We all know that any suggestion that there is a streak of bias coursing through the BBC’s corridors is ludicrous, or so says the BBC’s top newshound, James Harding. However, should you happen to come across any vestigial bias lurking in the darkest corners of the BBC please feel free to list it here so that the BBC can immediately rectify the unfortunate lapse in standards…..a new open thread….
So I’ve been reading the news about how poor little School boy Talha Asmal’ (Who can only be a victim) decided to blow his top (And his sides as well as his bottom) for Allah, The bBC has been telling the world how the community is in shock, is openily expressing grief and feels he was under some sort of “some kind of peer pressure”.
Zubair Patel said the idea that a teenager would “go out and cross borders and go into another country and do whatever” solely because of online grooming “doesn’t fit”.
Meanwhile a family of 12 from Bradford have buggered off from Saudi Arabia in which to join ISIS by flying off to Turkey and the bBC fears for their safety.
In Rotherham the bBC reports on how a policeman failed in his duty to act on a abuse case, what they don’t tell you he not only was implicated in touching up little white girls, he died by walking into a car when the spotlight fell on him.
Finally the bBC paints a picture of a white convert who has died in Africa while fighting for 49 raisins. This is how the bbC describes this murderous thug:
The mother of a British man killed while fighting for Islamist militant group al-Shabab in Kenya has told the BBC her “whole world has fallen apart”.
“We remember him as being my brother, your son,” he told the BBC. “But to everyone else he’s just a terrorist.”
Ms Evans repeated her claim that the British authorities had not done enough to stop her son from travelling to Egypt.
So four major stories in the UK and the bBC is not only unable to join the dots, it tries to paint each person (or persons) as….victims.
The bBC. the apologist for Islamic terrorism
.and the reporting about the Bradford 12 is extremely weird and stilted. No mention yet at all of the men in their lives. Three mothers and their kids off to the Hajj. Where and who are the blokes? This story is like a tramp’s vest – it stinks and is full of holes.
One husband in Bradford another in Pakistan; the brother of one of the women is in IS and has been for some time.
Even stranger! Thanks anyway for the heads-up.
Schoolboy Talah Asman looks at least twenty with his fully developed thick beard!
Another lost birth certificate I suspect whose parents stole a view years extra education in Britian while pretending he was younger than his years.
bbc news this morning were saying how it was strange the women were allowed to travel without a male escort…..if this was a black or white family then the sisterhood would be out in force burning bras but being this way round it is ok
the double standards of the left never fails to amaze me
Yes Simon some BBC bint on the Today programme seemed to be shocked and outraged that Muslim women had been hajjing without an escort of close male relatives. I don’t think this is double standards. It is more likely that the BBC have simply been attempting to convince the public that white is black and black is white for so long they have destroyed their own capability to think logically. Maybe BBC types do really believe that Syria seekers are all “highly intelligent, grade A students ” who are simultaneously “vulnerable” and easily taken in by “groomers”. They are peace loving and kind, yet commit mass butchery without compunction. There families are caring and loving yet they have no idea that “radicalisation” has taken place or their children have left for Syria. A cousin or uncle arrested for terrorist offences does not ring any alarm bells either.
The Today programme was also awash with self appointed “deradicalisers”. One even proclaimed that “young Muslims need positive role models”. It’s a pity he didn’t advocate that Muslims should give up negative role models lihe the Prophet. If Muslims stopped emulating the Prophet must smiting and chopping of the unbeliever, butchery and rape of innocents , mutilating the genitals of their children, and general superstitious backwardness could be avoided.
Spot on ID,.
Globalists including the BBC tend to believe their own bullshit. Like all followers of cults they are blind to inconsistencies and illogic.
The call for ‘positive role models’ is simply an excuse to say lets have more discrimination against ethnic Brits to promote Muslims into positions of power and influence.
An interesting programme on bbc2, a series looking at wildlife in Japan and it’s relationship with the Japanese. Lovey to look at, you get to see quite a lot of Japanese and I do mean Japanese, apart from the bbc camera team I have yet to see any “cultural enrichment ” whatsoever. All the towns, cities are full of one race, one people, who get on and accept each other. A truly blessed place and people. The bbc is incapable of seeing the wonder in front of their own eyes, a happy place with a happy people. We could be like them if we chose to be.
“We could be like them if we chose to be.”
Too late, I fear.
But we do not have the choice !!!!!
There is an excellent article I read about Japan somewhere, entitled “The Land Without Muslims.” I’ll try and track down the link, but it was fascinating: how culturally the Japanese just wont accept Islam in their midst; regardless of how much pressure Islamic states try to bring to bear on them – they wont alter their position.
With it’s xenophobia/lack of diversity, declining population and low immiigration, belief in technology, investment in automation rather than cheap labour, isolationism and retention of the death penalty what would the BBC like about Japan other than the wildlife?
“With it’s xenophobia/lack of diversity, declining population and low immiigration, belief in technology, investment in automation rather than cheap labour, isolationism and retention of the death penalty what would the BBC like about Japan other than the wildlife?”
They’re an exotic race, not boring old ethnic British maybe?
Oh but isnt ‘race’ supposed to be simply a ‘social construct’ and nothing more than skin colour and other superficial differences of appearance? Makes one wonder in what way its supposed to add to ‘diversity’ doesnt it?
And that closeness manifests itself in times of trouble.
Examine the courage, the unity and togetherness of the Japanese after the Tsunami, and contrast with New Orleans after Katrina.
http://nypost.com/2015/06/15/naacp-leader-who-pretended-to-be-black-resigns/…shes gone.
Now -is this a case of racial discrimination, or providing an opportunity for affirmative action in employing a real black candidate?
Over you you, Sir Leonard of Henry…
It’s a case of someone lying and using all the usual socialist warped arguments, once exposed as a liar, to justify the lies.
Isn’t she just trying even harder to be black, by not having a job?
It gets complicated in a bi-racial family which is why someone who looks so white was accepted as black. This is an article in the Atlanta Black Star 10 Black Celebs Who Successfully Pass For White
As Dave Chappelle notes, “She’s just a person no matter how we feel about her”.
I had a friend at university who was Australian Aboriginal under Commonwealth rules for acceptance,
An Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander is a person
* of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent
* who identifies as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and
* is accepted as such by the community in which he (she) lives.
My friend told me that because she was so light skinned, if her much darker full sister hadn’t vouched for her, she never would have been accepted as black.
And such is the madness of these latter day Nuremburg Laws. You would have thought nonsense like this would have died out with Jim Crow and apartheid, but the left keeps it all alive to foster their grievance based constituency.
i want to bring to your attention one of the most explosive punch ups i have heard on radio 5 live in ages,it was on stephen nolans radio 5 live press review satarday 12am to 1am just gone betreen the biased bbcs very own david vance and the rancid leftist bully and former editor of the daily mirror david banks,now,if you want to know what goes on inside the sick polluted twisted self hating mind of a white leftist just listen to what mr banks had to say,yes he tried to bully and shout down david vance everytime he tried to make a point,but david banks was to smart for that big mouth banks and put him back in his little lefitst box where he belongs.i have the funny feeling the biased bbc and radio 5 live wont invite david vance on the press review again after the his comments about the tv licence,but to listen to him giving david banks a good verbal kicking was the highlight of my week on radio 5 live.
A delight to hear this nutter Banks tying his tongue around his own nuts in indulging the white woman in the USA who thinks she`s black.
Good old Mr Vance.
Can I put on record too in this spirit of lunacy as exhibited by Banks-that STEPHEN FRY of all people is a Friend Of Israel!
In the New Statesman, Fry says that it`s his great unsayable-that he defends Israels right to exist.
Good on you Mr Fry-a bit less of an arse that I thought he was.
Oh-can Banks here explain why this Dolezal woman is able to black up and get away with it?..whereas if I don a Black and White Minstrel make up, that would be racist, patronisng and get me up before the race hate police.
A lot of tumbleweed being knitted tonight!
Stephen Fry is no fool. Israel is the only country in the Middle East that does not execute LGBT persons.
My first reaction when seeing the photographs of Mr Fry and his boyfriend was aren’t they scruffy.
Stephen Fry : “I’m As Proud Of Being Jewish As I Am Proud Of Being Gay”
David Banks was a treasure-trove of moronic quotations here. Once upon a time, a US military test pilot managed to shoot himself down, in a prototype jet, by firing his guns, going into a dive and catching up with the bullets. Banks seemed determined to emulate that feat.
“There’s more to being black than the colour of your skin.”
“With everything that goes on in America right now, especially in the police and law enforcement agencies, I’m not surprised that she’s embarrassed.”
“I’m sick of filling in forms which demand to know of me, which demand to know whether I’m white English, whether I’m Caribbean English, whether I’m African English… Maybe we should just mix and match. One day, I’ll put that I’m a muslim. Another day, I’ll put that I am a Caribbean Englishman. Another day, I’ll put that I’m an African Englishman.”
“There is more to ‘Black’ than colour.”
Banks displayed an incredible lack of self-awareness here. All those racially specific census questions originate from the left, the people he has cluelessly supported throughout his career. Once upon a time, the census form asked if you were English, Irish, Scottish (later on, if you spoke Welsh, or Scots Gaelic), or of foreign birth. Back then, in those evil, old, pre-1914 times, your race, self-selected, or otherwise, was not a matter of record.
Banks has unquestioningly backed the creation of a society in which people are expected to define themselves by skin-colour. Now, apparently (in his mind), while it is perfectly appropriate to categorize oneself as an ethnicity to which one does not actually belong, it is wrong to be expected to be documented by one’s actual ethnicity.
