Well, I’m going to keep on banging on about it because I know that quite a few newspaper columnists read this blog. So, come on guys, are you are journalist with integrity? If so, how about talking about this in your columns: http://snowbrains.com/norway-ski-resorts-are-buried-in-snow-right-snow/
And how about talking about Dartmoor waking up to a frost this morning? News to you? Yes well the Met Office haven’t got the balls to report it have they. Well more frosts to come over the next 11 days and in Mid June and Norway to get even more snow and yup, even satellite imagery is showing that Alaskan glaciers are growing again. Ah yes, Global Warming, the biggest scam the Left have ever perpetrated on man kind happily supported and promoted by the far left BBC.
West Wales = 18 Deg C, outside.
Global warming ? Or is it just what we used to call summer.
Its just normal British weather, changeable . That’s why we have always talked about it for hundreds of years .
When the facts don’t accord with the theory then the only option available is to change the facts.
In a few years time I expect the records of this unseasonal cold spell will be adjusted to better accord with ‘reality’. That’s usually what happens.
Had the pleasure of listening to this evening’s duty left-wing comedian Mark Steel. Like most of R4’s comedy, Mark Steel’s show is thinly disguised left-wing/green activism but it has yet to reach the dire standard of many of its stable mates and is genuinely funny much of the time.
However, what struck me most about his send up of Barnard Castle was that in his eagerness to ridicule the Little Englishness of this fine town he was actually exposing the damage the left has done to this country. Much was made of the attractiveness of Barnard Castle; the nice houses, lack of crime, civility of the locals in their dealings with each other etc etc. Even a mention of the local bobby brought genuine and warm applause.
Half way through the question that sprang to mind was, and I think I know the answer, how much enrichment has Barnard Castle benefitted from recently?
One of you out there must know.
Mr Steel should reflect on whether all audiences across this land would enjoy and tolerate him riding into town and ridiculing the local inhabitants and their culture. How is that for irony?
”Mr Steel should reflect on whether all audiences across this land would enjoy and tolerate him riding into town.”
Upper class twit Al Murray, his alter ego the thick Pub Landlord character did it when he mocked the constituents of Thanet by standing against Farage. He didn’t have the courage to stand against George Galloway.
Being a lefty means never having to think ANYTHING through-for all is fomenting perpetual revolution from Yoko bed, whilst flying first class.
Mark Steel-like his fellow -traveller Mark Thomas is-as Lenny Henry-simply not funny.
Always gets a crate though to spout leftist unfunnies at Tolpuddle though…the Rhona Cameron Career Case as I believe it`s now called.
Anybody able to tell me how Fi Glover gets 30 minuts this afternoon in dragging up bullying from a line of victims who will never get over it-and certainly won`t now Fi`s been round with the bourbons.
Utter crap-whatever happened to “draw a line under it and move on”…”closure”?
Or is that only for BBC victims of Savile or those who the Mirror hacked-as opposed to Murdoch?
Half an hour-thought that flailing trout only had five minute bursts of victim bear baiting by charter?
Utter swill-maybe if they`d gone to grammar schools it would all never have happened.
Sue Crosland!
Ah yes Mark Steel. That rabid Marxist pet of the BBC. Every single thing he’s ever done has been for the BBC. He enjoys a perpetual sinecure there. Personally I can’t listen to this former SWP fuckwit for more than 2 minutes.
Obviously finding a decent community like Barnard Castle was a thorn in his side. How he and his ilk would love to ‘diversify’ and destroy such communities.
I’m sure he wishes everywhere he visits on his licence-payer-funded sojourn could be just like Tower Hamlets.
Itts pretty ‘ironic’ that this so called left wing ‘comedian’ derives most of his fun from mocking the accents of working class older locals, especially when he’s ‘in town’ ‘oop North’.
Fergal Keane on Ten News: Like ‘All the misery of the immigrant world is funnelled into Calais’. Something doesn’t compute there. We’re told there are a couple of thousand immigrants in Calais. That’s a tiny fraction of the flow. Do they let over the couple of thousand every week? Do they think we’re stupid? Of course they do… but REALLY stupid? Maybe it’s just Fergal doing his usual ‘poor, pitiful _______’. (Complete as desired.)
Fergal Keane is a serial awards-chaser. Cut from the same holier-than-thou cloth as the likes of Kate Adie and John Simpson, Keane presents every report as some kind of hushed polemic; whilst behind the curtain he’s furiously working every possible lever to push the necessary emotional buttons.
Facts, be damned – Keane’s perpetually out to get himself another gong by scraping along the bottom of an already well-worn barrel. He’s just another outward symptom of the inner illness infecting the BBC hive-mind.
Yes Fergal Sharkey was dispatched , by the Evil BBC to report on his fellow Irish “Pikey” eviction from Dale Farm. He never normally does UK based reports, but because they were Irish in the main , he was brought back specially to do that report . It was a typical cynical move by the BBC. The fact that Look East , & BBC London news had their own reporters on the scene , was not good enough for the news division.He then described the eviction in “hushed reverential tones” of those poor Irish Pikey`s. I thought it was a disgusting piece of BBC propaganda at the time .
This afternoon, the first item on North Korea Radio Radio 5-Dead ‘news’ was that Labour and the Unite union are objecting to HSBC bank cutting jobs. They even managed to find a shareholder to say that making the bank more secure was a bad idea.
Despite the ‘Labour says …’ it was nice to hear the bBBC and their allies standing up for bankers for a change.
Labour and Unite can object all they damn well like. It will make not one jot of difference to what HSBC does.
The only role Labour and Unite actually have now is to object, very vocally, and if need be violently via their UAF and HNH proxies.
I really do hope Jeremy Corbin is the next Labour leader (unlikely I know). It’s high time this political fossil of a party was consigned to oblivion – or to a glass case in some sort of political museum where future generations of school children can gawp at them and wonder what sort of primeval world these creatures strutted about in.
If you would like Jeremy Corbin, or any of the others, to be the next leader of the Labour Party, for the princely sum of £3 you can attempt to take the party down the wrong road.
Mrs Dave used to work in an offshoot of Halifax that was shut down. The week before it was shut Unite did a recruitment exercise. Mrs Dave pointed out during the recruitment meeting she went to that Unite contributed towards the Labour party. The rep did try to deny that. When the closure announcement was made Unite were no where to be seen. As far as I’m aware the full extent of their opposition ran to sending a letter to the management. A few years down the line another site closure and again the Unite reps had bailed before the final closure.
I spent some time today watching speeches from the Referendum Debate on BBC Parliament. It was remarkable how many MPs commented on BBC bias. They all just seem to accept that’s how it is.
BBc news at 22:00 Sob story propaganda on migrants continues. At some crap hole in Calais check out all the litter obviously too much effort to pick it up whilst they wait to try and illegally enter the UK. One of them tells the reporter he wants to further his education. Yea sure mate we’ll just put you through university Funny how the reporter never tells them they aren’t wanted here. Looks like this is going to followed up tomorrow with some more “harrowing” tales. No doubt with zero verification of the Jackanory.
A friend of mine pointed out that, in actively searching the Med for “migrants” to rescue, the Royal Navy has become an integral part of the whole trafficking business. The boats set off from Libya and await “rescue” which is summoned by the “migrants” using their mobile phones. Absolute madness to allow this to continue.
It all fits with the liberal view of our armed forces as a branch of social services. A Europe wide descent into fantasy.
I expect Isis, Russia and Iran are watching and drawing the natural conclusions. The Westerners have lost it and are ripe for plunder.
Having just watched the last episode of the TV program about the Spanish Armada , I was reminded of Queen Elizabeth Ist words to the troops at Tillbury, which Cameron should take heed of and are applicable today……
“I know I have the body of a weak, feeble woman; but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England too, and think foul scorn that Parma or Spain, or any prince of Europe, should dare to invade the borders of my realm; to which rather than any dishonour shall grow by me, I myself will take up arms”,
It is about sovereignty Mr Cameron , sovereignty.
HMS Bulwark picks up 1000 “refugees” and sails back to Britain (1 week – it has to sail slowly to reduce its carbon footprint). Unloads the illegal immigrants, disinfects the ship and restocks with supplies (1 week). The crew have leave (1 week). The ship sails back to the Med. for another load (1 week).
At a rate of 1 voyage per month and 1000 illegal immigrants per trip we take in 12,000 per year (less the identified ISIS terrorists we take back). The total isn’t far from Dave’s old target of 10,000, and we should be able to integrate them at a rate of 12,000 per year. So we tell the EU we’ve taken our share and they can enjoy the enrichment from the rest of the “refugees”; and the French can do what they like with those at Calais because we’re full.
The only snag is when the Italians give the other 500,000 EU passports and Brussels orders us to let them in as they are now “EU citizens” – or at least they can until the referendum in 2017.
Amazing interview on Question Time with Alex Salmond which purported to be about 16 and 17 year olds voting in the EU Referendum. Not only did Evan Davis fail to go for the jugular when it became apparent that Salmond’s argument was incoherent; but it quickly degenerated into the usual BBC/Nicola Sturgeon love fest.
Both Davis and Salmond went all starry eyed as a clip of her on a US chat show was played on the screen. Davis then kept banging on about how she had started a new kind of politics?????
bBC Points West has an item about homeless living rough in a cave in the most affluent part of Bristol, only one of the ‘homeless’ speaks on camera, clearly an immigrant.
Back in the studio a discussion follows with a couple of ‘experts’ reasons such as benefit cuts (more than once) and the breakdown of the family unit were put forward, but our interviewer not once questioned the possibilty that immigration might just have something to do with it and neither did our ‘experts’ such a possibility.
The elephant in the room hidden here in plain sight, more bias by omission.
And a similar approach to housing shortage. The BBC wrings it’s hands an wails “how are we to house our growing communities?” whilst conveniently ignoring the obvious fact that a significant proportion of our growing (and increasingly dysfunctional) communities are being imported daily.
My husband was remarking the other day about how it is unfair to blame the housing shortage on immigration. When I pointed out that around 3 million people have entered the country in the past decade and they need to live somewhere, he had no answer. I think he is so used to repeating the BBC mantras that he never really thinks things through. (I’m not trying to say he is stupid – he isn’t. But he takes no more than a passing interest in current affairs, as many people do, and gets most of his news – and views – from things he hears on BBC radio. )
But, didn’t you know those immigrants enriched us by bringing in their own housing, health care, education, social services, benefits, food, water, energy….need I go on?
The reply to all these inconvenient truths about immigration is always “The NHS would collapse without them.”
It always makes my blood boil. How have we got to the state where we have failed to supply from our own once hardworking and dependable population enough doctors and nurses?
It’s a lamentable tragedy, worth a national enquiry if anything is, but it seems to be TOTALLY ignored.
Now watching Daily Politics discussing the in/out referendum.
An image of a ballot paper showing the usual IN/OUT boxes.
The YES had a tick and the NO had a cross.
Is it me?
What do we really expect. The EU is dead if we go and the all know it. I would not be surprised if real state violence is on the agenda .
Cameron is there to keep us quiet and in. Where exactly did he come from ? Who made him leader. Who is he really ?
On the one hand, that does seem like a bit of subliminal suggestion…
Then again, if anyone filled out their ballot paper with both a tick and a cross, they would be risking it being deemed a spoiled ballot.
They do love an anti-Met Police story, even if its 10 years old.
There’s ‘hope’ that the CPS will change their ways when the EU tells them to do so. That way, firearms officers could stand trial.
‘Justice for the family’. And our money for the lawyers who risk their lives every day…..
If the BBC don’t get the required result, there’s always the Lawrence case to revive. The Met murdered him apparently by not investigating to the standards of the BBC.
Anyone heard of Pc Keith Blakelock? His wife now sits alongside the mother of Steven Lawrence in the House Of Lords… oh no, she doesn’t. I got that bit wrong.
They have really gone to town on that story – lots of text, sympathetic photos – the full mix.
But somehow they appear to have missed out a little bit of context – the man should not have been in the country anyway ?
And the story should have STARTED by mentioning the main context – the sad incident happened just 2 weeks after 52 people had been killed, the Met was obviously on full alert – and the officers concerned truly believed he was involved ? They thought they were trying to prevent another Tube bombing?
And from memory – wasn’t the victim seen rushing the ticket barrier to get down to the Tube platform ? Or was that an urban myth ?
You can criticise whoever mis-identified him as a suicide bomber (being wise after the event), but the officers who went into the tube carriage having been told that he was a suicide bomber showed extreme bravery. To get close enough to shoot him they were close enough to guarantee that they’d be killed if he managed to detonate the bomb they thought he was carrying – which would take a fraction of a second if he was holding the switch in his hand.
I’ve never see this aspect discussed in any BBC coverage of the incident.
Exactly. The Met officers deserved commendations for bravery. Instead, they now face the endless shadow of EU interference with British jurisprudence. Cheered on by the BBC.
Another strong reason for getting us out of the EU.
The Captain of the US warship in the 1980’s that mistakenly shot down an Iranian airliner was commended.
It was recognised that he had acted bravely to protect his ship based on the information he had to hand at that time.
Yes, the police officers believed they were confronting a bomber and acted accordingly. The senior officer in charge of the Operation? She received subsequent promotion.
The captain of the USS Vincennes was an idiot who should have been court-martialled. In the most advanced cruiser in the US Navy, equipped with the Aegis radar system, he managed to mistake a passenger liner climbing to full height for an attaching fighter. The destruction of the Iranian airliner led, I believe, to the tit-for-tat destruction of the Pan-Am 747 over Lockerbie. Not much of a role model, I’d have said.
Have to agree the captain was an idiot and the ship was badly run. He was after blood, glory and a medal and not bothered whose. He invaded Irianian waters before the shoot down and then crossed into Omani ? Waters and was told to get lost by the Royal Navy officer who was on the Omani Patrol ship nearby. The US rubbed salt into the wound by handing out medals, when several officers and men from the control room ought to have been charged. The loss of PA 103 was practically inevitable after that.
“They have really gone to town on that story – lots of text, sympathetic photos – the full mix. But somehow they appear to have missed out a little bit of context – the man should not have been in the country anyway?”
I’m not quite sure how you think that could be in any way relevant?
Regardless, you are misinformed.
Charles de Menezes did absolutely nothing.
He wasn’t living here illegally.
He didn’t vault the ticket barrier.
He wasn’t wearing a heavy coat or carrying a bag.
He wasn’t in anyway acting ‘suspiciously’.
But still that doesn’t stop BiasedBBC crawling through the sewers of the moral high ground:
“If only I had a penny for the number of times the BBC has reminded us of the unfortunate Mr. de Menezes innocence – innocent of being a terrorist for sure, not so innocent of overstaying his visa, possessing a fake immigration stamp in his passport, working illegally and, it turns out today, having traces of cocaine in his urine.”
