Queen says enough.
Mark Easton’s latest outburst of irrationality is now about par for the BBC. It is reaping what it sowed. Years and years of recruiting the second rate and pliable .
Surely Parliament will say enough and put a limit on it’s tax eating ways.
It needs to learn that it is not an essential part of our civil society.
I couldn’t agree with you more; however you’re only half right in your final sentence, it isn’t that it is not an essential part of our civil society: but that is has been (and still is) actively damaging that society, through its leftist agenda and bias.
It has to be radically changed or destroyed, I can’t see another suitable outcome for our country.
Interesting item on the World Service about an hour ago. An Afghani female rapper going about sharia oppressing women. The programme was “Boston Calling” which is made by an American station, so not quite typical BBC, but it did stick in a bit about how she was shocked to see poverty in the US – people living on the street in West Oakland.
the “Boston Bomber” has been sentenced to death by lethal injection. Here we go boys and girls, tin hats at the ready, ready for the Liberal outpouring and spittle. I wonder how long it will be before the Liberal press including the far left BBC, call him “the victim”?
Lethal injection? They should stand him up before a firing squad. Even Islamic terrorist swine should have the right to die with dignity, with or without a blindfold.
Re the “death penalty” being handed down in Boston.
When you hear the Radio 4 News headlines stating that there was a “mixed reaction” in Boston to that news-you just KNOW that this was their BBC monkeys personal view a la Sandy Nook.
And she will be gathering her democrat chums, East Coast liberals into line like ducks ina row by the time the 5PM news headlines are read.
For now though-apparently this bloke will appeal( more like his lawyers will insist on his worthless life beign prolonged)-and the whole process will prolong the agony, victims can`t get that “closure”.
The murdering scum doesn`t actually HAVE to appeal and torment the victims does he?…but the BBC won`t be considering THAT option.
Anti-aircraft shells might be tested here-sod the carbon footprint just this once eh?
I have friends in Boston and their only ‘disappointment’ is that the little arsehole is not going to suffer enough. Apparently that is a view widely held in Boston. So the BBC piece is a load of shite.
The whole thing reads like a spoof, with testimony in later paras not supporting the headline, even concluding with:
“He walked out of the room in the same way he had done before – with a slight swagger and in high spirits, as if he were going to a place that is fun and exciting and full of marvel”.
Uh-huh. I wonder if milk, honey and large numbers of ladies of romantic purity may be involved, not that it is to do with anything, you understand.
Horny handed sons (and daughters) of the soil ? Who would know (and where would they find ) such as these ? Where in Hampstead do they live ? The bbc knows they exist but it’s maps to their hovels are blank, “here be monsters ” says the canvas in the beeboids hands. S(he) know they, like the unicorn exist, but sightings of them in Camden wine bars are there none.
Sigh. Today programme; reporter practically wetting himself with glee re. the latest UKIP spat. Back to the studio, “Farage can’t possibly survive this, can he” spat out by Humphrys. Such naked hatred and this from the unbiased news that we all pay for. I think some of them are senile. They have no awareness of how they’re regarded by most people in this country. All leftys live in the bubble.
People felt climate change did not get covered enough in the BBC election programmes enough according to newswatch yeh like who ? what utter twaddle these presenters talk .Think the climate might change today we’re going to have a rise in temperature up until about three o’clock from 6 to 16 degrees (yet 2degree’s warming is the end of the World). Then that big orange ball in the sky that has nothing to do with temperature will set and it will strangely get a bit cool – no idea why think its that trace gas playing up again
Contrary to the Welsh numpty’s wishes, Farage has “survived” and will continue doing what he and his party did to secure the 4 million votes they got in the election.
Even the link to the following Saturday Live programme contained a witty reference to the UKIP resign/unresign “controversy – ” We have just heard that a snap, unexpected resignation could affect Saturday Live….”. No need to worry.
The Saturday Livers then tell us chortling ” Deep joy – the resignation has not be accepted”. More could be said but in deference to the Vicar of Clacton, I don’t want to lower the “tone” or appear too “angry”.
Sarah(montague) and Caroline(flint) just had a lovely ‘chat’ about ‘all the talent’ in the Labour Party. What on earth went wrong in the election & how ‘we’ can move forward. (I feel quite ill, now, for some reason)
I see the BBC were reporting that thousands of English people in the northern cities are wanting to leave England for Scotland before those ‘dreaded and nasty’ Conservatives implement their Dickensian cuts; what the BBC doesn’t tell you is that this tiny rabble is nothing other than a motley crew of disgruntled far-Left Labour voters and cybernats stirring up anger. I tell you what, we could do a swap with Scotland: we’ll take all of your hard-working unionists and No voters in exchange for our far-Lefties/Labour voters: i.e. Len McCluskey, Polly Toynbee, Owen Jones and Russell Brand.
Labour are anti-English; they do NOT want to see any English parliament or more powers as it will curtail what little influence they have left; so, they they start to play politics of regional division claiming that they have more in common with their socialist SNPers north the border. Pathetic.
Divide and rule has always been a main lefty tactic. First they divided Scotland against England with their lies, and as their chickens have come home to roost there (losing Scotland to the National Socialists) they are now driving a wedge between Northern England and the South. A clever enough tactic as there are already definite fault lines to work on.
They are trying; but as it backfired on Labour in Scotland (giving them a Parliament and limited devolution, whilst believing the majority of Scots would always vote Labour) it should do the same in the North. There are many white working class voters, who would never vote Conservative, are now cognizant that Labour doesn’t represent them and views them and their values with condescension and disdain – a la Emily Thornberry. They now have strong alternative in UKIP.
I think as long as the SNP are strong in Scotland the and UKIP can hold the line in England and Wales, it will be a very long time before Labour get near the levers of power again.
Old Labour had its faults but at its heart was a decent sense of community and care for working people and the deserving poor. It was also patriotic and more Christian than Marxist. Healey and Callaghan had served in the war. They wouldn’t have visited a comedian for a mockney chat.
It has now gone.
Agreed-the likes of Healey and Callaghan had fought for their country, and knew the likes of Benn and his left wingmen were coming through…the likes of Tony Crosland and Roy Hattersley would be their future.
So it proved-and now we`re left with homeopathic dilutions and tie-dye parodies of giants like Callaghan(so it now turns out!).
Labour belongs only to northern grievance farmers, city bedwetters who are guilt-ridden public sector pinps-and entryist scum like Occupy and Brand.
RIP Labour!
“Divide and rule has always been a main lefty tactic.”
Guess that explains the Tory & UKIP rhetoric during the election. It must also explain the ongoing series of articles in both the Daily Mail and Telegraph that are clearly designed to broaden any “fault lines”
How curious. We were in Northumbria a few months ago and window shopping estate agents. They all said how busy they were with Scottish people looking at buying a house to live in over the border and within commutable distance of Edinburgh. Apparently they were going to move as soon as the S NP got its hands on tax raising or won the independence vote.
I know this much; as Englishman working in Scotland, I’ll be moving the minute the SNP wangle independence and hundreds of thousands of unionist, salt-of-the-earth Scots will be doing the same; please don’t think all Scots are like the vile SNP – a hardcore are so proud to be British and it makes me so proud. Scotland is truly divided by the Left; and so is England. As the childish sulking, aggressive protesting and sanctimonious moralising has shown us over the last week, the Left truly are divisive, immature, myopic, self-absorbed, ignorant and in all honesty, disgusting.
Edinburgh where I work and live in prosperous. Despite the SNP winning most Edinburgh seats at the election most voters supported Unionist parties. From my experience the SNP voters are more in the public sector, and Unionist voters are more in the private sector. There is also a sizeable British not Scottish population in Edinburgh.
“From my experience the SNP voters are more in the public sector, and Unionist voters are more in the private sector. There is also a sizeable British not Scottish population in Edinburgh. ”
Your experience must be very limited then. I also think that you will find a significant British population across the UK – some of them are even Welsh and English.
“British not Scottish” includes English, Welsh and Northern Irish. Not many of the ones I know vote SNP.
As for my experience being ‘limited’ – what is yours oh great one?
In Edinburgh South we stopped the SNP juggernaut 🙂
Having worked in both the public sector and in the private sector and being Welsh, I have found that it is the private sector that finances the public sector . Simples !
The funniest thing that could happen right now would be for the Scottish Assembly to exercise their powers by declaring the BBC to have insufficient investment of its resources in Scotland and to be biased towards England in its coverage, henceforth the licence fee abolished in Scotland.
Pity you have no understanding of what you are talking about.
Scotland does not have an Assembly, it has a Parliament.
The Scottish Parliament has no power over the BBC or the Licence Fee – it is a matter reserved to Westminster.
With Scotland apparently making extra demands (on what basis?) who knows what powers spineless Cameron will devolve to placate them. And if I want to call that thingy run by that tinpot bunch of National Socialists, sorry, Scottish Nationalists an “assembly”, I can and I will. Bad tempered condescending people are certainly not going to stop me.
No problem with relocating the nuclear subs. Relocating RNAD Coulport may prove more difficult. Perhaps you could give the MOD your postcode and let them know that you are happy to have the warheads stored within 40 miles of your house.
Such stories on the BBC usually get accompanied by an image of a daft collection of anoraks standing around a banner, with the cropping desperately trying to compensate for reality.
I am one of those Northerners and I will gladly donate my time to drive one of those Clapham Omnibus thingies, with a load of the disaffected “progressive” leftards, and dump them in the SNP Xanadu across the border. One way ticket for them, though….
I find it very hard to believe that people are joining the losing parties in these sort of numbers. It would be interesting to look at the accounts when they are published. But it makes a good story for the BBC.
It’s Myanmar now to all you fuddy-duddy Tories and UKIPpers, and you’re an old colonialist if you fail to comply with this latest edict from The Temple of Political Correctness.
Yet another example of the BBC steering public thought and attitudes in a relentlessly leftwards direction.
Only listening to “The Week In Westminster” because it`s only one week now since they were keening, ululating and in mourning over the Flodden battlefield where their dandies got mown down by the electorate-only two days before.
Steve Richards was a “guest”…pew filling Indiy hack who called it wrong as ever.
But he `s “in the chair” this week…none of that competent meritocracy stuff THERE-where Media whores circle Lefty luvvies and time servers…and think that is reality for us all.
Poor Steve-just interviewed Stephen Kinnock-who speaks of the working man, aspirations and “we in the Labour Party”.
I well remember the Tories having mediocrities like Amery and Churchill Jnrs in the Commons-we all know it was incestuous brain death then…and Mr Danish PM Kinnock playing the Hain/Bryant cards in those sing-song lilting valleys only shows the brain stem death of the lazy, nepotistic Lib-Lab-BBC nexus of evil weevils!
Still-was that a shaft of light I saw in the septic tank of progressive slurry?
Oh good-Douglas Hurd has shafted the Richards creature!
As Her Majesty the Queen has snubbed the BBC in connection with her upcoming ninetieth birthday celebrations, preferring ITV instead, perhaps the BBC could celebrate Anjem Choudarys birthday instead, as it now seems far more in tune with their political and religious view point of the world these days..
This takes me back several years to that BBC ‘Editor’ who maliciously fiddled with a video of the Queen to make it appear that she was storming out of a meeting when she was in fact going in.
Unfortunately for the propagandists of the BBC, people have long memories.