The knee-jerk racism he demonstrates is astounding. He is claiming that there is some kind of “Black” view of the world which is universal, that people who are “Black”, whether physically, or only mentally, are, nevertheless, unified in some mysterious way. Thus, the colour of one’s skin supposedly dictates one’s lifestyle, behaviour and culture. Perhaps, he would like to explain why muslim Nigerians and Somalis have a radically different attitude to other people’s lives from the one Christians display in southern Nigeria, Ethiopia and Kenya.
as I always say – being a leftie really is having a mental disease
Actually, I think this deserves a topic all by itself. But I’ll start here.
It is a well known fact to those of us who can count that the Labour Party lost the general election badly. And normally, when a political party loses an election, they are considered an irrelevance,,,err..that’s why they lost. And normally, they’re left to themselves and told to come back when they think they have something we the voters would like to hear.
But, of course, in these abnormal times, things work differently.
Our beloved BBC is hosting not 1, but at least 2 leadership debates. The first one is on Newsnight on Wednesday this week & another will take place in July on the Daily Politics (Sunday).
For all its protestations about being impartial, can anyone explain why the BBC needs to devote this much coverage to a political party that has failed so miserably with the British voters, just 6 weeks ago? Am I the only who finds this strange?
If the Tories had lost the election, can you imagine the BBC devoting this much coverage? It didn’t happen in ’97, ’01 or ’05.
FWIW, if you plan to vote in the Labour leadership contest, there is only 1 person to vote for: Jeremy Corbyn #Jeremy4leader.
I have put my £3 worth in to have a vote.
I will vote for “Toni Blair” , although I understand a vote for Jeremy Corbyn.
Go on, it’s only £3 to have as much say (supposedly) as Len McCluskey.
I read that Mrs Balls is having a little difficulty in distancing herself from former financial policy of the party!
I would vote for David Plunkett’s Guide Dog. The dog has a better chance of winning. Just look at Britain’s got Talent!
Take a look at this piece of garbage masquerading as news then tell me, have you ever seen the mother of a British soldier killed in action given so much sympathetic coverage by our national broadcaster?
The BBC truly deserves to be scrapped in its entirety.
If they’re looking for sympathy it’s between sh*t and syphilis in the dictionary.
Sheer quality !!
total scum and I am glad he is dead – hope the same fate awaits those women and kids that have gone to Syria. No matter how much all the media channels want us to feel sorry for them no one cares.
Drone strike please….
Some of those children are very young – I think the youngest is only 3. I don’t think they can be held responsible for their parents’ decisions and I feel sorry for them. Imagine being, say, an 8-year-old girl and transported from a primary school in the UK to the Islamic State. What kind of life is she going to have to look forward to? Married to a jihadi within a year? Awful.
The adults on the other hand…
They wont always be children, good riddance to the lot of them.
No doubt there will be a lot of public money going the way of the ‘grieving’ husbands. There is a motive/plan somewhere. Why did they go without their husbands? Did they stay at home to receive the rewards?
The tears of one of the blokes last night looked completely fake. It was funny last night as at 10 I went to BBC, ITV and the Sky and they were all running sob stories for these wannabie killers at the same time.
I doubt anyone falls for it anymore
I have seen much more convincing displays of grief from parents who have later been found to have murdered their own children. That press conference was a blatant and total joke.
Have to agree, the grief looked totally false, maybe I am wrong but something did not seem correct.
Newsnight outdoing itself tonight with unashamedly left-wing agenda, orchestrated by the Rosa Klebb of the picket line, Kirsty Wark. First up a discussion on climate change with no dissenters, and then a sick inducing soft-ball interview with Julia Gillard, along the lines of why was such a great Aussie woman so badly treated by those nasty conservatives.
They don’t make Newsnight for you, they make it for themselves. You just pay for it.
You have just summed up the BBC in one sentence.
I have to say that most of BBC Online’s front page today is filled with stories about people I don’t give a flying f*ck about. Contrary to what the BBC would like to brainwash us all in to thinking, I am glad they are either out of this country or have managed to engineer their own demise.
Couldn’t agree more, and buried underneath all this news about the usual suspects was the 10 second mention of a pregnant 20 year old woman stabbed to death in Bradford.
I knew exactly who would be involved but the bbc just couldn’t mention the race aspect, because they are just like us really. Google it and the main media links still doesn’t have the bbc on it, maybe just another ‘asian’ killing too far. We are fast approaching the state of madness on the bbc.
Love the reporting of the 800 year anniversary of Magna Carta today. As David Cameron made his speech alluding to the (far too numerous to mention) abuses of human rights law that we have had to suffer, the BBC made its position clear saying that the Medieval latin contained the first step towards what we know today as “Human Rights”.
Yes the Magna Carta. The mainstay of British Law and Rights, about to be signed away by our PM who has already said before any negations take place, that he wants to remain in the EU.
What a start .
I believe there was an AP Herbert Misleading Cases in the Common law pointing out that the Magna Carta was basically obsolete. All it is, is a symbol.
I mean – when was the last time that anyone relied on it for jurisprudence?
“I mean – when was the last time that anyone relied on it for jurisprudence?”
Tony Martin – an Englishman’s home is his castle.
And look what happened to him.
That is not the point of Magna Carta. It is part of an Englishman’s heritage and world view. It helps to make us feel that we are free men even if the state is increasingly trying to enslave us.
It is in opposition to everything the liberal loves from the Eu to political correctness.
It was interesting (and depressing and ultimately inevitable) to see the BBC Six tonight lead off with a clip of a befuddled English mother assuring the nation that the death of her (white) muslim-convert son (shot to death trying to attack Kenyan soldiers, as an active psychopathic nutjob in the ranks of Al Shabab) was ‘nothing to do with Islam’.™
Christ, the Common Purpose Police don’t waste any time in getting their useful idiots (in this case a grieving mother and brother) to parrot the necessary lines to camera, do they? ****ing shameless.
It’s like the BBC are determined to write the longest suicide note in broadcasting history… I sincerely hope they are successful in that aim.
Phil Ford
I must agree with you, but where are all the Tory MPs ? Surely they must see all this crap on TV .
Where are the Trustees of Al Beeb ?
Islam must be the unluckiest religion on Earth. Despite terrorism being “nothing to do with Islam”, what are the odds on all terrorists being Muslims? Honestly, the poor old Religion of Peace just can’t catch a break.
Well if there were no confounding issues and each attack is independent of any other you would expect it to be about (0.2)^n where n is the number of attacks – assuming every one is Muslim. However since some terrorist attacks aren’t caused by Muslims you have to multiply that by n!/r!(n-r)! where r is the number that aren’t Muslim and ! is the factorial function (4! = 4X3X2X1)
Still comes out to 0 to 8dp on my calculator.
Alternatively you can convert this to a normal curve with a mean of n/5 (where n is the number of attacks and assuming 20% of the world is Muslim) and a variance of 4n/25. (SD = 2.sqrt(n)/5)). Now all you have to do is to work out whether the actual number falls in the p<0.05 or p<.01 area of the curve to decide whether it is significant. (Hint yes it is!). This means that the attacks are NOT independent of each other.
I've gone to great lengths because the left don't understand statistics and this may enlighten them.
Thank you Sheldon. I thought it was a retorical question, but hey, you did the maths. /thumbs up
BBC bird brain reporter interviews two ”Scots”, an Afro-Caribbean rastafarian and a Pakistani about mass immigration.You just can’t make this shit up. Guess what, they think it’s absolutely fabulous and there should be more of it. There is no opposing view. It’s like a Harry Endfied sketch.
The ‘journalist’ should have asked the Pakistani gentleman this question, ” If your daughter came home with an African boyfriend, would you be happy about it ? ” and to the Rasta guy ” If your daughter came home with an Arab muslim, would you be delighted ? I’m going to take a wild guess, I don’t think they would be.
Or just ask a Sikh about Muslim immigration. They know what they are talking about.
On SKY this morning, public response to the ISIS departure lounge in Yorkshire. Eamonn Holmes didn’t say much but I got the impression that the gist was ‘foxtrot oscar’.
But I’d also take a wild guess and say theyd almost certainly lie and claim they would be happy as long as he was a good man, if they didnt the BBC would reshoot and advise them what to say, as is obvious they often do when illeducated foriegn ethnics parrot poltically correct cods, and also everytime they interview illegals whose target country is always Germany, France or Sweden.
Like global warming, ”multiculturalism, die-versity, mass Immigrantion is a benefit, it enriches us” is a giant scam.
Emily Goldstein
”Yes, Diversity Is About Getting Rid Of White People (And That’s A Good Thing)”
”First off, I am a white person myself, so allow me to get that out of the way. I’m extremely glad that the white race is dying, and you should be too. White people do not have a right to exist. Period. That may sound like a bold statement, but it’s entirely true. Any white person with even the faintest knowledge of history should curse themselves every single day for being white. Throughout all of recorded history, whites have engaged in oppression, genocide, colonialism, imperialism, and just plain evil on a massive scale.
White people have denied every other race the right to exist, and have – at some point in history – oppressed every single race on the planet.”Why, then, should whites now be allowed to live in peace when whites have historically been the world’s #1 source of conflict and oppression?
Whiteness is racism. Period. Whiteness is the source of all oppression in the world. Whiteness is racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, and heteropatriarchal capitalism. Eliminate whiteness and you eliminate every single form of oppression that the world currently faces. No white people means no oppression. White people are like a cancer and oppression is a symptom of the cancer. Cut out the cancer altogether – with the cancer being white people – and you get rid of all of the oppression which white people cause.
I have dedicated my life to fighting racism, and I have determined – based on all available evidence – that the only way to really eliminate racism is to eliminate whiteness. Whiteness is the ocean from which racism flows. Get rid of whiteness and you get rid of racism.”
Read the rest here.
A rather final solution to the problem as she sees it.
Good. If all white people are racist then UKIP cannot be singled out as a racist party. Just tell Andrew Neil that he too is a racist like the rest of us.