According to this presumably unimpeachable source (the Observer quoted on the Guardian website):
“Back in London his [De Menezes’] student visa expired. He had no intention yet of returning to Brazil, where the average salary of £50 per month would prevent him achieving his dream of owning a ranch. Instead, he did what many illegal immigrants do and turned to the black market.”
“According to this presumably unimpeachable source (the Observer quoted on the Guardian website)…”
That was published in 2005. It was established during the Inquiry in 2008 that he was in fact living here legally at the time.
It was posited shortly after his death that De Menezes’ immigration status could of been the cause of him “running away from the police”. But it transpired he hadn’t been “running away” or running at all.
So I ask again; what makes you think being here legally or illegally is in any way relevant to him being shot seven times in the head?
What next, perhaps an investigation as to whether Lee Rigby had any unpaid parking tickets?
You’re correct that on a technicality (that he had entered the UK via the Republic of ireland less than 3 months before the shooting) he was here legally. However, the immigration stamp in his passport was undoubtably a forgery in that it was one that was not in use at the time by the Immigration and Nationality Directorate.
Accordingly, I’ll give you one star for pointing out that he was not guilty of being an illegal immigrant at the time of his death. However, and following your employer’s delightful habit of ignoring any evidence which doesn’t suit its Narrative, I’ll give you no stars for failing to mention his use of forged documents. Had he not been shot, he would have become an illegal three months after his entry into the UK via the Republic absent a further application for legal status. So he wasn’t technically an illegal, he was just willing to commit a crime (ie use forged documents) to stay in the UK.
“They do love an anti-Met Police story, even if its 10 years old.”
Charles de Menezes was shot 10 years ago; his case is currently in the European court.
As reported by The Guardian, The Independent, The Telegraph, Sky News, ITV News, The Daily Mail, The Express, Yahoo News, Evening Standard, Belfast Telegraph, Shropshire Star, Liverpool Echo…
“Anyone heard of Pc Keith Blakelock? His wife now sits alongside the mother of Steven Lawrence in the House Of Lords… oh no, she doesn’t. I got that bit wrong.”
Doreen Lawrence received honours because of her charity work. But never mind; just keep on slagging her off and her murdered son if that’s what it takes to make you feel better about yourself.
Overall I think he has sown in hope of reaping many ratings.
Likely this will have been designed to help (with this aim):
‘The BBC claims that a billion people are going to watch the Women’s World Cup, which is being held this year in Canada. (Because of course it is.) But the BBC expects a lot of things that never happen, like acid rain, climate change, Labour winning more seats the last election and ISIS being defeated by us all being just a little bit nicer to Muslims.’
I have kept a straight face throughout, as is only right.
If that claim exists it would be interesting to get the link, plus an eventual tally of how close the BBC is/was, preferably not from a source close to the BBC, because, well… they are not too trustworthy.
that was 2.5 million that wasted 2hours and wont tune in again, dont know how many or what types they ask to work out these shit stats, nobody i knows watched it
I went to primary school with Milo, in fact we were best mates for a while. He used to be called Milo Hanrahan back then which is why it took me a while to realise he was the same guy.
I’m glad to see that he still appears to share some values with myself, though back then we were mainly interested in toy soldiers.
What is it with the bBC and Claire Bloody Balding? (think I know the answer) but she now gets the job of presenting Wimbledon highlights. This makes the presentation team 100% femail with that other omnipresent bBC fav Sue Barker.
Slight aside, did anyone catch the post match ‘analysis on last nights women’s world cup match, 3 bloody ‘experts’ and a presenter trying to breathe life into a competition that apart from the bBC nobody really gives a toss about.
My bBC TV consumption since Friday = 5 hours and most of that was the Grand Prix.
Interesting take on the BBC’s approach to the woman’s football World Cup and the fact that England lost to France. On their online football page the headline was “England narrowly lose to France”. A strange comment in itself. So I had a look at the BBC’s highlights of the game and in those highlights all I got to see was France attacking the England goal. If that is narrowly losing then I’ll eat my hat also.
I watched a chunk of the second half and it was woeful. Like a park team playing a Conference side. France won because they were much better but they would still struggle against Nuneaton or Wrexham.
I must admit I’ve only seen snippets of wimmin’s footie, before turning off through boredom, but how is it generally rated? What level of the man’s game does it approximate to? I’d really like to know what afficianados (?) think.
Baring in mind I do not watch much Women’s footy and neither am I an expert, merely a dedicated fan, of the Men’s game, I’d say Women’s football is poor quality. The sort of level you get sub semi-professional leagues.
At an international level it is much better, as you’d expect, but there is still a lack of positional and area play and it all seems a little light. The shots, tackles, passing and general play are all a bit slow or half strength and, of the games I’ve watched, they tend to peter out in the second half. Much like a park game played by overweight office workers (me included OUAT) …
BBC R4 Today 20 minutes ago wetting itself with joy. An elderly white man has committed the crime of making some humorous, politically incorrect jokes at a dinner.
72 year old British scientist Sir Tim Hunt, who won a Nobel Prize for his work on cell duplication, said that the problem with female scientists was that, “You fall in love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticize them, they cry!”
Crush him, hound him, destroy him! Let no elderly white people with a sense of humour escape the wrath of the BBC’s political correctness!
Older males, dont neccessarily have the social nous and soft skills of younger media people, therefore their point rarely gets through. This is especially relevant in science and the climate change debate.
The issue people have with older males isn’t necessarily the fact that they talk crap per-se, but more the fact that they get so affronted when their crap is challenged or ignored. If you let yourself get so far behind modernity then you’ve got the choice of pulling yourself together or being irrelevant. Pretending its modernity that’s the problem and that everything used to be better won’t help – rose tinted glasses have been destroyed forever by google and youtube.
I suppose I can count as an older male, but I saw through this crap when it emerged in the sixties. As an instructor in the US Navy I was given guidelines on non sexist language. I was told never to refer to women as voluptuous belles. That was the beginning of a bid for power which became more refined until it is now dominant..
I can see the point in treating all naval personnel with a minimal level of respect which grows with accomplishment, as all respect should, but if a rating can’t take language they don’t like perhaps the Navy isn’t for them …
pah, I still have the document that was produced by the Task Force which produced the guidelines. It also states that we should use gender neutral language wherever possible. The example was: Wrong ‘The chimpanzee was being mothered’. Right: ‘The chimpanzee was receiving parental affection’. I should add that this was produced at the tail end of the Vietnam war, and that both women and men worked together with dignity and respect. This kind of thing was something that was being imposed, and we know know where it ended.
I agree. I discussed it with the men and women in my class – all Americans – and they found it extremely puzzling. My conclusion was that some guy had been given the assignment to make a list of expressions to be avoided and somehow this odd expression found its way into the recommendations.
Ah, so that will be ‘the population’. as intimately researched and judged by a cocksure young twit who knows everything, and gets his sad kicks out of being a troll on a site populated by grown-ups.
Ah, so that will be ‘the population’. as intimately researched and judged by a cocksure young twit who knows everything, and gets his sad kicks out of being a troll on a site populated by racist pensioners and bitter ex-pats.
Congratulations for perfectly demonstrating the uncanny ability of yoof to draw hopelessly inaccurate conclusions based on what they wish to believe to be true.
Pensioners? Who? Ex-pats? Maybe one or two. Yet from an almost complete lack of data you make a wild assumption about the make-up of the contributors here.
You don’t happen to be a climate ‘scientist’, do you?
If not you might want to get in quick. they probably accept media studies ‘degrees’.
Bunny !!!! I’ve missed you !!! Back in a new guise to sally forth with your drivel again love ? What’s the T for ? Twat I suppose ?
So I’m, A, a pensioner, B, racist and C, an ex- pat . Well bunny/chippy/ clap on the end of your knob, guess what love ????
WRONG ON ALL COUNTS as usual the SWP gets it all wrong, sad really.
So experience and age count for nothing in this gay day and age eh?
I suppose you think that obesity, inked up skin, metalwork all over your body, gay marriage, metrosexuality, blind support for climate change, immigration and the EU and watching X Factor and such is modernity, if so it just shows how dense many of our younger generation are.
So wisdom and experience count for nothing now eh? Maybe youre one of those that also supports lowering the voting age and that of consent?
I suspect many on here who post do have a few years on the clock and tend to be male.
It also means most have been round the block a few times and on reflection probably realise that when they thought they knew all the answers to the world’s problems at 18 they now know that things are not quite as black and white as they seemed before experiencing the real world!
You seem to suggest that someone who disagrees with “modernity” must automatically be wrong. Surely not?
If you do believe this, hang around long enough and you’ll find that all YOUR cherished notions are wrong.
I imagine you’re a lefty, and therefore inclined to attack the man (“ad hominem”) rather than discuss his ideas. That’s why I replied ad hominem; maybe you’ll understand.
72 Tim Hunt was born in 1943 and brought up in a world with a different set of values. The cultural context was different.
Today the rules of the game are written by the Guardian-reading, liberal-left, metropolitan elite of the BBC. “Hideously” white, elderly men who aren’t familiar with the rules are an easy target for mockery and abuse.
Curiously we’re now being told it’s OK for immigrants to beat their children; “Police and social services should make allowance for foreigners because of the ‘different cultural context”.
But it’s not OK for Tim Hunt to make some jokes because of the different cultural context in which he grew up.
I’m 2 and a half decades younger than him, yet I share his values, this shite really kicked in during the 70’s.
Looking back I saw it in my latter school days (late 70’s early 80’s) with the passing of the older teachers who had experienced war and knew the real history of our country, to be replaced by militant NUT card carrying younger, right on, university indoctrinated teachers. Almost weekly we had a day off for a strike of some sort or another.
This same generation of teachers has gone on to become head teachers, spreading their cancerous ideology to our kids.
I listened to the two women on Todqy expressing different levels of outrage against Sir Tim Hunt. He had said that women in the laboratory was a bad thing because they either fall in love with men or men fall in love with them and that they cry when their research is criticised. Maybe he should have had his jokey script written by cutting edge comics like Hignify types, but come on, was this really offensive? The audience were wimmen science journalists and one seriously hopes that genuine scientists – as opposed to media hacks with a permanent sense of outrage – would have more important things to be concerned about. As for the university colleague who ratted about him on the BBC – sack the miserable cow.
To them it is a real outrage. The entire liberal establishment must be outraged and I really feel for them . I am outraged too. it is so outrageous I
Can we hang Sir Tim Hunt. ? I can barely write so outraged am I. Hanging is too good for him
At the very least he should be hounded until he appears on Newnight gibbering and slobbering at Kirsty and chums feet.
Take his knighthood and manhood away. You know it is the right thing to do.
So an award winning scientist loses his job (and the country loses his sharp mind no doubt) just so that the FemiNazis can feel a bit better about themselves?
Was he about to make a major break through and got knobbled by the opposition I wonder?
Deegee, it was only a stupid remark because the feministas could have been predicted to take offence. As a woman I thought it was quite funny, but had Mr D offered the joke whilst rehearsing a speech in front of me, I would probably squealed …’you can’t say that’. Maybe Sir Tim is missing a wife to advise. But it is a sorry state of affairs when the thought police win so easily.
Deborah, I checked on Sir Tim Hunt’s wife, Professor Mary Collins, an established immunologist with a background in promoting women in science.
What the hell is wrong with the BBC?
Well how was your “BBC’s Hottest day of the year so far” contest? Me? Well out here on Dartmoor, it got to 15.5 degrees at Lunchtime but has slipped back to 13.8 degrees and has rained steadily since 13.45. It was “hotter” in March. We had been forecast thunderstorms this afternoon but looking at my lightning map, so far nowt and nothing of the Armageddon forecast for the rest of the U.K. http://www.lightningmaps.org/realtime
I guess, they got their guesses, sorry modelling, wrong, again.
In the spirit of further good humour, before I heed the siren call of a pint of Doom Bar, may I commend to the house a BBC FaceBook thread that has some truly great comedy in the (unmoddable) comments, not least the replies of some who have clearly not got over being outraged over at the BBC Prof. Tim gig:
Going for a pint is not the same as a flounce, but apologies for more comebacks than a Flokker saying they are off and never coming back.
This just seemed worth adding (especially as it’s hard to tell who is who these days):
‘Update: An earlier version of this story contained a quote from a satirical tweet, which we’ve removed.’
The BBC of course being pretty much hostage to twitter for its ‘news’, that was an extra LOL, as we not cool enough for #bbctrending wouldn’t dream of saying.
Will he be forgiven when he ‘comes out ‘ as a transgender called Lyn and needs ‘support’ from all the luvvies when he strips down on the cover of the guardian ? Can I nominate Scott to be the Biased BBC representative to give him a hug and a kiss live in the studio of Salford towers ?
Be careful everyone the BBC is in ‘today it will be the hottest day of the year’ mode even the film critic bloke is mentioning it. They’ve all been briefed to go with that meme today. Wait for it we are going to nudge 25 degrees later today in June who’d have thought eh. Expect mass extinctions around 3 p.m. this afternoon Global warming has taken over.
It might well be the “Hottest” day of the year at Heathrow Airport when one of the Met Office’s measuring stations gets a jet blast from a 747 running up in a test bay close to that measuring station. For the rest of the country, yeah right. Funny how they are not saying “coldest” june night for 60 years isn’t it?
Yeh it get’s surprisingly hot at them weather stations all perched at the end of runways . Still on a plus point today Carol Kirkwood cleared about a long standing dilemma I’ve had , wait for it , apparently ‘Rock Hopper’ penguins are called so because they hop on rocks you could’ve knocked me over I’d been struggling with that one for years
Double Roger Harrabin climate-change whammy today – apparently, Spring is arriving earlier than in Victorian times, and whistling through a tad quicker than it did thirty years ago. Thirty years ago? I ask you. And it’s all down to climate change. Of course, in the BBC mindset, the climate never changed before the Victorians were around, it’s only just started doing it because, well, because we nasty humans are here.
Then they rabbit on about the recent climate conference in Bonn (there seems to be a permanent climate conference in progress, these days), getting all their rotten, ideological eggs into one basket (case) for Paris. They’ll get their way in Paris – I don’t think that there’s much doubt about that. We are screwed.
I just hope I live long enough to see the encroaching ice age in Britain. It will be hilarious seeing the BBC trying to spin ice breakers up the Clyde or the Mersey. Roger is a prize prat he knows he’s lying we know he’s lying don’t give him much thought.
