Interesting piece on ISIS which I caught. Balanced? Well, yes it mentions their brutality, but slips in a few justifications like the time when Christians attacked Moslems. But the jewel is their benign description of Dhimmi status. The BBC describes it as a form of ‘protection’ for non moslems.
‘Unlike other religious minorities – such as the Yazidis – Christians and Jews are generally considered to have protected (“Dhimmi”) status because they belong to monotheistic religions like Islam.
But IS appears to view Christians primarily as enemies that must be fought and subdued.
Contrary to the prevailing view in Muslim countries, IS regards Christians as being afforded the protected status of Dhimmis only if they pay a special tax called jizya and fulfil other stringent obligations. Those obligations are subject to IS’s own interpretation’.
Dhimmi status is abhorrent to any free man. It is a crime against humanity however you dress it up. This must be said loud and clear not using the weasel words of the liberal apologists of the BBC/Guardian elites… The same with Sharia. It has no place in England ever.
Going back to the Turkish empire. It functioned effectively only because the Christians and the Jews made it work and the Muslim elite let them get on with it. The dhimmi status they had was in no way comparable to the draconian way Isis etc interpret it. .You can argue that the current dreadful state of the ME is a result of the disintegration of the Turkish Empire and the consequent inability of the locals to create anything that really works. .
Difficult to believe, but Dan Hodges in the DT reckons if Milliband had taken the offered advice of Labour supporter Jimmy Wales, a Wiki founder, the election outcome might have been different. Ha ha, stretching it a bit that.
The BBC’s latest hero – Steve Hilton no less – was the subject of a discussion between Anthony Browne, Chief Executive of the British Bankers Association and Professor Prem Sikka, Professor of Accounting at Essex University. Steve had opined that if an outfit – a bank for instance – is “too big to fail” the salary of its top execs should be no more than that of senior civil servants. IMHO that’s a reasonable debating point and, as it turns out, is one of the reasons Hilton’s recent book is forever a subject for discussion on the BBC. Imagine if Hilton had asserted that there should be no limit to bankers’ pay: I suspect that Hilton’s book and opinions would have been another great unmentionable at the BBC (much like Lady Hodge’s apparent tax dodging and consequent use of HMRC’s Leichtenstein Offshore Disclosure Facility)
BTW the Today discussion was not a two handed debate moderated by a neutral chairman. Webb kept murmuring “11 million, 11 million” and forgot – as usual with those on Today‘s speed dial – to tell us that Sikka is not a disinterested academic in all this: he is a far-left advocate of anti-capitalist nonsense and, moreover, is a frequent contributor to the Guardian mainly whining that everybody’s income belongs to the state on tax matters. Accordingly, he is an example of the use that the once sacred word “professor” is put to by the BBC and a corrupted Academy to disguise lefty statist propaganda (cf “professors” of “climate change” and “education” from East Anglia Tech and elsewhere).
Steve had opined that if an outfit – a bank for instance – is “too big to fail” the salary of its top execs should be no more than that of senior civil servants.
In which case those senior civil servants should be held accountable for their management of the ‘business’ at shareholders meetings – the shareholders being us taxpayers.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,
All the Queen’s horses and all the Queen’s men
Said bollox to the beeb
(with apologies to Just sayin’)
The Beeb could have entitled this article ‘Northumbria Police boss cleared of misconduct – did not breach standards’ but rather chose to highlight how she ‘has apologised for upsetting officers’. Officers had complained about rudeness – she had expressed ‘frustration at the speed of progress’.
Some of us remember a time when expressing frustration at the speed of progress was the core function of a boss. No more, it seems, at least within government organisations. Do you think there could be a connection with Britain’s falling productivity that Mark Carney was warning about last week?
You and yours today. re the licence fee, should the BBC be loose the telly tax and become commercial? Comments invited; I wont bother as they will ignore or deride any criticism being in denial over bias. However, what contribution to the debate could Man on a bus make ? Please post your suggestions for us to see man on bus.
You and Yours deliberately framed the question wrongly – not “should the BBC continue to be funded by the licence fee” – ie a highly regressive compulsory tax – – instead it is asking “Is the BBC worth the licence fee”.
As usual you get people who say it is worth 35p a day yada yada.
BUT – already several people have responded – NO – it is not worth it, there is too much extravagance, bloated salaries,duplication of news services etc, too many channels, too many repeats, hardly anything worth watching etc etc.
And one caller put clearly the case for a base level of support for the BBC by licence fee or out of general taxation – and all the rest to be on a subscription basis. (But later the bloody presenter twisted this to suggest that the call er had said it should ALL be paid for out of general taxation.
They have just brought on Alan Yentob – hardly a fair opponent to the everyday critics. It is not meant to be “Us and Ours”.
No mention yet of the appalling bias of the BBC. Possibly the main objection – why should one be forced to pay for a constant stream of propaganda.
At least some kind of debate is starting. Whittingdale needs to get some backbone – cut the fee or tax support to £50 a year, force the BBC to find the rest by subscription or advertising or whatever. And he must not let the BBC dominate the debate.
‘You and Yours deliberately framed the question wrongly’
‘Previously, on BBBC…: “default ‘get it about right’ self delusion will see those they invite, what they are asked and how the answers get edited erring on the predictable.”
‘No mention yet of the appalling bias of the BBC. Possibly the main objection’
Maybe scheduled, but there is that ‘no time for any more’ thing.
Why do they do it? Why bother with inane propaganda?
The BBC sounds pretty desperate. No worries with Cameron there. He will keep the money tree growing for them.
Just been listening to yet another wonderfully enlightening documentary on radio 4 ….’Hip Hop in the Middle East’. Full of the usual liberal rhetoric ‘America out’, Israel out’ , ‘Our dear brothers the Palestinians’. And all with a liberal sprinkling of the word ‘SHIT’.
It’s relentless.
Turkey TV talent show: Woman contestant shot in head
The word “conservative” is used multiple times. Not a single mention of Islam…
“Diyarbakir is a conservative region in south-east Turkey and Ms Kaya had reportedly received death threats for singing on the show, Sesi Cok Guzel”
The Torygraph is quickly out of the blocks on ‘stay-in’ propaganda for the referendum. They have an Italian female – should that now be ‘Italy female’? – pushing Call-Me-Dave’s proposal that all EU citizens should have a vote. This is not just any old Italy female, but ‘Paola Buonadonna is a media consultant and former head of media at British Influence’. So she is an activist. British Influence sounds like a UKIP spin-off, but the browser tab shows ‘The Yes to Europe campaign’. Being a media consultant, Paola knows all the tricks; angling for sympathy, demonizing UKIP, etc. She also tries to de-legitimize the status quo. This is a good trick; e.g. the Gruniard are portraying watching catch-up TV as a ‘loophole’. Here, Ms Buonadonna calls restricting voting to over-18’s Farage’s ‘minimalist position’. Allowing EU citizens to vote is not ‘some devious scheme to skew the result, but … a simple act of fairness’
So it begins. Cameron is not to be trusted. None of them are. We are going to be forced to vote yes almost at gunpoint. Don’t laugh it could come to this one day. We leave the EU dies. It is that simple and they know it.
As for non citiizens voting that is a transparent ploy to boost the yes vote. Cameron will go for it. Trust me on this.
This is disgraceful. This is not an economic matter whatever the pundits want you to think. It is about who rules and under whose laws. The same thing that we have faced down the centuries.
These people insult us all. This is a nation and a people not a business and not anybody’s to dispose of how they think fit. It is certainly no business of an Italian to tell us how we wish to have our land governed.
Beeb usual-suspect twitterers Smith/Forsyth/Brant have been unusually quiet, but they’re well exercised just now with Patrick O’Flynn’s resignation. Looks to me like the natural fall-out from a coup that failed, but the Beeboids want blood.
he who wields the knife… @oflynnmep goes but i still think @Nigel_Farage is a weakened leader who's having a serious think about what next
Brant laying it on with a trowel on the News Channel… ‘I don’t think it’s over, frankly…’. ‘The pedants will notice that…’ O’Flynn regrets making his views public; doesn’t say he regrets the views. He looks for every negative angle.
Telegraph article has article by Italian Paola Buonadonna who lives and works in this country asks “I’m not British but I live here and pay my taxes. Shouldn’t I have a vote in the EU referendum?”
Obviously pro EU, lets do a bit of digging on Paola, should we be surprised that for 12 years she worked for the bBC as “On-screen reporter for BBC1 political affairs programme On The Record and Politics Show” ? Of course the like minded flock together.
It also begs the question of the agenda of the many foreign reporters employed by Al Beeb.
How can we expect fair and non biased reporting from our national broadcaster in the run up to the referendum, and how can we expect a fair result for the British if Johnny Foreigner also gets a vote?
Quite right. The world Service (again) seems to recruit almost nothing but non-British reporters, frequently, so far as one can tell, from the countries on which they are reporting. Hardly a recipe for objective coverage.
Quite right el beeb ran a story on Zimbabwe using a local a few months ago, the blokes accent was so local I only understood 1 word in 2 or 3. How the hell is he going to be objective living in a one party state with comrade Mugabe ‘s goons standing behind the camera ?
