There has been a concerted effort by the Left, and that includes the BBC, to close down what they see as the ‘Right-wing Press’, an effort that went into overdrive once Murdoch switched his support away from Labour. Leveson failed in its intent to silence the Murdoch media stable but the battle goes on.
No chance is lost to conjure up some lurid conspiracy theory connecting the Press to the Tories or the dark forces of the shadowy elite that run this country in their own interests.
Miliband defeated, Chuka resigns before he’s even got the job, the SNP re-enact Bannockburn, Obama turns out to be a lot ‘whiter’ than he looks….all a result of the fevered manipulations of the gullible, addle headed gloopy minds of the Public by the Right-wing Press.
The latest excuse to put the Press in the stocks is that Chuka u-turn, the Left wasting no time in blaming Press intrusion into Chuka’s personal life despite Chuka himself saying this was not the case, and it turns out Chuka always was a bit of a flighty lightweight when it comes to pressure of any kind….
The video at the top of the post shows the BBC giving Owen Jones a friendly platform to peddle his anti-Murdoch narrative on the ‘Owen Jones’ Show’.
Jones demands that the Media only looks at what he calls substance not private lives and personality. Trouble is he’s not averse to doing just that himself when it suits.
But before we examine Owen’s claims about a Right-wing Press conspiracy let’s have a look at his powers of prediction, his political antennae at work……from 2013:
‘David Cameron is sunk, kaput, finito. He leads a party that has not won an election since 1992: back when nearly no one had heard of the internet; before text messages, DVDs, and even Take That’s first number one hit.
Governing parties almost never increase their vote share at the next election.
Whether or not Labour gains an overall majority in two years’ time, the Tories cannot win, and this famously ruthless party will boot out its loser leader. To borrow a phrase from Italian comedian-turned-politician Beppe Grillo, David Cameron is a dead man talking.’
Turns out that predictions of Cameron’s political death were somewhat exaggerated. Whatever did become of him?
What of Jones’ dire prophecies that the Right-wing Press are conspiring to undermine Democracy on the orders of their shadowy masters? Are they any more credible than his line about Cameron? It turns out that the opposite is true…the real conspiracy is from the Left to silence a free Press and to impose a Leftwing government upon a people gulled and deprived of genuine debate and information.
Spiked reveals a little of what is going on and what lies behind the demands of the likes of Owen Jones….
The crusade against tabloid journalism spreads far wider than the bungling CPS.
The authoritarian fiasco of Operation Elveden is only the end result of a campaign to sanitise Britain’s unruly press, involving everybody from political leaders and top judges to police chiefs, celebrity crusaders and assorted media snobs. All of them share the same contempt for what one top prosecutor called ‘the gutter press’.
It was the Leveson Inquiry, let us recall, that gave the stamp of official approval to the witch-hunt. It was a showtrial in which the tabloids were found guilty even before proceedings began. The allegedly liberal Guardian has often been in the forefront of the tabloid-bashing ranks, while the BBC has acted as official cheerleader for Lord Justice Leveson, the police and the CPS (and then as chief mourner, when the juries failed to go along with the script).
We need to remind them all that freedom of speech and of the press must mean exactly that – not the ‘freedom’ to say and publish only that of which judges, policemen and assorted prigs approve.
Operation Elveden stands exposed as the result of a political crusade, if not a conspiracy, to criminalise tabloid journalism. Yet the guilty men and women behind that crusade, launched from the heart of Britain’s political and cultural elite, have not yet given up on their campaign to tame press freedom. It is high time they were all held to account.’
It also turns out, ironically, that it is the Leftwing BBC that did for Chuka. No, really. HIGNFY explored Chuka’s policies (6 mins in) and as a result he issued an immediate statement that he had withdrawn his candidacy for leader of the Labour Party….illustrating that HIGNFY is ‘the most powerful programme on televison…if the Tories are watching leave the BBC on.’ Made all the more amusing because the presenter is Labour friendly Robert Peston and his wig…calling Chuka an ‘amateur’.
The BBC does however seem to take Owen Jones’ mutterings seriously whilst laughing along in matey fashion with him… he is again in the Guardian this time putting his thoughts down in black and white…..
