BBC = conservative status quo. Theyve also forgotten to mention the UK giving away its soveriegnty in the TTIP vote on the 10th. Just as well there are no patriots on this site.
Another minority apologism/blame whitey for everything article. It’s amazing how the BBC smugly demands ‘diversity’ yet the most important element of diversity – the diversity of views and opinions – is completely absent from the BBC’s journalism and in fact all of its output since Clarkson was fired. And make no mistake about it, Clarkson wasn’t let go because he punched a reporter – if he was, he wouldn’t have been invited on Have I Got News For You just a week or so after he “crossed a line.” He was fired because he was one of the last remaining non-PC, non-bullshitting voices on the BBC.
The left’s values are self-nullifying. They destroy whatever they touch. The American left must destroy America for the sake of “American values”. The Catholic left must destroy the Catholic Church. The Jewish left must destroy Jews. Its idea of Jewish values is unmaking Jews, Judaism and the Jewish State.
The left’s values are self-nullifying. They destroy whatever they touch. And so it is with almost everything- science ( Climate Change science used to pervert and destroy science. Leftist priests who defy Biblical tenets to destroy Christianity etc, and yet insist they are Christians.
Just as well you neither have any values or brains given your ludicrous statement on climate science.
However you are forgiven for your stupidity which is extremely prevalent amongst conservatives who apparently have no iq when it comes to scientific thinking.
So NOAA reversing the scientific method and radically adjusting empirically measured historical temperatures to force them to fit in with their failing hypothesis is an example of what??? Because it is certainly NOT science.
Climate alarmists are LITERALLY doing the exact opposite of science to desperately hang on to their myth of CAGW. Yes the climate changes, naturally and it always ALWAYS has, sometimes slowly, sometimes very very quickly. There is nothing unusual or unprecedented happening in the climate today that has not happened thousands and thousands of times before over the billions of years this planet has existed.
Using incomplete, biased and grossly over simplified computer models of the climate which cannot even agree with each other, or even model clouds, is NOT a test of the CAGW hypothesis. Computer models ARE the hypothesis. A model of the climate acting as the hypothesis suggests is merely a model of the hypothesis and therefore can never ever be a test or validation of the hypothesis.
The only way to validate or refute the CAGW hypothesis, (which is how science is supposed to be conducted) is to look at the prediction of the hypothesis, (which is what the models are) and then observe what is actually happening and compare to see if there is agreement between the hypothesis and the empirical observations. If there is not agreement, the hypothesis is wrong. If there is agreement, then the hypothesis is not wrong…yet!
The observations currently disagree with the hypothesis, so NOAA have botched the data to force the data to match the evidence… That is NOT science! That is blatant, in-you-face fraud!
The way these alarmist “scientists” are adjusting the historical temperature record, by 2100, the 1800s will have been in an ice age and all our ancestors will have frozen to death.
A simple fact that the Computer models approved by the Met Office have a fixed Albedo of 3.6, which conflicts with the ignored variable Albedo found by Astronomers such as Palle. Ignored because the whole IPCC gravy train would fall apart if it was taken into account that the Earths Cloud Albedo was proved to vary between a high of 4, and a low of 2.7, within 60 years.
Sorry, that’s a visual Albedo of 0.36 or 36 percent today. And a visual Albedo of 0.4 or 40 percent in 1958. Therefore the Bond Albedo of the Earth decreased from 0.36 in 1958. Then from 0.32 in 1985 to 0.29 in 1997 showing a 6.5 percent decrease in cloud cover (Palle, E. (2004),) this produced the warming at the end of the last Century.
Unfortunately,and as I hope you know,the study to which you refer was found to be flawed. Sure Albedo is variable. A contributing factor is that it snows in winter and therefore you see an increase in sea ice at the poles. Overall however evidence shows thatthe Albedo is roughly constant if you average over the year. As to clouds,thethe prediction is that they will become more numerous but you need to be aware that clouds also contribute to global warming through a number of mechanisms. Remember too that global warming has nothing to do with visible light. Global warming is related to Infra red and in this respect water is also a greenhouse gas.
As for the temperature record, it is without doubt showing consistent growth which is without doubt related to grow in CO2. Cloud cover is not likely to affect this significantly. If you find this hard to understand check out Venus in the sky. Completely cloud covered,the most brilliant object in the sky with an atmospheric temperature that can melt Lead. A perfect example of global warming!
“Overall however evidence shows thatthe Albedo is roughly constant if you average over the year.”
Best laugh of the morning!
Everything is ‘roughly’ constant when ‘averaged over the year’. I think you will find that there has been no change in mean surface temperatures when averaged over the millennia either!
No your inference isnt not correct.
Given you obviously know a thing or two about climate you may notice that it gets cold in December in the northern hemisphere and likewise in August in the southern hemisphere. You may have also noticed when its gets cold at the poles it usually snows. Therefore if you take albedo measurements in spring or autumn the albedo of the Earth it is not going to be the same as when polar ice is at a maximum.
Fairly simple for most people to understand I think. Same principle applies when you check what months are the best to go to the Canaries. You look at the average temp for the month rather than each day which because the daily variability would not be a useful guide. If you are interested there are several basic stats courses online. Maybe the other 7 would like to equip themselves of some basic numeracy too!
Manomclaphamomnibus, you must be one of the BBC,s “best scientific experts”. Therefore you need to remove the Brainwashing by reading this Scientific Paper. (Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics, Gerhard Gerlich, 2009).
But there are many variables, most must be too small to be detectable, Ice Albedo is one, CO2 warming close to the ground is another, CO2 cooling due to absorption is another. But the biggest variable for Albedo of any Planet in the Solar System, and its Bond Albedo that includes all radiation, is Cloud Albedo over the Pacific Ocean.
And it was from a fellow Astronomer that we got the key to the fact that Carbon Dioxide warming must be irrelevant for the Earth. The temperature on Venus at the altitude that has identical pressure to that on the Earths surface is 1.176 times the Earths average surface temperature. The radiating temperature of Venus is 1.176 times that of the Earth, proving that input from the Sun and a change to thermal inertia due to pressure as a precise function of altitude are all that is needed to calculate the atmospheric greenhouse effect on Venus. Which then lead to the paper (Unified Theory of Climate, Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, 2011) which shows that the average surface temperature divided by the grey body temperature gives you the magnitude of the Thermal inertia which resembles the response of the temperature/potential temperature ratio to the altitudinal changes of pressure described by the Poisson formula, with predictions matching evidence for Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Europa, Titan, Triton and the Moon, to prove that the physical nature of the so-called Greenhouse Effect is in fact a Pressure-induced Thermal Enhancement or Thermal Inertia which is independent of the atmospheric chemical composition.
From this the calibration of carbon dioxide warming for the 20th century is estimated to be about 0.007 Kelvin for the 100ppm or 0.1 millibar increase in CO², which is too small to be detectable. That’s why Palle helps to fill the gap, and why CERN has to censor the fact that Henrik Svensmark has provided the answer.
“Unfortunately, and as I hope you know,the study to which you refer was found to be flawed.”
Fraudster on a bus, you still posting your bogus claims here ? Why? We know you are a fraud. Nothing has been rebutted – you are the desperate voice of green-fraud.
The fact you bother to post here at all is indicative of a delusional state or evidence of industrial-weight funding to “undermine” opposition to the liars of climate fraud.
We know you. You are not the voice of reason, you are slime on the face of humanity, go elsewhere, for shame.
I have retired, but I have seen that the results from 1999 to 2007 show an increase in Albedo, and that 1999 was the year that it turned around, to produce what they called the pause, but I have also seen year on year results which show a significant increase in Albedo from 2007, which after a 11 year thermal lag found by Archibald, we would expect to get the start of a mini-ice age from 2018, as was predicted by the Barycentre wobble/Length of the Solar Cycle people.
This is great. If you want Pinder to give you opinion then its clear you havent got the knowledge to form your own. Not only does that put into question ANY opinion you have on ANYTHING but it also emphasises your total ignorance of any remotelŷ connected to science. Why dont you attack quantum theory tomorrow and give us all a laugh.
I think the first time I became aware of the Climate Change fraud was a simple explanation in a scientific document (before Steve McIntyre got involved with the statistics) of why the IPCC’s Hockey Stick Graph of Michael Mann, had never appeared before in the Scientific Literature. If I remember correctly, it was something to do with the fact that the Hockey Stick assumed that all the thin tree rings found in Mann’s California Pine trees were assumed to have been caused by cold weather. But previous analysis was more reliable because Carbon 14 analysis of thin tree rings had established that most of the thin tree rings in the California Pine trees were caused by hot droughts. Therefore Michael Mann’s fame or infamy was caused by either Scientific fraud or gross incompetence, but a fraud or incompetence that has made Michael Mann a very famous and rich scientist.
Also, If I heard correctly, the brother of Piers Corbyn could become the next leader of the Labour Party. If Piers could convince his brother to appoint Graham Stringer as his deputy and scientific adviser, then the Labour Party could challenge UKIP with a sane Climate Change Policy, leaving the Tory Party in the land of the loonies.
I was a warmist about 20 years or so ago. Then a friend of mine made some stupid online comment about some bizarre conspiracy theory which I was determined to debunk, and I noticed that the original conspiracy he posted, although was easy to debunk, actually led me to a specific related question, which was, “We know that CO2 causes warming according to long established physics, and we know that the climate changes naturally as well, but do we know if the climate is near a tipping point which would be catastrophic, which our warming is making worse, or is the 20th century warming all natural, and our latest addition going to push us over the edge, like turning the heating up on an already naturally warm day?”
In other words, “Are we causing the warming or not? and if so, how bad will it get?”
This has lead to nearly 2 decades of research. Reading everything I can find on all sides of the debate from extremist warmists, through lukewarmers, to sceptics and outright deniers. It has made me constantly improve and refine my understanding of the strictness of science and the importance of the scientific method, to never reject any evidence out of hand, regardless of where it leads and which side of the argument it supports, but to examine it fully in a neutral and independent manner and see what the scientific method tells me to do with it. In this pursuit I have had email conversations with many scientists and advocates on both sides of this still very real debate. I have received very helpful and open information and instruction from some scientists, and deeply anti-scientific vitriol from others. (again from both sides) Whenever I ask scientists questions, I always ensure that it is worded in a totally neutral manner, so it could be being asked about by someone from any side of the debate, and base follow up questions in a respectful, ‘Devil’s advocate’ manner, explaining this to whoever I am asking, to test the strength of the argument.
Doing this, I have discovered that the only side which mostly abides by traditional scientific discourse is the sceptical side. The warmist side fall back on insults, debunked rubbish, cherry picking, distortion of evidence and hiding evidence, false appeals to authority, post hoc ergo propter hoc, straw men, misleading allegories and ridiculous fearmongering videos of polar bears falling out of the sky and children exploding… And now they are advocating for arrests or in extreme cases, the execution of anyone who questions the “settled science of CAGW” Well it cannot be all that settled when there is disagreement among climate scientists as to what the ECS is and even what earlier, already measured temperatures actually were. the sceptical side is willing to admit areas of doubt, whereas alarmists try to pass off uncertain areas of research as being far more certain than they are in reality.
I stick to verifiable empirically measured evidence.
As I am a software engineer who has worked on systems engineering and systems modelling software for NASA, Siemens, Boeing, Areva amongst others, I can and do understand the massive current limitations of climate models. To deny these faults with climate models belies a deep ingrained, anti-scientific bias.
I am not a climate scientist, and that is just as well, because I do understand the scientific method, and you do not need to be a climate scientist to apply the scientific method to the science of how the climate behaves. In fact, in my opinion, it is high time climate scientists actually did apply the scientific method for a change.
In my experience, Climate Science is the opposite of the scientific method, because warmists cannot experiment with an identical “control” earth, so they model instead. To create the best models they can, they code these models full of the assumptions of the currently leading AGW hypothesis. Then to test the hypothesis, they run the models. Now…. does anyone spot a flaw?
The models are NOT the earth. They are a biased interpretation of evidence which is then coded into a model of the hypothesis. Essentially, they are trying to use a model of the CAGW hypothesis, to validate the same hypothesis.
One need not be a tenured professor of physics to know that a hypothesis cannot validate itself.
We claim that increasing CO2 will increase the global temperature by n degrees, over x years due to these well known and understood atmospheric physics and to prove it, here is a model we built earlier which demonstrates it happening and from this we learn we are headed for catastrophe.
Now that leads me to question….. Do they KNOW that they are using a hypothesis to validate itself, or are they just seriously bad scientists who genuinely cannot understand or apply the scientific method???
I have particular skill in simplifying complex issues to be able to explain them to a lay-person, which is what I now do on various blogs, to help educate people to how flakey and ridiculous “climate science” really is. This is why I deliberately steer clear of grandiose, or pretentious prose. It is better if I can clearly explain away what the limitations of climate science are, without losing the readers with too much gobbeldygook. I reserve that form of communcation to my work and my private research, where it is appropriate.
I have yet to see any empirical evidence of catastrophic warming as a direct result of humanity’s emissions of CO2. All the predictions from models have so far, been wrong and real measured data has had to be tortured to force it to fit the prediction from the modelled hypothesis.
Changing the data to fit the model is NOT science. It is religion, or politics or fraud, but it is not science.
GeyzaI wrote: have yet to see any empirical evidence of catastrophic warming as a direct result of humanity’s emissions of CO2. All the predictions from models have so far, been wrong and real measured data has had to be tortured to force it to fit the prediction from the modelled hypothesis.
This is the trouble with AGWCC . It also implies dishonesty – the very opposite of the scientific method.
As Tom Segalstad said ‘Using the evasion “buffer” factor instead of the chemical Henry’s Law will always explain any CO2 level rise as being anthropogenic, because that very idea was the basis for the construction of the evasion “buffer” correction factor.
That’s why we have proof with the 4 percent, that even the increase in CO2 is a natural increase as regards a 800 year thermal lag in Deep Ocean temperatures, with the fact that the Medieval Warm period peaked 800 years ago.
The Warmists on the other hand, stick to theses circular assumptions in all aspects of Climate science, not just the Carbon Cycle.
Ever disingenuous the BBC claim obliquely to have ‘sacked’ Clarkson and allow their comedians to state it openly without challenge, but they actual refused to renew his contract which is different. There is, however, enough difference to allow the BBC it’s wiggle room.
Yup we all like a guy that beats people up. As long as he likes cars that is! Thats because we believe in conservative British values like law n order. Except for people that like cars of course.
No one is perfect, not even you, well, maybe Kylie, but I digress. My statement is not in support of Clarkson but a statement of fact. Clarkson was not sacked.
If the police bosses do not want confrontation between white officers and black youths who are breaking the law then they have only one option
Withdraw all white police from black events and areas.
Then see just how long it takes for the complaints to start.
This is yet another sign of our society breaking apart.
London has no future except as a minority majority city.
Detroit here we come. it will take time but London has had it as our capital city
This is probably for the long term best. Detroit is a marginal city in the USA so it can be ignored, but London is a capital city and deterioration there will be hard for those in power to ignore.
Nothing. This is a problem beyond a few policy initiatives. Since the rich from around the world are buying up real estate as an investment, poorer people of which the black population partially comprise will be pushed further afield. Our current economic system will continue to increase inequality and to the extent that some of the middle class will be retained a core of civil society will be maintained. Give the shrinkage of the state the police will not be able to control the mass of the disenfranchised poor. Acoordingly a quasi police force will emerge ,privately owned and run, to augment state forces. Their aim will be predominantly to protect property. Companies such as G4S will essentially buttress the economically viable from the economically dispossesed.
It will be a scenario as depicted in The Hunger Games except it wont be a story.
The harrowing* story of the perilous journey undertaken by desperate* and fleeing migrants* crossing the Mediterranean trying to reach Europe*
* as interpreted by the BBC.
Staf Mustapha, 34: Ghana to Macedonia
Here, despite forcibly procuring £4bn worth of funding, the BBC displays an astonishing lack of curiosity about Staf’s motivations for reaching Europe. He has left Ghana (9th biggest economy in Africa and a stable democracy) and for some reason, along with a load of his working-age, male friends, chosen to travel through some of the harshest climate on the planet in order to reach Libya. He has passed through at least two countries where asylum could be claimed before reaching Europe. He has a phone (or camera) and he has also stumped 700 Euros to secure his place on a boat to cross to Europe. Upon reaching Greece, he has continued on to Turkey, before ending up in Macedonia ‘in the hands of a trafficking gang’.
No questions asked by the BBC.
Ahmed, Latifah and their three young sons: Syria to Germany
This family has apparently fled war-torn Syria (fair enough) and passed through five safe and stable countries before arriving in Germany.
No questions asked by the BBC about why it had to be Germany.
Om Motasem and her daughters: Syria to Germany
See previous case.
Omar Gassama, 18: Gambia to Italy
Now we have at least a hint of what is driving ‘migrants’ to Europe in their millions, but we have to wait until the last story to find out. Omar has fled through countless ‘safe’ countries, some of which he endured prejudice due to the colour of his skin. He has eventually moved to Italy where he hopes to find work to support his family back in Africa. He also wants to settle somewhere ‘where his mind can be free’ and hopes to move to the UK one day.
The only harrowing thing in this article is the amount of hand-wringing done by the BBC over the plight of these people who are coming to Western Europe because that’s where the money is.
I would ‘analyse’ this in greater depth but I have to go to work now in order to earn money to pay my taxes to help pay for people like Omar to stay in a hostel, be fed, watered, taught Italian, and given ‘an allowance’.
They use similar stories about the migrants waiting in Calais who, having traveled through the countries of the EU are ‘desperate’ to get in to the UK .
Why ‘desperate’ to get into the UK ?
Answers on a postcard please….
These are just the fit men capable of undertaking the hazardous journey. Once given leave to remain in Europe, applications for family re-unification will come into play.
We are talking not half a million but millions over the next five years alone just from the represent batch of migrants.
Al Beeb reporting that more migrants are heading this way not only to Italy but to Greece. Both countries have struggling economies. A recipe for unrest if ever there was one. They will be at Calais quicker than you can say ‘Referendum’
Found it! The complaint I made when they found the illegals last year.
Reference CAS-2874067-W3Y6GV
Thanks for contacting us regarding BBC One’s ‘BBC News at Ten’ broadcast on 19 August.
We apologise for the delay in replying. We realise that our correspondents appreciate a quick response and we’re sorry that you had to wait on this occasion.
We understand you believe the BBC should have referred to the immigrants found in a shipping container at Tilbury docks as “illegal”.
While we appreciate your concerns, as the immigrants have applied for asylum, we believe the term immigrant is applicable; they are not illegal as you suggest.
Nevertheless, all complaints are sent to senior management and BBC News teams every morning and we included your points in this overnight report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future programmes.
Thanks again for taking the time to contact us.
Kind Regards
So sneaking into the country in a container is OK so long as you shout the safe word “Asylum” when & if the Border agency bust you. Now I back when I was obviously wasting my time trying to preserve our way of life in a panzer on the Rhine waiting for the Eastern hordes to cross the iron curtain one of my colleagues was jailed. I can not recall why as this took place in the early 1980s but he was confined to the guardroom. However there was work going on and scaffolding had been left in the exercise yard. After climbing out of the exercise yard on the scaffolding he broke into his locker got some civilian clothes and made it down to one of the ports. He apparently made it on and off the ship on the roof of the lorry. The point of the story is amongst other things he was charged with illegal entry into the UK.
The BBC are factually incorrect in their response, as none of those asylum seekers sought asylum in the first safe countries they entered. Therefore they have not automatic right to seek asylum here.
Wrong Ken, they have an absolute right under the treaty obligations to make a claim in any signatory country.
Passing through a safe country and failing to make a claim weakens any subsequent claim, but it certainly does not prevent a claim being made.
Nearly every illegal immigrant caught working in a takeaway claims asylum when the game is up. Every visa overstayer and work permit expiry all try it on. According to the BBCs explanation they are all ‘immigrants’ and there doesn’t appear to actually be a single case in which someone actually is an illegal immigrant unless they come from a safe country, and guess what? The vast majority of those are majority white ! Blame whitey again !
The BBC coverage has persuaded me that I am most definitely voting no in the EU referendum, because according to the BBC, the other EU countries must be so appalling that no matter how desperate people are, they do not feel safe enough to claim asylum in any of the countries between Africa and us. Furthermore, this must be so obviously and self-evidently true that the BBC will not even state it outright…
So if the other EU countries are so unsafe that the most desperate of asylum seekers do not feel safe enough to seek asylum in any of them, why the hell should we be in a profoundly anti-democratic political union with them???
Alistair Bunkle on Sky News is as bad as any BBC reporter in trying to pluck our heart strings into sympathising with these “poor vulnerable people risking their lives trying to escape violence and war…..” and listening to very similar sob stories from these migrants. It seems all the TV news broadcasters are pushing the same line. Why should I have sympathy for these parasites who would have no qualms in displacing the indigenous population of this country?
The Beeb is constantly feeding us stories (and at the same time trying to make us feel guilty – it is after all our fault) about the plight of migrants. Most of these cases are economic migrants not asylum seekers and should be returned straight back to where they came from.
On the World Service yesterday I caught the tale end of a report by Jon Donnison on how Australia’s economy will suffer as a result of its immigration policy and how its standing in the “international community” is being damaged. As part of the international community I think Australia has about the only sensible immigration policy in the western world. The EU’s pathetic response to the problems in the Med are making a bad situation worse.
One has to feel an element of sympathy for the people of Italy. Imagine if the Italian navy went up the English Channel picking up thousands of ‘desperate’ migrants trying to swim across the from Calais and then dumping them in say, Brighton?
Well Brighton returned a Green Party MP with a policy of unlimited immigration, so I assume that they would be very happy to house and feed a couple of thousand migrants.
Some sympathy for the Italians but not much, since they know they are only providing a temporary camp to process them before they shall be sent on their way to Britian.
I was switching through channels last night trying to find something worth watching (epic fail) Sky & BBc news must have both been doing the press preview. On BBc the guest (no idea who she was) was informing us that we can’t continue to be an island. On Sky Tessa Jowell was informing us about the benefits of immigration.
You obviously have not been here long, a request was made to tone down bad language especially gratuitous language like yours. Try and control yourself.
Now. Now. Old Goat is perfectly happy as an immigrant. It in no way makes him a hypocrite given his views. And it is no way weird that despite telling us how great his life is he spends all day hanging around UK based websites and working out how to illegally watch and listen to the BBC so he can be outraged by it. Perfectly healthy. Not at all sad.
Funny, isn’t it? Immigrants are absolutely AOK, even the ones who spend the whole time banging on about the country they’ve left, as long as you’re the one doing the immigrating.
Must go, I’ve just detected a nasty whiff of hypocrisy.
“I’ve just detected a nasty whiff”
Are the drains backed up in that income gated community you pontificate about diversity from then?
That’s what you get for using a Polish plumber.
Nothing to do with the fact that immigrants from countries with no minimum wage can be employed on repeating 1 year contracts without paying them the minimum wage???
I am sure you dont like being confronted with reality.
The sad fact is that many are in fear of their lives .
Under those circumstances I presume you are happy to let them drown.
Can you state that for a fact? Can you prove that those boats full of young men are not ISIS terrorists coming from Libya??? Can you prove that there are not people who are comparatively very wealthy (compared to their fellow countrymen) who have paid traffickers thousands of euros to seek ILLEGAL entry to the EU en route to the UK? Of course you cannot. Will you personally accommodate them in your home and pay for their upkeep? If not, you are not only a naive fool, but a hypocrite.
ALL of those migrants are ILLEGAL migrants once they reach the UK, as they all have a legal obligation, under UN asylum laws, to seek asylum in the first safe country they enter. Obviously, this is not the UK, as they have to travel through several safe countries before they get here. They are choosing to illegally risk their own lives to get here. If their own decision to gamble their lives on that voluntary decision, fails them, then that is their own fault, and (seeing as most of them are Muslims) is surely the divine will of Allah, so we should not question, nor doubt that will and we should presumably welcome such deaths as tolerant and diversity loving Brits, because to not welcome what Allah commands would be Islamophobic.
Well done on getting on that boat to do your(doubtless) “independent survey” on what the motives are for the people on those coffin ships.
Not sure if your clipboard got wet-but well done on getting those facts you`ll no doubt be producing to prove you know what you`re saying.
“Many in fear of their lives” is it?
Now would that be Islamic nutjobs?…or Marxist plutocrats?.
Were you able to ask the Pan African Congress or the Organisation of Islamic States what THEIR role was (and is) in all this?…and what THEY`D be doing to stem the flow of tomorrows lawyers, dress designers and vets?
Nah-course not?
Tell you what though happiclappi…give them your house, your car, your job-or your scrip and a blanket bath at least-and THEN scoot off to enrich Libya for us will you?
The BBC might make a programme about your “journey”-and a Premier Inn commercial might follow!
Thankfully-a man of our own to send the Comic Relief money to!
Nice knowing you!…not!
On March 15, 2015 at 1:09 pm, Manonclaphamomnibus posted this
“I contribute here because I am highly critical of BBC news….”
So clapped out bus man , why are you on this site , Is it to advertise this? …………
Drown ? They are now hardly getting their feet wet. The traffickers have played the dopy EU like brilliant fly fishermen. last year a few rust buckets were pointed North and sank, general bed wetting all round, this year one rust bucket sank and then the navies all started patrolling just off the 12 mile limit. They are sending them by the hundred in big dinghies, wooden floats, rubber sheets. All picked up and taken to the other side of the Med to Italy. NOTE, this is not required by law, all that is required is to drop them at the NEAREST port, the EU is doing this off its own bat. Anyway, expect them in a bus garage near you shortly Clap. PS where do you want the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth etc, etc, etc million to be put up ? After all we now have the perfect system for population transfer from South to North via a helping hand from some very rich traffickers, it’s not going to suddenly stop now you now.