Never mind about Chuck Up and Super Farage or even Miss Tight Knickers the Duchess of Scotchland, what about now finally finishing off the arrogant monster that is the BBC? Isn’t this what we all seek? I know there are one or two exceptions that post a few silly comments on here to wind us up but mostly we are a determined bunch ready to finish off the preening peacocks at the Palace of Salford. So, are we going to take to the streets to further our cause?
After all the Queen has now spoken clearly in favour of free enterprise, in that ITV will cover her 90th celebrations, are we simply to let it go at that and not give her our support? She has spoken and we must not let her down.
Then there is the vast number of people fined or sent to prison each week, most of them apparently are the fair ladies of Britain who are bullied into letting the Gestapo of the BBC into their houses to intimidate them into submission and then drag them in front of the magistrates of this country. And by the thousands.
All this in order to support the nasty Corporation in its quest to dumb down the country, support the invasion of our green and pleasant land by foreigners and keep us under the thumb of its European pay masters. Just imagine what could be done with the FOUR BILLION POUNDS this organized crime syndicate steals from us by force each year. New hospitals and schools and most important of all doubling of the Pensions to old folks. It would be Christmas every day.
I for one will be delighted to join my fellow contributors here to march on Downing Street and show the new improved Cameron that we mean business. We must take a leaf out of the book of the UAF (United Against Free-speech) and other communists of that flavour and speak out against the terrible injustice that inflicts this land.
There is only one thing that could stop this juggernaut of responsible and determined activists getting justice for this country. Is there a bus to Downing St from the end of my road? And of course – I might not make it if my arthritis is bad that day.
Just two families cling on here. The tenants of the other 140 houses have been evicted over the last five months, to make way for a private development.
“It breaks my heart to come back here, to see it like this,” says Juliet Azie, a single mother, between tears.
We are standing outside a house in Barnet, where, until last month, she looked after her four children.
“We miss our home; we miss our neighbours – and my kids long for a home again,” she says.
Councils have an obligation to re-house their tenants and since Easter the family has been in temporary accommodation in Potters Bar in Hertfordshire, six miles away.
LITERALLY a sob story….
Juliet’s four children are still at school in her old neighbourhood in London
But having refused a previous offer of a house on the grounds of distance, she is classified as “intentionally homeless” (four kids, single parent, refused housing – where is the “and how did you get into this situation” line of questioning) FFS does no one challenge this BBC nonsense – She cannot afford to live in London so why the f*ck should she and the BBC expect me to pay for her entire life and that of her children? Why should I and millions of others pay for a lifestyle preference? I would like to own a flat in London, or rent one. Unfortunately I CANNOT AFFORD to do this as I work for a living and have to commute over an hour each way every day.
You know what, I would like a lovely new house just where I want it and I want, no insist, that you pay for it.
I appeal to the humanity of BBBC contributors, there is a nice penthouse flat by the river just near my job – weeps – I deserve this I’m entitled to it, all you have to do is arrange for everybody in the country to give me ten quid and I will soon have the 8 million for the deposit. Whats that you say, “**** off! earn money and pay for it myself, take responsibility for my life…” why you heartless selfish Tory bastards…..
In case anyone missed it, Sarah Monatgue, interviewing a prospective labour leader candidate on Radio 4’s Today (16/05/15), did a Naughtie this morning and says “the reason why we, er you lost the election………”. The relevant section starts around 51 mins in.
The BBC nearly always frames the debate in terms what are WE Labour Party supporters should do or think about X, Y, Z. The Conservatives and UKIP on the contrary are always THEM over there. They never assume a listener is a Conservative or UKIP voter. Most annoying is when [no nothing] reporters (such as Mark Easton) dress up their partisan bigotry as sanctimonious sermons. If the Left really thought the BBC was balanced they would want to close it down. The people who hate the free press are the same people who support the BBC. They do not believe in a free society. They do not even like democracy very much – because people sometimes vote the wrong way. What they like is unelected tax payer funded Guardian readers (wannabe Commissars) directing correct thought and action. This is accompanied by a constant attack on everything that makes this society worth living in – and all because they were born sour and miserable sanctimonious twats.
@1700hrs BBC today programme is not available. Are they gettting rid of the “We”?
Was the “WE” in the interview with Caroline Flint? In that Ms Flint made a mea culpa about overspend in the last Labour government. Saying they were running a “small” deficit when there should have been a surplus. She went on to claim that they had learnt that lesson & their policy in the 2015 election was for them to run a surplus. This was a lie/error (Labour were still proposing to borrow every year to fund “investment”) but the Today interviewer did not pick up on it
The relevant part – …why we lo why you lost the election… – is still there, at 51:40 minutes into the link from Stinky Britches above.
Earlier, I was interested to hear them read out the news from various newspapers. Can’t remember hearing their favourite, the Guardian, but perhaps I missed it
Could be that they are really making an effort to appear impartial, now that Cameron is in power unhindered by Clegg and company.
I heard it-but she did correct herself mid syllabub!
Put it down to years of not getting checked-now we know that the Tories will be gunning for the BBC(if they stay true to what we voted for)-we can expect it`s cos the BBC oafs have never had to account for their default idiocies and prejudices.
The UKIP yellow lamp is shining some ultra purple light under Eds stone-and the BBC woodlice scurry off and away-albeit with our money for the moment.
But not much longer eh?
Ooh, Anita Ireland (Any Answers) talking to caller about Chuka, “Are you the same person now that you were at 18, 19, 20?
How far back should the press be allowed to delve?”
Do you think she knows something we don’t,,,,,,yet?
Yes, old Penny Simpson from Dorset won`t be getting invited onto Anita Ananads “Any Answers”?(No!).
For Penny lashed into “typical BBC melodramas and over-reaction, that Chukka couldn`t hack it etc”….a breath of fresh Dorset air into the fetid pityme Westminster fart factory that is BBC and Labour musings.
She asked if we`d have ever won a war if Winston had feared a diatribe from Jerry-Anitas poor head was spinning a la Carrie.
Penny for Wessex Queen!
Her perpetual sour and arrogant demeanor tells us that Anita Anand is a typical of your bog standard Guardian reader. The amazing thing is that she is married to Simon Singh, who seems rather jolly, and whose brother Tom is far from your usual selfish Leftist.
In answer to Anita question.
When Prince Harry wears a Nazi uniform?…yes!
When Ed Balls does the same?…no!
Ditto, when Harriet fixes an all-women shortlist that puts her hubby in as a Labour candidate?…who`s to say?
When that couple get involved in backing PIE advocacy?…it was a different time, juries out?
But Nigel Fagares school report?…public interest, transparency required…only asking Nige, wotcha got to hide mate?
Fuck off BBC-you`re toast!
Very revealing: Anita Anand’s cringworthy defence of “Chuka”, with whom who she is apparently on Christian names terms, on today’s Any Answers. But of course, I am being cynical. I’m sure she refers to David and Nigel in exactly the same way.
I have heard that there are secret elocution classes at Labour Party headquarters to teach the glottal stop. Apparently it can be very difficult to achieve, and some of them aren’t very good at it, but it’s a basic entry qualification for a cabinet post.
Any BBC “story” it concocts for its own gratification-any “news event” is now a BBC showtrial of its own lost soul, mindless reflex canards of the liberal left, Oxbridge guilt tripping…and set full against the face of Britains electorate, that voted foursquare behind all that the BBC continue to despise in us all.
And we uncomplainingly PAY to be so excluded and insulted?
Sarah speaks to Jose Manuel, Mishal talks to Flintlock, Webb trashes Nigel and Naughtie and Kirsty, Evan and Owen big up Nicola, crave a national dissolution into a piss bottle that has an Irn Bru label on it.
As if we only voted for exactly the opposite of this only nine days ago.
Heads up each others arses, Islington shall speak unto Holland Park, Hampstead will seek a union with the nicer part of Camden.
These deluded fuckwits still have our money, our IOUs, our expense claims, and all available outlets for telling us what they think we gave a stuff about.
The Boston Bomber, Juncker, /Salmond and Salmondella/ECHR…all current bladderboils for the losing lying lazy left…but we don`t give a stuff-only want Nigel to taunt them by his presence, only hoping Cameron will finally avenge us all for what we`ve had to endure since 1992.
Their news is lies…let Savile and Eds Stone be their monuments to “when they was fab”…the rest of us were never that, but we want the fat tick of the BBC burned off our backs.
I never thought that the BBC would revert to scum mode within days of getting a caning from the UK voters-incorrigible, unreformable, irredeeemable scumbuttles.
Below is a copy of my first e-mail that I sent to John Whittingdale regarding the bbc after listening to four days of pure poison and bias against Nigel Farage and UKIP despite the fact that UKIP do not have to answer to the bbc and the bbc having nothing to do with the party. On the back of signing the excellent protest petition, much posted by merched, I decided to do something more, I also intend to send it to the Dept. of culture.
I feel like we can do more on a personal level, the more we target the bbc the more the likes of Whittingdale will take notice, there is a huge swell of anti bbc feeling across the country from lots of sources, the more the gvnmnt hears the more likely the tax will be abolished.
Dear Mr. Whittingdale,
First of all congratulations on the General Election win for the Conservatives, a much needed boost for the country.
The main reason I am sending this mail to you is regarding the BBC and their odious nature, their clear bias towards the left leaning political parties and their flagrant disregard for the people who pay to keep the corporation doing exactly what it wants with, seemingly, no payback whatsoever.
There is a huge number of people who have had enough of the toxic nature and arrogance of the bbc and its employees, in particular the programme presenters on both TV and the radio, people who are willing partakers on anti bbc websites and have signed petitions supporting the abolition of the license tax, a tax that, despite the bbc’s oft repeated mantra of despising poverty, is forced onto the very poorest in our society…how many people were prosecuted last year?
These people, many of whom don’t watch the bbc due to the lack of decent programmes and the constant social engineering, now get their TV via far superior providers such as Sky and Virgin, young people from online sources, so why should the bbc receive such huge sums of money for providing very little?
This ancient behemoth is now out of touch, it’s clear that it does not represent a huge swathe of UK TV viewers, it is not supposed to be a political organisation yet is happy to sponsor the candidacy of Al Murray in the Thanet seat for the GE, it is happy to push every left wing policy whilst nailing Tory and UKIP candidates to the mast over their policies.
I would urge you to take this out of control monster to task, if you can’t, at least give the people who own this corporation, the taxpayers, the chance to have a say on the future of the bbc, a referendum on the license fee is a choice that, at the very least, the public deserve.
The Election was won by a smallish majority, the bbc will be desperate to create as much negativity and division as they can in the coming five years when it comes to Tory policies, culling the bbc would be an act that many voters will remember when it comes to voting in any election.
The bias is not the issue for a Libertarian who believes in a free media. The immoral way in which the BBC is funded is the problem. Therefore the Tory Referendum Question should be:
Do you want to pay the BBC.
(1) By compulsion, with the threat of imprisonment, even if you never watch the BBC channels on Freeview, due to your Tory political principals.
(2) Voluntarily, by Subscription, so that the BBC can remain free to be biased in favour of Left-Wing politics, and the Tory party can remain free from being blemished by political interference in a free media, by setting the BBC free from its Charter obligations, and into the free market freedom of the free media environment frequented by its best pal, the Guardian Newspaper.
