The BBC is very selective in how it treats Christians. If they are arguing for “gay marriage’ – the BBC sees them as heroes. And now, if they are demanding that God be called “she” as much as “he’ then the BBC rallies around the cause. The fact that Christ starts the prayer he taught his disciples as “Our Father who art in heaven…” seems a slight detail. I like the bit a the end of the article which casually states…
‘There has been no comparable movement in Islam, which is less open to this kind of reinterpretation. Christianity and Judaism, however, seem to be in the process of a major continuing realignment.”
Does the Koran refer to God as ‘He’ or only ‘Allah’? I can’t find my copy to check …
Do you not remember al-Lat and al-Uzza
And Manat, the third, the other? (53:19,20)
Ask Salman Rushdie
No. Why would I?
What! You don’t know it off by heart.
Shame on you.
The BBC won’t be able to find any Muslims with heads on their shoulders who’d argue the case that Allah was a woman.
And I mean “heads on their shoulders” in a truly literal sense.
So that’s what lies behind Ms Toksvig’s brave new venture. Will she and Ms Toynbee be the first bishops?
I’m a Christian and I study the Bible and by most definitions in the Bible the BBC is evil.
Please give us a few examples.
The BBC actively seeks to undermine belief in God, whilst simultaneously promoting immorality and defending/promoting other religions, namely Islam.
The BBC seeks to destroy the foundation of our country, namely Christianity and replace it; firstly with other religions (Islam) in order to dilute traditional values, secondly pushing the belief in oneself, which is euphemistically referred to as “Humanism” by some, but more accurately described as the Religion of Selfishness. Lastly they will destroy the concept of individualism in order to control the masses, as done countless times by the likes of Stalin, Mao etc
The BBC has no clear ideology though, which is fairly typical of the Left who fundamentally don’t really believe in anything other than themselves. Hence why they get themselves into such muddles all the time.
Conservatism is about maintaining fundamental values.
Liberalism is always about destroying these values and being “radical”.
Sadly,as we all expected,you have come up with your own homespun philosophy rather than any Christian interpretation of public service broadcasting.
I think youll find that conservativism is about rich people getting richer. Maybe you missed the bit about Christ and the poor. When you get to study the New Testament you might be a little wiser.
If my philosophy is “homespun” I wonder what that makes yours?
No doubt you gained your wisdom from the teachings of Marx and the BBC.
You have evidently missed the point. If you laud your Christian credentials then you need to demonstrate them in some critical evaluation of the BBC. this is not what you have done.
Furthermore having pointed this out does not immediately mean I am a Marxist. What you have clearly demonstrated is that you are completely unable to critically examine anything .That maybe why you think you are Christian!
“If you laud your Christian credentials then you need to demonstrate them in some critical evaluation of the BBC.”
Oh, must I? I’m sorry, I appear to be unfamiliar with your rules.
You are very strange.
I wonder what it is that you choose to believe in? You appear to hold “homespun” philosophies in contempt, so I am wondering where you take your philosophies from?
Not my rules ,just liguistic convention. You tried to give some purchase to your critiscm of the BBC by direct reference to expertise to something you think is relevant.
You did not start your sentence ,for example, with ‘ I collect stamps or I washed the dishes and therefore its my opinion that the BBC is bias’ presumably because you realise these actions are irrelevant. Which indeed they are,as is your made up notion that you have the first clue about religion.
As to the notion of homespun philosophies ,they are very much of the ilk of common sense which is a hotch potch of inconsistent ideas that create a day to day world view.
FYI i dont have a philosophy because like God all philosophy is dead.
I typed one line:
“I’m a Christian and I study the Bible and by most definitions in the Bible the BBC is evil”
What I stated is irrefutably correct. The BBC, when measured by the standards laid out in the Bible, is sinful.
I am entirely capable of criticising the BBC without making reference to the Bible, but in this instance I did so as the article was related to God.
I then responded to a question by somebody else.
To me your postings seem confused and disjointed, as if you do not really know what you are debating and you are just posting for postings sake.
