‘Under the Conservative and then Labour governments, radical preachers toured Britain trying to rally and isolate Muslim youth. They said that to be a Muslim you had to sympathise with your Muslim ‘brothers’ anywhere in the world. What you should not do was to feel any of that gratitude or desire to assimilate which had existed in their parents’ generation.
Everywhere, this madness was allowed to spread. Religiously segregated areas were accepted, separate values were allowed to thrive and, eventually, even separate rules of law tolerated and encouraged. All the time, we pretended to ourselves that this was simply ‘diversity’.
Many Muslims came to this country precisely to leave their religion’s medievalists behind. It would be a tragedy if we stood by while their children — British children to whom we have a duty of care — were indoctrinated by a reconstituted version of that medievalism here.’
The Islamist advance upon our society continues unabated, storming ahead ever faster as people in the Media, politics, academia and the Institutions cower before the Islamic blitz, the ‘soft jihad’ launched against them in a battle of ideologies that the Islamists are winning as they either silence the media or force them to adopt the Islamist narrative….the BBC itself ‘groomed’ and recruited to the cause.
The BBC’s chief international correspondent Lyse Doucet has won the Sandford St Martin trustees’ award for her work in raising the profile of religion in the media.
The BBC director of news and current affairs, James Harding, said: “This award recognises the profound influence of religion on the world we live in and Lyse has fearlessly brought us greater understanding of religion from some of the most perilous places on the planet.”
Anyone who has any experience of the BBC’s approach to reporting anything about Islam the religion, or anything connected to it, knows that ‘fearless’ is not a word that would commonly be associated with their reporting. To suggest that the BBC brings a greater understanding of Islam to the British people is laughable….the BBC knows that such understanding would lead to extreme and justifiable concerns about a religion that is so intolerant that it preaches unbelievers should be killed.
The BBC boasts of its accurate and trustworthy journalism...’ “In times of crisis and in countries lacking media freedom, people around the world turn to the BBC for trusted and accurate information,” said Fran Unsworth, director of the BBC World Service group.’
Let’s have a look at just how trustworthy and accurate some of that is in regard to religious issues that the BBC so ‘fearlessly’ explores……
We’ve had a Muslim presenter on the Today programme telling us that the Protestant DUP have views that are ‘deeply unpleasant and backward’.…would the BBC allow such sentiments to be expressed about Islam? Probably not as the presenter, when she joined the Today programme, said that she intended to use the programme as a platform to improve people’s perceptions of Islam and we know that the BBC has held secret talks with Muslim activists to shape the news so that Islam and Muslims are presented in a favourable light.
Then on Friday we had John Humphrys on the Today programme (08:49) doing the Jihadist’s work for them as he declared that a questionnaire sent out by Waltham Council to primary schools as part of its programme to build an integrated community was racist…..saying ‘It was racist wasn’t it?’ So little doubt he believed that.
Humphrys was shocked that such a questionnaire could be sent to primary school children and that they could be ‘tested on how extreme they were’ as he claimed.
This us what the council intended…
What is the BRIT project?
Being and Belonging’ is a free education resource for primary schools designed to equip teaching staff with the means to discuss the complex issues of multiple identities and social exclusion. It encourages children to reflect on themselves, the communities in which they live and any challenges or grievances they may be experiencing.
Whilst these topics may feel far removed from your day to day classroom conversations, the consequences of social exclusion are far reaching and are apparent in today’s society in many forms. Whilst action itself is often limited to a small minority of individuals, the effects are felt by everyone in the community – including our children and young people.
Education is seen as key by various stakeholders in tackling these social problems and we believe this package goes some way in addressing this within your school setting.
Waltham is in East London and one of those celebrated diverse and multi-cultural communities and clearly there are issues that need addressing especially in areas that are less well off than others. The council’s actions seem reasonably sensible and inline with action recommended by others.
Of course Humphrys never mentions why he thinks the questionnaire is racist… is because many of the pupils are Muslim…..note to Humphrys…Islam is not a race….it’s an ideology that has some serious problems….were the BBC and Ofsted ‘racist’ when they raised a similar issue with schools?…..if not why is Waltham ‘racist’?….
