Anybody able to tell me why Geert Wilders wish to show cartoons of Muhammad seems to be a lead item for the BBCs news this morning(Today 7am)?
This is a matter for the Dutch telly companies, and if their quisling equivalent of the BBC wishes to seek the views of Anjem Van Der Choudhury over there…then let the Dutch deal with that.
The BBC only mentioned this to whip up Allahs Little Helpers over here-with a view to getting a response here from the likes of Hasan or Galloway etal.
There could be no other motive for the BBC, other than to give a pretext for defending QCs when the NEXT Lee Rigby gets a summary execution.
Sod off BBC!Shit stirring for Islam as ever.
CNN in full Al BBC style mode. actually, over reports that Pam Geller is being targeted now by Muslims in the US for the next jihad murder attempt, not much sympathy from Al BBC.
BBC – Pamela Geller: America’s ‘bigoted blogger’
BBC – Boston ‘terror cell’ wished to behead Anti-Muslim blogger
Listen in as R Spencer, tells it straight to our hosts.
sheeh! we need him and many more over here
… but if he could get here with our No10 traitors, he would of course be immediately vilified with no opportunity for recourse.
Robert Spencer is persona-non grata un the UK, for the reason that what he says is the truth.
The irony is that the ban by the Home Secretary, confirms Spencer’s thesis that the RoP is misnamed. As Spencer’s writing and books are not banned in the UK, it seems to me that the ban is really a help then a hindrance to Spencer’s thesis.
CNN and other MSM are under the impression that sharia is not mainstream Islam. It difficult to counter such ignorance when it is so confidently held. I have found this to be the case of AGW and Climate Change believers as well.
Anyhow –
Is sharia mainstream Islam?
Here is an answer of sorts to that, and several other issues that the MSM is ignorant off – such as how and why moderate Muslims suddenly become not just radical, but ISIS members.
“Europe is in a state of growing civil war with Muslim immigrants because European leaders refused to understand that extending rights to those who do not accept them and do not reciprocate, creates rights without responsibilities. A right extended to those who reject it is a failed effort at appeasement.” Daniel Greenfield.
The starting point is that Islam is completely incompatible with Western societies; also it can never be reformed from within to be reconciled with our way of life – those Muslims who attempt to, or even suggest this, are killed or forced to live in hiding in the West.
What to do? Halt all Islamic immigration; strongly curtail return travel from jihad nations; block Western institutions (universities, colleges, media organizations; banks etc accepting billions from Sharia ruled dictatorships.
Those Muslim non-citizens in the West, should be deported to their own countries. The citizens of Western nations who are Muslim but who promote the Sharia here in the West should have their citizenship rescinded and be deported to their ancestral homelands or countries of origin.
This may appear extreme to many, but the stakes could not be higher – “demography is destiny”. I do not wish my children or grandchildren or great-grandchildren or great-great-grandchildren (or those of anyone else) to have to live as members of a kuffar minority in a Muslim dominated U.K. or other Western European country.
“Europe is in a state of growing civil war with Muslim immigrants…
Pray that we are all wrong. If not, all of us, including Muslims, are going to suffer a great deal. Civil wars are the worst type of war, and should be avoided if at all possible.
Through experience I’ve concluded to distrust anything you say. As a result, I’d like to see evidence of your statement, as all the research I’ve seen actually proves you wrong by quite a large margin.
Please provide links to documentary proof of your “180 years” claim.
‘Maybe old Vladimir Putin had a point when he said after the FIFA arrests last week – what business is this of America?’
Or maybe the US has a right to investigate alleged crimes committed on US soil and done via American banks.
I’m glad that someone is finally holding FIFA to account. This article is an example of the BBC’s dislike of what it sees as American imperialism.
‘Barack Obama’s presidency has been marked by his determination to pull US troops out of foreign conflicts, to admit past mistakes and to say it is not for us to pick and choose which world leaders we like.’
That could have been written by a Democrat spin doctor.
Sopel’s claims are laughable, given that Obama has:
– Entered US troops into new conflicts
– Refused to admit that his administration screwed up over Bengazi
– Regularly sided with one world leader over another
There are one or two things that the MSM (and BBC) have glossed over when considering the FIFA story:
1. The role of the IRS, the criminal side of which highlighted the problem with regard to Chuck Blazer’s failure to pay any tax for years. Having identified some potential criminality, they would be duty bound to alert the appropriate authorities.
2. It is impossible to transact in US dollars without at some point involving a US bank, in the same way that it is impossible to make a pound sterling payment without involving a UK bank. Since payments appear to have been made in Dollars, then US banks’ involvement becomes self-evident.
Both aspects clarify the involvement of the US authorities in a way the BBC and others seem unable to do.
This is why they have €500 notes.
You can fit a lot more money in a suitcase than you can with US Dollars or Pound Sterling.
You’ve got to hand it to the EU – they really take corruption seriously!
If they like it so much let them pay for it .
I suspect a government enquiry into the organisation on the way .Readers of this site should vote here ….
157,080 votes so far and its only been running for two months.
“The Lord” – obviously a recipient of a labour education system.
The word “ciao” (/ˈtʃaʊ/; Italian pronunciation: [ˈtʃaːo]) is an informal salutation in the Italian language that is used for both “hello”, “hi” and “goodbye”
Alun Wyburn-Powell on BBC Breakfast this morning replying to Naga Munchetty asking (all inocent-like) how he may vote in the upcoming Euro referendum.
This was a little bit of BBC reminiscing about our previous vote 40 years ago on the EC. Our Alun was introduced as a political writer who was 18 years and 2 days old when he got to cast his vote. Nice human story.
Well that was what the item purported to be…
By the way Alun also proudly said he voted ‘yes’ last time.
In fact this was a blatant BBC Pro-EU set up.
A tiny amount of research tells us Dr Alun Wyburn-Powell is:
‘a British political historian, specialising in the history of the Liberal Party, coalitions and political defections… I have discussed my research in the press and on the radio including on BBC Radio 4 Westminster Hour, BBC Radio 5 Live, BBC Radio Wales and BBC Radio Leicester.’
I saw this before heading out to work this morning and it had my blood boiling. The historian’s most laughable point was when he claimed the main reason for the growth in opposition to the EU was because those who were in favour of it had not made the case since 1975 since they assumed the matter had been settled???
If he believes that to be the case he is clearly not a regular consumer of the BBC’s output!!
An amazing report from the BBC which is wholly pro health tourism.
An Albanian man with a brain tumour was being prepared for an operation when immigration caught up with him and the operation was cancelled.
The BBC is outraged. Despite this being a op which wasn’t an emergency and a patient who wasn’t entitled to treatment they manage to find lunatic Hairy Biker’ Si King who thinks the NHS should be an International Health Service, far too good for the nasty white people !
There’s no investigation as to how this man managed to get into the hospital for an operation missing out several vital pre-op steps, nor is there any questioning as to why an NHS hospital was prepared to operate on someone they knew was an illegal immigrant and not entitled to treatment.
The whole article raises so many questions which the BBC just skips over to express its outrage the man didn’t get his free non essential treatment.
Al Beeb reporting that illegal immigrants , immigrants, migrants whatever they call them are coming in to this country by the ‘container-full’ now. They should be returned to the port where they came from and the shipping company charged for the cost.
The border controls are a fiasco .
To be fair I think the BBC is under some kind of obligation not to refer to someone as ‘illegal’ in the same way as they cannot refer to someone as a criminal until some official judgement has been made.
Both Sky and the Guardian refer to them as illegal or suspected illegal. By calling them migrants the BBC suggests this is a normal way to enter a country.
You sir are a lunatic. The report at no stage comments or even intimates support for health tourism. If im wrong then please highlight where you think it does.
Beauty contests are awful things. The Beeb told me. They’ve been telling me so pretty much since Julia Morley sacked Helen Morgan for being economical with the actualite. Demeaning to women, blah, blah. But suddenly, all is forgiven – Miss Universe Japan is half ‘American’. Erm… she’s actually half ‘African-American’, ‘black’, ‘person-of-color’, whatever…. seems she gets a lot of stick and so, never mind how much she demeans women, objectifying, blah, blah, she is the Beeb’s new pin-up girl!
Richard Kalergi one of the founders of the Pan European Movement which later became the EUSSR said in the 1920s
” The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.”
Seems the power elites, corporate media are heavily promoting it.
I was in the post office the other day and I picked up a leaflet advertising coach travel holidays in the UK, on the front was a photo of your typical ”British” family, white husband, black wife, mixed race children.
It’s a deliberate agenda, to create this blend of humanity.
In the 666 house we like to play spot the mixed marriage/ partner TV advert. Obviously not the BBc as it doesn’t advertise. The latest one spotted is the Meererkat Monday ad for who ever it’s for..
Still the only BBc program I’ve watched today was F1 Qualifying when it struck me when was the last time I actually watched BBc1 on a Saturday evening? Hey and following on from a fairly recent thread on here, wasn’t Dads Army on again.
“The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.”
Hmm, seems his high-falutin’ theory failed to foresee an unwillingness to integrate from certain participants in his heady coffee-coloured brew of diversity.
Sarah Montague on Today, interviewed some doctor in Greece. The cuts! The deprivation! Woe! Woe! ‘Presumably you are already rationing drugs?’ ‘No…’. Well, that went well. Never mind; chunter on about something else… No suggestion from Montague that if Greece re-jigged its pension system for retirement at 67 like other half sensible countries – rather than mid-fifties – lots of cash would be available for drugs and much else. But the Beeb have a line to push, so we wont hear that argument.
So you think that it’s OK that people die through lack of prescripyion medicine in order to pay banks back money that should never, ever have been leant?
And, no, people don’t all retire at 55 in Greece. Some civil servants do…but I know of three quite close friends who have taken the local fire brigade, local council and police for hundreds of thousands of pounds via early retirement.
I’m very far drom a lefty but putting banks’ profits in front of people’s lives really is taking it too far.
So you think that it’s OK that people die through lack of prescripyion medicine in order to pay banks back money that should never, ever have been leant?
For every greedy lender there is a greedy borrower or, in the banks’ case, millions of greedy borrowers. And in Greece they were greedy, irresponsible borrowers, because they didn’t feel any obligation to pay their taxes. And the Greek government was irresponsible and greedy for allowing billions of cheap German money to be lent to their greedy and irresponsible citizens, because they thought they were safe in the eurozone (that they conned their way into joining, whilst Germany looked the other way) and could be bailed out forever.
“…For example the now seemingly not quite so settled science of man made global warming?”
Well, quite. The BBC has a very well rehearsed definition of what it refers to as ‘free speech’. That is to say, if you hold views or opinions contrary to its hive-mind sensibilities you are most definitely not ‘free’ to express them on the BBC. Climate change (and by that I mean the science-fiction CAGW scenario the BBC prefers to propagate) is on the BBC’s ‘watch list’. Anyone suspected of speaking ‘off-message’ on the subject is immediately red-flagged for non-appearance.
This kind of censorious behaviour extends, naturally to issues around immigration and absolutely anything to do with Islam, including the reinvention, wholesale, of predominantly Pakistani-muslim child molesters as ‘Asians’ (if their sole common denominator is mentioned at all).
Maybe you can tell us why its not settled and give an alternative explanation of climate change with evidence to back it . By evidence I dont mean air headed statements like ‘its the sun’ or ‘it must be cosmic rays’ . I mean proper peer reviewed evidence.
When you realise you are unable to do anything than parrot a few mutterings by those paid by the fossil fuel lobby, you will then recognise why the only explanation for current changes in climate are those from the diverse spectrum of organisations that concur with IPCC findings.
There are two types of people in the world. Those that lead and those that follow. Which one are you?
Maybe you can tell us why its not settled and give an alternative explanation of climate change with evidence to back it.
Very simply because we were told unequivocally that as CO2 levels increased so atmospheric temperatures would rise – no ifs, no buts, the science was settled. They even showed us the models to ‘prove’ it!
There has now been no warming for over 18 years and only one of the 70-plus models scrapes in at the bottom end of its temperature projections. The rest failed – spectacularly.
So, it’s a disproven theory and in any other realm of science it would be back to the drawing board.
But not for global warming, apparently, and every contributor to this website, including yourself, knows why.
The conclusion that can be drawn is that anything involving “models” is flawed and the findings taken with a pinch.
It could be risk models in banks, climate change models, polling models in the election, whatever… it doesn’t matter because all predictive models are flawed. They seem unable to take changing circumstances into account or indeed events that no-one had seemed likely at the time the models were created.
The problem with climate change models is that no-one in authority can accept that the models are flawed because there has been so much personal credibility invested in them.
The science of global warming/climate change is totally irrelevant. It is purely a mechanism (or ruse) to take wealth from the poor and give it to the rich. A reverse Robin Hood scenario, so to speak. Wind turbines are a prime example.
“Settled Science” is a political fabrication, nothing to do with true science. A real scientist endeavors to look for the truth and invites other scientists to test theories to destruction. What true scientists do NOT do is suppress other theories and have those with contradictory views hounded out of their jobs. Those are the actions of charlatans with something to hide.
“Any physical theory is always provisional, in the sense that it is only a hypothesis: you can never prove it. No matter how many times the results of experiments agree with some theory, you can never be sure that the next time the result will not contradict the theory. On the other hand, you can disprove a theory by finding even a single observation that disagrees with the predictions of the theory.”
Stephen Hawking – A Brief History Of Time.
At least Stephen Hawking had the grace to admit that a theory he’d spent years researching and proving was actually incorrect – through accepting contradictory evidence. Can you honestly suggest that the scientific pygmies of the GWCC brigade would ever do the same?
Its Friday night time for a bit of relaxation, lets see what the BBC has on offer between 9 and 10….