‘I’m no Chuka-ite, but what a travesty if he’s been bumped out of the Labour leadership competition because of media intrusion. Rather than scrutinising the ideas and policies of our political leaders – except to demonise and caricature them if they even timidly step outside the political status quo – instead the media focuses on personality and personal life. Allegedly doorstepping his family, including his girlfriend’s 102-year-old grandmother – is this really how “media scrutiny” should work in Britain in 2015?
The media has disastrously failed to scrutinise the government’s policies, often serving as a de facto extension of the Tory party’s propaganda unit. Instead it’s personalities and private lives that are hunted. It’s sad. And we all suffer, and our democracy suffers, because of it.
You saw what they did to Ed Miliband, did you not?’
What exactly did ‘they’ do to Miliband? Apparently ‘they’ were race-baiting…….
Is the Sun’s ‘save our bacon’ election front page antisemitic?
Can we agree at least on this: today’s Sun front page, featuring Ed Miliband eating a bacon sandwich, is cruel, abusive and puerile. We should also be able to agree that savage satire of politicians is inevitable and even desirable in a free press.
But there’s another question where no agreement is going to be possible: was the front page of the Sun surreptitiously antisemitic?
Hang on….Miliband is not ‘Jewish’, he’s from a Jewish heritage…..hence he is eating a non-kosher bacon sandwich, the ‘Tory Press’ didn’t trick him into eating that… it was a PR stunt by Miliband…..that it went wrong is entirely his fault. This claim of anti-Semitism is itself the real story….a very nasty smear alleging racism or in this case anti-Semitism, a tactic used by the Left all the time to silence its critics.
Jones strangely seems to have missed the rather prominent line in that article that undermines his argument completely….’We should also be able to agree that savage satire of politicians is inevitable and even desirable in a free press.’
Owen Jones claims to want to stick to the substance of the arguments but he himself isn’t averse to trying to use ridicule to attack his enemies……
What a Freudian slip from David Cameron. “This is a real career defining, er, country defining election…” (via LabourList)
David Cameron says this is a “career defining”
It’s not all about you Dave…
And again….
David Cameron being jeered by pensioners. A video guaranteed to give you that afternoon spring in your step. …
Jones links to this poster demanding you don’t listen to one ‘influential’ man with powerful vested interests…..
But then goes on to do exactly the same himself advocating we all listen to Russell Brand as he tells us to vote for Miliband……
‘Russell Brand has endorsed Labour – and the Tories should be worried
He has nearly 10 million Twitter followers; his YouTube interview with Ed Miliband received well over a million hits and counting; he is listened to by hundreds of thousands of disillusioned Britons, particularly young people who have been repeatedly kicked over the last few years. Russell Brand matters.
Time is running out. But in recognising the gravity of the situation, Russell Brand has done his bit to stave off disaster and defend the struggles for justice that now beckon.’
Spiked reveals the truth about just how much the Left respects the common man…..
The discomfort with democracy, the return of the view of voters as insufficiently informed and easily manipulated, is becoming widespread among cut-off elites. Only where once it tended to be the right that railed against voter dumbness, now it’s the left.
The Guardian’s Polly Toynbee used election day, not to celebrate the great right of people to choose their leaders, but to continue the slurs against what she called ‘weak readers’ — members of the electorate whose ‘mind-blowing ignorance’ means they are ‘unaware how their daily struggles will be fought out in distant Westminster’.
Neil Kinnock bemoaned the ‘mood and self-delusion’ that gripped the electorate and made them vote in a self-defeating way. The high priest of the chattering classes, Canon Giles Fraser, railed against the whole idea of democracy. It is little more than an ‘aggregation of self-interest’, he said. He saved his sharpest barbs for ‘the poor’, asking: ‘Why do the poor vote when, by voting, they merely give legitimacy to a system that connives with their oppression?’ Al Gore’s handwringing over the media’s ‘power of persuasion’ and how it triggers mass thinking that is not ‘modulated by logic, reason [or] reflective thought’.
The Mirror, the paper of the working man apparently, proves the point about how they view the common man….
‘Tory press barons worried Labour would end their tax scams published Cameron’s propaganda day after day.
And the vilification worked with gloop-brained voters frightened into sticking with the Tory nasty nurse for fear of something worse.’
The ‘Tory Press‘?
“Rupert Murdoch and the Daily Mail have had British politicians in their top pocket for decades,” said Coogan. “The smear and fear agenda they have peddled over the past few weeks has been pretty shameful. Thankfully we don’t have Fox News on TV, but sadly this election has shown that we do have it in printed form.”
