Radio 4 news this morning had a headline introduced as ‘Labour has described as divisive ..’ in relation to the Government announcement of plans to turn schools into academies.
Memo to the BBC. When the Government announces a policy and the Opposition attack it, the ‘news’ is the Government policy announcement, more than what Labour think about it.
The news should be only news not comments.The BBC was told,people are saying,etc are not news items.
If we want comment by the BBC then have a programme just for that then we can turn off.
I think this goes to the heart of what news is,who represents the news and who reports it. Frankly I find it very surprising that 64 people on this site ,which is principally about bias, applaudes your idea about the BBC being a mouthpiece for government. Would you have the same view if Labour were returned?
As to the current state of politics the Tories were returned on under 30% of the popular vote which,whatever they say or do remains a minority view. It is quite right therefore that all opinions regarding the ideological wrecking ball policies of the Tories are widely discussed and considered. Non more so than in education where Academies have yet to prove any value in raising general educational levels.
Manon, you’re missing the point. The ‘news’ is the Government policy, that is the headline. Reporting the facts does not make the BBC a ‘mouthpiece’. Of course I’d have exactly the same view if the Government was Labour. The BBC chose to lead with the Labour critique as if that was the newsworthy event. Reactions to the Government policy should be reported but they are not the headline.
As for covering ‘all opinions’ what does the BBC think of the Lib Dems, UKIP and the Greens views? What’s special about Labour?
Given the Outrage Bus lane has at least three passing at once currently, with the Law of Unintended Consequences swinging behind like a jack-knifing trailer, given the BBC has never met a ban it didn’t like (except from the wrong kind of government on the line) it will be interesting how this gets treated;
Now I have to say I think it looks horrrible. But personally I’d trust to market forces. If the brand feels a noir combo of CSI:Bergen Belsen is the way to go, then let them reap the benefits or consequences from an adoring public.
However… other issues of course do get raised. If health is a factor in what is acceptable to portray, with body image by personal choice and demand also all the rage, where does the line, at least on the plus-side of the weighing machine, get drawn?
Advocates from Anorexia and Diabetes charities either end of the BBC so… see-saw?
And will John Prescott become Caitlyn Jenner’s personal bully-4-u trainer on the next tasteful reality show from Twenty-Ten?
The phrase “Anorexia-chic” was used on the radio this morning as a description of the style that the advertisement was trying to portray, I guess in much the same way as boho-chic and rock-chic have been used in the past.
I was also uncomfortable with the advertisement, but descriptions like this don’t do anything to help, as they give the impression that a truly waif-like appearance is something to aim for.
Guest Who
I discussed this with my wife last night as it was on the news.
We are told that these images harm young girls ‘self esteem’, yet on the other hand we are apparently becoming an obese nation and the average dress size has gone up from 14 to 16. So I deduce in actuality there is no problem, it is a non problem the left have tried to make one to promote further restrictions on individual freedom of choice towards state control.
Isn’t it hilarious that on the one hand we have the liberal left celebrating ‘otherness’ ( disability etc )but then just as quickly show their hypocritical ideology in the next breath.
The left are now deciding what body types are acceptable and which aren’t according to their ideology, we should all be rather afraid as this is reminiscent of Nazi Germany’s ‘National Socialist Party’ headed by it’s socialist leader Adolph Hitler.
The current move is towards taxation of sugar and salt by both Conservatives and the Liberal Left as an alternative to highly paid people paying higher rates of Income Tax.
Is the fact of a Tory government causing a rethink at the BBC? The programme info on my TV tells me that BBC1 9pm is a Panorama Special about the NHS’s desperate fight for survival. Whereas the BBC website states that the slot will show a programme on doping in sport. Scardy cats!
Yes, I noticed that. Not that I would have watched it, but I wonder if the recent Daily Mail investigation into managers who pay themselves huge amounts, often retiring for a day or two, claim a large pension, then return in a similar role, would that have featured?
An ill educated effnik has tweeted that the Queen is dead. Super prank.
Other breaking news: ISIS have bombed the BBC studios lots of casualties.
Sorry, my mistake, left the phone off the hook, just a prank. Ho ho ho.
Sack the bitch now.
A tweet from the account of Ahmen Khawaja, a BBC broadcast journalist, was sent saying: “BREAKING: Queen Elizabeth is being treated at King Edward 7th Hospital in London. Statement due shortly: @BBCWorld.”
Ms Khawaja is a reporter working for the BBC’s Urdu-language service.
She knew what she was doing even though this was a ‘dress rehearsal’. One can only hope her ‘tweets’ were not motivated by cultural differences. But this being the BBC, whose correspondents have something of a track record of leftist tweeting, anything is possible.
So now the feminist trans gender
Hoards should (if they are consistent ) demand all copies of the film be burned and members of the cast be banned from public utterances. And will they call the BBC, who spawned the show be closed down for the sexist organization it is? Don’t hold your breath…
As long as it’s kept to streets of London, as many as you like can come. The oh. so liberal and well educated inhabitants once called Londoners are welcome to the on-road slums coming their way.
“There is a reason why ethnic groups and races have survived for thousands of years: it’s part of nature. To enforce one race upon another is not part of nature’s plan, it leads to conflict, strife and violence.”
I wish people would stop to review their comments before they post them, because sometimes they’re just so stupid it turns the entire site into a laughing stock and makes it just so easy for those who want to protect bias and left wing vested interest to describe us a bunch of hysterical cranks, or worse.
Paris is a city of 2.25 million people, it covers an area of 4,638 square miles. That’s one migrants for every 13 square miles !
It is plainly ridiculous to suggest that 350 people have turned the entire city into a “Third World slum”.
I remember a group of Roma who exercising their cultural heritage set up a shanty town in one of London’s parks. No such multi culti acceptance for them though, they were evicted pretty pronto by the insistence of the Fascist leftie nimbies!
They didn’t turn London into a Slum, they lived in an area which they turned into one.
Those numbers don’t quite add up as it calculates to a total migrant population of about 485. It is estimated to be around 1000 times that, something in the order of 500,000. Still, it’s a method of calculation that would appeal to Cameron and the BBC!
A BBC journalist was interviewing one of the thousands of refugee’s (asylum seekers) about her perilous yet short trip from Turkey to the Greek island of Kos; what I would have liked the journalist to have asked her is why do you and thousands of other Muslim’s make the risky trip to Greece from Turkey which is a perfectly safe Islamic country that is not at war? I think we all know where they are heading. I don’t want to sound harsh but a refugee should take refuge in the first safe haven. Of course you wouldn’t expect the BBC to ask a perfectly reasonable question!
Where are they heading Dazzy boy? Might not be the place you think.
Turkey is NOT a perfectly safe Islamic country if you are a Kurd. Reports by both British and American agencies show that Turkey routinely practices torture, and this is the reason why Asylum claims are considered in European countries.
The problems come from those who are not ethnic Kurds, claiming that they are, and that they too have suffered torture.
It’s a difficult problem for Europe to sort, although they have used torture as a reason to block Turkeys entry to the EU. You should be aware that if leftie Dave gets his way ALL the Turkish population will be able to travel to Britain – legally !
I suppose you are right Thoughtful, there is no such thing as a safe or peaceful Islamic country such is the nature of that religion. Turkey is a corrupt country as will be proved in their up coming election.
Most of the refugees are from Iraq and Syria and so the BBC are always quick to lay some of the blame on the West for de-stablising the region. They will be heading for Northern Europe, so I expect Sweden will welcome them with open arms.
