The BBC were suspiciously slow to announce that actor Christopher Lee has died – it has just gone up 15 minutes ago or so, despite it being announced 2 hours ago.
Looking at Wikipedia gives a clue as to the reason perhaps: “Lee was a supporter of the British Conservative Party”
In other words the BBC journalists were loathed to put up the story straight away, and had to get permission from people up the tree, in case mention of his name might “offend someone”.
RIP Christopher Lee, a great actor. And he served in the war as well.
Oh yes youve guessed it and in doing so condemned the BBC to the devil himself. This one has a high IQ does this one. Anyways Ive brought him over but apparently he only does nights.
“Critics call it a sinister conspiracy, reinforcing without accountability the dominance of a transatlantic capitalist cabal. Those involved say it’s merely an informal way to understand better the way the world works and to share their expertise to improve it.”
The BBC are there to ‘understand the world’ and ‘share their expertise to improve it’? No wonder the world’s in the ****.
I suspect Mr. Benjamin knows his chances of anything beyond a BBlowoff, but it was worth asking just to see how far the trust and transparency so often claimed actually extends.
Thanks Guest, that’s an excellent FOI request from Mr Benjamin. Definitely worth asking the question but you’re more than probably right about the likely response.
Chat shows were worth watching back then when the guests weren’t PC or working from a script. Could you imagine this man appearing on the Graham Norton or Claire Balding chat shows today?
What the BBC hasn’t told you about the Dixon Kings Academy.
THE KINGS Science Academy is to join another academy chain in Bradford, it emerged tonight.
The scandal-hit free school will become part of the Dixons group at the beginning of next year.
Governors at Kings had asked the Department for Education (DfE) to find a new sponsor following the dismissal of its original principal and founder Sajid Raza. The school has been at the centre of a financial scandal for almost a year after it emerged that a DfE audit investigation alleged that the school had submitted fabricated invoices to claim public money in 2011.
The matter was only passed to West Yorkshire Police for investigation after the matter had been leaked. The DfE had reported it in April last year with a call to Action Fraud – a financial crime call centre – but the matter was wrongly recorded as only being an information report.
Mr Raza has been arrested and bailed twice earlier this year and The Yorkshire Post can reveal that he was released on bail again earlier today pending further enquiries.
The school have previously said that Mr Raza’s dismissal following a disciplinary investigation was not linked to the police investigation.
Just another story in the everyday saga of corrupt Pakistanis caught with their fingers in the till. Yet none of this is mentioned in the BBC reports at all, something they would probably justify by claiming it is not directly relevant to the story, but which could be absolutely intrinsic to the story if the head had been white Christian, or God forbid someone like Ray Honeyford.
All the little children – where have they all come from ?
The BBC hints at the answer as it rejoices in the rise in ‘Minority ethnic’ children, but somehow fails to mention immigration by name even once. Newham, where 94% of pupils are BAME (for want of a better word…) must be wonderful. The capital is lost already .
BBC in full blame whitey mode over the idiots who posed naked at the top of a mountain.
Not their fault, nor their mindless stupidity either. They have been thoroughly propagandised by both the BBC and the Government, that Islam is a peaceful and tolerant religion, which it obviously is not.
So today it’s out with ever hand wringer and Fascist to do what the Fascists always do, trying to find comparisons in the Christian religion. The looney Leftie they found actually managed to say that the British people would be outraged and find it wholly unacceptable if someone came to this country and burned the flag or defaced a war memorial ! Well Duh ! They have, on quite a few occasions, and every time someone has become outraged the Fascists have been first in line to call them every meaningless bully word in the bag.
Of course Borneo is where those 2 British medical students were murdered in the street a few months ago. I don’t recall the BBC being up in arms about that.
Someone posted in my name – sayi ng I don’t know the difference between Borneo and Malaysia. It happens I do know – I have toured Malasia, which includes Sabah and Sarawak provinces on the island of Borneo – an island where the northern part is in Malaysia but the larger southern part is in Indonesia. Sabah and Sarawak are great places to visit – Mt KInabalu, world-class diving and scuba, long long rivers with head-hunter longhouses, crocs, orang-utans, good beaches and food, a mix of Malay (Muslim) and Chinese population.
But one of many, if the most serious failings of a registration/modding system now being ruthlessly exploited by a lot of folk so sad at others exchanging views freely, they simply have to devote as much time as they can to messing it all up.
As Pounce says, without intervention they are going to prevail.
These ten eejits in Malaysia are now finding out that not ALL countries sneer and offend religious sensibilities, as they`ve been brought up to do at Magaluf Academies all around this land.
Maybe-just maybe-we`re doing our kids no favours by having them yelled at by Dawkins and Brand…and the likes.
I myself would make them all pass an RE exam before they go waving their tackle and hooch around in foreign climes…and I bet these muppets would NOT have stripped naked at Mecca.
And-need I say this-they`d NEVER have dared to raise a sunburnt boob at Anfield or Wemberlee…for these are the true new temples for this fucked-up amoral generation of airhead pixies and pigmies.
All with degrees and GCSEs stuffing their budgie smugglers and 30 AA cups-after fifteen years of compulsory ejukayshun too!
Hope they get a few months community payback, then get sent home to visit a church or something like that.
Thick kids-not all their fault-blame Campbell and Prescott-neither of whom do God, but one of them does Temples!