No Fox News but even the Labour supporting BBC had a pop at Miliband because he was so bad…so not just the incorrigible RWP…..
Here is a demonstration of why Miliband lost…..he remained the eternal student activist never rising above the petty squabbles and small politics of that type of environment. Miliband, instead of standing aloof from the attacks on his personality and his ineptness in a statesman-like manner, decided to personally rebut every charge against him in an effort to look both the vulnerable victim and the strong man in standing up to the ‘bullies’….Miliband never looked convincing as the tough all rounder…never less than when he spouted the Americanism ‘Hell yes I’m tough enough’ as everyone watching knew he wasn’t and that the phrase had been practised long and hard with his spinners before hand. Here he is being dragged unwisely into the mud flinging looking more like the office boy every day……
Jones claims we shouldn’t look at the personality of the politicians….and yet their personality reveals so much about how they will react when the time comes to do the job for real. How often has Miliband shown himself to be wanting when off-script and having to respond to spur of the moment events. The Telegraph has kindly put together a few examples of his struggles with real life…….
The BBC itself isn’t shy about looking at the man behind the mask…here demonstrating why eating a bacon sandwich with dignity can have an effect on how people perceive you and hence treat you as it talks about how Cameron’s charm and statesman-like attitude helps him...’His easy charm and ability to appear “prime ministerial” at news conferences and summits helped ensure his personal poll ratings remained well ahead of the Conservative Party’s ratings.’
The BBC delves into Cameron’s past life without embarrassment looking at his personality, his background and his family, putting them all together to form a picture of David Cameron ‘the man’ and politician…..
The David Cameron story
Mr Cameron’s presentational skills were never in doubt.
His easy charm and ability to appear “prime ministerial” at news conferences and summits helped ensure his personal poll ratings remained well ahead of the Conservative Party’s ratings.
His laid-back, almost patrician style – and tendency to surround himself with advisers from similar backgrounds – led to accusations that he was too remote from the concerns of his party’s rank-and-file, some of whom drifted off to the UK Independence Party, with its traditional right-wing messages on Europe and immigration.
The one fact everyone knows about him is that he comes from a privileged background. He has never made a secret of it.
Not only was he the first former pupil of Eton to hold office since the early 1960s, he can also trace his ancestry back to William IV, making him a distant relative of the Queen.
His biggest mention in the Eton school magazine came when he sprained his ankle dancing to bagpipes on a school trip to Rome.
Samantha Cameron, who works as the creative director of upmarket stationery firm Smythson of Bond Street, which counts Stella McCartney, Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell among its clients, has been credited with transforming her husband’s “Tory boy” image.
She has a tattoo on her ankle and went to art school in Bristol, where she says she was taught to play pool by rap star Tricky.
The couple were introduced by Mr Cameron’s sister Clare, Samantha’s best friend, at a party at the Cameron family home. They were married in 1996.
So there are plenty of things that need to be considered when we judge a man who is putting himself forward as the leader of a political party and potentially the Prime Minister, not just his policies.
But then what of Jones’ demand that only ‘substance’, the policies themselves, matter? Does he always stick to that line or can it be cast aside when convenient? It seems it can be.
When it comes to education Jones thinks that there is far more to it than mere results and league tables….personality and background now count for everything…..
The lazy myth of ‘amoral’ state school children is back
This champion of the privately educated – and Britain’s new moral arbiter – suggests that state education is responsible for the country “turning out too many amoral children”.
The cynic will look around the cabinet table and query whether private schools are all equipping their students “with the moral compass they need for life”, as he puts it.
It’s a shame, because children from well-off backgrounds who do go to comps thrive: one study looking at a sample of middle-class kids at inner-city comps found they “performed brilliantly”, and 15% of them went to Oxbridge. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), there is little difference in the performance of state schools and private schools when you take into account the child’s background. “Much of the advantage that comes from private schooling is confirmed by the social-economic context, not necessarily in value added,” as the OECD put it.
Jones is so annoyed at people with backgrounds and characters formed by such upbringings that give them an advantage that he wants to abolish Oxbridge and level the playing field…by dumbing down……
Abolish Oxbridge
Oxbridge: “isn’t really simply an educational elite, it is partly a social elite, because the people it draws from overwhelmingly are from the most privileged backgrounds.”