John Anderson
Oh I don’t know. I’m sure something will be agreed at Paris. There’ll be a wonderful long screed signed up to by the participants. However – curiously – China and india and a few others will either not be bound (or will ignore the agreement). Roger (and his fellow charlatans) will declare victory and Cameron (via Rudd) will sign an immediate £100+ billion cheque followed by a succession of IOUs while passing another piece of egregious legislation through Parliament. In the US, the Senate will refuse to ratify whatever Obama signs up to (cf Kyoto) so it’ll be a dead (legal) duck there whatever happens.
I can remember when ‘Spring’ turned up in December for a couple of years at the end of the 1990s. I thought they might have mentioned that on the TOADY prog but I guess their memories are short, John Humphrys still being in his early 20s and not a keen gardener.
as an add-on, I wonder if we will get to hear about the “frosts” in the North of the country this weekend? “Frosts” in June? Yup, happens when the earth is cooling.
Indeed lock13, there is even a web site that the “Tall Bloke” has created that examines all the Met Office data gathering stations locations. An interesting site and one that we should all look at when we hear “The hottest” eva recorded. Oh dear, a real eye opener. Most of these reporting stations do not meet the Met Office own standards and are not even calibrated correctly.
The BBC not getting it all its own way on the FaceBook complement.
In amongst the scalp-hunters joining the BBC victory dance are more than a few pointing out the fuller extent of the story and decrying the over-egging of the reaction (not least by the BBC kindergarden).
As with many a US cop incident, the BBC’s editorial seems to kick in and out at odd places to suit heat over light.
That the place seems staffed by a bunch of kids overseen by the right kind of old white men trying to relive their Wolfie days from the 60s has made their output less than useful or credible.
They can still get folk fired and private businesses closed down (luckily they are immune on all counts) in a heartbeat, mind, so the Farce has power as well as being malign.
Burning at the stake is I believe the correct punishment for heresy, and lets not kid ourselves, todays Fascist left are every bit as bad as the witch hunters of so many years ago.
I wondered at the time if this was really one of the most important things to have happened that it warranted a prime time slot on Today. Then they started blathering about the Wimmin’s World Cup and I realised it must be.
In truth though, Sir Tim simply dug himself a bigger hole when trying to explain what he meant. Better just to keep quiet when the PC brigade are after you unless you’re prepared to come at them all guns blazing. Don’t bother explaining – they want blood, not explanations.
It is, perhaps, a sad commentary on the standard of news provided and, indeed, sought after by the public, that this story is currently the most read on the BBC website.
Yay! The Bluebells around my patch (Dartmoor) came out in early April and are still there in June and will be in mid June. Very strange as they normally last for only about a month. So I asked my professional gardening girlfriend why the hedgerows are still full of spring plants? “It is because it is cold. Bluebells and other such bulbs like it that way” I wonder if the BBC’s nature watch programmes or similar will pick up on this natural evidence that we are “Global Cooling”? Do pigs fly?
About 10 years ago, I read that a couple of Russian scientists studying solar activity had predicted that the Northern hemisphere would enter a mini ice age around 2014 which would reach its coldest period about 2040.
That’s proper science, that is: hypothesis, prediction and verification; not fiddling a computer simulation to achieve the outcome you want.
It will be interesting to see if they were right.
When does mass immigration become an invasion, we ask?
Well, David Blunkett, for instance, could see no number as being too large.
Perhaps that nice young chap Dan Snow is working on the GCI virtual reconstruction of what England used to look like, even as we speak. Billy Bragg’s home security cameras captured some rare footage of the rural idyll just before we went under. Leslie Grantham is the shoo-in to play the ageing Tony Blair and Gerry Anderson left some old-time puppet that’s a ringer for Burnham. Don’t even think about representing Diane Abbott.
Given that nine tenths of the world is now poorer than Owen Jones, then with Easy-Boat now operating out of North Africa…. It’s for sure we can expect what Lord Bob Geldof would call a “Trucking Fleet”
So at what point will this rickety life-raft set in a luke-warm sea we call England at last go under?
I’m minded of old episodes of Dad’s Army where Captain Main-Warring would gather us together in the church hall of a Thursday evening to lecture us on the subject of ‘Know Your Enemy’.
There might be a slide show, but mind the black out – thanks for stopping our electricity Natalie Bennett, we were only wasting the world’s resources. “Ooo those Nazi paratroopers do look smart, just look at their nice uniforms, Uncle Arthur” So much for asking the 16 and 17-year olds.
Let Victoria Derbyshire be our spokesperson. We just cannot have enough nuns in jackboots or confused tourists who go into a pub and ask for a cup of coffee – we need endless numbers of those if we want a modern economy.
We were told on last night’s News at Ten that many of them had been rescued from the Med. That didn’t take long then. Can’t anyone put two and two together and figure out what’s going to happen when all the extra rescuees are let loose into the EU system? All the supposed compassion in the world is not going to prevent the inevitable unless they are discouraged from coming in the first place. All you’ve done is move the problem from there to here. The Age of Stupid seems an entirely apt description right now.
The BBC news headline Radio 4 this morning was about a breakthrough in medical science and said that for the first time a woman who has had her ovarian tissue frozen has had a baby. This is simply not true . This was not a first ! Israeli achievement was omitted from the news.
See report in Israelactive.com ” An Israeli woman has given birth to twins five years after cancer treatment made her infertile. Prior to the treatment, Israeli doctors froze some of her ovarian tissue, which was later transplanted back. It is only the second time in … Continue reading → on Israelactive 31st may.
Truthdoctor is that on account of our 2 thousand year Chritian heritage National broadscaster appointed Aaqil Ahmed, Commissioning Editor Religion and Head of Religion & Ethics is a Muslim?
Makes sense I suppose, when you consider the BBC ethos, almost partners, the UK LABOUR PARTY, had Plans should they have got elected, to Enforce Islamic Blasphemy Laws By Making Criticism Of Islam A Crime:
“Truthdoctor is that on account of our 2 thousand year Chritian heritage National broadscaster appointed Aaqil Ahmed, Commissioning Editor Religion and Head of Religion & Ethics is a Muslim?”
No it isn’t, on account of:
a) Aaqil Ahmed is not responsible for BBC News output.
b) Lynette’s recollection of events is just plain wrong.
“…the UK LABOUR PARTY, had Plans should they have got elected, to Enforce Islamic Blasphemy Laws By Making Criticism Of Islam A Crime”
That’s just pure bollocks. All the Labour party proposed was tougher sentences for hate crimes that already exist; including anti-Semitic hate crime.
Can I suggest you look up the definition of “Hate Crime” before commenting further. It refers to crimes being committed purely because of someones race, religion or sexuality. It does NOT make criticising someone’s race, religion or sexuality a crime.
Suggest you read Daniel Greenfield’s latest article on Sultanknish blog. He deals with this matter of criticism of Islam in the USA. Now there is a man the BBC would never allow to be heard. Correct me if I am wrong.
“The BBC news headline Radio 4 this morning was about a breakthrough in medical science and said that for the first time a woman who has had her ovarian tissue frozen has had a baby.”
No. It was the first woman to give birth using transplanted ovarian tissue frozen when she was still a child.
Just got a dose of VD’s ‘illegals’ in Frances. Cue somber music, hushed talk, hungry people, sad stories etc. etc, all ‘fleeing war’.
War in France? What bloody war in France?
More and more propaganda from Al Beeb. In addition, all Irish truckers were interviewed. I didn’t hear a British voice. I am forced by an unjust unaccountable and unfair tax to pay for this bias.
Vote here https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/end-the-bbc-licence-fee
Victoria Drearybyshire, BBC s version (without the intelligence level, and with dour face) of ITVs sackoshite “Loose Women”
about as much fun as … well a dose of VD
It happens all the time – I’m equally guilty. The two buttons are far too close together, and I’ve raised this before, several times, as I’m sure have others. No problem.
Watched this again yesterday and in the unlikely case that anyone has not seen it, well worth a watch. Part 3 demonstrates the anti America pro Islam bias the best and also shows where Phillip Lader ex US Ambassador is almost brought to tears (he was said to cry afterwards).
The make up of the Question Time audience and panels has not changed in the 14 years since, stuffed with burka wearers and assorted lefty’s and the bBC ubiquitous Yasmin Alibhai-Brown. Parts 1 & 2 are also on YouTube.
Even today its almost unbelievable that this was broadcast (by the bBC) just two days after 3000 people lost their lives.
Biased BBc bint goes along with truck drivers in France. She asks the truckers if they were escaping from war. Of course there is no war in Europe or in the majority of African countries Sadly none of the truckers make this point and the fact they are economic parasites
The 200th anniversary of Waterloo is next Thursday, 18 June. No doubt the BBC will have it wall to wall – if they can drag themselves away from Wimmins Football.
The BBC think the French really won and that Napoleon was tricked into giving up by that nasty Tory Wellington ..By all accounts as nasty a bit of work as that other old fraud Churchill. He was a Tory too. Like Thatcher and she was really nasty. Particularly to those nice Argentinians.
But that nice Mr Cameron will make up for it all by finally turning us into good little servile Europeans.
He is a Tory too but housetrained in the liberal way of doing things. He introduced gay marriage so he must be nice. I wonder what the Duke of Wellington would have thought of that.
This from worse than useless S Khan, who intimates that all the B/S of that stinking “crock” Islamofauxbia … is something to be concerned about
Islam + justified concern?, actually the height of common sense
and certainly not irrational.
BBC?, now come on don t be silly
The BBCs “take”. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-32162012
BBC – Man jailed over forced marriage?
Hmmm bit ambiguous… and economical with the facts.
For people on this site, no surprises
yep! ISLAM again,
rape again
sustained sexual abuse again
violence again,
slavery again.
Its in the Quran folks.
So expect much more.
Anyone in the media, going to mention it?
“BBC – Man jailed over forced marriage?
Hmmm bit ambiguous… and economical with the facts.”
Noggin, I was waiting for the BBC radio report to complete the story, but when they didn’t I found that I’d automatically filled in the blanks. If he’d been an Evangelical Christian we’d have had a 10 minute item, including an interview with the Archbishop or two. A short report missing out half the story can only mean one thing on the BBC.
I was interested in PM’s new line on the ISIS story. They were outraged that someone who’d been out there fighting against ISIS and for the Kurds had been able to return to the UK without being arrested. Shock and horror in all directions.
There was also a long item (well it seemed long) on the De Menezes case at Strasbourg.
Perhaps a rider along the lines of “If the BBC wish to demonstrate to M.P.s and the public that it can be trusted to be impartial during the in / out referendum it would appear that some rapid correction of apparent institutional europhilism is required.”
Here is a chance for a discussion on whether we still need the BBC. Oops, it is run by the Guardian who will decide that we do need the BBC after all, and the BBC will then cite it as news, and discuss it from an unbiased standpoint.
Given the Guardian’s record and reputation with CIF moderation, and looking at the panel composition, there may be the teensiest suspicion that all present and selectively quoted may sing from a singular hymn sheet, yes.
One never knows with op-eds whether they portray the ‘official’ BBC world view through a layer of plausible deniability or whether the BBC has such a limited mindset that they just naturally approach people sure to agree (and therefore amplify) with their agenda to write them.
One should add to Five Minutes for Israel’s list of border changes. Israel captured and returned Sinai to Egypt and made adjustments to its border with Jordan, both as a result of negotiations and peace,
The region of Hatay changed hands, joining Turkey. Also, the Mandate period saw the establishment and the disappearance of the Syrian Federation, the State of Syria and the Syrian Republic, as well as the State of Greater Lebanon, the Alawite State and the Jabal Druze State.
Bennett Jones is unaware of the land exchange between Jordan and Saudi Arabia in 1965, of the history of the former Saudi–Iraqi neutral zone and of the merging and splitting of the Yemen’s.
Even as far as Israel’s borders and armistice lines with its neighbours are concerned, these are very fluid – so, the lines of control on the Golan Heights have changed multiple times before, during and after the Mandate period.
Borders all over the Middle East are nowhere near “still standing”.
(copied and slightly edited from comments from Michael on BBC Watch).
In short, the Bennett Jones is not just a little wrong but majorly wrong in his main thesis. Agenda or sloppy research?
BBc breakfast is off on it’s usual twisted and downright bizarre behaviour. Chat about NHS not sure what because I only half listen to most of this crap. However the usual phrase of increased demand comes up but of course no explanation of how in what was a falling population suddenly has a massive increase in demand. Weather bint is giving us the weather forecast from the London wetlands, why? So onto the “dangers” their word not mine of sitting down. Onto footage of a school where the pupils appear to be made to sit down and jump up. This sitting down is death fixation has been bubbling under for a while. The children who are expected to live longer than the adults they visit on an allotment(?) Hang on weren’t they telling us all the kids were suffering from the obesity epidemic and were going to have shortened life styles. Yes the children can recite the danger of sitting down.
Here at the BBC we interrupt the Wimmins Fifa World Cup for a few moments to bring you some television…
Well, at least Red Robin won an election… a 34% per cent strategy landed Favourite British Bird – the Urban Birder set up this really important poll (hope he got his sums right) but the shitehawks at BBC were all over it this morning.
Meanwhile in space…. BBC favourite ‘bird’ is some euro astrobint who is apparently ‘an internet phenomenon’. Gosh, I’ve reached that stage in life when I need to be told that someone is famous. Lots of Euro-Russo-Amerkanishe Freundshaft being celebrated here – this time the meme is not strumming Major Tom (by the way, didn’t David Brent fatally lampoon bringing your instrument to work?) – this girl has left behind her handbags and glad rags and blasted off to make… wait for it… weight-less recipes and encourage her home town school kids to ‘celebrate their diversity’, no less.
Please don’t tell me there’s no agenda! Oh, I nearly forgot – she is doing some ‘serious science’. Phew, hope she didn’t fall in love with the spacemen or cry. Or, at least, I hope no one at mission control was daft enough to mention it – if she did, that is.
Still, things could be worse – our young gals could be stripping off on gap year and incurring the anger of the local gods. Blimey, this one will have the moral relativists in a tizzy.
Perhaps Nicky Campbell will ask his Sunday morning muslims what Allah has to say about it? When in Rome, I say. There was a time when a Brit abroad was minded not to transgress the local voodoo. But that sort of thing went out with Battenburg cake, good tv and self-respect. Roundabout 1968 as I recall.
Here’s a sea change: whilst it’s fine and dandy and cool to blow our wad on the BBC and international space projects suddenly Georgie Osborne is selling off RBS ‘at a loss to the tax payer’. My bullshit detector is screaming – didn’t Gordon Brown buy it at a bit of a premium? Rule number one at the BBC : term all tax money spending ‘investment’ – brings back 7 Euros for evry pound or some such, and don’t the kiddies love it.