I dunno Chris, I’ve seen some right tits at Anfield over the years, one or two still there 🙁
If you want to blame any group for the arrest of the people in Malayasia blame the whole liberal leftie ‘anything goes’ establishment. In the West all now have a god ? Given right to let it all hang out and to hell with the concerns and beliefs of others, especially if they are B & B owners, bakery runners or Christians in general. Other cultures are not so forthcoming in their openness. The bbc has as usual a role in this, bigging up the changers, the barricade builders, the transgender/pink/ wimmins right marchers. This is what the kids absorb daily, they are brought up to believe they have a right of entitlement wherever they are. Unfortunately they are finding out this does not apply everywhere.
Not much from the BBC on today’s election in Tower Hamlets to replace the mayor who has had allegations made against him. Mirror reports that over 2000 postal votes have been disqualified.
The left are still complaining that democracy has been assaulted by the Islamophobic Tories.
bBC One Show has an item on the opposition to the building of a massive industrial chicken farm on green land in Herefordshire.
We’re told that national demand for chicken has ‘gone through the roof’ but not once is the question asked why this might be, or why we’re giving up more of our valuable arable land for such. All the report (presented in a way suitable for CBeebies) was worried about was the bloody smell it might create…
The BBC wasn’t getting the results it wanted with the HYS, which was almost entirely critical of the BBC for a blatant overreaction as well as misrepresentation of a story – and its reaction – in order to further its agenda, all while dragging a good scientist’s name through the mud while not giving anywhere near the same level of scrutiny (sometimes even ignoring altogether) to the many, many cases of women, ethnic minorities and so on saying far worse things about men, gays, white people, and other minorities – instead choosing to continually portray a ludicrous, childish and wholly prejudiced image of white men being the societal bogeyman, something which thankfully the majority of commenters saw through. So it’s now removed the story from the front page and replaced it with a totally biased viewpoint on the subject from one of their many on-call feminists/professional victims who the BBC still think represent the way all women feel, even when there were many female commenters taking them to task in the original story.
The BBC cannot be allowed to continually give disproportionate credence and coverage to matters like this while ignoring far worse behaviour (such as my example of the disgustingly vile little racist sexist bigot working as a ‘diversity’ officer at Goldsmiths) all because they think “equality” means white men are treated worse than everyone else. Every excuse they and other liberals/feminists use to justify their blatant prejudices are tired, untrue, and usually simply prove their sexism and racism. Time to send some complaints their way I believe, not that it will make any difference. Perhaps the petition for scrapping the license fee will, though. 😉
“The Age of Guilt is over. We will not apologize for our achievements. Our history cannot be used as a weapon against us. We are in debt to no-one. Our glorious past is a matter of pride and joy to us. Whatever we have done in the past inspires us today for even greater deeds tomorrow. Those who feel that we have wronged them, should be happy they are still alive.”
Kai Murros.
What a total mess the EU has got itself into with this unlimited supply of Libyan boat people. A million on the shores of Libya now and they say another million ready to move across the Sahara.
The likes of Italy Greece, Malta, France, Sweden, Germany and many others are now being overwhelmed with this mass exodus via Libya. The EU Commission are asking member states to take many tens of thousands of immigrants each to disperse the problem, (UK has an opt out).
When I personally drill right down into my emotions, I conclude that I must not be tempted to blame the migrant or refugee whatsoever, which I have noticed is becoming a common practice nowadays in media blogs throughout Europe. What I say is but for the grace of God go I!
Had I the misfortune to live in some failed state in Africa, or facing war in Syria, Iraq or Afghanistan and seeing an escape route to Northern Europe, I would surely do exactly the same as those Libyan boat people to improve my kith and kin life chances.
In my view, the blame is definitely being laid in the wrong place if we take that easy route criticising the migrants’.
The EU is solely to blame for this mass migration by sending out the wrong signals on ease of EU entry and not having a common sense immigration and asylum policy. The EU should be using its Foreign Aid budget to finding a solution in the home countries of the migrants or speedy repatriation of the economic migrants as a first step.
Maybe the EU could negotiate with some African country to be a refugee, asylum staging post, where Libyan boat people for example could be transported utilising the EU Foreign Aid budget to pay for the camps and compensate the accepting African Nation.
Whatever happens, no doubt electoral pressures by the migrant recipient states will be making their votes count in next round of EU elections for sure, just like we haves done through the ballot box with UKIP. For sure Eastern Europeans for example would certainly not be capable, or ideologically approve, of such mass migration of coloured people since they are plagued with prejudice. I actually saw it with my own eyes many times having lived in Poland many years and traveled in most other Eastern European countries.
There is of course a big obstacle to any common sense solutions being implemented by the unelected EU Commission and autocrats. Ideologically they see absolutely no problem to mass import of immigrants! Of course it is universally the case that
It might well be the “Hottest” day of the year at Heathrow Airport when one of their measuring stations gets a 747 running up in their test bays. For the rest of the country, yeah right. Funny how they are not saying “coldest” june night for 60 years isn’t it?
Not yet 8.30am and I see the overnight expert political commentator that is Dave Douglass – bit of a poncy southern affectation, that double ‘ss’ don’t you think Dave? – whose valued and balanced contribution to the character assassination of Churchill a couple of weeks ago added such gravitas, is now a high profile commentator on the Orgreave situation. I wonder how many times he’ll be invited to comment as the day drags on…..
Quintessential liberal news media treatment, yesterday, from Channel 4, of the teacher stabbing in Birmingham.
