The Question Time circus travels to Derby tonight. Ring-master Dimbo the Magnificent controls the wild beasts (Labour MP Stella Creasy, Conservative MP Nicky Morgan and entrepreneur Hilary Devey) with his whip and chair, whilst the clown duo of professional communist Owen Jones and Lib Dem MP Tim Farron amuse us with their childish antics. Join us and be shocked and awed.
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Owen Jones getting another outing on the BBC, what a surprise.
I thought there were laws against children being allowed to work after 9pm.
Groan! I was going to watch it but now I know Owen Jones is on I just haven’t the will or the energy, & I try to keep my blood pressure down.
Leave Owen Jones be – he`s just a BABY DINOSAUR.
Oh good God Owen Jones. You attempt to debate him on the Internet and you’re Stalin blocked immediately….Come to think of it, that’s just like many BBC websites..
there is a kind of grim fascination about qt, watching an entire country of sheep sleep walking to the abattoir
watching news before hand brilliant is quote “we are coming for you, you will never be safe whilst we are alive” keep that one for the returnees shall we
What’s the saying? “I’d rather stick needles in my eyeballs” – rather apt for tonights QT – No thanks. I’ll leave the comments to hardier souls. Maybe next time…..
farron cunt
Audience full of performing left wing seals again….
That’s about as long as I lasted as well.
ugly dragon “i love immigrants they make me rich”
these arseholes are telling the voters to fuck right off
the immigrant tells it like it is
there are no economic benefits unless your rich
Christ, this is awful. All the panel are agreed uncontrolled immigration is ‘a good thing for this country’. It’s almost like these people are working to some kind of common purpose…
Audience are the usual bussed-in Socialist Worker staffers.
BBC bias in action.
See my post earlier in the day I predicted just that…
The comparison with the previous QT, which was remarkable not only for Farage’s performance but also for the impartiality of the audience, has obviously not been lost on the Beeb.
Having given ‘the right’ their pound of flesh, this week’s offering has reverted to type, in spades (if that’s not a racist term) and has resulted, uniquely in my case, in an early night.
What triggered this was as much the text messages – which would appear to have been sent by a significant number of Owen Jones’ relatives – as the biased babble from the panel.
What should not come as a surprise, of course, is this sort of response from a section of our society who find ‘rubbing the right’s nose in diversity’ an acceptable, even amusing, distortion.
Odd, also, to think that they would all deride Goebbels’ best efforts.
so far,very rancid howling and hooping left wing question time audience toniight,very rancid left wing panel except for nicky morgan,seems like owen jones and his uncle liberal idiot lookalike tim farron and his mates in the guardian has packed the question time studio out tonight again.see how the left are going back to there old ways of labelling anybody who talks about immigration as racists now the election is over.
Looking at Tim Farron and Owen Jones, might Farron have had a one night stand in Sheffield in late 1983 with some left wing crank?
Strictly not before marriage for Farron, seems to not wear the fish symbol in the lapel as of late.
Just unbelievable…bbc back to their warped lefty best, that little worm jones spouting his populist bullshit, farron making clegg look like Adolf Hitler. Let’s all gang up on the ‘righty’.
Point for that thick bitch Devey…the infrastructure was fine before the EU ordered us to take millions of shite from the worst countries in the EU, and, surprise surprise, a businesswoman who probably uses a lot of foreign labour as they are cheap and make her a lot of money…but it’s all the banker’s fault?
Another power businesswoman stating that without immigration the country wouldn’t work..not a word as to why there are still 2 million on the dole and why British kids have had no hope of improving their lives for decades.
Cameron is a liar, where is Essex man now? It’s left to an immigrant to tell the lying scum lefties the truth. They are marching on to oblivion and UKIP will reap the rewards.
Well said Glen, but to be fair Nicky Morgan is no where near tough enough to be on this panel – I thought that the other times I’ve seen her on QT, with far less biased panels than this one.
I agree Al, Nicky Morgan is nowhere near tough enough – but that’s why she was chosen. You could even say, without appearing sexist or misogynist of course, that the BBC deliberately choose their female Conservative MPs to make the other panellists seem quite bright.
UKIP will reap no rewards. The knives will be deep into UKIP, the assault on Farage’s leadership is just the start. When Cameron reneges on the EU re-negotiations there won’t be a UKIP to pick up the Tory asylum seekers.
This is as bad as I thought it would be. It is as if the election never happened and why Dimbleby allowed Owen Jones to get away with that ridiculous rant that bore no relation to the question I will never know. I have no great liking for Nicky Morgan but she seems to be doing ok against the rest of the panel (plus the so called moderator) who are like sharks in a feeding frenzy round her. It is now a question of how much my blood pressure can stand before I hit the off switch.
Devey proves the point that intelligence is not a prerequisite to be successful in business, just a ton of self confidence and greed…
And a brazen line in mutton-dressing-as-lamb wiggery.