I must say that it is great to watch the bbbc struggling with their dashed hopes and dreams….A thorough kicking at the polls for their liebour heroes…… Liebour’s entire election strategy uncontrollably unravelling in front of the country, despite being supported right up to the hilt by the very dangerously political bbbc. Douglas Alexander – gone, Ed Balls (he almost had a daily visit to talk to the bbbc about how he was going to fuck up the economy again) – gone. The most arrogant Vince Cable – gone. Nearly a hundred seats adrift and not even any foreseeable solution to retrieve them.
Evert time I turn on to R4 or bbbc news they seem to be so confused as to how it all went wrong for them (bbbc that is). Now Chucky Obama suddenly says goodbye to the liebour leadership contest – so even their dreams of a black prime minister in the future – gone….Hahahahahaha.
I hope Wytingdale doesn’t bottle it
Enjoying every moment
True Mr Gentleman.
That said, I`ve now a sneaking regard for Jim Murphy, whose contract has now ran out at the end of Labours best season to date.
Like Sir Nigel…Jim took the cybernutters on in Sauchiehall St last year…and was brave enough to let Eddie Izzard sashay into George Sq, at great personal risk…
By that, I mean that Izzards support is the Last Will and Testament to whatever he`s supporting-the guy/gal is the albatross that thinks it`s a feather boa.
Hope Jims deadpan voice allows him to get a job offering Ladies lingerie in a Father Ted episode….and, like Alistair Darling-he reminds us of when Labour were electable, and honourable in the main.
Found this map on Breibart that shows just how momentous those results from UKIP were in the election last week.
Not that the BBC would bother with any such analysis, it would only give succour to the nations plebs, chavs and progress deniers.
The BBC have not changed their biased disposition since the election. They are under threat but their arrogance is outstanding.
UKIP only have one MP, but the BBC regard them as evil and must be stabbed at every opportunity.
The greatest destructive force to Labour has been the SNP. Labour have lost 46 seats which they’ll never recover. Therefore, Labour are now unelectable.
But the BBC regard the SNP as saintly. Do they hope and pray that the SNP will find root in the heart of Britain’s voters and thereby destroy the Tories in the 2020 Election?
Anyway, which ever side your bread is buttered, it’s a fascinating time for us all.
(Democracy is costly in England and Wales. It takes 4 million voters to get one MP).
Keep taking the tablets. Sadly you will get a lot of support for the drivel you have just written but that is only down to your reliance on religious thinking rather than any factual assessment. In reality the BBC reports on the SNP because they represent an overwhelming force in British politics at the moment.
SNP an ‘overwhelming force in British politics’, UKIP an ‘overwhelming force in British politics’.
Biased reporting from Al Beeb -SNP good, UKIP bad.
Perhaps it is you that should visit the pharmacy and get some medication?………….
March 15, 2015 at 1:09 pm
I contribute here because I am highly critical of BBC news.However,I am quite surprised by the lack of objectivity and reasoning. Instead of BBC bias all this site appears to be about is a number of individuals reinforcing their own extremely uninformed political outlook.”
You are a good advertising banner for your readers to vote here. Have you voted yet..?
The inquest continues. Fatty Nolan just now (8.15 p.m.) asked listeners words to the effect of “what would make Labour attractive to you?” (Can’t remember the exact wording, I was only half listening, and have now swtched off in disgust.) Surely that’s a question the Labourites ought to be asking, not a supposedly impartial supposed journo. Fucking disgrace.
I don’t remember in 1997 over a week of programmes devoted to ‘where it all went wrong for the Tories’ and ‘how can the Tories make themselves electable again?’
So glad I’m not paying for this biased, partizan shit.
the funny thing is they have beaten themselves don’t worry the loons have made themselves unelectable. Cameron is not going to deliver and UKIP is on the way in 2020 they can’t stop it now
You may as well call this website because it is all the same. There is a complete lock-down on all websites as far as commenting on islam is concerned.
In the Free World there are reports that the ISIS leader said that “Islam has never been a Religion of Peace but a Religion of War.” You won’t see that written on any British press websites.
No doubt in the spirit of “social cohesion” or “appeasement until we are over-run” as I prefer to call it.
We live in a police state. No matter who we vote for.
Rory Bremner. I’m going to have to turn it over it’s f***king shite. However again there is an can see them. However it sounds like canned applause. It looks like the audience aren’t laughing (probably because it’s not funny) when you can hear laughter and it looks like the same shots of the audience being shown over again. Nope I lasted 5 minutes.
I would make Mr Bremner’s act much more entertaining if they put on captions saying who was supposed to be taking off. He seemed to keep on doing Prince Charles when I thought he was the PM.
Who convicted the ‘terrorists’? Reading through the pro Israel diatribe it fails to mention the 120ish Billion in support Israel receives from the U.S. Or the fact tha Palestine is to all intents and purposes is a concentration camp. Maybe for balance it could have added the numerous UN resolutions in respect of the post 67 occupied territories breached by Israel or the genocide and crimes against humanity charges Israel managed to squeeze out of by cutting a deal.
Finally the article might have given further balance if it compared the GNP of Israel and Palestine and at least somewhere noted that Israel was not given or sold to the Jews. For all intents and purposes it is stolen land!
Obviously one of the more erudite versions on duty this morning. Good spelling and punctuation if slightly long sentences without commas.
Love to hear why you believe Jordan is not agitating for return of their land on the west bank of the Jordan.
I have always found that strange.
Can you also advise the election timetable for Gaza and tell me the name of the leader of the opposition in Gaza, and whether he is in confinement or not.
At what point in the past did the Arab invaders pay the Jews for the land they nicked, have they got a receipt for it ?
’67… Hmmm, was that when the Arab armies under the leadership of the bully Nasser got their arses well and truly kicked by the exploits of the Israeli Air Force. Who although vastly outnumbered in aircraft, had better trained pilots and tactics and caught the Arabs still at prayers at dawn and destroyed their air forces on the ground ? Is that what you are on about ?
Just think what the situation on the ground would be today if the stupid Arabs had kept their gobs shut and not threatened a much smaller neighbour with destruction.
I remember at the time the lefties thought the Israelis did a fantastic job and the Arabs got what they deserved. Funny how fashions change eh ?
Arabs in Palestine are immigrant colonisiers and not natives to the land they claim. The “Palestinians” come from the arabian peninsula, hence they are called arabs and arabia is in the middle east thefore the arabs have no claim for any land in the near east where palestine and Israel are
Then again, the Israelis have no claim either to that land, they are european immigrants colonising the near east no different from the Arabs, theyt;re both as bad as each other.
Lets hope the uncontrolled immigration into this country doesnt turn us into a nation fought over by immigrants just like in the ancient holy lands
Not so, the European Jews, like the Jews of the Middle East, such as in Jordan, Iraq,Iran, Syria, Egypt are the true historical people of the holy land. Where do you think they came from ? If it belongs to anyone it belongs to them. The Arabs ? Their populations have exploded with no food, jobs, homes, the result of their poor planning, politics, religious beliefs. We all suffer from their mistakes. The Arabs have destroyed all other peoples in the Middle East with their hatreds and refusal to live and let live. They do not deserve the holy land as well.
Dimwits such as yourself ought to read some history about the threats coming from the neighbours of the state of Israel towards this minority. From the inception of the state the Arabs in total and the locals such as the Egyptians and the Syrians on particular have threatened to destroy Israel. You don’t like the fact that Israel has turned to the military to defend its existence ? Get your Arab pals to sort out their hatreds of other people’s first pal.
BBC Must be cock a hoop!
BBC – Pope calls Palestinians’ Abbas ‘angel of peace’
His visit came days after the Vatican said it would formally recognise Palestinian statehood in a treaty.
Another BBC airtime a thon
BBC- Migrant tragedy
BBC – The Med’s migrant survivors
BBC – Is military force the solution?
BBC – The Mediterranean’s deadly migrant routes
BBC – Commission calls for mandatory national quotas to relocate migrants
BBC – Mediterranean crisis:
BBC- What happened on the sinking boat?
BBC – Just who are the people smugglers?
etc. etc
this might help … (do you think one or two jihadi s might make it?)
“The movement of migrants across the Middle East and Africa towards Europe has generated up to … $323 million … for the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) and other jihadist groups, a new report has revealed.”
“While E.U. officials anguish over the plight of people crossing the Mediterranean to get to Europe, the migration has proved an invaluable business opportunity for groups like ISIS.
So valuable that international crime experts believe ISIS might have launched some attacks specifically in order to drive people to flee, and then profit from their flight.”
I have just read Toby Young’s column in the Spectator about the BBC. He is quite sound most of the time but he is allowing his sentimental attachment to the BBC of old ,cloud his judgement. He believes that the BBC is clearly biased to the left and that its scale of operations needs to be much reduced eg making entertainment channels subscription funded. So far so good. But he goes on to say that he believes the rest of the corporation can be reformed by replacing the Trust with a body which is appointed by the Privy Council and which in turn appoints all senior figures within the residual corporation.
I believe that the BBC is beyond reform. By all means hive off all its entertainment channels and make them subscription funded. But the biggest problem would remain , the innate bias of the news and current affairs operation. I believe that any state funded organisation will always become a creature of the left. It is the nature of the beast. Therefore, I think that the news and current affairs organisation should either be broken up into a number of competing commercial companies , so ensuring true plurality of news and views , or scrapped and the market allowed to fill the void. I’m sure that the Guardian could find niche were some people would pay to hear and see the leftist world view and we could also have a’ Daily Mail’ type news channel for subscribers who sought a different view. The more the merrier as far as democracy is concerned.
Toby Young recalls, in his article, the old days when the BBC World Service was about broadcasting out to the world from Britain rather than the third world telling Britain what to do and think, as now. And this is done at the expense of licence fee payers.
Not that Radio 4 is any better, given that every programme now has to have a BME or LGBT theme.
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Mark Easton likens Anjem Choudary to Gandhi and Mandela
Hugs and Mary Hockaday again digging out their ‘firm finger-wag’ emails on not tweeting dumb stuff, that clearly work so well, as we speak.
Fair do’s for Anjem. He rejects the analogy .
Even Choudary himself rejected the BBC’s comparisons last night. He said:
‘The comparisons with Mandela and Gandhi are false. They are kuffar (non-believers) going to hellfire whilst I am a Muslim. Alhamudililah (praise God)’.
I would imagine that the last person to publicly call Mandela a “kaffir,” and thus callously demean blacks in general, would have been a white South African during apartheid.
Choudary and his ilk are far worse than the white supremacists of those days, who trampled on the rights of black South Africans within the borders of their country. Choudary and company seek to impose their barbaric Sharia “law” on the entire planet.
Here’s the irrepressible Pat Condell, who appreciates Choudary for demonstrating the unpalatable truth about Islam, while other Muslims duck and dive and attempt to deceive the West:
Tip Your Hat to Pat
Our Freedom of Speech.
Offend or be offended!
Doncha’ just love it?
A reprise from earlier in the thread
Re Choudary – BBC
The west is sick.
“The West is very sick.
The BBC thinks a preacher of violence and hatred is a hero on the level of Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela, and that people who fight for human rights and humane values, such as Pamela Geller and I, are bigots and hatemongers.
The Church is in full appeasement/surrender mode.
The government and law enforcement authorities are in full denial mode.