Oh by the way, Danny Cohen is giving a lecture on the future of tv, meet you by the Novelty Rock Emporium again.
He’s going to say (as they say these days) We like the sound of Godfrey’s sister Dolly – she can ride tandem with Jenny Murray around the Radio 4 indoor staff velodrome all day long.
Last night ,they found some effnik to shoehorn into Springwatch , in a feature about the “Robin” . I also noticed the other day one had popped up in “Antiques Roadshow” . Normally any effnik appearing near the set, would be casing the joint , to do a “rob” a few hours later . But this is the BBC , all “Hideously White ” English people are Evil , & must be re educated immediately .
Last night ,they found some effnik to shoehorn into Springwatch , in a feature about the “Robin” . I also noticed the other day one had popped up in “Antiques Roadshow” . Normally any effnik appearing near the set, would be casing the joint , to do a “rob” a few hours later . But this is the BBC , all “Hideously White ” English people are Evil , & must be re educated immediately .
British non-Muslim helping Kurds fighting against IS. Obviously diverting public attention from Muslims going to IS
The truly sad thing about the BBC is that lurking inside the rotting corpse there remains the ability to produce the occasional good programme. On Tuesday this week R4 began a two parter on the history of minimalism in contemporary music.
Whatever you happen to think of Riley, Glass, Reich et al (and perhaps most importantly if you know little about them) their influence in contemporary music (and yes, that very much includes popular music) has been profound.
Here, R4 is offering a very listenable bluffer’s guide to a mildly esoteric subject – very much the sort of programme that once made listening to R4 a sort of open access university course. It’s a complete contrast to what it has been turned into, of course – a stream of Leftist propaganda – which made Minimal Impact all the more stark for standing out against a mindless, unthinking, deeply unintelligent, background.
Credit where credit is due. But can we have more of this and less of ‘You And Somebody Else’s’ please?
For some reason, the preceding comment keeps getting forced three or four back in the queue. I’ve tried deleting and re-posting it but, not for the first time, the threading mechanism seems to have developed a mind of its own.
Thanks for pointing it out, I will give it a listen.
One of the things I used to like about the World Service was covering subjects I knew little or even nothing about. These days there is almost nothing like this on offer.
I’d like to imagine no Islamic religion, but it’s difficult to do so, because of its ‘in-your-face’ attitude and atrocities carried out in its name.
The nihilists of the early 1970s could not foretell the rise of Khomeini and the other mad mullahs.
bBC Radio 2 11am news, ‘teacher stabbed in Bradford, police are looking for a 14 year old boy’
Here we have a potential killer on the loose, yet the bBC can’t be bothered to give us a description the perpetrator who is a potential treat to locals.
The DM describe him as ‘Asian’ as I’m sure most would suspect as the attack took place in Bradford, but even that is like looking for a needle in a haystack in such a place…
Take a look at the BBC article about Sir Tim Hunt’s resignation.
You will see a report there from a person who attended the meeting and was duly shocked by his remarks. The article does not say that Lecturer Connie-st louis is a BBC employee. See her background in the link below.
‘She worked for the BBC for sixteen years’.
So now you know why the BBC are pushing this story by one of their own, so deeply hurt.
I am still outraged. Resignation? He needs to be horse whipped at least. Castrated would be an idea.
He is white .male and quite old. These people must check their privilige and reflect on how rotten they are.
Is there an area in the BBC’s basement where men like this can be made to see the error of their ways? If not there should be.
In a previous life I did point to some idiots who ‘adopted’ a double barrelled name with the new wife that their leftie display would only last one generation……child of smith and jones marrying child of rowan and Martin would not get anywhere being named smith-jones-rowan-martin….. A look of total befuddlement usually took place.
I’m still trying to grasp how one managed a $5000 ticket on a $5/day wage.
Also it seems for this investment, most get handed a lifejacket, herded into a wooden tub, towed a few miles offshore before the seacocks are opened and HMS Bulwark is dialed up to meet daily quota.
And it works a treat.
Just got to get a few from one faith to lob a few from another overboard in a storm every now and then to keep the likes of Clive in woe-copy.
Utterly disproportionate coverage of this story, and a clear show of support for the feministas bullying Hunt out of his job while they’ve achieved nothing with their lives.
Funny though how the BBC never reported on THIS little story, which I’d argue is a lot more important:
Interesting to see the comments, which seem out of sync with the BBC core comfort zone of FaceBook or twitter.
Most highest rated not going the narrative route at all (Laurie Penny a key quotee?… there’s a thing).
A key one from the first page:
13. Posted by Sarah I absolutely don’t agree with the comments made, but they are reported out of context.
That, Sarah, is how the least trustworthy social engineering broadcaster on the planet does business, works up its groupies and gets those outside the B Ark in line, or fired.
And from (currently) the last page: 1289. Posted by JUANCOLINA 1200+ comments on this!
And there was stupid me thinking we had some real problems to consider.
Second to (it was last before I rechecked; sure there’s a reason behind the numbering and timings not lining up) LAST (for some reason impressed it’s still there) just now:
1439. Posted by The heir of Alfred Why is the BBC suppressing every post that mentions the vile racist journalist who instigated this furore? Is it because she’s black? The BBC’s racism is truly beyond the pale! She can spout her vile hatred with impunity because she’s not a white man. Come the revolution all at the BBC will be against the wall
1. Posted by Bluepencil3
8 hours ago No need to resign for goodness sake. He was just stating what actually can happen, do we just pretend these things don’t happen or matter
93. Posted by Paul Prestwich This is totally and utterly outrageous I have worked in various scientific labs throughout my lifetime and I can say with absolute certainty that this man does not know:
A) A single ting about sicence
B) He obviously has never done any lab work or he’d know this isnt true
C) HE is obviously incredibly arrogant as he think women will fall in love with him
D) He is not a proeofessional person
Looking at Paul’s body of ‘work’, I wonder if he posts here too?
Still, HE got to post from HIS lab.
Guessing a fair few may be miffed they were denied that chance when they get home.
Sweet Jesus, I have come across some lefties in my time but that hateful witch is beyond parody.
Years ago a cop I worked with after being lied to by two Asian guys protecting a family rapist, stormed out of custody and said, ‘These people are making me hate them.’
That god-awful ignorant slag wagon has me reaching for swearwords Chubby Brown would balk at.
Seeing comments by that future Labour MP makes me agree with that former colleague of mine, she is making normal, decent people swell with outrage burgeoning on hate through her simply appalling behaviour.
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 09:03 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Stop the boats or something like that but not really. “Not a protest party.” Tories Mark II. https://twitter.com/Sargon_of_Akkad/status/1898703634730295672
Up2snuffMar 10, 08:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 tomo, if King Charles is a Muslim convert, an Imam should tell him that contemporary (ie. pop) music is considered…
Fedup2Mar 10, 08:46 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Asiseeit It’s good of you to point out how previous threads ‘disappear ‘ as the new one goes up .…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 08:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I am not so sure that the Conservatives will win. Thanks to Trump and 51 st state joke the Canadians…
GMar 10, 08:39 Start the Week 10th March 2025 ” Try to think of it in reverse. Would Canada appoint a Briton to be their central bank governor?” More…
FlotsamMar 10, 08:39 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It’s strange really how Carney, a supposedly technocrat economist/banker, has found politics. You would have thought central bankers would be…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 08:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Andy, they do go on don’t they? From the article “The lawyer, a KC or King’s Counsel, who has not…
Well, I’m going to keep on banging on about it because I know that quite a few newspaper columnists read this blog. So, come on guys, are you are journalist with integrity? If so, how about talking about this in your columns:
And how about talking about Dartmoor waking up to a frost this morning? News to you? Yes well the Met Office haven’t got the balls to report it have they. Well more frosts to come over the next 11 days and in Mid June and Norway to get even more snow and yup, even satellite imagery is showing that Alaskan glaciers are growing again. Ah yes, Global Warming, the biggest scam the Left have ever perpetrated on man kind happily supported and promoted by the far left BBC.
In my valley the wind has backed round and it is cold. Not like June at all. Not at all surprised to hear of frost on the Moor.
West Wales = 8 Deg C, outside
Throw another meteorologist on the fire.
West Wales = 18 Deg C, outside.
Global warming ? Or is it just what we used to call summer.
Its just normal British weather, changeable . That’s why we have always talked about it for hundreds of years .
When the facts don’t accord with the theory then the only option available is to change the facts.
In a few years time I expect the records of this unseasonal cold spell will be adjusted to better accord with ‘reality’. That’s usually what happens.
Had the pleasure of listening to this evening’s duty left-wing comedian Mark Steel. Like most of R4’s comedy, Mark Steel’s show is thinly disguised left-wing/green activism but it has yet to reach the dire standard of many of its stable mates and is genuinely funny much of the time.
However, what struck me most about his send up of Barnard Castle was that in his eagerness to ridicule the Little Englishness of this fine town he was actually exposing the damage the left has done to this country. Much was made of the attractiveness of Barnard Castle; the nice houses, lack of crime, civility of the locals in their dealings with each other etc etc. Even a mention of the local bobby brought genuine and warm applause.
Half way through the question that sprang to mind was, and I think I know the answer, how much enrichment has Barnard Castle benefitted from recently?
One of you out there must know.
Mr Steel should reflect on whether all audiences across this land would enjoy and tolerate him riding into town and ridiculing the local inhabitants and their culture. How is that for irony?
”Mr Steel should reflect on whether all audiences across this land would enjoy and tolerate him riding into town.”
Upper class twit Al Murray, his alter ego the thick Pub Landlord character did it when he mocked the constituents of Thanet by standing against Farage. He didn’t have the courage to stand against George Galloway.
I liked Murray’s Pub Landlord. It’s a pity he turned out to be a tool of the brewery owner.
Fixed it for you:
“I liked Murray’s Pub Landlord. It’s a pity he turned out to be a tool.”
Being a lefty means never having to think ANYTHING through-for all is fomenting perpetual revolution from Yoko bed, whilst flying first class.
Mark Steel-like his fellow -traveller Mark Thomas is-as Lenny Henry-simply not funny.
Always gets a crate though to spout leftist unfunnies at Tolpuddle though…the Rhona Cameron Career Case as I believe it`s now called.
Anybody able to tell me how Fi Glover gets 30 minuts this afternoon in dragging up bullying from a line of victims who will never get over it-and certainly won`t now Fi`s been round with the bourbons.
Utter crap-whatever happened to “draw a line under it and move on”…”closure”?
Or is that only for BBC victims of Savile or those who the Mirror hacked-as opposed to Murdoch?
Half an hour-thought that flailing trout only had five minute bursts of victim bear baiting by charter?
Utter swill-maybe if they`d gone to grammar schools it would all never have happened.
Sue Crosland!
Ah yes Mark Steel. That rabid Marxist pet of the BBC. Every single thing he’s ever done has been for the BBC. He enjoys a perpetual sinecure there. Personally I can’t listen to this former SWP fuckwit for more than 2 minutes.
Obviously finding a decent community like Barnard Castle was a thorn in his side. How he and his ilk would love to ‘diversify’ and destroy such communities.
I’m sure he wishes everywhere he visits on his licence-payer-funded sojourn could be just like Tower Hamlets.
What a prick.
I thought I heard Steel’s real accent at times. I have the feeling he is what he would despise as well spoken. I wonder.
Itts pretty ‘ironic’ that this so called left wing ‘comedian’ derives most of his fun from mocking the accents of working class older locals, especially when he’s ‘in town’ ‘oop North’.
Fergal Keane on Ten News: Like ‘All the misery of the immigrant world is funnelled into Calais’. Something doesn’t compute there. We’re told there are a couple of thousand immigrants in Calais. That’s a tiny fraction of the flow. Do they let over the couple of thousand every week? Do they think we’re stupid? Of course they do… but REALLY stupid? Maybe it’s just Fergal doing his usual ‘poor, pitiful _______’. (Complete as desired.)
Fergal Keane is a serial awards-chaser. Cut from the same holier-than-thou cloth as the likes of Kate Adie and John Simpson, Keane presents every report as some kind of hushed polemic; whilst behind the curtain he’s furiously working every possible lever to push the necessary emotional buttons.
Facts, be damned – Keane’s perpetually out to get himself another gong by scraping along the bottom of an already well-worn barrel. He’s just another outward symptom of the inner illness infecting the BBC hive-mind.
Yes Fergal Sharkey was dispatched , by the Evil BBC to report on his fellow Irish “Pikey” eviction from Dale Farm. He never normally does UK based reports, but because they were Irish in the main , he was brought back specially to do that report . It was a typical cynical move by the BBC. The fact that Look East , & BBC London news had their own reporters on the scene , was not good enough for the news division.He then described the eviction in “hushed reverential tones” of those poor Irish Pikey`s. I thought it was a disgusting piece of BBC propaganda at the time .
Anyone who does not feel enriched by having an illegal Irish tinker shanty town built at the bottom of their garden is clearly a racist.
Eh ? Fergal Sharkey ? From the undertones ? A reporter now ? I thought he was in A and R, funny old world.
It’s the usual BBC idea of what “news” is: an excuse for an emotional binge, lacking in facts, information and analysis.
This afternoon, the first item on
North Korea RadioRadio 5-Dead ‘news’ was that Labour and the Unite union are objecting to HSBC bank cutting jobs. They even managed to find a shareholder to say that making the bank more secure was a bad idea.Despite the ‘Labour says …’ it was nice to hear the bBBC and their allies standing up for bankers for a change.
Labour and Unite can object all they damn well like. It will make not one jot of difference to what HSBC does.
The only role Labour and Unite actually have now is to object, very vocally, and if need be violently via their UAF and HNH proxies.
I really do hope Jeremy Corbin is the next Labour leader (unlikely I know). It’s high time this political fossil of a party was consigned to oblivion – or to a glass case in some sort of political museum where future generations of school children can gawp at them and wonder what sort of primeval world these creatures strutted about in.
If you would like Jeremy Corbin, or any of the others, to be the next leader of the Labour Party, for the princely sum of £3 you can attempt to take the party down the wrong road.
See attached.
Mrs Dave used to work in an offshoot of Halifax that was shut down. The week before it was shut Unite did a recruitment exercise. Mrs Dave pointed out during the recruitment meeting she went to that Unite contributed towards the Labour party. The rep did try to deny that. When the closure announcement was made Unite were no where to be seen. As far as I’m aware the full extent of their opposition ran to sending a letter to the management. A few years down the line another site closure and again the Unite reps had bailed before the final closure.