I remain intrigued how the world’s biggest, most globalised reporting machine seems so often ready to go the extra mile to check or… on the odd occasion… run with what sounds great for the narrative so long as others can be pointed at.
This was/is BBC headline stuff.
‘At the time of writing, no such clarification appears’
Few more days…. moving on… job done.
‘The BBC’s David Willey in Rome says that after 20 minutes of private talks, Pope Francis gave Mr Abbas the medallion depicting an angel of peace adding: “It is appropriate because you are an angel of peace.”
Don’t tell me, Jezza Bowen loaned Dave one of his ‘translators’?
If you’ve ever wondered where the BBC gets such amazing Islamic wisdom and ‘insight’ read Ben Macintryre (below) which shows how the ‘impartial’ BBC carefully edits the news highlights for sympathy and ‘humanitarian’ (equal rights) virtue. From a more serious news report (not found on the BBC) is from German newspaper DER SPEIGEL – reproduced later with comment by Macintyre (writing in The Times and reprinted by THIS WEEK magazine (May 2015). It’s interesting – for us – to compare the BBC’s immediate ‘acceptance’ and favor of all things Islamic – when you know the direction of travel of your favorite home broadcaster is of the hard left. It proves beyond doubt that the BBC is still heavily influenced by the soviets in a long term game that is being played out behind the scenes. Proof (as if any were needed) can be found here…
THIS WEEK – (Excerpt):
‘What lies behind the rapid rise of Islamic State? The usual story, says Ben Macintyre, is that it is swept to power on a wave of religious fanaticism. Wrong. Isis is actually owes its success more to old-fashioned soviet spy-craft. The proof can be found in a cache of documents unearthed after a shoot-out last year between the Syrian rebels and the man thought to have masterminded the Isis take-over of norther Syria: Haji Bakr, an ex-Iraq intelligence officer. The documents, revealed by Der Spiegel last week, show that Bakr and a cabal of former Saddam-era spooks engineered the power grab by creating a network of spies to amass information on local power structures and gather evidence on criminal and homosexual activity that could be used for blackmail. They selected religious scholar Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as Isis leader, to give their organisation a “religious face”. but their aim was strictly secular; to accrue “raw power’ using the Stalinist techniques perfected by the East German Stasi. When the rebels searched the house of Hagi Bakr, who was killed in the fighting, they found lots of spy paraphenalia, but “not a single copy of the Koran”.
You gloriously miss the point. Sure someone worked out the logistics and yes there is an ideological context but Blair and co lit the powder keg along with years of exploitation by the west over oil.
The British took over a lot of Africa via the ideology of Christianity. It’s not new. The thing is,if you are religious you are almost certainly a doesn’t take much to make you a violent lunatic unfortunately.
Waiting, with anticipation and bated breath for your comments regarding ‘You and Yours’ today on R4; you probably missed my request so please go ahead with your ideas about the BBC and licence fee now.
I think you will find there was an explosion of Christianity after the Brits left Africa. Probably due to the fact that the Churches are the least corrupt organisations left in Africa.
More and more it looks like the Tories proposed freeze on in-work benefits will be rendered meaningless because they will push the ‘living-wage’. That removes some of Brown’s wasteful admin and quietly gives the immigrants a workaround.
The Living Wage should be massively expanded & be 1 of the great national ambitions with increasing productivity #askboris@adamclarke96
Surely if people work then they should be entitled to a living wage . The issue of who takes up employment and where they originate from is entirely a different question.
Surely if the subjects of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth are told by her government that benefits for foriegners will be cut to discourage immigration, then HMG should not deliberately undermine the effect of that measure? The issue of wage levels and their universality is an entirely a different question
Well maybe but foreign workers tend to be better educated and more willing to undertake tasks that the lazy British won’t. interestingly ,white lower clas whites are at the bottom of national education stats. You can’t blame an employer that hires someone that’s keen and educated rather than someone that feels they are owed a living just because they grew up here can you.
No one remember employment is at an all time low.No doubt you voted for the party that are taking us to the land of milk and honey. When you are old and sick you will be grateful for that hand,on subsistence wages, that helps you to the toilet.
MANON you can spout the biggest load of cobblers going.
The employment sector like any other sector of a free market economy is driven by supply and demand.
Since the Eastern Bloc of former Soviet States were admitted to the EU we have seen massive migration of low skilled workers into the UK. Mainly driven by the fact that British pay is structured around British standards of living.
The low/semi skilled labour market is awash with workers. The employer can dictate what he pays.
Under normal economic conditions as the economy improves it absorbs workers and the supply starts to dwindle and wages rise.
This is never going to happen with an open door immigration policy for the EU
Yes supply and demand. And unemployment has never been so low. Conclusion all these filthy immigrants that we hate so much are gainfully employed.
galling ain’t it!
Lots of prejudice in there, Manon, shame on you. There was a time – of common sense – when businesses knew that for society to be self-sustaining, they had to constantly train young Britons. At some point the state decided to give them ‘support’. Businesses quickly worked out they could bully the state into funding all training. How often did/does the state supply extensive funding, only for a business to pocket the money and leave the new start to sink or swim? Now they feel no need to train at all – India does that for them. You’re nearly right; I can’t blame an employer that hires someone young, keen, educated and dirt-cheap rather than someone over fifty five paid near government rates… unless they cared about the future of the UK. And I know most of them don’t; they only care about the lucre.
Well on this we agree. Decent British employers should train British workers so we don’t need foreign labour. Sadly the history of Our country has been to use foreigners firstly in the Empire through colonialism, then through immigration and post colonial exploitation. Sadly the idea of being British is a myth. You are a worker and the cheaper the better. Whether that creates national or local issues is entirely irrelevant to employers. They deal with profit not politics.
Racism? I think you mean realism, but carry on using that worn out word if it gives you comfort
40+ years of legislation, indoctrination and intimidation and you still cannot kill the truth .
that truth belongs to all not just us ( whoever you think we are)
So the view of 10 year olds is the truth is it? I shall have to get them to answer some of the quantum mechanics questions I am puzzling over? clearly as you get older you get more stupid. How old are you perchance?
On second thoughts busbomber I take that coward bit back ,I guy who throws out ad hominem’s like confetti after he’s been doxed must be pretty sure of himself
Old enough to be stupid then! Thanks for that. If you need any help intellectually be sure to ask your nearest 10 year old! My advice is to keep away from statistics though!
If ten year old girls are told that they ought to be very careful around those Muslim taxi drivers and teenagers who hang around school gates who are you to stop them ? Have you got a 10 year old daughter ? Would you allow her to be raped and buggered by groups of men in their 40s and 50s because of your stupid political beliefs ? More fool you. The young girls parents I know around here are appalled by the behaviour of these scum, they make every effort to keep their daughters well away from them.
manonbus remember durng the general election that tory minister was using kids as a weapon of political propaganda and when in response to the question who would you vote for, the kid said ukip and deport all the immigrants. Fantastic wasnt it. Brought a tear to my eye just watching it. It was beautiful TV at its best
There is hope indeed for our future generation and hope for our country too. todays kids are tomorrows kipper voters and the only hope for our country as the effects of Labours uncontrolled mass immigration unleash civil war on our great nation in the forthcoming years
It was a Labourite , Tristran *unt , who asked the question , not a Tory .(See what I did there , the Today prog would love it ,or maybe not, on one of their own)
If grammar is the only thing you are worried about then you seriously have problems. As is happens I gave a machine that makes up the sentences. I think you are discriminating against me because I am an illegal Serbs Croatia livin in ur fund earful cuntry of greet breetin. God sav de quoon.
Ooh you called me a racist, does that mean you win?
If I’m a racist, does that make those at the Independent racists for highlighting such? Does it F, that argument is dead, even your chums in the Labour are realising the need to move to the right. Get real you appeasing dhimmi appendage.
Beginning to wonder if Mr Clap is a leading light (dimmest bulb available) in Hacked Off or one of their associated anti-free speech groups. Might explain his obsession with this website.
Er I think you’ll find that jpt was ridiculing the BBC’s practice of obfuscating moslem terrorism by using the term ‘conservative’ rather than fundamentalist
Perhaps you would prefer they use the term orthodox?
‘It’s the one hundred and forty five pounds fifty a month that pays for everything from EastEnders to Radio 3 to The Great British Bake Off not to mention You & Yours. New research suggests many thousands…
I’d tell ’em, but they’d probably expedite me.
Unless the Charter Review is looking to be really optimistic.
I solved the F1 problem by getting a £30 satellite system from B&Q pointing it at Astra 19.2 and watching live on Germany’s RTL allied with 5Live commentary.
I’ve been watching since 2012 and even if RTL lost the contract tomorrow I’ve saved £££’s over a Sky subscription, which I would never sign up to.
To be fair, Sky TV costs MUCH more AND they advertise! In that respect, I haven’t got a problem with paying for a TV service on a budget even if they give me a budget biased service – as long as I have the right to criticise the shit out of the ignorant self-serving, self-righteous, children that run it.
Sorry Edward , its not really the same as the NHS.
Why not pay for the BBC by subscription. If you want it pay for it . If you don’t , just watch the free channels .
The NHS is an insurance, in case of illness or injury etc – not entertainment .