Good heavens. I started off thinking it was a joke, or an attempt to ridicule a position by adopting the extreme end of the view … but she’s really serious.
She must surely be the best example of an over-educated left-brainwashed moron we have available?
When I teach my students about human rights, critical race theory, and the role of whites in worldwide oppression, my white students often ask me how they can “atone” for the evils of whiteness and how they can make up for centuries of white oppression. And I tell them: you can do that by not having any children and ensuring that the white race does not live to oppress anyone ever again in the future.
She is serious alright. A serious nut-case.
who taught her that and how did we get to this point? And now she brainwashes others.
The West is on its way out for sure and I hope people like her are still around to see the carnage when she is forced into a burka or beaten in the streets and then maybe she will turn round and realise what a fool she is
Working link
As you see the front page is a reference to the ‘piece’ being reported as a hate crime, you need to hit the ‘continue’ in small print on the bottom of the page to find the wonderful piece of work.
Though it might all be a hoax or the work of a troll
Bunny, Clapham bus with flat wheels, is it you ?
She is probably a little closer than you are to the lunatic fringe . Take that as a compliment!
Why are you on this site Manon ?
Not far to go now…………….
Daughter of Emmanuel?
Self-loathing wej in the Chomsky / Alinsky mould ?
Do you have her address? I would be happy to send her a large pack of paracetemol and a bottle of vodka to help her on her way with my best wishes.
Again, if she believes that white people are that deserving of extermination, why isn’t she leading by example? Of course, what she means is that other white people are evil but not her because she is of a higher mind that meshes with all those oppressed ethnics. I’m sure that when the time comes, if she explains that to the muslims who are getting ready to chop off her head, they’ll let her go.
correct with that comment – like Charlotte Church saying she wants people to pay 70% of their earnings but then refused to write a cheque out for her own money as she wants others to pay and not her.
Pretty much how the left operate like when they all dodge tax at the bbc.
I look forward to hearing of her suicide.
Do you think that the BBC will cover it?
Sky for all it’s aping the bbc faults has just had a great read of the morning papers with Eamon and that Northern blond who does it most days. Suffice to say she would probably not get an invite to sit on the holy sofa, Eamon also noted the “overwhelming ” reports on social media that said goodbye to the Saudi 12 and shut the door behind them. Not a viewpoint that you would hear from the Salford sofa.
Soppy Billy Turnball, the guest male (sort of) on BBC wimmins Breakfast tv, tells us there are ‘fears’ that an extended family from Bradford have gone to Syria to join Islamic State.
Fears? The only fears would arise if these people decide to return.
Oh, by the way, tell the EU we’ve got 12 new spaces here in the so-called UK to take in 12 more boat people.
There are only another 40,000 on their way – can you cope? Of course you can, just build lots more houses, recruit lots more doctors, and despatch a few more disgruntleds to Syria, to make room.
Another of those disturbing, surreal moments on the BBC’s flagship ‘Today Programme’ (R4) this morning. Just after 8am we were treated to Baroness Warsi and John Humphrys both scratching their heads as they struggled (unsuccessfully, of course) to think up a single reason why young ‘British muslims’ skip off to fight alongside the Nazis calling themselves Islamic State.
Much talk of ‘drivers of radicalisation’ (Warsi managed to crowbar in the phrase four times in the course of the five-minute interview), but neither one of these concerned liberals seemed to have the first idea what those ‘drivers’ could possibly be.
It’s a mystery.
It’s those militant Quakers, of course.
I blame Nixon for that one..
They probably do have a notion. One wouldn’t say it and the other wouldn’t be allowed to. Just to digress, I wonder what Tony Blair is doing these days.
More good work by Sky;
They got a Muslim ? Woman reporter into the country and the capital Sana’a to show the horrifying effects of the Saudi led bombing on the old city and it’s people. It looks as bad as parts of Gaza under a Israeli attack, dead children, smashed homes, no food, water or fuel. ……… The demos in the UK against this are happening where ? The screams of outrage from the usual suspects is on the bbc where ? In which leftie papers exactly ?…..anyone ?
Hello leftie world, a civilian city is being bombed with the usual results and you outrage seems to be missing somewhere…….
Nothing to do with this being Muslim on Muslim attacks and therefore not suitable for comment or rage reserved for the Jews by any chance ? Come on you bbc hypocrites, if Sky can get in so can your emoting crew of agitprop pushers. ” wrong kind of story” perhaps ? Don’t fit the ‘Muslim good Jew bad ‘ agenda maybe ?
A very good point. I remember last year a small Jewish owned shop in central Manchester was picketed for months by Muslims and British left fascists because of the Gaza campaign, even though the people who owned it had nothing whatsoever to do with the Israeli government. It was reminiscent of storm troopers warning people not to use Jewish shops.
Surely these same agitators are now gathered outside the Saudi embassy clamouring for the bombing of Sana’a to stop? I mean, they are not just anti-Semites are they? They surely believe all lives matter don’t they?
Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?
“I mean, they are not just anti-Semites are they? ”
It’s a question of their inbuilt expectations of behaviour, where the unusual is news and the commonplace is to be ignored . You could call it racism except it’s based on religion not race
Jews are supposed to turn the other cheek – wrong religion but Jesus was born Jewish and Israelis are civilised. When they defend themselves there is outrage and wall to wall BBC coverage. On the other hand the BBC expects Muslims to kill people, so when they do that it’s normal behaviour and as such not newsworthy to the BBC.
From the BBC’s point of view it is all perfectly logical – and the “correct” behaviour for an “internationally respected” news organisation.
I did have trouble typing that last paragraph, but I think that using quotation marks means that I can get away with it – after all that’s how the BBC uses them.
BBC reaction to the Bradford 12 story is a repeat rendition inspired by The Voice judge Tom Jones… “Why? Why? Why…. Malala?”
To which the unheard UK audience responds “It’s not unusual…”
Hey Migrants, here’s a musical suggestion with further thanks to Tom Jones;
‘It’s good to touch
the yellow yellow sandpits of home.’
News from George Osborne’s Northern Powerhouse
Exports out of Yorkshire to non-EU destinations are on the up – particularly to the middle east via Turkey.
Unfortunately for our balance of payments new imports from the EU are set to more than offset this good news.
Did you mean the Northern Poorhouse?
Tired Radio 4 a bit earlier than usual today – normally have it on for a few minutes after 6am which is often enough to shoehorn in some climate horror predictions from Roger Harrabin & co. Today it was the tail end of World Service reporting from what I remember as the pretty town of Ventimiglia on the Italy-French border. Now it is harbouring a bunch of illegal immigrants who want to get in to France…. Don’t know who the BBC reporter was but he was really concerned as to whether these people were given any form of shelter or were supplied with blankets and food to prevent them perishing…. Does he know that this is the Italian/French Riviera and it is the middle of June? I would dearly love to be there right now (well not in the midst of that lot but you know what I mean). A few minutes later we switch to real Radio 4 for Prayer for the Day. Well would you believe it? Someone from the Muslim Council of Britain telling us about the wonderful benefits which Ramadan give us thanks to the teachings of the Prophetic Mo PBUH….. After that lot the Shipping Forecast was a joy to hear. Then we moved on to the Pope’s climate change news. OMG.
Poor Pope, mal-advised, delusional old fool.
The Pope is good on Global warming quite apart from anything else. According to the latest figures from NASA (yes the left wing trendies that send up rockets without knowing a thing about science) the first 5 months of 2015 worldwide are the hottest on record. This continues the trend previously indicated in the data record.
Bus broken down, has it?
GISS – no change since April. NCEI and Hadcrut down, marginally.
Your point being what!
Your point being what?
Fixed it for the rest.
Nobody could ever “fix” it for the poor man on the stationary bus, he is beyond repair.
Manonbus, you are very niave if you believe the GISS data. You do realise the figures released from GISS are adjusted, don’t you? I work every week with engineers and coders who work in and for NASA on various real engineering projects, and let me assure you, the GISS people are not respected, or considered credible scientists by the rest of NASA. GISS are falsely taking the good reputation of NASA to become a pseudo scientific front for a political agenda and nothing more.
Thinking more about the general information accepted by alarmist warmists, opposed to information rejected by official guardians of the data, NOAA have had a lot of coverage for refuting the near 2 decade long hiatus in warming, which none of the CMIP5 models managed to predict…
It’s funny how a few trees in Yamal, or an ice core can be considered an accurate global proxy for temperatures, but only if the direction of travel is correct, yet the actual, most accurate and independently verifiable record for the contiguous United States cannot. A few trees = good for global proxy, an entire continent is not good as a global proxy. Where is the logic in that???
” Data from NOAA’s premiere surface reference network. The contiguous U.S. network of 114 stations was completed in 2008. There are two USCRN stations in Hawaii and deployment of a network of 29 stations in Alaska continues. The vision of the USCRN program is to maintain a sustainable high-quality climate observation network that 50 years from now can with the highest degree of confidence answer the question: How has the climate of the Nation changed over the past 50 years?
These stations were designed with climate science in mind. Three independent measurements of temperature and precipitation are made at each station, insuring continuity of record and maintenance of well-calibrated and highly accurate observations. The stations are placed in pristine environments expected to be free of development for many decades. Stations are monitored and maintained to high standards and are calibrated on an annual basis. In addition to temperature and precipitation, these stations also measure solar radiation, surface skin temperature, and surface winds. They also include triplicate measurements of soil moisture and soil temperature at five depths, as well as atmospheric relative humidity for most of the 114 contiguous U.S. stations. Stations in Alaska and Hawaii provide network experience and observations in polar and tropical regions. Deployment of a complete 29-station USCRN network in Alaska began in 2009. This project is managed by NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center and operated in partnership with NOAA’s Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Division.”