… No one is standing up. Cowardice and appeasement not only rule the day, but are celebrated and hailed as prudence and wisdom”
R Spencer
below … Mandela Choudary, “spreadin the peace”
feel the love …
Called freedom of speech . You have exactly the same freedom and there is nothing to stop you from exercising it.
Probably not Mr Easton ,and with good reason
people like easton really do have issues
Would Churchill have survived the Government’s extremism test?
‘How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.’ The River War.
Appeasing Theresa would never have let him re-enter the country.
Would Disraeli?
“No one may be indifferent to the racial principle, the racial question. It is the key to world history. History is often confusing because it is written by people who did not understand the racial question and the aspects relevant to it. Race is everything, and every race that does not keep its blood from being mixed will perish. Language and religion do not determine a race – blood determines it.”
Chuka has apparently chucked in the towel.
” too much pressure ”
Who do the beeb and guardianstisas support now?
He’d have been golden for 5 years until the actual pressure cooker of the next GE hustings exposed his vacuity to a public clearly not as daft as Labour and the BBC think… hope…
Can’t be fun, but the winnowing effect Tories & UKIP get 24/7 must serve to battle-harden the better ones and purge some of the dross.
A service Labour, Greens & SNP seldom enjoy save on DP outings.
good point.
In other news, I’ve seen nothing on any bbc site about this;
I wonder why ? British government pays a lot of cash to transport 3 Chinooks to India in 3 Antonov transports. Nepal thinks maybe big proven helicopters are not what they want to move supplies to totally cut off areas. How does the bbc square up the apparent ingratitude show by the Nepalese government ? I mean victims are supposed to be so grateful when we spend loads of lolly on them, not turn their noses up eh ?
Difficult one for beeboids, looking to not a good day for their scripts. Nepal says no thanks, Chuka chucks it in, UKIP seems to be weathering the storm and the poor “migrants” in the Bay of Bengal are being told to get lost by all those nice other third world countries. Expect the bbc to demand we send a ship to go and rescue them next.
‘Expect the bbc to demand we send a ship to go and rescue them next’
Already on it. seems the UK was responsible back in the day, so the selective historical reparation agitation kicks in.
I’m just awaiting, with some dread, what Reverse Birkenhead (Not Tony – though women & Lenny first seems his thing)) Drill applies when they spring a leak and one lot of peaceful types throws another lot in the ‘oggin.
What I can’t figure is why, when the right kind of rescuer hoves into view, these things seem to immediately sink.
Labour and the Libdems are in total disarray! yet, Al Beeb and the rest of the NUJ run press are focusing on Farage who has the total support of a majority of its voters who want him to be the leader.
Biased or what ?
The media are afraid very afraid . The attacks will go on as the referendum draws near .
Perhaps more a combination of pathological wishful thinking and the usual bias this time. The usual “critics speak out about.., “Farage accused of ..”, ” Bitter defeat for UKIP – poor third with 4 million votes ” type treatment. The resign unresign controversy is the sort of “oh I say, bad form old chap” nonsense that obsesses the genteel old codgers at the local Conservative Club and Dumblbey on QT. R4 Today Programme were unable to find, and they must have been trying really, really hard, to find anyone who was outraged by this scandal, except the usual suspects of course. Does Farage mean the Vicar of Clacton when he says there is an influential figure briefing against him?
Why hasn’t the BBC focused on the blatantly rank racism forcing Chuka to quit?
To think, we could have had our own apostle of light to instil hope n change..
RACISM i tells you……!!!
Oh dear, the bbc have lost their man. The vanity project that is Chuka, and London MP too! Perfect for the luvvies at bbc house. But where now…….?
With Naughtie, Marr and now Norm making utter silly-billies of themselves using the same word* about the same political end of the spectrum, this FOI thread I was sent is a hoot:
Maybe the BBC could pop the above three gents on a bit of job share with the FoI Dept. to spare these delicate blossoms the distress of reading the words that are used by the BBC but the BBC can use as an excuse to blow off further inquiry or complaint?
Which is pretty much ‘Beware of the Leopard’ meets ‘Catch 22’ to a tee.
*I have decided to upgrade same word from a ‘Naughtie-Marr’ to a Naughtie Marr-Baker’ in honour of Norm joing the club.
It might be much more instructive to know the usage of those words over say the 7th to 11th May
As BBC comedy, in all its forms, from the new Naughtie Marr-Baker Jester Elis James to ‘You Can Call Me Al (and uniquely fund my campaign)’ Murray is topical, here is something I have learned from a source (which may by accurate, or, not, but at least is referenced):
‘every cliche I’d ever heard about interfering producers came true. Magnified a hundredfold by the marxist mangle that the BBC insist on dragging everything through.’
In the spirit of balance, I do wonder if the author is not consulting on ‘W1A’.
Cool… no worries.
Are you serious. This link is a comic
Of course, I’m seldom serious.
Not enough to be invited on a radio 4 show, sadly.
Are you… all of a sudden?
Please provide a list of approved links and ‘not approved’ links ((c) A. Self Elected Arbiter of Stuff).
Thanks to disgusted of essex, we now know Manontheclappedoutbus, ex journalist, probably a retired beeboid who lives life to the max because he used to get poor single mums who used food banks jailed so he could have his gold plated pension
he’s his twatter profile
“Retired journalist. Local theatre reviewer. Like my MP3 and my Kindle. Don’t like hypocrites or people making life difficult for others just because they can.”
Tweets by DopeyJim
and heres how he describes himself here
“I’m 100% leftie, according to “How Leftie Are You”! I’m basically Karl Marx. How about you?”
ban him
Sounds a total typical middle class gimme, gimme, I deserve, toss pot . God save me from these white wine drinking, local theatre types. Obviously never had to do horrible jobs to live such as people on here including me. Bet he has a Waitrose card to get his free coffee in the morning. I’ll have to take up twitting to annoy the pompous arse. And these types think they can tell us, US ! How to behave and vote. You know what ? He and his bloody kind are frightened of us thinking for ourselves these days and not doing as the muppets in Transport house tell us.
“I’m 100% leftie, according to “How Leftie Are You”! I’m basically Karl Marx. How about you?”
And he comes on here to defend the BBC!
Well, I’m shocked – shocked, I tell you!
I hate Marxism. Probably the stupidest ideas ever conceived and propogated. I still can’t understand why so many people still seem to swallow it.
Life is so much better and happier if you don’t see yourself or anyone else as a victim.
Your absence from the Circle Jerk thread yesterday was noted, Mr Clap.
Rather than criticise GW’s choice of website, you might prefer to offer your opinion on the BBC’s latest choice of socialist projectile bile-vomiter:
Elis James
We have given that cunt Cameron a mandate to be even more of a psycho , for the next five years. Oh Christ
News Quiz tonight, btw. An assessment of his suitability for the role would also be much appreciated.
Better still are you serious?……
” Manonclaphamomnibus
March 15, 2015 at 1:09 pm
I contribute here because I am highly critical of BBC news….”
Guest Who
Your link doesn’t have a ring of truth about it. No, it’s a never ending peel of bells across the entire capital.
Additional credence comes from some lunatic lefty immediately trying to poo poo it.
Great cut and paste there “Guest Who”.
Shadow business secretary Chuka Umunna has withdrawn from the Labour party leadership contest, just days after throwing his hat into the ring.
The MP, 36, said in a statement that he was not comfortable with the level of pressure and scrutiny that came with being a leadership candidate.
The BBC’s Nick Robinson says Mr Umunna has been distressed by the level of scrutiny on him and his family.
He added that he understood there was no scandal that lay behind his decision to step aside.
So it’s Nick Robinson of the BBC who is trying to lay fears to rest about their Fave Obamessiah !
Scandal or not, you can just imagine the scene of a Labour grandee approaching Chukkie in a private room somewhere, and saying in hushed tones.
” Now look lad, we don’t want you in this election, So you’d better withdraw.”
“But I think I have a good chance and they’re calling me the British Obama”
“Be that as it may lad there are others in the queue ahead of you and it’s their turn first”
“But I thought this was a free and fair election”?
“Aye it is lad, it is, so you’ll withdraw then? After all you don’t want the press finding out about you and that incident with the Turkish goatherd and the three legged goat do ya lad?”
“Errrr no, I’ll just go & write my withdrawal statement “.
I think the reason is more simple. He was being told that he would have to wear a cloth cap and be seen walking his whippet to appeal to northern voters.
Dunno, Dolce and Gabbana do a very fetching range of cloth caps ………..
I’m not sure if Harrods pets department do whippets though.
Yes, I take your point. Ermine from Harrod’s would have been a better choice. A cute white (no racism intended) ferret would have gone down well up North.
Reaching out to Northerners has been Chukka’s downfall. Mentioning to reporters that he was partial to a faggot every now and then is obviuosly the source of the nasty rumours about his sexuality.
Ermine from Harrods, as worn by Qatari royalty.
The MP, 36, said in a statement that he was not comfortable with the level of pressure and scrutiny that came with being a leadership candidate.
Adding: ‘I’m much more used to being wheeled out for a cosy chat on the BBC’.
‘more used to being wheeled out for a cosy chat on the BBC’
Like this?:
The BBC do like Owen, don’t they?
How they laughed at the end about it being ‘his show’.
Carved In Stone
Owen Jones talked for almost four and half minutes, Dan Hodges for just over two.
Doubtless Dan will be afforded time elsewhere on the BBC to make up.
For ‘balance’.
What was that left wing party Jones was pushing last year ‘socialist alliance’ or some such? The only result I saw for them election night was in Birmingham (I think) ,0.04%
Even SWP front TUSC did better
Picked this up on ‘Left Futures’
“Far Left UK General Election 2015 Results | All That Is Solid
They’re all here in all their glory (not!): TUSC lost 128 deposits al for an average of 0.6% of the vote, the Communist Party of Britain scored an average of only 0.4% in 9 seats, the Scottish Socialist Party from whom you might perhaps have expected more in the new Scotland scored only 0.5% in four seats (everywhere else in Scotland they recommended a vote for the SNP), but the prize goes to Arthur Scargill’s Socialist Labour Party (which now seems only to exist in Wales) where it got a comparatively “respectable” score of 1.5% across 7 seats. Given our performance in Scotland, who are we to mock?”
So much for public crying out for Owens left wing alternative
Oh and this what they think of Chuka
Nice bit of research there Stewart. Thank you. Twin barrels right between the eyes I think it’s called.
Meanwhile, here over the pond the anointed messiah has hosted a summit with gulf leaders. Here’s the BBC’s gushing take on it.
Obama reassures Gulf allies on Iran
US President Barack Obama has pledged to stand by his Gulf allies with military force if necessary, amid heightened tensions with Iran.
………… The six-nation Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) is made up of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and UAE.
They then provide a breathless “analysis” from, of all people, Barbara Plett.
President Obama didn’t give the Arabs the formal defence treaty some of them wanted.
But he went as far as he felt he could to reassure them that the US had their back, including a pledge of deeper military co-operation to counter what he called Iran’s destabilising activities.
Significantly for Mr Obama, the Gulf nations said a nuclear deal with Iran would be in their security interests, if it was comprehensive and verifiable.
Now the stark reality and pointedly not reported by the BBC:
US Gulf allies fail to attend Camp David summit
King Salman bin Abdulaziz, the new leader of Saudi Arabia and America’s foremost ally in the Arab world, pointedly stayed away.
