The Daily Mail has an indepth look at the case of a white woman who pretended that she was black in America and has numerous photographs to show just how white the woman really is…….blond, blue eyed and whiter than white….
The BBC, which reduced the story to a BBC Trending ‘man bites dog’ story, comes up with this…
I met Rachel Dolezal – and never doubted her black roots
When I met Rachel Dolezal, I found it easy to accept her description of her ethnicity. Along with BBC correspondent Jonny Dymond, I talked to Dolezal in 2011 in a coffee shop in Spokane, Washington, while producing a BBC World Service documentary on a surge in extremist militia activity in America. She told us that she was of mixed racial heritage but that she primarily identified with her black ancestors. She matter-of-factly listed the abuse she says she received at the hands of racists, including threats, break-ins, and nooses being left at her workplace.
At no time during our hour-long interview, or during a number of phone and email conversations before and after, did Dolezal give any cause to doubt her heritage.
Note how the Beeboid gets in the ‘extremist militias’ and tales of racism before anything else. Distinct lack any real attempt to ‘out’ the woman as a fraud…..tending towards excusing her actions is the impression I get….perhaps because the BBC man is somewhat professionally embarrassed at being fooled by her…..quick to tell us that Jonny Dymond was there with him.
Whilst reporting that ‘Many African-American activists were outraged’ we then get this ‘Others compared Dolezal’s story with the discussion around transgender issues, especially the example of Caitlyn – formerly Bruce – Jenner. Soon the hashtag #transracial was trending. Some were using it for jokes and satire, but others were making serious points.’
Everything is relative in BBC World…no black and white you might say….when it suits of course.
Just have to wonder how many Beeboids think they are ‘Black’ and would love to ‘identify’ as such.
One more marker in the now accelerating collapse of Western civilisation. A small thing perhaps but indicitative of the liberal desire to create an alternative reality. it pervades our culture now and it will destroy it.
This is the result. White who is really black because the white feels black. Transracial? Beyond parody.
Have you heard of transabled?
There will always be abnormal people, but the last decade years has seen a lot of them “coming out”, as there ilness is viewd as norm and even encouraged.
Some idiot will soon be barking like a dog and calling himself transpeciesial.
Hmm, a self hating white, add to that the years of brainwashing, conditioning and programming
They Met (& Beeb, etc.) should now have no trouble satisfying their racial-diversity quotas.
All applicants can simply state they believe they’re ‘trans-racial’.
Should of course be “The Met …”
” Mud Shark ” is any white girl who, due to peculiarities in her psyche, dates only black men. There are two distinct types of mud sharks:
Type 1, Has low self esteem issues and finds effniks exotic and a novelty.
Type 2 Mud Sharks are good-looking girls (usually blonde) who are trying to make a statement by dating a black man. Usually type 2’s are trying to make daddy mad.This is a female that wants to crush her father’s hopes and dreams.
Of course the beeboids that met her were taken in. She was telling them what they were desperate to hear so it wasn’t necessary to check any of it. This is the kind of lazy, agenda driven, journalism you get when the pay packet is guaranteed to arrive regardless of how risible the standard of work is.
Time to break up this travesty of a once great broadcaster.
I’ll bet these guys would have beieved Elizabeth Warren was a Native American Princess
Surely this charlatan is simply an out and out racist…
After all, “blacking-up” in the Black and White Minstrel Show has now been deemed such….(I believe screened by the BBC).
As an aside, is it wrong to laugh at this woman’s embarrassment?
Or should one view it as a medical issue?
Like wimmin who want to be men, men who want to be wimmin the stranger the better for the bbc freaks. Normal counts for nothing.
A white woman wanting to be black is manna from heaven for the beeb..cue sneering nicky, peter allen, newsnight, one show, R4, gayham norton etc,etc, fighting to get her on their show.
There are bone fife reasons why a man may feel he is really a woman and vice versa, whether they are physiologically or mentally based reasons they are real ones. I’ve met a couple of people who have changed gender and they seemed sincere as opposed to perverted.
This however is different and is purely a mental or, more like, political issue. A deliberate and laughable attempt at deception that negates anything she has to say on the issues she campaigns on. She has done her cause more harm than good.
Either way live and let live. That’s the Right way …
Story of the week!
To hear Newsnight cogitating about the moralities and confusions-especially when lobbed in with Caitlyn Jenners self-diagnosis-was great fun.
Utter confusion-and anything said just meant whatever knitted tumbleweed and dream catching kids cradles meant to each of the “contributors”- an angry black woman from the UK and a kooky academic in racy stuff/studies from somewhere stateside.
Brillaint-James O Brien getting ticked off for bringing Jenner into the mix, as if it wasn`t all loopy enough for them all.
The best bit was hearing endless verbiage from the Race Hustling Prof that race, pigmentation,ethnicity yada yada were all social constructs and moveable feasts-so none of that Mark Duggan, Lee Jaspers stuff anymore eh? Trayvon Martin and Baltimore, no MauMau compo eh?
Not at all-dream on whitey-or whatever this fake Black and White Minstrel with a salary calls herself this month.