Jon Snow (didn’t Harry Hill once quip: ‘Jon’s No-News’?) goes into conclave with an NUT official and the local Labour MP. Hardly a committee designed to bravely speak truth to vested interest, you might think. And you would be right. The desired effect of the discussion seemed to be this: to take great care to give no detail or insight at all. Whatsoever. These were three public service firemen you see. Their job was to spray soft mushy suffocating liberal foam over the area affected and damp it down. They call it ‘community cohesion’ in the trade. How different when a police officer oversteps the mark whilst protecting lives. Including his own.
Meanwhile in a quiet public park in Islington another promising and much loved local youth is stabbed to death in yet another case of mistaken gang identity. Give these chaps some glasses! Police are keeping an open mind.
BBc Breakfast charity of the day
As mentioned earlier it’s going to be the hottest day of the year (for some people).
Weather woman doing the weather in the company of penguins.
Watching both QT last night, followed by This Week, I was yet again amazed at the sheer level of misdirection and obfuscation on the BBC whenever it comes to discussing the thorny issue of those North African ‘boat people’.
Nobody, once, in either programme, as far as I can recall, ever suggested these ‘poor people’ were anything other than completely deserving of a home (with benefits) in the European destination of their choice (aka: The UK).
Nobody ever once suggested these ‘poor people’ might actually be… *whisper it* …illegal immigrants, economic migrants just trying to sneak their way into a better life.
The BBC doesn’t seem to be aware of the concept of ‘illegal immigration’. It has all but eliminated the words from its vocabulary, as if the status has never existed (and never will do so again). To the BBC, all are ‘migrants’ and, according to its own borderless narratives, they are only migrants because they are ‘fleeing war or terror’ in their own countries. Ergo, says, the BBC, they are actually all ‘asylum seekers’.
Meanwhile, ships flying the flags of various EU nations continue their ‘search and rescue’ operations across the Med (think of it more as a Park & Ride scheme – the ‘migrants’ park their boats some way off the coast of some North African sh*thole, just far enough into international waters, make a quick phone call and then wait for their EU ride to show up), further swelling the numbers of thousands of illegal immigrants already dumped into Italy and Greece – but of whom most are actually destined for France, Germany and, of course, the UK.
The BBC are a total disgrace in this matter. Their ‘reporting’ on the ‘boat people’ is nothing less than pro-immigration political activism.
Surely one can discuss the inevitable results of:
(a) overpopulation within finite resources
(b) an inability to live in peace with any different opinions
( c) signalling to these unfortunates that they’ll probably get in here if they try
(d) ignoring the consequences of bringing the problem over here
Agree, although it could be argued that the total number of deaths would be less if Europe hadn’t accepted responsibility for rescuing them in the first place.
Just to be clear: that second comment below mine using my name was posted by a troll, not by me. I would never say such a thing and I’m disappointed to see that trolls can operate here with impunity. I have reported that post.
This place is becoming unruly. Where the hell are the Mods?
I guess it is at least flattering to be the target.. However, if you have to check the whole damn site every time you make a post that is not ‘sustainable’.
I only post here very occasionally, but enjoy reading the comments (mostly). I have noticed some very puzzling inconsistencies which this would explain. Yes, mods, you need to enforce the two-factor security at least – Name and Email, surely.
‘enforce the two-factor security at least – Name and Email, surely.’
Wot ‘e said.
I can, and never have understood how with the need for a name and email to register such hijacking was even possible.
Or, frankly, the inability to police abuse with modding or in dire cases banning…. as the BBC seems to do (only not always with abuse) with ruthless ease.
It’s not like the system can be messed up much more than currently by denial of service clogging or comment removal messing up the thread sequence.
BBC 5Live 10am is going to have an extended piece on the reality of erm … “climate change”
(don t they ever realise how abjectly stupid they sound using that term),
A few glassy eyed, “church of” will be given copious amounts of airtime no doubt
… “even Saudi Arabia now has to accept the reality”, bleats our Beebot advertising for the show.
… lawd save us!
Yet, another for the BBC to ignore
“MI5 apparently refers to them as “Britons.” The Telegraph certainly does.
Neither one shows any indication of realizing that none — absolutely none — of these Islamic jihadis has anything but contempt for Britain, and none — absolutely none — of them think of themselves as “Britons.” British authorities should be asking themselves why,?
After all their pandering, all their accommodation, all their demonization of opponents of jihad terror
… they have more jihad terror than ever.
But that is the one question they will not and dare not ask.
R Spencer
BBC obsessed with IPCC decision on so-called ‘battle of Orgreave’ this morning.
Those who were around at the time will remember how little support the miners had outside their own backward, ‘tightly knit’ communities. The history section of the NUM’s own website accepts that more mines closed under Wilson, but little violent protest then. The timing of the demands for a public enquiry now is typical.
SKY only a little better. Clown with bright red tie and lapel covered in childish lefty badges was a real blast from the past. Needed Norman Tebbit, who seems to get by without wearing badges, to introduce a little reality.
This mornings Act of Worship Radio Four, as commisioned by Radio Fours Muslim head of Religious broadcasting, a paeon to illegal immigration!
The lying hand wringing Canon Chris Chivers claiming to be apolitical delivered a sentimenatl idealised picture of well meaning desperados in a shameless plea for understanding designed to induce guilt, capped off with the story of the Good Samaritan.
If I remember some of the biblical stories of wandering tribes I do not seem to recall that they were generally welcomed with open arms, rather there tended to be a little fisticuffs involved as to who would be grazing that particular area in future.
E.g. when led out of Egypt I do not think the land they settled on was “unoccupied”.
If I am wrong I’m sure someone will be better versed than me (no pun intended).