“So, since this state of the art network requires no adjustment, we can most surely trust the data presented by it. Right?
While we seldom if ever see the USCRN mentioned in NOAA’s monthly and annual “State of the Climate” reports to the U.S. public, buried in the depths of the NCDC website, one can get access to the data and have it plotted. We now have 10 years, a decade, of good data from this network and we are able to plot it and here it is, using a tool provided for that very purpose by NOAA/NCDC/NCEI.
See the graph here: https://wattsupwiththat.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/uscrn-conus-plot-10years.png
(Note the NOAA watermark in the plot above.)”
The USCRN is NOAA’s own state of the art pristine accurate data for the whole of the USA. Yet it is rejected by NOAA in favour of adjusted and innacurate data.
NOAA claims there has been no pause in rising temps, (by removing relevant data and then adjusting upwards other cherry-picked data).
” In addition, the authors’ treatment of buoy sea-surface temperature (SST) data was guaranteed to create a warming trend. The data were adjusted upward by 0.12°C to make them “homogeneous” with the longer-running temperature records taken from engine intake channels in marine vessels.
As has been acknowledged by numerous scientists, the engine intake data are clearly contaminated by heat conduction from the structure, and as such, never intended for scientific use. On the other hand, environmental monitoring is the specific purpose of the buoys. Adjusting good data upward to match bad data seems questionable, and the fact that the buoy network becomes increasingly dense in the last two decades means that this adjustment must put a warming trend in the data.”
So NOAA basically, falsely increased good data to match bad data, AND ignored all other temperature measurements on land and in the atmosphere in order to “hide the hiatus.”
How on earth does any of NOAA’s actions even begin to resemble actual science. Where in all that fraud, is any evidence that the scientific method has been used, at all?
GISS is almost as bad!
You are just confusing him with the facts now!
Presumably if correct warming benefits some of us. That means it could be a good thing.
In Roman Britain there were many vineyards in Wessex. Do we get to grow good grapes again?
Should have been ‘Tried Radio 4’ but maybe Tired Radio 4 is better – scrap it.
A very recent (and my first) complaint to the BBC – the final straw having heard increasing usage of profanities on R4 plays and ‘comedy’ shows, all before the watershed. However, this particular programme I found completely gobsmacking as it was a serious documentary presented by a ‘leading’ historian – Mary ‘Multicultural Society’ Beard.
Views and suggestions appreciated (my bold added):
Complaint Summary: Use of offensive language by the presenters ‘Pompeii: Life and Death in a Roman Town’
Full Complaint: My wife and I were watching Mary Beard’s programme with our granddaughter, who loves history and particularly Ancient Rome. We were horrified part way in when Ms Beard chose to use the word ‘pissing’ when describing how Pompeians would urinate in communal baths. But worse was yet to come. A history prof later in the programme then chose to use the word ‘shit’ three times when describing the contents of a public lavatory. Please could you justify why a) both presenters deliberately chose to use profanities as descriptors in a serious historical documentary and b) why these words were allowed to stand by the editors/producers because – guess what – we sure had a hard time trying to explain it to our granddaughter. There can be no excuse for using this type of language in a documentary whatever time it is broadcast, though on this occasion to make things much worse it was well before the watershed. On a final note I was listening to the Jeremy Vine Show a few months ago and he pulled up a caller for using the word ‘bloody’. What a joke – pure hypocrisy.
Reference CAS-3337980-HN3F1M
Thanks for contacting us regarding BBC Two’s ‘Pompeii: Life and Death in a Roman Town’ on 28 May.
We note your concern about some of the language used in this programme.
Our Editorial Guidelines say that the inclusion of strong language before the watershed must be editorially justified and that its effect depends on the choice of words, the speaker and the context. When it comes to context, the timeslot is one consideration but so are existing audience expectations.
We acknowledge that the presenter used some strong language during the programme, but it was factual and informative rather than gratuitous.
Thank you for your feedback about the content of the programme. All complaints are sent to senior management and programme makers every morning. We included your points in this overnight report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future programmes.
Kind regards
Stuart Webb
BBC Complaints
Yes, you read that correctly – ‘pissing’ and shit’ in a documentary context are ‘factual and informative’.
‘Your’ BBC – it does what the pissing shit it likes.
They could have been equally factual and informative without using these words. Surely their vocabulary is not that limited?
I think they’re taking the urine and talking faeces.
My first inclination was to ask whether newsreaders will now adopt this more ‘factual and informative’ style so that, for example, ‘male rape’ (as in a recent case reported from Cambridge) becomes ‘fucked up the arse’.
How could they argue and how could they not? It is, after all, far more decriptive of the act in question.
Mary Beard is into coprophilia

To paraphrase:
“BBC to complaining viewer:
Piss off shithead.
Kind regards
Stuart Webb
BBC Complaints”
‘We acknowledge that the presenter used some strong language during the programme, but it was factual and informative rather than gratuitous’
I do hope you take that as far as it goes, if only to discover how a few ECU Directors and then The Trust po-faced explain the concept of factual and informative potty-mouthism that is used for no more than ‘street cred’ rather than as context-relevant quote.
They might also be directed to a recent complaint rejected because the complainant made the mistake of using the words used by the BBC, which the BBC deemed its complaints staff were too dainty to be around.
BBC complaints is an asylum staffed by lunatics, overseen by lunatics, selectively obeying rules drawn up by lunatics.
And the odd hypocrite to spice things up.
Wit luck Coxy or someone may mutter ‘How gay is that?’ about something sciency and the Top Gear snitch will capture it and have it to flounce central before you can say selective editing, and the entire BBC will go into lockdown.
OK, close enough… tx, mate… prepare for incoming…
The World at One @BBCWorldatOne
@ProfBrianCox tells @marthakearney Sir Tim Hunt shouldn’t have had to resign over “trouble with girls” comment #wato
How strange you have experienced like me that the BBC is never wrong. Remember years ago the BBC ‘Points of view’ programme?
It’s long since gone…nuff said!
Remember years ago the BBC ‘Points of view’ programme? It’s long since gone
Strange. Must be some other programme called Points of View that’s still running, the most recent edition of which was on Sunday.
Good old Biased BBC: Never let the facts get in the way of an idiot trying to convince himself that he’s right!
Jerry… whoopsidaisy.
Of course, for some Flokkers circling and awaiting their moment, possibly that’s a paddlin’ offence.
Anyway, no probs. Get the editors on the blower, ‘evolve the story’ away without any acknowledgement and… it never happened. Sorted!
This is a technique pioneered by certain broadcasters and seems to work well when their paid idiots are convinced they are right and need back up.
Best of all, entirely free of challenge or critique from the BBC glee club… unless any evidence of exchanges and results can be provided?
I’ve even given myself an immediate like in case this post is lonely.
Scott nails the ‘facts’!*
*In about 0.0000001% of cases.
Points of view disappeared in the eighties it was on prime time, if it’s back I hadn’t noticed.. probably because the BBC isn’t my regular haunt now.
Thank you for at least acknowledging that what you stated as fact was merely the befuddled outpourings of a narcissistic idiotic mind that believes if it hasn’t seen something it can’t possibly have happened.
Biased BBC: where ego + ineptitude = idiocy.
Thank you for your continued and expected bile, I think I just acknowledged I didn’t know it was back on again therefore your comment is redundant.
A bit like you here in fact.
Dominic Casciani BBC News Home Affairs Correspondent asks the following question, how many times have we bloody well answered it?
The other thing I object to is them being described as ‘westerners’ until they decide to play by our rules and assimilate, they will never be so. I consider it an insult when they are described as such, just as the Chinese and Japanese must be when they are described as Asian…
Victims or criminals…..gosh, I wonder which side the BBC is going to come down on?
What kind of shite could even ask that question?
They’re victims. Of Islam.
No mate, WE are victims of islam.
To the liberal deluded fantasists Westerner is merely a geographical term. Culture and history don’t come into it.
We generations old Westerners have no past and so no future.
Face it the BBC is fast approaching serious meltdowN
Am I sad. ? No not really. I want the BBC gone.
Never mind is he a westerner? Is he a teenager?
Criminals or Victims? Neither.
I generally put them down as sincere followers of the one true interpretation of the Religion of Peace!
I can’t really see a downside for me to the poor lad blowing himself up over there. It is manifestly our duty to encourage and assist all like-minded individuals to bugger off as well.
Maybe we could pay easyjet to put on a jihadi express or something – so long as it came back empty.
interesting piece here and I haven’t really thought of it this way. Plus the media have got bored of the story already but I am guessing the boats keep coming. I really need to emigrate….
I’m sure the Italians are thrilled that after the RAF bombs Libya, contributing to the current chaos there, the RN is now trafficking illegal migrants and dumping them on the Italians.
Is this payback for the Roman invasion of Britain?
Queen Boudicca would approve.
Given the beeboid obsession with wimmen’s football, I think it’s time for a BBC Ladies’ XI. Selection restricted to those who still classify themselves as women – no ‘gender neutrals’ eligible.
I’ll start the ball rolling by suggesting Dame Jenni Murray should be ‘between the sticks’. As Alan Green might say, ‘Not a lot gets past her.’
Now the problems begin. Selectors are spoiled for choice when it comes to players with a ‘cultured left foot’. I’ve tried a few combinations but every one has ended up being ‘very weak down the centre’, & non-existent on the right flank.
Any suggestions for a more ‘balanced’ XI that gives equal attention to both sides of ‘the park’ would be most welcome.
‘…suggestions for a more ‘balanced’ XI..’
I’m just asking for a refund on my compulsory £145 season ticket.