BBC1 9pm…. Have I Got News For You (biased, unoriginal and past its sell by date)
BBC1 9.30pm…. Mrs Browns Boys (repeat)
BBC2…..Kate Humble Living With Nomads (follow the agenda)
BBC3….’Live’ From The Apollo (‘Live’? – repeat)
BBC4…. Old Grey Whistle Test 70’s Gold (repackaged repeat of repeat)
So IMO the best on offer is a program full of 30+ years of repeats, mix in the dross of Coronation Street and Big Brother on our commercial channels, what a sorry state British TV is in.
I can live with the crap on commercial TV as adverts rarely, if ever sway me, so I ain’t paying, but does the dross offered above by our national broadcaster make the TV licence good value? Does it hell.
…Another one to miss tonight “Heroes: The Story of the FIFA Women’s World Cup” BBC2
“Jacqui Oatley presents a look at the history of the tournament, as well as a preview of the 2015 competition starting tomorrow in Canada. ”
Heroes? Really? Hardly Hurst, Peters, Moore and co are they?
Not much of a history obviously as the program is only 50 minutes. The mention of FIFA in its title gives the program and its subject absolutely no credibility.
They still are when they are up for the Best Actress Award.
Seriously, acting is not like sport, men have no physical advantage over women, why should there be separate prizes? And if there are male and female categories, where are the prizes for Trans actors and actresses? Scott, help me out, what am I meant to think here?
JTF , Maam
You are supporting Al Beebs tax. An unjust poll tax on the poor that puts people in jail while criminals get far less sentences.
You are a great advertisement for readers to vote here …
I am utterly bowled over by the profound erudition that you display. The astounding logic, the astonishing structure of your so precisely experessed argument has led me to believe that I am reading the words of a modern day Aristotle, a twenty-first century Socrates and a reincarnated Emmanuel Kant, all rolled into one supercharged intellect that, in one fell swoop has persuaded us all that the BBC is not biased, and that we should all rush out to pay our telly tax.
Oh, and good luck with the next third-form debating society meeting.
Hardly ever watch TV on a Friday , normally in the pub . I do watch some of the BBC 4, rock doc`s when I return , they are the best thing on BBC 4 ,on Friday`s.
I have watched all of The Wire. I thought it went downhill after Season One. I watched it all through to the end, but never again. As to Breaking Bad, I just don’t think I can face it.
Why not? It is an absolutely fantastic show from start to finish and well worth giving it a go. I know some people sneer at the really popular stuff but it really is very good
I know people say BB is great, but I don’t feel like sitting through so much TV these days. I watched all of The Sopranos as it came out over several years, but the idea of watching something like that all at once just puts me off.
I was cynical about Breaking Bad but was hooked from the very first episode. Splash out on the first season to give it a try – it’ll cost you less than a tenner or, I if you’ve got Netflix, I think it’s available on there as a boxed set. It’s absolutely outstanding. Also recommend Mad Men – stunning.
I’ve just finished Breaking Bad. Some of the best TV I have ever seen. It gripped me from the very first episode and I wasn’t aware of being spun any agenda. Just a good, strong storyline with superb acting and characterisation. Well worth a Netflix subscription.
it was just pure drama from start to finish. Like you say it was nice to watch a show with no clear agenda like most British TV and I really enjoyed it. It was truly gripping stuff
What are you lot talking about? Look at all the fantastic BBC drama programmes like Atlantis, Call the Midwife, Jonathan Strangelove and Mr Norvis (or whatever the fuck its called), Luther, Spooks….oh no, wait you’re right – total and utter shit!
Meanwhile on subscription channels: Mad Men, Dexter, Boss, The Wire, Game of Thrones, Ray Donovan, The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, The Following, Luck, The Knick, The Affair, Braquo (which is French ffs), Gommorah (Italian) and the list goes on and on.
The BBC have pretty much killed off British TV drama, in much they same way as they have pretty much killed off political debate; and for the same reason. They have absolutely no interest in reality, just box ticking, and employing their chums. Didn’t they do a drama a few years ago, set in a Northern town, about how much more sensible Muslim families are when it comes to bringing up children. The BBC is as intellectually and morally bankrupt as it is rapacious.
Totally agree, Geoff. Defenders of the discredited BBC always wheel out the ‘but the BBC has no adverts’ line as if that’s some kind of actual defence for retaining the hateful license fee.
Last time I looked, my Sky subscription (which carries adverts) somehow manages to produce my favourite TV: Game of Thrones, Penny Dreadful, The Walking Dead… how on earth do they do this in the face of such commercial intrusion?
yeah, I wonder if they will report the “frosts” next week, or even the arctic blast for some from Thursday or even the chance of “snow” some might get from Saturday 15th. Wrong type of “Global Warming” I guess? A long way off in metrological terms but could be interesting for the ‘warmists’ to justify their case. Sun Spot cycle 24, it does exactly what it says on the tin.
For “frosts” read “chilliness”
For “snow” read “wintriness”
For “Global Warming” read “Climate Change”
Desperate times mean desperate measures. You WILL believe that there is warming. You WILL accept that there was no pause in it at all – there, our “data” has seen to that.
Peter Allen on 5Hive just now visiting one of our big seaports re Europe
Of course the drift of the program is that it would all shut down if we left.
more bBC bollocks, but the drip drip will increase as we approach the vote. This can’t be right from an impartial broadcaster, surely?
A few surprising ‘bad’ stories getting through! Polish people smugglers disabled EU benefits scroungers who went to the courts to complain about delays paying “their” benefits! Eek!
Theyve just had on some real thickies who are voting for the EU
LOL another thickie repeating the mantra that Poles are doing the jobs Brits ‘don’t want to do’!
Ah, the logic-defying Left. Next minute you’ll hear the lefties bleating about the poverty-stricken unemployed having their benefits cut – you know, the same benefits that allow them to choose unemployment as a career.
Talking of our seaports one of the strange things about our imports and exports is that the 17m population of the Netherlands comes third in both our list of countries exported to and imported from with 7.5%.
That indicates a fantastic interchange of goods with one of our EU partners, or does it?
I suspect a rather large part of that “trade” is actually containers being taken to and from Rotterdam where they are transhipped to and from container ships for destinations all round the globe.
The 11.5m population of Belgium and Luxembourg are 5th on the exports list at 5.5%. But then Antwerp is another major port with entrepot trade.
So when you hear what %age of our trade is with EU countries you might always wonder whether the figures are the whole picture.
Rotterdam , is also know as Europoort , it really works as a hub, for container traffic , re routing it to other parts or Europe . It operates in a similar way, to Dubai , although that is really a “Freeport”, where freight is stored to get round EU import restrictions, from various 3rd World countries , then is re exported as” Freight from Dubai ” .
“Rotterdam , is also know as Europoort , it really works as a hub, for container traffic”.
A couple of weeks ago “More or Less” had a major item trying to rubbish the idea that many of our exports to Holland were actually in transit through Rotterdam. It was superficially plausible if you didn’t know the BBC’s skill at propaganda..
Noticeable is the number of those wanting Britain to stay in who are EUers! No wonder they want us to stay, they are gaining from us but are we gaining anything from them?
Why are they asking DUTCH peoples opinions? WE need to know whats good for Britian not whats good for the Dutch.
The EU funded BBC will play up the economic fear, uncertainty and doubt in the run-up to the referendum. They will not tell you that the EU is a political, not an economic, structure. Leaving the EU is about leaving a political system which does not suit us. It is not about continuing to trade with the people and businesses in that political entity.
Come on guys, get real! We need to be sat round the EU table so we can infuence ‘from within’, as we keep hearing from Labour/BBC. You only need to look at our past 40-odd years of membership.
But thought it backfired. In fact, Allen shot himself in the foot. The end game was…hang on, everything going through this port is coming IN to the country and the only thing going out was ‘rubbish’, i.e. garbage. And the EU is hardly going to shut the door to their biggest European market is it. His words, not mine.
Oh, dear, Peter, I don’t think you’ll be going out on manoeuvres in the near future. You’ll have to be kept to the script in the studio.
‘The contract with the corporation, that will keep him as its face of football until 2020, is non-exclusive, and the former footballer is thought to be near to announcing that he will also front BT Sport’s live Champions League coverage next season.’
Just so long as he doesn’t tweet anything stu… ‘views his own’ as a BBC-contracted employee, that Fraser Steel can believe was ‘about right’.
The Indy at the time said he had ‘summed up the Nation’s feelings’, doubtless as a spokesman for the corporation that speaks for the nation… only when he, and they, don’t.
Instead Gary Lineker being “bused” up to Manchester, on a weekly basis by Blakey in his Clapped out Bus ,to record MOTD , it could all be done from the BT studio`s in Stratford . That would save a fortune , as a lot of those matches are edited highlight`s ,of Sky or BT live matches. The BBC could hire the BT studio & staff & save a lot of wonga for us all .
How the warmists must love BBC’s Today program.
Totally unbiased news story this morning…
Justin Web: “Climate change deniers have probably got it wrong about the hiatus in global warming as new improved recording methods may mean that the temperatures previously recorded were wrong and so as long as we assume that they were too high it must mean that we still have global warming and it might even be worse than we thought.”
Global warming expert: “Yes, that is quite correct Justin.”
There must be few who deny that the global temperature has varied over time and rose for a spell at the end of the last century.
There ARE many man made global warming sceptics.
If we have been warming for the last 15 or so years why is the moving average line not going up, or are all the figures sceptics and alarmists have been debating over that period wrong too?
I remember, a few years ago, hearing some Northern Irish politician being interviewed by Eddie Mair on PM. I forget why he was on now, but it wasn’t so much an interview as an interrogation. I wasn’t expecting much from this politician, but I had a pleasant surprise. Eddie accused him of being a climate change denier and he was immediately in Mair’s face, pointing out that he didn’t deny climate change, that the climate had always changed. Evidently Eddie wasn’t expecting much from this chap either, because he was completely put off his stride and the floor was wiped with him.
I have no idea who this politician was, or what became of him, because I don’t recall hearing him again, but I wish more would go on the attack like that. Although that may well explain why I haven’t heard him again – the BBC won’t let him on.
Hi Roland,
That’ll be East Antrim DUP MP and former Stormont Finance Minister Sammy Wilson. The only office holder in any UK assembly or parliament to call out the green fanatics thus far.
There was a lot of criticism of Sammy from the Guardianistas and Beeboids but I don’t think he has lost much sleep over it 🙂
The BBC’s signature impartiality was demonstrated on Today this morning as Tom Karl – the lead author of the NOAA fiddled report on climate change – was given an unchallenged few minutes to lie to the nation. You know, if those considering that the “science” of MMCC is grossly exaggerated (if not completely corrupt) were the nutters the BBC wants us to believe they are, surely the BBC would create endless opportunities for the sceptics to be humiliated.
However, since spokesmen for the sceptic case are banished from the airwaves in an almost unique direct contravention of the BBC Charter, it must be presumed that such humiliation would be unlikely to occur. Indeed, such is the strictness of the censorship imposed by the BBC, the assumption can only be that it is the proponents of warmism who would be the ones humiliated in a confrontation between them and the unbelievers.
As usual, the admirable Bishop Hill tears Karl and the warmists a new one. As Bishop Hill notes concerning this report it’s “desperate, desperate stuff and a sad day for science”.
“…However, since spokesmen for the sceptic case are banished from the airwaves in an almost unique direct contravention of the BBC Charter…”
Or what the BBC shiftily terms ‘due impartiality’™
It’s an interesting concept: the BBC (and only the BBC) gets to decide what is and what isn’t ‘due’ its legal responsibility to ‘impartiality’. In the case of climate dissidents it has decided they are absolutely not ‘due’ any impartiality and they therefore don’t give them any (whilst still, incredibly, pretending they do), or any chance at all to make their argument against the prevailing common purpose-approved CAGW narrative.
Just don’t mention 28Gate, either. The BBC gets a bit touchy about all that.
What a joke the Corporation is. Everyone can see it, but themselves.
One of the biggest lies that the BBC endlessly allows alarmists to promote is that there are no ‘scientists’ in the sceptics’ camp. As anyone who takes the slightest interest in the topic knows just a quick Google will lead you to Watts Up With That and other sites where plenty of scientific research can be found which strongly refutes the AGW theory.
So the BBC must admit its correspondents are either incapable of such a simple task or they are deliberately ignoring scientific views which support the sceptics’ case.
Whichever it is, it is yet more proof the BBC is not fit for purpose.
Unrelieved gloom on the News Channel. In sequence we’ve just had:
* Rotterdam migrants found – last year an Afghan died in these terrible conditions
* Benefits – the cuts; the cuts
* Macedonia immigrants, terrible conditions, ‘what they do to out girls’. (No suggestion from the Beeboid that the girls should stay at home.)
* Domestic abuse against women, moan, moan…
You’d use the will to live. Scrap the licence fee.
Illegal immigrants from the sub-continent want to come here for all the trappings of a western lifestyle without any of the blood, sweat and tears that our forefathers took over hundreds of years to make GREAT Britain what it is. What have they been doing in Africa for the last 2 thousand years? – answers on a postcard please to the bBC diversity project, Londinistan.
Minding their own business before the slave trade and invasion by GB who gave them christianity ,stole their land and forced them to work on it for subsistence wages. I think thats what the Africans were upto.
Oh look, most of the patronising tropes favoured by bigoted anti-Africans, all in the same discussion thread. How delightful. In only a few contributions, you’ve managed to tick off ‘primitive savages’, ‘not fit to rule themselves’, ‘comical diet and customs’, ‘invented the slave trade’ and ‘nasty to Arabs’. Bravo! But perhaps you could add ‘stupid curly hair and big lips’ just to make your point crystal clear?