The ironic thing is these refugees will be fleeing from Turkey a country where many British people will be spending their summer holidays.
Germany has a long history with Turkey, they were Allies during WWI. Most Turkish migrants head to Germany where they then claim countless benefits working the system to ensure they receive disability and single parents allowances, even though they are neither.
Anyone daring to point this out is jumped on as viciously by the Fascist left as they are here !
Ahh yes the German guest workers. Guest workers, now there is a phrase I haven’t heard for a long time Probably since I was in Germany.
Sweden might welcome them.
The Swedes (that is the pale skinned, blond haired one)
think they are the dregs of the planet and they want fewer, not more.
Thinking Allowed worries that the Anthropology A- Level is being dropped.
Apparently indoctrinating a handful of students each year about other cultures is vital to combat ‘hate crime’.
Of course if those who want to keep this A-level had actually studied other peoples it might occur to them that basically ‘birds of a feather flock together’. One might almost call it a universal characteristic of human societies. Wouldn’t it be easier to stick to this principle rather than impose ‘multiculturalism’ on us all then fret about the (inevitable) consequences?
You forget that the presenter of ‘Thinking Aloud (AKA the incredible talking man) is a professor of sociology, a discipline much more worthy to be brushed out of the academic realm.
As well as not sitting A-level anthropology, Laurie’s guests tell us, our adolescents are also considered incapable of deciding whether or not to commit crimes.
It is good to know that while these ‘children’ aren’t able to tell right from wrong our ‘progressive’ thinkers believe they are capable of deciding the political fate of the country.
Am having TV signal problems so cannot vouch for BBC TV news coverage, but… I read the news today, oh boy, and there are tales – again (in Mosul) – of gay men being dangled by their ankles and then dropped from tall buildings and, if they fail to die, are then stoned to death by the crowd below. Now, I can find no mention on the BBC News website (but may be the way I’m searching, of course) and, as mentioned above, can’t say whether this is on the BBC TV news channel. I would have thought that this atrocity would be something the BBC would feel duty-bound to report but, it doesn’t seem to have registered. Surely there are questions to ask:
Why Mosul?
Why gay men?
Is there a connection between location, occupants and sexuality of the murdered?
Why does the BBC web search ‘gay men killed Mosul’ only give hits from ‘elsewhere on the web’? (Mail and Independent).
Why is Mosul of such interest? It would be easy for any Islamo Fascist apologist to dismiss as an extremist group which does not represent the Islamic world.
Look instead at Saudi or Iran, or God knows how many other Muslim countries which regularly murder people, who are not only gay, but those who their rabid leaders suspect of being gay, and that suspicion might only be the word of some malevolent neighbour !
No connections needed. He was innocent because what he was accused of lying under oath about was not relevant in the earlier trial. So the judge quite properly dismissed the case.
Not sure that’s correct, Manon. The judge, as far as I can see, merely ruled that whether Coulson lied or not was irrelevant to the original trial. There was therefore no case to answer and no ruling was made, or needed to be made as to whether Coulson actually lied.
One does have to wonder how such a high-profile trial was allowed to get this far with no-one realising the legal niceties.
Manon, if you are going to comment on something, at least do some research and don’t comment from a position of ignorance. Coulson MAY have misled the court about his knowledge of hacking at the NOW during Sheridan’s trial, but it wasn’t relevant to the prosecution’s case. At no time did Sheridan make allegations about phone hacking. In fact Coulson wasn’t even part of the prosecution’s case. He was called by the defence as a hostile witness and the questions about hacking were a ploy to discredit Coulson. Discredit one News Of The World employee and you throw doubt on the evidence already given by the other witnesses employed by the paper. Coulson’s evidence was immaterial to the prosecution’s case. For a perjury charge to stick the dishonest evidence tendered has to have a pertinent effect on the outcome of a trial i.e. a conviction. So no ” friends in high places” but , for once, a judge who knew the law and acted on it objectively.
Yeah , where is that Evil little git Robin Brant , he was creaming his pant`s when Andy Coulson got sent down for the N.O.W. phone hacking , about a year ago. No champers all round, this week. at New Broadcasting House .
Coming up to 9pm, BBC News Channel ran a trailer for Victoria Derbyshire tomorrow – Joanna Gosling. Females in sport claim that they are not able to make money and need support. You-couldn’t-make-it-up. I wonder what level of support will be required. Equality would surely suggest Wayne Rooney rates?
Meanwhile, Mo Farrah’s coach is alleged to blah blah…. but there is no suggestion that Saint Mo blah blah… I know there is no suggestion about Mo, because the Six News told us so five or six times during a short piece on the story.
Speaking of which…
This story portrays exactly why I want to see the BBC privatised and have to make it on their (dire) merit.
Until then we will continue to get the British Bullshit Corporation.
Even the best figures for this programme would be poor by any standard, but the news boss James Harding would never admit that. According to him it’s a great success with the most pathetic of excuses.
BBC Women’s Sport Week: Elite sportswomen suffer sexism
(Women’s sports week, when was the men’s sports week?)
Anyway they have this survey today, 40% of (sports)women consulted say they have experienced sexism.
Sorry girls you have never experienced sexism in sport.
I understand Wimbledon is considering replacing the Gentlemans and Ladies singles competitions with one singles event. That would be a first step in removing sexism from tennis.
The bBC and its bias (against the British) by omission. Irish tricolour flag flown over Stormont Police have begun an investigation into how an Irish tricolour was flown over Stormont. The flag appeared over Parliament Buildings for a time on Wednesday. A spokesperson for the assembly said it was aware that “two flags were flown without permission from the roof” and it was investigating the incident.
As this is the bBC they then finish out with this: Sinn Féin MLA Gerry Kelly said the reaction by unionist politicians to the incident “can only be described as hysteria”.
“This for some unionist politicians is a bigger crisis than anything that has happened over the past weeks,” Mr Kelly said.
You know what to the average Brit, they just can’t see what the fuss is about and the bBC perpetuates that POV. Well here is something the Guardian reports which the bBC conveniently leaves out: The display of flags and emblems on official buildings in the province remains a sensitive issue. In 2012, a decision by Belfast city council to limit the flying of the union flag over City Hall triggered months of loyalist protests, some of which descended into violence. In accordance with the policy adopted at City Hall, the union flag is only flown on Parliament Buildings on a number of designated days each year. The unauthorised flourishing of the Irish Republic’s national flag above the building that once symbolised unionist ascendancy comes amid a developing political crisis over welfare cuts.
Ah that’s right in a part of the United Kingdom, the local council limited the flying of the Union flag, which resulted in months of strife. Something the bBC reported on a par with terrorism
Yet when the Irish flag is flown above the headquaters of NI, then the bBC makes out there is nothing to see and that the Unionists are simply crying over nothing.
Thank heavens we are a tolerant country. But for how much longer?
Anjem keeps telling us, before a generation is over we will become an Islamic dominated country. My personal tolerance runs out long before that point.
This really is a serious threat to our way of life and nobody in authority seems to be taking it seriously and doing anything near enough to combat it.
We are being slowly, subtlety, sleep walked to our own destruction of our traditional way of life and likely we will be ethnically cleansed of the indigenous population of the UK if we do not start to make our democratic representatives aware of our fears to stop the process gathering further steam.
This is not a joke! Choudray has got major UK Establishment figures right behind him already, wanting to contribute to the Islamic state conversion of our nation:
The Archbishop of Canterbury, no less, wants us to Introduce some more Sharia Law right across our land. Really! Plenty others in the Church also laying the foundations, like Rev Giles being given a national broadcasting platform, by you guessed it, the BBC.