I’m not talking about the way the BBC or the NHS are funded – I’m talking about how they use taxpayers money. In that respect they ARE the same.
The reason I mentioned Sky TV above all others is that Sky have the monopoly on subscription TV services. ITV, channel 4 and 5 are free-to-air (they are funded through ads). The only way the BBC can go forward is through subscriptions, hence the comparison to Sky TV!
I don’t pay for Sky either. I never will because they show MORE adverts than ITV – AND they charge subscription fees!
If you can give me a good reason to abolish the BBC, which costs about £12.50 per month, in favour of a subscription based TV service which will cost LOADS MORE, then I’m all ears.
It would cost a lot less if they scrap all the unwanted web content, the foreign content and employees, the local radio, bbc alba, the books and magazines, the unwanted layers of self serving “managers” and the expense no object food drink and offices. Sell what can be sold, the severely pruned rest ought to cost a hell of a lot less.
Repeat – the BBC is not comparable with the NHS. If the BBC is as good as you say it is, we would all subscribe to it .
The licence fee is an unfair and unjust tax on people who don’t watch, like, or aspire to its political aspirations. Quote “The only way the BBC can go forward is through subscriptions, hence the comparison to Sky TV!”
Vote here …..
“I know the BBC are biased (that’s why I’m here!) but I’m all for reform rather than burning it to the ground.”
I think you ought to be honest with yourself: like the EU, the BBC is what it is. It cannot be reformed. Get out, or get rid, or live with it. There is no middle ground, and you are only fooling yourself thinking that there is.
‘It’s an annual fee of one hundred and forty five pounds fifty. That pays for everything from EastEnders to Radio 3 to The Great British Bake Off not to mention You & Yours.’
I wonder when they realized?
Happens a lot. No problem here. But when stuff that matters in editorial is wrong, doesn’t get corrected, or only after a drawn out period, I am very happy not to be paying towards such a… ‘Service’.
It appears there is much ‘blood letting’ and in fighting within the leadership of UKIP according to SKY ‘news’.
Presumably I have missed the reports on labour and the Lib Dems where one can presume by logistical comparison heads are rolling and people are being hung drawn and quartered!
Robert Peston: “Because unless we experience a bit of proper inflation back in the system, we’ll never break the shackles of our cursed enormous debts.”
A bit of scaremongering about ‘deflation’. Peston mentions Japanese deflation, which has had a negative effect on that economy, without explaining how Japanese society is completely different to British society – like 24 hour drinking in France is different to 24 hour drinking in Britain.
But here’s the bullshit: “The other is that proper deflation is pernicious: if we believed that prices were set to fall month after relentless month, we would spend less – in the hope of picking up bargains later – and our bosses would pay us less.”
And our ‘bosses’ would pay us less?
That’s what Peston is scared of – less pay!
Who gives a crap about less pay if everything is getting cheaper?
What if you are a prudent soul and owe nobody a penny? If have ‘repaired the roof’ in the good years and have no debt there are no interest charges, no ‘management’ fees, no costs. Any liquid assets that you have are worth more as opposed to worth less every year. Which is the preferable situation?
Isn’t it amazing how simple kitchen economics works.
Wouldn`t that baker in Northern Ireland have been breaking copyright rules had he broken the law and done Ernie and Bert on that gay cake?
Surely Ashers upheld the law, and certainly didn`t break it.
Besides-what proof has our gay chum that Ernie and Bert ARE in favor of gay marriage? None-as ever the left have co-opted innocent symbols and used them to put through the windows.
Ah well-can now make Madhis bakery up the road do my Muhammad cake now can`t I?…and sue them when they won`t.
The law is a camel-to be ridden by the Islamofascist Left…i`m guessing that our gay campaigner hasn`t seen where all this will end up has he?
“Ah well-can now make Madhis bakery up the road do my Muhammad cake now can`t I?…and sue them when they won`t.”
Tempting, isn’t it? But I wouldn’t, because I don’t see why I should make that baker’s life a misery just to prove my point. That’s where I differ from the arse who took them to court.
News just in on that topic. Cake shops beware. Next target Bread and Grocery shops, large Logo on side with sticker inserted in a prominent position to make certain people happy at the BBC (Northern Ireland Office). Politically correct cakes or else the baker gets it. The Krays are back.
Unfortunately the consequences of asking for a Charlie Hebdo type cartoon on a cake from the fictitious Al-Medina bakery may be more dramatic than a civil court case even if they constabulary permitted anybody to place the order without arresting them for some recently invented hate crime. I suspect that if the the wave of rioting with their associated pointless deaths in places as ‘diverse’ as Khartoum and Karachi resulting from the ‘natural reaction to a gross insult’ were not enough to dissuade anybody from trying, perhaps the life long deadly threat against the person making the order would give them second thoughts.
A better test would be to ask a muslim baker to make an identical Bert and Ernie cake. That would be a like for like comparison and when rejected would clearly demonstrate that, as we all know already, the law operates a one way system and that judicial activists work on a ‘ratchet’ basis. One step towards their cause is irreversible and is the basis for the next step ‘forward’. It would not be in the ‘public interest’ to prosecute the baker, and the counter suit of racism/religious hate would win in an instant.
This is an important matter that deserves a proper hearing. The liberal media holding sway in Europe and particularly this country will not cover it.
The reasons will need a lengthy posting which I have no time for today. Suffice to say it is in a matter like the situation of the white South Africans that liberalism encounters reality and cannot cope with it.
At the heart of liberalism is something malevolent and anti human. This will become mnore apparent as time goes on.
5 Deg C out side ! Its cold for May . Global Warming anyone ?
Note, how Al Beeb weatherman describes this as ‘cool’
Cool ?
Its Bloody cold ! not ‘Cool ‘
Exactly! used to laugh when my Mum used the above saying, one her parents born in the late 1800’s passed down to her, they were right May can be bloody cold!
A hint, investigate Fiona Reynolds and Howard Stringer, and what you find may bring down the BBC.
I am told that it would give you an idea of what could have fallen into the lap of Whittingdale.
Richard… Thanks……A most intriguing snippet you throw out.
Any further clues you can declare here? What Google search terms must we use which might bring us closer to revealing what these BBC Trust members have been up to, (info of which might have reached the ears of John Whittingdale)?
Not sure if anyone else picked up on this yesterday, on albeebs main news.
The report on Charles’ meeting with satan.
The voice over said
Charles is C in C of the Parachute regiment, which sustained and CAUSED ( my emphasis) many casualties during the troubles.
I did, felt like putting my foot through the radio – absolutely appalling. Also how they span it as though SF didn’t know what the IRA were doing and didn’t agree with some of it either – delusional O’Beebie.
To be honest (and I am beeb hater) Charles showed pragmatism and forethought. Enemies can become friends with time as our relationships with France and Germany show.
Would that relationship with France and Germany be us under their control then?
A British broadcaster committing treason in my view when accusing the paras of causing casualties.
Your Doctors need you back into the asylum.
If he isn’t, he should be. He’s a block on progress towards an OUT vote in the referendum because he’s far too divisive a figure and he has the wrong plan for Brexit.
See my reply to Old Bloke below – people will listen to him. But probably largely only those that already agree with us, that we want no part of the Superstate.
Norman Smith’s intro to the Farage bit was appalling – and inaccurate. He said Suzanne Evans has gone – no she has not, she is Deputy Chairman, but her contract to work on the manifesto has come to an end (she needed a contract for all the work involved, to pay for her time, she is a freelance worker). Justin Webb continued with the meme “UKIP in chaos”. Farage was unflappable as usual.
That was Charlie Stayt in response to the news that BBC favourite and recently un-confirmed batchelor George Clooney does the cooking.
BBC Breakfast has taken to bringing us a daily Clooney interview. Yesterday’s came care of the Asian Network and had a distinctly Middle Eastern flavour. This morning the BBC noddy dogs are thrilled to hear about George’s missus who is a human rights lawyer. “She’s one of those people who makes a difference” (That was star-struck Louise Minchin not our George’s words).
To be honest Mr Clooney could have had a lie in and left it to the BBC Breakfast team to puff his movie and fawn over his wife.
‘Imagine being an international human rights lawyer. Jetsetting round the globe, setting the world’s highest courts alight with spectacular oratory performances, radically changing the lives of the most vulnerable. Hell, there’s probably a Nobel peace prize in there somewhere too right?’
‘Think again. There are actually very few lawyers who would describe themselves as international human rights lawyers, partly because there are so few opportunities to practise in this competitive area but also because most would not regard it as a practice area in itself.’
Tony E, just consider this, if it wasn’t for Mr Farage (and his “leadership” of UKIP), we would now be looking at Ed Milliband standing with the keys to No10. Now that doesn’t bare thinking about, what say you?
I think that’s debatable, but not part of the argument I’m making.
UKIP started in the early 90’s as a single issue party – simply about getting out of the EU. At that point I would have supported it, as I supported Sir James Goldsmith’s Referendum party.
However, it isn’t a single issue party any more, and its rhetoric on Immigration is intimately part of the Farage appeal – because it has a certain resonance.
But there are no UKIP voters to gain for the OUT campaign, their support is a given. So the OUT campaign being closely associated with someone who has almost no influence with the metropolitan classes, immigrants and the young, is counter productive.
