David Dimbleby hosts tonight as every night, from Gateshead, with Conservative Cabinet Office Minister Matthew Hancock MP, UKIP MP Douglas Carswell, Daily Telegraph columnist Cristina Odone, Shadow Culture Secretary Chris Bryant MP and some other person from a party which is an irrelevance in England
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Carswell #1 – On Freedom
Freedom, Liberty.
Essential ingredients
For prosperity.
Carswell #2 – Roberta Flack Says Speak Softly
Killing me softly
With his words, Douglas Carswell,
Telling our whole lives.
Carswell #3 – Jaw-Jaw
Douglas Carswell’s Jaw,
Masticating Red Herrings,
Magic mandible.
Carswell #4 – Argument
Convince with reason,
Patience, logic and rationale,
To achieve your ends.
Carswell #5 – Speaker
Simple sage sermons,
Sassy sharp Stoicism,
Sterling, stout standards.
Perhaps the Tory pressure on the BBC is having an effect. Discounting Dimbleby, this will be one of the very rare QT’s where there is more of right of center panel than left.
No doubt the BBC will ensure there are enough left wingers in the audience to diminish the effect as much as possible.
It’s that famous BBC balance at work.
Shame about the other 51 weeks of the year.
After watching it I’ve revised my opinion of Odone, and Hancock the Tory is aptly named.
4 to 1 – the usual BBC ‘balance’.
closer to the edge on itv4 why torture yourself with qt
Bloody hell, this is frightening, some of those crashes are horrendous, they are crazy!!
Seems that tonight’s audience has been expressly selected to only applaud Chris (look at me in my pants) Bryant. Nobody else on panel getting applause.
No chat tonight? Just got in as some genius has decided to shut the road between Wrexham & Chester. SNP woman is f***ing scary.
She is the new darling of the bbc, she appeared on sneering nicky campbells CBBC show on Sunday mornings, the ‘BIG’ Questions…possibly the most puerile programme on TV.
She loves the sound of her own voice, she spouts cliches for fun, she doesn’t like to be interrupted yet is happy to interrupt others..she makes sturgeon look like a cuddly toy. Absolute horrible c***.
And she wants 16 and 17 year olds to get a vote on the EU referendum. I bet she would go as low as 7 year olds if that option was possible.
well that is 7 years after she was allowed to get married
and yeah she is an orrible gobshite
Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh and Chris Bryant are having an argument with each other even though they both agree with each other!
That takes nothing less than the village idiot approach to debating.
@Dave666 – A mad harpie for sure.
Lammy’s on This Week. Might be a laugh.
2 black people telling us we have to take in more immigrants. Just saying.
How about a human rights representative – who doesn’t have to live with the consequences of mass immigration – demanding more compassion and support from European nations towards immigrants.
Irony and ignorance come to mind.
shocker portillo talks sense
THIS WEEK Andrew Neil – EU Libyan Boat Crisis
Lammy and that Black Lady Reverend being interviewed by Andrew – – they certainly full of right platitudes but absolutely not one solutions between them other than let them all in, but will not give numbers to how many we should take! Pathetic and typical Labour type replies that mean absolutely nothing.
What a total mess the EU has got itself into with this unlimited supply of Libyan boat people. Half a million on the shores of Libya now and they say another million ready to move across the Sahara.
The likes of Italy Greece, Malta, France, Sweden, Germany and many others are now being overwhelmed with this mass exodus via Libya. The EU Commission are asking member states to take many tens of thousands of immigrants each to disperse the problem, (UK has an opt out).
When I personally drill right down into my emotions, I conclude that I must not be tempted to blame the migrant or refugee whatsoever, which I have noticed is becoming a common practice nowadays in media blogs throughout Europe. What I say is but for the grace of God go I!
Had I the misfortune to live in some failed state in Africa, or facing war in Syria, Iraq or Afghanistan and seeing an escape route to Northern Europe, I would surely do exactly the same as those Libyan boat people to improve my kith and kin life chances.
In my view, the blame is definitely being laid in the wrong place if we take that easy route criticising the migrants’.
The EU is solely to blame for this mass migration by sending out the wrong signals on ease of EU entry and not having a common sense immigration and asylum policy. The EU should be using its Foreign Aid budget to finding a solution in the home countries of the migrants or speedy repatriation of the economic migrants as a first step.
Maybe the EU could negotiate with some African country to be a refugee, asylum staging post, where Libyan boat people for example could be transported utilising the EU Foreign Aid budget to pay for the camps and compensate the accepting African Nation.