Pupils at private Muslim school in east London did not know difference between Sharia and British law, Ofsted says
In 1999 the BBC had no concerns about ‘racism’ when examining the attitudes of white pupils…..not Christian, or Jewish or Buddhist but ‘White’….so clearly based upon race…..
In the week that the Stephen Lawrence inquiry report called for a greater awareness of ethnic diversity in schools, researchers from the Children’s Legal Centre charity at the University of Essex have claimed that teachers are failing to recognise the extent of racism in schools.
The researchers carried out a confidential survey of 15 secondary schools in East Anglia, all with a majority of white pupils, to see how racism was addressed in lessons and how it was tackled as a problem among pupils.
In conclusion the researchers say the schools “did not adequately prepare pupils for life in a multicultural society”.
In the report’s recommendations, they call for “guidance and support” for teachers to help them prevent racism in schools. This could involve the Commission for Racial Equality setting up a code for good practice in anti-racist education.
Other proposals call for training for teachers in multicultural awareness, the inspection by the Office for Standards in Education of school anti-racist policies and the involvement of representatives from local ethnic minority communities.
There is also a call for a European Union-wide project to encourage schools with a small number of ethnic minority pupils to do more to counter racism.
You can see there is a direct parallel between that 1999 survey and its intentions and Waltham’s, race or religion aside… why is Waltham ‘racist’? Does it not also have to “adequately prepare pupils for life in a multicultural society”?
Maybe if we had a look at who is making those claims of racism things will become a little clearer as to what is driving this ‘protest’.
John Humphrys doesn’t tell us who the complainants are, and indeed doesn’t tell us that it is the fact that the pupils are Muslim that is at the heart of the problem, but it doesn’t take any work at all to find out that it is the usual suspects from the ranks of the Islamist media storm troopers that are behind this….step forward one Mo Ansar….
Buxton Primary School, East London. Flushing out 7 yr old extremists. We DON’T want to get these wrong @rustyrockets!
And look who Ansar gets his information from….
H/T to @AHudhayfah and @AsgharBukhari for bringing this to light. Utterly ludicrous. Marginally more impossible than the Citizenship Test.
Abu Hudhayfah….a very active Islamist who favours the BBC’s goto Islamist group…Cage....
#IAmCage When you arw labelled as an extremist or terrorist the Muslim community may distance themselves from you. @UK_CAGE won’t!
And Asghar Bukhari...who is he? He heads MPACUK….a very unpleasant Islamist group that encourages Muslims to become Mujahadeen and tells them that Islam demands they go on Jihad….. ‘for the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “He who dies without having fought in the way of Allah or without having felt it to be his duty, will die having a trait of hypocrisy” ‘….and another Cage advocate…that’s him on the right with his mates from Cage….
Asghar Bukhari
@AsgharBukhariEven the term
#WesternValues to me is white supremacy dressed up as something moral#MuslimFreedom
And of course the Islamic Human Rights Commission expressed its outrage about the survey….the IHRC that is well known to be extremist and an Iranian front.
Other Muslim organisations also expressed their horror……
UK Muslim Pupils Survey Rejected as ‘Racist’
A ‘counter extremism’ survey by an East London borough council directed at Muslim young students has sparked criticism from British Muslims, accusing the local council of trying to profile Muslim children.
The questionnaire was “clearly racist and Islamophobic” and accused the local council of trying to profile Muslim children, Massoud Shadjareh, chair of the Islamic Human Rights Commission, told The Telegraph.
Curiously just a week before the same publication had no qualms at all about a survey that said British school pupils were Islamophobic….
What else has the BBC been misrepresenting? The bombs that went off in Boston were another headache for the BBC….the obvious suspicion was that this was an Islamist attack but the BBC in a fit of wishful thinking declared that all the evidence pointed to it being a white supremacist attack… we all know now it was two Muslims who carried out the attacks but that doesn’t stop the BBC from trying to downplay the role of Islam in the attack.