There are 46 million registered electors in the UK. UKIP support is about 4 million. That leaves us another 19 Million votes to win to get over the line. Even given a 60% turnout, we still need 11.5 Million.
That will require a different kind of campaign, and one that I think Farage is unsuited to lead, as is any political leader as the argument becomes partisan. It must be a pure argument about sovereignty, self governance and democratic will. We need a very large left wing, metropolitan vote to leave the EU.
If it becomes bogged down in economics, immigration, cost and trade issues, issues which Farage and UKIP have championed in the GE, I believe we will lose, and lose badly. And that will be it for us for a generation or more.
‘But there are no UKIP voters to gain for the OUT campaign’
You’re mixing an election with an EU referendum, in which we are not voting for a party, your vote can only go one of two ways, not multiple.
‘There are 46 million registered electors in the UK. UKIP support is about 4 million’
Yes but you forget that UKIP do well in Euro releated elections and draw support from other party’s
‘We need a very large left wing, metropolitan vote to leave the EU.’
Did you not note the amount of votes Farage and UKIP took form Labour in the North?
You under estimate Mr Farage, the best politician of our age, who has brought many issues to the fore and awoken many people to the cost and effects of the EU against the pressure and bias of the establishment and the MSM he has even caused the Labour party to question their stance.
Without Farage UKIP would become just another cheeck on the LibLabCon arse if Carswell & Co had their way.
You under estimate Mr Farage, the best politician of our age… Without Farage UKIP would become just another cheek on the LibLabCon arse if Carswell & Co had their way.
Totally agree, Geoff.
Tony said ‘… the OUT campaign being closely associated with someone who has almost no influence with the metropolitan classes, immigrants and the young, is counter productive.’
Well; if you observe the phoney war, where the Tory Eurosceptics try to outwit Call-Me-Dave, no one is even admitting to wanting ‘out’. They all play the silly game ‘We have wait and see what Dave can negotiate’. The suckers will find that the Beeb and the Tory press will big up anything Dave gets as a wonderful breakthrough, worthy of an ‘In’ vote. They will be portrayed as sour for suddenly suggesting otherwise. The only politician, apart from Farage, solidly promoting ‘Out’ is Kate Hoey. Even Norman Tebbit appears to have sold out:
‘David Cameron would be wise to face down the hardcore eurosceptics now before it’s too late, says Norman Tebbit’
The BBC Chelsea Flower Show had a lengthy puff piece on the wonders of Islam – pure propaganda pushing it as the RoP and a civilised and unifying force for good.
Laughingly they even pushed the line that the branches of Islam are one great big happy family. Best run that one past the Shia’s and Sunni’s.
The female Muslim presenter started off in the desert in Westernised dress with lots of flesh on show and was a model of intelligence, civility and culture (how the BBC would like the public to perceive Muslims). Her brother was dressed in traditional Arab robes and Keffiyeh.
At the end, when visiting a Mosque designed as a symbol of unity between the Islamic faiths (LOL), she was in a black headscarf and bin-bag – the reality of Islam for most women. I’m sure the irony of this “transition” passed the BBC by.
So, SSE is going all-out to deprive the Former UK of coal-fired electricity generation. With Ferrybridge, and later Fiddler’s Ferry going off the grid, and lots more windmills, the country is going to be in a sorry state.
Ferrybridge going, Ironbridge going, Rugeley hanging by a thread. The Uk imports 300,000 users of power every year..
Is the bbc going to show us the wonder source of magic that is going to power us through the coming winters ?
PS if you’re driving around eastern seaboard docks and you see a train of woodchip departing, remember with a subsidy of £55 per ton that’s £80,000 coming out of your pocket. Every little helps !
Wonderfully written leader article in the Times today by Michael Burleigh. A must read.
Unfortunately the Times is a pay site. I have access, am I allowed to copy and paste the article here?
Watched BBC’s coverage of Chelsea flower show last night, during which there was an extended piece on an Islamic garden, courtesy of some awful Arab feudal state. The female designer wanted it to show the positive aspects of Islam, but how could it do that without a beheading or limb-lopping area, or a tall building from which to throw gays?
Something like this perhaps ?
This women getting her head hacked off a few weeks ago in Saudi for murder because her employer said she did it……not him gov, why would a Muslim murder a little girl?
Fedup2Feb 25, 08:32 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Excellent news – the price cap expected to rise in April by 5% – instead it’s 6.4%…. Forget all that…
andyjsnapeFeb 25, 08:11 Start the Week 24th February 2025 bbc likes this:- Ramadan volunteers to give food to students “Volunteers will give out hundreds of food parcels to…
JohnCFeb 25, 07:28 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Just saying what I see andy !. Just reading this: US sides with Russia in UN resolutions on Ukraine…
andyjsnapeFeb 25, 07:19 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Good morning JohnC More and more I agree with your comments. The only problem is I can only hit the…
AsISeeItFeb 25, 07:01 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Ofcom cracks down on ‘hypermasculine’ web (Telegraph) – this is our unelected regime patronage-appointed regulatory quango gifted with wide-ranging powers…
tomoFeb 25, 06:46 Start the Week 24th February 2025 and so, it begins?
tomoFeb 25, 06:35 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Shortest election promise ever? and… UvdL
ZephirFeb 25, 06:33 Start the Week 24th February 2025 And all of a sudden, at 4.40 minutes, “they cheated in this election, they hacked the election machines…”
Article questioning BBC bias!
Unfortunately the writer forgot to tell you he was the BBC Asian Network’s technology expert, appearing weekly on the Noreen Khan show.
The article comments are brilliant.
‘The article comments are brilliant’
Crikey; if that had been on a BBC forum the plug would have been pulled pronto! Bet the author was thrilled with the reaction.
He’s a beeboid drone – Sector 7G.
Interesting piece on ISIS which I caught. Balanced? Well, yes it mentions their brutality, but slips in a few justifications like the time when Christians attacked Moslems. But the jewel is their benign description of Dhimmi status. The BBC describes it as a form of ‘protection’ for non moslems.
‘Unlike other religious minorities – such as the Yazidis – Christians and Jews are generally considered to have protected (“Dhimmi”) status because they belong to monotheistic religions like Islam.
But IS appears to view Christians primarily as enemies that must be fought and subdued.
Contrary to the prevailing view in Muslim countries, IS regards Christians as being afforded the protected status of Dhimmis only if they pay a special tax called jizya and fulfil other stringent obligations. Those obligations are subject to IS’s own interpretation’.
Dhimmi status is abhorrent to any free man. It is a crime against humanity however you dress it up. This must be said loud and clear not using the weasel words of the liberal apologists of the BBC/Guardian elites… The same with Sharia. It has no place in England ever.
Going back to the Turkish empire. It functioned effectively only because the Christians and the Jews made it work and the Muslim elite let them get on with it. The dhimmi status they had was in no way comparable to the draconian way Isis etc interpret it. .You can argue that the current dreadful state of the ME is a result of the disintegration of the Turkish Empire and the consequent inability of the locals to create anything that really works. .
Difficult to believe, but Dan Hodges in the DT reckons if Milliband had taken the offered advice of Labour supporter Jimmy Wales, a Wiki founder, the election outcome might have been different. Ha ha, stretching it a bit that.
The BBC’s latest hero – Steve Hilton no less – was the subject of a discussion between Anthony Browne, Chief Executive of the British Bankers Association and Professor Prem Sikka, Professor of Accounting at Essex University. Steve had opined that if an outfit – a bank for instance – is “too big to fail” the salary of its top execs should be no more than that of senior civil servants. IMHO that’s a reasonable debating point and, as it turns out, is one of the reasons Hilton’s recent book is forever a subject for discussion on the BBC. Imagine if Hilton had asserted that there should be no limit to bankers’ pay: I suspect that Hilton’s book and opinions would have been another great unmentionable at the BBC (much like Lady Hodge’s apparent tax dodging and consequent use of HMRC’s Leichtenstein Offshore Disclosure Facility)
BTW the Today discussion was not a two handed debate moderated by a neutral chairman. Webb kept murmuring “11 million, 11 million” and forgot – as usual with those on Today‘s speed dial – to tell us that Sikka is not a disinterested academic in all this: he is a far-left advocate of anti-capitalist nonsense and, moreover, is a frequent contributor to the Guardian mainly whining
that everybody’s income belongs to the stateon tax matters. Accordingly, he is an example of the use that the once sacred word “professor” is put to by the BBC and a corrupted Academy to disguise lefty statist propaganda (cf “professors” of “climate change” and “education” from East Anglia Tech and elsewhere).Steve had opined that if an outfit – a bank for instance – is “too big to fail” the salary of its top execs should be no more than that of senior civil servants.
In which case those senior civil servants should be held accountable for their management of the ‘business’ at shareholders meetings – the shareholders being us taxpayers.
Are the ‘Trustees’ of Al Beeb, Civil Servants ?
Mary had a little lamb,
His fleece was white as snow,
And everywhere that Mary went,
She said bollox to the beeb
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,
All the Queen’s horses and all the Queen’s men
Said bollox to the beeb
(with apologies to Just sayin’)
no need for apologies, lets keep the poetry coming, it makes me feel a lot more cultured than the BBC rubbing my nose in diversity
There was a young man from Vosp
Who was seriously stung by a bee
When asked, “Did it hurt?”