The really worrying thing is for the vast majority of the population we do not want Sharia, but our Bishops can actually affect our laws in the House of Lords and we cannot do anything about that democratically, literally Zilch:
The Labour party and their closely related friends Mr Khan, George Galloway, Tower Hamlets Council and thousands of other Labour activists in almost every Labour stronghold local authority in the UK have been giving succor and abetting mainly Pakistani Muslims, by turning a blind eye to literally thousands of non-Muslim teen girls being gang ra ped, groomed and peado trafficked, Rotherham being the most infamous.
Where was the ex-CPS head Kier Starmer when Labour were in Power when all this was Muslim peado stuff was gaining increasing traction? Of course he is Labour as well!
This is so wrong in my eyes. The National broadcaster of a traditional Christian country has no right to appoint a Muslim head of religious affairs, since the people paying tax for this service do not want it!
I am going to send a copy of this to my MP and Mr Whittingdale MP now he has a massive role in governance and the future of the BBC, plus a copy to every member of culture media and sport committee, and would please ask those who agree with me to do the same.
Things will not change if we sit idly by and let this all happen and not inform our elected representatives we are not happy with it!
deny – obfuscate – lie … repeat after me.
deny – obfuscate – lie
“These cases are a reminder of the dangers posed by individuals radicalised through …….. social media”
Boston suspects ‘plotted beheading of police’
Social media? … an Islamic adherent, following the Islamic state, following Islamic founders example, following Islamic texts, following Islamic sharia, etc etc.
…. repeat after me, deny – obfuscate – lie
(addition … apparently the “person outside Massachusetts” they were targeting was Pamela Geller).
you couldn t, make it up
Not even complaining that … she didn t get a coke.
complaining that she had to endure the infidel fingered flight attendant groping the Coke can,
now … I ask you, is that “waycist
update …
Oh!, the flight attendant?
instantly sacked of course
US airlines comment … United does not tolerate behaviour that is discriminatory – or that appears to be discriminatory against our customers or employees.
… (over a can of coke!, erm “appeared to” to whom?, and more importantly why?)
as this attendant categorically wasn t …
This is just one more example, on the very, very slippery slope
United could make it up to the so, “aggrieved” group by hiring all new Islamic pilots from said group,
in the interest of customer relations, show they re not “waycist” , “phobic” etc …
everyone happy? everything rosy?
Meanwhile, i d immediately change brand, or take the bus
We are being slowly, subtlety, sleep walked to our own destruction…
The change doesn’t seem dramatic to most people living through it today, but from the point of view of a historian looking back in a few hundred years, the rate will seem awesome.
The Queen is now added to the unfortunate list of premature VVIP obituaries thanks to a tweet from the phone of Al Beeb staffer Ahmen Khawaja (seriously ,you cannot make this stuff up). I say from the “phone of” because Ms Khawaja subsequently claimed that “someone else ” had used her phone to send out the sad tidings (and after Al Beeb had actually denied that any such tweet had been sent). Needless to say the Al Beeb website is doing its best today to hide this calamity, which is pretty hard to do, since their “The Papers” section includes page grabs of at least four dailys which have front page coverage of the cock-up. There is, apparently, an internal “investigation “underway as “part of the disciplinary process”. So here’s my premature verdict on the “investigation”: rumours of Ms Khawaja’s dismissal are greatly exaggerated – indeed she may even get an honourable mention in despatches.
The BBC effnik’s super wheeze about the premature death of the Queen excited the goons in Class War, Britain’s Poundshop version of Pol Pot. It took their minds of Toffophobia and attacking the UKIP MP. Comments from their FB page. Thank you BBC from your leftish louts.
Class War
Zippy Whiz Many years left in that one unfortunately
Like · Reply · Yesterday at 12:17pm
Alistair Robinson Ask anyone in Leicester, dead royals are good for the economy! wink emoticon
Like · Reply · 3 hrs
Pierwsza Cobieta finally…
Like · Reply · Yesterday at 11:45am
Karen Smith one less bloody lizard blood sucking hanger on-er!
Like · Reply · 17 hrs
Malcolm Eggsy the paracite is not long for this earth
Like · Reply · 13 hrs
Steven Ganit Mountain Good riddance. One can but hope.
Like · Reply · Yesterday at 11:50am
Jamie Connolly That Rothschild Zionist Bastard Died Years Ago…
Her And Her Hubby Phil The Ghoul Are The Walking Undead That Survive By Drinking Babies Blood..
Like · Reply · 1 · 21 hrs
1 Reply
Drew Distroi Die bitch
Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 11:42am
Jason Muffster Hollis Royal family are parasites
Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 1:02pm
Tich Anartich Die ye fukkin blu blood cunt!!!!.. wink emoticon
Like · Reply · 3 · Yesterday at 11:53am
“Miliband was so distraught that he shut himself in his hotel room, where a series of people, including his wife Justine, joined him and tried to offer some reassurance – pointing out that the omission had not featured prominently in the BBC political editor Nick Robinson’s report on the Six O’Clock News.”
Reassuring that the BBC was playing something like this down? Which was nice.
In the interests of balance, there is a bit later on when Lucy Powell writes a letter (seen by the Graun, as these things tend to be) to James Harding about the SNP, but it is that one above that resonates… and I doubt is a Graun quote the BBC will be mentioning.
Anyone who thinks that Bribery on a continental scale stops at such an insignificant thing as football needs their bumps feeling!
The promotion of Sunni Muslim ideology and foreign policy is far to blatant to be mere ‘extending the hand of friendship’ and avoiding violent Muslim reaction.
“If one of them suddenly turns up on your doorstep, and says – I’ve come to stay with you – well, you’d be somewhat taken aback”
Kate Humble on tv this morning.
Has the BBC finally understood the issue of mass immigration?
No, don’t be silly. Our Kate is plugging her latest show about living with nomads and she is explaining why one particular group acted in an unfriendly way with her at first contact.
Because all the world loves our Kate and the wonderful BBC, right?
Frankly, I don’t blame them for being hostile. She represents a serious foreign threat to their very much endangered way of life. Leave them alone, Kate. Go back to your hill farm and worry more about threats to the British way of life.
These ‘first contacts’ between presenter and other people or locations seldom ring true.
Even if they were spontaneous (which I doubt, as an army of producers precede all shooting), there’s a difference between a person lobbing up and a person surrounded by a full crew.
I also have enjoyed ‘surprise’ visits with a POV from within the abode.
There’s a very good series about Rome’s underworld, hosted by Alexander Armstrong. At one point he is ‘first’ to descend into a cavern… well, bar the cameraman capturing this from below.
“There’s a very good series about Rome’s underworld, hosted by Alexander Armstrong. At one point he is ‘first’ to descend into a cavern… well, bar the cameraman capturing this from below”.
I wondered whether the cameraman drinks Carling Black Label.
Half-heard an item on Today this morning, involving Humphrys and a Catherine somebody-or-other – she was earnestly telling us how we should stop producing CO2, and stop global warming, and how we should spend lots of money, and accept various controls to help stop a world warming, when it is not warming at all, and which, due (apparently) to 400 ppm of CO2 (when there was much more in the past, and when it did far more good than harm), is all OUR fault. Of course, she was unchallenged, and there was zero opposing argument. Typical BBC, so that’s all right, then.
How can we ever be expected to believe ANY of these people, when the history, facts, observations, and data all tell us the opposite?
It’s such an extra-ordinary, blatant in-your-face bunch of lies, it puts FIFA, the Banks, and other dubious fraudulent organisations into the shade. Yet they still think it’s worth a punt in Paris.