Er… I only asked how self-rule worked out; none of the other stuff… To be honest, given that, even a month ago, a million Africans were waiting in Libyan ports for boats – and the number is increasing all the time – I’m inclined to pre-judge that they haven’t been very successful. You’ve picked a rather unfortunate time to claim success for them when we see reality on our screens every night… don’t you think?
‘In only a few contributions, you’ve managed to tick off ‘primitive savages’, ‘not fit to rule themselves’, ‘comical diet and customs’, ‘invented the slave trade’ and ‘nasty to Arabs’. Bravo! But perhaps you could add ‘stupid curly hair and big lips’
My oh my. Your words, my friend. An extrapolation too far which rather betrays your own prejudices. I think you need to take a long hard look at yourself, Scott.
“bigoted anti-Africans”
You do not have to be a bigot to be “anti-Africans”.
It is hard not to be, they make it so easy.
I greatly admire the Japanese and Koreans, for their achievements.
When you think Africans have similar achievements come here again, and tell us about them. But on the current historical record I am not expecting to hear from you in the foreseeable future.
Er they havent ruled themselves for 50 years. You dont seriously think that when the imperialists left ,the imprerialists business interests left too.
The thing that ultimately controls a society are those organisations than control the economy. In this respect Africa has been deliberately underdeveloped through its reliance on cash crops.
That is also why there has been little in the way of a middle class and a reliance on military elites. Furthermore their economies habe been deliberately retarded by the oecd in relation to tax revenues which has affected infrastructure development. Its not cos they are black however much the racists on the site would like to believe.
Singapore and Ghana started with the same post imperial problems in the early 60’s with similar population sizes etc. Where would you rather reside now?
Anyway, thank you for the fifth form ‘bumper book of marxist thought’ analysis. I do not think it is all the fault of wicked white devil imperialists (though I agree the bastards have a lot to answer for and have caused a lot of harm – they do cause economic chaos). No, there have been plenty of African leaders who have not given a f**k for their populations other than as sources of personal power.
Please explain how Zambia is a basket case when it is , and has been, sitting on huge deposits of copper worth billions upon billions. The Democratic Republic of the Congo has now returned to the stone age despite having every possible resource advantage. Here’s my thoughts on the matter – evil capitalist imperialists like wealthy people to buy their products – wicked capitalists would love three hundred million middle class Congolese buying toasters, having mortgages and buying expensive skin care product. This is what they work towards, nice stable (controlled) populations of contented consumers who do what they are told and are easily exploited. (Subscription Sports Channel contract anyone? It is Woman’s World Cup don’t-you-know!)
To conspire to keep the peoples of Africa in hellish conditions is illogical at a policy level – The state of Africa is the product of the policies of the Kleptocrats rather than instigated by imperialists. Economic under development and oppression are a product of indigenous African political structures which happen to work hand-in-hand with some of the post imperial commercial enterprises. Oh, and it is not just capitalists at work here – Chicom expansionism is rampant in Africa today.
To substantiate my point I cite:
Comrade Bob Mugabe
Sane Abacha
Idi Amin Dada VC (King of Scots lord of the beasts and fisihes etc)
Emperor Bokassa
Mobuto Sese Seko ( Chartered Concorde to collect shopping from Paris – now Look at the glowing success that is the ex Belgian Congo)
His successors like Laurent Kabila
Charles Taylor
Dr Hastings Banda
All those francophone leaders who are never mentioned on the BBC.
Ah, all stooges of the imperialists I hear you say, you know just like the plot of “The Wild Geese”. And all those diamonds handed over to Pres Pompidou. Hapless stupid victims unaware that they are being manipulated. Well, that is primo grade BS as it was them who used the imperialist interests to give them what they want(ed). Do you think Mugabe cares that he has destroyed the agricultural base of Zimbabwe giving it to his supporters in exchange for his president-for-life personality cult?
African leaders are not stupid people in fact people like Mugabe have really high IQs, they know what they are doing but their objectives are wildly different to those of more settled stable governments. To think otherwise is simply to patronise the peoples of Africa
Minding their own business before the slave trade and invasion by GB…
OMG! Look at this! From the BBC!
‘In East Africa a slave trade was well established before the Europeans arrived on the scene. It was driven by the sultanates of the Middle East. African slaves ended up as sailors in Persia, pearl divers in the Gulf, soldiers in the Omani army and workers on the salt pans of Mesopotamia (modern Iraq). Many people were domestic slaves, working in rich households. Women were taken as sex slaves.’
I will not waste my time in trying to give you a course of African history 101, I suggest you go to a library and borrow a book, you might find it instructive.
PS, they were quite adept in fighting, killing and making slaves of their own kind, who do you think the white boys bought them off ? Also a look at the relationship between black Africa and the Arabs might be instructive.
It was Great Britain which stopped the slave trade in the 19th Century, however it was only made “illegal” in Saudi Arabia in 1962 and in Mauritania in 1981.
“..long before Europeans ever appeared on the scene was a well organized and institutionalized system. In East Africa slavery and the slave trade was virtually an Arab-Muslim monopoly”
Please do a little googling, or even read a history book or two. Slavery in Africa did not begin with the arrival of the British or any other European nation. The Africans had slaves by conquest and their cruelty and barbarity was known beyond even Roman times. Cannibalism was the least of the evils captured men women and children had to endure.
Disease of all kinds were endemic and life was was harsh and short. The “Noble Savage” ideal revisionist historians have fed the Western masses, simply does not stand up to the historical facts.
Unfortunately we are living in times when many believe that if they think something is true then it is, regardless of the facts. e.g. Colonialism by Europe ruined an idyllic African lifestyle.
Don’t expect the BBC to give you the real facts about Africa or any other country prior to the arrival of the greedy, corrupt, loathsome white Europeans, after all, our much loved, universally admired and compulsorily Television tax funded Public Service Broadcaster has an agenda to pursue…..It’s own.
BBC Allowing a stupid pro EU woman to claim ‘anyone’ can get a job teaching English in Europe! Absolute nonsense, getting TEFL work is moderately competitive very insecure and other than at the top level rather poorly paid short term contract work.
And its becoming more and more difficult as more Europeans focus on learning English at school, and EU children learn English from an ever younger age.
China, Korea and the Arab world are the leading places for TEFL.
Didn’t hear the woman you are taling about, but wanted to say that I had a job teaching English in Spain back in 1990, well before the Single Market act was signed. I remember going to the police station there to register and have my fingerprints taken.
People will still be able to live, work and study abroad with or without the EU. Eurofanatics always seem to claim that it would be next to impossible.
My sister started teaching in Germany just prior to UK’s membership of the EEC (as it was then called). We traded with all the EEC countries then so this “we would lose all our trade with them if we left” is complete balderdash and those uttering it also know it full well.
You would think the bBCthrough its investigative journalist dept. would have got wind of FIFA paying the Irish 5 million to
” drop their legal case” – i laughed at that bit involving the Thierry Henry handball against Eire?
Makes you wonder what the hand of God job would be worth….
Dyke supported by Lineker should now demand the 2022 World Cup for England as compensation.
JTF, Maam June 6, 2015 at 11:56 pm
Still living in France? Sorry. It’s still funny to see you all over the comment pages of UK papers. Lonely much? Go buy some snails and a baguette.
I would like to congratulate the BBC on realising that the people found in containers at Harwich are at least ‘suspected’ of being illegal immigrants!
The headline on the website, is, of course, daft, leaving out the key word ‘illegal’. Without that word it is rather like saying ‘ships found in Harwich’, which is hardly surprising or newsworthy.
Oh, I dunno – the prices being paid for the substandard Libyan cruise packages some are so eager to take up would get you quite a decent jolly around the Med. with Fred Olsen.
You know, I’m beginning to feel somewhat sorry for the man on our bus. His lectures to us about how right he is and how wrong we all are were once quite humorous but now, I find myself, feeling quite sorry for ‘him’. The battle to prove that he is right and everyone else wrong must be all consuming. Concerning Peer Reviews, why should anyone who understands what Peer Reviews are, give any countenance to them? Of Peer Reviews concerning “Global Warming/Climate Change” some might say the following:
[The mistake, of course, is to have thought that peer review was any more than just a crude means of discovering the acceptability—not the validity—of a new finding. Editors and scientists alike insist on the pivotal importance of peer review. We portray peer review to the public as a quasi-sacred process that helps to make science our most objective truth teller. But we know that the system of peer review is biased, unjust, unaccountable, incomplete, easily fixed, often insulting, usually ignorant, occasionally foolish, and frequently wrong.]
Or as some others might say concerning Peer Reviews: “What a load of bo**ocks”
Look at the “recent comments” as I write.
A complete sweep for Mr Clappibus.
Must be his turn on the monitored computer terminal as matron smiles on his progress-such as it is!
Indeed ChrisH, it is but a game that certain people play on all forums, just the same as when you get to post “first”. 😎 The sense of achievement is profound.
I call it a form of Tourettes, thankfully ‘he’ doesn’t post in capitals!
Ta Old Bloke.
To be honest, this is one of the few sites I use-so God knows how much trolling goes on elsewhere.
And having Nigel Farage having to fend off the Today show earlier-endless sly slurs and vox pox crap from the BBC ciphers and slurry fountains like Husain…we get it easy here.
Still-the good guys do win-and there`s far more of them here that on that clapped out pustule who breaks out from time to time.
A Muslim father has been jailed for more than two years after he indulged in racist tirades at two schools, and physically assaulted a headteacher.
Okay it’s not a major story but one would think that it should at least make the local news webpages of the BBC – but they chose to ignore it.
Can you imagine if anybody did the same at a Muslim school they would have ignored it?
Then I see this story today and thought they surely must have covered this one, as well as previous instances, if only to protect other pensioners from getting scammed. Especially as there appears to be quite a large network of Islamic fraudsters operating in this way.
But the BBC COULDN’T CARE LESS – they would rather protect these scum – which makes them even more insidious.
Fahim Islam, 20, and Achmed Ahmed, 22, have been remanded in custody after appearing at Westminster Magistrates Court on Thursday charged with conspiracy to commit fraud. A Metropolitan Police spokesman confirmed to Breitbart London that the men were charged as part of the ongoing investigation, making them the 11th and 12th suspects in the case.
Last month, the first five suspects appeared at Westminster Magistrates Court, accused of conning pensioners as old as 96 out of more than £160,000. They then allegedly used the money to help fund terrorists fighting in Iraq and Syria.
Makhzumi Abukar, 23, Sakaria Aden, 21, Mohamed Dahir, 22, and Yasser Abukar, 23, who are all from North London, and Ibrahim Anderson, 38, from Luton, were all charged.
Dez, if someone from another race and culture comes to live in a country and then repudiates or rejects the customs, beliefs, conventions and, in essence, the race of the indigenous people should such an action be termed racist or multiculturalist?
Another superb ‘comedian’ showing his true lefty colours on the Gayham Norton show.
That unfunny lanky streak of piss Steven Merchant, the one who has made a living off the back of Ricky Gervais, described his latest role as being like an awkward right wing comedy character along the lines of Basil Fawlty, Alf Garnett and……….(pause for comedy effect) Nigel Farage!!
What, the love child of Humphrey and some pleb make up artist who he could not resist in the dressing room ?
These days she would have dressed in el beebs default female apparel and he would’nt have known if she was Mo or Mrs Mo. Still according to the bbc all sex is good sex even when it’s up a blokes hairy sweaty arse. Just have to convince the brown eye’d not so metrosexuals on that one.
Spokesman announces they will return it right after they return the Elgin Marbles. Head curators of departments of Ancient Egypt and Sudan, Greece and Rome and Middle East were sniggering too loudly to comment. </SARC>
The BBC have got another ism to promote, this time it’s sexism! They’ve spent taxpayers money proving how horribly sexist the world of sport is. The BBC chooses the results on which they base this utter nonsense very selectively….
“Women’s Sport Week: Elite sportswomen suffer sexism”
• A third of elite sportswomen do not believe they get enough coaching support compared to men
• 43% said they do not believe their governing body supports them and male colleagues equally
So the headline could very well be that a rather large majority don’t believe it is true and more think their governing body supports them than don’t. 7% though have experienced sexism that they reported – so 93% didn’t – perhaps they think it wasn’t a big enough issue and didn’t bother and got on with life…but the BBC decided to make an enormous issue out of it cos that’s what they are there for. So did you get the message yet? Well don’t worry every ist and ism is going to be shouted into your face at a distance of not less than an inch from the BBC megaphone! Link below if you can be bothered with any more of this inane drivel.
Chatting to my friends in meteorology earlier this week, I suggested that despite having high pressure over the U.K. it was the wrong type of high pressure in that it would draw very cold arctic air across northern parts. I also suggested that the temperature gradients within the high pressure could lead to any precipitation falling as snow on the higher levels of Scotland and maybe the N. Yorkshire moors. Well, my ramblings have been “Peer Reviewed” and the consensus is that it is highly probable that Scotland will see some snow, next Saturday, in June. I wonder if the “Deniers” at the BBC (deniers of the fact that currently the U.K. air temperatures are cooling) will report any evidence of snow fall? I still haven’t heard them mention that we, the U.K., have just had the greatest number of “frost days” for a period of 6 continuous months for nearly 100 years and I still believe that someone somewhere will have a ground “frost” later this week.
Even the most hardened “Warmist” must surely be asking questions, if only in their mind?
Cycle 24, it does exactly what it says on the tin. Meteorological computer modelling does not take into account the sun’s radiation effects on upper air temperature values and thus flawed for accurate weather or climate prediction.
Noticed it’s ‘fresh’ again out there today, just as they forecast this morning, and as they’ve been doing for several weeks now since Spring/Summer came upon us without the ‘hot, dry’ characteristic promised many years ago by the Settled Science Formerly Known As Global Warming.