The BBC is giving Napoleon quite a bit of favourable coverage, and something of a rehabilitation. He has been too vilified in this country, so I have no particular objection to somewhat balancing the narrative. However, it is insensitive of them to parade him so blatantly on this anniversary of Waterloo. One might have expected some programmes about Wellington, with Napoleon scheduled later. But the BBC has form. The worst was the anniversary of the abolition of slavery, where the BBC just could not bring themselves to unambiguously praise the lifetime’s work of Wilberforce (and others), and more generally England for abolishing it – from the western world, at any rate.
I heard part of a 15-minute programme at 1.45 on R4 yesterday – ‘rehabilitation’ is the right word. Seems he did little wrong in the eyes of the BBC’s chosen presenter, all the fault of our press and politicans for not showing him enough respect, apparently – he was in fact 5ft 6ins, didn’t you know, so not the dwarf the cartoonists made out. Then there was the implied ‘racism’ from us Little Englanders for pointing out his less than civilised heritage (part Italian, part Corsican) which, at the time, was probably true.
“Seems he did little wrong in the eyes of the BBC’s chosen presenter…”
That would be Andrew Roberts, ardent Thatcherite and pillar of the Right. A hate figure for the Left, in fact. Oh, and author of a critically lauded Napoleon biography. What would you have preferred? Owen Jones, Polly Toynbee and Mark Steel?
Nontheless conveniently suited the continuing BBC narrative on Waterloo. And reading some of his recent newspaper articles, not as much to the Right as you make out, Mr BBC Man.
“not as much to the Right as you make out”
Except that he
-works for Policy Exchange and the Henry Jackson society
– Is an admirer of George W Bush and Nicolas Sarkozy and a tireless fanboy of the late Baroness Thatcher
– Is a founder member of Friends of Israel
– is a friend of David Cameron, neo-con historian Niall Ferguson and editor-in-chief of Breitbart James Delingpole.
Not a very impressive CV for a follower of Marx and Proudhon, is it?
“…Mr BBC Man”
Hahahahaha. Paranoid delusions, much?
Sounds like a neo con and they are not conservatives in the traditional sense.
Anyway all irrelevant. Napoleon got stuffed by us and the Russians.
In a nutshell Napoleon was a ‘little Hitler’ promoting the EU . Simples !
Vote here ‘Corrections and Clarifications Department’……………………….
Mr BBC Man,
You are missing the point, seemingly not difficult for a logic-deficient leftie (who, unsurprisingly, comes on here to defend the BBC, it also being of the Left).
So just to make the point crystal clear: the BBC has a narrative about Waterloo, which is to rehabilitate the reputation of Napoleon whilst hardly making mention of the achievements of Wellington. They will give airtime to anyone who supports said narrative, regardless of their political leanings.
Got it?
As a member of the #WrongSkin community, I loved this programme on Black Power and Motown, on R4 yesterday. The speech at 07:35 gives me goose bumps and I’m playing it on repeat whilst beating the white out of myself with a rolled up copy of The Guardian
Our BBeloved organisation continues to feed its denial of the election result and of very evident public opinion too. So saturation coverage throughout the day and on Newsnight offered breast-beating insights into the tragedies affecting our Muslim brothers and sisters – both born and converted – to such a degree that I was reminded of that delightful remark, purportedly overheard at a New York cocktail party: ‘Excuse me? You seem to have mistaken me for someone who gives a shit….’
The BBC speaks out against immigration! Only indirectly of course, but the message is clear.
An article on the BBC cites “research” that if everyone in the World had the same standard of living as people in the USA then we would need four planet Earths to cope with it. Conversely, if everyone had the lifestyle of people in Bangladesh then we could get by with a small fraction of the Earth’s resources. The numbers have to be skewed a bit (okay, a lot) to take into account the impact (sic) of Carbon Dioxide, but this is admitted by researcher Mathis Wackernagel (real name?).
Given that Westerners use so many resources compared to people in the Third World, this is a powerful argument against mass immigration. What could be more damaging than allowing people from environmentally friendly poor countries to move to developed countries, where they will only consume more resources, generate more CO2 and further damage the planet? Of course the BBC doesn’t explicitly state this, but reading between the lines it is clear that this is what they mean. Well done BBC!
See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-33133712
They have thought of that. The climate change fascists are trying to make the west return to a third world standard of living.
Indeed. Or perhaps we should say the Third World standard of dying.
God? Oh, you mean the UN…
Is it just me or does the body language and hands of this ice vendor scream bloke?
Type of a ‘certain’ persuasion’ bloke, ice creams, kids, what can possibly go wrong?
Allah snackbar, is it halal?
He looks a bit “white” too … probably erring on the side of caution, in Tower Hamletistan, or Islamic Republic of Dewsbury
“Rossi’s” Ice-cream?
Ices! Get yer ISIS!
I see there’s an illustration of three mullahs on the van. And the first one looks like Ayatollah Khomeini?
That’s Terry Jones behind there, isn’t it?
Mickey Mouse appears on the van but no sign of Pluto or Goofy. anyone like to hazard a guess as to why?
And the ‘Lying’ King
Michele Obama meets the Londoners who display evidence of the special relationship between the US and UK.
Is they clapping because they’ve been told she is handin’ out emigration papers ? She and old 0’b are welcome to have them in their house, big enough.
I see the responses below the line are not exactly supporting The Narrative.
It’s clearly a forgery. This picture was taken during her recent visit to Saudi Arabia.
Can’t be: girls don’t get a school education in Saudi.
Maybe this explains, well, the confusion at least?
Actually rather intrigued as to what is going on, and who will deny who did what before moving on quickly.
Or is it just a spoof?
Rather telling most are entirely used to it being a BBC cock-up, possibly based on them only having £4Bpa to get such things right.
They gave her a splendid welcome, no flags burnt, and she told them how oppressive it was growing up in waycist Amerikka.
The school is in an area of high deprivation. Most of its students are from the Bangladeshi community and, for most, English is an “additional” language.
Indeed. Further additions include: free education, healthcare, benefits, translation services etc etc
What country is London in?
Can you get a visa and are there direct flights. ?
London is a country itself, located within the UK but nothing to do with it.
Unlike Birmingham, Peterborough, Bradford, Oldham, Rochdale, Rotherham, Dewsbury etc
Work out for yourself where the future frontiers of a balkanised England will be drawn.
Yes, Ivan Massow, entrpreneur and still??? Tory mayorial candidate for London has suggested that because London needs and is enthusiastic for more immigration to boost dynamic growth, and because the indigenous population elsewhere is not convinced of the wisdom of this approach, there should be a special visa for immigration into London that prevents residency elsewhere. The localism agenda in urban conurbations also hastens the creation of mini-caliphates where all kinds of Islamic practices could be democratically legitimated at a local level.
I challenge Michelle Obama or for that matter anyone else to make the same speech in Tehran, Iran, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia or even Islamabad, Pakistan. Or if they’re feeling really brave, Kabul, Afghanistan.
When she went to KSA with her husband, she was standing next to him on the runway tarmac waiting for the Saudi dignitaries to return from their prayers; which they’d scuttled off to perform mid-greeting (no joke), she was blurred out on Saudi TV as she wasn’t wearing a head scarf.
Turned on BBC news radio this morning just drivel, turned over to LBC (10 15 ish) where, why? … Why! … WHY!!!
12 Islamic adherents are off to the Islamic State,(following on from their extremist brother) on the phone in.
Our host bluntly informs us, he wants, needs to know, but …
anyone at all with any views, like … “the criminal, in and out of prison” T Robinson, or those like him not to bother.
Those “views” expressed, by T Robinson, Maajid Nawaz, sheesh!
even D Murray and others, happen to be facts, and truth (remember them?… totally absent in recent events).
These unfortunately do, happen to be piling up expedentially these days, much to the disdain of BBC or LBC.
… LBC – You can have your own views, you can t have your own facts.
Hmm, yet another quisling performance when it comes to Islam.
LBC Hosts …
“NEVER … go full retard”
Obrian on LBC is a committed leftie guilt-ridden public-school boy .
Like all the LBC presenters he affects open-mindedness ,while ,in fact, pursuing the leftliberal dogma at every turn.
They’ve all got one eye on a job with the B BC or some other media leviathan.
None of them should be given ANY credence ,as they are merely time-serving toadies who parott the LibLabCon (but mostly LAB) orthodoxy.
I switched on Radio 4 shortly after 9.30 on a short drive home to find myself listening to an interview between Michael Grade and a gentleman from Cameroon who is now living in Britain. It was recorded at the offices of the charity ‘Freedom from Torture’. Kolbassia Haoussou explained that he had to come to the UK because if he remained in Africa ‘people would come for him’. I am sorry, but Africa is an awfully big place and I am sure there are so many Cameroonians living in the UK that he could equally be ‘got’ here. And how did he raise the money to reach the UK? Well apparently he had 50p in his pocket and he heard voices telling him to place a bet and he won over £3,000 (seems incredibly good odds to me) and with that money he was able to get in touch with ‘men’ who managed to get him to Croyden where he was released. Whilst I am sympathetic to anyone truly living somewhere where their life is at risk, there were so many holes in this story, that I would not necessarily believe we had been told the whole truth. And I am not sure our priority should be a gambler who hears voices. By this time I had reached home and the radio was switched off, but I do think there were rather more questions than a 15 minute radio programme delivered.
I quite agree. I’d place my money on a self interested bankster watching a computer algorithm any day.
And your point is?
Random moral relativism which proves in his warped mind that an illegal immigrant with a dodgy story has as much right to be here as a city trader working in the financial services industry which most years makes around £50 billion for the Exchequeur.
I was flicking through the channels trying to find something that wasn’t crap just now I ended up watching The World at war. . I happened across the VD show for the last few minutes so that must have doubled the viewing figures. Surprise they were running a sob sob propaganda piece on the “missing” family. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-33140851
“Lawyer Balaal Khan confirmed concerns about them “travelling to Syria”. West Yorkshire Police is investigating”
Everyone’s being nasty here about those poor people. I’m sure it was just a satnav malfunction. I thought I’d go to the Guardian for a more sympathetic hearing.