PS, far more have died abandoned in the Sahara than drowned in the med.
Put them all up in your fucking bus, then omnibus , or better still your Hampstead Mansion ,or your bedsit , then fund it all out of your BBC/Guardian wages . If love the diversity , you could also try a house swap in Lagos .
The Beeb are outrageous in this regard. The illegals found a few days ago were from Russia, China, Vietnam and a single Afghan. This shouts ‘economic’ but the Beeb never mention it.
Last year forty Afghan Sikhs were found in a container at Tilbury. The Beeb are reporting this morning that the trial of the traffickers starts today. Same old story – persecution in Afghanistan. What? Surely the obvious solution is an easy journey into India or Pakistan? Why come to the UK? Can’t find a link today, but the story last year:
Immigration lawyer Harjap Singh Bhangal told the BBC that the Sikh community in Afghanistan had long complained of harassment.
He said the number of Sikh families had been “dwindling” and they faced verbal and physical abuse.
He said: “As a result Sikhs are leaving Afghanistan, and they feel persecuted, and they’re leaving for other countries in Europe such as Germany, France and the UK.”
You must have also noticed how they never seem to want to settle in Britain! Its very rare that the BBC have allowed ‘Omar’ to admit that he’d like to come ‘to the UK’, but only ‘one day’ LOL! All designed to reassure us that our EU cousins are doing their share and we are not being disproportionately targetted.
The BBC clearly advise the invaders to give some other country as their target destination. I suspect 90% of them are heading here, the homeland of the worlds most widely spoken language.
The BC always talks of the illegal immigrants as “refugees” from war-zones like Syria, even when it is obvious that the boast are full of black Africans who have fled to a war zone (i.e. Libya) to make acrossing to Europe.
Nor does it question the high cost of making a dangerous crossing by boast, when an air fare would cost a similar amount. So why do these “migrants” not just hop on a plane? Well, I think we know the answer to that one… they would never be able to secure a visa through the normal channels and so would not be allowed to board a plane in the first place.
A large proportion of these “refugees” are simply economic migrants who would not be able to enter Europe through the official legal channels. And what does the EU do? It “rescues” them and facilitates their illegal entry into Europe. As long as these people carry on being rescued and brought to European soil, they are going to keep on coming.
Quite so. The brutal fact is that unless you make it quite clear they will be returned whence they came, the only reason they will have to stop coming is to make their lives worse here than it was when they started.
This strikes me as so self-evidently obvious I can’t see what there is to debate, yet politicians and the BBC continue to do so.
On PM this evening ( Mon) we had a 15 minute report of the work of HMS Bulwark in rescuing 1200 boat people in one day! We weren’t told how close the ship was to the Libyan shore but it was said that the traffickers told the folks that once they were a few miles from the coast they would be rescued. So the traffickers are just exploiting the humanitarian efforts of the Europeans, as of course, was to be expected.
But it is clear that the BBC really wants the UK to open our doors to these folks and allow many thousands into our small overcrowded island regardless of the costs and dangers of doing so to UK citizens. Both terrorism and disease spring to mind as possible dangers and there is also the problem of further increasing the Muslim population of the UK.
Surely the correct response is to go after the traffickers, using whatever force is required, and to destroy all the small boast that can be found. ( I assume that any boats found at sea are sunk once the people on them have been rescued) We don’t hear much about this sensible way forward from the BBC. Nor do we see any action in that regard by European governments. They just seem happy to increase the rate of Islamification of the continent.
” As long as these people carry on being rescued and brought to European soil, they are going to keep on coming.”
And in rapidly increasing numbers too… It won’t be too long before the traffickers can afford much bigger and better armed boats. How long until we see them using warships?
Cameron might just as well send a cruise liner to pick them up from Tripoli. It is quite evident that they are heading this way .
One would even think that he was complicit ?
He is (Cameron) implicit in agreement of EU ‘Open Door’ policy despite what he says about his in/out referendum. It is very clear from the documents (new voting bill before parliament) that Cameron is ‘including’ immigrants who would (of course) favor the UK staying on the EU. He has also warned his cabinet to not openly question his agenda for remaining in the EU. If we leave (it is said) the EU will collapse (doubtful) but it’s never going to be a winner either and will collapse into socialist cliques and mock conservative ‘globals’ which ends in another kind of world communism defined by the UN Agenda 21. At this point the BBC and Cameron are at ‘one’ in that none will admit that either are influenced by an Agenda(s) by ignoring public disquiet about what is actually going on. The EU may well of compelled Cameron to alter the national ‘voting intentions’ of this country to avoid a defeat of the pro EU lobby. It is open fraud and duplicity for the UK only (no other country has this). It is also clear the EU has already primed the BBC and pro Europe bodies with money to ensure a ‘yes’ vote to ensure (EU) Climate change happens. There is no point in voting for an ‘in’ as European socialist will make our lives even more unbearable with even more ‘immigration’ and burdensome ‘sexual agendas’ that will be strictly enforced with PC vigilance on anyone who votes (or thinks) conservative.
It’s strange that in all these partnerships form abroad that the couple seem to almost always elect to stay in this country. First hand experience from this. 1/ My Brother In law who imported a Russian bride. They stayed here, well up until the point she had a right to remain in this country and then went off with another bloke. 2/ My brother although a quick look on the internet doesn’t show me if tax credits are paid in Lithuania on balance of probability I would go for the not option.
Half a million ready to pay thousands of Euros to get to Europe.
And it will always be half a million or more, even if the first tranche of half a million were allowed into Europe – till there is no Europe but dar al Islam.
One must bear in mind that Christians, who genuinely are facing persecution, are unlikely to take the trip, as they are likley to be murdered and thrown into the sea by the RoP.
Heck, we cant have Christians coming in to Europe as part of the Hijra.
Too bloody true! I also wonder what the response from HMG would be if a lot of the white South Africans, those descended from Brits, wanted to claim asylum here – in the country of their ancestors; due to the approaching (but MSM unreported) genocide of whitey in RSA?
This will cause the liberal problems. Refugees but white?
The response will be no asylum as the liberal cannot ever admit he is wrong. At which time it will be up to us to force the government to admit white South Africans and at that moment the whole liberal fantasy will hopefully collapse.
One must bear in mind that Christians, who genuinely are facing persecution, are unlikely to take the trip, as they are likley to be murdered and thrown into the sea by the RoP.
Confirmation here
As Islamic State tightens its grip on Libya, 86 Eritrean Christians have reportedly been kidnapped in the country.
Human rights activist Meron Estefanos said that the Christians were migrants, the majority of them from city of Adi Keih, and were trying to make their way to Europe. Of the 86, a number were children and at least 12 were women. They were taken in a dawn raid on June 3 while travelling in a truck to Libyan capital, Tripoli.
Christians have been the main target for persecution in Islamic Eritrea. But they cannot find sanctuary in Europe,as they cant even get to the sea, to get picked up.
Man after my own heart. Nothing like letting these shirking bastards
running away from certain death drowning in drink (er the drink).
I remember being sold a watch in Spain by a black fella. You could tell he was up to no good. Gave me a certificate too! Thats the last time I’m ever going to a Rolex shop. Hic (I digress)
Have a look at this bBC article on China by Roger Harrabin the
BBC’s environment analyst and see if you can spot what is missing: China greenhouse gases: Progress is made, report says China’s greenhouse gas emissions could start to decline within 10 years, according to a report from the London School of Economics. This would be five years earlier than expected and would offer a boost towards efforts to protect the climate. The shift has been partly caused by a massive commitment to renewables. China is the world’s top investor in wind and solar power. It has also been replacing old coal plants with cleaner new stations.
I can tell you that Harrabin’s assertion that “carbon” (I asssume he means CO2) is a “pollutant”, is clearly at odds with the truth.
All dreamed up, I gather, by the London School of Economics, who, as we are all aware, are the latest branch of academia to become instant (and “well informed”) climeate sceantists in support of the loonies going to Paris.
Well, you do not need any scientific training to be a climate scientist. It being a political religion. They do not even know the most rudimentary basics about the “scientific method” And those that do, implement it in reverse!
The Scientific Method demands that:
evidence > Hypothesis.
NOAA’s recent rubbish about the lack of a pause in climate warming proves that climate alarmists think that
hypothesis > evidence.
Complete rubbish! Its all evidence based. The facts around global Global warming were established in the 19 century. The evidence is there and many tested hypotheses have now conjoined into scientific consensus. You may have been confused by those that suggest there is another valid opinion,like the cherry picking hiatus merchants. I can assured you that these people do not present a scientific opinion and are laregelŷ funded by the fossil fuel industry.
If you have the slightest amount of courage ,perhaps rather than making chummy asides, you could debate the issues.
Science is not a democracy. From where I sit none of the people I am talking to have a clue. That makes me a majority of one. Thats all you need! Good Bye
Man full of claptrap
‘Science is not a democracy’ what on earth are you on?
And I guess you must be sitting somewhere … well rather crappy.
When your medication is finished, feel free to blog again but not here, your not clever enough.
I have spent 10 years examining hundreds of scientific papers on climate change, looking at the specific methodologies, statistics and efficacy of such papers, and without any financial motive to twist my opinion, I conclude from the way such anti-scientists conduct their research that they are trying to fraudulently pass off data from models as being => original empirically measured data. Hence over a hundred predictions from such climate scientists based on the models of the CAGW hypothesis of what the climate should have done by now being completely wrong!
I ask you manonbus, What do you think the ECS is and what is that number based upon?
I know what ECS is and I know the number it is based on.
Importantly what should the climate be doing right now that it hasnt done?
Perhaps you might like to comment on the Empirical data rather than the models. If you start at 1900 and work up to current date I would be interested in a breakdown.
ManOnClappedOutBus clearly has nil personal background in science. He just likes spouting off about it – or anything else under the sun. Boring blinkered old tosser – obviously has nothing worthwhile to do.
“Perhaps you might like to comment on the Empirical data rather than the models.”
Seeing as the models are nothing more than a demonstration of the hypothesis, rather than a test of it, it gives me great pleasure to ignore them.
What has happened empirically since your cherry picked date of 1900? It warmed (depending on the source) to about 1940, then cooled to about 1976 then warmed quite rapidly to 1998, then it pretty much levelled off. (NOAA’s ridiculous cherry-picking of data-types (ignoring ARGO) and providing no valid reason for their increases and decreases in the historical record, not withstanding.)
Some data sets show the last 20 years as having a very slight cooling, and others a very slight warming… Which demonstrates that when even the different datasets of the empirically measured data cannot agree with each other (and they don’t) then there is no way to claim with any degree of precision or certainty what is going to happen to future temperatures. The different ways that the temperature has been measured introduces uncertainty. It is like trying to measure a balloon which is inflating and deflating with an elastic tape measure. Precision is lacking.
Also where is the man-made signiture and when does it start? How come the averaged 115 years of mostly undoubted warming actually has cooling from 1940-1976 and no warming for the last 18 years, which means that the signiture which some people claim is only measurable from about 1940, shows 54 of those years without any warming taking place during them at all.
Clapped out Bus @ the BBC , why don`t you all piss off to East Pakistan , its going to be underwater in a few years , according to your lefty mates at BBC / Guardian . A double wammy , Guardian / BBC & East Pakistan all terminated ,at once, in a bit of sea level rise . But then again we all know that won`t happen .
On its flagship 8:00 Radio 4 “news” we are told that an “LSE Report” says “progress is being made” by China on “green house gases”. Roger Harrrabin was brought on to tell us more. Unfortunately neither in his verbal reportage or his online pearls of wisdom does Roger deign to tell us that this is not the “LSE” but is the Grantham Institute at the LSE – a set-up bought and paid for by a super-rich warmist – which has issued this tripe.
I admit that I describe the report as “tripe” without having had the pleasure of reading all of it. However, the gloss on the report indicates that it’s the usual crapola whereby entirely mendacious warmist tellers of fairy-tales give China another “get out of jail free” card in respect of China’s endlessly delayed conversion to the Church of Greenery. The fact that Roger provides no link to the report (although I do here) is a further indication that the unalloyed joy in the BBC newsroom might be, shall we say, a trifle overdone and, further, that its “news” concerning climate change in general and the upcoming Paris debacle in particular is just the usual pack of lies and propaganda.
Here’s an article by the Guardian regards Chinese coal production: The coal boom choking China Chinese miners last year dug up 3.87bn tonnes of coal, more than enough to keep all four of the next largest users – the United States, India, the European Union and Russia – supplied for a year.
It appears that China dug up (And burnt) more coal than the rest of the world combined.
Study climate change? No, he would be better studying a real science. Not climate change which is the backwards version of science, which is in reality a political religion fraudulently passed off as science.
The amount of science students electing to study climate is falling rapidly as science graduates want to study and perform the discipline of science according to the scientific method. They are not allowed to do that if they choose to study climate change. It is crushing to those with an analytical, logical brain to be penalised for applying the scientific method to climate science. The only ones staying to complete climate studies are arty lefty types who do not understand science or statistics.
Simplified in science 101 fashion… it is observation leads to a hypothesis in the form of a prediction based upon some form of logic, eg We observed that A+B=C, then if A+D=C then we can determine that D=B, so I predict that D=B.
That hypothesis then needs to be tested in repeatable manner with a view to disproving the hypothesis. This can be achieved by experimentation with rigorous protocols, or by observation with rigorous protocols, to avoid confirmation bias or other interactions which may effect the phenomena being observed. The results of which should be rigorously investigated to seek any area within the protocol which may have incurred errors and any weaknesses and doubts about the method used must be declared openly.
This all must be open to all others in science who wish to repeat the experiment/observation in order to test the hypothesis, and variations of such experiments/observations. Then, any hypothesis which repeatedly stands up to such rigorous, sceptical scrutiny and testing may be considered valid, UNTIL such time as proven invalid.
As the great physicist Richard Feynman once said. Nothing in science is right, it’s just not wrong yet!
In climate change, the above is reversed so that empirical measured observations are rejected in favour of modelled data, as proven by NOAA, retrospectively amending earlier recorded temperatures to match what the models predicted.
In short, the phrase Feynman used should be changed to Nothing in climate science is wrong, until it can be replaced with more convenient alterations.
Clapped out man
Your default setting is ‘what about this, what about that’on any given topic. I have come to the conclusion you know naff all, and as stated by others here, we actually inwardly snigger at you.
and …
The rest of the LSE?
The London School of Extremists?
London s Sharia Experts?
Lying Sycophantic & Exploitative?
Loads of Stinking Excrement? etc
I E – no confidence, in their opinion.
You may be correct in your assessment of today’s LSE. I graduated from there in 1965. At that time it wasn’t the hot-bed of mind-numbing leftism it was reputed to be. On its staff were, for instance, Karl Popper and Michael Oakeshott. Of course, the marxist nutter Ralph Miliband was also on the staff. However, he was regarded with good-natured contempt by all except his (tiny) coterie of youthful student admirers and fellow Soviet-inspired useful idiots on the faculty.
That said, as an institute of teaching excellence and academic respectability the LSE of the mid-60s was, I believe, second to none. Unfortunately, over the last 30/40 years, the enthusiastic acceptance by LSE of funds tainted either by thuggery and murder (eg the Gaddafi clan) or intellectual dishonesty (eg the Grantham Institute) has brought the LSE’s reputation down to the level of a typical University of Chav in Luton. In the public mind however the letters “LSE” still imply respectable academic probity. No wonder the BBC and Harrabin opt to use the LSE’s quite undeserved reputation to bolster their lies.
I can take it you re not enamoured by the multicultural propaganda utopia it has become then?.
An intense “diversity” re education programme for you
my boy.
That disgraceful third rate charlatan who contributes to all those Computer Model fantasies, the heavily over promoted Professor of Atmospheric Physics, Joanna Haigh, is a co-director of the Grantham Institute.
She seems to be the only Professor of Atmospheric Physics allowed on the BBC. Environmentalist Charlatans have over promotion third rate scientists because they are on-side, while the best Scientists are under Censorship. This will have a disastrous affect on the reputation of Science in Britain in the future. Especially if they sort out the scientific fraud in other Countries, first.
Spoken like a true idiot. If you knew anything about science your comments might have some traction.
In the event you clearly just like to parrot nonsense like the retard you clearly are.
No doubt bus driver you can tell all us hicks from the sticks the proper science that backs your insulting prose ? Go on then tell is the truth smart arse.
The best we can do is peer reviewed the not very scientific comments made by Manonclaphamomnibus. Like Harrabin, the comments are more to do with Language than Science. But I have found about four Linguistic errors in his Scientific analysis, and corrected these errors, see below.
Spoken like a true genius. As you know everything about science, your comments have some traction. In the event you clearly don’t like to parrot nonsense like the genius you clearly are.
She is allowed on the BBC because she has decided that the scientific method is no longer necessary to the pursuit of scientific truth. She is one of those who feels it is more useful to have a flexible method which can be used in reverse. Where evidence can be regarded as legitimately post-hoc editable to fit the hypothesis if it refutes the hypothesis and where Post hoc ergo propter hoc is no longer a logical fallacy.
Climate Change settled or unsettled scientists, have brought low the reputataion of all science. Worse still they have debased and trivialised science.
You just made that up. Climate science has been just as rigorous as any other scientific endevour. The only problem it has had is that it has upset vested interests who are able to motivate the willing illiterate. Exactly the process used by the tobacco industry who, having themselves established the cancer link with smoking, continued to spread the idea of scientific doubt.
Sadly people like you are all to common ,scientificly unwashed and all to willing to gleen your ideas from those who wished to manipualte you.
It was of course called ‘global warming’ remember? they wailed that our poor children would never see snow again, then lo and behold we had snow.
It is now called ‘climate change’ the clue is in the title, the title says they got it wrong.. yes the alleged brilliance of our warmist scientists was wrong. I’ll just repeat that for you, ‘they got it wrong’.
But the cretins are still in charge. If this were private enterprise they would all be sacked.
Whoever ‘they’ were! if you look at the recent studies say from the 1960’s it was worked out that increasing emissions would cause the planet to heat.Empirically that has been verified. It is true if you heat the Earth enough then you wont get any snow but Ive never read anything suggesting that. Snow can actually increase because warmer air can contain more moisture. If the warmer air blows over cold areas then snow happens. Thats what is going on at the south pole.
Your other comments lead me to suspect that your attacks are more motivated by a political agenda rather than a scientific one. However I would still be interested in the references for ‘they’ and all ‘they’ have said about the topic.
How come the temperature record which we have been told for decades is accurate, all of a sudden, according to NOAA, has to be retrospectively ammended (in a very dodgy way) to “remove” the pause in global warming, that has been accurately measured by satellites for almost 2 decades?
We were told that we had to accept that the scientists were right, and now they are saying they were wrong, the measurements in the past were wrong and so they need to adjust them, to conveniently remove the “hiatus”.
How come ALL of the alarmist predictions of the extreme things that should have happened by now, such as New York being permanently under 20ft of seawater, (and there are over 100 others I could point you too, ALL based on those “robust climate models”), were wrong, YET we are still supposed to have confidence in their scientific integrity and the robustness of the computer models, (which cannot even agree with each other), and accept people with a 100% record in wrong predictions! There is disagreement amongst climate scientists about clouds, and the vast majority of models do not even model clouds at all. Oh, amd clapham, your nonsense above about clouds not blocking heat from CO2??? Have you really never been out on a hot sunny day and and then felt the temperature drop when the clouds cover the sun??? Really? Of course clouds reflect heat as well as light you dimwit! Clouds are a thermostatic regulator and there has been some excellent research demonstrating how clouds, mist, and thunderstorms react to temperature to regulate heat in many layers of the atmosphere.
I have looked into climate science from a pro scientific method perspective for close to 20 years now. Reading hundreds of peer-reviewed published papers which are full of anti-scientific rubbish. I have seen drafts of excellent papers, which cannot get published, in spite of flawless scientific integrity and rigour, because they do not conclude what their funding bodies need them to conclude.
in short. manonbus, YOU have no clue as to how to check any science against the scientific method. You are clueless as to how much disagreement there actually is amongst the climate scientists themselves about the true level of ECS (and if you do not know what ECS is, or its relevence, then you really are not qualified to debate climate at all, as ECS is the climate change 101 basics and the absolute heart of the debate).
So can you debate with actual facts, and not tired old flawed and debunked rubbish that alarmists keep on preaching?
(A) empirical evidence with equivalent value of any form of repeatable experiment, in terms of gaining robust, indesputable data which validates the CAGW hypothesis to the robust degree of settled science meaning that AGW is proven beyond doubt?
(B) a variant of a CAGW hypothesis which still needs to be tested rigourously in a scientifically valid manner to determine IF CAGW is a valid hypothesis or not?
Geyza wrote: have yet to see any empirical evidence of catastrophic warming as a direct result of humanity’s emissions of CO2. All the predictions from models have so far, been wrong and real measured data has had to be tortured to force it to fit the prediction from the modelled hypothesis.
This is the trouble with AGWCC . It also implies dishonesty – the very opposite of the scientific method.
Another aspect of genuine scientists is that they are invariably filled with doubt, and good mannered.
On the other side – dishonesty, unalloyed certainty in a subject matter far too complex to be ever well understood, and buttressed with bad manners, is not a sign of a good scientist, or person.
If you have studied this subject for 20 years I would have thought you would recognise data handling techniques. I would have also thought you would recognise that the re calibration of some readings found to be inaccurate was entirely appropriate.
I would have also thought you would recognise that the impact of the data adjustment has virtually no impact on the current trend.
I would have also thought you would have recognised the data manipulation of using an outlier as the basis to create a negative trend that was never there.
As for your credentials in respect of the science your dubious understanding of clouds gives you away my friend. They do reflect heat for sure, but both ways! You need to research this a little more. There is a good Australian study which looks into various cloud types and there relative forcings or otherwise.
If you are into looking at the sky maybe check out Venus. It is totally covered in cloud but sadly this has not done it too much good.
Hi bus,
Hope you didn’t have a cricked neck whilst whoever the beeb got in to give an answer lent over you shoulder to type the answer, I mean you’re a journo (retired) and part time theatre critic are you not ?
Or are you the 21st C answer to a renaissance man ?
“I would have also thought you would recognise that the impact of the data adjustment has virtually no impact on the current trend.”
Except that it conveniently removes the current haitus, because the method of data adjustment is seriously flawed. Why leave out the ARGO Buoys?
“I would have also thought you would have recognised the data manipulation of using an outlier as the basis to create a negative trend that was never there.”
Whereas the CIMP-5 models are ALL outliers from the actual measured temperatures. UNLESS those measurements are so flimsy and unreliable, that they can be retrospectively adjusted by an amount which kills any confidence in the accuracy of measurements, rendering ALL the previous certainty moot, thus destroying the credibility of all earlier warnings, because it is a tacit admission that scientists did not know what the temperatures actually were when they were measured. In which case, how the hell can you predict where the global temperature will go when you admit that you did not know what the temperature actually was in the past after all???
I suspect I understand clouds far better than you, insofar as I am open to understanding what actually occurs over the daily cycle, what makes the clouds form, why and under what conditions and the effects that then has, based upon when the clouds form in the day, where the clouds form over different topography (land, desert, lakes, mountains, forests, seas, oceans) and what nock on effects that has. NONE of which is accurately modelled by those imprecise, incomplete climate models.
Oh and which of those 70+ climate models is the right one? After all, if the scientific hypothesis which underpins the models is correct, then the models should be able to show what is going to happen with the high degree of certainty that alarmists constantly claim. If they cannot project what will happen with a high degree of certainty, then why do climate alarmists falsely claim such a high certainty of disaster? There is a hell of a lot of range in what they project, isn’t there? So if one of them is correct, then all the others are wrong. Which, considering that no reputable scientist on earth can, with any degree of certainty, point to which one of all the models models is correct, that means that all the models are almost certainly wrong. Why are we proposing to destroy the western economies in order to prevent something which models cannot agree on, scientists cannot agree on, and for which there actually is NO proof!
Oh your your reference to venus belies your wilful ignorance and lack of knowlege of even basic physics. The pressure on venus is enourmous. Temperature increases with pressure. That alongside the much closer proximity to the sun, and the sulphuric acid rain is a much greater cause of Venus being warm, than the 96.5% CO2 atmosphere. After all, CO2 derived warming does have a very well known and understood saturation point, which we are very close to reaching. Warming is logarithmic, which is the inverse of the exonential increase which some ridiculous extremist alarmists are still predicting will happen when some mythical tipping point is reached.
‘Check out Venus’. (says Dopey Jim) and he is so well qualified to speak on ‘drama’ as well as Astronomy (as well as political astrology) Jim’s your man for recognising ‘current trends’ and ‘data adjustments’. Tweets by DopeyJim
You still have not answered this critical question manonbus…
What, in your opinion, are the climate models?
Are they:
(A) empirical evidence with equivalent value of any form of repeatable experiment, in terms of gaining robust, indesputable data which validates the CAGW hypothesis to the robust degree of settled science meaning that AGW is proven beyond doubt?
(B) a variant of a CAGW hypothesis which still needs to be tested rigourously in a scientifically valid manner to determine IF CAGW is a valid hypothesis or not?
Richard Pinder/noggin
An indication of how low the LSE has sunk: after Howard Davies’ resignation as Director of LSE after the . . er . . mixup about awarding PhD’s to the children of Libyan dictators in return for cash, the LSE appointed “Professor” Haigh as Acting Director while a new permanent one was sought. In other words, influence bought by a warmist billionnaire rather than a Libyan thug was considered acceptable by the LSE’s governors. These charlatans – ie climate “scientists” and their fellow-warmists in academe – are shameless (as are Harrabin and his fellow “reporters”).