Character then is now important to Jones….here he hates those ‘repulsive, thuggish’ Republicans…..
‘How easy it was to scrutinise US power when George W. Bush was in office. After all, it was difficult to defend an administration packed with such repulsive characters, like Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, whose attitude towards the rest of the world amounted to thuggish contempt.’
Jones is not above a little hypocrisy…..slapping down Cameron for making a comparison between the 1930’s and Putin’s actions now…..
Owen Jones: David Cameron and the cynicism of comparing Putin to Hitler
Vladimir Putin is responsible for some awful human rights abuses in Ukraine, but Cameron drawing parallels to Hitler is a cheap, politically motivated shot
However Jones isn’t shy about such comparisons himself……
What all that shows is just how Jones’ ‘values’ shift when convenient. One moment personality, character and background maketh the man and are essential in judging that person, the next moment he denounces all such judgements as irrelevant and insubstantial distractions that demean politics and count for very little.
It also shows how Jones is quite prepared to trawl the depths himself and use insult and ridicule to attack those whose politics he doesn’t like and is ready to indulge in deception and lies to bolster his own narrative whilst attacking the integrity of others who do the same.
Jones of course is just one of many on the Left who indulge themselves in such games and are orchestrating a relentless campaign against a free Press in order to ensure that only the ‘approved’ messages are fed to the Public in a sinister and dangerous ploy that’s endgame is the closing down of free speech and the fair and democratic society that we aspire to, the Guardian implying we investigate the Right-wing Press and ‘moderate’ their output to presumably suit their own cultural and political agenda…
‘The press’s role in the 2015 election requires more investigation. As so often, the coverage over six weeks tells us little more than we could have anticipated before the campaign began. Agenda-setting over a longer period is far more important’
Orwell would be horrified that ‘1984’ has turned out to be a manual for the Left rather than serving as a warning of the horrors that await a world that allows itself to be manipulated and controlled by those who claim to be acting in its best interests whilst all the time working to imprison you mentally and physically if you don’t co-operate, closing down free thought, free speech and the individualism that has brought so much success and pleasure to people who have been the beneficiaries of the bloody battles, intellectual and on the actual battlefield, fought over centuries against the oppression and tyranny of institutionalised terror, all too often religious, to make such a society possible.
Owen Jones and his ilk seem to want to bring all that tyranny and oppression back.
“We associate the term ‘concentration camps’ with the Nazis. But it started with the British”
The huge sphincter is incorrect.
Concentration camps, as named, began in c19 Spanish Cuba.
We associate them with Socialism, in all its disgusting forms.
A Grade One ‘hole, literally, and illiterately.
But he does not need a sex-change operation, he has practised being a cunt from birth.
Then there’s the habit of deliberately fudging the difference between camps consisting of concentrations of people which, as you point out, have been created at various times for various reasons, and extermination camps such as Auschwitz II–Birkenau.
The whole point of being ‘on the left’ is that you, or the people you support , know what is in the best interests of the people. This gives them the view that they are on the side of the angels and that anyone who doesn’t agree with them is in league with the devil. Obviously they don’t see it in religious terms , except perhaps that nutty priest who appears on the BBC far to often, but even he probably isn’t religious.
This in part explains why the BBC seems to regard its self as holier than thou and why it attacks the Tories and UKIP so relentlessly. The other part of the explanation , which applies to Mr Jones et al , is that it is perfectly justifiable to make pots of money for your self out of ‘defending’ the poor and telling everyone what to do.
A central pillar of the BBC’s world view, and that of their lefty friends, seems to be to make Brits feel guilty about , The Slave Trade , The Empire, The Industrial revolution and the awful working conditions at that time, modern day food banks, welfare families ‘only’ being allowed £23,000 of tax payers money, boat people, Palestinians etc etc.. The amount of stuff we are supposed to feel guilty about is never ending. It doesn’t seem to matter that some of it happened hundreds of years ago when everyone’s moral standards were totally different to the present day.Nor that the Brits were responsible for putting an end to the slave trade. It also doesn’t matter if most of the modern stuff that we are supposed to feel guilty about is blown up out of all proportion or that there is nothing that we can really do to ‘improve’ the situation. The BBC just ploughs on with its mission to increase the burden of guilt on our shoulders. The corporation makes gross exaggerations almost every day. It allows self interested commentators and charities to lie to us from the platform it provides them with.