N.B. That should be for ‘long term’ accurate weather prediction but historical trends can be a basis for more accurate prediction. Ran out of edit change time!
‘Virtue Signalling’ to the fore this morning on the BBC as it’s all hands to the pump for the Wimmins Fifa World Cup – or some such so-called sports event.
Virtue signalling, you ask? It’s a bit like compassion narcissism.
(Libby Purves: ‘What they are doing (I risk losing a friend or two) is “virtue-signalling”’)
Oh yes, our Mike Bushell reckons one of his personal top sports moments was at Wimmins Football – wow… his list of great sport moments has be pretty long and extensive to reach that far – unless of course our Mike is simply ‘Virtue Signalling’
Why would he do that when the BBC is not supposed to have agendas?
Not BBC bias, but a horrible example of how even the most mild criticism of the ‘race’ of Islam can lose you your job, and how only those who are prepared to put up & shut up, or screaming lefties are allowed to work in the public sector.
This Police officer posted the mildest criticism possible of Islam on his Facebook page and yet he was sacked on the grounds of ‘Racism’ exactly what race is Islam?
He posted nothing that the majority of people in this country are thinking exactly the same thing.
This is the force headed by the Fascist Police commissioner Tony Lloyd outed by Melanie Philips in the Daily Mail. No surprise that no other political views other than his own are tolerated.
This is what the anonymous officer who was dismissed said on Facebook:
“That’s because we have allowed them to settle into their own communities and they have no desire to mix, they would rather take over areas and breed like rabbits.
“If you look at the way they take over certain areas it’s not unlike what the Germans did in Europe, they get a stronghold and then go for broke. We have already had 2 Muslim-related beheadings in this country in a year.”
Assistant Chief Constable Ian Wiggett said the ‘very concerning’ comments ‘seriously undermined’ confidence in Officer A amongst the public and his GMP colleagues.
It would not undermine my opinion of an Officer who said this, especially on a private Facebook account. Surely he is just speaking one of the left’s many unspeakable truths? I would prefer our police to understand the communities they work in, and how they interact with society at large, not just parrot the PC line at every occasion.
In my (happily infrequent) contacts with the police, I am certain most officers engaged in real work (unlike this twerp Wiggett) are only too well aware of the realities of life in modern Britain.
They, like us, are simply not allowed to speak the truth due to the ruthless ‘thought crime’ laws imposed by the Left and championed hourly by the Left’s favourite organ, the BBC.
Thoughtful/Manchester Lad:
To “…breed like rabbits” (do you have the stats for rabbits?) would seem to entail a fair amount of ‘breeding’. “The mildest criticism possible”…? Well, at least he didn’t say ‘like rats’. Since ‘breeding’ is almost always applied to animals, I suppose you wouldn’t like your own offspring (if you have any) being talked about in terms of breeding?
Nevertheless, even though it was a bloody daft thing for ‘Officer A’ to do, a warning would have been more apt.
Well; the Gruniard – paper taken by the Beeboids – reported that the Pope – said by Beeboids to be the new leader of Marxism – used the same expression to exhort his flock to exercise some self-control:
Catholics do not have to breed “like rabbits” and should instead practise responsible parenting, Pope Francis said on Monday.
So Christians can be said to breed like rabbits and it’s OK, but a whitey Brit uses the expression and it’s ‘off with his head!’. Life as we know it today.
On Newswatch this morning, the man responsible for the BBC’s obituaries defending the early mention of Charles Kennedy’s drinking. He started off well enough pointing out, quite rightly, that his job was to produce obits, not eulogies, and CK had in fact already chosen to make his problem public (not that it was particularly well hidden).
Things started to go downhill, however, when he described the treatment of Sir Winston Churchill’s death in 1965 as reverential in a way that would not be acceptable today (paraphrased).
Strange, I thought, because that’s exactly how I remember the death of Nelson Mandela.
If this is what gets propelled to mainstream news, there really are too many staff with too much space to fill with too many agendas and filters what to fill it with.
Oh dear, another cunt to add to your contributions. Seems like an obsession. Quite unhealthy. You are just another leftie having a temper tantrum when you don’t have the wit or wisdom to argue your case.
BBC News trumpets – UKIP “barred” from GAY Pride?
UKIP have been banned from joining a gay pride parade – a decision organisers say will ensure the event passes off safely and in the right spirit … 😀
2 Points.
1/. The right spirit? … highly political, metropolitan, “right on” LGBT you mean, at the expense of any other GAY person?
Creed, colour or sexual orientation, all welcomed by UKIP,
the fave buzzword “diversity” and of course freedom ail welcomed by UKIP, that has GAY members, and candidates?
2/. Safety? … ahhh!, so its the Unwashed Arrogant Fascists and co,
yet again, threats of violence? erm …”unrest”, how very UN GAY.
“I m gonna GET you Farage” eh Bunny!
erm … Bunny are you … Quare?
They are similarly “banned” from adopting kids in South Yorkshire, as I recall until recently.
Thereby allowing the white slaggish kaffir to be introduced to the pork swords of Islamic loveliness, and cut throat kebab pricings.
Only the smug metropolitan left would ban UKIP…imagine them all having to get their butterfly minds around the fact there`ll be gays in UKIP…and others may well have voted Tory recently.
Nurse-the screens!
Tolpuddle should be fun next month-given that 1/3 of them will have voted Tory/UKIP…they`ll all do a Blatter, and pretend they voted for Ed…
Come on down to see collective cognitive dissonance floating in florid faces and Old Peculiar!
Won`t be going much longer methinks!
Down Tolpuddle way , in deepest Dorset , I guess over 50% of those who bothered to vote, voted Conservative . Tolpuddle is a ” Cause Celebre ” for the left . I know they were deported to Oz , but it was a free passage , & after they, had done their time ,they could of stayed on. The Australian Colonial Government would have granted them land , for free , which would of been their own ,if they had wanted it . Most of them, I believe, returned to Dorset ,it was their choice but the treatment they got was hardly outrageous for those times . I guess Billy Bragg & the usual suspects will be in attendance . Incidentally does`nt Prince Charles own a village nearby , a new build , part of the Duchy of Cornwall .
Good point GWF.
Give the BBC costume department a few hours at Lampadusa though-and we`ll have a few mock ups to show that it was the Mufti…not Churchill….who we ought to be “celebrating” at this time.
Happy Naqba everybody!
Quite right Lord Earls Court.
But let them learn the hard way…the good ones realise that you need your Bible to see what`s occurring (Isa 19:24-5).
As for the rest?…well, my friend-welcome to Ezek 3:27!
BBC Parliament, Freeview channel 131, from 7pm to 9pm: A repeat of the Common Market Referendum of 1975: Should be interesting to watch old fashioned BBC Bias from a very young David Dimbleby.
Robin Day’s interview with Enoch Powell was the highlight, the rest of the them were political pygmies . Imagine Jim Prior telling Enoch to ” shut up.” Talk about bad manners.
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If you see Zebedee tell him it’s way past his bedtime !
Have a good time.
Are you staying at the Statler or the Waldorf?
They’re fully booked for an IPCC conference, apparently.
Question Manon ?
Why are you on this site ?
There are 161,600 votes here for you so far …………….
Anybody able to tell me why Geert Wilders wish to show cartoons of Muhammad seems to be a lead item for the BBCs news this morning(Today 7am)?
This is a matter for the Dutch telly companies, and if their quisling equivalent of the BBC wishes to seek the views of Anjem Van Der Choudhury over there…then let the Dutch deal with that.
The BBC only mentioned this to whip up Allahs Little Helpers over here-with a view to getting a response here from the likes of Hasan or Galloway etal.
There could be no other motive for the BBC, other than to give a pretext for defending QCs when the NEXT Lee Rigby gets a summary execution.
Sod off BBC!Shit stirring for Islam as ever.
CNN in full Al BBC style mode. actually, over reports that Pam Geller is being targeted now by Muslims in the US for the next jihad murder attempt, not much sympathy from Al BBC.
BBC – Pamela Geller: America’s ‘bigoted blogger’
BBC – Boston ‘terror cell’ wished to behead Anti-Muslim blogger
Listen in as R Spencer, tells it straight to our hosts.
sheeh! we need him and many more over here
… but if he could get here with our No10 traitors, he would of course be immediately vilified with no opportunity for recourse.
To paraphrase the line of questioning by the newsbots:
“Mr Spencer, the Islamic Society of Boston want you dead and to dance on your grave. What are you doing to reach out to them?”
Robert Spencer is persona-non grata un the UK, for the reason that what he says is the truth.
The irony is that the ban by the Home Secretary, confirms Spencer’s thesis that the RoP is misnamed. As Spencer’s writing and books are not banned in the UK, it seems to me that the ban is really a help then a hindrance to Spencer’s thesis.
What a pair of @rseholes those CNN cowards are.
CNN and other MSM are under the impression that sharia is not mainstream Islam. It difficult to counter such ignorance when it is so confidently held. I have found this to be the case of AGW and Climate Change believers as well.
Anyhow –
Is sharia mainstream Islam?
Here is an answer of sorts to that, and several other issues that the MSM is ignorant off – such as how and why moderate Muslims suddenly become not just radical, but ISIS members.
“Europe is in a state of growing civil war with Muslim immigrants because European leaders refused to understand that extending rights to those who do not accept them and do not reciprocate, creates rights without responsibilities. A right extended to those who reject it is a failed effort at appeasement.” Daniel Greenfield.
So what do you suggest they do about it then?
The starting point is that Islam is completely incompatible with Western societies; also it can never be reformed from within to be reconciled with our way of life – those Muslims who attempt to, or even suggest this, are killed or forced to live in hiding in the West.
What to do? Halt all Islamic immigration; strongly curtail return travel from jihad nations; block Western institutions (universities, colleges, media organizations; banks etc accepting billions from Sharia ruled dictatorships.
Those Muslim non-citizens in the West, should be deported to their own countries. The citizens of Western nations who are Muslim but who promote the Sharia here in the West should have their citizenship rescinded and be deported to their ancestral homelands or countries of origin.
This may appear extreme to many, but the stakes could not be higher – “demography is destiny”. I do not wish my children or grandchildren or great-grandchildren or great-great-grandchildren (or those of anyone else) to have to live as members of a kuffar minority in a Muslim dominated U.K. or other Western European country.
A start would be to allow as many mosques to open as there are churches in Saudi Arabia.
So what do you suggest they do about it then?
No, what are YOU going to do about it. You and your leftie chums, including Labour/BBC, created the problem.
“Europe is in a state of growing civil war with Muslim immigrants…
Pray that we are all wrong. If not, all of us, including Muslims, are going to suffer a great deal. Civil wars are the worst type of war, and should be avoided if at all possible.
All people must die actually. The human cell can only last 180 years.
@Clapped out – aka Dopeyjim.
Through experience I’ve concluded to distrust anything you say. As a result, I’d like to see evidence of your statement, as all the research I’ve seen actually proves you wrong by quite a large margin.
Please provide links to documentary proof of your “180 years” claim.
Disgusted of Essex , I think there was a different ‘omnibus driver’ on duty when that was written. They change shifts every day.
Indeed. Quite sure the actual figure is close to 120-130.
Fifa scandal: Is the long arm of US law now overreaching? –
‘Maybe old Vladimir Putin had a point when he said after the FIFA arrests last week – what business is this of America?’
Or maybe the US has a right to investigate alleged crimes committed on US soil and done via American banks.
I’m glad that someone is finally holding FIFA to account. This article is an example of the BBC’s dislike of what it sees as American imperialism.
‘Barack Obama’s presidency has been marked by his determination to pull US troops out of foreign conflicts, to admit past mistakes and to say it is not for us to pick and choose which world leaders we like.’
That could have been written by a Democrat spin doctor.
Sopel’s claims are laughable, given that Obama has:
– Entered US troops into new conflicts
– Refused to admit that his administration screwed up over Bengazi
– Regularly sided with one world leader over another
The Olympics Committee makes FIFA look like choir boys, they want to be declared a sovereign state.
There are one or two things that the MSM (and BBC) have glossed over when considering the FIFA story:
1. The role of the IRS, the criminal side of which highlighted the problem with regard to Chuck Blazer’s failure to pay any tax for years. Having identified some potential criminality, they would be duty bound to alert the appropriate authorities.
2. It is impossible to transact in US dollars without at some point involving a US bank, in the same way that it is impossible to make a pound sterling payment without involving a UK bank. Since payments appear to have been made in Dollars, then US banks’ involvement becomes self-evident.
Both aspects clarify the involvement of the US authorities in a way the BBC and others seem unable to do.
The moral of the story is always to take your bribes in Euros. I knew the Euro had to be good for something.
This is why they have €500 notes.
You can fit a lot more money in a suitcase than you can with US Dollars or Pound Sterling.
You’ve got to hand it to the EU – they really take corruption seriously!
Dont forget the $1,000 note!
That hasn’t been issued for years, $100 is the biggest you’ll find these days.
The EU makes FIFA look like a responsive, accountable and democratic body.
Think you’ll find it’s spelt ‘chow’, dave, you thicko.
Or is it spelled. Spelt or spelled? What do we think?
Who gives a shit! If peoples only interest is in spelling then they really dont have anything to say!
You missed out a couple of apostrophes there.
And a question mark.
Man on the clapped out bus, this is ‘just the ticket’. Not a bus stop but a ‘full stop’ ……
More a comma. But do sign the save BBC Three petition. As twice as many people have done
If they like it so much let them pay for it .
I suspect a government enquiry into the organisation on the way .Readers of this site should vote here ….
157,080 votes so far and its only been running for two months.