He replied, “not a bit.
It can do it again if it likes.”
Beeb: Northumbria Police boss Sue Sim apologises to officers
The Beeb could have entitled this article ‘Northumbria Police boss cleared of misconduct – did not breach standards’ but rather chose to highlight how she ‘has apologised for upsetting officers’. Officers had complained about rudeness – she had expressed ‘frustration at the speed of progress’.
Some of us remember a time when expressing frustration at the speed of progress was the core function of a boss. No more, it seems, at least within government organisations. Do you think there could be a connection with Britain’s falling productivity that Mark Carney was warning about last week?
You and yours today. re the licence fee, should the BBC be loose the telly tax and become commercial? Comments invited; I wont bother as they will ignore or deride any criticism being in denial over bias. However, what contribution to the debate could Man on a bus make ? Please post your suggestions for us to see man on bus.
You and Yours deliberately framed the question wrongly – not “should the BBC continue to be funded by the licence fee” – ie a highly regressive compulsory tax – – instead it is asking “Is the BBC worth the licence fee”.
As usual you get people who say it is worth 35p a day yada yada.
BUT – already several people have responded – NO – it is not worth it, there is too much extravagance, bloated salaries,duplication of news services etc, too many channels, too many repeats, hardly anything worth watching etc etc.
And one caller put clearly the case for a base level of support for the BBC by licence fee or out of general taxation – and all the rest to be on a subscription basis. (But later the bloody presenter twisted this to suggest that the call er had said it should ALL be paid for out of general taxation.
They have just brought on Alan Yentob – hardly a fair opponent to the everyday critics. It is not meant to be “Us and Ours”.
No mention yet of the appalling bias of the BBC. Possibly the main objection – why should one be forced to pay for a constant stream of propaganda.
At least some kind of debate is starting. Whittingdale needs to get some backbone – cut the fee or tax support to £50 a year, force the BBC to find the rest by subscription or advertising or whatever. And he must not let the BBC dominate the debate.
‘You and Yours deliberately framed the question wrongly’
‘Previously, on BBBC…: “default ‘get it about right’ self delusion will see those they invite, what they are asked and how the answers get edited erring on the predictable.”
‘No mention yet of the appalling bias of the BBC. Possibly the main objection’
Maybe scheduled, but there is that ‘no time for any more’ thing.
More a case of trying to stop him/her/them/it.
Oh… sorry.. the topic is BBC being held to account, namely the topic of this blog. Unlikely an appearance will get made then.
Small mercies.
‘More a case of trying to stop him/her/them/it’
That’ll teach me not to precede with an anchor quote:
“Please post your suggestions for us to see”
Why do they do it? Why bother with inane propaganda?
The BBC sounds pretty desperate. No worries with Cameron there. He will keep the money tree growing for them.
Just been listening to yet another wonderfully enlightening documentary on radio 4 ….’Hip Hop in the Middle East’. Full of the usual liberal rhetoric ‘America out’, Israel out’ , ‘Our dear brothers the Palestinians’. And all with a liberal sprinkling of the word ‘SHIT’.
It’s relentless.
another classic example today: “No Islam Here”
Turkey TV talent show: Woman contestant shot in head
The word “conservative” is used multiple times. Not a single mention of Islam…
“Diyarbakir is a conservative region in south-east Turkey and Ms Kaya had reportedly received death threats for singing on the show, Sesi Cok Guzel”
The Torygraph is quickly out of the blocks on ‘stay-in’ propaganda for the referendum. They have an Italian female – should that now be ‘Italy female’? – pushing Call-Me-Dave’s proposal that all EU citizens should have a vote. This is not just any old Italy female, but ‘Paola Buonadonna is a media consultant and former head of media at British Influence’. So she is an activist. British Influence sounds like a UKIP spin-off, but the browser tab shows ‘The Yes to Europe campaign’. Being a media consultant, Paola knows all the tricks; angling for sympathy, demonizing UKIP, etc. She also tries to de-legitimize the status quo. This is a good trick; e.g. the Gruniard are portraying watching catch-up TV as a ‘loophole’. Here, Ms Buonadonna calls restricting voting to over-18’s Farage’s ‘minimalist position’. Allowing EU citizens to vote is not ‘some devious scheme to skew the result, but … a simple act of fairness’
I’m not British but I live here and pay my taxes. Shouldn’t I have a vote in the EU referendum?
Expect the BBC to be on this case ‘momentarily’. The combination of the Beeb and the Tory press in favour of ‘stay-in’ will be awesome.
So it begins. Cameron is not to be trusted. None of them are. We are going to be forced to vote yes almost at gunpoint. Don’t laugh it could come to this one day. We leave the EU dies. It is that simple and they know it.
As for non citiizens voting that is a transparent ploy to boost the yes vote. Cameron will go for it. Trust me on this.
This is disgraceful. This is not an economic matter whatever the pundits want you to think. It is about who rules and under whose laws. The same thing that we have faced down the centuries.
These people insult us all. This is a nation and a people not a business and not anybody’s to dispose of how they think fit. It is certainly no business of an Italian to tell us how we wish to have our land governed.
A poll of turkeys at Bernard Matthews’ farm in Norfolk revealed 100% in favour of banning Christmas.
That settles it then.
Beeb usual-suspect twitterers Smith/Forsyth/Brant have been unusually quiet, but they’re well exercised just now with Patrick O’Flynn’s resignation. Looks to me like the natural fall-out from a coup that failed, but the Beeboids want blood.
Brant laying it on with a trowel on the News Channel… ‘I don’t think it’s over, frankly…’. ‘The pedants will notice that…’ O’Flynn regrets making his views public; doesn’t say he regrets the views. He looks for every negative angle.
Self-inflicted blood in the water means sharks; UKIP have to accept that.
What is less acceptable is how Labour imploding even more is being either tip-toed around or propped up with concerned advice.
Interesting professional courtesies.
Telegraph article has article by Italian Paola Buonadonna who lives and works in this country asks “I’m not British but I live here and pay my taxes. Shouldn’t I have a vote in the EU referendum?”
Obviously pro EU, lets do a bit of digging on Paola, should we be surprised that for 12 years she worked for the bBC as “On-screen reporter for BBC1 political affairs programme On The Record and Politics Show” ? Of course the like minded flock together.
It also begs the question of the agenda of the many foreign reporters employed by Al Beeb.
How can we expect fair and non biased reporting from our national broadcaster in the run up to the referendum, and how can we expect a fair result for the British if Johnny Foreigner also gets a vote?
It also begs the question of the agenda of the many foreign reporters employed by Al Beeb.
Question? What question?
Quite right. The world Service (again) seems to recruit almost nothing but non-British reporters, frequently, so far as one can tell, from the countries on which they are reporting. Hardly a recipe for objective coverage.
Quite right el beeb ran a story on Zimbabwe using a local a few months ago, the blokes accent was so local I only understood 1 word in 2 or 3. How the hell is he going to be objective living in a one party state with comrade Mugabe ‘s goons standing behind the camera ?
I remain intrigued how the world’s biggest, most globalised reporting machine seems so often ready to go the extra mile to check or… on the odd occasion… run with what sounds great for the narrative so long as others can be pointed at.
This was/is BBC headline stuff.
‘At the time of writing, no such clarification appears’
Few more days…. moving on… job done.
‘The BBC’s David Willey in Rome says that after 20 minutes of private talks, Pope Francis gave Mr Abbas the medallion depicting an angel of peace adding: “It is appropriate because you are an angel of peace.”
Don’t tell me, Jezza Bowen loaned Dave one of his ‘translators’?
If you’ve ever wondered where the BBC gets such amazing Islamic wisdom and ‘insight’ read Ben Macintryre (below) which shows how the ‘impartial’ BBC carefully edits the news highlights for sympathy and ‘humanitarian’ (equal rights) virtue. From a more serious news report (not found on the BBC) is from German newspaper DER SPEIGEL – reproduced later with comment by Macintyre (writing in The Times and reprinted by THIS WEEK magazine (May 2015). It’s interesting – for us – to compare the BBC’s immediate ‘acceptance’ and favor of all things Islamic – when you know the direction of travel of your favorite home broadcaster is of the hard left. It proves beyond doubt that the BBC is still heavily influenced by the soviets in a long term game that is being played out behind the scenes. Proof (as if any were needed) can be found here…
THIS WEEK – (Excerpt):
‘What lies behind the rapid rise of Islamic State? The usual story, says Ben Macintyre, is that it is swept to power on a wave of religious fanaticism. Wrong. Isis is actually owes its success more to old-fashioned soviet spy-craft. The proof can be found in a cache of documents unearthed after a shoot-out last year between the Syrian rebels and the man thought to have masterminded the Isis take-over of norther Syria: Haji Bakr, an ex-Iraq intelligence officer. The documents, revealed by Der Spiegel last week, show that Bakr and a cabal of former Saddam-era spooks engineered the power grab by creating a network of spies to amass information on local power structures and gather evidence on criminal and homosexual activity that could be used for blackmail. They selected religious scholar Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as Isis leader, to give their organisation a “religious face”. but their aim was strictly secular; to accrue “raw power’ using the Stalinist techniques perfected by the East German Stasi. When the rebels searched the house of Hagi Bakr, who was killed in the fighting, they found lots of spy paraphenalia, but “not a single copy of the Koran”.