I spent some time today watching speeches from the Referendum Debate on BBC Parliament. It was remarkable how many MPs commented on BBC bias. They all just seem to accept that’s how it is.
“It was remarkable how many MPs commented on BBC bias. They all just seem to accept that’s how it is.”
That is really good news. Charles Moore just slipped it in to his column in the DT talking about UKIP a couple of days ago.
It is taking a leaf out of the left wingers text book. Mention it often enough and it becomes fact in people’s minds and is very difficult to counter.
The BBC hoist with its own petard?
BBc news at 22:00 Sob story propaganda on migrants continues. At some crap hole in Calais check out all the litter obviously too much effort to pick it up whilst they wait to try and illegally enter the UK. One of them tells the reporter he wants to further his education. Yea sure mate we’ll just put you through university Funny how the reporter never tells them they aren’t wanted here. Looks like this is going to followed up tomorrow with some more “harrowing” tales. No doubt with zero verification of the Jackanory.
A friend of mine pointed out that, in actively searching the Med for “migrants” to rescue, the Royal Navy has become an integral part of the whole trafficking business. The boats set off from Libya and await “rescue” which is summoned by the “migrants” using their mobile phones. Absolute madness to allow this to continue.
And why the hell are the Navy not returning them to their point of departure instead of dumping them on poor Sicily? Who gave this order and why?
It all fits with the liberal view of our armed forces as a branch of social services. A Europe wide descent into fantasy.
I expect Isis, Russia and Iran are watching and drawing the natural conclusions. The Westerners have lost it and are ripe for plunder.
I think there’s more purpose to it than a mere descent into fantasy.
The ‘browning’ of Europe certainly seems high on someone’s agenda.
Having just watched the last episode of the TV program about the Spanish Armada , I was reminded of Queen Elizabeth Ist words to the troops at Tillbury, which Cameron should take heed of and are applicable today……
“I know I have the body of a weak, feeble woman; but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England too, and think foul scorn that Parma or Spain, or any prince of Europe, should dare to invade the borders of my realm; to which rather than any dishonour shall grow by me, I myself will take up arms”,
It is about sovereignty Mr Cameron , sovereignty.
If they look really closely, they’ll see there’s nothing left to plunder.
HMS Bulwark would seem to be ideally equipped to rescue ‘migrants’, process them and then return them to the shores that they left.
Isn’t that what ‘landing craft’ are for?
As an alternative:
HMS Bulwark picks up 1000 “refugees” and sails back to Britain (1 week – it has to sail slowly to reduce its carbon footprint). Unloads the illegal immigrants, disinfects the ship and restocks with supplies (1 week). The crew have leave (1 week). The ship sails back to the Med. for another load (1 week).
At a rate of 1 voyage per month and 1000 illegal immigrants per trip we take in 12,000 per year (less the identified ISIS terrorists we take back). The total isn’t far from Dave’s old target of 10,000, and we should be able to integrate them at a rate of 12,000 per year. So we tell the EU we’ve taken our share and they can enjoy the enrichment from the rest of the “refugees”; and the French can do what they like with those at Calais because we’re full.
The only snag is when the Italians give the other 500,000 EU passports and Brussels orders us to let them in as they are now “EU citizens” – or at least they can until the referendum in 2017.
Amazing interview on Question Time with Alex Salmond which purported to be about 16 and 17 year olds voting in the EU Referendum. Not only did Evan Davis fail to go for the jugular when it became apparent that Salmond’s argument was incoherent; but it quickly degenerated into the usual BBC/Nicola Sturgeon love fest.
Both Davis and Salmond went all starry eyed as a clip of her on a US chat show was played on the screen. Davis then kept banging on about how she had started a new kind of politics?????
bBC Points West has an item about homeless living rough in a cave in the most affluent part of Bristol, only one of the ‘homeless’ speaks on camera, clearly an immigrant.
Back in the studio a discussion follows with a couple of ‘experts’ reasons such as benefit cuts (more than once) and the breakdown of the family unit were put forward, but our interviewer not once questioned the possibilty that immigration might just have something to do with it and neither did our ‘experts’ such a possibility.
The elephant in the room hidden here in plain sight, more bias by omission.
And a similar approach to housing shortage. The BBC wrings it’s hands an wails “how are we to house our growing communities?” whilst conveniently ignoring the obvious fact that a significant proportion of our growing (and increasingly dysfunctional) communities are being imported daily.
My husband was remarking the other day about how it is unfair to blame the housing shortage on immigration. When I pointed out that around 3 million people have entered the country in the past decade and they need to live somewhere, he had no answer. I think he is so used to repeating the BBC mantras that he never really thinks things through. (I’m not trying to say he is stupid – he isn’t. But he takes no more than a passing interest in current affairs, as many people do, and gets most of his news – and views – from things he hears on BBC radio. )
But, didn’t you know those immigrants enriched us by bringing in their own housing, health care, education, social services, benefits, food, water, energy….need I go on?
Diseases, rapists, murderers, law breakers, drug dealers…..I think you missed those.
The reply to all these inconvenient truths about immigration is always “The NHS would collapse without them.”
It always makes my blood boil. How have we got to the state where we have failed to supply from our own once hardworking and dependable population enough doctors and nurses?
It’s a lamentable tragedy, worth a national enquiry if anything is, but it seems to be TOTALLY ignored.
John C
“ But the NHS would utterly collapse without doctors and nurses from the Third World !!!! ???”’
You’re reply to this question should be,
No sick people in Africa then ? Britain is plundering badly needed doctors and nurses from the Third World, are you happy about that ?
It gives the anti white a guilty conscious.
i assume the 300k that arrived last year were all doctors and nurses.
ROFL. Ive got one at home like that too. He has to read the Guardian to get permission what to think!
Now watching Daily Politics discussing the in/out referendum.
An image of a ballot paper showing the usual IN/OUT boxes.
The YES had a tick and the NO had a cross.
Is it me?
What do we really expect. The EU is dead if we go and the all know it. I would not be surprised if real state violence is on the agenda .
Cameron is there to keep us quiet and in. Where exactly did he come from ? Who made him leader. Who is he really ?
I understand that Cameron is a Common Purpose graduate, if that helps.
To me he appears to be an actor?
I always thought he was a failed PR spiv.
On the one hand, that does seem like a bit of subliminal suggestion…
Then again, if anyone filled out their ballot paper with both a tick and a cross, they would be risking it being deemed a spoiled ballot.
Sounds like a spoilt paper to me.
They do love an anti-Met Police story, even if its 10 years old.
There’s ‘hope’ that the CPS will change their ways when the EU tells them to do so. That way, firearms officers could stand trial.
‘Justice for the family’. And our money for the lawyers who risk their lives every day…..
If the BBC don’t get the required result, there’s always the Lawrence case to revive. The Met murdered him apparently by not investigating to the standards of the BBC.
Anyone heard of Pc Keith Blakelock? His wife now sits alongside the mother of Steven Lawrence in the House Of Lords… oh no, she doesn’t. I got that bit wrong.
They have really gone to town on that story – lots of text, sympathetic photos – the full mix.
But somehow they appear to have missed out a little bit of context – the man should not have been in the country anyway ?
And the story should have STARTED by mentioning the main context – the sad incident happened just 2 weeks after 52 people had been killed, the Met was obviously on full alert – and the officers concerned truly believed he was involved ? They thought they were trying to prevent another Tube bombing?
And from memory – wasn’t the victim seen rushing the ticket barrier to get down to the Tube platform ? Or was that an urban myth ?
You can criticise whoever mis-identified him as a suicide bomber (being wise after the event), but the officers who went into the tube carriage having been told that he was a suicide bomber showed extreme bravery. To get close enough to shoot him they were close enough to guarantee that they’d be killed if he managed to detonate the bomb they thought he was carrying – which would take a fraction of a second if he was holding the switch in his hand.
I’ve never see this aspect discussed in any BBC coverage of the incident.
Exactly. The Met officers deserved commendations for bravery. Instead, they now face the endless shadow of EU interference with British jurisprudence. Cheered on by the BBC.
Another strong reason for getting us out of the EU.
The Captain of the US warship in the 1980’s that mistakenly shot down an Iranian airliner was commended.
It was recognised that he had acted bravely to protect his ship based on the information he had to hand at that time.
Yes, the police officers believed they were confronting a bomber and acted accordingly. The senior officer in charge of the Operation? She received subsequent promotion.
Hindsight makes lawyers very rich and wise.
The captain of the USS Vincennes was an idiot who should have been court-martialled. In the most advanced cruiser in the US Navy, equipped with the Aegis radar system, he managed to mistake a passenger liner climbing to full height for an attaching fighter. The destruction of the Iranian airliner led, I believe, to the tit-for-tat destruction of the Pan-Am 747 over Lockerbie. Not much of a role model, I’d have said.
Have to agree the captain was an idiot and the ship was badly run. He was after blood, glory and a medal and not bothered whose. He invaded Irianian waters before the shoot down and then crossed into Omani ? Waters and was told to get lost by the Royal Navy officer who was on the Omani Patrol ship nearby. The US rubbed salt into the wound by handing out medals, when several officers and men from the control room ought to have been charged. The loss of PA 103 was practically inevitable after that.
Urban myth. Some witnesses saw the police jumping the ticket barriers, and thought they had seen the police chasing a suspect, which did not happen.
John Anderson,
“They have really gone to town on that story – lots of text, sympathetic photos – the full mix. But somehow they appear to have missed out a little bit of context – the man should not have been in the country anyway?”
I’m not quite sure how you think that could be in any way relevant?
Regardless, you are misinformed.
Charles de Menezes did absolutely nothing.
He wasn’t living here illegally.
He didn’t vault the ticket barrier.
He wasn’t wearing a heavy coat or carrying a bag.
He wasn’t in anyway acting ‘suspiciously’.
But still that doesn’t stop BiasedBBC crawling through the sewers of the moral high ground:
“If only I had a penny for the number of times the BBC has reminded us of the unfortunate Mr. de Menezes innocence – innocent of being a terrorist for sure, not so innocent of overstaying his visa, possessing a fake immigration stamp in his passport, working illegally and, it turns out today, having traces of cocaine in his urine.”
““If only I had a penny…”. Oh! the suffering!
What a perfect example of what a disgusting blog this is.
“He wasn’t living here illegally”
According to this presumably unimpeachable source (the Observer quoted on the Guardian website):
“Back in London his [De Menezes’] student visa expired. He had no intention yet of returning to Brazil, where the average salary of £50 per month would prevent him achieving his dream of owning a ranch. Instead, he did what many illegal immigrants do and turned to the black market.”
Will dez apologise for saying that the man was still legally allowed to be in Britain ? That fact was widely reported at the time. Of course he won’t.
“According to this presumably unimpeachable source (the Observer quoted on the Guardian website)…”
That was published in 2005. It was established during the Inquiry in 2008 that he was in fact living here legally at the time.
It was posited shortly after his death that De Menezes’ immigration status could of been the cause of him “running away from the police”. But it transpired he hadn’t been “running away” or running at all.
So I ask again; what makes you think being here legally or illegally is in any way relevant to him being shot seven times in the head?
What next, perhaps an investigation as to whether Lee Rigby had any unpaid parking tickets?
You’re correct that on a technicality (that he had entered the UK via the Republic of ireland less than 3 months before the shooting) he was here legally. However, the immigration stamp in his passport was undoubtably a forgery in that it was one that was not in use at the time by the Immigration and Nationality Directorate.
Accordingly, I’ll give you one star for pointing out that he was not guilty of being an illegal immigrant at the time of his death. However, and following your employer’s delightful habit of ignoring any evidence which doesn’t suit its Narrative, I’ll give you no stars for failing to mention his use of forged documents. Had he not been shot, he would have become an illegal three months after his entry into the UK via the Republic absent a further application for legal status. So he wasn’t technically an illegal, he was just willing to commit a crime (ie use forged documents) to stay in the UK.
“there’s always the Lawrence case to revive”
It never died.
And the tragedy of St Duggan, patron saint of looters
Dover Sentry,
“They do love an anti-Met Police story, even if its 10 years old.”
Charles de Menezes was shot 10 years ago; his case is currently in the European court.
As reported by The Guardian, The Independent, The Telegraph, Sky News, ITV News, The Daily Mail, The Express, Yahoo News, Evening Standard, Belfast Telegraph, Shropshire Star, Liverpool Echo…
“Anyone heard of Pc Keith Blakelock? His wife now sits alongside the mother of Steven Lawrence in the House Of Lords… oh no, she doesn’t. I got that bit wrong.”
Doreen Lawrence received honours because of her charity work. But never mind; just keep on slagging her off and her murdered son if that’s what it takes to make you feel better about yourself.
“Doreen Lawrence received honours because of her charity work.”
If you believe that you’ll want to make me an offer for Tower Bridge. Lovely condition and only one previous owner.
Rob in Cheshire,
“If you believe that you’ll want to make me an offer for Tower Bridge”
Oh, sorry, I forgot, in BBBC Land Black people can’t succeed in anything other than being Black.
My mistake.
I think your village wants its idiot back.
Another day, another dolorous report from the Beeb
Parents finding school trips expensive – teachers trying it on? Of course not, council budgets are ‘under pressure’
Too much dog poo on your streets? That’ll be down to cuts cuts cuts.
Small businesses having trouble managing their finances? Didn’t you know, there’s an economic crisis. Still.
Oh didn’t you hear, George Osborne is at the Bank of England today attempting to keep Governments living within their means.
Now I see the light.
Mind you, it’s not all doom and gloom – the England Wimmins footie team aren’t letting defeat get them down.
You see, the BBC can put a positive spin on things – if they want.
Heres Milo Yiannopoulos’ take on it
( I have to say I feel much the same as he does about soccer in general)
Overall I think he has sown in hope of reaping many ratings.
Likely this will have been designed to help (with this aim):
‘The BBC claims that a billion people are going to watch the Women’s World Cup, which is being held this year in Canada. (Because of course it is.) But the BBC expects a lot of things that never happen, like acid rain, climate change, Labour winning more seats the last election and ISIS being defeated by us all being just a little bit nicer to Muslims.’
I have kept a straight face throughout, as is only right.
If that claim exists it would be interesting to get the link, plus an eventual tally of how close the BBC is/was, preferably not from a source close to the BBC, because, well… they are not too trustworthy.
May be the viewing figures are going to be around those achieved by the Victoria Derbyshire show.
Therefore a ratings smash as far as the BBC is concerned.
More than 2 million people watch the England match. Peaked just shy of 2.5 million.
Hey SmearyBecka! How does that compare to the number signing your petition?
that was 2.5 million that wasted 2hours and wont tune in again, dont know how many or what types they ask to work out these shit stats, nobody i knows watched it
Oh hello ! Clap/ bunny/ twat called ioioio has a new name tag, makes my day when his brain cell invents a new one hiding his isolation.
