You may have heard that Mo Farah’s coach and training mate were outed by the BBC in an alleged ‘doping scandal’...
‘One of the world’s best known athletics coaches is at the centre of doping allegations, according to a BBC investigation.
Alberto Salazar has been accused of violating anti-doping rules, including claims he was involved in doping US record holder Galen Rupp, in 2002.
Rupp and GB Olympic gold medallist Mo Farah are part of Salazar’s US stable, the Nike Oregon Project.
However we can be reassured that despite his coach and stable mate being accused no suspicion falls on Mo……as the BBC repeatedly, endlessly, tells us…..
There is no suggestion Farah has broken any rules.
There is no suggestion that Farah himself has been involved in doping.
Undoubtedly Mo is entirely free of drug use but just how hard did the BBC look? Mo is the Left’s Muslim immigrant poster boy after all. Are the BBC avoiding asking awkward questions due to Mo’s special status? Not as if the BBC hasn’t turned a blind eye before….Rochdale and other towns spring to mind, never mind the ‘Trojan Horse’ scandal, and Lutfur Rahman whose activities the BBC did its best to downplay for years, and when he was booted out as Mayor of Tower Hamlets for fraud and electoral corruption the BBC hid the story on the England page….a major news story….nary a mention of the role racial and religious intimidation played in the fraud either.
The Sun newspaper recently did an article where it looked at the athletes that had joined the mentioned coach ( to include Mo Farah) and compared performances before and after joining the coaches camp. A remarkable improvement by all in any ones book. One can certainly say that the coach had that definite “something”.
What I find strange is that why would the BBC continue with a programme which could shine a light into a suspect world containing their brown eye’d boy Mo Farah? Doesn’t make sense to me.
Yes the BBC broke a story on Panorama that embarrassed Biased BBC bogeyman Mohammed ‘Mo’ Farah. But the BBC is still guilty. Nudge, nudge, hint, hint.
all i can say is mohammed farah is totally honest and innocent until prover guilty.for legal reasons i think i will leave it at,notice everytime a nervous sounding radio 5 live sport presenter does a report on this story, they always end by saying they are not suggesting in anyway mohammed farah has been involved in any skullduggery.ok.we will leave it at that.
yes mohammed pbuh farah is innocent until prover guilty.for legal reasons but hint hint eh?
Great post, Alan.
The BBC goes after Mo Farah’s coach in a big way yet the BBC is somehow defending Mo Farah cos e’s Muslim,and something to do with Lutfur Rahman?
If you say so.
What an absolute kick in the balls this would be for the bbc, their favourite Somalian/Cockney/muslim/2012 poster boy son just like many other drug taking athletes.
There’s not many who can legitimately take on the Kenyans at their own game and he wouldn’t be the only immigrant who has used nefarious means to get ahead in poverty stricken Britain…but we don’t talk about that on the bbc, do we?
You can only dream, Glen, and don’t worry about them libel lawyers. Wink, wink.
Which libel lawyers are they then say so? The ones you are currently emailing, I’m scared, very scared, I mean, who am I? How will the libel lawyers, or Uman roights lawyers as they are normally known, find me, or don’t the police have to get involved first…in other words, F*** off, the day a twat like you stops me from speaking my mind will the day I am enjoying the 72 virgins that our jihadi friends are supposed to have.. only they’ll be dining at Beelzebub’s table.
Remember Linford Christie. He was feted by the BBC even though his aggressive behavior was unpleasant to watch and to most, suggested drug usage. Mo’s behavior does not come across anything like that, but then we are talking about an entirely different form of abuse.
It would be good if someone who comes across as a nice genuine person was proved to be so.
I’m sure everytime Mo wins a race, he is grateful to allah for letting him live in a Christian country like Britain.
Back in 1988, Ben Johnson was a Canadian hero when he won the 100m Olympic gold.
Once he was proved a drug cheat, he became a no-good Jamaican immigrant.
@ if you say so,like i said,the bbc 5 lve sports reporters always repeat in no way do we suggest mohammed farah is involved in any wrong doing after they do a report on this story.go ask radio 5 live sports reporters what they mean hint hint eh ?
@stuart,do you think the bbc 5 live sports reporters are right to ‘always’ hint hint that eh?
and if you do,whats your problem with the bbc?
i have lots of problems with the bbc,mainly politacal bias,but that is not the debate here,mohammed farah is a innocent man whos rapid rise to fame must not be doubted but surprised many people and i am not suggesting just like radio 5 live sports reporters he have been involved in any wrong doing,case closed,for now.