“To me your postings seem confused and disjointed, as if you do not really know what you are debating and you are just posting for postings sake.”
That seems fairly normal from Manonclaphamomnibus.
By most definitions, the Bible is evil.
clapped out busman person,
FYI, youre a washed out retired journalist that never quite had the grade to make it to the BBC. How sad for you.
are u gutted you were born a white christian in a white christian country?
Maybe if you as born a black islamic disabled homosexual, you’d now be reading the news on the BBC, or the bare minimum, the sports or weather headlines
As to the notion of homespun philosophies ,they are very much of the ilk of common sense which is a hotch potch of inconsistent ideas…
Common sense comes from hard won experience, in my view, and in particular learning from mistakes – something socialists never seem to quite grasp as the general election has just proved.
I think youll find that even non hard won experience goes into common sense thinking. The point is whether your experiences lead to a systematised form of thinking which can define universal truths.
Since everyones experiences are different then logically everyones common sense is different.
Which is why common sense really cant tell you anything about the real world.
No idea why you raise the issue of socialism.
You missed the point Dopey Jim, your journalist career is obviously over. Totally unemployable.
Tweets by DopeyJim
What a load of shite on that twitter feed……………just like a sixth formers notice board !
It comes as no surprise that the clown is a member of the twatterati.
“I think youll find that conservativism is about rich people getting richer.”
Ignoring your grammar, my dictionary definition of a comservative, with a small “c”, is – “opposed to change and holding traditional values”.
Probably quite a good definition of the vast majority of those who voted Conservative with a big “C”, and quite possibly UKIP, at the last election, because surely there cannot be that many rich people in the country, especially if you allow for all the “rich” who are champagne socialists!
Yes, it’s an odd idea that the millions of people who are conservative by inclination are basically keen on making rich people richer. Very generous to put others ahead of your own interests; Christian, I would say.
Clapped out man has a typical simplistic view of the conservative mentality, not understanding a respect for traditional values, a sense of historical development and a belief that the state should not dominate one’s existence, concepts which leave him cold.
Traditional values like cutting welfare. Like rearranging Education with non qualified staff,like taking liberties away from British subjects. What traditional values are you refering too perchance.
No there arent that many rich people ,thats why many refer to them as the top 1%. The top 5 people own more than the bottom 20% of the population. On a world perspective the top 1% own more than 50% of the world. If you think economics as we know it will continue to operate under these conditions then you are in cloud cuckoo land.
Sadly, as we all expected …
So to add your already gigantic powers, you can, from your seat in the BBC canteen, now project your astral body across space and time.
Using this power your entered the minds of everyone.
Without exception everyone of us was expecting a Christian interpretation of public service broadcasting.
I was not expecting this, so withdraw the all.
What I was expecting was another load of bollox from you, you have never disappointed me yet.
When the words “I think you’ll find” occur in a comment, all that comes afterwards may be disregarded.
I think you’ll find that’s a very astute comment.
Manicbusman: “conservativism is about rich people getting richer.”
Whereas socialism is intended to make poor people a lot poorer.
“Whereas socialism is intended to make poor people a lot poorer. ”
And that is the one thing every Labour government we’ve ever had has been 100% successful with.
Sorry to quote my own comment but I realised that I should have added that originally.
Similarly they are in awe of all variations in partnerships that work against the nuclear family.
Interesting you should hold the nuclear family as your yardstick. Why is that?
Come on, you are being too obvious now!
Not at all. Why is the nuclear family held to be ideal?
Still no answer!
“Why is the nuclear family held to be ideal?”
Try to work it out for yourself.
Wells: Thank you.
There is not much doubt that the BBC, because of its dominant role in the puiblic square, is responsible for lowering of standards of behaviour. This is particularly so in the use of foul & vulgar language, celebrating sexual perversions, and in general, celebrating and encouraging unrestrained language & behaviour. It is this last that is responsible for much ill in society.
Most of the Bible is evil. I can give you plenty of examples
go on then !