Original ‘DER SPEIGEL’ news article can be found here:
You gloriously miss the point. Sure someone worked out the logistics and yes there is an ideological context but Blair and co lit the powder keg along with years of exploitation by the west over oil.
The British took over a lot of Africa via the ideology of Christianity. It’s not new. The thing is,if you are religious you are almost certainly a doesn’t take much to make you a violent lunatic unfortunately.
Waiting, with anticipation and bated breath for your comments regarding ‘You and Yours’ today on R4; you probably missed my request so please go ahead with your ideas about the BBC and licence fee now.
I think you will find there was an explosion of Christianity after the Brits left Africa. Probably due to the fact that the Churches are the least corrupt organisations left in Africa.
More and more it looks like the Tories proposed freeze on in-work benefits will be rendered meaningless because they will push the ‘living-wage’. That removes some of Brown’s wasteful admin and quietly gives the immigrants a workaround.
Surely if people work then they should be entitled to a living wage . The issue of who takes up employment and where they originate from is entirely a different question.
Surely if the subjects of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth are told by her government that benefits for foriegners will be cut to discourage immigration, then HMG should not deliberately undermine the effect of that measure? The issue of wage levels and their universality is an entirely a different question
Except that foreign workers are key to the continued success of the UK.
Ponzi scheme.
Well maybe but foreign workers tend to be better educated and more willing to undertake tasks that the lazy British won’t. interestingly ,white lower clas whites are at the bottom of national education stats. You can’t blame an employer that hires someone that’s keen and educated rather than someone that feels they are owed a living just because they grew up here can you.
Yes I can but then I don’t weigh every thing in silver like you
Oh and do tell who did those jobs before mass immigration
No one remember employment is at an all time low.No doubt you voted for the party that are taking us to the land of milk and honey. When you are old and sick you will be grateful for that hand,on subsistence wages, that helps you to the toilet.
“Oh and do tell who did those jobs before mass immigration ”
“No one remember employment is at an all time low.”
What ?
MANON you can spout the biggest load of cobblers going.
The employment sector like any other sector of a free market economy is driven by supply and demand.
Since the Eastern Bloc of former Soviet States were admitted to the EU we have seen massive migration of low skilled workers into the UK. Mainly driven by the fact that British pay is structured around British standards of living.
The low/semi skilled labour market is awash with workers. The employer can dictate what he pays.
Under normal economic conditions as the economy improves it absorbs workers and the supply starts to dwindle and wages rise.
This is never going to happen with an open door immigration policy for the EU
Yes supply and demand. And unemployment has never been so low. Conclusion all these filthy immigrants that we hate so much are gainfully employed.
galling ain’t it!
Lots of prejudice in there, Manon, shame on you. There was a time – of common sense – when businesses knew that for society to be self-sustaining, they had to constantly train young Britons. At some point the state decided to give them ‘support’. Businesses quickly worked out they could bully the state into funding all training. How often did/does the state supply extensive funding, only for a business to pocket the money and leave the new start to sink or swim? Now they feel no need to train at all – India does that for them. You’re nearly right; I can’t blame an employer that hires someone young, keen, educated and dirt-cheap rather than someone over fifty five paid near government rates… unless they cared about the future of the UK. And I know most of them don’t; they only care about the lucre.
Well on this we agree. Decent British employers should train British workers so we don’t need foreign labour. Sadly the history of Our country has been to use foreigners firstly in the Empire through colonialism, then through immigration and post colonial exploitation. Sadly the idea of being British is a myth. You are a worker and the cheaper the better. Whether that creates national or local issues is entirely irrelevant to employers. They deal with profit not politics.
Man on a crap bus your comments are comparable to male bovine excrement . May I suggest that you and any other new reader of your ramblings venture here …
and the reason for that is down to the left socialists who educate the lower class and then supply them with benefits
Off topic, but noteworthy…
Yes,your racism is working.conglatulations.and where does that get us exactly?
Racism? I think you mean realism, but carry on using that worn out word if it gives you comfort
40+ years of legislation, indoctrination and intimidation and you still cannot kill the truth .
that truth belongs to all not just us ( whoever you think we are)
So the view of 10 year olds is the truth is it? I shall have to get them to answer some of the quantum mechanics questions I am puzzling over? clearly as you get older you get more stupid. How old are you perchance?
Old enough to know a worm tongued coward when I come across one
On second thoughts busbomber I take that coward bit back ,I guy who throws out ad hominem’s like confetti after he’s been doxed must be pretty sure of himself
Old enough to be stupid then! Thanks for that. If you need any help intellectually be sure to ask your nearest 10 year old! My advice is to keep away from statistics though!
Yeah pretty sure of hiself
If ten year old girls are told that they ought to be very careful around those Muslim taxi drivers and teenagers who hang around school gates who are you to stop them ? Have you got a 10 year old daughter ? Would you allow her to be raped and buggered by groups of men in their 40s and 50s because of your stupid political beliefs ? More fool you. The young girls parents I know around here are appalled by the behaviour of these scum, they make every effort to keep their daughters well away from them.
Hears some more hard working immigrants doing those jobs the lazy white English wont
Yup like a few prominent MPs too allegedly. Now that’s what I call representative democracy.
Somewhere in the BBC, Ian Hislop allows himself a small smirk of pride.
Albaman doubtless en route, though?
manonbus remember durng the general election that tory minister was using kids as a weapon of political propaganda and when in response to the question who would you vote for, the kid said ukip and deport all the immigrants. Fantastic wasnt it. Brought a tear to my eye just watching it. It was beautiful TV at its best
There is hope indeed for our future generation and hope for our country too. todays kids are tomorrows kipper voters and the only hope for our country as the effects of Labours uncontrolled mass immigration unleash civil war on our great nation in the forthcoming years
It was a Labourite , Tristran *unt , who asked the question , not a Tory .(See what I did there , the Today prog would love it ,or maybe not, on one of their own)
“Yes,your racism is working.conglatulations.and where does that get us exactly?”
You have been doing quite well today, and then along comes a shocking piece of grammar like this?
Was a bit concerned about the use of “Nope” earlier today.
If grammar is the only thing you are worried about then you seriously have problems. As is happens I gave a machine that makes up the sentences. I think you are discriminating against me because I am an illegal Serbs Croatia livin in ur fund earful cuntry of greet breetin. God sav de quoon.
“As is happens I gave (have?) a machine that makes up the sentences.”
Artificial intelligence has advanced further than I thought. Or perhaps not, seeing some of the things it comes out with.
Seeing its widely variable standard of grammar, perhaps you should take it up with the manufacturer!
Ps I is on living wage despite living under railway arch
Most definitely NOT the theatre critic, sorry I’m working my way up from the bottom of the page, see below. It is the evening hired help on duty.
Ooh you called me a racist, does that mean you win?
If I’m a racist, does that make those at the Independent racists for highlighting such? Does it F, that argument is dead, even your chums in the Labour are realising the need to move to the right. Get real you appeasing dhimmi appendage.
Beginning to wonder if Mr Clap is a leading light (dimmest bulb available) in Hacked Off or one of their associated anti-free speech groups. Might explain his obsession with this website.
Err! Clap trap, Muslims aren’t a race, not very smart are you?
Almost a third…
As low as that?
I see the Tories and NOT Muslim extremists have been shooting people in Turkey , unless I’ve read this wrong…..
Haha! Nice try but I don’t think it’s the likes of William Hague that are behind it. Religious nutters I suspect!
Er I think you’ll find that jpt was ridiculing the BBC’s practice of obfuscating moslem terrorism by using the term ‘conservative’ rather than fundamentalist
Perhaps you would prefer they use the term orthodox?
Whoaaaaa dude. That never crossed my mind! Thanks for your clarification.
Keep it rolling ‘Man on’, your posts here are helping the votes along ….
Whoaaaa dude ???
That does not sound like a pontificating retired journo who is a moving force in amateur dramatics does it ?
Has the evening shift no hours contract beeboid get behind the keyboard ?
Definitely a different poster.
I agree, this manon is of very poor quality, he makes the other one look good in comparison.
bBC – my suggestion for the new visual arts “face” of the £20 note,
Grayson Perry.
that oughta tick a few boxes.
Has anyone else noticed the amount of retired people appearing on BBC daytime quiz shows who don’t look old enough to be pensioners?
Take a good note of their ex-careers – retired teachers, police, doctors, etc. All public sector workers on bumper pensions no doubt!
Still not watching BBc so still no comments. I assume this is already on the blog but here it is again in that case.
Just went there to have a listen.
‘It’s the one hundred and forty five pounds fifty a month that pays for everything from EastEnders to Radio 3 to The Great British Bake Off not to mention You & Yours. New research suggests many thousands…
I’d tell ’em, but they’d probably expedite me.
Unless the Charter Review is looking to be really optimistic.
To be fair, it pisses me off that Sky TV costs MUCH more AND they advertise!
But you have a bloody choice!
Yeah, I choose not to pay £500 per year for Sky.