The World Service cant get enough of it.
I went to primary school with Milo, in fact we were best mates for a while. He used to be called Milo Hanrahan back then which is why it took me a while to realise he was the same guy.
I’m glad to see that he still appears to share some values with myself, though back then we were mainly interested in toy soldiers.
What is it with the bBC and Claire Bloody Balding? (think I know the answer) but she now gets the job of presenting Wimbledon highlights. This makes the presentation team 100% femail with that other omnipresent bBC fav Sue Barker.
Slight aside, did anyone catch the post match ‘analysis on last nights women’s world cup match, 3 bloody ‘experts’ and a presenter trying to breathe life into a competition that apart from the bBC nobody really gives a toss about.
My bBC TV consumption since Friday = 5 hours and most of that was the Grand Prix.
do yourself a favour – Isle of Man TT race highlights on every night this week, 21:00 ITV4.
(apologies to the wimmin’s world cup)
got to agree itv 4 mate even the English Irish game was better to watch and that was hypershite
Yep ITV4 has totally shown BBC sports coverage up for what it is, Pub sports for the Hampstead crowd and some bowling for the grey vote !
Interesting take on the BBC’s approach to the woman’s football World Cup and the fact that England lost to France. On their online football page the headline was “England narrowly lose to France”. A strange comment in itself. So I had a look at the BBC’s highlights of the game and in those highlights all I got to see was France attacking the England goal. If that is narrowly losing then I’ll eat my hat also.
I watched a chunk of the second half and it was woeful. Like a park team playing a Conference side. France won because they were much better but they would still struggle against Nuneaton or Wrexham.
They didn’t even swap shirts at the end … 8(
Please don’t insult park teams. They play on ploughed fields, these women played on a billiard table.
Woeful simply doesn’t do it justice.
I must admit I’ve only seen snippets of wimmin’s footie, before turning off through boredom, but how is it generally rated? What level of the man’s game does it approximate to? I’d really like to know what afficianados (?) think.
Baring in mind I do not watch much Women’s footy and neither am I an expert, merely a dedicated fan, of the Men’s game, I’d say Women’s football is poor quality. The sort of level you get sub semi-professional leagues.
At an international level it is much better, as you’d expect, but there is still a lack of positional and area play and it all seems a little light. The shots, tackles, passing and general play are all a bit slow or half strength and, of the games I’ve watched, they tend to peter out in the second half. Much like a park game played by overweight office workers (me included OUAT) …
BBC R4 Today 20 minutes ago wetting itself with joy. An elderly white man has committed the crime of making some humorous, politically incorrect jokes at a dinner.
72 year old British scientist Sir Tim Hunt, who won a Nobel Prize for his work on cell duplication, said that the problem with female scientists was that, “You fall in love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticize them, they cry!”
Crush him, hound him, destroy him! Let no elderly white people with a sense of humour escape the wrath of the BBC’s political correctness!
Older males, dont neccessarily have the social nous and soft skills of younger media people, therefore their point rarely gets through. This is especially relevant in science and the climate change debate.
Isn’t that what happened to David Cameron on Andrew Marr’s programme?
He never got to finish his sentence and make his point so now the BBC et al create a ‘ministers must vote yes’ major story over nothing.
The issue people have with older males isn’t necessarily the fact that they talk crap per-se, but more the fact that they get so affronted when their crap is challenged or ignored. If you let yourself get so far behind modernity then you’ve got the choice of pulling yourself together or being irrelevant. Pretending its modernity that’s the problem and that everything used to be better won’t help – rose tinted glasses have been destroyed forever by google and youtube.
And who decides what ‘modernity’ is?
The BBC? The Twiterati?
The balance of the population who challenge or ignore your crap when you spout its outside of the echo chamber of likeminded older males.
I suppose I can count as an older male, but I saw through this crap when it emerged in the sixties. As an instructor in the US Navy I was given guidelines on non sexist language. I was told never to refer to women as voluptuous belles. That was the beginning of a bid for power which became more refined until it is now dominant..
‘voluptuous belles’ ??? Really?
I can see the point in treating all naval personnel with a minimal level of respect which grows with accomplishment, as all respect should, but if a rating can’t take language they don’t like perhaps the Navy isn’t for them …
pah, I still have the document that was produced by the Task Force which produced the guidelines. It also states that we should use gender neutral language wherever possible. The example was: Wrong ‘The chimpanzee was being mothered’. Right: ‘The chimpanzee was receiving parental affection’. I should add that this was produced at the tail end of the Vietnam war, and that both women and men worked together with dignity and respect. This kind of thing was something that was being imposed, and we know know where it ended.
I was not doubting it but I was just struck by the phrase ‘voluptuous belles.’ Seemed so quaint considering the things I’ve heard Jennies called.
I agree. I discussed it with the men and women in my class – all Americans – and they found it extremely puzzling. My conclusion was that some guy had been given the assignment to make a list of expressions to be avoided and somehow this odd expression found its way into the recommendations.
Ah, so that will be ‘the population’. as intimately researched and judged by a cocksure young twit who knows everything, and gets his sad kicks out of being a troll on a site populated by grown-ups.
Just wanted to check.
Ah, so that will be ‘the population’. as intimately researched and judged by a cocksure young twit who knows everything, and gets his sad kicks out of being a troll on a site populated by racist pensioners and bitter ex-pats.
Fixed that for you.
Congratulations for perfectly demonstrating the uncanny ability of yoof to draw hopelessly inaccurate conclusions based on what they wish to believe to be true.
Pensioners? Who? Ex-pats? Maybe one or two. Yet from an almost complete lack of data you make a wild assumption about the make-up of the contributors here.
You don’t happen to be a climate ‘scientist’, do you?
If not you might want to get in quick. they probably accept media studies ‘degrees’.
Bunny !!!! I’ve missed you !!! Back in a new guise to sally forth with your drivel again love ? What’s the T for ? Twat I suppose ?
So I’m, A, a pensioner, B, racist and C, an ex- pat . Well bunny/chippy/ clap on the end of your knob, guess what love ????
WRONG ON ALL COUNTS as usual the SWP gets it all wrong, sad really.
‘Me old China’ you voted here yet ?https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/end-the-bbc-licence-fee
The only person talking male bovine excrement is your good self sir! Just why are you on this site except as a ‘troll’ or ‘sockpuppet’ ?
You don’t understand either of those terms do you?
‘T’ = troll
Do you ?
A different name but same poster.
Have a look at the above link and see how the votes are shooting up.
So experience and age count for nothing in this gay day and age eh?
I suppose you think that obesity, inked up skin, metalwork all over your body, gay marriage, metrosexuality, blind support for climate change, immigration and the EU and watching X Factor and such is modernity, if so it just shows how dense many of our younger generation are.
So wisdom and experience count for nothing now eh? Maybe youre one of those that also supports lowering the voting age and that of consent?
I suspect many on here who post do have a few years on the clock and tend to be male.
It also means most have been round the block a few times and on reflection probably realise that when they thought they knew all the answers to the world’s problems at 18 they now know that things are not quite as black and white as they seemed before experiencing the real world!
….and many have experienced the world, the third world , National Service , British Forces etc ………
Sign seen on office wall –
“Always employee young people – while they still know everything”
You seem to suggest that someone who disagrees with “modernity” must automatically be wrong. Surely not?
If you do believe this, hang around long enough and you’ll find that all YOUR cherished notions are wrong.
I imagine you’re a lefty, and therefore inclined to attack the man (“ad hominem”) rather than discuss his ideas. That’s why I replied ad hominem; maybe you’ll understand.
72 Tim Hunt was born in 1943 and brought up in a world with a different set of values. The cultural context was different.

Today the rules of the game are written by the Guardian-reading, liberal-left, metropolitan elite of the BBC. “Hideously” white, elderly men who aren’t familiar with the rules are an easy target for mockery and abuse.
Curiously we’re now being told it’s OK for immigrants to beat their children; “Police and social services should make allowance for foreigners because of the ‘different cultural context”.
But it’s not OK for Tim Hunt to make some jokes because of the different cultural context in which he grew up.
source; http://dailym.ai/1dushJK
I’m 2 and a half decades younger than him, yet I share his values, this shite really kicked in during the 70’s.
Looking back I saw it in my latter school days (late 70’s early 80’s) with the passing of the older teachers who had experienced war and knew the real history of our country, to be replaced by militant NUT card carrying younger, right on, university indoctrinated teachers. Almost weekly we had a day off for a strike of some sort or another.
This same generation of teachers has gone on to become head teachers, spreading their cancerous ideology to our kids.
At my school we got the history of the Russian Bolshevik Revolution, I knew at the time it was strange, why not the French or American Revolution ?
Ps, It was about as interesting as watching grass grow.
“…Today the rules of the game are written by the Guardian-reading, liberal-left, metropolitan elite of the BBC.”
AKA: The New Left Fascisti. Intolerant, perpetually offended, censorious and authoritarian.
I listened to the two women on Todqy expressing different levels of outrage against Sir Tim Hunt. He had said that women in the laboratory was a bad thing because they either fall in love with men or men fall in love with them and that they cry when their research is criticised. Maybe he should have had his jokey script written by cutting edge comics like Hignify types, but come on, was this really offensive? The audience were wimmen science journalists and one seriously hopes that genuine scientists – as opposed to media hacks with a permanent sense of outrage – would have more important things to be concerned about. As for the university colleague who ratted about him on the BBC – sack the miserable cow.
To them it is a real outrage. The entire liberal establishment must be outraged and I really feel for them . I am outraged too. it is so outrageous I
Can we hang Sir Tim Hunt. ? I can barely write so outraged am I. Hanging is too good for him
At the very least he should be hounded until he appears on Newnight gibbering and slobbering at Kirsty and chums feet.
Take his knighthood and manhood away. You know it is the right thing to do.
Sir Tim Hunt resigns from university role over girls comment
Hunt admits it was stupid to say it aloud and perhaps at 72 retirement was on the cards, anyway.
So an award winning scientist loses his job (and the country loses his sharp mind no doubt) just so that the FemiNazis can feel a bit better about themselves?
Was he about to make a major break through and got knobbled by the opposition I wonder?
Sheesh! did you see Connie St Louis?, on that page?
not distracting, just bloody frightening
Deegee, it was only a stupid remark because the feministas could have been predicted to take offence. As a woman I thought it was quite funny, but had Mr D offered the joke whilst rehearsing a speech in front of me, I would probably squealed …’you can’t say that’. Maybe Sir Tim is missing a wife to advise. But it is a sorry state of affairs when the thought police win so easily.
Deborah, I checked on Sir Tim Hunt’s wife, Professor Mary Collins, an established immunologist with a background in promoting women in science.
What the hell is wrong with the BBC?
Rhetorical, or… how long have you got?
Apologies to Guest Who
The comment
‘Rhetorical, or… how long have you got?’
Perhaps I am slow witted but I cannot see the point.
‘What the hell is wrong with the BBC?’
I was simply agreeing with you 🙂
‘Rhetorical, or… how long have you got?’
Guest Who, apologies again. Not my best day .
Well how was your “BBC’s Hottest day of the year so far” contest? Me? Well out here on Dartmoor, it got to 15.5 degrees at Lunchtime but has slipped back to 13.8 degrees and has rained steadily since 13.45. It was “hotter” in March. We had been forecast thunderstorms this afternoon but looking at my lightning map, so far nowt and nothing of the Armageddon forecast for the rest of the U.K.
I guess, they got their guesses, sorry modelling, wrong, again.
In the spirit of further good humour, before I heed the siren call of a pint of Doom Bar, may I commend to the house a BBC FaceBook thread that has some truly great comedy in the (unmoddable) comments, not least the replies of some who have clearly not got over being outraged over at the BBC Prof. Tim gig:
BBC World News
“I met #RachelDolezal – and never doubted her black roots” http://bbc.in/1MOmlHY
The smiley was for G.W.F… no worries!
Rather clearly this thread is breaking the laws of physics now and may be better left until a new one rolls up.
Going for a pint is not the same as a flounce, but apologies for more comebacks than a Flokker saying they are off and never coming back.
This just seemed worth adding (especially as it’s hard to tell who is who these days):
‘Update: An earlier version of this story contained a quote from a satirical tweet, which we’ve removed.’
The BBC of course being pretty much hostage to twitter for its ‘news’, that was an extra LOL, as we not cool enough for #bbctrending wouldn’t dream of saying.
Will he be forgiven when he ‘comes out ‘ as a transgender called Lyn and needs ‘support’ from all the luvvies when he strips down on the cover of the guardian ? Can I nominate Scott to be the Biased BBC representative to give him a hug and a kiss live in the studio of Salford towers ?
Be careful everyone the BBC is in ‘today it will be the hottest day of the year’ mode even the film critic bloke is mentioning it. They’ve all been briefed to go with that meme today. Wait for it we are going to nudge 25 degrees later today in June who’d have thought eh. Expect mass extinctions around 3 p.m. this afternoon Global warming has taken over.
It might well be the “Hottest” day of the year at Heathrow Airport when one of the Met Office’s measuring stations gets a jet blast from a 747 running up in a test bay close to that measuring station. For the rest of the country, yeah right. Funny how they are not saying “coldest” june night for 60 years isn’t it?
Yeh it get’s surprisingly hot at them weather stations all perched at the end of runways . Still on a plus point today Carol Kirkwood cleared about a long standing dilemma I’ve had , wait for it , apparently ‘Rock Hopper’ penguins are called so because they hop on rocks you could’ve knocked me over I’d been struggling with that one for years
‘Kin Hell! Who could have guessed.
Double Roger Harrabin climate-change whammy today – apparently, Spring is arriving earlier than in Victorian times, and whistling through a tad quicker than it did thirty years ago. Thirty years ago? I ask you. And it’s all down to climate change. Of course, in the BBC mindset, the climate never changed before the Victorians were around, it’s only just started doing it because, well, because we nasty humans are here.
Then they rabbit on about the recent climate conference in Bonn (there seems to be a permanent climate conference in progress, these days), getting all their rotten, ideological eggs into one basket (case) for Paris. They’ll get their way in Paris – I don’t think that there’s much doubt about that. We are screwed.
Roger (the green parrot) Harrabin does one of those BBC “
weerrr, I mean somebody else” thingies.“we’re trying to change the entire global economy, or at least the U.N. is trying to change then entire global economy”
I just hope I live long enough to see the encroaching ice age in Britain. It will be hilarious seeing the BBC trying to spin ice breakers up the Clyde or the Mersey. Roger is a prize prat he knows he’s lying we know he’s lying don’t give him much thought.