Do you want references or generalised examples.
You can get some really nasty ones just by reading the first couple of books.
Stop being such a tease and give us examples of the Bible itself being “evil”.
Ok into the first two books you will find God giving supremacy to the Jews. You will find God encouraging the Jews to indulge in genocide ,mass rape, theft, paedophilia and child abuse.
You will also find at least one example of gang rape of two underage girls. Nice book! Admittedly, the new testament is a bit lighter but given its largely a fairy tale matted together by individuals trying to present a coherent ideology it also has its pernicious side.k
Ordinarily I would give you chapter and verse but I have to go out. There are a few Christians that I am sure will fill in the blanks lol.
Admittedly, the new testament is a bit lighter but given its largely a fairy tale matted together by individuals trying to present a coherent ideology it also has its pernicious side.k
The NT was written by several individuals, separated in space and time. The coherent ideology is quite simple, and doesnt need much elaboration – Jesus has risen.
Ok just for clarification. None of the accounts were contemporameous with the life of Jesus the Nazeraen. Indeed the fact that Jesus was the head of the Christian sect was down to votes in a commitee. Jesus has risen? What on earth does that mean? I would suggest you read Mark cos that is where de thick stuff goes dan ma friend. That has to be Jesus’ epiphany.
Just because Mark does not write it , does not mean that the other gospel writers made it up. It would be quite foolhardy to persist in a lie when the consequence was certain death. And they didn’t go back on their testimony, even unto the most gruesome execution.
Jesus has risen means that Jesus has conquered death. It is this that gives hope in the face of certain death.
Moh the murderer was into bondage according to the koran.
Must have been difficult to murder people!
Not really….defenceless women, children, old men and bound up prisoners.
Much like his followers do today.
So you believe in the Koran then.
Although bits like allah has many names including the ‘great deceiver’ have a ring of truth about them.
Hmm in the same way you believe in the bible to justify your bigotry muckonabus
Nope. All religion is a falsehood made up by people who want dominion over others.
ISIS are at it
The Jews in Israel are at it
The Republicans in the US are at it.
Hence so many wars
So what excuses did Hitler, Stalin and Mao have for slaughtering 80 million between them?
Clapped out leftists mantras and moral relativism – little wonder you love the BBC so much.
Hitler – the religion of racial superiority (theres another lot doing this as we speak)
Stalin and Mao – religious Marxism
If National Socialism or Communism were religions then your unquestioning belief in the BBC would also fall under the same category.
It does, after all, appear to be something dear to your heart.
It would if I had an unquestioning belief in the BBC or anything else come to that.
You make a fundamental mistake ,like many on this site, that if you criticise one tribe you have to be in the other.
Personally I have never liked tribal thinking.Too much conformity!
>All religion is a falsehood made up by people who want dominion over others.
ISIS are at it
The Jews in Israel are at it
The Republicans in the US are at it.<
Since when was Republicanism a religion in the US?
I have no doubt that his logic is that anything he disagrees with is a religion, whereas everything he agrees with is science/proven as factual, or something along those lines…
Although one thing I am even more certain of is that he is nothing more than a troll who seeks attention.
Happily for me Wells is out the thought race!
This is really 4th form stuff. I don’t believe you are the genuine clapped out one, who had a limited capacity to debate, even if he was intellectually restricted by the mantras of the Left.
When the word “nope” begins a comment, the rest may be disregarded.
ManOnClappedOutBus manages to be boring and snooty about any topic under the sun. What a bloody old windbag he is.
Yes, people that thick are often unintentionally funny. Poor old clapped out doesn’t even have that redeeming feature. I still like him, though. 😉
If God is female how do you explain childbirth?
Conception is fun but childbirth!!!!!!!!
Or does the female God have a really, really weird sense of humour?