And of course, for them to get their way, Paris must NOT fail, at any cost.
We are being had – sold down the river, and we do nothing.
Except that all the evidence conclusively points to catastrophy. The reason noone goes on the BBC to provide a counter argument is because there isnt one.
Sadly ,I wouldnt worry about Paris too much. Currently with the carbon biids currently in play we will end up with about a 4 degree rise by the end of the century. With that rise most life will either be dead or on the margins.
But Old Goat this is your opportunity. Explain to us your alternative theory together with evidence an show why none of this matters. Over to you”
4%? Really? I’m with Lomborg on this. Global temperature may rise though the models have their limitation projecting to the end of the century. Reminds me of Stern’s ridiculous projection done without a discount rate. Lomborg suggests that Canute had it reasonably easy holding back the sea compared with holding back the global climate. With all the factors suggesting exploding population and economy this century our objective should be not to waste trillions on this futile mission. Deal with consequences and don’t do the alarmist narrative. “Catastrophe” is a ridiculous alarmist word when referring to a future that you don’t know. Hang on, maybe you do know the future and you could share with us mortals the basis for your certainties. By the by, I expect mankind – not sure about much of wildlife – to be rolling along next century and looking back at Climate Fever, a movie that was on continuous playback. Am always surprised that the left don’t reach for their prophet, Marx, and pay a bit of attention to the relationship of ideas to economic interests. The “Global Warming” game has many vested interests. It didn’t come down from a mountain on an Edstone.
I think your omnibus floats in another sphere, on a different planet. You’re just contrary, for the sake of it, and a complete waste of space. I don’t know why you bother visiting, I really don’t.
Yes. The best politician/prime minister/leader/statesman we never had – and it could have been so different, had there been an intelligent electorate in the Former UK.
yep! … 4 million plus, votes and counting, MPs??
… must be because no one agrees with him.
Meanwhile the Al BBC, R News, R5Live 10 30am ish
“its everyone s fault, everyone s responsibility, to care”
over soaring numbers of Roma, Albanian, Bulgarian pickpockets, organised beggar gangs, and sex workers now in, and arriving in the UK.
Watched the Daily Politics on BBC2 today-virtually ALL about Liebore ,why did they lose and who will lead it.More like an Islington dinner-party discussion and competitive grieving competition on the left.
Alistair Heath was the token conservative for ‘balance’.
For God’s sake,Tories, the B BC is finished.
Break it up and sell it off while you can .
There will not be another chance like this for decades to come.
The BBC always start from the assumption that you are a Guardian reader. They make the television they want (or think you ought) to watch i.e. smug self-serving ignorant leftist middlebrow Observer/New Statesmen crap. It is not only that they refuse to engage with any reality outside their own bubble (you know what issue they are going to discuss, what they are going to claim, and how they are going to say it) they are keen not to find out. It is the sanctimonious bigotry of thickos who are desperate to feel superior in order to justify their narcissism, and assuage the hatreds which inevitably result from their bottomless sense of entitlement. They wave their political slogans to distract themselves from their utter selfishness. Their entire life is an exercise in living off other people. They contribute nothing.
Probably the best definition of a bbc luvvie/ guardianista/leftie I have seen in a year of reading this website. I lean forward and raise my hat to you sir/madam. Please write more, I feel you might get right up the nose of a Clapped out London bus.
“More than 40% of elite sportswomen in Great Britain have experienced sexism but only 7% have reported it, according to a survey conducted by BBC Sport.”
Without an agenda why would the BBC bother with such a survey? Without proof (impossible) its a very difficult thing to prove, what’s sexist to one may not be to another, espeicaly in the day of almost professional offence takers…
Mr Kipper Fan Klub aka one of the usual contributors to this site , Hmm ,let me guess who its is …… I read the article ,& it does not suggest adding anything to the rates, er Council Tax .I think that`s the French way ,the Old Goat will have to confirm this. I have always wanted the licence fee replaced with a subscription service . I guess someone has been playing a bit of mischief & kite flying that idea. That won`t happen with the licence fee , its subscription or nowt .
.” It’s actually worse than a poll tax because under the poll tax, if you were on a very low income you would get a considerable subsidy”
“I think there’s quite an attractive option of linking it to a specific household tax – maybe council tax.”
So to summarise his position the licence fee is unfair to poor people (which it might be)
and he wants to fund the BBC from the rates, so every household will be forced to subsidise the Bourgeois Broadcasting Collective whether they watch it or not and no exception
Some kite and some ‘conservative’ you Tories voted for and all to save a halfpenny on the rates
Being a politician, Whittingdale doesn’t want to do anything quickly. But if he finds that the plebs continue to stop paying at current rates, he’ll be forced to poo or get off the pot.
As for Inspector Clouseau’s investigation into the identity of dontblamemeivotedukip, I’d hazard a guess that most Kippers here agree with the sentiment. Clouseau; did you see Lord Lawson earlier saying that Cameron’s re-negotiation is just a sham? You wouldn’t listen to us – will you listen to him?
its simple , ignore so called rules like everyone else, if your a criminal firstplane home, sue us from bongo bongo land, if we lose we pay europe a fine, big deal we ignore that too
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Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Radio 4 news this morning had a headline introduced as ‘Labour has described as divisive ..’ in relation to the Government announcement of plans to turn schools into academies.
Memo to the BBC. When the Government announces a policy and the Opposition attack it, the ‘news’ is the Government policy announcement, more than what Labour think about it.
Bullseye! Got it in one Flexdream!
The news should be only news not comments.The BBC was told,people are saying,etc are not news items.
If we want comment by the BBC then have a programme just for that then we can turn off.
I think this goes to the heart of what news is,who represents the news and who reports it. Frankly I find it very surprising that 64 people on this site ,which is principally about bias, applaudes your idea about the BBC being a mouthpiece for government. Would you have the same view if Labour were returned?
As to the current state of politics the Tories were returned on under 30% of the popular vote which,whatever they say or do remains a minority view. It is quite right therefore that all opinions regarding the ideological wrecking ball policies of the Tories are widely discussed and considered. Non more so than in education where Academies have yet to prove any value in raising general educational levels.
Manon, you’re missing the point. The ‘news’ is the Government policy, that is the headline. Reporting the facts does not make the BBC a ‘mouthpiece’. Of course I’d have exactly the same view if the Government was Labour. The BBC chose to lead with the Labour critique as if that was the newsworthy event. Reactions to the Government policy should be reported but they are not the headline.
As for covering ‘all opinions’ what does the BBC think of the Lib Dems, UKIP and the Greens views? What’s special about Labour?
Given the Outrage Bus lane has at least three passing at once currently, with the Law of Unintended Consequences swinging behind like a jack-knifing trailer, given the BBC has never met a ban it didn’t like (except from the wrong kind of government on the line) it will be interesting how this gets treated;
Now I have to say I think it looks horrrible. But personally I’d trust to market forces. If the brand feels a noir combo of CSI:Bergen Belsen is the way to go, then let them reap the benefits or consequences from an adoring public.
However… other issues of course do get raised. If health is a factor in what is acceptable to portray, with body image by personal choice and demand also all the rage, where does the line, at least on the plus-side of the weighing machine, get drawn?
Advocates from Anorexia and Diabetes charities either end of the BBC so… see-saw?
And will John Prescott become Caitlyn Jenner’s personal bully-4-u trainer on the next tasteful reality show from Twenty-Ten?