The BBC have pretty well exhausted my compassion bank with the endless bombardment of stuff they throw at me daily. I only give to local charities now where I know the people and what they do.
“The Wisdom Of Owen Jones” – an oxymoron right up there with the best of them.
Correct Lakesman….he should also worry Oxford University as he is living proof of declining standards and ability to face facts….seeing facts as more like inconvenient truths.
I keep waiting for reissue of the film “The inconvenient truth” in its new revised version “The inconvenient half truth at best”!
‘The statesmanship of Ed Milliband’ would be another.
I haven’t seen the “it were racism that did it” angle being wheeled out yet?
It’s usually the first reflex….
Is it becoming devalued as a currency now heaven forbid?..
You must have missed Andy Burnham on the Marr show. Apparently a major thrust of Labour’s ‘new direction’ will be to confront immigration…..
It’s called politics.
Saw it, had it been any other political party making those statements, we would have had ‘bugs’ bunny and all the other ‘toons’ and sockpuppets shouting ‘Racist’, ‘Racist’! form the top deck of the clapped out bus .
Labour will never win in England again. Some new party they create out of it’s ruins might one day but not this lot. So all the liberal handwringing is to no avail. it is not the press or the media it is just the way things are.
Labour is the past now.There just are not enough state funded drones left to vote it in. Where I live labour lost it’s deposit and is a joke. It just a cannot win in the shires again.
Oh yes it can win in London and other hellhole cities but that is about it.
Mind you the old left mantra of change the people is what it needs. Kick out the old English and then it has got a chance.
I can’t see this happening now.
A ruthless and organised UKIP could clear the knotweed and elder out of the north….that is the entangling, smothering left denying left.
Labour are a sitting duck-wring its neck by being clear on the EU, doing exactly the opposite of what the chattering classes tell them to do/be-and rightfully take up the Lefts cudgels on behalf of
a)Student loans and tuition fees-LABOUR policy 2004 etc
b) housing for the young, rent rip offs. Labour let this rip under their eyes…UKIP need to take the Tories to town over their complacent collusion against the nations youngsters and under 35s.
…and then screw the Tories where they won`t allow grammar schools, where their MPs have conspired in the EU rip offs and climate change bolloX.
Won`t matter if it`s Nigel or Suzanne by then-it doesn`t now either-the manifesto was the best on offer, and UKIP now need to decapitate the union hostage that is the Labour party and its Auntie incontinent at the BBC.
Only hope that UKIP are planning for this-the golf club racists seeking another crack at politics need to help organise it-but FFS-don`t stand, don`t talk shite on Twitter or YouTube.
Wonder if they`ll do this-or will they fall for the BBC crumbs of bitching consolation?
This is a fight to the death-either we wipe out the left and its BBC demcratically-or they`ll be back with the EU and IS to settle up with those of us who know what their game is.
Wake up UKIP-Scotland needs you next!
And weren`t Channel 4 investigating the “taxable death duties” of Ian Cameron-Davids dad-only a few weeks ago in the run up to the election?
A nasty smeary and smarmy little piece that would not accuse David directly of benefiting from his dads “non dom/creative tax arrangements”-but was all set in Jersey, lest we not get the message.
“Tory Leader benefits from his dads death, and avoids paying taxes on it all” was all that Snow,Guru-Murhty, Frei and Newman would have wanted you to know about it all.
And no peeps of protest from Jones, any more that Jack Monroe accusing Cameron of using his SONS death to deflect us from his “privatising the NHS” was disowned by Jones and his union puppet paymasters.
Like Thatchers death-and the awful scenes that confronted her kids and grandchildren-THESE are “legitimate targets” to the Left-always and forver-for THEY alone dictate what morality and ethics are as they go along…freewheeling along their highway to hell.
Jones-evil or thick?…or a vulture who gets a stretch limo to the BBC, no matter who`s in power-as long as he can profit from waving his tawdry conscience around in public?
Witness his shouting over Janet Daley on a recent “Dateline”-even though she`d warned him at an earlier Fabian Soc meeting that he`d be proved wring-and she was correct….but hey, truth is a moveable and flexible friend with Labour-always is!
He sums up the Left and what it`s now become-idiot little brothers, fatherless naifs who watch too many Clash hagiographies on BBC4, and think it was all true. I was there-it is not.
Pitiful-we had Bob Monkhouse, they have Russell Howard-poor sods!
