Hello Bunny, how’s Vanessa Redgreave ? Still teaching the plebs how to bow to their natural leaders ? Kim can give a few lessons, dunno where you get a four barrelled anti aircraft gun in this country though, we haven’t had a anti aircraft gun in the UK for donkeys years.
Is the most important thing happening in the world the story that a man not born in Britain, who now does not live in Britain (I understand he is a UK tax exile) has a trainer who has been accused of being involved in performance enhancing drugs? I expect there are a lot of other sportsmen in the same situation. But the Beeb is leading with the story, but if I hear once more that Mo is not been accused of doing anything wrong, I will have to switch off my set and then I will miss the weather forecast and learn how I am going to be overcome with heat tomorrow.
Let’s step back. What happened to you Guest Who? You arrived here angry that… well what? That the BBC wouldn’t recognise how clever and talented you were in your emails? Oh who knows. But years later here you are, as racist as the rest of them. When you drag the family down to the basement for another point scoring dinner… how can you look them in the eye? You tiny, sad little man?
Message to JTF Ma am, Expect to find racism here and anywhere else where white, or mainly white, or people of pallor, exist. Because we all understand, and have read the arguments that we all are, without exception, racists. And you will notice there are posts here which call for the death of all white people. There is nothing we can do about our racism, except die. Until then, I look into the mirror at my white face each day and punch it on the nose.
Ooh, he said racist. And in his rather pathetic little mind he thinks that wins him the argument.
There’s no point engaging with people like him. Treat them with the contempt they deserve and ignore. They hate that almost as much as they hate themselves.
Beeboid weather girl struggling with the fact that night time temperatures will be hovering just above freezing next week with a chance of ground frost – all perfectly normal for June. ok shuffle papers lets move on to the G10 summit top of the agenda ‘climate change’ Beeboids don’t do irony it is not programmed in to lefties
The facts are that I shared a story from the Daily Mirror about someone who has made a career out of saying things at one time and doing them differently at another.
This person also clearly seeks influence in the most powerful propaganda organ there is, is indulged and is rewarded for it.
And to merely share this in your eyes makes for racism?
Elsewhere in a tirade of ad hom bile you drag in family, and yet Scott has nothing to say when usually so vocal about how everyone needs to go public with how out of order this is.
You, and he, if different, have free rein here apparently. You deserve each other at the very least.
Even the BBC clearly can manage to address the issue of repeated abuse, yet here you ply your trade each week, which serves only heat over light.
The facts are that I shared a story from the Daily Mirror about someone who has made a career out of saying things at one time and doing them differently at another.
Or in this case, talking about the current state of talent shows from the position of someone who has been there in the past.
Of course, actually having knowledge and experience and using those to form an opinion is anathema to Biased BBC. Far better that commentary should come from a social inadequate who spends all day, every day criticising other people’s opinions in lieu of making a meaningful contribution to society themselves.
Elsewhere in a tirade of ad hom bile you drag in family, and yet Scott has nothing to say when usually so vocal about how everyone needs to go public with how out of order this is
You’re a fine one to talk. When there is clear evidence of racism, sexism, bullying, harassment and more from Biased BBC commenters, where is Guest Who? Well, he’s usually butting in with what he imagines is snark, but little else.
Does he stand up against the bullies and the bigots? No. Is he as much of a raging hypocrite as other Biased BBC regulars? But of course.
Merched Becca, a quick find shows that you are posting almost constantly on this site. Your posts rarely run for more than a few lines, are inevitably negative or insulting and in all cases show a deep unhappiness with the world.
Your constant plugging of the BBC petition overlooks the salient fact that the petition has died. Hardly 1000 new signatures in 2 weeks.
Your fear of being gay permeates your posts.
Clearly you are a sad lonely man with few outlets, no friends or family and this is the only forum were your insignificant voice is even noticed.
One of dying people’s regrets was they wished they had have made more friends. Please leave this site and find yourself a real life. Don’t die regretting the time you spent as a hateful troll..
But years later here you are, as racist as the rest of them.
And your views on Lenny Henry for insisting on a racial minority crewing of Today when he was guest editor? Now THAT is racism, fully endorsed by a smilingly indulgent BBC.
Interesting. I did wonder if this was a joke, but I don’t think it is. It amazes me to think anyone would expect this old-style fire and brimstone terror tactic to convert anyone.