Nothing to do with the Beeb but I hope posters forgive me. I occasionally post on the Daily Mail website however recently this has only been possible on my ipad and not the laptop which gives me a message about something having gone wrong and try later.
However yesterday I posted about how ‘professional people’ such as my solicitor are no longer acting in the best interest of their client but only how they can maximise their fees. I gave no names. The Daily Mail emailed me to inform me that several people reported this comment and it was taken down. Has anybody else had this experience and does anyone know what is going on?
On the odd occasion that I have bothered to post on the Daily Mail recently, they have quietly removed my comment, later, with no reference to me. They are as bad as all the rest, if you stray from the message. Besides, they tend only to encourage daft, grammatically incorrect, and misspelt comments from the plebs, these days, rather than well-considered input from serious commentators. Best left alone.
Not having posted there myself, don’t they have to say what rule you’ve broken when removing a comment? Or perhaps they get away with that because people don’t challenge removals.
I never bother to check after the very odd occasion that I’ve made a comment on a Daily Mail story. I was banned for 30 minutes once when I pointed out in a “benefit scum” story that the basic single rate of JSA is only £73.10pw (currently) and that wouldn’t fund a very lavish life style. However some of the people commenting would probably be getting more benefit withTax credits, child benefit etc. Didn’t go down to well & I had an E-mail saying my comments were removed due to a complaint about 30 min later I got another E-mail saying it was back up.
The comments feature on the DM just seem to be a little random, even on non contentious stories its a complete lottery as to if your comment gets published.
The ratings also seem to be all over the place, never assume the top rated comment to always reflect popular public opinion, they’re often manipulated to reflect a given ‘agenda’.
The was a HYS thread about the BBC, in the Express, some time ago.
One comment read, in part :-
“In the programme someone described a Chinese meal as a Chinky, and a woman phoned in to say how angry she was about this”
Next comment read :-
“I remember that, nothing came of it, she phoned back in an hour and said she was no longer angry.”
Our local paper here in the south west has a comments column online. If the comments become too much ‘off message’ they just close it down. When clicking on the item a page marked ‘Bad Request’ opens. It never affects the ‘cat stuck up a tree’ variety of reports.
At 8:10am BBC Radio 4, 06/06/2015 (“Today”), the BBC made the following political statement:
“Putting big issues to the popular vote is not without risk, of course: in 1992 the Danish people voted ‘no’ to their government ratifying the Maastricht Treaty, the agreement that created the European Union and laid the ground for the single currency.”
Its more than that, the EU is the key player in bringing about the BBCs vision for the UK. The money is probably of far less interest to the BBC in this case (I think).
The EU is about as democratic as the Poliburo was.
The difference being in the USSR Stalin got 99% or 105% of the vote.
In the EUSSR the vote is repeated until the result desired by the EuroScum is obtained. This is achieved by bribery on an industrial scale. A scale of bribery that FIFA and the International Olympics Committee can only dream of.
The Beeb receives some of these bribes, sorry funds. As do many
of the other recipients of the bribes, all enemies of the British people.
Wonder what happens to the €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€ that has disappeared every time the auditors scrutinise the EU cookbooks? Some of it is used for these bribes.
This will be occurring in the UK on an unprecedented level. The Eupondlife will be flat out for a Yes vote.
We all need to confront their lies with our truths. They need to know a “Yes” vote is unacceptable to us. It is time to beat the ploughshares into swords.
And yet it was still ratified. The same thing with the constitutional treaty. That took 10 years, 3 rejections in national referenda (Denmark, France and Ireland) a re-write from a fresh “blank sheet” treaty to a massive bunch of amendments to all the earlier treaties to create an identical legal framework as the constitutional treaty, to be finally ratified into EU law as the Lisbon Reform Treaty. And that was with the full unanimous agreement of the EU Commission, The EU Council and all the Council of Ministers from the outset…
Yet we are expected to believe that Cameron can achieve major treaty changes, agreed to by 27 other member states, in the next 2 years???
Cameron will probably get agreement from the heads of state for reform… But only because they all know that they can veto those reforms AFTER we have voted for them in the referendum. The other EU leaders desperately do not want to give Cameron those reforms that he claims he wants, but they do not want to lose the UK as their economic cash cow either. So they will all agree to the current “bait and switch” plan to act in a fraud, whereby there will be pretend intense negotiations, lots of very late night oil burned, lots of faked rows and political dramas, only to reluctantly give Cameron what he wants in the knowledge that they can veto those reforms afterwards and thus leave us trapped for evermore inside an unreformed EU on course for ever closer union inside a profoundly anti-democratic entity run by foreigners.
It is a bait and switch con. Do not fall for it. Unless you want to be fully and totally consumed by the EU, vote NO! ANY reforms Cameron wants, or even secures, will NOT EVER be delivered.
I agree. It will be a short Pantomime show with a long finale that we can never leave the ‘burning’ building for fear that we may be overcome by Oxygen.
Yes, these talks looking for reforms are a way of buying time and blindsiding the ‘out’ vote. The campaign has already started. Don’t wait to see what transpires. There is no better deal than total freedom for your country.
Better Ghurkas than some I agree, but better none.
These tiny people from a very different culture are never going to assimilate and will maintain close links with Nepal and import marriage partners for their children.
Why should they get this extra ‘perk’ for joining the British army? They are very well paid by Nepalese standards and get an excellent pension and medical treatment. We owe them no more. Joining the army should not be a route to British citizenship. We have no difficulty recruitng them even without the extra perk.
In my very humble opinion , I have met these people and they are very loyal and patriotic people, loyal to Great Britain. These people that have served us should be given priority before anyone else .
You couldn’t have but noticed the bBCs penchant (As well as the rest of the media) for portraying US police as racist bigots who hate blacks. Why here’s the latest instalment from the bBC: Texas police officer suspended over pool party incident A police officer in Texas has been taken off duty after a video showed him pinning a 14-year-old African-American girl to the ground and pointing his gun at other teenagers. The local force says it is investigating the incident, which comes amid heightened tensions in some of America’s black communities over claims of police brutality.
Unfortunately you have form on this pretending that blacks shoot themselves just to get Police into trouble.
Sadly you are unable to make any judgements because your ilk are permanently asleep.
Lost in all this is that three of the six police charged in Baltimore are also black, but THAT sort of “black-on-black crime” is some sort of atrocity, while meanwhile “thugs” (now considered a “racist” word by some in the US) in black communities may apparently be excused for killing other blacks because of “oppression by The Man,” blah blah blah, and THOSE deaths are seen as some sort of acceptable collateral damage, because Social Justice or some other incoherent sort of nebulous amorphous vague chimerical notion.
That this is all some sort of Orwell doublespeak which would need to be pointed out by anyone with perhaps a spare brain cell or two still in operational order, is truly the astonishing part of all this. A death of a suspect in police custody is CERTAINLY a matter to be investigated, of course, and nobody denies this fact– but when the Mayor and Chief Prosecutor of a city, in order to placate certain low-information denizens of that city, appear to pay more heed to the death of a fellow member of their race at the hands of other members of their race, simply because of antipathy towards those members in their community based on their occupational status, something is wrong with this picture. The #hashtag should be: “#BlacksKilledByThugsDon’tMatter”.
But of course, merely to query, let alone offer opinion on the subject, is “RACIST!”
More race hate stirring from the BBC, in which the case is clearly put across that white actors should be sacked from certain roles because they are white.
But, many have said, it is OK to cast a non-white person as a white character because that is not racist, it’s ‘colour-blind casting’.
So a summary of this article is that it is OK to discriminate against white people because of their skin colour.
I noticed the intense weaselling in that beebyanka piece. It’s OK for “ethnic” actors to play “white” roles, as long as the character’s colour isn’t explicit, but wrong for white actors to play “ethnic” parts, where reference is made to some non-white ethnicity. This is the “logic” which has long been applied to “Othello” (although not to Verdi’s opera, which would, otherwise, hardly ever be performed).
The obvious flaw in the reasoning is that many authors haven’t felt the need to specify the skin pigmentation of their characters. I don’t recall that Jane Austen ever bothered to say whether the Misses Bennet were white, black, or yellow. She probably thought her readers would make an educated guess. I bet somebody at the beebyanka has argued that their own “Pride & Prejudice” production would have been much more “edgy”, if only Elizabeth had been played by a black actress. Lydia was, in fact, played by an actress of Jordanian ancestry. How did that fit the corporate philosophy? Is their party line now that, in this more enlightened time, Julia Sawalha would not have been considered for the role?
Shakespeare doesn’t mention, as far as I recall, that Henry V was white, or that Julius Caesar was. According to the argument in the article, that means they are available to be played by black actors, as, indeed, they have been.
I wonder if the beebyanka would be similarly up in arms at the idea of a non-white actress in the roles of Desdemona, Rosalynd, Ophelia, or Juliet. I suspect not, but all four are explicitly referred to as “white” and I have no doubt that they are frequently played by actresses who don’t meet the beebyanka’s exacting qualifications. Lady Macbeth clearly implies that both her husband and she are white, too, but I expect those roles are often played by actors of other colours, some of whom aren’t even Scottish.
The ideology-obsessed scribbler of that article was trying to be clever, but just ended up advertising the bias in the “diversity” game.
Roger Moore sarcastically said that the next James Bond should be played by Cuba Gooding Jr. Trouble was the culture has been so subverted people thought he was serious, he had to clarify, the James Bond character is ethnic British and should be played by one. Incidentally Miss Moneypenny is played by a black and M a woman, it’s just wrong.
Every year we hear speculation about a black James Bond. I’d be very surprised if this happened. The films need to sell world-wide and Western PC affectations don’t cut any ice in Asia and the Far East. James Bond is white British and that’s that.
To argue that appearance doesn’t matter in a medium which is largely visual is just plain absurd. But then diversity, multiculturalism etc are surrounded by absurdity.
I saw a few years back my favourite Shakespeare play, King Lear, and it was disconcerting that Cordelia was played by a black actress. Her sisters were white. The logic was pretty apparent: the black actress could not have the “bad” role. We are expected to go full on suspending our disbelief but only the theatre has this conceit. Film and TV would not get away with it because of the inherent problems involved when siblings have siblings of different races and are children of different race parents.
I was once dragged off to see a rarely performed Tchaikovsky opera (Iolanta) in which the key female title role, of a presumably teenage princess, was played by a soprano who looked sixty. Her baritone betrothed (presumably early twenties) Duke of Burgundy looked about forty. While the Moorish miracle working physician was of indeterminate age. Set in the mountains of southern France all performers were Russians. So what?
It must be hard enough for non Anglo-Saxons to gain roles, so why deny them the classics which never claimed to be realistic?
Sounds like a bad performance to me. Certainly wouldn’t be acceptable in a realistic ‘verismo’ opera. Plenty of talented young singers around. Pity we don’t see them on the BBC more often.
You do the best you can although finding the right voice combined with the right looks can be difficult.
“It must be hard enough for non Anglo-Saxons to gain roles, so why deny them the classics which never claimed to be realistic?”
Why do you think its hard? There are plenty of roles written for them and very little competition.
Secondly theyre very lucky to get to live in Britain, and if this is a the small price they have to pay then so what? They’re certainly being disproportionately rewarded on the sports field, are you concerned about displaced “Anglo Saxons” ( by whom you mean ethnic British, including those of Celtic descent presumably)?
The problem is what Eisenstein was getting at when casting. When you cast there is a subliminal message that is determined by the appearance of someone and the cultural associations you make from contemplating them. There is a choice: you can have dissonance or amplification from the casting representation. Thus an historical figure is expected to be be racially cast to create recognition. Literary creations present a problem because of cultural setting and expectations of the individual within a specific history. So if you cast a white person for Chinese character there will be dissonance and the actor will undermine the full meaning of the character. So counter-racial casting only happens in the West and mainly in the subsidised theatre where they can rely on a loyal audience. In the rest of the world it would not be acceptable to an audience. In the West it is unacceptable in TV and film because those audience have expectations in how they read actors in the light of their roles and whether the former amplifies the latter. I know what you mean about actors wanting jobs from minorities but the audience should always be the purpose of every production and casting should not detract from the meaning of the roles. Age is a completely different character from race and gender role games. The audience may be a disappointment to the theatre folk because they come as complete historical beings with expectations that determines how they read roles and expect them to be cast.
If I printed a censored, or bowdlerised, edition of a book, I would be criticised.
A parody of a painting or sculpture would be permitted; but it could not be passed of as an original.
In classical music, which I love, the score is king. So much so that conductors and performers spend time researching early printed scores, and, where they exist, written scores, to ensure that they are using the best possible edition. This does not prevent interpretation.
I can understand the film industry, which is not an art form at all, but a money making scam of decreasing merit, using “poetic licence”.
Those who think that performing from a score is an uncreative, mechanical process totally fail, or refuse, to grasp this point. The scope for interpretation is considerable.
Saw on SKY news yesterday that HMS Tinkerbell, I think that was the name of the Royal Navy ship, rescued 1,200 African invaders from the Med. Other navies rescued 5000 more Africans. This is not solving the problem but encouraging it. Here’s Jared Taylor on the subject.
You just have to look at these boats to know that they have no intention of actually sailing to Europe. They simply cast off and sail a few miles off the coast of Libya and wait to be “rescued”. If we continue to send ships to pick them up, they will continue to come. They are not stupid, we are.
The UK (sending the RN) and EU (not returning and distributing the “migrants”) is a policy of complete madness. It is creating a moral hazard of the first order.
I’m waiting for the next gen Royal Navy recruitment adds. If you can throw a ball you can throw a life jacket. If you can wear a hoodie you can wear a medical hazard suit. If you can put your hands in your pocket you can check an illegal migrant for a blade…….
” Libyan Foreign Minister, Mohamed al-Ghirani, has warned Europe that if it does not help Libya to stop illegal immigration, Europe could be turned minority White.
Back in 2010, ex-Libyan leader, Colonel Gaddafi warned that “Europe runs the risk of turning black from illegal immigration, it could turn into Africa“.
He told EUSSR leaders that Libya needed support, but instead, they dropped bombs on one of the few African countries which were protecting Europe’s borders.
A lot of these non-White leaders think that our own White elite want to stop Europe, America, Canada, and Australia from becoming minority White – but, actually, that is just what they want to happen.
It’s an incredibly bizarre situation, but for several decades now, our own White elite have been spearheading a campaign of White genocide.”
Another site to try, exposing the left wing bbc, is bbc watch.
Try looking at it.
One example is the non reporting of three rocket attacks on Israel but reporting Israeli air strikes.
The bbc stinks.
Is the UK the only place in the world, outside of places like North Korea or other dictatorial countries, that has a far left state sponsored (and EU) threat of prison if you don’t pay for it propaganda TV broadcaster?
Having watched the recent news and read the last few posts on here I find myself thinking that the only solution to these problems is to leave the EU – immediately. All the (not so) veiled threats about ‘losing our trading partners’ is utter hogwash. Business/trade does not respect borders but moreover it would solve the problem of completely uncontrolled immigration and we will be able to run our own country again. However by the time that the media, especially the bbbc (being run to a very close second by sky) and Camoron have finished brainwashing the voting public I doubt whether the day we leave the EU will ever arrive. I bet our brave Royal Navy chaps are thoroughly pissed right off at being given the task of ‘patrolling’ the med.
I despair
Agreed EG, I think the EU will collapse at some time anyway, but it would be better to be well clear of it before then and before we have even more immigrants and their descendants to deal with. These immigrants who wash up here, because the EU tells us we can’t stop them.
The bbc is currently running with a story where a black woman who told the off a lesbian for being gay is the real victims.
Imagine if the Christian had been white.
The bBC has (quite rightly) a penchant for defending homosexuals from bigoty. Yet when the bigot is black, they face a dilemma, so what do they do, they make the bigot into the victim . My point , would they have done so if the bigot was…white. ‘God doesn’t hate you, he doesn’t like what you do’
There appears to be a politically correct heirarchy of victimhood with Muslims at the top, followed by blacks, gays trans/other gendered then women. You could make a game of top trumps about it. The goal of equality is a myth.
Nah, blacks are definitely the Globalists foreigners with the mostest. Muslims come a poor second. This is why blacks rather than mostly Asian Muslims are promoted on TV drama, in Hollywood in the press.
La BBC est actuellement en cours d’exécution avec une histoire où une femme noire qui a dit à l’ arrêt une lesbienne pour être gay est les vraies victimes .
Imaginez si le chrétien avait été blanc.
Not to worry folks. The first of our two Elizabeth Class Aircraft Carriers is due to be ready for sea trials in 2017/18. By then our defense budget will be so small we won’t be able to afford the trained crews to sail them, aircraft to fly from them, or the escort ships to support them. We can simply turn them over to the EU to collect the economic migrants from Africa, train the traffickers to train the migrants as crew, and let them sail the seven seas looking for suitable spots to alight. All funded by the ever expanding foreign aid budget. What’s the problem ?
That’s true. Funds are being re-appropriated for a new future joint EU Army and Navy projects (subject to French sensitivity at Waterloo). Thanks to the success of Napolean at Waterloo victory (recent anniversary claimed by the French) you would have thought we had won, but Oh No! History is being re-written (in the EU) and no conflict ever took place. We simply adopt Napoleons new EU laws as our own and meekly ‘surrender’. We still have the power to resist but to do so will risk ‘insult’ and be called racist. Fair swop I’d say. Rather a patriot than a dead parrot.
I watched the last part of Dan Snow’s programme on the Spanish Armada last night. Considering previous efforts I wasn’t expecting much but it was not as bad as it could have been. At least they weren’t constantly traducing the English, just occasionally …
One interesting thing, which SWMBO picked up on, was that Snow was in a yacht flying a French flag. Now this was supposed to be Snow sailing solo (that’s solo meaning including film crew) so why fly a French flag and not a Union Flag? Or an English one? Or non at all? Very odd.
I noticed that and thought it was pretty poor. On a programme about England’s triumph over Spain he’s sailing a French boat! Can’t the BBC even arrange for a British flagged yacht to be available?
Mind you, the whole business of Snow sailing in the Channel was just self-indulgent nonsense. And I could have done without Anita Dobson playing a 54 year old Elizabeth as if she was a 94 year old crone. I quite enjoyed the production, but it did not need three episodes. Cut the crap and the story could have been well told in an hour. But I suppose when you have a £4 billion budget to burn through this is what you get.
I found the whole series tedious. Whatever happened to well presented, interesting documentaries? It was all poor CGI, silly blokes pushing ships around on a table whilst having a conversation which had obviously been (badly) rehearsed many times, and “actors” waxing mysterious, looking pensive, and a pub landlady being a queen. Very ho-hum, for me, I’m afraid.
Agreed. Dreary, self-indulgent and entirely unnecessary. It could have been told a lot better, and far more effectively, within a 1-hour documentary. As someone who grew up in Plymouth, with tales of the Spanish Armada and Sir Francis Drake told to me from a very young age, I was completely disappointed with this pathetic effort by the BBC.
More concerned with narcissistic, liberal-left revisionist history than actual, factual history: End the license fee now.
You and everyone else ought to have watched John Nichol ( him from reviewing the papers on sky) on Forces TV channel having a one hour chat with four ex colleagues from the Tornado Force about the early stages of the Air Attack on Saddams forces in GW 1. Sitting in a hanger with a Tornado behind them, they spoke without notes, and without argument…..bloody spellbinding, over too quickly I could have done with another 2 hours. Prog is called ‘When We Were There’ one of a four part series, including, Gloster Hill, loss of HMS Sheffield and Warrenpoint. Simply Brilliant, allowing those who were there to tell the story, it would never be on bbc in a million years. I think it might be repeated on Tue night, but I’m sure will be on at various times on Forces TV in the coming weeks.
Sky 264, Virgin 244, Freesat 652.
Watch it, it’ll make you proud and bring tears to your eyes, well done John.
That is for when it is shown on channels with multiple advert breaks. It is, supposedly, there to help those flicking over during the breaks to catch up.
It’s like all programmes these days. Firstly, there’s a summary of what you’re going to see, usually so detailed you can switch off there and then.
Next comes the programme, in easy gobbets, repeated several times to allow for breaks, as mentioned above.
Then comes a review of the next in the series.
An hour programme usually contains material for about 20 minutes.
Unusual for them to cover the subject of Muslims who leave their faith, and it’s decidedly light touch. This poor individual appears to be an Atheist, they would never cover a conversion to a different faith.
It’s only when you get close to the end of the story that the impartiality drops and they slip back to type.
“I’ve met many Christians, I’ve met Hindus, Sikhs over the years, who’ve come into Islam, who’ve become Muslim, who’ve been disowned by their families.
Why do they need to interview Mohammed Shafiq from The Ramadhan Foundation?
He says: “In the end, if you make that choice to leave Islam you’re making a conscious choice to move away from your family as well and move away from the wider community.
“This applies equally to all the other faiths.”
A blatant unchallenged lie ! This does not apply equally to other faiths which are tolerant, unlike the intolerance of Islam. I don’t know of any Christian who is an apostate being forced to leave their family and the wider community, and certainly not any other faith other than Islam !
Mohammed Shafiq, Ramadhan Foundation?
Appears, he s their latest ejector seat Islamist, along with Abdullah al Andalusi (another 10 on the nausea-ometer), to weasel word, obfuscate, and generally mislead any audience into the Islamist view.
It appears that Mo Answar and Asghar Bukhari, have shot the bolt and therefore are too toxic these days.
… don t worry folks, the Al BBC they have plenty more on speed dial.
Two weeks ago I returned from a holiday in Norway.
As part of my holiday I was in Bergen on May 17th – Norway’s National Day.
As I viewed all the celebrations it occured to me that every tenth person(maybe less) was either black or of “Afghan” decent.
Quite often they would pass me in groups of 2, 3, 4 or even as a family. On more than one occassion a family would “oag” passed me squabbling and bickering about something.
One thing that struck me though is not once did I hear any one of them speaking Norwegian. It was all in their native tongue. Integration, eh?.
On one other occassion I saw three “Afghans” who were selling helium balloons with a van tucked away as their store.
Two were younger with one older guy(middle 60s). I don’t know what had happened but as I walked passed their van the old guy was going off his head about something and was on the brink of becoming physcal.
On seeing me, the “altercation” suddenly stopped until I had passed by.
My point is, whether it’s Norway, Sweden, Italy, France or Great Britain they don’t give a stuff about the country they’ve invited themselves into and they have no intention of integrating.
There are none so blind as the Left and it’s going to end in tears…..
”27 year old Swedish woman by the name of Elin Krantz was raped and murdered by an Ethopian immigrant.
The biggest irony of it all is that Elin Krantz, who fell for the propaganda of “tolerance” and diversity, was a supporter of multiculturalism in Sweden. She was supposedly a member of the Facebook group “We Like Diversity”, called herself “multicultural” and supported immigration of people from the third-world countries into Sweden.
Because Sweden is so multicultural now, no Swedish media could publish the fact that the perpetrator was an immigrant or that he was black in their reports on the case. They could not even mention his name by law, so they referred to him merely as a “23 year old”, saying things like “the 23 year old was charged with murder and aggravated rape”. However, thanks to the internet we know who he is.
Like the rest of Europe, Sweden has been subjected to the multicultural master plan of ultimate destruction. It doesn’t matter how stable and strong a nation is, once you start to destabilize it from within by introducing incompatible elements which don’t share the same values, the society will face break down no matter how safe and stable it had been.”
WARNING, this contains a very disturbing and GRAPHIC photograph.
Ironically Sweden was at the fore front of over throwing South Africa, sanctions, anti apartheid rallies, activism etc etc. Well, what goes around comes around.
Even more ironically my girlfriend is “coloured” (their term, not PC over here these days) South African and she thinks that the UKs policy on immigration is nuts.
From my experiences a lot of the types of people who the Left try and support actually look at the nature of Socialist Britain as quite odd.
Surely this is the future of the BBC writ large. The end result, the ‘common purpose’ of (forced) integration, the denials of European immigration ‘ghettos’, the insistence of embracing ‘multiculturalism’ to its logical end. Not ‘multi’ at all but ‘monoculturalism’ of the liberal left.
You wonder what kind of mind set is at work when details are deliberately omitted. Bit like on the news here where no description is given. I’ve looked at that page and it is absolutely horrendous the culprit should have been swinging tthe end of a rope. At least we now have the internet to give us a clearer view of these abominations.
David, that has echoes of the Amy Biehl murder in South Africa – another fan of multi-culturalism and equality; who experienced the other side of it, that they don’t tell you about.
I saw the poor girls remains on another site…and nearly exploded. I would have killed that muslim filth with my bare hands. Please everyone, fight back, be rude to all muslims, let them know we know their plans, that we do not want them here, boycott their business’s their trashy food outlets the lot…i scowl at every stupid woman in a burkha, refuse a taxi if the guy is a muslim, you can do it…make them really feel like the bloody outsiders they like being.
wish I hadn’t clicked on that link. What type of sick and twisted f**k could do that to someone? The left are deliberately bringing in these people as well. Disgusting
Theyre not bothering to learn Norwegian because
a) All Norwegians speak English and soon English will be the prime language in Norway
b) Most of them are probably planning on heading for Britain eventually.
This might be why, from ‘order order’
“The list of this week’s super-secret Bilderberg meeting in Austria has been revealed in full.-They’ve invited Ed Balls back even though he’s no longer an MP.-Other notable secret-lizard Brits include Osborne, the BBC’s Rona Fairhead “
Bilderberg Group meeting guest list. It’s a rogues gallery, everyone a slime bucket. If there was any justice in the World the police would surround the Hotel and arrest everyone for treason against their respective countries.