I’m no fan of the Murdoch press for a whole variety of reasons, but at least they are open about their allegiances – unlike the BBC who hide behind a mask of impartiality, whilst relentlessly promoting a leftist agenda at the public’s expense. In fact if you are disposed to dark humour their political view has become so transparent that it’s laughable.
I used to think that Owen Jones was a harmless idiot who might grow up one day, but now I think he is a dangerous idiot. He is not dangerous because of what he says, most of which is rubbish, but he is dangerous because it goes unchallenged.
As to the morality of Socialism: the dark heart of Socialism is and has always been, envy.
Remember that the Soviets solved this problem with the dictatorship of the prolateriat! If the lumpen masses get it wrong make the decision for them!
I am also not sure that Cameron will do anything to reverse the labour policy of mass immigration?
Saw a bit of the brilliant Frasier yesterday-aren`t the Miliband boys just Frasier and Niles?
Thought also of Chauncey the Gardener in being there-if that`s not Obama/Umunna in a fetching, eye-catching Benetton shade , than I don`t know a better description of the vacuous being seen as “statesmanlike”
Finally-Siobhan Sharp of Perfect Curves in the current W1A…cant help feeling that she got Labour to give us the pink van and the edstone to go in it.
Let`s never forget who our friends are in the Labour Party-one Axelrod, one Tristram, one Torsten?…one Tory victory!
Were they Tory plants I wonder?
I hope the BBC continues to give that little twerp Owen Jones blanket coverage. He is the best anti-Labour/left asset anyone could wish for. Joe Public can see him for what he is, a sixth form common room blowhard who never grew up. Whilst he would deny it until blue in the face, he is one of the modern variety of socialist who makes sure they never have to rub shoulders with real people and real life. The working class is rapidly waking up to Owen Jones’ kind and realise they have been betrayed and are being used for political purposes that benefit nobody but the self-selected elite. Why did every party in the election campaign try and stress they were the party of the working man or woman? In Labour’s case it was because they realised they had been rumbled and had done nothing for working people in years and for every other party it was because they spotted an opportunity due to Labour neglecting its roots.
So, more power to Owen Jones and please keep destroying the left from within. There is a big bag of sweeties in it for you Owen.
Surely the real attraction of Jones, to the BBC anyway, is his ‘child prodigy’ status which identifies him so strongly with our blossoming and ‘politically astute yoof’. That he can also converse on near equal terms and create apparently cogent argument among his elders and betters – their names are legion but all owe their existence and status as ‘pundits’ to the BBC, or the Guardian, or more usually, both – is a bonus in his eyes and theirs, if less so among more balanced minds.
What is common to all is a breathtaking arrogance combined with a level of condescension unknown since pre-Revolutionary France. It fosters, for example, an ability to simply dismiss a massive vote of no confidence – summed up so adroitly by Ms Toynbee as ‘mind-blowing ignorance’ – as a mere aberration.
Where on earth would these paragons live if CITES were to slap destruction orders on their towers?
Here’s one to help you along your way ……
Owen Jones should tell the BBC to stop traducing Farage , it’s other leaders and those who vote for UKIP and instead tell us and fairly analyse UKIPs policy , something it seems afraid to do .
I was told that the reason why UKIP won the mock election at the local School was because they placed great emphases on forensically analysing all the party manifestos.
As that other good socialist, Dr. Goebbels, reputedly acknowledged, if you repeat a lie often enough it eventually becomes accepted as the truth. So it is with this canard that “the British invented concentration camps”, a point noted in the comment at the beginning of this thread.
I think I am right in saying that the term did not acquire its negative connotations until the Nazi period; so, for example, contemporary newspaper reports of the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 include descriptions of concentration camps organized by federal agencies to provide food and shelter for those whose communities had been inundated.
And in a more military use of the term the American Civil War produced many examples of ill treatment by both sides of prisoners. However the abuse of the Northern men by the CSA at Andersonville was an early example in modern times of mistreatment. Not called ” concentration camps” at the time but a phrase used now to describe them.
Of course Owen knows history well enough to know this ?
All countries engaged in warfare have used the idea of a ‘camp’ as somewhere to control those it needs to. Some have been a lot more humane than others.
“.. if you repeat a lie often enough it eventually becomes accepted as the truth.”