This may have worked when people were poorly educated 400 years ago – or in a more primitive Islamic culture of the present day – but to try and spread Christianity through fear surely must be counter-productive?
Spread the positive message of Christianity if you wish – but this I suggest, is less than useful – and will convert or persuade no-one.
I thought most Christians today would regard this stuff as superstition. And this connects with my complaint about so much BBC atheism, which treats Christianity as a form of superstition: it isn’t and has long been able to distinguish between religion and superstition. I once had an exchange with a former Archbishop who argued that God could make things happen merely because he existed. I responded by saying that with due respect to Rupert Murdoch, you make God sound like him – his newspapers reflect his views without his direct involvement.
The God of Christianity is not a super Frankenstein with powers to blast the unbeliever.
If only we had someone with knowledge of religion to produce religious programmes for the BBC.
Nice sunny day , for not watching any BBC propaganda .I agree with the Old Bloke , its the wrong sort of high pressure , was really cold last night , was at a cousin`s daughter`s wedding reception ,in a marquee . Outside it was down to 5 or 6 C . Tonight the same , going to dip to about 3 or 4 C .Global warming , total tosh .
I’m unsure whether any track and field sports achievements are really unenhanced these days. Frankly, I doubt it. Those that are still aparently within the rules have probably not been caught out yet.
What is for sure is that the little-bit-British Mo Farah has been a BBC poster boy taken up and heavily promoted for ‘diversity’ reasons.
And let’s be realistic about this ‘BBC investigation’. The whistle blowers involved will obviously have gone to a nation newspaper with their allegations had the BBC not taken them up. How would that have looked for the BBC and their poster boy?
And because he won gold twice for Britain in two of the biggest events at the London Olympics, came across as an OK bloke and made most British people very happy.
Did you forget about that?
So the BBC only embarrassed their poster boy by making a huge deal of this story because they didn’t want to lose face if the whistle blowers went to the other “nation newspapers”?
Even the BBC seem to have picked up on the sick joke that is the appointment of Tony Blair to an EU position dedicated to the eradication of freedom and its practice.
“European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation”, which as you might expect is the very antithesis of its title.
This cannot go well for the UK and the rest of Europe. I knew that Blairs attack on the freedom had been far reaching and with the intention of pleasing those who paid his salary was particularly aimed at the protection and promotion of Sunni Islam, but I had no idea just how much further the crazed loons of Nu Liebour had gone in regard to the rest of the world, after all we were sold this as keeping up with where Europe had led.
Keith Porteous Wood, executive director of the London-based National Secular Society, pointed out, existing laws in Mr Blair’s country prescribe rather severe punishments for hate speech, especially if it is deemed to be “religiously aggravated”:
“Britain already has draconian legislation on religious insults—a possible seven-year jail term with a low prosecution threshold. Politicians have already called for the outlawing of Islamophobia, playing into the hands of those intent on closing down honest debate about and within Islam. There is no need for more laws, and the ones we already have failed to adequately protect freedom of expression. A robust civil society with a deep commitment to free expression is our best hope for challenging and countering bigoted narratives and misguided views. Driving extremist views underground will only allow them to fester and allow their proponents to present themselves as martyrs.”
The Guardian headlined it thus:
“Tony Blair has just joined the crew of reckless muzzlers ”
Obviously not to happy about it either.
In fact no one other than the EU seem to think the appointment of one of the most totalitarian, intolerant, and corrupt prime ministers the UK is anything other than good news.
Another blow to our freedom, the sooner we’re out of the undemocratic totalitarian EU the better !
would be simpler to ban religion then there would be nothing to take the piss out of and no religious values to be insulted. Religious groups are just going to find more and more things sacred and beyond comment and caricature when protected by this non-sense. No doubt bliar would have dave allen locked up for ever, how could a converted roman catholic not be insulted.
Miliband wanted to make Islamophobia a crime and he lost the election badly. Along comes Blair and offers to impose it with knobs on. Blasphemy laws, you name it.
I have always believed that there was a place for religion in a civilised society, but with sharia advocating archbishops and warmist pro Islamic pope its time for a re-think.
Desperatedan says Dave Allen would be locked up, now I think that Brian Rix would too, for his naughty vicars with trousers falling down scketches.
Desperatedan…..”would be simpler to ban religion…..”