“The Lord” – obviously a recipient of a labour education system.
The word “ciao” (/ˈtʃaʊ/; Italian pronunciation: [ˈtʃaːo]) is an informal salutation in the Italian language that is used for both “hello”, “hi” and “goodbye”
Think you’ll find it’s spelt ‘chow’, dave, you thicko.
Geography not too good either as he obviously thinks Florence is in China.
And you obviously thought God said bed when he asked which head you wanted.
Because you were the recipient of a big, soft one.
………for both “hello”, “hi” and “goodbye”. I make that three, not two.
“I’m quite pleased how it turned out”
Alun Wyburn-Powell on BBC Breakfast this morning replying to Naga Munchetty asking (all inocent-like) how he may vote in the upcoming Euro referendum.
This was a little bit of BBC reminiscing about our previous vote 40 years ago on the EC. Our Alun was introduced as a political writer who was 18 years and 2 days old when he got to cast his vote. Nice human story.
Well that was what the item purported to be…
By the way Alun also proudly said he voted ‘yes’ last time.
In fact this was a blatant BBC Pro-EU set up.
A tiny amount of research tells us Dr Alun Wyburn-Powell is:
‘a British political historian, specialising in the history of the Liberal Party, coalitions and political defections… I have discussed my research in the press and on the radio including on BBC Radio 4 Westminster Hour, BBC Radio 5 Live, BBC Radio Wales and BBC Radio Leicester.’
Wow, that’s a heck of a lot of work for the BBC. Was there really any doubt at our national broadcaster about how he might tend to vote on the EU?
I checked his Twitter
Alun Wyburn-Powell @liberalhistory May 31
If the Parliamentary Labour Party is the PLP, poor Douglas Carswell must be PUKIP.
I saw this before heading out to work this morning and it had my blood boiling. The historian’s most laughable point was when he claimed the main reason for the growth in opposition to the EU was because those who were in favour of it had not made the case since 1975 since they assumed the matter had been settled???
If he believes that to be the case he is clearly not a regular consumer of the BBC’s output!!
An amazing report from the BBC which is wholly pro health tourism.
An Albanian man with a brain tumour was being prepared for an operation when immigration caught up with him and the operation was cancelled.
The BBC is outraged. Despite this being a op which wasn’t an emergency and a patient who wasn’t entitled to treatment they manage to find lunatic Hairy Biker’ Si King who thinks the NHS should be an International Health Service, far too good for the nasty white people !
There’s no investigation as to how this man managed to get into the hospital for an operation missing out several vital pre-op steps, nor is there any questioning as to why an NHS hospital was prepared to operate on someone they knew was an illegal immigrant and not entitled to treatment.
The whole article raises so many questions which the BBC just skips over to express its outrage the man didn’t get his free non essential treatment.
Al Beeb reporting that illegal immigrants , immigrants, migrants whatever they call them are coming in to this country by the ‘container-full’ now. They should be returned to the port where they came from and the shipping company charged for the cost.
The border controls are a fiasco .
On website report no mention of the word illegal. They are described as immigrants. No BBC they are Illegal.
To be fair I think the BBC is under some kind of obligation not to refer to someone as ‘illegal’ in the same way as they cannot refer to someone as a criminal until some official judgement has been made.
Both Sky and the Guardian refer to them as illegal or suspected illegal. By calling them migrants the BBC suggests this is a normal way to enter a country.
“They are described as immigrants.”
Acknowledging that they wont be sent back!
I have in the past complained to the BBc about their none use of the word illegal in the context of illegal immigrants as noted here at the time.
Now then, now then … 😀
you re not going to get a dose of BBC2s very own, VD this morning then?
she has an elongated piece re the “poor” Albanian.
“North East TV presenter Si King, who has Albanian friends, has offered to pay for the treatment.”
Let’s see him make good on his ‘offer’.
You sir are a lunatic. The report at no stage comments or even intimates support for health tourism. If im wrong then please highlight where you think it does.
Hello clap/bunny, whateverfuckin’nameyourarsewipe mateshavedremptupthismorning.
Beauty contests are awful things. The Beeb told me. They’ve been telling me so pretty much since Julia Morley sacked Helen Morgan for being economical with the actualite. Demeaning to women, blah, blah. But suddenly, all is forgiven – Miss Universe Japan is half ‘American’. Erm… she’s actually half ‘African-American’, ‘black’, ‘person-of-color’, whatever…. seems she gets a lot of stick and so, never mind how much she demeans women, objectifying, blah, blah, she is the Beeb’s new pin-up girl!
The beauty contest winner making Japan look at itself
Richard Kalergi one of the founders of the Pan European Movement which later became the EUSSR said in the 1920s
” The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.”
Seems the power elites, corporate media are heavily promoting it.
I was in the post office the other day and I picked up a leaflet advertising coach travel holidays in the UK, on the front was a photo of your typical ”British” family, white husband, black wife, mixed race children.
It’s a deliberate agenda, to create this blend of humanity.
David B that sounds a bit like the “typical British family” in the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympics.
David, it must be the same “typical British family” we keep seeing in most TV ads.
In the 666 house we like to play spot the mixed marriage/ partner TV advert. Obviously not the BBc as it doesn’t advertise. The latest one spotted is the Meererkat Monday ad for who ever it’s for..
Still the only BBc program I’ve watched today was F1 Qualifying when it struck me when was the last time I actually watched BBc1 on a Saturday evening? Hey and following on from a fairly recent thread on here, wasn’t Dads Army on again.
“The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.”
Hmm, seems his high-falutin’ theory failed to foresee an unwillingness to integrate from certain participants in his heady coffee-coloured brew of diversity.
Can we safely assume that the families of the promoters of this human nirvana will remain hideously white?
They are certainly trying their best to breed them with their own spunk and whichever whore is servicing the ‘leadership’ tonight.
Sarah Montague on Today, interviewed some doctor in Greece. The cuts! The deprivation! Woe! Woe! ‘Presumably you are already rationing drugs?’ ‘No…’. Well, that went well. Never mind; chunter on about something else… No suggestion from Montague that if Greece re-jigged its pension system for retirement at 67 like other half sensible countries – rather than mid-fifties – lots of cash would be available for drugs and much else. But the Beeb have a line to push, so we wont hear that argument.
Wonder if she has asked him how often he is paid cash in hand tax free?
So true. Mrs jtf had emergency dental treatment in Crete a few years ago – strictly cash only.
So you think that it’s OK that people die through lack of prescripyion medicine in order to pay banks back money that should never, ever have been leant?
And, no, people don’t all retire at 55 in Greece. Some civil servants do…but I know of three quite close friends who have taken the local fire brigade, local council and police for hundreds of thousands of pounds via early retirement.
I’m very far drom a lefty but putting banks’ profits in front of people’s lives really is taking it too far.
leant? prescrypyion? drom?
Is the claimed drug shortage due to you taking an overdose?
So you think that it’s OK that people die through lack of prescripyion medicine in order to pay banks back money that should never, ever have been leant?
For every greedy lender there is a greedy borrower or, in the banks’ case, millions of greedy borrowers. And in Greece they were greedy, irresponsible borrowers, because they didn’t feel any obligation to pay their taxes. And the Greek government was irresponsible and greedy for allowing billions of cheap German money to be lent to their greedy and irresponsible citizens, because they thought they were safe in the eurozone (that they conned their way into joining, whilst Germany looked the other way) and could be bailed out forever.
Get real.
BBC ‘senior personality’ (that’s what scores you the double salary) speaks:
‘One of the things we stand for in Britain is freedom of speech’.
Just not HYS mods or ECU directors or ‘quiet word in corridor’ market rates when the editorial integrity in question is not bbc-narrative approved.
The BBC may endorse the concept of free speech, but often does not go so far as to provide the platform for it, if it does not fit with their view.
For example the now seemingly not quite so settled science of man made global warming?
“…For example the now seemingly not quite so settled science of man made global warming?”
Well, quite. The BBC has a very well rehearsed definition of what it refers to as ‘free speech’. That is to say, if you hold views or opinions contrary to its hive-mind sensibilities you are most definitely not ‘free’ to express them on the BBC. Climate change (and by that I mean the science-fiction CAGW scenario the BBC prefers to propagate) is on the BBC’s ‘watch list’. Anyone suspected of speaking ‘off-message’ on the subject is immediately red-flagged for non-appearance.
This kind of censorious behaviour extends, naturally to issues around immigration and absolutely anything to do with Islam, including the reinvention, wholesale, of predominantly Pakistani-muslim child molesters as ‘Asians’ (if their sole common denominator is mentioned at all).
The BBC: clearly not fit for purpose.
Maybe you can tell us why its not settled and give an alternative explanation of climate change with evidence to back it . By evidence I dont mean air headed statements like ‘its the sun’ or ‘it must be cosmic rays’ . I mean proper peer reviewed evidence.
When you realise you are unable to do anything than parrot a few mutterings by those paid by the fossil fuel lobby, you will then recognise why the only explanation for current changes in climate are those from the diverse spectrum of organisations that concur with IPCC findings.
There are two types of people in the world. Those that lead and those that follow. Which one are you?
Maybe you can tell us why its not settled and give an alternative explanation of climate change with evidence to back it.
Very simply because we were told unequivocally that as CO2 levels increased so atmospheric temperatures would rise – no ifs, no buts, the science was settled. They even showed us the models to ‘prove’ it!
There has now been no warming for over 18 years and only one of the 70-plus models scrapes in at the bottom end of its temperature projections. The rest failed – spectacularly.
So, it’s a disproven theory and in any other realm of science it would be back to the drawing board.
But not for global warming, apparently, and every contributor to this website, including yourself, knows why.
The conclusion that can be drawn is that anything involving “models” is flawed and the findings taken with a pinch.
It could be risk models in banks, climate change models, polling models in the election, whatever… it doesn’t matter because all predictive models are flawed. They seem unable to take changing circumstances into account or indeed events that no-one had seemed likely at the time the models were created.
The problem with climate change models is that no-one in authority can accept that the models are flawed because there has been so much personal credibility invested in them.
The science of global warming/climate change is totally irrelevant. It is purely a mechanism (or ruse) to take wealth from the poor and give it to the rich. A reverse Robin Hood scenario, so to speak. Wind turbines are a prime example.
It’s also an anti-capiltalist movement, so if it succeeds in its aims there’ll be no wealth left to redistribute.
Yet another example of Lefty Logic Deficit Disorder.
“Settled Science” is a political fabrication, nothing to do with true science. A real scientist endeavors to look for the truth and invites other scientists to test theories to destruction. What true scientists do NOT do is suppress other theories and have those with contradictory views hounded out of their jobs. Those are the actions of charlatans with something to hide.
“Any physical theory is always provisional, in the sense that it is only a hypothesis: you can never prove it. No matter how many times the results of experiments agree with some theory, you can never be sure that the next time the result will not contradict the theory. On the other hand, you can disprove a theory by finding even a single observation that disagrees with the predictions of the theory.”
Stephen Hawking – A Brief History Of Time.
At least Stephen Hawking had the grace to admit that a theory he’d spent years researching and proving was actually incorrect – through accepting contradictory evidence. Can you honestly suggest that the scientific pygmies of the GWCC brigade would ever do the same?
Here’s a graph that even you should be able to understand![]()
Those models don’t really seem to be at all accurate…
Its Friday night time for a bit of relaxation, lets see what the BBC has on offer between 9 and 10….
BBC1 9pm…. Have I Got News For You (biased, unoriginal and past its sell by date)
BBC1 9.30pm…. Mrs Browns Boys (repeat)
BBC2…..Kate Humble Living With Nomads (follow the agenda)
BBC3….’Live’ From The Apollo (‘Live’? – repeat)
BBC4…. Old Grey Whistle Test 70’s Gold (repackaged repeat of repeat)
So IMO the best on offer is a program full of 30+ years of repeats, mix in the dross of Coronation Street and Big Brother on our commercial channels, what a sorry state British TV is in.
I can live with the crap on commercial TV as adverts rarely, if ever sway me, so I ain’t paying, but does the dross offered above by our national broadcaster make the TV licence good value? Does it hell.
…Another one to miss tonight “Heroes: The Story of the FIFA Women’s World Cup” BBC2
“Jacqui Oatley presents a look at the history of the tournament, as well as a preview of the 2015 competition starting tomorrow in Canada. ”
Heroes? Really? Hardly Hurst, Peters, Moore and co are they?
Not much of a history obviously as the program is only 50 minutes. The mention of FIFA in its title gives the program and its subject absolutely no credibility.
I think they mean ‘heroines’, shurely shome mishtake?
Isn’t it an equality thing?
Remember when female actors were actresses?
They still are when they are up for the Best Actress Award.
Seriously, acting is not like sport, men have no physical advantage over women, why should there be separate prizes? And if there are male and female categories, where are the prizes for Trans actors and actresses? Scott, help me out, what am I meant to think here?
It’s also called ‘social engineering’.
And it is absolutely everywhere.
I remember when Hitchcock called them cunts in a kitchen. Just call women cunts. It’s what you really want to do.
JTF , Maam
You are supporting Al Beebs tax. An unjust poll tax on the poor that puts people in jail while criminals get far less sentences.
You are a great advertisement for readers to vote here …
Just call women cunts. It’s what you really want to do.
Your words. Tut. Sounds like you’ve got relationship problems.
I am utterly bowled over by the profound erudition that you display. The astounding logic, the astonishing structure of your so precisely experessed argument has led me to believe that I am reading the words of a modern day Aristotle, a twenty-first century Socrates and a reincarnated Emmanuel Kant, all rolled into one supercharged intellect that, in one fell swoop has persuaded us all that the BBC is not biased, and that we should all rush out to pay our telly tax.