Say no more!
dont know what to make of this story, not so much she is a coconut, but sounds like she is a bit of a mars bar,black on the outside and white on the inside.very weird story indeed and as bad as that muslim mountain story where these backpackers in maylasia got accussed of causing an earthquake just because they got naked on that mountain that seemed to upset these muslim gods guarding it,what a strange world we are living in.very strange.
Your Mars Bars must be very different from mine.
Did you mean Choc Ice, by any chance?
Lots of Neapolitans around at the moment, mind you.
Caution: Don’t drink liquids while watching….
The self hating white.
This is the “Genderqueer Muslim Atheist’ who trolled the BBC with his Star Wars interview. Check his Twitter account for a good laugh –
Tweets by GodfreyElfwick
Comedy is the way forward-the Left/SNP etc have an absolutel humour bypass and HATE being laughed at.
Hence all those crap 6.30 “comedies” on Radio 4…they just don`t do funny any more!
Mark Thomas, Steel, Hardy and Toksvig etc?…one Manning or Morecambe dwarfs them all.
“Comedy is the way forward-the Left/SNP etc have an absolutel humour bypass and HATE being laughed at.”
Too true, I just tuned into the John Bishop show before the CH5 boxing show starts (nice to see some decent sport on one channel at least) I lasted about 2 minutes before some fat half Chinese ‘comedian’ started his session with some UKIP ‘comedy’, Instant turnover followed. Just embarrassing.
Don’t know about wrong skin – more like wrong f****** everything looking at that picture.
You’ve missed the joke, jtf. Are you a pc BBC Trending reporter?
I didn’t follow the link. Otherwise difficult to tell these days.
And – no, though I have been accused on here of being a writer for a ‘right-wing rag’, whch I guess is the polar opposite so……..stick around.
wow at that picture #mentallydisturbed
‘ Jonny Dymond ‘, what a pack of pretentious bellends they all are…
Ha..! What a twit. Playing the race card with a cloned race card… See what i did there..?
Good article on the transracial hero
Are we allowed to mention the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP)? The loony lefties made Benedict Cumberbatch apologise for using that term.
I think he was supposed to say niggas.
I’m going on the ‘sick’ Monday. There’s nothing wrong with me*, I just consider myself disabled.
This sad and utterly pathetic act of self-denial is just one consequence of the disgusting and calculated indoctrination agenda that the Left have inflicted on the populace in the west. This obsession with guilt over the perceived imperious actions of our forefathers (no worse than the actions any other ethnic group if you span the historical entirety of modern civilisation) has led to millions of young people hating who they are and where they come from. This is why I despise the Left; because they instil in innocent people this sense of worthlessness, wrongdoing and envy which soon turns to a seething anger as a result of the conflict between one’s natural instincts and the enforced compliance that has been imposed by Leftists.
The anger leftists often manifest is, in essence, the result of a psychological battle between their real selves and the feigned persona they’ve adopted.
I remember watching a programme (I think on the BBC) where a UK woman who organised her whole life around her African identity (in a way that if she was promoting white culture would be condemned as racist) was given a DNA test and flown to where her ancestors were thought to have lived in Africa.
When she got there she HATED the Africans (‘What is the point of you coming here if you are not going to give us money?’ was one of the responses she got I recall) but what was interesting was her conclusion.
The last shot was her was her crying alone in the ruins of building that once exported slaves. Now the rational thing to do was to be pleased that she was not born in that shithole, but instead she wallowed in the victimhood of blaming whites for taking her ancestors away from Africa.
In the same programme (it cannot have been the BBC it must have been Channel Four) a man discovered that his African ancestors were a tribe that made their money from the slave trade (as was common in Africa at that time) and he struggled to digest the information. It was as if in his black awareness courses he had never been told that Africans were involved in the slave trade.
Creating a false identity is the next logical step of victimhood. A Leftist is a miserable person. They trawl through history looking for excuses for their rage and sourness. If they want to change things for the better they should start with themselves. They prefer to blame everybody else.
I know how to pronounce MR (mister), MRS (mis’sis), MISS (mis) and even MS (miz), but how do you pronounce WTF?
WTF is pronounced double-u — tee — ef
Acronym for whatever you want it to mean…most commonly used is for What the Fuck?
1. But I thought the french fries were supposed to be crunchy and salty at McDonald’s…WTF?
2. WTF is sally doing with that dog?
3. What The Freak (polite form)
4. Waste Treatment Facility
5. Water Task Force
6. Way To Fail
7. Way to Fly
8. Weapons Tactics Force (gaming)
9. What If
10. What’s This For?
11. When The Freak (polite form)
12. Where the Freak (polite form)
13. Where’s the Fire?
14. Where’s the Food?
15. Where’s the Fridge?
16. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
17. Who the Freak? (polite form)
18. Why the Failure
19. Why The Freak (polite form)
20. Williamstown Theatre Festival
21. Wisconsin Test Facility
22. World Taekwon Do Federation
23. World Tennis Federation
24. World Trade Federation
25. Waiting Til Friday
26. Working Til Friday
27. Wild Turkey Friday
28. Whale turds floating
29. Wandering the Farm
30. Where’s the food?
31. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
32. Wombat Training Facility
Do you please please have a link for this?