Last week they invited on Masha Gessen to discuss her new book about the bombers...the BBC introduced her as ‘Masha Gessen is a Russian-American journalist, author and activist.’
Gessen pronounced that the bombings had nothing to do with Islam, nothing to do with radicalisation, there is no such thing as radicalisation and no large international organisation (like Islam?) that attracts recruits….they killed because they were disenfranchised immigrants locked out of the American dream after being driven from their Russian homelands.
Apparently the terrorism was a rational decision by people who didn’t like US policies….but no mention of what policies and why they felt so particularly aggrieved. Terrorism is a crime and not a war we also hear.
What the BBC doesn’t tell us is that Gessen’s whole narrative is really an attempt, not to downplay Islam’s part in the terrorism, but to implicate the Russian leader, Putin, as the catalyst for the bombers’ actions. She is an ‘activist’ alright….an ardent anti-Putin one.
Gessen hates Putin and is trying to link him to, and blame him for, the rise of ‘Islamist’ terrorism….
In which Putin = poison … via
Then we have the Muhammed cartoon competition in the US. The Today programme invited on Simon Schama to give us his two pennithworth (08:49) about freedom of speech in the US.
So we must have great repsect for Islam’s great figure and its teachings…..Never mind that Muhammed himself destroyed all other religions’ idols and iconography, just as ISIS does today.
Why should a non-Muslim respect the ‘dignity’ and alleged sacred nature of religious symbols when Muhammed himself set the example of how to behave and the Koran teaches Muslims not to make friends with unwashed, dirty, ignorant non-Muslims and indeed such non-Muslims can be killed with impunity?
So we have had a story fed to us by Islamist activists courtesy of John Humphrys, we have had the Boston bomber’s history conveniently rewritten as an anti-Putin saga which had nothing to do with Islam and we’re left with the knowledge that if you don’t love and respect Islam you’re a detestable and loathsome bigot.
The BBC at its best bringing us that ‘trusted and accurate’ information we all crave.
My question to the Beeb would be “Have you stopped promoting paedophiles as the good guys yet??” A simple Yes or No answer only allowed .
The BBC is only interested in paedophiles if they’ve been ordained by a Christian church.
Who knows? Aaqil Ahmed could be replaced with a Hindu.
When I was seven I knew how to spell ‘neighbourhood’ and which ‘sex’ I was.
I didn’t know that I was supposed to be ‘of’ a particular religion or race.
I did know the meaning of the expression, “as you sow so shall you reap”.
We truly are screwed as a nation, culture, continent and world.
I’m looking forward to the speech “Why the Koran is a load of violent nonsense”.
Or the reasons why islam is fundamentally evil.
that so called survey that al-beeb ran said it all no matter which way they span it
what did it say something along the lines 75% dont agree with violence in response to a cartoon
or in other words 25% do agree which with the vast numbers over here is an awful lot who agree in violent death for drawing a cartoon
Only caught part of Humphrys piece , so I may be wrong here-but I did not think that Humphrys was exercised about the potential racism-although I`m pretty sure that he did say what you allege.
My impression was that Humphrys was trying to tell our polling survey monkey-who sent the questionnaire out to primary kids in schools-that his survey was only exacerbating the sense of grievance farming that such “researchers” need to get a grant for the next academic year.
In other words this “academic sap” was only pimping up the ride on the bandwagon of diversity…and his “survey” was patronising, intended to get the result that his kind seek…that kids are racist, and they need steers and booklets from the parasitic class that his interviewee represented.
In short-a good line of argument from him that I could agree with.
I may have read it all wrong-but this was one of the few Humphrys interviews that laid bare the knock-kneed professings of the white guilty liberal in need of funding to feed Allahs little helpers.
If any of you are interested there is a very good essay on New English Review about the Arabic language. Along with Hebrew it lacks vowels. I had not realised just how much this affects the ability to read and understand.
The argument of the writer seems to be that Arabic itself is holding back the Islamic world.
Anyway well worth reading.