The phrase “Anorexia-chic” was used on the radio this morning as a description of the style that the advertisement was trying to portray, I guess in much the same way as boho-chic and rock-chic have been used in the past.
I was also uncomfortable with the advertisement, but descriptions like this don’t do anything to help, as they give the impression that a truly waif-like appearance is something to aim for.
It used, I believe, to be ‘heroin-chic’, which described the same look, only arrived at via different means.
Here’s the BBC story, with comments* currently enabled:
Hope no BBC staff are ever seen with ribcages exposed, or their careers could suffer. Not sure how this young lady’s will now progress.
James Naughtie seems safe.
* I direct the house to 32. Posted by Fetch A Cloth
Guest Who
I discussed this with my wife last night as it was on the news.
We are told that these images harm young girls ‘self esteem’, yet on the other hand we are apparently becoming an obese nation and the average dress size has gone up from 14 to 16. So I deduce in actuality there is no problem, it is a non problem the left have tried to make one to promote further restrictions on individual freedom of choice towards state control.
Isn’t it hilarious that on the one hand we have the liberal left celebrating ‘otherness’ ( disability etc )but then just as quickly show their hypocritical ideology in the next breath.
The left are now deciding what body types are acceptable and which aren’t according to their ideology, we should all be rather afraid as this is reminiscent of Nazi Germany’s ‘National Socialist Party’ headed by it’s socialist leader Adolph Hitler.
The current move is towards taxation of sugar and salt by both Conservatives and the Liberal Left as an alternative to highly paid people paying higher rates of Income Tax.
Could be a mixed benefit for some:
Is the fact of a Tory government causing a rethink at the BBC? The programme info on my TV tells me that BBC1 9pm is a Panorama Special about the NHS’s desperate fight for survival. Whereas the BBC website states that the slot will show a programme on doping in sport. Scardy cats!
Yes, I noticed that. Not that I would have watched it, but I wonder if the recent Daily Mail investigation into managers who pay themselves huge amounts, often retiring for a day or two, claim a large pension, then return in a similar role, would that have featured?
An ill educated effnik has tweeted that the Queen is dead. Super prank.
Other breaking news: ISIS have bombed the BBC studios lots of casualties.
Sorry, my mistake, left the phone off the hook, just a prank. Ho ho ho.
Sack the bitch now.
A tweet from the account of Ahmen Khawaja, a BBC broadcast journalist, was sent saying: “BREAKING: Queen Elizabeth is being treated at King Edward 7th Hospital in London. Statement due shortly: @BBCWorld.”
Ms Khawaja is a reporter working for the BBC’s Urdu-language service.
She knew what she was doing even though this was a ‘dress rehearsal’. One can only hope her ‘tweets’ were not motivated by cultural differences. But this being the BBC, whose correspondents have something of a track record of leftist tweeting, anything is possible.
It’s fortunate for her that she didn’t play “The sun has got his hat on” – she might have had the sack.
BBC Twatter
But, “The Queen is Dead.”
Is an album by The Smiths,
From the mid-Eighties.
“An ill educated effnik”. Wow. Hey, she’s a woman too, you could have called her “An ill educated effnik” cunt to be as offensive as possible.
BBC Guidelines actually recommend the use of the word ‘NaughtieMarr’.
However, like most BBC ‘rules’, staff appear to adopt a ‘views my own’ approach in reality.
James Naughtie’s predicament over the Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner affair was predicted by Monty Python many years ago, as spotted at Breitbart.
WATCH: Did Monty Python Predict Bruce Jenner’s Future?
Eeerily prescient.
So now the feminist trans gender
Hoards should (if they are consistent ) demand all copies of the film be burned and members of the cast be banned from public utterances. And will they call the BBC, who spawned the show be closed down for the sexist organization it is? Don’t hold your breath…
Paris, Gosh !! 5 minutes in the country and African immigrants (invaders) have turned the city into a Third World slum, check out the photos.
As long as it’s kept to streets of London, as many as you like can come. The oh. so liberal and well educated inhabitants once called Londoners are welcome to the on-road slums coming their way.
After all, it’s so enriching.
“There is a reason why ethnic groups and races have survived for thousands of years: it’s part of nature. To enforce one race upon another is not part of nature’s plan, it leads to conflict, strife and violence.”
I wish people would stop to review their comments before they post them, because sometimes they’re just so stupid it turns the entire site into a laughing stock and makes it just so easy for those who want to protect bias and left wing vested interest to describe us a bunch of hysterical cranks, or worse.
Paris is a city of 2.25 million people, it covers an area of 4,638 square miles. That’s one migrants for every 13 square miles !
It is plainly ridiculous to suggest that 350 people have turned the entire city into a “Third World slum”.
I remember a group of Roma who exercising their cultural heritage set up a shanty town in one of London’s parks. No such multi culti acceptance for them though, they were evicted pretty pronto by the insistence of the Fascist leftie nimbies!
They didn’t turn London into a Slum, they lived in an area which they turned into one.
Those numbers don’t quite add up as it calculates to a total migrant population of about 485. It is estimated to be around 1000 times that, something in the order of 500,000. Still, it’s a method of calculation that would appeal to Cameron and the BBC!….. < show racism the red card
A BBC journalist was interviewing one of the thousands of refugee’s (asylum seekers) about her perilous yet short trip from Turkey to the Greek island of Kos; what I would have liked the journalist to have asked her is why do you and thousands of other Muslim’s make the risky trip to Greece from Turkey which is a perfectly safe Islamic country that is not at war? I think we all know where they are heading. I don’t want to sound harsh but a refugee should take refuge in the first safe haven. Of course you wouldn’t expect the BBC to ask a perfectly reasonable question!
Where are they heading Dazzy boy? Might not be the place you think.
Turkey is NOT a perfectly safe Islamic country if you are a Kurd. Reports by both British and American agencies show that Turkey routinely practices torture, and this is the reason why Asylum claims are considered in European countries.
The problems come from those who are not ethnic Kurds, claiming that they are, and that they too have suffered torture.
It’s a difficult problem for Europe to sort, although they have used torture as a reason to block Turkeys entry to the EU. You should be aware that if leftie Dave gets his way ALL the Turkish population will be able to travel to Britain – legally !
I suppose you are right Thoughtful, there is no such thing as a safe or peaceful Islamic country such is the nature of that religion. Turkey is a corrupt country as will be proved in their up coming election.
Most of the refugees are from Iraq and Syria and so the BBC are always quick to lay some of the blame on the West for de-stablising the region. They will be heading for Northern Europe, so I expect Sweden will welcome them with open arms.
The ironic thing is these refugees will be fleeing from Turkey a country where many British people will be spending their summer holidays.
Germany has a long history with Turkey, they were Allies during WWI. Most Turkish migrants head to Germany where they then claim countless benefits working the system to ensure they receive disability and single parents allowances, even though they are neither.
Anyone daring to point this out is jumped on as viciously by the Fascist left as they are here !
Ahh yes the German guest workers. Guest workers, now there is a phrase I haven’t heard for a long time Probably since I was in Germany.
Sweden might welcome them.
The Swedes (that is the pale skinned, blond haired one)
think they are the dregs of the planet and they want fewer, not more.
Thinking Allowed worries that the Anthropology A- Level is being dropped.
Apparently indoctrinating a handful of students each year about other cultures is vital to combat ‘hate crime’.
Of course if those who want to keep this A-level had actually studied other peoples it might occur to them that basically ‘birds of a feather flock together’. One might almost call it a universal characteristic of human societies. Wouldn’t it be easier to stick to this principle rather than impose ‘multiculturalism’ on us all then fret about the (inevitable) consequences?