You trying to make redundant Muslim Aaqil Ahmed, the BBC Commissioning Editor of Religion and Head of Religion & Ethics?
It does show how diversity really works here in the UK!
Especially when for ideological reasons the BBC wishes to push noses into the dirt of the traditional two thousand years Christian heritage of the people who pay taxes for its services !
I wonder if the Archbishop of Canterbury would like to apply to be Saudi’s new National Broadcaster Editor in Mecca?
Is Al Beeb in a quandary?
Do they slant their bias and propaganda to influence their viewers and listeners in remaining in the European Union or are they in fear of ‘Jo Public’ seeing through their ruse?
They came a cropper with that game when they tried it in the General Election. It would be very interesting to be a fly on the wall at their morning meeting tomorrow.
For starters they restrict the debate to an economic one. They totally ignore the fact the EU is an undemocratic organisation run by unelected bureaucrats that has not had its accounts signed off by the auditors for – oh – 20 years now, is it?
A few weeks ago a Green MEP was being interviewed on TWATO about some European issue or other and he began to vent his frustration that MEPs are more or less ignored in the law-framing process and it was totally controlled by the unelected Commissioners. The interview was brought to close quicker than you can say ‘Merkel is Sepp Blatter in drag’.
The BBC/liberal left has nothing but contempt for real democracy. The preferred method is to guide the stupid people in the right direction.
The ruling elites of this country have never really liked us very much. The BBC is just the propaganda arm of the eternal patrician class.
Subtle bBBC bias. For the last few days they have been boasting that ‘a BBC investigation’ found that an American coach has been doping some of his runners. But, now that their beloved Mo Farah, the Somali living in the USA British record-holder, withdrew from today’s event because he feels ’emotionally drained’, Radio 5-Dead reported this morning that that it was just ‘an investigation’.
Radio 5-Alive 9:01:27 this morning:
Mo Farah has pulled out of todays 1500 metres race at the Diamond League meeting in Birmingham. He hasn’t explained why but at a news conference yesterday he said he was angry his name was being dragged through the mud after a BBC investigation alleged his coach, Alberto Salazar, had been involved in doping.
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 09:03 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Stop the boats or something like that but not really. “Not a protest party.” Tories Mark II. https://twitter.com/Sargon_of_Akkad/status/1898703634730295672
Up2snuffMar 10, 08:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 tomo, if King Charles is a Muslim convert, an Imam should tell him that contemporary (ie. pop) music is considered…
Fedup2Mar 10, 08:46 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Asiseeit It’s good of you to point out how previous threads ‘disappear ‘ as the new one goes up .…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 08:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I am not so sure that the Conservatives will win. Thanks to Trump and 51 st state joke the Canadians…
GMar 10, 08:39 Start the Week 10th March 2025 ” Try to think of it in reverse. Would Canada appoint a Briton to be their central bank governor?” More…
FlotsamMar 10, 08:39 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It’s strange really how Carney, a supposedly technocrat economist/banker, has found politics. You would have thought central bankers would be…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 08:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Andy, they do go on don’t they? From the article “The lawyer, a KC or King’s Counsel, who has not…
Hello Bunny, how’s Vanessa Redgreave ? Still teaching the plebs how to bow to their natural leaders ? Kim can give a few lessons, dunno where you get a four barrelled anti aircraft gun in this country though, we haven’t had a anti aircraft gun in the UK for donkeys years.
Is the most important thing happening in the world the story that a man not born in Britain, who now does not live in Britain (I understand he is a UK tax exile) has a trainer who has been accused of being involved in performance enhancing drugs? I expect there are a lot of other sportsmen in the same situation. But the Beeb is leading with the story, but if I hear once more that Mo is not been accused of doing anything wrong, I will have to switch off my set and then I will miss the weather forecast and learn how I am going to be overcome with heat tomorrow.
I can’t tell. Are you drunk or simple?
Do you get mentally exhausted after typing one sentence?
It’s often a pity when traditional alliances get tested…
@MirrorTV Lenny Henry slams reality TV – despite starting out on talent show http://t.co/1MABYTbcdf http://t.co/PHOI6byb0V
I wonder if he has direct access to the ultimate editor there too?