And those in London who are said to be able to read have problems. I love watching Londoners struggling to read the Metro and Evening Standard, struggling to understand the words underneath the pictures of London Celebs. The highest educated of all may just understand the virtues of multiculturalism churned out in these free newspapers. And because they are free there is no need to produce anything but rubbish.
Tony Abbott defends the use of “incredibly creative” approaches to stopping asylum boats from reaching Australia.
‘Defends’ in BBC hands always worth checking for narrative. Sadly for the BBC most FaceBookers, especially from Oz, on this thread not really getting into line.
The BBC censorship of discussion about Islam is backed by Cameron’s friends – the street thugs of the UAF who have succeeded in banning another meeting. It all adds to the creeping fascism of the left. They will monitor events closely.
From the UAF FB page.
Unite Against Fascism
15 hrs ·
Via Walthamstow UAF – Tomorrow’s Protest is Cancelled,
No platform for fascists!
We’ve just had word from Canon Steven Saxby & the manager of the Pavilion Banqueting Suite, that the event ‘Does Islam clash with British values?’, a debate organised by the Islamic Education and Research Academy is now cancelled. This was because Ex-leader of the EDL, Tommy Robinson, and Paul Golding, of Britain First, a splinter group from the BNP, had been invited -giving a platform to fascists who preach hatred and division will not help resolve Islamophobia or ‘British identity’ Bringing fascists into Walthamstow threatens residents and denigrates our multi-cultural values. Too many sisters & brothers face Islamophobia.
We are pleased that this event has been cancelled, locally. Thank you to Mr Z from the Pavilion, and everyone else involved, eg many UAF members locally, in making this correct decision.
Mr Z wanted to make it clear that he did not know that fascists were speaking at his venue and that he has respected the wishes of the community of Walthamstow by cancelling the event. UAF will monitor any such future debate, closely.
“denigrates our multi-cultural values.
Too many sisters & brothers face Islamophobia”
Yet again, better not to discuss that, and expose that “crock” eh!
Islam and its useful idiots strike again
Hard to distinguish where Islamic Fascism starts and UAF ends in Waltham Forest eh!
… no platform for UAF gutter thugs
Last nights This Week, both David Lammy and the Rev (can’t remember her name) both favoured more people into this already over populated, over stretched and over stressed country, given their positions their stupidity and lack of critical thinking astounds me. But should we be surprised? They themselves are both immigrant/1st generation immigrant.
Lammy is hardly cutting edge as far as intelligence goes, who can recall his Mastermind performance – PASS!
David Lammie was appointed as Education and Culture Minister under Bliar and Brown, well, we all know why, don’t we ? it wasn’t for his intellect that’s for sure.
This place is being trolled anonymously. Posts are being made using the names of regs here. I have already been attacked by a troll here today and a disgusting post was made using my name. I have reported the incident.
If anyone has any idea how we can eradicate these scum from the forums it would be appreciated, but until then be vigilant for troll-posts being made using your forum ID.
It may be necessary to look at Disqus, though I can’t say that prospect fills me with enthusiasm. I find it doesn’t work too well with Android – there’s usually a message saying Disqus is taking longer than usual – but it may be a price that needs to be paid as the trolling is getting out of hand.
Well how was your “BBC’s Hottest day of the year so far” contest? Me? Well out here on Dartmoor, it got to 15.5 degrees at Lunchtime but has slipped back to 13.8 degrees and has rained steadily since 13.45. We had been forecast thunderstorms this afternoon but looking at my lightning map, so far nowt and nothing of the Armageddon forecast for the rest of the U.K.
I guess, they got their guesses, sorry modelling, wrong, again.
“BBC Scotland staff consider industrial action in dispute over bullying claims”.
How Ironic. The BBC have been bullying my in-laws for years with threats of court action for not paying their Licence Fee. The reason they don’t have a licence fee is because they don’t have a TV. This small detail, however, does not deter the BBC from sending around 10 threatening letters each and every year.
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Party atmosphere on R5 just now — Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is away but Leila Nathoo…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:23 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Now Richard Holden MP tells Guido: “It’s quite clear Labour are embarrassed to say why they won’t back banning first…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage is terrified that if he seems too “right wing”, then left wing people won’t vote for him. But they…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I venture to suggest that the lads who fought for Britain in WWI and WWII would be appalled at what…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img]
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Britain is the only country which would have fewer illegal immigrants if we did not have a border force. They…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Building fake vehicles is a time-honored practice dating back to World War II, when the Allies built an entire fake…
The BBC were suspiciously slow to announce that actor Christopher Lee has died – it has just gone up 15 minutes ago or so, despite it being announced 2 hours ago.
Looking at Wikipedia gives a clue as to the reason perhaps: “Lee was a supporter of the British Conservative Party”
In other words the BBC journalists were loathed to put up the story straight away, and had to get permission from people up the tree, in case mention of his name might “offend someone”.
RIP Christopher Lee, a great actor. And he served in the war as well.
Oh yes youve guessed it and in doing so condemned the BBC to the devil himself. This one has a high IQ does this one. Anyways Ive brought him over but apparently he only does nights.
BBC Trust chairman Rona Fairhead attends Bilderberg 2015.
“Critics call it a sinister conspiracy, reinforcing without accountability the dominance of a transatlantic capitalist cabal. Those involved say it’s merely an informal way to understand better the way the world works and to share their expertise to improve it.”
The BBC are there to ‘understand the world’ and ‘share their expertise to improve it’? No wonder the world’s in the ****.