Oh, and good luck with the next third-form debating society meeting.
Hardly ever watch TV on a Friday , normally in the pub . I do watch some of the BBC 4, rock doc`s when I return , they are the best thing on BBC 4 ,on Friday`s.
buy a few DVD boxsets like Breaking Bad or The Wire – light-years ahead of any British TV
I have watched all of The Wire. I thought it went downhill after Season One. I watched it all through to the end, but never again. As to Breaking Bad, I just don’t think I can face it.
Why not? It is an absolutely fantastic show from start to finish and well worth giving it a go. I know some people sneer at the really popular stuff but it really is very good
I know people say BB is great, but I don’t feel like sitting through so much TV these days. I watched all of The Sopranos as it came out over several years, but the idea of watching something like that all at once just puts me off.
I was cynical about Breaking Bad but was hooked from the very first episode. Splash out on the first season to give it a try – it’ll cost you less than a tenner or, I if you’ve got Netflix, I think it’s available on there as a boxed set. It’s absolutely outstanding. Also recommend Mad Men – stunning.
I’ve just finished Breaking Bad. Some of the best TV I have ever seen. It gripped me from the very first episode and I wasn’t aware of being spun any agenda. Just a good, strong storyline with superb acting and characterisation. Well worth a Netflix subscription.
it was just pure drama from start to finish. Like you say it was nice to watch a show with no clear agenda like most British TV and I really enjoyed it. It was truly gripping stuff
What are you lot talking about? Look at all the fantastic BBC drama programmes like Atlantis, Call the Midwife, Jonathan Strangelove and Mr Norvis (or whatever the fuck its called), Luther, Spooks….oh no, wait you’re right – total and utter shit!
Meanwhile on subscription channels: Mad Men, Dexter, Boss, The Wire, Game of Thrones, Ray Donovan, The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, The Following, Luck, The Knick, The Affair, Braquo (which is French ffs), Gommorah (Italian) and the list goes on and on.
The BBC have pretty much killed off British TV drama, in much they same way as they have pretty much killed off political debate; and for the same reason. They have absolutely no interest in reality, just box ticking, and employing their chums. Didn’t they do a drama a few years ago, set in a Northern town, about how much more sensible Muslim families are when it comes to bringing up children. The BBC is as intellectually and morally bankrupt as it is rapacious.
The Game wasn’t bad.
Totally agree, Geoff. Defenders of the discredited BBC always wheel out the ‘but the BBC has no adverts’ line as if that’s some kind of actual defence for retaining the hateful license fee.
Last time I looked, my Sky subscription (which carries adverts) somehow manages to produce my favourite TV: Game of Thrones, Penny Dreadful, The Walking Dead… how on earth do they do this in the face of such commercial intrusion?
It’s a mystery.
Nicky Campbell having a discussion about the EU. Bias is appalling. Turn on Five Live.
Justin Liar on The Toady Programme this morning….
‘there seems to have been a hiatus in global warming for ten years or so.’
Gotta lurve that ‘or so’.
Droid Arithmetic – ‘or so’ equates to ‘another eight years on top of the figure I’ve just given you’.
Justin, I know you come on here, you’re an effing lying little liberal leftie media *******.
yeah, I wonder if they will report the “frosts” next week, or even the arctic blast for some from Thursday or even the chance of “snow” some might get from Saturday 15th. Wrong type of “Global Warming” I guess? A long way off in metrological terms but could be interesting for the ‘warmists’ to justify their case. Sun Spot cycle 24, it does exactly what it says on the tin.
For “frosts” read “chilliness”
For “snow” read “wintriness”
For “Global Warming” read “Climate Change”
And for ‘cold’, now that summer is upon us, read ‘fresh’.
Desperate times mean desperate measures. You WILL believe that there is warming. You WILL accept that there was no pause in it at all – there, our “data” has seen to that.
Daily Mail’s on the case:
But the truth is plastered everywhere, too – unfortunately it doesn’t sit with the BBC agenda, so you’ll never hear it:
What’s the weather like in France?
‘Gotta lurve that ‘or so’.
Droid Arithmetic’
It is better than opinions ‘being split’………………. by about 100:1 in their reporting of the Graun pulling comments on their 10:10 coverage.
Peter Allen on 5Hive just now visiting one of our big seaports re Europe
Of course the drift of the program is that it would all shut down if we left.
more bBC bollocks, but the drip drip will increase as we approach the vote. This can’t be right from an impartial broadcaster, surely?
A few surprising ‘bad’ stories getting through! Polish people smugglers disabled EU benefits scroungers who went to the courts to complain about delays paying “their” benefits! Eek!
Theyve just had on some real thickies who are voting for the EU
LOL another thickie repeating the mantra that Poles are doing the jobs Brits ‘don’t want to do’!
A Danish strongly Pro EU business owner has been given a ridiculous amount of time to push his agenda.
LOL another thickie repeating the mantra that Poles are doing the jobs Brits ‘don’t want to do’!
Ah, the logic-defying Left. Next minute you’ll hear the lefties bleating about the poverty-stricken unemployed having their benefits cut – you know, the same benefits that allow them to choose unemployment as a career.
///LOL another thickie repeating the mantra that Poles are doing the jobs Brits ‘don’t want to do’!///
Well to be fair, they did bring those containers full of illegal immigrants over.
Talking of our seaports one of the strange things about our imports and exports is that the 17m population of the Netherlands comes third in both our list of countries exported to and imported from with 7.5%.
That indicates a fantastic interchange of goods with one of our EU partners, or does it?
I suspect a rather large part of that “trade” is actually containers being taken to and from Rotterdam where they are transhipped to and from container ships for destinations all round the globe.
The 11.5m population of Belgium and Luxembourg are 5th on the exports list at 5.5%. But then Antwerp is another major port with entrepot trade.
So when you hear what %age of our trade is with EU countries you might always wonder whether the figures are the whole picture.
Lies, damned lies and statistics!
Rotterdam , is also know as Europoort , it really works as a hub, for container traffic , re routing it to other parts or Europe . It operates in a similar way, to Dubai , although that is really a “Freeport”, where freight is stored to get round EU import restrictions, from various 3rd World countries , then is re exported as” Freight from Dubai ” .
“Rotterdam , is also know as Europoort , it really works as a hub, for container traffic”.
A couple of weeks ago “More or Less” had a major item trying to rubbish the idea that many of our exports to Holland were actually in transit through Rotterdam. It was superficially plausible if you didn’t know the BBC’s skill at propaganda..
Noticeable is the number of those wanting Britain to stay in who are EUers! No wonder they want us to stay, they are gaining from us but are we gaining anything from them?
Why are they asking DUTCH peoples opinions? WE need to know whats good for Britian not whats good for the Dutch.
The EU funded BBC will play up the economic fear, uncertainty and doubt in the run-up to the referendum. They will not tell you that the EU is a political, not an economic, structure. Leaving the EU is about leaving a political system which does not suit us. It is not about continuing to trade with the people and businesses in that political entity.
Come on guys, get real! We need to be sat round the EU table so we can infuence ‘from within’, as we keep hearing from Labour/BBC. You only need to look at our past 40-odd years of membership.
Oh, hang on a minute….
Heard this, too. And came to the same conclusion.
But thought it backfired. In fact, Allen shot himself in the foot. The end game was…hang on, everything going through this port is coming IN to the country and the only thing going out was ‘rubbish’, i.e. garbage. And the EU is hardly going to shut the door to their biggest European market is it. His words, not mine.
Oh, dear, Peter, I don’t think you’ll be going out on manoeuvres in the near future. You’ll have to be kept to the script in the studio.
bBC News24 item
“would you eat your placenta?”
The terminal decline of the West continues.
Even grimmer is the the men who have joined in and shared their wives placentas!
‘“would you eat your placenta?”
In the spirit of grimscalation, there’s the men who have eaten their own. Apparently.
“Bruce, stop it!”
Did your wife stir fry it? Noodles?
An interesting comment on Harding’s interview!
As is…
“…the Corporation is its own judge and jury.”
This is the money quote for me’
‘Lineker, who began presenting Match of the Day in 1999, said: “I’m thrilled that my relationship with the BBC has been renewed ‘
I’ll bet he is.
‘The contract with the corporation, that will keep him as its face of football until 2020, is non-exclusive, and the former footballer is thought to be near to announcing that he will also front BT Sport’s live Champions League coverage next season.’
Nice work if you can get it.
Just so long as he doesn’t tweet anything stu… ‘views his own’ as a BBC-contracted employee, that Fraser Steel can believe was ‘about right’.
The Indy at the time said he had ‘summed up the Nation’s feelings’, doubtless as a spokesman for the corporation that speaks for the nation… only when he, and they, don’t.
What was it, about 4 million out?
Instead Gary Lineker being “bused” up to Manchester, on a weekly basis by Blakey in his Clapped out Bus ,to record MOTD , it could all be done from the BT studio`s in Stratford . That would save a fortune , as a lot of those matches are edited highlight`s ,of Sky or BT live matches. The BBC could hire the BT studio & staff & save a lot of wonga for us all .
How the warmists must love BBC’s Today program.
Totally unbiased news story this morning…
Justin Web: “Climate change deniers have probably got it wrong about the hiatus in global warming as new improved recording methods may mean that the temperatures previously recorded were wrong and so as long as we assume that they were too high it must mean that we still have global warming and it might even be worse than we thought.”
Global warming expert: “Yes, that is quite correct Justin.”
There must be few who deny that the global temperature has varied over time and rose for a spell at the end of the last century.
There ARE many man made global warming sceptics.
If we have been warming for the last 15 or so years why is the moving average line not going up, or are all the figures sceptics and alarmists have been debating over that period wrong too?
I remember, a few years ago, hearing some Northern Irish politician being interviewed by Eddie Mair on PM. I forget why he was on now, but it wasn’t so much an interview as an interrogation. I wasn’t expecting much from this politician, but I had a pleasant surprise. Eddie accused him of being a climate change denier and he was immediately in Mair’s face, pointing out that he didn’t deny climate change, that the climate had always changed. Evidently Eddie wasn’t expecting much from this chap either, because he was completely put off his stride and the floor was wiped with him.
I have no idea who this politician was, or what became of him, because I don’t recall hearing him again, but I wish more would go on the attack like that. Although that may well explain why I haven’t heard him again – the BBC won’t let him on.
Hi Roland,
That’ll be East Antrim DUP MP and former Stormont Finance Minister Sammy Wilson. The only office holder in any UK assembly or parliament to call out the green fanatics thus far.
There was a lot of criticism of Sammy from the Guardianistas and Beeboids but I don’t think he has lost much sleep over it 🙂
The BBC’s signature impartiality was demonstrated on Today this morning as Tom Karl – the lead author of the NOAA fiddled report on climate change – was given an unchallenged few minutes to lie to the nation. You know, if those considering that the “science” of MMCC is grossly exaggerated (if not completely corrupt) were the nutters the BBC wants us to believe they are, surely the BBC would create endless opportunities for the sceptics to be humiliated.
However, since spokesmen for the sceptic case are banished from the airwaves in an almost unique direct contravention of the BBC Charter, it must be presumed that such humiliation would be unlikely to occur. Indeed, such is the strictness of the censorship imposed by the BBC, the assumption can only be that it is the proponents of warmism who would be the ones humiliated in a confrontation between them and the unbelievers.
As usual, the admirable Bishop Hill tears Karl and the warmists a new one. As Bishop Hill notes concerning this report it’s “desperate, desperate stuff and a sad day for science”.
“…However, since spokesmen for the sceptic case are banished from the airwaves in an almost unique direct contravention of the BBC Charter…”
Or what the BBC shiftily terms ‘due impartiality’™
It’s an interesting concept: the BBC (and only the BBC) gets to decide what is and what isn’t ‘due’ its legal responsibility to ‘impartiality’. In the case of climate dissidents it has decided they are absolutely not ‘due’ any impartiality and they therefore don’t give them any (whilst still, incredibly, pretending they do), or any chance at all to make their argument against the prevailing common purpose-approved CAGW narrative.
Just don’t mention 28Gate, either. The BBC gets a bit touchy about all that.
What a joke the Corporation is. Everyone can see it, but themselves.
One of the biggest lies that the BBC endlessly allows alarmists to promote is that there are no ‘scientists’ in the sceptics’ camp. As anyone who takes the slightest interest in the topic knows just a quick Google will lead you to Watts Up With That and other sites where plenty of scientific research can be found which strongly refutes the AGW theory.
So the BBC must admit its correspondents are either incapable of such a simple task or they are deliberately ignoring scientific views which support the sceptics’ case.
Whichever it is, it is yet more proof the BBC is not fit for purpose.
temperatures previously recorded were wrong
Really. Highly trained scientists cannot take temperature recordings without getting it wrong.
Anyway. How? Is this an offset. It must be, as random errors should average out.
Unrelieved gloom on the News Channel. In sequence we’ve just had:
* Rotterdam migrants found – last year an Afghan died in these terrible conditions
* Benefits – the cuts; the cuts
* Macedonia immigrants, terrible conditions, ‘what they do to out girls’. (No suggestion from the Beeboid that the girls should stay at home.)
* Domestic abuse against women, moan, moan…
You’d use the will to live. Scrap the licence fee.
Illegal immigrants from the sub-continent want to come here for all the trappings of a western lifestyle without any of the blood, sweat and tears that our forefathers took over hundreds of years to make GREAT Britain what it is. What have they been doing in Africa for the last 2 thousand years? – answers on a postcard please to the bBC diversity project, Londinistan.
“What have they been doing in Africa for the last 2 thousand years? – answers on a postcard please to the bBC diversity project, Londinistan.”
Singing dancing and having barbecues?