All that, and a fixation on ‘101 Dalmatians’ too.
That sanctimonious expression that Farron affects when “listening” to others is absurd.
This must be the worst panel and audience for many a year. I hope John Whittingdale is watching.
dumbleby’s best QT quote ever “you seem to be getting the rough end of the stick tonight, Nicky”…no shit sherlock, she’s surrounded by raving, frothing at the mouth lefty vermin. The only QT I’ve seen that was worse than this was the Nick Griffin bear baiting show. It’s just astonishing.
The Christians had better odds of surviving the coliseum, how can John Whittingdale watch this and seriously think that this disgusting corporation doesn’t need putting down?
lets hope he is
John Whittingdale should have been the Tory on this panel.
That is a brilliant suggestion. What a pickle the BBC would find itself in then.
Must have been dreaming, I’m sure the Torys won the election just two weeks ago, this program is giving me the impression we must have voted in a far left coalition…
Hilary Devey looks like a character off Bo Selecta, common as mook and rough as fook!
shamo mutha fooka! 🙂
This has to be the worst QT I think I have ever witnessed. It is so bad that it is embarrassing…. Utter and complete left wing drivel from the panel supported by an audience of clapping seals and whooping baboons. Its dire and it is getting worse by the minute.
Jones is now ranting about the evil Tories wrecking the NHS with absolutely no challenge……I hope Whittingdale is watching this because this appalling charade is the best example of the BBC bias he needs to see.
Owen effing Jones…Owen effing Jones…the BBC must be a one-man YTS for this little gobshite. Somebody bomb this show, please.
Owen effing Jones trying to be a grown up, 1 ukip voter an he’s an indian brit by the look of it gob bless him
Anti UKIP tosser hipster plant got his say in, yet again an immigrant is the only one standing up for the UK, sad.
Who promotes the politics of fear again?
Without immigrants we’re all doomed.
The NHS is on its arse…again. and again, and again.
Without the EU we’re all doomed.
I would love to put my fist through jones’s face again, and again, and again. Devey is almost as bad. The left just can’t help but depress people with lies and made up statistics.
I’m embarrassed that an immigrant talks more sense than 99% of the British hating scum in that building. I’d keep that man and get rid of the scum in that audience.
Put that tosser farron up against Farage on the EU, he would wipe the floor with him as he did with clegg.
Climate change fuck off, fuck off, fuck off…
you missed a few fuck offs geoff 🙂
When our politicians are able to control the climate can they please stop the tides going in and out twice a day which is damn inconvenient.
I just can’t stand this anymore, complaints to Whittingdale and OFCOM going in tomorrow.
What the f@ck is Tim Farron doing on here pontificating, when the party he represents has just been annihilated in a General Election.
I would agree with other people’s comments, this is THE worst, most biased QT I have ever watched. Just a Party Political Broadcast on behalf of the E.U. – quite incredible.
Also how many times is that bald tw@t in braces going to be allowed to speak?
If the audience and 4/5 of the panel are representative of the average IQ of the nation, we’re well and truly fooked…
Where does immigration fit within the trade unions, aren’t they supposed to protect workers?
I guess they justify it by telling themselves theyre helping workers of the world to unite?
Its going from appalling to outrageous now. Whoever has organised this debacle has to be totally insane, no one in their right mind who is watching this shite is going to think this is in any way a balanced session……keep digging you utter f***kwits at the BBC this will go down as one of your more spectacular own goals.
Mr D and I gave up before Owen even spoke; Farron was enough. From what I am reading here, I am glad that we did.
Well, that has done my blood pressure no good at all…
it working for us geoff … we are getting more and more disgusted, alienated, their lies and deceit are clear our only job now is to show all others the truth that is laid out before their eyes, tory dummy just sat there and took it … bring on farage to destroy these lightweights
if bias needed proving in court this would be the only piece of evidence provided, open and shut case
ugly fooka always pays more than minimum wage, ohhh big of her how much more? , some one investigate her tax arrangements please
Lol Owen Pratt ‘It’s about democracy and trusting the British electorate …. yes unless they vote Conservative … then in the words of the Socialist Witch Toynbee they show ‘breathtaking ignorance’.
Dumbleby just asked for a response from a UKIP supporter in the audience in response to another ill informed attack and received a deafening silence as a response. So no representation in the audience for a party that received 4 million votes. While the party of eight people get a seat on the panel. Enough said.
i counted 1 ugly neo-liberal im alright jack twat, 1 marxist , 1 labour Marxist , 1 wannbe neo liberal socialist 1 bbc neo-liberal overpaid socialist and a wet europhile tory pushover vs 1 irritate indian gentleman with more sense than the whole fuckin lot, i think in terms of iq points he may have edged them
UKIP got more votes than the (Libdem+SNP) vote, and there is a 40 seat majority in Parliament for the right-wingers. That includes 330 Conservative, 8 Democratic Unionist, 2 Ulster Unionist, Douglas Carswell (UKIP), Silvia Hermon (Independent Paisley Unionist), John Bercow (Tory Speaker who has to vote for the Government in any tied vote) and with 4 discounted Sinn Fein votes.