Something that the BBC does not go out of its way to correct if the lie is serving its purpose to advance their view of the world.
“The coalition doubled the national debt” being a recent example being often repeated by those of the left.
It is also why it matters so much how things are presented in news summaries as those few brief words are what most people remember.
“Israeli jets pound Gaza” or “Israelis retaliate to continued rocket attacks”. We all know the BBC only use the first.
The BBC still peddle the lie that the Belgrano was sunk despite it not being a threat to British forces. They must have worn out the clip where that claim was made. The BBC is rotten to the core.
At the time of sinking, Argentina had already invaded the Falkland Islands using military force. Great Britain was going to recover and rescue the islands and its people with force – the Belgrano, a warship was certainly a threat to that objective.
Even the Belgrano captain admitted they were a legitimate was target. He said they were zig-zagging in and out of the seclusion zone and just happened to be outside at the time of the sinking but were due to go back in again soon.
Even the Belgrano captain admitted they were a legitimate war target. He said they were zig-zagging in and out of the seclusion zone and just happened to be outside at the time of the sinking but were due to go back in again soon.
Sanctimonious, moralising and self-opinionated Left-wingers like Owen Jones never complained about the barrage of media attacks on Conservatives and Ukippers over the years. He’s only chucking his rattles out of the pram because his beloved Labour lost. He really is an insufferable motor mouth.
Now, the immature part of me sees the blank area on that poster as crying out for a picture of a knob growing out of Owen’s forehead. I really must grow up.
Steve Jones.
You mean he’s a Richard Cranium ?
Most eloquently put.
“Orwell would be horrified that ‘1984’ has turned out to be a manual for the Left rather than serving as a warning of the horrors that await a world that allows itself to be manipulated and controlled by those who claim to be acting in its best interests whilst all the time working to imprison you mentally and physically if you don’t co-operate”
This last paragraph was excellent. Would Orwell be horrified? I think he foresaw this too.
Good analysis of this guy’s hypocrisy and mutable standards, I hope he gets to read it sometime. But he’d probably just deny it.
I actually felt a bit sorry for Miliband, he seems like a nice guy, but completely delusional, an idealogue with dangerous policies. The road to hell etc.
In the run-up to this election I’ve gone from the Tory supporting Daily Mail to the UKIP supporting Daily Express. Neither is a Murdoch publication, and when I did buy the Sun, it wasn’t for the politics. My Grandparents bought the Express, and I still have Rupert Annuals from the 1960’s in the Loft. But then why do people at the BBC buy the Guardian I wonder. Are they as thick as the people in the nearest shithole to me, the City of Hull, who always vote Labour? Do the W1A morons really think Labour voters are superior to everyone else, even though the remit of the Labour Party is to represent poor people. So do they really think that you have to be clever to be poor? Or that you have to be thick if you want to become rich?
Very confusing, but I think the reason is that the left-wing morons confuse the power given to them over others (from Labour voters) with intelligence. Its why the morons at the BBC us power, for the widespread censorship of intellectuals, and instead, invite emotionalist idiots like Russell Brand and Owen Jones. I think I heard someone at the BBC say that the Computers at Broadcasting House are more intelligent than the people who work there.
“I think I heard someone at the BBC say that the Computers at Broadcasting House are more intelligent than the people who work there. ”
I think the vacuum cleaners and water coolers would give most Beeboids a run for the money in this too.
“the remit of the Labour Party is to represent poor people”
It is for this reason that the labour Party makes sure the poor are always with us. One thinks of sink estates which vote Labour decade after decade. I think this is one explanation for the rise of the SNP in Scotland and the Ukip vote in many Northern areas: former Labour voters are finally seeing that a vote for labour is a vote to remain serfs.
Mr Stand Up For The Working Class Jones is as middle class as they come and I am willing to bet has NEVER had an actual job in his entire life
All of this bleating about our election system and the Tories winning is made all the more sweeter by fools like him getting foaming dog syndrome over it all
I ‘wonder’ if he carries a Hammer and Sickle in his tool bag ?