I suspect Mr. Benjamin knows his chances of anything beyond a BBlowoff, but it was worth asking just to see how far the trust and transparency so often claimed actually extends.
Thanks Guest, that’s an excellent FOI request from Mr Benjamin. Definitely worth asking the question but you’re more than probably right about the likely response.
Chat shows were worth watching back then when the guests weren’t PC or working from a script. Could you imagine this man appearing on the Graham Norton or Claire Balding chat shows today?
What the BBC hasn’t told you about the Dixon Kings Academy.
THE KINGS Science Academy is to join another academy chain in Bradford, it emerged tonight.
The scandal-hit free school will become part of the Dixons group at the beginning of next year.
Governors at Kings had asked the Department for Education (DfE) to find a new sponsor following the dismissal of its original principal and founder Sajid Raza. The school has been at the centre of a financial scandal for almost a year after it emerged that a DfE audit investigation alleged that the school had submitted fabricated invoices to claim public money in 2011.
The matter was only passed to West Yorkshire Police for investigation after the matter had been leaked. The DfE had reported it in April last year with a call to Action Fraud – a financial crime call centre – but the matter was wrongly recorded as only being an information report.
Mr Raza has been arrested and bailed twice earlier this year and The Yorkshire Post can reveal that he was released on bail again earlier today pending further enquiries.
The school have previously said that Mr Raza’s dismissal following a disciplinary investigation was not linked to the police investigation.
Just another story in the everyday saga of corrupt Pakistanis caught with their fingers in the till. Yet none of this is mentioned in the BBC reports at all, something they would probably justify by claiming it is not directly relevant to the story, but which could be absolutely intrinsic to the story if the head had been white Christian, or God forbid someone like Ray Honeyford.
All the little children – where have they all come from ?
The BBC hints at the answer as it rejoices in the rise in ‘Minority ethnic’ children, but somehow fails to mention immigration by name even once. Newham, where 94% of pupils are BAME (for want of a better word…) must be wonderful. The capital is lost already .
BBC in full blame whitey mode over the idiots who posed naked at the top of a mountain.
Not their fault, nor their mindless stupidity either. They have been thoroughly propagandised by both the BBC and the Government, that Islam is a peaceful and tolerant religion, which it obviously is not.
So today it’s out with ever hand wringer and Fascist to do what the Fascists always do, trying to find comparisons in the Christian religion. The looney Leftie they found actually managed to say that the British people would be outraged and find it wholly unacceptable if someone came to this country and burned the flag or defaced a war memorial ! Well Duh ! They have, on quite a few occasions, and every time someone has become outraged the Fascists have been first in line to call them every meaningless bully word in the bag.
Unless of course she was using a double bluff !
LOL Nah !
Of course Borneo is where those 2 British medical students were murdered in the street a few months ago. I don’t recall the BBC being up in arms about that.
“I don’t know the difference between Borneo and Malaysia”
Part of it is the same.
Someone posted in my name – sayi ng I don’t know the difference between Borneo and Malaysia. It happens I do know – I have toured Malasia, which includes Sabah and Sarawak provinces on the island of Borneo – an island where the northern part is in Malaysia but the larger southern part is in Indonesia. Sabah and Sarawak are great places to visit – Mt KInabalu, world-class diving and scuba, long long rivers with head-hunter longhouses, crocs, orang-utans, good beaches and food, a mix of Malay (Muslim) and Chinese population.
‘Someone posted in my name’
But one of many, if the most serious failings of a registration/modding system now being ruthlessly exploited by a lot of folk so sad at others exchanging views freely, they simply have to devote as much time as they can to messing it all up.
As Pounce says, without intervention they are going to prevail.
These ten eejits in Malaysia are now finding out that not ALL countries sneer and offend religious sensibilities, as they`ve been brought up to do at Magaluf Academies all around this land.
Maybe-just maybe-we`re doing our kids no favours by having them yelled at by Dawkins and Brand…and the likes.
I myself would make them all pass an RE exam before they go waving their tackle and hooch around in foreign climes…and I bet these muppets would NOT have stripped naked at Mecca.
And-need I say this-they`d NEVER have dared to raise a sunburnt boob at Anfield or Wemberlee…for these are the true new temples for this fucked-up amoral generation of airhead pixies and pigmies.
All with degrees and GCSEs stuffing their budgie smugglers and 30 AA cups-after fifteen years of compulsory ejukayshun too!
Hope they get a few months community payback, then get sent home to visit a church or something like that.
Thick kids-not all their fault-blame Campbell and Prescott-neither of whom do God, but one of them does Temples!
I dunno Chris, I’ve seen some right tits at Anfield over the years, one or two still there 🙁
If you want to blame any group for the arrest of the people in Malayasia blame the whole liberal leftie ‘anything goes’ establishment. In the West all now have a god ? Given right to let it all hang out and to hell with the concerns and beliefs of others, especially if they are B & B owners, bakery runners or Christians in general. Other cultures are not so forthcoming in their openness. The bbc has as usual a role in this, bigging up the changers, the barricade builders, the transgender/pink/ wimmins right marchers. This is what the kids absorb daily, they are brought up to believe they have a right of entitlement wherever they are. Unfortunately they are finding out this does not apply everywhere.
Not much from the BBC on today’s election in Tower Hamlets to replace the mayor who has had allegations made against him. Mirror reports that over 2000 postal votes have been disqualified.