President Barack Obama sought to put a brave face on America’s troubled relations with its Gulf allies on Wednesday when four of the region’s monarchs failed to appear for a Camp David summit.
Of the six Gulf rulers invited to the occasion, only the leaders of Qatar and Kuwait made the journey to America.
The Arab monarchies believe that the agreement on the table will leave Iran with the essential infrastructure for making a nuclear weapon. They are also wary of the consequences of easing sanctions, fearing that billions of dollars of oil revenues and unfrozen assets will then flow into Iran’s coffers, strengthening its hand in the Middle East.
In every respect, every day, the BBC is failing. From “comedy” shows that are nothing more than far left obscene rants (apparently referred to as “edgy” by the BBC) to deliberately distorting news events.
I sincerely hope that Mr. Whittingdale pursues this tainted and devious organisation to the end with the removal of the TV tax and making the turd pile subscription based.
except you fail to explain why it is left wing reporting. So why is it?
Concentrate on presenting this aspect instead of reinforcing your own biased view of the world.
…except you fail to explain why it is left wing reporting.
He didn’t say it was. He was talking about BBC comedy being left wing.
But yes, the BBC in general is a left to far-left propaganda outfit.
I didn’t say that it was “left wing reporting”
Concentrate on reading things thoroughly first.
Biased? Hardly. Just pointing out that the BBC deliberately failed to report the most salient issue at the “summit”, namely the deliberate snub by four of the six members of the Gulf Co-operation Council .
Another employee at the BBC’s rapid rebuttal unit I presume. Try harder next time. No wonder the BBC’s gone down the pan.
Hello sharon. Just posted this above.
Rather than criticise GW’s choice of website, you might prefer to offer your opinion on the BBC’s latest choice of socialist projectile bile-vomiter:
Elis James
We have given that cunt Cameron a mandate to be even more of a psycho , for the next five years. Oh Christ
News Quiz tonight, btw. An assessment of his suitability for the role would also be much appreciated.
Care to comment?
Yeh, but yeh Shaz, but far more importantly have you got a ticket for Stevie’s last home game ?
Gor blimey. Man on a bus, Sharron on a ferry.
Who can we expect to drop by soon?
Elaine on a train ?
Brett on a jet ?
Mike on a bike ?
Michael on a unicycle?
Omar in a car?
Helmut, on foot?
Bunny on a spit.
Chippy getting his P45.
Dez in a fez.
(That’s enough….Ed)
We won’t get Farmer Giles on a tractor, but we might get Giles Ponsonby in a Chelsea Tractor.
Arthur Blessed in a punt?
BBC propagandists are deeply and hopelessly in love with the Iranians.
I would imagine the main reason would be the Mullahs’ hatred of the US and Israel.
Indeed the modern model bbc, that is post the death and retirement of those who fronted and made programmes up until 2000 is not fit for purpose. Comedy that is not funny, news that is missing all the news, drama that is full of ethnics in the 19th C. Radio that is full of the latest fads in Hampstead. The bbc is not fit for purpose. The current crop of overpaid buffoons are simply crap, not their politics, not petty dislikes, just rubbish at their jobs, simple as.
That should be the mission statement over the door of New Broadcasting House.
If it was important to the Middle Eastern potentates they would be there. If they needed to persuade Obama they would be there.
As it is they know that Obama and many other Western leaders are deeply in their pay and they do what ever the Sunni Muslim leaders tell them to do.
Watch the announcements come from the Middle East, only to be followed a day later by John Kerry signals Americas compliance.
The evidence is staring people in the face, it’s just that they desperately don’t want to believe it really is true
Can’t wait for first reports on Ashley Mote ‘former UKIP MEP’ who has just been done for £500k worth of expenses fraud, between November 2004 and July 2010. Mote was elected MEP in 2004 but thrown out of UKIP before taking his seat.
So all the frauds were conducted when he sat as an Independent – and had nothing whatever to do with UKIP. What’s so puzzling is that I can’t for the life of me think why anyone would want to make the link? Any ideas?
Would Ashley Moat perhaps have a duck house floating about somewhere too?
u on a ferry cross the mersey shazza
Or somehow not noticed that he continued to claim for his mortgage long after it had been paid off.
Oh, sorry, that was Elliot Morley, LABOUR, JAILED for expenses fraud.
Is our man on the bus now on a pedalo?
Yes, heading for the rocks….
Hopefully on one of those ships of lost souls floating in the Bay of Bengal, moving from place to place unwanted by everyone. Would be a suitable place for him.
Only on the BBC ..
Radio 4 PM programme and the headline news item is about a contender for the Labour leadership withdrawing.
Relegating to second place the presumably less important meeting between the British PM and Scottish PM. Well, it’s only about how the nation is governed isn’t it? Not like it’s anything significant.
More “Cahoonas” than the Pope?, he s probably too busy delighting
The Palestinian Authority … anyway
“ISIS is Islam; Islam is ISIS,” whoever denies this is “a liar”
“What? … A Nun! …This is an outrage! Is telling truths about Islam that no one wants to hear really compatible with being a Catholic nun?
Doesn’t she realize that telling unwelcome truths is harming the “dialogue”?
You know, that “dialogue” that is saving thousands of Christians from Muslim persecution every year.”
R Spencer
No surprises … not on the Al BBC
If a BBC news presenter were discovered to have made undisclosed contributions to a dodgy “charity” fronted by a Labour politician, and pooh-poohed reportage on that “charity” BEFORE the truth emerged, and then claimed those contributions had slipped his mind, would this startle anyone? Would Media Leftie types carry his water doing a Lord Nelson “I don’t see the problem” routine?
A similar situation obtains in the States with a revolving-door “journalist,” George Stephanopoulos, a former Bill Clinton senior staffer in the 90’s, now host of a Sunday morning news “chatter,” and his failure to disclose contributions to a Hillary Clinton-fronted “charity” which has come under closer scrutiny since her announcement of candidacy for President.
Do you suppose it would be well to proactively and prophylactically seek to find if there are such goings-on amongst BBC personnel and deal with it well before 2020?
Whatever her feelings about our national broadcaster, the Queen is unlikely to ever make them public, at least not in words.
But she must have detected the less than respect she has received from them over the years.
With her 90th birthday celebrations coming up she decided to voice her opinions, but not in words…. in action.
It’s ITV One: Queen ‘snubs BBC’ for coverage of her 90th birthday celebrations after criticism of Jubilee ‘farce
She is quite right to do so, what a f@&£!€g embarrassment that shambles was.
It seems the BBC is becoming a real shambles. Business model stinks. The so called talent is talentless. The presenters are useless and now the Queen says enough.
Mark Easton’s latest outburst of irrationality is now about par for the BBC. It is reaping what it sowed. Years and years of recruiting the second rate and pliable .
Surely Parliament will say enough and put a limit on it’s tax eating ways.
It needs to learn that it is not an essential part of our civil society.
I couldn’t agree with you more; however you’re only half right in your final sentence, it isn’t that it is not an essential part of our civil society: but that is has been (and still is) actively damaging that society, through its leftist agenda and bias.
It has to be radically changed or destroyed, I can’t see another suitable outcome for our country.
Peace, perfect peace – all quiet on the Western front.
It looks as if Al Beeb’s ‘sockpuppets’ don’t work night-shifts on weekends
Interesting item on the World Service about an hour ago. An Afghani female rapper going about sharia oppressing women. The programme was “Boston Calling” which is made by an American station, so not quite typical BBC, but it did stick in a bit about how she was shocked to see poverty in the US – people living on the street in West Oakland.
the “Boston Bomber” has been sentenced to death by lethal injection. Here we go boys and girls, tin hats at the ready, ready for the Liberal outpouring and spittle. I wonder how long it will be before the Liberal press including the far left BBC, call him “the victim”?
Lethal injection? They should stand him up before a firing squad. Even Islamic terrorist swine should have the right to die with dignity, with or without a blindfold.
Stoning may be a way that is compatible with his religious views.
Here you go
My God, Max, it was quicker than I thought!!!!
‘Boston in shock…’
I wonder if the BBC has, as some might put it, evidence to support that assertion?
Seems based mainly on what a few folk Tara approached told her on prompting. Or, at least, those she opted to quote.
This technique not serving the bbc well in accurately guaging or reporting actual public mood these days.
Re the “death penalty” being handed down in Boston.
When you hear the Radio 4 News headlines stating that there was a “mixed reaction” in Boston to that news-you just KNOW that this was their BBC monkeys personal view a la Sandy Nook.
And she will be gathering her democrat chums, East Coast liberals into line like ducks ina row by the time the 5PM news headlines are read.
For now though-apparently this bloke will appeal( more like his lawyers will insist on his worthless life beign prolonged)-and the whole process will prolong the agony, victims can`t get that “closure”.
The murdering scum doesn`t actually HAVE to appeal and torment the victims does he?…but the BBC won`t be considering THAT option.
Anti-aircraft shells might be tested here-sod the carbon footprint just this once eh?
I have friends in Boston and their only ‘disappointment’ is that the little arsehole is not going to suffer enough. Apparently that is a view widely held in Boston. So the BBC piece is a load of shite.
The whole thing reads like a spoof, with testimony in later paras not supporting the headline, even concluding with:
“He walked out of the room in the same way he had done before – with a slight swagger and in high spirits, as if he were going to a place that is fun and exciting and full of marvel”.
Uh-huh. I wonder if milk, honey and large numbers of ladies of romantic purity may be involved, not that it is to do with anything, you understand.
“Poppy Smart, 23 year old marketing co-ordinator.. wolf whistles …”
“Mary Duggan, a 28-year-old marketing manager”
They never seem to ask for the opinion of anyone who actually makes something.
Horny handed sons (and daughters) of the soil ? Who would know (and where would they find ) such as these ? Where in Hampstead do they live ? The bbc knows they exist but it’s maps to their hovels are blank, “here be monsters ” says the canvas in the beeboids hands. S(he) know they, like the unicorn exist, but sightings of them in Camden wine bars are there none.
Sigh. Today programme; reporter practically wetting himself with glee re. the latest UKIP spat. Back to the studio, “Farage can’t possibly survive this, can he” spat out by Humphrys. Such naked hatred and this from the unbiased news that we all pay for. I think some of them are senile. They have no awareness of how they’re regarded by most people in this country. All leftys live in the bubble.
People felt climate change did not get covered enough in the BBC election programmes enough according to newswatch yeh like who ? what utter twaddle these presenters talk .Think the climate might change today we’re going to have a rise in temperature up until about three o’clock from 6 to 16 degrees (yet 2degree’s warming is the end of the World). Then that big orange ball in the sky that has nothing to do with temperature will set and it will strangely get a bit cool – no idea why think its that trace gas playing up again
Contrary to the Welsh numpty’s wishes, Farage has “survived” and will continue doing what he and his party did to secure the 4 million votes they got in the election.
Even the link to the following Saturday Live programme contained a witty reference to the UKIP resign/unresign “controversy – ” We have just heard that a snap, unexpected resignation could affect Saturday Live….”. No need to worry.
The Saturday Livers then tell us chortling ” Deep joy – the resignation has not be accepted”. More could be said but in deference to the Vicar of Clacton, I don’t want to lower the “tone” or appear too “angry”.