Or remember the name of the prog?
I have found it!
It turns out it was on the BBC in 2003.
Time flies.
The various segments can be followed on You Tube.
Bookmarked for later delectation..
Thank you Sir,< .the mind of a sicko white leftist.
‘Others compared Dolezal’s story with the discussion around transgender issues…..’
Those ‘others’ need to start thinking mental ‘issues’ – their own.
Seems the BBC has sought refuge on the sidelines, asking wistful questions of itself and others…
BBC News
If some people change their gender, can others change their race?
US activist’s claim to be black sparks debate
Rachel Dolezal’s parents say she has been “pretending to be black” for years
Some have taken the bait, but this guy seems to have seen through it all.
Devon Turner i was born white but i have always identified with purple people eaters
The longer the BBC sticks with this, especially so seriously (as various factions try and figure out a line of least ism-danger), the better.
Already they seem on the point of awesome precedent in news reporting if not legislation, whereby people can be whatever they want just by wishing it were so.
What could possibly go wrong?
You cannot change your gender ,the word gender is a grammatical term appertaining to nouns ,something mostly lost in modern English , an exception being the now slightly archaic reference to ships and countries in the feminine.
As for actual sex change forget it ,some superficial changes can be made but things like internal organs and bone structure would be impossible.
White Chicks = best film ever! Most un-pc film in history “once you go black, you end up in a wheelchair” with the accidental gay sex later in the film and the wheelchair – too funny!
Plus that “urban” white rapper Iggy looks like one of the Wayan brothers in full drag
Years ago these people would have been put in a mental hospital because they are deluded, indicating some kind of psychosis. Now they are celebrated. It’s amazing how far backwards we have gone!
It’s the way of the left, they pretend they are the ‘progressives’ yet are always living in the past…want to live like communist Russia, can’t stop going on about slavery, colonialism, ‘Fatcher’ and the miners strike, the 1930s/50s/70s, or whichever decade they can use to slate the tories,…it’s just a race to the bottom with the lefties.
This is actually an interesting example of life imitating art.
In Woody Allen’s film Bananas, his character muses at one point, “If only I’d completed my Black Studies course… I could have been black by now.”
Transracial…it could be great news for myself and many like me, you see, I have freckles and lots of them, it doesn’t bother me in the slightest but, am I black or am I white?
Can I claim the best of both worlds when it suits? If the police stop me for something they suspect me of can I claim ‘Is it coz I is black’ and walk away smiling? Could the law prove what I am if I am convincing! What a joke.
The fact that anyone is taking this woman seriously is staggering, we can excuse the bbc, if a monkey turned up in Salford claiming to be a Patagonian lesbian cripple turned down for welfare the morons would give the monkey an interview!!
I identify as trans-rich. A mistake was made in the Euro millions draw and I ought to have been the one who won £93 million. Therefore I intend to walk into a high street bank tomorrow and demand they give me what’s rightfully mine. If they don’t I will ring the bbc and demand they find the money from their pot of gold. If you are all nice to me I will allow you to live in the bottom of my garden and eat my sh1t as it passes down the drain.
And they called the Black and White Minstrals racist ? Why because they blacked up and identified as black to sing music they loved ? But this woman is not racist because ? Answers on a postcard, send to the usual place, London W1A 1AA
Shami Chakrabarti and Andrew Marr laugh this one away this morning – so that’s alright then…
Several years ago I supervised research at a university hospital on gender re-assignment surgery. I won’t go into the details but I do recall an enjoyable spin off meeting I held with a group of surgeons. We considered the role of the surgeon as facilitator for people who expressed a strong preference for a sex change, as it was then called. And I raised the possibility that some people might wish to live as a werewolf, as seen in several Hollywood movies. The surgeons became animated, pointing out how much easier it was to re-arrange someone as a werewolf: dental work within the range of possibility, drugs for enhanced hair growth, some work on the voice and surgery to re-arrange leg joints, and so on. Let’s hear it for the were wolves.
I don’t know and frankly I don’t want to know, but I wonder if her psycholgy isn’t a lot to do with the status of victimhood. Oppression is so much of what Marxism is all about, and in todays topsy turvy world it is somehow much better to be oppressed and have victim status. It really does give you a lot of status as well as giving you a just cause fighting for rights and privilege while feeling empowered or whatever. It wasn’t enough for this woman to be a woman, she needed to be black too. Maybe she should have converted to Islam. Of course I’m only speculating.
Of course the problem with being a victim, is that once you’ve identified as such, you can never stop being a victim and you can’t recognise when you’re actually victimising and oppressing people yourself. Look at that diversity officer in Goldsmiths who wants to kill all white men for example. Hypocrisy much?
I say, I say, I say. Have you heard the one about the Indian woman and the African woman?
Yet more race hustling from Alan.
Hmmm… curious. I keep trying to reidentify myself as a tall, slinky blond with the figure of a computer game heroine, but no one is buying it. 🙁