Do you really think that Bercow would vote with the Tories?
I suggest the venomous little toad would flout convention and vote with the party of his cuckolding wife.
I normally avoid QT like the plague, but turned over and caught the last few minutes. Did I get the wrong end of the stick, or did every last panel member think the Irish cake judgement was correct and that the bakers should simply close their doors?
I can’t imagine a better demonstration of how utterly unrepresentative these creeps are of the public, yet many of them have just been voted back into office. Frankly, I weep for this country.
yep everyone
nobody asked the muslim question
weve already had them refusing to serve alcohol in their place of work
Nope, you got it right, every last one of them condemned the Christian bakers as prejudiced. Unbelievable bigotry from the lot of them, including Morgan. Utterly depressing.
Unbelievable bigotry from the lot of them, including Morgan.
She’s nominally a ‘Conservative’, but I can never work out what it is she’s conserving… unless it’s her position and her salary.
she will have a few seconds to feel prouder when isis chuck her off a roof top
Morgan is a mentally limited, spineless, jolly hockey sticks crawler.
Probably qualifies as the perfect candidate for Minister of Defence !
Her next job imo.
Not one of them had a grasp of the facts of the case, of course.
Arseholes just played to the gallery,
I didn’t see the programme myself, but the effect on the number of signatures on the petition below was quite significant. It is past the 75% of the target figure.
Well done Al Beeb!
tim farron was upset about illegal immigrants getting there illegal pay packets docked and deported from this country,did you notice that tim farron was nowhere to be seen in the run up to election,clegg hid him,his comments tonight and support for mass immigration,open borders and illegal immigration just goes to prove why they will never ever get into power again and good riddance to him and the liberal party.
This is the third time I have heard this dick Farron say “immigration is a blessing” this a dick that lives in Westmoorland.
Stella Creasy such a sanctimonious hypocrite. Labour massively privatised the NHS and restricted doctors hours. Why did no one in the audience mention this?
What’s the point in having an EU question when every member of the panel is pro EU?
BBC balanced, no chance
More Brainwashing Broadcasting Chimps at play methinks
After last week’s more reasonable and mature QT, this week’s was undoubtedly one of the most biased ever – especially in its blinkered view of the EU. It took a brave man (that chap at the very back) to make his voice heard over the bleating sheep when the subject of immigration came up. And yet, take heart, because the desperation of both panel and audience to speak with one pro-EU, pro-immigration, anti-UKIP, etc voice betrays a deep anxiety and lack of confidence. If you are truly convinced and at ease with your argument, and replete with supporting evidence and facts, you can afford to be generous and gracious to the other side. It is to the BBC’s shame that its selection of panel and audience members often deprives the “other side” of having any adequate voice at all.
Recall Nigel Farage’s “full, free and fair” conditions for holding an EU referendum: 1) an ombudsman assigned to ensure fairness; 2) equal spending by both sides; 3) equal time allocated by the media to both sides; and 4) the decision made by UK citizens only.
QT spectacularly failed to fulfil condition 3) tonight.
Final point to ponder: After the cake fiasco (note that same-sex marriage is still illegal in Northern Ireland), I presume that there will be a rush of folk going to Muslim printers now asking them to print cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad?
The same with Climate science. The handful of Parliamentarians with scientific qualifications say that their existence is effectively censored by the BBC, and the same is the case with all those Journalists whose existence does not get a mention in the Guardian. The BBC is even afraid to invite Journalists and Politicians without scientific qualifications, unless they are confident that they have no doubts about the man made Climate Change crap. The answers to Climate Change have been effectively answered by Astronomers since 2010, and yet apart from Nigel Calder, who has died, I do not know of any Journalist who actually realises this. In Britain, we have only Piers Corbyn and the Weatheraction website, and Piers calls every one else charlatans, but I am not sure that most climate scientists are intelligent enough to be guilty of that. And I think Richard Lindzen has the same opinion about that.
Last night’s Chat Log:
oh god who mentioned the one just after 9/11 ive blanked that out with the shame being british ever since
the us representative should have got up and walked off , im ashamed for us all, i cant apologize enough for that shit
Question Time Extra Time on radio 5live: Talking about the ‘gay cake’ affair. You have to hear this to believe it! (link below)
Fast forward to 02:28
Two callers get cut off as soon as they mention Muslim businesses getting away with refusing a service on the grounds of religion – Stephen Nolan makes the excuse that it’s coming up to the news so he has to rush through the callers, but all changes when the next caller makes a silly claim that Nolan can swiftly cast aside, but allows the caller enough time to make the news slot late by more than 5 minutes.