Sarah(montague) and Caroline(flint) just had a lovely ‘chat’ about ‘all the talent’ in the Labour Party. What on earth went wrong in the election & how ‘we’ can move forward. (I feel quite ill, now, for some reason)
I see the BBC were reporting that thousands of English people in the northern cities are wanting to leave England for Scotland before those ‘dreaded and nasty’ Conservatives implement their Dickensian cuts; what the BBC doesn’t tell you is that this tiny rabble is nothing other than a motley crew of disgruntled far-Left Labour voters and cybernats stirring up anger. I tell you what, we could do a swap with Scotland: we’ll take all of your hard-working unionists and No voters in exchange for our far-Lefties/Labour voters: i.e. Len McCluskey, Polly Toynbee, Owen Jones and Russell Brand.
Labour are anti-English; they do NOT want to see any English parliament or more powers as it will curtail what little influence they have left; so, they they start to play politics of regional division claiming that they have more in common with their socialist SNPers north the border. Pathetic.
Divide and rule has always been a main lefty tactic. First they divided Scotland against England with their lies, and as their chickens have come home to roost there (losing Scotland to the National Socialists) they are now driving a wedge between Northern England and the South. A clever enough tactic as there are already definite fault lines to work on.
They are trying; but as it backfired on Labour in Scotland (giving them a Parliament and limited devolution, whilst believing the majority of Scots would always vote Labour) it should do the same in the North. There are many white working class voters, who would never vote Conservative, are now cognizant that Labour doesn’t represent them and views them and their values with condescension and disdain – a la Emily Thornberry. They now have strong alternative in UKIP.
I think as long as the SNP are strong in Scotland the and UKIP can hold the line in England and Wales, it will be a very long time before Labour get near the levers of power again.
Yes, I hope so. Labour really are a menace to Great Britain.
Old Labour had its faults but at its heart was a decent sense of community and care for working people and the deserving poor. It was also patriotic and more Christian than Marxist. Healey and Callaghan had served in the war. They wouldn’t have visited a comedian for a mockney chat.
It has now gone.
Agreed-the likes of Healey and Callaghan had fought for their country, and knew the likes of Benn and his left wingmen were coming through…the likes of Tony Crosland and Roy Hattersley would be their future.
So it proved-and now we`re left with homeopathic dilutions and tie-dye parodies of giants like Callaghan(so it now turns out!).
Labour belongs only to northern grievance farmers, city bedwetters who are guilt-ridden public sector pinps-and entryist scum like Occupy and Brand.
RIP Labour!
Healey, you must be joking.
There was not quite enough evidence to prosecute him for being a Soviet agent.
I defer to you VIM, but I thought he`d actually won medals or such at Anzio.
Folk memory rules apply here though…
“Divide and rule has always been a main lefty tactic.”
Guess that explains the Tory & UKIP rhetoric during the election. It must also explain the ongoing series of articles in both the Daily Mail and Telegraph that are clearly designed to broaden any “fault lines”
How very unspecific and, without facts, meaningless.
How curious. We were in Northumbria a few months ago and window shopping estate agents. They all said how busy they were with Scottish people looking at buying a house to live in over the border and within commutable distance of Edinburgh. Apparently they were going to move as soon as the S NP got its hands on tax raising or won the independence vote.
I know this much; as Englishman working in Scotland, I’ll be moving the minute the SNP wangle independence and hundreds of thousands of unionist, salt-of-the-earth Scots will be doing the same; please don’t think all Scots are like the vile SNP – a hardcore are so proud to be British and it makes me so proud. Scotland is truly divided by the Left; and so is England. As the childish sulking, aggressive protesting and sanctimonious moralising has shown us over the last week, the Left truly are divisive, immature, myopic, self-absorbed, ignorant and in all honesty, disgusting.
Socialism is the politics of envy, spite, grievance, entitlement and division.
The quiet, common sense majority have given it two fingers.
Edinburgh where I work and live in prosperous. Despite the SNP winning most Edinburgh seats at the election most voters supported Unionist parties. From my experience the SNP voters are more in the public sector, and Unionist voters are more in the private sector. There is also a sizeable British not Scottish population in Edinburgh.
“From my experience the SNP voters are more in the public sector, and Unionist voters are more in the private sector. There is also a sizeable British not Scottish population in Edinburgh. ”
Your experience must be very limited then. I also think that you will find a significant British population across the UK – some of them are even Welsh and English.
“British not Scottish” includes English, Welsh and Northern Irish. Not many of the ones I know vote SNP.
As for my experience being ‘limited’ – what is yours oh great one?
In Edinburgh South we stopped the SNP juggernaut 🙂
Having worked in both the public sector and in the private sector and being Welsh, I have found that it is the private sector that finances the public sector . Simples !
Alex, That needs to be made a “Sticky” at the top of the Guardian and bbc web pages.
The funniest thing that could happen right now would be for the Scottish Assembly to exercise their powers by declaring the BBC to have insufficient investment of its resources in Scotland and to be biased towards England in its coverage, henceforth the licence fee abolished in Scotland.
Pity you have no understanding of what you are talking about.
Scotland does not have an Assembly, it has a Parliament.
The Scottish Parliament has no power over the BBC or the Licence Fee – it is a matter reserved to Westminster.
no platform for scottish national socialists
Pity I don’t care.
With Scotland apparently making extra demands (on what basis?) who knows what powers spineless Cameron will devolve to placate them. And if I want to call that thingy run by that tinpot bunch of National Socialists, sorry, Scottish Nationalists an “assembly”, I can and I will. Bad tempered condescending people are certainly not going to stop me.
Let’s have a few years to relocate Faslane then give them another referendum. It’s their only bargaining chip actually worth anything.
No problem with relocating the nuclear subs. Relocating RNAD Coulport may prove more difficult. Perhaps you could give the MOD your postcode and let them know that you are happy to have the warheads stored within 40 miles of your house.
There are plenty of places off West Wales where they could be relocated and plenty of skilled men needing jobs, 40 miles or 300 miles, whats the difference?
Have you voted here yet ?……
Thanks, Albaman, I will and I would.
P.S. As an anti-nuclear socialist, what is it that attracts you to the BBC?
Such stories on the BBC usually get accompanied by an image of a daft collection of anoraks standing around a banner, with the cropping desperately trying to compensate for reality.
I am one of those Northerners and I will gladly donate my time to drive one of those Clapham Omnibus thingies, with a load of the disaffected “progressive” leftards, and dump them in the SNP Xanadu across the border. One way ticket for them, though….
Another classic McBeeb puff for the Liebour crew.
I find it very hard to believe that people are joining the losing parties in these sort of numbers. It would be interesting to look at the accounts when they are published. But it makes a good story for the BBC.
BBC Wages War on Burma Shocker!
It’s Myanmar now to all you fuddy-duddy Tories and UKIPpers, and you’re an old colonialist if you fail to comply with this latest edict from The Temple of Political Correctness.
Yet another example of the BBC steering public thought and attitudes in a relentlessly leftwards direction.
Oh dear, does that mean I have to cancel my scheduled trips to Bombay, Calcutta and Peking? 🙁
And I could eat a nice chicken Chennai with Mumbai potatoes whilst watching Oh Kolkata.
Probably , but the BBC luvvies won’t have to cancel their trips to Florence.
It that Owen Jones in drag?
Try Firenze ,instead.
Only listening to “The Week In Westminster” because it`s only one week now since they were keening, ululating and in mourning over the Flodden battlefield where their dandies got mown down by the electorate-only two days before.
Steve Richards was a “guest”…pew filling Indiy hack who called it wrong as ever.
But he `s “in the chair” this week…none of that competent meritocracy stuff THERE-where Media whores circle Lefty luvvies and time servers…and think that is reality for us all.
Poor Steve-just interviewed Stephen Kinnock-who speaks of the working man, aspirations and “we in the Labour Party”.
I well remember the Tories having mediocrities like Amery and Churchill Jnrs in the Commons-we all know it was incestuous brain death then…and Mr Danish PM Kinnock playing the Hain/Bryant cards in those sing-song lilting valleys only shows the brain stem death of the lazy, nepotistic Lib-Lab-BBC nexus of evil weevils!
Still-was that a shaft of light I saw in the septic tank of progressive slurry?
Oh good-Douglas Hurd has shafted the Richards creature!
Keep your eye on Kinnock…he’s going to be the new BBC favourite. That’s the third time this week he been on.
I wonder how many of the other new, Labour intake have enjoyed such exposure?
Wales won’t need more wind farms, now it’s got another windbag from the Kinnock dynasty as MP.
As Her Majesty the Queen has snubbed the BBC in connection with her upcoming ninetieth birthday celebrations, preferring ITV instead, perhaps the BBC could celebrate Anjem Choudarys birthday instead, as it now seems far more in tune with their political and religious view point of the world these days..
This takes me back several years to that BBC ‘Editor’ who maliciously fiddled with a video of the Queen to make it appear that she was storming out of a meeting when she was in fact going in.
Unfortunately for the propagandists of the BBC, people have long memories.
I hate EVERYTHING about The News Quiz.
Yes but, but, but ………
Never mind about Chuck Up and Super Farage or even Miss Tight Knickers the Duchess of Scotchland, what about now finally finishing off the arrogant monster that is the BBC? Isn’t this what we all seek? I know there are one or two exceptions that post a few silly comments on here to wind us up but mostly we are a determined bunch ready to finish off the preening peacocks at the Palace of Salford. So, are we going to take to the streets to further our cause?
After all the Queen has now spoken clearly in favour of free enterprise, in that ITV will cover her 90th celebrations, are we simply to let it go at that and not give her our support? She has spoken and we must not let her down.
Then there is the vast number of people fined or sent to prison each week, most of them apparently are the fair ladies of Britain who are bullied into letting the Gestapo of the BBC into their houses to intimidate them into submission and then drag them in front of the magistrates of this country. And by the thousands.
All this in order to support the nasty Corporation in its quest to dumb down the country, support the invasion of our green and pleasant land by foreigners and keep us under the thumb of its European pay masters. Just imagine what could be done with the FOUR BILLION POUNDS this organized crime syndicate steals from us by force each year. New hospitals and schools and most important of all doubling of the Pensions to old folks. It would be Christmas every day.
I for one will be delighted to join my fellow contributors here to march on Downing Street and show the new improved Cameron that we mean business. We must take a leaf out of the book of the UAF (United Against Free-speech) and other communists of that flavour and speak out against the terrible injustice that inflicts this land.
There is only one thing that could stop this juggernaut of responsible and determined activists getting justice for this country. Is there a bus to Downing St from the end of my road? And of course – I might not make it if my arthritis is bad that day.
BBC up to its old tricks….
The tenants FORCED to leave town
Just two families cling on here. The tenants of the other 140 houses have been evicted over the last five months, to make way for a private development.
“It breaks my heart to come back here, to see it like this,” says Juliet Azie, a single mother, between tears.
We are standing outside a house in Barnet, where, until last month, she looked after her four children.
“We miss our home; we miss our neighbours – and my kids long for a home again,” she says.
Councils have an obligation to re-house their tenants and since Easter the family has been in temporary accommodation in Potters Bar in Hertfordshire, six miles away.
LITERALLY a sob story….