Look on the bright side. While Labour still has morons like that and the BBC showers them with plenty of airtime, the chanced of having another Blair/Brown terror inflicted on us get smaller all the time.
To that creature and his ilk, anybody who isn’t in favour of immigration is a racist; which is Political Correctness of the terminal variety – as regards the continued existence of nation states.
I heard and saw various news items today. They are all raving mad. Seriously the whole lot- media, politicians and the rest are deranged.
The invaders in the Med are migrants. Really ? No they are illegally trying to get into Europe. Isis are never mentioned but who do you think is filling the boats. ? Oxfam?
Putin and Russia are bad bad bad and we are not going to put up with it. This must make Putin laugh. Nato is as useless as a legoland toy soldier army and Russia knows it.
We are going to give up carbon fuels by 2100. The Pope says so as well. Complete effing fantasy. Laughable and why repeat such garbage. Oh I forgot the BBC/Guardian thinks this is going to happen.
Europe is going to let us stay if we are nice and vote for what that charming Mr Cameron is told to tell us to accept.
The Euro is the answer to all human ills. We have the best education system in the universe. It goes on and on. You get the idea.
Fantasy , fantasy and more fantasy. It will never stop until reality smashes into them and us at last. Not that most of them will notice. They will still be forming their action groups and passing motions in their absurd universities about nothing at all
Meanwhile the predators of the world will be watching and waiting. They always are and always will be. .
This is a response to ‘Cod’, the Al Beeb troll who posted this last night –
“Your constant plugging of the BBC petition overlooks the salient fact that the petition has died. Hardly 1000 new signatures in 2 weeks.”
Perhaps if you work for the bbc as a troll it is not a good idea to draw attention to tools useful for bring it to heel ?
Cod ? Well like a piece of cod you’ve been caught, skinned, chopped up and cooked for our pleasure. Thanks it tastes very nice too.
As has been pointed out, it’s half of the number of people who signed a petition to stop BBC Three going online and also fewer than those whose signed to stop BBC 6 Music closing. Which means many more people care about changes to a single BBC service than share your opinion that the whole thing should be closed.
It also explains why this entire website never really achieves anything.
Irrelevant. The tax is indefensible. There is not one single thing to say in it’s defence. This is 2015 not 1925. The technology exists to make the BBC subscription. You want it you pay for it.
Brainwash the people all you like it will go in the end and you know it.
Hello Clap/Bunny/Cod/Chippy whatever you call yourself today,
If this website offends you why do you work for the bbc trying to undermine it ? Go out and get a proper job, London’s full of them. Stop taking the money that I and we have to pay for the dross served up on pain of imprisonment.
Daily Pre-Paris climate change crap on “Today” this morning, with one Catherine Mitchell (University of Reading, I believe), and Mr. “Potato” Davey the EX-DECC minister has-been non-person, and now ex lib-dem nobody.
They both think some sort of deal will be cobbled together in Paris – I don’t doubt it, it won’t be allowed to fail, and ALL delegates will be kept way beyond their bedtime, and with no tea until they collectively sign away our future economies, and in many cases, our lives.
No fossil fuels by the end of the century, and if Mr. Potato gets his way, none from next Tuesday. Plenty of wind and solar, chaps, and all much simpler to provide, and much, much cheaper than we’ve all been led to believe.
They are completely and utterly mad, and so is the BBC for going along with promoting this drivel.
I notice that Ms. Mitchell had a very shaky voice, and din’t come across too well at all.
Never mind, a good dose of Carbon Capture and Storage might do her good, in the short term.
Catherine Mitchell, University of Exeter, on speed dial by the BBC. Here stated ‘research’ interests are revealing, quote
Catherine’s research interest is how to undertake the transition from the current ‘dirty’ energy system to a sustainable energy system, at a rate which is quick enough to make a difference to the planetary imperative of climate change and which maintains energy security. She views this question as a system issue. This requires addressing all the issues which make up a system such as policy (and politics), institutions (including economic regulation), infrastructure, economics, innovation, law and planning. She is interested in what enables, constrains or channels energy system innovation at a local, regional, national and international level. She is also interested in the overlapping spheres of energy (including transport), waste resources and food policy and how energy policy fits within the broader climate change policy.”
In other words, changing everything to accord with the flawed and corrupt religion of global warming.
Exeter again. What is it about that place? Full of loons and lefties of the worst sort. No time for Israel either. I was in the city a few days ago. used to be a fine West Country town. Looks like a down market Brighton nowadays. Some of the ugliest development I have ever seen.
Real Devon is still there thank God. Just no longer in Exeter.
Exeter was a fine city until the Luftwaffe and brutalist town planners uglified it. The establishment of a fruitcake university there didn’t help either.
Sadly so but the damage done by the Germans could have been repaired and the old city restored. .Most of the ugliness was done by the developers and the City Council. The usual things greed and stupidity.
That’s one thing that really annoys me about this country. Germany and Austria unashamedly rebuilt millions of damaged and destroyed buildings in their original styles and preserved the feel of many of their towns and cities. They have public spaces that are pleasant places to be in.
We suggest doing the same and it’s howled down as kitsch. The arrogance of architects is partly to blame, IMO, and those who listen to them at everyone else’s expense. To add insult to injury, the stuff they put up was largely worthless.
We don’t ‘do’ new public spaces well and those we have are so few in number they tend to be overcrowded or used as car parks. Our town planners are clueless. We should import a few – we import everything else.
And another thing. A few imported teachers wouldn’t hurt either.
Absolutely right. Many German cities have been rebuilt with painstaking accuracy, and it’s hard to believe that they were once just ruins. They had respect for their past, even when they were shamed as a nation.
Most of our city centres are soulless dumps. I feel ashamed, thinking of what tourists must think, but are too polite to say.
News from Wales.
The Marxist Government of Wales today issued the following announcement.
“Not enough people are voting Marxist of their own volition.
We will therefore take action to create yet more non-jobs in the public sector. This action will ensure even more serfs are bound to the government and will, in future, vote correctly.
This action will put an even greater burden on the private sector and will make it impossible for them to be competitive in world markets. The additional unemployment in this sector, which we hope will occur, will, by placing the newly unemployed on benefits, increase still further the number of serfs who will be dependant on the Government and vote correctly in future.
The new non-jobs created today will be in the MiniFree (Ministry of Slavery) and MiniChoice (Ministry of Repression) and will involve ecigarettes, accupuncture and tattooing.
500,000 new non-jobs will be created, the salaries will be paid for by funds from MiniOwe (The Ministry for borrowing) and Minipawn (The Ministry for selling anything of value to foreigners),
Under the new legislation all staff in the industries will have to be trained, and certified, by Government officers in the Lubyanka, who are experts in the use of hot cigarette ends, red hot needles, and the modification of skin.
The statement made yesterday regarding the new Ministry of silly walks contained an error, the proportion of Ministry employees doing useful, productive work, was overstated by 50%, the correct figure is two.
Blodwyn Marxitaff”
Why is only the left half of the page/screen used?
Sicily migrant homes in Catania ‘like a dump’
More than 1,000 migrants have been rescued by the British naval warship HMS Bulwark and are beginning to disembark in the Sicilian port of Catania.
They were rescued off the coast of Libya.
But what happens next?
As migrants arrive in Italy, they go into centres dotted around the country, while they wait for the refugee paperwork.
Others simply disappear, hoping to make their way to other European countries.
However, many end up trying to eke out a living on farms in Catania, as Clive Myrie has been finding out.
Let me translate:
Sicily migrant homes in Catania ‘like a welcome mat’
More than 1,000 illegal immigrants bound for Britain have been rescued by the British naval warship HMS Soft Touch and are beginning to disembark in the Sicilian port of Catania.
They were rescued off the coast of Libya.
But what happens next?
As illegal immigrants arrive in Italy, they go into centres dotted around the country, while they wait for EU passports.
Others simply disappear, making their way to the UK.
However, very few end up trying to eke out a living on farms in Catania, as Clive Myrie tries to pull the wool over our eyes.
Sicily has long been a poor country. There are insufficient jobs on farms, or in local establishments for the indigenous population, so how these thousands who have suddenly arrived on the island miraculously found themselves farming jobs, even temporary ones raises eyebrows. Something’s gotta give…
Lamenting the concreting of our green and pleasant land, the piece states
“estimates suggest that 250,000 homes need to be built each year to solve the housing crisis in the UK.”
How did this huge demand for new housing arise?
Does the Beeb not know?
Can they not solve this riddle with their army of highly talented and paid journalists?
No BBc 3 is crap
BBc Breakast charity of the day: Save the children. Some bint telling us that due to finances the migrant centers in Southern Europe are not lovely and fluffy. Children are therefore forced to move to Northern Europe which puts them in danger of people smugglers and exploitation blh blah blah
BBC radio 4 is taking a caravan on the road to record people in what is called ‘the listening project’. This might at first sight appear a reasonable thing to undertake, until you discover that as ever costs have been the last thing on the agenda, and unbelievably they have had a designer design a custom caravan in the shape of a speech bubble, which they have then had built for them.
God alone knows how much they spent on this when they could have just used an ordinary familiar caravan !
The Listening Project has been around for a while now and is one of the most pernicious programmes on an already pernicious channel.
Recommended only for those of low intellect or a galvanised stomach lining, TLP is a series of dialogues designed to reinforce the conspicuous compassion meme so beloved of ‘progressves’, where thought and reason are elbowed aside in favour of people demonstrating how much they ‘care’.
Yes, the Listening Project is another of the BBC ‘nudges’. Snippet-sized soundbites reinforcing some liberal-left meme or other so beloved by the State’s official broadcaster. All part of the process. Bit-by-bit…drip, drip, drip…
And of course it now gives a cushy number for the tiresome unctious Fi Glover. She is one of the charmed BBC names – there’s always well-paid work for them.
What I would pay for is seeing a good old cat fight between Glover and Derbyshire, old Vicky stole her man. The man himself has just been found not guilty of any bullying at the beeb and got his job back. Just typical stories about Northern folk, anyone for ‘ Salford Street ‘. a look at life in a typical Nothern media business ? Would get better viewing figures than the VD Show.
When watching in the past it appeared to me that BBC News Channel at breakfast time joined uncle Bill Turnbull on the comfy sofa. So this morning I was surprised to find business news being broadcast. So lost puppy stories replaced by a new more serious approach? Normality was somewhat restored by the presenter’s plea that the audience make their views known about the fat cat salary story of the day, Sir Martin Sorrell’s (admitedly ridiculous) salary.
Martin Sorrell built WPP from scratch. His company – and it is HIS company – employs thousands and thousands of people, and earns Britain huge amounts of money worldwide. His track record shows that he is a brilliant strategist and helmsman. Worth every penny IMHO.
Probably sent from the same people who think they send a typical similar grouping to be the audience on QT and Any Q, they really think their choice reflects the make up of the UK, rather than the make up of inner city London and Salford.
But of course – females comprise 2/3 of the population, after all. And ethnic minorities are the majority, also 2/3. White males? Hardly any of those.
The makeup of that panel simply reflected the population makeup of the Wonderfully Multicultural And Female-Centric UK. Anything else (like, say, deliberately and dramatically under-representing white and/or male persons) would be sexist and racist, after all!
Think we can all see now why the BBC and its lefty oafs in the SNP/LibLab Pacts are so keen for kids to get the vote.
All those BBC/lefty types would be able to , er “take samples”…to “probe the youth vote” and-of course-“get their fingers on the very nub of youth” as shown then them by Savile and his Reign of Teret!
Do hope the authorities will watch for BBC survey monkeys hovering around childrens homes and school playgrounds with their bags of “sherbet” and their “jamboree bags”…well that`s what they tell me they call such inducements-when the call to prayer isn`t fully amplified anyway.
No to teenage votes-if the BBC like the idea, it`s only because they want to groom the yoof!
Bbc r5 10-10 am a 20 minute prerecorded chat between Childes and a Zainab Bangura from the UN about sexual violence in IS against females. So, so horrific, as it went on I noticed the lack of any mention of the M word or the underlining philosophy allowing the treatment of the women and girls. Then this African woman mentioned she herself was a……Muslim ! Problem solved, after touring the area and finding such horrors what did she do ? Took herself off to Mecca and had a good cry and prayer. Problem solved, nothing to do with Mo or his religion then, Childes thanks her and wraps up, not going to ‘understand’ any better after this little exercise are we bbc ?
Isis must look at us in the West -at least at men like Childes. Cameron, Obama etc- and think
We have only to push at their rotten door and it will fall open-
I seem to remember that was once said by Lenin a long time ago. And he did and the door did open.
Yes I heard this long winded woman wowing the BBC over rapes which are not done in the name of Mo. She fudged it when asked why western educated women (presumably from no religion or culture whatsoever) are attracted to ISIS, but she did manage to get the point across several times that they were destroying mosques. Perhaps the EDL have branches in Iraq and Syria. Moslems are always victims for the BBC.
Radio 4’s Today had a nice balanced debate on decarbonisation this morning – 3 for it, 1 interviewer agreeing with them and no one taking the contrary position.
Still I suppose that the science is settled, which would explain the series of barbecue summers that we have been experiencing recently.
As far as the BBC is concerned there isn’t a contrary position. The science is settled. The BBC calls this ‘due impartiality’ (as in ‘none at all’), because as we should all know by now, anyone who dissents from the agreed scripture of The Church of the Holy Consensus should be excommunicated and declared a heretic and should never – ever – be given airtime on any BBC channel.
The Narrative is everything to the Politburo. None may dissent.
Has anyone else noticed the BBC calling gay marriage ‘equal marriage’? Such a lefty adjective to use, making out it’s an equality issue rather than redefining the meaning of the actual word and equating it with equal rights.
I agree. We are only equal in death and judgment and all else is fallacy and agitprop. Not even married couples are ‘equal’ in any sense of the word. The lefts linking of rights of ‘homosexuality’ disorder and abuse to that of Magna-Carta ‘freedoms’ is deliberate and false. Until we joined the EU this was an aspirational fact ‘freedom’ meant something else for third world countries i.e. democracy.. Now we are all in danger of the same state apparatus and the new political correctness that ensures a new form of ‘surfdom’ for the proletariat that we will become ‘genderless’, ‘stateless’ and have to endure ‘communism’s’ health-and-safety broadcasts that we know are false but can do little about it.
Pretty well everyone who has ever received such an honour seems to have managed to keep quiet about it until the official announcement, as they are requested to do. Except that blowhard.
I’m guessing the knighthood must be for services to black people. It certainly can’t be for being funny, because he hasn’t been funny since Three of A Kind.
I actually like Lenny Henry and he has had ‘issues’ with the BBC himself. Its the EU quest civil servants and the BBC twerps that should NOT be awarded. So I wish him luck, after all he is a Londoner and is a lot funnier (as a comedian) than the rest of the BBC who claim fame.
Just a quick point after the many serious and excellent posts on this board today…I watched The Daily Politics today and the BB bustards managed to disrupt transmission ONLY for an extract of Norman Tebbitt speaking in the Lords ,everybody else(mostly Liebore +SNP) OK.
‘Charlie’ Falconer-at great length , no problem.
‘Jo’ Coburn- Liebore sympathiser , no problem.
Some insignificant pressure group women-no problem.
Oh why don`t the BBC f***off?…and take pox-ridden Jon Snow and his minchins with it?
The Left had long had a vendetta against the banks…HSBC being a bank, I believe…and has long boasted of hounding them to paying a fair share of the license fee in the form of a Yentob song or such.
And now HSBC elect to go-as they can in a free market.
Next thing-Unite are on the news and assorted green cnadiates to tell us why this is all the Tories fault-and that the EU Referendum must have scared them.
If we were more like the Pearl Delta with a decent rule of law-then HSBC could be encouraged to stay here-seeing as none of us voted for MiliBrand.
But no-more EU, more bank witch trials…but boo hoo to Unite and Jenny Jones.
Clueless vacuous venal nomarks and hypocrites…the Lefty thickos and BBC scumbuckets really DO want us to turn into North Korea-with a TV License to wear around our necks.
Still eh?…thank God for womens my M&S hummus confite and a small white wine in to watch it.
I see the Welsh -hot on the heels of killing off more than Shipman and mid-Staffs ever could-have turned their gaze onto vaping, having shook the world with their 5p carrier bag “supplement”.
What is it about our virtuous self-satisfied Labour Celtic fringe?…why do they have to be so bloody smug?
Oh wait-they`ve got pocketfuls of our taxes and don`t have to self-finance do they?
Absolutely no “medical rationale” for this according to the Welsh GP on Today this morning-just some sense about the anti-smoking zealots not being able to decide who to prosecute should a vaper look like a cigarette smoker.
Oh dear…how sad , never mind.
So tell me again-if cancer charities don`t want e-cigs banned, how can that possibly be negated by the BBC/BMA etc?
And don`t start me on legalising cannabis/LSD – but not wanting legal highs in headshops to be allowed.
Welcome to the amazing world of Liberal lefty land…what THEY feel-and what THEY control-seems to be the only law required.
It’s simply because they can. It’s statement politics. Look how powerful we are! We can ban a perfectly legal activity simply because we don’t approve of it, for some rather vague reasons we can’t properly explain.
The intention is that the Welsh Assembly wishes to be perceived as somehow progressive and ‘ground-breaking’ in this silly move.
A Welsh friend of mine described the Welsh Assembly as “An incompetent shower of shit. An ineffectual talking shop full of provincial, parochial under-achievers who couldn’t even begin to cut it in Westminster”.
As a person who was born and who lives in the land of song ….. they just make and pass laws because they can, irrespective of the need for any. The Welsh assembly is just another tier of bureaucracy, another talking shop, and another waste of money.
What happens to Tobacco Tax on Welsh bought & Welsh smoked cigarettes? Anyone know?
Could it also be that the separate Welsh NHS would actually like their smokers to go back to the real thing, because that would provide them with an independent income? The VAT on vaping I assume gets taken like all VAT by the Treasury in London; there’s no other fiscal benefit on vaporisers for Wales.
Oh to round of breakfast today we have Pauline Murray from 1980s two tone two hit wonder The Selector. Amongst informing us that he live singing sounds dreadful from a video clip she informs us that multi- culturism is the way forward for any country. Yea thanks for that.
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 04:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Debs My 25 year-old daughter is one of those with I suspect a compromised immune system. Every two weeks she…
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JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
The BBC and half a storySaudi court upholds blogger’s 10 years and 1,000 lashes somehow fails to mention Saudi Arabia hosts UN-backed human rights summit ‘on combating religious discrimination’
BBC = conservative status quo. Theyve also forgotten to mention the UK giving away its soveriegnty in the TTIP vote on the 10th. Just as well there are no patriots on this site.
“Just as well there are no patriots on this site.”
What a gratuitous, ignorant and innacurate comment. Who do you know who supports TTIP?
BBc Breakfast charity today
Another minority apologism/blame whitey for everything article. It’s amazing how the BBC smugly demands ‘diversity’ yet the most important element of diversity – the diversity of views and opinions – is completely absent from the BBC’s journalism and in fact all of its output since Clarkson was fired. And make no mistake about it, Clarkson wasn’t let go because he punched a reporter – if he was, he wouldn’t have been invited on Have I Got News For You just a week or so after he “crossed a line.” He was fired because he was one of the last remaining non-PC, non-bullshitting voices on the BBC.
It’s not going too well for the racists. All the top twenty comments are against the bBBC, Casciani and their ‘black is best’ notions.
The left’s values are self-nullifying. They destroy whatever they touch. The American left must destroy America for the sake of “American values”. The Catholic left must destroy the Catholic Church. The Jewish left must destroy Jews. Its idea of Jewish values is unmaking Jews, Judaism and the Jewish State.
The left’s values are self-nullifying. They destroy whatever they touch. And so it is with almost everything- science ( Climate Change science used to pervert and destroy science. Leftist priests who defy Biblical tenets to destroy Christianity etc, and yet insist they are Christians.
The Left is essentially hatred of the world.
DP111…..your Link not working
Try this
Thanks for letting me know.
Just as well you neither have any values or brains given your ludicrous statement on climate science.
However you are forgiven for your stupidity which is extremely prevalent amongst conservatives who apparently have no iq when it comes to scientific thinking.
So NOAA reversing the scientific method and radically adjusting empirically measured historical temperatures to force them to fit in with their failing hypothesis is an example of what??? Because it is certainly NOT science.
Climate alarmists are LITERALLY doing the exact opposite of science to desperately hang on to their myth of CAGW. Yes the climate changes, naturally and it always ALWAYS has, sometimes slowly, sometimes very very quickly. There is nothing unusual or unprecedented happening in the climate today that has not happened thousands and thousands of times before over the billions of years this planet has existed.
Using incomplete, biased and grossly over simplified computer models of the climate which cannot even agree with each other, or even model clouds, is NOT a test of the CAGW hypothesis. Computer models ARE the hypothesis. A model of the climate acting as the hypothesis suggests is merely a model of the hypothesis and therefore can never ever be a test or validation of the hypothesis.
The only way to validate or refute the CAGW hypothesis, (which is how science is supposed to be conducted) is to look at the prediction of the hypothesis, (which is what the models are) and then observe what is actually happening and compare to see if there is agreement between the hypothesis and the empirical observations. If there is not agreement, the hypothesis is wrong. If there is agreement, then the hypothesis is not wrong…yet!
The observations currently disagree with the hypothesis, so NOAA have botched the data to force the data to match the evidence… That is NOT science! That is blatant, in-you-face fraud!
The way these alarmist “scientists” are adjusting the historical temperature record, by 2100, the 1800s will have been in an ice age and all our ancestors will have frozen to death.
Nice comment
Ken wrote If there is not agreement, the hypothesis is wrong. If there is agreement, then the hypothesis is not wrong…yet!
There are many question marks over the model itself. has been questioning this for years.
I think we need Richard Pinders to give an opinion.
A simple fact that the Computer models approved by the Met Office have a fixed Albedo of 3.6, which conflicts with the ignored variable Albedo found by Astronomers such as Palle. Ignored because the whole IPCC gravy train would fall apart if it was taken into account that the Earths Cloud Albedo was proved to vary between a high of 4, and a low of 2.7, within 60 years.
Sorry, that’s a visual Albedo of 0.36 or 36 percent today. And a visual Albedo of 0.4 or 40 percent in 1958. Therefore the Bond Albedo of the Earth decreased from 0.36 in 1958. Then from 0.32 in 1985 to 0.29 in 1997 showing a 6.5 percent decrease in cloud cover (Palle, E. (2004),) this produced the warming at the end of the last Century.
Unfortunately,and as I hope you know,the study to which you refer was found to be flawed. Sure Albedo is variable. A contributing factor is that it snows in winter and therefore you see an increase in sea ice at the poles. Overall however evidence shows thatthe Albedo is roughly constant if you average over the year. As to clouds,thethe prediction is that they will become more numerous but you need to be aware that clouds also contribute to global warming through a number of mechanisms. Remember too that global warming has nothing to do with visible light. Global warming is related to Infra red and in this respect water is also a greenhouse gas.
As for the temperature record, it is without doubt showing consistent growth which is without doubt related to grow in CO2. Cloud cover is not likely to affect this significantly. If you find this hard to understand check out Venus in the sky. Completely cloud covered,the most brilliant object in the sky with an atmospheric temperature that can melt Lead. A perfect example of global warming!
“Overall however evidence shows thatthe Albedo is roughly constant if you average over the year.”
Best laugh of the morning!
Everything is ‘roughly’ constant when ‘averaged over the year’. I think you will find that there has been no change in mean surface temperatures when averaged over the millennia either!
Why are you on this site ?
No your inference isnt not correct.
Given you obviously know a thing or two about climate you may notice that it gets cold in December in the northern hemisphere and likewise in August in the southern hemisphere. You may have also noticed when its gets cold at the poles it usually snows. Therefore if you take albedo measurements in spring or autumn the albedo of the Earth it is not going to be the same as when polar ice is at a maximum.
Fairly simple for most people to understand I think. Same principle applies when you check what months are the best to go to the Canaries. You look at the average temp for the month rather than each day which because the daily variability would not be a useful guide. If you are interested there are several basic stats courses online. Maybe the other 7 would like to equip themselves of some basic numeracy too!
Manomclaphamomnibus, you must be one of the BBC,s “best scientific experts”. Therefore you need to remove the Brainwashing by reading this Scientific Paper. (Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics, Gerhard Gerlich, 2009).
But there are many variables, most must be too small to be detectable, Ice Albedo is one, CO2 warming close to the ground is another, CO2 cooling due to absorption is another. But the biggest variable for Albedo of any Planet in the Solar System, and its Bond Albedo that includes all radiation, is Cloud Albedo over the Pacific Ocean.
And it was from a fellow Astronomer that we got the key to the fact that Carbon Dioxide warming must be irrelevant for the Earth. The temperature on Venus at the altitude that has identical pressure to that on the Earths surface is 1.176 times the Earths average surface temperature. The radiating temperature of Venus is 1.176 times that of the Earth, proving that input from the Sun and a change to thermal inertia due to pressure as a precise function of altitude are all that is needed to calculate the atmospheric greenhouse effect on Venus. Which then lead to the paper (Unified Theory of Climate, Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, 2011) which shows that the average surface temperature divided by the grey body temperature gives you the magnitude of the Thermal inertia which resembles the response of the temperature/potential temperature ratio to the altitudinal changes of pressure described by the Poisson formula, with predictions matching evidence for Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Europa, Titan, Triton and the Moon, to prove that the physical nature of the so-called Greenhouse Effect is in fact a Pressure-induced Thermal Enhancement or Thermal Inertia which is independent of the atmospheric chemical composition.
From this the calibration of carbon dioxide warming for the 20th century is estimated to be about 0.007 Kelvin for the 100ppm or 0.1 millibar increase in CO², which is too small to be detectable. That’s why Palle helps to fill the gap, and why CERN has to censor the fact that Henrik Svensmark has provided the answer.