The left are still complaining that democracy has been assaulted by the Islamophobic Tories.
bBC One Show has an item on the opposition to the building of a massive industrial chicken farm on green land in Herefordshire.
We’re told that national demand for chicken has ‘gone through the roof’ but not once is the question asked why this might be, or why we’re giving up more of our valuable arable land for such. All the report (presented in a way suitable for CBeebies) was worried about was the bloody smell it might create…
How’s the demand for pig meet going ? Very nutritious, easy to look after, any increase in pig demand ?
Good point, would be interesting to compare.
An increase in Swan consumption as well apparently 😉
The BBC wasn’t getting the results it wanted with the HYS, which was almost entirely critical of the BBC for a blatant overreaction as well as misrepresentation of a story – and its reaction – in order to further its agenda, all while dragging a good scientist’s name through the mud while not giving anywhere near the same level of scrutiny (sometimes even ignoring altogether) to the many, many cases of women, ethnic minorities and so on saying far worse things about men, gays, white people, and other minorities – instead choosing to continually portray a ludicrous, childish and wholly prejudiced image of white men being the societal bogeyman, something which thankfully the majority of commenters saw through. So it’s now removed the story from the front page and replaced it with a totally biased viewpoint on the subject from one of their many on-call feminists/professional victims who the BBC still think represent the way all women feel, even when there were many female commenters taking them to task in the original story.
The BBC cannot be allowed to continually give disproportionate credence and coverage to matters like this while ignoring far worse behaviour (such as my example of the disgustingly vile little racist sexist bigot working as a ‘diversity’ officer at Goldsmiths) all because they think “equality” means white men are treated worse than everyone else. Every excuse they and other liberals/feminists use to justify their blatant prejudices are tired, untrue, and usually simply prove their sexism and racism. Time to send some complaints their way I believe, not that it will make any difference. Perhaps the petition for scrapping the license fee will, though. 😉
“The Age of Guilt is over. We will not apologize for our achievements. Our history cannot be used as a weapon against us. We are in debt to no-one. Our glorious past is a matter of pride and joy to us. Whatever we have done in the past inspires us today for even greater deeds tomorrow. Those who feel that we have wronged them, should be happy they are still alive.”
Kai Murros.
What a total mess the EU has got itself into with this unlimited supply of Libyan boat people. A million on the shores of Libya now and they say another million ready to move across the Sahara.
The likes of Italy Greece, Malta, France, Sweden, Germany and many others are now being overwhelmed with this mass exodus via Libya. The EU Commission are asking member states to take many tens of thousands of immigrants each to disperse the problem, (UK has an opt out).
When I personally drill right down into my emotions, I conclude that I must not be tempted to blame the migrant or refugee whatsoever, which I have noticed is becoming a common practice nowadays in media blogs throughout Europe. What I say is but for the grace of God go I!
Had I the misfortune to live in some failed state in Africa, or facing war in Syria, Iraq or Afghanistan and seeing an escape route to Northern Europe, I would surely do exactly the same as those Libyan boat people to improve my kith and kin life chances.
In my view, the blame is definitely being laid in the wrong place if we take that easy route criticising the migrants’.
The EU is solely to blame for this mass migration by sending out the wrong signals on ease of EU entry and not having a common sense immigration and asylum policy. The EU should be using its Foreign Aid budget to finding a solution in the home countries of the migrants or speedy repatriation of the economic migrants as a first step.
Maybe the EU could negotiate with some African country to be a refugee, asylum staging post, where Libyan boat people for example could be transported utilising the EU Foreign Aid budget to pay for the camps and compensate the accepting African Nation.
Whatever happens, no doubt electoral pressures by the migrant recipient states will be making their votes count in next round of EU elections for sure, just like we haves done through the ballot box with UKIP. For sure Eastern Europeans for example would certainly not be capable, or ideologically approve, of such mass migration of coloured people since they are plagued with prejudice. I actually saw it with my own eyes many times having lived in Poland many years and traveled in most other Eastern European countries.
There is of course a big obstacle to any common sense solutions being implemented by the unelected EU Commission and autocrats. Ideologically they see absolutely no problem to mass import of immigrants! Of course it is universally the case that
How about we take the same quota as Saudi Arabia?
It might well be the “Hottest” day of the year at Heathrow Airport when one of their measuring stations gets a 747 running up in their test bays. For the rest of the country, yeah right. Funny how they are not saying “coldest” june night for 60 years isn’t it?
See below where this should be.
Not yet 8.30am and I see the overnight expert political commentator that is Dave Douglass – bit of a poncy southern affectation, that double ‘ss’ don’t you think Dave? – whose valued and balanced contribution to the character assassination of Churchill a couple of weeks ago added such gravitas, is now a high profile commentator on the Orgreave situation. I wonder how many times he’ll be invited to comment as the day drags on…..
At least the Today prog described him as a left-wing firebrand. They did not have the decency to do that in the Churchill hatchet job.
“There’s bound to be some sad story behind it”
Quintessential liberal news media treatment, yesterday, from Channel 4, of the teacher stabbing in Birmingham.
Jon Snow (didn’t Harry Hill once quip: ‘Jon’s No-News’?) goes into conclave with an NUT official and the local Labour MP. Hardly a committee designed to bravely speak truth to vested interest, you might think. And you would be right. The desired effect of the discussion seemed to be this: to take great care to give no detail or insight at all. Whatsoever. These were three public service firemen you see. Their job was to spray soft mushy suffocating liberal foam over the area affected and damp it down. They call it ‘community cohesion’ in the trade. How different when a police officer oversteps the mark whilst protecting lives. Including his own.