Juliet’s four children are still at school in her old neighbourhood in London
But having refused a previous offer of a house on the grounds of distance, she is classified as “intentionally homeless” (four kids, single parent, refused housing – where is the “and how did you get into this situation” line of questioning) FFS does no one challenge this BBC nonsense – She cannot afford to live in London so why the f*ck should she and the BBC expect me to pay for her entire life and that of her children? Why should I and millions of others pay for a lifestyle preference? I would like to own a flat in London, or rent one. Unfortunately I CANNOT AFFORD to do this as I work for a living and have to commute over an hour each way every day.
You know what, I would like a lovely new house just where I want it and I want, no insist, that you pay for it.
I appeal to the humanity of BBBC contributors, there is a nice penthouse flat by the river just near my job – weeps – I deserve this I’m entitled to it, all you have to do is arrange for everybody in the country to give me ten quid and I will soon have the 8 million for the deposit. Whats that you say, “**** off! earn money and pay for it myself, take responsibility for my life…” why you heartless selfish Tory bastards…..
the first three bed semi ex council house I found listed for sale in Barnet was 600K. What is the rental value of a 600K house in Barnet?
I looked at a similar property in Stoke on Trent – 22K (check it out, its real)
Maybe she should see if a kind-hearted Lefty luvvie from Hampstead would piut her up.
In case anyone missed it, Sarah Monatgue, interviewing a prospective labour leader candidate on Radio 4’s Today (16/05/15), did a Naughtie this morning and says “the reason why we, er you lost the election………”. The relevant section starts around 51 mins in.
The BBC nearly always frames the debate in terms what are WE Labour Party supporters should do or think about X, Y, Z. The Conservatives and UKIP on the contrary are always THEM over there. They never assume a listener is a Conservative or UKIP voter. Most annoying is when [no nothing] reporters (such as Mark Easton) dress up their partisan bigotry as sanctimonious sermons. If the Left really thought the BBC was balanced they would want to close it down. The people who hate the free press are the same people who support the BBC. They do not believe in a free society. They do not even like democracy very much – because people sometimes vote the wrong way. What they like is unelected tax payer funded Guardian readers (wannabe Commissars) directing correct thought and action. This is accompanied by a constant attack on everything that makes this society worth living in – and all because they were born sour and miserable sanctimonious twats.
@1700hrs BBC today programme is not available. Are they gettting rid of the “We”?
Was the “WE” in the interview with Caroline Flint? In that Ms Flint made a mea culpa about overspend in the last Labour government. Saying they were running a “small” deficit when there should have been a surplus. She went on to claim that they had learnt that lesson & their policy in the 2015 election was for them to run a surplus. This was a lie/error (Labour were still proposing to borrow every year to fund “investment”) but the Today interviewer did not pick up on it
The relevant part – …why we lo why you lost the election… – is still there, at 51:40 minutes into the link from Stinky Britches above.
Earlier, I was interested to hear them read out the news from various newspapers. Can’t remember hearing their favourite, the Guardian, but perhaps I missed it
Could be that they are really making an effort to appear impartial, now that Cameron is in power unhindered by Clegg and company.
I heard it-but she did correct herself mid syllabub!
Put it down to years of not getting checked-now we know that the Tories will be gunning for the BBC(if they stay true to what we voted for)-we can expect it`s cos the BBC oafs have never had to account for their default idiocies and prejudices.
The UKIP yellow lamp is shining some ultra purple light under Eds stone-and the BBC woodlice scurry off and away-albeit with our money for the moment.
But not much longer eh?
As TrueToo says, it is still there but your suspicion of BBC mischief is correct: It HAS been slightly edited:
Has anyone sent in a formal complaint about both the statement and the editing?
Interesting post over at Is the BBC biased.
But of course it begs the question of why, if they indeed edited it, they wouldn’t have just cut out all traces of the “we lost” bit.
Ooh, Anita Ireland (Any Answers) talking to caller about Chuka, “Are you the same person now that you were at 18, 19, 20?
How far back should the press be allowed to delve?”
Do you think she knows something we don’t,,,,,,yet?
Yes, old Penny Simpson from Dorset won`t be getting invited onto Anita Ananads “Any Answers”?(No!).
For Penny lashed into “typical BBC melodramas and over-reaction, that Chukka couldn`t hack it etc”….a breath of fresh Dorset air into the fetid pityme Westminster fart factory that is BBC and Labour musings.
She asked if we`d have ever won a war if Winston had feared a diatribe from Jerry-Anitas poor head was spinning a la Carrie.
Penny for Wessex Queen!
Her perpetual sour and arrogant demeanor tells us that Anita Anand is a typical of your bog standard Guardian reader. The amazing thing is that she is married to Simon Singh, who seems rather jolly, and whose brother Tom is far from your usual selfish Leftist.
In answer to Anita question.
When Prince Harry wears a Nazi uniform?…yes!
When Ed Balls does the same?…no!
Ditto, when Harriet fixes an all-women shortlist that puts her hubby in as a Labour candidate?…who`s to say?
When that couple get involved in backing PIE advocacy?…it was a different time, juries out?
But Nigel Fagares school report?…public interest, transparency required…only asking Nige, wotcha got to hide mate?
Fuck off BBC-you`re toast!
Caroline Flint, aspiring deputy leader od Old/New/Knackered/Who Gives a Fart Anyway Labour interviewed on Toady this morning.
Plenty of ‘We’re gonna….’
Loads of ‘I wanna…’
Peppered generously with glottal stops.
And she’s working class, didn’t you know.
A comedy masterpiece and target-rich environment for The News Quiz.
Don’t hold your breath.
Very revealing: Anita Anand’s cringworthy defence of “Chuka”, with whom who she is apparently on Christian names terms, on today’s Any Answers. But of course, I am being cynical. I’m sure she refers to David and Nigel in exactly the same way.
I have heard that there are secret elocution classes at Labour Party headquarters to teach the glottal stop. Apparently it can be very difficult to achieve, and some of them aren’t very good at it, but it’s a basic entry qualification for a cabinet post.
WARNING – might be offensive to victims of pronunciationism.
Did Jonathan Ross get elocution lessons from Roy Jenkins, by any chance ?
I don’t remember Jenkins using the word “Election”. I wonder why!
Pity there aren’t electrocution lessons as well.
Any BBC “story” it concocts for its own gratification-any “news event” is now a BBC showtrial of its own lost soul, mindless reflex canards of the liberal left, Oxbridge guilt tripping…and set full against the face of Britains electorate, that voted foursquare behind all that the BBC continue to despise in us all.
And we uncomplainingly PAY to be so excluded and insulted?
Sarah speaks to Jose Manuel, Mishal talks to Flintlock, Webb trashes Nigel and Naughtie and Kirsty, Evan and Owen big up Nicola, crave a national dissolution into a piss bottle that has an Irn Bru label on it.
As if we only voted for exactly the opposite of this only nine days ago.
Heads up each others arses, Islington shall speak unto Holland Park, Hampstead will seek a union with the nicer part of Camden.
These deluded fuckwits still have our money, our IOUs, our expense claims, and all available outlets for telling us what they think we gave a stuff about.
The Boston Bomber, Juncker, /Salmond and Salmondella/ECHR…all current bladderboils for the losing lying lazy left…but we don`t give a stuff-only want Nigel to taunt them by his presence, only hoping Cameron will finally avenge us all for what we`ve had to endure since 1992.
Their news is lies…let Savile and Eds Stone be their monuments to “when they was fab”…the rest of us were never that, but we want the fat tick of the BBC burned off our backs.
I never thought that the BBC would revert to scum mode within days of getting a caning from the UK voters-incorrigible, unreformable, irredeeemable scumbuttles.
Our Future
Our sense will prevail.
Our focus on our freedoms.
Onwards and Upwards!
Great comment chrisH, well said.
Below is a copy of my first e-mail that I sent to John Whittingdale regarding the bbc after listening to four days of pure poison and bias against Nigel Farage and UKIP despite the fact that UKIP do not have to answer to the bbc and the bbc having nothing to do with the party. On the back of signing the excellent protest petition, much posted by merched, I decided to do something more, I also intend to send it to the Dept. of culture.
I feel like we can do more on a personal level, the more we target the bbc the more the likes of Whittingdale will take notice, there is a huge swell of anti bbc feeling across the country from lots of sources, the more the gvnmnt hears the more likely the tax will be abolished.
Dear Mr. Whittingdale,
First of all congratulations on the General Election win for the Conservatives, a much needed boost for the country.
The main reason I am sending this mail to you is regarding the BBC and their odious nature, their clear bias towards the left leaning political parties and their flagrant disregard for the people who pay to keep the corporation doing exactly what it wants with, seemingly, no payback whatsoever.
There is a huge number of people who have had enough of the toxic nature and arrogance of the bbc and its employees, in particular the programme presenters on both TV and the radio, people who are willing partakers on anti bbc websites and have signed petitions supporting the abolition of the license tax, a tax that, despite the bbc’s oft repeated mantra of despising poverty, is forced onto the very poorest in our society…how many people were prosecuted last year?
These people, many of whom don’t watch the bbc due to the lack of decent programmes and the constant social engineering, now get their TV via far superior providers such as Sky and Virgin, young people from online sources, so why should the bbc receive such huge sums of money for providing very little?
This ancient behemoth is now out of touch, it’s clear that it does not represent a huge swathe of UK TV viewers, it is not supposed to be a political organisation yet is happy to sponsor the candidacy of Al Murray in the Thanet seat for the GE, it is happy to push every left wing policy whilst nailing Tory and UKIP candidates to the mast over their policies.
I would urge you to take this out of control monster to task, if you can’t, at least give the people who own this corporation, the taxpayers, the chance to have a say on the future of the bbc, a referendum on the license fee is a choice that, at the very least, the public deserve.
The Election was won by a smallish majority, the bbc will be desperate to create as much negativity and division as they can in the coming five years when it comes to Tory policies, culling the bbc would be an act that many voters will remember when it comes to voting in any election.
The bias is not the issue for a Libertarian who believes in a free media. The immoral way in which the BBC is funded is the problem. Therefore the Tory Referendum Question should be:
Do you want to pay the BBC.
(1) By compulsion, with the threat of imprisonment, even if you never watch the BBC channels on Freeview, due to your Tory political principals.
(2) Voluntarily, by Subscription, so that the BBC can remain free to be biased in favour of Left-Wing politics, and the Tory party can remain free from being blemished by political interference in a free media, by setting the BBC free from its Charter obligations, and into the free market freedom of the free media environment frequented by its best pal, the Guardian Newspaper.
The bias is not the issue for a Libertarian who believes in a free media. The immoral way in which the BBC is funded is the problem.
Spot on with that Richard. It’s a matter of ethics. I’m sure Dr Who will sell well and ‘Top Gear’
will, would have done.I’d just go with:
What is the just method to fund the BBC?
(1) By compulsion, with the threat of imprisonment.
(2) Voluntarily.
I must say that it is great to watch the bbbc struggling with their dashed hopes and dreams….A thorough kicking at the polls for their liebour heroes…… Liebour’s entire election strategy uncontrollably unravelling in front of the country, despite being supported right up to the hilt by the very dangerously political bbbc. Douglas Alexander – gone, Ed Balls (he almost had a daily visit to talk to the bbbc about how he was going to fuck up the economy again) – gone. The most arrogant Vince Cable – gone. Nearly a hundred seats adrift and not even any foreseeable solution to retrieve them.