No, I don’t think Paris will succeed. The usual obstacles of China India and Brazil will prevent more nonsense – egged on now by Australia.
John Anderson
Oh I don’t know. I’m sure something will be agreed at Paris. There’ll be a wonderful long screed signed up to by the participants. However – curiously – China and india and a few others will either not be bound (or will ignore the agreement). Roger (and his fellow charlatans) will declare victory and Cameron (via Rudd) will sign an immediate £100+ billion cheque followed by a succession of IOUs while passing another piece of egregious legislation through Parliament. In the US, the Senate will refuse to ratify whatever Obama signs up to (cf Kyoto) so it’ll be a dead (legal) duck there whatever happens.
I can remember when ‘Spring’ turned up in December for a couple of years at the end of the 1990s. I thought they might have mentioned that on the TOADY prog but I guess their memories are short, John Humphrys still being in his early 20s and not a keen gardener.
as an add-on, I wonder if we will get to hear about the “frosts” in the North of the country this weekend? “Frosts” in June? Yup, happens when the earth is cooling.
Indeed lock13, there is even a web site that the “Tall Bloke” has created that examines all the Met Office data gathering stations locations. An interesting site and one that we should all look at when we hear “The hottest” eva recorded. Oh dear, a real eye opener. Most of these reporting stations do not meet the Met Office own standards and are not even calibrated correctly.
This is just one of the critical reports of these so called reporting stations:
Heathrow!: https://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2012/08/30/wmo03772-heathrow/
yep thanks sir – I’m a regular reader of Tallbloke and Mr.Watts have to get the truth from somewhere
Rainy and cold in Oxfordshire …
The BBC not getting it all its own way on the FaceBook complement.
In amongst the scalp-hunters joining the BBC victory dance are more than a few pointing out the fuller extent of the story and decrying the over-egging of the reaction (not least by the BBC kindergarden).
As with many a US cop incident, the BBC’s editorial seems to kick in and out at odd places to suit heat over light.
That the place seems staffed by a bunch of kids overseen by the right kind of old white men trying to relive their Wolfie days from the 60s has made their output less than useful or credible.
They can still get folk fired and private businesses closed down (luckily they are immune on all counts) in a heartbeat, mind, so the Farce has power as well as being malign.
Burning at the stake is I believe the correct punishment for heresy, and lets not kid ourselves, todays Fascist left are every bit as bad as the witch hunters of so many years ago.
Looks like my birthday present. Hubby told me it was the new Dyson Retro.
Heavens. What a sexist present. 8-(
The “rules” seem to be that you mustn’t say what you think. I would consider this rather sad, if it were not extremely ominous.
I wondered at the time if this was really one of the most important things to have happened that it warranted a prime time slot on Today. Then they started blathering about the Wimmin’s World Cup and I realised it must be.
In truth though, Sir Tim simply dug himself a bigger hole when trying to explain what he meant. Better just to keep quiet when the PC brigade are after you unless you’re prepared to come at them all guns blazing. Don’t bother explaining – they want blood, not explanations.
It is, perhaps, a sad commentary on the standard of news provided and, indeed, sought after by the public, that this story is currently the most read on the BBC website.
Yay! The Bluebells around my patch (Dartmoor) came out in early April and are still there in June and will be in mid June. Very strange as they normally last for only about a month. So I asked my professional gardening girlfriend why the hedgerows are still full of spring plants? “It is because it is cold. Bluebells and other such bulbs like it that way” I wonder if the BBC’s nature watch programmes or similar will pick up on this natural evidence that we are “Global Cooling”? Do pigs fly?
About 10 years ago, I read that a couple of Russian scientists studying solar activity had predicted that the Northern hemisphere would enter a mini ice age around 2014 which would reach its coldest period about 2040.
That’s proper science, that is: hypothesis, prediction and verification; not fiddling a computer simulation to achieve the outcome you want.
It will be interesting to see if they were right.
When does mass immigration become an invasion, we ask?
Well, David Blunkett, for instance, could see no number as being too large.
Perhaps that nice young chap Dan Snow is working on the GCI virtual reconstruction of what England used to look like, even as we speak. Billy Bragg’s home security cameras captured some rare footage of the rural idyll just before we went under. Leslie Grantham is the shoo-in to play the ageing Tony Blair and Gerry Anderson left some old-time puppet that’s a ringer for Burnham. Don’t even think about representing Diane Abbott.
Given that nine tenths of the world is now poorer than Owen Jones, then with Easy-Boat now operating out of North Africa…. It’s for sure we can expect what Lord Bob Geldof would call a “Trucking Fleet”
So at what point will this rickety life-raft set in a luke-warm sea we call England at last go under?
I’m minded of old episodes of Dad’s Army where Captain Main-Warring would gather us together in the church hall of a Thursday evening to lecture us on the subject of ‘Know Your Enemy’.
There might be a slide show, but mind the black out – thanks for stopping our electricity Natalie Bennett, we were only wasting the world’s resources. “Ooo those Nazi paratroopers do look smart, just look at their nice uniforms, Uncle Arthur” So much for asking the 16 and 17-year olds.
Let Victoria Derbyshire be our spokesperson. We just cannot have enough nuns in jackboots or confused tourists who go into a pub and ask for a cup of coffee – we need endless numbers of those if we want a modern economy.
Silly cow on the Beeb’s Victoria Derbyshire Ugly Cow programme suggesting ALL immigrants around Calais are fleeing conflict.
More propaganda!
They are. Conflict with the gendarmerie.
We were told on last night’s News at Ten that many of them had been rescued from the Med. That didn’t take long then. Can’t anyone put two and two together and figure out what’s going to happen when all the extra rescuees are let loose into the EU system? All the supposed compassion in the world is not going to prevent the inevitable unless they are discouraged from coming in the first place. All you’ve done is move the problem from there to here. The Age of Stupid seems an entirely apt description right now.
Migrants race through Italy to dodge EU asylum rules
“…ordered to teach at school for about $5 per month. “It’s not enough to survive,”
…he paid people smugglers more than $5,000 for his journey to Europe.”
so he saved up for 83 year whilst spending zippo, and what exactly was he in prison for … another lying criminal let in
The BBC news headline Radio 4 this morning was about a breakthrough in medical science and said that for the first time a woman who has had her ovarian tissue frozen has had a baby. This is simply not true . This was not a first ! Israeli achievement was omitted from the news.
See report in Israelactive.com ” An Israeli woman has given birth to twins five years after cancer treatment made her infertile. Prior to the treatment, Israeli doctors froze some of her ovarian tissue, which was later transplanted back. It is only the second time in … Continue reading → on Israelactive 31st may.
Sorry; the BBC’s sharia-compliant agenda decrees that only stories critical of Israel are allowed.
Truthdoctor is that on account of our 2 thousand year Chritian heritage National broadscaster appointed Aaqil Ahmed, Commissioning Editor Religion and Head of Religion & Ethics is a Muslim?
Makes sense I suppose, when you consider the BBC ethos, almost partners, the UK LABOUR PARTY, had Plans should they have got elected, to Enforce Islamic Blasphemy Laws By Making Criticism Of Islam A Crime:
“Truthdoctor is that on account of our 2 thousand year Chritian heritage National broadscaster appointed Aaqil Ahmed, Commissioning Editor Religion and Head of Religion & Ethics is a Muslim?”
No it isn’t, on account of:
a) Aaqil Ahmed is not responsible for BBC News output.
b) Lynette’s recollection of events is just plain wrong.
“…the UK LABOUR PARTY, had Plans should they have got elected, to Enforce Islamic Blasphemy Laws By Making Criticism Of Islam A Crime”
That’s just pure bollocks. All the Labour party proposed was tougher sentences for hate crimes that already exist; including anti-Semitic hate crime.
Can I suggest you look up the definition of “Hate Crime” before commenting further. It refers to crimes being committed purely because of someones race, religion or sexuality. It does NOT make criticising someone’s race, religion or sexuality a crime.
Do you understand the difference?
Suggest you read Daniel Greenfield’s latest article on Sultanknish blog. He deals with this matter of criticism of Islam in the USA. Now there is a man the BBC would never allow to be heard. Correct me if I am wrong.
dave s,
“Suggest you read Daniel Greenfield’s latest article on Sultanknish blog”
Simplistic, factually incorrect and riddled with self pity.
“Islam is the only religion that cannot be criticized” he says, whilst publishing a 1,300 word article criticising Islam.
The first, as I understood the story, was that the tissue had been taken from her as a child. Is that perhaps the difference?
“The BBC news headline Radio 4 this morning was about a breakthrough in medical science and said that for the first time a woman who has had her ovarian tissue frozen has had a baby.”
No. It was the first woman to give birth using transplanted ovarian tissue frozen when she was still a child.
Dez likes voting here……
Just got a dose of VD’s ‘illegals’ in Frances. Cue somber music, hushed talk, hungry people, sad stories etc. etc, all ‘fleeing war’.
War in France? What bloody war in France?
More and more propaganda from Al Beeb. In addition, all Irish truckers were interviewed. I didn’t hear a British voice. I am forced by an unjust unaccountable and unfair tax to pay for this bias.
Vote here https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/end-the-bbc-licence-fee
Victoria Drearybyshire, BBC s version (without the intelligence level, and with dour face) of ITVs sackoshite “Loose Women”
about as much fun as … well a dose of VD
This from worse than useless S Khan, who intimates that all the B/S of that stinking “crock” Islamofauxbia … is something to be concerned about
‘Choosing the softest of soft interviews, MacShame was his usual unpleasant self on the Victoria Derbyshi*e Show…
…started fiddling his expenses when he was a BBC journalist.’
Clearly, things are getting desperate for disgruntled viewers/listeners…
I might have accidentally reported your comment. Sorry if I did – I meant to click somewhere else and got distracted.
It happens all the time – I’m equally guilty. The two buttons are far too close together, and I’ve raised this before, several times, as I’m sure have others. No problem.
Telegraph Politics @TelePolitics
BBC could be forced by law to cover EU referendum impartially http://tgr.ph/1B1YdR2
Beyond irony, have to love all inherent to this tweet, especially that present vs. future, ever-hopeful ‘could’.
Watched this again yesterday and in the unlikely case that anyone has not seen it, well worth a watch. Part 3 demonstrates the anti America pro Islam bias the best and also shows where Phillip Lader ex US Ambassador is almost brought to tears (he was said to cry afterwards).
The make up of the Question Time audience and panels has not changed in the 14 years since, stuffed with burka wearers and assorted lefty’s and the bBC ubiquitous Yasmin Alibhai-Brown. Parts 1 & 2 are also on YouTube.
Even today its almost unbelievable that this was broadcast (by the bBC) just two days after 3000 people lost their lives.
Some person protesting outside the BBC.
Soaks himself in petrol and threatens to set fire to himself.
Petrol, lighter, BBC, together. I would have acted differently.
Biased BBc bint goes along with truck drivers in France. She asks the truckers if they were escaping from war. Of course there is no war in Europe or in the majority of African countries Sadly none of the truckers make this point and the fact they are economic parasites
Heard (in the pub) last night that the Dutch are secretly printing Guilders in anticipation of a Euro collapse.
Unfortunately I lost the piece of paper on which I wrote the address.
No luck with Google, has anyone else heard anything?
I would check to see if share prices in de la Rue have been going up recently.
Currency can be such a problem. The Belgians are in trouble with French for minting coins to celebrate victory at Waterloo.
I’ll have to watch coverage of the re-enactment of the battle. It could get interesting.
Come to think of it, not seen much on Al Beeb about the forthcoming 200 Aniv., of Waterloo .
Any one any wiser ?
The 200th anniversary of Waterloo is next Thursday, 18 June. No doubt the BBC will have it wall to wall – if they can drag themselves away from Wimmins Football.
The BBC think the French really won and that Napoleon was tricked into giving up by that nasty Tory Wellington ..By all accounts as nasty a bit of work as that other old fraud Churchill. He was a Tory too. Like Thatcher and she was really nasty. Particularly to those nice Argentinians.
But that nice Mr Cameron will make up for it all by finally turning us into good little servile Europeans.
He is a Tory too but housetrained in the liberal way of doing things. He introduced gay marriage so he must be nice. I wonder what the Duke of Wellington would have thought of that.
Nowt like a BBC-tightened guideline for the staff to ignore. Again.
Presumably insensitive stories remain open for whatever takes their agenda-driven fancies?
In passing, one must applaud the Graun for serving as a very loyal crisis-management PR-as-news [cough] ‘news medium’.
‘which may explain why BBC Urdu reporter Ahmen Khawaja mistakenly sent a tweet’
The cluster-FUBAR of contradictory excuses after her ‘mistake’ widely reported elsewhere not being worthy of note.
School heads raise alarm over new duty to protect students from extremism
This from worse than useless S Khan, who intimates that all the B/S of that stinking “crock” Islamofauxbia … is something to be concerned about
Islam + justified concern?, actually the height of common sense
and certainly not irrational.
BBC?, now come on don t be silly
The BBCs “take”.
BBC – Man jailed over forced marriage?
Hmmm bit ambiguous… and economical with the facts.
For people on this site, no surprises
yep! ISLAM again,
rape again
sustained sexual abuse again
violence again,
slavery again.
Its in the Quran folks.
So expect much more.
Anyone in the media, going to mention it?
you forgot bigamy
as for the parents, shame on them too
“BBC – Man jailed over forced marriage?
Hmmm bit ambiguous… and economical with the facts.”
Noggin, I was waiting for the BBC radio report to complete the story, but when they didn’t I found that I’d automatically filled in the blanks. If he’d been an Evangelical Christian we’d have had a 10 minute item, including an interview with the Archbishop or two. A short report missing out half the story can only mean one thing on the BBC.
Why is the BBC so obsessed with ‘what did Labour do wrong’ and what do ‘we need to do to establish electoral confidence’?
Anyone would think it was the Labour party’s ‘house’ broadcaster.
BBC news, ‘a business man has been jailed for 16 years for forced marriage’,…..Daily Mail ‘ A Muslim business man has been jailed for 16 years…..’
Businessman of No Appearance.
4 times today ive seen and heard the same story of a “MAN” they really do think we are stupid, and it was forced marriage and RAPE
a man is the last thing this weasel is
Forget ISIS, forget immigration, forget Islamic child abuse; it’s the crime of the century folks!
17.48 and R4 PM are re-running big chunks of Today’s stuff on Tim Hunt whose humorous comments have offended the politically correct thought police.
Here comes another humourless old bint kicking him when he’s down.