Meanwhile in a quiet public park in Islington another promising and much loved local youth is stabbed to death in yet another case of mistaken gang identity. Give these chaps some glasses! Police are keeping an open mind.
Knife crime anyone?
Wonder if the BBC will cover this bizarre race baiting individual.
White, pretending to be black and slagging off white people while teaching ‘Africana’ Studies.
BBc Breakfast charity of the day
As mentioned earlier it’s going to be the hottest day of the year (for some people).
Weather woman doing the weather in the company of penguins.
Watching both QT last night, followed by This Week, I was yet again amazed at the sheer level of misdirection and obfuscation on the BBC whenever it comes to discussing the thorny issue of those North African ‘boat people’.
Nobody, once, in either programme, as far as I can recall, ever suggested these ‘poor people’ were anything other than completely deserving of a home (with benefits) in the European destination of their choice (aka: The UK).
Nobody ever once suggested these ‘poor people’ might actually be… *whisper it* …illegal immigrants, economic migrants just trying to sneak their way into a better life.
The BBC doesn’t seem to be aware of the concept of ‘illegal immigration’. It has all but eliminated the words from its vocabulary, as if the status has never existed (and never will do so again). To the BBC, all are ‘migrants’ and, according to its own borderless narratives, they are only migrants because they are ‘fleeing war or terror’ in their own countries. Ergo, says, the BBC, they are actually all ‘asylum seekers’.
Meanwhile, ships flying the flags of various EU nations continue their ‘search and rescue’ operations across the Med (think of it more as a Park & Ride scheme – the ‘migrants’ park their boats some way off the coast of some North African sh*thole, just far enough into international waters, make a quick phone call and then wait for their EU ride to show up), further swelling the numbers of thousands of illegal immigrants already dumped into Italy and Greece – but of whom most are actually destined for France, Germany and, of course, the UK.
The BBC are a total disgrace in this matter. Their ‘reporting’ on the ‘boat people’ is nothing less than pro-immigration political activism.
End the license fee now.
That’s a pretty revolting thing to say.
Surely one can discuss the inevitable results of:
(a) overpopulation within finite resources
(b) an inability to live in peace with any different opinions
( c) signalling to these unfortunates that they’ll probably get in here if they try
(d) ignoring the consequences of bringing the problem over here
without wishing the fate upon them?
Agree, although it could be argued that the total number of deaths would be less if Europe hadn’t accepted responsibility for rescuing them in the first place.
Undoubtedly. And the number of deaths would probably have been less if we hadn’t gone wading into Libya. Or, indeed, Iraq.
But the left doesn’t seem to mind about that, as long as they look caring. And to hang with the real-life consequences.
Just to be clear: that second comment below mine using my name was posted by a troll, not by me. I would never say such a thing and I’m disappointed to see that trolls can operate here with impunity. I have reported that post.
This place is becoming unruly. Where the hell are the Mods?
I guess it is at least flattering to be the target.. However, if you have to check the whole damn site every time you make a post that is not ‘sustainable’.
I only post here very occasionally, but enjoy reading the comments (mostly). I have noticed some very puzzling inconsistencies which this would explain. Yes, mods, you need to enforce the two-factor security at least – Name and Email, surely.
‘enforce the two-factor security at least – Name and Email, surely.’
Wot ‘e said.
I can, and never have understood how with the need for a name and email to register such hijacking was even possible.
Or, frankly, the inability to police abuse with modding or in dire cases banning…. as the BBC seems to do (only not always with abuse) with ruthless ease.
It’s not like the system can be messed up much more than currently by denial of service clogging or comment removal messing up the thread sequence.
BBC 5Live 10am is going to have an extended piece on the reality of erm … “climate change”
(don t they ever realise how abjectly stupid they sound using that term),
A few glassy eyed, “church of” will be given copious amounts of airtime no doubt
… “even Saudi Arabia now has to accept the reality”, bleats our Beebot advertising for the show.
… lawd save us!
My posts are going on here completely out of order.
Yep – I’ve already been the victim of an anonymous troll posting disgusting comments here today in my name. It’s unacceptable.
Yet, another for the BBC to ignore
“MI5 apparently refers to them as “Britons.” The Telegraph certainly does.
Neither one shows any indication of realizing that none — absolutely none — of these Islamic jihadis has anything but contempt for Britain, and none — absolutely none — of them think of themselves as “Britons.” British authorities should be asking themselves why,?
After all their pandering, all their accommodation, all their demonization of opponents of jihad terror
… they have more jihad terror than ever.
But that is the one question they will not and dare not ask.
R Spencer
not one for erm … “sermons on the mount” sorry folks
… looks like there s a new name-dropper on the site
BBC obsessed with IPCC decision on so-called ‘battle of Orgreave’ this morning.
Those who were around at the time will remember how little support the miners had outside their own backward, ‘tightly knit’ communities. The history section of the NUM’s own website accepts that more mines closed under Wilson, but little violent protest then. The timing of the demands for a public enquiry now is typical.
SKY only a little better. Clown with bright red tie and lapel covered in childish lefty badges was a real blast from the past. Needed Norman Tebbit, who seems to get by without wearing badges, to introduce a little reality.
This mornings Act of Worship Radio Four, as commisioned by Radio Fours Muslim head of Religious broadcasting, a paeon to illegal immigration!
The lying hand wringing Canon Chris Chivers claiming to be apolitical delivered a sentimenatl idealised picture of well meaning desperados in a shameless plea for understanding designed to induce guilt, capped off with the story of the Good Samaritan.
