I have to admit that even though he nears the end of his SECOND term in the White House, Obama has surprised me by bringing about regime change. In Zurich. I’m talking about FIFA, of course, and I am sure most people are glad to see the corruptocrats finally being exposed and held to account. Most people, of course, does not include the BBC. Here is their primary concern…
Fifa scandal: Is the long arm of US law now overreaching?
Quite. Maybe Sepp could get a job as head of ethics at the BBC, assuming he doesn’t go to prison?
Last week, when the story broke, there was an ex-Panorama reporter on Radio 4’s PM bemoaning the fact that when Panorama told their story of FIFA’s corruption BBC Sport was straight in there punting for Blatter.
It seems to me that this is still happening. Five Live was telling us a few days ago that Blatter had done great things by taking football to Africa and Asia. Was that altruism ‘lubricated’? Did some of the ‘grease’ head Salford way?
Go G-men! (I don’t think Obama initiated any of this, but it will be interesting if he ‘pulls strings’).
Is sepp ,the cockroach, Blatter a muslim because that might explain a lot about the sodding bbc thinking.
The BBC never fail to disappoint (or never disappoint to fail??). I think either works.
Oh do try to keep up.
Blatter doesn’t matter, FIFA doesn’t matter, Obummer doesn’t matter.
Not in the long run:
It’s the “undermine America at all costs” that matters.
I don’t think Obama needs any help from the BBC or anyone else in undermining America.Hes doing that all by himself.
If any thing ,the BBC are apologists for his divisive policies. Poverty and welfare dependence increased under his watch.So much for hope and change .
UN, EU, FIFA, Olympics, etc, ad nauseam.
If it has international in its name, or International in its intention, it stinks.
It seems to me to be perfectly legit to look at that aspect of the story – why are the US involved? Seems a fair question to me. Particularly as Putin raised the same question.
The BBC can hardly be said to be in support of Blatter though (except in the fantasy world of BBBC of course) give the Beeb has led investigations into Fifa corruption. Maybe you forgot that bit?
Would it be churlish of me to mention that the current headline on BBC News is:
A BBC investigation has seen evidence that details what happened to the $10m sent from Fifa to accounts controlled by former vice-president Jack Warner.
Nevermind eh BiasedBBC, carry on regardless.
‘It is probably premature to start talking about Wembley being rebranded as the Loretta E Lynch stadium – with perhaps a James Comey stand, named after the FBI chief – but surely it’s on the cards.
After all has anyone delighted English soccer fans more than the US Attorney General and the FBI head?
There was almost a visceral thrill and delight among those who have come to loathe and detest FIFA, that finally someone was taking it on.
The world’s most powerful law enforcement agency versus the seemingly untouchable and omnipotent world sports body. That’s a match up that any fan would pay top dollar to watch. At last, Fifa would get its comeuppance.’
That’s all in the article David Vance suggests as evidence of a ‘pro-Blatter bias’.
Apologies to those who actually read it. I don’t know why he thinks this subject is the BBC’s ‘primary concern’ but here’s a few others:
Fifa corruption: Documents show details of Jack Warner ‘bribes’
David Cameron: Fifa scandal must prompt corruption purge
Fifa corruption: Spotlight shines on the Cayman Islands
FIFA’s Dirty Secrets
Apologies again. I know we’re not keen on reality here.
Then try voting here , its reality ……….
‘It seems to me to be perfectly legit to look at that aspect of the story – why are the US involved? Seems a fair question to me. Particularly as Putin raised the same question.’
Can only assume Fuleco that you work in the public sector or similar left wing organization and therefore have absolutely no knowledge of business. If you did you would know of the US Foreign & Corrupt Practices Act 1977. This was an attempt by the US to outlaw bribery and corruption and requires ANY business, organization, or individual, US or foreign, that transacts business in or through the US to comply.
That is why the FBI is investigating. As you appear to be an admirer of Putin perhaps you could provide details of similar legislation in Russia ?
Apparently I’m a fan of Putin?! Couldn’t be furthe from the truth, but typifies the biasedbbc groupthink.
But according to you, only public sector workers and employees of left wing organisations have never heard of the Foreign & Corrupt Practices Act?!
And because you know the answer, apparently the subject shouldn’t ven be discussed? Or its anti-American.
As I said, only in the fantasy world or this Blog. Good luck with that!
So Fuleco, why are you wasting your time on this Blog ?