“Unfortunately, and as I hope you know,the study to which you refer was found to be flawed.”
Fraudster on a bus, you still posting your bogus claims here ? Why? We know you are a fraud. Nothing has been rebutted – you are the desperate voice of green-fraud.
The fact you bother to post here at all is indicative of a delusional state or evidence of industrial-weight funding to “undermine” opposition to the liars of climate fraud.
We know you. You are not the voice of reason, you are slime on the face of humanity, go elsewhere, for shame.
Palle updated his research in another paper in 2008. With a new telescope and new data the large spike in albedo in the earlier paper disappears.
Click to access Palle_etal_2008_JGR.pdf
Did you stop reading papers in 2004 Richard?
I have retired, but I have seen that the results from 1999 to 2007 show an increase in Albedo, and that 1999 was the year that it turned around, to produce what they called the pause, but I have also seen year on year results which show a significant increase in Albedo from 2007, which after a 11 year thermal lag found by Archibald, we would expect to get the start of a mini-ice age from 2018, as was predicted by the Barycentre wobble/Length of the Solar Cycle people.
This is great. If you want Pinder to give you opinion then its clear you havent got the knowledge to form your own. Not only does that put into question ANY opinion you have on ANYTHING but it also emphasises your total ignorance of any remotelŷ connected to science. Why dont you attack quantum theory tomorrow and give us all a laugh.
Here is one question that you can’t answer or wont answer .
Why are you on this site ?
I think the first time I became aware of the Climate Change fraud was a simple explanation in a scientific document (before Steve McIntyre got involved with the statistics) of why the IPCC’s Hockey Stick Graph of Michael Mann, had never appeared before in the Scientific Literature. If I remember correctly, it was something to do with the fact that the Hockey Stick assumed that all the thin tree rings found in Mann’s California Pine trees were assumed to have been caused by cold weather. But previous analysis was more reliable because Carbon 14 analysis of thin tree rings had established that most of the thin tree rings in the California Pine trees were caused by hot droughts. Therefore Michael Mann’s fame or infamy was caused by either Scientific fraud or gross incompetence, but a fraud or incompetence that has made Michael Mann a very famous and rich scientist.
Also, If I heard correctly, the brother of Piers Corbyn could become the next leader of the Labour Party. If Piers could convince his brother to appoint Graham Stringer as his deputy and scientific adviser, then the Labour Party could challenge UKIP with a sane Climate Change Policy, leaving the Tory Party in the land of the loonies.
As for Charlie K and IQ: This was issued as written evidence by a fellow Mensa member. Note the reference to W1A, and the intellectual abilities of BBC Staff.,%20Media%20and%20Sport/Future%20of%20the%20BBC/written/8338.html
But Charlie K may be correct about the Tories, because that is why I voted UKIP.
I was a warmist about 20 years or so ago. Then a friend of mine made some stupid online comment about some bizarre conspiracy theory which I was determined to debunk, and I noticed that the original conspiracy he posted, although was easy to debunk, actually led me to a specific related question, which was, “We know that CO2 causes warming according to long established physics, and we know that the climate changes naturally as well, but do we know if the climate is near a tipping point which would be catastrophic, which our warming is making worse, or is the 20th century warming all natural, and our latest addition going to push us over the edge, like turning the heating up on an already naturally warm day?”
In other words, “Are we causing the warming or not? and if so, how bad will it get?”
This has lead to nearly 2 decades of research. Reading everything I can find on all sides of the debate from extremist warmists, through lukewarmers, to sceptics and outright deniers. It has made me constantly improve and refine my understanding of the strictness of science and the importance of the scientific method, to never reject any evidence out of hand, regardless of where it leads and which side of the argument it supports, but to examine it fully in a neutral and independent manner and see what the scientific method tells me to do with it. In this pursuit I have had email conversations with many scientists and advocates on both sides of this still very real debate. I have received very helpful and open information and instruction from some scientists, and deeply anti-scientific vitriol from others. (again from both sides) Whenever I ask scientists questions, I always ensure that it is worded in a totally neutral manner, so it could be being asked about by someone from any side of the debate, and base follow up questions in a respectful, ‘Devil’s advocate’ manner, explaining this to whoever I am asking, to test the strength of the argument.
Doing this, I have discovered that the only side which mostly abides by traditional scientific discourse is the sceptical side. The warmist side fall back on insults, debunked rubbish, cherry picking, distortion of evidence and hiding evidence, false appeals to authority, post hoc ergo propter hoc, straw men, misleading allegories and ridiculous fearmongering videos of polar bears falling out of the sky and children exploding… And now they are advocating for arrests or in extreme cases, the execution of anyone who questions the “settled science of CAGW” Well it cannot be all that settled when there is disagreement among climate scientists as to what the ECS is and even what earlier, already measured temperatures actually were. the sceptical side is willing to admit areas of doubt, whereas alarmists try to pass off uncertain areas of research as being far more certain than they are in reality.
I stick to verifiable empirically measured evidence.
As I am a software engineer who has worked on systems engineering and systems modelling software for NASA, Siemens, Boeing, Areva amongst others, I can and do understand the massive current limitations of climate models. To deny these faults with climate models belies a deep ingrained, anti-scientific bias.
I am not a climate scientist, and that is just as well, because I do understand the scientific method, and you do not need to be a climate scientist to apply the scientific method to the science of how the climate behaves. In fact, in my opinion, it is high time climate scientists actually did apply the scientific method for a change.
In my experience, Climate Science is the opposite of the scientific method, because warmists cannot experiment with an identical “control” earth, so they model instead. To create the best models they can, they code these models full of the assumptions of the currently leading AGW hypothesis. Then to test the hypothesis, they run the models. Now…. does anyone spot a flaw?
The models are NOT the earth. They are a biased interpretation of evidence which is then coded into a model of the hypothesis. Essentially, they are trying to use a model of the CAGW hypothesis, to validate the same hypothesis.
One need not be a tenured professor of physics to know that a hypothesis cannot validate itself.
We claim that increasing CO2 will increase the global temperature by n degrees, over x years due to these well known and understood atmospheric physics and to prove it, here is a model we built earlier which demonstrates it happening and from this we learn we are headed for catastrophe.
Now that leads me to question….. Do they KNOW that they are using a hypothesis to validate itself, or are they just seriously bad scientists who genuinely cannot understand or apply the scientific method???
I have particular skill in simplifying complex issues to be able to explain them to a lay-person, which is what I now do on various blogs, to help educate people to how flakey and ridiculous “climate science” really is. This is why I deliberately steer clear of grandiose, or pretentious prose. It is better if I can clearly explain away what the limitations of climate science are, without losing the readers with too much gobbeldygook. I reserve that form of communcation to my work and my private research, where it is appropriate.
I have yet to see any empirical evidence of catastrophic warming as a direct result of humanity’s emissions of CO2. All the predictions from models have so far, been wrong and real measured data has had to be tortured to force it to fit the prediction from the modelled hypothesis.
Changing the data to fit the model is NOT science. It is religion, or politics or fraud, but it is not science.
Geyza: Thank you
GeyzaI wrote: have yet to see any empirical evidence of catastrophic warming as a direct result of humanity’s emissions of CO2. All the predictions from models have so far, been wrong and real measured data has had to be tortured to force it to fit the prediction from the modelled hypothesis.
This is the trouble with AGWCC . It also implies dishonesty – the very opposite of the scientific method.
As Tom Segalstad said ‘Using the evasion “buffer” factor instead of the chemical Henry’s Law will always explain any CO2 level rise as being anthropogenic, because that very idea was the basis for the construction of the evasion “buffer” correction factor.
That’s why we have proof with the 4 percent, that even the increase in CO2 is a natural increase as regards a 800 year thermal lag in Deep Ocean temperatures, with the fact that the Medieval Warm period peaked 800 years ago.
The Warmists on the other hand, stick to theses circular assumptions in all aspects of Climate science, not just the Carbon Cycle.
Richard Pinder, Geyza and others
Thank you for explaining some of the problems inherent in AGWCC. Its always a pleasure to learn from people who know something about a subject.
LOL just had a look myself & added a comment. The natives are revolting!
Ever disingenuous the BBC claim obliquely to have ‘sacked’ Clarkson and allow their comedians to state it openly without challenge, but they actual refused to renew his contract which is different. There is, however, enough difference to allow the BBC it’s wiggle room.
Yup we all like a guy that beats people up. As long as he likes cars that is! Thats because we believe in conservative British values like law n order. Except for people that like cars of course.
If only Clarkson had stayed reporting on local theatre eh Dopeyjim?
No one is perfect, not even you, well, maybe Kylie, but I digress. My statement is not in support of Clarkson but a statement of fact. Clarkson was not sacked.
Please learn to read.
Hey free drinker join me for a quart! Hic!
If the police bosses do not want confrontation between white officers and black youths who are breaking the law then they have only one option
Withdraw all white police from black events and areas.
Then see just how long it takes for the complaints to start.
This is yet another sign of our society breaking apart.
London has no future except as a minority majority city.
Detroit here we come. it will take time but London has had it as our capital city
This is probably for the long term best. Detroit is a marginal city in the USA so it can be ignored, but London is a capital city and deterioration there will be hard for those in power to ignore.
but London is a capital city and deterioration there will be hard for those in power to ignore.
But realistically, what can they do?
Nothing. This is a problem beyond a few policy initiatives. Since the rich from around the world are buying up real estate as an investment, poorer people of which the black population partially comprise will be pushed further afield. Our current economic system will continue to increase inequality and to the extent that some of the middle class will be retained a core of civil society will be maintained. Give the shrinkage of the state the police will not be able to control the mass of the disenfranchised poor. Acoordingly a quasi police force will emerge ,privately owned and run, to augment state forces. Their aim will be predominantly to protect property. Companies such as G4S will essentially buttress the economically viable from the economically dispossesed.
It will be a scenario as depicted in The Hunger Games except it wont be a story.
The harrowing* story of the perilous journey undertaken by desperate* and fleeing migrants* crossing the Mediterranean trying to reach Europe*
* as interpreted by the BBC.
Staf Mustapha, 34: Ghana to Macedonia
Here, despite forcibly procuring £4bn worth of funding, the BBC displays an astonishing lack of curiosity about Staf’s motivations for reaching Europe. He has left Ghana (9th biggest economy in Africa and a stable democracy) and for some reason, along with a load of his working-age, male friends, chosen to travel through some of the harshest climate on the planet in order to reach Libya. He has passed through at least two countries where asylum could be claimed before reaching Europe. He has a phone (or camera) and he has also stumped 700 Euros to secure his place on a boat to cross to Europe. Upon reaching Greece, he has continued on to Turkey, before ending up in Macedonia ‘in the hands of a trafficking gang’.
No questions asked by the BBC.
Ahmed, Latifah and their three young sons: Syria to Germany
This family has apparently fled war-torn Syria (fair enough) and passed through five safe and stable countries before arriving in Germany.
No questions asked by the BBC about why it had to be Germany.
Om Motasem and her daughters: Syria to Germany
See previous case.
Omar Gassama, 18: Gambia to Italy
Now we have at least a hint of what is driving ‘migrants’ to Europe in their millions, but we have to wait until the last story to find out. Omar has fled through countless ‘safe’ countries, some of which he endured prejudice due to the colour of his skin. He has eventually moved to Italy where he hopes to find work to support his family back in Africa. He also wants to settle somewhere ‘where his mind can be free’ and hopes to move to the UK one day.
The only harrowing thing in this article is the amount of hand-wringing done by the BBC over the plight of these people who are coming to Western Europe because that’s where the money is.
I would ‘analyse’ this in greater depth but I have to go to work now in order to earn money to pay my taxes to help pay for people like Omar to stay in a hostel, be fed, watered, taught Italian, and given ‘an allowance’.
I feel so wholesome.
They use similar stories about the migrants waiting in Calais who, having traveled through the countries of the EU are ‘desperate’ to get in to the UK .
Why ‘desperate’ to get into the UK ?
Answers on a postcard please….
E-Postcard answer: Benefits
Non-contributory benefits, free healthcare, plenty of jobs, good race relations.
These are just the fit men capable of undertaking the hazardous journey. Once given leave to remain in Europe, applications for family re-unification will come into play.
We are talking not half a million but millions over the next five years alone just from the represent batch of migrants.
Al Beeb reporting that more migrants are heading this way not only to Italy but to Greece. Both countries have struggling economies. A recipe for unrest if ever there was one. They will be at Calais quicker than you can say ‘Referendum’
“…the migrants waiting in Calais…”
‘Migrants’ or ‘illegal immigrants’?
Until the BBC can start using the correct terminology anything they have to say on the issue is nothing but misdirection and sleight-of-hand.
Found it! The complaint I made when they found the illegals last year.
Reference CAS-2874067-W3Y6GV
Thanks for contacting us regarding BBC One’s ‘BBC News at Ten’ broadcast on 19 August.
We apologise for the delay in replying. We realise that our correspondents appreciate a quick response and we’re sorry that you had to wait on this occasion.
We understand you believe the BBC should have referred to the immigrants found in a shipping container at Tilbury docks as “illegal”.
While we appreciate your concerns, as the immigrants have applied for asylum, we believe the term immigrant is applicable; they are not illegal as you suggest.
Nevertheless, all complaints are sent to senior management and BBC News teams every morning and we included your points in this overnight report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future programmes.
Thanks again for taking the time to contact us.
Kind Regards
So sneaking into the country in a container is OK so long as you shout the safe word “Asylum” when & if the Border agency bust you. Now I back when I was obviously wasting my time trying to preserve our way of life in a panzer on the Rhine waiting for the Eastern hordes to cross the iron curtain one of my colleagues was jailed. I can not recall why as this took place in the early 1980s but he was confined to the guardroom. However there was work going on and scaffolding had been left in the exercise yard. After climbing out of the exercise yard on the scaffolding he broke into his locker got some civilian clothes and made it down to one of the ports. He apparently made it on and off the ship on the roof of the lorry. The point of the story is amongst other things he was charged with illegal entry into the UK.
The BBC are factually incorrect in their response, as none of those asylum seekers sought asylum in the first safe countries they entered. Therefore they have not automatic right to seek asylum here.
Wrong Ken, they have an absolute right under the treaty obligations to make a claim in any signatory country.
Passing through a safe country and failing to make a claim weakens any subsequent claim, but it certainly does not prevent a claim being made.
Nearly every illegal immigrant caught working in a takeaway claims asylum when the game is up. Every visa overstayer and work permit expiry all try it on. According to the BBCs explanation they are all ‘immigrants’ and there doesn’t appear to actually be a single case in which someone actually is an illegal immigrant unless they come from a safe country, and guess what? The vast majority of those are majority white ! Blame whitey again !
The BBC coverage has persuaded me that I am most definitely voting no in the EU referendum, because according to the BBC, the other EU countries must be so appalling that no matter how desperate people are, they do not feel safe enough to claim asylum in any of the countries between Africa and us. Furthermore, this must be so obviously and self-evidently true that the BBC will not even state it outright…
So if the other EU countries are so unsafe that the most desperate of asylum seekers do not feel safe enough to seek asylum in any of them, why the hell should we be in a profoundly anti-democratic political union with them???
Let’s see the BBC square that circle.
Alistair Bunkle on Sky News is as bad as any BBC reporter in trying to pluck our heart strings into sympathising with these “poor vulnerable people risking their lives trying to escape violence and war…..” and listening to very similar sob stories from these migrants. It seems all the TV news broadcasters are pushing the same line. Why should I have sympathy for these parasites who would have no qualms in displacing the indigenous population of this country?
The Beeb is constantly feeding us stories (and at the same time trying to make us feel guilty – it is after all our fault) about the plight of migrants. Most of these cases are economic migrants not asylum seekers and should be returned straight back to where they came from.
On the World Service yesterday I caught the tale end of a report by Jon Donnison on how Australia’s economy will suffer as a result of its immigration policy and how its standing in the “international community” is being damaged. As part of the international community I think Australia has about the only sensible immigration policy in the western world. The EU’s pathetic response to the problems in the Med are making a bad situation worse.
One has to feel an element of sympathy for the people of Italy. Imagine if the Italian navy went up the English Channel picking up thousands of ‘desperate’ migrants trying to swim across the from Calais and then dumping them in say, Brighton?
Has that not already occurred?
Half of it… The Italian Navy have not been involved.
Well Brighton returned a Green Party MP with a policy of unlimited immigration, so I assume that they would be very happy to house and feed a couple of thousand migrants.
Some sympathy for the Italians but not much, since they know they are only providing a temporary camp to process them before they shall be sent on their way to Britian.
I was switching through channels last night trying to find something worth watching (epic fail) Sky & BBc news must have both been doing the press preview. On BBc the guest (no idea who she was) was informing us that we can’t continue to be an island. On Sky Tessa Jowell was informing us about the benefits of immigration.
I, personally, can extol the profound, and manifold benefits of emigration, and would like to recommend that course of action to all and sundry…
I second that : )
Ditto again.
Oh shut the fuck up old goat.
If you don’t like Wild’s expletives, please vote here
You obviously have not been here long, a request was made to tone down bad language especially gratuitous language like yours. Try and control yourself.
Now. Now. Old Goat is perfectly happy as an immigrant. It in no way makes him a hypocrite given his views. And it is no way weird that despite telling us how great his life is he spends all day hanging around UK based websites and working out how to illegally watch and listen to the BBC so he can be outraged by it. Perfectly healthy. Not at all sad.
Voting here will help get rid of the unfair and unjust telly poll tax.
You voted yet ?
Definitely a huge benefit to the UK judging by most of the emigrants I’ve ever had the misfortune to meet.
Funny, isn’t it? Immigrants are absolutely AOK, even the ones who spend the whole time banging on about the country they’ve left, as long as you’re the one doing the immigrating.
Must go, I’ve just detected a nasty whiff of hypocrisy.
“I’ve just detected a nasty whiff”
Are the drains backed up in that income gated community you pontificate about diversity from then?
That’s what you get for using a Polish plumber.
Agreed. There is no doubt that Sky is as bad as the BBC.
Which, when you consider the fuss the Left makes about Rupert Murdoch, quite ironic.
Immigration is good . Thats why the free market has choosen to advertise for and hire foreigners in preference to the lazy indigenous whites.
Nothing to do with the fact that immigrants from countries with no minimum wage can be employed on repeating 1 year contracts without paying them the minimum wage???
I am sure you dont like being confronted with reality.
The sad fact is that many are in fear of their lives .
Under those circumstances I presume you are happy to let them drown.
I am happy to see them drown.
Not my fault, not my problem.
Mine the Med.
Mine the buses?, that’s already been tried, successfully.
Can you state that for a fact? Can you prove that those boats full of young men are not ISIS terrorists coming from Libya??? Can you prove that there are not people who are comparatively very wealthy (compared to their fellow countrymen) who have paid traffickers thousands of euros to seek ILLEGAL entry to the EU en route to the UK? Of course you cannot. Will you personally accommodate them in your home and pay for their upkeep? If not, you are not only a naive fool, but a hypocrite.
ALL of those migrants are ILLEGAL migrants once they reach the UK, as they all have a legal obligation, under UN asylum laws, to seek asylum in the first safe country they enter. Obviously, this is not the UK, as they have to travel through several safe countries before they get here. They are choosing to illegally risk their own lives to get here. If their own decision to gamble their lives on that voluntary decision, fails them, then that is their own fault, and (seeing as most of them are Muslims) is surely the divine will of Allah, so we should not question, nor doubt that will and we should presumably welcome such deaths as tolerant and diversity loving Brits, because to not welcome what Allah commands would be Islamophobic.
Manonclaphamomnibus posted this on March 15, 2015 at 1:09 pm
“I contribute here because I am highly critical of BBC news…..”
So clapped out bus man, why exactly are you on this site . Is it to advertise this ?
You must be here to advertise this …….
Well done on getting on that boat to do your(doubtless) “independent survey” on what the motives are for the people on those coffin ships.
Not sure if your clipboard got wet-but well done on getting those facts you`ll no doubt be producing to prove you know what you`re saying.
“Many in fear of their lives” is it?
Now would that be Islamic nutjobs?…or Marxist plutocrats?.
Were you able to ask the Pan African Congress or the Organisation of Islamic States what THEIR role was (and is) in all this?…and what THEY`D be doing to stem the flow of tomorrows lawyers, dress designers and vets?
Nah-course not?
Tell you what though happiclappi…give them your house, your car, your job-or your scrip and a blanket bath at least-and THEN scoot off to enrich Libya for us will you?
The BBC might make a programme about your “journey”-and a Premier Inn commercial might follow!
Thankfully-a man of our own to send the Comic Relief money to!
Nice knowing you!…not!
On March 15, 2015 at 1:09 pm, Manonclaphamomnibus posted this
“I contribute here because I am highly critical of BBC news….”
So clapped out bus man , why are you on this site , Is it to advertise this? …………
Drown ? They are now hardly getting their feet wet. The traffickers have played the dopy EU like brilliant fly fishermen. last year a few rust buckets were pointed North and sank, general bed wetting all round, this year one rust bucket sank and then the navies all started patrolling just off the 12 mile limit. They are sending them by the hundred in big dinghies, wooden floats, rubber sheets. All picked up and taken to the other side of the Med to Italy. NOTE, this is not required by law, all that is required is to drop them at the NEAREST port, the EU is doing this off its own bat. Anyway, expect them in a bus garage near you shortly Clap. PS where do you want the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth etc, etc, etc million to be put up ? After all we now have the perfect system for population transfer from South to North via a helping hand from some very rich traffickers, it’s not going to suddenly stop now you now.
PS, far more have died abandoned in the Sahara than drowned in the med.
Put them all up in your fucking bus, then omnibus , or better still your Hampstead Mansion ,or your bedsit , then fund it all out of your BBC/Guardian wages . If love the diversity , you could also try a house swap in Lagos .
Strange, no one has mentioned ‘drowning’ then along comes the wearisome Mr Clap with his own brand of mind bending reality.
No questions asked by the BBC.
(Reminds me of the old Fleetwood Mac song….)
The Beeb are outrageous in this regard. The illegals found a few days ago were from Russia, China, Vietnam and a single Afghan. This shouts ‘economic’ but the Beeb never mention it.
Last year forty Afghan Sikhs were found in a container at Tilbury. The Beeb are reporting this morning that the trial of the traffickers starts today. Same old story – persecution in Afghanistan. What? Surely the obvious solution is an easy journey into India or Pakistan? Why come to the UK? Can’t find a link today, but the story last year:
Immigration lawyer Harjap Singh Bhangal told the BBC that the Sikh community in Afghanistan had long complained of harassment.
He said the number of Sikh families had been “dwindling” and they faced verbal and physical abuse.
He said: “As a result Sikhs are leaving Afghanistan, and they feel persecuted, and they’re leaving for other countries in Europe such as Germany, France and the UK.”
Tilbury container stowaways included 13 children
No questions asked.
Is this the Fleetwood Mac song?
You must have also noticed how they never seem to want to settle in Britain! Its very rare that the BBC have allowed ‘Omar’ to admit that he’d like to come ‘to the UK’, but only ‘one day’ LOL! All designed to reassure us that our EU cousins are doing their share and we are not being disproportionately targetted.
The BBC clearly advise the invaders to give some other country as their target destination. I suspect 90% of them are heading here, the homeland of the worlds most widely spoken language.
The BC always talks of the illegal immigrants as “refugees” from war-zones like Syria, even when it is obvious that the boast are full of black Africans who have fled to a war zone (i.e. Libya) to make acrossing to Europe.
Nor does it question the high cost of making a dangerous crossing by boast, when an air fare would cost a similar amount. So why do these “migrants” not just hop on a plane? Well, I think we know the answer to that one… they would never be able to secure a visa through the normal channels and so would not be allowed to board a plane in the first place.
A large proportion of these “refugees” are simply economic migrants who would not be able to enter Europe through the official legal channels. And what does the EU do? It “rescues” them and facilitates their illegal entry into Europe. As long as these people carry on being rescued and brought to European soil, they are going to keep on coming.
Quite so. The brutal fact is that unless you make it quite clear they will be returned whence they came, the only reason they will have to stop coming is to make their lives worse here than it was when they started.
This strikes me as so self-evidently obvious I can’t see what there is to debate, yet politicians and the BBC continue to do so.
On PM this evening ( Mon) we had a 15 minute report of the work of HMS Bulwark in rescuing 1200 boat people in one day! We weren’t told how close the ship was to the Libyan shore but it was said that the traffickers told the folks that once they were a few miles from the coast they would be rescued. So the traffickers are just exploiting the humanitarian efforts of the Europeans, as of course, was to be expected.
But it is clear that the BBC really wants the UK to open our doors to these folks and allow many thousands into our small overcrowded island regardless of the costs and dangers of doing so to UK citizens. Both terrorism and disease spring to mind as possible dangers and there is also the problem of further increasing the Muslim population of the UK.
Surely the correct response is to go after the traffickers, using whatever force is required, and to destroy all the small boast that can be found. ( I assume that any boats found at sea are sunk once the people on them have been rescued) We don’t hear much about this sensible way forward from the BBC. Nor do we see any action in that regard by European governments. They just seem happy to increase the rate of Islamification of the continent.
Its not so mush that theyre keen to Islamify but they are keen to ethnically replace Europeans with mongrels.
wont work they like us even less than we like them
” As long as these people carry on being rescued and brought to European soil, they are going to keep on coming.”
And in rapidly increasing numbers too… It won’t be too long before the traffickers can afford much bigger and better armed boats. How long until we see them using warships?
Cameron might just as well send a cruise liner to pick them up from Tripoli. It is quite evident that they are heading this way .