And chewing kat, or Kit-Kats, or kumquats, or whatever the fuck it is they do in Somalia rather than work.
Minding their own business before the slave trade and invasion by GB who gave them christianity ,stole their land and forced them to work on it for subsistence wages. I think thats what the Africans were upto.
pass the hair shirts.
by the way – your still about 1800years short on your assessment.
… stole their land and forced them to work on it for subsistence wages.
They’ve ruled themselves for fifty years now – ‘winds of change…’ and all that… so how did it work out for them? WHY DO THEY WANT TO COME HERE?
Oh look, most of the patronising tropes favoured by bigoted anti-Africans, all in the same discussion thread. How delightful. In only a few contributions, you’ve managed to tick off ‘primitive savages’, ‘not fit to rule themselves’, ‘comical diet and customs’, ‘invented the slave trade’ and ‘nasty to Arabs’. Bravo! But perhaps you could add ‘stupid curly hair and big lips’ just to make your point crystal clear?
Er… I only asked how self-rule worked out; none of the other stuff… To be honest, given that, even a month ago, a million Africans were waiting in Libyan ports for boats – and the number is increasing all the time – I’m inclined to pre-judge that they haven’t been very successful. You’ve picked a rather unfortunate time to claim success for them when we see reality on our screens every night… don’t you think?
‘In only a few contributions, you’ve managed to tick off ‘primitive savages’, ‘not fit to rule themselves’, ‘comical diet and customs’, ‘invented the slave trade’ and ‘nasty to Arabs’. Bravo! But perhaps you could add ‘stupid curly hair and big lips’
My oh my. Your words, my friend. An extrapolation too far which rather betrays your own prejudices. I think you need to take a long hard look at yourself, Scott.
“bigoted anti-Africans”
You do not have to be a bigot to be “anti-Africans”.
It is hard not to be, they make it so easy.
I greatly admire the Japanese and Koreans, for their achievements.
When you think Africans have similar achievements come here again, and tell us about them. But on the current historical record I am not expecting to hear from you in the foreseeable future.
Er they havent ruled themselves for 50 years. You dont seriously think that when the imperialists left ,the imprerialists business interests left too.
The thing that ultimately controls a society are those organisations than control the economy. In this respect Africa has been deliberately underdeveloped through its reliance on cash crops.
That is also why there has been little in the way of a middle class and a reliance on military elites. Furthermore their economies habe been deliberately retarded by the oecd in relation to tax revenues which has affected infrastructure development. Its not cos they are black however much the racists on the site would like to believe.
Singapore and Ghana started with the same post imperial problems in the early 60’s with similar population sizes etc. Where would you rather reside now?
Anyway, thank you for the fifth form ‘bumper book of marxist thought’ analysis. I do not think it is all the fault of wicked white devil imperialists (though I agree the bastards have a lot to answer for and have caused a lot of harm – they do cause economic chaos). No, there have been plenty of African leaders who have not given a f**k for their populations other than as sources of personal power.
Please explain how Zambia is a basket case when it is , and has been, sitting on huge deposits of copper worth billions upon billions. The Democratic Republic of the Congo has now returned to the stone age despite having every possible resource advantage. Here’s my thoughts on the matter – evil capitalist imperialists like wealthy people to buy their products – wicked capitalists would love three hundred million middle class Congolese buying toasters, having mortgages and buying expensive skin care product. This is what they work towards, nice stable (controlled) populations of contented consumers who do what they are told and are easily exploited. (Subscription Sports Channel contract anyone? It is Woman’s World Cup don’t-you-know!)
To conspire to keep the peoples of Africa in hellish conditions is illogical at a policy level – The state of Africa is the product of the policies of the Kleptocrats rather than instigated by imperialists. Economic under development and oppression are a product of indigenous African political structures which happen to work hand-in-hand with some of the post imperial commercial enterprises. Oh, and it is not just capitalists at work here – Chicom expansionism is rampant in Africa today.
To substantiate my point I cite:
Comrade Bob Mugabe
Sane Abacha
Idi Amin Dada VC (King of Scots lord of the beasts and fisihes etc)
Emperor Bokassa
Mobuto Sese Seko ( Chartered Concorde to collect shopping from Paris – now Look at the glowing success that is the ex Belgian Congo)
His successors like Laurent Kabila
Charles Taylor
Dr Hastings Banda
All those francophone leaders who are never mentioned on the BBC.
Ah, all stooges of the imperialists I hear you say, you know just like the plot of “The Wild Geese”. And all those diamonds handed over to Pres Pompidou. Hapless stupid victims unaware that they are being manipulated. Well, that is primo grade BS as it was them who used the imperialist interests to give them what they want(ed). Do you think Mugabe cares that he has destroyed the agricultural base of Zimbabwe giving it to his supporters in exchange for his president-for-life personality cult?
African leaders are not stupid people in fact people like Mugabe have really high IQs, they know what they are doing but their objectives are wildly different to those of more settled stable governments. To think otherwise is simply to patronise the peoples of Africa
Excellent and well argued post CCE.
Minding their own business before the slave trade and invasion by GB…
OMG! Look at this! From the BBC!
‘In East Africa a slave trade was well established before the Europeans arrived on the scene. It was driven by the sultanates of the Middle East. African slaves ended up as sailors in Persia, pearl divers in the Gulf, soldiers in the Omani army and workers on the salt pans of Mesopotamia (modern Iraq). Many people were domestic slaves, working in rich households. Women were taken as sex slaves.’
Give up on the Horrible Histories – they’re for brainwashing children with, didn’t you know.
I will not waste my time in trying to give you a course of African history 101, I suggest you go to a library and borrow a book, you might find it instructive.
PS, they were quite adept in fighting, killing and making slaves of their own kind, who do you think the white boys bought them off ? Also a look at the relationship between black Africa and the Arabs might be instructive.
It was Great Britain which stopped the slave trade in the 19th Century, however it was only made “illegal” in Saudi Arabia in 1962 and in Mauritania in 1981.
“..long before Europeans ever appeared on the scene was a well organized and institutionalized system. In East Africa slavery and the slave trade was virtually an Arab-Muslim monopoly”
Please do a little googling, or even read a history book or two. Slavery in Africa did not begin with the arrival of the British or any other European nation. The Africans had slaves by conquest and their cruelty and barbarity was known beyond even Roman times. Cannibalism was the least of the evils captured men women and children had to endure.
Disease of all kinds were endemic and life was was harsh and short. The “Noble Savage” ideal revisionist historians have fed the Western masses, simply does not stand up to the historical facts.
Unfortunately we are living in times when many believe that if they think something is true then it is, regardless of the facts. e.g. Colonialism by Europe ruined an idyllic African lifestyle.
Don’t expect the BBC to give you the real facts about Africa or any other country prior to the arrival of the greedy, corrupt, loathsome white Europeans, after all, our much loved, universally admired and compulsorily Television tax funded Public Service Broadcaster has an agenda to pursue…..It’s own.
Great Britain was one of the first nations to abolish slavery . Actively trying to suppress the trade . ‘The Preventative Squadron’ of the Royal Navy.
“…What have they been doing in Africa for the last 2 thousand years?”
Banking those Overseas Aid cheques in various offshore private accounts. Tin pot dictators and corrupt African politicians love our free money!
I was hassled by an Oxfan “chugger”. I repeated this line that I had heard somewhere – pure plagiarism but it still felt good
If I want to deposit money in a Swiss bank account I will open one for myself
water off a ducks back I am afraid
Ha! Ha!
Peter Allan getting texts slagging him off for pro EU bias!
For him to be reading any out they must be getting inundated.
BBC Allowing a stupid pro EU woman to claim ‘anyone’ can get a job teaching English in Europe! Absolute nonsense, getting TEFL work is moderately competitive very insecure and other than at the top level rather poorly paid short term contract work.
And its becoming more and more difficult as more Europeans focus on learning English at school, and EU children learn English from an ever younger age.
China, Korea and the Arab world are the leading places for TEFL.
Didn’t hear the woman you are taling about, but wanted to say that I had a job teaching English in Spain back in 1990, well before the Single Market act was signed. I remember going to the police station there to register and have my fingerprints taken.
People will still be able to live, work and study abroad with or without the EU. Eurofanatics always seem to claim that it would be next to impossible.
My sister started teaching in Germany just prior to UK’s membership of the EEC (as it was then called). We traded with all the EEC countries then so this “we would lose all our trade with them if we left” is complete balderdash and those uttering it also know it full well.
My youngest daughter (M Pharm First) said the other day that we must stay in the EU or we’ll need visa’s again to visit France and Spain.
I beg your pardon, dear daughter? What the hell makes you think you needed a visa to go to the continent?
Indoctrination, Indoctrination, Indoctrination. Blair was spot on.
You would think the bBCthrough its investigative journalist dept. would have got wind of FIFA paying the Irish 5 million to
” drop their legal case” – i laughed at that bit involving the Thierry Henry handball against Eire?
Makes you wonder what the hand of God job would be worth….
Dyke supported by Lineker should now demand the 2022 World Cup for England as compensation.
Oh, Hahahaha:
Sorry – it got duplicated – but it was funny.
Still living in France? Sorry. It’s still funny to see you all over the comment pages of UK papers. Lonely much? Go buy some snails and a baguette.
Have you got anything to contribute apart from gratuitous insults?
JTF, Maam June 6, 2015 at 11:56 pm
Still living in France? Sorry. It’s still funny to see you all over the comment pages of UK papers. Lonely much? Go buy some snails and a baguette.
In other news more fluffier fare, but a few nuggets…
Yet another new section for
British Airways and VisitBritain will run the ads and take the money.
Unique funding indeed.
A little bit of alternative maths suggests, more crucially:
2012 £698k
2014 £700k
On ‘care’ the BBC deems best not left to a fellow envy of the world.
I wonder who are blessed with such a deal?:
All a bit hideous on a variety of grounds, especially as Madge is the only laydee.
I would like to congratulate the BBC on realising that the people found in containers at Harwich are at least ‘suspected’ of being illegal immigrants!
The headline on the website, is, of course, daft, leaving out the key word ‘illegal’. Without that word it is rather like saying ‘ships found in Harwich’, which is hardly surprising or newsworthy.
You’re a snob, Jim. Believe it or not, some people cannot afford Cunard or P&O.
So the accommodation was a bit substandard. It happens. I’m sure that appropriate reviews will appear on TripAdvisor in due course.
Oh, I dunno – the prices being paid for the substandard Libyan cruise packages some are so eager to take up would get you quite a decent jolly around the Med. with Fred Olsen.
You know, I’m beginning to feel somewhat sorry for the man on our bus. His lectures to us about how right he is and how wrong we all are were once quite humorous but now, I find myself, feeling quite sorry for ‘him’. The battle to prove that he is right and everyone else wrong must be all consuming. Concerning Peer Reviews, why should anyone who understands what Peer Reviews are, give any countenance to them? Of Peer Reviews concerning “Global Warming/Climate Change” some might say the following:
[The mistake, of course, is to have thought that peer review was any more than just a crude means of discovering the acceptability—not the validity—of a new finding. Editors and scientists alike insist on the pivotal importance of peer review. We portray peer review to the public as a quasi-sacred process that helps to make science our most objective truth teller. But we know that the system of peer review is biased, unjust, unaccountable, incomplete, easily fixed, often insulting, usually ignorant, occasionally foolish, and frequently wrong.]
Or as some others might say concerning Peer Reviews: “What a load of bo**ocks”
Look at the “recent comments” as I write.
A complete sweep for Mr Clappibus.
Must be his turn on the monitored computer terminal as matron smiles on his progress-such as it is!
Indeed ChrisH, it is but a game that certain people play on all forums, just the same as when you get to post “first”. 😎 The sense of achievement is profound.
I call it a form of Tourettes, thankfully ‘he’ doesn’t post in capitals!
Ta Old Bloke.
To be honest, this is one of the few sites I use-so God knows how much trolling goes on elsewhere.
And having Nigel Farage having to fend off the Today show earlier-endless sly slurs and vox pox crap from the BBC ciphers and slurry fountains like Husain…we get it easy here.
Still-the good guys do win-and there`s far more of them here that on that clapped out pustule who breaks out from time to time.
Dire dire dreck. Just caught about 2 minutes of HIGNFY where they managed to shoehorn in a dig at George Bush (!). This prog needs to be put to sleep.
Surely not THIS George Bush….
‘More Americans hold favorable view of George W. Bush than Barack Obama.’
The BBC: guranteed to be out of touch – on everything
There’s two stories I’ve read this week that I find no mention of on the BBC website.
The first a few days ago was this one:
A Muslim father has been jailed for more than two years after he indulged in racist tirades at two schools, and physically assaulted a headteacher.
Okay it’s not a major story but one would think that it should at least make the local news webpages of the BBC – but they chose to ignore it.
Can you imagine if anybody did the same at a Muslim school they would have ignored it?
Then I see this story today and thought they surely must have covered this one, as well as previous instances, if only to protect other pensioners from getting scammed. Especially as there appears to be quite a large network of Islamic fraudsters operating in this way.
But the BBC COULDN’T CARE LESS – they would rather protect these scum – which makes them even more insidious.
Two more suspects have appeared in court in connection with the “bank of terror” plot to con vulnerable pensioners out of their money in order to fund Islamic State.
Fahim Islam, 20, and Achmed Ahmed, 22, have been remanded in custody after appearing at Westminster Magistrates Court on Thursday charged with conspiracy to commit fraud. A Metropolitan Police spokesman confirmed to Breitbart London that the men were charged as part of the ongoing investigation, making them the 11th and 12th suspects in the case.
Last month, the first five suspects appeared at Westminster Magistrates Court, accused of conning pensioners as old as 96 out of more than £160,000. They then allegedly used the money to help fund terrorists fighting in Iraq and Syria.