I was interested in PM’s new line on the ISIS story. They were outraged that someone who’d been out there fighting against ISIS and for the Kurds had been able to return to the UK without being arrested. Shock and horror in all directions.
There was also a long item (well it seemed long) on the De Menezes case at Strasbourg.
Agenda, what agenda?
‘is it the case that this time (EU referendum) people will vote ‘yes’ for sensible Dave and all the loonies will vote ‘no’?’
Peter Allen-Radio 5 Live
Really. Yes he did say this.
If so, he really had no business doing so.
That committee mentioned earlier that is to monitor BBC inability to stay impartial on EU matters is going to have its work cut out.
A complaint required?
Perhaps a rider along the lines of “If the BBC wish to demonstrate to M.P.s and the public that it can be trusted to be impartial during the in / out referendum it would appear that some rapid correction of apparent institutional europhilism is required.”
Here is a chance for a discussion on whether we still need the BBC. Oops, it is run by the Guardian who will decide that we do need the BBC after all, and the BBC will then cite it as news, and discuss it from an unbiased standpoint.
Given the Guardian’s record and reputation with CIF moderation, and looking at the panel composition, there may be the teensiest suspicion that all present and selectively quoted may sing from a singular hymn sheet, yes.
“Do we still need a BBC?”
This is one of the best articles I’ve read by him, an exceptional piece:
@guardian Mo Farah was contacted over Alberto Salazar claims four weeks before Panorama aired http://t.co/8WQrzbkhKo
Popcorn may be required.
Let’s hope this has legs (pardon the pun) have never understood and hated the establishment fawning of Farrah, led by the bBC,
Personally have never seen him in the slightest bit British, born in Somalia and trains in the US.
I guess the knighthood is thankfully on hold…
I’ve been listening to Toady for an hour now. No mention of the ‘revolt’ over TTIP in the EUSSR yesterday. Do you think they missed it?
Where’s clapped out? That Dez makes him look like a comic genius.
Well, a comic anyway.
Where’s clapped out? That Dez makes him look like a comic genius.
Well, a comic anyway..
Think they have been delayed getting to the desk by some guy doused in petrol apparently…………………….
One never knows with op-eds whether they portray the ‘official’ BBC world view through a layer of plausible deniability or whether the BBC has such a limited mindset that they just naturally approach people sure to agree (and therefore amplify) with their agenda to write them.
Owne Bennett-Jones is is one of the hosts of Newshour on the BBC World Service but he appears in many other places. What do you think of Middle East map carved up by caliphates, enclaves and fiefdoms?
Five Minutes for Israel discusses this Historical carve-up: Owen Bennett-Jones carves up Middle East history mainly from the point of dubious claims expressed as accepted wisdom.
BBC Watch also devotes two posts to this about Bennett Jones source Avi Shlaim.
BBC WS radio promotes Avi Shlaim’s historical misrepresentations – part one and BBC WS radio promotes Avi Shlaim’s historical misrepresentations – part two
One should add to Five Minutes for Israel’s list of border changes. Israel captured and returned Sinai to Egypt and made adjustments to its border with Jordan, both as a result of negotiations and peace,
The region of Hatay changed hands, joining Turkey. Also, the Mandate period saw the establishment and the disappearance of the Syrian Federation, the State of Syria and the Syrian Republic, as well as the State of Greater Lebanon, the Alawite State and the Jabal Druze State.
Bennett Jones is unaware of the land exchange between Jordan and Saudi Arabia in 1965, of the history of the former Saudi–Iraqi neutral zone and of the merging and splitting of the Yemen’s.
Even as far as Israel’s borders and armistice lines with its neighbours are concerned, these are very fluid – so, the lines of control on the Golan Heights have changed multiple times before, during and after the Mandate period.
Borders all over the Middle East are nowhere near “still standing”.
(copied and slightly edited from comments from Michael on BBC Watch).
In short, the Bennett Jones is not just a little wrong but majorly wrong in his main thesis. Agenda or sloppy research?
The BBC no longer link to the Bennett Jones piece from any of their various homepages. Perhaps someone informed them about how much OBJ screwed up?
BBc breakfast is off on it’s usual twisted and downright bizarre behaviour. Chat about NHS not sure what because I only half listen to most of this crap. However the usual phrase of increased demand comes up but of course no explanation of how in what was a falling population suddenly has a massive increase in demand. Weather bint is giving us the weather forecast from the London wetlands, why? So onto the “dangers” their word not mine of sitting down. Onto footage of a school where the pupils appear to be made to sit down and jump up. This sitting down is death fixation has been bubbling under for a while. The children who are expected to live longer than the adults they visit on an allotment(?) Hang on weren’t they telling us all the kids were suffering from the obesity epidemic and were going to have shortened life styles. Yes the children can recite the danger of sitting down.
Here at the BBC we interrupt the Wimmins Fifa World Cup for a few moments to bring you some television…
Well, at least Red Robin won an election… a 34% per cent strategy landed Favourite British Bird – the Urban Birder set up this really important poll (hope he got his sums right) but the shitehawks at BBC were all over it this morning.
Meanwhile in space…. BBC favourite ‘bird’ is some euro astrobint who is apparently ‘an internet phenomenon’. Gosh, I’ve reached that stage in life when I need to be told that someone is famous. Lots of Euro-Russo-Amerkanishe Freundshaft being celebrated here – this time the meme is not strumming Major Tom (by the way, didn’t David Brent fatally lampoon bringing your instrument to work?) – this girl has left behind her handbags and glad rags and blasted off to make… wait for it… weight-less recipes and encourage her home town school kids to ‘celebrate their diversity’, no less.
Please don’t tell me there’s no agenda! Oh, I nearly forgot – she is doing some ‘serious science’. Phew, hope she didn’t fall in love with the spacemen or cry. Or, at least, I hope no one at mission control was daft enough to mention it – if she did, that is.
Still, things could be worse – our young gals could be stripping off on gap year and incurring the anger of the local gods. Blimey, this one will have the moral relativists in a tizzy.
Perhaps Nicky Campbell will ask his Sunday morning muslims what Allah has to say about it? When in Rome, I say. There was a time when a Brit abroad was minded not to transgress the local voodoo. But that sort of thing went out with Battenburg cake, good tv and self-respect. Roundabout 1968 as I recall.
Here’s a sea change: whilst it’s fine and dandy and cool to blow our wad on the BBC and international space projects suddenly Georgie Osborne is selling off RBS ‘at a loss to the tax payer’. My bullshit detector is screaming – didn’t Gordon Brown buy it at a bit of a premium? Rule number one at the BBC : term all tax money spending ‘investment’ – brings back 7 Euros for evry pound or some such, and don’t the kiddies love it.
Oh by the way, Danny Cohen is giving a lecture on the future of tv, meet you by the Novelty Rock Emporium again.
He’s going to say (as they say these days) We like the sound of Godfrey’s sister Dolly – she can ride tandem with Jenny Murray around the Radio 4 indoor staff velodrome all day long.
Last night ,they found some effnik to shoehorn into Springwatch , in a feature about the “Robin” . I also noticed the other day one had popped up in “Antiques Roadshow” . Normally any effnik appearing near the set, would be casing the joint , to do a “rob” a few hours later . But this is the BBC , all “Hideously White ” English people are Evil , & must be re educated immediately .
Last night ,they found some effnik to shoehorn into Springwatch , in a feature about the “Robin” . I also noticed the other day one had popped up in “Antiques Roadshow” . Normally any effnik appearing near the set, would be casing the joint , to do a “rob” a few hours later . But this is the BBC , all “Hideously White ” English people are Evil , & must be re educated immediately .
BBC News items today. (Not mentioned on SKY News)
British non-Muslim helping Kurds fighting against IS. Obviously diverting public attention from Muslims going to IS
Tim Hunt resigns. Victory for the BBC.
Female scientists ‘aghast’.
And the non-story grows legs: Why so few female scientists?
Mark Mardell stabbing Cameron:
Asks: What is 21st Century Feminism?
Men taking their wife’s surnames
And so on.
The truly sad thing about the BBC is that lurking inside the rotting corpse there remains the ability to produce the occasional good programme. On Tuesday this week R4 began a two parter on the history of minimalism in contemporary music.
Whatever you happen to think of Riley, Glass, Reich et al (and perhaps most importantly if you know little about them) their influence in contemporary music (and yes, that very much includes popular music) has been profound.
Here, R4 is offering a very listenable bluffer’s guide to a mildly esoteric subject – very much the sort of programme that once made listening to R4 a sort of open access university course. It’s a complete contrast to what it has been turned into, of course – a stream of Leftist propaganda – which made Minimal Impact all the more stark for standing out against a mindless, unthinking, deeply unintelligent, background.
Credit where credit is due. But can we have more of this and less of ‘You And Somebody Else’s’ please?
For some reason, the preceding comment keeps getting forced three or four back in the queue. I’ve tried deleting and re-posting it but, not for the first time, the threading mechanism seems to have developed a mind of its own.
It will never get a job at the BBC!
Thanks for pointing it out, I will give it a listen.
One of the things I used to like about the World Service was covering subjects I knew little or even nothing about. These days there is almost nothing like this on offer.
Two can play at that game.
Forgive me “Lord” but what do your posts have to do with the BBC?
I’d like to imagine no Islamic religion, but it’s difficult to do so, because of its ‘in-your-face’ attitude and atrocities carried out in its name.
The nihilists of the early 1970s could not foretell the rise of Khomeini and the other mad mullahs.
bBC Radio 2 11am news, ‘teacher stabbed in Bradford, police are looking for a 14 year old boy’
Here we have a potential killer on the loose, yet the bBC can’t be bothered to give us a description the perpetrator who is a potential treat to locals.
The DM describe him as ‘Asian’ as I’m sure most would suspect as the attack took place in Bradford, but even that is like looking for a needle in a haystack in such a place…
Take a look at the BBC article about Sir Tim Hunt’s resignation.
You will see a report there from a person who attended the meeting and was duly shocked by his remarks. The article does not say that Lecturer Connie-st louis is a BBC employee. See her background in the link below.
‘She worked for the BBC for sixteen years’.
So now you know why the BBC are pushing this story by one of their own, so deeply hurt.
I am still outraged. Resignation? He needs to be horse whipped at least. Castrated would be an idea.
He is white .male and quite old. These people must check their privilige and reflect on how rotten they are.
Is there an area in the BBC’s basement where men like this can be made to see the error of their ways? If not there should be.
Stop the world, I want to get off (or at least that’s about what I think Rigsby would have said)
‘A new wedding trend? The men taking their wives’ names’
‘When BBC producer Andy Brown married Helen Stone, they became the Brownstones.’
So, given the aparent office culture at the BBC, was this a calculated career move on the part of the producer formerly known as Mr Brown?
It’s our licence money, I think we should be told.
“I really liked the sound of my wife’s name – Rowan Martin”
Clearly a fan of US 60’s satire, too.
‘When BBC producer Andy Brown married Helen Stone, they became the Brownstones.’
So more of a double-barrel without the hyphen?
The potential seems stupendous. Lucky ex-market rate controller Jay Hunt wasn’t hitched to a Cockney lad called Berkshire.
Then they would have become like all the rest.
In a previous life I did point to some idiots who ‘adopted’ a double barrelled name with the new wife that their leftie display would only last one generation……child of smith and jones marrying child of rowan and Martin would not get anywhere being named smith-jones-rowan-martin….. A look of total befuddlement usually took place.
Pity he wasn’t Andy Flint.
BBC News
The whole tone is of migrants being victims. Almost as if they were forced to sail into the sea.
Migration is good for us, you see?
I’m still trying to grasp how one managed a $5000 ticket on a $5/day wage.
Also it seems for this investment, most get handed a lifejacket, herded into a wooden tub, towed a few miles offshore before the seacocks are opened and HMS Bulwark is dialed up to meet daily quota.
And it works a treat.
Just got to get a few from one faith to lob a few from another overboard in a storm every now and then to keep the likes of Clive in woe-copy.
But ‘migrant’ sounds like some kind of exotic bird that fucks off again in October…………..
If only they would TR, if only.
Utterly disproportionate coverage of this story, and a clear show of support for the feministas bullying Hunt out of his job while they’ve achieved nothing with their lives.
Funny though how the BBC never reported on THIS little story, which I’d argue is a lot more important:
There is a change.org petition regarding the above mentioned “Diversity Officer” here
Interesting to see the comments, which seem out of sync with the BBC core comfort zone of FaceBook or twitter.
Most highest rated not going the narrative route at all (Laurie Penny a key quotee?… there’s a thing).
A key one from the first page:
13. Posted by Sarah
I absolutely don’t agree with the comments made, but they are reported out of context.
That, Sarah, is how the least trustworthy social engineering broadcaster on the planet does business, works up its groupies and gets those outside the B Ark in line, or fired.
I wonder how long this HYS will last?
And from (currently) the last page:
1289. Posted by JUANCOLINA
1200+ comments on this!
And there was stupid me thinking we had some real problems to consider.
‘I wonder how long this HYS will last?’
Well, there’s a surprise…
Second to (it was last before I rechecked; sure there’s a reason behind the numbering and timings not lining up) LAST (for some reason impressed it’s still there) just now:
1439. Posted by The heir of Alfred
Why is the BBC suppressing every post that mentions the vile racist journalist who instigated this furore? Is it because she’s black? The BBC’s racism is truly beyond the pale! She can spout her vile hatred with impunity because she’s not a white man. Come the revolution all at the BBC will be against the wall
1. Posted by Bluepencil3
8 hours ago
No need to resign for goodness sake. He was just stating what actually can happen, do we just pretend these things don’t happen or matter
93. Posted by Paul Prestwich
This is totally and utterly outrageous I have worked in various scientific labs throughout my lifetime and I can say with absolute certainty that this man does not know:
A) A single ting about sicence
B) He obviously has never done any lab work or he’d know this isnt true
C) HE is obviously incredibly arrogant as he think women will fall in love with him
D) He is not a proeofessional person
Looking at Paul’s body of ‘work’, I wonder if he posts here too?
Still, HE got to post from HIS lab.
Guessing a fair few may be miffed they were denied that chance when they get home.
Of course, the BBC has also followed up with some retroactive censorship too. Normal service service resumed.
Sweet Jesus, I have come across some lefties in my time but that hateful witch is beyond parody.
Years ago a cop I worked with after being lied to by two Asian guys protecting a family rapist, stormed out of custody and said, ‘These people are making me hate them.’
That god-awful ignorant slag wagon has me reaching for swearwords Chubby Brown would balk at.
Seeing comments by that future Labour MP makes me agree with that former colleague of mine, she is making normal, decent people swell with outrage burgeoning on hate through her simply appalling behaviour.