Whatever happens, no doubt electoral pressures by the migrant recipient states will be making their votes count in next round of EU elections for sure, just like we haves done through the ballot box with UKIP. For sure Eastern Europeans for example would certainly not be capable, or ideologically approve, of such mass migration of coloured people since they are plagued with prejudice. I actually saw it with my own eyes many times having lived in Poland many years and traveled in most other Eastern European countries.
There is of course a big obstacle to any common sense solutions being implemented by the unelected EU Commission and autocrats. Ideologically they see absolutely no problem to mass import of immigrants!
The big obstacle to any common sense solutions being implemented by the EU, is a general lack of common sense. You have some very good ideas there. Sensible ideas. But we will never see any of them put into practice, partly because of left wing ideals, and partly because those placed in positions of authority must first undergo an operation to remove all traces of common sense.
After reading about the kids in Malaysia stripping off and urinating on the ‘holy’ mountain causing an earthquake, why on earth did we bother with military invasions of Iraq & Afghanistan when all that was needed to to piss on their ‘holy’ sites and these countries would be destroyed by natural causes?
i am sorry to say this because i voted for ukip,douglas carswell is coming across as a limp wristed liberal every time he opens his mouth just lately on question time,he seems out of place with ukip,cant see him lasting much longer as a ukipkipper,could always join the liberals and be there new leader if he jumps ship again.
Yes he is quite normal with a grasp of reality. Completely unsuited to ukip.
Chat Log:
ChatBot: Woohoo ! Logiebored has joined the chat!
Logiebored: Evening
ChatBot: Woohoo ! Mustapha has joined the chat!
ChatBot: Woohoo ! Mustapha has joined the chat!
Mustapha: “!Buenas tardes hombres!”
Logiebored: 'UKIP's SINGLE MP in parliament' . So says Dimbleby. Don't recall him using the 'single' term for the umpteen times Lucas has been on QT.
Mustapha: “Yes indeed the Greens didn't deserve Lucas as an MP given that the BNP got > 500
ChatBot: Woohoo ! The Lord has joined the chat!
The Lord: “Odd sort of setting this week don't you think?”
ChatBot: Woohoo ! Julio has joined the chat!
Julio: hello
Julio: good point logie
Mustapha: Greetings Julio.
Julio: Greetings Mustapha
The Lord: good point from that woman.
Julio: good point from underpants man
Mustapha: Accountability …
Julio: no way
The Lord: “Over 50s only I reckon.”
Julio: no way
The Lord: And you should take a test to see if you're sane as well.
Julio: who?
The Lord: voters
Julio: Labour would love that
The Lord: “Did you think I meant you lol.”
Mustapha: Can't agree that 16 and 17 y. o. s should get the vote – too young.
Julio: anyone who disliked immigration would be marked out as crazy and disallowed from voting
Julio: I just wanted clarification 🙂
Julio: “what percentage of 16/17 year olds are working and what proportion of taxes do their pay?”
The Lord: “Well some people vote and they know nothing. (13 years of Labour backs that up)”
Julio: true
ChatBot: Woohoo ! Teddy Bear has joined the chat!
Teddy Bear: Evening all 🙂
Mustapha: Ursus Major!
Julio: hello Mr Bear
Teddy Bear: Just revised my opinion of Odone – now I see why the BBC invited her
Teddy Bear: Hi Julio
Teddy Bear: Hi Mustapha
The Lord: Didn't take him long to bang on about sex.
Julio: he's an islamophobe for suggesting that porkies may have come from her mouth
Julio: oooer he's got experience
Teddy Bear: More sense from this student than most
The Lord: Good lad
Mustapha: Porkies … unfortunate with a Muslim (I think!)
Logiebored: Well said that boy. That's why the left want to give children the vote.
Teddy Bear: Absolutely logie
The Lord: “10 year olds ffs.”
Mustapha: Infantilize society … and you'll get fantasy politics.
Julio: why should the UK allow itself to be influenced by what the scotish parliament does or doesn't?
ChatBot: Woohoo ! Dave666 has joined the chat!
Dave666: Hello
Julio: hello Dave
Dave666: Just got in they shut the Wrexham Chester road so I've been halfway round the county
Julio: that's a bugger
Dave666: As I said on the blog that SNP "woman" is scary.
Julio: why is she even there?
Dave666: I don't know. Give the English a vote on Scotland
Julio: I think it's because QT is produced by BBC scotland
Julio: answering my own question
Dave666: Wow we'll lose jobs in Nissan. So Nissan will just ditch it's investment will they?
The Lord: “'I think people will lose their jobs'. No evidence just 'thinks' it.”
Mustapha: Is Odone British?