One would even think that he was complicit ?
He is (Cameron) implicit in agreement of EU ‘Open Door’ policy despite what he says about his in/out referendum. It is very clear from the documents (new voting bill before parliament) that Cameron is ‘including’ immigrants who would (of course) favor the UK staying on the EU. He has also warned his cabinet to not openly question his agenda for remaining in the EU. If we leave (it is said) the EU will collapse (doubtful) but it’s never going to be a winner either and will collapse into socialist cliques and mock conservative ‘globals’ which ends in another kind of world communism defined by the UN Agenda 21. At this point the BBC and Cameron are at ‘one’ in that none will admit that either are influenced by an Agenda(s) by ignoring public disquiet about what is actually going on. The EU may well of compelled Cameron to alter the national ‘voting intentions’ of this country to avoid a defeat of the pro EU lobby. It is open fraud and duplicity for the UK only (no other country has this). It is also clear the EU has already primed the BBC and pro Europe bodies with money to ensure a ‘yes’ vote to ensure (EU) Climate change happens. There is no point in voting for an ‘in’ as European socialist will make our lives even more unbearable with even more ‘immigration’ and burdensome ‘sexual agendas’ that will be strictly enforced with PC vigilance on anyone who votes (or thinks) conservative.
It’s strange that in all these partnerships form abroad that the couple seem to almost always elect to stay in this country. First hand experience from this. 1/ My Brother In law who imported a Russian bride. They stayed here, well up until the point she had a right to remain in this country and then went off with another bloke. 2/ My brother although a quick look on the internet doesn’t show me if tax credits are paid in Lithuania on balance of probability I would go for the not option.
Half a million ready to pay thousands of Euros to get to Europe.
And it will always be half a million or more, even if the first tranche of half a million were allowed into Europe – till there is no Europe but dar al Islam.
One must bear in mind that Christians, who genuinely are facing persecution, are unlikely to take the trip, as they are likley to be murdered and thrown into the sea by the RoP.
Heck, we cant have Christians coming in to Europe as part of the Hijra.
Too bloody true! I also wonder what the response from HMG would be if a lot of the white South Africans, those descended from Brits, wanted to claim asylum here – in the country of their ancestors; due to the approaching (but MSM unreported) genocide of whitey in RSA?
This will cause the liberal problems. Refugees but white?
The response will be no asylum as the liberal cannot ever admit he is wrong. At which time it will be up to us to force the government to admit white South Africans and at that moment the whole liberal fantasy will hopefully collapse.
One must bear in mind that Christians, who genuinely are facing persecution, are unlikely to take the trip, as they are likley to be murdered and thrown into the sea by the RoP.
Confirmation here
As Islamic State tightens its grip on Libya, 86 Eritrean Christians have reportedly been kidnapped in the country.
Human rights activist Meron Estefanos said that the Christians were migrants, the majority of them from city of Adi Keih, and were trying to make their way to Europe. Of the 86, a number were children and at least 12 were women. They were taken in a dawn raid on June 3 while travelling in a truck to Libyan capital, Tripoli.
Christians have been the main target for persecution in Islamic Eritrea. But they cannot find sanctuary in Europe,as they cant even get to the sea, to get picked up.
Man after my own heart. Nothing like letting these shirking bastards
running away from certain death drowning in drink (er the drink).
I remember being sold a watch in Spain by a black fella. You could tell he was up to no good. Gave me a certificate too! Thats the last time I’m ever going to a Rolex shop. Hic (I digress)
Have a look at this bBC article on China by Roger Harrabin the
BBC’s environment analyst and see if you can spot what is missing:
China greenhouse gases: Progress is made, report says
China’s greenhouse gas emissions could start to decline within 10 years, according to a report from the London School of Economics. This would be five years earlier than expected and would offer a boost towards efforts to protect the climate. The shift has been partly caused by a massive commitment to renewables. China is the world’s top investor in wind and solar power. It has also been replacing old coal plants with cleaner new stations.
Good news or what and shows the West the way to go. Here is how the Guardian reports the same story Take note of the second paragraph. Something the Dick doesn't mention.
Chinese greenhouse gas emissions may peak by 2025, says study
I can tell you that Harrabin’s assertion that “carbon” (I asssume he means CO2) is a “pollutant”, is clearly at odds with the truth.
All dreamed up, I gather, by the London School of Economics, who, as we are all aware, are the latest branch of academia to become instant (and “well informed”) climeate sceantists in support of the loonies going to Paris.
A E. Lit degree is a necessary requirement to be an expert on “Climate Change Settled Science – CCSS” , at the BBC.
Well, you do not need any scientific training to be a climate scientist. It being a political religion. They do not even know the most rudimentary basics about the “scientific method” And those that do, implement it in reverse!
The Scientific Method demands that:
evidence > Hypothesis.
NOAA’s recent rubbish about the lack of a pause in climate warming proves that climate alarmists think that
hypothesis > evidence.
Complete rubbish! Its all evidence based. The facts around global Global warming were established in the 19 century. The evidence is there and many tested hypotheses have now conjoined into scientific consensus. You may have been confused by those that suggest there is another valid opinion,like the cherry picking hiatus merchants. I can assured you that these people do not present a scientific opinion and are laregelŷ funded by the fossil fuel industry.
If you have the slightest amount of courage ,perhaps rather than making chummy asides, you could debate the issues.
Clapham bus man
It is being debated here, and from where I sit you are in a minority of one!
Good bye.
Science is not a democracy. From where I sit none of the people I am talking to have a clue. That makes me a majority of one. Thats all you need! Good Bye
Slam the door behind you on your way out, and take your ‘Toons’ with you.
The bus has arrived.
Man full of claptrap
‘Science is not a democracy’ what on earth are you on?
And I guess you must be sitting somewhere … well rather crappy.
When your medication is finished, feel free to blog again but not here, your not clever enough.
I have spent 10 years examining hundreds of scientific papers on climate change, looking at the specific methodologies, statistics and efficacy of such papers, and without any financial motive to twist my opinion, I conclude from the way such anti-scientists conduct their research that they are trying to fraudulently pass off data from models as being => original empirically measured data. Hence over a hundred predictions from such climate scientists based on the models of the CAGW hypothesis of what the climate should have done by now being completely wrong!
I ask you manonbus, What do you think the ECS is and what is that number based upon?
I know what ECS is and I know the number it is based on.
Importantly what should the climate be doing right now that it hasnt done?
Perhaps you might like to comment on the Empirical data rather than the models. If you start at 1900 and work up to current date I would be interested in a breakdown.
ManOnClappedOutBus clearly has nil personal background in science. He just likes spouting off about it – or anything else under the sun. Boring blinkered old tosser – obviously has nothing worthwhile to do.
“Perhaps you might like to comment on the Empirical data rather than the models.”
Seeing as the models are nothing more than a demonstration of the hypothesis, rather than a test of it, it gives me great pleasure to ignore them.
What has happened empirically since your cherry picked date of 1900? It warmed (depending on the source) to about 1940, then cooled to about 1976 then warmed quite rapidly to 1998, then it pretty much levelled off. (NOAA’s ridiculous cherry-picking of data-types (ignoring ARGO) and providing no valid reason for their increases and decreases in the historical record, not withstanding.)
Some data sets show the last 20 years as having a very slight cooling, and others a very slight warming… Which demonstrates that when even the different datasets of the empirically measured data cannot agree with each other (and they don’t) then there is no way to claim with any degree of precision or certainty what is going to happen to future temperatures. The different ways that the temperature has been measured introduces uncertainty. It is like trying to measure a balloon which is inflating and deflating with an elastic tape measure. Precision is lacking.
Also where is the man-made signiture and when does it start? How come the averaged 115 years of mostly undoubted warming actually has cooling from 1940-1976 and no warming for the last 18 years, which means that the signiture which some people claim is only measurable from about 1940, shows 54 of those years without any warming taking place during them at all.
Clapped out Bus @ the BBC , why don`t you all piss off to East Pakistan , its going to be underwater in a few years , according to your lefty mates at BBC / Guardian . A double wammy , Guardian / BBC & East Pakistan all terminated ,at once, in a bit of sea level rise . But then again we all know that won`t happen .
On its flagship 8:00 Radio 4 “news” we are told that an “LSE Report” says “progress is being made” by China on “green house gases”. Roger Harrrabin was brought on to tell us more. Unfortunately neither in his verbal reportage or his online pearls of wisdom does Roger deign to tell us that this is not the “LSE” but is the Grantham Institute at the LSE – a set-up bought and paid for by a super-rich warmist – which has issued this tripe.
I admit that I describe the report as “tripe” without having had the pleasure of reading all of it. However, the gloss on the report indicates that it’s the usual crapola whereby entirely mendacious warmist tellers of fairy-tales give China another “get out of jail free” card in respect of China’s endlessly delayed conversion to the Church of Greenery. The fact that Roger provides no link to the report (although I do here) is a further indication that the unalloyed joy in the BBC newsroom might be, shall we say, a trifle overdone and, further, that its “news” concerning climate change in general and the upcoming Paris debacle in particular is just the usual pack of lies and propaganda.
Here’s an article by the Guardian regards Chinese coal production:

The coal boom choking China
Chinese miners last year dug up 3.87bn tonnes of coal, more than enough to keep all four of the next largest users – the United States, India, the European Union and Russia – supplied for a year.
It appears that China dug up (And burnt) more coal than the rest of the world combined.
Congrats you can read. If you can count as well you may be on your way to your first science degree. You could maube study climate change!
Study climate change? No, he would be better studying a real science. Not climate change which is the backwards version of science, which is in reality a political religion fraudulently passed off as science.
The amount of science students electing to study climate is falling rapidly as science graduates want to study and perform the discipline of science according to the scientific method. They are not allowed to do that if they choose to study climate change. It is crushing to those with an analytical, logical brain to be penalised for applying the scientific method to climate science. The only ones staying to complete climate studies are arty lefty types who do not understand science or statistics.
and how exactly do you know all this? what is your understanding of the scientific method exactly?
Simplified in science 101 fashion… it is observation leads to a hypothesis in the form of a prediction based upon some form of logic, eg We observed that A+B=C, then if A+D=C then we can determine that D=B, so I predict that D=B.
That hypothesis then needs to be tested in repeatable manner with a view to disproving the hypothesis. This can be achieved by experimentation with rigorous protocols, or by observation with rigorous protocols, to avoid confirmation bias or other interactions which may effect the phenomena being observed. The results of which should be rigorously investigated to seek any area within the protocol which may have incurred errors and any weaknesses and doubts about the method used must be declared openly.
This all must be open to all others in science who wish to repeat the experiment/observation in order to test the hypothesis, and variations of such experiments/observations. Then, any hypothesis which repeatedly stands up to such rigorous, sceptical scrutiny and testing may be considered valid, UNTIL such time as proven invalid.
As the great physicist Richard Feynman once said. Nothing in science is right, it’s just not wrong yet!
In climate change, the above is reversed so that empirical measured observations are rejected in favour of modelled data, as proven by NOAA, retrospectively amending earlier recorded temperatures to match what the models predicted.
In short, the phrase Feynman used should be changed to Nothing in climate science is wrong, until it can be replaced with more convenient alterations.
Clapped out man
Your default setting is ‘what about this, what about that’on any given topic. I have come to the conclusion you know naff all, and as stated by others here, we actually inwardly snigger at you.
Gentlemen and women , manon has been ‘hung on his own petard’ a number of occasions on this site . He just cant see it .
and …
The rest of the LSE?
The London School of Extremists?
London s Sharia Experts?
Lying Sycophantic & Exploitative?
Loads of Stinking Excrement? etc
I E – no confidence, in their opinion.
You may be correct in your assessment of today’s LSE. I graduated from there in 1965. At that time it wasn’t the hot-bed of mind-numbing leftism it was reputed to be. On its staff were, for instance, Karl Popper and Michael Oakeshott. Of course, the marxist nutter Ralph Miliband was also on the staff. However, he was regarded with good-natured contempt by all except his (tiny) coterie of youthful student admirers and fellow Soviet-inspired useful idiots on the faculty.
That said, as an institute of teaching excellence and academic respectability the LSE of the mid-60s was, I believe, second to none. Unfortunately, over the last 30/40 years, the enthusiastic acceptance by LSE of funds tainted either by thuggery and murder (eg the Gaddafi clan) or intellectual dishonesty (eg the Grantham Institute) has brought the LSE’s reputation down to the level of a typical University of Chav in Luton. In the public mind however the letters “LSE” still imply respectable academic probity. No wonder the BBC and Harrabin opt to use the LSE’s quite undeserved reputation to bolster their lies.
I can take it you re not enamoured by the multicultural propaganda utopia it has become then?.
An intense “diversity” re education programme for you
my boy.
I am afraid there is a long waiting list for the diversity camps. Four million UKIP voters are being selected as a priority before the next election
That disgraceful third rate charlatan who contributes to all those Computer Model fantasies, the heavily over promoted Professor of Atmospheric Physics, Joanna Haigh, is a co-director of the Grantham Institute.
She seems to be the only Professor of Atmospheric Physics allowed on the BBC. Environmentalist Charlatans have over promotion third rate scientists because they are on-side, while the best Scientists are under Censorship. This will have a disastrous affect on the reputation of Science in Britain in the future. Especially if they sort out the scientific fraud in other Countries, first.
Spoken like a true idiot. If you knew anything about science your comments might have some traction.
In the event you clearly just like to parrot nonsense like the retard you clearly are.
No doubt bus driver you can tell all us hicks from the sticks the proper science that backs your insulting prose ? Go on then tell is the truth smart arse.
The best we can do is peer reviewed the not very scientific comments made by Manonclaphamomnibus. Like Harrabin, the comments are more to do with Language than Science. But I have found about four Linguistic errors in his Scientific analysis, and corrected these errors, see below.
Spoken like a true genius. As you know everything about science, your comments have some traction. In the event you clearly don’t like to parrot nonsense like the genius you clearly are.
Do you know, Crappyclappy, I was going to say the very same thing about you. You took the words right out of my mouth!
She is allowed on the BBC because she has decided that the scientific method is no longer necessary to the pursuit of scientific truth. She is one of those who feels it is more useful to have a flexible method which can be used in reverse. Where evidence can be regarded as legitimately post-hoc editable to fit the hypothesis if it refutes the hypothesis and where Post hoc ergo propter hoc is no longer a logical fallacy.
Quite agree.
Climate Change settled or unsettled scientists, have brought low the reputataion of all science. Worse still they have debased and trivialised science.
Its sad.
You just made that up. Climate science has been just as rigorous as any other scientific endevour. The only problem it has had is that it has upset vested interests who are able to motivate the willing illiterate. Exactly the process used by the tobacco industry who, having themselves established the cancer link with smoking, continued to spread the idea of scientific doubt.
Sadly people like you are all to common ,scientificly unwashed and all to willing to gleen your ideas from those who wished to manipualte you.
It was of course called ‘global warming’ remember? they wailed that our poor children would never see snow again, then lo and behold we had snow.
It is now called ‘climate change’ the clue is in the title, the title says they got it wrong.. yes the alleged brilliance of our warmist scientists was wrong. I’ll just repeat that for you, ‘they got it wrong’.
But the cretins are still in charge. If this were private enterprise they would all be sacked.
Whoever ‘they’ were! if you look at the recent studies say from the 1960’s it was worked out that increasing emissions would cause the planet to heat.Empirically that has been verified. It is true if you heat the Earth enough then you wont get any snow but Ive never read anything suggesting that. Snow can actually increase because warmer air can contain more moisture. If the warmer air blows over cold areas then snow happens. Thats what is going on at the south pole.
Your other comments lead me to suspect that your attacks are more motivated by a political agenda rather than a scientific one. However I would still be interested in the references for ‘they’ and all ‘they’ have said about the topic.
Met weather ‘experts’ on the BBC.
And of course ‘they’ are the scientists who’s voices are allowed to be heard regularly on the media.
Next question….
How come the temperature record which we have been told for decades is accurate, all of a sudden, according to NOAA, has to be retrospectively ammended (in a very dodgy way) to “remove” the pause in global warming, that has been accurately measured by satellites for almost 2 decades?
We were told that we had to accept that the scientists were right, and now they are saying they were wrong, the measurements in the past were wrong and so they need to adjust them, to conveniently remove the “hiatus”.
How come ALL of the alarmist predictions of the extreme things that should have happened by now, such as New York being permanently under 20ft of seawater, (and there are over 100 others I could point you too, ALL based on those “robust climate models”), were wrong, YET we are still supposed to have confidence in their scientific integrity and the robustness of the computer models, (which cannot even agree with each other), and accept people with a 100% record in wrong predictions! There is disagreement amongst climate scientists about clouds, and the vast majority of models do not even model clouds at all. Oh, amd clapham, your nonsense above about clouds not blocking heat from CO2??? Have you really never been out on a hot sunny day and and then felt the temperature drop when the clouds cover the sun??? Really? Of course clouds reflect heat as well as light you dimwit! Clouds are a thermostatic regulator and there has been some excellent research demonstrating how clouds, mist, and thunderstorms react to temperature to regulate heat in many layers of the atmosphere.
I have looked into climate science from a pro scientific method perspective for close to 20 years now. Reading hundreds of peer-reviewed published papers which are full of anti-scientific rubbish. I have seen drafts of excellent papers, which cannot get published, in spite of flawless scientific integrity and rigour, because they do not conclude what their funding bodies need them to conclude.
in short. manonbus, YOU have no clue as to how to check any science against the scientific method. You are clueless as to how much disagreement there actually is amongst the climate scientists themselves about the true level of ECS (and if you do not know what ECS is, or its relevence, then you really are not qualified to debate climate at all, as ECS is the climate change 101 basics and the absolute heart of the debate).
So can you debate with actual facts, and not tired old flawed and debunked rubbish that alarmists keep on preaching?
Exactly. ManOnClappedOutBus has NIL scientific training or background – yet chooses to parrot on about complex scientific issues.
manonbus, let me make this simple for you…
What, in your opinion, are the climate models?
Are they:
(A) empirical evidence with equivalent value of any form of repeatable experiment, in terms of gaining robust, indesputable data which validates the CAGW hypothesis to the robust degree of settled science meaning that AGW is proven beyond doubt?
(B) a variant of a CAGW hypothesis which still needs to be tested rigourously in a scientifically valid manner to determine IF CAGW is a valid hypothesis or not?
Please don’t confuse BusMan with real science
Thank you Geyza.
Geyza wrote: have yet to see any empirical evidence of catastrophic warming as a direct result of humanity’s emissions of CO2. All the predictions from models have so far, been wrong and real measured data has had to be tortured to force it to fit the prediction from the modelled hypothesis.
This is the trouble with AGWCC . It also implies dishonesty – the very opposite of the scientific method.
Another aspect of genuine scientists is that they are invariably filled with doubt, and good mannered.
On the other side – dishonesty, unalloyed certainty in a subject matter far too complex to be ever well understood, and buttressed with bad manners, is not a sign of a good scientist, or person.
If you have studied this subject for 20 years I would have thought you would recognise data handling techniques. I would have also thought you would recognise that the re calibration of some readings found to be inaccurate was entirely appropriate.
I would have also thought you would recognise that the impact of the data adjustment has virtually no impact on the current trend.
I would have also thought you would have recognised the data manipulation of using an outlier as the basis to create a negative trend that was never there.
As for your credentials in respect of the science your dubious understanding of clouds gives you away my friend. They do reflect heat for sure, but both ways! You need to research this a little more. There is a good Australian study which looks into various cloud types and there relative forcings or otherwise.
If you are into looking at the sky maybe check out Venus. It is totally covered in cloud but sadly this has not done it too much good.
Hi bus,
Hope you didn’t have a cricked neck whilst whoever the beeb got in to give an answer lent over you shoulder to type the answer, I mean you’re a journo (retired) and part time theatre critic are you not ?
Or are you the 21st C answer to a renaissance man ?
” I would have also thought you would recognise that the re calibration of some readings found to be inaccurate was entirely appropriate.”
As a non scientist would it not be reasonable to expect “inaccurate” readings to be wrong both ways?
Yet it is strange that the “re-calibrations” in global warming only ever seem to be helpful to the alarmists struggling with the “pause”!
With your deep knowledge, Manon, can you advise any such “adjustments” that have not had the effect of attempting to confirm previous theories?
Manon doesn’t answer questions. He will not explain why he posts here every day ?
“I would have also thought you would recognise that the impact of the data adjustment has virtually no impact on the current trend.”
Except that it conveniently removes the current haitus, because the method of data adjustment is seriously flawed. Why leave out the ARGO Buoys?
“I would have also thought you would have recognised the data manipulation of using an outlier as the basis to create a negative trend that was never there.”
Whereas the CIMP-5 models are ALL outliers from the actual measured temperatures. UNLESS those measurements are so flimsy and unreliable, that they can be retrospectively adjusted by an amount which kills any confidence in the accuracy of measurements, rendering ALL the previous certainty moot, thus destroying the credibility of all earlier warnings, because it is a tacit admission that scientists did not know what the temperatures actually were when they were measured. In which case, how the hell can you predict where the global temperature will go when you admit that you did not know what the temperature actually was in the past after all???
I suspect I understand clouds far better than you, insofar as I am open to understanding what actually occurs over the daily cycle, what makes the clouds form, why and under what conditions and the effects that then has, based upon when the clouds form in the day, where the clouds form over different topography (land, desert, lakes, mountains, forests, seas, oceans) and what nock on effects that has. NONE of which is accurately modelled by those imprecise, incomplete climate models.
Oh and which of those 70+ climate models is the right one? After all, if the scientific hypothesis which underpins the models is correct, then the models should be able to show what is going to happen with the high degree of certainty that alarmists constantly claim. If they cannot project what will happen with a high degree of certainty, then why do climate alarmists falsely claim such a high certainty of disaster? There is a hell of a lot of range in what they project, isn’t there? So if one of them is correct, then all the others are wrong. Which, considering that no reputable scientist on earth can, with any degree of certainty, point to which one of all the models models is correct, that means that all the models are almost certainly wrong. Why are we proposing to destroy the western economies in order to prevent something which models cannot agree on, scientists cannot agree on, and for which there actually is NO proof!
Oh your your reference to venus belies your wilful ignorance and lack of knowlege of even basic physics. The pressure on venus is enourmous. Temperature increases with pressure. That alongside the much closer proximity to the sun, and the sulphuric acid rain is a much greater cause of Venus being warm, than the 96.5% CO2 atmosphere. After all, CO2 derived warming does have a very well known and understood saturation point, which we are very close to reaching. Warming is logarithmic, which is the inverse of the exonential increase which some ridiculous extremist alarmists are still predicting will happen when some mythical tipping point is reached.
‘Check out Venus’. (says Dopey Jim) and he is so well qualified to speak on ‘drama’ as well as Astronomy (as well as political astrology) Jim’s your man for recognising ‘current trends’ and ‘data adjustments’.
Tweets by DopeyJim
You still have not answered this critical question manonbus…
What, in your opinion, are the climate models?
Are they:
(A) empirical evidence with equivalent value of any form of repeatable experiment, in terms of gaining robust, indesputable data which validates the CAGW hypothesis to the robust degree of settled science meaning that AGW is proven beyond doubt?
(B) a variant of a CAGW hypothesis which still needs to be tested rigourously in a scientifically valid manner to determine IF CAGW is a valid hypothesis or not?
Clapped out man
Comparing Venus climate to climate on the Earth… you really have lost it.
Troll patrol.
Richard Pinder/noggin
An indication of how low the LSE has sunk: after Howard Davies’ resignation as Director of LSE after the . . er . . mixup about awarding PhD’s to the children of Libyan dictators in return for cash, the LSE appointed “Professor” Haigh as Acting Director while a new permanent one was sought. In other words, influence bought by a warmist billionnaire rather than a Libyan thug was considered acceptable by the LSE’s governors. These charlatans – ie climate “scientists” and their fellow-warmists in academe – are shameless (as are Harrabin and his fellow “reporters”).
University of Chav in Luton
Great stuff.
Nothing to do with the Beeb but I hope posters forgive me. I occasionally post on the Daily Mail website however recently this has only been possible on my ipad and not the laptop which gives me a message about something having gone wrong and try later.
However yesterday I posted about how ‘professional people’ such as my solicitor are no longer acting in the best interest of their client but only how they can maximise their fees. I gave no names. The Daily Mail emailed me to inform me that several people reported this comment and it was taken down. Has anybody else had this experience and does anyone know what is going on?
On the odd occasion that I have bothered to post on the Daily Mail recently, they have quietly removed my comment, later, with no reference to me. They are as bad as all the rest, if you stray from the message. Besides, they tend only to encourage daft, grammatically incorrect, and misspelt comments from the plebs, these days, rather than well-considered input from serious commentators. Best left alone.
… several people reported this comment…
‘People’ here is probably a euphemism for ‘solicitors’…
Lawyers are people?
Difference between a catfish and a lawyer?
One’s a shit eating bottom feeder, the other’s a fish.
Not having posted there myself, don’t they have to say what rule you’ve broken when removing a comment? Or perhaps they get away with that because people don’t challenge removals.
I never bother to check after the very odd occasion that I’ve made a comment on a Daily Mail story. I was banned for 30 minutes once when I pointed out in a “benefit scum” story that the basic single rate of JSA is only £73.10pw (currently) and that wouldn’t fund a very lavish life style. However some of the people commenting would probably be getting more benefit withTax credits, child benefit etc. Didn’t go down to well & I had an E-mail saying my comments were removed due to a complaint about 30 min later I got another E-mail saying it was back up.
The comments feature on the DM just seem to be a little random, even on non contentious stories its a complete lottery as to if your comment gets published.