I have to confess, I’m not feeling the love.
“The police failed to stop me going on hols to Skegness last year either. Another mistake.”
“I like how its always someone else’s fault”
“Where do I sign up to drive nitwits like this to the nearest airport?”
Interesting that even Guardianistas have had enough of this shit. The BBC is like Wile E. Coyote, when he runs off a cliff, but his legs keep spinning and he’s suspended in the air, until he looks down into the canyon below and then…
The next time the Al BBC has one of its puff pieces on
Sharia courts, Sharia, So what are they – how does it fit into the current legal system?, how we need to understand them
Peter Allen gets a full explanation from … 😀 … a series of experts
etc, etc.
“Britain must ban sharia ‘kangaroo courts’
Sharia courts “main aim” to “restrict and deny rights” of women and children …
Is it right that the BBBC spend so much airtime trying to work out what went wrong for Labour at the election?
Yes. Although the outcome of the General Election makes no actual difference to them, Cultural Marxist theory predicted a victory for their political wing and this needs to be explained.
Also, explaining what Labour are all about is now the main job of the BBC.
what cultural marxist theory would that be then? One you just made up?
Touched a raw nerve?
cultural marxism
“The gradual process of destroying all traditions, languages, religions, individuality, government, family, law and order in order to re-assemble society in the future as a communist utopia. This utopia will have no notion of gender, traditions, morality, god or even family or the state.”
Thanks Wild. That seems to tick all the BBC boxes.
Nah – if you want to know anything about marxist theory, dopeyjim’s your man..
From his twitter feed…
DopeyJim – manonclaphamomnibus – London
@I’m 100% leftie, according to “How Leftie Are You”! I’m basically Karl Marx. @How about you? http://t.co/JAUQwISnud
This must have been made with you in mind claphambusbomber
(Remember metal heads are statistically more intelligent than other music lovers )
No it’s not right, but they’re obviously going to do it because they thought it would be 1997 all over again. They’re still collectively eating their hats, and it’s not very tasty marzipan.
Nice work if you can get it …
Alan Yentob is paid £183 000 pa as Creative Director of the BBC. For that salary you’d expect someone to be full time, but his duties are merely part time, so he is paid a further c£150 000 for the programmes he presents. Making around £330 000 in total, though I’d imagine in any general FOI request he would not be counted as a person earning over £200k.
‘Botney’ is the living embodiment of what we might term a ‘bottom-feeder’; a kind of left wing cultural parasite, gobbling up all the overspill from the BBC’s fat public purse (some say as much as £5bn pa via an enforced poll tax), turning taxpayer’s money against themselves in order to promote his common purpose agenda.
Might go some way to explaining his permanent smug, self-satisfied sneer. He’s the cat that got the cream, and he knows it.
Radio Five Live has been “attempting” over the last two days to try and understand why that 17 year old moron from Dewsbury went to the Middle East to become a suicide bomber. Despite all the discussions conducted by “Gameshow” Campbell et al, not once has any studio time been devoted to discussing the victims and their families who have been devastated by the action of this suicide bomber. The BBC can’t even conduct a balanced debate over the question of premeditated murder. Auntie has clearly outlived her sell by date.
To their shame the BBC continues to peddle this patently false erm … “grooming” palava, I concur with your sentiment wholeheartedly.
Consistent “victim narrative” from the BBC over
Islamic … Adherent
Islamic … Mosque attendee, now
Islamic … Suicide bomber from
Islamic … Republic of Dewsbury, murdering for the
Islamic … State.
He is the PERPETRATOR, another Islamic mass murderer
As for the 12 wannabe Islamic Staters, bloody good riddance
their own brother s an Islamic mass murderer, what about the rest of the family? eh! they want close scrutiny not bloody tissues, 3 borg dead heads, 9 children plenty of time for another 9.
Not a single day goes by without Christian young girls in Egypt, Pakistan, Nigeria, Iraq, Syria, and any number of other Muslim majority nations being abducted, enslaved, raped, and/forced to convert, not a week without another Islamic child gang rape story.
Where are the real priorities, ladies and gentlemen?.
Maybe he fancied the idea of murdering people and raping women? You know, like that bloke with migraine who reckoned Allah was talking to him in cave 1400 years ago.
Unable to face reality anymore the liberal takes refuge in creating the false narrative of victimhood.
Anoother marker on the road to civilisational decline and eventual destruction.
The BBC/liberal axis of stupidity is now getting to be an existential threat to the West .
To us all Christian inheritor and Muslim alike.
Jon Gaunt’s internet podcast tackles the subjects the BBC thought they had permanently erased from UK airwaves. He’s planning to set up a radio broadcast in August. Like Nigel Farage he has the guts and the ability to take on the BBC on their own terms and kick them off the pitch.
It may not be original, and Gaunt and Farage certainly don’t need me to say it on their behalf, but it does seem appropriate because, after all, it’s the thought that counts:
……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
……….”…\………. _.·´
Three good leaders in the Times today. The first concerns Islamic violence, the second the disgraceful treatment of Sir Tim Hunt, and the third is on the misuse of public money by the BBC. Here is the final paragraph of the last piece:
There are dark warnings that programme-making will suffer if the budget is reduced. The budget is enormous and being spent unwisely. The BBC needs fewer employees, making world-class television. They might take fewer taxis, too.
and yet #killallwhitemen bitch still has a job go figure, claimed humour it seems only goes one way
13:00 BBC leading with “missing” families. “Everyone is shocked” apparently. I don’t think so. Bloke from some university tells us ISIS (so called) has a powerful propaganda machine. Strange so powerful I’ve never come across it, I make the assumption you have to go looking on the net. So the police are investigating, is it me or do they seem a lot keener to investigate these cases than they were the men of “Asian origin” pedo cases of recent years.
Onto the Med illegal migrant story. The BBc pointedly omitting the word ILLEGAL. The banker from Eritrea wanting to join his family in the Netherlands when asked why he likes Europe states because everything is “good”.
The banker from Eritrea wanting to join his family in the Netherlands when asked why he likes Europe states because everything is “good”.
Not for much longer it won’t be. How many Eritreans and Somalis will it take to turn Europe into a facsimile of those shitholes?
”How many Eritreans and Somalis will it take to turn Europe into a facsimile of those shitholes?”
Well Sweden is doing it’s utmost to abolish itself. Check this out. Mix it Up song.
I didn’t know that Diane Abbott and Moochelle Obama were in a dance troupe…
Is that the bi-racial Rachel Dolezal and her husband?
as cringe worthy as that video is to watch that woman at 1.35 is stunning!
I’m hoping that the first European country to go totally down the tubes will put a stop to the process in the others. As you say, Sweden seems determined to be first. I’d like to think that we only have to stay ahead of Sweden – a bit like the joke about only having to outrun the cheetah.
Unfortunately, I think I’m underestimating the stupidity of the UK and others as we can already see examples in the Middle East, Africa and the Caribbean.
The death wish across Europe and in parts of the US is just plain weird. I don’t fully understand it and cannot, therefore, see a solution on the horizon. I think the eventual rise of another Nazi style movement, other than Islam that is, is only a matter of time and the consequences won’t be pretty.
I’d like to be living in Japan right now but they wouldn’t have me. Quite right too – I might be tainted with stupid Western ideas.
Couldn’t watch the video to the end.
RE the missing families, under Islam it is not permissible for women to perform Hajj if they are not accompanied by a male guardian (e.g. husband, brother, uncle etc.). What is more, you can’t even get a visa to enter Saudi as an unaccompanied female. So who went with the three sisters?
The problem as all These prospective members of IS see it is making a clean get away without any suspicion ever falling on those at home who help get them to the world of joy. E. G. The 3 young hippies who fled to Turkey with their parents sobbing and blaming the police for their inaction, it was only when pictures of daddy on his weekend demos surfaced that we could see the probable helping hand to leave exposed. Likewise these 3 bitches, they wanted to go, someone as you say probably very close to them took them to Saudi and helped the onward move, then covered his tracks by returning here to wail crocodile tears and prepare others or himself to go later. The authorities are not stupid, they know how the game works, why they don’t say how it is, well, that’s for the politicians to say, probably don’t want to upset any “communities” do they ?
[audio src="http://traffic.libsyn.com/jongaunt/Podcast78_01.mp3" /]
ISIS does have a powerful propaganda machine. It’s called the BBC.
Please I urge you … get some help.
That sounds like most of the time…
‘Jehovah God’ ??
Is that like Zilla God?
I am on a list mailed what the BBC deems ‘Breaking News’.
Only keep it to see what they choose vs. what is often missed.
Just had one that could be said to count, involving a tragic balcony collapse in the US that involves Irish students.
However, in the last day there have also been these two:
UK inflation rises to 0.1%
UK inflation rate, measured by Consumer Prices Index rose to 0.1% in May, after dip to -0.1% in April, figures show
UK fighter’s mother speaks of grief
Mother of Briton Thomas Evans, killed fighting for al-Shabab in Kenya, tells BBC her “whole world has fallen apart”
I would dearly love to know what makes these more newsworthy ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) than other fare, and in the case of the latter, much less ‘breaking’.
Then there’s BBC Facebook.
Say what you like about the BBC; when they can’t let go, they can’t let go….
BBC News
Aged five she “was drawing self-portraits with the brown crayon instead of the peach crayon” #RachelDolezal
Rachel Dolezal: “I identify as black”
It’s based on a quote, but they are really…. really keen that folk see things through her, and their filter.
Sadly for the BBC, again the actual public are not playing ball. Most liked:
Casey Wayne Guy Morefield I drew myself with a green crayon. I identify as a Martian.
