I did an interview on the topic of BBC bias for the Sunday Guardian, a major newspaper in India which is not a left wing rag – unlike its UK daily namesake. Here is one line from it…
Vance says ”Politicians are scared of the sheer monopolistic power of the BBC, it is not just an anachronism, it is menace”.
I will link the entire article when published. No punches were pulled.
I’d go so far as to say it’s an evil menace. Much as I’ve enjoyed such series as Little Britain I can’t help thinking there was an ulterior motive behind the decision to broadcast it; softening us up for the adoption of gay marriage along the path of destruction of the family in accord with the doctrine of cultural marxism.
Yes, i do think they work out the politics of the message. Reminds me of the Vicar of Dibley, where Curtiss said quite candidly – and on record – that he knew nothing about the Church of England but thought that he would challenge on the female vicar issue on the grounds of women’s rights using the sitcom scenario. As the series got going and successful it got more and more into its politics with a final assault on Christmas. The politics of this programme are quite interesting when analysed. The favoured “minorities” over the last twenty years are always lauded and positively presented. Same in many – though not all, thankfully – of the Nordic Noirs, where you can usually spot pretty early the villain because they say something non-PC.
The BBC as it stands is a menace to Britain. And yet, to break it up would not be the correct thing to do.
Lets recap
1. The BBC is the largest media/broadcast entity in the world.
2. Despite everything, it forms tha basis of the news output of many other media – ABC, CBC etc
3. Its opinions and news are trusted as fair and balanced.
Now some may disagree with the last, but to destroy such a strategic and trusted opinion forming entity, would be careless indeed.
We are are at the moment in a cultural/civilisational/existential war, like none before it. What is important in this crucial period is to slant the firepower of the BBC in a slightly different direction. Thats all.
Too True. We are in a war. Sadly the BBC has chosen to fight for the other side.
“Its opinions and news are trusted as fair and balanced.” Only by people who actively support extreme, and generally violent, left-wingery. Or by people too stupid to know what fair and balanced actually mean in practice.
“Now some may disagree with the last” I and millions of others do, “but to destroy such a one-sided left-wing and mistrusted crazy-opinion forming entity, would be a fantastic blow for freedom and democracy.”
Fixed that last bit for you.
Demon. Thanks.
I’m with you, and the millions that dont think the BBC is fair and balanced. However, I would prefer that the BBC’s firepower is re-directed.
One way to shake up the BBC, is to use the time honoured tactic of “modernisation”. The “modernisation” tactic in this instance would be for two primary reasons.
1. In these times of austerity, it is necessary to streamline the BBC to get more effective use of taxpayers money.
2. An information revolution is ongoing, where the public has access to a greater variety of information outlets. The BBC has to be modernised, its management structure, news and views, to reflect the greater variety (diversity) in society, as well as information outlets.
Under these two guises, one can do virtually anything. The Conservatives are the only ones who can do this. In fact, for their very political survival, as well as offering the public a choice of sorts, it is absolutely necessary.
Any opposition from BBC apparatchiks can be dismissed as Luddite, resistant to change, old fashioned, or whatever comes to mind.
I used to think the BBC could be made to honour its charter, but now they’ve gone too far. The only fix for the BBC is its eradication.
A menace which David Vance seems to make a good living out of. Enjoy your holidays David!