Evert time I turn on to R4 or bbbc news they seem to be so confused as to how it all went wrong for them (bbbc that is). Now Chucky Obama suddenly says goodbye to the liebour leadership contest – so even their dreams of a black prime minister in the future – gone….Hahahahahaha.
I hope Wytingdale doesn’t bottle it
Enjoying every moment
English Gentleman what is best in life?
Conan! What is best in life?
Crush the Labour Party, see Ed Miliband driven before you, hear the lamentations of Harriet Harman.
That is good
True Mr Gentleman.
That said, I`ve now a sneaking regard for Jim Murphy, whose contract has now ran out at the end of Labours best season to date.
Like Sir Nigel…Jim took the cybernutters on in Sauchiehall St last year…and was brave enough to let Eddie Izzard sashay into George Sq, at great personal risk…
By that, I mean that Izzards support is the Last Will and Testament to whatever he`s supporting-the guy/gal is the albatross that thinks it`s a feather boa.
Hope Jims deadpan voice allows him to get a job offering Ladies lingerie in a Father Ted episode….and, like Alistair Darling-he reminds us of when Labour were electable, and honourable in the main.
Found this map on Breibart that shows just how momentous those results from UKIP were in the election last week.
Not that the BBC would bother with any such analysis, it would only give succour to the nations plebs, chavs and progress deniers.
Purple royal hue
Yellow Metropolitan
Line we now must take.
Dedicated to my roshi…UKIP-haiku san.
Glasshopper awaits the rice paper to dance upon…Leveson –resistant…
ChrisH san. With good wishes.
Field marshal Farage.
Facing forward, fronting up!
Fighting for freedom!
The BBC have not changed their biased disposition since the election. They are under threat but their arrogance is outstanding.
UKIP only have one MP, but the BBC regard them as evil and must be stabbed at every opportunity.
The greatest destructive force to Labour has been the SNP. Labour have lost 46 seats which they’ll never recover. Therefore, Labour are now unelectable.
But the BBC regard the SNP as saintly. Do they hope and pray that the SNP will find root in the heart of Britain’s voters and thereby destroy the Tories in the 2020 Election?
Anyway, which ever side your bread is buttered, it’s a fascinating time for us all.
(Democracy is costly in England and Wales. It takes 4 million voters to get one MP).
Labour’s Ideas Vacuum
Too Right for Scotland?
Who knows what Labour stands for?
It’s not working, folks.
Too Left for England?
Who knows what Labour stands for?
It’s not working folk.
bloody good post Dover Sentry
Vote here
Keep taking the tablets. Sadly you will get a lot of support for the drivel you have just written but that is only down to your reliance on religious thinking rather than any factual assessment. In reality the BBC reports on the SNP because they represent an overwhelming force in British politics at the moment.
SNP an ‘overwhelming force in British politics’, UKIP an ‘overwhelming force in British politics’.
Biased reporting from Al Beeb -SNP good, UKIP bad.
Perhaps it is you that should visit the pharmacy and get some medication?………….
March 15, 2015 at 1:09 pm
I contribute here because I am highly critical of BBC news.However,I am quite surprised by the lack of objectivity and reasoning. Instead of BBC bias all this site appears to be about is a number of individuals reinforcing their own extremely uninformed political outlook.”
You are a good advertising banner for your readers to vote here. Have you voted yet..?
The inquest continues. Fatty Nolan just now (8.15 p.m.) asked listeners words to the effect of “what would make Labour attractive to you?” (Can’t remember the exact wording, I was only half listening, and have now swtched off in disgust.) Surely that’s a question the Labourites ought to be asking, not a supposedly impartial supposed journo. Fucking disgrace.
I don’t remember in 1997 over a week of programmes devoted to ‘where it all went wrong for the Tories’ and ‘how can the Tories make themselves electable again?’
So glad I’m not paying for this biased, partizan shit.
hadda ,
Have you voted here ? Tell your mates
And the Obamessiah’s birth certificate. Let’s not go there. ..
Eh? That reply was to something further up, dunno how it ended up here.
Anyway, yes, voted ages ago.
the funny thing is they have beaten themselves don’t worry the loons have made themselves unelectable. Cameron is not going to deliver and UKIP is on the way in 2020 they can’t stop it now
You may as well call this website because it is all the same. There is a complete lock-down on all websites as far as commenting on islam is concerned.
In the Free World there are reports that the ISIS leader said that “Islam has never been a Religion of Peace but a Religion of War.” You won’t see that written on any British press websites.
No doubt in the spirit of “social cohesion” or “appeasement until we are over-run” as I prefer to call it.
We live in a police state. No matter who we vote for.
It looks like the Al Beeb sockpuppets are changing their ‘names’ more often than a pantomime dame changes her dresses.
Rory Bremner. I’m going to have to turn it over it’s f***king shite. However again there is an can see them. However it sounds like canned applause. It looks like the audience aren’t laughing (probably because it’s not funny) when you can hear laughter and it looks like the same shots of the audience being shown over again. Nope I lasted 5 minutes.
I would make Mr Bremner’s act much more entertaining if they put on captions saying who was supposed to be taking off. He seemed to keep on doing Prince Charles when I thought he was the PM.
It is odd, as every team achievement in that neck of the woods is usually trumpeted.
Who convicted the ‘terrorists’? Reading through the pro Israel diatribe it fails to mention the 120ish Billion in support Israel receives from the U.S. Or the fact tha Palestine is to all intents and purposes is a concentration camp. Maybe for balance it could have added the numerous UN resolutions in respect of the post 67 occupied territories breached by Israel or the genocide and crimes against humanity charges Israel managed to squeeze out of by cutting a deal.
Finally the article might have given further balance if it compared the GNP of Israel and Palestine and at least somewhere noted that Israel was not given or sold to the Jews. For all intents and purposes it is stolen land!
Maybe for balance it could have added the numerous UN resolutions in respect of the post 67 occupied territories breached by Israel….
What happened in ’67 then? As a BBC listener, I demand to know!
Obviously one of the more erudite versions on duty this morning. Good spelling and punctuation if slightly long sentences without commas.
Love to hear why you believe Jordan is not agitating for return of their land on the west bank of the Jordan.
I have always found that strange.
Can you also advise the election timetable for Gaza and tell me the name of the leader of the opposition in Gaza, and whether he is in confinement or not.
At what point in the past did the Arab invaders pay the Jews for the land they nicked, have they got a receipt for it ?
’67… Hmmm, was that when the Arab armies under the leadership of the bully Nasser got their arses well and truly kicked by the exploits of the Israeli Air Force. Who although vastly outnumbered in aircraft, had better trained pilots and tactics and caught the Arabs still at prayers at dawn and destroyed their air forces on the ground ? Is that what you are on about ?
Just think what the situation on the ground would be today if the stupid Arabs had kept their gobs shut and not threatened a much smaller neighbour with destruction.
I remember at the time the lefties thought the Israelis did a fantastic job and the Arabs got what they deserved. Funny how fashions change eh ?
The ‘arabs’ as you call them (the indigenous people of the middle east) didn’t steal anything of the Jews. It was the Romans you dimwit.
Clearly your knowledge of history and the Bible is non existent, your posts a totem to your constant ineptitude. Life is tough for fools.
Can you remind me what happened to the property of the Jewish refugees who fled to Israel from the surrounding Arab nations in 1947/8.
Link just in case your “knowledge of history” of the area is a little lacking.
Arabs in Palestine are immigrant colonisiers and not natives to the land they claim. The “Palestinians” come from the arabian peninsula, hence they are called arabs and arabia is in the middle east thefore the arabs have no claim for any land in the near east where palestine and Israel are
Then again, the Israelis have no claim either to that land, they are european immigrants colonising the near east no different from the Arabs, theyt;re both as bad as each other.
Lets hope the uncontrolled immigration into this country doesnt turn us into a nation fought over by immigrants just like in the ancient holy lands
Not so, the European Jews, like the Jews of the Middle East, such as in Jordan, Iraq,Iran, Syria, Egypt are the true historical people of the holy land. Where do you think they came from ? If it belongs to anyone it belongs to them. The Arabs ? Their populations have exploded with no food, jobs, homes, the result of their poor planning, politics, religious beliefs. We all suffer from their mistakes. The Arabs have destroyed all other peoples in the Middle East with their hatreds and refusal to live and let live. They do not deserve the holy land as well.
You are talking total bollocks my old leftie tosser.
Remove your nose from the guardian and learn some history…… You want to know what really happened ?
“Arabs who claim the holy land are recent immigrants post 1917”
History GCSE fail.
Dimwits such as yourself ought to read some history about the threats coming from the neighbours of the state of Israel towards this minority. From the inception of the state the Arabs in total and the locals such as the Egyptians and the Syrians on particular have threatened to destroy Israel. You don’t like the fact that Israel has turned to the military to defend its existence ? Get your Arab pals to sort out their hatreds of other people’s first pal.
Uh-oh, nutter on the bus. Hope he doesn’t sit next to me.
BBC Must be cock a hoop!
BBC – Pope calls Palestinians’ Abbas ‘angel of peace’
His visit came days after the Vatican said it would formally recognise Palestinian statehood in a treaty.
Another BBC airtime a thon
BBC- Migrant tragedy
BBC – The Med’s migrant survivors
BBC – Is military force the solution?
BBC – The Mediterranean’s deadly migrant routes
BBC – Commission calls for mandatory national quotas to relocate migrants
BBC – Mediterranean crisis:
BBC- What happened on the sinking boat?
BBC – Just who are the people smugglers?
etc. etc
this might help … (do you think one or two jihadi s might make it?)
“The movement of migrants across the Middle East and Africa towards Europe has generated up to … $323 million … for the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) and other jihadist groups, a new report has revealed.”
“While E.U. officials anguish over the plight of people crossing the Mediterranean to get to Europe, the migration has proved an invaluable business opportunity for groups like ISIS.
So valuable that international crime experts believe ISIS might have launched some attacks specifically in order to drive people to flee, and then profit from their flight.”
I have just read Toby Young’s column in the Spectator about the BBC. He is quite sound most of the time but he is allowing his sentimental attachment to the BBC of old ,cloud his judgement. He believes that the BBC is clearly biased to the left and that its scale of operations needs to be much reduced eg making entertainment channels subscription funded. So far so good. But he goes on to say that he believes the rest of the corporation can be reformed by replacing the Trust with a body which is appointed by the Privy Council and which in turn appoints all senior figures within the residual corporation.
I believe that the BBC is beyond reform. By all means hive off all its entertainment channels and make them subscription funded. But the biggest problem would remain , the innate bias of the news and current affairs operation. I believe that any state funded organisation will always become a creature of the left. It is the nature of the beast. Therefore, I think that the news and current affairs organisation should either be broken up into a number of competing commercial companies , so ensuring true plurality of news and views , or scrapped and the market allowed to fill the void. I’m sure that the Guardian could find niche were some people would pay to hear and see the leftist world view and we could also have a’ Daily Mail’ type news channel for subscribers who sought a different view. The more the merrier as far as democracy is concerned.
Toby Young recalls, in his article, the old days when the BBC World Service was about broadcasting out to the world from Britain rather than the third world telling Britain what to do and think, as now. And this is done at the expense of licence fee payers.
Not that Radio 4 is any better, given that every programme now has to have a BME or LGBT theme.
As per Radio Al Beeb in Wales this morning .
More transparent brainwashing on Al Beeb’s BQ incl., a ‘Selected audience ‘
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