But then not all thinking is allowed.
You forget that the presenter of ‘Thinking Aloud (AKA the incredible talking man) is a professor of sociology, a discipline much more worthy to be brushed out of the academic realm.
As well as not sitting A-level anthropology, Laurie’s guests tell us, our adolescents are also considered incapable of deciding whether or not to commit crimes.
It is good to know that while these ‘children’ aren’t able to tell right from wrong our ‘progressive’ thinkers believe they are capable of deciding the political fate of the country.
Bias by omission?
Am having TV signal problems so cannot vouch for BBC TV news coverage, but… I read the news today, oh boy, and there are tales – again (in Mosul) – of gay men being dangled by their ankles and then dropped from tall buildings and, if they fail to die, are then stoned to death by the crowd below. Now, I can find no mention on the BBC News website (but may be the way I’m searching, of course) and, as mentioned above, can’t say whether this is on the BBC TV news channel. I would have thought that this atrocity would be something the BBC would feel duty-bound to report but, it doesn’t seem to have registered. Surely there are questions to ask:
Why Mosul?
Why gay men?
Is there a connection between location, occupants and sexuality of the murdered?
Why does the BBC web search ‘gay men killed Mosul’ only give hits from ‘elsewhere on the web’? (Mail and Independent).
Why doesn’t the gay leaders complain about the killings in these hell holes? Douglas Murray asks why.
Why is Mosul of such interest? It would be easy for any Islamo Fascist apologist to dismiss as an extremist group which does not represent the Islamic world.
Look instead at Saudi or Iran, or God knows how many other Muslim countries which regularly murder people, who are not only gay, but those who their rabid leaders suspect of being gay, and that suspicion might only be the word of some malevolent neighbour !
Could I extend my sincere condolences to everyone at the BBC at their sad news. It couldn’t have been easy to learn of Andy Coulson’s acquittal today.
Deepest sympathies.
Although the Judge found he had lied in court but just not the right lies. Strange that. I wonder if he has connections.
No connections needed. He was innocent because what he was accused of lying under oath about was not relevant in the earlier trial. So the judge quite properly dismissed the case.
Not sure that’s correct, Manon. The judge, as far as I can see, merely ruled that whether Coulson lied or not was irrelevant to the original trial. There was therefore no case to answer and no ruling was made, or needed to be made as to whether Coulson actually lied.
One does have to wonder how such a high-profile trial was allowed to get this far with no-one realising the legal niceties.
Manon, if you are going to comment on something, at least do some research and don’t comment from a position of ignorance. Coulson MAY have misled the court about his knowledge of hacking at the NOW during Sheridan’s trial, but it wasn’t relevant to the prosecution’s case. At no time did Sheridan make allegations about phone hacking. In fact Coulson wasn’t even part of the prosecution’s case. He was called by the defence as a hostile witness and the questions about hacking were a ploy to discredit Coulson. Discredit one News Of The World employee and you throw doubt on the evidence already given by the other witnesses employed by the paper. Coulson’s evidence was immaterial to the prosecution’s case. For a perjury charge to stick the dishonest evidence tendered has to have a pertinent effect on the outcome of a trial i.e. a conviction. So no ” friends in high places” but , for once, a judge who knew the law and acted on it objectively.
Yeah , where is that Evil little git Robin Brant , he was creaming his pant`s when Andy Coulson got sent down for the N.O.W. phone hacking , about a year ago. No champers all round, this week. at New Broadcasting House .
Brant re-tweeted this ‘on why the truth didn’t matter’:
Coming up to 9pm, BBC News Channel ran a trailer for Victoria Derbyshire tomorrow – Joanna Gosling. Females in sport claim that they are not able to make money and need support. You-couldn’t-make-it-up. I wonder what level of support will be required. Equality would surely suggest Wayne Rooney rates?
Meanwhile, Mo Farrah’s coach is alleged to blah blah…. but there is no suggestion that Saint Mo blah blah… I know there is no suggestion about Mo, because the Six News told us so five or six times during a short piece on the story.
Speaking of which…
This story portrays exactly why I want to see the BBC privatised and have to make it on their (dire) merit.
Until then we will continue to get the British Bullshit Corporation.
Even the best figures for this programme would be poor by any standard, but the news boss James Harding would never admit that. According to him it’s a great success with the most pathetic of excuses.
PRIVATISE THEM! Enough of this bullshit.
Victoria Derbyshire’s struggling news show seen by just 39,000 ‘is a success’… but only by ‘standards we set it’, claims BBC boss
Former Radio 5 Live presenter Miss Derbyshire launched show in April
It was intended to become the ‘centrepiece of domestic daytime news’
But show on BBC2 and BBC News pulls in average of 88,300 viewers
BBC News boss James Harding says it has far exceeded expectations
BBC Women’s Sport Week: Elite sportswomen suffer sexism
(Women’s sports week, when was the men’s sports week?)
Anyway they have this survey today, 40% of (sports)women consulted say they have experienced sexism.
Sorry girls you have never experienced sexism in sport.
I understand Wimbledon is considering replacing the Gentlemans and Ladies singles competitions with one singles event. That would be a first step in removing sexism from tennis.
The bBC and its bias (against the British) by omission.
Irish tricolour flag flown over Stormont
Police have begun an investigation into how an Irish tricolour was flown over Stormont. The flag appeared over Parliament Buildings for a time on Wednesday. A spokesperson for the assembly said it was aware that “two flags were flown without permission from the roof” and it was investigating the incident.
As this is the bBC they then finish out with this:
Sinn Féin MLA Gerry Kelly said the reaction by unionist politicians to the incident “can only be described as hysteria”.
“This for some unionist politicians is a bigger crisis than anything that has happened over the past weeks,” Mr Kelly said.
You know what to the average Brit, they just can’t see what the fuss is about and the bBC perpetuates that POV. Well here is something the Guardian reports which the bBC conveniently leaves out:
The display of flags and emblems on official buildings in the province remains a sensitive issue. In 2012, a decision by Belfast city council to limit the flying of the union flag over City Hall triggered months of loyalist protests, some of which descended into violence. In accordance with the policy adopted at City Hall, the union flag is only flown on Parliament Buildings on a number of designated days each year. The unauthorised flourishing of the Irish Republic’s national flag above the building that once symbolised unionist ascendancy comes amid a developing political crisis over welfare cuts.
Ah that’s right in a part of the United Kingdom, the local council limited the flying of the Union flag, which resulted in months of strife. Something the bBC reported on a par with terrorism
Yet when the Irish flag is flown above the headquaters of NI, then the bBC makes out there is nothing to see and that the Unionists are simply crying over nothing.
The bBC, the traitors within our midst
Thank heavens we are a tolerant country. But for how much longer?
Anjem keeps telling us, before a generation is over we will become an Islamic dominated country. My personal tolerance runs out long before that point.
This really is a serious threat to our way of life and nobody in authority seems to be taking it seriously and doing anything near enough to combat it.
We are being slowly, subtlety, sleep walked to our own destruction of our traditional way of life and likely we will be ethnically cleansed of the indigenous population of the UK if we do not start to make our democratic representatives aware of our fears to stop the process gathering further steam.
This is not a joke! Choudray has got major UK Establishment figures right behind him already, wanting to contribute to the Islamic state conversion of our nation:
We have FGM, Madrasses, Polygamy, ( ) and Sharia courts operating in this country in many places:
The Archbishop of Canterbury, no less, wants us to Introduce some more Sharia Law right across our land. Really! Plenty others in the Church also laying the foundations, like Rev Giles being given a national broadcasting platform, by you guessed it, the BBC.