There are also some more serious ones suggesting the BBC, as a £4Bpa supposed ‘news’ outfit, gets off one of its black is whit… er… white is black hobbyhorses and oh, who knows, report actual stuff that matters?
Frankly I don’t care whether she is/was black/ white/ red/ yellow, green or sky blue pink with yellow dots on.
What is more concerning is the thought that she won’t get acceptance in the black community if she isn’t black.
So who are the racists?
I think she did it to get into a black university (easier than a mixed one) and she got herself a nice sinecure at the NAACP.
Oo, oo… Mr. Beasley… I just got my next ‘Breaking News’ email:
Father saw ride crash rescue on TV
Father of victim of Alton Towers crash realised daughter was on ride when he saw rescue unfold on TV, lawyer says
Hold. The Front. Page.
Of course, some things can only come via a lawyer to show how crucial they are.
Unbelieveably sycophantic, make that just sick, story about Michelle Obama supporting the “let Girls Learn” campaign here: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-33144636
By the way, who’s stopping them? Women already take a third more places at university than men. How about a glossy piece on “Let Boys Learn”.
There’s a witty piece on the contrast between the fight for men’s and women’s rights at:http://john-moloney.blogspot.com/2015/06/two-oppressed-genders.html
More like why has she come here to preach to us. You think if she was that worried she’d go to somewhere where it is an issue. Afghanistan or the Yemen maybe.
Just saw her on Six News whining about how people have prejudice about Moslem girls wearing veils. She means whitey, but didn’t spell it out. Well; she’s right. I do think there’s something different about people who peer through holes in a black veil.
Yup-didn`t they all look so empowered there in their headscarves and drawing inspiration from a woman who married well, and needs never now work again-except maybe as Oprahs body double?
Yet Jon Snow calls it “inspiring”….as opposed to the IDF women who fight fearlessly for their country against the like of Hamas-and still look great as they choose to,
Mad World this one of the lefties isn`t it?
Didn’t hear this on Radio 2 3pm news…
African invaders breaking into lorries, criminal act 1,
Breaking into Britain without permission, criminal act 2
” They’re fleeing war and seeking refuge !!! ” so says BBC.
I didn’t know France was at war.
I feel sorry for the fat ones; they can’t keep up with the lorry.
What is our Government doing about it ?
Where is our Border Control?
Where indeed are our MPs?
This would never happened before we went into Europe.
Time to get out before its too late.
How can we possibly afford effective border control, when there’s £12 billion in overseas aid to be found each year?
On the Daily Politics the presenter Jo Coburn was surprised when the usually PC ex Tory MP Mathew Paris, stood his ground when attacked for saying that he thought that the UK ought to refuse to take any boat people. He sensibly argued that the British people wouldn’t stand for taking in thousands of these people. To true we wouldn’t . But the BBC don’t care what we think . I mean we voted the wrong way and let the nasty party back in and a lot of us are white so we don’t really count for much So the BBC are wringing their hands about this which is their number one concern at present. After all even the SG of the UN says that we should take them by the thousand and in the eyes of the BBC he has almost papal infalibility. So we can expect further intensification of the BBC’s efforts to get politicians to agree to take boat loads by the dozen. This would suit the BBC policy of changing the UK into a multi culty Utopia and further undermine British culture and identity , which of course they, in common with the left as a whole, despise.
But because most of Africa is a basket case there will be a never ending exodus from that stricken continent. On top of that there will be many Arabs fleeing the regional war between Sunni and Shia which is likely to run for years. So the supply of boat people is enormous. The only effective way to deal with this is to stop the traffickers by taking direct military action against them and their boats. Sorting out Africa is a task for God not the UN or even the mighty BBC.
So brace yourself for more harrowing tales on the BBC and outrage from the left about our selfish attitude and brazen attempts to shame politicians into ignoring what their electors want.
If you want to take a pet abroad, your dog say, there’s all sorts of legal procedures, getting a pet passport, rabies vaccinations etc etc. But when it comes to Africans who could be carrying TB, AIDS, scabies, etc etc, the rule book goes out the window, it doesn’t seem right or fair.
Paris delivered when it came to the UKIP story. JoCo, Robin Brant and Parris – Farage can expect no slack from that team!
Brant sent nine tweets and one re-tweet on this story.
I wonder if it’s occured to Mr Brant that UKIP views the BBC with contempt and isn’t going to jump to its every whim?
“On the Daily Politics the presenter Jo Coburn was surprised…”
No she wasn’t. Why would she be? The opinions of Matthew Parris are published every week in the Times.
“…stood his ground when attacked…”
Ridiculous hyperbole. She openly accepted every single thing Parris said apart from a couple of bland; “what if’s”. There was no alternative opinion expressed, no one there to disagree with a single thing Parris said. But still you complain.
“He sensibly argued that the British people wouldn’t stand for taking in thousands of these people. Too true we wouldn’t.”
Sorry, I seem to have missed the bit where it was decided that you and Matthew Parris got to speak on my behalf.
Dez writes: “Sorry, I seem to have missed the bit where it was decided that you and Matthew Parris got to speak on my behalf. ”
Rather more to the point, who gave you and the similarly Left wing BBC the right to speak on our behalf?
Let alone make us pay you for the privilege!
“Rather more to the point…”
Quick, change the subject.
Poor reply dez.
Vote here …………………………….
He speaks for me and mine.
“…and further undermine British culture and identity”
I’m genuinely interested in this. Please tell me which parts of your culture or identity you think have been lost because of immigration?
One example. The idea that children at primary school should be taught stuff from the Bible and the basic tenets of Chritsianity. Without confusing young kids with rampant pushing of Islam.
Every young child in Britain can now describe and draw a mosque. But will not know the Sermon on tte Mount.
John Anderson,
“One example. The idea that children at primary school should be taught stuff from the Bible and the basic tenets of Chritsianity”
But children in Primary school are taught about Christianity. That hasn’t been lost because they learn about other religions as well.
“Every young child in Britain can now describe and draw a mosque”
Doubtful, but how is knowing what a Mosque looks like, or the Pyramids, or the Eiffel Tower, a loss of British Culture?
Is that it? The most pressing issue you can come up with?
Dez ,
Please, why are you on this site ?
Is it because you want to promote this link ?
Tell me where is the English culture now in places like the east end , parts of Birmingham Bradford Leeds Slough etc?
As for identity describing myself as English white and proud identifies me as a little Englander a racist etc by the media and liberal left. If I were young black and proud that would of course be ok, not to mention that if I was a proud Muslim pushing for an Islamic country I would be described as fighting against Islamophobia ( BBC non word speak ) presumably from nasty white imperialists like me! Who of course in reality remember their homogenous country as recently as the late sixties.
I wish to preserve that which worked well for my parents and myself to work for future generations, that being of course the culture and self identity that made Britain ( which is it’s people ) such a civilized country.
Jerry Owen,
“As for identity describing myself as English white and proud identifies me as a little Englander a racist etc by the media and liberal left.”
I would’t say that; but you have just confirmed that you haven’t lost any of your culture or identity because of immigration.
Perhaps you should re read my post, and explain where our English culture is in so many parts of Britain today.
I am terribly sorry if you are blind to what has happened in our country over the past 20 or 30 years. As has been posted below ( or above) large parts of the UK are now NOT BRITISH . In many of our towns and cities you may as well be in some part of Indian sub continent. This may be fine by you but it isn’t by me or many others. As far as know , and please correct me if I am wrong, the British people have never been asked if they wanted their country to accept millions of immigrants. In my book the results of immigration from Africa and Asia are much more disturbing than having immigration from European cultures similar to our own. So it puzzles me why we have a referendum about the EU but we never had one about whether or not we wanted millions of Asians and Africans to come to our country. Of course the answer was that every politician knew that no matter how they rigged such a referendum, and no matter how many lies the BBC told us, we ( apart from the small minority of multi culty folks like you ) would vote NO.
Excellent points Doublethink. The one thing that has changed British Society for the worse more than anything else since 1945 was the allowing of mass immigration from Pakistan and India and more latterly Africa. Our liberal political establishment of both major parties connived at this . Not only were the British people allowed no say in the matter, but there was also the inatant accusation of racism against those who pointed out how misguided this policy was.
“As has been posted below ( or above) large parts of the UK are now NOT BRITISH”
If you say so. But you still haven’t said what parts of British Culture have been lost. Can’t you think of anything?
Oh dear dez… if parts of Britain no longer have English living there then clearly there is no British / English culture there either, what is it that you can’t quite grasp?
Dearest Dez (and his hapless researcher)
Schoolkids are taught to treat all cultures as equal to their own (which they seem to know less and less about).
PS Where’s that apology – you know, ‘lies and hypocrisy’ and all that? Have you sacked your dodgy researcher yet?
“Schoolkids are taught to treat all cultures as equal to their own…”
No they are not, they are just taught about different cultures. You think that’s a bad thing? You think that ignorance is is an essential part of British Culture?
“PS Where’s that apology…”
I’ve already apologised for any mistake I might have made. Are you going to apologise for implying that I haven’t apologised?
Please tell us why are you on this site ?
Yes, dez, I’m afraid they are because I’ve seen both my granddaughters go through it. It’s also part of the BBC’s agenda, as you’ll be aware.
I’ve already apologised for any mistake I might have made. Are you going to apologise for implying that I haven’t apologised?
Can you point me to it? Why haven’t you mentioned it before given the number of reminders I’ve posted? If you have apologised and I’ve missed it I will graciously accept it but I can’t see that missing an apology is something for me to apologise for.
Interestingly, though, you say you made a mistake. How could you get your quote so wrong having listened to the broadcast? As I say, I suspect it was your researcher who made the boo boo. I’m 95% certain you’re a BBC man.
‘Please tell me which parts of your culture or identity you think have been lost because of immigration?’