Makhzumi Abukar, 23, Sakaria Aden, 21, Mohamed Dahir, 22, and Yasser Abukar, 23, who are all from North London, and Ibrahim Anderson, 38, from Luton, were all charged.
Teddy Bear,
“Can you imagine if anybody did the same at a Muslim school they would have ignored it?”
Muslim mother ‘attacked for wearing hijab’ as she went to collect children from London primary school
Unfortunately Teddy Bear, the paucity of your imagination is somewhat different to having a credible argument.
“Then I see this story today and thought they surely must have covered this one… But the BBC COULDN’T CARE LESS”
Unfortunately Teddy Bear, you quite obviously CAN’T BE BOTHERED to check your facts:
Terror police charge six men in Syria fraud investigation
Dez, if someone from another race and culture comes to live in a country and then repudiates or rejects the customs, beliefs, conventions and, in essence, the race of the indigenous people should such an action be termed racist or multiculturalist?
Occupationist and replacementist in my book.
In some people’s book this is war and the right reply ought to be encased in lead.
“encased in lead”.
No the core is usually lead but has a harder sheath to minimise bore fouling.
Nevertheless your heart is in the right place.
Another superb ‘comedian’ showing his true lefty colours on the Gayham Norton show.
That unfunny lanky streak of piss Steven Merchant, the one who has made a living off the back of Ricky Gervais, described his latest role as being like an awkward right wing comedy character along the lines of Basil Fawlty, Alf Garnett and……….(pause for comedy effect) Nigel Farage!!
Just embarrassing.
I thought it was hilarious.
If you can’t afford a car get a job or get a bus , an omnibus that is.
Have you voted here yet ?
Can’t get a job because of Thatcher.
Any relation to omnibus man ? Are you the love child of Humphrey Burton ?
No, that’s me.
Don’t let things get on top of you, help by voting here ….
What, the love child of Humphrey and some pleb make up artist who he could not resist in the dressing room ?
These days she would have dressed in el beebs default female apparel and he would’nt have known if she was Mo or Mrs Mo. Still according to the bbc all sex is good sex even when it’s up a blokes hairy sweaty arse. Just have to convince the brown eye’d not so metrosexuals on that one.
British Museum ‘guarding’ object looted from Syria
Spokesman announces they will return it right after they return the Elgin Marbles. Head curators of departments of Ancient Egypt and Sudan, Greece and Rome and Middle East were sniggering too loudly to comment. </SARC>
Well, I won’t be one of them. Not until they start swapping shirts at the end of a match, anyway.
The BBC have got another ism to promote, this time it’s sexism! They’ve spent taxpayers money proving how horribly sexist the world of sport is. The BBC chooses the results on which they base this utter nonsense very selectively….
“Women’s Sport Week: Elite sportswomen suffer sexism”
• A third of elite sportswomen do not believe they get enough coaching support compared to men
• 43% said they do not believe their governing body supports them and male colleagues equally
So the headline could very well be that a rather large majority don’t believe it is true and more think their governing body supports them than don’t. 7% though have experienced sexism that they reported – so 93% didn’t – perhaps they think it wasn’t a big enough issue and didn’t bother and got on with life…but the BBC decided to make an enormous issue out of it cos that’s what they are there for. So did you get the message yet? Well don’t worry every ist and ism is going to be shouted into your face at a distance of not less than an inch from the BBC megaphone! Link below if you can be bothered with any more of this inane drivel.
Just one of the BBC agendas you can almost guarantee will be being aired any time you switch on R4.
Chatting to my friends in meteorology earlier this week, I suggested that despite having high pressure over the U.K. it was the wrong type of high pressure in that it would draw very cold arctic air across northern parts. I also suggested that the temperature gradients within the high pressure could lead to any precipitation falling as snow on the higher levels of Scotland and maybe the N. Yorkshire moors. Well, my ramblings have been “Peer Reviewed” and the consensus is that it is highly probable that Scotland will see some snow, next Saturday, in June. I wonder if the “Deniers” at the BBC (deniers of the fact that currently the U.K. air temperatures are cooling) will report any evidence of snow fall? I still haven’t heard them mention that we, the U.K., have just had the greatest number of “frost days” for a period of 6 continuous months for nearly 100 years and I still believe that someone somewhere will have a ground “frost” later this week.
Even the most hardened “Warmist” must surely be asking questions, if only in their mind?
Cycle 24, it does exactly what it says on the tin. Meteorological computer modelling does not take into account the sun’s radiation effects on upper air temperature values and thus flawed for accurate weather or climate prediction.
Good stuff, OB.
Noticed it’s ‘fresh’ again out there today, just as they forecast this morning, and as they’ve been doing for several weeks now since Spring/Summer came upon us without the ‘hot, dry’ characteristic promised many years ago by the Settled Science Formerly Known As Global Warming.
Yes indeed, very ‘fresh’ for this time of year.
“Even the most hardened “Warmist” must surely be asking questions, if only in their mind?”
And that last word is the problem with that statement.
N.B. That should be for ‘long term’ accurate weather prediction but historical trends can be a basis for more accurate prediction. Ran out of edit change time!
‘Virtue Signalling’ to the fore this morning on the BBC as it’s all hands to the pump for the Wimmins Fifa World Cup – or some such so-called sports event.
Virtue signalling, you ask? It’s a bit like compassion narcissism.
(Libby Purves: ‘What they are doing (I risk losing a friend or two) is “virtue-signalling”’)
Oh yes, our Mike Bushell reckons one of his personal top sports moments was at Wimmins Football – wow… his list of great sport moments has be pretty long and extensive to reach that far – unless of course our Mike is simply ‘Virtue Signalling’
Why would he do that when the BBC is not supposed to have agendas?
Perhaps he’ll get a private booking or two?
Very good.
Not BBC bias, but a horrible example of how even the most mild criticism of the ‘race’ of Islam can lose you your job, and how only those who are prepared to put up & shut up, or screaming lefties are allowed to work in the public sector.
This Police officer posted the mildest criticism possible of Islam on his Facebook page and yet he was sacked on the grounds of ‘Racism’ exactly what race is Islam?
He posted nothing that the majority of people in this country are thinking exactly the same thing.
This is the force headed by the Fascist Police commissioner Tony Lloyd outed by Melanie Philips in the Daily Mail. No surprise that no other political views other than his own are tolerated.
Ooops story here:
This is what the anonymous officer who was dismissed said on Facebook:
“That’s because we have allowed them to settle into their own communities and they have no desire to mix, they would rather take over areas and breed like rabbits.
“If you look at the way they take over certain areas it’s not unlike what the Germans did in Europe, they get a stronghold and then go for broke. We have already had 2 Muslim-related beheadings in this country in a year.”
Assistant Chief Constable Ian Wiggett said the ‘very concerning’ comments ‘seriously undermined’ confidence in Officer A amongst the public and his GMP colleagues.
It would not undermine my opinion of an Officer who said this, especially on a private Facebook account. Surely he is just speaking one of the left’s many unspeakable truths? I would prefer our police to understand the communities they work in, and how they interact with society at large, not just parrot the PC line at every occasion.
In my (happily infrequent) contacts with the police, I am certain most officers engaged in real work (unlike this twerp Wiggett) are only too well aware of the realities of life in modern Britain.
They, like us, are simply not allowed to speak the truth due to the ruthless ‘thought crime’ laws imposed by the Left and championed hourly by the Left’s favourite organ, the BBC.
And hence the Rotherham, Rochdale, Derby, Oxford etc etc cover-ups.
the guys on the beat know whats going on
Thoughtful/Manchester Lad:
To “…breed like rabbits” (do you have the stats for rabbits?) would seem to entail a fair amount of ‘breeding’. “The mildest criticism possible”…? Well, at least he didn’t say ‘like rats’. Since ‘breeding’ is almost always applied to animals, I suppose you wouldn’t like your own offspring (if you have any) being talked about in terms of breeding?
Nevertheless, even though it was a bloody daft thing for ‘Officer A’ to do, a warning would have been more apt.
Well; the Gruniard – paper taken by the Beeboids – reported that the Pope – said by Beeboids to be the new leader of Marxism – used the same expression to exhort his flock to exercise some self-control:
Catholics do not have to breed “like rabbits” and should instead practise responsible parenting, Pope Francis said on Monday.
Catholics don’t have to breed ‘like rabbits’, says Pope Francis
So Christians can be said to breed like rabbits and it’s OK, but a whitey Brit uses the expression and it’s ‘off with his head!’. Life as we know it today.
On Newswatch this morning, the man responsible for the BBC’s obituaries defending the early mention of Charles Kennedy’s drinking. He started off well enough pointing out, quite rightly, that his job was to produce obits, not eulogies, and CK had in fact already chosen to make his problem public (not that it was particularly well hidden).
Things started to go downhill, however, when he described the treatment of Sir Winston Churchill’s death in 1965 as reverential in a way that would not be acceptable today (paraphrased).
Strange, I thought, because that’s exactly how I remember the death of Nelson Mandela.
Is Nelson Mandela dead? I must say the BBC certainly kept that one quiet.
Apparently. Expected him to come back three days later. Still waiting.
“Is Nelson Mandela dead? I must say the BBC certainly kept that one quiet. ”
That’s been a running joke between Mrs D and myself ever since. The BBC were very reverential about the death of the evil psychopath Arafat too.
Getting a better appreciation of how things get to go viral.
This was posted by BBC Trending and then retweeted by BBC News…
‘I was a racist meme’: How one couple’s wedding photos went viral
If this is what gets propelled to mainstream news, there really are too many staff with too much space to fill with too many agendas and filters what to fill it with.
So this black gentleman got a tweet he, err, um, didn’t like and the BBC has blown this up to be the be crime of the century ???
Oh fuck off you racist cunt
JTF, Maam.
I am afraid you seem to be very agitated? Your expletives are letting you down. People who find your language very offensive should vote here ….
JTF, Maam – “Everywhere on Earth and throughout history, blacks are only known for manual labour and failure.”
JTF Maam
You’re anti white.
Oh fuck off you racist cunt
Oh dear, another cunt to add to your contributions. Seems like an obsession. Quite unhealthy. You are just another leftie having a temper tantrum when you don’t have the wit or wisdom to argue your case.
I found this interesting:
If mostly for what the BBC decides to look into, when on many occasions they seem very happy to take the numbers they are given and run with them.
Can’t remember them questioning the wild numbers being bandied around when deaths in the Iraq war were being debated inside the BBC bubble.
BBC News trumpets – UKIP “barred” from GAY Pride?
UKIP have been banned from joining a gay pride parade – a decision organisers say will ensure the event passes off safely and in the right spirit … 😀
2 Points.
1/. The right spirit? … highly political, metropolitan, “right on” LGBT you mean, at the expense of any other GAY person?
Creed, colour or sexual orientation, all welcomed by UKIP,
the fave buzzword “diversity” and of course freedom ail welcomed by UKIP, that has GAY members, and candidates?
2/. Safety? … ahhh!, so its the Unwashed Arrogant Fascists and co,
yet again, threats of violence? erm …”unrest”, how very UN GAY.
“I m gonna GET you Farage” eh Bunny!
erm … Bunny are you … Quare?
They are similarly “banned” from adopting kids in South Yorkshire, as I recall until recently.
Thereby allowing the white slaggish kaffir to be introduced to the pork swords of Islamic loveliness, and cut throat kebab pricings.
Only the smug metropolitan left would ban UKIP…imagine them all having to get their butterfly minds around the fact there`ll be gays in UKIP…and others may well have voted Tory recently.
Nurse-the screens!
Tolpuddle should be fun next month-given that 1/3 of them will have voted Tory/UKIP…they`ll all do a Blatter, and pretend they voted for Ed…
Come on down to see collective cognitive dissonance floating in florid faces and Old Peculiar!
Won`t be going much longer methinks!
Down Tolpuddle way , in deepest Dorset , I guess over 50% of those who bothered to vote, voted Conservative . Tolpuddle is a ” Cause Celebre ” for the left . I know they were deported to Oz , but it was a free passage , & after they, had done their time ,they could of stayed on. The Australian Colonial Government would have granted them land , for free , which would of been their own ,if they had wanted it . Most of them, I believe, returned to Dorset ,it was their choice but the treatment they got was hardly outrageous for those times . I guess Billy Bragg & the usual suspects will be in attendance . Incidentally does`nt Prince Charles own a village nearby , a new build , part of the Duchy of Cornwall .
June 6th, 71st anniversary of D Day. Lots of events planned in France, service on Brittany Ferries for veterans returning to the beaches.
Sod all from the BBC. Can’t find any pictures of Muslims landing on the beaches I suppose.
Good point GWF.
Give the BBC costume department a few hours at Lampadusa though-and we`ll have a few mock ups to show that it was the Mufti…not Churchill….who we ought to be “celebrating” at this time.
Happy Naqba everybody!
The muzzies were in the S.S. fighting against the partisans in Yugoslavia.
Hello. How’s the old schizophrenia these days?
Quite right Lord Earls Court.
But let them learn the hard way…the good ones realise that you need your Bible to see what`s occurring (Isa 19:24-5).
As for the rest?…well, my friend-welcome to Ezek 3:27!
Is that the new BBC motto?
Not the BBC’s new motto, but their answer to all political questions.

BBC Parliament, Freeview channel 131, from 7pm to 9pm: A repeat of the Common Market Referendum of 1975: Should be interesting to watch old fashioned BBC Bias from a very young David Dimbleby.
Robin Day’s interview with Enoch Powell was the highlight, the rest of the them were political pygmies . Imagine Jim Prior telling Enoch to ” shut up.” Talk about bad manners.