Let’s step back. What happened to you Guest Who? You arrived here angry that… well what? That the BBC wouldn’t recognise how clever and talented you were in your emails? Oh who knows. But years later here you are, as racist as the rest of them. When you drag the family down to the basement for another point scoring dinner… how can you look them in the eye? You tiny, sad little man?
Hello Scott!
Don’t know who “JTF, Maam” is, but he’s not me.
Not that a pesky little thing like the truth will stop Andy S. What with him being a well-documented liar and all.
Message to JTF Ma am, Expect to find racism here and anywhere else where white, or mainly white, or people of pallor, exist. Because we all understand, and have read the arguments that we all are, without exception, racists. And you will notice there are posts here which call for the death of all white people. There is nothing we can do about our racism, except die. Until then, I look into the mirror at my white face each day and punch it on the nose.
Ooh, he said racist. And in his rather pathetic little mind he thinks that wins him the argument.
There’s no point engaging with people like him. Treat them with the contempt they deserve and ignore. They hate that almost as much as they hate themselves.
Beeboid weather girl struggling with the fact that night time temperatures will be hovering just above freezing next week with a chance of ground frost – all perfectly normal for June. ok shuffle papers lets move on to the G10 summit top of the agenda ‘climate change’ Beeboids don’t do irony it is not programmed in to lefties
‘Fresh’ again today, I notice.
The facts are that I shared a story from the Daily Mirror about someone who has made a career out of saying things at one time and doing them differently at another.
This person also clearly seeks influence in the most powerful propaganda organ there is, is indulged and is rewarded for it.
And to merely share this in your eyes makes for racism?
Elsewhere in a tirade of ad hom bile you drag in family, and yet Scott has nothing to say when usually so vocal about how everyone needs to go public with how out of order this is.
You, and he, if different, have free rein here apparently. You deserve each other at the very least.
Even the BBC clearly can manage to address the issue of repeated abuse, yet here you ply your trade each week, which serves only heat over light.
The facts are that I shared a story from the Daily Mirror about someone who has made a career out of saying things at one time and doing them differently at another.
Or in this case, talking about the current state of talent shows from the position of someone who has been there in the past.
Of course, actually having knowledge and experience and using those to form an opinion is anathema to Biased BBC. Far better that commentary should come from a social inadequate who spends all day, every day criticising other people’s opinions in lieu of making a meaningful contribution to society themselves.
Elsewhere in a tirade of ad hom bile you drag in family, and yet Scott has nothing to say when usually so vocal about how everyone needs to go public with how out of order this is
You’re a fine one to talk. When there is clear evidence of racism, sexism, bullying, harassment and more from Biased BBC commenters, where is Guest Who? Well, he’s usually butting in with what he imagines is snark, but little else.
Does he stand up against the bullies and the bigots? No. Is he as much of a raging hypocrite as other Biased BBC regulars? But of course.
Simple question Scott. Why are you on this site ?
Vote here …..
157,268 votes. Not far to go now.
And as has been noted before, a petition to stop BBC3 going online-only has gained far more signatures.
Without the dreary, repetitive spamming that you inflict on this site.
And in my earlier reply, if they like it so much, let them pay for it . Simples
Now Scott, can you answer the question that I posed?
I wasn’t aware there was an entry requirement.
You seem to want to add “website bouncer” to the long, long list of things you’re laughably bad at.
Just a simple question, Scott ? No insult needed or given.
He can’t help himself, it’s the leftie gene.
Well for his reluctance to answer he can take this to help him along and , just for luck as he finds it so funny….
Merched Becca, a quick find shows that you are posting almost constantly on this site. Your posts rarely run for more than a few lines, are inevitably negative or insulting and in all cases show a deep unhappiness with the world.
Your constant plugging of the BBC petition overlooks the salient fact that the petition has died. Hardly 1000 new signatures in 2 weeks.
Your fear of being gay permeates your posts.
Clearly you are a sad lonely man with few outlets, no friends or family and this is the only forum were your insignificant voice is even noticed.
One of dying people’s regrets was they wished they had have made more friends. Please leave this site and find yourself a real life. Don’t die regretting the time you spent as a hateful troll..
Hey Scott/Cod
158,000 votes now. You are doing a grand job advertising this site……
Nothing offensive in that Cod ?
But years later here you are, as racist as the rest of them.
And your views on Lenny Henry for insisting on a racial minority crewing of Today when he was guest editor? Now THAT is racism, fully endorsed by a smilingly indulgent BBC.