Huge swathes of cities like Birmingham, Leeds, Bradford, etc.
Alan Larocka,
“Huge swathes of cities like Birmingham, Leeds, Bradford, etc.”
Yes and what parts of your own culture & identity have you lost because of that?
An example of our culture being lost; in the early 2000s Oldham Council had made numerous stanchions and bollards incorporating the town symbol, an owl. Due to pressure from its (at the time) non-integrating minority, who aver that their religion does not approve of representations of Allah’s creatures, they were replaced by plain versions. So the indigenous British of the town were deprived (at a cost of £60,000) of a popular and long-established custom in deference to the religion which approves the destruction of outward signs of other religions and cultures. When they achieve the majority is it not beyond the realms of possibility that our treasured statues and memorials would be similarly destroyed? Now that would be a loss of culture and identity writ large from the small acorn of the Oldham RoP.
Just watched the press conference, on Al BBC Live from Bradfordistan, in case of any genuine distress, manners prohibit me commenting on it.
Suffice to say, Islamic Spokesman, Islamic Solicitor, probably Islamic police or intermediaries, on the Islamic propaganda network
… and erm, yes, nearly forgot …. no questions allowed
That ll do it.
Oh Lord, the BBC is stepping up the volume. 5pm Radio 4 news now has 2 of the brothers sobbing and saying – in poor English – how much they are suffering. On and on it goes – distraught Muslim community in Bradford, Muslims down the road in Dewsbury shocked at the unbelievable process of grooming.
The only bit of sense I have heard all week is a woman saying we should not call the men jihadis as that is a namebadge of pride for them. We should call them what they really are – aggressive and cowardly murderers.
And, I would add, ignorant fools. Time we turned the full force of mockery on them and their warped view of what religion should involve. Likewise we should scorn their families who so ignorantly let these things happen. Fools, the lot of them. Not victims as in the BBC view – just bloody idiots with medieval notions in the minds and hearts.
The idea that “groomers” are at work enticing the “vulnerable” to Syria in the same way as paedophiles groom children for sex is one of more pernicious lies pushed by the BBC. Paedophiles exploit the lack of experience and understanding that is common in varying degrees to all children. What “Muslim groomers” exploit is the vulnerability already caused by being exposed to the Muslim belief system from earlierst childhood. The pump has already been primed, as it were, by parents and other relatives, the mosque and Koran and the wider Muslim community by inculcating the precepts of Islam.
All the Muslim “groomers” point out is that actually performing your prescribed religious duties means you are a better adherent of your religion than those who simply pay lip service to them.Killing the apostate is a religious duty, that’s why it is done. There is no mystery about this as the BBC seems to think.
Excellent post
Spot on, ID. The concept of grooming implies a victim, which is just the way the BBC likes to portray these ‘British’ jihadists.
BBc 18:00 The BBc still running the sob story on the “missing” families. Although the story of the two “victims” from earlier has been dropped. BBc shows two of the fathers apparently the third on in not in the country “You’d have to be pretty hard hearted not to sit through this and not feel sympathy” Yea right, back in the real world. Still just think of the benefit pay-outs the taxpayer will be saving. BBC comments one of the brothers is fighting in Syria but omit to say who for. Elsewhere the rest of the press don’t seem to be expanding on this either. The BBc website states “Their brother is understood to be fighting with extremists in Syria. “
In addition the news moves on to France finally beginning to harden it’s borders. No mention of the Right wing Mayors in ~Northern Italy refusing to take migrants. One of a bunch comments they have no rights. Another part of the narrative tells what I assume is so be a heart pulling story of a little girl saying to her Father that he told her it would be better here. “The Father said nothing but turned away and cried” (or words very close to that. Pass me the sick bucket.
My heart must be frozen because I honestly couldn’t give a shit about these ‘ordinary British families’ who have decided to throw their lot in with ISIS, or have they just gone to rescue their errant brother who is in Syria as the Jihadi Kittens did with their friend…according to the bbc?
I have a small amount of sympathy for the younger kids, I doubt they’d go if they knew what was really happening, but any ‘ordinary British family’ who goes to Saudi to support the Wahabi cult and then goes to Syria has lost my feelings of sympathy.
The bbc mode of reporting is pathetic, after the Jihadi family Robinson they did a piece on the african boat immigrants, those poor souls who were near death when rescued but who are now showing their true colours now that the Italian authorities are getting tough.
When the reporter ended the piece by quoting a little african girl saying to her daddy “Daddy, you said we’d be safe when we got to Europe” (I think they changed the UK to Europe) my pasta nearly made a reappearance.
Who needs the politics of fear when you can exploit the kids, but, as we all know, the bbc and its employees are pretty good at exploiting kids…well, unless it comes to white ‘ordinary British girls’ in towns across the UK that is.
Your heart has not turned to stone. Your compassion has been drained by the never ending series of BBC stories about the middle east , oppressed peoples seeking a better life, African wars and crisis etc etc , all wrapped up in an anti British and we are shameful if we don’t help by taking them in by the boat load, narrative.
Your common sense tells you that there are many millions of poor folks out there and if we start to let them in we will be overwhelmed. Already we have far, far more non British people in our country than is good for us. We certainly don’t want anymore no matter how much the BBC tries to campaign for them to come and live here.
There is a story here that we are not being told. Why? With all their resources you would expect the BBC to be better informed.
Saudi Arabia? Mecca? Visas? Flights out to Turkey.? Women Unchaperoned?
There is something very amiss here.
And what is going on in Dewsbury?
They say they are all British citizens which gives us all the right to question and discuss every detail of this odd tale.
Quite right dave s
I find it very strange that three devout Muslim women, with children, can go off on Haj without their husbands. Very strange.
There is something fishy here.
I suppose that the distraught husbands, who were all shedding tears on TV by the gallon, will get clearance to go to the caliphate.
Lets hope they all stay there.
Apparently the families were stopped from leaving the UK a few months ago. Strange, therefore, that the ‘husband(s)’ are so surprised. What is the BBC failing to tell us?
‘ What is the BBC failing to tell us?’
Who knows? Clearly. Our thoughts and prayers must also remain with the Scottish waste management industry at this still most difficult of times.
I know I should not ask. But your point here is exactly what?
My point was nothing sinister or loopy – there seems to a very large element of this story that is just not being touched by the BBC or indeed any news organisation. I get the very strong impression that the Beeb is tip-toeing around this story for no good reason. However the comment above seems to be referring to the bin-lorry accident in Glasgow.
I gathered that Guest Who was referring to Glasgow – why I do not know, hence my question to him. Perhaps he knows something that no one else does and is suggesting that the BBC should report his knowledge prior to the FAI which is scheduled to start towards the end of next month!!
‘I know I should not ask.’
And yet you overcame the voices in your head. Daredevil.
‘But your point here is exactly what?
That phrase rather overused by the Flokking community today, but resisting a ‘purposes of’ dismissal I shall tell you.
Of course you will have no way of knowing how honest I am being. Welcome to the world of the BBC audience.
I’d noticed a paucity of Flokking activity for a while, possibly because the BBC has covered itself inglouriously more than usual.
And then today someone posted a mild inaccuracy on a matter of programming that saw a strafing run within minutes. Talk about on station, on edge and on your marks.
So I decided to see if anyone else might lurk 24/7 whose buttons could easily if side-topically be pushed.
And… guess what…
‘perhaps… suggesting…’
Jane Corbin would be proud.
Welcome back.
Thanks for that – just proves that you really are a pratt!!
As someone once famously didn’t mean: ‘If you say so’.
So in addition to proving you only appear when the lamp gets rubbed, you slip from the renowned civilised debate flounce high ground in… two comments.
Thanks for that, too.
Good ruse, GW – and it worked. One suspects BBC monitoring of this website 24/7 given how quickly the ‘pop-ups’ appear when, like you say, the lamp has been rubbed.
Having told you on this site about the awful programme about immigrants this morning on Radio 4, I should never have switched on again this afternoon.
The afternoon play; ‘When her son becomes increasingly obsessed with Judaism and disappears, Rosa, a die-hard atheist is forced to make a journey to Jerusalem. Her elderly father, David travels with her. They eventually make their way to the Meah She’arim district, the largest Haredim community in Israel, an Orthodox enclave, founded in the 19th Century. There is a clash of cultures which brings things to a head in Rosa’s own family relationships with her father and her son. An affecting drama about three generations of a family and faith.’
The first thing to say about it is that it was dreadful. The grandfather spoke with the middle European accent that is meant to portray Jew, only trouble is that it is about 20 years out of date – even modern grandfathers have been born in the UK. Every trite mention of Jewish orthodoxy and relating it to radicalisation was offered – undercurrent message was that it isn’t only Muslims who have children that are radicalised (to which my answer is that the Jewish ones don’t go strapping explosives). but the BBC, always an agenda.
As you say – a dreadful “play” — or bit of propaganda. Falsity shone through, it was totally predictable and boring.
As predictable as the bbc non reporting of the pregnant pakistani woman from Bradford who was stabbed to death by her mental husband.
Nothing like using a muslim sob story to cover up yet another muslim ‘honour’ killing. The lefties are experts at using a ‘good day to bury bad news’.
To quote Bill Maher, after the Charlie Hebdo murders and hearing the: “it’s a tiny minority of extremists” argument deployed yet again; as it always is, regardless of what despicable atrocity Muslims commit.
“When there are this many bad apples, there is something wrong with the orchard.”
There is indeed Bill, seriously wrong – it should be felled and grubbed out.
A few years ago I would occasionally post here a short plot precis of R4’s afternoon plays.
It was like a lesson from the Cultural Marxist’s Handbook.
Nothing has changed since then. If anything, the subject matter has got narrower and even more preachy.
Never believe a Beeboid! Chris Evans March 11