Good for you.
Neither do I.
Sky was a sacrifice when we, by choice, opted out of watching live TV as it is broadcast.
There was an immediate saving of around £200pa (your package ambitions seem extensive) on top of the £145.50 required before exercising that choice.
We survive quite well now on free catch-up, supplemented by Amazon Prime.
Of course certain things are not available. Luckily no sports fans here.
As to news, the internet offers a lot, more topical and trustworthy than the BBC if selected carefully and sampled broadly.
For free.
£12.50 for a flawed service is a very bad deal.
Most decent sporting televised events are free to watch at any number of bars downtown.
I solved the F1 problem by getting a £30 satellite system from B&Q pointing it at Astra 19.2 and watching live on Germany’s RTL allied with 5Live commentary.
I’ve been watching since 2012 and even if RTL lost the contract tomorrow I’ve saved £££’s over a Sky subscription, which I would never sign up to.
Looks like they edited it.
To be fair, Sky TV costs MUCH more AND they advertise! In that respect, I haven’t got a problem with paying for a TV service on a budget even if they give me a budget biased service – as long as I have the right to criticise the shit out of the ignorant self-serving, self-righteous, children that run it.
Free View cost – Nil
ITV cost – Nil
But not watching Al Beeb, still costs £ 145
Simples !
Sorry, but I’d rather pay £145 per year for the BBC than watch the tripe ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5, and Sky churn out.
I know the BBC are biased (that’s why I’m here!) but I’m all for reform rather than burning it to the ground.
Same as the NHS really.
Sorry Edward , its not really the same as the NHS.
Why not pay for the BBC by subscription. If you want it pay for it . If you don’t , just watch the free channels .
The NHS is an insurance, in case of illness or injury etc – not entertainment .
I’m not talking about the way the BBC or the NHS are funded – I’m talking about how they use taxpayers money. In that respect they ARE the same.
The reason I mentioned Sky TV above all others is that Sky have the monopoly on subscription TV services. ITV, channel 4 and 5 are free-to-air (they are funded through ads). The only way the BBC can go forward is through subscriptions, hence the comparison to Sky TV!
I dont pay for Sky .
Subscription for the BBC is the agreed answer then?
I don’t pay for Sky either. I never will because they show MORE adverts than ITV – AND they charge subscription fees!
If you can give me a good reason to abolish the BBC, which costs about £12.50 per month, in favour of a subscription based TV service which will cost LOADS MORE, then I’m all ears.
Subscription for the BBC is the agreed answer then?
No, because it would not survive. I know what you’re getting at, but I point back to the NHS – would you be happy for full privatisation of the NHS?
I don’t think you even understand what you mean by privatisation.
It would cost a lot less if they scrap all the unwanted web content, the foreign content and employees, the local radio, bbc alba, the books and magazines, the unwanted layers of self serving “managers” and the expense no object food drink and offices. Sell what can be sold, the severely pruned rest ought to cost a hell of a lot less.
…and 1xtra, Asian Network, 4xtra, 6Music, BBC3, Cbeebies, CBBC, News 24….
Repeat – the BBC is not comparable with the NHS. If the BBC is as good as you say it is, we would all subscribe to it .
The licence fee is an unfair and unjust tax on people who don’t watch, like, or aspire to its political aspirations. Quote “The only way the BBC can go forward is through subscriptions, hence the comparison to Sky TV!”
Vote here …..
The point is we have no choice but to pay £12.50 per month – upon threat of imprisonment, in fact.
ITV do some cracking drama’s, better produced and less diversive, I’d be quite happy to live without the BBC if I didn’t have to pay
“I know the BBC are biased (that’s why I’m here!) but I’m all for reform rather than burning it to the ground.”
I think you ought to be honest with yourself: like the EU, the BBC is what it is. It cannot be reformed. Get out, or get rid, or live with it. There is no middle ground, and you are only fooling yourself thinking that there is.
‘Looks like they edited it’
Looks like they did.
‘It’s an annual fee of one hundred and forty five pounds fifty. That pays for everything from EastEnders to Radio 3 to The Great British Bake Off not to mention You & Yours.’
I wonder when they realized?
Happens a lot. No problem here. But when stuff that matters in editorial is wrong, doesn’t get corrected, or only after a drawn out period, I am very happy not to be paying towards such a… ‘Service’.
It appears there is much ‘blood letting’ and in fighting within the leadership of UKIP according to SKY ‘news’.
Presumably I have missed the reports on labour and the Lib Dems where one can presume by logistical comparison heads are rolling and people are being hung drawn and quartered!
The big ‘Get out of the EU’ vote is coming and there are a lot of worried europhiles working at Al Beeb .
The flak will get worse as the target draws near .
Vote UKIP and vote here …
Robert Peston: “Because unless we experience a bit of proper inflation back in the system, we’ll never break the shackles of our cursed enormous debts.”
A bit of scaremongering about ‘deflation’. Peston mentions Japanese deflation, which has had a negative effect on that economy, without explaining how Japanese society is completely different to British society – like 24 hour drinking in France is different to 24 hour drinking in Britain.
But here’s the bullshit: “The other is that proper deflation is pernicious: if we believed that prices were set to fall month after relentless month, we would spend less – in the hope of picking up bargains later – and our bosses would pay us less.”
And our ‘bosses’ would pay us less?
That’s what Peston is scared of – less pay!
Who gives a crap about less pay if everything is getting cheaper?
But things wouldn’t be getting cheaper. In particular debt would be paid back with more expensive money, rather than cheaper money.
Night shift Arthur ?
What if you are a prudent soul and owe nobody a penny? If have ‘repaired the roof’ in the good years and have no debt there are no interest charges, no ‘management’ fees, no costs. Any liquid assets that you have are worth more as opposed to worth less every year. Which is the preferable situation?
Isn’t it amazing how simple kitchen economics works.
Wouldn`t that baker in Northern Ireland have been breaking copyright rules had he broken the law and done Ernie and Bert on that gay cake?
Surely Ashers upheld the law, and certainly didn`t break it.
Besides-what proof has our gay chum that Ernie and Bert ARE in favor of gay marriage? None-as ever the left have co-opted innocent symbols and used them to put through the windows.
Ah well-can now make Madhis bakery up the road do my Muhammad cake now can`t I?…and sue them when they won`t.
The law is a camel-to be ridden by the Islamofascist Left…i`m guessing that our gay campaigner hasn`t seen where all this will end up has he?
“Ah well-can now make Madhis bakery up the road do my Muhammad cake now can`t I?…and sue them when they won`t.”
Tempting, isn’t it? But I wouldn’t, because I don’t see why I should make that baker’s life a misery just to prove my point. That’s where I differ from the arse who took them to court.
Discrimination and The Law #1 : Cake
“Support Gay Marriage”
With a couple of Muppets.
No right to refuse.
Discrimination and The Law #2 : Cartoons of Mohanmed
“Mo was a paedo”
With an image of ‘Pro-mo’.
No right to refuse.
News just in on that topic. Cake shops beware. Next target Bread and Grocery shops, large Logo on side with sticker inserted in a prominent position to make certain people happy at the BBC (Northern Ireland Office). Politically correct cakes or else the baker gets it. The Krays are back.
Whats the problem ?
West Wales bakers have been selling cream puffs and fairy cakes for many years.
Part of the problem, isn’t it. We’re just too darned nice (and sensible) to show the idiots how fecking stupid they are.
^That was a reply to Roland lest there’s any confusion.
Yes – the wealthy gay ‘community’ (as we’re constantly reminded) bullying small business people – remember the B&B?
Go out of your way to be offended. Take them to court. Nice.
Unfortunately the consequences of asking for a Charlie Hebdo type cartoon on a cake from the fictitious Al-Medina bakery may be more dramatic than a civil court case even if they constabulary permitted anybody to place the order without arresting them for some recently invented hate crime. I suspect that if the the wave of rioting with their associated pointless deaths in places as ‘diverse’ as Khartoum and Karachi resulting from the ‘natural reaction to a gross insult’ were not enough to dissuade anybody from trying, perhaps the life long deadly threat against the person making the order would give them second thoughts.
A better test would be to ask a muslim baker to make an identical Bert and Ernie cake. That would be a like for like comparison and when rejected would clearly demonstrate that, as we all know already, the law operates a one way system and that judicial activists work on a ‘ratchet’ basis. One step towards their cause is irreversible and is the basis for the next step ‘forward’. It would not be in the ‘public interest’ to prosecute the baker, and the counter suit of racism/religious hate would win in an instant.
I am looking forward to seeing this documentary on Al-Beebus, or to them producing something like it…oh no wait, no chance.
This is an important matter that deserves a proper hearing. The liberal media holding sway in Europe and particularly this country will not cover it.
The reasons will need a lengthy posting which I have no time for today. Suffice to say it is in a matter like the situation of the white South Africans that liberalism encounters reality and cannot cope with it.
At the heart of liberalism is something malevolent and anti human. This will become mnore apparent as time goes on.
5 Deg C out side ! Its cold for May . Global Warming anyone ?
Note, how Al Beeb weatherman describes this as ‘cool’
Cool ?
Its Bloody cold ! not ‘Cool ‘
Cold yes, but this is Britain and the old addage ‘don’t pass a clout till May is out’ must exist for a reason!
