David Dimbleby hosts the show tonight Plymouth. On the panel are Conservative international development secretary Justine Greening MP, shadow international development secretary Mary Creagh MP, Liberal Democrat Norman Lamb MP, Daily Mirror columnist and Susie Boniface and former director of the Centre for Policy Studies Jill Kirby.
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Here we go… “I have a ‘friend’ who’s disabled… blah blah blah … you Tories need to see what damage you’re doing … blah blah blah.
She knows that ‘friend’ so well that she lost a year in age in 15 seconds, 35 to 34….
Mary Creagh claiming she’s the daughter of ‘immigrants’ from such places like Northern Ireland and Ireland.
CHEAP! Typical Labour political point-scoring.
Norman Lamb. *facepalm.jpg* Still, such pro-EU idiocy is typical of the Lib Dems. Thank god they’re no longer in any position to actually make a difference.
Norman Lamb (he’s new to me) is, on first impressions, living in fairyland. Multi-lateral nuclear disarmament is never going to happen. It’s the nature of the beast! Could we believe Putin if he said, “Yeah, okay, I’ll decommission all Russian nuclear armaments.”
How naïve can a politician get?
The libdems LOST their deposits in both Plymouth Moor Field and Plymouth Sutton and Devonfield, whilst UKIP ran a strong 3rd in both constituencies, polling 4 times as many votes as the libdems.
Are ukip on the panel? Are They bollixs.
Will ukip be on “This Week”?
But a lindem ex gaol bird will be.
F@@@ me.
“ISIS terrorists are right wing……”
And they wonder why the electorate laughed them into oblivion.
Dimbledore thinks
“This week I want just three people who support left wing views against the one right wing. Over the last three weeks that makes 16 panellists of left wing views against 3. W’ere not biased, that’s fair!’
I cannot ever remember there being three right wingers and one left winger being on the panel. I must be wrong but I cannot recall an occasion.
Assuming I am wrong, on how many occasions has this happened relative to the occasions that it has shown a bias towards a left wing panel. I suspect the imbalance is huge.
And there are a few ‘Toons’ contributing on this site, claiming that Al Beeb is not biased.
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Many times the Marxist left winger is introduced as “a labour mp” pianissimo “ON THE RIGHT OF THE PARTY” fortissimo.
susan boniface, a staunch labour party supporter aka the fleetwood fox.yes,she is a died hard daily mirror leftie.yes she is,but all credit to her,unlike these other gutless politicians on the panel both left and right she called out ISIS for what they really are and that is nazi,fascist,genocidal heirs to hiltler and the ss mass murdering muslim islamic child killers and rapists,coming from somebody on the left that has to be a rarity these days,but it had to be said,the gutless politicians wont but she exposed ISIS for what they really are and that you have to respect her for that regardless of her politics.bty,i have a new name for ISIS and that is IMSS,Islamic muslim Sunni State is the true play of what is going on over there in iraq and syria.