As far as I’m concerned Mo Farrah is innocent. Until the day, if it comes, that he is found guilty I will be a Mo supporter, after all he represented the UK. Like Greg Rusedski, Alan Lamb and John Barnes – they represent my country so I will cheer for them but I will support a British-born competitor first (except the racist Andy Murray).
I have never watched Mo do his athletics as I find the activity boring But I have been fed up to the teeth with the BBC twittering on about him, usually at the end of a news report when they talk about sport. Perhaps he could become an astronaut and bugger off into space for a few years. Perhaps my irritation is bound up with recognition that the BBC never lets go of its political objectives regarding Islam and the wonders of effiniks.
Stupid post Alan.
Maybe so.
However, as an infrequent poster turning up at the weekend to offer no more than a one-liner, if raising the possibility of stupidity it might be better to have offered why.
A bit late now.
Yes. Imagine turning up and offering a succinct opinion.
We can dream.
Duffer by name ..
Not even the excuse that the parent’s chose it.
Your vote is needed here …………
Ah, there you go.
Thank you for explaining the legal niceties. Or is it nastities?
‘likely to already have Mo’s lawyers about to engage’
If this comes to pass, I must see how it compares with various examples of BBC staff innuendo, ‘satirist’ material and third party postings on Facebook threads which seems a few well placed disclaimers and FOI or complaints dismissals can all make go away.
Which given one is a private blog/forum and another a publicly-accountable does raise questions.
No excuses if breaches have been made; I simply wonder why one is not stupid and unaccountable (apparently) and another open to the full monty.
Apologies; I should not have contracted from ‘privately owned’, as well as free. I had thought that was clear. Clearly not.
As opposed to the BBC, which is funded by the public by compulsion. And in theory subject to rigourous oversight, but in fact all internal and/or FOI exempted. They do, after all, speak for the nation.
So now the semantic distinctions are clarified, any thoughts on why the latter seems immune (as Ian Hislop may say… ‘allegedly’) in the ways I question?
“Islamophobes and racists”
Here we go, insults again, accompanied by threats of legal action.
Remember Bahar Mustafa? Still in her job after calling for the extermination of all white males. Advocating genocide! She already had a previous conviction for racism. No legal action whatsoever.
This is the real problem, laws are created which disadvantage the autochthons, and are only applied to the autochthons. If a white male stated that all Muslim women should be killed they would be in prison ten minutes afterwards.
The BBC method of handling this disgraceful, and illegal, imbalance, is to use its “impartiality”, it backs the non-whites every fucking time.
Just like the rest of the useless public sector. Police too busy to investigate mass rapes in Rotherham due to “savage cuts”, cuts which do not prevent them from investigating peccadilloes by the Twitterati with an electron microscope.
When the mass rapes which the Rotherham Council staff had done SFA about for years, were the subject of a report, what was their reaction? Shred some records. No apologies, no resignations, no demotions, no suspensions.
The people being racially abused in the UK, and the rest of Western Europe, are the whites.
Chop’s been chopped.
Ah but the Rotherham police now have new training so that’s all right then. Now if a 13 year old girl comes to them beaten up and gang raped after being drugged, the police will think “Ello there might have been a crime committed ere! I know I’ll make a note in my book”
What can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.
Alan’s point here is that the BBC haven’t stated Mo took drugs, even though there’s no evidence he did, but its not mentioned because he’s a Muslim.
Is this any criticism of the BBC or is it just that Al has a problem with Muslims? Any Muslim it seems.
Here is a quote from memory, so it is partially inaccurate, but retains the intent of the original, from Whittaker Chambers.
“A communist, merely by being a communist, is committed to the destruction of the society in which he lives.”
I am a white male.
I have problems with Muslims. Any and all Muslims.
Their beliefs makes them my enemies.
“A communist, merely by being a communist, is committed to the destruction of the society in which he lives.”
The same applies to Muslims, but far more vigorously.
Anyway, the BBC is quite sure that all Muslims are moderate, and the community is shocked, shocked , I tell you, when moderate Muslims for no reason except going on ONLINE, suddenly get the idea that the Koran and Hadiths command death to all Kuffars.
I’m told though by reputable scholars of Islam – Imam Daud al Cameron, grand mufti Thoni al Blair, and grand ayatollah Hussain Obama, that Islam is the RoP.
The issue is that ‘Mo’ is a lot more closely -linked to juicers than Nigel Farage has ever been to any kind of extremism but the same broadcaster that spends its time trying to cobble together a Grand Unified Theory of UKIP Extremism thinks it’s outrageously outrageous to suggest there’s something weird about its poster boy training at Rocket Fuels R Us Academy.
Has someone been posting under my username or something?….I see a couple of replies to “me” but I have not posted here for a couple of weeks.
Just clearing my name!
(Admin should know, because the username will not tie to my email address)