Is belief in the BBC a form of religion? While the most obvious answer might be, “no, don’t be stupid, I’m telling John Rentoul”, stranger things have happened. For it now transpires that a belief in “public service broadcasting” can now be protected by religious discrimination laws. (from the Telegraph) The BBC declares itself to be ‘much like a Church” and won a legal employment tribunal based on that (faulty) declaration which was accepted as being ‘true’. So in effect to propose an alternative to the BBC edict is akin to ‘Blasphemy’. Incredible but true story:
Belief in anything that isnt evidentially corroberated is essentially magic or religion
However that is also true of disbelief.
Thus God cannot judge the BBC and nor evidently can the torygraph.
I’m glad you admit that catastrophic global warming is a religion.
No , Global warming is a theory based on an understanding of measurement. Whether there is a catastrophy is down to those agents that encourage behaviour which acelerates global warming.
He said catastrophic global warming. You said global warming. There is a difference. A very, very big difference.
If things run on as they currently are and as the big oil multinationals hope then we will die in substantial numbers. The fact is once the permafrost gives up its methane then its game over. Within a hundred years 4 out of 5 people on the planet will be dead. And to think that globally fossil fuel companies are enjoying greater subsidy than all the health services combined. That is 5.3 trillion dollars. Not bad eh ,assuming you dont ever have to look your grandchildren in the eye!
I’m not entirely sure if you’re serious or just being a parody.
In respect of oil companies they are looking to meet a 40% growth in demand. Non are researching into clean energy but the anticipated demand is driving them further afield. Political the west ,having created ISIS because of the ‘war on Oil’ in Iraq and Afganistan are now doing deals with dodgy States associated with mass killings and torture etc in order to secure supplies off piste.
More destabilisation and more opportunity for further war.
As to permafrost this is absolutely the case.Unfortunately most of the forcings involved in global warming are positive meaning effects are constantly being amplified. First tipping point was artic ice melting the next will be the permafrost. This has already started and can only get worse.
As to the 5.3 trillion dollar subsidy this is an IMF figure.
The amount dead in 100 years is my speculation but altogether not unreasonable.
Estimates of warming in the past have been very conservative. Originally it was estimated that we would see maybee 2 degrees at the end of the century. This has now been revised to 5 and some estimates put it at 8. It should be noted that the 2 degree limit we are aiming for has no scientific basis but is really only a political goal. In reality 0.8 degrees has made parts of Africa uninhabitable. 2 degrees for many areas is therefore completely unsustainable. Quite apart from temperature is the overall disruption to food production due to unstable growing enviroments, the sort that affects the south of the US. Many staples will become too expensive for the 2 billion currently living on subsistence. So thats the first 2 billion gone. The second billion will go because of habitat loss and disease and also by virtue that they are the next rung on subsistence. Add to that the inumerable wars over the remaining resources the most important of which will be water. In relation to this note that many water tables servicing Billions of people are within 20 years of expiry. After that the only source of water will be from the sky. Switch back to the Texas experience recently where they experienced massive flooding after 12 years of drought. No place to bring yer kids up Im sure you will agree. Many are leaving.Many,whole towns in fact are just packing up. In years to come this will be the norm.
When a comment contains the word “torygraph” the whole comment may be disregarded.
As BBC television doesn’t exist on the iPlayer outside Britain one would need faith to actually believe that the Beeb exists!
Oh, this has arrived not where I wanted it, someone (Philip) asked if the BBC was a religion.
Man on clapped out omnibus-are you the one who thinks that he is Karl Marx? For your information Marx died in 1883, so you are obviously suffering from delusions. I would see a psychiatrist if I were you.
So you start with a question to someone else,then answer it yourself,then suggest psychiatry. Hmmm most interesting!
I suggest doubling your meds.
The expression “Hmmm” in a comment signifies that you need not read it.
Dear me, Mr omnibus!
The Bible is made up of 66 widely ranging books that stretch over a few millenia in terms of scope, history and the writings thereof.
It`s pretty much internally coherent and consistent, and the more it`s attacked the stronger it gets…there are one or two cases that trouble the best of us, but -He`s God, so He`ll tell us later on.