Cod, you should address your message to your other pseudonym.
This site is in favor of voting here https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/end-the-bbc-licence-fee
So Cod, why are you on this site ? Its not offensive , but a simple question.
I see on the Marr show paper review Lenny Henry is to be knighted for services to Premier Inn adverts wtf
Knighted (rightly) by the Tories, not the BBC, for his charity work.
Interesting. I did wonder if this was a joke, but I don’t think it is. It amazes me to think anyone would expect this old-style fire and brimstone terror tactic to convert anyone.
This may have worked when people were poorly educated 400 years ago – or in a more primitive Islamic culture of the present day – but to try and spread Christianity through fear surely must be counter-productive?
Spread the positive message of Christianity if you wish – but this I suggest, is less than useful – and will convert or persuade no-one.
I thought most Christians today would regard this stuff as superstition. And this connects with my complaint about so much BBC atheism, which treats Christianity as a form of superstition: it isn’t and has long been able to distinguish between religion and superstition. I once had an exchange with a former Archbishop who argued that God could make things happen merely because he existed. I responded by saying that with due respect to Rupert Murdoch, you make God sound like him – his newspapers reflect his views without his direct involvement.
The God of Christianity is not a super Frankenstein with powers to blast the unbeliever.
If only we had someone with knowledge of religion to produce religious programmes for the BBC.
Just viewing ‘The Big Question’, where you will find total and utter transparent bias.
Off button ‘click’.
Nice sunny day , for not watching any BBC propaganda .I agree with the Old Bloke , its the wrong sort of high pressure , was really cold last night , was at a cousin`s daughter`s wedding reception ,in a marquee . Outside it was down to 5 or 6 C . Tonight the same , going to dip to about 3 or 4 C .Global warming , total tosh .
Shiny eyed, innocent Muslim girl talking about how wonderful heaven will be.
Gameshow, ‘And will you wear your abaya there?’
Muslim girl, ‘No, it will be a land of freedom’.
Gameshow, ‘Splutter, splutter, you mean it will be a land of ?(didn’t quite catch it, magic or something)
Poor girl is probably on the madrassa carpet by now. (if she’s lucky)
“We all love Mo Farah”
Andrew Marr, on BBC tv this morning.
I’m unsure whether any track and field sports achievements are really unenhanced these days. Frankly, I doubt it. Those that are still aparently within the rules have probably not been caught out yet.
What is for sure is that the little-bit-British Mo Farah has been a BBC poster boy taken up and heavily promoted for ‘diversity’ reasons.
And let’s be realistic about this ‘BBC investigation’. The whistle blowers involved will obviously have gone to a nation newspaper with their allegations had the BBC not taken them up. How would that have looked for the BBC and their poster boy?
And because he won gold twice for Britain in two of the biggest events at the London Olympics, came across as an OK bloke and made most British people very happy.
Did you forget about that?
So the BBC only embarrassed their poster boy by making a huge deal of this story because they didn’t want to lose face if the whistle blowers went to the other “nation newspapers”?
If you say so. And WTF?
Even the BBC seem to have picked up on the sick joke that is the appointment of Tony Blair to an EU position dedicated to the eradication of freedom and its practice.
“European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation”, which as you might expect is the very antithesis of its title.
This cannot go well for the UK and the rest of Europe. I knew that Blairs attack on the freedom had been far reaching and with the intention of pleasing those who paid his salary was particularly aimed at the protection and promotion of Sunni Islam, but I had no idea just how much further the crazed loons of Nu Liebour had gone in regard to the rest of the world, after all we were sold this as keeping up with where Europe had led.
Keith Porteous Wood, executive director of the London-based National Secular Society, pointed out, existing laws in Mr Blair’s country prescribe rather severe punishments for hate speech, especially if it is deemed to be “religiously aggravated”:
“Britain already has draconian legislation on religious insults—a possible seven-year jail term with a low prosecution threshold. Politicians have already called for the outlawing of Islamophobia, playing into the hands of those intent on closing down honest debate about and within Islam. There is no need for more laws, and the ones we already have failed to adequately protect freedom of expression. A robust civil society with a deep commitment to free expression is our best hope for challenging and countering bigoted narratives and misguided views. Driving extremist views underground will only allow them to fester and allow their proponents to present themselves as martyrs.”