The ratings also seem to be all over the place, never assume the top rated comment to always reflect popular public opinion, they’re often manipulated to reflect a given ‘agenda’.
The was a HYS thread about the BBC, in the Express, some time ago.
One comment read, in part :-
“In the programme someone described a Chinese meal as a Chinky, and a woman phoned in to say how angry she was about this”
Next comment read :-
“I remember that, nothing came of it, she phoned back in an hour and said she was no longer angry.”
Maybe ‘she was angry again’ would be better. Like it anyway.
Our local paper here in the south west has a comments column online. If the comments become too much ‘off message’ they just close it down. When clicking on the item a page marked ‘Bad Request’ opens. It never affects the ‘cat stuck up a tree’ variety of reports.
At 8:10am BBC Radio 4, 06/06/2015 (“Today”), the BBC made the following political statement:
“Putting big issues to the popular vote is not without risk, of course: in 1992 the Danish people voted ‘no’ to their government ratifying the Maastricht Treaty, the agreement that created the European Union and laid the ground for the single currency.”
So, the BBC sees a No vote as a risk. Why?
The funds dry up, that’s why.
Its more than that, the EU is the key player in bringing about the BBCs vision for the UK. The money is probably of far less interest to the BBC in this case (I think).
The EU is about as democratic as the Poliburo was.
The difference being in the USSR Stalin got 99% or 105% of the vote.
In the EUSSR the vote is repeated until the result desired by the EuroScum is obtained. This is achieved by bribery on an industrial scale. A scale of bribery that FIFA and the International Olympics Committee can only dream of.
The Beeb receives some of these bribes, sorry funds. As do many
of the other recipients of the bribes, all enemies of the British people.
Wonder what happens to the €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€ that has disappeared every time the auditors scrutinise the EU cookbooks? Some of it is used for these bribes.
This will be occurring in the UK on an unprecedented level. The Eupondlife will be flat out for a Yes vote.
We all need to confront their lies with our truths. They need to know a “Yes” vote is unacceptable to us. It is time to beat the ploughshares into swords.
I don’t recall that ‘no’ vote causing too many problems for the EU.
And yet it was still ratified. The same thing with the constitutional treaty. That took 10 years, 3 rejections in national referenda (Denmark, France and Ireland) a re-write from a fresh “blank sheet” treaty to a massive bunch of amendments to all the earlier treaties to create an identical legal framework as the constitutional treaty, to be finally ratified into EU law as the Lisbon Reform Treaty. And that was with the full unanimous agreement of the EU Commission, The EU Council and all the Council of Ministers from the outset…
Yet we are expected to believe that Cameron can achieve major treaty changes, agreed to by 27 other member states, in the next 2 years???
Cameron will probably get agreement from the heads of state for reform… But only because they all know that they can veto those reforms AFTER we have voted for them in the referendum. The other EU leaders desperately do not want to give Cameron those reforms that he claims he wants, but they do not want to lose the UK as their economic cash cow either. So they will all agree to the current “bait and switch” plan to act in a fraud, whereby there will be pretend intense negotiations, lots of very late night oil burned, lots of faked rows and political dramas, only to reluctantly give Cameron what he wants in the knowledge that they can veto those reforms afterwards and thus leave us trapped for evermore inside an unreformed EU on course for ever closer union inside a profoundly anti-democratic entity run by foreigners.
It is a bait and switch con. Do not fall for it. Unless you want to be fully and totally consumed by the EU, vote NO! ANY reforms Cameron wants, or even secures, will NOT EVER be delivered.
I agree. It will be a short Pantomime show with a long finale that we can never leave the ‘burning’ building for fear that we may be overcome by Oxygen.
Yes, these talks looking for reforms are a way of buying time and blindsiding the ‘out’ vote. The campaign has already started. Don’t wait to see what transpires. There is no better deal than total freedom for your country.
Radio Four just running pure propaganda program unadulterated praise of ghurkas, to encourage us to put the red carpet out to ghurka immigrants.
Any Ghurka soldier who has served in the British army is more than welcome in my book, certainly more so than some of the dregs we are importing.
Better Ghurkas than some I agree, but better none.
These tiny people from a very different culture are never going to assimilate and will maintain close links with Nepal and import marriage partners for their children.
Why should they get this extra ‘perk’ for joining the British army? They are very well paid by Nepalese standards and get an excellent pension and medical treatment. We owe them no more. Joining the army should not be a route to British citizenship. We have no difficulty recruitng them even without the extra perk.
Agreed. Anyone who has worn a Military uniform for Queen and country is welcome.
In my very humble opinion , I have met these people and they are very loyal and patriotic people, loyal to Great Britain. These people that have served us should be given priority before anyone else .
So youre happy to allow the British army to become a fast route to citizenship? Madness.
Why the hell should we give away citizenship when foreigners are already queuing up to join for the excellent pay and other perks?
This would be an open door to foreign females, who would then use pregnancy to make a swift exit. remember this story?
You couldn’t have but noticed the bBCs penchant (As well as the rest of the media) for portraying US police as racist bigots who hate blacks. Why here’s the latest instalment from the bBC:
Texas police officer suspended over pool party incident
A police officer in Texas has been taken off duty after a video showed him pinning a 14-year-old African-American girl to the ground and pointing his gun at other teenagers. The local force says it is investigating the incident, which comes amid heightened tensions in some of America’s black communities over claims of police brutality.
Here is something from the Guardian which the bBC isn’t mentioning:
Baltimore endures spike in crime as police investigate two more killings
Didn’t we see the same after the Stephen Lawrence murder
Just watched another video of the gun being pulled, a little bit of selective editing from the bBC
McKinney Officer on Administrative Leave After Video of Arrest Surfaces
Unfortunately you have form on this pretending that blacks shoot themselves just to get Police into trouble.
Sadly you are unable to make any judgements because your ilk are permanently asleep.
Apparently Black lives matter*
*unless killed by other blacks.
Lost in all this is that three of the six police charged in Baltimore are also black, but THAT sort of “black-on-black crime” is some sort of atrocity, while meanwhile “thugs” (now considered a “racist” word by some in the US) in black communities may apparently be excused for killing other blacks because of “oppression by The Man,” blah blah blah, and THOSE deaths are seen as some sort of acceptable collateral damage, because Social Justice or some other incoherent sort of nebulous amorphous vague chimerical notion.
That this is all some sort of Orwell doublespeak which would need to be pointed out by anyone with perhaps a spare brain cell or two still in operational order, is truly the astonishing part of all this. A death of a suspect in police custody is CERTAINLY a matter to be investigated, of course, and nobody denies this fact– but when the Mayor and Chief Prosecutor of a city, in order to placate certain low-information denizens of that city, appear to pay more heed to the death of a fellow member of their race at the hands of other members of their race, simply because of antipathy towards those members in their community based on their occupational status, something is wrong with this picture. The #hashtag should be: “#BlacksKilledByThugsDon’tMatter”.
But of course, merely to query, let alone offer opinion on the subject, is “RACIST!”
More race hate stirring from the BBC, in which the case is clearly put across that white actors should be sacked from certain roles because they are white.
But, many have said, it is OK to cast a non-white person as a white character because that is not racist, it’s ‘colour-blind casting’.
So a summary of this article is that it is OK to discriminate against white people because of their skin colour.
I call shenanigans on all this stuff.
I noticed the intense weaselling in that beebyanka piece. It’s OK for “ethnic” actors to play “white” roles, as long as the character’s colour isn’t explicit, but wrong for white actors to play “ethnic” parts, where reference is made to some non-white ethnicity. This is the “logic” which has long been applied to “Othello” (although not to Verdi’s opera, which would, otherwise, hardly ever be performed).
The obvious flaw in the reasoning is that many authors haven’t felt the need to specify the skin pigmentation of their characters. I don’t recall that Jane Austen ever bothered to say whether the Misses Bennet were white, black, or yellow. She probably thought her readers would make an educated guess. I bet somebody at the beebyanka has argued that their own “Pride & Prejudice” production would have been much more “edgy”, if only Elizabeth had been played by a black actress. Lydia was, in fact, played by an actress of Jordanian ancestry. How did that fit the corporate philosophy? Is their party line now that, in this more enlightened time, Julia Sawalha would not have been considered for the role?
Shakespeare doesn’t mention, as far as I recall, that Henry V was white, or that Julius Caesar was. According to the argument in the article, that means they are available to be played by black actors, as, indeed, they have been.
I wonder if the beebyanka would be similarly up in arms at the idea of a non-white actress in the roles of Desdemona, Rosalynd, Ophelia, or Juliet. I suspect not, but all four are explicitly referred to as “white” and I have no doubt that they are frequently played by actresses who don’t meet the beebyanka’s exacting qualifications. Lady Macbeth clearly implies that both her husband and she are white, too, but I expect those roles are often played by actors of other colours, some of whom aren’t even Scottish.
The ideology-obsessed scribbler of that article was trying to be clever, but just ended up advertising the bias in the “diversity” game.
Roger Moore sarcastically said that the next James Bond should be played by Cuba Gooding Jr. Trouble was the culture has been so subverted people thought he was serious, he had to clarify, the James Bond character is ethnic British and should be played by one. Incidentally Miss Moneypenny is played by a black and M a woman, it’s just wrong.
Every year we hear speculation about a black James Bond. I’d be very surprised if this happened. The films need to sell world-wide and Western PC affectations don’t cut any ice in Asia and the Far East. James Bond is white British and that’s that.
They should make a film where Martin Luther King is white
That would certainly go straight to DVD. Probably burned individually to order on the director’s PC.
M is played by a man.
To argue that appearance doesn’t matter in a medium which is largely visual is just plain absurd. But then diversity, multiculturalism etc are surrounded by absurdity.
The progressives always try to positivize multiculturalism by calling it “diversity”, attempting to make something awful sound less so.
I saw a few years back my favourite Shakespeare play, King Lear, and it was disconcerting that Cordelia was played by a black actress. Her sisters were white. The logic was pretty apparent: the black actress could not have the “bad” role. We are expected to go full on suspending our disbelief but only the theatre has this conceit. Film and TV would not get away with it because of the inherent problems involved when siblings have siblings of different races and are children of different race parents.
I was once dragged off to see a rarely performed Tchaikovsky opera (Iolanta) in which the key female title role, of a presumably teenage princess, was played by a soprano who looked sixty. Her baritone betrothed (presumably early twenties) Duke of Burgundy looked about forty. While the Moorish miracle working physician was of indeterminate age. Set in the mountains of southern France all performers were Russians. So what?
It must be hard enough for non Anglo-Saxons to gain roles, so why deny them the classics which never claimed to be realistic?
Sounds like a bad performance to me. Certainly wouldn’t be acceptable in a realistic ‘verismo’ opera. Plenty of talented young singers around. Pity we don’t see them on the BBC more often.
You do the best you can although finding the right voice combined with the right looks can be difficult.
“It must be hard enough for non Anglo-Saxons to gain roles, so why deny them the classics which never claimed to be realistic?”
Why do you think its hard? There are plenty of roles written for them and very little competition.
Secondly theyre very lucky to get to live in Britain, and if this is a the small price they have to pay then so what? They’re certainly being disproportionately rewarded on the sports field, are you concerned about displaced “Anglo Saxons” ( by whom you mean ethnic British, including those of Celtic descent presumably)?
“They’re certainly being disproportionately rewarded on the sports field”
Ahhh – something else which is NEVER discussed. Open a very big can of worms, that would.
The problem is what Eisenstein was getting at when casting. When you cast there is a subliminal message that is determined by the appearance of someone and the cultural associations you make from contemplating them. There is a choice: you can have dissonance or amplification from the casting representation. Thus an historical figure is expected to be be racially cast to create recognition. Literary creations present a problem because of cultural setting and expectations of the individual within a specific history. So if you cast a white person for Chinese character there will be dissonance and the actor will undermine the full meaning of the character. So counter-racial casting only happens in the West and mainly in the subsidised theatre where they can rely on a loyal audience. In the rest of the world it would not be acceptable to an audience. In the West it is unacceptable in TV and film because those audience have expectations in how they read actors in the light of their roles and whether the former amplifies the latter. I know what you mean about actors wanting jobs from minorities but the audience should always be the purpose of every production and casting should not detract from the meaning of the roles. Age is a completely different character from race and gender role games. The audience may be a disappointment to the theatre folk because they come as complete historical beings with expectations that determines how they read roles and expect them to be cast.
If I printed a censored, or bowdlerised, edition of a book, I would be criticised.
A parody of a painting or sculpture would be permitted; but it could not be passed of as an original.
In classical music, which I love, the score is king. So much so that conductors and performers spend time researching early printed scores, and, where they exist, written scores, to ensure that they are using the best possible edition. This does not prevent interpretation.
I can understand the film industry, which is not an art form at all, but a money making scam of decreasing merit, using “poetic licence”.
Why is the RSC not criticised?
“This does not prevent interpretation.”
Those who think that performing from a score is an uncreative, mechanical process totally fail, or refuse, to grasp this point. The scope for interpretation is considerable.
Saw on SKY news yesterday that HMS Tinkerbell, I think that was the name of the Royal Navy ship, rescued 1,200 African invaders from the Med. Other navies rescued 5000 more Africans. This is not solving the problem but encouraging it. Here’s Jared Taylor on the subject.
You just have to look at these boats to know that they have no intention of actually sailing to Europe. They simply cast off and sail a few miles off the coast of Libya and wait to be “rescued”. If we continue to send ships to pick them up, they will continue to come. They are not stupid, we are.
The UK (sending the RN) and EU (not returning and distributing the “migrants”) is a policy of complete madness. It is creating a moral hazard of the first order.
A very good video, if I may be so bold.
I’m waiting for the next gen Royal Navy recruitment adds. If you can throw a ball you can throw a life jacket. If you can wear a hoodie you can wear a medical hazard suit. If you can put your hands in your pocket you can check an illegal migrant for a blade…….
” Libyan Foreign Minister, Mohamed al-Ghirani, has warned Europe that if it does not help Libya to stop illegal immigration, Europe could be turned minority White.
Back in 2010, ex-Libyan leader, Colonel Gaddafi warned that “Europe runs the risk of turning black from illegal immigration, it could turn into Africa“.
He told EUSSR leaders that Libya needed support, but instead, they dropped bombs on one of the few African countries which were protecting Europe’s borders.
A lot of these non-White leaders think that our own White elite want to stop Europe, America, Canada, and Australia from becoming minority White – but, actually, that is just what they want to happen.
It’s an incredibly bizarre situation, but for several decades now, our own White elite have been spearheading a campaign of White genocide.”
Stop referring to these treasonous twats as “elite”.
The only thing elite about them is the highest priority which they
should get on the list of people to be executed.
“Europe runs the risk of turning black from illegal immigration, it could turn into Africa“
This certainly cheered up the BBC that day, until they realised it was meant as a warning.
Another site to try, exposing the left wing bbc, is bbc watch.
Try looking at it.
One example is the non reporting of three rocket attacks on Israel but reporting Israeli air strikes.
The bbc stinks.
Is the UK the only place in the world, outside of places like North Korea or other dictatorial countries, that has a far left state sponsored (and EU) threat of prison if you don’t pay for it propaganda TV broadcaster?
I imagine a fair few dictatorships have state propaganda organs as their broadcasters, but I wonder how many are forced to pay a fee to watch it?
Having watched the recent news and read the last few posts on here I find myself thinking that the only solution to these problems is to leave the EU – immediately. All the (not so) veiled threats about ‘losing our trading partners’ is utter hogwash. Business/trade does not respect borders but moreover it would solve the problem of completely uncontrolled immigration and we will be able to run our own country again. However by the time that the media, especially the bbbc (being run to a very close second by sky) and Camoron have finished brainwashing the voting public I doubt whether the day we leave the EU will ever arrive. I bet our brave Royal Navy chaps are thoroughly pissed right off at being given the task of ‘patrolling’ the med.
I despair
Agreed EG, I think the EU will collapse at some time anyway, but it would be better to be well clear of it before then and before we have even more immigrants and their descendants to deal with. These immigrants who wash up here, because the EU tells us we can’t stop them.
The bbc is currently running with a story where a black woman who told the off a lesbian for being gay is the real victims.
Imagine if the Christian had been white.
Sorry pounce – can’t quite work that one out!
The bBC has (quite rightly) a penchant for defending homosexuals from bigoty. Yet when the bigot is black, they face a dilemma, so what do they do, they make the bigot into the victim . My point , would they have done so if the bigot was…white.
‘God doesn’t hate you, he doesn’t like what you do’
There appears to be a politically correct heirarchy of victimhood with Muslims at the top, followed by blacks, gays trans/other gendered then women. You could make a game of top trumps about it. The goal of equality is a myth.
Nah, blacks are definitely the Globalists foreigners with the mostest. Muslims come a poor second. This is why blacks rather than mostly Asian Muslims are promoted on TV drama, in Hollywood in the press.
La BBC est actuellement en cours d’exécution avec une histoire où une femme noire qui a dit à l’ arrêt une lesbienne pour être gay est les vraies victimes .
Imaginez si le chrétien avait été blanc.
Does that help?
, “Sarah Mbuyi told the Victoria Derbyshire programme what happened.” That’s why no one has heard about it, the story was on the VD show.
Sarah Mbuyi talks about her case victory on the Victoria Derbyshire show here (video):
Not to worry folks. The first of our two Elizabeth Class Aircraft Carriers is due to be ready for sea trials in 2017/18. By then our defense budget will be so small we won’t be able to afford the trained crews to sail them, aircraft to fly from them, or the escort ships to support them. We can simply turn them over to the EU to collect the economic migrants from Africa, train the traffickers to train the migrants as crew, and let them sail the seven seas looking for suitable spots to alight. All funded by the ever expanding foreign aid budget. What’s the problem ?
That’s true. Funds are being re-appropriated for a new future joint EU Army and Navy projects (subject to French sensitivity at Waterloo). Thanks to the success of Napolean at Waterloo victory (recent anniversary claimed by the French) you would have thought we had won, but Oh No! History is being re-written (in the EU) and no conflict ever took place. We simply adopt Napoleons new EU laws as our own and meekly ‘surrender’. We still have the power to resist but to do so will risk ‘insult’ and be called racist. Fair swop I’d say. Rather a patriot than a dead parrot.
I watched the last part of Dan Snow’s programme on the Spanish Armada last night. Considering previous efforts I wasn’t expecting much but it was not as bad as it could have been. At least they weren’t constantly traducing the English, just occasionally …
One interesting thing, which SWMBO picked up on, was that Snow was in a yacht flying a French flag. Now this was supposed to be Snow sailing solo (that’s solo meaning including film crew) so why fly a French flag and not a Union Flag? Or an English one? Or non at all? Very odd.
I noticed that and thought it was pretty poor. On a programme about England’s triumph over Spain he’s sailing a French boat! Can’t the BBC even arrange for a British flagged yacht to be available?
Mind you, the whole business of Snow sailing in the Channel was just self-indulgent nonsense. And I could have done without Anita Dobson playing a 54 year old Elizabeth as if she was a 94 year old crone. I quite enjoyed the production, but it did not need three episodes. Cut the crap and the story could have been well told in an hour. But I suppose when you have a £4 billion budget to burn through this is what you get.
I found the whole series tedious. Whatever happened to well presented, interesting documentaries? It was all poor CGI, silly blokes pushing ships around on a table whilst having a conversation which had obviously been (badly) rehearsed many times, and “actors” waxing mysterious, looking pensive, and a pub landlady being a queen. Very ho-hum, for me, I’m afraid.
Agreed. Dreary, self-indulgent and entirely unnecessary. It could have been told a lot better, and far more effectively, within a 1-hour documentary. As someone who grew up in Plymouth, with tales of the Spanish Armada and Sir Francis Drake told to me from a very young age, I was completely disappointed with this pathetic effort by the BBC.
More concerned with narcissistic, liberal-left revisionist history than actual, factual history: End the license fee now.
You and everyone else ought to have watched John Nichol ( him from reviewing the papers on sky) on Forces TV channel having a one hour chat with four ex colleagues from the Tornado Force about the early stages of the Air Attack on Saddams forces in GW 1. Sitting in a hanger with a Tornado behind them, they spoke without notes, and without argument…..bloody spellbinding, over too quickly I could have done with another 2 hours. Prog is called ‘When We Were There’ one of a four part series, including, Gloster Hill, loss of HMS Sheffield and Warrenpoint. Simply Brilliant, allowing those who were there to tell the story, it would never be on bbc in a million years. I think it might be repeated on Tue night, but I’m sure will be on at various times on Forces TV in the coming weeks.
Sky 264, Virgin 244, Freesat 652.
Watch it, it’ll make you proud and bring tears to your eyes, well done John.
Another episode is on Forces TV Tuesday night, The Battle of Tumbledown Mountain, 9pm I think.
Strikes me that if you want to know about history, read it. TV is just entertainment, of a sort.
Why would he be flying the Stars & Stripes?
If we can’t get the name of our national flag right then how can we be so petty as to complain about someone flying the Tricolore ?
The BBC kept repeating snippets of information as though the BBC Documentary makers had dementia.
That is for when it is shown on channels with multiple advert breaks. It is, supposedly, there to help those flicking over during the breaks to catch up.
Still bloody annoying though.
It’s like all programmes these days. Firstly, there’s a summary of what you’re going to see, usually so detailed you can switch off there and then.
Next comes the programme, in easy gobbets, repeated several times to allow for breaks, as mentioned above.
Then comes a review of the next in the series.
An hour programme usually contains material for about 20 minutes.
‘What the MSM calls “reporting” is often just activism, careerism, and narcissism to advance the Democrat agenda.’
And they were doing so well!
Unusual for them to cover the subject of Muslims who leave their faith, and it’s decidedly light touch. This poor individual appears to be an Atheist, they would never cover a conversion to a different faith.
It’s only when you get close to the end of the story that the impartiality drops and they slip back to type.
“I’ve met many Christians, I’ve met Hindus, Sikhs over the years, who’ve come into Islam, who’ve become Muslim, who’ve been disowned by their families.
Why do they need to interview Mohammed Shafiq from The Ramadhan Foundation?
He says: “In the end, if you make that choice to leave Islam you’re making a conscious choice to move away from your family as well and move away from the wider community.
“This applies equally to all the other faiths.”
A blatant unchallenged lie ! This does not apply equally to other faiths which are tolerant, unlike the intolerance of Islam. I don’t know of any Christian who is an apostate being forced to leave their family and the wider community, and certainly not any other faith other than Islam !
“She speaks to her mum and sister, but doesn’t think she’ll ever be able to have a relationship with her dad. “
She might want to be careful. They may not want to burn her in hell but some would be content for her face to burn in acid.
Mohammed Shafiq, Ramadhan Foundation?
Appears, he s their latest ejector seat Islamist, along with Abdullah al Andalusi (another 10 on the nausea-ometer), to weasel word, obfuscate, and generally mislead any audience into the Islamist view.
It appears that Mo Answar and Asghar Bukhari, have shot the bolt and therefore are too toxic these days.
… don t worry folks, the Al BBC they have plenty more on speed dial.
Two weeks ago I returned from a holiday in Norway.
As part of my holiday I was in Bergen on May 17th – Norway’s National Day.
As I viewed all the celebrations it occured to me that every tenth person(maybe less) was either black or of “Afghan” decent.
Quite often they would pass me in groups of 2, 3, 4 or even as a family. On more than one occassion a family would “oag” passed me squabbling and bickering about something.
One thing that struck me though is not once did I hear any one of them speaking Norwegian. It was all in their native tongue. Integration, eh?.
On one other occassion I saw three “Afghans” who were selling helium balloons with a van tucked away as their store.
Two were younger with one older guy(middle 60s). I don’t know what had happened but as I walked passed their van the old guy was going off his head about something and was on the brink of becoming physcal.
On seeing me, the “altercation” suddenly stopped until I had passed by.
My point is, whether it’s Norway, Sweden, Italy, France or Great Britain they don’t give a stuff about the country they’ve invited themselves into and they have no intention of integrating.
There are none so blind as the Left and it’s going to end in tears…..
Who was Ellen Krantz ???
”27 year old Swedish woman by the name of Elin Krantz was raped and murdered by an Ethopian immigrant.
The biggest irony of it all is that Elin Krantz, who fell for the propaganda of “tolerance” and diversity, was a supporter of multiculturalism in Sweden. She was supposedly a member of the Facebook group “We Like Diversity”, called herself “multicultural” and supported immigration of people from the third-world countries into Sweden.
Because Sweden is so multicultural now, no Swedish media could publish the fact that the perpetrator was an immigrant or that he was black in their reports on the case. They could not even mention his name by law, so they referred to him merely as a “23 year old”, saying things like “the 23 year old was charged with murder and aggravated rape”. However, thanks to the internet we know who he is.
Like the rest of Europe, Sweden has been subjected to the multicultural master plan of ultimate destruction. It doesn’t matter how stable and strong a nation is, once you start to destabilize it from within by introducing incompatible elements which don’t share the same values, the society will face break down no matter how safe and stable it had been.”
WARNING, this contains a very disturbing and GRAPHIC photograph.
All I can say is RIP Sweden, they are already lost.
Ironically Sweden was at the fore front of over throwing South Africa, sanctions, anti apartheid rallies, activism etc etc. Well, what goes around comes around.
Even more ironically my girlfriend is “coloured” (their term, not PC over here these days) South African and she thinks that the UKs policy on immigration is nuts.
From my experiences a lot of the types of people who the Left try and support actually look at the nature of Socialist Britain as quite odd.
Not so much irony as a strange sort of justice.
Surely this is the future of the BBC writ large. The end result, the ‘common purpose’ of (forced) integration, the denials of European immigration ‘ghettos’, the insistence of embracing ‘multiculturalism’ to its logical end. Not ‘multi’ at all but ‘monoculturalism’ of the liberal left.