The really worrying thing is for the vast majority of the population we do not want Sharia, but our Bishops can actually affect our laws in the House of Lords and we cannot do anything about that democratically, literally Zilch:
The Labour party and their closely related friends Mr Khan, George Galloway, Tower Hamlets Council and thousands of other Labour activists in almost every Labour stronghold local authority in the UK have been giving succor and abetting mainly Pakistani Muslims, by turning a blind eye to literally thousands of non-Muslim teen girls being gang ra ped, groomed and peado trafficked, Rotherham being the most infamous.
Then you have the CPS lead on on Child Sexual Abuse, Muslim Nazir Afzal, telling us there is no religious basis for this abuse in Rotherham:
Where was the ex-CPS head Kier Starmer when Labour were in Power when all this was Muslim peado stuff was gaining increasing traction? Of course he is Labour as well!
Then we have the BBC who have already done their bit magnificently and appointed:
Aaqil Ahmed, Commissioning Editor Religion and Head of Religion & Ethics
This is so wrong in my eyes. The National broadcaster of a traditional Christian country has no right to appoint a Muslim head of religious affairs, since the people paying tax for this service do not want it!
I am going to send a copy of this to my MP and Mr Whittingdale MP now he has a massive role in governance and the future of the BBC, plus a copy to every member of culture media and sport committee, and would please ask those who agree with me to do the same.
Things will not change if we sit idly by and let this all happen and not inform our elected representatives we are not happy with it!
deny – obfuscate – lie … repeat after me.
deny – obfuscate – lie
“These cases are a reminder of the dangers posed by individuals radicalised through …….. social media”
Boston suspects ‘plotted beheading of police’
Social media? … an Islamic adherent, following the Islamic state, following Islamic founders example, following Islamic texts, following Islamic sharia, etc etc.
…. repeat after me, deny – obfuscate – lie
(addition … apparently the “person outside Massachusetts” they were targeting was Pamela Geller).
Mind you …
I m surprised the discrimination/waycism obsessed Islamophile BBC haven t pounced on this story.
Coke can Islamofauxbia?
Muslim woman accused the crew of a United Airlines flight of discrimination over can of coke, the company has apologised
you couldn t, make it up
Not even complaining that … she didn t get a coke.
complaining that she had to endure the infidel fingered flight attendant groping the Coke can,
now … I ask you, is that “waycist
update …
Oh!, the flight attendant?
instantly sacked of course
US airlines comment … United does not tolerate behaviour that is discriminatory – or that appears to be discriminatory against our customers or employees.
… (over a can of coke!, erm “appeared to” to whom?, and more importantly why?)
as this attendant categorically wasn t …
This is just one more example, on the very, very slippery slope
United could make it up to the so, “aggrieved” group by hiring all new Islamic pilots from said group,
in the interest of customer relations, show they re not “waycist” , “phobic” etc …
everyone happy? everything rosy?
Meanwhile, i d immediately change brand, or take the bus
We are being slowly, subtlety, sleep walked to our own destruction…
The change doesn’t seem dramatic to most people living through it today, but from the point of view of a historian looking back in a few hundred years, the rate will seem awesome.
If there are historians in a few hundred years I suspect history will have been well and truly re-written with a wonderfully positive spin.
A few hundred years. I would tend to look at it since the 1960s and the changes I’ve seen with my own eyes.
The Queen is now added to the unfortunate list of premature VVIP obituaries thanks to a tweet from the phone of Al Beeb staffer Ahmen Khawaja (seriously ,you cannot make this stuff up). I say from the “phone of” because Ms Khawaja subsequently claimed that “someone else ” had used her phone to send out the sad tidings (and after Al Beeb had actually denied that any such tweet had been sent). Needless to say the Al Beeb website is doing its best today to hide this calamity, which is pretty hard to do, since their “The Papers” section includes page grabs of at least four dailys which have front page coverage of the cock-up. There is, apparently, an internal “investigation “underway as “part of the disciplinary process”. So here’s my premature verdict on the “investigation”: rumours of Ms Khawaja’s dismissal are greatly exaggerated – indeed she may even get an honourable mention in despatches.
The BBC effnik’s super wheeze about the premature death of the Queen excited the goons in Class War, Britain’s Poundshop version of Pol Pot. It took their minds of Toffophobia and attacking the UKIP MP. Comments from their FB page. Thank you BBC from your leftish louts.
Class War
Zippy Whiz Many years left in that one unfortunately
Like · Reply · Yesterday at 12:17pm
Alistair Robinson Ask anyone in Leicester, dead royals are good for the economy! wink emoticon
Like · Reply · 3 hrs
Pierwsza Cobieta finally…
Like · Reply · Yesterday at 11:45am
Karen Smith one less bloody lizard blood sucking hanger on-er!
Like · Reply · 17 hrs
Malcolm Eggsy the paracite is not long for this earth
Like · Reply · 13 hrs
Steven Ganit Mountain Good riddance. One can but hope.
Like · Reply · Yesterday at 11:50am
Jamie Connolly That Rothschild Zionist Bastard Died Years Ago…
Her And Her Hubby Phil The Ghoul Are The Walking Undead That Survive By Drinking Babies Blood..
Like · Reply · 1 · 21 hrs
1 Reply
Drew Distroi Die bitch
Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 11:42am
Jason Muffster Hollis Royal family are parasites
Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 1:02pm
Tich Anartich Die ye fukkin blu blood cunt!!!!.. wink emoticon
Like · Reply · 3 · Yesterday at 11:53am
A revealing passage from the Graun…
“Miliband was so distraught that he shut himself in his hotel room, where a series of people, including his wife Justine, joined him and tried to offer some reassurance – pointing out that the omission had not featured prominently in the BBC political editor Nick Robinson’s report on the Six O’Clock News.”
Reassuring that the BBC was playing something like this down? Which was nice.
In the interests of balance, there is a bit later on when Lucy Powell writes a letter (seen by the Graun, as these things tend to be) to James Harding about the SNP, but it is that one above that resonates… and I doubt is a Graun quote the BBC will be mentioning.
i see teflon bliar got a new job can we open a thread on that please
Head of bribery & corruption at FIFA perhaps?
Anyone who thinks that Bribery on a continental scale stops at such an insignificant thing as football needs their bumps feeling!
The promotion of Sunni Muslim ideology and foreign policy is far to blatant to be mere ‘extending the hand of friendship’ and avoiding violent Muslim reaction.
“If one of them suddenly turns up on your doorstep, and says – I’ve come to stay with you – well, you’d be somewhat taken aback”
Kate Humble on tv this morning.
Has the BBC finally understood the issue of mass immigration?
No, don’t be silly. Our Kate is plugging her latest show about living with nomads and she is explaining why one particular group acted in an unfriendly way with her at first contact.
Because all the world loves our Kate and the wonderful BBC, right?
Frankly, I don’t blame them for being hostile. She represents a serious foreign threat to their very much endangered way of life. Leave them alone, Kate. Go back to your hill farm and worry more about threats to the British way of life.
These ‘first contacts’ between presenter and other people or locations seldom ring true.
Even if they were spontaneous (which I doubt, as an army of producers precede all shooting), there’s a difference between a person lobbing up and a person surrounded by a full crew.
I also have enjoyed ‘surprise’ visits with a POV from within the abode.
There’s a very good series about Rome’s underworld, hosted by Alexander Armstrong. At one point he is ‘first’ to descend into a cavern… well, bar the cameraman capturing this from below.