I thought Stephen Nolan was better than this. He’s gone down in my estimation immensely.
Stephen Nolan couldn’t go down any further in my estimation.
Your estimation is far too high, he and the other bBC lefty a**elickers can descend to much deeper depths.
Why would you think him better than that?
He’s an arsehole.
Does Nolan have a dog in this fight?
I couldn’t stay with QT last night much after the first 10-15 mins. That’s unusual for me: normally I have quite a high tolerance level for bullsh*ttery from the BBC’s left-wing QT panelists and audience, but last night’s edition was simply too much. I’m afraid I switched off and went and did something far less stressful.
Owen Jones and Tim Farron are guaranteed to annoy me any day of the week, but to see them both awarded platforms by the BBC to spout their complete and utter drivel on everything from immigration, the NHS to climate change and beyond was stomach-churning in the extreme.
Where was the ‘balance’, BBC? Answer = there was none. Farron could lecture us all on his pro-EU immigration views, backed-up by that self-promoting weasel Jones and, sadly, even the only Tory on the panel fell into line without a single word of criticism. The audience, meanwhile, were anything but ‘balanced’. It was clear, time and again, that the mob were flying the red flag. Like we didn’t just have an election in which the Conservatives won the largest share of the vote, or something.
An absolute travesty of so-called BBC ‘impartiality’ – something, which to the BBC, is a concept more akin to rainbows and unicorns.
Whittingdale had better be taking notes.
I’m thundering glad I chose not to watch!
Wise move!
I nearly smashed the TV at the absolute naivety od the Panel as well as th audiance in respect to Britain & the EU. Britain has been caught up in a European straight jacket of socialistic stagnation-Emerging Markets (undeveloped low-to-medium economies) will generate more than 60 percent of global economic growth in the next five years, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) that is where the future for Britain lies not in the Stagnant EU. As yet, no study exists, not one, whether in Government, Parliament, Brussels, Academia, or from the UK business community, that shows specific, relevant or actionable information, to show, in any manner, that the UK business market, or taxpaying citizens, draw any benefit whatsoever from membership of the European Union.
How do I complain to the BBC? I was disgusted last night by the total bias, it was like 1 Tory MP against 4 panelist and all but one of the audience, it was a total disgrace.
And as for Own Jones, I just wnat to punch him!
Well, after reading the comments this morning, I was right not to watch QT – and, as you can tell, I refrained from using those needles. It sounds as though my TV had a close shave!
Left Unity, the inspiration of boy Owen Jones and girl Laurie Penny are not pleased with the right wing bias of QT, with one comment actually accusing Bimbly of being a secret Kipper.
It’s called ‘false flagging’ and Owen Jones is a repeat offender in that respect.
The left wing bias displayed by the BBC when broadcasting just quite simply,- perverts democracy.
In terms of BBC bias, I thought the most telling aspect was the wording of the question about the EU chosen by the producer of the programme – “Is the UK economy strong enough to leave the EU?”, which is clearly biased in relying on a supposition that there would be an economic disadvantage to leaving the EU. A fine example of the drip-drip-drip of EU propaganda – would the producers have accepted the question “Is the UK economy so weak that it should leave the EU?”
A more interesting question would have been: ‘Is the E.U. economy strong enough for the U.K. to leave?’
How pathetic how the whole panel all felt they had to agree that we’d be better in the EU. Why is everyone against ‘our Nige’. I’ve had sleepless nights since he lost his seat. God how I wish he was PM and I’m dead serious. Ignore him and we’ll suffer at our peril. Still if you love immigration and millions of young people seem to they will have lots of neighbours to talk to – about 100 million!
I avoid QT, but unfortunately saw some of it Sunday afternoon on the Parliament channel. Heard the elderly woman panel member trotting out the “immigrants pay their taxes” line.
Earlier today Javid pointed out that a typical two children family pick up £8400pa in tax credits. That far outweighs any (direct) tax take from that family (& could there also be housing benefit?)
When Brown abolished the 10p tax rate by doubling it, the detrimental effect on lower income earners went unappreciated by the media & it took months for Brown to get it into his thick head, but it was spotted on budget day by a couple of people I know who were hit by it. In the same way I think that family folk earning up to the average will be well aware of the unlikelyhood of immigrants with children making any contribution to the government’s coffers.
On a slightly related subject I was shocked by the decision of the i newspaper , which trades on its independent position splashing a “Vote Labour ” editorial on its front page a day before the election and a couple of days after yet another Owen Jones infantile ill informed and totally one sided rant . I have cancelled my subscription …. shame , I really enjoyed the rest of the paper … but that boy just gets my blood pressure up to dangerous levels .