According to wikipedia (unlikely to be completely reliable about a socialist as they seem to have lots of time to edit it)
Jones was born in Sheffield and grew up in Stockport, Greater Manchester,[1] and briefly in Falkirk, Scotland.[2] His father was a local authority worker and trade-union shop steward,[3] and his mother is an IT lecturer.[3] He describes himself as a “4th generation socialist”; his grandfather was involved with the Communist Party and his parents met as members of the Trotskyist Militant tendency.[4]
He attended Bramhall High School and Ridge Danyers Sixth Form College[5] before reading history at University College, Oxford, graduating with a BA in 2005 and a Master of Studies (MSt) in US history in 2007.[6] Prior to his media career, Jones worked as a trade-union lobbyist and as a parliamentary researcher for the Labour Party.[7]
So you are right, never done a days useful work in his life
Should have rebelled against his upbringing. Turned High Tory and upset his parents. Might have enjoyed life more.
So Jones would abolish Oxbridge – that would leave the Labour party in a more chaotic state than they are now
The Party of the workers
Wasn`t Owen Jones an Oxbridge yoo hah?
If so, he`s a shameless hypocrite who took all the advantages-whilst pulling up the drawbridge on others with big gobs and Uncle Lens backing.
Did Laura Spence play for Gordon Browns “chippy agenda” in vain?
Her school conspired with Brown to slag off Oxford-the poor kid was collateral damage at that time.
Labour likes to surfboard on innocent kids living(Laura) or dead(Millie)
It`s what they do.
Sh… !
He may be a contributor to this site ?
Presuming that there in no wisdom in or around Owen Jones any more than Russel Brand. Still the BBC has other claims I read in the Daily Express that the BBC is planning to widen its ‘appeal’ by making programmes as an ‘independant TV producer’ (which it’s clearly not) for Amazon and NetFlix viewers (perhaps do spoil any Top Gear remake or just to sell cheap BBC progrms on the slide). This has infuriated all other ‘real’ Independent TV production companies that don’t receive any TV license funding for grace and favor priviliges. The BBC should either be a private network (on subscription) or be slimmed down to give the likes of Owen Jones an apprenticeship for a job cleaning pans. I am sure no other independent TV or Radio would be interested in employing oxbridge twerps. Only the BBC employs twerps who never get a job anywhere else. The BBC is anti competitive and relies on its monopoly to push it’s product.
who is this right press owen jones and his mates scaremonger and bleat about on the bbc,what is the right wing press,who are they owen jones,most of us are not right wing but just believes in what is right for are country,of course the likes of guardian supremacists like owen jones always trys to smear centre right thinking as right wing or on the extremes of the right whatever that means in his paranoid head,but he would say that because he is more far left than a fidel castro road sign,what owen fails to understand is that the right wing press are not right wing,they are just right as the result of the election proved.
Guardianista #1 : “OJ”
Marxist Owen Jones,
Aged Thirty Three and Two Thirds,
Writes fantasy pulp.
Given Alan and his very expensive website ,the funds behind which are never disclosed, works for the Dirty Digger, it is rather unsurprising he has trotted out this latest bilge. It is of course a dead give away when he attacks Leverson as trying to close down Murdoch. Of course it was no such thing but to a man who obviously supports phone tapping included that of a dead child the point is clearly missed.
As to Owen Jones,he might have more easily been described as an irritating northern tossed saving Lupert’s well enumerated clone (or was it clown) the time and trouble or organising this rather empty headed attack.
May I suggest to Alan and his well funded research department
There are only a few yardsticks how anybody can be judged in society.
Do they have power?
How did they get it ?
How do they exercise it?
Who does it benefit
In Lupert’s case ,yes he has economic power as well as considerable economic power. He chooses to exercise it the benefit of increasing his wealth.
Mift by being caught out over BSkyB despite much encouragement by Mr ‘even handed’ Jeremy Hunt. He now wishes to crush the BBC to use its bandwidth to ,guess what, make more money for himself.
As to the pretentious nonsense regarding BBC bias to the left,
No one on this site has yet to provide a shred of evidence.even today more right wing conservative crap was issuing forth this time on breakfast when various previously violent activists were trotted out to show us all the way to counter domestic terrorism.
Apparently, we can stop terrorism by talking to each would be terrorist at a time. Just don’t mention ze var or indeed the current level of drone attacks by the RAF over the Middle East .
Bunch of great stuff in there clearly destined for inclusion in the new Scrabble dictionary.
“when he attacks Leverson as trying to close down Murdoch. Of course it was no such thing”
Of course it was. Hence the ignoring of the worse phone tapping by the left-wing non-Murdoch press. Palpably dishonest statements like that do you no credit Manon.
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