Julio: italian / us / british
Julio: “and pro UK membership of the EU of course”
Dave666: “Odone was born in Nairobi Kenya
Mustapha: Hancock's pathetic anti-UKIP slur shows how useless the Tories can be.
Logiebored: Hancock getting smears in early. Brownie points from Dave.
Julio: italian / us / british /kenyan then
Mustapha: “Kenyan like Obama ?”
Julio: lol
Teddy Bear: “I wrote in the blog that this would be one of the rare QT's where there was a majority right of center panelists excluding Dimbleby. However after listening to the Tory and Odone on Europe – I DON'T THINK SO – it's 4 to 1 against”
Mustapha: “Your error is to assume that Tories are on the political Right dear boy!”
Julio: subtitle?
Julio: s
Dave666: I don't care. No they should have a vote
Dave666: Sorry Should not
Julio: “yes we can most people are against immigration anyway”
Teddy Bear: phew dave – you scared me for a moment 😉
Julio: I've only heard one geordie voice so far
Dave666: LOL
Mustapha: “Had away to hell man yer divn't kna what yer tarkin aboot!”
Julio: lol
Julio: “wey aye howay the lids”
Dave666: I wish she would shut up.
Mustapha: "No-way" the Lads with Carver in charge of NUFC.
The Lord: She wants a bigger Scotland.
Dave666: The greater Scottish co prosperity sphere?
Julio: “but you're going ahead anyway with no democratic mandate whatsoever”
Julio: traitor scrote bag
Dave666: The Northern powerhouse doesn't that just mean the chosen few jumping on a highly paid gravy train
The Lord: All those quangos wont run themselves you know.
The Lord: “That'll go down well lol.”
Dave666: Hey here's a radical idea companies training their staff unlike the last 2 I worked for
Julio: good idea dave
Logiebored: They should upgrade the Stockton-Darlington railway. The Rocket is looking a bit tired.
Mustapha: Better outsource jobs to India as it's cheaper.
Julio: good question that young lady
Dave666: Yea but they are useless like our ongoinhg internet problem where they keep telling us it's the filter which I changed before we rang them they have limited grasp of what you are saying.
Julio: but the government are increasing the danger by allowing jihadists into the country …
Mustapha: “Enriching us you mean …”
Julio: “of course yes sorry Mustapha”
The Lord: “We've let thousands of terrorists in so now we'll clamp down on you.”
Julio: “the first duty of government is to keep people safe so we allow millions of paedos and terrorists into the country”
Dave666: She intends to look at it whoop whoop
Julio: what a turd
Julio: “if you're some stasiesque creep you've got nothing to worry about”
The Lord: When we get an Islamic government we'll all be in hot water.
Julio: islamophobe!
Julio: I meant the questioner
Mustapha: News of the World phone-hacking … and the Mirror ?!
The Lord: “Too right they scare me.”
Julio: yes the News of the World was closed down but the Mirror is still running
Logiebored: Surely you cannot call ISIS fascists on the B
Logiebored: BBC. Sorry
The Lord: how did you know her name?
Julio: the diversity police will be beating a path to her door
Dave666: Fundementally they have a 7th century belief system
Mustapha: " … the way it's supposed to be practised …" ha effing ha!
Dave666: Spend our money educating in my world . Don't understand islam yea right.
Julio: how are we going to build a new world? we don't have an empire any more
The Lord: He can shove his tolerance.
Dave666: Oooh Southampton I wonder if I'll recognise anyone?
Teddy Bear: Perhaps he can tell us what it is about Islam he thinks we should respect
Julio: is that your neck of the woods Dave?
Mustapha: Rispek maan!
The Lord: Kebabs?
Dave666: Well what I saw of that was down to the usual standard
Teddy Bear: I agree Dave
Dave666: “No but I lived there for a long time”
Mustapha: “Not the worst but an hour of my life I won't get back not very good.”
Dave666: No but I lived in the area for a long time
Teddy Bear: The young man was good though
The Lord: “Strangely subdued I thought.”
Julio: oh ok
Julio: “I'm off for an early night but feel free to stay and chat on”
Dave666: No but I lived in the area a long time
Teddy Bear: and Carswell has more common sense than the pthers
Teddy Bear: Have a good noght Julio and thanks
The Lord: Night all. 😉
Julio: “nn all see you next week”
Mustapha: Good night all!
Logiebored: Hancock. What a complete git. Carswell should have turned on him for the immigration crapola.
Teddy Bear: Night Everybody
Dave666: I'm going to see if there is a decent film on horror channel night all
Teddy Bear: Hancock – what's in a name
Teddy Bear: and Odd-One
Mustapha: Christina Ozone Layer.
Teddy Bear: she has scary hands
Logiebored: Goodnight all.