If I remember some of the biblical stories of wandering tribes I do not seem to recall that they were generally welcomed with open arms, rather there tended to be a little fisticuffs involved as to who would be grazing that particular area in future.
E.g. when led out of Egypt I do not think the land they settled on was “unoccupied”.
If I am wrong I’m sure someone will be better versed than me (no pun intended).
Why is my latest comment halfway up the page surrounded by comments dated June 10?
Will the BBC report this fully ?
As high as 40% across London !
And those in London who are said to be able to read have problems. I love watching Londoners struggling to read the Metro and Evening Standard, struggling to understand the words underneath the pictures of London Celebs. The highest educated of all may just understand the virtues of multiculturalism churned out in these free newspapers. And because they are free there is no need to produce anything but rubbish.
This site is becoming unusable. New Thread please before it dies or grinds to a halt.
Almost the weekend, wait ’til the Borg box gets rifled to add to usual denial of service drive-bys.
The retarded trolls don’t help.
BBC World News
Tony Abbott defends the use of “incredibly creative” approaches to stopping asylum boats from reaching Australia.
‘Defends’ in BBC hands always worth checking for narrative. Sadly for the BBC most FaceBookers, especially from Oz, on this thread not really getting into line.
But the link was worth clicking:
Woo-hoo, and we have an upgrade to ‘dodges allegations’ and ‘refuses to deny….reports’.
Now, which ever-impartial BBC professional can be found at the root of such… ‘reports’?
‘Analysis: Jon Donnison, BBC News, Sydney’
The BBC censorship of discussion about Islam is backed by Cameron’s friends – the street thugs of the UAF who have succeeded in banning another meeting. It all adds to the creeping fascism of the left. They will monitor events closely.
From the UAF FB page.
Unite Against Fascism
15 hrs ·
Via Walthamstow UAF – Tomorrow’s Protest is Cancelled,
No platform for fascists!
We’ve just had word from Canon Steven Saxby & the manager of the Pavilion Banqueting Suite, that the event ‘Does Islam clash with British values?’, a debate organised by the Islamic Education and Research Academy is now cancelled. This was because Ex-leader of the EDL, Tommy Robinson, and Paul Golding, of Britain First, a splinter group from the BNP, had been invited -giving a platform to fascists who preach hatred and division will not help resolve Islamophobia or ‘British identity’ Bringing fascists into Walthamstow threatens residents and denigrates our multi-cultural values. Too many sisters & brothers face Islamophobia.
We are pleased that this event has been cancelled, locally. Thank you to Mr Z from the Pavilion, and everyone else involved, eg many UAF members locally, in making this correct decision.
Mr Z wanted to make it clear that he did not know that fascists were speaking at his venue and that he has respected the wishes of the community of Walthamstow by cancelling the event. UAF will monitor any such future debate, closely.
“denigrates our multi-cultural values.
Too many sisters & brothers face Islamophobia”
Yet again, better not to discuss that, and expose that “crock” eh!
Islam and its useful idiots strike again
Hard to distinguish where Islamic Fascism starts and UAF ends in Waltham Forest eh!
… no platform for UAF gutter thugs
Maybe the doors have jammed shut on the morning meeting in Frankie Howerd?
Last nights This Week, both David Lammy and the Rev (can’t remember her name) both favoured more people into this already over populated, over stretched and over stressed country, given their positions their stupidity and lack of critical thinking astounds me. But should we be surprised? They themselves are both immigrant/1st generation immigrant.
Lammy is hardly cutting edge as far as intelligence goes, who can recall his Mastermind performance – PASS!
David Lammie was appointed as Education and Culture Minister under Bliar and Brown, well, we all know why, don’t we ? it wasn’t for his intellect that’s for sure.
This place is being trolled anonymously. Posts are being made using the names of regs here. I have already been attacked by a troll here today and a disgusting post was made using my name. I have reported the incident.
If anyone has any idea how we can eradicate these scum from the forums it would be appreciated, but until then be vigilant for troll-posts being made using your forum ID.
Having an avatar makes it a little harder though not impossible. I notice that your troll didn’t have one.
It may be necessary to look at Disqus, though I can’t say that prospect fills me with enthusiasm. I find it doesn’t work too well with Android – there’s usually a message saying Disqus is taking longer than usual – but it may be a price that needs to be paid as the trolling is getting out of hand.
I’ll say it again – mods must use two-factor verification, name and e-mail.
Some of this stuff appears mechanical – scan/scrape/submit.
Delingpole on Harrabin:
Get these fakes off quick!
Well how was your “BBC’s Hottest day of the year so far” contest? Me? Well out here on Dartmoor, it got to 15.5 degrees at Lunchtime but has slipped back to 13.8 degrees and has rained steadily since 13.45. We had been forecast thunderstorms this afternoon but looking at my lightning map, so far nowt and nothing of the Armageddon forecast for the rest of the U.K.
I guess, they got their guesses, sorry modelling, wrong, again.
test – changed email address.
I upvoted you.(thumb)
Strange, I was able to post using a defunct email address but the post appeared further up the thread.
And now this post has appeared under the one posted as a test using the old email address.
“BBC Scotland staff consider industrial action in dispute over bullying claims”.
How Ironic. The BBC have been bullying my in-laws for years with threats of court action for not paying their Licence Fee. The reason they don’t have a licence fee is because they don’t have a TV. This small detail, however, does not deter the BBC from sending around 10 threatening letters each and every year.