The Guardian headlined it thus:
“Tony Blair has just joined the crew of reckless muzzlers ”
Obviously not to happy about it either.
In fact no one other than the EU seem to think the appointment of one of the most totalitarian, intolerant, and corrupt prime ministers the UK is anything other than good news.
Another blow to our freedom, the sooner we’re out of the undemocratic totalitarian EU the better !
‘European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation’
Orwell – we salute you.
“Even the BBC” says what Thoughtful wants to hear on this occasion.
would be simpler to ban religion then there would be nothing to take the piss out of and no religious values to be insulted. Religious groups are just going to find more and more things sacred and beyond comment and caricature when protected by this non-sense. No doubt bliar would have dave allen locked up for ever, how could a converted roman catholic not be insulted.
Miliband wanted to make Islamophobia a crime and he lost the election badly. Along comes Blair and offers to impose it with knobs on. Blasphemy laws, you name it.
I have always believed that there was a place for religion in a civilised society, but with sharia advocating archbishops and warmist pro Islamic pope its time for a re-think.
Desperatedan says Dave Allen would be locked up, now I think that Brian Rix would too, for his naughty vicars with trousers falling down scketches.
Desperatedan…..”would be simpler to ban religion…..”
You trying to make redundant Muslim Aaqil Ahmed, the BBC Commissioning Editor of Religion and Head of Religion & Ethics?
It does show how diversity really works here in the UK!
Especially when for ideological reasons the BBC wishes to push noses into the dirt of the traditional two thousand years Christian heritage of the people who pay taxes for its services !
I wonder if the Archbishop of Canterbury would like to apply to be Saudi’s new National Broadcaster Editor in Mecca?
Is Al Beeb in a quandary?
Do they slant their bias and propaganda to influence their viewers and listeners in remaining in the European Union or are they in fear of ‘Jo Public’ seeing through their ruse?
They came a cropper with that game when they tried it in the General Election. It would be very interesting to be a fly on the wall at their morning meeting tomorrow.
For starters they restrict the debate to an economic one. They totally ignore the fact the EU is an undemocratic organisation run by unelected bureaucrats that has not had its accounts signed off by the auditors for – oh – 20 years now, is it?
A few weeks ago a Green MEP was being interviewed on TWATO about some European issue or other and he began to vent his frustration that MEPs are more or less ignored in the law-framing process and it was totally controlled by the unelected Commissioners. The interview was brought to close quicker than you can say ‘Merkel is Sepp Blatter in drag’.
I would like Britain to be a self governing democracy, but that concept seems to be beyond the understanding of any BBC employee.
The BBC/liberal left has nothing but contempt for real democracy. The preferred method is to guide the stupid people in the right direction.
The ruling elites of this country have never really liked us very much. The BBC is just the propaganda arm of the eternal patrician class.
Got a link for that, Fishy?
It happened, unless you are calling me a liar.
However, you could ask dez, though with the caveat his researchers are pretty damn cavalier when it comes to accuracy.
Subtle bBBC bias. For the last few days they have been boasting that ‘a BBC investigation’ found that an American coach has been doping some of his runners. But, now that their beloved Mo Farah, the
Somali living in the USABritish record-holder, withdrew from today’s event because he feels ’emotionally drained’, Radio 5-Dead reported this morning that that it was just ‘an investigation’.Untrue.
Radio 5-Alive 9:01:27 this morning:
Mo Farah has pulled out of todays 1500 metres race at the Diamond League meeting in Birmingham. He hasn’t explained why but at a news conference yesterday he said he was angry his name was being dragged through the mud after a BBC investigation alleged his coach, Alberto Salazar, had been involved in doping.
Here’s the link to prove Lord Arthur is bullshitting:
So, they must have been caught out and changed their report since the 6 a.m. news that I heard.
Of course they must.
If people listen to that report at 6 am though – http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b05xq9zs – they’ll hear that Radio 5 didn’t even say “an investigation”.
You’re still bullshitting, sir.
Al Beeb trolls are worried , very worried ……….
Would the US give up their sovereignty to the undemocratic EU if they were in the same position Mr Obama?
Did anyone actually listen to the Peston and Mair show broadcast on Radio 4 at 11pm last night.
If so, was it the expected leftie love in?
I turned off after about 30 seconds.