“There’s a very good series about Rome’s underworld, hosted by Alexander Armstrong. At one point he is ‘first’ to descend into a cavern… well, bar the cameraman capturing this from below”.
I wondered whether the cameraman drinks Carling Black Label.
Half-heard an item on Today this morning, involving Humphrys and a Catherine somebody-or-other – she was earnestly telling us how we should stop producing CO2, and stop global warming, and how we should spend lots of money, and accept various controls to help stop a world warming, when it is not warming at all, and which, due (apparently) to 400 ppm of CO2 (when there was much more in the past, and when it did far more good than harm), is all OUR fault. Of course, she was unchallenged, and there was zero opposing argument. Typical BBC, so that’s all right, then.
How can we ever be expected to believe ANY of these people, when the history, facts, observations, and data all tell us the opposite?
It’s such an extra-ordinary, blatant in-your-face bunch of lies, it puts FIFA, the Banks, and other dubious fraudulent organisations into the shade. Yet they still think it’s worth a punt in Paris.
And of course, for them to get their way, Paris must NOT fail, at any cost.
We are being had – sold down the river, and we do nothing.
Mark Morano agrees:
Except that all the evidence conclusively points to catastrophy. The reason noone goes on the BBC to provide a counter argument is because there isnt one.
Sadly ,I wouldnt worry about Paris too much. Currently with the carbon biids currently in play we will end up with about a 4 degree rise by the end of the century. With that rise most life will either be dead or on the margins.
But Old Goat this is your opportunity. Explain to us your alternative theory together with evidence an show why none of this matters. Over to you”
4%? Really? I’m with Lomborg on this. Global temperature may rise though the models have their limitation projecting to the end of the century. Reminds me of Stern’s ridiculous projection done without a discount rate. Lomborg suggests that Canute had it reasonably easy holding back the sea compared with holding back the global climate. With all the factors suggesting exploding population and economy this century our objective should be not to waste trillions on this futile mission. Deal with consequences and don’t do the alarmist narrative. “Catastrophe” is a ridiculous alarmist word when referring to a future that you don’t know. Hang on, maybe you do know the future and you could share with us mortals the basis for your certainties. By the by, I expect mankind – not sure about much of wildlife – to be rolling along next century and looking back at Climate Fever, a movie that was on continuous playback. Am always surprised that the left don’t reach for their prophet, Marx, and pay a bit of attention to the relationship of ideas to economic interests. The “Global Warming” game has many vested interests. It didn’t come down from a mountain on an Edstone.
I think your omnibus floats in another sphere, on a different planet. You’re just contrary, for the sake of it, and a complete waste of space. I don’t know why you bother visiting, I really don’t.
To disrupt, of course. Which is why it’s best ignored except to correct plain falsehoods.
“24 degree rise by the end of the century. With that rise most life will either be dead or on the margins.”
According to Trofim Lysenko that is ,meanwhile in the real world
the real explanation
Looks like the real world refuses to obey the models – oh dear.

What do they announce on the Underground?
“Mind the gap”
I’ll bet the CO2 emissions line is pretty similar to the red line too!
and nobody but the chinese will recognise the real problem, a massive relentless rise in the number of people
Are the bBC reporting this?
This guy is yet to be proved wrong…
Yes. The best politician/prime minister/leader/statesman we never had – and it could have been so different, had there been an intelligent electorate in the Former UK.
yep! … 4 million plus, votes and counting, MPs??
… must be because no one agrees with him.
Meanwhile the Al BBC, R News, R5Live 10 30am ish
“its everyone s fault, everyone s responsibility, to care”
over soaring numbers of Roma, Albanian, Bulgarian pickpockets, organised beggar gangs, and sex workers now in, and arriving in the UK.
I thought we were told none of them were coming here because we are all so horrid, and those of us who said they would were just waycists.
How’s it go? ‘A BBC spokesman has said…’
Watched the Daily Politics on BBC2 today-virtually ALL about Liebore ,why did they lose and who will lead it.More like an Islington dinner-party discussion and competitive grieving competition on the left.
Alistair Heath was the token conservative for ‘balance’.
For God’s sake,Tories, the B BC is finished.
Break it up and sell it off while you can .
There will not be another chance like this for decades to come.
The BBC always start from the assumption that you are a Guardian reader. They make the television they want (or think you ought) to watch i.e. smug self-serving ignorant leftist middlebrow Observer/New Statesmen crap. It is not only that they refuse to engage with any reality outside their own bubble (you know what issue they are going to discuss, what they are going to claim, and how they are going to say it) they are keen not to find out. It is the sanctimonious bigotry of thickos who are desperate to feel superior in order to justify their narcissism, and assuage the hatreds which inevitably result from their bottomless sense of entitlement. They wave their political slogans to distract themselves from their utter selfishness. Their entire life is an exercise in living off other people. They contribute nothing.
Probably the best definition of a bbc luvvie/ guardianista/leftie I have seen in a year of reading this website. I lean forward and raise my hat to you sir/madam. Please write more, I feel you might get right up the nose of a Clapped out London bus.
Why then when it comes to the majority of panel games that parody polictical programs are Guardian or indeed left wing people so under represented.
3rd Question Time without an appearance of a representative from the party that got 12.6% of the vote….
Hmm, 4 women and one man, where’s the token effnik ?
even the tory is dripping wet
We might get some fun when Boniface challenges the troughers:
yet another bBC “false flag”
“More than 40% of elite sportswomen in Great Britain have experienced sexism but only 7% have reported it, according to a survey conducted by BBC Sport.”
Without an agenda why would the BBC bother with such a survey? Without proof (impossible) its a very difficult thing to prove, what’s sexist to one may not be to another, espeicaly in the day of almost professional offence takers…
I see conservative culture secretary John Whittingdale is still trying to get telly tax added to the rates
Essexman will be pleased
Was it in their manifesto?
No more than gay marriage or open boarders were in their last one
Mr Kipper Fan Klub aka one of the usual contributors to this site , Hmm ,let me guess who its is …… I read the article ,& it does not suggest adding anything to the rates, er Council Tax .I think that`s the French way ,the Old Goat will have to confirm this. I have always wanted the licence fee replaced with a subscription service . I guess someone has been playing a bit of mischief & kite flying that idea. That won`t happen with the licence fee , its subscription or nowt .
So lets look at what Whittingdale has actually said on the subject (according to Guido)…
.” It’s actually worse than a poll tax because under the poll tax, if you were on a very low income you would get a considerable subsidy”
“I think there’s quite an attractive option of linking it to a specific household tax – maybe council tax.”
So to summarise his position the licence fee is unfair to poor people (which it might be)
and he wants to fund the BBC from the rates, so every household will be forced to subsidise the Bourgeois Broadcasting Collective whether they watch it or not and no exception
Some kite and some ‘conservative’ you Tories voted for and all to save a halfpenny on the rates
Being a politician, Whittingdale doesn’t want to do anything quickly. But if he finds that the plebs continue to stop paying at current rates, he’ll be forced to poo or get off the pot.
As for Inspector Clouseau’s investigation into the identity of dontblamemeivotedukip, I’d hazard a guess that most Kippers here agree with the sentiment. Clouseau; did you see Lord Lawson earlier saying that Cameron’s re-negotiation is just a sham? You wouldn’t listen to us – will you listen to him?
Not just his promise on EU renegotiation that’s a sham
its simple , ignore so called rules like everyone else, if your a criminal firstplane home, sue us from bongo bongo land, if we lose we pay europe a fine, big deal we ignore that too