Well Geoff, I have just looked out the front door and the May Flower is out, the sun is out and its still cold .
Global Warming, my ar**.
Exactly! used to laugh when my Mum used the above saying, one her parents born in the late 1800’s passed down to her, they were right May can be bloody cold!
A hint, investigate Fiona Reynolds and Howard Stringer, and what you find may bring down the BBC.
I am told that it would give you an idea of what could have fallen into the lap of Whittingdale.
Richard… Thanks……A most intriguing snippet you throw out.
Any further clues you can declare here? What Google search terms must we use which might bring us closer to revealing what these BBC Trust members have been up to, (info of which might have reached the ears of John Whittingdale)?
Richard ….. Correction my last ….. Reynolds and Stringer both BBC Non-executive board members!
Not sure if anyone else picked up on this yesterday, on albeebs main news.
The report on Charles’ meeting with satan.
The voice over said
Charles is C in C of the Parachute regiment, which sustained and CAUSED ( my emphasis) many casualties during the troubles.
Treacherous scum at albeeb.
I did, felt like putting my foot through the radio – absolutely appalling. Also how they span it as though SF didn’t know what the IRA were doing and didn’t agree with some of it either – delusional O’Beebie.
To be honest (and I am beeb hater) Charles showed pragmatism and forethought. Enemies can become friends with time as our relationships with France and Germany show.
You are living in the past.
Would that relationship with France and Germany be us under their control then?
A British broadcaster committing treason in my view when accusing the paras of causing casualties.
Your Doctors need you back into the asylum.
Farage is finished, not fit for purpose.
So they just told me on Toady.
If he isn’t, he should be. He’s a block on progress towards an OUT vote in the referendum because he’s far too divisive a figure and he has the wrong plan for Brexit.
Listen, if it wasn’t for him we wouldn’t be having a referendum.
He is exactly the right person, he has already opened many peoples eyes to the horrors of the EU and will continue to do so, people listen to him.
See my reply to Old Bloke below – people will listen to him. But probably largely only those that already agree with us, that we want no part of the Superstate.
Norman Smith’s intro to the Farage bit was appalling – and inaccurate. He said Suzanne Evans has gone – no she has not, she is Deputy Chairman, but her contract to work on the manifesto has come to an end (she needed a contract for all the work involved, to pay for her time, she is a freelance worker). Justin Webb continued with the meme “UKIP in chaos”. Farage was unflappable as usual.
The BBC’s vindictiveness is pathetic.
The interview with him at 09:00 rather gave a different impression – to me, at any rate.
The more I hear Farage, the more I like him, and the less I like Cameron and co.
“We like to hear that stuff”
That was Charlie Stayt in response to the news that BBC favourite and recently un-confirmed batchelor George Clooney does the cooking.
BBC Breakfast has taken to bringing us a daily Clooney interview. Yesterday’s came care of the Asian Network and had a distinctly Middle Eastern flavour. This morning the BBC noddy dogs are thrilled to hear about George’s missus who is a human rights lawyer. “She’s one of those people who makes a difference” (That was star-struck Louise Minchin not our George’s words).
To be honest Mr Clooney could have had a lie in and left it to the BBC Breakfast team to puff his movie and fawn over his wife.
By the way…
‘Imagine being an international human rights lawyer. Jetsetting round the globe, setting the world’s highest courts alight with spectacular oratory performances, radically changing the lives of the most vulnerable. Hell, there’s probably a Nobel peace prize in there somewhere too right?’
‘Think again. There are actually very few lawyers who would describe themselves as international human rights lawyers, partly because there are so few opportunities to practise in this competitive area but also because most would not regard it as a practice area in itself.’
Tony E, just consider this, if it wasn’t for Mr Farage (and his “leadership” of UKIP), we would now be looking at Ed Milliband standing with the keys to No10. Now that doesn’t bare thinking about, what say you?
I think that’s debatable, but not part of the argument I’m making.
UKIP started in the early 90’s as a single issue party – simply about getting out of the EU. At that point I would have supported it, as I supported Sir James Goldsmith’s Referendum party.
However, it isn’t a single issue party any more, and its rhetoric on Immigration is intimately part of the Farage appeal – because it has a certain resonance.
But there are no UKIP voters to gain for the OUT campaign, their support is a given. So the OUT campaign being closely associated with someone who has almost no influence with the metropolitan classes, immigrants and the young, is counter productive.
There are 46 million registered electors in the UK. UKIP support is about 4 million. That leaves us another 19 Million votes to win to get over the line. Even given a 60% turnout, we still need 11.5 Million.
That will require a different kind of campaign, and one that I think Farage is unsuited to lead, as is any political leader as the argument becomes partisan. It must be a pure argument about sovereignty, self governance and democratic will. We need a very large left wing, metropolitan vote to leave the EU.
If it becomes bogged down in economics, immigration, cost and trade issues, issues which Farage and UKIP have championed in the GE, I believe we will lose, and lose badly. And that will be it for us for a generation or more.
‘But there are no UKIP voters to gain for the OUT campaign’
You’re mixing an election with an EU referendum, in which we are not voting for a party, your vote can only go one of two ways, not multiple.
‘There are 46 million registered electors in the UK. UKIP support is about 4 million’
Yes but you forget that UKIP do well in Euro releated elections and draw support from other party’s
‘We need a very large left wing, metropolitan vote to leave the EU.’
Did you not note the amount of votes Farage and UKIP took form Labour in the North?
You under estimate Mr Farage, the best politician of our age, who has brought many issues to the fore and awoken many people to the cost and effects of the EU against the pressure and bias of the establishment and the MSM he has even caused the Labour party to question their stance.
Without Farage UKIP would become just another cheeck on the LibLabCon arse if Carswell & Co had their way.
You under estimate Mr Farage, the best politician of our age… Without Farage UKIP would become just another cheek on the LibLabCon arse if Carswell & Co had their way.
Totally agree, Geoff.
Tony said ‘… the OUT campaign being closely associated with someone who has almost no influence with the metropolitan classes, immigrants and the young, is counter productive.’
Well; if you observe the phoney war, where the Tory Eurosceptics try to outwit Call-Me-Dave, no one is even admitting to wanting ‘out’. They all play the silly game ‘We have wait and see what Dave can negotiate’. The suckers will find that the Beeb and the Tory press will big up anything Dave gets as a wonderful breakthrough, worthy of an ‘In’ vote. They will be portrayed as sour for suddenly suggesting otherwise. The only politician, apart from Farage, solidly promoting ‘Out’ is Kate Hoey. Even Norman Tebbit appears to have sold out:
‘David Cameron would be wise to face down the hardcore eurosceptics now before it’s too late, says Norman Tebbit’
The EU rebels won’t stay quiet for long, Prime Minister
With virtually no one openly proposing that we revert to a common market, it’s a bit much criticising Nigel Farage for being a leader of ‘Out’.
So now the BBC is putting reporters onto migrant boats to make sure they get picked up?
Shouldn’t the reporter be at the trafficker’s hideaway, exposing them or is the BBC protecting them to ensure global adherence to the MultiCult?
The BBC Chelsea Flower Show had a lengthy puff piece on the wonders of Islam – pure propaganda pushing it as the RoP and a civilised and unifying force for good.
Laughingly they even pushed the line that the branches of Islam are one great big happy family. Best run that one past the Shia’s and Sunni’s.
The female Muslim presenter started off in the desert in Westernised dress with lots of flesh on show and was a model of intelligence, civility and culture (how the BBC would like the public to perceive Muslims). Her brother was dressed in traditional Arab robes and Keffiyeh.
At the end, when visiting a Mosque designed as a symbol of unity between the Islamic faiths (LOL), she was in a black headscarf and bin-bag – the reality of Islam for most women. I’m sure the irony of this “transition” passed the BBC by.
So, SSE is going all-out to deprive the Former UK of coal-fired electricity generation. With Ferrybridge, and later Fiddler’s Ferry going off the grid, and lots more windmills, the country is going to be in a sorry state.
Even Germany may be seeing the error of its ways:
Ferrybridge going, Ironbridge going, Rugeley hanging by a thread. The Uk imports 300,000 users of power every year..
Is the bbc going to show us the wonder source of magic that is going to power us through the coming winters ?
PS if you’re driving around eastern seaboard docks and you see a train of woodchip departing, remember with a subsidy of £55 per ton that’s £80,000 coming out of your pocket. Every little helps !
Wonderfully written leader article in the Times today by Michael Burleigh. A must read.
Unfortunately the Times is a pay site. I have access, am I allowed to copy and paste the article here?
Watched BBC’s coverage of Chelsea flower show last night, during which there was an extended piece on an Islamic garden, courtesy of some awful Arab feudal state. The female designer wanted it to show the positive aspects of Islam, but how could it do that without a beheading or limb-lopping area, or a tall building from which to throw gays?
Something like this perhaps ?

This women getting her head hacked off a few weeks ago in Saudi for murder because her employer said she did it……not him gov, why would a Muslim murder a little girl?
I presume you are not in favour of selling them arms or buying their oil then.
I think it would be selling them legs, hands and heads……………..
Bugs bunny is backing this …