You wonder what kind of mind set is at work when details are deliberately omitted. Bit like on the news here where no description is given. I’ve looked at that page and it is absolutely horrendous the culprit should have been swinging tthe end of a rope. At least we now have the internet to give us a clearer view of these abominations.
David, that has echoes of the Amy Biehl murder in South Africa – another fan of multi-culturalism and equality; who experienced the other side of it, that they don’t tell you about.
I saw the poor girls remains on another site…and nearly exploded. I would have killed that muslim filth with my bare hands. Please everyone, fight back, be rude to all muslims, let them know we know their plans, that we do not want them here, boycott their business’s their trashy food outlets the lot…i scowl at every stupid woman in a burkha, refuse a taxi if the guy is a muslim, you can do it…make them really feel like the bloody outsiders they like being.
wish I hadn’t clicked on that link. What type of sick and twisted f**k could do that to someone? The left are deliberately bringing in these people as well. Disgusting
Theyre not bothering to learn Norwegian because
a) All Norwegians speak English and soon English will be the prime language in Norway
b) Most of them are probably planning on heading for Britain eventually.
I don’t know about “end”. I’m crying already.
I see the BBC are yet again completely ignoring the Bilderberg meeting in Austria in a couple days time. Remarkable!
This might be why, from ‘order order’
“The list of this week’s super-secret Bilderberg meeting in Austria has been revealed in full.-They’ve invited Ed Balls back even though he’s no longer an MP.-Other notable secret-lizard Brits include Osborne, the BBC’s Rona Fairhead “
”secret-lizard Brits ”
A shill phrase to subvert the seriousness of the topic.
Details here.
Bilderberg Group meeting guest list. It’s a rogues gallery, everyone a slime bucket. If there was any justice in the World the police would surround the Hotel and arrest everyone for treason against their respective countries.
” Treason ”, that’s a word you don’t hear very often.
What wall to wall carpet?
Im actually being judged as we speak. Hasnt anybody told you where you are? Hic!
When is Judgement Day, btw? Got an Asda delivery booked for Thursday 8pm. Would hate to clash.
newsnight labour knob called all ukipers racist, he still doesnt get it.
and tax tax tax seems to be his mantra, i like the way he describes welfare as an investment
Look on the bright side. While Labour still has morons like that and the BBC showers them with plenty of airtime, the chanced of having another Blair/Brown terror inflicted on us get smaller all the time.
Just watched Newsnight . Why am I forced to pay for such crap ?
Fatty 2 Jags Prezza been banned from driving for speeding . Ha , Ha
To that creature and his ilk, anybody who isn’t in favour of immigration is a racist; which is Political Correctness of the terminal variety – as regards the continued existence of nation states.
I heard and saw various news items today. They are all raving mad. Seriously the whole lot- media, politicians and the rest are deranged.
The invaders in the Med are migrants. Really ? No they are illegally trying to get into Europe. Isis are never mentioned but who do you think is filling the boats. ? Oxfam?
Putin and Russia are bad bad bad and we are not going to put up with it. This must make Putin laugh. Nato is as useless as a legoland toy soldier army and Russia knows it.
We are going to give up carbon fuels by 2100. The Pope says so as well. Complete effing fantasy. Laughable and why repeat such garbage. Oh I forgot the BBC/Guardian thinks this is going to happen.
Europe is going to let us stay if we are nice and vote for what that charming Mr Cameron is told to tell us to accept.
The Euro is the answer to all human ills. We have the best education system in the universe. It goes on and on. You get the idea.
Fantasy , fantasy and more fantasy. It will never stop until reality smashes into them and us at last. Not that most of them will notice. They will still be forming their action groups and passing motions in their absurd universities about nothing at all
Meanwhile the predators of the world will be watching and waiting. They always are and always will be. .
“Published / broadcast opinion is not the same as public opinion.”
This is a response to ‘Cod’, the Al Beeb troll who posted this last night –
“Your constant plugging of the BBC petition overlooks the salient fact that the petition has died. Hardly 1000 new signatures in 2 weeks.”
Well ‘Cod’ it got over 1000 new signatures in 24 hours!
‘Cod’, you have been served well cooked and battered here is the evidence ……
Perhaps if you work for the bbc as a troll it is not a good idea to draw attention to tools useful for bring it to heel ?
Cod ? Well like a piece of cod you’ve been caught, skinned, chopped up and cooked for our pleasure. Thanks it tastes very nice too.
As has been pointed out, it’s half of the number of people who signed a petition to stop BBC Three going online and also fewer than those whose signed to stop BBC 6 Music closing. Which means many more people care about changes to a single BBC service than share your opinion that the whole thing should be closed.
It also explains why this entire website never really achieves anything.
If its that popular the listeners will pay for it . It might even make a profit for itself and improve its service ?
If you don’t want to pay for it, sign here……………
Irrelevant. The tax is indefensible. There is not one single thing to say in it’s defence. This is 2015 not 1925. The technology exists to make the BBC subscription. You want it you pay for it.
Brainwash the people all you like it will go in the end and you know it.
Hello Clap/Bunny/Cod/Chippy whatever you call yourself today,
If this website offends you why do you work for the bbc trying to undermine it ? Go out and get a proper job, London’s full of them. Stop taking the money that I and we have to pay for the dross served up on pain of imprisonment.
Just signed. Less than 40,000 to go to hit the target.
Daily Pre-Paris climate change crap on “Today” this morning, with one Catherine Mitchell (University of Reading, I believe), and Mr. “Potato” Davey the EX-DECC minister has-been non-person, and now ex lib-dem nobody.
They both think some sort of deal will be cobbled together in Paris – I don’t doubt it, it won’t be allowed to fail, and ALL delegates will be kept way beyond their bedtime, and with no tea until they collectively sign away our future economies, and in many cases, our lives.
No fossil fuels by the end of the century, and if Mr. Potato gets his way, none from next Tuesday. Plenty of wind and solar, chaps, and all much simpler to provide, and much, much cheaper than we’ve all been led to believe.
They are completely and utterly mad, and so is the BBC for
going along withpromoting this drivel.I notice that Ms. Mitchell had a very shaky voice, and din’t come across too well at all.
Never mind, a good dose of Carbon Capture and Storage might do her good, in the short term.
Catherine Mitchell, University of Exeter, on speed dial by the BBC. Here stated ‘research’ interests are revealing, quote
Catherine’s research interest is how to undertake the transition from the current ‘dirty’ energy system to a sustainable energy system, at a rate which is quick enough to make a difference to the planetary imperative of climate change and which maintains energy security. She views this question as a system issue. This requires addressing all the issues which make up a system such as policy (and politics), institutions (including economic regulation), infrastructure, economics, innovation, law and planning. She is interested in what enables, constrains or channels energy system innovation at a local, regional, national and international level. She is also interested in the overlapping spheres of energy (including transport), waste resources and food policy and how energy policy fits within the broader climate change policy.”
In other words, changing everything to accord with the flawed and corrupt religion of global warming.
What a load of bollocks
Exeter again. What is it about that place? Full of loons and lefties of the worst sort. No time for Israel either. I was in the city a few days ago. used to be a fine West Country town. Looks like a down market Brighton nowadays. Some of the ugliest development I have ever seen.
Real Devon is still there thank God. Just no longer in Exeter.
Exeter was a fine city until the Luftwaffe and brutalist town planners uglified it. The establishment of a fruitcake university there didn’t help either.
Sadly so but the damage done by the Germans could have been repaired and the old city restored. .Most of the ugliness was done by the developers and the City Council. The usual things greed and stupidity.
That’s one thing that really annoys me about this country. Germany and Austria unashamedly rebuilt millions of damaged and destroyed buildings in their original styles and preserved the feel of many of their towns and cities. They have public spaces that are pleasant places to be in.
We suggest doing the same and it’s howled down as kitsch. The arrogance of architects is partly to blame, IMO, and those who listen to them at everyone else’s expense. To add insult to injury, the stuff they put up was largely worthless.
We don’t ‘do’ new public spaces well and those we have are so few in number they tend to be overcrowded or used as car parks. Our town planners are clueless. We should import a few – we import everything else.
And another thing. A few imported teachers wouldn’t hurt either.
Rant over.
Absolutely right. Many German cities have been rebuilt with painstaking accuracy, and it’s hard to believe that they were once just ruins. They had respect for their past, even when they were shamed as a nation.
Most of our city centres are soulless dumps. I feel ashamed, thinking of what tourists must think, but are too polite to say.
News from Wales.
The Marxist Government of Wales today issued the following announcement.
“Not enough people are voting Marxist of their own volition.
We will therefore take action to create yet more non-jobs in the public sector. This action will ensure even more serfs are bound to the government and will, in future, vote correctly.
This action will put an even greater burden on the private sector and will make it impossible for them to be competitive in world markets. The additional unemployment in this sector, which we hope will occur, will, by placing the newly unemployed on benefits, increase still further the number of serfs who will be dependant on the Government and vote correctly in future.
The new non-jobs created today will be in the MiniFree (Ministry of Slavery) and MiniChoice (Ministry of Repression) and will involve ecigarettes, accupuncture and tattooing.
500,000 new non-jobs will be created, the salaries will be paid for by funds from MiniOwe (The Ministry for borrowing) and Minipawn (The Ministry for selling anything of value to foreigners),
Under the new legislation all staff in the industries will have to be trained, and certified, by Government officers in the Lubyanka, who are experts in the use of hot cigarette ends, red hot needles, and the modification of skin.
The statement made yesterday regarding the new Ministry of silly walks contained an error, the proportion of Ministry employees doing useful, productive work, was overstated by 50%, the correct figure is two.
Blodwyn Marxitaff”
Why is only the left half of the page/screen used?
It’s a symbol of the BBC’s bias.
They cannot stand anything on the right of centre? Sorry, I couldn’t resist it!
Sicily migrant homes in Catania ‘like a dump’
More than 1,000 migrants have been rescued by the British naval warship HMS Bulwark and are beginning to disembark in the Sicilian port of Catania.
They were rescued off the coast of Libya.
But what happens next?
As migrants arrive in Italy, they go into centres dotted around the country, while they wait for the refugee paperwork.
Others simply disappear, hoping to make their way to other European countries.
However, many end up trying to eke out a living on farms in Catania, as Clive Myrie has been finding out.
Let me translate:
Sicily migrant homes in Catania ‘like a welcome mat’
More than 1,000 illegal immigrants bound for Britain have been rescued by the British naval warship HMS Soft Touch and are beginning to disembark in the Sicilian port of Catania.
They were rescued off the coast of Libya.
But what happens next?
As illegal immigrants arrive in Italy, they go into centres dotted around the country, while they wait for EU passports.
Others simply disappear, making their way to the UK.
However, very few end up trying to eke out a living on farms in Catania, as Clive Myrie tries to pull the wool over our eyes.
Sicily has long been a poor country. There are insufficient jobs on farms, or in local establishments for the indigenous population, so how these thousands who have suddenly arrived on the island miraculously found themselves farming jobs, even temporary ones raises eyebrows. Something’s gotta give…
Where`s the Mafia , when you want them , they could do a bit of “liquidating” of the new arrivals .
Article on the Beeb website
“Building on greenbelt land has soared over five years”
Lamenting the concreting of our green and pleasant land, the piece states
“estimates suggest that 250,000 homes need to be built each year to solve the housing crisis in the UK.”
How did this huge demand for new housing arise?
Does the Beeb not know?
Can they not solve this riddle with their army of highly talented and paid journalists?
But, it’s only white middle-income suburbanites who are having the odd baby or two and increasing the family, a tad – nothing to worry about…
No BBc 3 is crap
BBc Breakast charity of the day: Save the children. Some bint telling us that due to finances the migrant centers in Southern Europe are not lovely and fluffy. Children are therefore forced to move to Northern Europe which puts them in danger of people smugglers and exploitation blh blah blah
BBC radio 4 is taking a caravan on the road to record people in what is called ‘the listening project’. This might at first sight appear a reasonable thing to undertake, until you discover that as ever costs have been the last thing on the agenda, and unbelievably they have had a designer design a custom caravan in the shape of a speech bubble, which they have then had built for them.
God alone knows how much they spent on this when they could have just used an ordinary familiar caravan !
“Listening Project”? I thought that the BBC had created an art form out of NOT listening…
Yes, but whilst pretending to do so. This sounds the same.
Old Goat.
Now now.. that’s not fair on the BBC they listen to everyone that agrees with them.
The Listening Project has been around for a while now and is one of the most pernicious programmes on an already pernicious channel.
Recommended only for those of low intellect or a galvanised stomach lining, TLP is a series of dialogues designed to reinforce the conspicuous compassion meme so beloved of ‘progressves’, where thought and reason are elbowed aside in favour of people demonstrating how much they ‘care’.
It is emetic broadcasting at its most disgusting.
Yes, the Listening Project is another of the BBC ‘nudges’. Snippet-sized soundbites reinforcing some liberal-left meme or other so beloved by the State’s official broadcaster. All part of the process. Bit-by-bit…drip, drip, drip…
And of course it now gives a cushy number for the tiresome unctious Fi Glover. She is one of the charmed BBC names – there’s always well-paid work for them.
What I would pay for is seeing a good old cat fight between Glover and Derbyshire, old Vicky stole her man. The man himself has just been found not guilty of any bullying at the beeb and got his job back. Just typical stories about Northern folk, anyone for ‘ Salford Street ‘. a look at life in a typical Nothern media business ? Would get better viewing figures than the VD Show.
Oh be fair it’s a step up from the BBC Saville memorial fund ‘ touching project’ at least this caravan has new curtains as Molesteronabus can attest !
When watching in the past it appeared to me that BBC News Channel at breakfast time joined uncle Bill Turnbull on the comfy sofa. So this morning I was surprised to find business news being broadcast. So lost puppy stories replaced by a new more serious approach? Normality was somewhat restored by the presenter’s plea that the audience make their views known about the fat cat salary story of the day, Sir Martin Sorrell’s (admitedly ridiculous) salary.
Martin Sorrell built WPP from scratch. His company – and it is HIS company – employs thousands and thousands of people, and earns Britain huge amounts of money worldwide. His track record shows that he is a brilliant strategist and helmsman. Worth every penny IMHO.
Victoria Derbyshire show this morning, the topic ‘Giving Young People A Voice’, with a panel 9 of teenagers being interviewed.
6 girls, 3 boys.
6 ethnic minority teenagers.
1 white boy.
2 girls in headscarves.
Presumably in support of the Labour/Scots Gnats’ idea of EU referendum votes for children of 16-17.
my lad 15 next month and if the lunatics in the asylum get their way, he could get a vote on the eu
jeeez love him to bits, but he still reads the beano avidly and struggles to choose his own dinner
Quite the rebel, ain’t he. You’re obviously a Dandy family. 😉
This is the liberal dream view of the future. VD is one of the very worst types of fantasist. – You will believe in my reality or else.-so to speak.
Probably sent from the same people who think they send a typical similar grouping to be the audience on QT and Any Q, they really think their choice reflects the make up of the UK, rather than the make up of inner city London and Salford.
salford dont look like that, just manchester
Hmm makes a nice change from the BBC’s usual ‘Giving Young People rohypnol ‘
They didn’t quite get it balanced though – should have had 5 girls in headscarves for the correct BBC approved balance.
But of course – females comprise 2/3 of the population, after all. And ethnic minorities are the majority, also 2/3. White males? Hardly any of those.
The makeup of that panel simply reflected the population makeup of the Wonderfully Multicultural And Female-Centric UK. Anything else (like, say, deliberately and dramatically under-representing white and/or male persons) would be sexist and racist, after all!
Think we can all see now why the BBC and its lefty oafs in the SNP/LibLab Pacts are so keen for kids to get the vote.
All those BBC/lefty types would be able to , er “take samples”…to “probe the youth vote” and-of course-“get their fingers on the very nub of youth” as shown then them by Savile and his Reign of Teret!
Do hope the authorities will watch for BBC survey monkeys hovering around childrens homes and school playgrounds with their bags of “sherbet” and their “jamboree bags”…well that`s what they tell me they call such inducements-when the call to prayer isn`t fully amplified anyway.
No to teenage votes-if the BBC like the idea, it`s only because they want to groom the yoof!
From what I’ve seen on the streets of our fair land, this seems representative enough; a sign of what’s to come.
Bbc r5 10-10 am a 20 minute prerecorded chat between Childes and a Zainab Bangura from the UN about sexual violence in IS against females. So, so horrific, as it went on I noticed the lack of any mention of the M word or the underlining philosophy allowing the treatment of the women and girls. Then this African woman mentioned she herself was a……Muslim ! Problem solved, after touring the area and finding such horrors what did she do ? Took herself off to Mecca and had a good cry and prayer. Problem solved, nothing to do with Mo or his religion then, Childes thanks her and wraps up, not going to ‘understand’ any better after this little exercise are we bbc ?
Isis must look at us in the West -at least at men like Childes. Cameron, Obama etc- and think
We have only to push at their rotten door and it will fall open-
I seem to remember that was once said by Lenin a long time ago. And he did and the door did open.
Yes I heard this long winded woman wowing the BBC over rapes which are not done in the name of Mo. She fudged it when asked why western educated women (presumably from no religion or culture whatsoever) are attracted to ISIS, but she did manage to get the point across several times that they were destroying mosques. Perhaps the EDL have branches in Iraq and Syria. Moslems are always victims for the BBC.
Radio 4’s Today had a nice balanced debate on decarbonisation this morning – 3 for it, 1 interviewer agreeing with them and no one taking the contrary position.
Still I suppose that the science is settled, which would explain the series of barbecue summers that we have been experiencing recently.
“…and no one taking the contrary position.”
As far as the BBC is concerned there isn’t a contrary position. The science is settled. The BBC calls this ‘due impartiality’ (as in ‘none at all’), because as we should all know by now, anyone who dissents from the agreed scripture of The Church of the Holy Consensus should be excommunicated and declared a heretic and should never – ever – be given airtime on any BBC channel.
The Narrative is everything to the Politburo. None may dissent.
Has anyone else noticed the BBC calling gay marriage ‘equal marriage’? Such a lefty adjective to use, making out it’s an equality issue rather than redefining the meaning of the actual word and equating it with equal rights.
I agree. We are only equal in death and judgment and all else is fallacy and agitprop. Not even married couples are ‘equal’ in any sense of the word. The lefts linking of rights of ‘homosexuality’ disorder and abuse to that of Magna-Carta ‘freedoms’ is deliberate and false. Until we joined the EU this was an aspirational fact ‘freedom’ meant something else for third world countries i.e. democracy.. Now we are all in danger of the same state apparatus and the new political correctness that ensures a new form of ‘surfdom’ for the proletariat that we will become ‘genderless’, ‘stateless’ and have to endure ‘communism’s’ health-and-safety broadcasts that we know are false but can do little about it.
Just heard on BBC news that Lenny Henry is chuffed to receive a knighthood. For what? For being not white, I suppose. Or has he hidden talents?
Were’t the knights something to do with oppressing ethnic people and stealing land from peaceful moslems? Lenny, refuse it.
For getting away with being a black racist for years and then resurrecting his career on the back of starving Africans.
Maybe it’s for his contribution to the The Black and White Minstrel Show. Or maybe this epic turkey
Pretty well everyone who has ever received such an honour seems to have managed to keep quiet about it until the official announcement, as they are requested to do. Except that blowhard.
I’m guessing the knighthood must be for services to black people. It certainly can’t be for being funny, because he hasn’t been funny since Three of A Kind.
Three Of A Kind was only funny because of the talents of Tracey Ullman and the underrated David Copperfield, whatever happened to him?
Note now Henry’s character in the current bBC drama The Synicate is just an older version of one of his Three Of A Kind characters.
Wasn’t funny then wasn’t funny on TISWAS Wasn’t funny on Comic strip presents. Wasn’t funny.
I thought Henry in Syndicate was playing Johnny Vegas.
DC still seems to be working
According to wikipedia he has been working on cruise ships
Services to Premier Inn or, perhaps, UKIP?
‘You Kip’ Premier Inn ad featuring Lenny Henry goes viral
Sir Jimmy Savile, Sir Cyril Smith and now Sir Lenny Henry for services for being err um, black.
The honour system is completely devalued, it should have been scraped years ago,
At least the likelihood of bBC darling Mr Farrah getting knighted is looking a little less likely right now.
Bit unfair lumping him with two of the biggest perv’s ( white one’s ) that existed.
I actually like Lenny Henry and he has had ‘issues’ with the BBC himself. Its the EU quest civil servants and the BBC twerps that should NOT be awarded. So I wish him luck, after all he is a Londoner and is a lot funnier (as a comedian) than the rest of the BBC who claim fame.
“So I wish him luck, after all he is a Londoner and is a lot funnier (as a comedian) than the rest of the BBC who claim fame.”
I’d check your facts, a couple of inaccuracy’s here…
Which part of Dudley in is London ?
And, is he a comedian?
Keith Chegwin ” Blacks aren’t funny.”
Sir Lenny liked my bald head at a corporate event. He got a lot of laughs. I have had to cry myself to sleep ever since. Can I sue ? True story.
… Wasn t that bald-ist?
Just a quick point after the many serious and excellent posts on this board today…I watched The Daily Politics today and the BB bustards managed to disrupt transmission ONLY for an extract of Norman Tebbitt speaking in the Lords ,everybody else(mostly Liebore +SNP) OK.
‘Charlie’ Falconer-at great length , no problem.
‘Jo’ Coburn- Liebore sympathiser , no problem.
Some insignificant pressure group women-no problem.
They can’t help themselves ,can they?… now its russias turn for the mosque brawls
Yet another case of these fake “victims”, and their real agenda
In France “Anti-Islamophobia” group now on trial for plotting jihad terror attacks
that vid … Over a prayer!!!
The sooner this dangerous, totalitarian cult
is gone the better, I m afraid, in the end
… that is what it will come to
Unbelievable, and we’re importing the cretins to enrich this country.
Piss off you fucking loon.
If you find the incontinent words coming from the ‘botherers’ that hate god
Please vote here
You can fuck off as well. Do you have nothing to do but post the same link endlessly? I’m all for scrapping the licence fee but for goodness sake.
Well then ihategodbotherers, sign here , it will help you control your emotions and your indecent and unnecessary vocabulary…………
Much better now ?
160,000 votes so far, thanks to the work done by Clapped man and his bus full of ‘Toons”
If this bank pulls out maybe we all should move our accounts to another bank ?…yo nicky,yo rachel.
Oh why don`t the BBC f***off?…and take pox-ridden Jon Snow and his minchins with it?
The Left had long had a vendetta against the banks…HSBC being a bank, I believe…and has long boasted of hounding them to paying a fair share of the license fee in the form of a Yentob song or such.
And now HSBC elect to go-as they can in a free market.
Next thing-Unite are on the news and assorted green cnadiates to tell us why this is all the Tories fault-and that the EU Referendum must have scared them.
If we were more like the Pearl Delta with a decent rule of law-then HSBC could be encouraged to stay here-seeing as none of us voted for MiliBrand.
But no-more EU, more bank witch trials…but boo hoo to Unite and Jenny Jones.
Clueless vacuous venal nomarks and hypocrites…the Lefty thickos and BBC scumbuckets really DO want us to turn into North Korea-with a TV License to wear around our necks.
Still eh?…thank God for womens my M&S hummus confite and a small white wine in to watch it.
I see the Welsh -hot on the heels of killing off more than Shipman and mid-Staffs ever could-have turned their gaze onto vaping, having shook the world with their 5p carrier bag “supplement”.
What is it about our virtuous self-satisfied Labour Celtic fringe?…why do they have to be so bloody smug?
Oh wait-they`ve got pocketfuls of our taxes and don`t have to self-finance do they?
Absolutely no “medical rationale” for this according to the Welsh GP on Today this morning-just some sense about the anti-smoking zealots not being able to decide who to prosecute should a vaper look like a cigarette smoker.
Oh dear…how sad , never mind.
So tell me again-if cancer charities don`t want e-cigs banned, how can that possibly be negated by the BBC/BMA etc?
And don`t start me on legalising cannabis/LSD – but not wanting legal highs in headshops to be allowed.
Welcome to the amazing world of Liberal lefty land…what THEY feel-and what THEY control-seems to be the only law required.
It’s simply because they can. It’s statement politics. Look how powerful we are! We can ban a perfectly legal activity simply because we don’t approve of it, for some rather vague reasons we can’t properly explain.
The intention is that the Welsh Assembly wishes to be perceived as somehow progressive and ‘ground-breaking’ in this silly move.
A Welsh friend of mine described the Welsh Assembly as “An incompetent shower of shit. An ineffectual talking shop full of provincial, parochial under-achievers who couldn’t even begin to cut it in Westminster”.
As a person who was born and who lives in the land of song ….. they just make and pass laws because they can, irrespective of the need for any. The Welsh assembly is just another tier of bureaucracy, another talking shop, and another waste of money.
Cytuno’n llwyr merched.
Diolch !
What happens to Tobacco Tax on Welsh bought & Welsh smoked cigarettes? Anyone know?
Could it also be that the separate Welsh NHS would actually like their smokers to go back to the real thing, because that would provide them with an independent income? The VAT on vaping I assume gets taken like all VAT by the Treasury in London; there’s no other fiscal benefit on vaporisers for Wales.
Or am I being a bit too suspicious & cynical?
Just a shite SNP
Thatcher would have voted here are you ?
Oh to round of breakfast today we have Pauline Murray from 1980s two tone two hit wonder The Selector. Amongst informing us that he live singing sounds dreadful from a video clip she informs us that multi- culturism is the way forward for any country. Yea thanks for that.