You want a key example?…let me know-as long as you`ll check it, and stop the silliness.
Being a Christian means that we have the final prism to see all scripture as a personal relationship with Jesus Christ might entail.
Not perfect, not always certain-but good enough for HIm and His Dad, as long as we pray and stay humble-we`re only a hearbeat away from His judgement(Heb 9.27).
No , the Bible says nothing about the BBC-but there`s plenty therein on hypocrites, showy charity crapola and what happens to paedophiles…much of which would appear to mirror the New BBC as it exists today, would it not?
(as well as other broadcasters and quality papers too, let me add!)
I did intend to mention how stupid the liberal media are-in regard of the sad death of Charles Kennedy.
1. Was it really right for Humphrys to ask the SNP bloke who replaced him as an MP about their “election battle to the death”?
This was in the run up to the 8am news today on Radio 4…and even an idiot prodcuer could check a script to remove THAT level of dim crassness?
2. If you note the stock film of Kennedy soliciting votes in a recent election, you`ll see that he`s walking right by the “Lush” shop!…makes hand made cosmetics-but again, someones either having a laugh, or has a complete humour by-pass…you never know with liberal oafs like those at the BBC!
God Bless Mr Kennedy…you too, Clapham!
Sadly the bible is not coherent particularly the new testament non of which was compiled during Jesus’ life. Numerous contemporaneus accounts have been excluded and several included books have not been written by the attributed author. The old testament is exclusively about reinforcing the Jews as the master race, a charateristic that they have taken to heart in the middle east. The bible is written in hermeneutic style so the outcome is assured. As for your other rantings i suggest you substitute ‘fairies at the bottom of my garden’ everytime you come across the word God to see how ludicrous religion actually is. Under normal circumstances,I would prescribe Largactil and stick you under observation for a couple of weeks.
Luckily for you however that like your God isnt God,I am not a shrink and therefore you may consider yourself free to run naked down the highstreet or whatever crazy people do these days.
Blessing withdrawn!
Typical personal abuse in place of argument.
Keep clear eh?
Nope plenty of argument but not the sort that you could argue against. The rest was a test. Didnt someone say something about turning the other cheek? Blessings from the bottom of your garden!
“Jews as a master race?”
Largactil?…stick me under observation?
Sheesh, you`re one sad little man, who clearly has gleaned much about mental health from something approaching an inside track.
Basically just a troll who knows the word “contemporaneous”…but no, not one argument-let alone any scriptural references or knowledge.
And only a lazy cliche ridden atheist nuisance would possibly bring out the “turn the other cheek” canard.
Jesus tests-you just reflux!
Over and out!
Absolutely no response which i think makes me the winner here. If you have a coherent response we can go through it starting with Genisis if you want. It is completely unacceptable to stick your miindless Jesus crap up on this site if you are not prepared to defend it. Over to you if you have some substance other than the usual superficial platitudes.
Poor Clapper.
Not one like.
So-in an act of Jesus-crap chaeridee_I`ve decided to give him a “like”-in the pale hope that the sadsack will run naked about his garden with a trophy made of polo-mint silver foil…as recommended by his CPN.
Well done clapped-out….believe there`s a “brown nosing for the BBC” site you might prefer to this one.
Call again(don`t!)
To be fair, Chris, he knows the word ‘charateristic’ as well.
The mention of fairies in a comment about religion is certain evidence of secondhand thinking, and the comment need not be read.
why would an omnipotent being allow their followers to suffer so greatly at the hands of people who dont believe in the omnipotent one. So much madness exists, surely the genius who created everything could at least forsee such crap or is this a test run for the mark 2 universe. And dont come back with that crap about giving us free will, im really not interested in the cover ups needed to make your claptrap work.
and ps if god is/was/maybe a woman would it invent rape and fgm.
Spoken like a true ISIS follower.
You seem to have a bad case of writing-diarhoea today, ManOnClappedOutBus. And more boring and pettifogging than ever.
As Attlee said to Laski – a period of silence on your part would be very welcome.